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【IJAC推文】今天, 你充电了吗?
Chenfiona 2017-5-3 09:30
“五一”小长假终究还是过去了,电量不足的小伙伴们,带上你的小马达,跟我一起充充“电”吧! 第一站:电池诞生记 1 ) 1746 年:莱顿瓶 莱顿大学的马森布罗克用一支枪管悬在空中,用起电机与枪管连着,另用一根铜线从枪管中引出,浸入一个盛有水的玻璃瓶中,一个助手一只手握着玻璃瓶,马森布罗克在一旁使劲摇动起电机。这时他的助手不小心将另一只手与枪管碰上, 随后 猛然感到一次强烈的电击,喊了起来。马森布罗克由此得出结论:把带电体放在玻璃瓶内可以把电保存下来 , 后来人们就把这个蓄电的瓶子称作“ 莱顿瓶 ” ,这个实验称为 “ 莱顿瓶实验 ” 。 2 ) 1786 年:“生物电” 意大利 解剖学家伽伐尼在做青蛙解剖时,两手分别拿着不同的金属器械,无意中同时碰在青蛙的大腿上,青蛙腿部的肌肉立刻抽搐了一下,仿佛受到电流的刺激,而只用一种金属器械去触动 青蛙 ,却并无此种反应。伽伐尼认为,出现这种现象是因为动物躯体内部产生的一种电,他称之为“ 生物电 ” 。 3 ) 1799 年:伏特电堆 意大利物理学家伏特把一块锌板和一块银板浸在 盐水 里,发现连接两块金属的导 线中有电流通过。于是,他就把许多锌片与银片之间垫上浸透盐水的绒布或纸片,平叠起来。用手触摸两端时,会感到强烈的电流刺激。伏特用这种方法成功的制成了世界上第一个电池──“ 伏特电堆 ” 。 4 ) 1836 年:丹尼尔电池 英国的 丹尼尔 对“ 伏特电堆 ” 进行了改良。他使用 稀硫酸 作电解液,解决了电池极化问题,制造出第一个不极化,能保持 平衡 电流的锌─ 铜电池,又称 “ 丹尼尔电池 ” 。 5 ) 1860 年:蓄电池 法国的普朗泰发明出用铅做电极的电池。当电池使用一段使电压下降时,可以给它通以反向电流,使电池电压回升。因为这种电池能充电,可以反复使用,所以称它为“ 蓄电池 ” 。 电池已经诞生了 200多年,现在仍然在前进。无论是过去还是现在,电池的目标都没有改变:随时随地让人享受电能的巨大恩惠。 如何预测电池的剩余电量?如何提高电池性能?英国学者为你解惑 ~ 第二站:好文推荐 VRLA 电池系统中分析孔隙几何形状及识别方块效应的高级预测机制 An Advanced Prediction Mechanism to Analyse Pore Geometry Shapes and Identification of Blocking Effect in VRLA Battery System Alessandro Mariani 1 , Kary Thanapalan 1 , Peter Stevenson 2 , Jonathan Williams 1 1. Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Science , University of South Wales , Pontypridd , UK 2. Yuasa Battery (UK) Ltd , Rassau Industrial Estate , Ebbw Vale , UK 收录信息: Alessandro Mariani, Kary Thanapalan, Peter Stevenson etc. An Advanced Prediction Mechanism to Analyse Pore Geometry Shapes and Identification of Blocking Effect in VRLA Battery System . International Journal of Automation and Computing , 2017,14(1): 21-32. 全文链接: 1) Springer Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11633-016-1040-0 2) IJAC 官网: http://www.ijac.net/EN/abstract/abstract1855.shtml 文章概要: 本文提出一种高级预测机制,用于 阀控密封铅酸( VRLA )电池 系统中的孔隙几何形状分析以及方块效应识别。本研究首先构建了一个数学模型来识别 VRLA 电池的剩余电量,而后通过电化学阻抗技术得出实验数据,用以验证该模型。最后,基于数据分析,得出低性能电池中发生扩散限制的原因。通过本研究可知,电极大小及孔分布将影响电池在充电及放电时的电化及电解过程。 关键词 : Positive active material, crystal structure, valve regulated lead acid (VRLA) batteries, modelling, estimation and recovery techniques. 作者简介 : Alessandro Mariani received the B. Eng. degree from University of Glamorgan, UK in 2010. He is currently a Ph.D. degree candidate at University of South Wales, UK. His research interests include lead acid battery technology and electrochemical performance analysis. ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5810-2681 Kary Thanapalan received the B.Eng. degree in control engineering from City University London, UK. Later he received the Ph.D. degree in aerospace control systems from the University of Liverpool, UK . He is currently working as a senior researcher in the faculty of computing, engineering and sciences, University of South Wales, UK, and a leading researcher in the fields of energy and renewable energy and control and automation engineering. His research interests include control system design, renewable energy and optimization analysis. ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6398-4340 Peter Stevenson received the M. Sc. degree in chemistry from the University of Cambridge, UK in 1979. He is currently working as senior technical co-ordinator at the Yuasa Battery (Europe) Ltd. His research interests include lead acid and lithium battery technology. ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3894-2207 Jonathan Williams received the M. Eng. degree in mechatronic engineering and has since worked with numerous industrial companies and specialist materials companies at the University of South Wales, UK . He is currently working as a CAPSE director at the University of South Wales, UK, and a leading researcher in the development of new innovative energy storage system and solutions. His research interests include power system engineering and lithium based energy storage. 部分内容整理自网络,参见: http://tech.qq.com/a/20090524/000025.htm http://baike.so.com/doc/1207846-1277666.html IJAC International Journal of Automation and Computing IJAC的出版服务不会止于论文发表。在论文发表后,IJAC也在积极地通过多种方式帮助作者提升研究成果的影响力,“IJAC推文”是其中一种方式,即通过互联网,以研究简介、实验视频等内容和形式,来帮助作者推广出版作品。 IJAC官方微信平台带您开启一场不一样的学术之旅,这里有最新会议资讯、研究成果、科普常识、美图美文,还有热情活泼而又不失严肃认真的阳光小编! IJAC官方网站: 1) http://link.springer.com/journal/11633 2) http://www.ijac.net 新浪微博:IJAC-国际自动化与计算杂志 官方微信:IJAC Twitter: IJAC_Journal Linked in(领英): Int. J. of Automation and Computing
