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RSC 中国区负责人来湖南师大
yanmiaowu 2012-6-1 17:13
英国皇家化学协会中国区出版人,编辑部总编 张大平博士 以及 RSC Advance 副主编Dr. Kathleen Too 6月1号下午在湖南师范大学化学化工学院202教室 给我院研究生和老师 带来一场关于RSC 和 RSC新期刊 RSC advance 的讲座介绍, 之前上午9点他们在中南大学进行了一次同样内容的讲座 , http://www.ycxyz.com/Ygb/YGB/front/NewsDetails.aspx?id=1945 我的收获是 1)chemsplider 一款免费的结构式检索数据库 功能类似Scifinder 以后可以有机会学习下; 2) 新推出的RSC advance 在2012年12月之前 都可以免费获得 而且这期刊只提供在线发表; 3)随着中国化学研究的深入,RSC很重视中国市场,巡回在各高校进行推广; 4)自己没有提问 怕自己英语不好 说了第一句不知第二句怎么说 但是全场也没学生提问 这也证实了中国大学生不喜欢提问的命题。
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GE-RSC international symposium on water reuse
热度 1 yolandahongmei 2012-3-6 17:32
GE-RSC international symposium on water reuse
通用电气-英国皇家化学会水的再利用国际研讨会 GE-RSCInternationalSymposiumonWaterReuse 2012年4月19-20日 GE中国研发中心 ( 地址: 上海张江高科 , 蔡伦路1800号) 会议网站: www.rsc.org/GERSCwater2012 继去年和通用电气携手举办“高校化学英文演讲比赛”的活动后,英国皇家化学会与之再携手举办为期两天水的再利用国际研讨会。欢迎与此相关领域的研究者尽早报名免费参与,本次研讨会还设有墙报奖,获奖学生将获得现场做报告并与专家交流的机会,并有机会获得在GE研发中心实习的机会。 已邀请和确认的报告人及报告题目信息如下: 国际报告人: 1. Prof.TonyFane --- 新加坡南洋理工大学(NTU) HighRetentionMembraneBioreactors:TheMembraneDistillationMBRandtheForwardOsmosisMBR 2. Prof.PietLens --- 荷兰瓦格宁根大学 ( Wageningen University ) Anaerobictreatmentforwaterreuse 3. Prof.DavidStuckey --- 伦敦帝国理工学院 ( ImperialCollege,UK ) CODandheavymetalcontainingwastewatertreatmentusinganaerobicmembranereactors 4. Prof.EnricoDrioli --- 意大利卡拉布里亚大学 (UniversityofCalabria,Italy) MembraneDistillationProgressesinWaterReuse 国内报告人: 1. 马军教授---哈尔滨工业大学 Catalyzedozonationforthedegradationoforganicpollutantsinwater 2. 高宝玉教授---山东大学 Developmentofpolymermaterialsforwaterandwastewatertreatment 3. 邵嘉慧 教授 ---上海交通大学 Novelmembranematerialandtechnologyfornaturalorganicmatterremoval 4. 姜忠义教授---天津大学 Antifoulingmembranesforsustainablewaterpurification 5. 潘丙才教授---南京大学 Developmentofpolymericnanoporousadsorbentsandnanocompositesforhighlyefficientpollutantsremovalfromwater 6. Guang-HaoChen教授 ---香港科技大学 NovelTotalWaterManagementSystemforEnergySavingandResourceRecoveryinCoastalCities
个人分类: 英国皇家化学会在中国|4963 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 3 yolandahongmei 2011-12-21 15:13
今年是国际化学年,恰巧也是英国皇家化学会(RSC)成立170周年。1841年,英国皇家化学会作为最早的专业出版机构发表了42篇文章。170年后的2011年,其专业期刊已经超过30个,涵盖众多化学相关研究领域,今年共发表了20.419篇文章。据今年的最新影响因子统计结果显示,RSC期刊的平均影响因子为5.4,远远高于全球2.54的化学期刊平均影响因子。此外,其83%的期刊影响因子都在3以上;在全球排名前20的化学类期刊中,有25%是来自英国皇家化学会。 为了庆祝其成立170周年,在2011年年底的时候,我花了点时间对其所涉及的一些领域做了一下归纳,也算是对自己加入RSC后的一份总结吧!我个人认为,对于化学工作者来说,很多还是很有帮助的,希望大家可以参阅一下。 作为RSC来说,大家最为熟知的当然是他的出版业务了。以下是RSC一些代表性期刊及其最新影响因子(RSC最新创立的期刊,都可以免费阅读两年)。 1 .GeneralChemistry 1)ChemicalCommunications5.8 2)ChemicalScience(2010-Present) RSC 主打综合性期刊,希望可以和 JACS,Angew.Chem. 形成三足鼎立的局面。 3)GreenChemistry(1999-present) 5.5 4)ChemicalSocietyReviews26.6 2.AnalyticalChemistry 1)Analyst(1876-present)3.9 2)AnalyticalMethods(2009-present)1.45 3)JournalofAnalyticalAtomicSpectrometry4.4 4)JournalofEnvironmentalMonitoring1.8 3.Organic Biology Chemistry 1)OrganicBiomolecularChemistry3.5 2)MedChemComm(2010-Present) 3)MolecularBioSystems3.8 4)CatalysisScienceTechnology(2011-present) 4.InorganicChemistry 1)DaltonTransations3.6 2)CrystEngComm(1999-Present)4.0 5.PhysicalChemistry 1)JournalofMaterialsChemistry(1991-present)5.1 2)PhysicalChemistryChemicalPhysics3.5 3)SoftMatter(2005-present)4.5 4)FaradayDiscussions4.5 6.Others 1)EnergyEnvironmentalScience(2008-Present)9.4 同类期刊中排名第一 2)PolymerChemistry(2010-present) 3)Nanoscale(2009-Present)4.1 4)LabonaChip(2001-Present)6.3 5)RSCAdvances(2011-present) 英国皇家化学会作为非营利性国际组织,自成立以来,就以推动化学学科的发展作为自己的使命和目标。除了作为一个知名的出版机构,他还承担了以下角色: 1. 化学信息中心 http://www.rsc.org/Library/About/index.asp 如果你是我们的会员,在这里,你基本可以找到所有你想要获得的化学资源。 2. 会员组织:为全球广大化学工作者提供交流的平台。 http://www.rsc.org/Membership/Benefits/index.asp A) MyRSConlinecommunity ( 免费注册加入 ) : http://my.rsc.org/home B) Localsections: 为会员提供服务 http://www.rsc.org/Membership/Networking/LocalSections/index.asp C)DivisionsandInterestgroups : 部分会员独享 http://www.rsc.org/Membership/Networking/InterestGroups/index.asp D)GreenChemistrynetworks http://www.greenchemistrynetwork.org/index.htm E) ChemNet http://www.rsc.org/Membership/Networking/ChemNet/index.asp 3. 化学专业资质认证机构 http://www.rsc.org/Education/Qualifications/index.asp 比如:高校化学学科的国际认证 ( internationalaccreditation); 个人: CharteredChemist(CChem) ; CharteredScientist(CSci) 。 4. 化学教育及国家相关政策的推动者及执行者。 http://www.rsc.org/education/ http://www.rsc.org/science-activities/ 英国皇家化学会为广大教师和学生提供了众多的化学教育教学资源,并为他们开展多姿多彩的活动。 5. 国际会议及相关活动的组织者和参与者 http://www.rsc.org/conferencesandevents/
个人分类: 英国皇家化学会|4980 次阅读|6 个评论
yolandahongmei 2011-12-12 13:08
英国皇家化学会现任CEO为Robert Parker博士,于今年九月份就职,他已在RSC工作超过25年,对于RSC的发展策略及方针有着极为深刻的了解和认识。日本代表处是继中国代表处(北京和上海)和印度代表处后在亚洲成立的第三个海外代表处。以下是他在日本代表处成立仪式上的发言: This has been a year when Japan has been very much in our thoughts. As you know, we were due to open the Royal Society of Chemistry's Tokyo office in March but our plans were postponed due to the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck earlier this year. We were glad to hear our friends and colleagues at the Chemical Society of Japan were safe and our thoughts turned to those who lost their lives. The whole world was impressed with how Japan reacted to the tragedy and the unity shown by Japan in its aftermath inspires us all. The RSC is honoured to have so many good friends in Japan including members of the CSJ, journal and book editorial and advisory board members and those that have worked with us on scientific events and activities. Many of you here today would have met my predecessor, Richard Pike, who sadly passed away earlier this year. Richard oversaw the RSC's