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Mooncake with egg yolks and bird flu
zuojun 2010-9-13 06:44
(Note: Photo is downloaded from diytrade.com.) One year, I told my relatives in Guangzhou not to give me any mooncakes with egg yolks inside. Upon arrival, the x-ray at the Honolulu Airport revealed some mooncakes contained egg yolks, and the officer confiscated the delicious pastries out of the fear of bird flu. There were lots of mooncakes at the Taoyuan Airport, but I was not going to buy any because I could buy them here in Honolulu, especially the ones with egg yolks inside. However, I could not resist the Egg Yolk Puff Pastry ( 蛋黃酥 ), which my son and I had in Guangzhou this summer for the first time and loved it. So, I bought a box of eight pieces, thinking I would eat three during the 10-hour trip and let the rest take a chance. I claimed no food on my Custom Form, thinking snacks are ... just snacks. Well, the officer knew better. So, I had to confess I brought some Pineapple Pastry ... (but he could not see the three dots). He knew what Taiwanese Pineapple Pastries were because he had some before. The officer noted on my form: yes for food (instead of no) and added Pineapple cake. I was sent to an x-ray machine as a result. As I put the duty free bag through the machine, I felt sorry for not being able to eat the delicious pastry. The x-ray officer saw the egg yolks, and asked me which airport I came through. I said Taiwan. He decided I should keep these tasty egg yolks. The adventure did not end there. I was so happy, feeling lucky. Without paying any attention, I followed a crowd to exit, but the officer who just took my Custom Form called out loudly: STOP! COME BACK! I thought: Shxt, he won't let me keep the egg yolks after all. It turned out that I was in the wrong exit (for tour groups), because I was in such a hurry to get away from these uniformed officers. I am sure I lost quite a few brain cells over these egg yolks. I should never let my mouth make any stupid decisions again. From wikipedia: 蛋黃酥 ( 台灣 ) 蛋黃酥 是 台灣 月餅 的衍生品;內餡是熟 蛋黃 、 紅豆 沙,甜而不膩,香酥可口;以發源地台灣 台中縣 政府所在地 豐原市 的糕餅店所烘焙的最為著稱。 Egg Yolk Pastry (Taiwan) It is a kind of mooncake sold in Taiwan. In the center is an egg yolk from a salted duck egg, the middle layer is red bean paste, and the outer layer resembles puff pastry.
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|3923 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Embase数据库独有的甲流研究文献 Embase unique records on H1N1
xupeiyang 2010-2-3 10:40
http://www.info.embase.com/download-embase-unique-records-swine-flu Download Embase unique records on swine flu The following search strategy was set up in EMBASE.com: swine AND (flu OR influenza) OR h1n1 OR s oiv OR mexican flu OR mexican influenza Please note this search strategy differs slightly from the current search strategy in PubMed. The most important differences are: (1) Outbreak and pandemic are omitted; these terms retrieve other swine pandemics. (2) Virus is omitted as it retrieves other swine viruses. (3) H1N1 is considered sufficient to generate relevant hits in its own right (4) In-process records are not yet available in EMBASE.com Records added to EMBASE.com from 01st Nov 2009 to 01st Dec 2009 New records are added here on a regular basis to provide a continuing overview of all swine flu records added to Embase since January 2009. Please let us know if you have any feedback on the above information or records downloaded from Embase. Records added to EMBASE.com from 01st Sept 2009 to 01st Nov 2009 New records are added here on a regular basis to provide a continuing overview of all swine flu records added to EMBASE.com since January 2009. Please let us know if you have any feedback on the above information or records downloaded from EMBASE.com. Records added to EMBASE.com from 01st July 2009 to 01st Sept 2009 New records are added here on a regular basis to provide a continuing overview of all swine flu records added to EMBASE.com since January 2009. Please let us know if you have any feedback on the above information or records downloaded from EMBASE.com. Records added to EMBASE.com from 01st June 2009 to 30th June 2009 New records are added here on a regular basis to provide a continuing overview of all swine flu records added to EMBASE.com since January 2009. Please let us know if you have any feedback on the above information or records downloaded from EMBASE.com. Records added to EMBASE.com from 01st Jan 2009 to 31st May 2009 We retrieved 245 hits in EMBASE.com, of which an estimated 20% were not retrieved using the related PubMed profile - in part due to differences in the profile, but in part (5%) due to retrieval of records from journals unique to EMBASE. The term s oiv (swine origin influenza virus) and the Mexican terms do not yet contribute any unique hits, they were added to the search because some countries refer to the disease as Mexican flu. Our search was was limited to records from the 01st Jan 2009 to May.