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[转载]Stress-Busting Smiles
brbaba 2013-3-17 07:59
Smiling could be good for your health. Researchers are finding that wearing a smile brings certain benefits, like slowing down the heart and reducing stress. This may even happen when people aren't aware they are forming a smile, according to a recent study. The work follows research that established that the act of smiling can make you feel happier. Some research suggests only a full and genuine smile affects the body in positive ways. Other studies, though, indicate even a polite smile may be beneficial. Frowning also may have a health effect: Preventing people from frowning, such as with the use of Botox, can help alleviate depression, a recent study found. 'You can influence mental health by what you do with your face, whether you smile more or frown less,' says Eric Finzi, a dermatologic surgeon and co-author of the study on frowning. Kyle Gorjanc, of Brooklyn, N.Y., regularly runs for exercise and long-distance training. After seeing race photos of herself grimacing, Ms. Gorjanc, 32 years old, began about a year ago making a conscious effort to smile when running. 'I started by literally forcing myself to smile. Now I think I do it more naturally,' she says. Smiling has helped her feel less stressed and tired while running, she says. Since the biggest challenge in long-distance running isn't physical but mental, smiling 'ensures that long-distance running will be much, much easier,' says Ms. Gorjanc, a co-founder of an online resource for women runners called Salty Running. 'What happens is you actually find things to be happy about instead of just smiling for the sake of doing it,' she says. And of course other people smile back, she says. A study published in the journal Psychological Science in November found that people who smiled after engaging in stress-inducing tasks showed a greater reduction in heart rate than people who maintained a neutral facial expression. The study, which involved 170 participants, got people to smile unknowingly by making them hold a pair of chopsticks in three different ways in their mouth. One way forced people to maintain a neutral expression, another prompted a polite smile, and a third resulted in a full smile that uses the muscles around the mouth and the eyes. 'We saw a steeper decline in heart rate and a faster physiological stress recovery when they were smiling,' even though the participants weren't aware they were making facial expressions, says Sarah Pressman, co-author of the study and an assistant psychology professor at University of California, Irvine. Participants making a full smile performed better than the polite-smile group, but the difference wasn't statistically significant and needs to be studied further, she says. 'We smile because we feel not threatened,' says Dr. Pressman. Over time that message evolved so the muscle activity involved in a smile sends a message to the brain signaling safety, which could translate into lower heart rate and stress levels. Dr. Pressman is currently researching how smiling affects certain stress hormones, such as cortisol, and oxytocin, which is sometimes called the trust hormone. 'We've already seen it with heart rate; we're hoping to see it with these other stress levels in the body,' she says.
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热度 8 caojian123 2013-3-15 15:37
有篇文章审稿4个月了,还不见结果。情急之下,催问了一下编辑。编辑回信说:The peer review has been extremely slow, but I am waiting for feedback at the end of this month. If the peer review is positive, I might be able to include the paper in the first issue of 2013, due to go in print in about three months. 根据信的内容,我揣测编辑有点不好意思,所以答应文章在满足一定条件的情况下,将刊登于2013年的首刊。其实,我根本没有急着发表的意思。编辑之所以要这么做,估计是因拖延审稿而对作者采取的补偿。如此看来,介于作者和审稿人夹缝中的编辑是多么不容易啊! 理解归理解,但如果审稿意见未在特定时间内反馈的话,相信大多数作者都会过问一下编辑。如果审搞意见久拖不见,作者将另图打算。一旦这种情况频繁出现,对作者、期刊和审稿人而言,都不是好事。 就作者而言,拖延审稿不仅错失了率先发表的机会,更可能使开创性论文背后所具有的潜在社会经济价值被他人捷手先拿;对期刊来说,拖延审稿定会影响到其稿源,尤其是优质稿件。长此以往,期刊出路堪忧。审稿人呢?如果偶尔拖延,情有可原,没什么大惊小怪。但如果经常拖延呢?结果只有一个,即:编辑会主动放弃,另请高明。别以为你不做审稿人,对你没什么损失,这就大错特错了。审稿人究竟有哪些益处呢?我不敢苟言,因为审稿经历相当有限。不过,从我可怜的审稿经验中,至少有这样的体会:可在审稿过程中学到不少新东西(本来想举一个实例,但考虑到隐私,就算了吧)。如果你想要从浩如烟海的文献中了解到这些信息,除了运气,恐怕需要些时日。至于其他好处,请资深审稿人补充。 现实中,很多人兼具审稿人和作者的双重身份。既然如此,作为审稿人身份的你,为什么站在作者的角度上想一想呢?如果你无暇或无力审稿,怎么不及早告知编辑呢?我知道,如果你确实担当了审稿人的角色,审稿不会占据太多时间。只要集中精力,个把小时或几个工作日定能搞定。再说了,审稿也是一种学习方法。记住,再烂的稿件也有闪光的地方。即使只有一处,对花费时间不多的你而言,报酬率已经不小了。 拖延审稿,不管是对作者,还是对期刊和审稿人,都危害不小。为了各自的利益,请审稿人做好本职工作!!!
