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【学术写作】在论文能使用第一人称吗? 当然可以!
wordvice 2020-10-23 18:51
大家目前普遍的认知是第一人称尽量少用在学术写作中,但事实上,“我”和“我们”不建议使用是因为一些旧习。现在,主流又渐渐转移到比较积极,有吸引力的 写作风格上并允许第一人称。但是,“我”跟“我们”的使用上还是有些普遍的限制,例如,第一人称较常使用在摘要,绪论,讨论和结论中,而第三人称跟被动语态则较常在方法与结果中使用。 什么时候使用第一人称也没关系? 利用消除被动语态来澄清意义 建立权威和信誉 表达对议题的兴趣 与读者建立个人关系,特别是关于轶事或假想情 (在哲学,宗教和类似领域中常见,特别是探讨某些概念如何影响个人生活。此外,艺术学科也可能鼓励个人观点超过其他科目); 在讨论现有文献时强调或区分你的观点 营造一种对话感觉(少见于学术写作) 什么时候不该用第一人称? 这样做会失去客观性,并给人的印象是结果或观察对作者来说是独一无二的。 要保持客观的语气,表明你的研究已经尽量减少偏见。 表达自己的观点,像是”I think”都是不必要的,因为没有文献可参考的其他句子都应该必须是你的。 范例使用 以下例子比较了使用和避免第一人称代词。 范例一(建议第一人称): To understand the effects of global warming on coastal regions, changes in sea levels, storm surge occurrences and precipitation amounts were examined. We examined changes in sea levels, storm surge occurrences, and precipitation amounts to understand how global warming impacts coastal regions. 范例二 (不建议第一人称): From the various data points we have received , we observed that higher frequencies of runoffs from heavy rainfall have occurred in coastal regions where temperatures have increased by at least 0.9°C. Coastal regions with temperature increases averaging more than 0.9°C experienced higher frequencies of runoffs from heavy rainfall. 范例三 (First Person Preferred): In contrast to the study by Jones et al. (2001), which suggests that milk consumption is safe for adults, the Miller study (2005) revealed the potential hazards of ingesting milk . The authors confirm this latter finding. In contrast to the study by Jones et al. (2001), which suggests that milk consumption is safe for adults, the Miller study (2005) revealed the potential hazards of ingesting milk . We confirm this latter finding. 使用人称代词的其他重点 避免在句子的开头使用人称代词,因为句首是一个很容易引起注意的地方,因此可能会让读者失焦于其他重点(除非本来意旨就是要引起读者注意) 小心we的定义。 “We” 应该只能是作者们,而不会是读者,除非你就是要写会话文而不是学术文件。毕竟参与整个研究与分析结果的都只有作者,但这也不是亘古不变的规定。如果想用 “we” 来指示大群体的人,务必在前句先定义好,例如 As researchers, we frequently question…” 第一人称在现代英文使用法中,虽然逐渐被接受了,但是第二人称you依旧是不可使用的。 对于以上的重点必须要保留怀疑的态度。 再次检查你的投稿期刊或组织的作者须知 ,有些期刊可能会禁止使用人称代名词。 投稿额外加分小技巧就是在投稿之前,先看过该期刊最近发表的文章来了解最近期刊编辑最近偏好的风格与习惯。 额外阅读材料 The Writing Center at UNC-Chapel Hill, “ Should I Use ‘I’? “ Writing Commons, “ Using First Person in an Academic Essay: When is It Okay? “ APA Style Blog, “ Use of First Person in APA Style .” Duke Graduate School’s scientific writing resource, “ Passive Voice in Scientific Writing .” American Chemical Society webinar, “ Active vs. passive voice in Scientific Writing .” Nature Education’s Scitable , “ Effective Writing .”
个人分类: 英文学术论文写作|12141 次阅读|0 个评论
NatureResearch 2020-4-29 18:44
论文语言润色——让您的文字如出自英语为母语者之手 施普林格·自然致力于促进研究人员的事业发展,从2008年开始便推出自然科研编辑服务(Nature Research Editing Service),目前编辑过的文档数量超过 75000 篇。 针对英文写作,我们有语言润色服务可供选择,优质专业的编辑服务,达到自然科研的质量标准,使您文稿的语言如出自英语母语人士。 ▎语言润色服务内容 ▎ 银牌服务 纠正英语语言错误,值得信赖 √ 纠正拼写、语法和标点错误,润色文章的遣词造句 √ 重写不太自然的句子,使用学科专业知识指出表意不明的句子,让您的文章读上去更专业 金牌服务 更加注重句子的整体流畅度 √ 纠正基本语言错误,改述或指出不通畅和表意不清的句子 √ 注重语言风格的提升,改善表达方式 √ 您将收到一份论文语言润色服务总结,助您提升未来的写作水平 编辑样例 ▎我们的语言润色编辑▎ 我们拥有 1200多位 语言润色编辑,涵盖从神经科学到经济学的各种主题领域。我们会根据论文主题匹配相应编辑,确保编辑理解该领域的专业术语和惯例。 每一位编辑均: • 母语为英语 • 已经获得或正在攻读硕士、博士(PhD)或医学博士(MD)学位 • 附属于美国顶尖大学或研究所 • 接受过大量的编辑培训,并持续接受绩效评估 ▎质量保障和证书▎ 我们保证,如果经过我们语言润色的论文仅因为语言质量问题而被期刊拒绝,而且作者已经如实地采用我们的编辑修改,那么我们将 免费提供一次重新编辑服务 。若您在收到我们的修改稿后重写论文,我们无法对重写后的论文做出质量保证。因此,我们建议您将论文语言润色作为投稿前的最后一步。 我们会提供一张证书,证明您的文档已经由具有相应研究专业背景且英语为母语者编辑过。作者可以向期刊提供该证书,以证明自己的论文已经经过专业的语言润色。 证书样本 ▎客户感言▎ 编辑效果堪称完美。遣词造句正是我想要的,但是自己却无力表达。他们理解我的思想核心并且用简洁明了的语言表达出来。我向所有人推荐这项服务。我试了金牌服务- 远超期待! ---G. Volpato · 巴西 服务效率极高,稿件修改的质量很高。非常优秀的编辑,充分理解我的论文重点。我已经使用这项服务两次了,将推荐我的同事使用。 ---X. Ren·中国 ▎88折优惠 ▎ 针对自然科研论文语言润色服务,我们特别推出了88折(12%的折扣)优惠。 要知道以往我们只提供九折优惠,而且有条件限制,如只有首次使用自然科研编辑服务的作者或者向施普林格•自然旗下期刊投稿的作者才能享受折扣。 现在,您只需要在我们的微信服务号( Nature Research科研服务 )后台发送消息“论文语言润色”即可获取 88折优惠码 ,可以在 施普林格·自然作者服务官网 上传需要进行语言润色的稿件时使用。 优惠码使用规则说明: 1. 仅限用于施普林格·自然作者服务官网; 2. 仅对自然科研论文语言润色服务有效; 3. 仅供一次性使用; 4. 有效期截至2020年12月31日。 点击此处上传文稿,查询报价 科研机构也可为研究人员购买自然科研语言润色服务,为他们的论文写作消除英语语言障碍,助其实现发表目标,进而提升机构的科研声誉。 欢迎把本服务推荐给您所在的机构相关负责人, 享受机构优惠和服务 。 点击此处推荐给机构 论文润色的特别声明: • 每份文稿的发表与否与该文稿是否经自然科研编辑服务润色完全无关。 • 我们不保证论文发表或经费申请成功。 • 我们不会侵犯著作权。我们将以最直观的格式进行编辑,添加评论。同时,我们鼓励作者批判对待我们给出的建议,而不是盲目接受我们所有的编辑和建议。 • 我们不代写。我们不会向提交给我们的文件中直接添加原本没有的新观点,我们的编辑服务重点在于优化现有研究的表达。 © 2020Springer Nature Limited.All Rights Reserved
个人分类: 论文写作|4725 次阅读|0 个评论
NatureResearch 2020-4-22 18:00
当英语成为科学的通用语,听听这七位研究人员怎么说。 科学作为一种职业,吸引了全球各地的人。但不管是来自北京、柏林还是布宜诺斯艾利斯的研究人员,都必须用英语呈现他们的大部分想法和研究结果。这种主导性语言的存在简化了整个科学过程,但也带来了其它问题,埋下了引发冲突的风险。比如去年1月,美国杜克大学的生物统计学教授曾斥责中国学生不应在校园里说母语。 《自然》采访了7位在个人生活和职业生涯中遇到过的语言障碍的研究人员。 英语水平欠佳的研究人员不仅需要面对学习一门新语言的问题。 来源:RichVintage/Getty 复杂的问题 美国康奈尔大学物理学家 YANGYANG CHENG 杜克大学的事件使人们关注到了这个复杂的问题。指责中国学生说母语的教授在社交媒体上引起了大量讨论。作为一名土生土长的中国人,我想说说自己的看法。我参与过许多跨国合作, 我注意到,来自欧洲的研究人员经常用他们的母语交流; 但我很少看到中国或韩国的研究人员在自己国家以外的学术环境中用母语交谈。 讲母语会让他们感到不自在。 我知道有些英语国家的教授对来自中国的学生很头疼,但中国的受教育机会极为有限。学生无法流畅地用英语表达想法,常被看作是因为他们缺乏对科学清晰思考的能力,这是错误的。 我很幸运,从小学就开始学习英语,学成也比较早。中学时,别人觉得我会成为一名翻译,这也是中国女性很常见的职业选择。但我想研究科学。我用英语参加大学入学考试没有问题,但我的很多同事,那些极为出色的科学家们,却曾在这一过程中苦苦挣扎。 后来,他们决定不去国外攻读博士学位,仅仅因为跨不过语言这道坎 。 中国研究人员为全球科学发展做出了巨大贡献,但这些贡献大多是用英语写就的。中文是丰富而美丽的语言,但它缺少描述物理科学的很多专用名词。我甚至不知道如何用中文介绍我的工作——这不是件容易的事。 心胸放开阔 印度班加罗尔野生动物研究中心野生动物生物学家 SNEHA DHARWADKAR 我发现印度的科学家常常瞧不起不会英语的人。我在保护区工作,当欧洲或北美的科学家来这里做野外研究时,总喜欢聘请讲英语的人。在他们眼中,如果请的人英语不好,就要花很多时间培训。情况的确是这样,印度的大多数保护区都面临人手紧张和资金短缺的问题,他们也不想增加工作量。因此,他们一般会请家庭背景较好,有条件学习英语的人。 世界上有太多人都想为科学作贡献,但英语水平不够却拖住了他们的脚步。资助机构或许可以在这方面做点什么,比如明确要求访问研究员聘请当地人士,即便他们的英语不够流利。 有时候,当地人比初来乍到的科学家更能理解问题所在,这方面的知识非常重要,不管是用印度语还是英语说 。 我是@herpetALLogy的成员,这是一个Twitter小组,汇集了不同背景、语言和方向的爬虫学家。我们会在这里倾诉自己遇到的问题。对于那些没有语言障碍的人来说,让他们切身体会真的很难。 科学应该向当地人张开双臂,研究项目不能只造福自己人。我在招人时会去了解对方正在经历什么,能够对项目有什么帮助。我们还会拿他的问题进行讨论,这也让我受益良多。科学家应该对有心为科学作贡献的所有人都一视同仁。 你需要伙伴 都柏林城市大学语言和跨文化关系研究员 VERA SHERIDAN 我天生就能说双语。1956年匈牙利革命期间,我和家人离开了祖国,成了难民。我非常理解那些一心想先学好英语的学生,为此,我整理了一系列资源 (go.nature.com/2wx54tc) ,希望能帮世界各地的研究人员提高学术英语。 许多学者总是认为前来求学的学生各方面已经成熟了,但学生还要领悟一门学科的文化。对于那些母语不是英语的人来说,这一挑战尤为艰巨,是他们无法独自完成的任务。他们需要导师和机构的共同辅导。 导师要花更多时间帮助学生理解科学写作的规范以及不同期刊的要求 。把博士论文变成一篇期刊文章是一门艺术,如果没有适当指导,学生只会一味地东拼西凑,而这样的文章是不可能发表的。 学校也要给予国际学生更多的支持和培养,光请一些学术写作专家是不够的,因为这些专家通常来自人文学科或社会学科背景。 学生需要的是能在特定学科教他们写文章的人。 我知道这样一个故事,一位印度研究人员的论文因为语言问题被退回了。他自认为解决了文章里的问题,但论文再次被拒了。 原来问题不是出在研究质量上,而是语言质量上。 他说这是他一生中最不堪的经历之一 。 其实,要解决的问题并没有想象得多。对于富裕国家来说,要让科学接触到更多人应该不是什么大难题,比如可以在经费中加入语言支持和翻译服务。 说英语的人俨然成了科学的守门人。如果门继续关着,许多好观点和好研究也会被挡在门外。 寻求指导 荷兰Ekpa’palek项目主管 CLARISSA RIOS ROJAS 我来自秘鲁,我的母语是西班牙语。做外国人也有好处。随着实验室越来越国际化,与不同国家的人打交道将有很多益处。我和意大利、葡萄牙的科学家交流不成问题,因为这些国家的语言与西班牙语很相似。语言的相近也拉进了我们之间的距离。 Clarissa Rios Rojas说,用母语来指导英语不流利的科学家,可以使之受益并帮助他们适应。 来源:Courtesy of Clarissa Rios Rojas 在我的经验中,母语非英语的人在科学方面不太有竞争优势。这不仅在于科学论文的读写困难,而是他们没有接触过系统的科学过程和文化。 单靠掌握一些新词汇不足以帮助他们成功。 他们需要的是真正的指导,用他们母语进行的指导 。 2015年,我创立了Ekpa’palek,一个帮助拉丁美洲学生熟悉学术流程的辅导项目。在我的学员中,90%讲西班牙语,10%讲其它语言。学习英语仍然是他们的头等大事。几乎所有的博士申请都是英语写的,大部分工作面试也是用英语进行的。我会让学生去YouTube上看语言教程。如果无法上网 (这在秘鲁很常见) ,我会让他们去教堂。教堂里有很多说英语的人,他们一般也很乐意帮别人练习。 拥抱语言多样性 澳大利亚昆士兰大学动物学家 TATSUYA AMANO 作为一个母语为日语的人,我一直在努力克服语言障碍,我的研究也没有一帆风顺。在我们保育领域,许多研究都是用当地语言写的。在我和同事2016年发表在《PLoS生物学》的一篇文章中,我们查阅了75000多份2014年发表的保护生物多样性论文。我们发现,其中36%都不是英文论文,这其实为内容使用带来了一定限制。 英语一家独大的局面也在科学记录中造成了极大的偏见。 在《英国皇家学会会刊B》2013年的一篇论文中,我们发现在英语使用者比例较高的国家,生物多样性数据库也更完整。换句话说,在很少讲英语的国家,生物多样性记录也相对较少。可以说,我们对世界上大部分地区的生物多样性的了解,远没有达到理想水平。 我们需要拥抱语言多样性,用英语以外的语言挖掘更多的科学知识 。这也是我在昆士兰大学的主要研究内容。我一直在世界各地寻找评估保育干预措施的研究。目前,我已经找到600多篇非英语的同行评议论文。我与讲这些语言的同行合作,从而更多地了解这些文章的内容,以及这些内容如何能填补以英语为主的研究的空白。 我猜想许多英语为母语的人只认为语言障碍是个小问题。他们或许觉得谷歌翻译能解决所有问题,但其实机器翻译还差口气。如果你用翻译软件翻译一篇科学论文,一般无法得到满意的结果。 我们需要改变对英语非母语者的态度。如果你有机会评审他人的论文或职位申请,考虑一下英语非母语人士可以提供哪些不同的视角。你的母语或许不是英语,但你可以为国际社区带来不同的观点和方法,你应当引以为豪。 加强英语教育 法国Sensorion体外研究主任 MONTSERRAT BOSCH GRAU 我在西班牙赫罗纳大学获得的博士助学金中,有一项“流动预算”专门用来支持国际合作。多亏了这个机会,2000-2002年期间,我一共在蒙彼利埃的国家科学研究中心 (CNRS) 工作了12个月。在那里,我必须同时学习两种语言:工作中用英语,生活中用法语。无法和别人交流让我感到很沮丧,但我必须保持警觉,充满斗志,因为我要去接近别人:别人不会主动来找我说话,因为我们语言不通。 我中学时学过英语,但程度不高。西班牙也不放英语电视节目。我在大学期间完全没有接受过针对英语的培训。法国有些课程可以帮助外国学生学习法语,但没有类似的英语课程。 我平时会读大量的英语,不光是科学论文,还有文学作品。我还会找人用英语聊天。因为在法国,我的大多数同事和朋友都来自非英语国家,所以我们一起学英语。 当我们和母语是英语的人交谈时,我们其实一脸茫然,尤其是遇到英国人,我们都认为英式口音太难懂了 。但许多说英语的人意识不到自己语速很快。很多英语非母语的人更愿意与和他们一样的人交谈,因为这样会轻松一点。 语言是成功的工具,掌握说的方式和对概念定义的方式则是成功的基础。我们需要一门通用语言来交流科学,这门语言现在就是英语。这是件好事,因为英语非常适合科学:它既精确又直接。不管是在学术界还是产业界,英语好都能助你申请到理想的工作和项目。 语言障碍从来都无法阻止我追求内心想做的事。 但是,如果英语不是你的母语,会议发言、撰写论文和寻求资助都会难上加难 。你要先过了语言这一关。 在学术会议上,英语不完美并不是严重的问题:听众都很理解。但这种理解是有限度的, 有些人的英语差到可以掐灭交流的火花 。科学讨论是逾期不侯的,分享信息和知识的机会一旦错过就错过了。 因此,我们需要加强大学入学前和入学后的英语教育。每个国家的博士项目都应该提供出国研究的机会,像我当年那样。 有一点你要接受,虽然你的英语交流做不到十全十美,但还是要坚持。阅读英文书刊,观看英语节目,用英语写实验室报告,用英语开会。请你所在的机构提供英语培训,让实验室主管资助你在读博期间去其它国家的实验室工作,或和其它实验室建立合作交流。你还能在旅行中提高英语水平,同时了解其他国家和其他生活方式,开阔你的视野。 一段有失公平的历史 普林斯顿大学现当代历史教授 MICHAEL GORDIN ,著有 Scientific Babel 要说英语天生就比其它语言更适合搞科研,其实不见得。用中文或斯瓦希里语搞科研也能搞到今天这个水平。 但不管怎样,由于各种经济和地缘政治博弈,英语成了科学研究的主要语言 。 统一语言做研究可以集中力量,提高效率。全球如今约有6000种语言。如果全部用上,大量知识都会流失。在18和19世纪,欧洲的科学家为了跟上学科的动向,不得不学习法语、德语和拉丁语。随着英语成为主流,现在科学家的负担也大大减轻了。但这么做未免有失公允。 因为在那些不说英语的国家中,除了受过良好教育的人,其他人的路从一开始就被堵死了。想想有多少聪明的头脑就这样被错过了吧。 几个世纪以来,全世界的科学家早已习惯了使用英语,而英语本身也在适应科学的发展,引入了专门描述概念和过程的新词汇。当新的领域出现时,专业术语可以在现有词汇的基础上演变。在计算机科学领域,Internet(互联网)、software (软件) 和cybernetics (控制论) 这些英文单词已经四海通用了。许多语言欠缺的正是这种历史,缺少衍生出科学词汇的基本条件。如果全世界决定改用泰语或印度语作为科学语言,光是从头创建一套术语体系就会花费大量工夫。 常常有人问我,英语会不会被取代。我认为不太可能。英语是一种反常现象。在此之前,历史上从未出现过一种全球性语言,我认为以后也不会有。 未 来,或就在本世纪——科学语言可能会三分天下:英语、中文和另一种语言 ,如西班牙语、葡萄牙语或阿拉伯语。 即便所有讲英语的科学家一夜之间蒸发了,英语仍将长时间占据其领导地位。因为很多知识已经用英语写成,它们将世世代代流传下去。 原文以 When English is not your mother tongue 为标题 发布在2019年6月10日《自然》职业特写上 原文作者:Chris Woolston Joana Osório ⓝ Nature|doi:10.1038/d41586-019-01797-0 自然科研论文语言润色服务 施普林格·自然致力于促进研究人员的事业发展,从2008年开始便推出自然科研编辑服务(Nature Research Editing Service),目前编辑过的文档数量超过 75000 篇。 针对英文写作,我们有语言润色服务可供选择,母语为英语的编辑将纠正语言错误,调整句式表达,提升行文流畅度,改善行文风格,帮助缺乏英语写作信心的研究人员。 ▲ 点击上图了解服务详情 点击此处上传文稿,获取报价 版权声明: 本文由施普林格·自然上海办公室负责翻译。中文内容仅供参考,一切内容以英文原版为准。如需转载,请邮件China@nature.com。未经授权的翻译是侵权行为,版权方将保留追究法律责任的权利。 © 2020Springer Nature Limited.All Rights Reserved
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wordvice 2020-4-14 08:44
我们曾经分析并整理出了非英文母语者常见的五大写作误区。在这篇文章里,我们将详细介绍分析报告中发现的风格规范方面的写作错误,并列出一些可以帮助你改善和避免错误的方法。 有哪些风格规范错误 ? 我们发现的内容包括以下: · 被 动语态 : 使用「 to be + past participle 」 来呈现名词接受来自另一个名词的某个动作 。 · 赘字 : 可用几个单字来取代的超级长句(超过20-30字)或不必要的短语。 · 代名 词指示不清 : 当所有代名词或指示代名词(例:“this”和“that”)指示得不清楚的时候,例:“Joe gave Mark his book.”这里的“His”可以是Joe的或是Mark的。 · 政治不正确或冒犯用 词 : 性别指向用词或有关种族、宗教、性别或性向等的贬义词。 · 非正式用 语 : 非正式的用词或片语不适合用于正式或学术写作。 以上五大 类各占比例如下 : 其中被 动语态占了 67% ,再 进一步分析后我们发现所有研究论文的 29.5% 过度使用被动语态,而留学申请文件更高达 56.4% ! 但研究写作不可能完全摆脱被动语态吧? 研究论文与学术写作的确定需要适用使用被动语态,但建议尽量减少使用。因为主动语态能帮助读者轻易了解哪个主词做了哪个动作,所以主动语态较能引领出清晰的写作。 使用了 许多包含复杂还艰苦深度用语的长句,我们应该要增进易读性,不需要再多写入被动语态混杂读者 。 再者, 被 动语态通常带来另一个问题:赘词 。 所以当你降低被动语态的使用比例时,你可以发现赘词问题与字数都大幅减少! 那在留学申请文书中使用被动语态有什么问题吗 ? 在留学文书中应尽所有方法避免使用被动语态,为什么?答案很简单,你的个人陈述(statementof purpose)唯一功能就是介绍你是谁,可想而知里面的主角就是你并且强调你的决策能力与在不同状况中你的处理动作。如果你使用被动语态,个人陈述会透出一种「我让事情就这样发生了」的氛围。我想应该没有学校想要录取一位不积极或被动等待事情发生的人吧? 那该怎么改善写作风格呢 ? 1. 被动语态 · 修改被动语态: 找出句子的真正主词并重新排列成主动语态的典型句型「主词 + 动词 + 受 词」,来看看以下范文 : § ✗ The speech was given bythe mayor. → ✓ The mayor gave the speech. § ✗ Noun2 + “be” + past participle of Verb + by + Noun1 → ✓ Noun1 + Verb + Noun2 · 想参考其他资讯,可参考以下链接: § Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL): https://owl.english.purdue.edu/ owl/resource/539/05/ § Daily Writing Tips: http://www.dailywritingtips.com/7-examples-of-passive-voice/ § Grammar Girl: http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/education/grammar/active-voice-versus-passive-voice ​ 2. 赘词 · 赘词的原因有很多,例如:过多的介词子句、填充词和动词名词形。我们针对各个问题都有提供文章说明 : § 超过论文字数限制,我能怎么改?消除介词 § ✗ inaddition to → ✓ also § ✗ take into consideration → ✓ consider § 英文写作时别再使用这24个填充字(Filler Words)跟短语! § ✗ This is actually good → ✓ This is good. § ✗ I just want to say I like this song. → ✓ I like this song. § 论文字数超过限制时,该如何缩减?修改动词名词形 § ✗ He must make a decision about his future. → ✓ He must decide his future. § ✗ This study takes many factors into consideration. → ✓ This study considers many factors. OR This study contemplates many factors. · 赘词常伴随另一个问题,就是 重 复性 。 § 除非是使用专业术语,否则应该要尽量避免在短短几行内就重复使用同样的字 。 § 使用同 义字 或考 虑使用不同句型,例如复合句 。 § 当使用同义字时,记得要考量写作风格与内容 。 § ✗ I like the house. The house is on a hill. → ✓ I like the house on the hill. · 想 参考其他资讯 ,可 参考以下链接 : § Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL): https://owl.english.purdue.edu/ owl/resource/572/01/ § Daily Writing Tips: http://www.dailywritingtips.com/50plain-language-substitutions-for-wordy-phrases/ § Grammarly: https://www.grammarly.com/handbook/sentences/sentence-style/3/wordiness/ ​ 3. 代名词指示不清 · 当使用所有代名词或指示代名词时,尽量让代名词离它指称的名词越近越好 。 · 一般来说,把代名词跟其所代称的名词分开会容易让人混淆,尤其是中间还有夹入另一个类似的名词时。 例如:his在Joe gave Mark his book.句中容易让人搞不清楚Joe给的书到底是Joe的还是Mark的。 想避免这个问题可以 1)重复使用名词而非代名词(但这方法会造成重复性)或 2)重新排列句型,如以下范文: § ✗ Joe gave Mark his book. → ✗ Joe gave Mark Joe's book (awkward repetition!) → ✓ Joe gave his book to Mark. OR Joe returned Mark's book to him. · 想 参考其他信息,可参考以下链接 : § Emory College of Arts and Sciences: http://ila.emory.edu/home/undergraduate/writing/pronounref.html § Bethune College, York University: http://bethune.yorku.ca/writing/pronoun/ § Grammar Bytes: http://www.chompchomp.com/terms/pronounreference.htm ​ 4. 政治不正确或冒犯用词 · 虽然此类错误的占比不高,但还是有提出来讨论的价值 。 · 在这个来 自于不同背景与国家的人每天互动频繁的时代,我们应该要意识到自己的言语将如何影响他人。其中,我们更应该要注意不要随意发表任何可能冒犯他人的评论。在这样的前提之下,研究写作面临巨大的考验,因为研究时常涉及不同种族。当描述临床实验中的参与者或社会中的群体时,应该小心避免使用到贬低特定族群的用语 。 · 当提到人群时,尽量使用概括性的用词以及非歧视性的客观描述。 但不需要为了追求100%的政治 正确而压 力过大。以下范文提供参 考 : § ✗ Each man must fend for himself. → ✓ People should fend for themselves. § ✗ The trauma victim... → ✓ The person who experienced trauma... · 想参考其他信息,可参考以下链接: § UK Governmentguide on inclusive language: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/inclusive-communication/inclusive-language-words-to-use-and-avoid-when-writing-about-disability § The Economist on political correctness: http://www.economist.com/style-guide/political-correctness § University of Leicester on inclusive writing: http://www2.le.ac.uk/offices/ld/resources/writing/writing-resources/inclusive ​ 5. 使用俗语 (非正式用语) · 俗 语就是日常生活中使用的非正式用语。 一般 来说,学术、商业与留学申请文书都应该要使用正式用法,这代表不可以使用缩写 ( 例如 : don't, can't, won't, 等 ) 和俚 语。大部分的惯用语都为俗语,所以如果不知道是否可以使用此类惯用语时,可以在 Collin's English Dictionary 等字典中 查询。 · 想 参考其他资讯,可参考以下链接 : § Purdue OnlineWriting Lab (OWL): https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/ owlprint/608/ § Walden University: http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/scholarlyvoice/academicdiction 我们希望以上信息能够帮助你大致了解并改善风格规范的问题,在写作时,时刻谨慎规则能够起到一定作用的,但修改时建议一次只专注在完善一个面向我们也欢迎你随时查看与使用我们的英语润色服务。
个人分类: 英文学术论文写作|3338 次阅读|0 个评论
wordvice 2020-4-7 14:41
过渡词的功能 ? 文章中用一文章中用一定词或词组,提示前后意思之间的联系,将他们有机联系起来,自然而然的由上文转入下文,这就是过渡词;用于两句或两段间的连接。过渡是一个主题换到另一个主题之间的转变,可以藉由词或短语来表现。过渡部分时常放在句首、独立子句和段落里,因此为不同的主题和想法之间建立连结。过渡词也是用来建立论文的「脉络」,并使各部分有逻辑地相互连接,进而让文章清楚易懂。 过渡用法的分类 我们可以将所有的转折用法分成四类: Additive transitions 提醒读者你要新增或参照其他信息 Adversative transitions 指出信息之间的冲突或不一致 Causal transitions 指出后果和因果关系 Sequential transitions 澄清顺序和信息的序列和论文的整体架构 Additive Transitions 这一类的过渡皆表示在句子和段落之间有新信息加入,功能包含介绍或强调重点、参照先前提到的信息、加上新的状况或指名某一部分的信息是相当重要的。 Adversative Transitions 这些表达用来区分事实、论点和其他信息,可利用比对以展现相异处或提供反对论点、质疑某个事实或论点的重要性或替换并提供其他替换。 ​ Causal Transitions 以下这些过渡词指出原因、条件、目的、前提和因果关系,通常出现于论文中的一个重要观点被建立之后或为了讨论假设性的关系或情况。 ​ Sequential Transitions 这些词组将论文按照连续性或动作顺序组织架构,像是以参照先前提到的信息,以标示出额外插入的信息和以总结论文的方式。一连串的过渡词是建构架构的必经过程,帮助读者理解整个过程。 ​ 如何挑 选正确的转折用 法 过渡表达是写作中相当普遍的用法,但也应为很好用所以容易被误用或滥用,导致写作质量不佳。以下提供一些技巧帮助你挑选出最适当的转折用法: Check for overused, awkward, or absent transitions when you are reading through and/or editing your paper. Don't spend too much time trying to find the “perfect” transition while writing the paper. When you a place where a transition could connect ideas, establish relationships, and make it easier for the reader to understand your point, use the list to find a suitable transition term or phrase. Similarly, if you have repeat some terms again and again, find a substitute transition from the list and use that instead. This will help vary your writing and enhance communication of ideas. Read the beginning of each paragraph. Did you include a transition? If not, look at the information in that paragraph and of the preceding paragraph and askyourself: “How does this information connect?” Then locate the best transition from the list. Check the structure of your paper—are your ideas clearly laid out in order? You should be able to locate sequence terms such as “first,” “second,”“following this,” “another,” “in addition,” “finally,” “in conclusion,” etc. These terms will help outline your paper for the reader.
个人分类: 英文学术论文写作|6266 次阅读|0 个评论
wordvice 2020-4-3 10:33
英文 写 作中如何使用破折 号 (Dashes) 破折 号应可被视为用途最多样的标点符号,但是,如同分号,破折号在很多文章中都并未被适当活用。在许多情况下,破折号可以被当作逗号、括号或是冒号使用,但却可以带来细微的差异 。 使用破折 号替代逗号 当写到插入语时,前后各使用一个破折号可以代替逗号,破折号更有 强 调 之意, 让读者能更加集中在破折号中提到的讯息 。 使用逗 号导入插入语 : And so, when the baby was born in June, nearly two months premature, the parents were happy but quite nervous, and they still had to buy all of the baby supplies . 使用破折 号导入插入语 : And so, when the baby was born in June—nearly two months premature—the parents were happy but quite nervous, and they still had to buy all of the baby supplies . (* 破折 号强调 ” baby was premature” 的重点,表 现出此内容在句中的重要性 ) 使用破折 号替代括号 前后各使用一 个破折号可代替括号, 因为破折号较为非正式,因此在学术英文中较少出现 。但是,使用破折号可较明显的将句子中断,因此也更能强调内容 。 当使用破折号代替括号时,原来接在括号后的标点符号应删除 : 使用括 号 : After taking all of his final exams (including seven essays and three multiple choice tests), David just wanted to sleep. 使用破折 号 : After taking all of his final exams—including seven essays and three multiple choice tests—David just wanted to sleep. * 破折 号较为显而易见,因此较能有效地中断句子并吸引读者注意 。 若 为在句子的最后选择使用破折号代替括号,则只需要使用一个破折号 ( 而非前后各一 ) 使用括弧 : That coffee shop offers a selection of exotic gourmet coffee (or at least that is how they describe it). 使用破折 号 : That coffee shop offers a selection of exotic gourmet coffee—or at least that is how they describe it. *The dash seems to work especially well when placed at the end of a sentence—it extends the sentence like an addendum (补充说明) . 使用破折 号替代冒号 当在 强调句子的结论 时,使用破折号代替冒号可以带出不一样的意义:破折号可导出附加的内容,且使用方式更为弹性;破折号和冒号相比较为非正式 。 冒 号 : T he executives finally decided what they would do with the company: sell it at a loss. 单一破折号 : The executives finally decided what they would do with the company—sell it at a loss. 冒 号 : Let’s go where we went last year: Disneyland! 单一破折号 : Let’s go where we went last year—Disneyland! * 这里使用破折号可以传达出一种期待感(或不可避性) , 也 会让文章带有社论色彩 。 在使用符 号时 ,要考 虑 到上下文 内 容及 读 者 在 撰 写文章并选用标点符号时,应考虑书写的内容为何、读者为谁。举例而言,研究者若想在期刊上发表论文,应该先了解该期刊大部分的作者如何使用标点符号。在撰写新闻、杂志等英文文章内容时,也是采取同样的原则 。 到今天为止,在英文写作中,大家在标点符号使用方面需要知道的注意点,已经全部介绍完了,可能也还不够全面,欢迎大家讨论补充。
个人分类: 英文学术论文写作|9789 次阅读|0 个评论
英文写作标点符号 “分号”的使用准则
wordvice 2020-3-31 13:06
在英文写作时,标点符号该如何正确使用,许多人对此可能没有真正注意过。其实在进行学术论文写作时,遵循标点符号的使用准则也是非常重要的。举个简单的例子,如果用逗号分隔两个独立不相关的句子,这定会让读者感到困惑而影响表达力。若适当地使用分号来分隔,则可使文章更加通顺易懂。 因此,在进行英文写作的过程中,使用标点符号,如逗号comma (,), 冒号colon (:), 分号semicolon (;), 或破折号dash (—)时,有哪些准则需要被遵守呢? 本篇会介绍一下关于“分号”的使用的方法。 英文 写 作中如何使用分 号 (Semicolon) 在分隔两个独立的概念 ( 两个独立的从句 )时 ,我们使用分号,但前提是 这两个句子是有相关性的。当陈列复杂的概念或短语,并且句中包含逗号时,适合使用分号来分隔。分号拥有逗号的功能,但包含更多意思,亦有冒号的功能, 但在使用起来更加灵活。 在句中加入 两个或多个概念,而这些概念互为平等时 : The universe has always called to human beings; there could be no more final frontier than space. 加入 两个用连接副词或转折片语连接的独立从句 : Sam thought David was inviting him to the picnic to enjoy a nice day out; as it turned out, David was planning a surprise birthday party. 表达许多或一系列不同项,每项中包含逗号时,或者每项相对长且性质较复杂: Our family members came all the way from Denver, Colorado; Rochester, Minnesota; and even Paris, France. 使用 对等连接词连接两个独立从句 ( 若 两个从句已使用逗号分隔 ) ,或者 当两个从句较长时 : My main research objective is to isolate the cause of the disease, as well as to contribute to the existing literature; for this will bring an end to starvation across the continent, create new study designs related to epidemiology, and change the very paradigm of my research field. 应使用分号而非逗号的情况 错误范例 : The specimens were treated properly, however, they were not stored properly. 正确范例 : The specimens were treated properly; however, they were not stored properly. * 副 词 “ however ” 表示的是 连接两个独立的从句; 不要用逗 号去连接两个不包含并列连词 (and, but, or, nor 等等 ) 的 独立从句 。 错误范例 : The sun is wonderful: it produces light, which plants need to survive, it gives us warmth, which is useful for most life, and it makes a sad day happier, which is obviously a positive trait! 正确范例 : The sun is wonderful: it produces light, which plants need to survive; it gives us warmth, which is useful for most life; and it makes a sad day happier, which is obviously a positive trait! * 若只使用逗 号,则无法清楚的表明陈列的项目是什么。因此,要善用冒号用来分开包含逗号的项目 。
个人分类: 英文学术论文写作|5655 次阅读|0 个评论
wordvice 2020-3-26 16:26
在英文写作时,标点符号该如何正确使用,许多人对此可能没有真正注意过。其实在进行学术论文写作时,遵循标点符号的使用准则也是非常重要的。举个简单的例子,如果用逗号分隔两个独立不相关的句子,这定会让读者感到困惑而影响表达力。若适当地使用分号来分隔,则可使文章更加通顺易懂。 因此,在进行英文写作的过程中,使用标点符号,如逗号comma (,), 冒号colon (:), 分号semicolon (;), 或破折号dash (—)时,有哪些准则需要被遵守呢? 本篇会介绍一下关于“冒号”的使用的方法。 英文 写作中如何使用冒号 (Colon) 冒 号来条列下文,并告诉读者 “ Here ’ s what I mean. ” 。通常在英文 写作中,冒号不常被使 用,除非 您有许多内容需要列举,冒号的使用准则较为严谨,但也相对容易被记住 。 介 绍一个或多个项目 : Humans use five major senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. 分隔 两个独立从句,第二个从句用来叙述、 说明、改写 或延伸第一个从句 : Martha realized that her worst fear was coming true: her son was being sent to war. (* 冒 号后用独立的从句解释 Martha ’ s fear ) 商 业书信或正式信件开头问候语 : To the Central Valley Committee Chairman: 其他冒 号使用准则 冒号后的第一个字母不要大写。但在 3种情况下例外 : 1,当其是专有名词时;2,当其为引述句时;3,当其是若干句子的首句时。 错误范例 : I have three desires: To eat, sleep, and work. 正确范例 : I have three desires: to eat, sleep, and work. 当引号内包含多个句子,许多作者会倾向使用冒号而非逗号来引出内容 : In Chapter 3, the author explains his theory: “Dogs have dreams, but they don't dream as humans do. Their dreams reflect a primal desire for pleasure, whereas humans are preoccupied with the ego and self-image. This is equally true in wakefulness and sleep.” 接在冒 号之后的内容不一定要是完整的句子,可以是单词或短语 : There is one mantra that can sum up our position towards climate change: urgent action. 常 见冒号错误 分隔平等 并且无相关的两个从句 : 错误范例 : Sarah and her friends loved spending time on the mountain: nature always held a special meaning for them. 正确范例 : Sarah and her friends loved spending time on the mountain; nature always held a special meaning for them. (* 若 两个从句完全无相关,则应使用句号;若第二个从句和第一个从句有某种程度相关,并且并非用来陈述、说明或改写第一个子句,则使用分号分隔 ) 过度使用冒号 : 冒 号属于强调性质的标点符号,要避免过多使用。请将冒号想像为暂停标志,用来引起读者注意 “Hey! Pay attention to this. This is important.” 如果路上有 过多的暂停标志,则无法顺利并快速的前进,同样的道理,若文章中包含过多的冒号,读者也无法顺利阅读。 冒号主要用来吸引读者注意力并清楚的指出重要信息,因此,许多作者会使用冒号来导出他们的重要论点或科学论据。
个人分类: 英文学术论文写作|5866 次阅读|0 个评论
wordvice 2020-3-24 16:52
许多人不清楚在英文写作时标点符号该如何使用,但在写作学术论文时,遵循标点符号的使用准则是非常重要的。举个简单的例子,如果用逗号分隔两个独立不相关的句子会让读者感到困惑,但若适当的使用分号分隔则可使文章更加通顺易懂。因此,当在英文论文或文章中使用标点符号,如逗号 comma (,), 冒 号 colon (:), 分 号 semicolon (;), 或破折 号 dash ( — ) 时,请注意以下使用准则。 本篇详细介绍逗号的使用规则。 英文 写作中如何使用逗号 (Comma) 在大部分的 写作中,逗号是最常被使用的标点符号。但因为逗号的使用场景和使用要求最多,因此许多人会对如何正确使用感到困惑,以下是逗号的几点重要功能,及其适当的使用时机 。 罗列事物或短语时 : I bought bread, cheese, and pickles at the grocery store. 需要分隔 两个独立的较长从句,并使用连接词连接时 : Astronomers have known about the positions of stars for centuries , but they didn’t understand that the earth revolves around the sun. 在介 绍性短句的后面 : In preparation for the next convention , the representatives studied up on the most important issues. 当需要区分附加说明部分的句子 (parenthetical phrase) ,或要分隔 插入语 (interrupter) 时 : All doctors , if they care about their patients , are concerned with good office hygiene. 逗 号的常见错误使用案 例 Comma splice . 不要在未使用 连接词的情况下,使用逗号分隔两个独立的从 句。 错误范例 : Thousands of protesters showed up on the streets , they were shouting and carrying large posters. 正确范例 : Thousands of protesters showed up on the streets ; they were shouting and carrying large posters. Combining lengthy phrases . 在 复合句中使用逗号或用逗号来分隔短句会造成读者的困惑,这种情况应使用分号 。 错误范例 : Some useful subjects are English , which is an international language , math , which is used in all domains of sciences and social sciences , and philosophy , which underpins many other areas of study. 正确范例 : Some useful subjects are English, which is an international language ; math, which is used in all sciences and social sciences; and philosophy, which underpins many other areas of study.
