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为什么social science不入法眼
热度 1 gothere 2012-1-5 22:08
各大评价指标、引用率、影响因子中,最吃亏的当属social science的论文。最顶尖的刊物是csn,各高校也重理轻文,难道ss的命运就如此凄凉,难道ss就非science化不可么? 不science化,怎么能称为科学呢?没有公式、没有理论、没有实验的自说自话,就如同博文一般难被引用、登堂入室。这样的三无的ss,在世界范围内也占了相当的比例的版面,是否都是垃圾呢? 这个问题想了很久,觉得是这样子。传统的文科只能描述现象和进行有限的解释,解释力太弱。举个例子,红学家解读红楼梦有很多精到之处,但算不算科学呢?怎么研究红楼梦才算现代科学?如果从认知科学的角度阐释,就比较有趣,作家是如何可能写出文学作品的,作品的主题、构思与作家的身世到底是什么关系?为什么有人会想写这样的非功利化的文学创作?作为一种生物,如何可能做到对种族的认知和反思?人的价值观从何而来?为什么不同的作家,创作质量差距这么大?这些差距又是如何衡量的,可以量化么?对这些问题的相关探讨,已经出现在了csn上。看来传统文科的转型在所难免。 其实这不是传统文科的错,自亚里士多德开创科学以来,就没这么像中国人思维过。这是中国传统哲学的惯性,重感悟而少发问、少实验。说到这,看来还是世界观的错...
个人分类: AI|4015 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载]Strengthening the social dimension of globalization
whyhoo 2012-1-2 21:08
SPEECH BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE FRENCH REPUBLIC Opening of the G20 conference on strengthening the social dimension of globalization Ministerial Conference Center (Paris) -- Monday, 23 May 2011 Ministers, Ambassadors, Ladies and Gentlemen, Just under three years ago, in the summer of 2008, the financial crisis that had been lying dormant for months suddenly worsened, bringing the global economy to the edge of an abyss. When one of America's largest financial institutions declared bankruptcy, this provoked an unprecedented confidence crisis. The worldwide banking system was on the brink of collapse. Within weeks, financing from banks had dried up, leading the world into an exceptionally serious economic crisis. This seismic event -- this earthquake -- caused by anarchy in the financial markets, inevitably spread to the rest of the economy, destroying growth, employment and purchasing power everywhere. Following this crisis, I promised the French people to do everything in my power to reform the financial capitalism that had led us into this disaster, for financial capitalism is indeed what led us into disaster. And if some people have forgotten this and would like to resume such behavior, we must stop them. We cannot accept the same situations arising as those from which we have barely emerged. This is why I wanted the French Presidency of the G20 to tackle the roots of the crisis and lay the foundation for efficient financial market regulation. The word "regulation" is not a bad word; every market has its rules. A market without rules is no longer a market. At the same time, we must identify and establish the conditions for growth that will bring our populations well-being and confidence in development. Strengthening the social dimension of globalization appears as a vital necessity. The financial crisis we just went through had a devastating impact on the employment market, putting an additional 30 million people out of work in under two years. That is the result of the anarchy that reigned in the financial markets and many financial institutions. 30 million jobless people in two years. That is what they have to show for themselves! To those who tell me that "we mustn't have too many rules," here is what private financial institutions that didn't wish to be regulated have to show for themselves: 30 million jobless people in two years. In most regions of the world, the effects of the crisis have yet to be fully absorbed; in certain countries, they have even worsened. These tragic consequences of the crisis revealed some of the imbalances of globalization. The accrued surpluses of some were used to finance the deficits of others, but one thing is certain: inequality increased everywhere. The rise in the average standard of living, which is good news, can no longer hide the resentment of globalization's victims. The per capita gap in GDP between the one billion poorest and one billion wealthiest people in the world rose by 60 per cent over the last seven years. In most OECD countries, while extreme poverty declined, differences between the wealthiest and the poorest widened. Globalization creates terrible tension and this tension comes in a variety of forms: tension for business owners, forced to cope with increasingly intense competition. Which is good, except that this competition is not always fair, which is a very serious problem. Tension for the millions of workers who have no social protection. Tension for families and communities who have been torn apart due to relocations. And let us not forget migratory pressure, the origin of which can be traced to today's inequalities and tomorrow's ecological disasters. Through the action of the G20, we were able to minimize the impact of the financial and economic crisis on our societies. We were able to avoid protectionism and isolationism. But we must take things further. The coordination of stimulus plans was a step in the right direction. We implemented measures to preserve the financial sector. As a result, financial institutions regained a sense of national belonging, even though the major private financial institutions explained that, prior to the crisis, they were global enterprises with no nationality. Yet during the crisis, those that had no nationality didn't forget to come home! They miraculously recovered their nationality! These are the institutions that claimed that government intervention was illegitimate. But if governments had been managed like them, they'd be bankrupt today. My God! It's a good thing we didn't emulate their practices. These institutions were certainly happy when government signatures were there to guarantee their credibility. This was not a century ago, Ladies and Gentlemen, it was a mere few months ago. Together, we decided to do everything in our power to mitigate the impact of the crisis and protect jobs. But to believe that the crisis is just a parenthesis would be "irresponsible". I know that is a strong word, but I believe it. The crisis was not a parenthesis; it revealed a system that was dysfunctional and anarchic, and the same causes would produce the same effects tomorrow, if we do not engage in powerful reform. The preamble of the ILO constitution, which wasn't