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热度 4 liwei999 2013-6-26 23:25
如何定义电解质? 作者: mirror (*) 日期: 06/26/2013 06:56:49 这是科网上的一个提问 。提问者考察了一些网上的说法,认为都不妥。 的确, 互动百科上电解质的说法不是很好 。因为这些定义一步就到了“物质”啦、化合物的说法上,而忽略了“ 电解 ”的说法。镜某以为,首先要定义 电解现象 ,然后根据物质这个电解现象中的表现来判断是否是电解质。 因此第一要定义电源。1)电源是。。。。。第二要定义电极。2)电极是。。。。。。。第三要定义 电极间填充物 。 电极间填充物 是一般是流体、液体的状态。在电极间通电时,如果在电极处发生了电化学反应,那么 电极间的填充物 则被称为电解质。对“发生了电化学反应”需要有个量的表述。 ---------- 就“是”论事儿,就“事儿”论是,就“事儿”论“事儿”。
个人分类: 镜子大全|4255 次阅读|5 个评论
热度 3 WLHyh 2013-6-26 17:04
谁能告诉我如何定义电解质? ----- 能否傻傻的再一次较真? 前一阵子曾经犯傻,在科学网万元悬赏过盐的定义,野外归来又想重新定义这个“盐”。于是我就想认认真真的追下根,搜了下“电解质”的定义,可是我又被“电解质”弄迷糊了,觉得“电解质”定义的也不怎么靠谱。 百度到中学化学的电解质知识点表述如下: 电解质:在水溶液里或熔融状态下能够导电的化合物,如酸、碱、盐等。 该条目举有很多例题解析,其中一例:浓硫酸不是电解质,因为其是混合物,不是纯净的化合物而不符合定义。 这个定义排斥混合物,按这个定义和相应的高考题解,氯化钠与氯化钾的混合物就不是电解质,于是制备合金的各种配方的混盐就都不是电解质。 按此定义各种各样的天然卤水也都不是电解质,因为其多逃不了混合物的嫌疑,溶液中都有溶剂分子。 其实若这样进一步反推,盐酸等也不是电解质。 再看其对一道判断正误考题的解析:“乙酸溶液中存在的微粒有 CH 3 COOH 、 CH 3 COO - 、 H + 、 OH - 、 H 2 O ”。该题被用两个方程式证明为正确。可咱们若较真呢,溶液中一般存在的不会是简单的氢离子与氢氧根离子,而应该是其水合离子;另外该问题里“溶液”也没注明是“水溶液”。这个判断正误题怎么说也是错的吧。 维基百科中的词条定义如下: 电解质 是指可以产生自由离子而导电的化合物。通常指在溶液中导电的物质,但熔融态及固态下导电的电解质也存在。 这个定义其实与中学化学教材中的差不多,只是后补阐释中包括了固态离子导体等固体电解质。 全国科学技术名词审定委员会审定公布 本身具有离子导电性或在一定条件下 ( 例如高温熔融或溶于溶剂形成溶液 ) 能够呈现离子导电性的物质。 该定义是被百度百科置顶,而未有任何评价的一个定义。词条下所举的是与该定义都不怎么一致的中学化学的知识点。 这个定义不排斥混合物,可是其“物质”的限定又似乎太大,按此定义各种离子、络离子等也似乎都可以是电解质,因为与这个定义不矛盾。 翻了翻文献,找到了个老外老早(阿仑尼乌斯酸碱理论诞生之初)的定义:自身水溶液导电性强于纯水的物质被称为电解质,因此酸、碱、盐都是电解质。 在翻文献中还发现,咱们中学化学备考训练中明确排斥于电解质范畴之外的“氨”等,在老外眼中似乎也是比较强的电解质。 研究了十多年盐卤资源,曾对盐卤相关知识点自信的爆棚。于是当有小学邀请我去做“盐与盐湖”的科普,我几乎没怎么犹豫就答应了。但是在准备PPT的时候,我才知道:我不知道该如何定义盐?也不知道该如何定义卤?虽然只是一个多小时,虽然并未有学生问相关问题。但我真有糊弄小孩的负罪感,四年多了,仍不能释怀。在我的内心里,是越来越惧怕讲台! 为什么中学考试反复强化:非对即错的判断?非此即彼的选择?若因化学是基础学科,那又何忍让高考后的多数孩子永远固定这些化学知识,因为更多人的选择不再有系统化学教育的机会。 例如中学化学的酸碱理论仅仅是阿累尼乌斯酸碱理论,只是一百多年前的一个过渡性理论,其比 1838 年李比希的定义更科学,但比 1923 年布郎斯泰德 - 劳里的质子酸碱理论又有不足。阿累尼乌斯酸碱理论是“非此即彼”,而质子酸碱理论却可以因情况“由此变为彼”。 在基本概念上如此!尽管受此教育的包括我们自己的子女。可是我们是否敢去质疑?有违大纲的思辨,即使对自己的学生我们是否敢去言教?一方面多数学生不论事实本质是什么?而问考试是否得分,而背和记。而校方约束师者的又是升学率、考研率等等。 还在靠化学吃饭的同行们,不知可曾有过困惑?可曾有过负罪感?