个人分类: 英文学术论文写作|2893 次阅读|0 个评论
精进英语写作: 了解并改善常见英语语法错误(2)
wordvice 2020-1-2 10:33
上一篇 文章 中,我们讲解了冠词相关的常见英文写作错误,本章中将继续对常见英语语法写作错误进行分析。 . 用错介词 介词是个比较棘手的文法,好消息是通常你可以用动词来替换掉介词短语! 当你需要使用建立关系的单词时,这里有几个技巧: 惯用语中的介词是固定的: 这一类都没有遵循介系词的规则,如果不太确定的话,可以利用 Merriam-Webster’s 来检查 不要连续用两个介词: 口语上常这样没有关系,但在写作上必需要避免。例如: “I had to get off of the train.” → “ I got off the train.” 点击右侧的附档可以查看 常用介词列表 (包含一般常见意义与句子) List-of-Common-English-Prepositions1.pdf 以下是由Grammar.net制作的图片,介绍了 14对容易混淆的介词差异 也可以使用像Google Book’s N-gram Viewer ,其涵盖了1800年到2000年的所有书本内容,并计算各词语发生的频率。如果你对于介词的使用有疑虑,输入该短语的不同变形(用逗号分开)后点击”enter.” 该短语的使用频率就会以图表呈现,而应该要选择2000年最常被使用的片语(除非你想使用特定年代的语言)。下列是范例”to conduct research on,” 来搜索动词介词。 想参考其他资源,可以点击以下链接: Englishgrammar.org: https://www.englishgrammar.org/commonly-confused-prepositions/ Grammar.net: http://www.grammar.net/wp-content /uploads/2011/03/Prepositions700x1150.png Google Book’s N-gram Viewer: N-gram Viewer 主语动词一致性 也就是动词必须与主语的单复数一致。问题常发生于主语有介词短语的时候,记得动词必须与 介词前的名词单复数一致。 ✓ Noun1 + Preposition + Noun2 + Verb that agrees with Noun1 ✗ The way in which we communicate with others have changed dramatically.→ ✓The way in which we communicate with others has changed dramatically. 想 参考其他资源,可以点击以下链接: Purdue’s Online Writing Lab (OWL): https://owl.english.purdue.edu/ owl/resource/599/01/ Grammarbook.com: http://www.grammarbook.com/grammar/subjectVerbAgree.asp 动词型态: 两个最常发生的错误是使用错误分词与过度使用现在分词。 错误分词 留意不规则动词,有任何疑问可以利用 Merriam-Webster 来确认是否拼写正确。 美式英语与英式英语在特定动词分词的拼写上不太一样,例如:美国使用”learned”而英国则使用”learned”和”learnt” 。 过度使用现在分词 使用现在简单式来描述一般事实、习惯和某物的状态。 ✗ The sun is always rising in the east.→ ✓ The sun always rises in the east. 现在进行式 (verb+ing)用来描述 暂时性 动作和表示等等想要做的事。当你想要说明在某个动作的进行过程中也发生另一件事情时,可以使用现在进行式。 ✗ I visit my sister this week. → ✓ I am visiting my sister this week. 想参考其他资源,可以点击以下链接: Grammarly verb tense review: https://www.grammarly.com/blog/verb-tenses/ Grammarly verb forms: https://www.grammarly.com/blog/verb-forms/ EF Education First verb tense review: http://www.ef.com/english-resources /english-grammar/verbs/ John Jay College, CUNY’s overview of English verb tenses: http://resources.jjay. cuny.edu/erc/tutoring/pdfs/27.pdf University of Victoria’s guide to simple present vs. present continuous: http://web2 .uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/330/grammar/simcon.htm Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) verb tense overview: https://owl.english.purdue .edu/owl/resource/601/01/ 动词时态转换: 在同一子句中的动词必须使用同样的时态, 如果混用动词时态则可能让读者感到疑惑。 ✗ Joe watched the movie and laughs out loud. → ✓ “Joe watched the movie and laughed out loud,” or “Joe is watching the movie and is laughing out loud” . 谈到特定主题 ,重复确认副词子句或句子的动词时态。 ✗ Joe eats chocolate whenever he got upset. → ✓ “Joe eats chocolate whenever he gets upset,” or “Joe ate chocolate whenever he got upset” . 有时候混用时态也是合理的,例如你在表示一个动作的发展时。 ✓ I am editing the book that I wrote . [Naturally, to edit a book, it must already be written. 想参考其他资源,可以点击以下链接: Grammarly : https://www.grammarly.com/blog/verb-tense-consistency/ Daily Writing Tips: http://www.dailywritingtips.com/beware-the-shifting-tense/ | 英语博客 | 论文润色 | 留学文书批改 | 托福写作修改 | 服务费用 | FAQ | 关于Wordvice |
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EditSprings 2019-7-23 10:30
英语被视为现代科学的语言,学术领域的许多顶级期刊都使用英语发表。发表高级研究成果是学术生涯的重要部分,因此掌握英语写作技能非常必要。 学术论文写作不同于社交媒体或个人博客上经常使用的非正式用语,学术英语应该逻辑严密,反复润色,准确表达研究内容,发表富有洞察力的真知灼见。要达到这一水平对于以英语为母语的人来说都是重大的挑战,对于那些仍在学习英语的人来说,这些目标似乎不可逾越。但实际上并非如此,如果能掌握一门非母语语言进行学术写作,对自身学术生涯将大有裨益。 ​ 然而,并没有一种可靠的方法可以让你用正式的英语清晰准确地报告和讨论你的研究。不同的语种翻译成英语时遇到的问题各有不同;不同专业领域内的术语和习惯表达各有不同;个别论文的结构和文体要求各有不同;个别学者的写作风格和学习方法亦各有不同。尽管存在这些差异,但在学习用英语写作学术和科技论文时,仍然有一些值得借鉴的可靠方法和策略,能够增加论文发表机会。 至关重要的一点就是 尽可能多地阅读英文文本 。所有好文章都可以带来帮助,但要注意,质量不高的文章应该引以为戒,而不能盲目模仿,所以如果你还不能准确分辨文章优劣,可以向你的朋友或导师(最好是一个母语为英语的人)寻求阅读建议。事实证明,阅读同一类型的读物对提高写作是最有效的。但这并不是说,如果你想写科技论文或文学专著,就不应该阅读英文报纸、杂志和言情小说,毕竟任何文体都有各自的功能。刚开始学习时,叙述清晰的简单文章可能更容易消化。但是如果你想写科技论文,那么阅读经典文献将是提高写作技能最直接有效的方法。 另一方面,阅读学术或科技论文不仅有助于提高写作技能,还有助于你的科学研究,从而带来多方面的好处。尽可能阅读与自己研究主题和方法相关的材料能够提供有用的术语和措辞,以及文章结构和逻辑模式,以供模仿和调整。阅读时可以用笔记本记下有用的单词及释义、好的短语以及复杂的语法结构,久而久之能够形成个人字典,这是一个非常有用的资源,当你写作时,能够不断巩固已学内容。如果你手上正有一篇论文要投往某特刊或有意向的出版社,那么一定要阅读其最近的出版物,并且不要忽视出版商的官方网站和作者指南。同样重要的还有出版社要求的提交方式和评审方式。 ​ 广泛阅读可以锻炼你的英语思维,这是一项宝贵的技能,在学习英语写作中同样可以得到加强。许多学术或科技论文都是用另一种语言构思、设计和撰写的,然后翻译成英文,这种方法固然能行得通。然而,一些成功发表英文论文的非母语作者坚持认为,一个更有效的方法是从一开始就用英语起草高质量的文章。使用阅读过程中遇到的英语单词和短语来思考自己的研究,这样会使你在写作中采用这些表达,并开始用简短的句子描述你的研究成果。这些方法看上去有些公式化,甚至有点幼稚或者笨拙,但文章最终都需要润色,所以拟定一个粗略的英文版草稿是首要目标。不过,如果你发现短期内实在无法用英文写作一篇论文,寻求专业的英文翻译也是一个不错的选择。 在提交出版之前,一定要花时间 对你的英文论文中每个单词、短语和句子进行仔细阅读、修改、编辑和润色 。一些出版商会友好地告诉你,在你的文稿被采纳之前,需要提高英语,所以最好在投稿前就对文章进行语言润色,争取在第一时间给编辑留下好印象。分享你的论文是一个很好的主意,对象可以是导师,同事,同学,甚至对你的研究知之甚少的朋友,但注意要有选择性地挑选读者。例如,以英语为母语的人能够帮助你掌握更自然的词汇和措辞,但要知道,并非所有人都是伟大的作家,很少有人能够帮助你正确使用专业术语以及遵循本研究领域的相关惯例。但其他学者将能够帮助你解决写作中的这些问题,如果他们成功地发表了相关研究论文,他们的经验和建议对你大有裨益,无论他们的母语是什么。 ​ 然而,最重要的是,你必须自己运用所有你收集到的模式、建议和指南来提高英语写作水平,直到你有一份可以发表的研究论文。抽出专门的时间纠正错误、润色不通顺的地方、提高表达的准确度、以及采用更具说服力的解释。但是如果由于语言障碍而无法对论文进行改进的话,这段时间将非常难熬。如果你卡住了,大声朗读你的文章可以有所帮助,尤其是如果你相对书面英语更熟悉口语的话。另一个好方法是把你的论文打印出来,这样你就可以在纸张上阅读和编辑。许多作者发现这是解决语言和文体问题最有效的方法,你可以根据需要在行间和页边空白处潦草地写下修改、替换和其他注释,最后在电脑上一次性修改。 在校对、修改学术和科技论文时,有太多方面和细节需要注意,对于非英语母语者的论文而言,只关注一些显著问题是不够的。大多数想要掌握英语的作者都非常清楚英语和他们自己母语之间的主要区别和次要区别,以及他们自己犯某些错误和引入特定问题的倾向。这些都应该作为提高英语写作水平的首要重点,纠正和改写的过程会逐渐帮助你提高英语水平,消除这些错误倾向。一般来说,当不是以英语为母语的研究人员用英语展现他们的工作时,往往会出现某些普遍的错误和问题,因此 在编辑时要对下列情况保持警惕 : 诸如冠词和介词之类的微小词汇,它们在不同语言中往往有不同的使用模式;而代词的使用就必须注意语法和语义的准确性,以避免混淆。 谨慎使用动词时态能准确建立研究过程的时间顺序,也有助于形成有说服力的学术或科学论证逻辑。 确保名词或代词及与之相关的动词在数和人称上的一致性。集体名词有时可以是复数,有时也可以是单数,在这方面尤其具有挑战,就像某些名词在你的母语中通常是复数,但在英语中是单数,反之亦然。 区分具有相似拼写但意义大相径庭或意义相似但有细微差别的词。这样的例子包括experience 和 experiment, teach 和 learn, lie 和 lay, say 和 tell, access 和 assess, affect 和 effect, fabricate 和elaborate, remember 和 remind, less 和 fewer, 和 much 和 many, 等等。 标点符号使用规范能够清晰阐明作者的意思。然而,不同语言之间的标点符号往往不同,而且每个标点符号都很小,因此在编辑时很容易遗漏。请特别注意撇号和连字符的使用。 大写字体、特殊字体和其他强调形式或许符合你自己语言的使用惯例,但在正式英语中并不适用,只会导致文本混乱、无吸引力、并且不专业。 避免为了准确性而过度使用形容词和副词。有时候,描述研究条件和结果需要几个修饰词,但在大多数情况下,利用词典和同义词库来选择一个更精确或更有效的名词或动词会更好。 ​ 句子通常需要重新排列和措辞,它们之间的联系和转换需要精炼。字典、写作指南、短语列表和你自己的阅读笔记会经常使用,以便修复问题,从而写出清晰流畅的文章。因此,对于新手来说,完善学术或科技英语文本的过程是相当漫长的。对自己要有耐心,要记住,编辑全文往往是对作者的语言技能提出的最高要求。关键是要避免语义混淆和歧义,你必须清楚且准确地陈述你的研究,描述信息应该丰富但要简洁,使用不会让读者感到困惑的学科专用术语,选择对国际读者有意义的语言,这就是大多数英语学术出版物希望达到的水平。还要记住,大多数出版商更喜欢甚至要求使用英语或美语这两种主要形式中的一种,所以一定要查看你的写作指南,保证文稿中的拼写、词汇和措辞的一致性和正确性。 当然,当你提交出版文稿时,必须理解和遵守出版商提供的写作指南中的所有内容,这样可以确保按照英语学术和科学写作中预期的标准和惯例来展示你的研究。例如,学术期刊通常会列出一篇研究论文所需要的结构,指出章节的顺序,甚至可能指明标题和副标题的格式和数量。在一篇传统的科学期刊论文中,标题和摘要之后通常是引言、研究方法、结果展示和分析、结果及其影响的讨论,最后是结论。这样的写作指南非常有帮助,因为你可以在指导下列出提纲,起草论文,理清思路,有条理地写一些信息丰富的文本,将解释与推测和描述与观察分开撰写,等等。如果你在写论文之前就选择了投稿期刊,那么可以使用这些结构指南来建立一个写作手稿的模板,如果你在论文起草后才选择期刊,那么可以使用指南来改进你手稿的结构。 当你用另一种语言来展示和讨论你的研究时,肯定会遭遇挫折,因为英语有时候具有不一致性和不可预测性,但必须要保持自信和恒心。不用担心,因为即使是以英语为母语的人,有时也不得不求助于专业的校对员或编辑解决文章中的一些问题。因此,如果你能负担得起,这也是一个可行的选择,可以为你提供关于英语写作技能的专家反馈,包括错误更正,以及解释性的意见和建议,从而使你的文章得到改进。此外,这样的专业人士可以确保你的文章符合所有出版商的写作指南,确保使用标准国际术语。如果他们专长于你的学科,能够充分运用你所在领域的传统语言以及符合预期的表达形式。学术或科技英语方面的专家提供的优质帮助将增加你的写作信心,并为你带来论文发表和学术生涯所需的权威性学术支持。 ​ 许多学术和科技编辑也将能够识别和标记论文中不恰当的偏见或研究操作,因为这些例子或许不符合你的研究领域或目标期刊的道德标准。一些在各自领域特别活跃的校对人员甚至能够识别出你的文章中与已发表文章过于相似的部分,这些部分可能被认为是剽窃,至少面临被拒稿的风险。一旦你提交了论文,英文出版商肯定会检查你是否抄袭,所以记住,作者有责任避免在他/她希望进入的学术出版环境中被认为存在伦理问题。如果你被指控剽窃,或者同时向多个出版商提交同一篇研究论文,那么你所有的努力工作都会被否定,你的声誉也会受到损害。因此,一定要学习与你所在领域相关的道德规范,并且永远规避遭受质疑的地带。 ​ 母语润色 ¦ 专业翻译 ¦ 论文预审 ¦ 修改指导 ¦ 图表服务 ¦ 基金标书 ¦ 用户评价 ¦ 联系我们
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热度 4 wordvice 2019-5-15 12:31
很多人花了很多时间做研究,想发表论文还得先通过一连串投稿考验,却常常很难如期和如愿。这时候,可能有人会想那就一次投个八九家期刊,总会中一个吧? 这就中了投稿大忌了,投稿的黄金原则就是绝对不能一稿多投。 在这篇文章中,我们将会说明同时投稿到一家以上的期刊会有什么后果、该怎么避免陷阱,以及什么时候可以再投稿论文。 为什么不能“一稿多投” 不能同时投稿的原因有多个,如道德规范、法律问题、现实商业因素,甚至是名誉上的考量。 名誉考量 期刊备受尊敬是因为他们发表的是受同行审核过的高品质研究成果,期刊以能为读者挑选出最新颖与值得注目的研究为傲,所以读者从而也非常相信期刊。如果读者发现期刊竟然发表一些其他期刊已经发布的内容,读者会进而怀疑其他期刊发表内容是不是也是旧资讯。再来,不同期刊同时刊登相同研究的话,可能会无意间夸大其议题的重要性。读者可能会误以为有很多研究同时针对同一议题进行,且刚好每一个都获得了同样的结果。判断不同期刊刊登的研究是不是由同一组研究人员所做或是否为重复的文章,不应该是读者的责任。 法律因素 在投稿时,大部分的情况作者可以保有著作权,但必须独家授发表权给这个期刊,否则期刊不会审核论文。因此,从法律的角度来看,该期刊拥有该论文的唯一发表权 (除了一些例外,通常不涉及授予其他出版商类似的权利)。想想看要是你独家授权给两间期刊,结果幸运的他们都接受你的论文了,这个幸运就是你的不幸。期刊必须浪费时间与精力去解决这个授权冲突,最后可能导致论文先后被拒稿的情况。如果论文已经被刊登了,就会发生公开撤稿的情形。 现实商业考量 作者不是唯一一个担心自己浪费时间在投稿上的人,其他人也是一样的。高影响因子期刊的审稿时间大约是几个月起跳,这是因为期刊的编辑、审稿者与其他的员工需要投注大量时间和资源来审核上千份的论文。你担心无法投稿成功,期刊则担心无法筛选出最相关与创新的研究结果。因此,期刊无法承担在最后一刻撤回稿件的巨大成本与风险,所以期刊的常见要求是作者一次只能投一所。 最后,限制作者一次只能投一间大幅降低了编辑审核的作业量,代表编辑有更多时间能用于审核其他的论文。如果大家都能一稿多投,期刊编辑将会收到比现在还要更多的量,则可能导致审稿期间拉更长。 一稿多投的后果 如上所述,其中一个后果就是期刊出于种种考量可能拒绝你的稿件,或撤稿已刊登的稿件。另外一种期刊可能采取的作法是要求你将长篇论文改写成短文,并保留对期刊读者来说有用的资讯。 最后,如果你被发现违反期刊的投稿规定,你可能会失去期刊的信任。后果就是期刊会更加仔细检查你之后的投稿文章来确保没有任何的道德议题。 一稿多投的其他问题 一稿多投是投稿过程中你可能会面临到的其中一个问题,重叠性高的研究也可能让编辑有警戒心。举例来说,把自己的研究结果分成好几份论文 (又称萨拉米香肠战术,salami slicing)发表的可能性。但是拆分研究来写论文不代表会被拒绝,只要分出来的每一份论文都有点(论文呈现不同的研究结果),使其不重复,期刊还是有可能接收你的文章。 虽然普遍不鼓励萨拉米香肠战术,你还是可以根据一个大型的实验来撰写多份论文并投稿,多份论文使用共同的研究数据但聚焦在尚未被其他论文讨论过的议题就可以。 什么情况下可以一稿多投 投稿前提问(Pre-submission queries) 投稿之前都可以询问期刊编辑,这样一来可以先排除掉不适合你论文的期刊。这些询问信件(query letters)要简明扼要的介绍自己的论文内容,可以同时寄给多个期刊,如果收到期刊的正面回复,那你就可以决定是否要正式投给这个期刊开启投稿程序。从很多方面来看,投稿前提问可以节省彼此时间和资源。 出版前或未出版之文章(Pre-printing) 在正式发表之前,Pre-printing是另一个方法可以先占有该研究的发表优先权。本着开放获取的精神,pre-printing是一个与科学界分享数据权限来介绍自己研究结果。举例来说,physical sciences database arXiv就是最早创立electronic pre-print的平台之一。 因为pre-prints不是同行审稿过的,因此作者不应该把这个当成替代实际投稿期刊发表的手段。但是 pre-printing的其中一个好处是你在发表pre-print的日期时就已经拥有该研究议题的优先发表权,而不是之后正式论文发表的日期。 所以,如果你担心某个研究议题的第一个发表地位会先被其他人抢走, pre-prints是一个不错的方法。 另外需要注意的是 假设你打算投稿到双盲审查的期刊,你就不可以使用这个方法。 双盲审查的目的就是为了排除所有作者相关信息所造成的偏见。然而,Pre-printing可能会影响到双盲审查的目的,因为论文内容可能已经在数据库中被审查编辑看过了。因此,期刊编辑就得花更多时间来找其他还没看过pre-print内容的编辑来审查论文。编辑如果需要花更多的时间来帮你找审查编辑,那么论文被接收的可能性就会小很多。 额外信息 想参考额外关于同时投稿多间期刊的道德议题,请参考以下: Elsevier Factsheet, “ Simultaneous Submission/ Multiple, Duplicate Publication .” International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), “ Overlapping Publications .” Elizabeth Wager, “ Why You Should not Submit Your Work to More than One Journal at a Time .” Elsevier’s case studies regarding multiple publications: Case Study 1 , Case Study 2 , and Case Study 3 . Committee on Publication Ethics, “ What to Do If You Suspect Redundant (Duplicate) Publication (A) .” Committee on Publication Ethics, “ What to Do If You Suspect Redundant (Duplicate) Publication (B) .” | 英语博客 | 论文润色 | 学术论文翻译 | 学科母语编辑 | 关于我们 |
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wordvice 2019-3-14 16:38
许多大学老师都曾被有意向到海外留学的学生邀请写一封推荐信。申请国外研究生时,大多学校通常会要求学生提供两至三封的推荐信,而一封好的推荐信能够增加被推荐人成功录取的几率,其重要性无需多言。本篇文章里Wordvice会向大家说明,老师应当给怎样的同学做推荐,以及推荐信应包含哪些内容,在文章最后我们将提供推荐信范文供参考。 英文推荐信撰写技巧 当学生找来写推荐信时,请记住一个基本准则:你应该是对这个学生有充分了解的。作为推荐人,最好了解申请者的优点且需熟悉申请者学习情况、学习目的是否明确、适应能力、创造能力、性格和特长等。许多学生在寻找推荐人时,往往第一看重的是推荐人的名气,如果遇到这样的同学,大可以建议他去找更熟悉他的老师来写推荐信。 在写推荐信时,要包含以下几个重点和方向: 推荐人的全名与申请人的基本情况介绍 交待推荐人与申请者的关系(如何认识、了解程度、关系) 对申请者的基本评价(如:专业基础、个性、人品、特点、工作态度、发展潜力和实例)要注意相对于强调实务应变能力的公司,学校更看重的是学生的学术潜能; 推荐人可以介绍申请人曾获得奖励、发表的论文、参加过的重要学术会议、其曾在学生组织或学术团体中的任职来支撑自己对申请人的正面评价 推荐人必须清楚地表明被推荐人留学的身份是研究生还是访问学者,专业领域及研究方向 必须表明推荐人的态度是极力推荐还是保留推荐 如果对学生足够了解,那么可以在信中描述被推荐人的人格特质,甚至如何克服挫折或压力 量化表现:提供资料给推荐者时,尽量以「他的成绩排在全系的10%-15%」,或「他在哪些课程里表现很好,而这个课程需要良好的C++编程设计能力以及Matlab的某某应用」。换言之,让你的表现是具有参考指标的 英文推荐信范文 以下提供英文推荐信模板: To the Graduate Admissions Department at : (OR) To the Graduate Admissions Department at : (第一段说明推荐者的职位、与申请者之间的关系,以及对申请者的整体评价) It is my pleasure to recommend Jane Doe for admission to at . I am an associate professor of at . I came to know Jane while teaching her in . The course comprised . Jane distinguished herself by submitting an exceptionally well researched and interesting project on . She is one of the very best students that I have taught in the past five years in respect of her writing ability and research skills. (第二段具体说明申请者的特质和技能,并提供具体事例证明申请者的能力) Overall, Jane is highly intelligent and has good problem-solving skills. Her demonstrated her ability to come a detailed understanding of the lifestyles of pre-historic hominids, and to analyze the consequences of those practices on evolution. She gave a particularly interesting discussion of the difficult practice of tool-shaping and a profound engagement with the use and the implications of these tools. Her overall intelligence is also reflected in her grades for the course, which were among the highest in the class. (第三段说明更多的特质、技能以及事例说明) Jane has excellent communication skills. Her written work is both clear and concise, as well as interesting to read. She demonstrated her oral articulateness in the discussion sections that were an integral part of the course. Each discussion section focused on a particular aspect of Olduvian Gorge hominids. Students were required analyze unsolved questions and to develop and defend their own theories. Jane was highly proficient in applying the course material in analyzing these “puzzles.” She always explained her views very concisely and gave supporting arguments that were both clear and persuasive. Jane also demonstrated good teamwork skills in group assignments. (第四段说明更多的特质、技能以及事例说明) At a personal level, Jane is a well-disciplined, industrious student with a pleasant personality. Throughout the course, Jane demonstrated great perseverance and initiative. Not only was she interested in and motivated to learn the material, but she also put great work into assimilating it to her own experience and developing her own ideas about each topic that we discussed. (第五段说明为何推荐申请者,以及申请者为什么适合该专业或学校) Jane is unquestionably an exceptional candidate for graduate study in . Jane’s work in suggests that she would greatly benefit from the opportunities for intellectual development provided by a sustained period of graduate study. She has proven herself to have the perseverance, initiative, and intellectual creativity necessary to complete an advanced graduate degree. I would therefore highly recommend Jane Doe. If her performance in my class is a good indication of how she would perform as a graduate student, she would be an extremely positive asset to your program. (第六段:礼貌性地表示可以协助提供更多信息) If I can be of any further assistance, or provide you with any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, 撰写推荐信时,非常容易出现的问题就是用词等英文表现不够正式formal。这时,则需要注意将撰写好的推荐信再交给专业的英语母语润色专家来进行润稿,让推荐信更加具有可读性和说服力,也体现了推荐人本身良好的英文素养和专业形象。 | 英语博客 | 论文润色 | 学术论文翻译 | 学科母语编辑 | 关于我们 |
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热度 1 liwenbianji 2017-4-11 21:00
No. 8 连续逗号与连续分号的使用 (一个句子中) a. 连续逗号:用于分割一系列超过2个的单词、词组和从句, 最后一项用and或or连接。 常规使用系列逗号有助于避免歧义。 例子: 1. The patient can be given penicillin , ampicillin , or erythromycin. 2. The tumor was bloody , necrotic , and malodorous. 3. The mice ate the food , drank the water , and then slept for an average of three hours. *注意:有的文体指导里介绍在最后一项的 and或者 or之前不使用逗号,但是如果用逗号的话句子含义会更清晰。 b. 连续分号(复杂情况下):用于分割一系列超过2个的较大、较复杂的词组和从句,最后一项用and或or连接。 常规使用系列分号有助于避免歧义。 例子: 1. In the morning, the animals should be given water, feed, and medication ; in the afternoon, only water and feed ; and in the evening, water, feed, and medication. 2. The rates of specimens with no change in size were 30-35% for Groups 1, 2, and 3 ; 40-45% for Groups 4, 5, and 6 ; and 50-55% for Groups 7, 8, and 9. 3. The findings were: 1) Some patients (42%) had normal sleep patterns ; 2) Some patients (23%) had erratic sleep patterns, but with normal total amounts of sleep ; and 3) Some patients (35%) suffered from sleep apnea. No. 9 连字符 Hyphen ,短破折号 En dash ,长破折号 Em dash a. 连字符Hyphen: Used as a connector 例子: 1. 把前缀或者后缀和词干连接起来: ex-husband, self-inflicted, meta-analysis, etc. 2. 连接复合词: light-year, cure-all 3. 连接第二个元素是过去或现在分词的复合修饰语 : seizure-inducing drugs, well-known physicist, well-established rules 4. 当不使用连字符时可能不明确时连接复合修饰语: low-frequency amplitudes, a large-bowel obstruction 5. 连接修饰语与数值和单位。年龄术语采用双连字符: a 5-g dose, 50-km radius, a 3-year-old child 6. 连接拼写的分数: one-third of the population, thirty-two hundredths 7. 当拼写出来时,将从 21到99的复合 基数词 和复合序数词连接起来: Eighty-five samples were collected. He pointed to the Sixty-Sixth Congress. 8. 连接需要连字符的才能得到 正确含义的 动词: a) He re-covered the explored well. ...BUT He recovered quickly from the operation. b) Such patients are usually re-treated. ...BUT The water retreated from the structures. 9. 在引用中连接页码范围: 454-455, 35-37. 10. 连接所谓的“电子术语”,其中“e”代表“电子”: e-mail, e-commerce, e-business b. 短破折号En dash: 大写字母N.的长度,主要用于连接,在大多数情况下意味着“through”。 例子: 1. link 2 words representing items of equal rank, including compound modifiers. In this case, the en dash means and or to: north–south avenues, cost–benefit analysis, hexane–benzene solvent, author–editor relationship 2. 以齐名的方式连接2个人的姓名: Mann–Whitney U test, Michaelis–Menten kinetics 3. 连接包含连字符元素的词语: sugarmaple– dominated forest c. 长破折号Em dash: 大写字母M.的长度, 用作分隔符,用于在句子中强烈的中断。 例子: 1. 像逗号和括号一样使用:Cancer—the major cause of death in this population—is often difficult to detect in the early stages. No. 10 动词时态 a. 撰写文章时, 一般* 参照 使用以下动词时态指南: 1. Introduction - Present tense and past tense (e.g. when discussing previous literature) 2. Methods - Past tense 3. Results - Past tense 4. Discussion - Present tense (except when referring back to the results of the present study) * 在这里使用 一般 ,是因为总是有例外。在写论文时,请参考特定期刊的写作指南。 b. As editors, sometimes we find text in which the tense is used incorrectly, or that goes contrary to what we are generally see. 作为编辑,有时候我们会发现论文稿件中的时态不正确,或者与我们“常见”的相反。 在这种情况下,如果稿件的英文看起来不错,而且如果改变时态对论文的影响较大的话,那么有时可以无需修改。记住,比起正确的动词时态,清晰明确的科学写作是最重要的。 * No. 8 – No. 10: Reference: Council of Science Editors, Style Manual Committee. Scientific style and format: the CSE manual for authors, editors, and publishers. 7th ed. Reston (VA): The Council; 2006. 英文写作小贴士【上】 英文写作小贴士【中】 100 / 200 / 300元优惠券等你拿 脑力劳动节 多劳多得 分享光荣
个人分类: 理文编辑|5246 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 liwenbianji 2017-3-30 21:08
No.6 词首字母大小写问题 有客户最近向理文编辑咨询关于地名和地理学术语如何正确大写的问题。因为中文不牵涉大写问题,所以中文词语的作者可能会有点迷惑。其实大写问题对于英语词语的作者而言也不太容 易理顺。大写问题虽然棘手,但是下面的小贴士会对您有所帮助。 一般而言定义明确的地区的首写词要大写,以下是 The Economist Style Guide 的建议: “Use upper case for definite geographical places, regions, areas and countries, and for vague but recognised political or geographical areas…lower case for east, west, north, south except when part of a name.” (大写用于明确的地理学位置、地区、区域、国家以及模糊但是被认可的行政或地理区域 east, west, north, south 等用小写,但当他们是名称一部分的时候除外。) 这条通用法则也适用于地球表面的地带,如North Temperate Zone, the Equator 等。 以下是更多法则: - 通常而言,指南针上的方位(如north, southeast 等)和形容词(如western, central, upper, lower等)不需要大写 - 专有名词中的一般地理学名词需要首字母大写,如Atlantic Ocean, Mt. Muztagata 等 - 首字母大写的地理学名词之后的一般术语不需要大写,如Yangtze River valley - 名词复数要小写,如Gobi and Taklamakan deserts - “the”只有在其为正式地名一部分的时候才大写,如The Bahamas, the Netherlands 关于某个地名如果你不清楚正确的大写方法,你可以在Google Scholar上搜索一下 (http://scholar.google.com/)。多数人的意见不见得就是正确的,但是可以给你一些关于正确大 写的线索。请记住,你写作的目的是要清楚地表述你的科研成果。注意正确的大写不仅仅是为了 遵守某些专断的规则,你的论文需要正确运用大写的原因是,给读者一个关于你的采集地的更精 确的概念,特别是当他们还不熟悉你的研究领域的时候。 以下是一些地理学术语例子,告诉你哪些需要大写而哪些不需要: Upper case(大写) - East Asia - South-East Asia - Central Asia - Central America - North Korea - South Africa - the North Atlantic - the Middle East - The Arctic - The Hague - The Gambia Lower case (小写) - central Europe - western China - southern Beijing - western Mongolia - eastern Africa - northern North Korea - the central Gobi - the lower Yangtze River - the Philippines 购买 The Columbia Gazetteer of the World ( http://www.columbiagazetteer.org/ ,此链 接可免费试用),或者 Merriam-Webster’s Geographical Dictionary 可能会对你有所帮助。 参考书目: The Economist Style Guide, Capitalization - Places (http://www.economist.com/research/styleGuide/index.cfm?page=805663) Council of Science Editors, Style Manual Committee. Scientific Style and format: the CSE manual for authors, editors, and publishers , 7th ed. Reston (VA): The Council; 2006. Section 9.7.3, Pg. 120 No.7 常见易混单词 英语中有许多对单词很容易混淆。此贴士主要讨论拼写相近而意义不同单词,或者充当不同 词性的单词。 在看常用易混单词的释义之前,请先做以下小测试检验一下自己的知识。答案解答在文末。 affect = A, effect = B, capability = C, capacity = D, continually = E, continuous = F, adverse = G, aversion = H 1. The _______ conditions caused by the hurricane prevented the plane from taking off. 2. Despite the skill of its employees, the small factory did not have the ________ to produce large amounts of goods. 3. The _________ noise of the waves crashing on the beach was very relaxing. 4. Luckily, the medicine did not adversely ______ the patient. 5. Because he had not received any training, John did not have the __________ to repair the complicated machinery. 6. Many scientists believe that global warming is the ______ of greenhouse-gas emissions. 7. Because of she is a vegetarian, Susan had an ________ to the idea of going to the Korean Barbeque restaurant. 8. The website is ___________ updated. 常见易混单词列表 1. capability/capacity capability: a certain ability, the quality of being capable, a potential aptitude. capacity: the ability to contain; the volume or amount that fits in a certain container. 2. compliment/complement complement: a worthy addition (n.) (e.g., The girl’s pink cheeks were the perfect complement to her dark eyes.) compliment: to praise (v.); a piece of praise (n.) (e.g., The girl accepted the compliment with a shy blush.) 3. trial/trail This is often the result of a simple typing error. trial: a tryout or experiment to test quality, value, or usefulness of something (e.g., clinical trial). It also refers to the number of repetitions of an experiment. trail: a marked or established path or route, or a course followed or to be followed (e.g., mountain trail). 4. intercellular/intracellular intercellular: located between cells intracellular: occurring or situated within a cell or cells (e.g., intracellular fluid). 5. principal/principle principal (adjective): chief, main, leading, most important. principal (noun): the most important person or group of people (After much debate, the two principals reached an agreement); the head of a school (the principal person in the administration); borrowed money (as distinct from interest). principle (always a noun): a rule, standard, law, guideline, or doctrine. 6. adverse/averse adverse: bad, opposed (e.g., Benjamin ate zongzi every day for lunch and suffered no adverse effects.) averse: feeling unwilling; experiencing distaste (e.g., Benjamin’s mother was averse to the idea of an all-zongzi lunch.) 7. affect/effect affect (verb): “to influence” (e.g., Xiao Wang’s wild partying on Thursday night affected his performance on the history test.) effect (noun): “result” (e.g., Xiao Wang’s wild partying on Thursday night had a terrible effect on his performance on the history test.) 8. continually/continuously continual: repeatedly (e.g., For two weeks, the travelers continually went on trips to the Great Wall.) continuous: without interruption (e.g., The flow of water is continuous.) 9. criterion/criteria criterion: singular form (e.g., one criterion) criteria: plural form (e.g., some criteria) 10. ensure/insure ensure: “to make sure or certain” insure: “to guarantee with insurance against risk or loss of life” *However, in American English, “insure” can be used for both of these meanings. References: http://cgi.sparknotes.com/ http://forum.wordreference.com/ http://www.m-w.com/ http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ 参考答案: 1) G 2) D 3)F 4) A 5) C 6) B 7) H 8) E
个人分类: 论文写作|4551 次阅读|7 个评论
热度 1 liwenbianji 2017-3-21 21:16
No. 1 句子结句——短句是准则 用清楚的英语书写的文章更容易被发表,这一点需要牢记。 据统计,1600 年,平均每个英文句子有40 到60 个单词;1900 年,平均每个英文句子有 21 个单词;1970 年,平均每个句子有17 个单词;而现在,平均每个英语句子只有12 到17 个 单词。由此可见,现代英语的发展趋势是由繁至简的。 中文写作惯用长句,而英语,特别是科技英语,通常使用非常精炼的句子。短句是准则,使 用简短而表意清楚的句子并不显得幼稚。 专业的英语作者使用短句。 No. 2 可数名词和不可数(物质)名词 单数可数名词(可以计数的事物)通常用冠词修饰;复数可数名词有时用冠词修饰。 不可数名词(难以计数的事物;也称物质名词)没有复数形式;不可数名词有时也用冠词修 饰。 首先要确定该名词是可数名词还是不可数名词,然后问自己如何对这个名词计数: 名词: - sensor one sensor, two sensors, three sensors - mice one mouse, two mice, three mice - fish one fish, two fish, three fish - water one drop of water, two liters of water, three flasks of water 更多用法示例请参考词典: http://www.ldoceonline.com No. 3 逗号的正确使用方法 逗号是最难掌握的标点符号类型,逗号使用不当会改变句子的意思。在表示重要的和非重要 的信息时,请多留意逗号的用法。 推荐用法: The equipment that we used was made by the XX Company. 可行用法: The equipment which we used was made by the XX Company. 错误用法: The equipment, which we used, was made by the XX Company. 正确用法: The equipment, which was made in Shanghai, was very expensive. 当你校对标点符号的使用时,要特别注意以下单词:that、which 和who;此时应再次确 认,此信息是重要信息还是是可以省略的多余信息。 - 如果此信息是 重要的,切勿 使用逗号。 - 如果此信息是 附加的、不重要的,必须 使用逗号。 No. 4 动词时态 一般过去时 用于表示你所做过的事: In this study, a number of functional and structural properties of sodium were compared to determine the underlying reason for the observed functional changes. 过去时 通常用于描述研究的结果: Assessment of size using standard denaturing gel conditions showed multiple bands whose size was consistent with discrete oligomeric forms of A. 一般现在时 用于陈述事实: Alzheimer's disease is a fatal progressive dementia. 一般现在时 用于指代图表内容: The amino acid sequence of the synthetic Vpu (1-40) peptides used in this study is shown in Figure 1A. 现在完成时 用于指代持续有效的已经进行过的研究或过去开始的现正正在进行的动作: The current state of GPCR research has evolved in large measure from observations made in two parallel systems. Jones et al have shown that … 检查文章是否使用了正确的动词时态: - 介绍性的语言的时态应该主要使用现在时和现在完成时。 - 描述材料和方法的语言的时态应该主要使用一般过去时。 - 对于结果和讨论的描述,结果应该主要使用过去时;而对于其他研究的观察一般使用现 在时或现在完成时。 No. 5 冠词使用规则 定冠词 “the”指代当前情况:We began the experiment; “the”指代常识: The situation in Iraq is deteriorating; “the”指代之前提到的名词:We tested a new measuring device and a new mixer. The new mixer worked well. 不定冠词 “A/an”指代在前面没有提到的名词: We planned a new experiment. The fluid was separated with a centrifuge. 冠词的使用取决于冠词出现的上下文以及冠词之后名词的类型。什么时候使用“a/an”或者 “the”(所有例句选自最近的ACS Chemical Biology): The emergence of antibiotic resistance poses a major threat to human health, prompting interest in the exploration of new antibiotic targets. Zinc is the second most abundant “trace” element in the body. This metal ion is vital for normal cellular function as a cofactor in numerous enzymes, in transcription factors, in the immune system, and in the reproductive system. These data provided solid evidence that the observed IgG antibody response is T-cell dependent. 未完 待续 理文编辑优惠活动: 300元润色优惠 三月女神节下单送京东卡
4317 次阅读|3 个评论
英文写作中数字的正确使用方法 by 投必得
热度 6 TopEditor 2016-12-23 12:40
怎么使用数字是我们英文写作中经常遇到的问题,虽然无伤大雅,但细节处见功夫。在此小编将梳理一下如何在英文写作中使用数字,以飨读者。 首先,除了几个基本的规则外,究竟将数字拼写出来还是使用阿拉伯数字基本上决定于作者的偏好,但是,请在通篇文章中保持一致,这一点和参考文献的格式要求类似。 不同的媒体可能使用不同的策略。在美国,有两个影响最大的文献格式,即The Associated Press Stylebook (AP)和The Chicago Manual of Style (CM),它们在数字的使用上略有差异。比如,AP格式推荐将0到9之间的数字拼写出来,以后都使用数字,直到数字100万。下面是四个超过999,999的数字的写法,1 million; 20 million; 20,040,086和2.7 trillion。 CM格式推荐将0到100之间的数字拼写出来,以后都使用数字,但是整数,例如百(hundred)、千(thousand)、十万(hundred thousand)、百万(million)、十亿都拼写出来。和AP格式不同的是,使用CM格式,我们应该将以下整数拼写出来,比如 four hundred,eight thousand, 和twenty million;但是和AP格式一样,CM格式中的401、8,012和20,040,087应写成阿拉伯数字。 总而言之,这是一个复杂的话题,有很多例外。在不同的博客、书籍、报纸和杂志上并不一致。下面列举一些几乎所有媒体都会遵守的规则: 1,句子开头的数字要拼写出来 例子:Twenty-three hundred sixty-two victims were injured. Nineteen fifty-six was quite a year. 备注:AP格式中的年份写成数字。1956 was quite a year. 2a,数字21到99之间的数字,应该用连接号(hyphenate)连接起来 例子:Thirty-three people were injured in the train wreck. Twenty-nine of them werehospitalized. 2b,分数应该拼写出来,并且用连接号(hyphenate)连接起来 例子:We recovered about one-thirds of the stolen cash. One-half is slightly less thanfive-ninths. 备注:有些不需要连接号,比如a third或者 a half 3a,四位或者以上数字,使用逗号。每3位数字使用一个逗号,但小数点以后的数字不包括在内。 例子: 1,054 people $2,417,592.22 3b,小于1美元的金额,最好使用分这个计量单位,而不是使用小数。 例子: She had only sixty cents. 或者 She had only 60 cents. (Better) She had only $0.60. (Not advised) 3c,不要重复使用$和dollars 例子: I have $1,255 in my checking account. (Correct) I have $1,255 dollars in my checking account. (Incorrect) 4a,为了不引起歧义,请使用noon和midnight来表示 12:00 PM 和12:00 AM AM和PM也可以写作 A.M.和P.M.,或者a.m.和p.m.,或者am和pm。 例子: 8 AM 3:09 P.M. 11:20 p.m. 也有人在时间和 AM或PM之间不用空格 例子: 8AM 3:09P.M. 11:20p.m. 对于整点时间,有的人写作 9:00 PM,但是也有人写作 9 PM或者9 p.m.或9pm。 4b,时间用数字来表示被越来越多的人接受 例子: The flight leaves at 6:22 a.m. Please arrive by 12:30 sharp. 但是也有一些人倾向于将时间拼写出来,尤其是整点时间 例子: He takes the four thirty-five train. The baby wakes up at six o’clock in the morning. 5,整数和分数往往用数字来表示,除非位于句子的开头 例子: We expect a 4 ½ percent wage increase. Five and one-half percent was the expected wage increase. 6,大数字的最好表达原则是越简单越好 例子: twenty-three hundred (simpler than two thousand three hundred) 对于表示范围的数字,倾向于拼出来,但在同一个句子中请保持一致。 Consistent : We can earn from one million to five million dollars. Inconsistent : We can earn from one million to 5 million dollars. Inconsistent : We can earn from $1 million to five million dollars. 7,小数写成数字 例子: The plant grew 0.91 inches last year. The plant grew only 0.07 inches this year. 8a,三个或者三个以上的数字,没有必要拼出来。但是,如果有小数时,最好拼写出来。 例子: one thousand one hundred fifty-four dollars one thousand one hundred fifty-four dollars and sixty-one cents 可以简化为 eleven hundred fifty-four dollars and sixty-one cents 8b,999以上的数字拼写时,不要使用逗号 错误用法: one thousand, one hundred fifty-four dollars, and sixty-one cents 正确用法: one thousand one hundred fifty-four dollars and sixty-one cents 9,当用数字表示日期时,应该这么写 例子: the 30 th of June, 1934 或者: June 30, 1934 (这里不需要加th) 10,当把年代拼写出来的时候,不需要大写 例子: During the eighties and nineties, the U. S. economy grew. 11, 当用数字表达年代时,可以将撇号放在数字前面,也可以放在数字和s之间 例子: During the ‘80s and ‘90s, the U.S. economy grew. 或者: During the 80’s and 90’s, the U.S. economy grew. 不正确: During the ’80’s and ‘90’s, the U.S. economy grew. 12,也可以用完整的数字来表示十年,在这里为了简介,就不用撇号了。 例子: During the 1980s and 1990s, the U.S economy grew. 其实还有其他一些注意事项,小编以后慢慢和您道来。
个人分类: 语法|6672 次阅读|6 个评论
热度 1 T573029173 2016-9-16 21:02
分享自小木虫 本文提供的十大句式主要包括“ 否定句、非限制性定语从句、让步状语从句、 It 引导的从句、假设句、倒装句、强调句、比较句、插入语、原因句 ”。这“十大句式”具有一定的普遍性。事实上,“十大句式”在阅读论文和论文写作中出现的频率相当高,也是广大科研人员非常熟悉的句式。一旦科研人员熟练地掌握了它们的用法,就能根据内容表达的需要,随时派上用场。 对科研人员来讲,用英文进行科技论文的写作只是一种表达的方式,英文只是一种表达的工具,平时较少关注如何运用多种句式的意识,因此多数科研人员以自己头脑中拼凑的中式英语取而代之,往往想不到运用这些句式。哪些感觉句子写起来挥洒自如的科研人员,其中或多或少地在使用十大句式,在一定程度上说明他们头脑中已经培养起句式写作潜意识。这“十大句式”中除了否定句、倒装句、插入语一般可以写成简单句以外,其它 6 到 7 句都属于复合句,占到总数的三分之二以上。换句话说,如果科研人员能运用十大句式正确地写出句子,那么不仅复杂句的数量就可以达到 6 到 7 分规定的要求,而且句式呈现多样化,复合句和简单句交错使用,大大增强文章表达效果。 一、 否定句 许多否定句中并不含有 not 的否定结构。如果作者能在论文中正确使用他们,就会增加写作的闪光点,使文章显得生动活泼。 1 、 Instead of indulging in playing computer games, children should be taught how to benefit from useful information on the internet.(Instead of 介词短语,副词 ) 2 、 On no account (Under no circumstances) can we ignore the immense value of knowledge.( 绝不 —— in no way, by no means, in no case) 3 、 College students take part-time jobs not for more money but for a better understanding of societies. 4 、 One’s salary does not depend so much on his educational background as on hisability and contribution to the society. 5 、 In terms of nutrition, fast foodies far from satisfactory. 6 、 Parents would not expect their children to become useful persons without working hard. 二、 非限制性定语从句 如果需要对前述的整个句子内容进行解释或说明,就可以用到非限制性定语从句。 1 、 Undoubtedly, practical courses can be used to the reality , which is of vital importance to their development in the future. 2 、 Children tend to imitate what they have seen and heard on mass media , which is sometimes dangerous and harmful. 3 、 The majority of students believe that part-time jobs will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets. 三、 让步句 让步句是写论文最常用的句式之一,作者务必掌握以下 4 种用法,可以使英文句子起伏跌宕,富于变化。 1 、 This view is widely acknowledged ; however , there is little evidence that smoking is beneficial to people’s health. 2 、 Although(While) the computer has been widely used inclass, it cannot replace the role of teachers. 3 、 Reasonable as the opinion sounds, itcannot bear much analysis. 4 、 In spite of a lot of conveniences that cars bring to people’slife, it can create a series of serious problems. 四、 It 引导的句子 It 引导的句子是写作中使用频率最高的句式。作者应熟练掌握其用法,并能灵活运用到文章的开篇、主体段和结尾段中。 1 、 It is hard to imagine what our life would look like without computers in modern society. 2 、 It is conceivable that being physically active does good to health. 3 、 It is a highly controversial issue whether women should join the armed forces or not. 4 、 It is universally acknowledged that water and air are indispensable to human beings. 5 、 It is essential that endangered species ofanimals be protected against being killed. 6 、 It is high time that the government took effective measures to solve these problems. 7 、 It has been made easier for modern people to communicate with each other by the internet in a few seconds. 8 、 It is worth caring about the way a child behaves. 9 、 It is no use crying over the spilt milk. 10 、 It has been a few decades since the computer came into being. 五、 假设句 假设句可分为 真实假设句 和 非真实假设句 两种。常用在主体段落表示正、反论证。 1 、 If we destroy old buildings, then we will ruin the traditional culture and heritage.( 条件假设 ) 2 、 You would miss the chance to interact with other students if you used internet at home. 3 、 Once you change your present job, you will be faced with the danger of being unemployed. 六、 倒装句 在写作中恰当和准确地使用倒装句,有助于句子表达形式的多样化,使语言更加生动有力。 1 、 Only in this way can the problem be tackled properly.( 部分倒装——助动词或情态动词提到主语前 ) 2 、 Only when children take arduous efforts can they become successful.( 部分倒装 ) 3 、 Not only does studying in school serve academic purpose, but students learn how to handle interpersonal relations. ( 部分倒装——助动词或情态动词提到主语前,形成助动词 + 主语 + 谓语动词 ) 4 、 Under no circumstances should youngsters follow negative information on mass media blindly. 5 、 So valuable is water that we cannot afford to waste it.(So that 语句中, so+ 完全倒装 +that ,或主谓倒装 ) 6 、 Nowadays, most dangerous for youngsters is the tendency to indulge in playing PC games. 七、 强调句 写作时为了突出句子的某一成分,常常使用强调句。 1 、 It is for the benefit of maintaining the ecological balance that human beings ought to protect the endangered animal species. 2 、 It is not until people suffer from some fatal diseases such as SARS and AIDS that they are becoming aware of how significant it is for the government to invest more money in medical care. 3 、 Nothing in the world is more valuable than health . 八、 比较句 正确地使用比较结构可以使文章的句式增加变化,有利于提高写作成绩。 1 、 Studies show that juvenile delinquency rates are twice as high for youngsters from single-parent families as for those in traditional households . (同级比较)研究表明来自单亲家庭的青少年犯罪率是来自传统家庭的两倍。 2 、 Generally speaking, people in moderntimes enjoy less leisure time than they did previously. (比较级)一般说来,现代人比过去享有更少的休闲时间。 3 、 Compared with those with different abilities, children with intelligence do more well in their school work and intelligence tests. 与不同能力的孩子相比,聪明的孩子在学业和智力测验方面表现更加突出。 4 、 Contrary to pop stars, other professionals like doctors and teachers create the true value for their society. 与明星不同,其他专业人员如医生和教师为社会创造了真正的价值。 5 、 Air is to human what (as) water is to fish. 空气对人类就如同水对鱼一样。 九、 插入语 插入语是对一句话做一些附加说明或解释。最常见的位置于句中 , 一般用逗号或破折号与句子隔开。用得恰当,不仅可以增加字数,而且使文章更显地道和精彩。 1 、 Computers , most important of all, create wide communication around the world. 2 、 Providing more parking areas , in the long run, has proved to be a practical way out in many large cities in the world. 3 、 Observing local culture , consciously and unconsciously, can reduce the chance of offending the locals, or it will lead to the embarrassment and even conflict. 4 、 Space exploration , some people believe, will bring some unexpected discoveries. 十、 原因句 几乎所有的写作试题都要求写原因或者可以写原因。议论文的讲道理实际就是说明原因。因此,掌握好表达原因的结构是十分重要的。 1 、 Violent films can do harm to youngpeople, because they contains numerous negative information. 2 、 Human beings are chiefly responsible for wild animal extinction. 3 、 We should attribute(ascribe) medical advances to the animals which do substantial contributions to the experiment. 4 、 Because of overpopulation, water shortage has become one ofthe most serious problems. 5 、 Owing to the fierce competition in today’s world, a great many young people find themselves under great pressure. 结语: 句式变换直接影响到论文写作的成败。在此,衷心希望“十大句式”能为广大科技论文科研人员提供一条快速、高效的提高句式写作的途径,真正做到学以致用,“以不变应万变”。
3833 次阅读|1 个评论
lelewa 2014-12-1 18:07
最近写文章发现word插入符号时选择Times New Roman字体时没有°C这一符号,倒是中文字体一般都有℃这一符号,如果用搜狗输入法,还可以输入sheshidu,第五个一般就是℃。以前写英文文章时也没仔细注意,于是好奇查了下资料。 由来 才发现原来英文的°C是两个字符,前面一个表示英文中的度,后面一个表示摄氏(Celsius),是为了纪念摄氏度单位的发明者——18世纪瑞典天文学家安德斯·摄尔修斯(Anders Celsius,1701~1744)。而不能写成一个字符,或者用中文符号代替。 部分同学一般是去别人的文献里或者网上搜索后直接复制Times New Roman字体的°C符号,也有直接在word里完成输入的方法。 具体输入方法 word里插入“符号”里的上面“字体”栏选择“Times New Roman”(可以直接输入Times New Roman以迅速定位),然后再下面“字符代码”栏输入00B0(都是数字0,不是字母O),就会定位到符号“°”,此时,你就会发现“字符代码”栏前面的注释显示“degree sign”或是“度标记”,点击插入后,回到word编辑页面在后面打个大写C就可以了,字体当然也是Times New Roman。这样Times New Roman字体的°C就出来了。 下次大家写文章,记得别用中文的℃了,而且记得°C前面的符号°也不是O或0上标形成的,是直接的一个符号 。 原文地址: http://paper.dxy.cn/article/56501
1619 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 9 Majorite 2014-10-14 00:15
学术文章的英文摘要焉能不好好写? 先放2张哈佛大学校园今秋的红叶照片, 有点喜气 宁静的哈佛校园 一篇文章的摘要很重要,一定要好好写。 摘要写的怎样是作者学术水平与科学态度的直接反映。如果短短的摘要内部 出现 一些语法、词法、表达等错误,读者就不想往下看了,如同菜中吃到虫子,恶心。 中国学术期刊的英文摘要中闹过许多丢脸的笑话,据说英文摘要不是人写的,而是由某翻译软件翻译的, 翻译后没有读过就直接出版了。 科学网名博李世春教授的博客里就反映过这个问题( http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=2321do=blogid=50527from=space ), 例如: : http://scholar.ilib.cn/A-gssjjglgbxyxb200302001.html 开拓进取真抓实干,不断开创西部大开发的新局面 Expand Enterprising and Really Grasp Solid Fuck and Continuously Expand and Great the New Situation of Buildings of Western Region 甘肃省经济管理干部学院学报 2003 年 02 期 宋照肃 , Song Zhaosu 控制影响干化学尿液分析的异常结果因素 Control Influence Factors for Abnormal Result of Urine Liquid Analysis with Fuck Chemistry Methods 实用医技杂志 2003 年 02 期 何锦华 粉煤灰山砂路面砼的技术经济性研究 重庆交通学院学报 2006/06 fuck the shrinkage properties 干缩特性 导流筒在粉浆罐中的应用 酿酒 2006/04 fuck alcohol that method smash produce 干法粉碎工艺的酒精生产 体积膨胀率作为干红葡萄酒发酵过程参数可行性研究 中国生物工程杂志 2005/S1 The grape wine that fuck 出现了 2 次,干红葡萄酒?(没看懂) 手术后患者随访工作重点的探讨 国际医药卫生导报 2005/06 Practice the duty pack fuck the system 实行责任包干制 坚持理论与实践相结合提高《化工原理》教学质量 广东化工 2005/02 close by profession to fuck the lesson 相近专业的课程 干旱对甜、糯玉米幼苗生长和生理指标的影响研究 玉米科学 2005/01 fuck the material backlog the speed 干物质积累速度 祝京水库病坝稳定计算基本参数确定 水力发电 2005/02 the density of fuck 干密度 建筑学科教学改革的思索与实践 高等建筑教育 2004/03 the lord fuck the curricular 主干课程 玉米早期及吐丝期去叶对生长发育的影响 玉米科学 2004/02 摘要关键词共出现 4 次 fuck ,如 to fuck the material kacklog 干物质积累 利用双酶玉米淀粉糖浆研制超干基酒 食品科学 2004/06 to fuck the spirit 干酒 浓相气力除灰系统在火力发电厂中的应用 山东电力高等专科学校学 报 2003/06 to fuck the ash (干灰) 所有这些不仅反映文章作者的英文水平与科学态度,而且反映部分中文期刊编辑的职业素质。 最近,科学网上一位地震预报 “ 大师 ” 强力推荐读者学习他的新出炉的 “ 大作 ”—— 国外某些地震区大地震孕育过程分析, 该文发表在其研究所办的刊物《 地球物理学进展》 2014 , Vol.29, Issue(4) : 1541-1554 doi :10.6038/pg20140408 ): http://manu16.magtech.com.cn/geoprog/CN/abstract/abstract10598.shtml 他的英文摘要是这么写的: Abstract : With the absence of fault information, the recognition principle for the rationaldivision of seismic zone and the division method of the optimal seismic zone were proposed by us . Meanwhile, through the new insights into the definition of seismogenic period and the recognition of the main shock event, the seismogenic processes of seven seismic zones abroad were analyzed in order to demonstrate the practical steps of the method above. The results suggest that strong earthquakes will occur in the central Italy seismic zone and the Thailand-Burma border seismic zone respectively , a major earthquakewill occur in the Haiti-Dominican republic-Puerto Rico seismic zone and an earthquake of M S 7.9~8.1 will occur in the Pakistan-Afghanistan-Iran border seismic zone. For the other three seismic zones involving the deep focus earthquakes, the seismogenic processes were analyzed with considering the deep focus earthquake or not. The results indicate that major or great earthquakes will occur in the Kamchatka seismic zone, the western South America seismic zone and the Japan seismic zone respectively . Meanwhile the prediction results of the future great earthquakes in the three seismic zones above, including the magnitude, place, critical strain, and hypocentral depth,are also presented.Moreover, it was found that deep focus earthquakes havea great influence on the choices of the starting point and endpoint of these sismogenic period, the identifications of the symbolic earthquake magnitude at the volume expansion point and peak strength point of the locked patches,the calculation of critical accumulative Benioff strain(CBS) and the judgment of future earthquake situation. Therefore, the further study on the mechanism of deep focusearthquake was still needed in order to reveal the effect of the deep focus earthquake in the process of seismogenic process. 简直不知所云,这样摘要能给读者什么有用的信息?可悲的是,中科院的资深研究员竟然连最常见的单词 “respectively” 都不会用,时态也不会用。 Respectively means in the order described. For example, I have a daughter and a son, aged 22 and 16, respectively. That means that the daughter is 22 and the son is 16. 做科学的人需要经过严格的基本训练,对自己文章的摘要都这么马马虎虎,何谈对科学的严肃认真?这样稿子又是如何通过学术评审的,这样的稿件若投到国际地球物理的学术期刊(例如, JGR)肯定发表不了。 这样水平的人还自吹地球上独一无二,“困惑人类几万年的地震预报问题被他轻易的解决了”,就等诺奖送上祁家豁子,这等“树新蜂”(Tree New Bee)的即使“是骡是马”,还服了“治疗脑瘫的特效药”,也没人愿意骑上去“溜”着玩, 自娱自乐去吧。 国外某些地震区大地震孕育过程分析( I ) 秦四清 , 薛雷 , 李培 , 李国梁 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 中国科学院页岩气与地质工程重点实验室 北京 100029 Analysis on the seismogenic processes of large or great earthquakes for some seismic zones abroad based on the brittle failure theory of multiple locked patches(I) QIN Si-qing, XUE Lei, LI Pei, LI Guo-liang Key Laboratory of Shale Gas and Geoengineering, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100029, China 摘要 在缺失断层资料、无法准确厘定地震区边界的情况下,本文提出了地震区划分的合理性判别原则与 “ 最优地震区 ” 确定方法 . 从孕育周期界定与主震事件判识角度,分析了 7 个国外地震区强(大、巨)震孕育过程,阐述了该方法的实际操作步骤 . 震情分析表明:意大利中部地震区和泰缅边境地震区未来有强震发生;海地 - 多米尼加 - 波多黎各地震区未来有大震发生;巴基斯坦 - 阿富汗 - 伊朗地震区未来将发生 M W 7.9~8.1 级地震;对涉及深源地震的堪察加地震区、南美洲西部地震区和日本地震区,分考虑和不考虑深源地震两种情况,分析了上述三个地震区大(巨)震事件的孕育过程,给出了其未来巨震事件的四要素预测结果 . 研究表明:考虑深源地震与否,对于孕育周期起点与终点、膨胀点与峰值强度点标志性地震事件的选择、预测临界 CBS 值以及未来震情的判断都有一定影响,特别是在深源地震本身就是膨胀点或峰值强度点标志性事件的情况下其影响更加显著 . 因此,对深源地震成因机制的研究有待进一步深入,以期给出其是否参与孕震过程的明确依据 . 关键词 : 最优地震区 , 地震孕育周期 , 深源地震 , 锁固段 Key words : Optimal seismic zone Seismogenic period Deep focus earthquake Locked patch 收稿日期 : 2014-06-30 PACS: P315 基金资助 : 国家自然科学基金委重点项目( 41030750 )资助 . 作者简介 : 秦四清, 1964 年生,河北行唐人,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所研究员,主要从事工程地质、非线性岩土力学与岩土工程类研究 . ( E-mail : qsqhope@mail.iggcas.ac.cn ) 下面是加拿大蒙特利尔我的社区的照片
个人分类: 地震与地球|2405 次阅读|12 个评论
Riemann7 2014-8-22 10:52
1. Since gradient may be the computationally most intensive operation, for fair comparison, we compare SGD to SVRG based on the number of gradient computations. 2. For simplicity we will only consider the case that each... 3. When the number of components n is very large, each iteration of (5) can be very expensive since it requires computing the gradients for all the n component functions fi , and also their average 4. The strong convexity of P(x) may come from either F(x) or R(x) or both. 5. Combining with the definition of... 6. This complexity scales poorly in 7. On the other hand, Prox-SG can be applied for more general stochastic optimization problems, and it does not exploit the fact that the objective function in (1) is actually a deterministic function. Such inefficiencies in exploiting problem structure leave much room for further improvements. 8. Moreover, it avoids storage of past gradients 9. Bounding the variance 10. avoids the potentially harmful effects of differencing noisy gradients 11. we rearrange and the simplify 12. a near identical proof should hold for a simplified version 13. This paper connects two algorithms which until now have remained remarkably disjoint in the literature 14. turns out to be equivelent to another idea 15. seems much more nature 16. supose that 17. Before continuoing our study 18. Of course sometimes one can be lucky and 19. All the terms cancel out 20. If Then one can check directly that 21. It is also easy if tedious to verify 22. For the purpose of play an important role 23. Are the main concern of 24. Make a precise definition 25. Use ... instead of ... 26. Derives from the fact that 27. These observation motivate a definition 28. In other words 29. Treat in great generality 30. It is worth noting that 31. By dealing with 32. The payoff for this defonition 33. The point of the following proof is to reduce 34. The goal of our work so far 35. Rather than 36. and we will also find it convenient to use 37. We will use the notation 38. define the function as 39. by convexity we have 40. substituting the definition of ... and ..., and simplifying terms gives the result 41. apply the standard inequality , with and , for each , and sum 42. we follow a similar arguments as occurs in the SVRG proof for this term, but with a tighter argument 43. the other key trick is the use of the standard variance decomposition 44. take 45. and for reasons that will become clear later
个人分类: 论文写作|2995 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 3 Jasonjiansheng 2014-6-2 11:26
Based on these superior properties and a combinative requirement for reducing environmental burdens by using lightweighted structures, the research and development of magnesium alloys for practical industrial application have overwhelmingly increased worldwide during the past decade. 2008 年一篇文献综述的第二句。 这个句子犯了多少忌讳,因人而异,但若问这个句子给出了多少写作中需要躲开的陷阱,很多。 1. 先看句子核心。 主语: theresearch and development of magnesium alloys for practical industrialapplication 谓语: haveincreased 主语短语过长,首要伤害为主语形象模糊。直接导致读者对叙述主体是什么不清楚,可以是 RD ,也可以是 RDof Mg, 也可以是整个短语。当然,语法上讲,整个短语是主语,于是在究极语法的人来看,皱眉头就在所难免了。想想电影三傻中 book 的定义,你也许就能明白,这种句子让他们读起来会是什么感觉了。 谓语 increased ,不及物动词,后面什么都没有,配合上一个超长的主语。又好像一个 300 公里速度奔驰的布加迪跑着跑着,启动尾翼急刹车。当然,谓语本身问题不大,主要是给主语衬托的。 合起来看下这个句子中的 RD have increased 。如果分离核心成分,这个 37 个字组成的句子剩余部分都是,形容词,副词,时间状语,方式状语等等。 2 .看看有哪些非核心成分。 Based on these superior properties and a combinative requirement for reducing environmental burdens by using light-weighted structures 这个占据了句子一半字数的 introductoryclause ,让观众足足等了两行字的时间。什么考量? 如果仔细看, basedon 这个级别不高的成分中还有细分的两个成分: thesesuperior properties 和 acombinative requirement 。再细看, requirement 还有细节,通过 usinglight-weighted structures 达到 reducing environmental burdens ,这样算下来, based on 附属结构层层排列,甚是复杂 。 overwhelmingly increased worldwide during the past decade 仔细看这四个部分。 overwhelmingly ,修饰 increase 。当作者选中 increase 这个词的时候,心中就已经百搭了 over 这个副词。一个平庸的动词只能靠副词往其身上浇油,才能表达出作者心中想要传达的“如火如荼”的情感。 Worldwide ,这年头,做科研,你不在嘴边挂着国际化你都不好意思不是,但提这个概念的作用? During the past decade, 为什么会想起说这个呢,你的综述是圈定,或者主要讨论点在这十年? 08 年的文章,过去的十年倒推才 98 年,镁合金复兴研究在 90 年左右。是这前八年是什么情况,还是你就顺口一说? 总的来讲:一个矮小风干的内核,在这套看起来威严、闪亮、坚硬的盔甲的保护下,更显得脆弱干瘪;而盔甲,也显得空洞、虚华。当然,你可以认为这个句子本身没问题。 3 .总结 Leave it unsaid. 写作过程中这点似乎很难,自己知道的总想竹筒倒豆子。也许是出于好心,告诉晚辈一些信息。也许只是不加思考,知道的就往文章里丢,显得博学多闻? 调侃之后,还是希望是最简单的情况:大家还只是不知道怎么样写一篇读者喜欢,而不是作者自己喜欢的文章。至少这样的话,通过学习,改善是可以很快实现的。 大家多考虑些文字价值,当然,多花很多很多时间,让我们写出来的东西先实现every word counts,然后再慢慢延伸出去,写出整体性的好文章。 附:这里感谢二楼的仁兄,批评的是。接受学校一般,学术写作这一大课题绝非简单之事。同时,修改了文章,减掉了调侃过火的部分。
