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st69786 2015-9-19 00:02
美国科学基金会挨国会批了 贺飞 北京大学 2015 年 9 月 16 日 ,美国《科学》网站在线报道 , 国会要求科学基金会解释其在建的国家生态监测网( NEON )项目中所犯的过失。 本周五 ( 9 月 18 日 )上午, 一个国会小组将质询 NEON 和科学基金会官方,询问观测网 2017 年一旦建设成功,是否能实现其最初设定的测度几十年来大陆尺度的气候变化、土地利用趋势以及外来物种入侵的目标,以及所有的数据是流动公开的。 众议院科学委员会下属的研究和技术委员会将联合监察委员会就科学基金会的 NEON 项目进展举行最高听证会,会议名字干脆直接就叫“ 给 NEON 警告信号:审查项目的管理 ”。听证委员会将要求柯林斯和科学基金会生物学部主任詹姆斯汇报项目进展以及其是如何监管项目的,还有就是 NEON 公司领导团队是否有继续管理项目的能力等。 《科学》报道说, 将首席执行官烧鱿鱼通常可以提高一个不景气公司的绩效,但并不总是奏效,当然这一招较开除所有员工还是相对容易做的。上周,国家生态观测网公司 (NEON) 董事会按这一招将其首席执行官拉塞尔 • 黎炒了鱿鱼并着手物色继任人。这是董事会第一次公开回应上个月科学基金会要求减少这一在建的 4.34 亿美元项目在全国布点范围的决定 。 科学基金会的决议措辞强烈,包括淘汰布点并撤回仪器,希望让这一碰到麻烦的工程按进度执行,并控制在预算范围内。董事会主席 柯林斯 自 2008 年以来一直坚持 NEON 不能中途换帅。作为 2000 年代后期科学基金会生物学部主任,他为项目立项帮了大忙。他同时也是亚利桑那州立大学的生物学教授,认为项目还是取得了一定的进展。 NEON 自打 2000 年第一次提交申请以来,一直很坎坷,生态学界尽管欢迎这一能力建设,但许多科学家自打它 2010 年开工建设以来,就发现这一自上而下、标准化设计的项目存在许多漏洞,认为科学还是应该脚踏实地。拉塞尔 • 黎 是从一名林学教授转为大学管理者的,当他在 2012 年 3 月成为首席执行官便继承了这些问题。尽管柯林斯表扬 拉塞尔 • 黎 为项目推进所做出的贡献,但也对其管理风格提出了含蓄的批评。提名接替 拉塞尔 • 黎 的是项目首席科学家、来自科罗拉多州立大学的土壤学家尤金 • 凯利。他自 1989 年成为该校教师,过去 4 年一直担任系主任,目前是在休学术假。董事会认为凯利加入 NEON 有望加强项目同学界的沟通,并确保项目所有活动立足于科学前沿。但凯利本周谢绝了这一新职位,继续担任项目的首席科学家。柯林斯对其为人十分称道,认为他是一名好科学家。他希望董事会尽快成立搜寻继任人委员会,最好在下次十月初会议上便做出决定,以便在 3 到 6 个月内能够找到继任人。 《科学》杂志早前的报道说, 科学基金会在今年 8 月公开承认其 2010 年批准建设的全国生态监测系统遇到了小麻烦, 面临着超支和延期两大问题 。 科学基金会官方决定减少项目建设内容并取消一个主要的水生态研究项目。科学基金会最近发现其计划明年完工的预算 4.33 亿美元的项目,将面临延期并预计如果按当前建设内容会超支 8000 万美元。在咨询了 NEON 官方和外部科学家后,科学基金会决定减少建设内容,让项目科学转型,确保按时按预算完成。这一项目多年受到科学家的诟病,但科学计划和项目管理方毫不理会。各方都承认 NEON 隐瞒了实情。在今年二月的一份高层咨询报告中指出,生态系统尚未建设如此大规模工程的经验。报告试图唤醒那些因为旷日持久的设计和建设已经麻木的科学家。一些作为未来用户的科学家认为 NEON 取消水生态实验的消息十分可怕。但 NEON 公司认为项目仍旧在原来的目标轨道上,做出调整也是无奈之举。 这一项目在 15 年前就被首次提出,只不过不是由生态学界而是由时任科学基金会主任科威尔提出的。 NEON 项目被认为是生态学界进入大数据时代的标志,将替代科学家传统的监测和实验手段,采用标准化程序,收集海量的大陆尺度的数据。在若干小错后,研究界和科学基金会共同合并发布最终的 NEON 建设计划,未来 30 年,科学家将通过 20 多个节点的监测塔和传感器持续收集流域信息,包括热带雨林、湿地、高度沙化的草原、以及城市生态系统。三架飞机将在生长期定期巡回各节点记录制备变化模式。数据将公开发布,让科学家能研究大陆尺度的气候变化、土地利用趋势以及外来物质入侵等。 NEON 项目由科学基金会资助,是一个大陆尺度的生态观测设施,计划在全美布局 62 个观测站,收集和综合分析过去 30 年有关气候变化、土地利用以及外来物种入侵对自然资源和生物多样性影响等相关数据。 NEON 项目是科学基金会 2016 年预算请求中最大的“重大研究仪器和设施 MREFC ”项目,年度预算达到 8064 万美元,这也是其 6 年建设期的最后一年,项目总体预算约为 4.34 亿美元。 2015 年 7 月 30 日 ,科学基金会报告该委员会说, NSF 在 6 月份收到 NEON 项目要求经费用完,要按原设计完成就要增加经费的请求。报告提出追加大约 8000 万美元的预算,并延迟项目建设期 18 个月。但最初的项目设计中已经包含了 6000 万的不可预见费。 项目 2011 年动工,计划 2016 年年底完成。但项目进展一直不太顺,部分问题是建设方自己导致的,包括人员流动太多以及团队内部不和等。但项目的批准过程也很漫长,还有持续存在的技术调战。在夏威夷和阿拉斯加等地已建成的站点尤其问题很多,面临独有的环境挑战, NEON 今年在两名守卫被杀后取消了波多黎各的城市站点。科学基金会最近做出结论认为项目将延迟一年运行,但同时认为是不可接受的。为了使项目回到正常轨道, NEON 将保留核心 20 个节点的所有观测站,但减少站点的数量,结果是原计划的 60 个站点将减少到 50 个。 负责项目建设的国家生态观测网公司 (NEON) 是一个 501(c )(3) 条款成立的独立项目法人公司,主要负责建设、运行和管理这一网络。 2015 年 8 月 2 日 , NEON 公司宣布科学基金会召集了一个专家小组会,参会成员包括科学基金会、 NEON 公司职员以及其董事会成员,还有来自科学界参与最初项目设计的专家,旨在寻找最佳解决方案,确保项目在现有预算框架下按时顺利完成 。专家会议计划减少公司和项目管理成本,并减少项目的布点范围,包括取消部分城市布点,以及整个项目的溪流生态观测网子网建设。 2015 年 9 月 8 日 , NEON 公司宣布董事会开始物色新的首席执行官并任命 2012 年以来领导该公司的 拉塞尔 • 黎 为代理首席执行官。 2014 年 12 月 3 日 ,众议院委员会就项目的审计报告的结果曾召开过一次听证会,审核项目由科学基金会的总审计办公室( OIG )和国防合同审计署( DCAA )提交的审计报告。 科学基金会之所以要开展这次审计,也是因为其担心对部分即将进入运行阶段的高风险项目缺乏监管,没有按常规要求项目提交成本分析报告。于是在 2011 年 6 月,总审计办公室委托国防合同审计署对该项目的建设进行了全面审计。经过几周的紧张工作, DCAA 建议总审计办公室取消审计,因为 NEON 公司所提交的信息不完整,不足以完成财务分析。于是科学基金会和总审计办公室 OIG 都参与干预,确保 DCAA 完成审计任务。但在审计完成之前,科学基金会收到 NEON 公司的经费请求和项目总经费 4.3372 亿美元的批准授权。审计在 2012 年 9 月 12 日 完成。 DCAA 的审计结论是 NEON 公司提交的不是一个可以接受的公平合理的合同谈判价格。在其申请的 4.3372 亿美元总经费中, DCAA 认为大约 1.02 亿美元存在“疑问”,并认为额外提出的 5200 万亿美元“没有依据”。这份神经提交给科学基金会,附带提交了一份 OIG 有关过量经费的书面警告并提出几点建议。 OIG 随后启动了第二次 DCAA 项目审计,主要审计公司的会计体系。 DCAA 在 2013 年 5 月完成审计报告初稿,但由于内部意见不一致,直到 2014 年 10 月才提交给 OIG 审查。 于是, NSF OIG 和 DCAA 再次对项目公司的会计系统进行了审计。这次审计包括 NSF 批准 NEON 公司这类非营利机构的管理费。 DCAA 审计发现, NEON 公司用管理费支付了 11.2 万的游说费、 2.5 万的假日派对、以及每年 1.1 万的咖啡服务费等科目。 2015 年 2 月 3 日 ,众议院委员会召开了一次听证会,主要就科学基金会监管 NEON 工程和其他主要研究设施的情况听取汇报。 根据合作协议规定, NEON 公司负责管理建设 NEON 观测网并移交运行,包括雇用管理人员和职员、采购、签合同、选址、财务报告、请求和接收来自 NSF 的批准、培训和科普、以及同社区沟通等。而作为项目资助方的 NSF ,则负责进度监管,包括监测项目实现合作协议目标的进展,提供阶段性报告,财务监管和管监管等。 为控制 MREFC 项目建设成本,科学基金会为其制定了一项不能超成本的政策。要求在项目设计出了对总体成本便做出足够安排,提出不可预见费并将所有意外情况都包括在内,因而不能再额外提出经费申请。 而根据 NSF OIG 和 DCAA 审计, NEON 公司在其经费申请中有超过 1.5 亿美元的问题经费和没有依据的不可预见成本。 参考文献: http://news.sciencemag.org/policy/2015/09/congress-asks-nsf-explain-glitches-neon-project-under-construction?utm_campaign=email-news-latest http://news.sciencemag.org/environment/2015/08/nsf-shrinks-neon-major-blow-high-profile-u-s-ecological-science-project http://www.neoninc.org/about http://www.neoninc.org/updates-events/update/neon-adjust-scope-construction-project http://www.neoninc.org/updates-events/update/special-report-recommendations-response-nsf-scope-management-directives http://www.neoninc.org/updates-events/update/leadership-transition-announced-neon-inc https://science.house.gov/legislation/hearings/full-committee-hearing-review-results-two-audits-national-ecologic l http://www.nsf.gov/oig/_pdf/12-1-008-neon.pdf http://www.nsf.gov/oig/_pdf/15-6-001-neon.pdf https://science.house.gov/sites/republicans.science.house.gov/files/documents/HHRG-114-SY21-20150203-SD001.pdf https://science.house.gov/legislation/hearings/subcommittee-oversight-and-subcommittee-research-and-technology-joint-hearing National Science Foundation Large Facilities Manual, March 31, 2011, p. 18. Available at: http://www.nsf.gov/bfa/lfo/lfo_documents.jsp (转载请注明出处,电子邮件: st69786@tom.com )
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热度 1 OPENRESOURCES 2015-4-13 15:50
具体内容链接至 http://www.nsf.gov/news/special_reports/public_access/查看。 美国国家科学基金会( National Science Foundation ,简称 NSF )于 2015 年 3 月 18 日发布了名为“今日的数据,明日的发现”公共获取计划,该计划概述了一系列的活动,以增强源自 NSF 资助研究的科学出版物和数字化科研数据的公共获取。 该计划对版本记录、同行评议学术期刊中已经接受的最终版手稿、评审过的会议论文集或汇报中的文章、数据管理计划等作出了要求。 为实现白宫科技政策办公室( White House Office of Science and Technology Policy ,简称 OSTP )备忘录中的目标, NSF 计划将通过一种开放、灵活和循序渐进的方式实现: w 将 NSF 资助的出版物、数据和其它产出整合进一个唯一的管理系统; w 在当前政策和实践的基础上创建; w 利用其它联邦机构、大学和科研机构以及私营部门的资源; w 提供一个创新平台; w 在必要和适当的保护措施下广泛获取 NSF 资助的研究成果。 该计划为持续获取 NSF 资助的研究成果提出了一个框架并遵循数据共享、数据管理计划、评价、监测和监督的 NSF 政策。 NSF 将继续鉴别其他的方式(包括公共和私营部门机构),并将努力改善公众对科研数据的访问。 NSF 将与其他机构开展合作,共同探寻改善公共获取的最佳实现方式,包括数据存储和保存、可发现性以及经过同行评议的科学出版物中结论背后的数据的重用。