8523 次阅读|6 个评论
Pestcide residue analysis in positive list system
lfm2000 2012-11-13 16:08
Analytical Methods (J .MHLW).pdf
个人分类: 农药学资料分享|3316 次阅读|0 个评论
fast runmean smoothing
热度 1 gwangcc 2012-11-1 16:37
function Y = runmean(X, m, dim, modestr) ; % RUNMEAN - Very fast running mean (aka moving average) filter % For vectors, Y = RUNMEAN(X,M) computes a running mean (also known as % moving average) on the elements of the vector X. It uses a window of % 2*M+1 datapoints. M an positive integer defining (half) the size of the % window. In pseudo code: % Y(i) = sum(X(j)) / (2*M+1), for j = (i-M):(i+M), and i=1:length(X) % % For matrices, Y = RUNMEAN(X,M) or RUNMEAN(X,M, ,1) % % - 1.33 2 3 4 4.67 % runmean( ,1,'mean') % % - 2 2 3 4 4 % runmean( ,1,1) % dimension 1 is larger than 2*(M=1)+1 ... % % - 2 4 6 8 10 % runmean(ones(10,7),3,2,'zero') ; % along columns, using mode 'zero' % runmean(repmat( ,5,1),2,2) ; % % - all NaN result % A = rand(10,10) ; A(2,7) = NaN ; % runmean(A,3,2) ; % % - column 7 is all NaN % runmean(1:2:10,100) % mean % % - 5 5 5 5 5 % % This is an incredibly fast implementation of a running mean, since % execution time does not depend on the size of the window. % % See also MEAN, FILTER % for Matlab R13 % version 3.0 (sep 2006) % Jos van der Geest % email: jos@jasen.nl % History: % 1.0 (2003) created, after a snippet from Peter Acklam (?) % 1.1 (feb 2006) made suitable for the File Exchange (extended help and % documentation) % 1.2 (feb 2006) added a warning when the window size is too big % 1.3 (feb 2006) improved help section % 2.0 (sep 2006) working across a dimension of a matrix. % 3.0 (sep 2006) several treatments of the edges. % Acknowledgements: (sep 2006) Thanks to Markus Hahn for the idea of % working in multi-dimensions and the way to treat edges. error(nargchk(2,4,nargin)) ; if ~isnumeric(m) || (numel(m) ~= 1) || (m 0) || fix(m) ~= m, error('The window size (M) should be a positive integer') ; end if nargin == 2, dim = ; else modestr = 'edge' ; end end modestr = lower(modestr) ; % check mode specifier if ~ismember(modestr,{'edge','zero','mean'}), error('Unknown mode') ; end szX = size(X) ; if isempty(dim), dim = min(find(szX1)) ; end if m == 0 || dim ndims(X), % easy Y = X ; else mm = 2*m+1 ; if mm = szX(dim), % if the window is larger than X, average all sz2 = ones(size(szX)) ; sz2(dim) = szX(dim) ; Y = repmat(mean(X,dim),sz2) ; else % here starts the real stuff % shift dimensions so that the desired dimensions comes first = shiftdim(X, dim-1); szX = size(X) ; % make the rest of the dimensions columns, so we have a 2D matrix % (suggested of Markus Hahn) X = reshape(X,szX(1), ; % the cumsum trick (by Peter Acklam ?) Y = cumsum(Y,1) ; Y = (Y(mm+1:end,:)-Y(1:end-mm,:)) ./ mm ; % reshape into original size Y = reshape(Y,szX) ; % and re-shift the dimensions Y = shiftdim(Y,ndims(Y)-nshifts) ; end end % ===================== % CODE OF VERSION 1.3 % ===================== % function Y = runmean(X,m) ; % % RUNMEAN - Very fast running mean filter for vectors % % Y = RUNMEAN(X,M) computes a running mean on vector X using a window of % % 2*M+1 datapoints. X is a vector, and M an positive integer defining % % (half) the size of the window. In pseudo code: % % Y(i) = sum(X(j)) / (2*M+1), for j = (i-M):(i+M), and i=1:length(X) % % % % If the total window size (2M+1) is larger than the length of the vector, the overall % % average is returned. % % % % Example: % % runmean(1:10,1) % - % % % % % % This is an incredibly fast implementation of a running average, since % % execution time does not depend on the size of the window. % % % % X should not contains NaNs (a NaN will result in a all NaN result) % % At both ends the values of Y can be inaccurate, as the first and last % % values of X are used multiple times. % % % % See also MEAN % % % for