2227 次阅读|5 个评论
热度 1 yunlongwang 2014-4-7 05:06
如题。 窗外春光明媚,论文没写完心力憔悴。 翻来覆去就那么几个句型,重复来重复去,写篇论文感觉像便秘。 证明好繁琐,会有人看么?扔到附录里吧。 图片者,人民群众之喜闻乐见也,要整的大一点。 叫你不看美剧,叫你不听新闻。面壁去吧。 老板跟我说:“yunlong,你要提高 real english 。看论文看得再多,也不中用。” 老师,您是对的,那您咋不早点说。 这样一个风和日丽的下午,不禁让我想起了那年在主楼补作业的美好。 图 1 ,铁窗外:抽烟喝茶好地方。 图 2 ,铁窗内:会议室。 P.S. 我不是文艺青年。
3035 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 1 brainu 2014-2-26 23:41
1. 论文写作 毕业论文的各种写法 论文中的图表制作方法和技巧 SCI论文并没有想像中的难写,浅谈发表SCI论文的一些小技巧 SCI论文各部分撰写方法及注意事项 视频: 如何撰写科技论文-How to write a great research paper 如何选择和阅读科技论文 2.英文写作 SCI论文写作时的英文表达技巧 英文论文中经常用到的「例如」的正确用法 英文论文写作随感 SCI论文常用经典句型系列1 SCI论文常用经典句型系列2 3. 论文投稿 如何发送和回复邮件 如何回复同行评审的评审意见 论文投稿前后及投稿过程常用的英文邮件模板 SCI杂志的一般审稿过程 创新不多的文章发表于SCI杂志的投稿策略 一稿多发,重复发表,自我抄袭之间的区别和联系 审稿结果和作者校样的处理 如何修改SCI投稿和退修的文章 4. 科研写作相关资源 EXCEL自动卡方检验及Fisher检验 易改:国产免费的英文写作辅助软件 WhiteSmoke:高质量的英文写作辅助工具 在临床试验设计中设对照组的重要性 如何准备在『新英格兰医学杂志』上发表论文 JCR期刊分区及其检索方法 CSSCI来源期刊和收录集刊(2014-2015)目录 PMID和PMCID的区别 MEDLINE,EMBASE,PubMed,PMC,OVID的区别和联系 APA,MLA,AMA,Chicago引文格式简介 世界著名出版商简介 常见文献检索平台或学术搜索引擎简介 微软学术搜索Microsoft Academic Search SCI论文撰写不用愁,推荐两本SCI撰写的参考书籍 写博士论文不用愁,推荐一本很好的电子书 申请美国博士研究生面试时有关问题及回答注意事项 推荐25个搜索下载电子书籍的好地方 5. 研究僧 硕士从选题到答辩的经验之谈 硕士论文写作的基本步骤 研究生撰写和修回论文时应注意的几个要点 研究生毕业论文容易出现的问题总结 如何应对研究生复试 6. 统计 定性资料如何合理选择统计方法及常见错误分析 定性资料如何合理选择统计方法及常见错误分析之误用t检验和卡方检验 定量资料如何合理选择统计方法及常见错误分析 定量资料分析方法的合理选择:非平衡的多因素组合实验统计方法及错误辨析与释疑 定量资料分析方法的合理选择:析因设计的统计方法及常见错误辨析与释疑 定量资料分析方法的合理选择:难以直接辨析的实验设计的统计方法及常见错误辨析与释疑 定量资料分析方法的合理选择:具有重复测量的设计的统计方法及常见错误辨析与释疑 定量资料分析方法的合理选择:难以辨析的具有重复测量的设计统计方法及常见错误辨析与释疑 定量资料分析方法的合理选择:带有协变量的定量资料统计方法及常见错误辨析与释疑 实验设计原则的正确把握:随机原则及其作用 实验设计原则的正确把握:对照原则及其作用 实验设计原则的正确把握:重复原则及其作用 实验设计原则的正确把握:均衡原则及其作用 实验设计类型的合理选择:正交实验设计合理选择及应用中存在的问题实例解答 实验设计类型的合理选择:析因设计合理选择及应用中存在的问题实例解答 实验设计类型的合理选择:合理选用实验设计类型的指导思想及如何选用设计类型实例 直线相关与直线回归分析常见错误实例说明与解释 统计资料的表达与描述的常见错误实例辨析与释疑之一 统计资料的表达与描述的常见错误实例辨析与释疑之二 统计资料的表达与描述的常见错误实例辨析与释疑之三
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josh 2013-9-23 12:00
内容简介 书籍 数学书籍    《数学之英文写作》旨在帮助需要从事英文写作与演讲的科研人员和大学生、研究生了解关于科技英语写作的方方面面,尤其是数学文章写作的基本常识和注意事项。写作中参考了西方学者关于英文数学写作的观点,并揉合了作者自己的观念、认识及经验。阅读《数学之英文写作》对初学者尤其会有帮助。    全书内容包括:数学文章的结构,数学文章的词句,怎样修改文章,文章投稿,怎样写书,数学综合写作,其它文体的书写,怎样讲数学。 作译者   汤涛,香港浸会大学数学系讲座教授、理学院院长、教育部长江讲座教授,北京大学客座教授,美国工业与应用数学协会(siam)会士。长期从事数值分析和计算物理方面的研究。2003年获冯康科学计算奖。曾任东亚siam理事长、香港数学会理事长。曾任或现任siam journal on numerical analysis和journal of computational physics等国际著名学术期刊编委,frontiers of mathematics in china副主编,《数学文化》杂志联合主编。      丁玖,美国南密西西比大学数学系教授。曾获校级应用研究奖、基础研究创新奖、杰出教学奖及毕业典礼大典礼官荣誉称号。现为学术期刊international journal of bifurcation and chaos编委,《数学文化》杂志编委及撰稿人。主要研究领域为计算遍历理论,出版多部中、英文数学著作。从事学术工作之余,旁涉中美教育比较及数学文化普及。撰有随笔、杂文,并翻译相关文献多篇。 目录 第一章 数学文章的结构 1.1 题目 1.2 摘要 1.2.1 一些好的例子 1.2.2 应注意事项 1.3 引言 1.3.1 引言的开首 1.3.2 引言的中间 1.3.3 引言的结尾 1.3.4 引言中的常见词 1.4 主体 1.4.1 理论性较强的文章 1.4.2 计算或应用数学的文章 1.4.3 报告计算结果的常见用法 1.5 结论 1.5.1 结论应该有什么内容 1.5.2 结束语的注意事项 1.5.3 结束语中的一些常用词 1.6 致谢 1.7 文献 . 1.8 附录 1.9 其它 1.9.1 文章的署名 1.9.2 文章的日期 1.9.3 文章的关键词和学科分类 1.9.4 文章的章节标题 1.10 总结 第二章 数学文章的词句 2.1 基本词汇 2.2 符号概观 2.3 常用短语 2.4 语言结构 2.4.1 一些常见的句型 2.4.2 修饰性词汇 2.4.3 数学运算的动词 2.4.4 常见动词 2.4.5 过渡语句 2.5 证明用语 2.5.1 证明开始时的用语 2.5.2 证明结束时的用语 2.5.3 有关不予证明的用语 2.5.4 常见的证明用语 2.5.5 证明中常用的短语句子 2.6 重要连词 2.7 优劣比较 2.7.1 句子比较 2.7.2 定冠词和不定冠词 2.7.3 容易混淆的英语单词 第三章 怎样修改文章 3.1 删减字句 3.2 突出重点 3.3 美容结构 3.4 善用图表 3.5 修改范例 3.6 避免抄袭 3.6.1 什么叫抄袭? 3.6.2 如何避免抄袭? 第四章 文章投稿 第五章 怎样写书 第六章 数学综合写作 第七章 其它文体的书写 第八章 怎样讲数学 参考文献 ↑折 叠 前言   数学不光是人类知识宝库的重要组成部分,也在所有科学技术领域中有无穷无尽的应用。作为数学思想传递及学术交流之载体,数学写作与演讲和一个数学人的学术生涯相伴一生,因此提升数学学习和研究的这方面能力至关重要。   近年来,我国政府对科技工作的重视和资助与日俱增,科技工作者做研究、写论文的热情和投入也日益增长。英国《卫报》2011 年3月28 日报道,英国皇家学会(The Royal Society) 最近的分析表明,中国有望在2013 年超过美国成为科研成果发表的霸主。皇家学会指出,中国目前英语科研论文的数量已超越英国位列全球第二,仅次于美国。这一段报道显示,中国的英文科技论文数量在过去的十年里突飞猛进,已经步入世界领先的行列。   在过去的二十年里,全世界数学领域的英文文章数量急剧增加。很多刊物的论文发表数量已经增加了两倍、五倍,甚至十倍以上;数学刊物亦不例外。二十年前SCI 的数学刊物不到五十种,现在至少已经翻了两番,并仍在持续增长。由于种种原因(包括国内很多高校以发表一定数目的SCI 文章作为研究生的毕业要求),中国的作者群为这些英文期刊提供了成千上万的稿源。某位数学期刊的主编告诉我们,他们刊物一年有一两千个投稿,其中一大半来自中国大陆的作者。然而,一个不争的事实是,虽然很多文章的学术质量还可以,但是由于英语水平不足,经常遭到退稿。   一个人用非母语写作而效果不彰,是无可厚非的。大部分中国学生缺乏在日常生活中交流英语的环境,缺乏大量阅读英文著作的机会,缺乏以科技英语写作论文的训练,在尝试用英文进行专业写作方面困难重重。但很多成功的例子告诉我们,只要通过系统的训练,用心去摸索规律,并吸取教训,反复提高,研究者完全可以克服先天不足,写出语言表达上乘的学术论文(当然,高质量的科研文章最主要还是取决于研究成果,我们这里只能关注文章的语言质量)。况且数学的英语写作相对简单,一般通过半年至一年的训练,已能展现显著的成效。   本书以《数学之英文写作》为名。顾名思义,目的就是为了帮助青年学生和年轻的数学工作者学会怎样写好数学文章。由于讲数学与写数学息息相关,书中专列一章谈怎样做一个好的数学报告。这本书的主要读者对象是刚刚接触数学英文写作的大学生、研究生和科研人员。当然,书中的内容对经常从事数学写作的大学教师和研究人员也会有启发作用,尤其是那些关于写英文研究性论文和专业书籍的章节。   本书中的内容主要是关于科技论文、尤其是数学论文写作的基本常识和注意事项。写作中参考了欧美一些国家的作者关于英文数学写作的畅销书籍,有相当一些内容是我们两位合作者本人的观点、认识及经验之谈,所以并不一定是百分之百的有道理,仅供初学者们参考。我们希望本书能起到敲门砖的作用,协助那些初学科技英文写的作者尽快掌握所需,进而熟能生巧,对此我们是信心十足的。   语言是思想的载体。由于写作或演讲应遵循的基本原则与所使用的具体语言并无直接关系,这本书的许多章节不光适用于英文数学写作或演讲,也同样适用于采用其它语言的学术性写作或演讲,自然包括我们的母语—— 中文。   本书虽然主要面向数学工作者,但对于需要使用英文交流的其他理论科学研究者,比如计算理论、理论物理,工程计算方面的研究者,比如计算力学、计算科学,以及范围广泛的工程、技术领域的工程师或科学管理人员,也都会有一定的参考价值。   本书面向的读者主要是大学生、研究生或初学科技英文的写作者。对于大学生来说,几年的学习期间可以给你提供较长时间进行写作摸索训练,你的文章还可以经过导师作反复的修改,这些都是宝贵的机会,千万不要怕烦,怕花时间;专人指导是提高英文写作最佳的一种形式。作者之一在英国读博士期间,研究流体力学计算方法,写出的第一篇论文投到流体力学较好的一个期刊《流体力学杂志》(Journal of Fluid Mechanics,缩写为JFM);这个期刊当时的主编叫George Batchelor,是剑桥大学的一位教授。他不但对文章的结果感兴趣,对英文的写作(包括文章结构、引言、结果的说明)也非常重视。作者在写作期间不断请教其指导教授。导师口述指导,但不操笔修改,显然是在给他的外国学生提供一个训练英文写作的实战机会(另一方面,这篇文章是博士论文的主要方面,自己主写也是理所当然的事)。这篇最后在JFM 发表的文章总共修改了八次,历时一年,但副产品是大大提高了作者的英文写作能力。这一例子说明了一定要珍惜被人指导的机会,这样必然事半功倍。   自然科学的发展往往是在推翻或修正旧的理论基础上建立新理论的大厦。如哥白尼的地动说推翻了统治人们思想一千五百年的托勒密的地心说;伽利略的比萨塔落体实验否定了亚里士多德的错误想象;爱因斯坦的相对论则是对牛顿运动定律的修正。然而,作为自然科学的共同语言,数学的独特之处在于它不需要被订正,新的数学理论只是为旧的建筑添砖加瓦,而无需连根拔起。在数学里,已证明为真的命题永远为真。正如美国卓越的犹太人科普作家阿西莫夫所说的:“托勒密也许对天体系统给出了错误的描绘,但他为了计算而发展出的三角系统永远保持正确”(见本书第五章第三节)。数学这个与众不同的特点也反映在它的语言表达上:数学词汇的意义经久不衰,不为时代所动;数学概念的定义严密准确,无懈可击;数学定理的证明服从逻辑规律,以三段论推理为其宗旨;数学写作的方式技巧,有章可循。不难想象,数学概念的精确性和无歧义性,加上数学思维的周密性和美妙性,给数学的写作提出了更高的要求,尽管最简单的数学写作通常是不难掌握的。这些要求就是:如何能让我们的写作体现数学之美?如何能让我们的文章结构、遣词造句、思想流动、动机结论让人读之犹如行云流水?如何能让表述之美和推导之美并驾齐驱、相辅相成?基于这些想法,有一本实用的写作参考书对于初学者来说,是会有一些帮助的。这也是我们写作此书的一个初衷。   纵观本书的内容可以发现,除了在最后一章我们集中讨论怎样讲数学,其它的七章里覆盖了英文数学写作以及有关其它写作的方方面面,包括研究或综述性论文、教科书或学术专著、申请信或推荐信、审稿报告或书评等等。但是我们没有特别提及怎样写研究建议书这一重要的论题。这是因为本书主要面向学生和英文学术写作的起步者,而撰写英文研究建议书主要是英语国家或地区的研究型大学教授所要做的事。他们理应拥有娴熟的学术英文写作能力,基本上没有阅读写作入门书籍的必要。不过,我们书中讲述的许多原则和技巧,对研究建议书的写作亦应该有所裨益。   为了方便读者阅读理解,书中对几乎所有的英文词汇、短语、例句、段落及引文都提供了中文翻译。任何翻译都没有绝对的标准,所以附在原文后的译文仅作参考。读者可以自行翻译某些英文段落以自我训练,并与书中所列相比,相互借鉴,这也不失为提高写作能力的一个方法。我们欢迎对作者误译之处的批评指正。   在本书的写作过程中,作者得到香港城市大学电子工程系陈关荣教授的支持,特别他为书中的一节(第三章第五节)提供了素材。   美国依阿华大学数学系韩渭敏教授认真仔细地阅读了书的初稿,提出了一些好的改进建议。作者感谢香港浸会大学、香港研究资助局的资助。作者之一丁玖对香港浸会大学理学院及数学系对他在参与本书写作时所给予的热情接待深表谢意。我们特别感谢香港浸会大学中国语言文学系的研究生刘健生先生,他仔细地阅读了本书的初稿,并提出了许多宝贵的修改建议。   本书作者虽然在英美大学获得博士学位,在多年的境外教学和研究生涯中也积累了一些英文数学写作和演讲的经验, 但远远不是这方面的专家。本书仅希望对初学英文写作的朋友们提供一些帮助;书中的错误或不当之处敬请读者不吝指教(电子信箱ttang@math.hkbu.edu.hk 或Jiu.Ding@usm.edu)。此外,如果大家对提升这本书的质量和功能有任何建议,也欢迎告知作者,以便我们进一步学习和改进。   最后,我们想告诉读者朋友:在多阅读、多练习的基础上,掌握技巧,熟练使用一些典型句型和结构,是写出好的科技论文的第一步。   汤涛,丁玖   2013年1月    媒体评论   本书作者在数学研究及写作上均颇有建树。在书中处处可见他们对英文数学写作与演讲的真知灼见。我毫不犹豫地认为该书应当成为每一位数学研究生和青年教师常常翻阅的掌上读物。   ——王元,中国科学院院士   此书内容殷实,不仅切合实用,而且注重说理,必能开卷有益:研究生及青年科学工作者在撰写论著时将少走不少弯路,而相对成熟的科学工作者也将找到知音,引起共鸣。   ——李大潜,中国科学院院士   这是一本很有用的书!对华人数学界,特别是年轻的数学工作者们,这是一本难得的参考书。它不仅系统讨论了怎样写数学文章和书籍,而且对怎样在数学界生存和发展也有精辟论述。书中的例子选得很好,很有代表性。   ——鄂维南,中国科学院院士   这是为中国数学研究者所撰写的一本及时之作,对希望提高英文交流能力的年轻学者和学生尤为如此。本书特色之一是作者均为在英文表达上具有广泛经验的数学家。我将推荐我所有的华人学生阅读此书。   ——舒其望, 美国布朗大学Theodore B. Stowell应用数学讲座教授    书摘   数学文章的结构 第一章    本书主要讲的是怎样用英文写数学文章。以英文写作数学文章,与以中文写作其它文章一样,都有对语法、句法、修辞等语言及文字写作的基本要求。但是正因为数学文章是一类特殊的学术性文章,它们的写作自然有一些特别的要求。    数学文章包括研究论文(research paper)、综述报告(survey article 或review paper)、审稿报告(referee report)、研究建议书(re-search proposal)、书评(book review)、文评(paper review)、阅读心得(reading notes) 等等。无论写哪一类文章,要写好它,作者动笔前要对写作内容了然于胸,动笔时则需言之有物,动笔后亦不忘仔细推敲。    在进入正题之前,我们先简单地谈一谈写文章前的一些准备工作以及写作过程中应该遵循的几项基本原则。    第一,科技论文的写作目的是交流学术思想和科学发现。除了日记这类写给自己看的文类之外,一般文章的写作目的均是让别人清楚地知道你想叙述和表达的东西。动笔前,你一定要明确知道为什么要写这篇文章,文章为谁而写,要表述什么,读者群是哪些人,要告诉读者何种信息,在作者的脑海里一定要有清楚的概念。无病呻吟、无的放矢,是写不出好文章的。    第二,要收集一些与写作有关的材料,特别要有几篇关键的文献。这几篇关键文献一方面使你对研究课题的历史及发展有所了解,另一方面可以使你知道如何运用一些重要的术语。灵活和正确地运用学术术语,对一篇科技论文来说是非常重要的。初学者可以用彩笔把关键文献上的一些关键词或关键句子标示下来,以后你的文章中有些难以说好的地方,这些词或句子往往能作为参考之用。整段整段地抄写别人的文章是绝对不允许的,但从别人文章中选用几个词或一两个句子用自己的语言重新表述,则往往有画龙点睛、恰到好处的作用。    第三,文章要精确、清楚、简洁地表达你想说的东西。清晰的思维能力与熟练的写作能力是相辅相成的。对于数学文章,基本概念的定义、主要定理的叙述、证明过程的推导,都应该如玻璃般的清晰可见,合乎三段论式的逻辑推理。把该说的事情说清楚、说明白、说完全,不作间断跳跃的陈述,说完后就应中止,切忌拖泥带水,更防画蛇添足。    第四,文章初稿完成后,要反复修改,不要冀望一次成功。对初学者来说,一蹴而就几乎是不可能的。即便是大文豪如鲁迅,也反复修改自己的文稿。美国著名数学家、写作高手和名师哈尔莫斯(Paul Halmos, 1916 — 2006) 说过,他发表的每一个字词都要写上至少六次(Every single word I publish I write it at least six times)。最好大声朗读写好的初稿,揣摩语感、推敲文字、寻找感觉。如果感觉不对,就要对症下药。比如,尽量避免在相邻两个句子里使用同一词汇,甚至读音相同者,当然定冠词the 和不定冠词a 或需要讨论的一些名词除外。文章要多改几次,大至文章的结构,小至标点符号,都要仔细咀嚼。写文章熟能生巧,但一开始时必须多花时间,反复推敲。    第五,平生第一篇(甚至前几篇)英文文章写作之时,应该找一些有英文写作经验或英语为母语的人士帮忙修改一下,并能仔细琢磨别人修改那些句子的原因。通过别人的修改意见来完善文章,是一个非常有效的提高写作水平的方法。清代诗人、乾隆蘅塘退士孙洙(1771 — 1778)在《唐诗三百首》的前言中所列的谚语“熟读唐诗三百首,不会吟诗也会吟”,对英文写作训练同样有意义。平时养成阅读国外英文学术书籍、期刊的习惯,对提高科技英文写作能力大有裨益。    哈尔莫斯把“要想说好某件事,一定要有某事说”(In order to say something well you must have something to say) 作为写作的first principle(第一原则)。他宣称:    Much bad writing, mathematical and otherwise, is caused by a violation of that first principle.    数学或其他方面的许多劣质写作都是因为违反这个第一原则而造成的。 轉自: http://product.china-pub.com/3022362#ml
个人分类: The Art of Learning and Research|2594 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 6 caojian123 2013-8-9 17:54
不知怎么地,学了这么长时间的英语,写起文章来还如此的艰难。是不是土鳖们和我同样的体会呢! 于是,我在想,为何不把这个沉重的写作工作交给专门的机构去完成呢?写一篇文章在用词造句、时态判断、句型结构等方面所消耗的时间,远远超出了撰写论文核心内容所花费的时间。真是有点把豆腐搞成肉价的无赖和愚蠢了!如果这些时间能节省下来,我相信,会干很多事情。现在的学生包括我,成天被英文写作所纠缠,那有时间阅读专业以外的书籍。由于无法获取专业以外的知识,只能是眼中只有一口天地的井底之蛙,成为真正意义的“专家”!如此“专家”的下场,大家可想而知。离开自己的专业领域,与白痴没什么区别。有时候,我会问自己?假如有一天离开这个领域(不是不可能),还能生存下去吗? 过去,有很多老师知识渊博,视野开阔,天文地理、古今历史基本都略知一二,甚至出现跨专业的大家!这不得不让人沉思。除了浮躁环境使然外,难道与这个该死的英语没有半点瓜葛?我不信!如果把我们投入到学习英语的时间用到其他兴趣上,照样会做到博学广识!只可惜,没这个机会了。 不过,为了将来能腾出一点时间为自己充电,建议像我这样英语功底浅薄的人,干脆丢掉这个沉重的英文写作包袱。如何做: 找专业英文写作公司。如果英语还可以,就写个初稿,让写作公司做进一步的润色;如果实在拿不出手,干脆只中文,由有关人员翻译即可; 只写中文,投稿中文期刊。 当然,要做到这些,就需要英文写作公司和中文期刊的共同努力了。英文写作公司不但要提供优质的服务,而且价格必须低廉。至少,没有基金资助或没有助学金的人员要能够承受的起。现在的英文润色工作,好像价格很不菲,这让很多人望而却步了;中文期刊也要及时跟进,大大缩减灌水文章,提高发文质量。同时,减免版面费。从我发表中文文章的情况看,版面费有点出乎意料的高。如果没有资金资助,一个月的工资可能都不够。要知道,科研不只是有资金资助人的专利!我们这些资金资助外的人,有时候也很想展示自己的研究成果。只不过,因最终止步于高昂的版面费面前!不得不SCI,不管消耗多少时间!人常说,SCI是逼出来的,除了政策压力外,版面费也脱不了关系! 英文写作公司和中文期刊,你们准备好了吗?如果一切就绪,请及时告知,让我们在英语写作的烦恼中解脱出来,以有充裕的时间重新拿起那些已经遗忘在某个角落的中外著作吧!
4886 次阅读|15 个评论
wanzb626 2013-6-30 01:25
把基本的表达方法背下来(我称之为 “表达单元” ,例如“ A 长期被认为”: A haslong been thought to be ),然后熟练运用。我总结了几百个这样的表达单元,反复背诵。事实证明,这是提高英语表达能力的一种有效方法。 对于英文论文写作而言,看十几篇经典文献,从中提炼出自己写作能用得上的表达单元,反复背记,是提高英语论文写作能力的快速方法。 遇到不会的表达怎么办? Google : 检索英文网页,直接输入自己不确定的表达方法,例如不清楚“在 10 月 1 日”的表达方法是 On October 1st ,还是 At October 1st ,就可以分别检索这两种表达方法。正确的检索结果远多于错误的结果。当然还有更基本的检索方法,就是直接输入中文 + 英语翻译,例如“在显微镜下观察 英语翻译”。 CNKI 翻译助手: http://dict.cnki.net/ 遇到专业名词不知道翻译怎么办? CNKI 翻译助手以中国知网数据库里面的中英文标题和摘要为依据,提供专业名词的翻译。不过由于都是中国人写的,翻译可能不十分准确,但是至少提供了一个参考。建议对查到的译法用 Google 学术进一步验证(下面会详述)。检索方法简答,就是直接输入中文,点击搜索即可。例如“在显微镜下观察”的搜索结果是: http://dict.cnki.net/dict_result.aspx?searchword=%u663E%u5FAE%u955C%u4E0B%u89C2%u5BDF 爱词霸英语句库: http://dj.iciba.com/toast/ 有大量例句。直接输入中文,检索英文。不过不是每一个表达方法都是地道的,所以还需要用 Google 学术进一步验证。 Google 学术: 优点是可以对发表的论文进行全文检索,所以适合用来参考论文写作的表达方法。假如不知道“帕金森病患者”怎样翻译,就可以在 Google 学术里面输入“ patient Parkinson's disease ”,然后搜索,可以看到正确的用法是 patientwith Parkinson's disease. 值得注意的是,检索的结果也有出错的可能,所以一般选用使用频率最高的表达方法,这样的表达应该最可靠。
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热度 1 zhoufcumt 2013-5-30 23:37
however adv. 无论如何;不管怎样 conj. 可是;然而 therefore adv. 所以;因此 hence adv. 因此;今后 thus adv. 因此;这样;从而;如此 conj. 因此 thereafter adv. 其后;从那时以后 hereafter n. 来世;将来 adv. 今后,从此以后 moreover adv. 此外;而且 nevertheless adv. 然而,不过;虽然如此 conj. 然而,不过 nonetheless conj. 尽管如此,但是 adv. 尽管如此,但是 heretofore 直到此时,迄今为止;在这以前 meanwhile adv. 同时,其间 n. 其间,其时 furthermore adv. 此外;而且;再者 likewise adv. 也;同样地 whereas conj. 鉴于;反之;然而 somewhat adv. 有点;多少;几分;稍微 additionally adv. 此外;又,加之 alternatively adv. 非此即彼;二者择一地;作为一种选择 in this case 既然这样,假若这样 in fact 事实上,实际上 accordingly adv. 因此,于是;相应地;照著 beforehand adv. 预先;事先 adj. 预先准备好的;提前的 primarily adv. 主要地,根本上;首先 ultimately adv. 最后;根本;基本上 consequently adv. 因此;结果;所以 vice versa 反之亦然 as such 同样地;本身;就其本身而论 rather than 而不是;宁可…也不愿 in terms of 依据;按照;在…方面;以…措词 on the basis of 根据;基于… by means of 用,依靠 shed light on 阐明;使…清楚地显出 akin to 同类,近似 for instance 例如 surprisingly adv. 惊人地;出人意外地 unsurprisingly adv. 不出所料的;不出奇的;意料中的 interesingly adv. 有趣地 typically adv. 代表性地;作为特色地 disappointingly adv. 令人失望地 conversely adv. 相反地 fortunately adv. 幸运地 unfortunately adv. 不幸地 qualitatively adv. 定性地;从品质上讲 quantitatively adv. 数量上;分量上 ..., but left open the question of ... in-situ n. 原位;现场 line-of-sight 视线;视线角 convincing adj. 令人信服的;有说服力的
个人分类: 科研|11618 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]新书推荐 《数学之英文写作》
lusn 2013-5-9 08:30
作者: 汤涛 丁玖 出版社:高等教育出版社 ISBN:9787040368932 上架时间:2013-2-5 出版日期:2013 年3月 开本:16开 版次:1-1 汤涛,丁玖倾力巨献,国内首部数学英文写作参考书,中科院院士王元,李大潜,鄂维南联袂推荐! 《数学之英文写作》旨在帮助需要从事英文写作与演讲的科研人员和大学生、研究生了解关于科技英语写作的方方面面,尤其是数学文章写作的基本常识和注意事项。写作中参考了西方学者关于英文数学写作的观点,并揉合了作者自己的观念、认识及经验。阅读本书对初学者尤其会有帮助。    全书内容包括:    数学文章的结构    数学文章的词句    怎样修改文章    文章投稿    怎样写书    数学综合写作    其它文体的书写    怎样讲数学 地址: http://product.china-pub.com/3022362 书摘: http://product.china-pub.com/3022362#sz
2339 次阅读|0 个评论
maxguang 2013-5-1 03:53
不知道为什么脑海中总强调一句话“写英语时不要重复,要多用同义词”,以至于写文章的时候经常绞尽脑汁想同义词或者同义表达。 公共卫生文章里面频度最高的词应该是“Association”了,因为公卫里面纵向研究还是占少数,大部分还是横断面研究,文章的目的经常是确定两个因素的关联,比如吸烟与肺癌的关系等。于是“关联”这个词总是经常用到,最正规词算是association了,其他也可以用relationship,correlation等等。除了名词,也可以说is associated with等。 今天说这个例子,跟这个关联稍有关系。比如我发现了两个因素是正向关联,我可以说“A is positively associated with B”,但是这种说法理论上不够精确或者说不够直观,不如说Higher A is associated with higher B。不过为了避免重复,这个higher,我经常用比如“increased”来代替,我相信很多其他学者也是这么做的。我的例子就是关于这个increased。 Increased A is associated with higher B. 这句话,语法上没有问题,但是其实不够准确。因为我的实验设计是cross-sectional横断面的,那么如果用increased,感觉像是longitudinal纵向研究,有一个变化过程。虽然我们中文翻译过来意思是“随着A的增加B增加”,但是英文写出来就有了时间轴的问题,有个变化的问题,不准确了。所以老板建议我还是老老实实的用higher。(higher只是举个例子,也可以是larger,bigger等等)。 也就是说,我们在考虑用词的时候,不光要考虑语法,还要考虑语境,甚至实验设计! ========================================================== 下面再说一个类似的情况:我们学的since除了自从的意思,还有因为的意思。不过我导师建议还是要老老实实的用because,除非你的语境跟时间有关系,比如说,since I am 30 years old...除了这种时间的情况,since没有单纯的因果关系,不要混用。
3911 次阅读|0 个评论
selany 2013-3-22 10:15
英文写作常搞混的词汇 已有 290 次阅读 2013-3-20 17:59 | 个人分类: 国际级写作与风格 | 系统分类: 论文交流 | 关键词:选字 英文单字 代名词 今天,我想谈谈中国作者常常搞混跟用错的几对英文单词。 methodology v.s. method “methodology”系指做某事的方法系统及准则,它是特定知识的一个惯例、程序、和规则。 范例 :We examined the methodology of contemporary forensic science. 而“method”指的是技术或程序。 范例 :We invented a new method of manufacturing ceramics. 因为 “methodology”指的是使用的过程与原因,所以没法像“method”那样令人印象深刻的用于各种形式。 if v.s. whether “whether”通常是用在讨论选项为2的时候。 范例 :The participants were asked whether or not they felt any discomfort after the treatment. 如上例,“or not”意指暗示或理解,可省略。 范例 :The participants were asked whether (or not) they felt any discomfort after the treatment. “If”则是在条件语句中使用,也就是表达状态或可能会或不会发生的事件。 范例 :If the results are inconclusive, the experiment should be repeated. 这2个字常让人搞混是因为在一般的演讲中,“if”相较与“whether”更广泛的使用且被接受。 范例 :I wonder if he will be willing to help. 不过,在学术写作中应避免使用“if”。 older v.s. elder “older”和“oldest”这2个形容词经常用来形容人、动物、东西的年纪,“Older”是表示某人、动物、物体的年纪比另一位大,而“oldest”是表示某个体的年纪在大于3个人、动物、东西的团体里是最大的。 范例 : 1. They are older than all the other participants 2. He is the oldest student in the class. 另一方面,“elder”和“eldest”是特定用在比较家人间的年纪。 范例 : 1. He has two elder sisters 2. She is the eldest of three siblings. “elder”这个字也用在专业关系中,作为“senior”的代名词。 范例 :She is the elder partner in the business. “elder”也可当做名词使用,表示在家族、部落、团体里资深或具有影响力的人物。 范例 :The village elders convened a meeting to discuss the employment situation. 虽然“older”可用在人或物上,“elder”只能用在人身上。
1684 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 baul 2013-3-13 11:30
最近一篇英文稿子接受了,校样中很多“-”都给改了,后来查询网上发现错了,自己把这两种符号给搞错了,我发现这是很多人都容易犯的错误。实际上关于此类符号存在明显的差别。 英文标点中有一些很容易弄混淆的符号,例如「-」、「–」和「—」,在英文中,这三个符号分别叫做 hyphen (-)、en dash (–) 和 em dash (—),下面分别介绍一下这三个符号的使用方法: Hyphen (-) Hyphen 就是连字号,主要用在以下几种情况: 行末单词换行,例如 We, therefore, the represen- tatives of the United States of America… 连接前缀与后缀,例如 co-worker anti-intellectual 连接复合词的各个组成部分,例如 28-year-old woman 分隔数字,例如 Tel: 585-362-4115 ISBN: 7-80087-535-0 En dash (–) En dash 是连接号,其长度等于大写字母 N,是 em dash 的一半,主要用在以下几种情况: 连接数字表示起止范围,相当于中文里的「~」,例如 June–July 1967 1:00–2:00 p.m. pp. 38–55 President Jimmy Carter (1977–81) 表示两者之间的关系和联系,相当于中文里的「-」,例如 The Supreme Court voted 5–4 to uphold the decision. Boston–Hartford route mother–daughter relationship The Glass–Steagall Act 在复合词构成的形容词定语中替代 hyphen,例如 pre–Civil War era Pulitzer Prize–winning novel public-school–private-school rivalries New York–London flight 在使用 en dash 时要注意,其前后都不留空格,除非是不留空格影响美观的时候,例如用「12 June – 3 July」替代「12 June–3 July」。 此外,由于 en dash 的长度通常与加号(+)一样,所有有的时候也被用来替代减号(−),但实际上 en dash 与减号是不同的。 Em dash (—) Em dash 的长度等于大写字母 M,使用方法与中文的破折号(——)类似, 主要用在以下几种情况: 替代逗号,将一个特定的概念从一个句子的主要从句中分离出来,例如 Sometimes writing for money—rather than for art or pleasure—is really quite enjoyable. 分隔一个插入的想法或从句,例如 I can’t believe how pedantic Ken is about writing—I mean, doesn’t he have anything better to do? 表示对话被打断,例如 “I reached in and pulled the spray can out of my pants—” “In front of the police?” 在使用 em dash 时也要注意,其前后都不留空格。 另外,还有 2-em dash 和 3-em dash 两种用法: 2-em dash 2-em dash 即两个 em dash 连写,主要用于: 表示在单词中省略了字母,例如 Mr. H—— and Mr. S—— entered into a legal agreement. 表示在句子中省略了单词,这时前面需要加空格,例如 I distinctly heard him say, “Go away or I’ll ——”. 3-em dash 3-em dash 即三个 em dash 连写,主要用于: 表示在句子中省略了单词,与 2-em dash 的第二种用法相同 在参考文献目录中,如果紧接着的条目作者相同时用以省略,例如 Acemoglu, Daron, 1999. “Patterns of Skill Premia” NBER Working Paper No. 7018. ———, 2001. “Directed Technical Change”, NBER Working Paper No. 8287. 那么,如何在电脑上输入这几种符号呢? Hyphen (-) Hyphen 的 Unicode 编码是 U+2010,在 MS Word 里可以先输入 2010 再按 Alt + X。 不过在 ASCII 编码系统中,hyphen 被编为45号字符「hyphen-minus」,也就是我们电脑键盘上「0」和「=」之间的那个「-」。在通常情况下我们直接使用这个符号就可以了。 En dash (–) En dash 的 Unicode 编码是 U+2013,在 MS Word 里可以先输入 2013 再按 Alt + X,更简便的方法是利用 MS Word 的自动更正功能:按空格,按两下「-」,再按空格,例如输入「this is -- a test」,将转换为「this is – a test」(当然,要注意 en dash 前后一般是不留空格的)。 En dash 在 Windows 里可以用 Alt + 0150 (即按下 Alt 键的同时依次按下 0150)来输入,在 Mac 里可以用 ⌥ + - 来输入,在 TeX 里可以用 -- 输入,在 HTML 里可以用 ndash; 来输入。 Em dash (—) Em dash 的 Unicode 编码是 U+2014,在 MS Word 里可以先输入 2014 再按 Alt + X,更简便的方法是利用 MS Word 的自动更正功能:不加空格,直接按两下「-」,例如 输入「this is--a test」,将转换为「this is—a test」 Em dash 在 Windows 里可以用 Alt + 0151 来输入,在 Mac 里可以用 ⌥ + ⇧ + - 来输入,在 TeX 里可以用 --- 输入,在 HTML 里可以用 mdash; 来输入。 Minus sign (−) 减号的 Unicode 编码是 U+2212,在 MS Word 里可以先输入 2212 再按 Alt + X。 减号在 TeX 里可以用 $-$ 输入,在 HTML 里可以用 minus; 来输入。 参考来源:http://imquyi.com/blog/2012/08/how-to-use-hyphen-and-dash/
46380 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 2 jingpeng 2013-3-9 11:18
写了这么多博文,中文的写作是锻炼到了。但对于一个要毕业的博士生来说,英文写作才是硬通货。写了两个稿子,到nature 出版集团的文字修改编辑手上,修回来的都是大好江山一片红。打算仔细研究一下他们的写作风格,整理一下自己常犯的错误。这些注意点都是针对我个人的,如果对大伙儿也有点用,那也不错。这个目录会长期更新,不断添加俺犯的错误~~ 1. (A, B, and C) 和 (A, B and C)的用法都是可以的,但要注意全文统一。(根据 吴全丰 博友 的评论,用A, B, and C 的格式更好) 2. 数字的写法。 大于二十用数字,但整十整百时例外;百分比用数字,如52%,但当%用percent表达时例外;同一段落中,前面如用数字,后面要统一用数字。 用英语的情况: 小于二十用英语; 大于二十但是是整十整百也用英语; 数字在句首要用英语; 年代要用英语; 序数词用英语。 混用情况: 两个数挨在一块时,大数用数字,小数用英语。 3. 时态。描述方法和结果用一般过去式,而描述已经认可的现象和常识,用一般现在时。 4. Analysis 和 Analyses 的区别。以前都没注意analyses这个词,以为是英式或者美式的写法,原来analyses 是analysis的复数形式。 5. 常用句式。在描述结果的时候,一般第一句话要说明目的是什么,比如研究什么关系之类的。可以用几个句子开头:(1)To ...这个最简洁。(2) in order to ... 6. 越来越觉得,虚词实际上有强大的表现力,一点也不虚. 可以表现两个句子甚至段落之间的逻辑关系,准确地使用虚词和句式,可以使得表达更为清晰,逻辑也更为清楚。 7. 转折的用法,这几个词怎么区分?需要整理一下。(1)but. (2)in contrast. (3) on the other hand. (4) otherwise. (5) however. 8. 分辨率达到1微米: attain 1-μm resolution 9. 将近:用 approximately 比 about 更合适。about比较口语化,approximately 应该是书面用语。 10. radii 是 radius 的复数形式。这个还挺特别的,后面加了s的反而是单数形式。 11. 胶质细胞是Glial cells 而不是 glia cells. 只用 glia,是神经胶质的意思。 12. 使用XX来做XX,用 using 而不是 by using。比如 enhance the images using Fiji,而不是 enhance the images by using Fiji. 13. 多用主动语态,而不是被动语态。描述结果的时候直接说 XX is XX, 不用说 XX was found to be XX, 可以用we found XX 14. on a XX scale 而不是 in a XX scale 15. from a XX perspective, 而不是 through a XX perspective 16. 表示原因:due to VS owing to。在传统的英语中, due to 是形容词,而 owing to 是副词,这是需要区分的。但在现代英语中,已经混合在一起,可以互相替换,没有严格区分了。为了用词准确,还是建议区分一下。 Usage Note: Due to has been widely used for many years as a compound preposition like owing to, but some critics have insisted that due should be used only as an adjective. According to this view, it is incorrect to say The concert was canceled due to the rain, but acceptable to say The cancellation of the concert was due to the rain, where due continues to function as an adjective modifying cancellation. This seems a fine point, however, and since due to is widely used and understood, there seems little reason to avoid using it as a preposition. 17. a great challenge to XX studies,而不是 a great challenge in XX studies 18. “XX is estimated as 17” is better than "XX is estimated to be 17". 或者直接说 "XX is 17". 推荐资料: 【1】吴全丰的博客, 英语中词组/短语的平行结构
个人分类: 技术-方法|12554 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 1 Nisaxx 2012-8-3 09:40
作为一个科研工作者,在国际学术期刊上发表科研论文是与同行交流、取得国际影响的必经之 路。有些国内的科学家,实验做得很漂亮,但常常苦恼于论文的写作力不从心,成为国际交流的一大障碍。本文从博主的亲身体验出发,给博士生、博士后、以及年 轻的PI提供一个借鉴。文章最后做简短总结。 我大学时的同班同学都知道,那时我的英语不算好(英语四级考试仅为“良”),写作尤其糟糕。初到美国之时,对英文环境适应得很差,读一篇JBC的文章要五、六个小时,还常常不理解其中一些关键词句的意思,心里压力极大。 很幸运,我在约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)攻读博士学位时,1991年4月遇到了学兄和启蒙老师John Desjarlais。听了我的苦恼后,John告诉我,“Spend 45 minutes every day reading Washington Post, and you will be cruising with your written English in two years”(每天花45分钟读《华盛顿邮报》,两年后你的写作能力会得心应手)。这条建议正合我意 - 我原本就对新闻感兴趣!于是,我每天上午安排完第一批实验后,都会在十点左右花一小时的时间阅读《华盛顿邮报》,主要看A版(新闻版)。刚开始,我一个小 时只能读两、三个短消息或一个长篇报道,中间还不得不经常查字典看生词。但不知不觉间,我的阅读能力明显提高,1992年老布什与克林顿竞选总统,我跟踪 新闻,常常一个小时能读上几个版面的消息或四、五个长篇报道,有时还把刚看到的新闻绘声绘色地讲给师兄师姐听。 阅读直接提升了我的英文写作能力。看完一些新闻后,我常常产生动笔写自己感想的冲动。 92年巴塞罗那奥运会,中国游泳队取得了四金五银的好成绩,美国主要媒体纷纷指责这是中国运动员服用违禁药物,但没有任何检测的证据,完全凭美国运动员的 感觉。此事让我很气愤,我生平第一次给《华盛顿邮报》和《巴尔的摩太阳报》(The Baltimore Sun)各写了一封信,评论报道的不公平。没想到两天后《巴尔的摩太阳报》居然原封不动的把我的信刊登在“读者来信”栏目,同事祝贺,我也洋洋得意。受到 此事鼓励,我在此后三年多的日子里,常常动笔,有些文章发表在报刊上(大部分投稿石沉大海),也曾代表中国留学生写信向校方争取过中国学生的利益。有时还 有意外的惊喜。95年的一天,一位朋友打电话告诉我:今天出版的《巴尔的摩太阳报》上有我的评论文章!我急匆匆赶到街头买来5份报纸,果然,在A版的倒数 第二页,以15x15厘米的篇幅发表了我一个多星期前寄给报社、本以为不会发表的一篇抨击吴宏达的文章。 以上是简述我个人英文写作提升的一段过程。但是,科研论文不同于读者来信,有其专业特 点、甚至是固定格式。1994年,我第一次完整地写科研论文,感觉很差。好不容易写完的文章,连我自己都不愿意读第二遍;勉强修改之后,交给了老板 Jeremy Berg。他拖了三周没看我的文章,我实在忍不住了、去催他,上午9点,Jeremy告诉我:今天看!11点,我去他办公室催,秘书拦住我,说 Jeremy正在办理重要事务,两点前不得打扰。我心里惴惴,不知Jeremy在干什么。下午一点半,Jeremy急匆匆过来找我,拿了一叠纸, “This is the draft. Please let me know what you think. We can aim for a Science report.”(这是初稿,你看看如何,我们可以试试《科学》)我仔细一看,天啊!一共7页,四个多小时Jeremy已经把文章的整体写完了,只是缺少 Method和 references。让我郁闷的是,他根本没有用我的初稿。 其实,写文章贵在一气呵成 。我也沿袭了 Jeremy的风格。2006年10月,在我们处于劣势的激烈竞争中,有两个课题面临被 scoop的危险,我曾经两次、一晚上赶一篇文章。10月15日,傍晚8点左右开始写、通宵,第二天早晨10点完成一篇按照《细胞》杂志格式的论文,包括 abstract, introduction, results, discussion,仔细阅读一遍后于下午4点半完成网上投稿。这篇文章最终发表在12月份《自然》的子刊《结构与分子生物学》上(电子版于11月10 日发表)。另一篇,10月18日,晚6点开始写、通宵,第二天早晨8点完成,上午9点半完成投稿,最终发表在12月15日的《细胞》上。当然,能通宵完成 一篇文章,还有一个重要前提,就是对研究领域非常熟悉,对文章整体的大概思路已经深思熟虑,所有的Figures都事先做好了。这些前期工作即使全身心投 入也需要3-4天。 从1994年自己写第一篇科研论文的艰难到现在写起来得心应手、驾轻就熟,我总结出如下经验: 1.要写好科研论文,必须先养成读英文文章的习惯,争取每天30-60分钟。刚开始可以选择以读英文报纸、英文新闻为主,逐渐转为读专业杂志。我会在近期专门写一篇博客文章介绍一套行之有效的增强读专业杂志能力的办法。 2.写科研论文,最重要的是逻辑。逻辑的形成来自对实验数据的总体分析。必须先讨论出一套清晰的思路,然后 按照思路来做图(Figures),最后才能执笔 。 3.具体写作时,先按照思路(即Figures)写一个以subheading为主的框 架,然后开始具体写作。第一稿,切忌追求每一句话的完美,更不要追求词语的华丽,而 主要留心逻辑 (logic flow),注意前后句的逻辑关系、相邻两段的逻辑关系。写作时,全力以赴,尽可能不受外界事情干扰(关闭手机、座机),争取在最短时间内拿出第一稿。还 要注意:一句话不可太长。 4. 学会照葫芦画瓢 。没有人天生会写优秀的科研论文,都是从别人那里学来的。学习别人的 文章要注意专业领域的不同,有些领域(包括我所在的结构生物学)有它内在的写作规律。科研文章里的一些话是定式,比如 “To investigate the mechanism of …, we performed …”, “These results support the former, but not the latter, hypothesis …”, “Despite recent progress, how … remains to be elucidated …” 等等。用两次以后,就逐渐学会灵活运用了。在向别人学习时,切忌抄袭。在美国一些机构,连续7个英文单词在一起和别人的完全一样,原则上就被认为抄袭 (plagiarism)。 5.第一稿写完后,给自己不要超过一天的休息时间,开始修改第二稿。修改时,还是以逻辑 为主,但对每一句话都要推敲一下,对abstract和正文中的关键语句要字斟句酌。学会用“Thesaurus”( 同义词替换 )以避免过多重复。第二稿 的修改极为关键,再往后就不会大改了。 6.第二稿以后的修改,主要注重具体的字句,不会改变整体逻辑了。投稿前,一定要整体读一遍,对个别词句略作改动。 记住:学术期刊一般不会因为具体的语法错误拒绝一篇文章,但一定会因为逻辑混乱而拒绝一篇文章。 这套方法行之有效,我对所有的学生和博士后都会如此教导。我的第一个博士后是柴继 杰,1999年加入我在普林斯顿大学的实验室。继杰当时的英文阅读和写作能力很差。我对他的第一个建议就是,“每天花半小时读英文报纸”。难能可贵的是: 他坚持下来了!经过几年的努力,2004年继杰已经能写出不错的grant proposal,2006年他的第一篇独立科研论文发表在《Molecular Cell》上,随后相继在《自然》发表两篇、在其它一流学术期刊发表十多篇论文。写作能力开始成熟。 发表论文是一件值得高兴的事情,但要明白:论文只是一个载体,是为了向同行们宣告你的科研发现,是科学领域交流的重要工具。所以,在科研论文写作时,一定要谨记于心的就是:用最简单的话表达最明白的意思,但一定要逻辑严谨!其实,中文和英文论文皆如此! 本文引用地址: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-722391-585566.html
个人分类: 借鉴|2183 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 1 franklinehu 2012-7-19 00:15
博士导师最近给组里所有的学生都买了一本书The elements of style,我仔细读了,觉得适合研究生阅读,推荐给大家。 The elements of style(作者是William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White)是一本关于英文写作的小册子,适合想提高英语写作水平的研究生阅读。这本书内容十分精炼,列举出很多英文写作的常见弊病,比如没用的词语太多,降低整个句子的清晰度以及力度;尽量用主动语态而不是被动语态,主动语态更加有力度,能更有效的表达作者的意思。 书中有几个例子,比如: She did not think that studying Latin was a sensible way to use one's time. 直接改成 She thought the study of Latin a waste of time. 前者用了很多词,这些词对中心意思都没有贡献,放在那里只能分散读者的注意力。 另外一个例子关于主动语态和被动语态的。主动语态明显要直接,清楚和简洁。 被动语态: My first visit to London will always remembered by me. 主动语态: I shall always remembered my first visit to London. 最后再举书中两个例子阐释主动语态的有效性。 非主动语态: There were a great number of leaves lying on the ground 主动语态: Many dead leaves covered the ground. 后者只有5个词就表达出了前面11歌词要表达的意思。 非主动语态: It was not long before she was very sorry that she had said what she said. 主动语态: She soon repented her words. 更加明显的体现出了主动语态的强大。 所以如果我们写英文论文的时候,带着这些观念去修改论文,就会让论文更加简明扼要,清晰准确的表达主旨。 The elements of style
5639 次阅读|1 个评论
keylabteam 2012-2-28 15:11
分享一个很好的读本,在写作的逻辑、内容、安排以及可操作性等方面都有可取之处。 英语写作.pdf
2228 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 yiboliu 2012-2-1 09:42
昨日,终于把《科学通报》的英文版提交回去了。 编辑部说需要专门的语言公司来润色,或者请母语为英语的学者来把关。 于是回复编辑部Zhang老师说:“文章经第一作者翻译修改后,请Juweimin教授进行了 多次修改和把关 ,Ju老师博士毕业于多伦多大学,在国外工作学习生活多年,在国际期刊发表了多篇学术论文……” Zhang老师回复:“英文稿我们会再请专业人士进行把关。” 经过这次中英文版的写作和尤其是英文反复修改,现在对文章又有了一个新的体悟,就是“整体掌握,细细品味。” 诚如Chen老师所指出英文写作中其实就是 单复数,a the,时态,定语从句(its which their等等)的问题。 末了,纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行! 先前这块根据地撂荒很多,新的一年要勤加耕种。
3589 次阅读|2 个评论
生命在成长之二: 奋斗
热度 2 Julia87 2011-10-25 13:31
2010-6-23 一个月前就和虞左俊老师有个约定,6月21日我和王春艳老师于海洋局一所终于如约见到虞老师并学习了她英文写作的报告。对虞老师的报告我不想做过多描述,主要是自己还没正式开始写论文,故缺少英文写作时的纠结和迷惑,自然对写作中遇到的问题缺少切身的体会和感悟。但她所提到的英文写作中常见的错误,有些确实是我在英语学习中常犯的,有些却是需要提醒自己在以后的英文写作中要尽量避免。在整个报告中,她温文尔雅的气质、温和优美的音质以及老师和学生之间其乐融融的氛围确实是一种享受! 上午我们和虞老师交谈的时间很短,下午才和她单独在一间会议室里聊了一会儿,而更多的时间我是在用心倾听。因为我是来向她们学习的,当然需要用心去感悟她们的思想,学习她们是怎样让优秀成为一种品质,而不是自己侃侃而谈。对两位老师我都不陌生,一位是我的大学老师,一位是我的mentor,在她们的交谈中,我能强烈的感受到两种不同风格的风景,前者以一种愉悦欢快的气质在跳跃,后者更像是一幅飘溢着清幽的山水画,平和稳重。总之两种不同的风格都散发着善良的气息,给人以美的享受。 我和虞老师虽认识不久,但一直保持着联系,彼此也算熟悉。我能深刻的感受到她对工作认真负责严谨的态度,每次发给她的email, 都是经过细心修改,甚至单词之间的空格也严格要求。我一直认为从她身上我绝不仅仅受益于英文写作,更是她潜移默化培养着我一种严谨负责的工作态度,这对我以后的科研事业是很有裨益的。我们虽是萍水相逢,但她一直对我的生活、学习很关照,总能让我感受到一种长辈对晚辈宽厚包容的爱和无微不至的关怀,心里感觉暖暖的。我想,一个人能做到这些,如果不是因为内心的善良,如果不是因为对生活精神层面的enjoy,那又能是什么呢? 美好的时光总是短暂的。送走虞老师后,我和王老师在回海大的路上各自总结着自己,反思着自己,感悟着生活的点滴。我觉得自己是幸福的,总有这么多的长辈朋友愿意帮助我,但每一个人都应该是自立自强的,所以要在别人的帮助下迅速的生发成长,然后能最大限度的去帮助那些需要帮助的人,只有这样才能感受到自己作为一个人的价值,才能获得一种恒久真实的快乐。 正和王老师边走边高谈阔论着,我注意到一个外国女孩在这段上坡的路上跑步,我清楚的看到她紧咬着牙,吃力地摆动的手臂,用尽全身的力气,目光中充满了坚毅,眼前的情景让我有点感动更让我震撼,我知道了什么叫:坚持!我告诉自己,生活中再遇到磨难,再受到委屈,再迷茫困惑时,想要放弃时,我要咬紧牙,坚持!因为生活本来就不容易,要让自己的内心足够坚强。 可以告一段落了吧!给自己一个微笑,然后左手领着梦想,右手牵着奋斗,飞翔…… 系列博文: 生命在成长之一:顿悟 生命在成长之三:enjo y 生命在成长之四:敬畏
个人分类: 生命思考|2659 次阅读|6 个评论
FrankZhao 2011-9-22 10:57
From: http://goo.gl/01RMu WhiteSmoke 是一个高品质的英语写作改进和写作增强软件,它能有效帮助您按照整句润色英文文章,是英语写作解决方案的全球市场领导者。 作为完整的英文写作和学习解决方案, WhiteSmoke 2011 引入了自然语言处理和人工智能技术,在提供高效的全文翻译、多语言字典以及标点、拼写检查、语法检查功能同时,还具备文体检查功能,能够改善语句、词汇和写作风格。附带的几百个 信函模板 也能辅助快速写作。 在WhiteSmoke 2011中,How to Use模块主要是提供单词的应用场景和示例;Enrichment是英文润色功能,它会提供符合语境的形容词、副词等词汇以美化文章;Thesaurus模块提供单词的同义词、反义词、惯用词组等资源,并实现替换。 WhiteSmoke的 写作风格检查 功能(Style Checker),可以调用服务器规则,使用智能的同义词词库替换现有文章,可以当作 英文伪原创工具 使用了。 使用说明 :基于Giveaway of the Day的 WhiteSmoke 2011 制作便携版,直接运行 WhiteSmokePortable.exe 即可,启动后从任务栏图标进入主程序,或在任意程序界面按下F2开始检查,WhiteSmoke与最近的 易改 是同类型软件。 WhiteSmoke 2011 is an all-in-one, hybrid solution for English writing, providing a convenient and easy to use writing tool that works directly from any text-based application. *Grammar Checker *Grammar Explanations *Style Checker *Dictionary-Thesaurus *Spell Checker *Letter and Document Templates *Writing Review 开始下载 WhiteSmoke 2011绿色便携版 : WhiteSmoke_PortableSoft.7z | 3.82 MB 注意:Windows 7下以管理员权限运行,另外须安装 VC++ 2005 SP1 运行库。如果持续报错请试试 WhiteSmoke安装版 。 解压密码: www.portablesoft.org 压缩包MD5: 65DF220FFDB306917FEE1530C6AEC29C WhiteSmoke官方网站: http://www.whitesmoke.com/
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热度 1 carldy 2011-9-3 12:37
http://bbs.chinaunix.net/viewthread.php?tid=641801 句点(Full Stop / Period,“.”) 问号(Question Mark,“?”) 感叹号(Exclamation Mark,“!”) 逗点(Comma,“,”) 冒号(Colon,“:”) 分号(Semicolon,“;”) 连字符(Hyphen,“-”) 连接号(En Dash,“–”) 破折号(Em Dash,“—”) 括号(Parentheses,小括号“( )”;中括号“ of those surveyed 5.用于一个词的一部分要移行, 一般按音节间断开单词加连字号(例如:ha-ppy,不可断为hap-py……),或根据发音,不要把单个字母留在行尾或行首。注意一页中最后一个单词不能使用连字号将其置于两页。 八、圆括弧Parenthesis( ( ) ) 1.标出表顺序的数字和字母(如: (1) 、(2) 等) 2.用来表示其中插入的或附加的解释成分。这个插入成分可以是单词、词组或句子.但要注意,括号会削弱强调作用,因此,如果要强调插入的句子成份,则要用破折号。 They might take a walk together(remember feet) and see the neighborhood with fresh , new eyes. 九、引号Quotation Marks(“”‘’) 引号分单引号(single quotation marks) 和双引号(double quotation marks) 。单引号只用在一个直接引语中所含有的另一个直接引语上。 1. 表示直接引语。当直接引语超过四行或多于40 个字词时, 一般不用引号而改用黑体字以便与文章的其它部分界线清晰 “Well, ”the foreigner said to him ,“ you look like an engineer. ” 句号和逗号必须置于引号(双引号和单引号) 之内。 He told the gunman ,“I refuse to do that ”;his knees , however , were shaking even as he said those words. She called this schedule of activities her “load ”:work , study , exercise , recreation , and sleep. 冒号与分号必置于引号外。 The teacher asked , “Could you understand me”? Did the teacher ask ,“Have they gone”? Did the teacher ask ,“They have gone ?” The frightened girl screamed ,“Help”! The fellow only said ,“Sorry !” He interrupted me , “Now , listen”——and went on saying. 问号、感叹号和破折号有时置于引号之内, 有时置于外号之外。如果所引内容本身是疑问句或感叹句或带有破折号, 问号、感叹号或破折号一般放在引号之内。否则,放在引号之外。 2. 标明短篇出版物的标题, 诸如杂志、报纸上的文章、短诗、短篇故事和整部书的某一章节。 Have you read“The Old Man and the Sea”? Chapter three is entitled“The Internet . ” 3.表示所用的词语具有特殊意义。另外,当俚语出现在较正式的文章中, 也用引号引起来, 以表示文风的有意转变。 The report contained the“facts”of the case. The speaker owns a“fat farm”in California , which slims down rich overeaters for $2 , 500 a week. 4. 用于表示引起读者注意的词语, 或读者不熟悉的特殊词语。 It is customary to say“Youpre welcome” whenever anyone says“Thank you. ” “SOS”is a message for help from a ship or aircraft when in danger. 十、省略号Ell ipsis(...) 此省略号无论出现在句首、句中、还是句尾,都是表示单词的省略。 1. 表示直接引语中的省略 Max wrote ,“...in one word ,manps consciousness , changes with every change in the conditions of his material existence....” 句后的省略号和句号的写法应是在一条直线上的四个黑点。前三个黑点表示省略号,后一个黑点表句号。 2. 表示说话中的犹豫或迟疑 “If that the way you think...just go back to school ,”he said. 3. 表示段落或整行词句的省略, 须使用一整行黑点。 十一、撇号或省字号Apostrophe(’) 1.构成名词所有格 rest my son’ s a moment’s books A three weeks’pay 2.表示词、字母、数码、符号等的复数形式 Don’t use so many ands in the sentence. How many 5s have you got? 这与一般单词的复数形式不同, 正规的写法须在s 前加“ ’ ”, 要牢记规则。 3.除表动词的紧缩形式外, 还表一个或几个字母和数字的省略。 I’ve got it. “Yes ,ma’ am ,”the waiter said. 注意:有相当大一部分省略词是口语中的用法,不宜出现在书面语中。例如:I’d like to(在书面语中要写作I would like to) 十二、 字底线Underline( ) 和斜体Italics 斜体是英语的一种独特的书写手段, 但具有标点的作用,它和字底线的作用完全一样。 1. 用于火车、飞机、轮船、太空船的名称之下 Challenger (飞机) Apollo Nine(太空船) 2. 用于具有一定厚度的书籍、报纸、杂志、长诗、电影、作曲的标题下 Have you read Gone with the Win d ? 在书写体中,长篇小说书名下要加字底线,如是印刷体写成斜体即可。 the Washington Post Time magazine 3.表示不常用的或还没有被英语这一语言所接受的外来词或短语。但外来语中的动植物科目须用字底线来表示。 In Korea , the sixty-first birthday is calld huan gup (beginning of new life) 1 He longed for La dolce vita. 4. 强调文章中的某些词语,以引起读者的注意, 相当于汉语中的着重号(即在所强调的汉字下加一个黑点) 。 英国英语和美国英语标点符号的差异 1.引号的用法:①属于引语的逗号、句号在美国英语中位于引号内,而在英国英语中多位于引号外;②引语内再套用引语时,美国英语中双引号在外单引号在内,而英国英语中的单引号在外、双引号在内。 在美国英语中,如果省略号恰好在句尾,就用四个点,如I‘d like to...that is...if you don‘t mind.... 2. 冒号的用法:①在小时与分钟之间,美国英语多用冒号,英国英语多用句号;②美国英语中,信件或演说词的称呼语之后用冒号,而在英国英语中多用逗号。 中英文标点符号的差异 汉语中目前使用的标点符号是参考借鉴西文的标点体系而制定的,它既保留了西文标点的主体特征,又带有与汉语语言特点相适应的特色。因而,中英文标点符号之间存在着一定的差异。 ⒈ 汉语中的某些标点符号为英语所没有。 ⑴ 顿号(、):顿号在汉语中起分割句子中的并列成分的作用;英语中没有顿号,分割句中的并列成分多用逗号。如: She slowly, carefully, deliberately moved the box. 注意:类似的情况下,最后一个逗号后可加and,这个逗号也可省略--She slowly, carefully(,) and deliberately moved the box. ⑵ 书名号(《》):英文没有书名号,书名、报刊名用斜体或者下划线表示。如: Hamlet / Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》 Winter‘s Tale / Winter‘s Tale 《冬天的童话》 The New York Times / The New York Times 《纽约时报》 另外,英语中文章、诗歌、乐曲、电影、绘画等的名称和交通工具、航天器等的专有名词也常用斜体来表示。 ⑶ 间隔号(•):汉语有间隔号,用在月份和日期、音译的名和姓等需要隔开的词语的正中间,如"一二•九"、"奥黛丽•赫本(人名)"等。英语中没有汉语的间隔号,需要间隔时多用逗点。 ⑷ 着重号:有时汉语用在文字下点实心圆点表示需要强调的词语,这些实心点就是着重号。而英语中没有这一符号,需强调某些成分时可借助文字斜体、某些强调性词汇、特殊句型、标点停顿等多种方法。 ⒉ 英语中的某些标点符号为汉语所没有。 ⑴ 撇号--Apostrophe(‘) ⑵ 连字号--Hyphen(-) ⑶ 斜线号—Virgule or Slash(/):该符号主要起分割作用,如It could be for staff and / or students. 也常用于标音,如bed /bed/。 ⒊ 某些符号在汉英两种语言中的形式不同。 ⑴ 中文的句号是空心圈(。) 英文的句号是实心点(.)。 ⑵ 英文的省略号是三个点(...),位置在行底; 中文的为六个点(......),居于行中。 ⑶ 英文的破折号是(-) 中文的是(--) 中国学生常见标点符号错误例析 (1) 顿号、书名号、句号、省略号错误。比较中英文标点符号可见,英文标点中没有中文形式的顿号、书名号、句号和省略号。而这四种标点符号成了大学英语写作中“借鉴频率较高的符号。如: 〔错误〕1. While she is reading《Gone With the Wind》, I am cooking。 〔错误〕2. My sister bought a lot of fruits for me , such as banana 、orange 、apple and pear. 英文中的印刷体用斜体字表示书籍、报刊、戏剧、电影、绘画作品等的名称,在书写体或打字机打的文本中用字下线表示斜体字;英文常用逗号来代替冒号;而句号是用实心小黑点表示。故以上两句应改为: 〔修改〕1. While she is reading Gone With the Wind , I am cooking. (印刷体) 或While she is reading Gone With the Wind , I am cooking. (书写体) 〔修改〕2. My sister bought a lot of fruits for me , such as banana , orange , apple and pear. 还有,英文中的省略号其实是三个句号的并列,许多学生由于受中文影响常错误地把英文省略号写成六点。 (2) 冒号错误。冒号是中英文兼有的标点符号。在汉语中,冒号是表示提示性话语之后的停顿,常用在“说、道、讲、问、唱、回答、喊、吼”等动词的后边,以标明下面的话是谁说的。此用法影响下列英文句子标点: 〔错误〕3. I thought to myself :“What kind of trap is she laying ?” 〔错误〕4. He asked :“Where are you from ?” 以上两例中的冒号在英文中需用逗点表示。汉语中的冒号还可用在“如次“如下“例如“像等引起下文的提示语后边。在英文表达中,“for example”(例如) 一类的词后常用逗点代替冒号。 〔错误〕5. Good manners can be seen in everyday life. For example : a person with good manners is kind and helpful to others . 〔修改〕5. Good manners can be seen in everyday life. For example , a person with good manners is kind and helpful to others. (3) 破折号错误。汉语中的破折号标明行文中解释说明的部分,而英文同位语也具有同等说明的功能,故英文写作中用破折号连接同位语成份的错误也屡见不鲜。如: 〔错误〕6. We are studying and living at the famous university — Beijing University. 〔修改〕6. We are studying and living at the famous university , Beijing University. 对于同位语,英语一般使用逗点而不用破折号。英文中破折号的用法远没有中文的丰富。 在大学英语写作中,与语法知识有关的标点错误主要有: (1) 把非限制性定语从句(non -restrictive attributive clause) 理解成限制性定语从句(restrictive attributive clause) 而忽略用逗点。如: 〔错误〕7. We were led into a nearest fabric shop that was divided into two parts. 从句意来看,上句是一个非限制性定语从句,故应在shop 后加逗点,把that 相应改成which 即: 〔修改〕7. We were led into a nearest fabric shop , which was divided into two parts. (2) 不论状语从句在整个句子中处于何种位置,一概以逗点隔开。 〔错误〕8. We will go there , if it is fine tomorrow. 状语从句可置于句首或句末。置于句首时,一般要用标点隔开;而置于句末时,则无需与主句隔开,故 以上句子应改为: 〔修改〕8. If it is fine tomorrow , we will go there. 或We will go there if it is fine tomorrow. (3) 在疑问句形式的陈述句后使用问号。 〔错误〕9. What fun we girls could expect , to stay in the same class , studying for four long years with them ?I wondered. 〔修改〕9. What fun could we girls expect , to stay in the same class , studying for four long years with them , I wondered. 英语疑问除可用问号来表达外,尚可用词序加以表达。故上例的疑问可用逗点表示。 (4) 误把however ,therefore , because , thus 等起联系作用的副词当成并列连词,导致写作中的逗号粘连(comma splice) 错误。 〔错误〕10. She thought what the teacher pointed out was right , however , she didn’t care for that . 两个完整的句子或两个并列句之间不能一概用逗点点开, 可用句号、分号或在逗点后加并列连词(and , but , or , for , so , nor , yet) 等方法修改。故上例可改为: 〔修改〕10. She thought what the teacher pointed out was right . However , she didn’t care for that . 或She thought what the teacher pointed out was right ; however , she didn’t care for that . 或She thought what the teacher pointed out was right , but she didn’t care for that . (5) 与comma splice 相映成趣的是,许多学生作文时,极少考虑句子间的逻辑关系,一个逗点连首尾,导致大量熔句(fused sentence) 的堆砌。例如: 〔错误〕11. Young men like blue jeans they wear them all the time. 〔修改〕11. Young men like blue jeans ; they wear them all the time. 或Young men like blue jeans. They wear them all the time. 或Young men like blue jeans , and they wear them all the time. 或Young men like blue jeans ; they wear them all the time. 或Since young men like blue jeans , they wear them all the time. (6) 两个并列的形容词间以and 代替逗点。 〔错误〕12. Through the window ,in front of me were large green fields which reminded me of the small clearing where I spent my lonely and hard childhood. 现代英语表达一般在两个形容词中间不使用and , 而是用逗点分隔。 〔修改〕12. Through the window ,in front of me were large green fields which reminded me of the small clearing where I spent my lonely , hard childhood 因语体错位而造成的标点错误。英文写作是一种书面语的输出。其书面语体的特征要求其与口头语相区别。口语中存在的大量缩约 (contraction) 在书面语体中应尽量避免。而许多学生在书面作文中大量使用省字号(’),几乎1/ 3 左右的作文在文体上存在漏洞,现代英语的发展对此却难以容忍。如: 1. I’d like to share my joys with you. ( I would like to) 2. .you can’t behave like that . (you cannot) 3. .there’re so many splendid toys for me to select . (there are) 其他错误: (1) 引号错误。 〔错误〕13.“No pain , no gain. ”If you . 〔修改〕13. As the saying goes ,“No pain , no gain. ” 英文中短小的引语与作者提示“某某说之类的词语之间用逗点隔开,置于引号内。不能省略提示语“某某说之类而直接引用。 〔错误〕14. Glancing through the essay entitled“Why Not More ? ”, Dr. Jefferson frowned thoughtfully. 〔修改〕14. Glancing through the essay entitled“Why Not More ?,”Dr. Jefferson frowned thoughtfully. 许多学生对诸如上例引号边的标点位置含糊,不清楚以下常用法:句号和逗号必须置于引号之内;冒号和分号必须置于引号之外;如果所引内容本身是疑问句或感叹句,问号和感叹号一般放在引号之内,否则,问号和感叹号则放在引号之外。 (2) 日-月-年次序的日期中的逗号错误。英语日期的表达可以用月-日-年的次序和日-月-年 的次序,日和年之间加逗号而月和年之间习惯上不加逗号。例如: 误把“13 August 2002”写成“13 August , 2002”。 (3) 在部分副词如perhaps , so 后加逗号。如: 〔错误〕16. Perhaps , I would not have such a good chance again. 〔错误〕17. So , they keep in touch with each other merely by writing letters and phoning now. 以上两句的修改方法是把句中的逗号去掉。 (4) 连接号(hyphen) 错误。许多英语习作者往往随意用连接号派生单词,如把“boyfriend”写成“boy -friend”; “middle school”写成“middle -school”。在行末单词分行时,连接号使用错误更多。与之相反,若把本应有的连接号粗心删去, 其单词含义可能会大相径庭。如有一年美国政府在一份贸易清单上列举了一些免税进口的物品,其中有一种是foreign fruit —plants(外国果树苗),后来由于打字员的疏忽,漏打连接号使其成了foreign fruit , plants(外国水果、树苗),结果导致第二年大量的水果如桔子、葡萄等从世界各地免税涌入美国市场从而使美国政府当年损失约200 多万美元。 应用逗号而没用,造成语义的表达不清。 Please send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange and black ties. 使人看了以后不知是发5 摞(1 摞= 12 打) —红、绿、蓝、橙、黑各一摞— 领带,还是发4 摞 —红、绿、蓝、橙黑各一摞领带。这句话可改为: ①Please send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange ,and black ties. ②Please send me a gross each of the red , green ,blue ,orange-and-black ties. 该用分号的地方用了逗点, 不该用标点的地方也用了逗点,都导致了句子的错误。 ①People make history , unusual people make history interesting. 此句逗点应改为分号, 这是两个独立分句。 ②Mary was happiest when she was free of her parents’ scrutiny ,or while she was working in her garden. 此句的并列连词是连接的成对的从句,而不是独立分句,连词前面的逗号应去掉。 标点符号的使用是约定俗成的, 初学写作的人只有牢记它的使用规则, 才能写出规范的文章来。
个人分类: 英语课堂素材 Materials from Classroom|2323 次阅读|1 个评论
FrankZhao 2011-8-28 15:12
这九本书是五月底我与一些HP网友们合购的,原帖地址为 http://www.hi-pda.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=782841extra=page%3D1 现在已经历时三个多月了,现在将这批书解禁,与各位朋友共享。 下面是这九本书的书名、亚马逊的介绍以及Dbank网盘的链接: 1.新版GRE官方指南.The Official Guide to the GRE revised General Test http://www.amazon.com/Official-Guide-revised-General-ebook/dp/B004GNFPAW/ref http://goo.gl/V4pfp 2.托福官方指南The Official Guide to the New TOEFL iBT (这个是第二版,纸版已有第三版) http://www.amazon.com/Official-Guide-New-TOEFL-ebook/dp/B002IYEL56/ref http://goo.gl/cH1Vu 3.分析性写作.Writing Analytically, 5th Edition (据称对备考GRE作文很有帮助,这本书国内也出了影印版,比较便宜,但据说纸张较差。) http://www.amazon.com/Writing-Analytically-5th-Edition-ebook/dp/B0030HKYMY http://goo.gl/7O66y 4.巴郎GRE词表.Essential Words for the GRE (这是2007第二版,但纸版已到2010第三版,国内出版的封皮注明是第一版) http://www.amazon.com/Essential-Words-GRE-ebook/dp/B002NGBOXQ/ref http://dl.dbank.com/c0bvja7bwj 5.公正.Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do?(这本书我看了不少了,感到比视频中讲的要详细、深入,可以结合着一起学习,对于备考GRE的逻辑写作很有帮助,因为这本书对于很多到的道德和选择困境都做了多角度的讨论,非常的启发思路) http://www.amazon.com/Justice-Whats-Right-Thing-ebook/dp/B002Q7H7L0/ref http://dl.dbank.com/c0loc26d8c 6.E-mail写作实用指导.The Executive Guide to E-mail Correspondence: Including Model Letters for Every Situation (大家备考寄托的同时,也不要忘了多和国外的老师联系,英文email写作还是有些讲究的吧,不过这本书我还真的不是很了解,或者大家有没有更好的推荐) http://www.amazon.com/Executive-Guide-mail-Correspondence-ebook/dp/B001QPHNJY/ref http://dl.dbank.com/c0c1fe87d9 7.Ace the GRE Writing Assessment http://www.amazon.com/Ace-GRE-Writing-Assessment-ebook/dp/B003DM3R16/ref http://dl.dbank.com/c0trt9aoe0 8.Speaking and Writing Strategies for the TOEFL iBT http://www.amazon.com/Speaking-Writing-Strategies-TOEFL-ebook/dp/B004C44NQC/ref http://dl.dbank.com/c0an4rb3o6 9.哈佛申请范文50篇50 Successful Harvard Application Essays, Third Edition: What Worked for Them Can Help You Get into the College of Your Choice http://www.amazon.com/Successful-Harvard-Application-Essays-ebook/dp/B003P9WEE8/ref http://dl.dbank.com/c0v9hhedgp
个人分类: 英文写作|6188 次阅读|0 个评论
英文魔法师-修辞高峰会——Chapter5 孤悬的修饰语(by 旋元佑)
FrankZhao 2011-8-28 11:23
Chapter5—— 孤悬的修饰语 英语写作能力不好不坏时,很容易犯一种修辞错误:写出带 有「孤悬的修饰语」 (dangling modifier) 的句子。 dangling 字面上 的意思就是悬在半空中、无所依附。 在修辞学中, dangling modifier 专指一种修饰语的错误:副词子句的主词与主要子句主 词不同,却在减化 【注】 时被省略掉,造成修饰的对象不明,句意 也就模糊不清。如果写作者只有能力写单句和复句,倒不容易出现这种错误;一旦想让句型有丰富变化、加强简洁性,而开始尝 试写作减化子句时,就会犯这种错误。若不仔细分辨,并在写作 时特别注意,往后还会一犯再犯。 孤悬的修饰语可以分为以下几种类型: Ø Ving 副词子句减化后,剩下现在分词词组的补语部分。例如 Seeking to facilitate the New Deal, several Justices were nominated by F.D.R. to serve on the Supreme Court. ( 误 ) 为了便利推行「新政」,几名大法官被小罗斯福总统提名到最高法 院服务。 这句的毛病是:到底是谁想要便利新政的推行?句子中并未作明确的交代。合理的解释应该是罗斯福为了便利新政的推行而 使出这个手段,可是从句型上来看又不是这样。因为 seeking to facilitate the New Deal 是一个减化的副词子句,依据文法,本句的主词应与主要子句主词 (several Justices) 相同,才可省略,所以 还原后就变成下面这个副词子句 : Because they (the Justices) were seeking to facilitate the New Deal.... 如此一来,就变成是大法官想要便利新政的推行,并不合理。 既然是罗斯福要便利新政的推行,就应该用 F.D.R. 当副词子 句主词,然后把后面的主要子句改为主动语态,使主词统一,成为: Because he was seeking to facilitate the New Deal, F.D.R. nominated several Justices to serve on the Supreme Court. 只要主词相同,就可以进行减化,使句子更精简 : Seeking to facilitate the New Deal, F.D.R. nominated several Justices to serve on the Supreme Court. ( 正确 ) 下面这个例子则稍有不同: Using a filter on a computer monitor, the radiation can be cut down by more than 90%.( 误 ) 在计算机屏幕上使用护目镜,辐射线可以减少百分之九十以上。 这个句子中也有一个 dangling modifier ,因为减化的副词子 句 using a filter on a computer monitor 中,省略的主词不可能是主 要子句的主词 radiation ,那么主词是什么?合理的主词应该是人 —— 没有特定对象,可以是任何人,这时通常以 one 来代表: When one uses a filter on a computer monitor, the radiation can be cut down by more than 90%. ( 正确) 主词不同时不可减化 ; 只要使用完整的副词子句,就可写出 正确的句子。 然而,后面主要子句的主词原本也是一个不特定的 one ,所 以才使用被动语态以求简洁。 如果改成主动语态,两个子句主词 就可以一致: When one uses a filter on a computer montior, one can cut down the radiation by more than 90%.( 正确 ) 这个句子固然正确,但是用到两个空洞的主词 one ,用字仍 然不够简洁,最好减化成一个: Using a filter on a computer monitor, one can cut down the radiation by more than 90%.( 正确 ) 另外,如果完全避免使用分词 using ,还有更精简的改法: A filter on a computer monitor cuts down the radiation by more than 90%.( 正确 ) 这个句子是最精简的表达方法。如果以中文的习惯来写作, 很容易写出例 2 的句子,造成 dangling modifier 的错误; 要考虑 到修辞才能写出正确又精简的句子。 另外,即使减化子句出现在介系词词组中,仍然要考虑是否有 dangling 的嫌疑,例如: 例 3 Instead of buying fire insurance, John's house was fitted with a fire alarm. ( 误 ) 不买火险,约翰的房子却装了一个火灾警报器。 句首的 Instead of buying fire insurance 是一个介系词词组,可是受词 buying fire insurance 这个部分仍然是一个减化子句,而且应该是名词子句的减化,才能放在 of 后面作受词使用;从句意上 判断,省略的主词应该是 John —— 没有买火险的人是 John 。然而主要子句的主词却是 John's house ,这就造成主词不一致,减化后会造成 dangling modifier 。如果把主要子句修改成以 John 作主词,就可以避免这个问题: Instead of buying fire insurance, John fitted his house with a fire alarm. ( 正确 ) 同样地,例 2 也可以选择用介系词词组的型态来表示: By using a filter on a computer monitor, one can cut down the radiation by more than 90%.( 正确 ) 在 by 引导的介系词词组中,减化子句 ( 此时是做为名词 ) using a filter on a computer monitor 省略掉的主词 one , 与主要子句的主词相同,所以是正确的减化。 Ø Ven 第二种情形是副词子句减化后,剩下过去分词的补语。 例如: 例 4 Impregnated with salt and other alkaline minerals, the quality of the soil at the waterfront does not meet minimal requirements for rice farming. ( 误 ) 饱含盐分与其他碱性矿物质,这块水边地区的土质不符种稻的基 本条件。 副词子句 Impregnated with salt and other alkaline minerals 中省略的主词,从句意上判断应该是 soil —— 土壤才会饱含盐分;可是主要子句的主词不是 soil ,而是一个抽象名词 quality ,所以这 个减化子句是一个 dangling modifier 。最简单的改法就是干脆把 quality 去掉,换 soil 当主要子句的主词: Impregnated with salt and other alkaline minerals, the soil at the waterfront does not meet minimal requirements for rice farming. ( 正确 ) 副词 子句可以还原为 Because it (the soil) is impregnated with salt and other alkaline minerals ,它的主词和主要子句的主词 the soil 相同,所以减化后不会造成 dangling 。 例 5 Dr. David H p's "cocktail" medication cannot really help a patient unless treated in the earliest stages of HIV infection. ( 误 ) 何大一博士的「鸡尾酒」疗法对病人没有眞正的帮助,除非在感 染人类免疫不全病毒初期就加以治疗。 从句意上判断, unless... 引导的子句应该是下面这个副词子 句的减化: unless he (the patient) is treated in the earliest stages of HIV infection 。 省略掉的主词是 the patient ,可是主要子句的主 词却是 medication ,这样就犯了 dangling modifier 的毛病。一种 改法是不要减化,使用完整的副词子句: Dr. David Ho's "cocktail" medication cannot really help a patient unless he is treated in the earliest stages of HIV infection.( 正确 ) 如果一定要减化,主词就必须相同,要把副词子句的主词也 改为 medication ,因而动词也必须跟着修改,成为: unless the medication is administered in the earliest stages of HIV infection 。动词 administer 意思是「行使」,可以配合主词 medication ( 医疗 ) 使用。主词统一之后句子就可以进一步精简了 : Dr. David Ho's "cocktail" medication cannot really help a patient unless administered in the earliest stages of HIV infection. ( 正确 ) 如果主要子句和副词子句的主词无法统一,通常表示副词子句不适合减化。 副词子句的主词和主要子句并无重复之处,也就 没有什么可以精简的空间,不如维持原状。如果还是要进行减 化,只能把连接词省略以求精简,不同的主词则要保留下来 ,请 见下例: 例 6 Eaten hollow by germs, the dentist decided to do a root canal on the patient. ( 误 ) 被细菌蛀空了,牙医决定为病人做根管治疗。 依照句型,副词子句 Eaten hollow by germs 省略的主词是 the dentist ,这一来的意思就变成牙医这个人被细菌吃剩一个空壳 子!应该要以病人的牙齿作主词,才说得通,所以可以把这个句 子还原为: Because the patient's tooth was eaten hollow by germs, the dentist decided to do a root canal. ( 正确 ) 副词子句的主词 (the patient's tooth) 与主要子句之间并无重复 之处,所以没有可以精简的空间。如果还是要减化,则必须保留主词,只能删除 was 以及连接词 because ,以达精简的目的,成 为: The patient's tooth eaten hollow by germs, the dentist decided to do a root canal. ( 正确 ) Ø 其他 除了现在分词与过去分词之外,副词子句经减化后可能会剩 下名词、形容词,或介系词词组等补语。这时仍要注意不可以出现孤悬的修饰语,也就是说,省略的主词必须与主要子句的主词 相同。 例 7 An excellent observer of human nature, Henry James' novels have proved an enduring source of enlightenment. ( 误 ) 身为对人性观察入微的人,亨利 . 詹姆斯的小说一直能给人启示。 句首的名词词组 An excellent observer of human nature 应视为以下这个副词子句的减化: Because he (Henry James) was an excellent observer of human nature.... 副词子句的主词是 he ,而主要子句的主词却是 Henry James' novels ,并不相同,减化后就会形成 dangling modifier 。应该使 两句的主词统一,也就是把主要子句的主词改成 Henry James : An excellent observer of human nature, Henry James created novels that have proved an enduring source of enlightenment. ( 正确 ) 例 8 For some women, calorific food is something to be resisted even when quite hungry. ( 误 ) 对有些女人来说,高热量食物是要抗拒的东西,即使肚子很饿也 一样。 句尾的 even when quite hungry 因为保留了连接词 when ,可以看出是副词子句的减化。从句意上看,可以还原为: ... even when they (these women) are quite hungry. 但主要子句的主词是 calorific food ,和副词子句的主词不 同;句首的 some women 不是主词,只是介系词 for 的受词,所 以减化之后会形成 dangling modifier 。要避免这种毛病,可以使 用完整的副词子句,不用减化句型: For some women, calorific food is something to be resisted, even when they are quite hungry. ( 正确 ) 另一个办法就是改成主词相同,再来减化: Some women consider calorific food something to be resisted even when quite hungry. ( 正确 ) 这时因为主要子句的主词是 some women ,与副词子句 even when they are quite hungry 中的主词相同,所以可以将副词子句减 化,而不会造成 dangling 。 例 9 While in jail, the biographer says that Kim Dae Jung cultivated an interest in botany. ( 误 ) 在狱中时,这位传记作家说金大中培养出对植物学的兴趣。 句首的 While in jail 部分因为有连接词 while ,可以看出是副 词子句 While he was in jail 的减化。那么到底是谁在狱中呢?依 照句意来判断,应该是金大中在狱中;可是主要子句的主词却是 the biographer ,变成这位传记作家在狱中,这就不合理了。可以 把 while in jail 移到句尾,改成: The biographer says that Kim Dae Jung cultivated an interest in botany while in jail. ( 正确 ) 这时候 while in jail 是依附在 that 子句中的副词子句减化,那 么省略的主词就是 that 子句的主词 Kim Dae Jung ,意思才比较清楚。另外也可以这样改: Kim Dae Jung, says the biographer, cultivated an interest in botany while in jail. ( 正确 ) 把 the biographer says 这部分放到括号性的逗点间,与另一个 子句隔开,这么一来 while in jail 就不可能修饰 the biographer says ,只能修饰 Kim Dae Jung cultivated... ,意思就更明确了 。 Ø 结语 减化子句是高级句型,在写作当中能作最精简、有效的表 达,但困难度也最高。副词子句的减化要求特别严格,所以要格外小心,避免犯了 dangling modifier 的错误。 只有当副词子句主词和主要子句主词相同时才能进行减化,否则就会产生修饰语孤悬的结果,造成句意不清楚 。如果副词子句主词和主要子句主词不同,就不要用减化的方式,可以将主词保留,减化动词与连接词的部分,才能避免犯这个极普遍的错误 【 注】所谓减化子句 (reduced clauses) ,是把从属子句 ( 名词、形容 词、副词子句 ) 的主词与 be 动词省略,只留下补语部分的作法。一般文法书所谓的非限定子句 (non-finite clauses) 就属于减化子句的范围。减化子句的变化非常繁复,若欲进一步了解减化原则、方式等等相关的文法观念,请参看《英文魔法师之文法俱乐部》一书。相信能让读者对减化子句有一套完整、有系统的概念。