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[转载]科伯恩修正案取消 美政治学家如释重负
pikeliu 2014-1-28 13:53
U.S. Political Scientists Relieved That Coburn Language Is Gone 23 January 2014 3:30 pm 2 Comments The 2014 spending bill that the U.S. Congress passed last week renders moot part of Justin Esarey’s recent grant application to the National Science Foundation (NSF). But Esarey, an assistant professor of political science at Rice University in Houston, Texas, couldn’t be happier. Esarey was one of hundreds of researchers who tweaked their pending proposals to accommodate a directive from Congress that any awards made by NSF’s division of political science must foster national security or economic development. The language, crafted by Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK), was adopted last March as an amendment to a bill setting out NSF’s 2013 budget. (Like most policy “riders” to appropriations bills, it applied only to that fiscal year.) In response, NSF canceled a grants competition planned for last summer, delayed making any new awards, and in November notified researchers that anyone seeking funding in the next competition should explain “ he relationship of the proposed research to these goals.” The letter said NSF would also continue to apply its two traditional criteria—intellectual merit and broader impacts. Esarey heeded NSF’s advice in his proposal, which describes a weekly online “international methods colloquium” on applying quantitative analysis to political science. Instead of simply talking about the value of the webinar series to other researchers, Esarey added two paragraphs that explained how the information, archived and publicly available, might also attract people into the burgeoning field of “big data,” which labor analysts say is looking for workers. “It really wasn’t much of a stretch to make the case that it could be a public good,” Esarey says. That claim may still be true. But it’s probably not going to affect how Esarey’s proposal will be judged at NSF. The deadline for grant applications was 15 January, one day before Congress completed action on a 2014 spending bill covering the entire federal government. That bill, which President Barack Obama signed into law on 17 January, didn’t include the Coburn amendment. “We’re all delighted that this is no longer a special burden for political scientists,” Esarey says. NSF plans to handle the new round of applications as if the Coburn amendment never existed. “Panelists will be asked to review the proposals against NSF’s two merit review criteria, intellectual merit and broader impacts,” explains Debbie Wing of NSF’s Office of Legislative and Public Affairs. Asked whether the agency will take into account the additional material from researchers that address Coburn’s two criteria, Wing says that “NSF program officers will consider information provided by project investigators about all potential broader impacts of their research, including potential impacts on national security and the economic interests of the United States.” That approach makes sense to Esarey. “ was a legal requirement as of 15 January, so all of us are on equal grounds,” he says. Referring to the portion of his application that addresses how his grant would bolster the economy by strengthening the U.S. technical workforce, he adds, “I have a hard time believing that it will count against us. My guess is that it will neither help nor hurt.” What hurts Esarey and other political scientists is how legislators decided to add their voice to what they believe should be a discussion among scientific peers. “It’s valid for Congress to say it wants to favor one area of research,” Esarey says. “But this is not the right way to do that.” Aaron Fobes, a spokesman for Coburn, says his boss “is troubled that Congress again allowed scarce scientific research funding to go to lower-priority political science studies.” But Fobes declined to say whether Coburn, who announced last week that he is giving up his Senate seat in December, will try to reintroduce his restrictions when Congress takes up a 2015 spending bill later this year. A colleague, Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ), proposed similar language several years ago while a member of the House of Representatives. Representative Frank Wolf (R-VA), who chairs the House spending panel that oversees NSF’s budget, told Science Insider last week that “I’m comfortable with where we are now. But we’re going to watch it.” Wolf, who is also retiring from Congress at the end of the year, added that he’s “a big supporter of NSF and that I don’t want to do anything to harm NSF.” Rick Wilson, a colleague of Esarey’s at Rice, applauds NSF for its response to the Coburn amendment. “I think NSF was smart in backing off, and the eventual outcome was good,” says Wilson, who did not submit a proposal in the latest round. “Even if you have a sharp stick, you shouldn’t poke the hornet’s nest. But it’s a shame that had to be sacrificed for a year.” Photo caption: Unhappy. Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) is “troubled” that Congress omitted his restrictions on NSF in the 2014 spending bill. (Credit: U.S. Congress/Senator Tom Coburn) 科伯恩修正案取消 美政治学家如释重负 ​ 图片来源:《科学》 近日,美国2014财年预算出炉。增加的预算经费使得很多科研机构和研究人员欢欣鼓舞。但莱斯大学政治学助理教授Justin Esarey并不开心。 Esarey是数百位为自己悬而未决的建议而焦急的研究人员之一,他们建议调整国会要求国家科学基金会(NSF)政治科学部门的经费必须用于改善国家安全或经济发展的指令。参议员汤姆·科伯恩精心炮制的这些语言于去年3月被采纳,作为法律修正案被置于NSF的2013年预算案中。 作为回应,NSF取消了去年夏天的经费竞争计划,延迟了新拨款计划的出台。11月NSF通知研究人员申请下一轮经费需要解释 “申请研究计划与这两个目标的关系。”不过,NSF仍需要继续应用其两条传统标准:学术价值和广泛影响。 与简单讨论网络研讨会对其他研究人员的价值不同,Esarey在他的申请中增加了两个段落,用于解释归档和公开信息如何将人们吸引到不断发展的“大数据”领域。“这无法拉伸到那些目标,它将是一个公益事业。”Esarey说。 但是,相关建议可能不会影响NSF对Esarey申请的裁决。经费申请的截止日期是1月15日——2014财年预算生效的前一天。总统奥巴马于17日签署生效的预算法案中并不包括科伯恩修正案。“我们很高兴,政治学家不再有特殊的负担。” Esarey说。 如果科伯恩修正案被取消,NSF计划着手进行新一轮经费申请。“专门小组成员将被要求回顾那些违背NSF两条价值标准的申请。”NSF立法和公共事务办公室的Debbie Wing解释道。 当被问及该机构是否将考虑增加解释科伯恩标准的额外资料时,Wing表示:“NSF项目官员将考虑项目申请者提交的有关该研究所有潜在影响的信息,其中包括对国家安全和经济发展的可能影响。” (张章) 《中国科学报》 (2014-01-28 第3版 国际) 更多阅读 《科学》相关报道(英文)
