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MJ2009 2011-6-16 23:38
文献.pdf就快要消失啦!Elsevier已经退出了全新的文献阅读试用装,名为Article of the Future,以后网上查阅文献不再是固定的introduction--materialmethod--results...格式,整个页面分为左中右三块,左边是是文章目录,方便随时跳转到感兴趣的section,右边是引文链接,随时可以查看引文,中间则在abstract前有个highlight,把本文最重要的发现、论点总结出来,然后是abstract--introduction--materialmethod--results...但是图片什么的可以放大缩小,可以调整阅览模式,云云。 好激动啊,这么好的阅读模式!但愿我的文章能发表者在改版后的Elsevier上!咔咔! 参见: http://www.articleofthefuture.com/about
个人分类: 【快讯】|3082 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 5 jitaowang 2011-3-23 09:16
在此“徐如人院士执教六十年暨八十华诞”之际, 衷心祝贺徐如人院士等编著的Elsevier英文版“Modern Inorganic Synthetic Chemistry(现代无机合成化学)”一书问世! 这是徐如人老师和吉林大学化学学院他的同事们几十年的工作辛勤积累成果!此书的印刷精美,所附的彩色原图都用彩色印制,非常漂亮! 我有幸参加了其中第7章“CVD and its Related Theories in Inorganic Synthesis and Materials Preparations (化学气相淀积及其相关理论在无机合成及材料制备中的应用)”一章的写作。 我深信国人学者在国际上出版的英文著作会越来越多!
个人分类: 纪实篇|5741 次阅读|19 个评论
Elsevier 2009年创刊的《功能性食品杂志》被SCI收录
热度 1 wanyuehua 2011-2-9 08:51
2009 年创刊的 Journal of Functional Foods 《功能性食品杂志》, ISSN: 1756-4646 ,季刊, Elsevier 出版集团( ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE )出版, 2010 年入选 Web of Science 的 Science Citation Index Expanded ,目前在 SCI 数据库可以检索到该期刊 2009 年的第 1 卷第 1 期到 2010 年第 2 卷第 4 期共 85 篇论文。 85 篇文章包括学术论文 64 篇、评论 19 篇、社论 1 篇、更正 1 篇。 85 篇文章的主要国家分布:美国 29 篇,加拿大 15 篇,日本 13 篇,中国 9 篇(其中台湾地区 7 篇),芬兰、韩国各 6 篇,澳大利亚、印度各 4 篇,英国、巴西、葡萄牙各 3 篇,哥斯达黎加、意大利、俄罗斯、斯里兰卡各 2 篇等。 85 篇文章的作者单位涉及 130 个研究机构,在该刊发表论文最多的研究机构为 美国 罗特格斯州立大学 ( RUTGERS STATE UNIV ) 5 篇、韩国 釜庆大学 ( PUKYONG NATL UNIV ) 4 篇、 芬兰 赫尔辛基大学 ( UNIV HELSINKI ) 4 篇、美国 威斯康辛大学 ( UNIV WISCONSIN ) 4 篇。 85 篇文章共被引用 88 次(其中 2009 年被引用 13 次、 2010 年被引用 67 次、 2010 年被引用 8 次),平均引用 1.04 次, H 指数为 5 (有 5 篇文章每篇最少被引用 5 次)。 Journal of Functional Foods 《功能性食品杂志》投稿指南: 该期刊主要刊登功能性食品的基础研究与应用研究成果(即包含各种因素,以确保或提升健康)和食品中的开发和商品化。该杂志将包括(但不限于)植物生物活性物质的领域;抗氧化剂和老龄化,膳食纤维,益生素和功能淀粉;益生菌和益生菌功能性食品,功能,脂类,生物活性肽,维生素,矿物质和植物和其他饮食补充剂,功能性饮料和食品;及分子营养学和疾病预防和治疗等相关方面。 网址: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/17564646 编委会: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaleditorialboard.cws_home/717426/editorialboard 作者指南: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/717426/authorinstructions 在线投稿: http://ees.elsevier.com/jff/ 《功能性食品杂志》( Journal of Functional Foods )热点论文: 1. 标题 : Milk-derived bioactive peptides: From science to applications 作者 : Korhonen H 来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS 卷 : 1 期 : 2 页 : 177-187 出版年 : APR 2009 被引频次 : 13 2. 标题 : Chemistry and health effects of polymethoxyflavones and hydroxylated polymethoxyflavones 作者 : Li SM, Pan MH, Lo CY, et al. 来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS 卷 : 1 期 : 1 页 : 2-12 出版年 : JAN 2009 被引频次 : 11 3. 标题 : Absorption, conjugation and efflux of the flavonoids, kaempferol and galangin, using the intestinal CaCo-2/TC7 cell model 作者 : Barrington R, Williamson G, Bennett RN, et al. 来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS 卷 : 1 期 : 1 页 : 74-87 出版年 : JAN 2009 被引频次 : 6 4. 标题 : Triticale bran and straw: Potential new sources of phenolic acids, proanthocyanidins, and lignans 作者 : Hosseinian FS, Mazza G 来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS 卷 : 1 期 : 1 页 : 57-64 出版年 : JAN 2009 被引频次 : 5 5. 标题 : Production of chitin oligosaccharides with different molecular weights and their antioxidant effect in RAW 264.7 cells 作者 : Ngo DN, Lee SH, Kim MM, et al. 来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS 卷 : 1 期 : 2 页 : 188-198 出版年 : APR 2009 被引频次 : 5 6. 标题 : Milk protein-derived bioactive tripeptides Ile-Pro-Pro and Val-Pro-Pro protect endothelial function in vitro in hypertensive rats 作者 : Jakala P, Jauhiainen T, Korpela R, et al. 来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS 卷 : 1 期 : 3 页 : 266-273 出版年 : JUL 2009 被引频次 : 5
个人分类: SCI投稿|12349 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 1 rbwxy197301 2010-12-28 12:21
Elsevier采用单篇论文出版模式提高出版速度    Elsevier公司,世界领先的科学、技术及医学信息产品和解决方案出版商,近日宣布采用单篇论文出版模式,这是一个全新的出版模式,即无需等到当期期刊完成就发布文章的最终和可引用版本。随着在线出版越来越受关注,人们改变传统印刷期刊出版方式而采用适合单篇论文出版创新模式的需求日益增长。单篇论文出版模式最终引用数据的计算是按照单篇论文计算的,与由各单篇论文合成的每期期刊的引用率不挂钩。?   单篇论文出版模式是出版业向前迈出的重要一步。现在,文章被接受之后的短短几个星期内文章最终版本就能发表。与期刊出版模式相比,它有很重要的竞争优势。《有机电子》编辑Ren Janssen教授说,作者将会很高兴看到他们的研究成果发表的比以前更快。?   几个世纪以来,学术文章一直按期发表在期刊上。虽然这种做法能保证有组织的引用信息,但它同样也为每篇文章的发表周期限定了时间。现在,单篇论文出版模式使得期刊在全部内容确定之前标上卷、期和页码发表文章的最终版本成为可能。这种新的出版模式使文章的发表周期平均提前7周之久。?   对单篇论文出版模式的期刊来说,文章发表在一个正在进行中的期刊上。按照相关行业标准,传统的卷号和期号计数系统将仍然存在,这也告诉我们完整的期刊将于何时出版。另外,那个逐渐缩小的正在付印文章列表也将仍然存在,当然,这只对已接受并且正修订的草稿而言的。这些文章虽然没有正式发表,但对于快速访问新研究成果来说仍然是非常宝贵的。?   单篇论文出版模式是Elsevier努力寻找加速并改进出版过程新方法的重要一环。Elsevier ST期刊总经理Martin Tanke说,有了PeerChoice同行评审系统和未来文章出版模式,我们正在不断地满足业界创新出版的需求。?   Elsevier公司还打算在2011年使同时进行一本期刊的多期出版成为可能。这将允许同时出版特刊、专刊和常规刊,以进一步减少文章的发表时间。 本文转自: http://www.infotech.ac.cn/CN/item/showItemDetail.do?id=185 这种出版模式将加快知识的传播速度,使研究者的成果能够更快与同行分享。在数字时代,纸质期刊上发文的滞后性将有很大的改观。看起来它可能影响学术期刊的发行,但实际上它将改变知识的传播效果,对学术期刊影响力的提升会起到促进作用。论文与期刊某种程度的脱离,将使学术期刊的引用规律发生改变,两个或三年的高被引时间将会整体提前。另外,以后学术期刊可以实现定制出版和个性化出版。将来有一天,当用户打开一本期刊时,里面的论文不再是各种各样,可能是一个专题领域成果的汇集。google推出的我的google,将来有可能是一本本我的期刊。