个人分类: 传染病学|1786 次阅读|0 个评论
hongkuan15 2009-11-27 20:57
洋葱 5 万多人感染了病毒。 目前甲流在世界各地肆虐,美国已经宣布进入紧急状态,加拿大在全国免费注射疫苗,中国也有 上周有两个午餐会不得不取消,本周也是难以确定好几个午餐会是否要举行,因为很多人生病(不一定是甲流)。这次的流感的确给人们的生活带来很多麻烦和困扰。 一个加拿大朋友把下面这封邮件发给一些朋友。把它翻译出来送给大家,希望对你有所帮助,希望大家健康平安不要生病。其中的一些东西与我们中医和中华饮食有关联。 In 1919. When the flu killed 40 million people, there was this doctor that visited the many farmers to see if he could help them combat the flu. Many of the farmers and their family had contracted it, and many died. 1919 年。当流感造成了四千万人死亡时,有一位医生到各地农场去探视,看是否可以帮助人们战胜流感。很多农民和他们家庭感染了流感,很多人因此而死亡。 The doctor came upon this one farmer, and to his surprise, everyone was very healthy. 这位医生来到一家人家。出乎预料,这家的每一个人都非常健康。 When the doctor asked what the farmer was doing that was different, the wife replied that she had placed an unpeeled onion in a dish in the rooms of the home (probably only two rooms back then). 医生询问这家的做法与其他人家有何不同,这家的妻子说她在家里的每一个房间(那时大概也就是两间吧)里放置了一颗没有剥皮的洋葱。 The doctor couldn't believe it, and asked if he could have one of the onions, and place it under the microscope. 医生无法置信,因此就问是否可以要一颗洋葱以便放在显微镜下观察观察。 She gave him one, and when he did this, he did find the flu virus in the onion. 她给了他一颗。医生观察时真的在洋葱上发现了流感病菌。 It obviously absorbed the bacteria, therefore keeping the family healthy. 显然,洋葱吸收了病菌,因此让这家人保持健康。 Now, I heard this story from my hairdresser in Arizona. 如今,我从亚利桑那州我的理发师那里听到类似的故事。 She said that several years ago, many of her employees were coming down with the flu, and so were many of her customers. 她说几年前她的很多雇员感染流感,她的很多顾客也是如此。 The next year, she placed several bowls with onions around in her shop. To her surprise, none of her staff got sick. It must work . . . 次年,她在她的理发店里放了几个果盘,里面放了一些洋葱。令她吃惊的是,她的员工没有一个生病的。看来洋葱真的起作用 (And no, she is not in the onion business.) The moral of the story is, buy some onions and place them in bowls around your home. (真的,她并不做洋葱的生意。) 故事的核心是,买一些洋葱吧,把它们摆放在你的家里的果盘里。 If you work at a desk, place one or two in your office, or under your desk, or even on top somewhere. 如果你是坐办公室的,在你的办公室里,或者办公桌下面,或者在柜子顶部放置几颗洋葱吧。 Try it and see what happens. 试试看效果怎么样。 We did it last year, and we never got the flu. 我们去年做了,没有人得流感。 f this helps you and your loved ones from getting sick, all the better. 如果这样做可以帮助你和你所爱的人不感冒,那就太好了。 If you do get the flu, it just might be a mild case. Whatever, what have you to lose? 如果你仍然得了感冒,也许会是比较轻微的症状。 不管结果如何,你又会有什么损失呢? Just a few bucks on onions! 除了几颗洋葱之外! Now there is a P. S. to this for I sent it to a friend in Oregon who regularly contributes material to me on health issues. 下面是后续。我把这个送给我在奥尔良的朋友,她经常给我一些健康方面的建议。 