written yesterday, since it dates back to 1919, after one of the most deadly wars in our history, opportunely reminds us that "universal and lasting peace can be established only if it is based upon social justice." The revolutions underway in the Near and Middle-East not only show that this aspiration for social justice is shared in all regions of the world, but also that fulfilling this expectation can no longer occur at the national level alone. For decades the response given was exclusively national. Even here in Europe, we ensured that our retirement, health and social protection systems were national, not European. Things have changed and it is now vital that we better coordinate our national actions, that we lay the foundation for global economic governance, to which the prelude is the G20. Today, large institutions have done a remarkable job, dear Mr. Somavia, Director-General . I know that the International Labour Organization has long been implementing fairer and more efficient international governance. The "Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization" (2008) and the "Global Jobs Pact" (2010) offered guidelines that bind all of us, as ILO Member States. And in June 2010, the international labor conference precisely underscored the need to improve the coherency among economic, financial and social policies, and among the institutions enforcing these policies. I would also like to remind you that goals for full employment are included in the constitution of the IMF and the founding text of the WTO. We can also be glad that the World Bank will soon be adopting a "Social protection and labour strategy." It also took part in a number of initiatives to develop social nets to protect the most impoverished populations, such as the "Bolsa familial" program in Brazil, whose Minister of Social Affairs, Carlos Eduardo Gabas, I would like to specially acknowledge today. Regional development banks, too, increasingly take account of fundamental rights and principles. France firmly believes that we must take things further. The G20 must take responsibility for this new ambition because its members include the main stakeholders of the organizations concerned. Our goal is to establish new tools for greater coherence; to make sure that globalization is based on social progress in order to strengthen economic progress. I believe that openness and globalization are opportunities. But if they lead to an intolerable increase in inequality or unemployment, this is unacceptable. Remember that eight individuals out of ten worldwide have absolutely no system of social protection. That one third of the world's population has no access to health services or establishments. That one billion inhabitants -- the one billion poorest -- have a life expectancy of 51 years, while the one billion wealthiest inhabitants can expect to live for 80 years. We must emerge from the impasses caused by globalization. I would like to convey an idea: that globalization unquestionably represents progress. We have no other strategy than to accept globalization. But because we accept it, we must regulate it and avoid the deadlock situations that it causes. To do this, I believe we can act on three levers: - First of all, encourage the development of basic social protection. I know, I am French, and therefore suspicious from this perspective. Allow me to explain my point of view. I do not believe in a single social model, I never have. But the crisis showed us the ability of social protection systems to alleviate the effects of the economic crisis. What I mean is that basic social protection can be one component of economic development and I would like to defend this idea. We cannot place social aspects on one side and economic aspects on the other. In a country like France, our recession was not as strong as in other European countries, in fact it was one of the least marked, because we had our system of social protection which, during the crisis, acted like a system of economic development. This is a new take on things, but I think it is interesting, and deserves to be shared. Economies fare better when there are efficient social protection schemes, because they help improve worker productivity and promote balanced, sustainable growth. We don't realize it when the economy is thriving, but when things go wrong, we understand the importance of what we call stabilizers. Social protection acts like an economic stabilizer. I am well aware that building up basic social protection in each country will take time. Of course we cannot impose upon the poorest countries the standards and social systems of the wealthiest. But progress must be made. We have the work by the commission chaired by Mrs. Bachelet, which does outstanding work with all of its members, including Martin Hirsch, who I would like to acknowledge. But we must move forward. And at times I say to myself that I would like the ILO to pound its fists on the table more loudly, because I am not sure that courtesy and diplomacy alone will enable us to move forward at the speed required by the crisis. - Second, and I thank Xavier Bertrand for engaging in this, we must place employment at the heart of our economic choices. We all agree on promoting strong, sustainable and balanced growth -- it's the chief goal of the G20. But are we sure that social policies and employment policies are given the importance they deserve in our recovery strategies? I don't think so. In the work they accomplished, the OECD and the ILO proved that if we are to return to the pre-crisis employment rate by 2015, a total of 110 million jobs must be created in the G20 countries. That means 22 million jobs per year to restore the pre-crisis employment rate. I am not saying that this will happen because we place employment at the heart of our recovery strategies. But what I know is that, if we don't, then we will have no chance of attaining this goal. In this area, I would like to highlight the important step that was taken at the European level, dear