个人分类: 学术期刊|4105 次阅读|1 个评论
liqin860408 2010-12-1 00:45
实例一: The proof has been checked carefully and no further changes to it.Thanks for your great help and now we send back the proof to you. 实例二(更具体): proof的修改问题(ZHUAN) 当通讯作者收到文章的proof(校样)后,可以修改作者信息、联系方式、增添作者、调换作者顺序、添加基金等,如果删除作者、调换作者,尤其是第一作者和通讯作者时,大多期刊编辑会要求提供变更说明并签字的证明。这里不详述了。随proof附件的,大多期刊还有query和annotate文件(有的期刊没有annotate文件) Proof还有内容的修改,包括期刊编辑校对时给你的pdf标注,有的期刊没有pdf标注,直接将排版好的proof发给你校对。不管怎样,作者可以在编辑发给你的proof中直接进行修改错误的内容,一定要注意按照proof修改的要求进行删除、增添、批注等操作。没有annotate文件的,就按照pdf工具栏里的各个图标所表示的意思或功能进行操作,在proof中,为了区别排版编辑对你稿件的修改,作者修改proof时除了删除、增添、批注等操作外,还可以对这些删除、增添、批注等进行黄色加亮显示。修改好后,在文档文件名后加上_corrected字样,然后将附件回复到编辑邮箱,记得要提醒编辑收到后给你回信。 Query文档里,response的内容可以在下方填上(针对query,一条条列出修改页数和行数、修改内容和备注说明);如果已经在proof中修改了(修改信息对Query进行了回答),可以在response里指出修改页和行数、备注说明。Query文档写好后打印传真给指定的传真号。同样,记得提醒编辑给你回信。 本帖附件1:INSTRUCTIONS ON THE ANNOTATION OF PDF FILES (如何对pdf文档进行批注、修改等说明) 本帖附件2:AUTHOR QUERY FORM 本帖附件3:MAMT_1528_corrected (黄色加亮部分是作者的修改,其它地方是排版编辑的修改。)本文已经正式出版。 方东明 北京大学微电子学研究院 附上proof时的往返email信件 Dear Sir/Madam, The attached document is the corrected proof. All corrections are highlighted in yellow. Please give me a reply when you receive the attachment. Thank you very much. Best Regards, Dongming Fang 2009-01-12
个人分类: 未分类|33201 次阅读|1 个评论
Elsevier Joins CrossRef Cited-by Linking
xupeiyang 2010-11-17 02:10
Elsevier Joins CrossRef Cited-by Linking 16 November, London, UK-Elsevier now participates in CrossRef's Cited-by Linking Service . The service allows CrossRef member publishers to display links on an article page to other articles that cite that particular document. Elsevier joins over 200 publishers that deposit references from their scholarly content and display citing links from CrossRef publishers back to that content. Since August, CrossRef DOI-based cited-by links have been added to over 10 million Elsevier articles on SciVerse ScienceDirect. The next step in Elsevier's implementation will be to submit approximately 200 million references to CrossRef from its large library of scholarly publications. Depositing these references will allow other CrossRef members to display links to Elsevier articles that cite their content. Having Elsevier join Cited-by Linking is great news for researchers, commented Ed Pentz, CrossRef's Executive Director. As with all CrossRef services, the more publishers who participate, the greater the benefit to those in the scholarly communications system. Adding the huge number of Elsevier articles and references to the system will greatly improve individual researchers' ability to evaluate the importance of the literature they look at and to navigate to related research. Elsevier has added CrossRef Cited-by Linking to our existing navigation features on SciVerse ScienceDirect because we believe it will further improve researchers' ability to search and discover scholarly content that is relevant to their work, notes Chris Shillum, Vice President for Product Management, Platform and Content at Elsevier. We remain strongly committed to providing researchers access to trusted information tailored to their research needs, and this enhancement reflects that commitment. CrossRef Cited-by Linking (previously known as Forward Linking) has grown steadily since its inception in 2006. Currently, almost 20% of the 44 million CrossRef DOIs deposited also have their references available to create Cited-by Links. A total of more than 125 million Cited-by Links exist among participating publishers. Nearly 17 million CrossRef DOIs have at least one Cited-by Link referencing them. Cited-by Linking is an optional service for CrossRef members and is available at no additional cost. More information is available at the CrossRef web site: http://www.crossref.org/citedby.html About CrossRef CrossRef ( http://www.crossref.org ) is a not-for-profit membership association of publishers. Since its founding in 1999, CrossRef has provided reference linking services for 44 million content items, i ncluding journal articles, conference proceedings, books, book chapters, reference entries, technical reports, standards, and data sets. CrossRef currently has 980 voting members, representing 3237 publishers. Almost 60% of CrossRef publishers are not-for-profit organizations. CrossRef also serves more than 1600 libraries and provides citation look-up services to a number of affiliated organizations.