个人分类: 英文写作|2620 次阅读|0 个评论
英文魔法师-修辞高峰会——chapter1 英文修辞概论(by 旋元佑)
热度 3 FrankZhao 2011-8-25 20:18
英文魔法师-修辞高峰会——chapter1 英文修辞概论(by 旋元佑)
说明: 旋元祐老师是台湾英文教辅界的神人,编写了一系列英文单词、阅读和写作的好书,之前我在verycd上下载了旋老师的系列书籍,但是由于是扫描版,需要耐心坐在电脑前阅读,所以一直拖着没怎么看。前两天发现了一款好用的OCR软件,于是就动手开始识别并矫正这些书籍,一是自己在这个过程中能够有大收获,二来也可以将其制作成更易阅读、学习的文字版本。 下面所列的这篇文章来自于旋老师的英文魔法师-修辞高峰会,以后我会陆续将其余章节上传到此微博当中。 Chapter 1 —— 英文修辞概论 一般的英语文学习者对文法多少都有些概念,然而说到修 辞,除了念英文系的人以外,大概都会觉得很陌生。英文修辞是 什么?有需要学习吗?学了有什么好处?这是本章首先要解答的 问题。 Ø 何谓修辞? 古罗马诗人西塞罗 (Cicero) 曾说,修辞是说服的艺术 (Rhetoric is the art of persuasion.) 。感性的文字要能动人,知性的文字要能服人,这里牵涉的层次超越了文法正确性 (correctness) 的层次,属于修辞有效性 (effectiveness) 的层次。如何在寥寥数语中,让一个字、一个句子发挥最大的效果,就是修辞学的范畴。 文学性的修辞比较专业,有各式各样的修辞手法,如拟人、明喻、暗喻、换喻、夸张、淡化等,不过大抵都偏向比较感性的目的,而且主要是文学家与专业作家才需要刻意去研究。本书系针对一般英语文学习者而设计,不拟深入探讨文学修辞,而将重点置于一般的修辞原则上。这些原则的理解,对于英文写作有极大的帮助。学习这些原则,可收事半功倍之效,避免一般写作常犯的毛病,让笔下一字一句都不浪费,达到最大的文字效果。如果你自认英文不错,可是写出来的句子就是有点别扭,差那么点火候,请务必仔细阅读本书每一章,你将学会写出像英文的英文,而且是优美流畅的英文。 Ø 修辞的两大准则:清楚与简洁 一般英文修辞最恨本、最重要的两大准则,一是清楚,一是简洁。句子首先要能写得清楚,表达明确的意思。清楚之后要简洁,不浪费笔墨,每个字都要有效果。 很不幸,清楚和简洁这两个要求之间有冲突,不容易兼顾。最清楚的文字莫过于法律条文、合约等,因为这类文字得滴水不漏,一句话绝不能作两种解释。可是这种文字同时也是最繁复、啰嗦的,没有耐性的人根本看不下去。 相反的极端是诗歌。诗号称浓缩的语言,是最精简的文字,好作跳跃性的思考与表达,文辞能省则省。这种文字固然十分精简,但就是因为太精简,乍看之下常看不懂写什么,非得咀嚼再三,加上些慧根,才有可能「恍然大悟」。 清楚与简洁之间潜在的冲突要如何化解,才能在两者间拿捏最佳平衡点,这就是修辞的艺术。本书介绍的各项修辞原则与手法,往往都要回到清楚与简洁这两个原点上来思考,才能有所体会。 Ø 两种不清楚的状况 句子不清楚,可能有两种情况:一是模糊 (vague) ,读者无法 明确地掌握作者所要表达的意思;另一种情况是模棱两可 (ambiguous) ,同一句有两种合理的诠释,意思各不相同,读者无 从判断作者的原意是哪一个。兹列举这两种情况说明如下: 例 1 Eating too much ice cream adds excessive calories that eventually turn into fat, and some nutritionists suggest that the best defense against temptations like these is to refuse even to go near the refrigerator. ( 不佳 ) 吃太多冰淇淋会增加多余的卡路里,最后变成脂肪。有些营养学 家建议,抵抗这些诱惑的最好方法是根本就不走近冰箱。 这个句子不够清楚,主要是因为 temptations like these 这个片 语意思模糊,或者该说代名词 these 所指不清。 these 是复数代名 词,必须代表复数的名词词组 ( 先行词 ) 。然而唯一有可能作先 行词的复数名词 calories 代入 these 的位置显然是不通的 —— temptations like calories 意为「像卡路里的诱惑」,可是诱惑人的 不是卡路里,是冰淇淋。而 ice cream 却是单数,不能作 these 的 先行词。于是代名词 these 缺乏合适的先行词, temptations like these 也就成为空洞模糊的叙述 。 改正这个毛病最简单的作法是把 temptations like these 改为 such temptations ,避免使用代名词 these ,就不会造成找不到先行词的困扰。 与模糊相反的错误是一语双关、模棱两可,这也会造成句意 不清。请看下例: 例 2 Many tenants in Taipei try to buy their own houses or apartments, despite prices for such buildings that are unreasonably high. ( 不佳 ) 许多在台北租屋的人想买自己的房子或公寓,尽管这类建筑的价 格高得不合理。 这个句子的意思不够清楚,因为它有两种解释: that are unreasonably high ( 高得不合理 ) 这个形容词子句可以修饰 prices ,表示价格高,但也可以修饰 buildings ,表示建筑物高, 因为 prices 和 buildings 都是复数,都可以作 that 的先行词,配合 复数动词 are 使用。这就是模棱两可,读者不易判断到底是什么 东西高。 如果是价钱高,就必须改变句型,排除另一种解释。例如形 容词子句 that are unreasonably high 可以只留下有意义的部分 unreasonably high ,再把 despite 的介系词词组还原成副词子句,成为: Many tenants in Taipei try to buy their own houses or apartments, although prices for such buildings are unreasonably high. ( 正确 ) 这时句子只有一种解释,句意也就表达清楚了。 Ø 两种不简洁的状况 句子够清楚之后,还得要求简洁。与简洁抵触的修辞错误是 冗长 (wordy) 与重复 (redundant) 。以下分别举例说明: 例 3 Slavery arose in a period of time when there was a labor-intensive form of agriculture that was practiced by people. ( 不佳 ) 奴隶制度兴起的时代是实行劳力密集农业的时代。 这个句子最大的毛病是冗长,因为用了太多空洞的字眼。 in a period of time 本身就太啰嗦了,因为 a period 代表的一定是 time ,所以 time 就可以不必提了。 when 是关系词,代表上文的 time ,只因文法的要求而存在,并无新的内容。 there was 的句型 只介绍「存在有」的观念,如果用别的句型带出 a labor-intensive form of agriculture ,那么 there was 就可以删去而不影响句意。 that was practiced by people 这个子句中, that was 两字也是没有 内容,只有文法上的功能, by people 这个词组更是多余:实施 农业的自然是人, people 一字也就不必提。 删去所有多余、空洞 的字眼后,原句可以精简为: Slavery arose in a period when labor-intensive agriculture was practiced. ( 正确 ) 如果不是为了交代历史时代,甚至连 in a period 也可以删 除,因为它也缺乏具体的内容。 要求文章精简,首先要养成一个习惯: 避免使用空洞、无内 容的字眼。 写完后检查看看有没有什么单字、词组可以删除,句 型能不能再浓缩,务求通篇没有任何赘字,才有资格称为好文章。 另一个违反简洁的毛病是重复,如下例: 例 4 Legislators and social workers alike both agree that drastic measures must be taken to curb soaring rates of juvenile delinquency, which are on a rapid increase. ( 不佳 ) 议员与社工人员一致认为应采取激烈措施来遏阻快速增加的青少 年犯罪。 这个句子的毛病是大量重复。 alike , both 与 agree 都表示同样 的意思:两者之间有共识。只须留下动词 agree ,另外两字都可删去。此外,句尾部分的 which are on a rapid increase 可以全部删除,因为这个形容词子句是修饰先行词 rates ( 由复数动词 are 可 以看出 ) ,而 rates 前面的形容词 soaring — 字已清楚表达同样的意 思,所以又是一个赘述。去除这些后成为: Legislators and social workers agree that drastic measures must be taken to curb soaring rates of juvenile delinquency. ( 正确 ) 无意义的重复会破坏简洁性,应予删除,不过若是有补充说 明或加强语气等功能的重复,则是有意义的文字运用,不在此 限。例如: 例 5 I offer you three secrets to successful public speaking: rehearse, rehearse, and rehearse. 我教你公开演说成功的三个秘诀:练习、练习、再练习。 这个句子虽然重复了三次 rehearse ,可是成功地达到强调语 气的任务,让读者了解「练习」的重要性,所以并非无意义的重 复。又如: 例 6 The liver can metabolize, or render harmless, most toxins that enter the body. ( 正确 ) 肝脏能够代谢,也就是化解大部分进入体内的毒素。 句中的 metabolize 就是 render harmless ,所以此处有重复。 但是 metabolize 是生物学术语,一般读者对此用法可能不熟悉, 因而重复一遍 render harmless 具有解释说明的功能,可让句意更 清楚,所以重复是有道理的。 Ø 相关字组 除了清楚与简洁之外,英文修辞还有一些其他要求,相关字 组 (correlatives) 即是其一。相关字组是指英文使用习惯中,有某些 字固定与一些字一起出现,使用时不能违反这个习惯,例如: 例 7 Can you distinguish a Chinese and a Japanese? 你会分别中国人和日本人吗? 句中 distinguish 的用法,应该以 distinguish A from B 或是 distinguish between A and B 这两种相关字组出现才对,因此上句的用法即属错误。 可改为: Can you distinguish a Chinese from a Japanese? ( 正确 ) Can you distinguish between a Chinese and a Japanese? ( 正确 ) 这两种方式都可以。相关字组属于词组的问题,没什么道理 可说。但如果不按照英文习惯,一般人就不容易了解或接受,因 而也要逐一学习,避免误用。 Ø 用字 另一项修辞要求是正确的用字 (diction) 。用字的选择必须符合 英文的使用习惯,符合惯用法 (idiomatic) ,否则就不像英文。例 如: 例 8 The experiment will hopefully shed new light on the causes of cancer.( 不佳 ) 这项实验希望能对癌症的成因带来新的了解。 句中 hopefully — 字是误用。它正确的用法是表示 in a manner that is full of hope ,用于类似下例的情况: 例 9 The children are looking at the gift boxes hopefully. ( 正确 ) 孩子们充满希望地看着礼盒。 这个句子的主词是 children ,抱希望的人也是 children ,这 时才能用 hopefully 来修饰动词 are looking 。相反地,例 8 中主 词是 experiment ,可是抱希望的不是 experiment ,而是未明言的 别人。此时不宜使用 hopefully ,应该改用 it is hoped : 例 10 The experiment, it is hoped, will shed new light on the causes of cancer. ( 正确 ) Ø 方法论 经由以上的概述,读者对英文修辞大概有了基本的概念。修 辞学不是文学家的专利,也不是遥不可及的东西。相反地,它是你想要写出清楚简洁的英文句子所必须具备的能力,是非常实用 的。 本书将有系统地介绍各种重要的修辞原则,采用错误分析法 (error analysis) :列举各项常犯的修辞错误,逐一分析并订正,以 帮助读者积极辨识常犯的修辞错误,并知所趋避。所有的修辞原则皆以标准写作英文 (standard written English) 为本,不处理口语或俚语的问题 —— 因为许多口语上可以接受的表达方式,并不符合标准写作英文的要求,这也是许多英美人士英文写不好的一大原因。 本书错误分析的例句,基本上采 GMAT ( 美国商学研究所入学性向测验 ) 的修辞考题型态。这是最高程度的文法修辞考试,即使对美国名校大学毕业生都是重大的挑战。本书基本上会将句型及单字简单化,但保持 GMAT 考题对英文修辞原则极佳的整理与系统架构,帮助想学好英文及修辞的读者,由错误句型的分析及正确用法的提供来达到目的。了解修辞学是提高英文阅读及写作能力的必经之路,想要在工作职场上出类拔萃 (Over the Top) 就 从现在开始。
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英文写作圣经—《风格的要素》The Elements of Style
FrankZhao 2011-8-23 15:29
英文写作圣经—《风格的要素》The Elements of Style
The Elements of Style Oliver Strunk Contents FOREWORD ix INTRODUCTION xiii I. ELEMENTARY RULES OF USAGE 1 1. Form the possessive singular of nouns by adding 's . 1 2. In a series of three or more terms with a single conjunction, use a comma after each term except the last. 2 3. Enclose parenthetic expressions between commas. 2 4. Place a comma before a conjunction introducing an independent clause. 5 5. Do not join independent clauses with a comma. 5 6. Do not break sentences in two. 7 7. Use a colon after an independent clause to introduce a list of particulars, an appositive, an amplification, or an illustrative quotation. 7 8. Use a dash to set off an abrupt break or interruption and to announce a long appositive or summary. 9 9. The number of the subject determines the number of the verb. 9 10. Use the proper case of pronoun. 11 11. A participial phrase at the beginning of a sentence must refer to the grammatical subject. 13 II. ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF COMPOSITION 15 12. Choose a suitable design and hold to it. 15 13. Make the paragraph the unit of composition. 15 14. Use the active voice. 18 15. Put statements in positive form. 19 16. Use definite, specific, concrete language. 21 17. Omit needless words. 23 18. Avoid a succession of loose sentences. 25 19. Express coordinate ideas in similar form. 26 20. Keep related words together. 28 21. In summaries, keep to one tense. 31 22. Place the emphatic words of a sentence at the end. 32 III. A FEW MATTERS OF FORM 34 IV. WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS COMMONLY MISUSED 39 V. AN APPROACH TO STYLE (With a List of Reminders) 66 1. Place yourself in the background. 70 2. Write in a way that comes naturally. 70 3. Work from a suitable design. 70 4. Write with nouns and verbs. 71 5. Revise and rewrite. 72 6. Do not overwrite. 72 7. Do not overstate. 73 8. Avoid the use of qualifiers. 73 9. Do not affect a breezy manner. 73 10. Use orthodox spelling. 74 11. Do not explain too much. 75 12. Do not construct awkward adverbs. 75 13. Make sure the reader knows who is speaking. 76 14. Avoid fancy words. 76 15. Do not use dialect unless your ear is good. 78 16. Be clear. 79 17. Do not inject opinion. 79 18. Use figures of speech sparingly. 80 19. Do not take shortcuts at the cost of clarity. 80 20. Avoid foreign languages. 81 21. Prefer the standard to the offbeat. 81 AFTERWORD 87 GLOSSARY 89 INDEX 97 Foreword * THE FIRST writer I watched at work was my stepfather, E. B. White. Each Tuesday morning, he would close his study door and sit down to write the "Notes and Comment" page for The New Yorker . The task was familiar to him — he was required to file a few hundred words of editorial or personal commentary on some topic in or out of the news that week — but the sounds of his typewriter from his room came in hesitant bursts, with long silences in between. Hours went by. Summoned at last for lunch, he was silent and preoccupied, and soon excused himself to get back to the job. When the copy went off at last, in the afternoon RFD pouch — we were in Maine, a day's mail away from New York — he rarely seemed satisfied. "It isn't good enough," he said sometimes. "I wish it were better." Writing is hard, even for authors who do it all the time. Less frequent practitioners — the job applicant; the business executive with an annual report to get out; the high school senior with a Faulkner assignment; the graduate-school student with her thesis proposal; the writer of a letter of condolence — often get stuck in an awkward passage or find a muddle on their screens, and then blame themselves. What should be easy and flowing looks tangled or feeble or overblown — not what was meant at all. What's wrong with me, each one thinks. Why can't I get this right? It was this recurring question, put to himself, that must have inspired White to revive and add to a textbook by an English professor of his, Will Strunk Jr., that he had first read in college, and to get it published. The result, this quiet book, has been in print for forty years, and has offered more than ten million writers a helping hand. White knew that a compendium of specific tips — about singular and plural verbs, parentheses, the "that" — "which" scuffle, and many others — could clear up a recalcitrant sentence or subclause when quickly reconsulted, and that the larger principles needed to be kept in plain sight, like a wall sampler. How simple they look, set down here in White's last chapter: "Write in a way that comes naturally," "Revise and rewrite," "Do not explain too much," and the rest; above all, the cleansing, clarion "Be clear." How often I have turned to them, in the book or in my mind, while trying to start or unblock or revise some piece of my own writing! They help — they really do. They work. They are the way. E. B. White's prose is celebrated for its ease and clarity — just think of Charlotte's Web — but maintaining this standard required endless attention. When the new issue of The New Yorker turned up in Maine, I sometimes saw him reading his "Comment" piece over to himself, with only a slightly different expression than the one he'd worn on the day it went off. Well, O.K., he seemed to be saying. At least I got the elements right. This edition has been modestly updated, with word processors and air conditioners making their first appearance among White's references, and with a light redistribution of genders to permit a feminine pronoun or female farmer to take their places among the males who once innocently served him. Sylvia Plath has knocked Keats out of the box, and I notice that "America" has become "this country" in a sample text, to forestall a subsequent and possibly demeaning "she" in the same paragraph. What is not here is anything about E-mail — the rules-free, lower-case flow that cheerfully keeps us in touch these days. E-mail is conversation, and it may be replacing the sweet and endless talking we once sustained (and tucked away) within the informal letter. But we are all writers and readers as well as communicators, with the need at times to please and satisfy ourselves (as White put it) with the clear and almost perfect thought. Roger Angell Introduction * AT THE close of the first World War, when I was a student at Cornell, I took a course called English 8. My professor was William Strunk Jr. A textbook required for the course was a slim volume called The Elements of Style , whose author was the professor himself. The year was 1919. The book was known on the campus in those days as "the little book," with the stress on the word "little." It had been privately printed by the author. (* E. B. White wrote this introduction for the 1979 edition.) I passed the course, graduated from the university, and forgot the book but not the professor. Some thirty-eight years later, the book bobbed up again in my life when Macmillan commissioned me to revise it for the college market and the general trade. Meantime, Professor Strunk had died. The Elements of Style , when I reexamined it in 1957, seemed to me to contain rich deposits of gold. It was Will Strunk's parvum opus , his attempt to cut the vast tangle of English rhetoric down to size and write its rules and principles on the head of a pin. Will himself had hung the tag "little" on the book; he referred to it sardonically and with secret pride as "the little book," always giving the word "little" a special twist, as though he were putting a spin on a ball. In its original form, it was a forty-three page summation of the case for cleanliness, accuracy, and brevity in the use of English. Today, fifty-two years later, its vigor is unimpaired, and for sheer pith I think it probably sets a record that is not likely to be broken. Even after I got through tampering with it, it was still a tiny thing, a barely tarnished gem. Seven rules of usage, eleven principles of composition, a few matters of form, and a list of words and expressions commonly misused — that was the sum and substance of Professor Strunk's work. Somewhat audaciously, and in an attempt to give my publisher his money's worth, I added a chapter called "An Approach to Style," setting forth my own prejudices, my notions of error, my articles of faith. This chapter (Chapter V) is addressed particularly to those who feel that English prose composition is not only a necessary skill but a sensible pursuit as well — a way to spend one's days. I think Professor Strunk would not object to that. A second edition of the book was published in 1972. I have now completed a third revision. Chapter IV has been refurbished with words and expressions of a recent vintage; four rules of usage have been added to Chapter I. Fresh examples have been added to some of the rules and principles, amplification has reared its head in a few places in the text where I felt an assault could successfully be made on the bastions of its brevity, and in general the book has received a thorough overhaul — to correct errors, delete bewhiskered entries, and enliven the argument. Professor Strunk was a positive man. His book contains rules of grammar phrased as direct orders. In the main I have not tried to soften his commands, or modify his pronouncements, or remove the special objects of his scorn. I have tried, instead, to preserve the flavor of his discontent while slightly enlarging the scope of the discussion. The Elements of Style does not pretend to survey the whole field. Rather it proposes to give in brief space the principal requirements of plain English style. It concentrates on fundamentals: the rules of usage and principles of composition most commonly violated. The reader will soon discover that these rules and principles are in the form of sharp commands, Sergeant Strunk snapping orders to his platoon. "Do not join independent clauses with a comma." (Rule 5.) "Do not break sentences in two." (Rule 6.) "Use the active voice." (Rule 14.) "Omit needless words." (Rule 17.) "Avoid a succession of loose sentences." (Rule 18.) "In summaries, keep to one tense." (Rule 21.) Each rule or principle is followed by a short hortatory essay, and usually the exhortation is followed by, or interlarded with, examples in parallel columns — the true vs. the false, the right vs. the wrong, the timid vs. the bold, the ragged vs. the trim. From every line there peers out at me the puckish face of my professor, his short hair parted neatly in the middle and combed down over his forehead, his eyes blinking incessantly behind steel-rimmed spectacles as though he had just emerged into strong light, his lips nibbling each other like nervous horses, his smile shuttling to and fro under a carefully edged mustache. "Omit needless words!" cries the author on page 23, and into that imperative Will Strunk really put his heart and soul. In the days when I was sitting in his class, he omitted so many needless words, and omitted them so forcibly and with such eagerness and obvious relish, that he often seemed in the position of having shortchanged himself — a man left with nothing more to say yet with time to fill, a radio prophet who had out-distanced the clock. Will Strunk got out of this predicament by a simple trick: he uttered every sentence three times. When he delivered his oration on brevity to the class, he leaned forward over his desk, grasped his coat lapels in his hands, and, in a husky, conspiratorial voice, said, "Rule Seventeen. Omit needless words! Omit needless words! Omit needless words!" He was a memorable man, friendly and funny. Under the remembered sting of his kindly lash, I have been trying to omit needless words since 1919, and although there are still many words that cry for omission and the huge task will never be accomplished, it is exciting to me to reread the masterly Strunkian elaboration of this noble theme. It goes: Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This requires not that the writer make all sentences short or avoid all detail and treat subjects only in outline, but that every word tell. There you have a short, valuable essay on the nature and beauty of brevity — fifty-nine words that could change the world. Having recovered from his adventure in prolixity (fifty-nine words were a lot of words in the tight world of William Strunk Jr.), the professor proceeds to give a few quick lessons in pruning. Students learn to cut the dead-wood from "this is a subject that," reducing it to "this subject," a saving of three words. They learn to trim "used for fuel purposes" down to "used for fuel." They learn that they are being chatterboxes when they say "the question as to whether" and that they should just say "whether" — a saving of four words out of a possible five. The professor devotes a special paragraph to the vile expression the fact that , a phrase that causes him to quiver with revulsion. The expression, he says, should be "revised out of every sentence in which it occurs." But a shadow of gloom seems to hang over the page, and you feel that he knows how hopeless his cause is. I suppose I have written the fact that a thousand times in the heat of composition, revised it out maybe five hundred times in the cool aftermath. To be batting only .500 this late in the season, to fail half the time to connect with this fat pitch, saddens me, for it seems a betrayal of the man who showed me how to swing at it and made the swinging seem worthwhile. I treasure The Elements of Style for its sharp advice, but I treasure it even more for the audacity and self-confidence of its author. Will knew where he stood. He was so sure of where he stood, and made his position so clear and so plausible, that his peculiar stance has continued to invigorate me — and, I am sure, thousands of other ex-students — during the years that have intervened since our first encounter. He had a number of likes and dislikes that were almost as whimsical as the choice of a necktie, yet he made them seem utterly convincing. He disliked the word forceful and advised us to use forcible instead. He felt that the word clever was greatly overused: "It is best restricted to ingenuity displayed in small matters." He despised the expression student body , which he termed gruesome, and made a special trip downtown to the Alumni News office one day to protest the expression and suggest that studentry be substituted — a coinage of his own, which he felt was similar to citizenry . I am told that the News editor was so charmed by the visit, if not by the word, that he ordered the student body buried, never to rise again. Studentry has taken its place. It's not much of an improvement, but it does sound less cadaverous, and it made Will Strunk quite happy. Some years ago, when the heir to the throne of England was a child, I noticed a headline in the Times about Bonnie Prince Charlie: "CHARLES' TONSILS OUT." Immediately Rule 1 leapt to mind. 1. Form the possessive singular of nouns by adding 's . Follow this rule whatever the final consonant. Thus write, Charles's friend Burns's poems the witch's malice Clearly, Will Strunk had foreseen, as far back as 1918, the dangerous tonsillectomy of a prince, in which the surgeon removes the tonsils and the Times copy desk removes the final s . He started his book with it. I commend Rule 1 to the Times , and I trust that Charles's throat, not Charles' throat, is in fine shape today. Style rules of this sort are, of course, somewhat a matter of individual preference, and even the established rules of grammar are open to challenge. Professor Strunk, although one of the most inflexible and choosy of men, was quick to acknowledge the fallacy of inflexibility and the danger of doctrine. "It is an old observation," he wrote, "that the best writers sometimes disregard the rules of rhetoric. When they do so, however, the reader will usually find in the sentence some compensating merit, attained at the cost of the violation. Unless he is certain of doing as well, he will probably do best to follow the rules." It is encouraging to see how perfectly a book, even a dusty rule book, perpetuates and extends the spirit of a man. Will Strunk loved the clear, the brief, the bold, and his book is clear, brief, bold. Boldness is perhaps its chief distinguishing mark. On page 26, explaining one of his parallels, he says, "The lefthand version gives the impression that the writer is undecided or timid, apparently unable or afraid to choose one form of expression and hold to it." And his original Rule 11 was "Make definite assertions." That was Will all over. He scorned the vague, the tame, the colorless, the irresolute. He felt it was worse to be irresolute than to be wrong. I remember a day in class when he leaned far forward, in his characteristic pose — the pose of a man about to impart a secret — and croaked, "If you don't know how to pronounce a word, say it loud! If you don't know how to pronounce a word, say it loud!" This comical piece of advice struck me as sound at the time, and I still respect it. Why compound ignorance with inaudibility? Why run and hide? All through The Elements of Style one finds evidences of the author's deep sympathy for the reader. Will felt that the reader was in serious trouble most of the time, floundering in a swamp, and that it was the duty of anyone attempting to write English to drain this swamp quickly and get the reader up on dry ground, or at least to throw a rope. In revising the text, I have tried to hold steadily in mind this belief of his, this concern for the bewildered reader. In the English classes of today, "the little book" is surrounded by longer, lower textbooks — books with permissive steering and automatic transitions. Perhaps the book has become something of a curiosity. To me, it still seems to maintain its original poise, standing, in a drafty time, erect, resolute, and assured. I still find the Strunkian wisdom a comfort, the Strunkian humor a delight, and the Strunkian attitude toward right-and- wrong a blessing undisguised. 1979 The Elements of Style IElementary Rules of Usage 1. Form the possessive singular of nouns by adding 's. Follow this rule whatever the final consonant. Thus write, Charles's friend Burns's poems the witch's malice Exceptions are the possessives of ancient proper names ending in -es and -is , the possessive Jesus' , and such forms as for conscience' sake, for righteousness' sake . But such forms as Moses' Laws, Isis' temple are commonly replaced by the laws of Moses the temple of Isis The pronominal possessives hers, its, theirs, yours , and ours have no apostrophe. Indefinite pronouns, however, use the apostrophe to show possession. one's rights somebody else's umbrella A common error is to write it's for its , or vice versa. The first is a contraction, meaning "it is." The second is a possessive. It's a wise dog that scratches its own fleas. 2. In a series of three or more terms with a single conjunction, use a comma after each term except the last. Thus write, red, white, and blue gold, silver, or copper He opened the letter, read it, and made a note of its contents. This comma is often referred to as the "serial" comma. In the names of business firms the last comma is usually omitted. Follow the usage of the individual firm. Little, Brown and Company Donaldson, Lufkin Jenrette 3. Enclose parenthetic expressions between commas. The best way to see a country, unless you are pressed for time, is to travel on foot. This rule is difficult to apply; it is frequently hard to decide whether a single word, such as however , or a brief phrase is or is not parenthetic. If the interruption to the flow of the sentence is but slight, the commas may be safely omitted. But whether the interruption is slight or considerable, never omit one comma and leave the other. There is no defense for such punctuation as Marjories husband, Colonel Nelson paid us a visit yesterday. or My brother you will be pleased to hear, is now in perfect health. Dates usually contain parenthetic words or figures. Punctuate as follows: February to July, 1992 April 6, 1986 Wednesday, November 14, 1990 Note that it is customary to omit the comma in 6 April 1988 The last form is an excellent way to write a date; the figures are separated by a word and are, for that reason, quickly grasped. A name or a title in direct address is parenthetic. If, Sir, you refuse, I cannot predict what will happen. Well, Susan, this is a fine mess you are in. The abbreviations etc. , i.e ., and e.g ., the abbreviations for academic degrees, and titles that follow a name are parenthetic and should be punctuated accordingly. Letters, packages, etc., should go here. Horace Fulsome, Ph.D., presided. Rachel Simonds, Attorney The Reverend Harry Lang, S.J. No comma, however, should separate a noun from a restrictive term of identification. Billy the Kid The novelist Jane Austen William the Conqueror The poet Sappho Although Junior , with its abbreviation Jr ., has commonly been regarded as parenthetic, logic suggests that it is, in fact, restrictive and therefore not in need of a comma. James Wright Jr. Nonrestrictive relative clauses are parenthetic, as are similar clauses introduced by conjunctions indicating time or place. Commas are therefore needed. A nonrestrictive clause is one that does not serve to identify or define the antecedent noun. The audience, which had at first been indifferent, became more and more interested. In 1769, when Napoleon was born, Corsica had but recently been acquired by France. Nether Stowey, where Coleridge wrote The Rime of the Ancient Mariner , is a few miles from Bridgewater. In these sentences, the clauses introduced by which , when , and where are nonrestrictive; they do not limit or define, they merely add something. In the first example, the clause introduced by which does not serve to tell which of several possible audiences is meant; the reader presumably knows that already. The clause adds, parenthetically, a statement supplementing that in the main clause. Each of the three sentences is a combination of two statements that might have been made independently. The audience was at first indifferent. Later it became more and more interested. Napoleon was born in 1769. At that time Corsica had but recently been acquired by France. Coleridge wrote The Rime of the Ancient Mariner at Nether Stowey. Nether Stowey is a few miles from Bridgewater. Restrictive clauses, by contrast, are not parenthetic and are not set off by commas. Thus, People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Here the clause introduced by who does serve to tell which people are meant; the sentence, unlike the sentences above, cannot be split into two independent statements. The same principle of comma use applies to participial phrases and to appositives. People sitting in the rear couldn't hear, (restrictive ) Uncle Bert, being slightly deaf, moved forward, (non-restrictive ) My cousin Bob is a talented harpist, (restrictive ) Our oldest daughter, Mary, sings, (nonrestrictive ) When the main clause of a sentence is preceded by a phrase or a subordinate clause, use a comma to set off these elements. Partly by hard fighting, partly by diplomatic skill, they enlarged their dominions to the east and rose to royal rank with the possession of Sicily. 4. Place a comma before a conjunction introducing an independent clause. The early records of the city have disappeared, and the story of its first years can no longer be reconstructed. The situation is perilous, but there is still one chance of escape. Two-part sentences of which the second member is introduced by as (in the sense of "because"), for, or, nor , or while (in the sense of "and at the same time") likewise require a comma before the conjunction. If a dependent clause, or an introductory phrase requiring to be set off by a comma, precedes the second independent clause, no comma is needed after the conjunction. The situation is perilous, but if we are prepared to act promptly, there is still one chance of escape. When the subject is the same for both clauses and is expressed only once, a comma is useful if the connective is but . When the connective is and , the comma should be omitted if the relation between the two statements is close or immediate. I have heard the arguments, but am still unconvinced. He has had several years' experience and is thoroughly competent. 5. Do not join independent clauses with a comma. If two or more clauses grammatically complete and not joined by a conjunction are to form a single compound sentence, the proper mark of punctuation is a semicolon. Mary Shelley's works are entertaining; they are full of engaging ideas. It is nearly half past five; we cannot reach town before dark. It is, of course, equally correct to write each of these as two sentences, replacing the semicolons with periods. Mary Shelley's works are entertaining. They are full of engaging ideas. It is nearly half past five. We cannot reach town before dark. If a conjunction is inserted, the proper mark is a comma. (Rule 4.) Mary Shelley's works are entertaining, for they are full of engaging ideas. It is nearly half past five, and we cannot reach town before dark. A comparison of the three forms given above will show clearly the advantage of the first. It is, at least in the examples given, better than the second form because it suggests the close relationship between the two statements in a way that the second does not attempt, and better than the third because it is briefer and therefore more forcible. Indeed, this simple method of indicating relationship between statements is one of the most useful devices of composition. The relationship, as above, is commonly one of cause and consequence. Note that if the second clause is preceded by an adverb, such as accordingly, besides, then, therefore , or thus , and not by a conjunction, the semicolon is still required. I had never been in the place before; besides, it was dark as a tomb. An exception to the semicolon rule is worth noting here. A comma is preferable when the clauses are very short and alike in form, or when the tone of the sentence is easy and conversational. Man proposes, God disposes. The gates swung apart, the bridge fell, the portcullis was drawn up. I hardly knew him, he was so changed. Here today, gone tomorrow. 6. Do not break sentences in two. In other words, do not use periods for commas. I met them on a Cunard liner many years ago. Coming home from Liverpool to New York. She was an interesting talker. A woman who had traveled all over the world and lived in half a dozen countries. In both these examples, the first period should be replaced by a comma and the following word begun with a small letter. It is permissible to make an emphatic word or expression serve the purpose of a sentence and to punctuate it accordingly: Again and again he called out. No reply. The writer must, however, be certain that the emphasis is warranted, lest a clipped sentence seem merely a blunder in syntax or in punctuation. Generally speaking, the place for broken sentences is in dialogue, when a character happens to speak in a clipped or fragmentary way. Rules 3, 4, 5, and 6 cover the most important principles that govern punctuation. They should be so thoroughly mastered that their application becomes second nature. 7. Use a colon after an independent clause to introduce a list of particulars, an appositive, an amplification, or an illustrative quotation. A colon tells the reader that what follows is closely related to the preceding clause. The colon has more effect than the comma, less power to separate than the semicolon, and more formality than the dash. It usually follows an independent clause and should not separate a verb from its complement or a preposition from its object. The examples in the lefthand column, below, are wrong; they should be rewritten as in the righthand column. Your dedicated whittler requires: a knife, a piece of wood, and a back porch. Understanding is that penetrating quality of knowledge that grows from: theory, practice, conviction, assertion, error, and humiliation. Your dedicated whittler requires three props: a knife, a piece of wood, and a back porch. Understanding is that penetrating quality of knowledge that grows from theory, practice, conviction, assertion, error, and humiliation. Join two independent clauses with a colon if the second interprets or amplifies the first. But even so, there was a directness and dispatch about animal burial: there was no stopover in the undertaker's foul parlor, no wreath or spray. A colon may introduce a quotation that supports or contributes to the preceding clause. The squalor of the streets reminded her of a line from Oscar Wilde: "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." The colon also has certain functions of form: to follow the salutation of a formal letter, to separate hour from minute in a notation of time, and to separate the title of a work from its subtitle or a Bible chapter from a verse. Dear Mr. Montague: departs at 10:48 P.M. Practical Calligraphy: An Introduction to Italic Script Nehemiah 11:7 8. Use a dash to set off an abrupt break or interruption and to announce a long appositive or summary. A dash is a mark of separation stronger than a comma, less formal than a colon, and more relaxed than parentheses. His first thought on getting out of bed — if he had any thought at all — was to get back in again. The rear axle began to make a noise — a grinding, chattering, teeth-gritting rasp. The increasing reluctance of the sun to rise, the extra nip in the breeze, the patter of shed leaves dropping — all the evidences of fall drifting into winter were clearer each day. Use a dash only when a more common mark of punctuation seems inadequate. Her father's suspicions proved well-founded — it was not Edward she cared for — it was San Francisco. Her father's suspicions proved well- founded. It was not Edward she cared for, it was San Francisco. Violence — the kind you see on television — is not honestly violent — there lies its harm. Violence, the kind you see on television, is not honestly violent. There lies its harm. 9. The number of the subject determines the number of the verb. Words that intervene between subject and verb do not affect the number of the verb. The bittersweet flavor of youth — its trials, its joys, its adventures, its challenges — are not soon forgotten. The bittersweet flavor of youth — its trials, its joys, its adventures, its challenges — is not soon forgotten. A common blunder is the use of a singular verb form in a relative clause following "one of..." or a similar expression when the relative is the subject. One of the ablest scientists who has attacked this problem One of the ablest scientists who have attacked this problem One of those people who is never ready on time One of those people who are never ready on time Use a singular verb form after each, either, everyone, everybody, neither, nobody, someone . Everybody thinks he has a unique sense of humor. Although both clocks strike cheerfully, neither keeps good time. With none , use the singular verb when the word means "no one" or "not one." None of us are perfect. None of us is perfect. A plural verb is commonly used when none suggests more than one thing or person. None are so fallible as those who are sure they're right. A compound subject formed of two or more nouns joined by and almost always requires a plural verb. The walrus and the carpenter were walking close at hand. But certain compounds, often cliches, are so inseparable they are considered a unit and so take a singular verb, as do compound subjects qualified by each or every . The long and the short of it is ... Bread and butter was all she served. Give and take is essential to a happy household. Every window, picture, and mirror was smashed. A singular subject remains singular even if other nouns are connected to it by with, as well as, in addition to, except, together with , and no less than . His speech as well as his manner is objectionable. A linking verb agrees with the number of its subject. What is wanted is a few more pairs of hands. The trouble with truth is its many varieties. Some nouns that appear to be plural are usually construed as singular and given a singular verb. Politics is an art, not a science. The Republican Headquarters is on this side of the tracks. But The general's quarters are across the river. In these cases the writer must simply learn the idioms. The contents of a book is singular. The contents of a jar may be either singular or plural, depending on what's in the jar — jam or marbles. 10. Use the proper case of pronoun. The personal pronouns, as well as the pronoun who , change form as they function as subject or object. Will Jane or he be hired, do you think? The culprit, it turned out, was he. We heavy eaters would rather walk than ride. Who knocks? Give this work to whoever looks idle. In the last example, whoever is the subject of looks idle ; the object of the preposition to is the entire clause whoever looks idle . When who introduces a subordinate clause, its case depends on its function in that clause. Virgil Soames is the candidate whom we think will win. Virgil Soames is the candidate who we think will win. Virgil Soames is the candidate who we hope to elect. Virgil Soames is the candidate whom we hope to elect. A pronoun in a comparison is nominative if it is the subject of a stated or understood verb. Sandy writes better than I. (Than I write.) In general, avoid "understood" verbs by supplying them. I think Horace admires Jessica more than I. I think Horace admires Jessica more than I do. Polly loves cake more than me. Polly loves cake more than she loves me. The objective case is correct in the following examples. The ranger offered Shirley and him some advice on campsites. They came to meet the Baldwins and us. Let's talk it over between us, then, you and me. Whom should I ask? A group of us taxpayers protested. Us in the last example is in apposition to taxpayers, the object of the preposition of . The wording, although grammatically defensible, is rarely apt. "A group of us protested as taxpayers" is better, if not exactly equivalent. Use the simple personal pronoun as a subject. Blake and myself stayed home. Blake and I stayed home. Howard and yourself brought the lunch, I thought. Howard and you brought the lunch, I thought. The possessive case of pronouns is used to show ownership. It has two forms: the adjectival modifier, your hat, and the noun form, a hat of yours . The dog has buried one of your gloves and one of mine in the flower bed. Gerunds usually require the possessive case. Mother objected to our driving on the icy roads. A present participle as a verbal, on the other hand, takes the objective case. They heard him singing in the shower. The difference between a verbal participle and a gerund is not always obvious, but note what is really said in each of the following. Do you mind me asking a question? Do you mind my asking a question? In the first sentence, the queried objection is to me , as opposed to other members of the group, asking a question. In the second example, the issue is whether a question may be asked at all. 11. A participial phrase at the beginning of a sentence must refer to the grammatical subject. Walking slowly down the road, he saw a woman accompanied by two children. The word walking refers to the subject of the sentence, not to the woman. To make it refer to the woman, the writer must recast the sentence. He saw a woman, accompanied by two children, walking slowly down the road. Participial phrases preceded by a conjunction or by a preposition, nouns in apposition, adjectives, and adjective phrases come under the same rule if they begin the sentence. On arriving in Chicago, his friends met him at the station. On arriving in Chicago, he was met at the station by his friends. A soldier of proved valor, they entrusted him with the defense of the city. A soldier of proved valor, he was entrusted with the defense of the city. Young and inexperienced, the task seemed easy to me. Young and inexperienced, I thought the task easy. Without a friend to counsel him, the temptation proved irresistible. Without a friend to counsel him, he found the temptation irresistible. Sentences violating Rule 11 are often ludicrous: Being in a dilapidated condition, I was able to buy the house very cheap. Wondering irresolutely what to do next, the clock struck twelve. II Elementary Principles of Composition 12. Choose a suitable design and hold to it. A basic structural design underlies every kind of writing. Writers will in part follow this design, in part deviate from it, according to their skills, their needs, and the unexpected events that accompany the act of composition. Writing, to be effective, must follow closely the thoughts of the writer, but not necessarily in the order in which those thoughts occur. This calls for a scheme of procedure. In some cases, the best design is no design, as with a love letter, which is simply an outpouring, or with a casual essay, which is a ramble. But in most cases, planning must be a deliberate prelude to writing. The first principle of composition, therefore, is to foresee or determine the shape of what is to come and pursue that shape. A sonnet is built on a fourteen-line frame, each line containing five feet. Hence, sonneteers know exactly where they are headed, although they may not know how to get there. Most forms of composition are less clearly defined, more flexible, but all have skeletons to which the writer will bring the flesh and the blood. The more clearly the writer perceives the shape, the better are the chances of success. 