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WileyChina 2013-8-22 11:13
Wiley 有许多影响因子排名靠前的人口统计学期刊,如: Populationand Development Review 、 Population, Space and Place 、 Perspectiveson Sexual Reproductive Health 、 Studies in Family Planning 。此次,我们特意从六本优秀的人口统计学期刊中各挑选出 2 篇高被引量文章,所有文章可在 10 月 1 日前免费阅读,进行相关研究的朋友千万不要错过机会。 期刊: International Migration Celebrating Its 50 th Anniversary 2012 Impact Factor: 0.685 ISI Journal Citation Reports Ranking: 16/23 in Demography 高被引文章: The Experiences of Accession 8 Migrants in England: Motivations, Work and Agency Joanne Cook, Peter Dwyer and Louise Waite Low Unemployment and Bad Jobs for New Immigrants in Italy Giovanna Fullin and Emilio Reyneri 期刊: Population and Development Review 2012 Impact Factor: 2.085 ISI Journal Citation Reports Ranking 3/23 in Demography 高被引文章: Economic Recession and Fertility in the Developed World Tomáš Sobotka, Vegard Skirbekk and Dimiter Philipov How Much Does Family Matter? Cooperative Breeding and the Demographic Transition Rebecca Sear and David Coall 期刊: International Migration Review 2012 Impact Factor: 1.188 ISI Journal Citation Reports Ranking 9/23 in Demography 高被引文章: The Educational Legacy of Unauthorized Migration: Comparisons Across U.S.-Immigrant Groups in How Parents’ Status Affects Their Offspring Frank D. Bean, Mark A. Leach, Susan K. Brown, James D. Bachmeier and John R Hipp Pathways to El Norte: Origins, Destinations, and Characteristics of Mexican Migrants to the United States Fernando Riosmena and Douglas S. Massey 期刊: Population, Space and Place 2012 Impact Factor: 1.861 ISI Journal Citation Reports Ranking 5/23 in Demography 高被引文章: Diversifying European Agglomerations: Evidence of Urban Population Trends for the 21st Century Nadja Kabisch and Dagmar Haase Heterolocal Identities? Counter-Urbanisation, Second Homes, and Rural Consumption in the Era of Mobilities Keith Halfacree 期刊: Perspectives on Sexual Reproductive Health 2012 Impact Factor: 1.708 ISI Journal Citation Reports Ranking 6/23 in Demography 高被引文章: Abortion Incidence and Access to Services In the United States, 2008 Rachel K. Jones and Kathryn Kooistra The Public Costs of Births Resulting from Unintended Pregnancies: National and State-Level Estimates Adam Sonfield, Kathryn Kost, Rachel Benson Gold and Lawrence B. Finer 期刊: Studies in Family Planning 2011 Impact Factor: 1.960 ISI Journal Citation Reports Ranking 4/23 in Demography 高被引文章: Public Opinion on Abortion in Mexico City after the Landmark Reform Kate S. Wilson, Sandra G. García, Claudia Díaz Olavarrieta, Aremis Villalobos-Hernández, Jorge Valencia Rodríguez, Patricio Sanhueza Smith and Courtney Burks Variations in Condom Use by Type of Partner in 13 Sub-Saharan African Countries Damien de Walque and Rachel Kline
个人分类: Social Scence and Humanities|3532 次阅读|0 个评论
Bearjazz 2011-2-8 09:45
透过线粒体全基因组看非洲 俾格米 人的部落历史 熊荣川 译 摘要 俾格米 人 是目前少数几个生活在亚撒哈拉非洲地区的狩猎聚居部落之一。根据他们现在的地理分布,主要可以分为东、西两大部落。它们散布在中非腹地,周围是和他们有着复杂的社会、经济联系的班图语农耕部落。为了探究俾格米人的部落种群历史,使用了一种种群分析方法对来自 10 个中非部落的总计 205 个线粒体全基因组进行了分析。结果两个俾格米部落之间并未观察到重叠的母系支系,西部部落作为一个共享单倍型 L1c ,而绝大部分东部俾格米支系分布在亚支系(地位次于单倍型) L0a 、 L2a 及 L5 。基于贝叶斯综合模拟的种群发育分析推断俾格米人两个部落及图班语农耕部落的母系祖先早在 70000 年前就发生分化。有证据表明班图语农耕部族的祖先从 65000 年前开始种群数量有所扩张,时间上早于班图语的扩散。然后,俾格米祖先的有效种群大小在接下来的 27000 年内保持稳定,和 Last Glacial Maximum 的证据一致。东西俾格米部落之后发生分化,有证据表明分化后只有西部部落和班图语农耕部落发生了迁徙。西部俾格米部落有在 4000-650 年前发生瓶颈效应的迹象,伴随着班图语的扩散,而东部俾格米部落则经历了一次更早的种群数量减少事件( 20000-4000 年前)。综上所述,作为首次在部落种群水平上分析亚撒哈拉非洲地区的线粒体全基因组序列的探索,结果不仅支持了之前的发现而且也对俾格米部落的人口学史提出了新的视野,为研究非洲大陆的古代人口分布研究提供了基础。 关键词:线粒体基因组,非洲俾格米人 联合模拟 人口统计学 系统发育地理学 原文 Insights into the Demographic History of African Pygmies from Complete Mitochondrial Genomes Abstract Pygmy populations are among the few hunter-gatherers currently living in sub-Saharan Africa and are mainly represented by two groups, Eastern and Western, according to their current geographical distribution. They are scattered across the Central African belt and surrounded by Bantu-speaking farmers, with whom they have complex social and economic interactions. To investigate the demographic history of Pygmy groups, a population approach was applied to the analysis of 205 complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences from ten central African populations. No sharing of maternal lineages was observed between the two Pygmy groups, with haplogroup L1c being characteristic of the Western group but most of Eastern Pygmy lineages falling into subclades of L0a, L2a, and L5 . Demographic inferences based on Bayesian coalescent simulations point to an early split among the maternal ancestors of Pygmies and those of Bantu-speaking farmers (;70,000 years ago ). Evidence for population growth in the ancestors of Bantu-speaking farmers has been observed, starting ;65,000 ya, well before the diffusion of Bantu languages. Subsequently, the effective population size of the ancestors of Pygmies remained constant over time and~27,000ya, coincident with the Last Glacial Maximum, Eastern and Western Pygmies diverged, with evidence of subsequent migration only among the Western group and the Bantu-speaking farmers. Western Pygmies show signs of a recent bottleneck 4,000–650 ya, coincident with the diffusion of Bantu languages, whereas Eastern Pygmies seem to have experienced a more ancient decrease in population size (20,000–4,000ya). In conclusion, the results of this first attempt at analyzing complete mtDNA sequences at the population level in sub-Saharan Africa not only support previous findings but also offer new insights into the demographic history of Pygmy populations, shedding new light on the ancient peopling of the African continent. Key words: mitochondrial genome, African Pygmies, coalescent simulations, demography, phylogeography 参考文献 Demographic History of African Pygmies.pdf
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