plans for the Tokyo office and we are delighted to be here today to celebrate its official opening and bring those plans to fruition. You may think this is a sign of greater scientific co-operation between our countries - which of course it is - but in fact the UK and Japan have ties going back 150 years. It was in 1861 that the University of Tokyo's chemistry department opened its doors to students for the first time.And I'm proud to say a number of British chemists played a significant role in those early days. I want to tell you a short story about one of those chemists. Dr Edward Divers was a 19th century British experimental chemist and medic.Educated at the Royal College of Chemistry, he rose to prominence despite being visually impaired from a very young age. After a period teaching in England and Ireland he was invited to Japan in 1873 to become Professor of Chemistry at the Imperial College of Engineering in Toranomon. Divers, who taught general and applied chemistry, was the first British chemist to go to Japan where he immediately set about building laboratories based on European models. He became principal of the college, which was later incorporated into the University of Tokyo. Divers' research after arriving in Japan concentrated on Japanese minerals, with his findings communicated to academics back in England. At the turn of the century and having spent 26 years teaching in Japan, Divers was awarded the second class order of the Sacred Treasure and Third Class of the Order of the Rising Sun. His statue can be seen today outside the front of the University of Tokyo. As an experimental chemist, Divers rarely occupied himself with the theoretical study of chemical questions. Naturally, he always encouraged the spirit of experimental research among his pupils. Jokichi Takamine, the Japanese chemist and the first man to discover pure adrenaline, was one of Divers' students. Not only was Takamine a brilliant scientist, but - as the holder of the first patent on a microbial enzyme and the first too on a purified hormone - he was also an extremely shrewd businessman. By marketing these through American companies, Takamine became a millionaire in a very short space of time. Although Divers can take credit for developing Takamine's scientific mind as his teacher, I'm not sure if he can take the credit for his business brain! It seems the spirit of Divers lives on today.Who could not think that experimental methods enabled Japanese scientists this year to determine the ideal density of airborne wasabi to awaken sleeping people in case of an emergency and for applying this knowledge to invent the wasabi alarm! These researchers sniffed around for long enough to find functional alerting smells that could be sprayed into the air to wake anyone with a working nose, including the deaf. Divers and Takamine. Two great chemists, British and Japanese, working together. And that brings me back to why we are here today.Japan remains one of the leading countries in the world in chemistry research, with advances in clean energy and novel processes in materials and electronics. Between 2005 and 2010, the number papers published by the RSC from Japan more than doubled to over 1,000 last year - and this year we expect to publish more than 1,400 articles from Japan, a 40% rise in just one year. All this shows the strength and importance of society publishing - and the incredible growth in submissions from Japan to RSC titles is a significant indication of the way the RSC and Japanese scientists are working together to announce scientific breakthroughs. Japan is therefore an important community for the RSC, providing opportunities for us to engage with high-quality Japanese research scientists and to build on our global network. Our presence in Tokyo brings us closer to our Japanese members and our editorial and advisory board members. History binds us here too. A Japanese scientist, Kuhara Mitsuru, is credited for having made the first contribution from the University of Tokyo to an RSC journal, published under our former incarnation as the Chemical Society. It was in 1879 and he published the results of his study on the extract contents of Lithospermum erythrorhizon, commonly known as 'purple gromwell', which was used in purple dye. Now, as then, we hope the quality of research taking place in Japan regularly finds its way into RSC journals. Our relationship with the Chemical Society of Japan will get even stronger by working on activities of mutual interest via the International Cooperation Agreement, which both our organisations signed at the Japan UK Symposium Catalysis for a Sustainable World, in London last July. The two-day symposium involved presentations from seven UK and seven Japanese based speakers, and 20 poster presentations from UK and Japanese based students. Each of the speakers in this symposium was an international expert in the aspect of catalysis that they presented. With the theme of sustainability, the symposium provided a clear and topical focus for discussions and stimulated and encouraged the exchange of ideas and experiences between all participants in an important global issue. The UK International Chemistry Olympiad team also joined the reception for the signing ceremony and were introduced to Professor Iwasawa and Professor Dave Garner, the RSC's then President, who wished them the best for their trip to Japan where they were to compete in the Olympiad finals. The reception was a gathering of many generations in a celebration of