13. Make the paragraph the unit of composition. The paragraph is a convenient unit; it serves all forms of literary work. As long as it holds together, a paragraph may be of any length — a single, short sentence or a passage of great duration. If the subject on which you are writing is of slight extent, or if you intend to treat it briefly, there may be no need to divide it into topics. Thus, a brief description, a brief book review, a brief account of a single incident, a narrative merely outlining an action, the setting forth of a single idea — any one of these is best written in a single paragraph. After the paragraph has been written, examine it to see whether division will improve it. Ordinarily, however, a subject requires division into topics, each of which should be dealt with in a paragraph. The object of treating each topic in a paragraph by itself is, of course, to aid the reader. The beginning of each paragraph is a signal that a new step in the development of the subject has been reached. As a rule, single sentences should not be written or printed as paragraphs. An exception may be made of sentences of transition, indicating the relation between the parts of an exposition or argument In dialogue, each speech, even if only a single word, is usually a paragraph by itself; that is, a new paragraph begins with each change of speaker. The application of this rule when dialogue and narrative are combined is best learned from examples in well-edited works of fiction. Sometimes a writer, seeking to create an effect of rapid talk or for some other reason, will elect not to set off each speech in a separate paragraph and instead will run speeches together. The common practice, however, and the one that serves best in most instances, is to give each speech a paragraph of its own. As a rule, begin each paragraph either with a sentence that suggests the topic or with a sentence that helps the transition. If a paragraph forms part of a larger composition, its relation to what precedes, or its function as a part of the whole, may need to be expressed. This can sometimes be done by a mere word or phrase (again, therefore, for the same reason ) in the first sentence. Sometimes, however, it is expedient to get into the topic slowly, by way of a sentence or two of introduction or transition. In narration and description, the paragraph sometimes begins with a concise, comprehensive statement serving to hold together the details that follow. The breeze served us admirably. The campaign opened with a series of reverses. The next ten or twelve pages were filled with a curious set of entries. But when this device, or any device, is too often used, it becomes a mannerism. More commonly, the opening sentence simply indicates by its subject the direction the paragraph is to take. At length I thought I might return toward the stockade. He picked up the heavy lamp from the table and began to explore. Another flight of steps, and they emerged on the roof. In animated narrative, the paragraphs are likely to be short and without any semblance of a topic sentence, the writer rushing headlong, event following event in rapid succession. The break between such paragraphs merely serves the purpose of a rhetorical pause, throwing into prominence some detail of the action. In general, remember that paragraphing calls for a good eye as well as a logical mind. Enormous blocks of print look formidable to readers, who are often reluctant to tackle them. Therefore, breaking long paragraphs in two, even if it is not necessary to do so for sense, meaning, or logical development, is often a visual help. But remember, too, that firing off many short paragraphs in quick succession can be distracting. Paragraph breaks used only for show read like the writing of commerce or of display advertising. Moderation and a sense of order should be the main considerations in paragraphing. 14. Use the active voice. The active voice is usually more direct and vigorous than the passive: I shall always remember my first visit to Boston. This is much better than My first visit to Boston will always be remembered by me. The latter sentence is less direct, less bold, and less concise. If the writer tries to make it more concise by omitting "by me," My first visit to Boston will always be remembered, it becomes indefinite: is it the writer or some undisclosed person or the world at large that will always remember this visit? This rule does not, of course, mean that the writer should entirely discard the passive voice, which is frequently convenient and sometimes necessary. The dramatists of the Restoration are little esteemed today. Modern readers have little esteem for the dramatists of the Restoration. The first would be the preferred form in a paragraph on the dramatists of the Restoration, the second in a paragraph on the tastes of modern readers. The need to make a particular word the subject of the sentence will often, as in these examples, determine which voice is to be used. The habitual use of the active voice, however, makes for forcible writing. This is true not only in narrative concerned principally with action but in writing of any kind. Many a tame sentence of description or exposition can be made lively and emphatic by substituting a transitive in the active voice for some such perfunctory expression as there is or could be heard . There were a great number of dead leaves lying on the ground. Dead leaves covered the ground. At dawn the crowing of a rooster could be heard. The cock's crow came with dawn. The reason he left college was that his health became impaired. Failing health compelled him to leave college. It was not long before she was very sorry that she had said what she had. She soon repented her words. Note, in the examples above, that when a sentence is made stronger, it usually becomes shorter. Thus, brevity is a by-product of vigor. 15. Put statements in positive form. Make definite assertions. Avoid tame, colorless, hesitating, noncommittal language. Use the word not as a means of denial or in antithesis, never as a means of evasion. He was not very often on time. He usually came late. She did not think that studying Latin was a sensible way to use one's time. She thought the study of Latin a waste of time. The Taming of the Shrew is rather weak in spots. Shakespeare does not portray Katharine as a very admirable character, nor does Bianca remain long in memory as an important character in Shakespeare's works. The women in The Taming of the Shrew are unattractive. Katharine is disagreeable, Bianca insignificant. The last example, before correction, is indefinite as well as negative. The corrected version, consequently, is simply a guess at the writer's intention. All three examples show the weakness inherent in the word not . Consciously or unconsciously, the reader is dissatisfied with being told only what is not; the reader wishes to be told what is. Hence, as a rule, it is better to express even a negative in positive form. not honest dishonest not important trifling did not remember forgot did not pay any attention to ignored did not have much confidence in distrusted Placing negative and positive in opposition makes for a stronger structure. Not charity, but simple justice. Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more. Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country. Negative words other than not are usually strong. Her loveliness I never knew / Until she smiled on me. Statements qualified with unnecessary auxiliaries or conditionals sound irresolute. If you would let us know the time of your arrival, we would be happy to arrange your transportation from the airport. If you will let us know the time of your arrival, we shall be happy to arrange your transportation from the airport. Applicants can make a good impression by being neat and punctual. Applicants will make a good impression if they are neat and punctual. Plath may be ranked among those modem poets who died young. Plath was one of those modern poets who died young. If your every sentence admits a doubt, your writing will lack authority. Save the auxiliaries would, should, could, may, might , and can for situations involving real uncertainty. 16. Use definite, specific, concrete language. Prefer the specific to the general, the definite to the vague, the concrete to the abstract. A period of unfavorable weather set in. It rained every day for a week. He showed satisfaction as he took possession of his well-earned reward. He grinned as he pocketed the coin. If those who have studied the art of writing are in accord on any one point, it is this: the surest way to arouse and hold the readers attention is by being specific, definite, and concrete. The greatest writers — Homer, Dante, Shakespeare — are effective largely because they deal in particulars and report the details that matter. Their words call up pictures. Jean Stafford, to cite a more modern author, demonstrates in her short story "In the Zoo" how prose is made vivid by the use of words that evoke images and sensations: ... Daisy and I in time found asylum in a small menagerie down by the railroad tracks. It belonged to a gentle alcoholic ne'er-do- well, who did nothing all day long but drink bathtub gin in rickeys and play solitaire and smile to himself and talk to his animals. He had a little, stunted red vixen and a deodorized skunk, a parrot from Tahiti that spoke Parisian French, a woebegone coyote, and two capuchin monkeys, so serious and humanized, so small and sad and sweet, and so religious-looking with their tonsured heads that it was impossible not to think their gibberish was really an ordered language with a grammar that someday some philologist would understand. Gran knew about our visits to Mr. Murphy and she did not object, for it gave her keen pleasure to excoriate him when we came home. His vice was not a matter of guesswork; it was an established fact that he was half-seas over from dawn till midnight. "With the black Irish," said Gran, "the taste for drink is taken in with the mother's milk and is never mastered. Oh, I know all about those promises to join the temperance movement and not to touch another drop. The way to Hell is paved with good intentions."* (* Excerpt from "In the Zoo" from Bad Characters by Jean Stafford. Copyright © 1964 by Jean Stafford. Copyright renewed © 1992 by Nora Cosgrove. Reprinted by permission of Farrar, Straus Giroux, Inc. Also copyright © 1969 by Jean Stafford; reprinted by permission of Curtis Brown, Ltd.) If the experiences of Walter Mitty, of Molly Bloom, of Rabbit Angstrom have seemed for the moment real to countless readers, if in reading Faulkner we have almost the sense of inhabiting Yoknapatawpha County during the decline of the South, it is because the details used are definite, the terms concrete. It is not that every detail is given — that would be impossible, as well as to no purpose — but that all the significant details are given, and with such accuracy and vigor that readers, in imagination, can project themselves into the scene. In exposition and in argument, the writer must likewise never lose hold of the concrete; and even when dealing with general principles, the writer must furnish particular instances of their application. In his Philosophy of Style , Herbert Spencer gives two sentences to illustrate how the vague and general can be turned into the vivid and particular: In proportion as the manners, customs, and amusements of a nation are cruel and barbarous, the regulations of its penal code will be severe. In proportion as men delight in battles, bullfights, and combats of gladiators, will they punish by hanging, burning, and the rack. To show what happens when strong writing is deprived of its vigor, George Orwell once took a passage from the Bible and drained it of its blood. On the left, below, is Orwell's translation; on the right, the verse from Ecclesiastes (King James Version). Objective consideration of contemporary phenomena compels the conclusion that success or failure in competitive activities exhibits no tendency to be commensurate with innate capacity, but that a considerable element of the unpredictable must inevitably be taken into account. I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. 17. Omit needless words. Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This requires not that the writer make all sentences short, or avoid all detail and treat subjects only in outline, but that every word tell. Many expressions in common use violate this principle. the question as to whether whether (the question whether) there is no doubt but that no doubt (doubtless) used for fuel purposes used for fuel he is a man who he in a hasty manner hastily this is a subject that this subject Her story is a strange one. Her story is strange. the reason why is that because The fact that is an especially debilitating expression. It should be revised out of every sentence in which it occurs. owing to the fact that since (because) in spite of the fact that though (although) call your attention to the fact that remind you (notify you) I was unaware of the fact that I was unaware that (did not know) the fact that he had not succeeded his failure the fact that I had arrived my arrival See also the words case, character, nature in Chapter IV. Who is, which was , and the like are often superfluous. His cousin, who is a member of the same firm His cousin, a member of the same firm Trafalgar, which was Nelson's last battle Trafalgar, Nelson's last battle As the active voice is more concise than the passive, and a positive statement more concise than a negative one, many of the examples given under Rules 14 and 15 illustrate this rule as well. A common way to fall into wordiness is to present a single complex idea, step by step, in a series of sentences that might to advantage be combined into one. Macbeth was very ambitious. This led him to wish to become king of Scotland. The witches told him that this wish of his would come true. The king of Scotland at this time was Duncan. Encouraged by his wife, Macbeth murdered Duncan. He was thus enabled to succeed Duncan as king. (51 words) Encouraged by his wife, Macbeth achieved his ambition and realized the prediction of the witches by murdering Duncan and becoming king of Scotland in his place. (26 words) 18. Avoid a succession of loose sentences. This rule refers especially to loose sentences of a particular type: those consisting of two clauses, the second introduced by a conjunction or relative. A writer may err by making sentences too compact and periodic. An occasional loose sentence prevents the style from becoming too formal and gives the reader a certain relief. Consequently, loose sentences are common in easy, unstudied writing. The danger is that there may be too many of them. An unskilled writer will sometimes construct a whole paragraph of sentences of this kind, using as connectives and, but , and, less frequently, who, which, when, where , and while , these last in nonrestrictive senses. (See Rule 3.) The third concert of the subscription series was given last evening, and a large audience was in attendance. Mr. Edward Appleton was the soloist, and the Boston Symphony Orchestra furnished the instrumental music. The former showed himself to be an artist of the first rank, while the latter proved itself fully deserving of its high reputation. The interest aroused by the series has been very gratifying to the Committee, and it is planned to give a similar series annually hereafter. The fourth concert will be given on Tuesday, May 10, when an equally attractive program will be presented. Apart from its triteness and emptiness, the paragraph above is bad because of the structure of its sentences, with their mechanical symmetry and singsong. Compare these sentences from the chapter "What I Believe" in E. M. Forster's Two Cheers for Democracy : I believe in aristocracy, though — if that is the right word, and if a democrat may use it. Not an aristocracy of power, based upon rank and influence, but an aristocracy of the sensitive, the considerate and the plucky. Its members are to be found in all nations and classes, and all through the ages, and there is a secret understanding between them when they meet. They represent the true human tradition, the one permanent victory of our queer race over cruelty and chaos. Thousands of them perish in obscurity, a few are great names. They are sensitive for others as well as for themselves, they are considerate without being fussy, their pluck is not swankiness but the power to endure, and they can take a joke.* (* Excerpt from "What I Believe" in Two Cheers for Democracy, copyright 1939 and renewed 1967 by E. M. Forster, reprinted by permission of Harcourt, Inc. Also, by permission of The Provost and Scholars of King's College, Cambridge, and The Society of Authors as the literary representatives of the E. M. Forster Estate.) A writer who has written a series of loose sentences should recast enough of them to remove the monotony, replacing them with simple sentences, sentences of two clauses joined by a semicolon, periodic sentences of two clauses, or sentences (loose or periodic) of three clauses — whichever best represent the real relations of the thought. 19. Express coordinate ideas in similar form. This principle, that of parallel construction, requires that expressions similar in content and function be outwardly similar. The likeness of form enables the reader to recognize more readily the likeness of content and function. The familiar Beatitudes exemplify the virtue of parallel construction. Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. The unskilled writer often violates this principle, mistakenly believing in the value of constantly varying the form of expression. When repeating a statement to emphasize it, the writer may need to vary its form. Otherwise, the writer should follow the principle of parallel construction. Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method, while now the laboratory method is employed. Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method; now it is taught by the laboratory method. The lefthand version gives the impression that the writer is undecided or timid, apparently unable or afraid to choose one form of expression and hold to it. The righthand version shows that the writer has at least made a choice and abided by it. By this principle, an article or a preposition applying to all the members of a series must either be used only before the first term or else be repeated before each term. the French, the Italians, Spanish, and Portuguese the French, the Italians, the Spanish, and the Portuguese in spring, summer, or in winter in spring, summer, or winter (in spring, in summer, or in winter) Some words require a particular preposition in certain idiomatic uses. When such words are joined in a compound construction, all the appropriate prepositions must be included, unless they are the same. His speech was marked by disagreement and scorn for his opponent's position. His speech was marked by disagreement with and scorn for his opponent's position. Correlative expressions ( both, and; not, but; not only, but also; either, or; first, second, third ; and the like) should be followed by the same grammatical construction. Many violations of this rule can be corrected by rearranging the sentence. It was both a long ceremony and very tedious. The ceremony was both long and tedious. A time not for words but action. A time not for words but for action. Either you must grant his request or incur his ill will. You must either grant his request or incur his ill will. My objections are, first, the injustice of the measure; second, that it is unconstitutional. My objections are, first, that the measure is unjust; second, that it is unconstitutional. It may be asked, what if you need to express a rather large number of similar ideas — say, twenty? Must you write twenty consecutive sentences of the same pattern? On closer examination, you will probably find that the difficulty is imaginary — that these twenty ideas can be classified in groups, and that you need apply the principle only within each group. Otherwise, it is best to avoid the difficulty by putting statements in the form of a table. 20. Keep related words together. The position of the words in a sentence is the principal means of showing their relationship. Confusion and ambiguity result when words are badly placed. The writer must, therefore, bring together the words and groups of words that are related in thought and keep apart those that are not so related. He noticed a large stain in the rug that was right in the center. He noticed a large stain right in the center of the rug. You can call your mother in London and tell her all about George's taking you out to dinner for just two dollars. For just two dollars you can call your mother in London and tell her all about George's taking you out to dinner. New York's first commercial human-sperm bank opened Friday with semen samples from eighteen men frozen in a stainless steel tank. New York's first commercial human- sperm bank opened Friday when semen samples were taken from eighteen men. The samples were then frozen and stored in a stainless steel tank. In the lefthand version of the first example, the reader has no way of knowing whether the stain was in the center of the rug or the rug was in the center of the room. In the lefthand version of the second example, the reader may well wonder which cost two dollars — the phone call or the dinner. In the lefthand version of the third example, the reader's heart goes out to those eighteen poor fellows frozen in a steel tank. The subject of a sentence and the principal verb should not, as a rule, be separated by a phrase or clause that can be transferred to the beginning. Toni Morrison, in Beloved , writes about characters who have escaped from slavery but are haunted by its heritage. In Beloved , Toni Morrison writes about characters who have escaped from slavery but are haunted by its heritage. A dog, if you fail to discipline him, becomes a household pest. Unless disciplined, a dog becomes a household pest. Interposing a phrase or a clause, as in the lefthand examples above, interrupts the flow of the main clause. This interruption, however, is not usually bothersome when the flow is checked only by a relative clause or by an expression in apposition. Sometimes, in periodic sentences, the interruption is a deliberate device for creating suspense. (See examples under Rule 22.) The relative pronoun should come, in most instances, immediately after its antecedent. There was a stir in the audience that suggested disapproval. A stir that suggested disapproval swept the audience. He wrote three articles about his adventures in Spain, which were published in Harper's Magazine . He published three articles in Harper's Magazine about his adventures in Spain. This is a portrait of Benjamin Harrison, who became President in 1889. He was the grandson of William Henry Harrison. This is a portrait of Benjamin Harrison, grandson of William Henry Harrison, who became President in 1889. If the antecedent consists of a group of words, the relative comes at the end of the group, unless this would cause ambiguity. The Superintendent of the Chicago Division, who No ambiguity results from the above. But A proposal to amend the Sherman Act, which has been variously judged leaves the reader wondering whether it is the proposal or the Act that has been variously judged. The relative clause must be moved forward, to read, "A proposal, which has been variously judged, to amend the Sherman Act...." Similarly The grandson of William Henry Harrison, who William Henry Harrison's grandson, Benjamin Harrison, who A noun in apposition may come between antecedent and relative, because in such a combination no real ambiguity can arise. The Duke of York, his brother, who was regarded with hostility by the Whigs Modifiers should come, if possible, next to the words they modify. If several expressions modify the same word, they should be arranged so that no wrong relation is suggested. All the members were not present. Not all the members were present. She only found two mistakes. She found only two mistakes. The director said he hoped all members would give generously to the Fund at a meeting of the committee yesterday. At a meeting of the committee yesterday, the director said he hoped all members would give generously to the Fund. Major R. E. Joyce will give a lecture on Tuesday evening in Bailey Hall, to which the public is invited on "My Experiences in Mesopotamia" at 8:00 P.M. On Tuesday evening at eight, Major R. E. Joyce will give a lecture in Bailey Hall on "My Experiences in Mesopotamia." The public is invited. Note, in the last lefthand example, how swiftly meaning departs when words are wrongly juxtaposed. 21. In summaries, keep to one tense. In summarizing the action of a drama, use the present tense. In summarizing a poem, story, or novel, also use the present, though you may use the past if it seems more natural to do so. If the summary is in the present tense, antecedent action should be expressed by the perfect; if in the past, by the past perfect. Chance prevents Friar John from delivering Friar Lawrence's letter to Romeo. Meanwhile, owing to her father's arbitrary change of the day set for her wedding, Juliet has been compelled to drink the potion on Tuesday night, with the result that Balthasar informs Romeo of her supposed death before Friar Lawrence learns of the nondelivery of the letter. But whichever tense is used in the summary, a past tense in indirect discourse or in indirect question remains unchanged. The Friar confesses that it was he who married them. Apart from the exceptions noted, the writer should use the same tense throughout. Shifting from one tense to another gives the appearance of uncertainty and irresolution. In presenting the statements or the thought of someone else, as in summarizing an essay or reporting a speech, do not overwork such expressions as "he said," "she stated," "the speaker added," "the speaker then went on to say," "the author also thinks." Indicate clearly at the outset, once for all, that what follows is summary, and then waste no words in repeating the notification. In notebooks, in newspapers, in handbooks of literature, summaries of one kind or another may be indispensable, and for children in primary schools retelling a story in their own words is a useful exercise. But in the criticism or interpretation of literature, be careful to avoid dropping into summary. It may be necessary to devote one or two sentences to indicating the subject, or the opening situation, of the work being discussed, or to cite numerous details to illustrate its qualities. But you should aim at writing an orderly discussion supported by evidence, not a summary with occasional comment. Similarly, if the scope of the discussion includes a number of works, as a rule it is better not to take them up singly in chronological order but to aim from the beginning at establishing general conclusions. 22. Place the emphatic words of a sentence at the end. The proper place in the sentence for the word or group of words that the writer desires to make most prominent is usually the end. Humanity has hardly advanced in fortitude since that time, though it has advanced in many other ways. Since that time, humanity has advanced in many ways, but it has hardly advanced in fortitude. This steel is principally used for making razors, because of its hardness. Because of its hardness, this steel is used principally for making razors. The word or group of words entitled to this position of prominence is usually the logical predicate — that is, the new element in the sentence, as it is in the second example. The effectiveness of the periodic sentence arises from the prominence it gives to the main statement. Four centuries ago, Christopher Columbus, one of the Italian mariners whom the decline of their own republics had put at the service of the world and of adventure, seeking for Spain a westward passage to the Indies to offset the achievement of Portuguese discoverers, lighted on America. With these hopes and in this belief I would urge you, laying aside all hindrance, thrusting away all private aims, to devote yourself unswervingly and unflinchingly to the vigorous and successful prosecution of this war. The other prominent position in the sentence is the beginning. Any element in the sentence other than the subject becomes emphatic when placed first. Deceit or treachery she could never forgive. Vast and rude, fretted by the action of nearly three thousand years, the fragments of this architecture may often seem, at first sight, like works of nature. Home is the sailor. A subject coming first in its sentence may be emphatic, but hardly by its position alone. In the sentence Great kings worshiped at his shrine the emphasis upon kings arises largely from its meaning and from the context. To receive special emphasis, the subject of a sentence must take the position of the predicate. Through the middle of the valley flowed a winding stream. The principle that the proper place for what is to be made most prominent is the end applies equally to the words of a sentence, to the sentences of a paragraph, and to the paragraphs of a composition. III A Few Matters of Form Colloquialisms. If you use a colloquialism or a slang word or phrase, simply use it; do not draw attention to it by enclosing it in quotation marks. To do so is to put on airs, as though you were inviting the reader to join you in a select society of those who know better. Exclamations. Do not attempt to emphasize simple statements by using a mark of exclamation. It was a wonderful show! It was a wonderful show. The exclamation mark is to be reserved for use after true exclamations or commands. What a wonderful show! Halt! Headings. If a manuscript is to be submitted for publication, leave plenty of space at the top of page 1. The editor will need this space to write directions to the compositor. Place the heading, or title, at least a fourth of the way down the page. Leave a blank line, or its equivalent in space, after the heading. On succeeding pages, begin near the top, but not so near as to give a crowded appearance. Omit the period after a title or heading. A question mark or an exclamation point may be used if the heading calls for it. Hyphen. When two or more words are combined to form a compound adjective, a hyphen is usually required. "He belonged to the leisure class and enjoyed leisure-class pursuits." "She entered her boat in the round-the-island race." Do not use a hyphen between words that can better be written as one word: water-fowl, waterfowl . Common sense will aid you in the decision, but a dictionary is more reliable. The steady evolution of the language seems to favor union: two words eventually become one, usually after a period of hyphenation. bed chamber bed-chamber bedchamber wild life wild-life wildlife bell boy bell-boy bellboy The hyphen can play tricks on the unwary, as it did in Chattanooga when two newspapers merged — the News and the Free Press . Someone introduced a hyphen into the merger, and the paper became The Chattanooga News-Free Press , which sounds as though the paper were news-free, or devoid of news. Obviously, we ask too much of a hyphen when we ask it to cast its spell over words it does not adjoin. Margins. Keep righthand and lefthand margins roughly the same width. Exception: If a great deal of annotating or editing is anticipated, the lefthand margin should be roomy enough to accommodate this work. Numerals. Do not spell out dates or other serial numbers. Write them in figures or in Roman notation, as appropriate. August 9, 1988 Part XII Rule 3 352d Infantry Exception: When they occur in dialogue, most dates and numbers are best spelled out. "I arrived home on August ninth." "In the year 1990, I turned twenty-one." "Read Chapter Twelve." Parentheses. A sentence containing an expression in parentheses is punctuated outside the last mark of parenthesis exactly as if the parenthetical expression were absent. The expression within the marks is punctuated as if it stood by itself, except that the final stop is omitted unless it is a question mark or an exclamation point. I went to her house yesterday (my third attempt to see her), but she had left town. He declares (and why should we doubt his good faith?) that he is now certain of success. (When a wholly detached expression or sentence is parenthesized, the final stop comes before the last mark of parenthesis.) Quotations. Formal quotations cited as documentary evidence are introduced by a colon and enclosed in quotation marks. The United States Coast Pilot has this to say of the place: "Bracy Cove, 0.5 mile eastward of Bear Island, is exposed to southeast winds, has a rocky and uneven bottom, and is unfit for anchorage." A quotation grammatically in apposition or the direct object of a verb is preceded by a comma and enclosed in quotation marks. I am reminded of the advice of my neighbor, "Never worry about your heart till it stops beating." Mark Twain says, "A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read." When a quotation is followed by an attributive phrase, the comma is enclosed within the quotation marks. "I can't attend," she said. Typographical usage dictates that the comma be inside the marks, though logically it often seems not to belong there. "The Fish," "Poetry," and "The Monkeys" are in Marianne Moore's Selected Poems . When quotations of an entire line, or more, of either verse or prose are to be distinguished typographically from text matter, as are the quotations in this book, begin on a fresh line and indent. Quotation marks should not be used unless they appear in the original, as in dialogue. Wordsworth's enthusiasm for the French Revolution was at first unbounded: Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, But to be young was very heaven! Quotations introduced by that are indirect discourse and not enclosed in quotation marks. Keats declares that beauty is truth, truth beauty. Dickinson states that a coffin is a small domain. Proverbial expressions and familiar phrases of literary origin require no quotation marks. These are the times that try men's souls. He lives far from the madding crowd. References. In scholarly work requiring exact references, abbreviate titles that occur frequently, giving the full forms in an alphabetical list at the end. As a general practice, give the references in parentheses or in footnotes, not in the body of the sentence. Omit the words act, scene, line, book, volume, page , except when referring to only one of them. Punctuate as indicated below. in the second scene of the third act in III.ii (Better still, simply insert m.ii in parentheses at the proper place in the sentence.) After the killing of Polonius, Hamlet is placed under guard (IV.ii.14). 2 Samuel i: 17-27 Othello II.iii. 264-267, III.iii. 155-161 Syllabication. When a word must be divided at the end of a line, consult a dictionary to learn the syllables between which division should be made. The student will do well to examine the syllable division in a number of pages of any carefully printed book. Titles. For the titles of literary works, scholarly usage prefers italics with capitalized initials. The usage of editors and publishers varies, some using italics with capitalized initials, others using Roman with capitalized initials and with or without quotation marks. Use italics (indicated in manuscript by underscoring) except in writing for a periodical that follows a different practice. Omit initial A or The from titles when you place the possessive before them. A Tale of Two Cities ; Dickens's Tale of Two Cities. The Age of Innocence ; Wharton's Age of Innocence . IV Words and Expressions Commonly Misused MANY of the words and expressions listed here are not so much bad English as bad style, the commonplaces of careless writing. As illustrated under Feature , the proper correction is likely to be not the replacement of one word or set of words by another but the replacement of vague generality by definite statement. The shape of our language is not rigid; in questions of usage we have no lawgiver whose word is final. Students whose curiosity is aroused by the interpretations that follow, or whose doubts are raised, will wish to pursue their investigations further. Books useful in such pursuits are Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary , Tenth Edition; The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language , Third Edition; Webster's Third New International Dictionary; The New Fowler's Modern English Usage , Third Edition, edited by R. W. Burchfield; Modern American Usage: A Guide by Wilson Follett and Erik Wensberg; and The Careful Writer by Theodore M. Bernstein. Aggravate. Irritate. The first means "to add to" an already troublesome or vexing matter or condition. The second means "to vex" or "to annoy" or "to chafe." All right. Idiomatic in familiar speech as a detached phrase in the sense "Agreed," or "Go ahead," or "O.K." Properly written as two words — all right . Allude. Do not confuse with elude . You allude to a book; you elude a pursuer. Note, too, that allude is not synonymous with refer . An allusion is an indirect mention, a reference is a specific one. Allusion. Easily confused with illusion . The first means "an indirect reference"; the second means "an unreal image" or "a false impression." Alternate. Alternative. The words are not always interchangeable as nouns or adjectives. The first means every other one in a series; the second, one of two possibilities. As the other one of a series of two, an alternate may stand for "a substitute," but an alternative, although used in a similar sense, connotes a matter of choice that is never present with alternate . As the flooded road left them no alternative, they took the alternate route. Among. Between. When more than two things or persons are involved, among is usually called for: "The money was divided among the four players." When, however, more than two are involved but each is considered individually, between is preferred: "an agreement between the six heirs." And / or. A device, or shortcut, that damages a sentence and often leads to confusion or ambiguity. First of all, would an honor system successfully cut down on the amount of stealing and/or cheating? First of all, would an honor system reduce the incidence of stealing or cheating or both? Anticipate. Use expect in the sense of simple expectation. I anticipated that he would look older. I expected that he would look older. My brother anticipated the upturn in the market. My brother expected the upturn in the market. In the second example, the word anticipated is ambiguous. It could mean simply that the brother believed the upturn would occur, or it could mean that he acted in advance of the expected upturn — by buying stock, perhaps. Anybody. In the sense of "any person," not to be written as two words. Any body means "any corpse," or "any human form," or "any group." The rule holds equally for everybody, nobody , and somebody . Anyone. In the sense of "anybody," written as one word. Any one means "any single person" or "any single thing." As good or better than. Expressions of this type should be corrected by rearranging the sentences. My opinion is as good or better than his. My opinion is as good as his, or better (if not better). As to whether. Whether is sufficient. As yet. Yet nearly always is as good, if not better. No agreement has been reached as yet. No agreement has yet been reached. The chief exception is at the beginning of a sentence, where yet means something different. Yet ( or despite everything) he has not succeeded. As yet ( or so far) he has not succeeded. Being. Not appropriate after regard ... as. He is regarded as being the best dancer in the club He is regarded as the best dancer in the club. But. Unnecessary after doubt and help . I have no doubt but that I have no doubt that He could not help but see that He could not help seeing that The too-frequent use of but as a conjunction leads to the fault discussed under Rule 18. A loose sentence formed with but can usually be converted into a periodic sentence formed with although . Particularly awkward is one but closely following another, thus making a contrast to a contrast, or a reservation to a reservation. This is easily corrected by rearrangement. Our country had vast resources but seemed almost wholly unprepared for war. But within a year it had created an army of four million. Our country seemed almost wholly unprepared for war, but it had vast resources. Within a year it had created an army of four million. Can. Means "am (is, are) able." Not to be used as a substitute for may . Care less. The dismissive "I couldn't care less" is often used with the shortened "not" mistakenly (and mysteriously) omitted: "I could care less." The error destroys the meaning of the sentence and is careless indeed. Case. Often unnecessary. In many cases, the rooms lacked air conditioning. Many of the rooms lacked air conditioning. It has rarely been the case that any mistake has been made. Few mistakes have been made. Certainly. Used indiscriminately by some speakers, much as others use very , in an attempt to intensify any and every statement. A mannerism of this kind, bad in speech, is even worse in writing. Character. Often simply redundant, used from a mere habit of wordiness. acts of a hostile character hostile acts Claim. ( verb ). With object-noun, means "lay claim to." May be used with a dependent clause if this sense is clearly intended: "She claimed that she was the sole heir." (But even here claimed to be would be better.) Not to be used as a substitute for declare, maintain , or charge . He claimed he knew how. He declared he knew how. Clever. Note that the word means one thing when applied to people, another when applied to horses. A clever horse is a good-natured one, not an ingenious one. Compare. To compare to is to point out or imply resemblances between objects regarded as essentially of a different order; to compare with is mainly to point out differences between objects regarded as essentially of the same order. Thus, life has been compared to a pilgrimage, to a drama, to a battle; Congress may be compared with the British Parliament. Paris has been compared to ancient Athens; it may be compared with modern London. Comprise. Literally, "embrace": A zoo comprises mammals, reptiles, and birds (because it "embraces," or "includes," them). But animals do not comprise ("embrace") a zoo — they constitute a zoo. Consider. Not followed by as when it means "believe to be." I consider him as competent. I consider him competent. When considered means "examined" or "discussed," it is followed by as : The lecturer considered Eisenhower first as soldier and second as administrator. Contact. As a transitive verb, the word is vague and self-important. Do not contact people; get in touch with them, look them up, phone them, find them, or meet them. Cope. An intransitive verb used with with . In formal writing, one doesn't "cope," one "copes with" something or somebody. I knew they'd cope. (jocular) I knew they would cope with the situation. Currently. In the sense of now with a verb in the present tense, currently is usually redundant; emphasis is better achieved through a more precise reference to time. We are currently reviewing your application. We are at this moment reviewing your application. Data. Like strata, phenomena , and media, data is a plural and is best used with a plural verb. The word, however, is slowly gaining acceptance as a singular. The data is misleading. These data are misleading. Different than. Here logic supports established usage: one thing differs from another, hence, different from . Or, other than, unlike . Disinterested. Means "impartial." Do not confuse it with uninterested , which means "not interested in." Let a disinterested person judge our dispute, (an impartial person) This man is obviously uninterested in our dispute, (couldn't care less) Divided into. Not to be misused for composed of . The line is sometimes difficult to draw; doubtless plays are divided into acts, but poems are composed of stanzas. An apple, halved, is divided into sections, but an apple is composed of seeds, flesh, and skin. Due to. Loosely used for through, because of , or owing to , in adverbial phrases. He lost the first game due to carelessness. He lost the first game because of carelessness. In correct use, synonymous with attributable to : "The accident was due to bad weather"; "losses due to preventable fires." Each and every one. Pitchman's jargon. Avoid, except in dialogue. It should be a lesson to each and every one of us. It should be a lesson to every one of us (to us all). Effect. As a noun, means "result"; as a verb, means "to bring about," "to accomplish" (not to be confused with affect , which means "to influence"). As a noun, often loosely used in perfunctory writing about fashions, music, painting, and other arts: "a Southwestern effect"; "effects in pale green"; "very delicate effects"; "subtle effects"; "a charming effect was produced." The writer who has a definite meaning to express will not take refuge in such vagueness. Enormity. Use