个人分类: 信息资源|3903 次阅读|0 个评论
wanyuehua 2010-9-29 09:01
万跃华 Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 《超声波化学》荷兰 ISSN:1350-4177 , 1994 年创刊,全年 6 期 , Elsevier 出版集团( ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, PO BOX 211, AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 1000 AE )出版, SCI 、 EI 收录期刊, 1995 年入选 Web of Science 的 Science Citation Index Expanded , 目前在 SCI 数据库可以检索到该期刊 1994 年的第 1 卷第 1 期到 2010 年的第 17 卷第 6 期共 1250 篇论文。 SCI 2005 年影响因子 1.953 , 2006 年影响因子 1.96 , 2007 年影响因子 2.434 , 2008 年影响因子 2.796 , 2009 年影响因子 2.993 , 2009 年 5 年期影响因子 3.372 。 SCI 收录该刊的 1250 篇文章包括学术论文 1036 篇、会议论文 182 篇、社论 15 篇、评论 11 篇、传记 2 篇。 1250 篇文章的作者涉及 69 个国家与地区,主要国家与地区分布: 中国 236 篇 ,日本 154 篇,法国 133 篇,印度 112 篇,英国 116 篇,伊朗 74 篇,美国 69 篇,德国 51 篇,西班牙 45 篇,意大利 43 篇,澳大利亚 33 篇,以色列 30 篇,比利时 26 篇,俄罗斯 24 篇,巴西 23 篇,斯洛伐克 22 篇,土耳其 20 篇,加拿大 18 篇,罗马尼亚 16 篇,波兰、韩国各 15 篇等。 中国学者在 Elsevier 出版的《超声波化学》( Ultrasonics Sonochemistry )上发文最多 ,发表论文的单位有河北大学( HEBEI UNIV ) 34 篇、南京大学( NANJING UNIV ) 19 篇、四川大学( SICHUAN UNIV ) 15 篇、辽宁大学( LIAONING UNIV ) 11 篇、中国科学院( CHINESE ACAD SCI ) 10 篇 1250 篇文章的作者单位涉及 803 个研究机构,在该刊发表论文最多的研究机构为英国考文垂大学( COVENTRY UNIV ) 44 篇、河北大学( HEBEI UNIV ) 34 篇、法国萨瓦大学( UNIV SAVOIE ) 32 篇、印度孟买大学( UNIV BOMBAY ) 25 篇、以色列巴依兰大学( BAR ILAN UNIV ) 22 篇、澳大利亚墨尔本大学( UNIV MELBOURNE ) 21 篇、日本大阪府立大学( OSAKA PREFECTURE UNIV ) 20 篇。 1250 篇文章共被引用 13767 次 (其中 2006 年被引用 1097 次、 2007 年被引用 1471 次、 2008 年被引用 2316 次, 2009 年被引用 2526 次, 2010 年被引用 2674 次), 平均引用 11.01 次 ,年均引用次数 860.44 , H 指数为 44 (有 44 篇文章每篇最少被引用 44 次)。 利用 Scopus 统计该刊 1994-2010 年 1348 篇文章的参考文献发现, 1348 篇文章共引用了 22434 篇参考文献,其中下面刊物被该刊引用最多 Ultrasonics Sonochemistry (842) 篇(自引)、 Journal of the American Chemical Society (419) 篇、 Tetrahedron Letters (382) 篇、 Ultrasonics (316) 篇、 Journal of Organic Chemistry (283) 篇、 Water Research (239) 篇、 Environmental Science and Technology (204) 篇、 Journal of Physical Chemistry B (186) 篇、 Tetrahedron (184) 篇、 Journal of Physical Chemistry (174) 篇、 Chemistry of Materials (150) 篇。 利用 Scopus 统计该刊 1994-2010 年 1348 篇文章的被引情况发现, 1348 篇文章共被 7511 篇文献他引,其中下面刊物引用该刊论文最多 Ultrasonics Sonochemistry (966) 篇(自引)、 Journal of Hazardous Materials (179) 篇、 Ultrasonics (81) 篇、 Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research (71) 篇、 Journal of Physical Chemistry B (61) 篇。 利用 Scopus 统计该刊 1994-2010 年 1348 篇文章的关键词发现, 1348 篇文章主要关键词为 Ultrasound (1,085) 篇、 Priority journal (1,074) 篇、 Article (988) 篇、 Ultrasonics (804) 篇、 Sonochemistry (506) 篇、 Irradiation (292) 篇、 Cavitation (265) 篇、 Sonication (258) 篇、 Temperature (221) 篇、 Water (208) 篇、 Synthesis (206) 篇、 Unclassified drug (193) 篇、 Degradation (190) 篇、 Aqueous solution (175) 篇、 Catalysis (174) 篇、 Chemical reaction (167) 篇、 Oxidation (162) 篇、 Ultrasonic applications (162) 篇、 Solutions (158) 篇、 Acoustic waves (153) 篇。 Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 《超声波化学》投稿指南 : 该刊系 Elsevier 《超声学》 ( Ultrasonic ) 的姊妹刊 , 主要刊登超声学与超声波化学这一特殊领域的研究论文、会议论文、通讯、社论和评论。 网址 : http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/13504177 编委会: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaleditorialboard.cws_home/525451/editorialboard 作者指南: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/525451/authorinstructions 在线投稿: http://ees.elsevier.com/ultson/ 该刊在SCI数据库被引最多的10篇论文: 1. 标题 : Using sonochemistry for the fabrication of nanomaterials 作者 : Gedanken A 来源出版物 : ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY 卷 : 11 期 : 2 页 : 47-55 出版年 : APR 2004 被引频次 : 207 2. 标题 : A standard method to calibrate sonochemical efficiency of an individual reaction system 作者 : Koda S, Kimura T, Kondo T, et al. 来源出版物 : ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY 卷 : 10 期 : 3 页 : 149-156 出版年 : MAY 2003 被引频次 : 104 3. 标题 : An overview of the ultrasonically assisted extraction of bioactive principles from herbs 作者 : Vinatoru M 会议信息 : 7th Meeting of the European-Society-of-Sonochemistry, MAY 14-18, 2000 BIARRITZ GUETHARY, FRANCE 来源出版物 : ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY 卷 : 8 期 : 3 页 : 303-313 出版年 : JUL 2001 被引频次 : 103 4. 标题 : Sonochemical degradation of chlorophenols in water 作者 : Nagata Y, Nakagawa M, Okuno H, et al. 来源出版物 : ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY 卷 : 7 期 : 3 页 : 115-120 出版年 : JUL 2000 被引频次 : 94 5. 标题 : Sonophotochemical destruction of aqueous solution of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol 作者 : Shirgaonkar IZ, Pandit AB 来源出版物 : ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY 卷 : 5 期 : 2 页 : 53-61 出版年 : JUN 1998 被引频次 : 92 6. 标题 : An efficient synthesis of 3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2-ones catalyzed by NH2SO3H under ultrasound irradiation 作者 : Li JT, Han JF, Yang JH, et al. 来源出版物 : ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY 卷 : 10 期 : 3 页 : 119-122 出版年 : MAY 2003 被引频次 : 91 7. 标题 : Ultrasonic waste-water treatment: incidence of ultrasonic frequency on the rate of phenol and carbon tetrachloride degradation 作者 : Petrier C, Francony A 来源出版物 : ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY 卷 : 4 期 : 4 页 : 295-300 出版年 : OCT 1997 被引频次 : 91 8. 