Christine and dear Laurent, with the pact for the euro. Using the expertise of the OECD and the ILO, G20 countries could reflect on ways to facilitae access to vocational training, on how to develop work/study programs, or on how to anticipate needs in terms of competencies and orientations. This must become a major topic for the G20. All of these issues also lead us to the measurement of well-being and development in our societies. I would like to reiterate my belief that the GDP instrument alone cannot sum up our perception of economic and social issues. If we measure growth levels only, we ignore another reality. Indicators cannot just be quantitative; they must also be qualitative. We must use the recommendations of the Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi commission and the work by the OECD on the new well-being indicators, dear Angel Guria, to better take account of the social and environmental aspects of growth. Simply because if the countries that do consider social and environmental aspects receive no recognition for this in their growth indicators, then why should they bother? At best their efforts will be disregarded; at worst they will seen as a flaw. - The third lever is improved enforcement of labor rights. You know how committed I am to this issue. The French Presidency requests that a system of rules be established among our Nations that encourages progress for everyone. We must refuse unregulated competition that has the opposite effect. And I won't let anyone accuse us of being anti-free trade or anti-market economy. In every fiber of my political commitment, I am pro-free trade and pro-market economy. But if these values we call our own discourage progress for all, then aren't we on the wrong track? In this case let's take the country with the lowest salary and the lowest level of social protection, and align our systems to that country's. If we do this, do you believe the world will be happier, more stable, more secure? Can't we aim for harmonization that promotes progress? I speak directly to the ILO's Director-General: France refuses to accept that the ILO's eight core conventions on fundamental labor rights have not been ratified by all G20 member States, the majority of which are also ILO members. I would like to emphasize this point. If a country is a member of an organization (because no one is obliged to be an ILO member), and if the ILO defines eight standards as a minimum basis for social protection, how can it be that these eight standards have not been ratified by these countries? I ask the Director-General of the ILO to highly publicize these ILO standards and their application. It is not a single social model, it is minimum, basic social protection. These standards include, for example, the interdiction of child and prisoner labor. Some might think that this is underachieving, but remember, it's a minimum! And now that the ILO is taking part in the G20, which France forbade, I want this question to be clearly asked to the face of the world. Who applies the eight standards? Who ratifies the convention? And who could possibly be against this? No one. Of course it takes energy to combat the temptation of protectionism, because that is not the solution, but let's expend the same amount of energy in our fight for the application of these eight minimum standards. When this is achieved, the citizens of the world will understand that globalization can be synonymous with progress. I would like to conclude by saying that it would be counter-productive to resume the old debates that attempt to oppose the economic and social dimensions of globalization. Each dimension needs the other. I am not naïve, I know this means forgoing certain habits, and it will take time. The French Presidency was able to leverage the work accomplished at the Pittsburgh and Washington summits. And we will hand our work over to Mexico. We will involve the social partners in the progress of the G20, because otherwise, the very legitimacy of the G20 would be at stake. This is no small matter. France has done much for the creation of the G20 and you will not hear any criticism against the G20 coming out of my mouth. It is fantastic to have a G20 of business leaders, but the social partners must also be involved in our work. The fact that, since Pittsburgh, the social partners -- trade unions and employers' organizations -- participate in G20 discussions devoted to social issues is, in my mind, a considerable progress. But now that you are face to face, or side by side, results must be produced. The conference that has brought us together today is important for this reason. For the first time, labor ministers and social partner representatives will be talking with the leaders of major international organizations to think about ways to strengthen the social dimension of globalization. I hope your debates cover all the topics, to better reveal the obstacles that we will have to overcome. Stronger globalization that brings greater benefits to workers and social progress -- this is the ambitious road map that has been entrusted to you. I will be very attentive to your proposals, as will be all the peoples of the world. And don't come and tell me that it's impossible! It's simply difficult, but if it were not difficult, others would have done it before us. But if you don't do it, then we will enter into a situation that could become absolutely uncontrollable. That is the challenge. We all have our own ideas and constraints, it's hard for everyone, but by talking and interacting with one another, by developing strategies, I think we can make the idea credible that economic progress and social progress go hand in hand. They are not contradictory. Let's make efforts towards one another, let's get rid of our usual positions, the cold-hearted free-traders and the vision-lacking generous ones. We have entered the 21st century, the century in which we will turn our backs on ideologies, the ideologies that did so much damage in the 20th century. Let's be pragmatic and believe that a maximum of the world's citizens must benefit from the economic progress generated by globalization. It's the only possible path for us and will be the ambition of the French Presidency. Thank you. 原文见 http://www.g20-g8.com/g8-g20/g20/english/for-the-press/speeches/opening-of-the-conference-on-strengthening-the.1235.html