only in the sense of "monstrous wickedness." Misleading, if not wrong, when used to express bigness. Enthuse. An annoying verb growing out of the noun enthusiasm . Not recommended. She was enthused about her new car. She was enthusiastic about her new car. She enthused about her new car. She talked enthusiastically (expressed enthusiasm) about her new car. Etc. Literally, "and other things"; sometimes loosely used to mean "and other persons." The phrase is equivalent to and the rest, and so forth , and hence is not to be used if one of these would be insufficient — that is, if the reader would be left in doubt as to any important particulars. Least open to objection when it represents the last terms of a list already given almost in full, or immaterial words at the end of a quotation. At the end of a list introduced by such as, for example , or any similar expression, etc . is incorrect. In formal writing, etc . is a misfit. An item important enough to call for etc . is probably important enough to be named. Fact. Use this word only of matters capable of direct verification, not of matters of judgment. That a particular event happened on a given date and that lead melts at a certain temperature are facts. But such conclusions as that Napoleon was the greatest of modern generals or that the climate of California is delightful, however defensible they may be, are not properly called facts. Facility. Why must jails, hospitals, and schools suddenly become "facilities"? Parents complained bitterly about the fire hazard in the wooden facility. Parents complained bitterly about the fire hazard in the wooden schoolhouse. He has been appointed warden of the new facility. He has been appointed warden of the new prison. Factor. A hackneyed word; the expressions of which it is a part can usually be replaced by something more direct and idiomatic. Her superior training was the great factor in her winning the match. She won the match by being better trained. Air power is becoming an increasingly important factor in deciding battles. Air power is playing a larger and larger part in deciding battles. Farther. Further. The two words are commonly interchanged, but there is a distinction worth observing: farther serves best as a distance word, further as a time or quantity word. You chase a ball farther than the other fellow; you pursue a subject further . Feature. Another hackneyed word; like factor , it usually adds nothing to the sentence in which it occurs. A feature of the entertainment especially worthy of mention was the singing of Allison Jones. (Better use the same number of words to tell what Allison Jones sang and how she sang it.) As a verb, in the sense of "offer as a special attraction," it is to be avoided. Finalize. A pompous, ambiguous verb. (See Chapter V, Reminder 21.) Fix. Colloquial in America for arrange, prepare, mend . The usage is well established. But bear in mind that this verb is from figere: "to make firm," "to place definitely." These are the preferred meanings of the word. Flammable. An oddity, chiefly useful in saving lives. The common word meaning "combustible" is inflammable . But some people are thrown off by the in- and think inflammable means "not combustible." For this reason, trucks carrying gasoline or explosives are now markedFLAMMABLE. Unless you are operating such a truck and hence are concerned with the safety of children and illiterates, use inflammable . Folk. A collective noun, equivalent to people . Use the singular form only. Folks , in the sense of "parents," "family," "those present," is colloquial and too folksy for formal writing. Her folks arrived by the afternoon train. Her father and mother arrived by the afternoon train. Fortuitous. Limited to what happens by chance. Not to be used for fortunate or lucky . Get. The colloquial have got for have should not be used in writing. The preferable form of the participle is got , not gotten . He has not got any sense. He has no sense. They returned without having gotten any. They returned without having got any. Gratuitous. Means "unearned," or "unwarranted." The insult seemed gratuitous, (undeserved) He is a man who. A common type of redundant expression; see Rule 17. He is a man who is very ambitious. He is very ambitious. Vermont is a state that attracts visitors because of its winter sports. Vermont attracts visitors because of its winter sports. Hopefully. This once-useful adverb meaning "with hope" has been distorted and is now widely used to mean "I hope" or "it is to be hoped." Such use is not merely wrong, it is silly. To say, "Hopefully I'll leave on the noon plane" is to talk nonsense. Do you mean you'll leave on the noon plane in a hopeful frame of mind? Or do you mean you hope you'll leave on the noon plane? Whichever you mean, you haven't said it clearly. Although the word in its new, free-floating capacity may be pleasurable and even useful to many, it offends the ear of many others, who do not like to see words dulled or eroded, particularly when the erosion leads to ambiguity, softness, or nonsense. However. Avoid starting a sentence with however when the meaning is "nevertheless." The word usually serves better when not in first position. The roads were almost impassable. However, we at last succeeded in reaching camp. The roads were almost impassable. At last, however, we succeeded in reaching camp. When however comes first, it means "in whatever way" or "to whatever extent." However you advise him, he will probably do as he thinks best. However discouraging the prospect, they never lost heart. Illusion. See allusion . Imply. Infer. Not interchangeable. Something implied is something suggested or indicated, though not expressed. Something inferred is something deduced from evidence at hand. Farming implies early rising. Since she was a farmer, we inferred that she got up early. Importantly. Avoid by rephrasing. More importantly, he paid for the damages. What's more, he paid for the damages. With the breeze freshening, he altered course to pass inside the island. More importantly, as things turned out, he tucked in a reef. With the breeze freshening, he altered course to pass inside the island. More important, as things turned out, he tucked in a reef. In regard to. Often wrongly written in regards to . But as regards is correct, and means the same thing. In the last analysis. A bankrupt expression. Inside of. Inside. The of following inside is correct in the adverbial meaning "in less than." In other meanings, of is unnecessary. Inside of five minutes I'll be inside the bank. Insightful. The word is a suspicious overstatement for "perceptive." If it is to be used at all, it should be used for instances of remarkably penetrating vision. Usually, it crops up merely to inflate the commonplace. That was an insightful remark you made. That was a perceptive remark you made. In terms of. A piece of padding usually best omitted. The job was unattractive in terms of salary. The salary made the job unattractive. Interesting. An unconvincing word; avoid it as a means of introduction. Instead of announcing that what you are about to tell is interesting, make it so. An interesting story is told of (Tell the story without preamble.) In connection with the forthcoming visit of Mr. B. to America, it is interesting to recall that he Mr. B., who will soon visit America Also to be avoided in introduction is the word funny . Nothing becomes funny by being labeled so. Irregardless. Should be regardless . The error results from failure to see the negative in -less and from a desire to get it in as a prefix, suggested by such words as irregular, irresponsible , and, perhaps especially, irrespective . -ize. Do not coin verbs by adding this tempting suffix. Many good and useful verbs do end in -ize : summarize, fraternize, harmonize, fertilize . But there is a growing list of abominations: containerize, prioritize, finalize , to name three. Be suspicious of -ize ; let your ear and your eye guide you. Never tack -ize onto a noun to create a verb. Usually you will discover that a useful verb already exists. Why say "utilize" when there is the simple, unpretentious word use ? Kind of. Except in familiar style, not to be used as a substitute for rather or something like . Restrict it to its literal sense: "Amber is a kind of fossil resin"; "I dislike that kind of publicity." The same holds true for sort of . Lay. A transitive verb. Except in slang ("Let it lay"), do not misuse it for the intransitive verb lie . The hen, or the play, lays an egg; the llama lies down. The playwright went home and lay down. lie, lay, lain, lying lay, laid, laid, laying Leave. Not to be misused for let . Leave it stand the way it is. Let it stand the way it is. Leave go of that rope! Let go of that rope! Less. Should not be misused for fewer . They had less workers than in the previous campaign. They had fewer workers than in the previous campaign. Less refers to quantity, fewer to number. "His troubles are less than mine" means "His troubles are not so great as mine." "His troubles are fewer than mine" means "His troubles are not so numerous as mine." Like. Not to be used for the conjunction as. Like governs nouns and pronouns; before phrases and clauses the equivalent word is as. We spent the evening like in the old days. We spent the evening as in the old days. Chloë smells good, like a baby should. Chloë smells good, as a baby should. The use of like for as has its defenders; they argue that any usage that achieves currency becomes valid automatically. This, they say, is the way the language is formed. It is and it isn't. An expression sometimes merely enjoys a vogue, much as an article of apparel does. Like has long been widely misused by the illiterate; lately it has been taken up by the knowing and the well- informed, who find it catchy, or liberating, and who use it as though they were slumming. If every word or device that achieved currency were immediately authenticated, simply on the ground of popularity, the language would be as chaotic as a ball game with no foul lines. For the student, perhaps the most useful thing to know about like is that most carefully edited publications regard its use before phrases and clauses as simple error. Line. Along these lines. Line in the sense of "course of procedure, conduct, thought" is allowable but has been so overworked, particularly in the phrase along these lines , that a writer who aims at freshness or originality had better discard it entirely. Mr. B. also spoke along the same lines. Mr. B. also spoke to the same effect. She is studying along the line of French literature. She is studying French literature. Literal. Literally. Often incorrectly used in support of exaggeration or violent metaphor. a literal flood of abuse a flood of abuse literally dead with fatigue almost dead with fatigue Loan. A noun. As a verb, prefer lend . Lend me your ears. the loan of your ears Meaningful. A bankrupt adjective. Choose another, or rephrase. His was a meaningful contribution. His contribution counted heavily. We are instituting many meaningful changes in the curriculum. We are improving the curriculum in many ways. Memento. Often incorrectly written momento . Most. Not to be used for almost in formal composition. most everybody almost everybody most all the time almost all the time Nature. Often simply redundant, used like character . acts of a hostile nature hostile acts Nature should be avoided in such vague expressions as "a lover of nature," "poems about nature." Unless more specific statements follow, the reader cannot tell whether the poems have to do with natural scenery, rural life, the sunset, the untracked wilderness, or the habits of squirrels. Nauseous. Nauseated. The first means "sickening to contemplate"; the second means "sick at the stomach." Do not, therefore, say, "I feel nauseous," unless you are sure you have that effect on others. Nice. A shaggy, all-purpose word, to be used sparingly in formal composition. "I had a nice time." "It was nice weather." "She was so nice to her mother." The meanings are indistinct. Nice is most useful in the sense of "precise" or "delicate": "a nice distinction." Nor. Often used wrongly for or after negative expressions. He cannot eat nor sleep. He cannot eat or sleep. He can neither eat nor sleep. He cannot eat nor can he sleep. Noun used as verb. Many nouns have lately been pressed into service as verbs. Not all are bad, but all are suspect. Be prepared for kisses when you gift your girlfriend with this merry scent. Be prepared for kisses when you give your girlfriend this merry scent. The candidate hosted a dinner for fifty of her workers. The candidate gave a dinner for fifty of her workers. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Oglethorp. Mr. Oglethorp was chair of the meeting. She headquarters in Newark. She has headquarters in Newark. The theater troupe debuted last fall. The theatre troupe made its debut last fall. Offputting. Ongoing. Newfound adjectives, to be avoided because they are inexact and clumsy. Ongoing is a mix of "continuing" and "active" and is usually superfluous. He devoted all his spare time to the ongoing program for aid to the elderly. He devoted all his spare time to the program for aid to the elderly. Offputting might mean "objectionable," "disconcerting," "distasteful." Select instead a word whose meaning is clear. As a simple test, transform the participles to verbs. It is possible to upset something. But to offput ? To ongo ? One. In the sense of "a person," not to be followed by his or her . One must watch his step. One must watch one's step. (You must watch your step.) One of the most. Avoid this feeble formula. "One of the most exciting developments of modern science is ..."; "Switzerland is one of the most beautiful countries of Europe." There is nothing wrong with the grammar; the formula is simply threadbare. -oriented. A clumsy, pretentious device, much in vogue. Find a better way of indicating orientation or alignment or direction. It was a manufacturing-oriented company. It was a company chiefly concerned with manufacturing. Many of the skits are situation-oriented. Many of the skits rely on situation. Partially. Not always interchangeable with partly . Best used in the sense of "to a certain degree," when speaking of a condition or state: "I'm partially resigned to it." Partly carries the idea of a part as distinct from the whole — usually a physical object. The log was partially submerged. The log was partly submerged. She was partially in and partially out. She was partly in and partly out. She was part in, part out. Participle for verbal noun. There was little prospect of the Senate accepting even this compromise. There was little prospect of the Senate's accepting even this compromise. In the lefthand column, accepting is a present participle; in the righthand column, it is a verbal noun (gerund). The construction shown in the lefthand column is occasionally found, and has its defenders. Yet it is easy to see that the second sentence has to do not with a prospect of the Senate but with a prospect of accepting. Any sentence in which the use of the possessive is awkward or impossible should of course be recast. In the event of a reconsideration of the whole matters becoming necessary If it should become necessary to reconsider the whole matter There was great dissatisfaction with the decision of the arbitrators being favorable to the company. There was great dissatisfaction with the arbitrators' decision in favor of the company. People. A word with many meanings. ( The American Heritage Dictionary , Third Edition, gives nine.) The people is a political term, not to be confused with the public . From the people comes political support or opposition; from the public comes artistic appreciation or commercial patronage. The word people is best not used with words of number, in place of persons . If of "six people" five went away, how many people would be left? Answer: one people. Personalize. A pretentious word, often carrying bad advice. Do not personalize your prose; simply make it good and keep it clean. See Chapter V, Reminder 1. a highly personalized affair a highly personal affair Personalize your stationery. Design a letterhead. Personally. Often unnecessary. Personally, I thought it was a good book. I thought it a good book. Possess. Often used because to the writer it sounds more impressive than have or own . Such usage is not incorrect but is to be guarded against. She possessed great courage. She had great courage (was very brave). He was the fortunate possessor of He was lucky enough to own Presently. Has two meanings: "in a short while" and "currently." Because of this ambiguity it is best restricted to the first meaning: "She'll be here presently" ("soon," or "in a short time"). Prestigious. Often an adjective of last resort. It's in the dictionary, but that doesn't mean you have to use it. Refer. See allude . Regretful. Sometimes carelessly used for regrettable : "The mixup was due to a regretful breakdown in communications." Relate. Not to be used intransitively to suggest rapport. I relate well to Janet. Janet and I see things the same way. Janet and I have a lot in common. Respective. Respectively. These words may usually be omitted with advantage. Works of fiction are listed under the names of their respective authors. Works of fiction are listed under the names of their authors. The mile run and the two-mile run were won by Jones and Cummings respectively. The mile run was won by Jones, the two-mile run by Cummings. Secondly, thirdly, etc. Unless you are prepared to begin with firstly and defend it (which will be difficult), do not prettify numbers with -ly . Modern usage prefers second, third , and so on. Shall. Will. In formal writing, the future tense requires shall for the first person, will for the second and third. The formula to express the speaker's belief regarding a future action or state is I shall ; I will expresses determination or consent. A swimmer in distress cries, "I shall drown; no one will save me!" A suicide puts it the other way: "I will drown; no one shall save me!" In relaxed speech, however, the words shall and will are seldom used precisely; our ear guides us or fails to guide us, as the case may be, and we are quite likely to drown when we want to survive and survive when we want to drown. So. Avoid, in writing, the use of so as an intensifier: "so good"; "so warm"; "so delightful." Sort of. See kind of . Split infinitive. There is precedent from the fourteenth century down for interposing an adverb between to and the infinitive it governs, but the construction should be avoided unless the writer wishes to place unusual stress on the adverb. to diligently inquire to inquire diligently For another side to the split infinitive, see Chapter V, Reminder 14. State. Not to be used as a mere substitute for say, remark . Restrict it to the sense of "express fully or clearly": "He refused to state his objections." Student body. Nine times out of ten a needless and awkward expression, meaning no more than the simple word students . a member of the student body a student popular with the student body liked by the students Than. Any sentence with than (to express comparison) should be examined to make sure no essential words are missing. I'm probably closer to my mother than my father. (Ambiguous.) I'm probably closer to my mother than to my father. I'm probably closer to my mother than my father is. It looked more like a cormorant than a heron. It looked more like a cormorant than like a heron. Thanking you in advance. This sounds as if the writer meant, "It will not be worth my while to write to you again." In making your request, write "Will you please," or "I shall be obliged." Then, later, if you feel moved to do so, or if the circumstances call for it, write a letter of acknowledgment. That. Which. That is the defining, or restrictive, pronoun, which the nondefining, or nonrestrictive. (See Rule 3.) The lawn mower that is broken is in the garage. (Tells which one.) The lawn mower, which is broken, is in the garage. (Adds a fact about the only mower in question.) The use of which for that is common in written and spoken language ("Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass."). Occasionally which seems preferable to that , as in the sentence from the Bible. But it would be a convenience to all if these two pronouns were used with precision. Careful writers, watchful for small conveniences, go which- hunting, remove the defining whiches , and by so doing improve their work. The foreseeable future. A cliche, and a fuzzy one. How much of the future is foreseeable? Ten minutes? Ten years? Any of it? By whom is it foreseeable? Seers? Experts? Everybody? The truth. is.... The fact is .... A bad beginning for a sentence. If you feel you are possessed of the truth, or of the fact, simply state it. Do not give it advance billing. They. He or She. Do not use they when the antecedent is a distributive expression such as each, each one, everybody, every one, many a man . Use the singular pronoun. Every one of us knows they are fallible. Every one of us knows he is fallible. Everyone in the community, whether they are a member of the Association or not, is invited to attend. Everyone in the community, whether he is a member of the Association or not, is invited to attend. A similar fault is the use of the plural pronoun with the antecedent anybody, somebody, someone , the intention being either to avoid the awkward he or she or to avoid committing oneself to one or the other. Some bashful speakers even say, "A friend of mine told me that they...." The use of he as a pronoun for nouns embracing both genders is a simple, practical convention rooted in the beginnings of the English language. Currently, however, many writers find the use of the generic he or his to rename indefinite antecedents limiting or offensive. Substituting he or she in its place is the logical thing to do if it works. But it often doesn't work, if only because repetition makes it sound boring or silly. Consider these strategies to avoid an awkward overuse of he or she or an unintentional emphasis on the masculine: Use the plural rather than the singular. The writer must address his readers' concerns. Writers must address their readers' concerns. Eliminate the pronoun altogether. The writer must address his readers' concerns. The writer must address readers' concerns. Substitute the second person for the third person. The writer must address his readers' concerns. As a writer, you must address your readers' concerns. No one need fear to use he if common sense supports it. If you think she is a handy substitute for he , try it and see what happens. Alternatively, put all controversial nouns in the plural and avoid the choice of sex altogether, although you may find your prose sounding general and diffuse as a result. This. The pronoun this , referring to the complete sense of a preceding sentence or clause, can't always carry the load and so may produce an imprecise statement. Visiting dignitaries watched yesterday as ground was broken for the new high-energy physics laboratory with a blowout safety wall. This is the first visible evidence of the university's plans for modernization and expansion. Visiting dignitaries watched yesterday as ground was broken for the new high-energy physics laboratory with a blowout safety wall. The ceremony afforded the first visible evidence of the university's plans for modernization and expansion. In the lefthand example above, this does not immediately make clear what the first visible evidence is. Thrust. This showy noun, suggestive of power, hinting of sex, is the darling of executives, politicos, and speech-writers. Use it sparingly. Save it for specific application. Our reorganization plan has a tremendous thrust. The piston has a five-inch thrust. The thrust of his letter was that he was working more hours than he'd bargained for. The point he made in his letter was that he was working more hours than he'd bargained for. Tortuous. Torturous. A winding road is tortuous , a painful ordeal is torturous . Both words carry the idea of "twist," the twist having been a form of torture. Transpire. Not to be used in the sense of "happen," "come to pass." Many writers so use it (usually when groping toward imagined elegance), but their usage finds little support in the Latin "breathe across or through." It is correct, however, in the sense of "become known." "Eventually, the grim account of his villainy transpired" (literally, "leaked through or out"). Try. Takes the infinitive: "try to mend it," not "try and mend it." Students of the language will argue that try and has won through and become idiom. Indeed it has, and it is relaxed and acceptable. But try to is precise, and when you are writing formal prose, try and write try to . Type. Not a synonym for kind of . The examples below are common vulgarisms. that type employee that kind of employee I dislike that type publicity. I dislike that kind of publicity. small, homelike hotels a new type plane a new type plane a plane of a new design (new kind) Unique. Means "without like or equal." Hence, there can be no degrees of uniqueness. It was the most unique coffee maker on the market. It was a unique coffee maker. The balancing act was very unique. The balancing act was unique. Of all the spiders, the one that lives in a bubble under water is the most unique. Among spiders, the one that lives in a bubble under water is unique. Utilize. Prefer use . I utilized the facilities. I used the toilet. He utilized the dishwasher. He used the dishwasher. Verbal. Sometimes means "word for word" and in this sense may refer to something expressed in writing. Oral (from Latin os , "mouth") limits the meaning to what is transmitted by speech. Oral agreement is more precise than verbal agreement . Very. Use this word sparingly. Where emphasis is necessary, use words strong in themselves. While. Avoid the indiscriminate use of this word for and , but , and although . Many writers use it frequently as a substitute for and or but , either from a mere desire to vary the connective or from doubt about which of the two connectives is more appropriate. In this use it is best replaced by a semicolon. The office and salesrooms are on the ground floor, while the rest of the building is used for manufacturing. The office and salesrooms are on the ground floor; the rest of the building is used for manufacturing. Its use as a virtual equivalent of although is allowable in sentences where this leads to no ambiguity or absurdity. While I admire his energy, I wish it were employed in a better cause. This is entirely correct, as shown by the paraphrase I admire his energy; at the same time, I wish it were employed in a better cause. Compare: While the temperature reaches 90 or 95 degrees in the daytime, the nights are often chilly. The paraphrase shows why the use of while is incorrect: The temperature reaches 90 or 95 degrees in the daytime; at the same time the nights are often chilly. In general, the writer will do well to use while only with strict literalness, in the sense of "during the time that." -wise. Not to be used indiscriminately as a pseudosuffix: taxwise, pricewise, marriagewise, prosewise, saltwater taffy-wise . Chiefly useful when it means "in the manner of: clockwise . There is not a noun in the language to which -wise cannot be added if the spirit moves one to add it. The sober writer will abstain from the use of this wild additive. Worth while. Overworked as a term of vague approval and (with not ) of disapproval. Strictly applicable only to actions: "Is it worth while to telegraph?" His books are not worth while. His books are not worth reading (are not worth one's while to read; do not repay reading). The adjective worthwhile (one word) is acceptable but emaciated. Use a stronger word. a worthwhile project a promising (useful, valuable, exciting) project Would. Commonly used to express habitual or repeated action. ("He would get up early and prepare his own breakfast before he went to work.") But when the idea of habit or repetition is expressed, in such phrases as once a year, every day, each Sunday , the past tense, without would , is usually sufficient, and, from its brevity, more emphatic. Once a year he would visit the old mansion. Once a year he visited the old mansion. In narrative writing, always indicate the transition from the general to the particular — that is, from sentences that merely state a general habit to those that express the action of a specific day or period. Failure to indicate the change will cause confusion. Townsend would get up early and prepare his own breakfast. If the day was cold, he filled the stove and had a warm fire burning before he left the house. On his way out to the garage, he noticed that there were footprints in the new-fallen snow on the porch. The reader is lost, having received no signal that Townsend has changed from a mere man of habit to a man who has seen a particular thing on a particular day. Townsend would get up early and prepare his own breakfast. If the day was cold, he filled the stove and had a warm fire burning before he left the house. One morning in January, on his way out to the garage, he noticed footprints in the new-fallen snow on the porch. V An Approach to Style (With a List of Reminders) UP TO this point, the book has been concerned with what is correct, or acceptable, in the use of English. In this final chapter, we approach style in its broader meaning: style in the sense of what is distinguished and distinguishing. Here we leave solid ground. Who can confidently say what ignites a certain combination of words, causing them to explode in the mind? Who knows why certain notes in music are capable of stirring the listener deeply, though the same notes slightly rearranged are impotent? These are high mysteries, and this chapter is a mystery story, thinly disguised. There is no satisfactory explanation of style, no infallible guide to good writing, no assurance that a person who thinks clearly will be able to write clearly, no key that unlocks the door, no inflexible rule by which writers may shape their course. Writers will often find themselves steering by stars that are disturbingly in motion. The preceding chapters contain instructions drawn from established English usage; this one contains advice drawn from a writer's experience of writing. Since the book is a rule book, these cautionary remarks, these subtly dangerous hints, are presented in the form of rules, but they are, in essence, mere gentle reminders: they state what most of us know and at times forget. Style is an increment in writing. When we speak of Fitzgerald's style, we don't mean his command of the relative pronoun, we mean the sound his words make on paper. All writers, by the way they use the language, reveal something of their spirits, their habits, their capacities, and their biases. This is inevitable as well as enjoyable. All writing is communication; creative writing is communication through revelation — it is the Self escaping into the open. No writer long remains incognito. If you doubt that style is something of a mystery, try rewriting a familiar sentence and see what happens. Any much-quoted sentence will do. Suppose we take "These are the times that try men's souls." Here we have eight short, easy words, forming a simple declarative sentence. The sentence contains no flashy ingredient such as "Damn the torpedoes!" and the words, as you see, are ordinary. Yet in that arrangement, they have shown great durability; the sentence is into its third century. Now compare a few variations: Times like these try men's souls. How trying it is to live in these times! These are trying times for men's souls. Soulwise, these are trying times. It seems unlikely that Thomas Paine could have made his sentiment stick if he had couched it in any of these forms. But why not? No fault of grammar can be detected in them, and in every case the meaning is clear. Each version is correct, and each, for some reason that we can't readily put our finger on, is marked for oblivion. We could, of course, talk about "rhythm" and "cadence," but the talk would be vague and unconvincing. We could declare soulwise to be a silly word, inappropriate to the occasion; but even that won't do — it does not answer the main question. Are we even sure soulwise is silly? If otherwise is a serviceable word, what's the matter with soulwise ? Here is another sentence, this one by a later Tom. It is not a famous sentence, although its author (Thomas Wolfe) is well known. "Quick are the mouths of earth, and quick the teeth that fed upon this loveliness." The sentence would not take a prize for clarity, and rhetorically it is at the opposite pole from "These are the times." Try it in a different form, without the inversions: The mouths of earth are quick, and the teeth that fed upon this loveliness are quick, too. The author's meaning is still intact, but not his overpowering emotion. What was poetical and sensuous has become prosy and wooden; instead of the secret sounds of beauty, we are left with the simple crunch of mastication. (Whether Mr. Wolfe was guilty of overwriting is, of course, another question — one that is not pertinent here.) With some writers, style not only reveals the spirit of the man but reveals his identity, as surely as would his fingerprints. Here, following, are two brief passages from the works of two American novelists. The subject in each case is languor. In both, the words used are ordinary, and there is nothing eccentric about the construction. He did not still feel weak, he was merely luxuriating in that supremely gutful lassitude of convalescence in which time, hurry, doing, did not exist, the accumulating seconds and minutes and hours to which in its well state the body is slave both waking and sleeping, now reversed and time now the lip-server and mendicant to the body's pleasure instead of the body thrall to time's headlong course. Manuel drank his brandy. He felt sleepy himself. It was too hot to go out into the town. Besides there was nothing to do. He wanted to see Zurito. He would go to sleep while he waited. Anyone acquainted with Faulkner and Hemingway will have recognized them in these passages and perceived which was which. How different are their languors! Or take two American poets, stopping at evening. One stops by woods, the other by laughing flesh. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year.* (* From "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" from The Poetry of Robert Frost , edited by Edward Connery Lathem. Copyright 1923, © 1969 by Henry Holt and Company, LLC. Reprinted by permission of Henry Holt and Company, LLC.) I have perceived that to be with those I like is enough, To stop in company with the rest at evening is enough, To be surrounded by beautiful, curious, breathing, laughing flesh is enough ... Because of the characteristic styles, there is little question about identity here, and if the situations were reversed, with Whitman stopping by woods and Frost by laughing flesh (not one of his regularly scheduled stops), the reader would know who was who. Young writers often suppose that style is a garnish for the meat of prose, a sauce by which a dull dish is made palatable. Style has no such separate entity; it is nondetachable, unfilterable. The beginner should approach style warily, realizing that it is an expression of self, and should turn resolutely away from all devices that are popularly believed to indicate style — all mannerisms, tricks, adornments. The approach to style is by way of plainness, simplicity, orderliness, sincerity. Writing is, for most, laborious and slow. The mind travels faster than the pen; consequently, writing becomes a question of learning to make occasional wing shots, bringing down the bird of thought as it flashes by. A writer is a gunner, sometimes waiting in the blind for something to come in, sometimes roaming the countryside hoping to scare something up. Like other gunners, the writer must cultivate patience, working many covers to bring down one partridge. Here, following, are some suggestions and cautionary hints that may help the beginner find the way to a satisfactory style. 1. Place yourself in the background. Write in a way that draws the reader's attention to the sense and substance of the writing, rather than to the mood and temper of the author. If the writing is solid and good, the mood and temper of the writer will eventually be revealed and not at the expense of the work. Therefore, the first piece of advice is this: to achieve style, begin by affecting none — that is, place yourself in the background. A careful and honest writer does not need to worry about style. As you become proficient in the use of language, your style will emerge, because you yourself will emerge, and when this happens you will find it increasingly easy to break through the barriers that separate you from other minds, other hearts — which is, of course, the purpose of writing, as well as its principal reward. Fortunately, the act of composition, or creation, disciplines the mind; writing is one way to go about thinking, and the practice and habit of writing not only drain the mind but supply it, too. 2. Write in a way that comes naturally. Write in a way that comes easily and naturally to you, using words and phrases that come readily to hand. But do not assume that because you have acted naturally your product is without flaw. The use of language begins with imitation. The infant imitates the sounds made by its parents; the child imitates first the spoken language, then the stuff of books. The imitative life continues long after the writer is secure in the language, for it is almost impossible to avoid imitating what one admires. Never imitate consciously, but do not worry about being an imitator; take pains instead to admire what is good. Then when you write in a way that comes naturally, you will echo the halloos that bear repeating. 3. Work from a suitable design. Before beginning to compose something, gauge the nature and extent of the enterprise and work from a suitable design. (See Chapter II, Rule 12.) Design informs even the simplest structure, whether of brick and steel or of prose. You raise a pup tent from one sort of vision, a cathedral from another. This does not mean that you must sit with a blueprint always in front of you, merely that you had best anticipate what you are getting into. To compose a laundry list, you can work directly from the pile of soiled garments, ticking them off one by one. But to write a biography, you will need at least a rough scheme; you cannot plunge in blindly and start ticking off fact after fact about your subject, lest you miss the forest for the trees and there be no end to your labors. Sometimes, of course, impulse and emotion are more compelling than design. If you are deeply troubled and are composing a letter appealing for mercy or for love, you had best not attempt to organize your emotions; the prose will have a better chance if the emotions are left in disarray — which you'll probably have to do anyway, since feelings do not usually lend themselves to rearrangement. But even the kind of writing that is essentially adventurous and impetuous will on examination be found to have a secret plan: Columbus didn't just sail, he sailed west, and the New World took shape from this simple and, we now think, sensible design. 4. Write with nouns and verbs. Write with nouns and verbs, not with adjectives and adverbs. The adjective hasn't been built that can pull a weak or inaccurate noun out of a tight place. This is not to disparage adjectives and adverbs; they are indispensable parts of speech. Occasionally they surprise us with their power, as in Up the airy mountain, Down the rushy glen, We daren't go a-hunting For fear of little men ... The nouns mountain and glen are accurate enough, but had the mountain not become airy, the glen rushy, William Ailing-ham might never have got off the ground with his poem. In general, however, it is nouns and verbs, not their assistants, that give good writing its toughness and color. 5. Revise and rewrite. Revising is part of writing. Few writers are so expert that they can produce what they are after on the first try. Quite often you will discover, on examining the completed work, that there are serious flaws in the arrangement of the material, calling for transpositions. When this is the case, a word processor can save you time and labor as you rearrange the manuscript. You can select material on your screen and move it to a more appropriate spot, or, if you cannot find the right spot, you can move the material to the end of the manuscript until you decide whether to delete it. Some writers find that working with a printed copy of the manuscript helps them to visualize the process of change; others prefer to revise entirely on screen. Above all, do not be afraid to experiment with what you have written. Save both the original and the revised versions; you can always use the computer to restore the manuscript to its original condition, should that course seem best. Remember, it is no sign of weakness or defeat that your manuscript ends up in need of major surgery. This is a common occurrence in all writing, and among the best writers. 6. Do not overwrite. Rich, ornate prose is hard to digest, generally unwholesome, and sometimes nauseating. If the sickly-sweet word, the overblown phrase are your natural form of expression, as is sometimes the case, you will have to compensate for it by a show of vigor, and by writing something as meritorious as the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's. When writing with a computer, you must guard against wordiness. The click and flow of a word processor can be seductive, and you may find yourself adding a few unnecessary words or even a whole passage just to experience the pleasure of running your fingers over the keyboard and watching your words appear on the screen. It is always a good idea to reread your writing later and ruthlessly delete the excess. 7. Do not overstate. When you overstate, readers will be instantly on guard, and everything that has preceded your overstatement as well as everything that follows it will be suspect in their minds because they have lost confidence in your judgment or your poise. Overstatement is one of the common faults. A single overstatement, wherever or however it occurs, diminishes the whole, and a single carefree superlative has the power to destroy, for readers, the object of your enthusiasm. 8. Avoid the use of qualifiers. Rather, very, little, pretty — these are the leeches that infest the pond of prose, sucking the blood of words. The constant use of the adjective little (except to indicate size) is particularly debilitating; we should all try to do a little better, we should all be very watchful of this rule, for it is a rather important one, and we are pretty sure to violate it now and then. 9. Do not affect a breezy manner. The volume of writing is enormous, these days, and much of it has a sort of windiness about it, almost as though the author were in a state of euphoria. "Spontaneous me," sang Whitman, and, in his innocence, let loose the hordes of uninspired scribblers who would one day confuse spontaneity with genius. The breezy style is often the work of an egocentric, the person who imagines that everything that comes to mind is of general interest and that uninhibited prose creates high spirits and carries the day. Open any alumni magazine, turn to the class notes, and you are quite likely to encounter old Spontaneous Me at work — an aging collegian who writes something like this: Well, guys, here I am again dishing the dirt about your disorderly classmates, after pa$$ing a weekend in the Big Apple trying to catch the Columbia hoops tilt and then a cab-ride from hell through the West Side casbah. And speaking of news, howzabout tossing a few primo items this way? This is an extreme example, but the same wind blows, at lesser velocities, across vast expanses of journalistic prose. The author in this case has managed in two sentences to commit most of the unpardonable sins: he obviously has nothing to say, he is showing off and directing the attention of the reader to himself, he is using slang with neither provocation nor ingenuity, he adopts a patronizing air by throwing in the word primo , he is humorless (though full of fun), dull, and empty. He has not done his work. Compare his opening remarks with the following — a plunge directly into the news: Clyde Crawford, who stroked the varsity shell in 1958, is swinging an oar again after a lapse of forty years. Clyde resigned last spring as executive sales manager of the Indiana Flotex Company and is now a gondolier in Venice. This, although conventional, is compact, informative, unpretentious. The writer has dug up an item of news and presented it in a straightforward manner. What the first writer tried to accomplish by cutting rhetorical capers and by breeziness, the second writer managed to achieve by good reporting, by keeping a tight rein on his material, and by staying out of the act. 10. Use orthodox spelling. In ordinary composition, use orthodox spelling. Do not write nite for night , thru for through , pleez for please , unless you plan to introduce a complete system of simplified spelling and are prepared to take the consequences. In the original edition of The Elements of Style , there was a chapter on spelling. In it, the author had this to say: The spelling of English words is not fixed and invariable, nor does it depend on any other authority than general agreement. At the present day there is practically unanimous agreement as to the spelling of most words.... At any given moment, however, a relatively small number of words may be spelled in more than one way. Gradually, as a rule, one of these forms comes to be generally preferred, and the less customary form comes to look obsolete and is discarded. From time to time new forms, mostly simplifications, are introduced by innovators, and either win their place or die of neglect. The practical objection to unaccepted and oversimplified spellings is the disfavor with which they are received by the reader. They distract his attention and exhaust his patience. He reads the form though automatically, without thought of its needless complexity; he reads the abbreviation tho and mentally supplies the missing letters, at the cost of a fraction of his attention. The writer has defeated his own purpose. The language manages somehow to keep pace with events. A word that has taken hold in our century is thru-way ; it was born of necessity and is apparently here to stay. In combination with way , thru is more serviceable than through ; it is a high-speed word for readers who are going sixty-five. Throughway would be too long to fit on a road sign, too slow to serve the speeding eye. It is conceivable that because of our thruways, through will eventually become thru — after many more thousands of miles of travel. 