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NSF Director Suresh issued the following notice today:
whoiswho 2013-3-1 07:54
博主按:NSF Director宣布NSF预算将减少,竞争将更激烈 NSF Director Suresh issued the following notice today “National Science Foundation Office of the Director Arlington, VA 22230 “Notice No. 133 February 27, 2013 “IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PRESIDENTS OF UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES AND HEADS OF OTHER NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AWARDEE ORGANIZATIONS “Subject: Impact of FY 2013 Sequestration Order on NSF Awards “As you may know, since passage of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, the President has been working with Congress to reach agreement on a balanced deficit reduction plan. If an agreement is not reached by the end of this month, the President will be required to issue an order on March 1, 2013 that will implement across-the-board spending cuts known as sequestration. As a result of this expected sequestration order, the Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 appropriations of the National Science Foundation (NSF) will be reduced by 5 percent. “We intend to make the necessary FY 2013 reductions with as little disruption as possible to established commitments, and are using the following set of core principles to guide our sequestration planning activities: • Protect commitments to NSF’s core mission and maintain existing awards; • Protect the NSF workforce; and • Protect STEM human capital development programs. “By adhering to these core principles and the government-wide guidance issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Memorandum 13-03, Planning for Uncertainty with Respect to Fiscal Year 2013 Budgetary Resources, we expect to be able to accommodate the sequestration reductions in ways that minimize, to the extent possible, the impact on our mission, both short- and long-term. “Because the sequestration order takes effect at mid-year, its impact is somewhat greater than might otherwise be the case. At NSF, the major impact of sequestration will be seen in reductions to the number of new research grants and cooperative agreements awarded in FY 2013. We anticipate that the total number of new research grants will be reduced by approximately 1,000. “In keeping with the first core principle listed above, and to assure continuity and minimize disruption of scientific research, all continuing grant increments in FY 2013 will be awarded, as scheduled, and there will be no impact on existing NSF standard grants. The same intent applies to annual increments for cooperative agreements, though overall funding constraints may require reductions to certain major investments. These will be handled on a case-by-case basis. “It is also important to advise you that the Foundation is currently operating under a Continuing Resolution (CR) that will expire on March 27, 2013. Once NSF has appropriations in place beyond March 27th, we will revise this notice as necessary. “Subra Suresh Director” Richard M. Jones Government Relations Division American Institute of Physics rjones@aip.org 301-209-3095
个人分类: 科研笔记|3141 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 PZhou 2012-10-8 10:04
美国阳光基金会(Sunlight Foundation)高级研究员 Lee Drutman 分析发现,高校在美国科学基金会担任顾问的人数越多获得的资助也越多。详见 http://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/2012/09/13/nsf-funding/ 但并不能据此断定美国NSF的基金分配与人情相关,因为这种相关性可能取决于另外的因素——高校的研究实力,研究能力越强者越有资格担任 NSF顾问 。因此,Lee Drutman应该再做另外两个相关性分析:1)高校在NSF的顾问数与高校排名,2)资助额度与高校排名,以免让人误解NSF资助存在人情关系。
3822 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 2 laserdai 2012-8-23 06:36
我这里要说的是一个美国NSF项目官员,是真人真事,是一个在中国和美国我们专业行业比较有名气和影响的人,一个和我个人有着不少联系的人,也是早年对我回国有着帮助的人。我之所以今天能够公开这些,主要是因为他的案件在美国司法部的网站上都有,他本人也承认了其造假和腐败行为,并有可能在这个月(8月)底的审判中,被罚高达25万美元的罚金和最长可达5年的监禁。具体地说,他的问题就是在2006年至2011年间,多次伪造账单,或者是隐瞒从别人那里收到的礼物,拿着票子到受到NSF资助的大学报账,或者是在NSF和大学重复报账,多拿了不少不应该拿的钱。后来不知什么原因,被NSF发现了。   就我对他的了解,他的经济问题被 NSF发现,只是时间早晚的问题,因为 我一直坚信,一个人可以偶尔偷偷摸摸干一两件坏事,不备发现而侥幸过关,要是重复做坏事,早晚总是要被抓到,最后完蛋 。像他这样,在NSF工作了30多年,已经早已超过了可以舒服退休的年龄,因为晚年的不检点,最后是功亏一篑,是在是一件很不划算的事情。   说起这位先生,他还是为中美的科技合作做出了不小的贡献,是为数不多的最早组织美国学术访问团在改革开放初期去中国的美国官员。因为他曾经是美国NSF我们领域的负责人,所以有着很多的经济和政府资源,也的确为中国这个领域在国际上的交流和成长起到了非常正面的作用。论起个人关系,他不仅是我的师伯(他的导师我和的博士导师的导师是同一位国际名师),而且是我当年回中国竞聘的几个评委之一,是全票同意我任职的重量级人物之一。   不论于公于私,我对他都有着很多的感恩。后来,在我回国的过程中,我通过了解发现, 他经过几十年NSF的洗礼,已经出现了不少的腐败的苗头 。NSF也在内部对他管理的职位进行了调整,让他去管一个新兴的学科,有意思,但是利益不是很多,而我们领域当时在NSF有一个数亿美元的巨大科学工程则由另外一位女士来管理。   后来,在国内的时候,因为学术交流的需要,几次邀请他去我当时的单位,其中发生了几次因为经济的原因弄得双方都不愉快的事情,我也逐渐地淡化和他的关系,最后渐渐地变成基本没有多少来往。现在想来,当年我的坚持原则还是很对的。   举几个例子吧。在国内,报销是有着比较严格的规定的,但是也不是不可以破。什么可以破,什么不可以破?不可以破的,一定是不能做假账,不能用虚假的票子,也不能用复印的票据。可以破的,虽然也有问题,但是即使发现了,不会严重。例如,国内请客送礼是有经费限额的,很多时候都无法不超,所以即使超了一点,问题不会是特别严重。又比如,你请别人做讲座,报酬可以给几百,也可以给几千,甚至几万,这个虽然不合规,但是没有太大的经济问题。邀请别人的宾馆的费用,虽然也有明确的规定,但是还是可以超一些,然后再想办法的。当年,对于这位先生的不能破规矩的要求,我只能拒绝,然后用可以破例的地方来给予他一定的补偿,可能如此的做法是当时国内其他单位所没有的,我也因此得到了单位的老人的“善意的告诫”,希望不要断了美国NSF这条线。可是,无论如何,我也不能做绝对无法破例的事情,这个底线还是要坚持的。几次尝试之后,让他感受到了国内单位对他接待的差别,他也逐渐地去别人那里的次数要远远多于去我当时单位的次数。我们在NSF通过他的联系逐渐地少起来。后来,我通过其他的渠道认识了当时负责那个巨大科学工程的女士,更加加强了我们单位和美国其他学术单位的联系,这是后话。   回到那位先生的事件上。再后来,我从不同的地方听到了类似的风言风语,基本就是官方公文中提到的几类事情,就是把NSF的经费转到一个地方,然后把其当作自己的个人经费,或者是 一次的差旅到几个地方报销 ,另外,他也没有积极申报在其他地方收到的礼物(按照NSF的规定,收到超过一定金额的礼物是要上报的,有的时候需要上交),等等。   最后,不知是通过什么渠道,NSF得到了他的这些问题的信息,然后当然就是必要的法律程序。现在,等待他的不仅是巨大的经济损失,更严重的是劳役之灾,还有一世英名毁于一旦的后果。    我想, 一个人可以偶尔偷偷地干一件坏事情,或许能够蒙混过关,但是一定不能经常干坏事,因为经常干坏事,总有一天会被发现,然后是得不偿失,功亏一篑,自绝于江湖。 这也是NSF这位官员的腐败案例再次证明了的。 http://zifawang.blog.sohu.com/234101841.html