Anglo-Japanese relations. Our co-operation agreement is a five-year one.It strengthens the already excellent working relationship our two societies have and will lead to joint projects and events designed to encourage collaboration between Japan and the UK. We want to develop projects with industry and academia on key areas of science for our future - such as energy, health and sustainability, the main themes of our annual Chemical Sciences and Society Summit, where the RSC and CSJ are leading contributors. In addition to our Tokyo office, the RSC now has bases outside the UK in India, the United States and China. Together we can tackle important global challenges through chemistry. And many challenges remain. Not least of which, how can we ensure our chemists are adequately funded to carry out their vital research? It seems these days you can be a Nobel Prize winner yet still struggle to obtain more funding. Ei-ichi Negishi, the 2010 Nobel Prize winner for chemistry based at Purdue University, said that American funding agencies have stopped funding his award-winning work. According to Negishi, the same thing happened to Purdue's first organic chemistry Nobel laureate, Herbert Brown, who lost most of his funding 10 years after receiving the Nobel Prize, which Negishi believes is a result of lost national funding. The problem is discussed in detail in this week's New Scientist, containing a special report called: "Unscientific America: a dangerous retreat from reason." It concludes: "In these uncertain times. let's do all we can to ensure the nation's leaders embrace science." We are certainly doing all we can in the UK but we have our own funding issues. Although the science budget has been frozen until 2015, this equates to an around 15 per cent cut over the next four years once inflation is taken into account. This year alone has seen a 5% drop in UK science funding and a 5.4% fall in research councils' budgets. Japan, on the other hand, decided on a 2.1% rise this year. And the Ministry of Education, which accounts for the bulk of science spending, has proposed a further 5.8% rise for science-related spending in 2012. Japan's science and technology budget for this year already gives priority to Green Innovation and Life Innovation, a review of the competitive funding system, and support for young researchers. If only more countries followed the Japanese model! It would seem we can also learn from you how to convince British politicians to follow this way of thinking. Having spoken of important figures - both human and statistical - of the past and present, I think it's high time I introduced you to Dr Hirofumi Seike, the RSC's representative in Japan and who will be a very important figure in our present and future! Dr Seike obtained his degree at the University of Tokyo and his supervisor Professor Tachibana is here with us today. Dr Seike then travelled to the US obtaining his PhD from Scripps Research Institute working with Professor Sorensen, following this with a post-doc in Professor Kishi's group at Harvard. He then returned to Japan where he joined Professor Nakamura's group at Kyoto University and we are glad that Professor Nakamura is also here to celebrate this special occasion with us. Hirofumi will be working to support both our publishing activities and international development in Japan. We are gathering today at the home of the Chemical Society of Japan - and we are very glad to have our office in the same building. Their friendship and collaboration has been, and continues to be, very important to us. The strength of the Japanese chemical science community is clear from the various societies that represent and support different areas of this field. We are glad to welcome representatives from several of these societies and look forward to working with them and developing our relationships and connections through our many shared interests. Our office is downstairs on the 6th floor and we invite you to come and visit today and hope to welcome you back here many times in the future. Thank you very much. Robert Parker November, 2011, in Tokyo
个人分类: 英国皇家化学会|3477 次阅读|0 个评论
yolandahongmei 2011-12-8 17:02
在11月20日召开的“第三届中英药物化学学术会议“上,英国皇家化学会与中国药学会正式签署合作协议。全国人大常委会副委员长、中国药学会理事长桑国卫院士和英国皇家化学会当选主席Lesley Yellowlees教授分别代表各自机构在签约仪式上致辞,并签署了合作备忘录。双方都希望以此为契机,在将来共同促进中英两方在药物化学相关领域的交流与合作。 本次中英药物化学研讨会是自2009年以来的第三次合作。 本次英方报告人及报告题目为: Speaker Title DavidRees–AstexTherapeutics,UK TheRiseofFragment-BasedDrugDiscovery MarkBunnage–Pfizer,UK ChemicalProbesforEpigenetics MikeHann–GSK,UK Veronique Gouverneur - University of Oxford MolecularObesity,PotencyandotherAddictionsinDrugDiscovery Fluorine Chemistry for Medicine 相关报道链接: http://www.sysu.edu.cn/2010/2010/kxyj/xzhd/91006.htm http://info.yaozs.com/2011/1124/6919.shtml
个人分类: 英国皇家化学会在中国|3656 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 yolandahongmei 2011-11-25 16:46
GE-RSC杯高校化学演讲比赛于2011年11月18日下午一点半到五点在通用电气研发中心顺利召开(本次比赛由RSC上海办公室全程策划组织,活动网站: www.rsc.org/chemistrycompetition ),以下是一些精彩照片和大家分享。 为了保证比赛的公平公正,本次比赛的评委全部邀请的高校以外的嘉宾担任,但邀请了苏州大学材料与化学化工学部的执行主任郎建平教授及上海交通大学的长江学者特聘教授陈接胜老师作为特邀嘉宾对比赛进行点评。 TheJudgingpanel: 1)WeiCai(GeneralManager,GECTC) 2)KuilingDing( Chairman, RSCShanghailocalsection ;Director,ShanghaiInstiituteofOrganicChemistry,ChineseAcademyScience ) 3)ChuanLin(SeniorScientist,GECTC) 4)RichardMills( HeadofScienceInnovation , BritishConsulate-Generaloffice,Shanghai) 5)EnshanSheng( GeneralSecretary, RSCShanghailocalsection ;TechnicalDirector,AsiaPacific,HuntsmanChemistryRDCenter(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd. ) 6)SarahThomas( InternationalProgrammeManager–Asia , RoyalSocietyofChemistry) 7)AoshuangXiao(Manager-CommunicationsPublicAffairs,GECTC) 金奖获得团队: 同济大学 董川,章启元,王海宴(从左到右); 右一为RSCShanghailocalsection主席,中国科学院上海有机化学研究所丁奎岭所长与金奖获得团队一起切蛋糕庆祝 所有评委和本次比赛获得优胜奖团队合影(上海交通大学: 陈赣,黄彦辉,方文中;浙江大学:金聪,王天行,韩伟;南京大学:郑泽华, 肖旻昱,孙超;苏州大学: 曾皛,王懿,傅裕) 铜奖获得团队: 复旦大学 陈潇杨,马思敏,邹路遥 颁奖嘉宾:左一为英国驻沪总领馆领事Richard Mills;右一为南京大学化学学院党委副书记纪勇教授;右二为GE中国研发中心公共事务总监肖傲霜女士 银奖获得团队: 华东理工大学 周亦欣,邓天旸,董健阳 颁奖嘉宾:左一为GE中国研发中心总经理蔡薇博士;右一为亨斯迈(Huntsman)亚太区技术总监盛恩善博士;右二为上海交通大学长江学者特聘教授陈接胜博士。 金奖获得团队来自同济大学由GE中国研发中心总裁陈向力(右二),上海有机所所长丁奎岭(左一),苏州大学材料与化学化工学部执行主任郎建平教授(右一)一起颁奖 比赛前评委们聚在一起认真讨论评分细节