She replied with this most interesting experience about onions: 她回复说了关于洋葱的最有趣的实验: I don't know about the farmers story, but I do know that I contracted pneumonia, and needless to say I was very ill. 我不知道那个农民的故事,但是我知道我得了肺炎。无需说,我病的不轻。 I came across an article that said to cut both ends off an onion, put one end on a fork, and then place the forked end into an empty jar, placing the jar next to the sick patient at night. 我读到一篇文章,建议把洋葱的两头切掉,插在叉子上,然后把叉子放在花瓶里,晚上放在病人身旁。 It said the onion would be black in the morning from the germs. 据说,洋葱会因为病菌而在次日清晨变黑。 Sure enough, it happened just like that. 果然,事情跟说的完全一样。 The onion was a mess, and I began to feel better. 洋葱看起来糟透了,但我却开始好起来。 Another thing I read in the article was that onions and garlic placed around the room saved many from the black plague years ago. 那篇文章还谈到放在屋子里的洋葱和大蒜在多年前的黑死病中救了很多人的命。 They have powerful antibacterial, antiseptic properties.
个人分类: 未分类|3631 次阅读|0 个评论
The Sever Current Situation Of H1N1 Flu
ripal 2009-11-10 10:47
Due to the sever current situation of H1N1 flu, people have no excuse to scare. Indeed, outbreak of H1N1 flu has been affacted human nomal life. Since swine flu appeared in Mexico, type A H1N1, does not normally infect humans, was known by everyone, However, human infections do occur. H1N1 flu is thought that it was spreaded manily human to human. What's worse, pigs in Hongkong and cats in USA infections also do occur. So the current situation of our country, even all over the world , is very sever. To date,there has been 54,927 infected in our country, and 30 person died.
个人分类: 生活点滴|2536 次阅读|0 个评论
jones 2009-5-2 12:53
个人分类: 热点话题|3549 次阅读|0 个评论
超强悍的流行病学工具:用Google Flu Trends预测流感爆发
drqian 2008-11-13 07:51
Google的创新能力让人叹服,它总是能给我们带来意外的惊喜,而这也是我成为其铁杆粉丝的主要原因。 现在,这样的惊喜又来了,Google Flu Trends横空出世。Google说:我可以通过分析我的搜索引擎数据,告诉你历史上流感的流行病学特征,并且可以预测爆发。 为了证明其工具的先进性,它把2004-2008年的流感流行病学数据和美国国家疾控中心(CDC)的数据进行了对比,结果非常吻合,完全能够替代CDC的数据(相信这个能减少不少的流行病学调研的经费)。最关键的优势还在于,比起CDC的数据,Google Flu Trends能够 提前两周预测 出流感的爆发,这优势太帅了。 在此,我要呼吁中国CDC的人士也能去看看Google Flu Trends,看看我们能不能从中借鉴到什么。比如我们也可以和Google合作,得到他们的数据,请他们帮我分析,以指导流感的防治。并且还能应用的国内的流行病学和预防医学中的其他领域。 当然,在中国,百度似乎更好,第一,它在国内搜索引擎中市场份额最大,所能涵盖的数据量应该也最广,并且更具本地化特色,得到的数据可能更接近实际数据。第二,它是民族企业,有些关于国计民生的项目,要仰仗外国公司给我们帮助,总觉得靠不住。 最后,我要说的是,预测性医学信息学(predictive medical informatics)在接下去的几十年中,必将大展拳脚,其重要性也将渐渐被人们认识到。从Google Flu Trends,我们看到的仅仅是个端倪。未来一定还会有更多更好的工具出现,比如针对SARS、禽流感等重大疫情的。 因为科学网博客无法粘帖Youtube视频,所以我把这个数据对比的视频地址贴在下面。 http://www.google.org/about/flutrends/how.html Google Flu Trends 网站地址是:http://www.google.org/flutrends
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