个人分类: 科学丑闻|4869 次阅读|4 个评论
List of buzzwords
zuojun 2012-6-28 15:10
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_buzzwords plus one for my NSF proposal: Detection and attribution No, I didn't want to add such words. I like plain but clear writing, using solid scientific evidence. However, my colleague asked me to trust him, that is, let him re-write what I wrote. OMG! I wonder how he is going to ruin my writing...
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2605 次阅读|0 个评论
Self-imposed deadline, three weeks
zuojun 2012-6-23 15:52
My proposal partner said he wrote his first NSF proposal in two weeks, and got funded. Well, I was going to spend 4-5 weeks on this one, but we actually only have three weeks due to travels in summer. Let's hope that he is as lucky the second time as he was the first time.
个人分类: My Research Interests|2723 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 3 lailaizhang 2012-6-12 10:10
在美国时间长了,对她所谓的政治民主制度也有了一些了解。有些事情跟‘ 民主’,‘透明’ 格格不入。举个例子, confidential(保密的) 这个词经常用到。有些东西涉及到个人信息,说是保密,还能理解。譬如说,社会安全号。因为这个联系到信用卡等等的重要信息。有些却不是关于一个两个人,是 公共事件 ,却也要confidential。就有点让人摸不着头脑了。我们系的学生会刚刚开了每月例行的小会。有一个学生汇报了系里面 招聘一个教授的情况 。他作为学生代表,参加了审议评选的一些过程。大家问他,人选确定了吗?这个学生说:“初步确定了,但这是confidential的,我 不能告诉你们 。”大家都面面相觑。另外一个学生接口:“我听说招了一个女的。”这个学生没有继续说下去。恐怕也是被confidential这个字封住了嘴。大家之好作罢。 为什么招聘教授的结果不能公开呢?系里面会说,哦,还没有最终确定。那又怎样?不确定,初步的意见就不能公开了么? 然后又有一个学生说到邀请报告人的事情。系里每周有一个人来做报告。学生每学期可以选择两个。这个学生说系里面不喜欢请太远的人来,因为机票贵。可是系里面又不告诉大家预算有多少,导致大家请人的时候没有个底儿。不知道 这预算是不是也是confidential的 ? 接下来说到关于我们系的外审。前些日子,外面来了一些专家,对我们系进行评审。我们平时 不方便跟系里直接说的话 ,譬如说,学生的工资啊,博士后没人管理啊,都可以跟这些外审专家说。所以学生么对这个外审的结果都很关心。一个学生向我们传达进展,我们听到的是什么呢?说是现在 还不能告诉我们 。教授们要先看完了,纠正外审报告里面的错误,然后交给研究生院里。然后呢?不知道下面是什么。会不会给学生们看?不知道。我纳闷了,为什么教授们可以看,还可以更正里面的错误, 而学生们就不能看呢? Confidential? 类似的例子还有不少。要么是confidential。要么就 干脆不告诉你发生了什么 。我参加过学校的学生会的管理工作。学生会干部开会的时候,不计会议记录,或者是有选择性地记录。一些奇怪的想法,譬如说,钱不够用,所以不希望所有的学生都来参加学生会的活动,也被一些学生干部提出来。类似这样不为学生考虑的想法还有,但是从来就没有公开过。 再说 美国NSF (自然科学基金) 评选 的具体过程。根据我导师说,好像也不能公开。你不能跟人家说我审议了什么什么项目申请,我的意见是如何如何。我在今年初的时候,也申请了一次,被拒了。收到三个简短的意见回馈。我跟实验室的同事们分享了一下,我觉得这样可以让大家学习 吸取我失败的经验教训 。我导师,还有另外一位同事的两份申请暂时通过了。我想看看他们拿到的评审意见,但又不好直接向他们要,他们也从来没有公开出来。可以理解,confidential嘛。 再举一例,那就是 推荐信 。这个也是confidential的。导师给学生写推荐信,这个信一般来说是不能给学生看的。为啥?简单的说,就是confidential,一个不是原因的原因。导师写了啥,对你咋评价的,你都不知道。有意见,有想法,为什么不能公开说呢?只有公开说,告诉了学生,才能促进学生进步呀。不公开的目的是什么呢?那就只能解释为 保护导师和老板的利益 喽,说好说坏都行。反正其目的也不是要帮助学生进步。想起来我上中小学的时候,班主任评语每学期都有,家长可以看,学生也可以看。从来就没有说过要保密的。我知道,有人要说,不让学生看可以保证推荐信的公正度,不至于偏袒学生。这个说法好像是一边倒吧。那如何能保证不伤害学生呢?如果公开了, 让所有的人都来评价 ,说说一个学生到底是好是坏,恐怕没有比这更公平公正的办法了吧。 似乎confidentiality是块儿布,需要的时候就拿出来。就像那屏风似的,一旦摆了出来,你最好不要去问去看,我也不好去评去说。 看到有人在 《科学网》的博客 和其他的论坛上讨论 科研,教学,招聘,导师学生关系,基金,评院士 的经验意见,我不禁地觉得,我们的 信息透明度和交流度还是挺高的 。这要 感谢各位积极写博和灌水的 ,让我们可以耳听八方。我希望我们以后可千万不要也跟美国学,把confidentiality拿来当成一块儿布,堵住大家的嘴,挡住大家的眼。
个人分类: 发牢骚|3460 次阅读|28 个评论
[转载]NSF Issues Advanced Computing Infrastructure Plan
rbwxy197301 2012-2-28 11:59
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has released a vision and strategic plan for Advanced Computing Infrastructure (ACI) seeking “ to position and support the entire spectrum of NSF-funded communities at the cutting edge ofadvanced computing technologies, hardware, and software .” The report “also aimsto promote a more complementary, comprehensive, andbalanced portfolio of advanced computing infrastructure and programs for research and education to supportmultidisciplinary computational and data-enabled scienceand engineering that in turn support the entire scientific,engineering, and education community.” ACI is a key component of the Foundation’s Cyberinfrastructure for 21st Century Science and Engineering (CIF21) framework. Here’s the vision articulated in the report: NSF will be a leader in creating and deploying a comprehensive portfolio of advanced computing infrastructure, programs, and other resources to facilitate cutting-edge foundational research in computational and data-enabled science and engineering (CDSE) and their application toall disciplines. NSF will also build on its leadership role to promote human capital development and education in CDSE to beneit all ields of science and engineering. And the five strategies for achieving this vision (following the link): 1. Foundational research to fully exploit parallelism and concurrency through innovations in computational models and languages, mathematics and statistics, algorithms, compilers, operating and run-time systems, middleware, software tools, application frameworks, virtual machines, and advanced hardware. 2. Applications research and development in use of highend computing resources in partnerships with scientificdomains, including new computational, mathematical and statistical modeling, simulation, visualization and analytic tools, aggressive domain-centric applications development, and deployment of scalable data management systems. 3. Building, testing, and deploying both sustainable and innovative resources into a collaborative ecosystem that encompasses integration/coordination withcampus and regional systems, networks, cloud services, and/or data centers in partnerships with scientificdomains. 