个人分类: 英国皇家化学会在中国|10488 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 3 yolandahongmei 2011-9-27 23:01
英国皇家化学会与中国化学会于2006年签署了合作协议,“ CCS-RSC”青年化学奖作为合作协议的一部分于次年设立。其目的是鼓励我国青年化学工作者的创新、开拓、进取精神。表彰在化学的基础研究和应用研究诸领域做出突出贡献,年龄在40周岁以下的优秀青年科学家。该奖项每两年评选一次,奖励4名青年优秀化学工作者,奖励金额为1500英镑/人。每届获奖人经中国化学会和英国皇家化学会确认后公布,在历届的中国化学会学术年会上颁发证书和奖金。此奖项申请的表格可从中国化学会网站下载: http://www.ccs.ac.cn/news/?hid=80 日前, 第三届(2011) 获奖名单已经公布,将于明年四月份在成都召开的中国化学会年会上颁奖: 1. 王树 研究员,物理化学,中科院化学研究所; 2. 王鹏 研究员,材料化学,中科院长春应用化学研究所; 3. 施章杰 教授,有机化学,北京大学化学与分子工程学院; 4. 游书力 研究员,有机化学,中科院上海有机化学研究所。 第二届(2009)获奖者为: 1.王训 教授,纳米材料,清华大学化学系; 2.黎书华 教授,理论化学,南京大学化学化工学院; 3.胡文平 研究员,高分子化学, 中国科学院化学研究所; 4.刘世勇 教授,高分子化学,中国科学技术大学化学与材料学院高分子与工程系。 首届(2007)获奖者为: 1 . 李卫东 教授, 有机化学 , 南开大学化学学院 ; 2. 余志祥 教授, 有机化学,北京大学化学与分子工程学院 ; 3. 任劲松研究员 , 化学生物学,中国科学院长春应用化学研究所 ; 4. 刘冬生 教授, 纳米化学,国家纳米科学中心 (原单位,现为清华大学教授)。 英国皇家化学会作为知名的非赢利机构,一直致力于推动化学学科的发展,并为广大化学工作者提供交流的平台。英国皇家化学会设立的奖项也众多,现2012年各奖项的申请工作已经开始(请参看 http://www.rsc.org/ScienceAndTechnology/Awards/index.asp )欢迎大家积极申请或提名(一般申请或提名日期都是从当年的九月到次年的一月截止)。
个人分类: 化学新闻|5193 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 2 yolandahongmei 2011-9-18 15:45
“GE-RSC”杯高校化学演讲比赛2011 主题:生活中的化学 ( Chemistryinourdailylife) 主办单位: 英国皇家化学会(RSC)、 通用电气中国研发中心 ( GE) 活动目的: 在联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)和国际纯粹与应用化学会(IUPAC)的联合推动下,将2011年确定为国际化学年, 以纪念化学学科所取得的成就以及对人类文明的贡献,并纪念居里夫人获得诺贝尔化学奖100周年和国际纯粹与应用化学联合会成立100周年。以此为契机, 英国皇家化学会上海办公室携手通用电气举办本次化学演讲比赛,以此增强公众对日常生活中化学知识的了解。 活动时间: 11月18日下午1:00-4:30 活动网站: www.rsc.org/chemistrycompetition 活动对象: 已邀请以下高校在校化学相关专业大三大四本科生参与: 1) 复旦大学;2)上海交通大学;3)华东理工大学;4)同济大学;5)浙江大学;6)南京大学;7)苏州大学 比赛内容: 本此比赛要求参赛者 紧密 围绕比赛主题 -生活中的化学 , 从以下四个方向自行选择一个进行展开。请结合自身在日常生活中遇到的现象和问题,从化学的角度进行说明和解释 化学是怎样在日常生活中发挥作用的,要求 提出 自己的看法和 解决方案。 1) 化学与健康 2) 化学与饮食 3) 化学与环境 4) 化学与能源 比 赛方案 : 参赛队伍 按组委会随机 抽签顺序进行 决赛,比赛语言为英语,要求使用PPT(中英文对照)。 1) 五 分钟综述, 讲解一些生活中的化学常识; 2) 结合综述中的内容,进行 十分钟详细 讲解 ( 由两位选手合作完成 ); 3) 五 分钟 互动 答辩 ; 合计 二十 分钟。 参赛流程: 初赛: 以个人参与的形式,由各高校自己组织初赛,选拔三位获胜者代表本校参加决赛。所有报名参赛选手都可以获得决赛当日到GE出席决赛和参观GE的机会(10位以内)。 初赛时间: 2011年9月19日-2011年10月21日 决赛: 各高校前三位获胜者将组成一个团队代表本高校参加于GE举办的决赛。 评审办法: 由评委会按评分标准进行评分,按总分高低评出金奖、银奖、铜奖以及优胜奖。 评委会由以下单位代表组成: 1) 通用电气(GE);2)英国皇家化学会(RSC);3) 英国驻上海总领事馆 ;4)中科院部分研究所(上海)。 比赛奖励: 本次比赛设 金奖、银奖、铜奖 各一名,其余参赛团体将获得优胜奖。 所有参赛代表都将获得英国皇家化学会的奖励证书一份和组委会准备的精美奖品一份, 所有金银铜奖者获得 者都将获得 GE公司提供的研发中心参观和免费培训 机会 一次 。 金奖:1)奖励证书;2)奖杯;3)GE实习机会(不少于三个月);4)GE培训; 银奖 : 1)奖励证书;2)奖杯;3)GE工厂参观;4)GE培训; 铜奖:1)奖励证书;2)奖杯;3)GE培训。 主办机构:英国皇家化学会上海办公室( www.rsc.org/china ); 通用电气中国研发中心 ( www.gectc.com )。 活动总策划: 英国皇家化学会上海办公室 彭红梅 博士 电话:021-64047330 邮箱: pengh@rsc.org
个人分类: 英国皇家化学会在中国|4324 次阅读|4 个评论
yolandahongmei 2011-8-15 20:58
The first issue of RSC Publishing's new journal RSC Advances has been published online. The journal covers the breadth of the chemical sciences, including speciality and interdisciplinary fields and is the first journal to feature the new system of 'topic modelling'. Scientists from Argentina to New Zealand, South Korea to the United States have shown their support for RSC Advances by submitting their work. Communications, full papers and reviews are all represented in the mix that encompasses all the main areas of the chemical sciences - and access is free throughout 2011 and 2012. Sophisticated behind-the-scenes 'topic modelling' classifies the content into one or more of 12 subject categories, such as energy, analytical and organic, accessible via the subject tab on the website. This enables readers to go straight to the most relevant content. RSC Advances is the first chemical science journal to classify content using topic modelling. Richard Kidd, Informatics Manager at RSC Publishing, explained: "We have used the latest understanding of topic modelling research to build clear and meaningful categories for RSC publications, which will evolve alongside the research scope of our publications. It's a great tool for us and our readers to track how the subjects develop." Associate Editor Professor Marcos Eberlin, from Brazil, said: "This is a very nice collection indeed. The subject tab is superb." 特别提醒,从2011年到2012可以免费参考阅读: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/ra
个人分类: 化学新闻|5758 次阅读|0 个评论
yolandahongmei 2011-8-9 17:28
作为化学及其相关专业的学习者和从业者来说,是离不开数据库的。大概七八年以前,相信大家使用比较多的是 Beilstein 。 近些年,可能比较流行的是 Scifinder 。但 Scifinder 并不是每个人都能用上他,原因嘛,当然是由于他昂贵的价格了。 连在中科院有机所这种地方,听说可以同时使用的端口也不是很多。相信很多有过科研经历的人都有过这样的体会:总在想着什么时候大家都吃饭去了或者夜深人静大家都睡觉了,赶快打开 Scifinder 看能不能幸运的登陆上。 我想大家以后不用这样了,因为 RSC 推出了一种免费的数据库,我们称之为 chemspider 。他是一个免费的专业数据库,可以对超过 26million 的化合物进行多种方式的搜索,包括其名称,结构,或其特征等方式的搜索。他可以比喻为化学方面的百科全书,像维基百科一样,任何人都可以参与使其完善,欢迎您提出任何问题和建议。 如您有这方面的需要,请登录: www.chemspider.com
个人分类: 英国皇家化学会|8178 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 yolandahongmei 2011-7-20 14:59