Matlab R13 % % version 1.3 (feb 2006) % % Jos van der Geest % % email: jos@jasen.nl % % % History: % % 1.0 (2003) created, after a snippet from Peter Acklam (?) % % 1.1 (feb 2006) made suitable for the File Exchange (extended help and % % documentation) % % 1.2 (feb 2006) added a warning when the window size is too big % % 1.3 (feb 2006) improved help section % % error(nargchk(2,2,nargin)) ; % % sz = size(X) ; % % if numel(sz) ~= 2 || (min(sz) ~= 1), % error('X should be a vector') ; % end % % if any(isnan(X)), % error('NaNs cannot be dealt with') ; % end % % if ~isnumeric(m) || (numel(m) ~= 1) || (m 0) || fix(m) ~= m, % error('The window size (M) should be a positive integer') ; % elseif m == 0, % Y = X ; % return ; % end % % mm = 2*m+1 ; % % if mm = prod(sz), % % if the window is larger than X, average all % warning('Window size is larger than the length of the vector.') % Y = repmat(mean(X),sz) ; % else % % the cumsum trick ... % Y = ; % Y = ; % Y = (Y(mm+1:end)-Y(1:end-mm)) / mm ; % Y = reshape(Y,sz) ; % end
3396 次阅读|1 个评论
duke01361 2012-10-5 23:21
希望这个东西 希望究竟是个什么东西? 美国诗人艾米利写过一首短诗,她认为希望宛如一只长着羽毛的小鸟,站在枝头鸣叫不止... 中国作家鲁迅说:希望本无所谓有,本无所谓无,这正如地上的路,其实地上本没有路,走的人多了也变成了路... 英文wiki对“希望”的解释是: Hope is the emotional state which promotes the belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life(希望是一种情绪,可以激发人生在有关事件或环境中获得正面结果的信念)或者又被表述为“feel that something desired may happen”(期待的事情可能发生) 如果按照WIKI对希望的定义,那么埃米利则显得更乐观,而鲁迅则看上更深沉! 希望这个东西其实是人生的一种状态。感觉有希望,希望就会有,这个时候,希望也正如鲁迅所说的“本无所谓有,本无所谓无”,也正如艾米利要告诉你的:希望就象一只长着漂亮羽毛的小鸟,她会唱着动听的歌曲,在你的身前身后飞来飞去... 如何让自己觉得有希望? 希望在于自我对心境的塑造。 如果我们总是盯着自己的不足,或者总是盯着周围环境中的不足,我们只会获得Despair这样一种负面情绪,这种负面情绪会把我们的希望赶走! 因此,创造那么一种心境,一种不与现实脱节,不与自己能力和处境脱节的那么一种精神状态,通过自身的努力和大家的帮助成就心想事成的那么一种人生效果,这种人生就是有希望!
个人分类: Life a Bit|3001 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]修改稿Cover letter
jingyanwang 2012-7-26 20:40
SCI修改稿回答审稿人意见范文模板.doc Dear Dr/ Prof..(写上负责你文章编辑的姓名,显得尊重,因为第一次的投稿不知道具体负责的编辑,只能用通用的Editors): On behalf of my co-authors, we thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to revise our manuscript, we appreciate editor and reviewers very much for their positive and constructive comments and suggestions on our manuscript entitled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号). We have studied reviewer’s comments carefully and have made revision which marked in red in the paper. We have tried our best to revise our manuscript according to the comments. Attached please find the revised version, which we would like to submit for your kind consideration. We would like to express our great appreciation to you and reviewers for comments on our paper. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you and best regards. Yours sincerely, ×××××× Corresponding author: Name: ××× 修改稿回答审稿人的意见(最重要的部分) List of Responses Dear Editors and Reviewers: Thank you for your letter and for the reviewers’ comments concerning our manuscript entitled “Paper Title” (ID: 文章稿号). Those comments are all valuable and very helpful for revising and improving our paper, as well as the important guiding significance to our researches. We have studied comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with approval. Revised portion are marked in red in the paper. The main corrections in the paper and the responds to the reviewer’s comments are as flowing: Responds to the reviewer’s comments: Reviewer #1: 1. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……) Response: ×××××× 2. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……) Response: ×××××× 。。。。。。 逐条意见回答,切忌一定不能有遗漏 针对不同的问题有下列几个礼貌术语可适当用用: We are very sorry for our negligence of ……... We are very sorry for our incorrect writing ……... It is really true as Reviewer suggested that…… We have made correction according to the Reviewer’s comments. We have re-written this part according to the Reviewer’s suggestion As Reviewer suggested that…… Considering the Reviewer’s suggestion, we hav