个人分类: 问源-专业|5425 次阅读|8 个评论
crossludo 2012-9-4 11:11
墨烯纸可大大缩短锂电池充放电时间 据物理学家组织网近日报道,美国伦斯勒理工学院的研究人员将世界上最薄的材料石墨烯制成一张纸,然后用激光或照相机闪光灯的闪光震击,将其弄成千疮百孔状,致使该片材内部结构间隔扩大,以允许更多的电解质“润湿”及锂离子电池中的锂离子获得高速率通道的性能。这种石墨烯阳极材料比如今锂离子电池中惯用的石墨阳极充电或放电速度快10倍,未来可驱动电动车。 可充电的锂离子电池作为行业规格产品,用于手机、笔记本电脑和平板电脑、电动车等一系列设备中。锂离子电池具有高能量密度,可以存储大量的能量,但遭遇低功率密度时则无法迅速接收或释放能量。为了解决这个问题,该学院纳米材料专家尼基带领研究小组创建了一种新型电池,不仅可以容纳大量能量,还能很快地接收和释放能量。 研究人员说,锂离子电池技术的主要障碍在于,有限的功率密度和无法快速接收或释放大量的能量,而这种在结构设计上有“缺陷”的石墨烯纸电池可以帮助克服这些障碍。该成果一旦商业化,将对电动汽车和便携式电子产品中新电池和电气系统的发展带来显著影响。这种电池也可以大大缩短手机和笔记本电脑等便携式电子设备和响应器充电所需要的时间。 新型电池的解决方案是,先创建一大张石墨烯氧化物纸,其厚度与一张日常打印纸相当,并可制作成任何尺寸或形状,然后将石墨烯纸暴露在激光下和数码相机闪光灯的闪光下。激光或闪光的热量穿透纸面造成微小爆炸,石墨烯氧化物中的氧原子被驱逐出结构,石墨烯纸变得满目疮痍:无数裂缝、孔隙、空洞等瑕疵,逸出的氧气形成的压力也促使石墨烯纸扩大了5倍的厚度,由此,在单个石墨烯片中创建了很大的空隙。 研究人员发现,这种被损坏的单层石墨烯纸可成为锂离子电池的阳极,锂离子使用这些裂缝和孔隙作为捷径,在石墨烯中快速移进移出,极大提高了电池的整体功率密度。他们通过实验证明,该阳极材料比传统锂离子电池中的阳极充电或放电速度快10倍,而不会导致其能量密度的显著损失,甚至在超过1000个充电/放电周期后仍能持续成功运行。另外重要的是,石墨烯薄片的高导电性使得电子能够在阳极进行高效传输。 研究人员说,这些石墨烯纸阳极很容易调整,可以制作成任意的大小和形状,而且将其暴露于激光或照相机闪光灯的闪光下是一种简单、廉价的复制过程。他们下一步将用高功率的阴极材料与石墨烯的阳极材料配对,以构建一个完整的电池。 这项研究结果发表在近期美国化学学会《ACS纳米》杂志上。
个人分类: 趣味科技|1340 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 hanlingeorge 2012-8-30 15:41
下面是今年申请项目的同行评语书,我个人认为写的很中肯,感谢国家基金委化学科学部 物理化学。现在把它贴出来供大家参考。 关于你的项目的同行评议意见如下: 1 吩噻嗪类染料的合成及在染料敏化太阳电池进行应用研究在国际国内多有报道,本申请项目的研究内容创新性一般,但采用量子化学理论计算,然后进行试验设计合成及进行光电性能测试并结合分子动力学理论深入研究染料分子和TiO2作用机制具有一定的研究价值和应用意义,研究内容与研究方案比较泛泛,申请人缺乏研究基础。 2 申请人拟通过理论计算优化,设计合成基于吩噻嗪的有机光敏染料,应用于染料敏化太阳能电池。基于吩噻嗪的有机光敏染料已经应用于染料敏化太阳能电池,而其构性关系研究尚无定论,这主要是因为染料的敏化性能与多种因素相关、如基态和激发态能级、激发态寿命、溶解性、与二氧化钛的相互作用、与电解质的相互作用、氧化态染料的性质等等。所以通过理论计算来指导染料的设计的想法虽然好,但实际上却几乎难于实现,至少在染料敏化太阳能电池领域确是如此。申请人在理论计算方面有一定的研究基础,倒不妨注意如何从理论角度处理吸附在半导体界面的有机染料的光电化学行为,并与文献报道的数据比较,建立理论计算模型,为该领域的研究提供理论研究手段和方法,这似乎较目前的申请更有意义。 如果继续沿用课题申请书的思路,申请人至少应该给出若干拟合成的基于吩噻嗪的染料分子结构,阐明其可能的优势。 3 染料是敏化太阳能电池的核心之一,有机染料具有强的结构可设计性而成为新型染料合成的一个热点,宽光谱吸收和高消光系数的有机染料是高效率电池的必要条件。本项目拟对吩噻嗪类染料分子的电子给体和受体进行修饰和优化,以其获得高效的吩噻嗪染料分子,项目的选题具有一定的创新性。研究将通过理论计算和实验两方面进行。研究中对吩噻嗪染料敏化太阳能电池的研究发展有很好的了解,具有一定的研究基础。对于理论计算方面的研究方案较可行,但对于实验方面的研究,申请人的工作基础相对比较薄弱。建议先做理论方面的研究,部分资助!