The excellent quality and reputation of RSC journals was further confirmed with outstanding results in the latest Impact Factors (IF) report from Thomson Reuters. RSC journals' average IF is 5.5 - over twice that of the average chemistry journal (2.54). 83% of our journals listed in this year's report have an IF above 3. No other publisher has such a large proportion of titles at this level. RSC Publishing figures have risen by 59% since 2003 - almost double the average increase for chemistry publishers. Of the top 20 journals in the multidisciplinary chemistry category, six are from RSC Publishing. Results of particular note included Chemical Society Reviews , which now has an IF of 26.58, Chemical Communications at 5.79, and Energy Environmental Science's rise to 9.45 maintains its position as the leading Environmental Science journal. Newly-launched journals received impressive first IFs: Nanoscale (7.00), Integrative Biology (4.44) and Metallomics (3.59). The exceptional growth in submissions has resulted in the publication of almost 50% more high quality articles this year to date. Dr James Milne, Acting Managing Director, Publishing, said: "Once again I am delighted to see the overall increases in impact factor for RSC journals, and their positions among the very best in their respective fields. "For many years, RSC journals have outperformed the competition, and this is reflected in the considerable growth in submissions and published articles we have recently experienced. Leading researchers clearly appreciate the high quality, rapid publication and unparalleled accessibility of RSC journals, and submit their best work for rapid publication in our international titles. "These results are also a great reflection on the dedication and commitment of the journals' Editors, Editorial Boards and referees, whom we thank for their support." Fulljournallisting: Journal 2010ImpactFactor 5-YearImpactFactor Analyst 3.913 3.843 AnalyticalMethods 1.45 1.45 ChemicalCommunications(ChemComm) 5.787 5.581 ChemicalSocietyReviews 26.583 24.641 CrystEngComm 4.006 4.106 DaltonTransactions 3.647 3.654 EnergyEnvironmentalScience 9.446 9.446 FaradayDiscussions 4.538 4.267 GreenChemistry 5.472 6.056 IntegrativeBiology 4.439 4.439 JAAS(JournalofAnalyticalAtomicSpectrometry) 4.372 3.480 JournalofEnvironmentalMonitoring 1.810 2.083 JournalofMaterialsChemistry 5.099 5.441 LabonaChip 6.260 6.927 Metallomics 3.592 3.592 MolecularBioSystems 3.825 3.986 Nanoscale 4.11 4.11 NaturalProductReports 8.881 8.865 NewJournalofChemistry 2.631 2.792 OrganicBiomolecularChemistry 3.451 3.321 PhotochemicalPhotobiologicalSciences 2.378 2.505 PhysicalChemistryChemicalPhysics(PCCP) 3.453 3.858 SoftMatter 4.457 5.080
个人分类: 化学新闻|2781 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 2 yolandahongmei 2011-7-18 18:32
他70年代毕业于著名学府剑桥大学,获得工程学博士学位。此后,曾在英国石油公司BP工作长达25年。在这25年里,他担任过很多重要职位,包括日本英国石油公司的主管及 韩国的三星英国石油化学公司董事 长 。 他有着过人的语言和运动天赋,会说一口流利的日语;为了筹集医疗研究基金,他曾是八十年代第一个游过不列颠群岛最北面岛屿的人。 我所说的这个他就是我们前任CEO,RichardPike.在我加入 RSC不到一年的时间里,我和他有过三次比较深入的接触。第一次是在第27届厦门CCS年会上。那时候,我加入RSC还不久,对他没有多少了解。他给我的第一印象就是典型的英国人的感觉,高大帅气有绅士风度。在会议期间,我陪同他参观了厦门的鼓浪屿,他说他对古代建筑特别感兴趣,正好鼓浪屿上有这些。在一家卖纪念品的小店,他竟然看上了印有为人民服务并有毛主席头像的黄色帆布书包和一个布条(我都不知道该怎么称呼,每个50人民币),我们称之为红色经典的纪念品,他说要送给她的儿子和儿女。这着实让我很是吃惊。厦门会议结束后,他说要到上海办公室看看,所以我们一起飞到上海。途中,我问他,在他的职业生涯中,对自己最满意的是哪个阶段?他想了想,回答我说,每个阶段他都过的很好,也很有成就感,因为他有自己的目标和目的地。 第二次的会面是去年七月份我去RSC总部培训的时候。他碰到我的第一句是:在厦门和CCS签订合约的照片在哪里呢?(呵呵,小秘密,后来我的直接老板告诉我,我们的CEO比较喜欢照片,而且喜欢在合照中找寻自己的身影。)第三次会面,就是在今年的一月份,他来参加我们于北京的 钓鱼台国宾馆 举办的“ 全球女化学工作者共享化学时刻” 的早餐会议,并在北京和上海进行了一系列的访问和交流。在此期间,他还接受了一些媒体的采访,包括中国日报,中国能源报和科学时报等。在上海,我陪同他访问了几个公司高校和研究所,包括复旦大学,上海交通大学,上海药物所等。这次陪同访问的机会让我对他有了更深入的了解,我觉得真正的 CEO就应该跟他一样,有着自己独特的阅历,对任何事情都有自己独到的见解。 在上海访谈结束后,他跟我说希望有机会参加四月份在大连举办的第一届清洁能源会议,因为他本身就算的上能源方面的专家。但让我震惊的是,我在二月份收到RSC的内部邮件,说我们的CEO在经过深思熟虑后决定辞职。因为RSC的CEO都是五年一个任期,他从2006年二月到现在已经带领RSC走过了五个年头,到了他继续前进的时候了。收到这封邮件,让我百思不得其解。他一直跟我们说,他想继续一个任期,带领RSC继续往前走。怎么就突然就辞职了呢?于是我给他发了一个邮件来表达我的震惊。很快我就收到了他的回复。告诉我说:“就他个人来说,他很想更多的参与到中国的活动中来,但世事难料。很抱歉,只能预祝RSC在中国的发展越来越好。”我当时猜想,可能是他找到更适合自己发展的职位了吧?后来我才知道,原来是他被检查出自己脑中长了 肿瘤 ,需要尽快进行手术。在不得已中,他才选择了辞职。我真是不敢相信,像他这样充满活力的人,怎么就突然生病了呢?而且是这么严重的病。 前段时间,收到同事的邮件。说他的肿瘤已经成功切除,目前正在恢复期。希望在不久的将来,它能够完全康复,回到他自己所热爱的工作岗位上来。希望大家一起为他祈福 -我们可亲可敬的CEO! 部分媒体访问链接: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/video/2011-01/18/content_11870977.htm ( video,ChinaDaily) http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2011/1/243419.shtm (科学时报) http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2011/1/243337.shtm http://paper.people.com.cn/zgnyb/html/2011-01/24/content_731630.htm (中国能源报) http://www.wetalent.com/news.php?id=415 (国际人才交流网) http://www.sz-forum.com/szforum/dispvip.php?id=112
个人分类: 生活随想|3367 次阅读|2 个评论
yolandahongmei 2011-7-8 10:11
共同召开一些双方都感兴趣的研讨会,是英国皇家化学会和中国化学会合作协议的一部分。在 2010 年厦门 27 届中国化学会年会上, RSC 和 CCS 共同主办了第一届双边研讨会,主题为超分子化学中的前沿科学,共邀请了七位国际国内报告人。本次研讨会吸引了超过 300 位学生老师参加,会场内座无虚席。会议期间, RSC 和 CCS 续签了起始于 2006 年的双方合作协议。 2012 年 CCS 年会将于四月 13 日到 16 日在四川大学举办,由于此次年会恰逢中国化学会成立 80 周年,届时将会邀请包括英国化学会会,美国化学会,日本化学会及德国化学会的最高层参与庆祝。 RSC 已和 CCS 达成一致,届时将举办第二届双边研讨会,主题暂定为能源材料。 TheRoyalSocietyofChemistry(RSC)andtheChineseChemicalSociety(CCS)organisedajointsymposiumatthe27thCCSCongressinXiameninJune2010onthetopicofFrontiersofSupramolecularChemistry.ThiswasthefirsttimethattheRSCandCCShadorganisedasymposiumatthehighlysuccessfulChineseChemicalSocietymeeting. Moreinformation,please see: http://www.rsc.org/Membership/Networking/InternationalActivities/China/Activities/Supramolecular.asp The28thCCSCongressin2012willbeheldinChengdufrom13thto16thinApril.Itwillbe80anniversaryforCCSthisyear,andrepresentativesfromtheGermanChemicalSociety(GDCh),theChemicalSocietyofJapan(CSJ),theRoyalSocietyofChemistry(RSC)andtheAmericanChemicalSociety(ACS)willbeinvitedtoattendthecongress.RSCandCCSwillco-organizethesecondjointsymposiumduringtheconference.