4. Development of comprehensive education and workforce programs, from deep expertise in computational,mathematical and statistical simulation, modeling,and CDSE to developing a technical workforce andenabling career paths in science, academia, government, and industry. 5. Development and evaluation of transformational andgrand challenge community programs that supportcontemporary complex problem solving by engaginga comprehensive and integrated approach to science,utilizing high-end computing, data, networking, facilities, software, and multidisciplinary expertise acrosscommunities, other government agencies, and international partnerships. For much more detail, check out the full report here . (Contributed by Erwin Gianchandani , CCC Director) 资料来源:http://www.cccblog.org/2012/02/23/nsf-issues-advanced-computing-infrastructure-plan/ Related posts: CISE AD Issues Letter to Community on FY 13 Budget Rollout CISE AD Issues Letter to the Community on Robotics Initiative A Federal Health IT Strategic Plan Robotics Research a Pillar of New $500M Advanced Manufacturing Partnership DARPA Issues PERFECT Solicitation
个人分类: 文章转载|2009 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]FYI:FY 2012 House Funding Bill: National Science Foundation
AIPBeijing2010 2011-7-18 07:37
Saturday, July 16, 2011 00:00 Number 89: July 15, 2011 FY 2012 House Funding Bill: National Science Foundation On Wednesday the full House Appropriations Committee approved the FY 2012 Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations Bill, and sent it to the House floor. The bill is scheduled to be considered by the House before the start of the August recess. The committee report accompanying the bill has a 4 ½ page section of the committee’s recommendations for the National Science Foundation, which can be found starting on page 82. There was no language regarding the foundation as a whole. Excerpts regarding specific directorates and activities are below: Total NSF: The FY 2011 appropriation was $6,859.9 million The FY 2012 Administration request was $7,767.0 million The House Appropriations Committee recommends $6,859.9 million – level funding Research and Related Activities: The FY 2011 appropriation was $5,563.9 million The FY 2012 Administration request was $6,253.5 million The House Appropriations Committee recommends $5,607.0 million, an increase of 0.8 percent or $43.1 million The report states: “ Research priorities . - The National Science Foundation (NSF) can maximize the amount of money available in fiscal year 2012 for new activities by carrying out the various reduction and termination proposals contained in the RRA budget request. The funds made available through these reductions and terminations, together with the increase provided by the Committee, will allow NSF to expand or enhance its activities across a range of research areas with significant impacts on national security or economic competitiveness. The Committee directs NSF to prioritize these new activities towards cybersecurity and cyberinfrastructure improvements; advanced manufacturing (as further discussed below); materials research; and disciplinary and interdisciplinary research in the natural and physical sciences, math and engineering. “ Advanced manufacturing. - The Committee encourages NSF’s planned activities related to the Advanced Manufacturing initiative. Future economic prosperity in the United States will depend largely on our ability to develop and manufacture new products based on advanced technologies, both for the domestic market and for export. Basic research supported through the NSF and other Federal science agencies is critical to this effort because it will help provide the foundation for the development of such new products and technologies by the private sector. “ Neuroscience. - The Committee believes there is a potential in the near future for significant, transformative advances in our fundamental understanding of learning, brain development, and brain health and recovery. Such advances will require enhanced tools to better understand the working of the brain, enhanced data and data infrastructure, and expanded interdisciplinary and large-scale research efforts. . . . “ “ Innovation inducement awards. - Funds provided under this heading may be used for innovation inducement prizes, as authorized by the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010 (Public Law 111–358). The Committee encourages NSF to make use of this mechanism, particularly in programs that specifically emphasize innovation, to focus on high risk/high reward research projects and to incentivize private sector involvement. . . . “ “ Protecting scientific intellectual property. - Government policy on the dissemination of scientific research data has trended consistently toward increased public access. This has numerous benefits and advantages, but also raises concerns about: (1) researchers’ ability to effectively retain their intellectual property rights for potentially lucrative findings; and (2) the government’s ability to protect scientific intellectual property that has significant economic or security implications. NSF is directed to report to the Committee on proactive steps that can be taken by the government and within the scientific research community to better balance the imperatives of public access and protection of data. This report shall be provided no later than 120 days after the enactment of this Act. “ Wireless Innovation Fund. - NSF’s request included $150,000,000 of mandatory funding for research on access to the radio spectrum, wireless testbeds and cyber-physical systems. This funding is dependent on legislation being enacted to authorize incentive auctions that would reallocate Federal agency and commercial spectrum bands over the next ten years.” Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction The FY 2011 appropriation was $117.1 million The FY 2012 Administration request was $224.7 million The House Appropriations Committee recommends $100.0 million, a decrease of 14.6 percent or $17.1 million The report states: "Project funding profiles. - NSF should promptly review its current portfolio of MREFC projects and their outyear funding profiles to ensure they are consistent with the fiscal year 2011 and 2012 appropriations. . . . “ “ Project contingency funding. - Project managers have responded to NSF’s ‘no cost overrun’ policy for major construction and equipment acquisition projects by increasing the amount of contingency funding carried in their budget proposals. The Committee encourages NSF to strengthen the oversight of these contingencies, particularly in terms of incentivizing grantees to bring their projects in under budget and return unused contingency funding. NSF shall report to the Committee on the steps it is taking to impose tighter controls on the drawdown, use and return of contingency funds for projects managed through the MREFC appropriation and for other large facility projects. This report should be submitted no later than 90 days after the enactment of this Act.” Education and Human Resources The FY 2011 appropriation was $861.0 million The FY 2012 Administration request was $911.2 million The House Appropriations Committee recommends $835.0 million, a decrease of 3.0 percent or $26.0 million The report states: “ Program changes. - NSF has proposed a number of program reductions or terminations within EHR. For the most part, these cuts were proposed not due to any dissatisfaction with the programs in question but rather because NSF would prefer to implement new initiatives. The Committee has no objection to this approach, with the exception of the proposed reductions to the Robert Noyce Scholarship Program and the Math and Science Partnership program. The Committee does not believe that those cuts are warranted solely to make room for new activities. “After accounting for the approved reductions and terminations, the recommended funding level will support the continuation of the fiscal year 2011 level for all other EHR programs, including Advanced Technological Education and the pre-existing elements of the Broadening Participation at the Core program, as well as approximately $40,000,000 of new or expanded activities as proposed in the budget request. “ Best practices in K–12 STEM education . - At NSF’s request, the NRC has recently completed a multiday workshop on best practices in K–12 STEM education. The results of this workshop, along with commissioned research and other sources, have been synthesized into an NRC report, Successful K–12 STEM Education: Identifying Effective Approaches in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics , that discusses best practices and provides a series of recommendations aimed at education policymakers and practitioners. Consistent with the current dissemination plan, NSF shall ensure that this report is widely distributed within the education and scientific communities. “In addition, NSF is directed to begin work to identify methods for tracking and evaluating the implementation of the improvements identified in the NRC’s report. These methods may include, but are not limited to, expansion and alignment of existing databases on student outcomes and school and classroom conditions, and the development of measures that more broadly capture desired student outcomes in STEM. NSF and its collaborators should provide an evaluation plan within 12 months of the enactment of this Act that describes these methods and recommends the necessary steps that should be taken by NSF and other Federal agencies to implement that plan. Within the amounts available in this account, up to $500,000 should be used for the formulation of the evaluation plan. “ Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) eligibility. – The Committee is concerned that potentially meritorious GRFP applications are being screened out prior to substantive review based solely on the academic field of the applicant. Without examining the details of an application, NSF has no way of knowing whether the application and academic work in question are focused on areas of basic research within NSF’s mission. Therefore, the Committee urges NSF to ensure that the review of GRFP applications is based solely on the merits of the proposed research and not on categorical distinctions that may not accurately capture the qualifications of an individual proposal. “ Hispanic Serving Institutions. - Over the past several years, NSF and the Congress have discussed the concept of creating a program within Broadening Participation at the Core to focus on Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI). NSF is directed to provide to the Committee a report outlining how the needs of HSIs will be addressed in fiscal year 2012 and any plans to establish an HSI-focused program in fiscal year 2013. “ Duplication of effort. - The Committee encourages NSF to continue cooperating with ongoing reviews by GAO and OSTP to identify and minimize duplication of effort with other Federal agencies on STEM education.” The committee report had fairly extensive language in a section starting on page 84 regarding Agency Operations and Award Management , with recommendations pertaining to contracting, acquisitions management, travel expenses, program evaluation and analysis, and questioned/unsupported costs. There was a single sentence devoted to the Office of the National Science Board (for which funding is maintained at the current level), and language on the Office of Inspector General . Richard Jones Government Relations Division American Institute of Physics rjones@aip.org 301-209-3095 Subscribe to FYI If this was forwarded to you, you can subscribe to FYI by sending a blank e-mail to fyi-subscribe-request@listserv.aip.org . You may also subscribe via RSS For permission to use text from this e-mail, please contact Richard M. Jones . For more science policy news, visit FYI's website . If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, please send a blank e-mail to fyi-signoff-request@listserv.aip.org . A publication of the American Institute of Physics © 2009