个人分类: RESEARCH|951 次阅读|0 个评论
哈佛大学幸福课(Positive Psychology)学习笔记(汇总)
Btree 2011-8-22 16:33
由于之前在博客上面放了两三篇幸福课的学习笔记,经常有人通过搜索进来,因此把新浪博客的学习笔记汇总也放到这上面来。 以下链接都是到新浪博客,慎入哦! ------------- 幸福课学习笔记是博客寒假更新最多的内容了,一方面是因为寒假在家比较无聊;另一方面也想通过学习笔记能够更好整理每一节课的内容。 所有的学习笔记都是边看视频边随手用Onenote笔记本记录下来后,每一节课结束,结合课程的PPT整理出来,所以采用英语记录,而且显得很乱。后来我觉得这些学习笔记除了我之外,其他人看了应该不会有什么收获,对不起不慎点击链接进来或者通过搜索进来的同志们,因此在每一篇学习笔记前面用中文加上了简单的课程内容摘要。 如果问我为什么会喜欢看这个课程,其实并没有教授什么新的知识,而只是remind我们一些可能都会知道的事情,而这些我们会不知不觉忘记。 (1):Introduction 学术期刊上面每篇期刊平均被 7 个人阅读。 对学习知识的全新阐释,在学习中人可以比如为一个容器,学习则是往容器里面装东西。 Information ,在容器中注入东西,容器装满即毕业; transformation ,对容器的转变形状,然后再接受东西,装满这个容器。 信息虽然一样,对信息接收理解不一样,很多时候解读比信息本身更重要。 本课程目的只是反复提醒大家都懂的一些道理。 (2):Why Positive Psychology? 我们对积极和消极方面研究比例为 1:21 在对消极研究的同时,我们应该增加对积极的研究,这也是积极心理学的目的。我们提出的问难题决定了关注的重点,当我们经常问“为什么不好时”,我们往往会忽略好的一面。 (3):The basic premises 五个最基本前提:必须把我们的研究跟实际结合起来;改变是有可能的;决定幸福往往是来自人内在因素;不能违背人的自然属性;幸福应该是我们最终追求的目标。 (4):Beliefs 怎么创造一个积极的环境:自己喜欢的图片、纪念品、艺术品、名言等挂在经常看到的地方;看书、听音乐、观看电影等等。 高的期望并不会导致失望。这里教授指出幸福是有一个基准线的,当碰到开心的事情或者不开心事情,幸福会上升或者降低,但一段时间之后,都会回来基准线。基准线是可以通过努力提高的,而最重要的是去面对现实。 怎么变得更加乐观:首先是行动;其次是想象胜利;最后是认知疗法。 (5):Focus 对于同样一件事情,有两种不同的关注点,积极和消极。乐观者总能从每一件事情看到其好的一方面,无论这件事情实际上是多么悲伤的,而消极者刚好相反。 我们应该时刻保持一颗感恩之心,才能减少理所当然发生的心理,提高我们的幸福感。教授建议每天晚上都保持记录每天应该感谢的事情。 (6):Change 变化有两种类型:逐渐变化与突变。无论那一个变化,都需要时间。 ABC 理论:情感,行为与认知。教授分别从这三方面去讨论逐渐变化与突变。 (7):Goals 制定目标能很好提高我们的 performance ,其中很重要一个就是让我们 focus ;同时,目标的制定还能提高我们的幸福感,这并不是说当实现目标时带给我们的快乐,而是在实现目标的过程中。 生活中,压力给我们带来很多问题,很多时候都是因为我们没有足够的休息( recovery )。 克服拖延时,有一点很重要就是坚持做五分钟。 (8):Perfectionism 在失败中成长,我们只有这种成长方式。 战胜完美主义: 1 、正视存在的问题; 2 、 focus 对于努力的奖励,而不是只奖励好的结果; 3 、积极地接受每一件事情的结果,接受别人的评价; 4 、冥思以及想象; 5 、设定一个目标, liberate ; 6 、 The platinum rule. " Treat others in the way they like to be treated. " 对自己要有同样的同情心! (9): Relationships 教授认为完美爱情是不存在的,但是真爱存在;很多离婚的发生或者爱情的破裂主要是无法抵达新事物的冲击,新的事物给我们更大的吸引力,让我们会认为之前并没有找到真正 right 一半。 在传统处理 relationship 问题时,我们关注太多负面的东西,我们过多去分析破裂的原因,我们没有 ask the right question; 实际上,我们应该转变我们的关注点,去学习成功的爱情。 (10): Meditation 教授传授了一种冥想的方法(具体看英文部分,逐句记录下来了),大概意思是:首先以一种最舒适的方式坐下来;其次把关注点放在呼吸上面,深呼吸,轻轻的,慢慢的,如果思想不集中,及时转移到呼吸上面;再次把注意力放在身体的每一个角落,并找出身上最紧张的那个部位,接受它,再把呼吸集中在这个部位,此时不要试图改变这种紧张,只是去接受它;最后把注意力再转移到全身,再回归到呼吸上面,深呼吸,以这种深呼吸去“冲洗”身体每一个部位。 (11): Healthy body, healthy mind 身体和思想有很大的关联,教授讲述了幸福的秘诀: 1 )每周保持四次以上运动,每次 30 分钟; 2 )每周做 6 到 7 次 15 分钟的冥想; 3 )每天保持 8 小时的睡眠; 4 )一天 12 个拥抱。 (12):Self-esteem 如何培养自主型和无条件的自尊: 1 )更加镇静( calm ),这是有这两种自尊人经常表现出来的; 2 )找出我们最想做的事情,去应对生活中的每一个挑战; 3 )谦虚的行为; 4 ) 正直,这一点最重要,我们会因为不正直而付出太多的代价,因为其使言行一致,让我们明白自己的语言和行动都很重要,而不需要通过欺骗去获得他人的好感; 5 )这都是需要时间的。 (13):Final, Top Eleven Tips 1 、你所提出的问题(关注点),问题放映你关注的重点; 2 、要有信念,无论对自己或他人; 3 、成长中必然有失败,在失败中成长 4 、给自己作为人的权利,我们必然会体会到人那些消极的情绪; 5 、积极和日子或者他人交流 (open up) ; 6 、做一个乐观者,发现事情积极一面; 7 、简单,不可能同时拥有很多好的事情,数量影响质量; 8 、培养感情和友情; 9 、思想和身体的联系(这里重点指身体影响思想,追求一致性,锻炼、深呼吸、接触、睡眠等等; 10 、被认知,而不是被认可,你会生活得更加轻松; 11 、马上寻求改变,你才能真正提高自己幸福的基线。
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热度 2 Btree 2011-2-7 17:01
本课几个重要内容: 观念或者说想法能够改变现实,当然也不只是单独的观念就可以创造,观念起到一个非常重要的作用。 怎么创造一个积极的环境:自己喜欢的图片、纪念品、艺术品、名言等挂在经常看到的地方;看书、听音乐、观看电影等等。 高的期望并不会导致失望。这里教授指出幸福是有一个基准线的,当碰到开心的事情或者不开心事情,幸福会上升或者降低,但一段时间之后,都会回来基准线。基准线是可以通过努力提高的,而最重要的是去面对现实。 怎么变得更加乐观:首先是行动;其次是想象胜利;最后是认知疗法。 1.Beliefs shape reality "We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world." ----The Buddha "Treat a man as a he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can and should be and he shall become as he can and should be." ----Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Running the mile in 4 minutes are the limitation of human, which is proved by doctors and scientists. Roger Bannister does it. From that on many other atheists did it too. 2.Create a positive circumstance. Create a powerful and positive circumstance, can we? The answer is yes. Priming is something can be done