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BaoHaifei 2011-1-7 12:39
现在就关上窗户 鲍海飞 译 2011-1-7 美国诗人 Robert Frost 的诗歌,总是很独特。每个人的心中都有着不宁静的时候,看看,领略一下他的感受,我们的内心深处是不是也常常有这种感觉。 关上窗户,让大地静悄悄; 若树如此,让其默默地摇; 林中无鸟放歌喉,如果有, 是我之失。 沼泽处处,盈盈还需时日, 鸟儿群群,鸣鸣为时尚早, 所以关窗,莫听风生喧闹, 却见风搅。 附原诗: Now close the windows Robert Frost Now close the windows and hush all the fields: If the trees must, let them silently toss; No bird is singing now, and if there is, Be it my loss. It will be long ere the marshes resume, I will be long ere the earliest bird: So close the windows and not hear the wind, But see all wind-stirred.
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