标题 : OH-radical formation by ultrasound in aqueous solution - Part II: Terephthalate and Fricke dosimetry and the influence of various conditions on the sonolytic yield 作者 : Mark G, Tauber A, Rudiger LA, et al. 来源出版物 : ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY 卷 : 5 期 : 2 页 : 41-52 出版年 : JUN 1998 被引频次 : 88 9. 标题 : Sonodynamic therapy - a review of the synergistic effects of drugs and ultrasound 作者 : Rosenthal I, Sostaric JZ, Riesz P 来源出版物 : ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY 卷 : 11 期 : 6 页 : 349-363 出版年 : SEP 2004 被引频次 : 84 10. 标题 : Emulsification by ultrasound: drop size distribution and stability 作者 : Abismail B, Canselier JP, Wilhelm AM, et al. 来源出版物 : ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY 卷 : 6 期 : 1-2 页 : 75-83 出版年 : MAR 1999 被引频次 : 82 中国学者为通讯作者在该刊发表论文被引最多的 8 篇论文: 1. 标题 : An efficient synthesis of 3,4-dihydropyrimidin-2-ones catalyzed by NH2SO3H under ultrasound irradiation 作者 : Li JT, Han JF, Yang JH, et al. 来源出版物 : ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY 卷 : 10 期 : 3 页 : 119-122 出版年 : MAY 2003 被引频次 : 91 通讯作者地址 : Li, JT ( 通讯作者 ), Hebei Univ, Coll Chem Environm Sci, Baoding 071002, Peoples R China 2. 标题 : Ultrasound-assisted extraction of ginseng saponins from ginseng roots and cultured ginseng cells 作者 : Wu JY, Lin LD, Chau FT 来源出版物 : ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY 卷 : 8 期 : 4 页 : 347-352 出版年 : OCT 2001 被引频次 : 73 通讯作者地址 : Wu, JY ( 通讯作者 ), Hong Kong Polytech Univ, Dept Appl Biol Chem Technol, Kowloon, Hong Kong Peoples R China 3. 标题 : Extracorporeal high intensity focused ultrasound ablation in the treatment of 1038 patients with solid carcinomas in China: an overview 作者 : Wu F, Wang ZB, Chen WZ, et al. 会议信息 : 4th Conference on the Applications of Power Ultrasound in Physical and Chemical Processing, MAY 22-23, 2003 Besancon, FRANCE 来源出版物 : ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY 卷 : 11 期 : 3-4 页 : 149-154 出版年 : MAY 2004 被引频次 : 67 通讯作者地址 : Wu, F ( 通讯作者 ), Chongqing Univ, Affiliated Hosp 2, Clin Ctr Tumor Theraphy, 76 Linjiang Rd, Chongqing 400010, Peoples R China 4. 标题 : Formation of vesicle-templated CdSe hollow spheres in an ultrasound-induced anionic surfactant solution 作者 : Zheng XW, Xie Y, Zhu LY, et al. 来源出版物 : ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY 卷 : 9 期 : 6 页 : 311-316 出版年 : NOV 2002 被引频次 : 59 通讯作者地址 : Xie, Y ( 通讯作者 ), Univ Sci Technol China, Dept Chem, Struct Res Lab, Hefei 230026, Anhui Peoples R China 5. 标题 : A review of research into the uses of low level ultrasound in cancer therapy 作者 : Yu TH, Wang ZB, Mason TJ 来源出版物 : ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY 卷 : 11 期 : 2 页 : 95-103 出版年 : APR 2004 被引频次 : 56 通讯作者地址 : Yu, TH ( 通讯作者 ), Chongqing Med Univ, Inst Ultrasound Engn Med, Chongqing 400016, Peoples R China 6. 标题 : Improved synthesis of chalcones under ultrasound irradiation 作者 : Li JT, Yang WZ, Wang SX, et al. 来源出版物 : ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY 卷 : 9 期 : 5 页 : 237-239 出版年 : OCT 2002 被引频次 : 47 通讯作者地址 : Li, JT ( 通讯作者 ), Hebei Univ, Coll Chem Environm Sci, Baoding 071002, Peoples R China 7. 标题 : Enhancement of ultrasonic cavitation yield by multi-frequency sonication 作者 : Feng R, Zhao YY, Zhu CP, et al. 来源出版物 : ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY 卷 : 9 期 : 5 页 : 231-236 出版年 : OCT 2002 被引频次 : 42 通讯作者地址 : Feng, R ( 通讯作者 ), Nanjing Univ, State Key Lab Modern Acoust, Inst Acoust, Nanjing 210093, Peoples R China 8. 标题 : Sonocatalytic degradation of methyl orange in the presence of TiO2 catalysts and catalytic activity comparison of rutile and anatase 作者 : Wang J, Guo BD, Zhang XD, et al. 来源出版物 : ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY 卷 : 12 期 : 5 页 : 331-337 出版年 : APR 2005 被引频次 : 40 通讯作者地址 : Wang, J ( 通讯作者 ), Liaoning Univ, Dept Chem, Shenyang 110036, Peoples R China Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 《超声波化学》每年出版的文献数 Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 《超声波化学》每年的引文
个人分类: 中国学者发文较多的期刊|18732 次阅读|3 个评论
Elsevier 2007年创刊的《临床血脂学杂志》被SCI收录
wanyuehua 2010-7-26 19:21