个人分类: 英国皇家化学会在中国|3359 次阅读|0 个评论
Unilever-RSC International Symposium on Functional Materials
yolandahongmei 2011-7-7 11:10
Unilever-RSC International Symposium on Functional Materials
加强学术界和产业界的联系,是英国皇家化学会的使命之一。如何运用我们在学术界的良好地位来促进彼此的合作与交流,是我们一直在思考的问题。2010年,我们开启了和产业界在中国的第一次合作,合作对象是联合利华全球研发中心(上海)。2010年11月8日到11日,双方在北京(北京化工大学),杭州(浙江大学),上海(华东理工大学)举办了为期三天的合作研讨会,主题为功能化材料科学,报告人由四位国际专家,三位本地专家,一位联合利华科研人员组成。三天的报告会吸引了超过800位学生老师参与(注册后免费参与),并有66位学生参与墙报展示。最终有9位同学的墙报获得最佳墙报奖,组委会给其颁发了英国皇家化学会奖状和奖励(包括奖金和书籍)。 基于去年的良好合作,双方已决定于今年的 10 月底合作召开第二届研讨会,分别在北京的清华大学,武汉的武汉大学和上海的上海交通大学。更多细节,将会于近期陆续公布,希望有更多感兴趣的老师和学生参与交流。 ThisSymposiumfeaturedthreeonedaymeetingsthatwilltakeplaceatthreedifferentlocationsthroughoutChina. Eachonedaymeetingfeaturedaselectionoflecturescoveringthepropertiesandapplicationsofmanydifferent materialsgivenbysomeoftheworld'sleadinginternationalscientists. ThesymposiumissupportedbyUnileverandorganisedbyUnilever,theRoyalSocietyofChemistryandthethreehostuniversities. Moredetailspleasecheck: www.rsc.org/unilever_rsc_ symposium 部分媒体报道链接: http://www.prnasia.com/pr/2010/11/18/101105721.shtml http://www.chemj.cn/meeting/show.asp?id=89 http://sklpre.zju.edu.cn/redir.php?catalog_id=1097object_id=6288 http://hyxy.ecust.edu.cn/new/view.php?id= 1040
个人分类: 英国皇家化学会在中国|3406 次阅读|0 个评论
英国皇家化学会奖励和基金(RSC Excellence Awards and Funding)
yolandahongmei 2011-7-7 10:29
RSC 共设 60 多种奖项,涵括了化学工业、企业在内的各个领域, RSC 的奖项分为 9 大类,包括有机化学,无机化学,分析化学,物理化学,材料化学,生命科学 ,教育,环境、可持续发展和能源 ,工业和技术 。 TheRSCcurrentlypresentsaround60prestigiousPrizesandAwardsannuallytoscientistsaroundtheworldtorecogniseandcelebratetheirexcellentwork,andtobuildourscientificnetworks. ThereareninecategoriesofawardsincludingspecificcategoriesforIndustryandEducation: 1 . organicchemistry;2 . inorganicchemistry;3 . analyticalchemistry; 4 . physicalchemistry; 5. materialschemistry; 6 . Biosciences; 7 . Education;8 . environment,sustainabilityandenergy;9 . industryandtechnology 1. 有机化学(Organic Chemistry) http://www.rsc.org/ScienceAndTechnology/Awards/BySubject/organic.asp 2. 无机化学(Inorganic Chemistry) http://www.rsc.org/ScienceAndTechnology/Awards/BySubject/inorganic.asp 3. 分析化学( analyticalchemistry) http://www.rsc.org/ScienceAndTechnology/Awards/BySubject/Analytical.asp 4. 物理化学 (Physical Chemistry) http://www.rsc.org/ScienceAndTechnology/Awards/BySubject/physical.asp Other awards and funding please check: www.rsc.org/awards and www.rsc.org/funding 在我们的基金中,有一项称之为RSC travel grants基金,是供在过去五年在RSC上发表过至少三篇文章的作者申请,特别是对于缺少基金而进行的合作交流和培训。 www.rsc.org/ travelgrants
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英国皇家化学会出版业务(RSC Publishing)
yolandahongmei 2011-7-7 10:25
英国皇家化学 学 会是世界领先的科学出版社之一,现提供涉及众多学科与领域的期刊、杂志、图书 和 数据库等,并为化学科学机构提供出版服务 http://pubs.rsc.org/ 。英国皇家化学会在中国负责出版业务的是张大平博士,大家有任何关于出版方面的问题或合作意向,都可以和他取得联系。 RSC 目前出版超过30 种期刊,被认为是世界上出版周期最短的科学出版社之一。我们的期刊有很高的影响因子 , 这意味着发表在 RSC 期刊上的论文引用频率高。 RSC 的创新刊物 , 如 ChemicalScience,EnergyEnvironmentalScience 和 FoodFunctio n 等着重于新兴的交叉学科领域。从 2004 年开始, RSC 从 1841 年至今出版的所有文章均可网上查阅,这一举措深受世界各国科研工作者的喜爱。 RSC 出版的高水平书籍涉及化学科学的各个方面,有专业书籍,也有教科书和科普书,比如 KitchenChemistry and MoleculesofMurder 。 《chemistry world》作为 RSC 化学科学的一面旗帜,免费提供给我们的会员。《chemistry world》是第一本将英文化学杂志推出中文版本的化学类期刊。《chemistry world》以其具有吸引力的风格和质量赢得众多赞誉, 其中包括期刊出版商协会颁发的“最佳商业与专业月刊”奖。 http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld 另外,由于近年来中国化学科研实力的突飞猛进,受到越来越多的国际关注。RSC专门为其设立了中国化学世界专刊《chemistry world China》: http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/China 。专门报道中国化学方面的最新研究成果和国家政策。 TheRSCisoneoftheworld’sleadingscientificpublishers,offeringanexceptionalrangeofpeer-reviewedjournals,magazines,books,databasesandpublishingservicestothechemicalsciencecommunity. TheRSCpublishesover30journalsandisrecognisedasoneofthefastestscientificpublishersanywhere.Ourestablishedjournalshavemarketleadingimpactfactors,meaningthatpaperspublishedinRSCjournalsarefrequentlycitedbyauthors.InnovativenewjournalssuchasChemicalScience,EnergyEnvironmentalScienceandFoodFunctionprovideafocusforemerginginterdisciplinaryareas.Since2004,everyarticlepublishedbytheRSCsince1841hasbeenavailableonlineandhasproventobeextremelypopularwithresearchersworldwide. High qualityRSCbookscoverthebreadthofthechemicalsciences,rangingfromthehighlyspecialised toeducationaltextbooksandpopularsciencetitlessuchas KitchenChemistry and MoleculesofMurder. RSCmembersreceive ChemistryWorld ,theflagshipmagazineforthechemicalsciencesandthefirstEnglishlanguagechemistrymagazinetolaunchaChineseedition. ChemistryWorld haswonmanyawardsforitsengagingstyleandqualityjournalism,includingthePeriodicalPublishers’Association(PPA)AwardforBestMonthlyBusinessandProfessionalMagazine.