6007 次阅读|1 个评论
heaszy 2012-4-3 07:51
最近有听说液流电池( electrochemical flow cell ),据说充电比较快,可以换电解质,就像加油一样。
个人分类: 学习心得|101 次阅读|0 个评论
Purification of supporting electrolyte Tetra-n-butylammonium
wangshu 2012-2-16 21:57
Purification of supporting electrolyte Tetra-n-butylammonium hexafluorophosphate (TBAPF6) English : A17196 Tetra-n-butylammonium hexafluorophosphate (TBAPF6), 98%, CAS 3109-63-5,is common supporting electrolyte in electrochemistry test. Alfa corp sell it of 98% purity. According our lab’s experience, there was impurity in the raw commercial material, which meet rough electrochemistry rather than explicit test, e.g. OSWV of open-hole fullerene. We’d better to purify it by recrystalization. Two method: 1) recrystallization by ethanol and water. 2) recrystallization by absolute ethanol three times, however, recrystallization once is enough to common test. The recrystallization condition is : 25 g TBAPF6 was dissolved heatedly in 100mL EtOH, cooled down naturally , then cooled in fridg at -16 degree, filtered, dried in vacuo for 24~48h. Yield, 97%. References: 1 ) Purification of Laboratory Chemicals (4th Edition) 2)Robert L. Bedard, Lawrence F. Dahl, "Electrochemical analysis of biocapped triangular cobalt cyclopentadienyl clusters, n (x = 0, 1, 5), containing mixed .pi.-acceptor X and .pi.-donor Y capping ligands : pronounced variations in redox behavior as a function of coordinating ligands", Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1986, 108, 5933. 中文: A17196 Tetra-n-butylammonium hexafluorophosphate, 98% CAS 3109-63-5, 四正丁基六氟磷酸铵 , TBAPF6 是常用的支持电解质, Alfa 有 98% 的物质销售, 25g 400 元。据本实验室经验, Alfa 所售是有杂质的,对于高精度的电化学测量,比如说开孔富勒烯的 OSWV 测量是有影响的,这时需要对其进行纯化。 有两种纯化方法: 1 ) EtOH 和水重结晶。 2 )无水 EtOH 乙醇重结晶三次,不过在我们实验室中发现重结晶一次足以应对我们的电化学实验室,条件为 25g TBAPF6100mL 乙醇 (EtOH) ,热溶,几乎全溶,自然冷却后冰箱冷冻 -16 度进一步析出,抽滤,真空干燥 24~72h, 收率 97% 。 参选文献 : 1 ) Purification of Laboratory Chemicals (4th Edition) 2)Robert L. Bedard, Lawrence F. Dahl, "Electrochemical analysis of biocapped triangular cobalt cyclopentadienyl clusters, n (x = 0, 1, 5), containing mixed .pi.-acceptor X and .pi.-donor Y capping ligands : pronounced variations in redox behavior as a function of coordinating ligands", Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1986, 108, 5933. Purification of supporting electrolyte Tetra-n-butylammonium hexafluorophosphate (TBAPF6)
个人分类: 化学|5505 次阅读|0 个评论
wangshu 2012-2-16 21:53
中文: A17196 Tetra-n-butylammonium hexafluorophosphate, 98% CAS 3109-63-5, 四正丁基六氟磷酸铵 , TBAPF6 是常用的支持电解质, Alfa 有 98% 的物质销售, 25g 400 元。据本实验室经验, Alfa 所售是有杂质的,对于高精度的电化学测量,比如说开孔富勒烯的 OSWV 测量是有影响的,这时需要对其进行纯化。 有两种纯化方法: 1 ) EtOH 和水重结晶。 2 )无水 EtOH 乙醇重结晶三次,不过在我们实验室中发现重结晶一次足以应对我们的电化学实验室,条件为 25g TBAPF6100mL 乙醇 (EtOH) ,热溶,几乎全溶,自然冷却后冰箱冷冻 -16 度进一步析出,抽滤,真空干燥 24~72h, 收率 97% 。 参选文献 : 1 ) Purification of Laboratory Chemicals (4th Edition) 2)Robert L. Bedard, Lawrence F. Dahl, "Electrochemical analysis of biocapped triangular cobalt cyclopentadienyl clusters, n (x = 0, 1, 5), containing mixed .pi.-acceptor X and .pi.