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热度 21 Synthon 2011-1-25 01:44
最近这个话题似乎炒的很火,我现在才关注,貌似有点后知后觉。本来看到这个题目,还以为又是国内与北美的科研体制之争,但是考古了一下,发现出乎我意料,两位反对新博士独立的,王鸿飞老师和王孝养老师,还都是在北美的。。。 鸿飞老师的这个观点很奇怪的,也跟他以前的文章风格差别很大,让我怀疑是不是枪手代写的。鸿飞老师说的不错,让新手申请各种基金,确实有这样那样的缺点,会带来各种问题。但是,如果你不让他申请基金,让他等到10年之后再申请,那10年之后,他还是个新手,缺点不会改进多少。而新手里面,确实有很多人水平不高,不够资格申请经费,但是不能因为这群人里头有人不够资格申请经费,就取消整个群体的申请资格。如果鸿飞老师是持这种观点,那我不妨抄袭一句,正教授里头也有不少人水平不够NSFC的,那么NSFC为啥不禁止所有正教授申请呢? 一句话,就是新手想独立,新手想申请NSFC,都没有错,都是应该鼓励的。这里头确实有些人水平不好,那该怎么办呢?很简单,让市场把他们淘汰掉。找不到独立研究职位的,申请经费不被批准的,自然就被淘汰掉了,留下的都是优秀的,不是么?至于因为NSFC缺少人手就考虑禁止一批人申请,完全是因噎废食的事情。 我自己也是新手,博士即将毕业,也正在找学术界的位置。有朋友问我,是否考虑国内的工作,我说,如果那个学校愿意提供50万美元的启动经费加博士生导师的资格,我当然考虑。朋友大概以为我是在开玩笑,但其实我是认真的。我并没有自大到说国内高校就一定要给我这样的位置,但是你要有这样的位置,然后大家来应聘,公平竞争嘛。我在美国找工作,找的就是这样的职位。当然,你可以说我不够格,OK,我来应聘了,你面试我了,但是有别的应聘者比我强,那我就被学术界淘汰掉了,这没什么。但是在面试中干掉我的那个“别的应聘者”,他也是个刚出炉的博士,但是拿到了独立的位置,招博士生的资格,加上50到100万美元的启动经费。以后,他还会申请NSF等各种经费,包括NSF Career Award,等等。NSF不会说,很抱歉,你刚毕业,我不能给你经费。 总之,新手要上路,你要给他参与这个优胜劣汰竞争的机会。他竞争不上,是他水平不行,但是如果连机会都没有,那你又如何得知他水平不行呢? 另外,顺便批评一下鸿飞老师博文中一些不合理的地方: 1.鸿飞老师说美国的NSF原则上只允许tenured 或者tenure track职位的人申请,这是不准确的,学校里面,research track的研究者,以及医学院里头clinical track的研究者,这些人都是永远做不到终身职的,但是NSF并没有禁止他们申请。 2. 鸿飞老师提到过有青年研究人员拿到了NSFC基金之后跳槽到其他单位而基金无法带走的情况,从而基金没有了项目主持人。我想说,这种情况,不光在青年研究人员身上会发生,在有经验的人身上也会发生。最简单的一个例子,鸿飞老师离开化学所的时候,手头有没有未结题的NSFC或者其他的国内科研项目呢?当然鸿飞老师可能风格比较高,一直等到手上所有项目都结题之后才离开,但这并不是解决这一问题的惯例。施一公老师回国的时候,是暂时保持兼职状态,把在美国拿到的项目做完,然后再彻底跟普林斯顿脱离关系的。饶毅老师回国的时候,是把自己的NIH基金转让给其他研究者管理的。我想这位青年研究人员的情况,完全可以用施饶之一的解决方案。 3.鸿飞老师认为,NSFC花费了大量精力和时间评审一些很差的申请。我认为,这些时间和精力是应该花的。尽管这些申请写的很差,没有拿到NSFC的资助,但是他们可以拿到评审意见,可以根据评审意见提高自己,改进项目的思路。作为funding agency,不管是美国的NSF,还是中国的NSFC,都有义务帮助青年研究者提高自己的水平,NSFC应该有这方面的预算,用来帮助青年研究者提高水平,而给他们的基金申请提出有价值的意见,则是帮助他们提高水平的最佳方式之一。
个人分类: 科教评论|16022 次阅读|35 个评论
[转载]U.S. NSF wants to give you $$$$--2011 APPLICATION NOW OPEN
zuojun 2010-8-26 04:55
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC SUMMER INSTITUTES FOR U.S. GRADUATE STUDENTS - 2011 APPLICATION NOW OPEN (Link: www.nsfsi.org ) The National Science Foundation (NSF) East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students (EAPSI) is a flagship international fellowship program for developing the next generation of globally engaged U.S. scientists and engineers knowledgeable about the Asian and Pacific regions. The Summer Institutes are hosted by foreign counterparts committed to increasing opportunities for young U.S. researchers to work in research facilities and with host mentors abroad. Fellows are supported to participate in eight-week research experiences at host laboratories in Australia, China, Japan (10 weeks), Korea, New Zealand, Singapore and Taiwan from June to August. The program provides a $5,000 summer stipend, round-trip airfare to the host location, living expenses abroad, and an introduction to the society, culture, language, and research environment of the host location. The 2011 application is now open and will close at 5:00 pm local time on November 10, 2010. Application instructions are available online at www.nsfsi.org . For further information concerning benefits, eligibility, and tips on applying, applicants are encouraged to visit www.nsf.gov/eapsi or www.nsfsi.org . NSF recognizes the importance of enabling U.S. researchers and educators to advance their work through international collaborations and the value of ensuring that future generations of U.S. scientists and engineers gain professional experience beyond this nation's borders early in their careers. The program is intended for U.S. graduate students pursuing studies in fields supported by the National Science Foundation. Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply for the EAPSI. Applicants must be enrolled in a research-oriented master's or PhD program and be U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents by the application deadline date. Students in combined bachelor/master degree programs must have matriculated from the undergraduate degree program by the application deadline date. The first Summer Institutes began in Japan in 1990, and to date over 2,000 U.S. graduate students have participated in the program. Should you have any questions, please contact the EAPSI Help Desk by email at eapsi@nsfsi.org or by phone at 1-866-501-2922.
个人分类: From the U.S.|2797 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Suresh, the director of NSF
skyclub2008 2010-6-8 11:24
It's official. As first reported in March by Science Insider, President Barack Obama has chosen Massachusetts Institute of Technology Engineering (MIT) Dean Subra Suresh to be the next director of the National Science Foundation. Suresh, 53, would replace Arden Bement, who stepped down last week 6 months before the end of his 6-year term. A member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, Suresh has made significant contributions to the emerging field of nanobiomechanics. Since becoming dean in July 2007 he's been a vocal advocate for greater interdisciplinary collaboration across engineering and with MIT's other schools and programs. A 1977 graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology in Madras, he earned his doctoral degree from MIT in 1981 and taught at Brown University before joining the MIT faculty as professor of mechanical engineering in 1993. His nomination must be approved by the U.S. Senate. Cora Marrett is currently acting NSF director. *This article has been corrected. Suresh joined MIT in 1993, not 1994 as originally reported. link web: http://news.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2010/06/obama-nominates-suresh-to-lead-n.html