11. Do not explain too much. It is seldom advisable to tell all. Be sparing, for instance, in the use of adverbs after "he said," "she replied," and the like: "he said consolingly"; "she replied grumblingly." Let the conversation itself disclose the speaker's manner or condition. Dialogue heavily weighted with adverbs after the attributive verb is cluttery and annoying. Inexperienced writers not only overwork their adverbs but load their attributives with explanatory verbs: "he consoled," "she congratulated." They do this, apparently, in the belief that the word said is always in need of support, or because they have been told to do it by experts in the art of bad writing. 12. Do not construct awkward adverbs. Adverbs are easy to build. Take an adjective or a participle, add -ly , and behold! you have an adverb. But you'd probably be better off without it. Do not write tangledly . The word itself is a tangle. Do not even write tiredly . Nobody says tangledly and not many people say tiredly . Words that are not used orally are seldom the ones to put on paper. He climbed tiredly to bed. He climbed wearily to bed. The lamp cord lay tangledly beneath her chair. The lamp cord lay in tangles beneath her chair. Do not dress words up by adding -ly to them, as though putting a hat on a horse. overly over muchly much thusly thus 13. Make sure the reader knows who is speaking. Dialogue is a total loss unless you indicate who the speaker is. In long dialogue passages containing no attributives, the reader may become lost and be compelled to go back and reread in order to puzzle the thing out. Obscurity is an imposition on the reader, to say nothing of its damage to the work. In dialogue, make sure that your attributives do not awkwardly interrupt a spoken sentence. Place them where the break would come naturally in speech — that is, where the speaker would pause for emphasis, or take a breath. The best test for locating an attributive is to speak the sentence aloud. "Now, my boy, we shall see," he said, "how well you have learned your lesson." "Now, my boy," he said, "we shall see how well you have learned your lesson." "What's more, they would never," she added, "consent to the plan." "What's more," she added, "they would never consent to the plan." 14. Avoid fancy words. Avoid the elaborate, the pretentious, the coy, and the cute. Do not be tempted by a twenty-dollar word when there is a ten-center handy, ready and able. Anglo-Saxon is a livelier tongue than Latin, so use Anglo-Saxon words. In this, as in so many matters pertaining to style, one's ear must be one's guide: gut is a lustier noun than intestine , but the two words are not interchangeable, because gut is often inappropriate, being too coarse for the context. Never call a stomach a tummy without good reason. If you admire fancy words, if every sky is beauteous , every blonde curvaceous , every intelligent child prodigious, if you are tickled by discombobulate , you will have a bad time with Reminder 14. What is wrong, you ask, with beauteous ? No one knows, for sure. There is nothing wrong, really, with any word — all are good, but some are better than others. A matter of ear, a matter of reading the books that sharpen the ear. The line between the fancy and the plain, between the atrocious and the felicitous, is sometimes alarmingly fine. The opening phrase of the Gettysburg address is close to the line, at least by our standards today, and Mr. Lincoln, knowingly or unknowingly, was flirting with disaster when he wrote "Four score and seven years ago." The President could have got into his sentence with plain "Eighty-seven" — a saving of two words and less of a strain on the listeners' powers of multiplication. But Lincoln's ear must have told him to go ahead with four score and seven. By doing so, he achieved cadence while skirting the edge of fanciness. Suppose he had blundered over the line and written, "In the year of our Lord seventeen hundred and seventy-six." His speech would have sustained a heavy blow. Or suppose he had settled for "Eighty-seven." In that case he would have got into his introductory sentence too quickly; the timing would have been bad. The question of ear is vital. Only the writer whose ear is reliable is in a position to use bad grammar deliberately; this writer knows for sure when a colloquialism is better than formal phrasing and is able to sustain the work at a level of good taste. So cock your ear. Years ago, students were warned not to end a sentence with a preposition; time, of course, has softened that rigid decree. Not only is the preposition acceptable at the end, sometimes it is more effective in that spot than anywhere else. "A claw hammer, not an ax, was the tool he murdered her with." This is preferable to "A claw hammer, not an ax, was the tool with which he murdered her." Why? Because it sounds more violent, more like murder. A matter of ear. And would you write "The worst tennis player around here is I" or "The worst tennis player around here is me"? The first is good grammar, the second is good judgment — although the me might not do in all contexts. The split infinitive is another trick of rhetoric in which the ear must be quicker than the handbook. Some infinitives seem to improve on being split, just as a stick of round stovewood does. "I cannot bring myself to really like the fellow." The sentence is relaxed, the meaning is clear, the violation is harmless and scarcely perceptible. Put the other way, the sentence becomes stiff, needlessly formal. A matter of ear. There are times when the ear not only guides us through difficult situations but also saves us from minor or major embarrassments of prose. The ear, for example, must decide when to omit that from a sentence, when to retain it. "She knew she could do it" is preferable to "She knew that she could do it" — simpler and just as clear. But in many cases the that is needed. "He felt that his big nose, which was sunburned, made him look ridiculous." Omit the that and you have "He felt his big nose...." 15. Do not use dialect unless your ear is good. Do not attempt to use dialect unless you are a devoted student of the tongue you hope to reproduce. If you use dialect, be consistent. The reader will become impatient or confused upon finding two or more versions of the same word or expression. In dialect it is necessary to spell phonetically, or at least ingeniously, to capture unusual inflections. Take, for example, the word once . It often appears in dialect writing as oncet , but oncet looks as though it should be pronounced "onset." A better spelling would be wunst . But if you write it oncet once, write it that way throughout. The best dialect writers, by and large, are economical of their talents; they use the minimum, not the maximum, of deviation from the norm, thus sparing their readers as well as convincing them. 16. Be clear. Clarity is not the prize in writing, nor is it always the principal mark of a good style. There are occasions when obscurity serves a literary yearning, if not a literary purpose, and there are writers whose mien is more overcast than clear. But since writing is communication, clarity can only be a virtue. And although there is no substitute for merit in writing, clarity comes closest to being one. Even to a writer who is being intentionally obscure or wild of tongue we can say, "Be obscure clearly! Be wild of tongue in a way we can understand!" Even to writers of market letters, telling us (but not telling us) which securities are promising, we can say, "Be cagey plainly! Be elliptical in a straightforward fashion!" Clarity, clarity, clarity. When you become hopelessly mired in a sentence, it is best to start fresh; do not try to fight your way through against the terrible odds of syntax. Usually what is wrong is that the construction has become too involved at some point; the sentence needs to be broken apart and replaced by two or more shorter sentences. Muddiness is not merely a disturber of prose, it is also a destroyer of life, of hope: death on the highway caused by a badly worded road sign, heartbreak among lovers caused by a misplaced phrase in a well-intentioned letter, anguish of a traveler expecting to be met at a railroad station and not being met because of a slipshod telegram. Think of the tragedies that are rooted in ambiguity, and be clear! When you say something, make sure you have said it. The chances of your having said it are only fair. 17. Do not inject opinion. Unless there is a good reason for its being there, do not inject opinion into a piece of writing. We all have opinions about almost everything, and the temptation to toss them in is great. To air one's views gratuitously, however, is to imply that the demand for them is brisk, which may not be the case, and which, in any event, may not be relevant to the discussion. Opinions scattered indiscriminately about leave the mark of egotism on a work. Similarly, to air one's views at an improper time may be in bad taste. If you have received a letter inviting you to speak at the dedication of a new cat hospital, and you hate cats, your reply, declining the invitation, does not necessarily have to cover the full range of your emotions. You must make it clear that you will not attend, but you do not have to let fly at cats. The writer of the letter asked a civil question; attack cats, then, only if you can do so with good humor, good taste, and in such a way that your answer will be courteous as well as responsive. Since you are out of sympathy with cats, you may quite properly give this as a reason for not appearing at the dedicatory ceremonies of a cat hospital. But bear in mind that your opinion of cats was not sought, only your services as a speaker. Try to keep things straight. 18. Use figures of speech sparingly. The simile is a common device and a useful one, but similes coming in rapid fire, one right on top of another, are more distracting than illuminating. Readers need time to catch their breath; they can't be expected to compare everything with something else, and no relief in sight. When you use metaphor, do not mix it up. That is, don't start by calling something a swordfish and end by calling it an hourglass. 19. Do not take shortcuts at the cost of clarity. Do not use initials for the names of organizations or movements unless you are certain the initials will be readily understood. Write things out. Not everyone knows that MADD means Mothers Against Drunk Driving, and even if everyone did, there are babies being born every minute who will someday encounter the name for the first time. They deserve to see the words, not simply the initials. A good rule is to start your article by writing out names in full, and then, later, when your readers have got their bearings, to shorten them. Many shortcuts are self-defeating; they waste the reader's time instead of conserving it. There are all sorts of rhetorical stratagems and devices that attract writers who hope to be pithy, but most of them are simply bothersome. The longest way round is usually the shortest way home, and the one truly reliable shortcut in writing is to choose words that are strong and surefooted to carry readers on their way. 20. Avoid foreign languages. The writer will occasionally find it convenient or necessary to borrow from other languages. Some writers, however, from sheer exuberance or a desire to show off, sprinkle their work liberally with foreign expressions, with no regard for the reader's comfort. It is a bad habit. Write in English. 21. Prefer the standard to the offbeat. Young writers will be drawn at every turn toward eccentricities in language. They will hear the beat of new vocabularies, the exciting rhythms of special segments of their society, each speaking a language of its own. All of us come under the spell of these unsettling drums; the problem for beginners is to listen to them, learn the words, feel the vibrations, and not be carried away. Youths invariably speak to other youths in a tongue of their own devising: they renovate the language with a wild vigor, as they would a basement apartment. By the time this paragraph sees print, psyched, nerd, ripoff, dude, geek , and funky will be the words of yesteryear, and we will be fielding more recent ones that have come bouncing into our speech — some of them into our dictionary as well. A new word is always up for survival. Many do survive. Others grow stale and disappear. Most are, at least in their infancy, more appropriate to conversation than to composition. Today, the language of advertising enjoys an enormous circulation. With its deliberate infractions of grammatical rules and its crossbreeding of the parts of speech, it profoundly influences the tongues and pens of children and adults. Your new kitchen range is so revolutionary it obsoletes all other ranges. Your counter top is beautiful because it is accessorized with gold-plated faucets. Your cigarette tastes good like a cigarette should. And, like the man says , you will want to try one. You will also, in all probability, want to try writing that way, using that language. You do so at your peril, for it is the language of mutilation. Advertisers are quite understandably interested in what they call "attention getting." The man photographed must have lost an eye or grown a pink beard, or he must have three arms or be sitting wrong-end-to on a horse. This technique is proper in its place, which is the world of selling, but the young writer had best not adopt the device of mutilation in ordinary composition, whose purpose is to engage, not paralyze, the readers senses. Buy the gold-plated faucets if you will, but do not accessorize your prose. To use the language well, do not begin by hacking it to bits; accept the whole body of it, cherish its classic form, its variety, and its richness. Another segment of society that has constructed a language of its own is business. People in business say that toner cartridges are in short supply , that they have updated the next shipment of these cartridges, and that they will finalize their recommendations at the next meeting of the board. They are speaking a language familiar and dear to them. Its portentous nouns and verbs invest ordinary events with high adventure; executives walk among toner cartridges, caparisoned like knights. We should tolerate them — every person of spirit wants to ride a white horse. The only question is whether business vocabulary is helpful to ordinary prose. Usually, the same ideas can be expressed less formidably, if one makes the effort. A good many of the special words of business seem designed more to express the user's dreams than to express a precise meaning. Not all such words, of course, can be dismissed summarily; indeed, no word in the language can be dismissed offhand by anyone who has a healthy curiosity. Update isn't a bad word; in the right setting it is useful. In the wrong setting, though, it is destructive, and the trouble with adopting coinages too quickly is that they will bedevil one by insinuating themselves where they do not belong. This may sound like rhetorical snobbery, or plain stuffiness; but you will discover, in the course of your work, that the setting of a word is just as restrictive as the setting of a jewel. The general rule here is to prefer the standard. Finalize , for instance, is not standard; it is special, and it is a peculiarly fuzzy and silly word. Does it mean "terminate," or does it mean "put into final form"? One can't be sure, really, what it means, and one gets the impression that the person using it doesn't know, either, and doesn't want to know. The special vocabularies of the law, of the military, of government are familiar to most of us. Even the world of criticism has a modest pouch of private words ( luminous, taut ), whose only virtue is that they are exceptionally nimble and can escape from the garden of meaning over the wall. Of these critical words, Wolcott Gibbs once wrote, "... they are detached from the language and inflated like little balloons." The young writer should learn to spot them — words that at first glance seem freighted with delicious meaning but that soon burst in air, leaving nothing but a memory of bright sound. The language is perpetually in flux: it is a living stream, shifting, changing, receiving new strength from a thousand tributaries, losing old forms in the backwaters of time. To suggest that a young writer not swim in the main stream of this turbulence would be foolish indeed, and such is not the intent of these cautionary remarks. The intent is to suggest that in choosing between the formal and the informal, the regular and the offbeat, the general and the special, the orthodox and the heretical, the beginner err on the side of conservatism, on the side of established usage. No idiom is taboo, no accent forbidden; there is simply a better chance of doing well if the writer holds a steady course, enters the stream of English quietly, and does not thrash about. "But," you may ask, "what if it comes natural to me to experiment rather than conform? What if I am a pioneer, or even a genius?" Answer: then be one. But do not forget that what may seem like pioneering may be merely evasion, or laziness — the disinclination to submit to discipline. Writing good standard English is no cinch, and before you have managed it you will have encountered enough rough country to satisfy even the most adventurous spirit. Style takes its final shape more from attitudes of mind than from principles of composition, for, as an elderly practitioner once remarked, "Writing is an act of faith, not a trick of grammar." This moral observation would have no place in a rule book were it not that style is the writer, and therefore what you are, rather than what you know, will at last determine your style. If you write, you must believe — in the truth and worth of the scrawl, in the ability of the reader to receive and decode the message. No one can write decently who is distrustful of the reader's intelligence, or whose attitude is patronizing. Many references have been made in this book to "the reader," who has been much in the news. It is now necessary to warn you that your concern for the reader must be pure: you must sympathize with the reader's plight (most readers are in trouble about half the time) but never seek to know the reader's wants. Your whole duty as a writer is to please and satisfy yourself, and the true writer always plays to an audience of one. Start sniffing the air, or glancing at the Trend Machine, and you are as good as dead, although you may make a nice living. Full of belief, sustained and elevated by the power of purpose, armed with the rules of grammar, you are ready for exposure. At this point, you may well pattern yourself on the fully exposed cow of Robert Louis Stevenson's rhyme. This friendly and commendable animal, you may recall, was "blown by all the winds that pass /And wet with all the showers." And so must you as a young writer be. In our modern idiom, we would say that you must get wet all over. Mr. Stevenson, working in a plainer style, said it with felicity, and suddenly one cow, out of so many, received the gift of immortality. Like the steadfast writer, she is at home in the wind and the rain; and, thanks to one moment of felicity, she will live on and on and on. 1935 T H E E N D ________ Thank you John. E-mail: john@orwell.ru Afterword WILL STRUNK and E. B. White were unique collaborators. Unlike Gilbert and Sullivan, or Woodward and Bernstein, they worked separately and decades apart. We have no way of knowing whether Professor Strunk took particular notice of Elwyn Brooks White, a student of his at Cornell University in 1919. Neither teacher nor pupil could have realized that their names would be linked as they now are. Nor could they have imagined that thirty-eight years after they met, White would take this little gem of a textbook that Strunk had written for his students, polish it, expand it, and transform it into a classic. E. B. White shared Strunk's sympathy for the reader. To Strunk's do's and don'ts he added passages about the power of words and the clear expression of thoughts and feelings. To the nuts and bolts of grammar he added a rhetorical dimension. The editors of this edition have followed in White's footsteps, once again providing fresh examples and modernizing usage where appropriate. The Elements of Style is still a little book, small enough and important enough to carry in your pocket, as I carry mine. It has helped me to write better. I believe it can do the same for you. Charles Osgood Glossary adjectival modifier A word, phrase, or clause that acts as an adjective in qualifying the meaning of a noun or pronoun, Your country; a turn-of-the-century style; people who are always late . adjective A word that modifies, quantifies, or otherwise describes a noun or pronoun. Drizzly November; midnight dreary; only requirement. adverb A word that modifies or otherwise qualifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Gestures gracefully ; exceptionally quiet engine. adverbial phrase A phrase that functions as an adverb. (See phrase .) Landon laughs with abandon . agreement The correspondence of a verb with its subject in person and number (Karen goes to Cal Tech; her sisters go to UCLA), and of a pronoun with its antecedent in person, number, and gender (As soon as Karen finished the exam, she picked up her books and left the room). antecedent The noun to which a pronoun refers. A pronoun and its antecedent must agree in person, number, and gender. Michael and his teammates moved off campus. appositive A noun or noun phrase that renames or adds identifying information to a noun it immediately follows. His brother, an accountant with Arthur Andersen , was recently promoted. articles The words a , an , and the , which signal or introduce nouns. The definite article the refers to a particular item: the report. The indefinite articles a and an refer to a general item or one not already mentioned: an apple. auxiliary verb A verb that combines with the main verb to show differences in tense, person, and voice. The most common auxiliaries are forms of be , do , and have . I am going; we did not go; they have gone. (See also modal auxiliaries. ) case The form of a noun or pronoun that reflects its grammatical function in a sentence as subject ( they ), object ( them ), or possessor ( their ). She gave her employees a raise that pleased them greatly. clause A group of related words that contains a subject and predicate. Moths swarm around a burning candle. While she was taking the test, Karen muttered to herself. colloquialism A word or expression appropriate to informal conversation but not usually suitable for academic or business writing. They wanted to get even (instead of they wanted to retaliate ). complement A word or phrase (especially a noun or adjective) that completes the predicate. Subject complements complete linking verbs and rename or describe the subject: Martha is my neighbor . She seems shy . Object complements complete transitive verbs by describing or renaming the direct object: They found the play exciting . Robert considers Mary a wonderful wife . compound sentence Two or more independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction, a correlative conjunction, or a semicolon. Caesar conquered Gaul , but Alexander the Great conquered the world . compound subject Two or more simple subjects joined by a coordinating or correlative conjunction. Hemingway and Fitzgerald had little in common. conjunction A word that joins words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. The coordinating conjunctions, and, but, or, nor, yet, so, for , join grammatically equivalent elements. Correlative conjunctions ( both, and; either, or; neither, nor ) join the same kinds of elements. contraction A shortened form of a word or group of words: can't for cannot; they're for they are. correlative expression See conjunction . dependent clause A group of words that includes a subject and verb but is subordinate to an independent clause in a sentence. Dependent clauses begin with either a subordinating conjunction, such as if, because, since , or a relative pronoun, such as who, which, that . When it gets dark , we'll find a restaurant that has music . direct object A noun or pronoun that receives the action of a transitive verb. Pearson publishes books . gerund The -ing form of a verb that functions as a noun: Hiking is good exercise. She was praised for her playing . indefinite pronoun A pronoun that refers to an unspecified person ( anybody ) or thing ( something ). independent clause A group of words with a subject and verb that can stand alone as a sentence. Raccoons steal food . indirect object A noun or pronoun that indicates to whom or for whom, to what or for what the action of a transitive verb is performed. I asked her a question. Ed gave the door a kick. infinitive/split infinitive In the present tense, a verb phrase consisting of to followed by the base form of the verb ( to write ). A split infinitive occurs when one or more words separate to and the verb ( to boldly go ). intransitive verb A verb that does not take a direct object. His nerve failed . linking verb A verb that joins the subject of a sentence to its complement. Professor Chapman is a philosophy teacher. They were ecstatic. loose sentence A sentence that begins with the main idea and then attaches modifiers, qualifiers, and additional details: He was determined to succeed, with or without the promotion he was hoping for and in spite of the difficulties he was confronting at every turn. main clause An independent clause, which can stand alone as a grammatically complete sentence. Grammarians quibble. modal auxiliaries Any of the verbs that combine with the main verb to express necessity ( must ), obligation ( should ), permission ( may ), probability ( might ), possibility ( could ), ability ( can ), or tentativeness ( would ). Mary might wash the car. modifier A word or phrase that qualifies, describes, or limits the meaning of a word, phrase, or clause. Frayed ribbon, dancing flowers, worldly wisdom. nominative pronoun A pronoun that functions as a subject or a subject complement: I, we, you, he, she, it, they, who . nonrestrictive modifier A phrase or clause that does not limit or restrict the essential meaning of the element it modifies. My youngest niece, who lives in Ann Arbor , is a magazine editor. noun A word that names a person, place, thing, or idea. Most nouns have a plural form and a possessive form. Carol ; the park ; the cup ; democracy . number A feature of nouns, pronouns, and a few verbs, referring to singular or plural. A subject and its corresponding verb must be consistent in number; a pronoun should agree in number with its antecedent. A solo flute plays ; two oboes join in. object The noun or pronoun that completes a prepositional phrase or the meaning of a transitive verb. (See also direct object , indirect object , and preposition .) Frost offered his audience a poetic performance they would likely never forget. participial phrase A present or past participle with accompanying modifiers, objects, or complements. The buzzards, circling with sinister determination , squawked loudly. participle A verbal that functions as an adjective. Present participles end in -ing ( brimming ); past participles typically end in -d or -ed ( injured ) or -en ( broken ) but may appear in other forms ( brought, been, gone ). periodic sentence A sentence that expresses the main idea at the end. With or without their parents' consent, and whether or not they receive the assignment relocation they requested, they are determined to get married . phrase A group of related words that functions as a unit but lacks a subject, a verb, or both. Without the resources to continue . possessive The case of nouns and pronouns that indicates ownership or possession ( Harold's, ours, mine ). predicate The verb and its related words in a clause or sentence. The predicate expresses what the subject does, experiences, or is. Birds fly. The partygoers celebrated wildly for a long time . preposition A word that relates its object (a noun, pronoun, or -ing verb form) to another word in the sentence. She is the leader of our group. We opened the door by picking the lock. She went out the window. prepositional phrase A group of words consisting of a preposition, its object, and any of the object's modifiers. Georgia on my mind . principal verb The predicating verb in a main clause or sentence. pronominal possessive Possessive pronouns such as hers , its , and theirs . proper noun The name of a particular person ( Frank Sinatra ), place ( Boston ), or thing ( Moby Dick ). Proper nouns are capitalized. Common nouns name classes of people ( singers ), places ( cities ), or things ( books ) and are not capitalized. relative clause A clause introduced by a relative pronoun, such as who, which, that , or by a relative adverb, such as where, when, why . relative pronoun A pronoun that connects a dependent clause to a main clause in a sentence: who, whom, whose, which, that, what, whoever, whomever, whichever , and whatever . restrictive term, element, clause A phrase or clause that limits the essential meaning of the sentence element it modifies or identifies. Professional athletes who perform exceptionally should earn stratospheric salaries. Since there are no commas before and after the italicized clause, the italicized clause is restrictive and suggests that only those athletes who perform exceptionally are entitled to such salaries. If commas were added before who and after exceptionally , the clause would be nonrestrictive and would suggest that all professional athletes should receive stratospheric salaries. sentence fragment A group of words that is not grammatically a complete sentence but is punctuated as one: Because it mattered greatly . subject The noun or pronoun that indicates what a sentence is about, and which the principal verb of a sentence elaborates. The new Steven Spielberg movie is a box office hit. subordinate clause A clause dependent on the main clause in a sentence. After we finish our work , we will go out for dinner. syntax The order or arrangement of words in a sentence. Syntax may exhibit parallelism ( I came, I saw, I conquered ), inversion ( Whose woods these are I think I know ), or other formal characteristics. tense The time of a verb's action or state of being, such as past, present, or future. Saw, see, will see . transition A word or group of words that aids coherence in writing by showing the connections between ideas. William Carlos Williams was influenced by the poetry of Walt Whitman. Moreover , Williams's emphasis on the present and the immediacy of the ordinary represented a rejection of the poetic stance and style of his contemporary T. S. Eliot. In addition , Williams's poetry .... transitive verb A verb that requires a direct object to complete its meaning: They washed their new car. An intransitive verb does not require an object to complete its meaning: The audience laughed . Many verbs can be both: The wind blew furiously. My car blew a gasket. verb A word or group of words that expresses the action or indicates the state of being of the subject. Verbs activate sentences. verbal A verb form that functions in a sentence as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb rather than as a principal verb. Thinking can be fun. An embroidered handkerchief. (See also gerund, infinitive, and participle .) voice The attribute of a verb that indicates whether its subject is active (Janet played the guitar) or passive (The guitar was played by Janet). Prepared by Robert DiYanni Index a/an in parallel construction 27 in titles 38 abbreviations punctuation of 3 and writing style 80-81 accordingly , semicolon with 6 active voice 18-19 adjectival modifier 12 adjective(s) compound, hyphen in 34-35 and writing style 71 adverb(s) 6 awkward 75-76 sparing use of 75 adverbial phrase 44 advertising, language of 81-82 affect vs. effect 45 aggravate vs. irritate 39 agreement, subject-verb 9-11 all right 39 Allingham, William 71 allude 40 allusion vs. illusion 40 almost vs. most 53 along these lines 52 alternate vs. alternative 40 among vs. between 40 and comma before 5, 6 loose sentences with 25 parallelism with 27 subjects joined by 10 while as substitute for 63 and/or , misuse of 40 Anglo-Saxon vs. Latin 77 antecedent(s) position in sentence 29-30 anticipate vs. expect 40-41 anybody vs. any body 41 pronoun after 60 anyone vs. any one 41 apostrophe, use of 1 appositive introductory 13 position in sentence 30 pronoun as 12 punctuation of 4-5, 9 article(s) in parallel construction 27 in titles 38 as comma before 5 vs. like 51-52, 82 as good or better than 41 as regards 49 as to whether 41 as well as , subjects joined by 10 as yet 41 attributives, in dialogue 31, 75, 76 auxiliary verb(s) 20 modal 20 being , misuse of 41, 56 besides , semicolon with 6 between vs. among 40 both ... and , parallelism with 27 breezy style 73-74 brevity. See concise writing business, language of 82-83 business firms, names of 2 but comma before 5 loose sentences with 25 use of 41-42 while as substitute for 63 can vs. may 42 sparing use of 20 care less , misuse of 42 case of pronouns 11-13 case (noun), misuse of 42 certainly 42 character , misuse of 42 claim (verb) 42-43 clarity in writing 79 clause(s) punctuation of 3-7 restrictive vs. nonrestrictive 3-5, 59 clever 43 colloquialism(s) 34 colon, use of 7-8 comma(s) with abbreviations 3 in compound sentence 6-7 before conjunction 5, 6 in dates 2-3 with parenthetical expressions 2-5 vs. period 7 with quotations 36 serial 2 compare to vs. compare with 43 comparisons case of pronoun in 12 than in 59 complement inverted position of 33 in periodic sentence 32 composed of vs. divided into 44 composition, principles of 15-33 compound adjective, hyphen in 34-35 compound sentence comma in 6-7 semicolon in 5-6 compound subject verb form after 10 comprise 43 concise writing 23-24 active voice and 18-19 positive statements and 19-20 concrete language 21-23 conditional verbs 20 conjunction(s) comma with 5, 6 loose sentences with 25 parallelism with 27 consider vs. considered as 43 contact (verb) 43 contraction vs. possessive 1 coordinating conjunctions comma with 5, 6 loose sentences with 25 cope with 44 correlative conjunctions comma with 5 parallelism with 27 could , sparing use of 20 currently , misuse of 44 dash, use of 9 data 44 dates numerals vs. words for 35 punctuation of 2-3 degrees (academic), punctuation of 3 dependent clause punctuation of 5 design 15, 70-71 details, reporting 21-22 dialect 78-79 dialogue adverbs in 75 attributives in 31, 75, 76 dates and numbers in 35 paragraphing of 16 sentence fragment in 7 tense in 31 different than , misuse of 44 direct address, name or title in 3 direct object 36 disinterested vs. uninterested 44 divided into vs. composed of 44 due to 44-45 each pronoun after 60 verb form after 10 each and every one 45 eccentric vs. standard language 81-84 effect vs. affect 45 e.g ., punctuation of 3 either , verb form after 10 either ... or, parallel construction with 27 elude vs. allude 40 emphatic word/expression position in sentence 32-33 as sentence fragment 7 enormity 45 enthuse , misuse of 45 enumeration, comma in 2 etc . 45-46 punctuation of 3 every , compound subject qualified by 10 everybody vs. every body 41 pronoun after 60 verb form after 10 everyone pronoun after 60 verb form after 10 except , subjects joined by 10 exclamations 34 expect vs. anticipate 40-41 facility 46 fact 46 (the) fact is ... 60 (the) fact that 24 factor 46 fancy words, avoiding 76-78 farther vs. further 46 Faulkner, William 68 feature 47 fewer vs. less 51 figures of speech 80 finalize 47, 82, 83 first..., second..., third , parallelism with 27 firstly ... , secondly ... , thirdly , misuse of 57 fix (verb) 47 flammable 47 folk 47 for , comma before 5, 6 for conscience' sake 1 foreign words 81 form, principles of 34-38 Forster, E. M., 25-26 fortuitous 47 Frost, Robert 68-69 funny 50 further vs. farther 46 gerund vs. participle 13, 55-56 possessive case with 12 get 48 Gibbs, Wolcott 83 gratuitous 48 have got 48 he is a man who 48 he or she , avoiding 60-61 he said , in dialogue 31, 75, 76 headings 34 Hemingway, Ernest 68 hopefully 48 however 48-49 hyphen 34-35 I vs. myself 12 i.e ., punctuation of 3 illusion vs. allusion 40 imitation, in writing 70 imply vs. infer 49 importantly , misuse of 49 in addition to , subjects joined by 10 in regard to 49 in terms of 50 in the last analysis 4 indefinite pronouns possessive case of 1 independent clause(s) colon after 7-8 comma before conjunction introducing 5 comma separating 6-7 semicolon separating 5-6 indirect discourse, tense in 31 indirect object 89 infer vs. imply 49 infinitive split 58, 78 inside of 49 insightful 50 interesting , 50 intransitive verb 44, 51 introductory phrase participial 13-14 punctuation of 5 irregardless , misuse of 50 irritate vs. aggravate 39 it's vs. its 1 -ize 50 Jr ., punctuation of 3 kind of 51, 62 Latin vs. Anglo-Saxon 77 lay 51 leave vs. let 51 lend vs. loan 52 less vs. fewer 51 let vs. leave 51 lie vs. lay 51 like vs. as 51-52, 82 Lincoln, Abraham 77 linking verb(s) agreement with subject 11 literal/literally 52 little 73 loan vs. lend 52 logical predicate 32 loose sentence(s) 25-26 -ly , awkward use of 75-76 main clause punctuation of 5-7 statement supplementing 4 mannerisms 17, 42 margins 35 may vs. can 42 sparing use of 20 meaningful 53 memento 53 metaphor, use of 80 might , sparing use of 20 modal auxiliaries sparing use of 20 modifier(s) adjectival 12 position of 30-31 most vs. almost 53 myself vs. I 12 names (of firms), comma in 2 names (of persons) in direct address 3 possessive case of 1 nature 53 nauseous vs. nauseated 53 needless words, omitting 23-24 negative statements, avoiding 19-20 neither , verb form after 10 nice 53 no less than , subjects joined by 10 nobody vs. no body 41 verb form after 10 nominative pronoun 12 none , verb form after 10 nonrestrictive clause 59 punctuation of 3-5 nor comma before 5 vs. or 53-54 not , misuse of 19-20 not... but , parallel construction with 27 not only ... but also , parallel construction with 27 noun(s) in apposition. See appositive possessive case of 1 used as verb 54 and writing style 71-72 number of verb 9-11 numerals 35 object direct 36 indirect 89 pronoun as 11, 12 object complements inverted position of 33 in periodic sentence 32 offputting 54 one 54-55 one of , verb form after 9-10 one of the most 55 ongoing 54 opinion, injecting in writing 79-80 or in and/or 40 comma before 5 vs. nor 53-54 oral vs. verbal 63 -oriented 55 Orwell, George 22-23 overstatement 73 overwriting 72 Paine, Thomas 67 paragraphs 15-17 parallel construction 26-28 parentheses 36 references in 37 parenthetical expressions 2-5 partially vs. partly 55 participial phrase introductory 13-14 punctuation of 4-5 participle as verbal 13, 55-56 passive voice 18 past tense, in indirect discourse 31 people 56 period vs. comma 7 periodic sentence effectiveness of 32 vs. loose sentence 25, 26 personal pronouns case of 11-13 after each/every 60 personalize 56 personally 56 persons 56 phrase adverbial 44 participial 4-5, 13-14 prepositional 13-14 positive statements 19-20 possess 56-57 possessive apostrophe in 1 with gerund 12 with participle 55-56 pronominal 1 of pronouns 12 before titles 38 predicate logical 32 preposition(s) at end of sentence 77-78 in parallel construction 27 prepositional phrase at beginning of sentence 13-14 present participle, as verbal 13, 55-56 present tense, in summaries 31 presently 57 prestigious 57 pretty 73 principal verb 29 pronominal possessive 1 pronoun(s) antecedent of 29, 60 case of 11-13 after each/every 60 indefinite 1 nominative 12 relative 29 proper nouns in direct address 3 possessive case of 1 proverbial expressions 37 qualifiers, avoiding 73 quotation(s) 36-37 colon introducing 8 quotation marks for colloquialisms 34 punctuation with 36 rather 73 refer vs. allude 40 references 37 regard ... as 41 regretful vs. regrettable 57 relate , misuse of 57 relative clause following one of 9-10 position in sentence 30 punctuation of 4 relative pronoun position in sentence 29 repeated action, expressing 64-65 respective/respectively 57 restrictive clause 59 punctuation of 4-5 restrictive term of identification 3 revising 72 -'s , use of 1 said , in dialogue 31, 75, 76 secondly , misuse of 57 semicolon in compound sentence 5-6 while replaced by 63 sentence fragment 7 sentence structure 28-31 emphatic 32-33 prepositions in 77-78 serial comma 2 shall vs. will 58 should , sparing use of 20 similes, use of 80 so 58 somebody pronoun after 60 vs. some body 41 someone pronoun after 60 verb form after 10 sort of 51 specific language 16-23 spelling 74-75 Spencer, Herbert 22 split infinitive 58, 78 Stafford, Jean 21-22 standard English 83-84 state (verb) 58 Stevenson, Robert Louis 84-85 structural design 15, 70-71 student body 58 style 66-69, 84-85 guidelines for 70-84 subject(s) agreement with verb 9-11 compound 10 emphatic position of 33 position in sentence 29 pronoun as 11-12 subject complements inverted position of 33 subordinate clause punctuation of 5 summaries 31-32 superfluous words/phrases 23-24, 72 syllabication 38 syntax 28-31 inversion 32-33 parallelism 26-28 tense in summaries 31-32 than case of pronoun after 12 use of 59 thanking you in advance 59 that omitting 78 quotations introduced by 37 redundant use of 48 vs. which 59 the in parallel construction 27 in titles 38 the fact is ... 60 the fact that 24 the foreseeable future 59 the truth is ... 60 then , semicolon with 6 there is/are , substituting 18-19 therefore , semicolon with 6 they vs. he/she 60-61 thirdly , misuse of 57 this , ambiguous reference 61 thrust 61 thus , semicolon with 6 time, notation of 8 titles (of persons), punctuation of 3 titles (of works) 8, 38 together with , subjects joined by 10 tortuous vs. torturous 62 transition sentences of 16-17 transitive verb(s) 44, 51 and vigorous writing 18-19 transpire 62 (the) truth is ... 60 try to vs. try and 62 type vs. kind of 62 uninterested vs. disinterested 44 unique 62 update 82, 83 us , as appositive 12 utilize vs. use 63 verb(s) agreement with subject 9-11 auxiliary 20 coining with -ize 50 intransitive 44, 51 linking 11 position in sentence 29 principal 29 transitive 18-19 used as noun 54 and writing style 71-72 verbal(s) gerund as 12, 55-56 participle as 13, 55-56 verbal vs. oral 63 very 63, 73 voice, active 18-19 when clause introduced by 4 in loose sentences 25 where clause introduced by 4 in loose sentences 25 which ambiguity in use of 30 clause introduced by 4 in loose sentences 25 vs. that 59 which was 24 while comma before 5 in loose sentences 25 use of 63-64 Whitman, Walt 69 who clause introduced by 4 following one of 9-10 in loose sentences 25 redundant use of 48 vs. whom 4 who is 24 will vs. shall 58 -wise 64, 67 with , subjects joined by 10 Wolfe, Thomas 67-68 word division 38 word order 28-31 for emphasis 32-33 wordiness, avoiding 23-24, 72 worth while/worthwhile 64 would for repeated action 64-65 sparing use of 20 writing benefits of 70 difficulties with 69 ear for 77-78 principles of 15-33 style of 66-85 yet 41 you vs. yourself 12 OLIVER STRUNK: 'THE ELEMENTS OF STYLE' (4th edition) First published in 1935, Copyright © Oliver Strunk Last Revision: © William Strunk Jr. and Edward A. Tenney, 2000 Earlier editions: © Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1959, 1972 Copyright © 2000, 1979, ALLYN BACON, 'A Pearson Education Company' Introduction - © E. B. White, 1979 'The New Yorker Magazine', 1957 Foreword by Roger Angell, Afterward by Charles Osgood, Glossary prepared by Robert DiYanni ISBN 0-205-30902-X (paperback), ISBN 0-205-31342-6 (casebound). ________ Machine-readable version and checking: O. Dag E-mail: dag@orwell.ru URL: http://orwell.ru/library/others/style/ Last modified on April, 2003.