-donor Y capping ligands : pronounced variations in redox behavior as a function of coordinating ligands", Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1986, 108, 5933. Purification of supporting electrolyte Tetra-n-butylammonium hexafluorophosphate (TBAPF6) English : A17196 Tetra-n-butylammonium hexafluorophosphate (TBAPF6), 98%, CAS 3109-63-5,is common supporting electrolyte in electrochemistry test. Alfa corp sell it of 98% purity. According our lab’s experience, there was impurity in the raw commercial material, which meet rough electrochemistry rather than explicit test, e.g. OSWV of open-hole fullerene. We’d better to purify it by recrystalization. Two method: 1) recrystallization by ethanol and water. 2) recrystallization by absolute ethanol three times, however, recrystallization once is enough to common test. The recrystallization condition is : 25 g TBAPF6 was dissolved heatedly in 100mL EtOH, cooled down naturally , then cooled in fridg at -16 degree, filtered, dried in vacuo for 24~48h. Yield, 97%. References: 1 ) Purification of Laboratory Chemicals (4th Edition) 2)Robert L. Bedard, Lawrence F. Dahl, "Electrochemical analysis of biocapped triangular cobalt cyclopentadienyl clusters, n (x = 0, 1, 5), containing mixed .pi.-acceptor X and .pi.-donor Y capping ligands : pronounced variations in redox behavior as a function of coordinating ligands", Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1986, 108, 5933.
个人分类: 化学|19464 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 wangshu 2011-9-29 01:28
平时做CV和DPV经常用到支持电解质,如TBAPF6等,最近帮师弟做一个pH调控的实验,他给我的参考文献中没有用支持电解质, 而是用的背景电解质 NaCl,这两者有什么区别呢? 支持电解质 http://goldbook.iupac.org/S06149.html supporting electrolyte An electrolyte solution, whose constituents are not electroactive in the range of applied potentials being studied, and whose ionic strength (and, therefore, contribution to the conductivity) is usually much larger than the concentration of an electroactive substance to be dissolved in it. 背景电解质 background electrolyte ground electrolyte http://www.qiji.cn/baike/Detailed/6162.html 指在极谱分析电解液中所加入的在一定电压范围内不在电极上起反应的过量电解质。主要为消除溶液中待测离子在电场作用下的迁移运动而产生的迁移电流,因为这部分电流不与被测物质的浓度成比例关系。其用量一般为被测物质浓度的50-100倍。选择这类物质的原则是:在溶液中有很好的导电性;与被测物质不发生作用;在被测物质处于还原(或氧化)电位时,不起电极反应。常用的有氯化钾、氯化铵、硝酸钾、盐酸、硫酸、氢氧化钠、醋酸钠、氢氧化铵等。 A. Turcanu, T. Bechtold / Dyes and Pigments 91 (2011) 324-331
个人分类: 化学|10997 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 3 Annbaby 2011-5-4 19:22
1:人心犹如试管,不要太贪婪。装下三分之一足矣!否则,一旦喷发,伤到别人,也会伤到自己! 2:爱情好似萃取,一旦魅力不够,另一半很可能被拐走! 3:不是电解质也不一定就是非电解质。所以,对你不好的人也未必就是坏人! 4:对待得失恰似氧化还原,得到会使你的价位降低,而放手却能使你的价位身高。 5:我想作还原剂,送你多少电子也不介意,只要能与你稳定地在一起! 6:有些人犹如某些金属离子,只有在火焰上灼烧,并透过蓝钴玻璃才能把他看清! 7:你不是氢氧化铝,凭什么既酸又碱反应? 8:我是Al,而你是Fe,我选择用高温换出你,然后囚禁自己,可你却转身离去…人世间最悲哀的事莫过于此:你可以选择爱我或者不爱我,而我只能选择爱你或是更爱你! 9:人一定要足够优秀或足够强大,如果你只是弱酸或者弱碱,那即使是滥情如Al(OH)3者也不会要你! 10:多少强酸的追求,二氧化硅不为所动,因为他只想与HF远走高飞… 11:H2O对Cl2一心一意,Cl2却偏偏要弄出“三分四离”。 12:SO2为品红褪色是暂时的,氯水为品红褪色却是永远的;而氯水让石蕊变红是暂时的,SO2让石蕊变红却是永远的…你是否找到值得你为之彻底改变或愿意为你永远改变的那个人呢? 13:高中阶段,我们只研究F、Cl、Br、I,因为爱(At)具有放射性! 14最外层电子越多越容易得到电子,正如富人更容易挣钱。所以,这个世界充满了不公平!