个人分类: 经济|1116 次阅读|0 个评论
being expert to solve big problems for ur/social development
luguilong 2011-12-27 01:51
宁可、不怕面临、遭遇风浪,solve little problems, 迎之而上, 做一只海燕,搏击狂风暴雨,飞行,飞向目的地, 做“ANTHONY”, **前沿、动态、历史、诸方利、勿忘己的
个人分类: 业 高山流水|2555 次阅读|0 个评论
lhj701 2011-12-18 22:29
网络时代 今天网络正悄悄改变着隐私的边界,只要你上网,就能在网上留下你的痕迹:你的姓名、性别、年龄、就职单位、电话号码、家庭住址,个人喜好。。。。。几乎可以让你变成一个透明人。 在一个social network 的时代,每一个人其实都成为了一个网络节点:做着pullpush的工作,信息从每个人这儿流进又流出,于是网络甚至更知道你是谁! 其实在一个网络的时代,隐私已经很难保存什么秘密。
个人分类: 物联网|2675 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 baopeng 2011-12-14 20:31
最近一段时间一直在整理与social network analysis and modeling,information diffusion相关的论文。虽然关于social media上的研究工作开展没几年,但是参与这方面研究的专家以及这方面的工作确实非常的多的,很多complex network方面的大牛也参合了进来,比如像 Duncan Watts (Yahoo! Research), J.Kleinberg (Cornell Univ.), B.A.Huberman (HP lab), Albert L Barabasi (Northeastern Univ.), L.A.Adamic (Michigan Univ.) J.Leskovec (Stanford Univ.)等。这篇博文主要总结了一下近三年来L.A.Adamic关于social networks主要工作,主要集中在link prediction方向。 1) I rate you. You rate me. Should we do so publicly? (paper) Are online social networks accurate? OSNs是一个数据的宝库,社交网络的特性加强了某些功能(如推荐),如何获得真实的rating。 trust and friendship的量化问题 trust and friendship truthful ratings reliable? gender effect, age, geography Conclusion: Rating friends is tricky,rating enimies is trickier. 2) Implicit Structure (link prediction) Microscale Dynamics What we need to track? timings underlying networks Challenges Root may be unknown Multiple possible paths Uncrawled space, alternate media (email, voice) No links 3) Meme spread in networks info changes as it propagates through a network multi-step diffusion is responsible for change the change can be model as a simple urn process the characteristics of nodes and their position in the network correspond to different amount of change 4) Social networks influence and are influenced by information exchange Computational social science can contribute to understanding of social phenomena homophily information diffusion social influence knowledge exchange trust reciprocity 其中,本人对其两个工作比较感兴趣。 一、different kinds of info popularity profiles (见Fig.1, Fig.2) 二、meme tracing (见Fig.3) Fig.1 different kinds of info popularity profiles Fig.2 different kinds of info popularity profiles Fig.3 meme example
个人分类: 科研笔记|3151 次阅读|4 个评论
热度 2 longxie1983 2011-11-21 13:47
(图片来自网络) 本人很懒,本不太喜欢码字的。但是,看过一些关于文献的争论(看的时间久了,就不一一找出来了),有些话不说憋的挺难受的。 就像这篇博文题目中的疑问那样,“我们要看的文献真的很多吗?”,可以说不多,真的不多,至少我觉得搞数据库方向的是这样,或者更确切的至少我自己认为是这样。 以我为例 ,看看到底有多少论文要看吧 。 1. 三大会议 :SIGMOD, VLDB, ICDE 数据库方向的三大会议 2. 其他相关的一流会议 :EDBT,WWW,AAAI 3. 期刊 :这个或许是计算机专业和其他领域最大的不同了吧,计算机领域,至少是数据库方向真的更看重会议。期刊主要关注TKDE,PVLDB,TODS。 4. 其他相关期刊 :由于最近搞social network相关的课题。也看看PRA,PRB,PRL上的文章。至于Nature 和 Science上的相关文章就比较少了。 这四块基本能涵盖我看的论文的80%以上了,粗看上去似乎论文也挺多呀,这么多又是会议又是期刊的。 可是,这些资源上出现的论文,我是不需要全看的!就拿数据库方向为例,这个方向还是很广的,应该没有人能研究这么广的课题吧,咱课题还有细化。这一细化,发现每个会议中和自己研究方向相关的论文一般都在5篇以内了。而期刊中的论文和自己相关的也不会特多,以我的方向为例,一般平均一期3篇左右,估计都不到,其中还不乏之前会议论文的扩展版。 那么,综合一下,我只需要看最多 6x5 + 3x6x4 = 102篇论文,注意这个可是一年的量。这样平均一个月不到10篇了吧。可是还是挺多的,一个月10篇,那不是要一个星期看两篇多了? 其实,还忽略了一个因素,这66篇论文,也不是同我们研究的课题完全相关的。因为即使是同一个研究方向,还是可以细分的。那么真的和我们研究的课题密切相关的能有10%,我就千恩万谢了。 这样,需要精读的, 一年也就10篇左右了 。多乎哉?不多也! 当然,这是跟进每年最新的成果, 那么新入手一个课题,想纵向看看文献呢 。还是以我自己为例吧。 最近,刚入手有关Twitter数据的课题,由于比较新,没有找综述,追溯了一下文献,三年内的和自己期望方向相关的论文大概有20篇左右。如果是比较经典的问题, 几篇综述+几篇经典论 文也就差不多了。可是这20几篇论文分布的方向还是有些大呀,看了题目和摘要,大体把20篇论文有归类了一下。再选择自己感兴趣的小方向, 论文也就剩下5,6篇了 。 恩,我们需要看,能看的论文真是太少了................. 对综述,多说一些。看好的综述,真有一种柳暗花明的感觉。可以把一个小方向研究的脉络都呈现出来,各个研究进展间的关系,优缺点能一览无余。特别是,还能找到接下来研究的突破方向。 增加两个图,提高一些说服力。下面的图截取自“ A Guided Tour to Approximate String Matching ”,比较老的综述了,也是我看的第一个综述,好怀念那个时候。 还需要解决的问题: PS:其他来源的论文真的没有必要看,浪费时间,相信“ 2-8法则 ”吧,不要浪费生命了。
个人分类: 杂文|5057 次阅读|12 个评论
Interaction mode of info. dissemination in conference
fgu 2011-8-25 17:19
Lecturer Conference Audience Participant Listener Audience Social media Wiki Twitter Blog Function Formal communication Formal and informal communication Synchronous communication Information delivery in conference in the context of Web 2.0 Physical How to apply Web 2.0 tools in teaching process? Participate or used for ? There is the phenomenon that students or participators just use the tools more than join the activities. Now we could imagine the conference happened in physical environment provides online communication way at the same time.
个人分类: Conference|2608 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 pinepine 2011-8-10 13:37
早在1940年,哈佛大学校长詹姆斯.布莱恩.孔纳特就曾提出过这样的论点:美国式的理想是一个自由的、无产阶级或无等级的社会;一个通过最大限度的社会可变性而形成的无阶级的社会。他对“社会可变性”是这么解释的:如果为数众多的年轻人能不管父辈的经济地位如何而发展自己的能力,那么社会可变性就大,反之,如果青年男女的前途几乎完全取决于遗产的有无,社会可变性则是不存在的。我非常赞同这位校长的话语。不管现实怎样,我们先培养自己的自主选择性,这是增加社会可变性的第一步,也是最关键的一步。 附录: James Bryant Conant I have ventured on other occasions to speak of the American ideal as that of a free and classless,or casteless,society-as occasions to speak of the American ideal as that of a free and classless,or casteless,society-a society made classless through the maximum of social mobility.Let me examine for a moment the phrase"social mobility",for this is the heart of my argument.If large numbers of young people can develop their own capacities irrespective of the economic status of their parents,then social mobility is high.If,on the other hand,the future of a young man or woman is determined almost entirely by inherited privilege or the lack of it,social mobility is nonexistent.You are all familiar with the old American adage,"Three generations from shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves."Thisimplies a high degree of social mobility,both up and down.It implies that sons and daughters must and can seek their own level,obtain their own economic rewards,engage in any occupation irrespective of what their parents might have done. 以上摘自《英语名人演讲》(何高大编译),1999.