2007 年创刊的《临床血脂学杂志》(Journal of Clinical Lipidology),ISSN: 1933-2874 ,双月刊,Elsevier出版集团(ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, USA, NY, 10010-1710)出版,2007年入选 Web of Science的Science Citation Index Expanded,目前在SCI数据库可以检索到该期刊2007年的第1卷第1期到2010年第4卷第3期共220篇论文。 2009 年 JCR 首次公布该刊的影响因子为 1.462 。 220 篇文章包括学术论文117篇、社论55篇、评论31篇、通讯8篇、更正4篇、传记3篇、会议论文2篇。 220 篇文章的主要国家分布:美国163篇,加拿大11篇,英国7篇,意大利4篇,埃及、德国各3篇,澳大利亚、巴西、希腊、伊朗、以色列、尼日利亚、挪威、南非各2篇等。 中国学者以合作者(非通讯作者单位)在该刊上发表论文1篇。 220篇文章共被引用231次(其中2007年被引用4次、2008年被引用29次、2009年被引用109次、2010年被引用89次),平均引用1.05次, H指数为7(有7篇文章每篇最少被引用7次)。 《临床血脂学杂志》(Journal of Clinical Lipidology )投稿指南: 《临床血脂学杂志》是美国国家脂质协会(National Lipid Association)的官方刊物,该刊支持多种多样的医疗专业人士的工作,以减轻减肥和油脂代谢紊乱的发病率和死亡率。该杂志的读者群涵盖广泛的医学团体,包括心脏专家、内分泌科专家、初级保健医生以及那些参与治疗这类疾病的人,如糖尿病、高血压和肥胖症。该杂志还针对以上各类疾病的健康专职者、药剂师、护士和营养学家。 网址: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/19332874 编委会: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaleditorialboard.cws_home/710566/editorialboard 作者指南: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/710566/authorinstructions 在线投稿: http://ees.elsevier.com/jclinlipid/ 《临床血脂学杂志》(Journal of Clinical Lipidology )热点论文: 1.标题: LDL particle number and risk of future cardiovascular disease in the Framingham Offspring Study-Implications for LDL management 作者: Cromwell WC, Otvos JD, Keyes MJ, et al. 来源出版物: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL LIPIDOLOGY 卷: 1 期: 6 页: 583-592 出版年: DEC 2007 被引频次: 26 2.标题: Niacin plus simvastatin reduces coronary stenosis progression among patients with metabolic syndrome despite a modest increase in insulin resistance: A subgroup analysis of the HDL-Atherosclerosis treatment study 作者: Vittone F, Chait A, Morse JS, et al. 来源出版物: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL LIPIDOLOGY 卷: 1 期: 3 页: 203-210 出版年: JUL 2007 被引频次: 16 3.标题: Differential response of cholesterol and particle measures of atherogenic lipoproteins to LDL-lowering therapy: implications for clinical practice 作者: Sniderman AD 来源出版物: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL LIPIDOLOGY 卷: 2 期: 1 页: 36-42 出版年: FEB 2008 被引频次: 12 4.标题: Comparison of the efficacy and safety of a combination tablet of niacin extended-release and simvastatin with simvastatin 80 mg monotherapy: the SEACOAST II (high-dose) study 作者: Ballantyne CM, Davidson MH, McKenney JM, et al. 来源出版物: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL LIPIDOLOGY 卷: 2 期: 2 页: 79-90 出版年: APR 2008 被引频次: 9 5.标题: Peptide mimetics of apolipoproteins improve HDL function 作者: Navab M, Anantharamaiah GM, Reddy ST, et al. 来源出版物: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL LIPIDOLOGY 卷: 1 期: 2 页: 142-147 出版年: MAY 2007 被引频次: 9 6.标题: Long-term safety and efficacy of fenofibric acid in combination with statin therapy for the treatment of patients with mixed dyslipidemia 作者: Bays HE, Jones PH, Mohiuddin SM, et al. 来源出版物: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL LIPIDOLOGY 卷: 2 期: 6 页: 426-435 出版年: DEC 2008 被引频次: 8 7.标题: Diagnosis of type III hyperlipoproteinemia from plasma total cholesterol, triglyceride, and apolipoprotein B 作者: Sniderman A, Tremblay A, Bergeron J, et al. 来源出版物: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL LIPIDOLOGY 卷: 1 期: 4 页: 256-263 出版年: AUG 2007 被引频次: 8 8.标题: The importance of non-HDL cholesterol reporting in lipid management 作者: Blaha MJ, Blumenthal RS, Brinton EA, et al. 来源出版物: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL LIPIDOLOGY 卷: 2 期: 4 页: 267-273 出版年: AUG 2008 被引频次: 7 9.标题: Effect of ezetimibe/simvastatin versus atorvastatin or rosuvastatin on modifying lipid profiles in patients with diabetes, metabolic syndrome, or neither: Results of two subgroup analyses 作者: Abate N, Catapano AL, Ballantyne CM, et al. 来源出版物: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL LIPIDOLOGY 卷: 2 期: 2 页: 91-105 出版年: APR 2008 被引频次: 5 10.标题: Plant sterols and stanols: Their role in health and disease 作者: Patel SB 来源出版物: JOURNAL OF CLINICAL LIPIDOLOGY 卷: 2 期: 2 页: S11-S19 出版年: APR 2008 被引频次: 5
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hoverwong 2010-5-7 11:47
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whch31 2010-4-15 15:26
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[转载]Visit Elsevier Booth during ACS 2010 Spring Meeting
xupeiyang 2010-3-17 12:48
Please open the online version of this message if the HTML is not correctly displayed. Share this with colleagues on your social network To unsubscribe, please click Unsubscribe Visit the Elsevier Booth at... ACS Spring National Meeting 2010 Booth #1117 March 21-25, 2010 San Francisco, USA If you are attending this American Chemical Society National Meeting Exposition, make sure you do not miss... Free Reaxys Workshops Teaching Students to Use Reaxys Water Sustainability Symposium Tuesday, March 23 Sponsored by Elsevier Or stop by our booth to: Enjoy the Chocolate Fountain Meet and Greet Event on Monday, March 22, 3:30-5pm Learn about Hazmat Navigator, our new online chemical safety tool Enter our Daily Raffle (prizes include an Amazon Kindle) Learn about our high and increasing Impact Factor Journals Take advantage of the Special Discounts on Our New and Bestselling Titles Top Free Reaxys workshops - an Introduction to Reaxys Free Reaxys workshops Free workshop: getting to know Reaxys - how to enhance your chemistry research Learn how Reaxys can reduce the time you currently spend locating chemical reactions and substance data. Reaxys integrates reaction and substance data searching with synthesis planning and gives immediate access to relevant results. 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Coaching Early Career Researchers Elsevier 2010年1月6日(星期三) 01:10