个人分类: 学术田园|3873 次阅读|3 个评论
CQU6727 2011-4-6 21:25
316L钢耐Cl-腐蚀很差 焊缝腐蚀电极的制备,非焊缝区绝缘漆(胶)密封 以埋地管线为电极,土壤为电解质, 该电位用导线把钢筋与一个电压表连通 , 再把表的另一端与饱和甘汞电极 ( 参比电极 ) 连通 , 电压表的读数就是所测位置钢筋的电位。根据电位的不同,得到埋地管线的阴极区和阳极区,确定腐蚀 区域。
个人分类: 一天一点|2575 次阅读|0 个评论
jessie0090 2011-3-15 16:28
  对于什么是急性结肠炎,急性肠炎是夏冬季的常见病、多发病。多由细菌及病毒等微生物感染所致,其表现主要为腹痛、腹泻、恶心、呕吐、发热等,严重者可致脱水、电解质紊乱、休克等。   急性结肠炎的诊断并不难,患者多在夏秋季突然发病;并多有饮食不节或误食的病史;有呈暴发性流行的特点;病人多表现为恶心、呕吐在先,继以腹泻,每天3~5天,甚至数十次不等,大便呈水样,深黄色或带绿色,恶臭,可伴有腹部绞痛、发热、全身酸痛等症状。大便常规检查及粪便培养,红、白细胞计数可正常或异常。病人以恶心、呕吐、腹痛、腹泻同时并见,故亦称急性胃肠炎。
961 次阅读|0 个评论
林凡 2011-2-28 17:05
Journal of Power Sources Article in Press, Accepted Manuscript - Note to users doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2011.02.060 | How to Cite or Link Using DOI Copyright 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. Permissions Reprints Investigation of the Rechargeability of Li-O2 Batteries in Non-Aqueous Electrolyte Jie Xiao , a , , Jianzhi Hu a , Deyu Wang a , Dehong Hu a , Wu Xu a , Gordon L. Graff a , Zimin Nie a , Jun Liu a and Ji-Guang Zhang 1 , a , a Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Energy and Environment Directorate, Richland, Washington 99352, USA Received 21 December 2010; accepted 18 February 2011. Available online 26 February 2011. Abstract To understand the limited cycle life performance and poor energy efficiency associated with rechargeable lithium-oxygen (Li-O2) batteries, the discharge products of primary Li-O2 cells at different depths of discharge (DOD) were systematically analyzed using XRD, FTIR and Ultra-high field MAS NMR. When discharged to 2.0V, the reaction products of Li-O2 cells include a small amount of Li2O2 along with Li2CO3 and RO-(C=O)-OLi) in the alkyl carbonate-based electrolyte. However, regardless of the DOD, there is no Li2O detected in the discharge products in the alkyl-carbonate electrolyte. For the first time it was revealed that in an oxygen atmosphere the high surface area carbon significantly reduces the electrochemical operation window of the electrolyte, and leads to plating of insoluble Li salts on the electrode at the end of the charging process. Therefore, the impedance of the Li-O2 cell continues to increase after each discharge and recharge process. After only a few cycles, the carbon air electrode is completely insulated by the accumulated Li salt terminating the cycling. Keywords: Li-air batteries; carbon air electrode; oxygen diffusion; energy storage
个人分类: 锂离子电池 其它|1933 次阅读|0 个评论
林凡 2011-2-28 13:11
Journal of Power Sources Article in Press, Accepted Manuscript - Note to users doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2011.02.071 | How to Cite or Link Using DOI Copyright 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. Permissions Reprints The effect of alkalinity and temperature on the performance of lithium-air fuel cell with hybrid electrolytes Ping He a , Yonggang Wang a and Haoshen Zhou , a , a Energy Technology Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Umezono 1-1-1, Tsukuba, 305-8568, Japan Received 27 October 2010; revised 21 February 2011; accepted 22 February 2011. Available online 26 February 2011. Abstract A lithium-air fuel cell combined an air cathode in aqueous electrolyte with a metallic lithium anode in organic electrolyte can continuously reduce O2 to provide capacity. Herein, the performance of this hybrid electrolyte based lithium-air fuel cell under the mixed control of alkalinity and temperature have been investigated by means of galvanistatic measurement and the analysis of electrochemical impedance spectra. Electromotive force and inner resistance of the cell decrease with the increase of LiOH concentration in aqueous electrolyte. The values ranged from 0.5 to 1.0M could be the suitable parameters for the LiOH concentration of aqueous electrolyte. Environment temperature exhibited a significant influence on the performance of lithium-air fuel cell. The Lithium-air fuel cell can provide a larger power at elevated temperature due to the decrease of all resistance of elements. Keywords: Lithium-air fuel cell; Lithium super ionic conductor glass; Electrochemical performance; Galvanistatic measurement; Electrochemical impedance spectra.