个人分类: 社会 观点|2772 次阅读|3 个评论
longxie1983 2011-7-28 11:38
之前有篇 博文 介绍了ifttt.com这个网站的创意,但一直没有亲身使用过其服务,可以说更多的是纸上谈兵。今天终于收到了邀请,可以切实的感受一下他的强大了。下面记录一下使用感受。 邀请信,实在是太简陋了...... 注册进入,主界面,还是很简洁的深的google的真传呀。 下面开始创建任务\(^o^)/~ 先选择触发信息的来源网站,可以作为触发信息的来源的应用现在还不是很多,但是主流的social network都有了 我选择了天气信息~~~~~ 选择关注天气的地点,我选择了新加坡 设置好了触发信息的来源网站,我们继续 选择触发信息 我选了当前的天气变化,并设定为 下雨 设置好了触发信息,下面要选择我们要让ifttt自动做什么了, 这里我想让它通过gtalk通知我 设置消息内容,默认是通知华氏度的气温 我改为摄氏度显示 最后给这条任务设置名字 设置好的任务全貌 接下来就等待下雨了~~~~~~~ ifttt还处于测试阶段,网站还不是十分稳定,在我使用的时候就碰到了网站错误
个人分类: 杂文|4003 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Social Network Analysis and Mining
热度 1 rbwxy197301 2011-5-2 17:52
Social Network Analysis and Mining ISSN: 1869-5450 (print version) ISSN: 1869-5469 (electronic version) Journal no. 13278 The rapid increase in the interest in social networks has motivated the need for a more specialized venues with wider spectrum capable of meeting the needs and expectations of a variety of researchers and readers. Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM) is intended to be a multidisciplinary journal to serve both academia and industry as a main venue for a wide range of researchers and readers from social sciences, mathematical sciences, medical and biological sciences and computer science. We solicit experimental and theoretical work on social network analysis and mining using different techniques from sociology, social sciences, mathematics, statistics and computer science. The main areas covered by SNAM include: (1) data mining advances on the discovery and analysis of communities, personalization for solitary activities (like search) and social activities (like discovery of potential friends), the analysis of user behavior in open forums (like conventional sites, blogs and forums) and in commercial platforms (like e-auctions), and the associated security and privacy-preservation challenges; (2) social network modeling, construction of scalable, customizable social network infrastructure, identification and discovery of dynamics, growth, and evolution patterns using machine learning approaches or multi-agent based simulation. Papers should elaborate on data mining or related methods, issues associated to data preparation and pattern interpretation, both for conventional data (usage logs, query logs, document collections) and for multimedia data (pictures and their annotations, multi-channel usage data). Topics include but are not limited to: Web community Personalization for search and for social interaction Recommendations for product purchase information acquisition and establishment of social relations Recommendation networks Data protection inside communities Misbehaviour detection in communities Preparing data for web mining Pattern presentation for end-users and experts Evolution of communities in the Web Community discovery in large-scale social networks Dynamics and evolution patterns of social networks, trend prediction Contextual social network analysis Temporal analysis on social networks topologies Search algorithms on social networks Multi-agent based social network modeling and analysis Large-scale graph algorithms Applications of social network analysis Anomaly detection in social network evolution Related subjects » Applications - Complexity - Database Management Information Retrieval - Ecology - Game Theory / Mathematical Methods - Social Sciences 资料来源:http://www.springer.com/computer/database+management+%26+information+retrieval/journal/13278
个人分类: 学术期刊|6062 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]推荐:Introduction to Social Network Methods
热度 1 Fangjinqin 2011-3-9 15:01
Introduction_to_Social_Network_Methods.pdf Introduction to Social Network Methods This page is part of an on-line textbook by Robert A. Hanneman and Mark Riddle of the Department of Sociology at the University of California, Riverside. Feel free to use and reproduce this textbook (with citation). For more information, or to offer comments, you can send me e-mail. Table of Contents l Introduction: What's different about social network data? l Nodes Populations, samples, and boundaries Modality and levels of analysis l Relations Sampling ties Multiple relations l Scales
个人分类: 学术文章|2743 次阅读|0 个评论
Social Networks中的个性化隐私保护
longxie1983 2011-2-23 15:58
VLDB2010的文章,今天才看到,看来还需要在努力些呀~~~~~~~ Personalized Privacy Protection in Social Networks(http://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol4/p141-yuan.pdf) 在之前的Social Networks隐私保护中,都是假设攻击者具有相同的背景知识。这篇paper的作者根据facebook中的用户隐私保护策略,提出不同的用户可以规定自己隐私的保护级别。论文中一共提出了3个隐私级别: 1.攻击者只知道发布图中节点u的label信息; 2.攻击者不仅知道发布图中节点u的label信息,而且还知道u的degree信息; 3.攻击者不仅知道发布图中节点u的label信息,u的degree信息。而且还知道u的边上的label信息。 论文摘要: Due to the popularity of social networks, many proposals have been proposed to protect the privacy of the networks. All these works assume that the attacks use the same background knowledge. However, in practice, different users have different privacy protect requirements. Thus, assuming the attacks with the same background knowledge does not meet the personalized privacy requirements, meanwhile, it looses the chance to achieve better utility by taking advantage of differences of users’ privacy requirements. In this paper, we introduce a framework which provides privacy preserving services based on the user’s personal privacy requests. Specifically, we define three levels of protection requirements based on the gradually increasing attacker’s background knowledge and combine the label generalization protection and the structure protection techniques (i.e. adding noise edge or nodes) together to satisfy different users’ protection requirements. We verify the effectiveness of the framework through extensive experiments.