in the conscious and subconscious level. It means planting a seed, planting a belief, planting a word, or a picture in our mind, consciously or subconsciously. And how that really influence our behavior. How to create? Have pictures of people you love or places you love, even if you didn't see them, you see them. Have pleasant object, whether it's memorabilia, whether it’s flowers or arts. Remind us everyday. Quotes, a list of quotes. Have your favorite books next to you. Listen to music. Mindfully listen to it. Watch films that inspire you. 3. The Self-Help Movement 《think grow rich》 By Napoleon Hill “Whatever your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve” ----Napoleon Hill 《the power of positive thinking》 By Norman Vincent Peale “Have great hopes and dare to go all out for them. Have great dreams and dare to live them. Have tremendous expectations and believe in them.” ----Norman Vincent Peale Our mind create reality, part of true. Mind plays a very important role. Co-create reality. Rely on many other things. 4.How does beliefs work? 5.The brain does not like inconsistency When the things that we think inside and the things happen Outside are not consistent, what we do? Update schema. Ignore/discard information Actively seek confirmation. Create new reality 6.The secret of success Optimism, passion, hard work. “I am a great believer in luck, and I find that the harder I work, the luckier I get.” ----Thomas Jefferson “There is no substitute for hard work.” ----Thomas Edison 7.Do high expectations lead to disappointment? The answer is not! Imagine first of all, our happiness has a basic line. When we meet something good, happiness will rise up, but it will go to the basic line after some time. The same will happen to bad thing, go down, and back to basic line. This is not only a good news but also a bad news to us, whatever good thing or bad thing we meet, we will recover. But in fact, we can rise the basic level of happiness. 8.How to rise the basic line? To cope, to put ourselves on the line. We derive certain conclusions about ourselves, I must be brave, I must be a person who has high self-esteem; I must be a person who has a strong desire to succeed, and then we derive conclusions about ourselves in the same way, that we derive conclusion about others, that is self-perception theory. Fail more often, will feel it is not that bad. Fail the way to success. 9.How to be optimistic: 1)Take action, just do it. Actually work hard, Lead to success, more success than before. Start to believe ourselves. When we fail more, we will also have immune to it. "To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily. Not to dare is to lose oneself." ----Soren Kierkegaard 2)Imagine success, Visualization. Prepare, prepare, prepare, and then be spontaneous. When brain sees something, some neurons are firing; when we close eyes and just imagine the same thing, the exact same neurons are firing. Brain did not know the exact thing and imagine one. So the visualization, is to Fool the mind to believe this is the real thing. We have known the mind does not like inconsistency, when we imagine something, we will also change the reality to make inside and outside consistent. Imagine the journey and destination, more success. 3)Cognitive therapy The basic premise: Though drive emotion. Event - Evaluation(though) - Emotion Restoring rationality. Stop the absurd though in your mind. Where do I distort the reality? "3M" Magnifying, exaggerate something that happen. Minimizing. Tunnel vision. Making up or fabricating, making something from nothing. Be real: Is my conclusion tied to reality? Is it rational? They are interconnected. Am I ignoring something important? Go well, or not go well. What other important evidence that I have to take into consideration.