个人分类: 锂离子电池 其它|1499 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]均一疏水涂层: 控制聚合物电解质燃料电池气体扩散层的氧化
林凡 2011-2-20 17:47
Journal of Power Sources Article in Press, Accepted Manuscript - Note to users doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2011.01.099 | How to Cite or Link Using DOI Copyright 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. Permissions Reprints Controlling gas diffusion layer oxidation by homogeneous hydrophobic coating for polymer electrolyte fuel cells Yusuke Hiramitsu , a , , Hitoshi Sato a , , Kenji Kobayashi a , and Michio Hori a , a Fuel Cell Research Center, Daido University, 10-3 Takiharu-cho, Minami-ku, Nagoya 457-8530, Japan Received 21 June 2010; revised 10 January 2011; accepted 31 January 2011. Available online 17 February 2011. Abstract Reduced production costs and enhanced durability are necessary for practical application of polymer electrolyte fuel cells. There has been a great deal of concern about degradation of the gas diffusion layer located outside the membrane electrode assembly. However, very few studies have been carried out on the degradation process, and no suitable methods for improving the durability of the cell have been found. In this work, the influence on the cell performance and factors involved in the degradation of the gas diffusion layer has been clarified through power generation tests. Long-term power generation tests on single cells for 6000h were carried out under high humidity conditions with homogeneous and inhomogeneous hydrophobic coating gas diffusion layers. The results showed that the increase in the diffusion overvoltage from the gas diffusion layer could be controlled by the use of a homogeneous coating. Post analyses indicated that this occurred by controlling oxidation of the carbon fiber. Keywords: Polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC); Water management; Water flooding; Gas diffusion layer (GDL); Durability; Long-term performance
个人分类: 燃料电池|1343 次阅读|0 个评论
林凡 2011-2-14 15:44
Journal of Power Sources Article in Press, Accepted Manuscript - Note to users doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2011.02.023 | How to Cite or Link Using DOI Copyright 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. Permissions Reprints A Study on lithium/air secondary batteries -Stability of the NASICON-type lithium ion conducting solid electrolyte in alkaline aqueous solutions Yuta Shimonishi a , Tao Zhang a , Nobuyuki Imanishi a , , , Dongmin Im b , Dong Joon Lee b , Atsushi Hirano a , Yasuo Takeda a , Osamu Yamamoto a and Nigel Sammes c a Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Mie University, 1577 Kurimamachia-cho, Tsu, 514-8507, Japan b Emerging Technology Research Center, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Yongin-si, 446-712, Korea c Department Metallurgical and Material Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado 80401, USA Received 28 December 2010; accepted 7 February 2011. Available online 12 February 2011. Abstract The stability of the high lithium ion conducting glass ceramics, Li1+x+yTi2-xAlxSiyP3-yO12 (LTAP) in alkaline aqueous solutions with and without LiCl has been examined. A significant conductivity decrease of the LTAP plate immersed in 0.057M LiOH aqueous solution at 50°C for 3 weeks was observed. However, no conductivity change of the LTAP plate immersed in LiCl saturated LiOH aqueous solutions at 50°C for 3 weeks was observed. The pH value of the LiCl-LiOH-H2O solution with saturated LiCl was in a range of 7 to 9. The molarity of LiOH and LiCl in the LiOH and LiCl saturated aqueous solution were estimated to be 5.12M and 11.57M, respectively, by analysis of Li+ and OH-. The high concentration of LiOH and the low pH value of 8.14 in this solution suggested that the dissociation of LiOH into Li+ and OH- is too low in the solution with a high concentration of Li+. These results suggest that the water stable LTAP could be used as a protect layer of the lithium metal anode in the lithium/air cell with LiCl saturated aqueous solution as the electrolyte, because the content of OH- ions in the LiCl saturated aqueous solution does not increase via the cell reaction of Li+1/2O2+H2O → 2LiOH, and LTAP is stable under a deep discharge state. Keywords: lithium/air battery; solid electrolyte; anode; alkaline solution
