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韩春雨事件—Nature Biotechnology编辑部的最新回复(12/10-16)
热度 65 aarhusguy 2016-10-13 06:13
八月底至九月初,回国参观访问了好几个高校,有内陆的也有沿海的,非常感谢领导们的热情接待!在国外六七年了,此行打破了我对领导的刻板印象,基本都是求才若渴,领导有方,学术做得好,为人也相当谦和。此行,也让我觉得只有回到祖国才能有机会充分发挥自己的才能。 好了,回到韩春雨的话题。韩春雨事件通过诸多网友及媒体不断地 ” 死缠烂打 ” ,特别是澎湃新闻接连发了很多有影响力的稿子,现在局面终于逐渐明朗。一个月前还处于拉锯状态呢!现在连科学网的高老师和岳老师都完成了华丽的转身 :) 国内的 PI 们也终于勇敢地站出来了,大佬们也更有底气发声了。可喜可贺! 我九月初的时候给 Nature Biotechnology 主编写过信,指出 Figure 4 里逻辑不通之处。主编表示会综合他们手上的资料,编辑们开会讨论一下。今天受网友建议,我又给 Nature Biotechnology 主编发了信,询问一下编辑们对我指出的问题怎么看(这个主编肯定不会透露的,问了也白问,不过拿来打开话题挺好),顺便打听一下他们的调查进展 ( 这个是重点 ) 。 主编很爽快,很快就回复了。邮件原文按默认的礼仪我是不能贴的(除非有他的同意)。重要的有两点, 1. 编辑们对 Figure 4 的看法是机密,不能告知(果然如此), 2. 杂志的调查已经有进展,会按规程更新 ( 意思是这件事影响很大,杂志也是知道的,肯定会在未来的某一期里做出反应 ) 。 韩的事情是否有反转的可能呢——目前,我所了解的并非全都对韩不利。一个多月前,有个信誉非常好的网友提醒过博主,他的朋友用他自己的方法做出来了。因为是转述朋友的朋友,可信度如何,各位自己斟酌吧!(16/10-16 更新:此处提到的朋友的朋友已经放弃NgAgo) 现在韩的事情已经了引起了社会和学术界的足够关注,相信相关部门也会介入,给韩给学术界给社会一个公正的调查结果。这可能是我对韩事件的倒数第二个或者最后一个博文了吧。以后会发一些更有意义的东西,比如基因治疗的最新进展,北欧的风情文化,敬请关注 J
41066 次阅读|85 个评论
Biotechnology Journal 特聘请李校堃教授为编委
WileyChina 2016-3-7 12:56
BiotechnologyJournal (BTJ) ( www.biotechnology-journal.com )非常荣幸地聘请 李校堃教授 为该期刊编委。 Biotechnology Journal (BTJ) 是一本广泛涵盖所有生物技术研究领域的科学期刊,每月出版一期。该期刊对系统和合成生物学、纳米生物技术和医学研究尤为关注。 Biotechnology Journal (BTJ) 由Alois Jungbauer和Sang Yup Lee两位教授共同编辑,并分别在德国和中国上海设有编辑部, 影响因子为3.49 。 李校堃,教授,博士生导师,教育部“长江学者”特聘教授。 基因工程药物国家工程研究中心首席科学家,教育部生物反应器与药物科学开发工程研究中心首席科学家,国家“万人计划”教学名师,“教育部新世纪优秀人才”,“新世纪 百千万人才工程 ” 国 家级人选,全国优秀科技工作者,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。中国医药生物技术协会副理事长,中国生物工程学会常务理事,中国医药质量管理协会副会长,国际华人生长因子学会常务理事长,中国生物工程学会转化医学专业委员会主任委员,中华医学会创伤学分会创伤药物与转化应用委员会主任委员。 20 余年一直致力于以成纤维细胞生长因子( FGFs )为代表的生物药物的基础与应用研究。获国家授权发明专利 30 项,其中 5 项已实现产业化,先后完成三个国家一类新药的研发上市,累计产值超过 20 亿元。围绕相关基因工程药物开发应用及技术体系创新,先后获得获得国家科技进步一等奖、国家科技进步二等奖、国家技术发明二等奖等国家级奖项,以及中华医学会科技一等奖、中国药学会科学技术一等奖等省部级一等奖 8 项。 点击以下链接进入期刊主页: http://www.biotechnology-journal.com
个人分类: 业界新闻|2864 次阅读|0 个评论
基因挖掘鞘氨醇单胞菌ATCC 55669虾青素生物合成元件
WileyChina 2016-1-7 14:55
虾青素 ,属于酮式类胡萝卜素,是一种较强的天然抗氧化剂,其独特的分子结构不但使其具有超强的抗氧化活性,还具有抗衰老、抗辐射、抗肿瘤及预防心脑血管疾病的作用。虾青素已在 食品 、 饲料 、 保健品 、 化妆品 市场等领域广泛应用。然而天然虾青素的来源非常有限,目前市场上的虾青素大多采用传统突变技术筛选得到的红法夫酵母和雨生红球藻来生产。由于发酵周期长,含量低,产物提取困难等因素大大限制了其推广和应用。因此,开发新的天然虾青素资源具有重要意义。 本研究发现了一株天然虾青素产生细菌,结合目前先进的PacBio 第三代测序技术和Illumina 测序技术得到其基因组完成图,并挖掘了其 虾青素生物合成通路 ,为进一步进行虾青素生物合成工程改造提供优化资源,同时利用本课题组前期开发的甲羟戊酸高效生产平台,通过异源表达通路元件确认了虾青素生物合成通路中候选基因的功能,并在此过程中,构建了一株虾青素高产菌株。 本研究成果已发表在 Biotechnology Journal 上 Genome mining of astaxanthin biosynthetic genes from Sphingomonas sp. ATCC 55669 for heterologous overproduction in Escherichia coli 作者简介: 刘天罡教授于2010 年起任武汉大学药学院教授,同年入选了教育部优秀人才计划,2012 年获得了国家优秀青年基金资助,2015 年获得了中组部青年拔尖人才计划资助,主持了多项国家自然科学基金并参与合成生物学“973 ”项目。 刘天罡教授在博士工作期间致力于聚醚类抗生素生物合成机制的研究,对这类抗生素生物合成机理有了深入的认识,并通过组合生物学方法产生新化合物。博士后在斯坦福大学化学工程系工作期间致力于改造微生物脂肪酸代谢途径生产先进柴油等工业和医用产品的研究。目前以第一作者和通讯作者身份发表包括 Science 、PNAS 、AnnualReview of Genetics 、Metabolic Engineering 、Biotechnology Bioengineering 、Chemistry Biology 、Methods in Enzymology 等多篇文章;还参与了一部英文专著《Biofuel:From Microbes to Molecules 》的编写。 目前课题组主要研究方向集中在微生物元件挖掘及元件实体库构建,代谢工程及合成生物学技术构建高效微生物细胞工厂,生产药物或者医药前体、精细化学品和高附加值天然产物。 研究内容主要针对聚酮合酶和萜类合酶生物元件进行发掘及元件实体库构建;对不同聚酮合酶元件之间进行适配性研究,从而实现药物或者医药前体的高产;针对紫杉醇生物合成关键元件进行发掘,发展紫杉醇微生物代谢工程改造;甲羟戊酸途径体外重建与精确分析,构建高效通用的IPP 和DMAPP 供给平台,在底盘微生物中实现番茄红素,β- 胡萝卜素等高附加值产物的高效生产;针对脂肪酸代谢途径,通过体外重建精确分析,构建高效代谢通路,在大肠杆菌和酿酒酵母中实现脂肪酸的高产,并且利用这条代谢通路还实现了脂肪醇、脂肪酸甲乙酯、支链脂肪酸酯等的高效生产。 在研究生培养方面,截止到目前已有多名研究生获得武汉大学学术创新奖、优秀学生等奖励,毕业的学生在工业界以及学术界受到好评,并有多名学生进入北美名校继续深造。
个人分类: Life Science|2581 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Nature Biotechnology Contents: Volume 28 pp 1133 - 1220
xupeiyang 2010-11-9 08:34
NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY November 2010 Volume 28 Number 11, pp 1133 - 1220 Visit Nature Biotechnology online to browse the journal. Now available at http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=24m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 Please note that you need to be a subscriber to enjoy full text access to Nature Biotechnology online. 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Virginia Hughes reports. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=51m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 =========================== ADVERTISEMENT =========================== ACQUITY UPLC H-Class Bio System: Ready for your biomolecular analysis Engineered with a bio-inert flow path made of non-stainless-steel materials, the ACQUITY UPLC H-Class Bio System keeps large molecules intact and on the move, for better sample recovery and no carryover, whether the chromatographic mode you're using is reversed phase (RP), ion exchange (IEX), size exclusion (SEC), or hydrophilic interaction (HILIC). 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For those looking for a new challenge, a group of big company refugees recount their experience starting up a new life science venture. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=47m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- OPINION AND COMMENT ---------------------- CORRESPONDENCE Grant management skills are critical for young scientists pp1152 - 1153 Brion Duffy doi:10.1038/nbt1110-1152 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=48m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 Chinese hamster ovary cells can produce galactose- -1,3-galactose antigens on proteins pp1153 - 1156 Carlos J Bosques et al. doi:10.1038/nbt1110-1153 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=50m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 COMMENTARY A policy approach to the development of molecular diagnostic tests pp1157 - 1159 Kevin A Schulman and Sean R Tunis doi:10.1038/nbt1110-1157 Efficiently generating evidence of clinical utility is a major challenge for ensuring clinical adoption of valuable diagnostics. A new approach to reimbursement in the United States offers a balance between evidence and incentives for molecular diagnostic tests. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=79m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 What is the value of oncology medicines? pp1160 - 1163 Joshua Cohen and William Looney doi:10.1038/nbt1110-1160 Coverage with evidence development (CED), rather than quality-adjusted-life-year (QALY) thresholds, offers the best way forward in balancing evidence-based policy for new oncology products with the needs of developers, payers, physicians and patients. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=77m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- FEATURES ---------------------- What's fueling the biotech engine - 2009-2010 pp1165 - 1171 Saurabh Aggarwal doi:10.1038/nbt1110-1165 Last year, the biologics sector managed single-digit growth in the United States, driven mainly by products indicated for oncology, diabetes and autoimmune disorders. Lurking on the horizon, though, are challenges, such as pricing, competition and follow-on molecules. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=70m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 PATENTS A shadow falls over gene patents in the United States and Europe pp1172 - 1173 Gareth Morgan and Lisa A. Haile doi:10.1038/nbt1110-1172 Will a pair of court decisions that restrict the protection offered to DNA-based claims reduce financial incentives and thus chill investment? http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=68m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 Recent patent applications in biological imaging p1174 doi:10.1038/nbt1110-1174 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=65m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- NEWS AND VIEWS ---------------------- Plant natural products from cultured multipotent cells pp1175 - 1176 Susan Roberts and Martin Kolewe doi:10.1038/nbt1110-1175 Cultured cambial meristematic cells could enable large-scale production of certain natural products. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=27m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 Making antibodies from scratch pp1176 - 1178 J Christopher Love doi:10.1038/nbt1110-1176 Synthesis and screening of a small library of antibody fragments yields promising hits. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=2m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 Toward global RNA structure analysis pp1178 - 1179 David M Mauger and Kevin M Weeks doi:10.1038/nbt1110-1178 Deep sequencing provides a first view of the RNA structures in a eukaryotic transcriptome. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=5m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS ---------------------- Research highlights p1180 doi:10.1038/nbt1110-1180 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=9m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY ---------------------- COMMENTARY In silico research in the era of cloud computing pp1181 - 1185 Joel T Dudley and Atul J Butte doi:10.1038/nbt1110-1181 Snapshots of computer systems that are stored and shared 'in the cloud' could make computational analyses more reproducible. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=12m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- RESEARCH ---------------------- ARTICLES Directed differentiation of human embryonic stem cells toward chondrocytes pp1187 - 1194 Rachel A Oldershaw et al. doi:10.1038/nbt.1683 Degeneration of articular cartilage in the joints may be amenable to tissue engineering solutions. Oldershaw et al. present an efficient, chemically defined protocol for differentiating human ES cells to chondrocyte-like cells. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=125m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=38m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 Spatially addressed combinatorial protein libraries for recombinant antibody discovery and optimization pp1195 - 1202 Hongyuan Mao et al. doi:10.1038/nbt.1694 Antibodies that modulate the activity of a target are difficult to discover with display-based approaches, which select only high-affinity binders. Mao et al. identify antibodies with a range of affinities using a small-molecule discovery method that involves one-by-one screening of an optimized small library of antibody fragments with known sequences. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=124m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=4m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 LETTERS Antibody recycling by engineered pH-dependent antigen binding improves the duration of antigen neutralization pp1203 - 1207 Tomoyuki Igawa et al. doi:10.1038/nbt.1691 The typical therapeutic antibody binds only two target antigen molecules during its lifetime. Igawa et al. describe a method for engineering antibody recycling in vivo, suggesting an approach to reduce the size and/or frequency of dosage with therapeutic antibodies. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=122m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=36m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 Programmable in situ amplification for multiplexed imaging of mRNA expression pp1208 - 1212 Harry M T Choi et al. doi:10.1038/nbt.1692 The simultaneous detection of multiple mRNA species in thick tissues or whole-mount embryos has remained technically challenging. Choi et al. present a method based on the triggered polymerization of RNA stem-loop structures that allows the distribution of up to five mRNAs in intact zebrafish embryos to be imaged at the same time. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=121m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=35m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 Cultured cambial meristematic cells as a source of plant natural products pp1213 - 1217 Eun-Kyong Lee et al. doi:10.1038/nbt.1693 The culture of dedifferentiated plant cells to produce commercially important chemicals has met with limited success. Lee et al. demonstrate the potential of innately undifferentiated cells from Taxus cuspidata as an industrial source of the anticancer drug paclitaxel. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=133m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=28m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- CAREERS AND RECRUITMENT ---------------------- Third-quarter biotech job picture p1218 Michael Francisco doi:10.1038/nbt1110-1218 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=129m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 PEOPLE People p1220 doi:10.1038/nbt1110-1220 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=127m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 =========================== ADVERTISEMENT =========================== Joint Focus from Nature Biotechnology and The Pharmacogenomics Journal The MicroArray Quality Control II papers Building on its original work assessing the technical performance of DNA microarray technology, the MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC) consortium, a partnership between industry, academic and US government researchers, has set out to investigate the capabilities and limitations of microarray data analysis with respect to disease prediction. Read the Focus online for FREE until February 28, 2011: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=53m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0 Produced with support from: Affymetrix http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=39m=35964417r=NDU1MzI2NDA5NQS2b=2j=ODYxNzI2NDIS1mt=1rt=0
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TOP 10 | Biotechnology | calculated on 17 January 2010
xupeiyang 2010-1-17 10:02
http://f1000biology.com/top10/8003 1 Exceptional F1000 Factor 10.0 Confirmation Hypothesis New Finding Tech Advance Concerted loading of Mcm2-7 double hexamers around DNA during DNA replication origin licensing. Remus D, Beuron F, , Morris EP, Diffley JF Cell 2009 Nov 13 139 (4):719-30 Selected by | Matthew L Bochman and VirginiaZakian / JoelHuberman / MichaelBotchan / AnindyaDutta First evaluation 23Nov2009 | Latest evaluation 12Jan2010 2 Must Read F1000 Factor 6.4 New Finding Ammonia oxidation kinetics determine niche separation of nitrifying Archaea and Bacteria. Martens-Habbena W, Berube PM, , de la Torre JR, Stahl DA Nature 2009 Oct 15 461 (7266):976-9 Selected by | DouglasCapone / Ian MHead First evaluation 30Nov2009 | Latest evaluation 4Jan2010 3 Must Read F1000 Factor 4.8 New Finding Tech Advance A photocontrolled molecular switch regulates paralysis in a living organism. Al-Atar U, Fernandes R, , Baillie D, Branda NR J Am Chem Soc 2009 Nov 11 131 (44):15966-7 Selected by | Joseph Yourey and E Neil GMarsh / Jian Liang and JamesCanary First evaluation 10Dec2009 | Latest evaluation 22Dec2009
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Hypotheses on Life Activities of Microorganisms(original)
biozhang 2008-11-16 05:57
Hypotheses on life activities of microorganisms(original) Zhang Xingyuan, The three basic hypotheses on life activities of microorganisms (The three hypotheses on fermentation science) The first hypothesis: The hypothesis of metabolic energy supporting ( sustainment) The energy be able to promote the activities of life directly (to do cell-work within cell), can be called metabolic energy. Microbial cells rely on self-agencies for energy transformation to change the energy sector, from chemical energy or light energy into metabolic energy ,which can be directly used to support the activities of their own lives. The second hypothesis: The metabolic network hypothesis Based on the integration in the levels of molecules and the coordination in the levels of co-factors (co-enzymes), the metabolic pathway and transfer systems constitute the metabolic networks throughout inside and outside microbial cells. Metabolic network is a kind of scale-free networks of cell self-regulation, which as a whole to bear the microbial cell material metabolism and energy metabolism. The third hypothesis: The hypothesis of cell economy Microbial