个人分类: 书摘|3736 次阅读|0 个评论
zhpd55 2011-1-8 08:06
据 Thomson Reuters 2010年3月24日报道,1999-2009年之间 , Web of Science 社会科学引文数据库收录我国18363篇论文,对其作者的单位进行分析统计结果显示,高产单位前10名中,有七家来自香港地区,前5名全部被香港包揽,香港中文大学名列榜首,2863篇论文入选;其次香港大学(2728篇),香港理工大学(1714篇),北京大学(1053篇)位于第六,中国科学院第七(946篇),北京师范大学(455篇)名列第九。详细报道见下: Ten Most Prolific Chinese Institutions in Social Sciences, 1999-2009 Of Chinese institutions whose researchers published papers in Thomson Reuters -indexed journals in the Social Sciences (as defined by the Web of Science Social Sciences Citation Index database) between 1999 and 2009, those below represent the 10 institutions contributing the highest percent of China's output (18,363 papers total) in this field. Some of the topics covered in the 2,863 papers published in part by the Chinese University of Hong Kong include designing cross-cultural research, international variation in the incidence of hip fractures, eating disorders among high school females in China, academic self-concept in Hong Kong schools, and ownership and control in corporations. The University of Hong Kong's highly cited papers cover such diverse topics as multicultural minds, suicide prevention strategies, information technology acceptance studies, functional MRI studies of brain activation during the processing of Chinese characters and words, modeling sustainable urban development, and healthcare professionals' acceptance of telemedicine technology. Meanwhile, among mainland institutions, Peking University has contributed papers relating to nicotine addiction, indigenous Chinese personality constructs, national character vs. mean personality traits, the prevalence of mental disorders in metropolitan China, east-west differences in psychological well-being, employee performance in China, and sex-selective abortion in rural central China. The full list of the most prolific Chinese institutions in the Social Sciences is as follows: Rank Institution Papers % of China's total papers 1 CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 2863 15.59% 2 UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 2728 14.85% 3 HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY 1714 9.33% 4 CITY UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 1543 8.40% 5 HONG KONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY 1143 6.22% 6 PEKING UNIVERSITY 1053 5.73% 7 CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 946 5.15% 8 HONG KONG BAPTIST UNIVERSITY 529 2.88% 9 BEIJING NORMAL UNIVERSITY 455 2.47% 10 LINGNAN UNIVERSITY 343 1.86% SOURCE: Thomson Reuters Web of Science data as of 24 March 2010 (SSCI, 1999-2009, addresses containing "China," original articles, reviews, and proceedings papers only.
个人分类: 新观察|3585 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]cloud indexing
xuechunxiang 2010-9-25 09:58
Cloud Indexing by Seth Maislin (September 24, 2010 - 10:14 GMT) Last week, Seth Earley blogged about the inefficacy of social tagging , but there's one scenario in which social tagging will breathe new life into an esoteric, 200-year industry: book indexing. I've written hundreds of book indexes, presided over the American Society for Indexing, managed an international indexing partnership, taught courses, established standards, built tools, and consulted with a lot of influential folks, so trust me when I tell you that it pains me to see this happening. I believe with every fiber of my professional being that the human work of subject indexing is and will continue to be superior in quality to every alternative ever imagined. Oh well. There is just too much information to index by hand, period. Books, periodicals, websites, blogs, messages, and documents are being produced or transformed too quickly for humans to keep pace, regardless of training and tools. Perhaps in response, the use of search algorithms becomes ever more popular, while overly optimistic expectations of retrieval quality grows increasingly preposterous. A more realistic response would be an increase in subject indexers' fees -- after all, demand is outpacing supply at an astounding rate -- but indexers haven't experienced a rate increase since the 1990s. The truth is that editorial indexing and all smart hands-on tagging is disappearing in favor of automatic approximations. And it is a reasonable argument that the substandard tagging of millions of pages and documents is better than leaving most of them without any subject metadata whatsoever. As industries grow more and more interested in taxonomy and semantics and autoclassification, it is the book publishing industry that will experience the most pronounced change. Printed books will disappear, and electronic book readers will become networked. It is intriguing that books, with their inherent depth and complexity, can be completely deconstructed into chapters, pages, and sentences, and then subjected to the same social ingenuity applied to photographs and songs. Individuals will be able to mark up (tag) their copies of books, and those notes will feed into a cloud of content that can be shared among all readers. Following in the footsteps of social bookmarking comes social book- marking . Readers of popular books (and in particular works of fiction) will enjoy having access to deep and faceted lists of keywords, for use in both search- and browse-based user environments. These cloud indexes can be combined arbitrarily to create global indexes for entire book collections, personal or otherwise, and these global indexes can be refined using standard book metadata (e.g., publisher), personal metadata (e.g., date of first read), cloud metadata (e.g., Lady Gaga's favorites), and thesauri or taxonomies. Books that aren't popular are doomed in the cloud indexing paradigm. Publishers and authors must work hard to encourage readers to contribute, especially because traditional SEO techniques won't work well with book content. Book publishing will remain as competitive as always. And for the first time in the history of book publishing, it will be impossible to judge a book by its cover. Instead, we'll use the index.
个人分类: 学海泛舟|2573 次阅读|0 个评论
social network相关的几个定义
abyssoop 2010-9-9 11:35
今天在北邮参加一个社会网络的seminar,NoshirContractor给出了几个社会网络相关的简单的句子,看似简单,要完全理解其函数以,还得好好琢磨。 1SocialNetworks: Itsnotwhatyouknow,itswhoyouknow. 2Cognitivesocialnetworks:Itsnotwhoyouknow,itswhotheythinkyouknow. 3Knowledgenetworks:Itsnotwhoyouknow,itswhattheythinkyouknow. 4Cognitiveknowledgenetworks:Itsnotwhoyouknow,Itswhatwhoyouknowknows.