个人分类: 英国皇家化学会|5517 次阅读|0 个评论
英国皇家化学会会员(RSC membership)
yolandahongmei 2011-7-7 10:13
RSC 的影响力来源于会员的专业知识和他们多样化的研究兴趣。 RSC 会员是我们学会的核心,我们为其提供多样化、切实有效的会员服务,例如,无论是参会还是购买杂志和图书, RSC 会员都可以享受超值优惠,同时,还可以定期收到《RSC newsletter》及我们的会刊《chemistry world》。此外, RSC 对会员的服务也涵盖职业发展,如 我们的 职业顾问 向会员提供免费的 求职、培训机会等咨询服务。同时,我们也通过辅导计划给予会员关心和帮助。 RSC 的会员分为附属会员、初级会员、会员、资深会员。会员等级的评定需要申请者拥有良好的化学专业技能,接受并遵守严格的章程。我们的会员有机会获得特许化学家和特许科学家的认证资格,这是对化学专业人士从业经历与职业贡献的最好评价。 RSC 是通向国际化学科学团体的窗口。通过与国际化学工作者的合作, RSC 能够提供众多的服务并在全球建立起与化学科学工作者沟通的桥梁。 Ourinfluencecomesfromthedepthofexpertiseofourmembersandtheirmanyareasofinterest.RSCmembersareattheheartofourorganisationandwesupportthemwithawiderangeofbenefitsandservices,suchasdiscountedratesonjournals,booksandconferences,andspecialofferswithoutsideorganisationstosavemoneyonproductsandservicesineverydaylife.Professionaldevelopmentresourcesincludefreeconfidentialconsultationswithqualifiedcareersadvisors,adviceonjob-huntingandtrainingopportunitiesandsupportthroughourmentoringscheme. OurdesignatorylettersofAffiliate,AMRSC,MRSCandFRSCsignifytoallthattheholderisaprofessionalchemicalscientist,wellqualifiedandsubjecttoarigorouscodeofconduct.MemberscangainprofessionalrecognitionbyachievingCharteredStatus(CChemorCSci),demonstratingseriouscommitmenttotheircareer. TheRSCisthegatewaytotheinternationalchemicalsciencecommunity.Throughourpartnershipswithchemicalsocietiesworldwideweareabletoofferanenhancedrangeofbenefitsandaccesstoatrulyglobalnetworkofchemicalscientists. Categories for RSC membership: Affiliate(undergraduate) Undergraduatestudentsstudyingforadegreelevelqualificationinthechemicalsciencescanjoinatareducedsubscriptionrateof 16.00. Affiliate Forthosenotqualifiedforanyothercategorybutwhohaveaninterestinthechemicalsciencesanditsadvancement.Thesubscriptionratefor2011is 65.00. AssociateMember(AMRSC) RecentgraduatescanapplytobecomeanAssociateMemberoftheRSC.Thesubscriptionratefor2011is 65.00,areducedrateisavailableforpostgrads 。 Member(MRSC) Themaincategoryofmembership,principallyforgraduatesinthechemicalscienceswithatleastthreeyearspostgraduateexperience.Thesubscriptionratefor2011is 108.00 Fellow(FRSC) Theseniorcategoryofmembership.Opentothosewithsubstantialcareerprogressioninpromotingtheadvancementofchemicalscience.Thesubscriptionratefor2011is 108.00 For more informationabout RSC membership, please visit: http://www/rsc.org/membership /
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英国皇家化学学会在中国(RSC in China)
yolandahongmei 2011-7-7 09:54
英国皇家化学学会在中国 英国皇家化学学会在中国设立了两个办公室:北京办公室(位于中国科学院化学研究所)和上海办公室(位于中科院上海有机化学研究所)。现有六位位全职工作人员为您服务并解答关于 RSC 方面的任何问题,包括 RSC 在中国举办的活动, RSC 会员服务以及出版活动等。 目前英国皇家化学学会与中国化学会续签了为期五年的国际友好合作协议。通过这个协议,双方会员将获得英国皇家化学学会与中国化学会提供的一系列优惠政策及服务。作为合作协议的一部分内容,英国皇家化学会为中国化学工作者设立了奖项,每两年将评出四位优秀青年化学科学家,由 RSC 和 CCS 联合为其颁发奖金和证书( 1500 英镑 / 人),详情请访问以下网站: http://www.ccs.ac.cn/Awards/?jid=2 。同时, RSC 每年都在中国举办一系列的化学学术研讨会。 另外,英国皇家化学学会在出版、会议、学术交流等方面与中国各高校及研究机构都建立了良好的合作关系,我们也正在拓展与化学化工企业的合作,以达到为学术界和企业界搭建合作平台的目的。 TheRSC hastwoofficesinChina:Beijing(basedattheChineseAcademyofSciences,InstituteofChemistry)andShanghai(basedattheShanghaiInstituteofOrganicChemistry).Therearefivefull-timestaffbasedinChinawhoarehappytoansweryourqueriesaboutanyaspectsoftheRSC: itsactivitiesinChina,itsmembershipservicesandpublishingactivities . TheRSCandChineseChemicalSociety(CCS)recentlyrenewedtheirInternationalCooperationAgreementforafurtherfiveyears.ThroughthistheRSCoffersarangeofservicesandbenefitstomembersofCCSwhich,reciprocally,offersservicestoRSCmembers. AspartofthisagreementfouryoungChinesechemicalscientistsareawarded joint RSC-CCS awardsbiannually.Anumberofchemicalscienceseminarsarealsoruneachyear inChina . 联系方式(contact information): 上海办公室 上海市零陵路 345 号, 2 号楼 406 室 邮编: 200032 电话 / 传真: 0086-21-64047330 ShanghaiOffice: Room406,Building2,No.345,LinglingRoad, Shanghai 200032 Email: rscshanghaichina@hotmail.com Tel/Fax:0086-21-64047330 北京办公室 北京市中关村北一街 2 号, 1 号楼 201 室 邮编: 100190 电话 / 传真: 0086-10-62657969 BeijingOffice: No.2NorthFirstStreetZhongguancun Beijing100190 Tel/Fax:0086-10-62558655