cell is an imbalanced open system far from a balance state, is a cell economy system which come into being on the basis of natural selection. Cell economy system is the security system for microbial cell survival, to provide continuous protection for cell in the sectors of adaptability, economy, and metabolism. The three basic hypotheses of microbial life activities as a whole, mainly as follows: ① A complete ideological system: The three basic hypotheses of microbial life activities (the hypothesis of metabolic energy supporting , the metabolic networks hypothesis and the hypothesis of cell economy), as well as the reasoning on the premise they made, constitute a complete ideological system. The first hypothesis reflects the premise of the living activities of microorganism (to supply energy continuously); the second hypothesis embodies the contents of microbial life (energy and material conversion relations); the third hypothesis to reveal the law of microbial life activities (to provide the basis for co-operation between human being and micro-organisms). The three basic hypotheses , from three different angles to analyze the same question, the living activities of microorganism, embody the three are interlinked and coordinated. The first hypothesis, from the perspective of bioenergetics and metabolic energy, we firmly believe that microbial cells are convertor of metabolic energy; the second hypothesis, from the perspective of biochemistry and metabolism, we firmly believe that microbial cells are biological and chemical reactors and biological materials processor; the third hypothesis, from the perspective of bioinformatics, we firmly believe that microbial cells are bio-informatics encoder, information sensor and information processor. ② The three hypotheses support each other, constraints, and complement each other: Energy metabolism rely on metabolic networks to achieve sustainability, metabolic networks need metabolic energy to run to support metabolism, energy metabolism and material metabolism overlap each other, and in restraint of cell economic laws. Currents of flowing metabolites in metabolic networks rely on supporting of metabolic energy, and are restricted to laws of cell economy; but the studies on metabolic energy sustainment and cell economy, must with the aid of the work-carrier, metabolic networks. ③ Nature dialectics in fermentation engineering: Modern industrial fermentation is going to establish in the base of academic research of the three basic hypotheses. The hypothesis of metabolic energy supporting revealed the driving force behind the industrial fermentation. In the hypothesis of metabolic networks, metabolic pathways (enzymes) and related carriers (proteins) have been organized as a whole, and known as the metabolic networks (material metabolism network), in order to have a good grasp of microbial physiology and material metabolism in the macro level, and to provide the basis of analysis for the actual operation sites in the design of industrial fermentation from raw materials to the target products. The concept of cell economy have been put forward, it provides a theoretical basis of that we handle the relationship between the unity of opposites of the subjective wishes upon industrial fermentation and the objective law of microbial life activities. ④ Cross-disciplines and infiltrate-disciplines: The establishment of the new concept of fermentation science is based on the combination, infiltration, fusion, and support each other,in the field of disciplines of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, cytology and the field of disciplines of physics, physical chemistry, chemical engineering principles, electrotechnics, biology, economics, philosophy and dialectics of nature. please read revised version: http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=285662 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=285663
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