个人分类: 论文交流|5616 次阅读|2 个评论
Public service outputs, social integration, and households' support for relocati
mliang 2010-6-24 08:52
Wu, J., Y. Yang L. Ma. - Public service outputs, social integration, and households' support for relocation compensations: evidence from a Hui Ethnic Community in Western China. International Public Management Network (IPMN) Conference 2010, Rotterdam (28 June - 30 June). http://www.eur.nl/fsw/english/publicadministration/conferences_and_events/ paper
个人分类: 会议论文|3142 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载] 社会科学文献引用国家排名 National Rankings in Social Sciences, general; 1999-December 3
xupeiyang 2010-4-13 08:41
REUTERS National Rankings in Social Sciences, general; 1999-December 31, 2009 Country Feature This month from ScienceWatch.com , we have listed our ranking in Social Sciences, general by total citations. The data were extracted from the Essential Science Indicators SM database from Thomson Reuters . This database, currently covering the period January 1999 through December 31, 2009, surveys only journal articles (original research reports and review articles) indexed by Thomson Reuters. Read more below. Rank Country 国家 Papers 总文献量 Citations 总引用量 Citations per paper 篇均引用量 1 USA 201,551 1,154,424 5.73 2 ENGLAND 45,515 243,416 5.35 3 CANADA 23,164 114,089 4.93 4 AUSTRALIA 18,678 81,985 4.39 5 NETHERLANDS 10,665 59,960 5.62 6 GERMANY 13,584 44,406 3.27 7 SWEDEN 6,707 37,267 5.56 8 SCOTLAND 6,009 30,115 5.01 9 FRANCE 6,657 23,709 3.56 10 PEOPLES R CHINA 6,380 22,786 3.57 11 ISRAEL 5,051 19,583 3.88 12 ITALY 4,195 18,629 4.44 13 NORWAY 3,621 17,871 4.94 14 SWITZERLAND 3,416 16,927 4.96 15 WALES 2,933 16,896 5.76 16 SPAIN 6,167 16,866 2.73 17 FINLAND 3,064 15,930 5.2 18 BELGIUM 3,284 15,483 4.71 19 NEW ZEALAND 3,561 15,386 4.32 20 DENMARK 2,635 14,003 5.31 SOURCE: Essential Science Indicators SM database from Thomson Reuters . Articles are assigned to a category based on the journals in which they were published and Thomson Reuterss journal-to-category field definition scheme. Both articles tabulated and citation counts to those articles are for the period indicated. For articles with multiple authors from different nations, each nation receives full, not fractional, citation credit. Essential Science Indicators lists nations ranked in the top 50% for a field over a given period, based on total citations. In Social Sciences, general, 103 nations are listed, meaning 206 were surveyed. The average citation rate for field of Social Sciences, general is 4.46. http://sciencewatch.com/dr/cou/2010/10aprSOC/
个人分类: 热点前沿|1925 次阅读|0 个评论
majian 2010-3-28 13:14
刚被Building and Environment接收的一篇文章 基于数字图像处理方法的行人微观运动特征实验研究( doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2010.03.015 ) Building and Environment Volume 45, Issue 10 , October 2010, Pages 2160-2169 Experimental Study on Microscopic Moving Characteristics of Pedestrians in Built Corridor Based on Digital Image Processing J. Ma 1,2 , W.G. Song 1, , Z.M. Fang 1 , S.M. Lo 2 , G.X. Liao 1 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL_udi=B6V23-4YT6D18-1_user=1555926_coverDate=10%2F31%2F2010_rdoc=1_fmt=high_orig=search_sort=d_docanchor=view=c_acct=C000053683_version=1_urlVersion=0_userid=1555926md5=dd9bf7e545f83639e5fc1dc0ab70663f Abstract: Experiments of moving characteristics of Chinese pedestrians in a built corridor were conducted. Pedestrians trajectories were first extracted with digital image processing method and then mapped into real space coordinates by adopting a direct linear transformation approach. Moving characteristics of single pedestrian, interaction between pedestrian and the built corridor, and also interaction between pair pedestrians were analyzed and compared with those of the experiments with French pedestrians. It is found that the average relaxation time of the Chinese pedestrians is 0.714s , and the mean free speed is 1.51m /s, which are both larger than those of the French pedestrians. Meanwhile, the Chinese pedestrians also kept a distance of about 0.4m to the wall. When walking too close to the wall, the pedestrian has a tendency to walk far away, which is quantified as exponential decay force. Given a same distance, the fore from the wall on the French pedestrian is larger than on the Chinese pedestrian due to the different pedestrian size and personal space. When one pedestrian evade another standing still pedestrian, the interaction between them shows a non-isotropic feature. We found that the right preference in Chinese pedestrians is more obvious than in French pedestrians . We further quantified the interaction among pedestrians, and found the force from those who locate on the right-forward direction doesnt change much while from those who locate on the left-forward direction varies with the increase of distance. The basic data presented in this study can be used to validate and refine pedestrian traffic models. Keywords: direct linear transformation; pedestrian traffic; evacuation; pedestrian interaction; social force 我们发现行人在与其他行人相互作用时,其他行人对目标行人的作用分三种:当目标行人的左前方出现了其他行人,那么其他行人对目标行人的影响是使其向右偏向;而目标行人右前方出现了其他行人,那么其他行人对目标行人的作用是使目标行人有左行的偏向;如果其他行人出现在目标行人的正前方,那么其对目标行人的作用是使其减速前选择左前或右前偏向。并且,这种偏向性在中国人群中表现为右行的偏向。由于个体体型及可以接受的与他人的最小空间距离等影响,行人动力学模型中需要考虑不同的文化差异造成的影响:需要根据不同地区,不同人群选择或者修正模型以期获得符合实际行人运动的结果。