个人分类: 开卷有益|4102 次阅读|0 个评论
Synthon 2010-5-30 13:15
曾经跟导师聊起他为何不申请NSF(美国的科学基金会)的经费,导师说了这样一个故事。 说有一次,NSF请了一个咨询公司来看看他们的钱花得合理不合理,于是这个咨询公司就来找我导师要结题报告。导师很奇怪,说你们直接去NSF查不就行了,找我们要多麻烦呀。答案是NSF存档的报告都找不到了。。。 后来NSF承认,他们把大量的精力用在审查项目申请报告,评价一个项目是否该得到资助上面,而对于后续各个步骤,对于给出去的钱的是否花的有效,这方面的管理基本是零。 从那以后,导师就不再申请NSF的经费了,他说NSF对纳税人不负责任。 另:导师还提到过某次经费申请被拒,之后他把申请书中所有的埃(就是10 -10 米,也就是0.1纳米)全都转化成纳米,其他一字不改,继续投同一个基金,中了。。。
个人分类: 科教评论|8796 次阅读|8 个评论
savior15 2010-5-13 21:15
由美国教育、科学与技术卓越学习中心(CELEST)举办的科技夏令营是美国国家科学基金会(NSF)重点资助项目,至今已有20多年历史。夏令营开设了各种有趣的物理、化学、计算机实验,旨在培养中学生对科学的兴趣、探寻最佳科学教育模式,只有美国最优秀的高中生才有机会参与。今年,环球科学杂志社与波士顿大学合作,首次组织中国学生参加,体验西方素质教育。我们此次有幸邀请到美国著名物理学家、教育学家、美国科学院院士Gene Stanley亲自讲学,这种与世界顶级科学家面对面的机会弥足珍贵。夏令营期间,我们还将参观一些列美国著名高校,并邀请大学招生办公室工作人员对大家进行著名高校留学讲座,为有志留学普林斯顿大学、哈佛大学、麻省理工大学的同学指引道路。此外,营员们还将游览美国东西海岸的风景名胜。 除了课程学习之外,营员们还有机会参加本科研究机会计划(UROP)以及其他暑假计划以及课程,进而学习如何申请就读美国大学、如何与大学里其他同学交往。美国波士顿大学聚合物研究中心(CPS)将邀请波士顿大学招生办公室的工作人员介绍如何才能获取美国著名大学的录取通知书。除此之外,CPS还将安排营员到大家兴趣浓厚的研究实验室进行参观。这是波士顿大学核心参观的附加部分。鉴于学生数量较多,而实验室较小,我们将把学生分成几个小组,学生们可以选择有兴趣的实验室进行参观,其中包括波士顿大学机械实验室、科学计算与可视化中心,以及各种物理、生物、化学和工程实验室。 报名表格下载 http://www.sciam.com.cn/summer/summer.doc 详情请见: www.sciam.com.cn/summer
个人分类: 搜悦|2182 次阅读|2 个评论
材料科学家Subra Suresh将出任美国基金会(NSF)主任
jianxu 2010-3-19 15:15
3 月 19 日 的《 Science 》上报道(见 Science , vol. 327 , 2010 , p. 1438 ),美国麻省理工学院工学院院长、现年 53 岁、印度裔的 Subra Suresh 先生即将出任美国国家科学基金会( NSF )主任。 MIT 前校长、现任美国工程院院长 Charles Vest 说, Subra 代表着科学与工程的新风格。 Suresh 毕业于印度理工学院, 1981 年在 MIT 获得博士学位。后在布朗大学任教。 1991 年到 MIT 任教。 2007 年出任 MIT 工学院院长,之前任材料科学与工程系主任。 据博主了解, Suresh 教授为材料力学性能专家,后来从事材料的纳米尺度力学、生物细胞和人类疾病状态的计算力学。听过一次他的报告,大致上讲的是关于用有限元方法模拟蚊子叮咬红细胞后应力状态的变化(也可能本人没听明白)。 Suresh 教授在担任《 Acta mater. 》主编期间对提高这一期刊的影响因子做出了很大贡献,特别是在 2000 年世纪之交之际,出版的那期千年喜专辑,以及 2003 年 11 月为了纪念《 Acta mater. 》创办 50 周年出版的 The Golden Jubilee Issue (内容为材料科学与工程:过去、现在和将来),对材料科学界具有重要意义。 Suresh 教授有合著的专著三本:《 Fatigue of Materials 》、《 Thin Film Materials 》和《 Fundamentals of Functionally Graded Materials 》。在材料界有很大影响。这三部著作已经有(由金属所的研究人员翻译)中文版在中国出版。 Subra 出任 NSF 主任之后,美国的基础研究政策与导向将会有怎样的变化?对材料科学共同体有何影响?都很值得关注与期待。 相关联接 MIT 校长谈基础研究及其引发的思考 美国麻省理工学院 Subra Suresh 教授来访 DMSE - Faculty - Subra Suresh Biography - Subra Suresh - Dean, School of Engineering ... NSF 主任阿登 贝门特将提前卸任
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NSF 基金评审
热度 1 ndt 2009-6-21 05:09
上个月去参加了一次NSF的基金评审。我们这个panel比较小,一共只有四位评审者 panelist。每个人需要review 10 proposals,到panel meeting 时,program director 汇总所有人的意见,评分排序,决定要资助的项目。对于新人来说,参加NSF的review panel提供了一个很好的学习机会来提高自己proposal的写作水平。同时这也是一个认识同行与同行交流的机会。可惜的是,这次的panel很小,只有四个人。其中一个是我的Ph.D.的同学,另一个是与我不同学校但是同一年毕业的,也很熟悉。最后一位是位senior professor,开会也见过几次。所以都是熟人。 为提高效率,在开会之前,每个人将评审意见上载到NSF网站。开会那天,每个proposal 按顺序讨论15到20分钟。一人主持讨论,一人记录。根据讨论结果,各位评审者还可以修改评分和意见。因为每个panel覆盖的面仍然很广,不见得每个人都是这方面的专家。上午讨论完所有proposal之后,大家结伴去NSF门口的小饭馆快速地吃个午饭,下午开始写汇总意见。 NSF的评审标准。这个要先从NSF的vision and mission谈起来。用NSF自己的话来说,NSF的目标是 Advancing discovery, innovation and education beyond the frontiers of current knowledge, and empowering future generations in science and engineering. 总结起来就是知识创新和为将来培养人才。一个成功的proposal,research idea当然是是最重要的,但是如何教育部分也是不可缺少的。尤其近年来,NSF对于教育更加重视。一个NSF proposal summary 中要清楚地阐明两部分:merit review and broader impact。Broader impact 侧重于教育以及对社会的影响。没有清楚写明这两点的,会被NSF退回不予评审。虽然这个要求很清楚地写在NSF的要求中,还有有申请者没有严格遵循。这个我们这个panel中就有一个新fauclty没有清楚地写明这两点。我们仍然还是给出了review意见,但是严格来说program director 可以直接退回的。 从美国NSF的长远目标来看,教育在其中占据了很重要的地位,因为NSF的一个重要目标就是培养新的科技人才,保证人才的可持续性发展。这点从我们的panel组成也可以看出来。我们这个panel有三个年轻人,其中两个(包括我)是尚没有获得过NSF项目的。NSF希望通过这个机会让我们知道NSF的评审过程,从而提高NSF proposal的成功率。 写到这里,我又想到中国美国都在讨论的教学与科研的关系。至少从国家大的战略目标来看,是希望学校的教授们能将教育与科研统一起来。在现实实施过程中当然是有矛盾的,因为人的精力是有限的。特别对于新人,教学和科研来哪个方面的压力都很大。对于已经拿到tenure的人,教学已经轻车熟路,funding 的压力也不是像以前那么大,总的来说日子要好过一些。不管怎么说,研究型大学的教授们是必须要教书的,因为这是本职工作(不教书就没有工资了);研究也是一定要做的,否则我们学校就不是研究型大学了。从另外一个角度来说,如果处理得好,教学和科研也应该是相辅相成的。我们系一位刚刚退休的著名教授(顺便说一句,我们系的著名教授实在太多了,院士的照片都挂了满满一墙),开了一门研究生的课。虽然早上8点钟上课,每次都是选课学生爆满。学期末,学生将这门课做的project的结果整理发表到本专业最好的一个期刊上。这是一个很好的教学和科研成功结合的例子。一个研究做得很好的教授,如果愿意花一点时间和精力在教学上,以其渊博的知识和深厚的功底,无论如何都不会太差的。任何一个拥有博士学位的人,教授本专业的大学生课程,应该是完全胜任的。 大学是教书育人的地方。如果教授们不教书,那么大学就是研究所,不是大学了。不好意思,写到这里发现我似乎跑题了。
个人分类: 学术科研|12200 次阅读|2 个评论
jinsblog 2008-11-25 08:34
美国NSF已更新其申请书的写作和提交指南,从2009年1月5日起实施。比较重要的变化有下列几点,涉及几个方面: 1. 博士后指导:每一个含有支持博士后资金的申请,必须在申请书规定的15页课题研究描述中有一个单独的章节,阐述申请人对博士后人员提供什么样的相关辅导活动。比如指导博士后如何进行基金申请,有关发表文章和做报告演讲的培训,怎样帮助博士后加强教学和辅导学生的技能,如何与来自不同研究背景和学科的科研人员进行有效地合作,以及其它的专业活动训练,等等。没有这样一个章节的申请书将被退回,不予评审。 2. 工资支持:作为一般性政策, NSF将把项目主要研究人员(PI) 的年度薪金补偿限制为不超过两个月。但这种限制有一定的灵活性,对那些靠软钱生活的项目研究人员,在必要和合理的情况下可申请多于两个月的薪金。任何超过两个月薪水的要求必须在申请书预算中列出,并提供充分的理由,再由NSF在评审通知中特批。 (注:美国大学教授的年工资一般是九个月,但以12个月平均发放。过去大学教授理论上可能从NSF基金申请到三个月 的工资来做NSF资助的项目。这三个月他们理论上没有从学校得到工资。) 3. 对PI与co-PI定义的澄清:无论是PI或co-PI,NSF不对两者的科学地位有什么差别做任何推断。一个项目中所有的PI和co-PI对项目的实施和按要求提交报告负有同等的责任。 4. 快速与探索性项目计划(RAPID and EAGER programs):NSF取消了过去对探索性研究提供小额资助的SGER计划,以快速与探索计划取而代之,分为两个部分。快速反应计划(RAPID)支持对自然灾害或类似的未测事件的快速反应研究,其经费限于20万,时间为一年。资助探索性研究的先期概念计划(EAGER)则支持高风险,探索性和具有潜在变革性的研究。经费为30万,时间两年。 5. TeraGrid :对于需要大量运算,数据存储或可视化资源的研究项目,NSF将提供TeraGrid帮助。TeraGrid是一个强大的超级计算机集群,是一个高通量的计算环境,具有高容量储存设施,以及先进的可视化服务体系,它们由一个高速宽带专用网络联接。NSF研究项目的负责人可以通过在线申请获得TeraGrid资源。
个人分类: 期刊基金SCI-NS|19256 次阅读|4 个评论

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