xupeiyang 2010-1-6 08:45
Elsevier Cordially Invites You to an Exclusive Webcast: Coaching Early Career Researchers It is recognized internationally that coaching researchers who are early in their career is a top priority, but far too often it seems to slip through the cracks; not because it is so hard to do, but because it often requires individual attention and is therefore a time and resource consuming process. In this webcast Emeritus Professor Alan Johnson presents unique insights into how you can help your early career researchers advance their career with a few efficient, effective, and well planned steps. We would like to invite you to take this opportunity to ask Professor Alan Johnson in person for advice on guiding your early career researchers. Who should attend this webcast? Anyone who is interested in helping their researchers advance their careers, such as: Faculty Research Coordinators, Directors of Research, Deans of Graduate School, Senior Graduate School Staff, University Administrators. In addition Deputy Vice Chancellors may want to forward this invitation to appropriate staff members. Emeritus Professor Alan Johnson AM, M.A. (Hons), M.Ed.Mgmt., B.App.Sc, Ph.D., D.Sc. Emeritus Professor Alan Johnson AM has 30 years of experience in research, research management, and research training in a range of organizations including universities, Australian Government agencies, and international research organizations. During his research career, he published over 100 internationally refereed journal articles and received over $3.5 million in competitive grant funding. Professor Johnson was a member of several international commissions and councils and has been decorated with a number of awards. His most recently held academic position was as Deputy Vice Chancellor of Research at the University of Adelaide Australia. Over the course of his career Professor Johnson has engaged in the mentorship of numerous researchers, which has given him great satisfaction. With this webcast he would like to encourage senior university staff to coach their early career researchers to enable many more researchers to be able to pursue their career through the challenges of academia. In 2007, Professor Johnson established an international consultancy business, Research Management Services International Pty. Ltd. Date: January 14, 2010 Time: 19:00 GMT, 14:00 EST Local Times, 14 January: Los Angeles - 11:00 Denver - 12:00 Chicago - 13:00 New York - 14:00 Buenos Aires - 16:00 London - 19:00 Amsterdam Berlin, Paris - 20:00 Cairo, Johannesburg - 21:00 Dubai - 23:00 Local Times, 15 January : Calcutta - 00:30 Bangkok - 02:00 Sydney - 06:00 Auckland - 08:00
个人分类: 科技评价|1910 次阅读|0 个评论
华明 2010-1-2 03:16
Elsevier published 6 fake journals http://www.the-scientist.com/blog/display/55679/ OA(open access)publisher accepts fake paper http://www.the-scientist.com/blog/display/55756/ UAB faked X-ray many structures of proteins http://www.p212121.com/2009/12/11/origin-and-orientation/ 肖传国揭露方舟子抄袭科学杂志文章, 从此展开了一场漫长的争斗 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_504c22900100fvwd.html 。。。。。。 也许是人的本性,为了名利可以不择手段。 不过, 有一点是非常肯定的,那就是做假者早晚会被查出来。
个人分类: 学术与争鸣|960 次阅读|0 个评论
【转摘】Elsevier 投稿各种状态总结
icstu1 2009-12-7 14:45
【转摘】Elsevier 投稿各种状态总结
1. Submitted to Journal当上传结束后,显示的状态是Submitted to Journal,这个状态是自然形成的无需处理。 2. With editor如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那,主编会分派给别的编辑。这当中就会有另两个状态: 3. Editor assigned 4. Editor Declined Invitation 如果编辑接手处理了就会邀请审稿人了。 5. Reviewer invited 如果审稿人接受那就会是以下状态: 6. Under review 这应该是一个漫长的等待。当然前面各步骤也可能很慢的,要看编辑的处理情况。 如果被邀请审稿人不想审,就会decline,编辑会重新邀请别的审稿人。 7. required review completed 审稿结束,等编辑处理。 8. Decision in Process到了这一步就快要有结果了,编辑开始考虑是给修改还是直接拒,当然也有可能直接接受的,但可能性很小,呵呵。 9. Minor revision/Major revision这个时候可以稍微庆祝一下了,问题不大了,因为有修改就有可能。具体怎么改就不多说了,谦虚谨慎是不可少的。 10. Revision Submitted to Journal 又开始了一个循环。 11. Accepted如果不要再审,只是小修改,编辑看后会马上显示这个状态,但如果要再审也会有上面的部分状态。一步会比较快,但也有慢的。看杂志的。 还有个状态是Rejected。希望不要出现。 其他库的状态,基本是大同小异,供参考: In the Rapid Review system, your manuscript has a different status assigned to it at various stages in the process. Below is a list of the status descriptions used with brief explanations. Incomplete Submission... you have begun the submission process. The submission has been assigned a temporary (TMP) manuscript number. You must complete the submission process. Finish My Submission... by viewing and approving the MS PDF. Once this is done, the submission will be assigned a permanent manuscript number. MS at Check-In... the manuscript is pending a quality check by the staff or editor. This involves verifying that the MS PDF contains a complete manuscript (text, tables, figures, etc.) and is suitable for review purposes. Conversion to PDF in Process... If the manuscript was submitted