个人分类: 锂离子电池 其它|1877 次阅读|0 个评论
林凡 2011-2-7 23:28
Journal of Power Sources Article in Press, Accepted Manuscript - Note to users doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2011.01.086 | How to Cite or Link Using DOI Copyright 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. Permissions Reprints In-Situ Metal Ion Contamination and the Effects on PEM Fuel Cell Performance Mark Sulek , a , , Jim Adams a , Steve Kaberline a , Mark Ricketts a and James R. Waldecker a a Ford Motor Company, Research and Advanced Engineering, 2101 Village Road, Dearborn, MI 48121 Received 3 December 2010; revised 21 January 2011; accepted 27 January 2011. Available online 2 February 2011. Abstract Automotive fuel cell technology has made considerable progress, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are regarded as a possible long-term solution to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, reduce fossil fuel dependency and increase energy efficiency. Even though great strides have been made, durability is still an issue. One key challenge is controlling MEA contamination. Metal ion contamination within the membrane and the effects on fuel cell performance were investigated. Given the possible benefits of using stainless steel or aluminum for balance-of-plant components or bipolar plates, cations of Al, Fe, Ni and Cr were studied. Membranes were immersed in metal sulfide solutions of varying concentration and then assembled into fuel cell MEAs tested in-situ. The ranking of the four transition metals tested in terms of the greatest reduction in fuel cell performance was: Al3+ Fe2+Ni2+, Cr3+. For iron-contaminated membranes, no change in cell performance was detected until the membrane conductivity loss was greater than approximately 15%. Keywords: PEM fuel cells; metal contamination; membrane degradation; metal ions; membrane contamination
个人分类: 燃料电池|1383 次阅读|0 个评论
林凡 2011-2-7 23:27
Journal of Power Sources Article in Press, Accepted Manuscript - Note to users doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2011.01.093 | How to Cite or Link Using DOI Copyright 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. Permissions Reprints Lithium/Water Battery with Lithium Ion Conducting Glass-ceramic Electrolyte Takashi Katoh a , , , Yasushi Inda a , Kousuke Nakajima a , Rongbin Ye b and Mamoru Baba b a Ohara Inc., 1-15-30 Oyama, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa 252-5286, Japan b Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University, 4-3-5 Ueda, Morioka 020-8551, Japan Received 28 October 2010; revised 24 December 2010; accepted 24 January 2011. Available online 2 February 2011. Abstract Lithium/water batteries have attracted considerable attention as high power supply devices because they use high energy density lithium metal as an anode and water as a cathode. In this study, we investigate the use of lithium/water batteries that use a glass-ceramic plate as an electrolyte. Author Keywords: hsp sp="0.25"/°C temperature range.
个人分类: 锂离子电池 其它|1670 次阅读|0 个评论
今日开始——新型锂空气电池跟踪评述 及研究进展
热度 3 ljx3012982 2011-1-30 00:24
口述形式 随想随写 锂空气电池的发展现在应该是进入了一个群雄并起的时段了 所以我们要思索的是: 1、锂空电池原理; 2、模块组成及其相应挖掘空间; 3、新型结构及原创想法的思索来源机理; 4、其他化学电源 的 并行借鉴发展。 *锂空气不外乎由氧还原催化剂、碳基正极载体材料、隔膜、电解质或电解液组成,那么需要的是 高级电催化机理相关知识、碳基材料的合成和认识基础和电解系列有机知识了; *但是现阶段最可能新潜力的新型电池结构的开发,当然还有新结构(包括1、电解质组态——是否也是聚合物复合隔膜处理,或是常规膜和电解液及其添加剂问题了;2、电极结构上的改进——使之更透气、更使得氧化还原的持续——碳和催化剂的分布复合问题——使得保证反应的不中止)那么以后我想,在材料方面就是这面最有得可为了——如何实现有效的分布和复合了; *——其实大家都知道的成功案例就是日本的王永刚(复旦夏永姚老师的博士)做的水系和有机系的复合电池——严格来说不是锂空气电池了:一边不变,另一边变得还算不错的文章哗啦啦的出来——但是给我们的启示应该是去寻找两端正负极的材料构成的思路—— 正负极要再元素周期表的左右两侧寻求最合适的反应元素——如果H能进来(其实就是燃料电池的模型了),那当然能量比是绝高的了,再者前些阵子的NaS,LiS,Mg空气电池其实就是为我们选择元素做了方向指示。。。 *当然这边不得不说的是,JACS新出来的贵金属PtAu复合的协同效应催化剂也是给我们指了条方向思路——复合负载——分布又兼起效。。。 *还有一个就是,参照传统锂电池发展的模式或有些粗略的启示:是否如新近的NL上的文章有机物直接负载在活性物质上呢?——那么也就是说如果将正极的复合材料在多孔或其他材料上直接复合处理成聚合物电解质在一起,可保证反应的路径效率以及循环倍率效率呢。。。 *胡言一句 多学科的交叉融合 将成就你我这一批人 在新兴方向的 。。。 本弱弱的博客将持续记录原创心得体会——主要方面在 成型商品电池(18650为主)的设计,传统锂电负极的构想研究,行业需求关于我们同行将来出路规划 三方面展开胡言乱语 以供彼此交流。 附注:(from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithium_air_battery 维基百科) A lithium-air battery is a battery in which a lithium anode is electrochemically coupled to atmospheric oxygen through an air cathode . During discharge, lithium cations flow from the anode through an electrolyte and combine with oxygen at the cathode (typically consisting of porous carbon ) to form lithium oxide Li 2 O or lithium peroxide Li 2 O 2 which is inserted in the cathode; this is coupled to the flow of electrons from the battery's anode to the cathode through a load circuit. Lithium air batteries have higher energy density than lithium ion batteries because of the lighter cathode and the fact that oxygen is freely available in the environment and does not need to be stored in the battery. Theoretically, with oxygen as an unlimited cathode reactant, the capacity of the battery is limited by the Li anode. Lithium air batteries are currently under development and are not yet commercially available. 欢迎留言交流 放假回家 新年快乐哈
个人分类: 锂电 系列|5136 次阅读|3 个评论
林凡 2011-1-27 16:30
Journal of Power Sources Article in Press, Accepted Manuscript - Note to users doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2011.01.068 | How to Cite or Link Using DOI Copyright 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. Permissions Reprints Thermal stability and flammability of electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries Catia Arbizzani a , Giulio Gabrielli a and Marina Mastragostino , a , a University of Bologna, Department of Metal Science, Electrochemistry and Chemical Techniques, Via San Donato 15, 40127 Bologna, Italy Received 11 October 2010; revised 7 December 2010; accepted 17 January 2011. Available online 26 January 2011. Abstract Safety is the key-feature of large-size lithium-ion batteries and thermal stability of the electrolytes is crucial. We investigated the thermal and flammability properties of mixed electrolytes based on the conventional ethylencarbonate-dimethylcarbonate (1:1wt/wt) - 1M LiPF6 and the hydrophobic ionic liquid N-butyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (Pyr14TFSI). The results of thermogravimetric analyses and flammability tests of mixed electrolytes of different composition are reported and discussed. An important finding is that though the mixtures with high contents of ionic liquid are more difficult to ignite, they burn for a longer time, once they are ignited. Keywords: flammability test; ionic liquid; lithium-ion battery; safety; thermal stability
个人分类: 锂离子电池 其它|1406 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 yaoronggui 2011-1-21 20:11
随着自主招生高校的不断增加,关于自主招生考试个各种书籍应运而生,下面是我的学生买的自主招生化学考试畅销书籍。 第一本:施华老师编著的《名牌大学自主招生高效备考化学》 目录: 第一讲 物质的化学反应及其能量变化 第二讲 原子核外电子排布及其元素周期律 第三讲 分子结构及其性质 第四讲 不同溶剂中的化学反应 第五讲 气体和稀溶液依数性 第六讲 简单的配位化合物 第七讲 化学反应速率和化学平衡 第八讲 电解质溶液 第九讲 简单的电化学 第十讲 化学实验 第十一讲 常见元素的单质及其化合物 第十二讲 有机化学 第十三讲 综合与运用 参考答案 第二本: 陈基福、夏磊老师编著《 2011高校自主招生考试直通车•化学 》 《2011高校自主招生考试直通车·化学》根据近年(含2010年)各重点高校(清华、北大、复旦、交大、南大、浙大、同济等)自主招生考试中对化学学科的要求,精心选择既与高考内容相关、又高于高考要求的10个专题,通过知识梳理与补充、考试真题、模拟演练三个模块的详细分析,并配3套模拟试卷,力求使学生通过不长时间的学习达到重点高校自主招生考试对化学学科内容与能力两方面的要求,从而在自主招生考中取得优异成绩。 第三本:《 全国重点大学自主招生试题解析与模拟预测试卷(物理 化学) 》 近年来随着国家高考制度的改革,高考呈现多元化的趋势,自主招生的比例越来越大,专家预测大学自主招生将成为高考多元化制度中的重要组成。 大学自主招生考试有别于传统的高考,上海交通大学出版社组织了一批各大名校的知名教授编写了这套丛书,是一套据有权威性、前瞻性、实用性的考试辅导书。本书有几大特点: (1)权威的作者队伍,撰稿的作者均常年从事高考试卷出题和各重点大学自主招生试卷出题研究的大学知名教授。 (2)权威的编写理念,本书从大学自主招生试卷独特的出题思路出发,深入剖析大学自主招生试卷的真题,引导学生自主的有目的有针对性的复习迎考。 (3)权威的预测试卷,作者根据自己多年的经验和对未来大学自主招生出题思路的预判精心编写了8套预测模拟试卷。 (4)权威面试指导。本书附录了2010重点大学自主招生面试真题供参考。 第四本: 芮鹏程  编著《大学自主招生试题解析与模拟•化学》 目录: 写给备考同学 专题1 化学反应中的物质变化和能量变化 专题2 物质结构元素周期律 专题3 金 属及其化合物 专题4 非金属及其化合物 专题5 化学平衡 专题6 电化学 专题7 电解质溶液 专题8 物质结构与性质 专题9 有机物烃 专题10 烃的衍生物 综合模拟 综合模拟二 综合模拟三 参考答案
个人分类: 自主招生|3862 次阅读|1 个评论

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