个人分类: 学习笔记|4354 次阅读|3 个评论
哈佛大学幸福课学习笔记(3):The basic premises
Btree 2011-1-29 13:30
1.bridge building “The careful shielding of a university from the activities of the world around us is the best way to chill interest and to defeat progress. Celibacy does not suit a university. It must mate itself with action.” ----Alfred North Whitehead Pure world is dirty, impure, profane versus academia, which is lofty, idealistic, sacred. This distinction hurts, we should make a connection between them. We should go out to the outside world, make itself with action. We take the research and apply it. Idealism and good intention is not enough. We should take the research seriously, it may not work, and it may have the opposite effect. 2.Change is possible If not, what do we sit here for? The Minnesota twin studies gave a famous research result, "It may be that trying to be happier is as futile as trying to be taller and is therefore counterproductive." many people feel depressed by this result, because they think change is almost impossible. People change up and down in their happiness, which is a counter evidence. If the twin studies is true, it just give a average result, which is called the error of average by the professor. We have exception from the average. In the psychology research, the exception is more interesting, maybe is more useful, it proves the rule. We can study the exception, to know why someone can make a change almost in the same circumstances. Which we can call it study the best, or Growing-Tip Statistics. “What this kind of research design means is a change in our conception of statistics, and especially of sampling theory. What I am frankly espousing here is what I have been calling ‘growing-tip statistics,' taking my title from the fact that it is at the growing tip of a plant that the greatest genetic action takes place...” ----Abraham Maslow “If we want to know how fast a human being can run, then it is no use to average out the speed of a ‘good sample’ of the population; it is far better to collect Olympic gold medal winners and see how well they can do. If we want to know the possibilities for spiritual growth, value growth, or moral development in human beings, then I maintain that we can learn most by studying our most moral, ethical, or saintly people. On the whole I think it is fair to say that human history is a record of the ways in which human nature has been sold short. The highest possibilities of human nature have practically always been underrated.... Certainly it seems more and more clear that what we call ‘normal’ in psychology is really a psychopathology of the average, so undramatic and so widely spread that we don’t even notice it ordinarily.” To talk more about why study the best, the professor gives two reasons: Do not exclude studying the average; The most important is everyone benefit from study from the best. apply what we learn from the best to the average. 3.Internal factors primarily determine happiness A research about people who apply for the tenure. How did they feel when they get the tenure or they do not get the tenure, how long do their feeling will last. The research show that when the teachers succeed in being tenure, they will feel very happy. Of course, it will be very sad for the people who fail in applying tenure. So from the research we can know that the happiness will come back to the basic level after six months, now matter they get the tenure or not. When the basic needs are meet, income make a litter difference in the happiness. Beyond the extremes, the outside make a little influence But we can do something to be happier. It is about Transformation, how to treat outside. 4.Human nature must be obeyed Human nature are constrained, but we can channel it toward good. Painful emotions is as much as part of human nature, as the law of gravity is part of physical nature. In our culture, most of time, We do not give ourselves the permission to be human, the freedom to experience these painful emotions as well. We pay a very high price for this. We need a space. To cry, to joy. With our closed friend, with our family, and with ourselves. When we try to suppress a natural phenomenon, such as having a visual of the word when we say it, that thing just intensifies. The same applies to the painful emotion that are natural. When we try to suppress them, they strength. 5.happiness is and ought to be our ultimate end “Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” ----Aristotle “If we were to ask the question: ‘What is human life's chief concern?’ one of the answers we should receive would be: ‘It is happiness.’ How to gain, how to keep, how to recover happiness, is in fact for most men at all times the secret motive of all they do, and of all they are willing to endure.” ----William James “Whether one believes in religion or not, whether one believes in this religion or that religion, the very purpose of our life is happiness, the very motion of our life is towards happiness.” ----Dalai Lama What is good about positive emotion? It feels good to feel good, why not feel good when we can feel good. Borden our thinking, building capacity. Good for us and society. Overcome our negative emotion, Happy people are more successful because they have more energy and work harder. Pursue something rather than running away from something. Physical health. Their immune system is stronger. How about others when we are happy? Not a zero sum game, but a positive sum game. When you feel happy, you will contribute to other people's happy. Better relationship. More generous, more accepting to others. Help ourselves and help others. “Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” ----Buddha “Be the change you want to see in the world.” ----Gandhi
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哈佛大学幸福课学习笔记(2):Why Positive Psychology?