digitally, the MS PDF did not pass the QC process and is not suitable for review purposes. The staff may be in the process of converting the digital files to a new MS PDF or staff may have requested that the author send new file. The Journal Office is waiting for the fileto upload for conversion purposes. MS Being Pre-screened... if you submitted a manuscript to a journal whose review process includes pre-screening, this status indicates that the manuscript (or the abstract) is currently being pre-screened to determine its appropriateness for the journal. MS In Review... the manuscript has been assigned to an editor and may be awaiting reviewer selections, or the awaiting reviews. Decision Pending... the manuscript has been reviewed and the editor is in the process of making a decision. MS in Revision (Optional)... a decision to accept the paper with optional revisions (as suggested in the reviewer or editor comments) has been made by the editor, and a letter requesting these revisions has been sent to the author. Resubmission is anticipated. MS in Revision (Minor)... a decision to accept the paper with minor revisions (as suggested in the reviewer or editor comments) has been made by the editor, and a letter requesting these revisions has been sent to the author. Resubmission is anticipated. MS in Revision (Major)... a decision to reconsider the paper after major revisions (as suggested in the reviewer or editor comments) has been made by the editor, and a letter requesting these revisions has been sent to the author. Resubmission is permitted. MS Rejected... a decision to decline publication has been made by the editor, and a rejection letter has been sent to the author. MS Accepted... a decision to accept the paper has been made by the editor, and an acceptance letter has been sent to the author. MS Withdrawn... the manuscript has been withdrawn at the author's request. No resubmission is permitted. Any further version must be considered as a brand new submission. MS Deactivated... the manuscript has been deactivated due to the author's non-response in resubmitting a revised version or, in some instances, to the editor's invitation to submit a solicited paper. MS Published... the review process is complete and the manuscript is awaiting publication or it has already been published. Invitation/Submit Invited Paper... the editor has extended to you an invitation to submit a paper on a proposed topic. You are asked to reply by using the "Reply to Invitation" button. If you and the editor are in agreement, you can submit the invited paper by using the "Submit Invited MS" button.
个人分类: B 主题分类信息与解说|1893 次阅读|1 个评论
Elsevier 2008年创刊的《脑刺激》被SCI收录
wanyuehua 2009-10-31 07:08
2008 年创刊的Brain Stimulation《脑刺激》,ISSN: 1935-861X,季刊,美国(ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, USA, NY, 10010-1710 )出版,2009年入选 Web of Science的Science Citation Index Expanded,目前在SCI数据库可以检索到该期刊2008年的第1卷第1期到2009年的第2卷第3期共67篇论文。 67 篇文章包括学术论文36篇、社论11篇、评论11篇、通讯7篇、更正2篇。 67 篇文章的主要国家分布:美国43篇、德国19篇、英国10篇、意大利10篇、澳大利亚7篇、法国7篇、巴西6篇、加拿大5篇、新西兰5篇、比利时2篇、以色列2篇、日本2篇、中国2篇(其中台湾地区1篇)等。 《脑刺激》旨在成为神经调节原始研究领域中的一流杂志,刊载原始论文、简报、评论、技术与方法展望、读者来信等。 Brain Stimulation《脑刺激》网址: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/1935861X 作者指南: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/712317/authorinstructions 在线投稿: http://ees.elsevier.com/brs/ Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief: Mark S. George MD Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC Founding Editor: Harold A. Sackeim PhD Columbia University, New York, NY Deputy Editors: Clinical Neurophysiology John Rothwell PhD University College, Queen Square, London, UK Cognitive Neuroscience Vincent Walsh PhD University College London, London, UK Neurology Mark Hallett MD National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD Pharmacology Ulf Ziemann MD Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt, Germany Theory and Modelling Cameron C. McIntyre PhD Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH Neurosurgery Andres Lozano MD, PhD Toronto Western Hospital, Toronto, Canada Basic Science Randolph J. Nudo PhD University of Kansas, Kansas City, KS Medical Center Editorial Board: Robert E. Adamec, PhD Department of Psychology, Memorial University, Newfoundland, Canada Chittaranjan Andrade MD Department of Psychopharmacology, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore, India Gary Aston-Jones PhD MUSC Dept of Neurosciences, Charleston, SC, USA Richard J. Bandler PhD Department of Anatomy and Histology, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia Robert Belmaker MD Ben Gurion University, Department of Psychiatry, Beersheva, Israel Alim Louis Benabid MD Department of Preclinical Neurobiology, Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, France Jeong-Ho Chae MD, PhD Department of Psychiatry, St. Mary's Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea A.D. (Bud) Craig PhD Atkinson Research Laboratory, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ, USA Vicenzo Di Lazzaro PhD Institute of Neurology, Universita Cattolica, Rome, Italy Dominique M. Durand PhD Department of Biomedical Engineering, Neural Engineering Center, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA Jerome Engel MD, PhD UCLA Seizure Disorder Center, David Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA Charles M. Epstein MD Department of Neurology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA Paul B. Fitzgerald MBBS, PhD Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre, The Alfred and Monash University, Department of Psychological Medicine, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Izhak Fried MD, PhD Division of Neurosurgery, Semel Institute of Neuroscience and Human Behavior University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Benjamin D. Greenberg MD, PhD Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Brown Medical School, Providence, RI, USA Warren M. Grill PhD Department of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University, Durham NC, USA Scott E. Krahl PhD Division of Neurosurgery, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Michal Lavidor PhD Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, The Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel Yongjie Li MD Department of Neurology, Beijing Kuangwuju Hospital, Beijing, China Olle Lindval PhD Laboratory of Neurogenesis and Cell Therapy, Section of Restorative Neurology, Wallenberg Neuroscience Center, Lund, Sweden Helen S. Mayberg MD Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Atlanta, GA, USA Douglas B. McCreery PhD Neural Engineering Program, Huntington Medical Research Institutes, Pasadena, CA, USA Martha J. Morrell MD Department of Neurology, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA, USA Ziad H. Nahas MD Department of Psychiatry, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA Walter Paulus MD Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Gottingen, Germany Tomas Paus MD, PhD Brain and Body Centre, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, UK Robert M. Post MD Bethesda, MD, USA Ali R. Rezai MD Center for Neurological Restoration, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, USA Simone Rossi MD, PhD Department of Neuroscience, Section of Neurology, University of Siena, Siena, Italy Thomas E. Schlaepfer MD Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital Bonn, Germany Hartwig Siebner MD, PhD Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Department of MR, Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre, Copenhagen, Denmark A.P. Strafella, MD, PhD Toronto Western Hospital, Research Institute, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Peter Tass MD, PhD Institute of Neuroscience and Biophysics Medicine Research Center Julich, Julich, Germany Michael R. Trimble MD Raymond Way Unit, Institute of Neurology, University College London, London, UK Yoshikazu Ugawa MD, PhD Fukushima Medical University, Fukushima, Japan Abraham Zangen PhD Weizmann Institute of Science, Department of Neurobiology, Rehovot, Israel
个人分类: SCI投稿|5335 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 科学网编辑部 2009-10-19 21:34
看到王志明先生的博文,Elsevier和Springer给了科学网多少钱?,编辑部觉得有必要就这个敏感问题做点回应: 科学网是一个公益性网站,来自官方的资助并不足以维护其基本运行。网站系统功能的不完善多半原因就是由于资金不足造成的。因此,科学网欢迎一切合适的广告、赞助和合作(包括战略层面的资金合作)。合适是指合作方不能干涉网站的编辑独立原则和网站定位,要充分考虑网民使用网站的价值最大化原则。在遵守这一合适原则的前提下,我们会充分考虑给合作方的回报。 目前,已经相继有ELSEVIER/SPRINGER/LIWENBIANJI/THOMSON REUTERS/WILEY等公司与科学网合作。无庸讳言,这些合作也都是有资金支撑的。 需要指出的是,在和这些公司的合作中,我们一直遵循着上述的合适前提:广告性LOGO的发布不能干扰网民的正常阅读;信息类资讯的发布要符合栏目的定位,由编辑部最终把关。值得高兴的是,目前和各方的合作非常愉快,没有出现任何原则性的分歧。 为了规避潜在的和可能的商业因素干扰编辑部博文推荐栏目的编辑独立,我们正酝酿在博客频道首页的适宜地方,建立一个专区,发布网民感兴趣的来自机构的信息。 至于王志明先生提及的国内科技出版单位进驻科学网的问题,我们去年早些时候曾和数家国内出版单位主动联系,希望他们提供科教类网民感兴趣的信息,科学网免费发布。结果,我们没有收到任何的积极反馈,有的甚至提出科学网需要向他们支付一定的费用,因为他们的信息很有用。这与国际出版商积极的合作需求恰恰相反。 此后,我们确立了基本原则:机构合作需要向科学网支付一定的费用,因为科学网的运行需要有资金支持。 我们欢迎各种机构与科学网联系,探讨任何可能的双方互利共赢的合作,而不管是来自国内还是国外。The world is flat. 科学网编辑部 2009-10-19 王志明博文: 博赛抛砖:Elsevier和Springer给了科学网多少钱?
个人分类: 业务探讨|12063 次阅读|14 个评论
难道Elsevier 与Springer旗下就没有烂期刊?
mhaozhang 2008-11-15 11:05
看了王志明老师和任胜利老师的留言,始终觉得有这样一个疑问,试问一下Elsevier 与Springer旗下就没有烂期刊?就没有那些影响因子很低很差的期刊吗?Elsevier 与Springer旗下好的期刊和水平一般的期刊都应该是有的,只不过最后打包卖给我们国家图书馆系统的时候,是要求全部买下,而不是仅仅买几本高水平的期刊。 试问我国的科研人员拿着纳税人的钱(国家自然科学基金)研究的成果,发表到Elsevier 与Springer的平台上,然后我国的图书馆又拿纳税人的钱去把这些科研成果信息数据从Elsevier 与Springer手里高价买回来,有这么傻的钱多的冤大头吗?或许我们国家把纳税人的钱就是当是马粪纸在用。。。。。。。 始终有个疑问想和王志明老师、任胜利老师还有张玉国老师进行讨论,国外是怎么做的?难道日本,俄罗斯,韩国,德国,法国,意大利,澳大利亚,这样的一些国家的弱势的期刊就不生存了吗? 还有《红外与毫米波学报》并不是一本如王志明老师那么称赞的好期刊,如果好的话,为什么很多大学的物理系会将其排除在其评定学生毕业论文发表范围之外?一位老教授,也是我的这一期的一个作者,昨天专门写了一封心酸的信给我,和我探讨国内高校为什么如此不支持国内的期刊,看得我自己也心里觉得非常难受,觉得国内的科技期刊如果这么得不到支持前途一片渺茫。。。。。。。。
个人分类: 科技期刊|11215 次阅读|5 个评论

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