个人分类: 复杂系统|4461 次阅读|1 个评论
ScienceDirect Top 25 Social Sciences
xupeiyang 2009-12-3 07:27
Social Sciences July - September 2009 The impact technology is having on the accounting profession Article Journal of Accounting Education, Volume 17, Issue 2-3, Pages 341-348 Jordan., A.S. College students'social networking experiences on Facebook Article Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Volume 30, Issue 3, Pages 227-238 Pempek, T.A.; Yermolayeva, Y.A.; Calvert, S.L. Cited by Scopus (1) Qualitative content analysis in nursing research: concepts, procedures and measures to achieve trustworthiness Article Nurse Education Today, Volume 24, Issue 2, Pages 105-112 Graneheim, U.H.; Lundman, B. Cited by Scopus (414) The fMRI signal, slow cortical potential and consciousness Article Trends in Cognitive Sciences He, B.J.; Raichle, M.E. Concurrent brain-stimulation and neuroimaging for studies of cognition Review article Trends in Cognitive Sciences Driver, J.; Blankenburg, F.; Bestmann, S.; Vanduffel, W.; Ruff, C.C. The free-energy principle: a rough guide to the brain? Article Trends in Cognitive Sciences Friston, K. Application of low-cost adsorbents for dye removal - A review Review article Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 90, Issue 8, Pages 2313-2342 Gupta, V.K.; Suhas Cited by Scopus (2) Hofstede never studied culture Article Accounting, Organizations and Society, Volume 28, Issue 1, Pages 1-14 Baskerville, R.F. Cited by Scopus (63) Ethical leadership: A review and future directions Article The Leadership Quarterly, Volume 17, Issue 6, Pages 595-616 Brown, M.E.; Trevino, L.K. Cited by Scopus (30) Event tourism: Definition, evolution, and research Article Tourism Management, Volume 29, Issue 3, Pages 403-428 Getz, D. Cited by Scopus (6) Caffeinated energy drinks-A growing problem Review article Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Volume 99, Issue 1-3, Pages 1-10 Reissig, C.J.; Strain, E.C.; Griffiths, R.R. Cited by Scopus (4) Personality and motivations associated with Facebook use Article Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 25, Issue 2, Pages 578-586 Ross, C.; Orr, E.S.; Sisic, M.; Arseneault, J.M.; Simmering, M.G.; Orr, R.R. Global financial crisis: The challenge to accounting research Article Accounting, Organizations and Society Arnold, P.J. Authentic leadership development: Getting to the root of positive forms of leadership Article The Leadership Quarterly, Volume 16, Issue 3, Pages 315-338 Avolio, B.J.; Gardner, W.L. Cited by Scopus (62) The roles of financial asset market failure denial and the economic crisis: Reflections on accounting and financial theories and practices Article Accounting, Organizations and Society McSweeney, B. Tastes, ties, and time: A new social network dataset using Facebook.com Article Social Networks, Volume 30, Issue 4, Pages 330-342 Lewis, K.; Kaufman, J.; Gonzalez, M.; Wimmer, A.; Christakis, N. Cited by Scopus (7) Preparing teachers for inclusive classrooms Article Teaching and Teacher Education, Volume 25, Issue 4, Pages 535-542 Jordan, A.; Schwartz, E.; McGhie-Richmond, D. Improving students'reading comprehension skills: Effects of strategy instruction and reciprocal teaching Article Learning and Instruction, Volume 19, Issue 3, Pages 272-286 Sporer, N.; Brunstein, J.C.; Kieschke, U. Cited by Scopus (1) Does leadership need emotional intelligence? Article The Leadership Quarterly, Volume 20, Issue 2, Pages 247-261 Antonakis, J.; Ashkanasy, N.M.; Dasborough, M.T. Being around and knowing the players: Networks of influence in health policy Article Social Science Medicine, Volume 62, Issue 9, Pages 2125-2136 Lewis, J.M. Cited by Scopus (8) The neural bases of multistable perception Review article Trends in Cognitive Sciences Sterzer, P.; Kleinschmidt, A.; Rees, G. Aids to computer-based multimedia learning Article Learning and Instruction, Volume 12, Issue 1, Pages 107-119 Mayer, R.E.; Moreno, R. Cited by Scopus (79) Exploring the potential of computer and video games for health and physical education: A literature review Article Computers Education Papastergiou, M. THE ENVIRONMENT-TOURISM NEXUS Article Annals of Tourism Research, Volume 36, Issue 3, Pages 373-389 Holden, A. From social interaction to individual reasoning: an empirical investigation of a possible socio-cultural model of cognitive development Article Learning and Instruction, Volume 9, Issue 6, Pages 493-516 Wegerif, R.; Mercer, N.; Dawes, L. Cited by Scopus (60)
个人分类: 信息检索|1796 次阅读|0 个评论
huangfuqiang 2008-11-7 15:50
Social and ethical issues in computer science social: issues about computers in society social, political and legal ethical: making decisions about what is right Social informatics Rob Kling : . . . is the interdisciplinary study of the design, uses and consequences of information technologies that takes into account their interaction with institutional and cultural contexts. What is Social Informatics and Why Does it Matter? on Ethical Issues in Computing Social and ethical issues in computer science
个人分类: 信息&工程&逻辑哲学|3327 次阅读|0 个评论

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