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英国皇家化学学会(Royal Society of Chemistry)
yolandahongmei 2011-7-5 16:30
英国皇家化学学会是致力于推动化学科学发展的国际领先组织。目前拥有四万七千多名会员 , 是 三十万名化学工作者的交流 平台 。 RSC 的出版业务、国际会议和交流网络涉及到化学科学的各个领域,并具有卓越的国际声誉,可为全球顶级科学家提供最新的科学信息,从而为化学 科学 做出贡献。我们荣获众多知名奖项,在学术专业方面的严格标准更是赢得科学界的一致赞誉。 RSC 丰富的教育资源也为激励 下一代 化学科学家做出了贡献,并奠定了未来科学蓬勃发展的基础。 我们的工作着重于当今社会面临的热点问题,例如如何保持可持续发展的生态环境、如何延长人类的寿命及如何促进社会的繁荣发展等。 RSC 通过向公众普及化学知识来解决严峻的社会经济问题,通过向政府提供专业的建议来支持可行性政策的制定。通过以上行动, RSC 证实了化学科学对于人类社会发展的 重要意义。 Aleadinginternationalorganisationforadvancingthechemicalscienceswithmorethan47,000members,theRSCisattheheartofaworldwidenetworkofover300,000scientists.Withanaward-winningpublishingbusiness,internationalconferencesandnetworksthatcoverallaspectsofthechemicalsciences,topscientistsaroundtheworldrelyonusforthelatestscientificinformationandtocontributetotheirfield.Wechampionscientificexcellencewithprestigiousawardsandbymaintainingacademicandprofessionalstandardsandqualifications.Ourhighlyacclaimededucationresourceshelpteacherstoinspirethenextgenerationofchemicalscientistsandwecampaigntosupportathrivingsciencebase. Ouractivitiesfocusonaddressingthekeyissuesfacingsocietytoday,suchasprovidingaclean,sustainableenvironment,enhancingthequalityofpeople’slivesandincreasingprosperity.TheRSCdemonstratesthevitalrolethechemicalsciencescanplayinsolvingpressingsocialandeconomicproblemsbypromotingchemistrytothepublicandsupportsinformedpolicymakingbyprovidingexpertadviceandopiniontogovernments. For more information please visit our website: www.rsc.org
个人分类: 英国皇家化学会|4963 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 wanyuehua 2011-2-10 08:36
2010 年 7 月创刊的 MedChemComm 《医学化学通讯》, ISSN: 2040-2503 ,月刊, 英国皇家化学学会 (ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY, THOMAS GRAHAM HOUSE, SCIENCE PARK, MILTON RD, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND, CAMBS, CB4 0WF) 出版, 2010 年 11 月入选 Web of Science 的 Science Citation Index Expanded ,目前在 SCI 数据库可以检索到该期刊 2010 年的第 1 卷 1-5 期共 50 篇论文。 50 篇文章包括学术论文 37 篇、评论 8 篇、社论 5 篇。 50 篇文章的作者涉及 23 个国家与地区,主要国家与地区分布:英国 12 篇,美国 8 篇,日本 7 篇,德国 5 篇,中国 3 篇,澳大利亚、巴西、法国、意大利、新加坡、西班牙、瑞士各 2 篇等。 中国学者以通讯作者在《医学化学通讯》( MedChemComm )上发表论文的单位是香港大学( Univ Hong Kong ) 1 篇、沈阳药科大学( Shenyang Pharmaceut Univ ) 1 篇、暨南大学( Jinan Univ ) 1 篇。 50 篇文章的作者单位涉及 83 个研究机构,在该刊发表论文最多的研究机构为 日本 京都大学 ( KYOTO UNIV ) 2 篇、新加坡南洋理工大学( NANYANG TECHNOL UNIV ) 4 篇、 芬兰 赫尔辛基大学 ( UNIV HELSINKI ) 2 篇、英国格拉斯哥 大学 ( UNIV GLASGOW ) 2 篇。 50 篇文章共被引用 14 次(其中 2010 年被引用 11 次、 2011 年被引用 3 次),平均引用 0.28 次, H 指数为 2 (有 2 篇文章每篇最少被引用 2 次)。 《医学化学通讯》( MedChemComm )投稿指南: 该刊是欧洲医药化学联盟( European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry )的官方出版物。其内容着重于药剂化学研究,包含生物活性化学与生物化学实体研究,以搭建药物学与相关治疗研究的桥梁。主要刊登简明而富有特色的研究论文与评论性文章。主题内容: 1 、新药剂、新药物化学的设计、研究、合成与评估。 2 、化学 / 生化实体及其生物环境中交互影响的计算机、生物物理学、物理化学、分子生物学和蛋白质组研究。 3 、药动学型态、药物动力学、药物安全及毒物学。 4 、促进药物发明的化学生物研究。 5 、已知化学或生化实体的化学修饰研究,以促进药理特性的提高。 目前《医学化学通讯》提供最新内容的免费全文在线开放阅读。用户可在完成简易登录注册后免费在线阅读。相关注册信息请链接至 http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/free_access_registration.asp 网址: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Journals/JournalIssues/MD 编委会: http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/MD/Staff.asp 作者指南: http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/guidelines/AuthorGuidelines/index.asp 在线投稿: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/mcc 该刊有 2 位主编: Dr Anthony Wood, Pfizer, UK Professor Greg Verdine, Harvard University, USA 《医学化学通讯》( MedChemComm )热点论文: 1. 标题 : Chemical space as a source for new drugs 作者 : Reymond JL, van Deursen R, Blum LC, et al. 来源出版物 : MEDCHEMCOMM 卷 : 1 期 : 1 页 : 30-38 出版年 : JUL 2010 被引频次 : 4 2. 标题 : Design, synthesis, and structure-activity relationships of indole-3-carboxamides as novel water soluble cannabinoid CB1 receptor agonists 作者 : Adam JM, Cairns J, Caulfield W, et al. 来源出版物 : MEDCHEMCOMM 卷 : 1 期 : 1 页 : 54-60 出版年 : JUL 2010 被引频次 : 3
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