Btree 2011-1-26 14:12
1. Ratio: 21/1 A research on the psychological abstracts from 1967 to 2000 to find out how many abstracts on each aspects, the result shows below: Anger: 5,584 Anxiety: 41,416 Depression: 54,040 Joy: 415 Happiness: 1,710 Life satisfaction: 2,582 The ratio between positive aspect and the negative is 21/1. “The science of psychology has been far more successful on the negative than on the positive side; it has revealed to us much about man’s shortcomings, his illnesses, his sins, but little about his potentialities, his virtues, his achievable aspirations, or his psychological height. It is as if psychology had voluntarily restricted itself to only half its rightful jurisdiction, and that the darker, meaner half.” ----Abraham Maslow “The aim of Positive Psychology is to catalyze a change in psychology from a preoccupation only with repairing the worst things in life to also building the best qualities in life.” ----Martin Seligman 21/1 ratio is unhealthy but it reflects reality. depression 10 times higher today than 1960 mean age for depression today is 14.5 (compared to 29.5 in 1960) 2. why more positive research? Psychology as creative rather than merely reactive Happiness is not the negation of unhappiness Prevention through cultivating the positive 3. Question create reality. “Human systems grow in the direction of what they persistently ask questions about.” ----Cooperrider and Whitney The professor plays a game in the classroom. He gives a picture and asks the students to count how many geometric shapes on the screen in 30 seconds, when the time is up, the teacher not only wants the students to give the number, but also asks some other questions, for example, what is the time on the clock, what is color of the left-most geometric shape. Because the students focus on the question of the number of shapes, most of them can not answer other questions correctly. So this game try to tell us that when we focus on one question, we probably ignore others. We focus on one part, and will forget others. If only asking negative question, Good things do not exist. If we appreciate the good, the good grows. This is also true on the relationship. We always ask what do we need to improve, if this is the only question to ask, and this will be the only question that they will see. They pay attention to the weakness and the things need to improvement, but they do not see many good things, which leads to break the relationship. 4. Passive Victim Vs. Active Agent (被动受害与主动接受) self pity confidence Blame responsibility Frustration hope and optimism Anger forgive/forget “The message of the Positive Psychology movement is to remind our field that it has been deformed. Psychology is not just the study of disease, weakness, and damage; it also is the study of strength and virtue. Treatment is not just fixing what is wrong; it also is building what is right. Psychology is not just about illness or health; it is about work, education, insight, love, growth, and play. And in this quest for what is best, Positive Psychology does not rely on wishful thinking, self-deception or hand-waving; instead it tries to adapt what is best in the scientific method to the unique problems that human behavior presents in all its complexity.” -----Martin Seligman 5. Happiness is n' t the Negation of Unhappiness Getting rid of the negative does not make positive. Happiness don't spontaneously emerge once the painful experience goes away. Seeking pleasure. Running away of unhappiness. Thinking about the ability of enjoying food. If we have indigestion, it is very difficult to enjoy food. However, getting rid of indigestion does not guarantee that we can enjoy food. 6. Prevention through cultivating positive Two model: H ealth as the absence of illness . Taking away illness, we become healthy. Deal with the negative. Ill ness as the absence of health . You are sick because you do not have enough health in your life. Cultivate the positive, we are essentially focusing on prevention. “We have discovered that there are human strengths that act as buffers against mental illness: courage, future-mindedness, optimism, interpersonal skill, faith, work ethic, hope, honesty, perseverance, the capacity for flow and insight, to name several... We have shown that learning optimism prevents depression and anxiety in children and adults, roughly halving their incidence over the next two years... Similarly, I believe, that if we wish to prevent drug abuse in teenagers who grow up in a neighborhood that puts them at risk, that the effective prevention is not remedial. Rather it consists of identifying and amplifying the strengths that these teens already have.” ----- Martin Seligman Positive psychology do not mean "to the exclusion of" the negative, it tells us not only focus on the negative, but also put resource on the strength, advantage, and so on. And sometimes focusing on the positive makes a big difference.
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热度 1 Btree 2011-1-25 17:19
1 、为什么开这门课? 学术期刊上面每篇期刊平均被 7 个人阅读。 2 、安静时刻 再课堂上面安静时刻,回想课程讲的知识,或者回答问题。 安静时刻的重要性,享受安静,进行自省,有可能是这节课收获最大的时刻。 老鼠在迷宫中的研究,分清楚什么是最重要往往是在安静时刻之后。 3 、信息接收 Information VS transformation 对学习知识的全新阐释,在学习中人可以比如为一个容器,学习则是往容器里面装东西。 Information ,在容器中注入东西,容器装满即毕业; transformation ,对容器的转变形状,然后再接受东西,装满这个容器。 信息虽然一样,对信息接收理解不一样,很多时候解读比信息本身更重要。 4 、目的 Fulfilling our potential, chipping the excess stone . 《大卫》巨作的形成就是通过去掉多余的石头,而这也是这门课的目的,教授反复讲到的 chipping the excess stone The soul grows by subtraction, not addition.——Thoreau 做减法比做加法更能使灵魂成长。 In pursuit of knowledge, every day something is acquired; in pursuit of wisdom, every day something is dropped ----- Lao Tzu What is wrong is not the great discoveries of science—information is always better than ignorance, no matter what information or what ignorance. What is wrong is the belief behind the information, the belief that information will change the world. It won’t ------ Archibald MaCleish Common sense is not that common, make common sense more common. Teach you something you already know 最好能达到的效果是,学生学完会说: Thank you for reminding me 5 、 Asking question The biggest mistake is not asking the right question! It is not about providing definitive answers concerning the good life , It is about identifying the right questions . The one real object of education is to leave a man in the condition of continually asking questions. ----- Bishop Creighton 哈佛毕业中非常成功与成功人士的区别: Really believe in themselves; always asking question. 6 、关于幸福 幸福是连贯的,不是 1 和 0 之间做选择。 How can I become happier? Look inside myself, study myself. What is you doing differently? The best way to learn is to teach 7 、 Background of positive psychology: humanistic psychology (人本主义心理学)的 product and grandchild 心理学上的 three Force s: First: Reaction to behaviorism Second: Reaction to psychoanalysis Third: humanistic psychology , reaction to Behaviorism and Psychoanalysis. 行为主义认为人是一个行为集合,像一个被击打的球一样; 精神分析学主要通过潜意思的分析,去改变生活; 人本主义心理学通过对以上两种心理学的异议和批评中产生。 不只是学术研究,关注有用的东西,善良,美德、乐观,快乐。
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