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GRE作文——Issue 核心关键词的搭配
FrankZhao 2011-8-16 16:40
说明: 为了备考GRE的作文,我一直比较用心,因为写作一直是我的弱项。经过一段时间的学习和训练,我觉得自己在GRE写作所要求的逻辑性和辩证性商有了提高,但是语言还是比较弱,有些思想虽然勉强可以表述,但是所用的语言和搭配常常不够地道,因此,我特地从GRE的issue题库中提取了一些关键词,并查找了这些关键词在牛津英语搭配词典上的内容,集合起来贴在下面。 Issue 核心关键词的搭配 竞争;合作 历史 传统;习俗;伦理学 科学的;发现 艺术;原创性;创造性 革新;保守的; 文化;认同;统一性 平衡 进展;进步; 成功;发展 英雄;领导者 社会;政府;民主 环境;科技;政治学 想象力;经验 智力;合理的 情绪,情感 沟通,交流 一致性;个体 实用性 理想的,媒体 竞争 competition noun 1 event in which people try to win sth ADJ. international, national | knock-out | dancing, piano, sporting, etc. VERB + COMPETITION win She won an international dancing competition . | lose | have, hold, stage We're going to have a competition to see who can swim the furthest. | enter, take part in | withdraw from COMPETITION + VERB take place | be open to sb The competition is open to all readers of the magazine PREP. in a/the ~ I won the car in a competition. | ~ between a competition between the best teams in the country | ~ for a competition for the best chef 2 trying to achieve the same thing/gain an advantage ADJ. cut-throat, fierce, intense, keen, serious, severe, stiff, strong, tough intense competition for the contract | direct Public transport is run in direct competition with the private sector. | fair, free, healthy, open | domestic | foreign, global, international, overseas | economic VERB + COMPETITION be up against, face | go into to go into competition with British Telecom | beat off, fight off to fight off competition from foreign firms PREP. against ~ They won the order against fierce international competition. | in ~ with We are in competition with some very large companies. | in the face of ~ The gas companies are having to lay off staff in the face of stiff competition from oil. | ~ among/between There is a lot of competition between rival airlines. | ~ for, ~ from We face strong competition from other countries. 合作 cooperation noun ADJ. close | full | greater, increased | active | effective | international, local | mutual a society founded on mutual cooperation and shared prosperity | cultural, economic, military, political, social, technical VERB + COOPERATION need, require | ask for, call for, demand, seek She called for closer cooperation on drugs control. They are seeking the cooperation of senior medical staff. | enlist, get We are hoping to enlist the cooperation of women's groups. | give (sb), offer (sb) | encourage, promote promoting cooperation between universities and industry | ensure PREP. in ~ with The film was made in cooperation with the Sports Council. | with/without sb's ~ With the cooperation of the public, the police may be able to catch this man. | ~ among increased technical cooperation among large companies | ~ between political cooperation between the two groups | ~ from You will need a bit of cooperation from your family. | ~ in We asked for their cooperation in the collection of data. | ~ on They offered their cooperation on the project. | ~ with We should like to thank you for your cooperation with us. PHRASES a lack of cooperation, a need for cooperation There is a need for greater economic cooperation. 团队合作 teamwork noun ADJ. effective, good VERB + TEAMWORK emphasize, encourage The company says the aim is to encourage teamwork. PREP. through ~ achieving our success through effective teamwork 历史 history noun 1 the past, especially as a subject of study ADJ. contemporary, early, recent the early history of the trade union movement things that happened in recent history | ancient, medieval, modern | local | family | British, world, etc. | official the official history of the Labour Party | recorded The debate about the origins of the universe has been going on throughout recorded history. | oral Oral history enables us to take account of those many aspects of history that are not recorded in documents. | art, church, cultural, economic, human, literary, military, political, social, etc. QUANT. piece She created a piece of history by winning her fourth title. VERB + HISTORY be steeped in a building that is steeped in history | go down in, make, pass into He will go down in history as a wise adviser and a kind man. He made history by being the first man to walk on the moon. | trace The regiment traces its history back to 1803. | distort, rewrite her attempt to rewrite history with herself in the role of heroine HISTORY + VERB go back (to) … The town's history goes back to Roman times. | reveal sth, show sth History shows that New Zealand are almost unbeatable by British teams on their own turf. | repeat itself Years later, family history repeated itself with Eve's daughters. HISTORY + NOUN book (figurative) She has earned her place in the history books. PREP. during sth's ~ The country has suffered several invasions during its history. | in (sth's) ~ the most extraordinary royal meeting in history the best player in the sport's history | throughout ~ There have been conflicts such as this throughout history . PHRASES change the course of history events that could change the course of history | a period of history This is a fascinating period of history. | the rest is history (= the rest of the story does not need to be told because it is well-known), a sense of history a people with no sense of history | a slice of history The team grabbed a slice of history here today (= achieved sth that will be remembered) . Note at SUBJECT (for more verbs and nouns) 2 facts about sb/sth's life/existence in the past ADJ. chequered, colourful, fascinating, interesting, rich The city has a rich and colourful history. | long She has a long history of mental illness. | previous, subsequent | case She familiarized herself with the case history of her new patient. | employment, family, life, medical, personal, sexual The doctor will need some details of your medical history. I know nothing about his personal history. VERB + HISTORY have PREP. ~ of a history of heart disease in the family 3 sth in the past that is no longer important ADJ. past They had an affair once, but that's past history now. 当代 contemporary adj. 1 belonging to the same time as sb/sth else VERBS be ADV. strictly She used only strictly contemporary documents to research the book. | almost, nearly | broadly, roughly a period broadly contemporary with the Shang dynasty PREP. with a composer contemporary with Beethoven 2 modern VERBS be ADV. very His work is very contemporary. 传统 tradition noun ADJ. age-old, ancient, archaic, centuries-old, deep-rooted , enduring, living, long/ long-established , old, time-honoured, unbroken, well-established | distinguished, fine, great, honourable | cherished , hallowed | dominant, powerful , strong | ancestral, family | local, national, native | folk, popular | oral | Catholic, Christian, pagan, etc. | Eastern, English, European, etc. | 19th-century, classical, medieval, modernist, etc. | academic , artistic, cultural, ideological, literary, military, musical, philosophical, political, religious, sociological, sporting, teaching, theatrical This region has a great sporting tradition. | democratic , liberal , radical, revolutionary VERB + TRADITION have | cherish , continue, follow (in), keep alive, maintain, preserve, uphold Following in the Hitchcock tradition, he always appears in the films he directs. Villagers get together every year to keep this age-old tradition alive. | hand down an oral tradition handed down from generation to generation | break (with), go against He broke with the family tradition and did not go down the mines. | establish, start | revive TRADITION + VERB continue, die hard, survive Old habits and traditions die hard. PREP. according to (a/the) ~ According to tradition , a tree grew on the spot where the king was killed. | by ~ By tradition , nobody interrupts an MP's maiden speech. | in (a/the) ~ In time-honoured tradition , a bottle of champagne was smashed on the ship. He's a politician in the tradition of (= similar in style to) Kennedy. PHRASES a departure from tradition In a departure from tradition , the bride wore a red dress. | in the best traditions of sth The building was constructed in the best traditions of medieval church architecture. | respect for tradition I acquired lasting respect for tradition and veneration for the past. 习俗 custom noun ADJ. accepted, age-old, ancient, established, old, traditional | quaint | local | social VERB + CUSTOM follow, observe, respect They still follow the custom of pinning money to the bride's dress. | maintain, preserve, revive CUSTOM + VERB die out, disappear The custom died out in the nineteenth century. | prevail, survive These customs still prevail in remote areas. PREP. according to a/the ~, in accordance with (a/the) ~ They poured wine round the trees in accordance with local custom. | through ~ The rules have grown up through custom and are not laid down by law. | ~ of PHRASES as is/was the custom People threw coins onto the stage, as was the custom. loyalty noun ADJ. absolute, complete, total, undivided, unswerving He showed unswerving loyalty to his friends. | fierce, great, intense, strong, tremendous | conflicting, divided Rows with one's in-laws often create divided loyalties. | primary, prime His prime loyalty was to his family. | family, filial, group, personal, tribal | local, national, regional | religious | party, political | brand, customer VERB + LOYALTY command, inspire, win He inspires great loyalty from all his employees. | feel, have | display, express, prove, show | pledge, swear They pledged their loyalty to the king. | transfer Some party members found it hard to transfer their loyalty to the new leader. | expect LOYALTY + VERB be, lie, remain His loyalties lay with people from the same background as himself. LOYALTY + NOUN oath PREP. out of ~ She stayed on at the school out of loyalty to her students. | ~ among The village is the object of fierce loyalty among its inhabitants. | ~ for Mass advertising creates brand loyalty for a product. | ~ from The company expects loyalty from its employees. | ~ to men whose loyalty is to their political careers | ~ towards The team members felt tremendous loyalty towards one another. PHRASES a conflict of loyalties, an oath/a pledge of loyalty, a sense of loyalty 伦理学 ethics noun ADJ. personal She resigned over an issue of personal ethics. | Christian | business, medical, professional The study was approved by the medical ethics committee. PHRASES a code of ethics There should be a code of business ethics which indicates how clients are to be served. | a matter/question of ethics. It's the committee's job to decide on matters of ethics. 科学的 scientific adj. VERBS be, look, seem ADV. highly It all looks highly scientific! | truly | purely Her curiosity was purely scientific. | not very His approach was not very scientific. 发现 discovery noun ADJ. amazing, big, exciting, great, important, major, remarkable, significant, startling, surprising, unexpected potentially the biggest archaeological discovery in Norway for fifty years | awful, chilling, grim, terrible the awful discovery that he had been deceiving her | latest, new, recent | accidental, chance All these were chance discoveries made by scientists engaged in other investigations. | archaeological, medical, scientific | personal The story tells of a man's journey of personal discovery up an African river. VERB + DISCOVERY make New scientific discoveries are being made all the time. | lead to Their work led to some important medical discoveries. | await There may be many unexpected treasures awaiting discovery. PREP. ~ by a discovery by a French scientist | ~ of the discovery of oil in the North Sea PHRASES a process of discovery, a journey/voyage of discovery (figurative) To tour Sri Lanka is to take a voyage of discovery through a land of endless variety. 艺术 art noun 1 paintings, drawings, etc. ADJ. great, high | abstract, avant-garde, commercial, conceptual, figurative, fine, graphic, performance, pop/popular, sacred, visual | contemporary, modern VERB + ART create, produce one of the greatest works of art ever produced ART + NOUN gallery | collector, critic, dealer, historian, lover | treasure, work (also artwork ) | college, school | form Cinema became accepted as an art form. | history | market | world Many people from the art world attended the painter's funeral. 2 the arts: art, music, theatre, literature, etc. ADJ. creative, decorative, dramatic, performing, plastic, visual PHRASES arts and crafts an exhibition of Peruvian arts and crafts | funding for the arts, a patron of the arts, sponsorship of the arts 3 arts not sciences ART + NOUN subject | degree PHRASES arts and sciences 4 ability/skill VERB + ART master, perfect I've never mastered the art of making bread. PREP. ~ of Television has ruined the art of conversation. PHRASES get sth down to a fine art (= learn to do it very well) She's got the business of buying Christmas presents down to a fine art. Note at ART 原创性 originality noun ADJ. great, startling, striking VERB + ORIGINALITY have | display, show | be lacking in, lack ORIGINALITY + VERB lie in sth His originality as a painter lies in his representation of light. PREP. ~ in The government has shown great originality in its foreign policy. PHRASES a spark of originality 创造性 creativity noun ADJ. great | artistic, musical VERB + CREATIVITY develop, encourage, stimulate A good teacher can encourage artistic creativity. | inhibit, stifle This rigid approach stifles creativity. PREP. ~ in This exercise encourages creativity in the use of language. PHRASES scope for creativity My job does not give me much scope for creativity. 革新 innovation noun 1 introduction of new ideas ADJ. constant, continuous | successful | cultural, educational, industrial, scientific, technical, technological | design, policy, product industries where constant product innovation is a criterion for survival VERB + INNOVATION encourage, facilitate, foster, stimulate | stifle Too strict a regulatory system will stifle innovation. INNOVATION + VERB occur Technical innovation may occur directly in the factory. INNOVATION + NOUN process PREP. ~ in innovation in engineering PHRASES scope for innovation 2 new idea ADJ. great, major, important, significant | successful | welcome | interesting | latest, new | recent | scientific, technical, technological VERB + INNOVATION come up with She believed she had come up with one of the greatest innovations of modern times. | introduce Many innovations were introduced by the 1919 Act. | design, develop technological innovations designed to save energy INNOVATION + VERB occur PREP. ~ by Mathematical astronomy was the great innovation by the Greeks of the 5th century BC. | ~ in innovations in machinery and instruments 保守的 conservative adj. VERBS be | become | remain ADV. deeply, extremely, highly, profoundly, very | increasingly | largely, predominantly | fairly, rather, relatively | basically, essentially She takes a basically conservative view of society. | generally | innately, instinctively, naturally the army's innately conservative values | notoriously Banks are notoriously conservative about their dealings with clients. | traditionally a traditionally conservative profession | culturally, morally, politically, socially the culturally conservative world of commerce and industry conservative noun ADJ. diehard, dyed-in-the-wool, hardline, staunch | right-wing | back-bench disagreement among back-bench Conservatives | senior Senior Conservatives are opposed to the change. | political 文化 culture noun 1 customs/ideas/beliefs ADJ. ancient | primitive | dominant | alien, foreign | indigenous, native | local, national | traditional | African, black, Greek, Western, world, etc. These ideas have always been central to Western culture. | rural, urban | mainstream | underground | wider Prisoners are isolated from the wider culture of society at large. | bourgeois, working-class, etc. | street, youth As young people started to have more money, a significant youth culture developed. | dance, drug, football, etc. | academic, business, company, corporate, intellectual, legal, political, professional, religious, scientific, etc. the political culture of the United States | capitalist, computer, consumer, enterprise, materialistic , etc. the development of the enterprise culture in Britain VERB + CULTURE assimilate (sb into) The Romans gradually assimilated the culture of the people they had conquered. Newcomers to the company are soon assimilated into the culture. | create, develop, foster, produce The new director is trying to foster a culture of open communication within the company. CULTURE + VERB develop CULTURE + NOUN group a country containing many language and culture groups | shock She experienced great culture shock when she first came to Europe. PREP. in a/the ~ In some cultures children have an important place. | ~ of The social security system has been accused of producing a culture of dependency. 2 art/literature/music, etc ADJ. contemporary, modern | mass, pop, popular | folk | high | wide | literary, oral Jokes are an important part of our popular, oral culture. PREP. a man/woman of culture She is a woman of wide culture. 认同,同一性 identity noun ADJ. true | assumed, false He was discovered living under an assumed identity in South America. | mistaken This is obviously a case of mistaken identity. | new | common, corporate, cultural, national, personal, political, racial, sexual VERB + IDENTITY create, develop, establish, forge They are still struggling to establish their identity as a political party. The company forged its own identity by producing specialist vehicles. | give sb/sth He felt that having a job gave him an identity. | maintain, preserve Many minority groups are struggling to maintain their cultural identity. | lose | change He changed his identity and moved abroad on his release from prison. | assume She was given a false passport and assumed a new identity. | disclose, reveal He refused to reveal the identity of his client. | discover, find out | guess It was easy to guess the identity of the thief. | conceal, hide, keep secret, protect Her voice was disguised to conceal her identity. IDENTITY + NOUN bracelet, tag | card, documents, papers | code | parade The victim picked out her attacker in an identity parade. | crisis The country suffered from an identity crisis for years after the civil war. PREP. ~ as Scotland has never lost its identity as a separate nation. PHRASES proof of identity The police officer asked him for proof of identity. | a search for identity His search for his cultural identity took him to where his parents were born. | a sense of identity 成功 success noun 1 good results ADJ. considerable, conspicuous, enormous, great, notable, overwhelming, phenomenal, remarkable, spectacular, tremendous, unprecedented | limited, moderate, modest The campaign to stop drink-driving had only limited success. | popular, public | early, initial | immediate | long-term, short-term | business, commercial, economic, financial | academic, educational, electoral, literary, military, etc. | international The company's excellent marketing has resulted in enormous international success. QUANT. amount, degree Initially, the venture enjoyed a fair amount of success. VERB + SUCCESS achieve, enjoy, have, notch up She had little success in getting new customers. He is keen to notch up yet another success. | bring A change of management failed to bring success. | end in, lead to, result in The year-long fight for a pay rise ended in success. | ensure, guarantee We can't guarantee immediate success. | be vital to Your contribution was vital to the success of the concert. SUCCESS + VERB come Success didn't come overnight? She struggled for years before making any money. | lie (in sth) Much of his success lies in his skill in handling staff. | depend on sth The success or failure of the project depends on how committed the managers are. SUCCESS + NOUN rate The operation has a success rate of over 80%. | story The company has been one of the success stories of the past decade. PREP. without ~ She tried to persuade them without success. | ~ in I've had some success in getting rid of the weeds. | ~ with the secret of his success with women PHRASES a chance/hope of success What are our chances of success? We're trying to get him to sponsor us, but there's not much hope of success. | confident of success She had worked hard and was confident of success. | the key to success, a lack of success, the secret of (sb's) success, a symbol of (sb's) success 2 sth that achieves its aim ADJ. big, complete, considerable, conspicuous, enormous, great, huge, major, notable, outstanding, phenomenal, popular, real, remarkable, resounding, roaring, runaway, spectacular, total, tremendous, unprecedented, unqualified The band's new album has been a runaway success. | modest, qualified | business, commercial, economic, popular The book proved a major commercial success. | international | immediate VERB + SUCCESS be, prove | have We had one or two outstanding successes. | judge sth The event was judged a success by its organizers. | make She's made a real success of that job. PHRASES wish sb (every) success We are sad to see Hiroko go, and wish her every success in the future. 平衡 balance noun 1 even combination/distribution ADJ. correct, equal, even, exact, ideal, necessary, optimum, perfect, proper, right With children, it is important to achieve the right balance between love and discipline. | comfortable, equitable, excellent, good, happy, harmonious, healthy a healthy balance of foods | acceptable, adequate, appropriate, fair, reasonable, sensible How do you find an acceptable balance between closeness and distance in a relationship? | careful, delicate, fine, subtle Being a good boss requires a fine balance between kindness and authority. | fragile, precarious, uneasy | overall It is the overall balance of the diet that is important. | ecological, natural Pulling up all the plants will disturb the natural balance of the pond. | hormonal, nutritional | ethnic, gender, social There is an even gender balance amongst staff and students (= equal numbers of men and women) . VERB + BALANCE require | seek | achieve, create, find, strike We need to strike a balance between these conflicting interests. | keep, maintain, sustain You have to maintain a balance in your life or else you'll go crazy. | disturb, upset Tourists often disturb the delicate balance of nature on the island. | redress, restore | affect | alter, change, shift BALANCE + VERB change, shift PREP. on ~ (= after considering all the information) On balance, the company has had a successful year. | in ~ It is important to keep the different aspects of your life in balance. | ~ between the balance between academic and practical work | ~ of the balance of animals and plants in the environment PHRASES the balance of nature 2 division of power/influence ADJ. changing, shifting | military, political VERB + BALANCE hold to hold the balance of power (= to be in a position where your support would be just enough to give overall power to one group or another) | affect | change, shift | swing, tilt, tip (= to influence a result/decision) In an interview, smart presentation can tip the balance in your favour. BALANCE + VERB change, shift PHRASES the balance of advantage The balance of advantage has shifted from the unions to employers. | the balance of forces/power the changing balance of power between the working and middle class | checks and balances Democracy depends on a system of checks and balances. 3 of the body ADJ. excellent, good | poor VERB + BALANCE have Gymnasts have excellent balance. | affect Tightness in one set of muscles will affect your whole balance. | keep I struggled to keep my balance on my new skates. | lose She lost her balance and fell. | recover, regain | knock sb off, throw sb off The sudden movement threw him off balance. PREP. off ~ PHRASES a sense of balance Cats have a very good sense of balance. 4 money ADJ. account, bank | cash, money | credit, favourable, healthy, positive | debit, negative | cleared, net Interest is calculated on the daily cleared balance and paid direct to your account. | opening | final, outstanding | trade VERB + BALANCE have Everyone likes to have a healthy bank balance. | ask for, request He asked the cashier for the balance of his current account. | check I'll need to check my bank balance before I spend so much money. | show | achieve | be due The final balance is due six weeks before departure. | pay I'll pay the balance later. | use The balance of the proceeds will be used for new equipment. | bring forward, carry forward the balance brought forward from the previous year BALANCE + NOUN sheet the company's balance sheet PHRASES the balance of payments (= the difference between the amount of money coming into and going out of a country), the balance of trade (= the difference in value between imports and exports) balance verb 1 keep steady ADV. carefully, precariously PREP. on He balanced the glasses carefully on the tray. 2 compare two things; give them equal value VERB + BALANCE have to, need to | seek to, try to The plan seeks to balance two important objectives. | manage to PREP. against We have to balance the risks of the new strategy against the possible benefits. | with She tries to balance the needs of her children with those of her employer. 进展 advance noun 1 forward movement ADJ. rapid | Allied, British, German, etc. VERB + ADVANCE make The regiment made an advance on the enemy lines. | order The general ordered an advance to the front line. | halt, resist, stop PREP. on ~ the advance on Leningrad | to ~, towards ~ the Russian advance towards Berlin 2 development ADJ. big, considerable, dramatic, enormous, great, spectacular, substantial, tremendous | important, major, notable, remarkable, significant | rapid, steady rapid advances in science and technology | recent | economic, educational, medical, political, scientific, social, technical, technological | theoretical VERB + ADVANCE make We need more money if we are to make any further advances in this area of science. PREP. in ~ two major advances in orthopaedic medicine | on ~ an advance on the existing techniques | towards ~ an advance towards a better understanding of God 3 money ADJ. large | cash VERB + ADVANCE give, pay The publishers have paid me an advance. | get, receive PREP. ~ of an advance of £ 10,000 | ~ on He was paid £ 5,000 as an advance on royalties. 4 advances: sexual ADJ. amorous, sexual VERB + ADVANCE make He made amorous advances to one of his students. PREP. ~ to advance verb 1 move forward ADV. quickly, rapidly | cautiously, slowly PREP. from advancing from the south | into The troops advanced into central Europe. | on/upon The army advanced on the capital. | towards He advanced towards me in aggressive style. 2 develop ADV. considerably, greatly, significantly | rapidly PREP. beyond Society needs to advance beyond prejudice and superstition. 进步 progress noun 1 movement forwards ADJ. considerable, dramatic, encouraging, excellent, genuine, good, great, impressive, real, remarkable, significant, substantial | fast, rapid, swift | inexorable | slow, stately We watched the ship's stately progress out of the harbour. | satisfactory, steady | further | academic, educational VERB + PROGRESS achieve, make | assess, chart, check (on), evaluate, monitor, observe, review, trace, track, watch Regular tests enable the teacher to monitor the progress of each child. | block, hamper, hinder, impede, obstruct, slow (down) | halt, stop | accelerate, facilitate PROGRESS + NOUN report PREP. in ~ There was a cricket match in progress. | ~ from … to … The book traced his steady progress from petty theft to serious crime. | ~ in He's making good progress in maths. | ~ on How much progress have the builders made on the extension? | ~ towards Who can halt Woods' inexorable progress towards yet another championship? | ~ with She's making steady progress with her thesis. PHRASES a lack of progress I was frustrated by my apparent lack of progress when I started the violin. | a rate of progress At the present rate of progress we won't be finished before July. | work in progress I have one file for completed work and one for work in progress. 2 improvement in society ADJ. economic, evolutionary, industrial, medical, scientific, social, technical, technological | human VERB + PROGRESS hold back PHRASES the march of progress the onward march of technological progress progress verb ADV. satisfactorily, smoothly, well The talks are progressing very well. | further He felt he still needed to progress further in his learning. | rapidly progressing rapidly in his chosen career | slowly The work is progressing quite slowly. | steadily VERB + PROGRESS fail to PREP. beyond Samir failed to progress beyond this first step on the ladder. | from, through allowing students to progress through the stages of the course | to She soon progressed from the basics to more difficult work. | towards slowly progressing towards a new kind of art | up his ambition to progress up the career ladder | with They are keen to progress with the scheme. 发展 development noun 1 developing sth ADJ. full School should encourage the full development of a student's talents. | gradual | rapid | sustainable | healthy | commercial, economic, industrial | evolutionary, historical | regional | rural, suburban, urban | human | educational, emotional, intellectual, linguistic, personal, physical, psychological, sexual, social, spiritual | software | child | property VERB + DEVELOPMENT aid, allow, assist, encourage, enhance, facilitate, favour, foster, permit, promote, stimulate, support Education stimulates the stage in the development of Anglo-Irish relations | a stage of development This is a perfectly normal stage of development. 2 new event/idea ADJ. exciting, important, major, radical, remarkable, significant, striking | the latest, new, recent | logical The move from TV to film was a logical development in her career. | unexpected | welcome | political, scientific, technical, technological DEVELOPMENT + VERB occur, take place the significant developments taking place in the health service PREP. ~ in new developments in film-making 3 new buildings ADJ. housing, property | development of rational thinking. A group of experts has been brought together to support the develop business, commercial | ribbon | accelerate, speed up Ribbon developments (= lines of Environmental factors can buildings) extended along the mai n accelerate the development of road . certain cancers. | arrest, discourage, halt, hinder, inhibit, prevent, restrict, retard, slow Too much emphasis o n memorizing facts can inhibit th e development of creative thinking . | finance The company went dee p into debt to finance th e development of the engine. | monitor, oversee A UN team i s monitoring the development o f the peace process. | trace In th e opening chapter, the author trace s the development of judo from it s ancient roots . DEVELOPMENT + VERB occur, take place DEVELOPMENT + NOUN initiative, plan, programme, project, scheme | aid, assistance | work The invention requires more development work to make it viable. | process the lengthy development process of a new model of car | budget, capital, fund, grant | costs, expenditure PREP. during ~ Cell divisions during development occur in a fixed sequence. | in ~ A more powerful version of this electric bus in currently in development. | under ~ The new vaccine is still under development. PHRASES research and development I do quite a lot of research and development work in my job. | a stage in the development of sth an important 英雄 hero noun ADJ. big, great He was one of the great football heroes of his day. | real | all-time Einstein is the all-time hero of many scientists. | unsung She was an unsung hero of the British film industry. | reluctant, unlikely | brave, gallant The song remembers the brave heroes who died for their country. | romantic, tragic Being short and overweight, he was an unlikely romantic hero. | square-jawed, swashbuckling Tired of playing the square-jawed hero, he sought out more challenging roles. | all-conquering, conquering In his war stories he portrayed himself as the all-conquering hero. He returned home from the tournament a conquering hero. | fallen a fallen hero trying to regain his position | cult James Dean was a cult hero of the fifties. | folk, local, national, popular | fictional, legendary, mythical | eponymous Don Quixote, the eponymous hero of the novel by Cervantes | boyhood, childhood Bugs Bunny was one of my childhood heroes. | proletarian, working-class | military | celluloid | musical In this album she pays tribute to her musical heroes. | film, football, guitar, sporting, war Jimi Hendrix was her guitar hero. VERB + HERO be hailed (as) He was hailed as a hero after the rescue. | become, make sb into, turn sb into The fight to save the forest turned him into a local hero. | die He died a national hero. PREP. ~ to He was a hero to all his schoolmates. PHRASES be no hero John was no hero?he stood back as his friends approached the two armed border guards. | give sb/receive a hero's welcome, hero of the hour Everyone played brilliantly, but Jones was the hero of the hour. | (die) a hero's death 领导者 leader noun 1 person who is in charge of sth ADJ. born, natural | charismatic, effective, good, great, inspiring, inspired, visionary | undisputed | powerful, strong | weak | deputy | former | joint | local, national | opposition, parliamentary, party | Conservative, Labour, etc. | military, political, religious, spiritual | gang, guerrilla, nationalist, rebel | group, project, squadron, team Discuss any problems with your team leader. | business, church, civic, community, council, government, strike, student, (trade) union, youth Business leaders have been in talks with the government. | miners', teachers', etc. VERB + LEADER be appointed, become, be elected | appoint (sb), appoint sb as, choose (sb as), elect (sb), elect sb as, nominate (sb), nominate sb as PHRASES a leader of the Opposition 2 person/team that is best or in first place ADJ. undisputed | brand, market, world The company is a world leader in electrical goods. | championship, league, tournament VERB + LEADER overtake aiming to overtake the market leaders within two years PREP. behind the ~ ten points behind league leaders Manchester United | ~ in the undisputed leader in her field 社会 society noun 1 people who have shared customs and laws ADJ. wider the position of women within the family and the wider society | contemporary, modern | traditional | advanced the division of labour in an advanced capitalist society | primitive | egalitarian, free, just, open | closed | civilized, humane | affluent the consumerist values of the affluent society | consumer, consumerist | throwaway Our throwaway society must be encouraged to recycle. | permissive | multicultural, multiracial, pluralistic | divided, stratified Years of high unemployment have left society deeply divided. | civil the relationship between the state and civil society | secular | human a theory on the basis of human society | class | classless | tribal | matriarchal, patriarchal | bourgeois | capitalist, democratic, feudal, socialist, etc. | industrial, post-industrial, pre-industrial | agricultural, technological | Western | rural, urban, village | polite Such language would not be used in polite society. VERB + SOCIETY build, create, shape the struggle to build a just society | permeate, pervade the greed that pervades modern society | fit into Prisoners often have problems fitting into society on their release. | polarize SOCIETY + VERB be based on sth a society based on social justice PREP. in/within (a) ~ the role of television in modern Western society PHRASES a cross-section of society The clinic deals with a wide cross-section of society | the fabric of society The civil war tore apart the fabric of society. | the higher/top echelons of society Officers were drawn largely from the top echelons of society. | a level/rank/stratum of society Child cruelty exists at all levels of society. | a member of society welfare reforms to protect the most vulnerable members of society | an outcast from/of society She devoted herself to helping the outcasts of society. | the backbone/a bulwark/a pillar of society One of the pillars of society must be that everyone has access to the legal system. He considered himself to be a pillar of society. | your place/rank in society A person's job is one of the factors that determines their place in society. | the rest of society He felt isolated from the rest of society. | a section/sector/segment of society Every section of society must have access to education. | society as a whole The research examines minorities and their relation to society as a whole. | society at large Health standards have risen in society at large. | the structure of a society the class structure of British society 2 organization formed for a particular purpose ADJ. secret | debating, dramatic, historical, horticultural, law, medical, musical, religious, etc. VERB + SOCIETY belong to She belongs to the historical society. | become a member of, join | create, establish, form, found, set up, start PREP. in a/the ~ She was active in the Society for Women's Suffrage. | ~ for a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals | ~ of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Note at ORGANIZATION 民主的 democratic adj. 1 favouring/practising democracy VERBS be | become | remain There have been major changes in the constitution, but the system remains democratic. ADV. genuinely, truly | fully, thoroughly a fully democratic society | fairly, quite, reasonably They have a fairly democratic form of government. | dangerously In 1776 these were considered dangerously democratic principles. 2 being fair to different sides VERBS be, seem ADV. extremely, very | fairly, quite, reasonably I think it was a reasonably democratic decision. 民主 democracy noun ADJ. genuine, true | political | constitutional, parliamentary | multi-party | Western VERB + DEMOCRACY believe in, support people who believe in true democracy | fight for | establish | restore The military regime has promised to restore democracy soon. PREP. in a/the ~ We live in a multi-party democracy. PHRASES pro-democracy a pro-democracy demonstration in the capital | the road to democracy the need to overcome political apathy and advance on the road to democracy | the spread of democracy 环境 environment noun 1 conditions of the place where you are ADJ. immediate Cold-blooded animals depend on the temperature of their immediate environment. | alien, new, unfamiliar | changing | protected, safe, secure, stable | friendly | pleasant | clean, healthy | stimulating | favourable This period provided a favourable environment for the spread of communism. | uncertain, unstable | dangerous | noisy | competitive | hostile | extreme, harsh | fragile Walkers can unwittingly damage the fragile environment in which the birds live. | rural, urban | arid, cold, warm | aquatic, coastal, forest, mountain | domestic, family, home Children learn best in their home environment. | physical | cultural, emotional, social | office, work, working, workplace A comfortable working environment will increase productivity. | classroom, educational, learning, school, teaching, training | economic, financial Investors are showing more caution in the current economic environment. | political | business, commercial, corporate She now had to transfer her design skills to a commercial environment. | professional VERB + ENVIRONMENT create, provide parents who strive to provide a stimulating environment for their children to grow up in | adapt to creatures that have adapted to hostile desert environments | improve | explore The cat walked round, exploring its new environment. PREP. in an/the ~ people working in increasingly competitive environments 2 the environment the natural world ADJ. natural | global, world | local VERB + ENVIRONMENT preserve, protect, safeguard The government should do more to protect the environment. | clean spokesman, spokeswoman | policy | conference | protection | issues PREP. in the ~ the amount of carbon in the environment PHRASES conservation/protection of the environment, damage to the environment farming methods that minimize damage to the environment | harmful to the environment The label identifies the products that are least harmful to the environment. | pollution of the environment up, improve | have an impact on factors that have a huge impact on the environment | damage, harm, pollute industries which damage the environment ENVIRONMENT + NOUN agency, committee, department, group, ministry | minister, official, 科技 technology noun ADJ. current, existing, present-day | emerging, the latest, modern, new small businesses that are involved with emerging technologies | basic, low | advanced, complex, high, leading-edge, sophisticated, state-of-the-art, up-to-date, white-hot | alternative, innovative a car based on alternative technology | efficient | communication/communications, computer, digital, energy, information, management, manufacturing, nuclear, production, software, telecommunications | educational, environmental, medical, military VERB + TECHNOLOGY have We now have the technologies to transplant limbs. | adopt, apply, employ, exploit, introduce, take advantage of, use exploiting existing technologies more fully | create, develop, improve | be based on a car engine based on technology developed for aeroplanes | invest in The company is investing heavily in new technologies. TECHNOLOGY + VERB develop Telecommunications technology is developing fast. | allow sth, enable sth This technology enables computers to read handwriting. PREP. ~ for the technology for the extraction of iron ore PHRASES advances in technology recent advances in medical technology | the impact of (a) technology, science and technology 政治学 politics noun 1 work/ideas connected with getting/using power ADJ. county, local She was active in local politics for many years. | domestic, internal, national the country's internal politics the internal politics of the legal profession | global, international, world | democratic, electoral, multiparty, parliamentary, party | contemporary, modern | mainstream | practical He argued that it was not practical politics to abolish private schools. | power They took the view that Casper was playing power politics with their jobs at stake. | consensus Consensus politics places a high value on existing political institutions. | conviction | cultural, gender, sexual | office VERB + POLITICS enter, go into They went into politics in the hope of changing society. | abandon, retire from He abandoned politics and went into business. | be interested in | be active in, be engaged in, be/get immersed in, be/get involved in, engage in, participate in | dabble in, play (informal) | get embroiled in | interfere in, intervene in, meddle in As a churchman, he was accused of meddling in politics. | dominate the issues which have dominated Irish politics | reshape reforms that are intended to reshape Italian politics POLITICS + VERB dominate sth In their world politics dominates everything. PHRASES the world of politics 2 political beliefs ADJ. extreme, radical His manners were as mild as his politics were extreme. | left-wing, right-wing | sectarian | working-class | feminist VERB + POLITICS discuss, talk (about) (informal) Let's not talk politics now. 3 study of government ADJ. comparative Note at SUBJECT (for verbs and nouns) 想象力 imagination noun ADJ. great | active, creative, fertile, vivid | fevered, overactive, overheated It's just a product of your fevered imagination! | collective, popular, public a popular hero who inspired the collective imagination | visual I was no good at art?I have a very poor visual imagination. | historical, literary It requires a strong effort of historical imagination to understand the Roman attitude to death. | human the powers of the human imagination VERB + IMAGINATION have | show | lack Today's pop music lacks imagination. | require, take It does not take great imagination to guess what happened next. | use I haven't got a picture of this so you'll just have to use your imagination. | capture, captivate, catch, excite, fire, inspire, seize, stimulate, stir Victorian writers fired the popular imagination with their tales of adventure. | grip, hold Dinosaurs caught and have held the imagination of us all because they seem like dragons. | stretch, tax | defy The scale of the disaster defied imagination (= was greater than you could imagine) . | leave sth to As for their reaction, I'll leave that to your imagination! IMAGINATION + VERB conjure sth up His imagination conjured up a vision of the normal family life he had never had. | run away with you, run riot/wild PREP. beyond (your) ~ misery that is beyond most people's imagination | in the/your ~ Nobody hates you?it's all in your imagination! | with/without ~ He was totally without imagination. PHRASES a lack of imagination, a figment/product of sb's imagination The figure vanished as silently as if it had simply been a figment of her imagination. | not by any/by no stretch of the imagination Not by any stretch of the imagination could she be called beautiful (= she was definitely not beautiful in any way) . | only your imagination Is it only my imagination or have you lost weight? | with a little imagination With a little imagination you can create a delicious meal from yesterday's leftovers. 政府 government noun 1 people in control of a country ADJ. central, federal, local, national, provincial, regional | Communist, Conservative, Labour, etc. the country's new Communist government | left-wing, right-wing | coalition | minority The socialists won 42% of the seats and formed a minority government. | caretaker, interim, transitional The president dissolved the assembly and swore in an interim government. | military | puppet | French, Western, etc. The report on world poverty calls for urgent action from Western governments. VERB + GOVERNMENT elect The present government was elected last year. | form A nre government was formed in September of that year. | install A puppet government was installed as the occupying forces withdrew. | swear in | head, run a new government headed by a former military leader | bring down, destabilize, oust, overthrow, topple This crisis could bring down the British government. The group aims to overthrow the military government. GOVERNMENT + VERB come to power | take office On May 23 a coalition government took office. | fall, resign a national emergency that could cause the government to fall | announce sth The government announced the cancellation of the dam project. | introduce sth, launch sth GOVERNMENT + NOUN agency, body, department | funds, money | aid, assistance, backing, funding, grant, subsidy, support | expenditure, spending | cuts The hospital has been hit by government cuts. | control | intervention, involvement calls for government intervention in the dispute | minister, official, representative, spokesman | sources According to government sources, two people died in the incident. | figures, statistics | post | reshuffle The former minister was relieved of his post in last month's extensive government reshuffle. | decisions, legislation, measures, plans, policy, proposals | report | propaganda PREP. in ~ a problem facing whichever party is in government | under a/the ~ measures that were introduced under the last government PHRASES a change of government It is time we had a change of government. | the government of the day This was a decision taken by the government of the day. | a member of a government The prime minister has been meeting members of the French government. 2 act of governing ADJ. democratic, representative | firm, good, strong We need strong government to take the country through this crisis. | weak 经验 experience noun 1 knowledge/skill got from seeing/doing sth ADJ. considerable, long, wide | good, invaluable, relevant, unrivalled, valuable She didn't get paid much but it was all good experience. Both candidates for the presidency were short of relevant experience. Rolls Royce's unrivalled experience in high technology manufacturing | previous Do you have any previous experience of this type of work? | direct, first-hand, hands-on, practical the importance of hands-on experience as well as academic training | professional, work VERB + EXPERIENCE have | lack | gain, get | broaden She wanted to broaden her experience in international affairs. PREP. ~ of She has considerable professional experience of translation. PHRASES a lack of experience, a wealth of experience The veteran goalkeeper will bring a wealth of experience to the team. 2 the things that have happened to you ADJ. past We're in for a difficult couple of weeks, if past experience is anything to go by. | direct, first-hand, hands-on, personal | subjective Experience is subjective and very hard to measure. | vicarious I love reading: I have an insatiable appetite for vicarious experience. | common, shared his peers, with whom he shares the common experience of being black in a white society | common It is a matter of common experience that disorder will increase if things are left to themselves. | everyday Choose illustrative examples from the children's everyday experience. | human There are few areas of human experience that have not been written about. | sensory VERB + EXPERIENCE have | share | draw on, learn by/from/through In her book, she draws on her first-hand experience of mental illness. We all learn by experience. | be based on The book is based on personal experience. EXPERIENCE + VERB suggest sth, teach (sb) sth Experience has taught me that life can be very unfair. PREP. by/from ~ We know from experience that hot objects are painful to touch. | in sb's ~ In my experience, very few people really understand the problem. | ~ of He has direct experience of poverty. 3 event/activity that affects you ADJ. enjoyable, exhilarating, good, interesting, liberating, pleasant, rewarding, unforgettable, valuable | bad, harrowing, painful, traumatic, unnerving, unsettling I had a bad experience with fireworks once. | hair-raising, nerve-racking a hair-raising experience of white-water rafting | humbling, salutary, sobering | personal, subjective | common, shared The use of drama can motivate students by allowing them to share a common experience. | common It is a common experience to feel that an author writes well, without being able to say why. | real-life | past | childhood, early, formative Early experiences shape the way we face up to and deal with crises in later life. | educational, learning | mystical, religious, visionary | psychic | sexual | near-death VERB + EXPERIENCE enjoy, go through, have, undergo She has been through a very traumatic experience. I think you will enjoy the experience of taking part in the show. | come through, get over It could take him years to get over this experience. | describe, recount, talk about | share, swap Does anyone have any experiences?good or bad?that they would like to share with the group? | relive Reliving past experiences can release powerful feelings that have been pent up too long. | be based on The novel is based on his experiences in the war. PHRASES quite an experience It was quite an experience being involved in making a television programme. experience verb ADV. actually | directly, first-hand He hadn't directly experienced the fighting in the city. people who have actually experienced these problems first-hand | subjectively 智力 intelligence noun 1 ability to understand ADJ. acute, considerable, great, high a writer with an acute intelligence This essay shows considerable intelligence. | quick | average, normal | limited, low | innate, native | human | artificial Computer scientists study artificial intelligence. VERB + INTELLIGENCE have At least he had the intelligence to turn off the gas. | demonstrate, show | use INTELLIGENCE + NOUN test 2 information ADJ. secret We've obtained secret intelligence about enemy plans. | reliable | military Military intelligence is gathered using sophisticated technology. | criminal VERB + INTELLIGENCE collect, gather INTELLIGENCE + NOUN agency, service He works for the French intelligence service. | officer | gathering His unit was responsible for intelligence gathering in North Africa. | report | operation 合理的 reasonable adj. VERBS appear, be, seem, sound | consider sth, judge sth, regard sth as, think sth ADV. eminently, extremely, very | entirely, perfectly, utterly The police apparently thought this explanation perfectly reasonable. | fairly, quite | enough Her request sounded reasonable enough to me. | apparently 情绪,情感 emotion noun ADJ. deep, extreme, intense, overwhelming, powerful, profound, strong, violent | complex | conflicting, contradictory, mixed, tangled She felt torn by conflicting emotions. | destructive, negative Counselling can teach people to handle negative emotions such as fear and anger. | positive | inner, innermost | painful | fragile The nurse was handling his fragile emotions very carefully. | raw a moving performance full of raw emotion | pent-up, suppressed Years of pent-up emotion came out as he sobbed. | human Fear is a normal human emotion. QUANT. flicker, hint, trace There wasn't a hint of emotion in his eyes. | flood, rush, surge, wave She felt a sudden rush of emotion at the thought of seeing him again. | display She could not cope with such public displays of emotion. VERB + EMOTION experience, feel the emotions that we experience as children He felt no emotion as she left. | be choked with, be filled with, be overcome with Her voice was choked with emotion. | be devoid of, be drained of | display, express, show Drama can help children to express their emotions. The woman's face showed no emotion. | release Releasing these emotions is part of the healing process. | betray | shake with, tremble with She realized she was shaking all over with emotion. | bottle up, control, hide, stifle, suppress | cope with, deal with, handle | confront Counsellors encourage victims of crime to confront their emotions. | arouse, provoke, stir (up) an incident that has aroused strong emotions locally | be charged with, be full of a speech that was charged with emotion PREP. with/without ~ She spoke with deep emotion. PHRASES depth/intensity of emotion The film has a surprising depth of emotion for a comedy. | a gamut/range of emotions Her performance in the play covered the whole gamut of emotions. 沟通,交流 communication noun 1 act of communicating ADJ. effective, good Good communication is important for business. | poor | direct | open | two-way | interpersonal | regular | electronic, non-verbal, verbal, written | business VERB + COMMUNICATION have I haven't had any communication with him for several years. | establish | facilitate, improve | prevent measures which prevented the prisoners' communication with the outside world COMMUNICATION + VERB break down Communication between the two sides has broken down. COMMUNICATION + NOUN skills | breakdown PREP. in ~ with We are in regular communication with the kidnappers. | ~ between to establish direct communication between the lookout towers | ~ by communication by letter | ~ with We need better communication with clients. PHRASES a breakdown in communication(s), channels/lines of communication to keep open the channels of communication | a lack of communication, a means/method/system of communication Letters are their only means of communication. 2 communications: systems for sending information ADJ. good | online | global, international | mass | radio, rail, road, telephone VERB + COMMUNICATION have | cut off, disrupt COMMUNICATION + NOUN centre, links, network, satellite, system, technology PREP. ~ between They tried to disrupt communications between the two headquarters. | ~ with Paris has good rail communications with other major cities. 3 message ADJ. formal, official VERB + COMMUNICATION receive | send PREP. ~ about He received an official communication about the reorganization of the Ministry. | ~ from, ~ to a communication from the officer to the general 一致性 conformity noun ADJ. complete | strict | outward a society of outward religious conformity | political, religious, sexual, social QUANT. degree VERB + CONFORMITY achieve, bring sth into, ensure to bring national laws into conformity with European laws PREP. in ~ with The procedure is in strict conformity with standard international practices. | ~ between to achieve conformity between all the schemes | ~ to conformity to the accepted standards | ~ with We work to ensure conformity with the customer's wishes. 个体 individual noun ADJ. outstanding, talented | key | powerful | creative | average, ordinary Their research shows that the average individual watches around three and a half hours of television per day. | private He was carrying out his functions as a trustee in the course of his business, rather than as a private individual. | single | particular, certain The motives influencing a particular individual may change from time to time. | autonomous, independent His philosophy is about becoming aware of oneself as an autonomous individual. | isolated Society does not consist of isolated individuals, but people in a network of relationships. | unique She saw the artist as a unique individual, possessing a heightened awareness of reality. | like-minded a group of like-minded individuals | named The book recommends that you sign ‘Yours sincerely’ if you are send | qualified We welcome applications from suitably qualified individuals. | human We know that all human individuals are unique. VERB + INDIVIDUAL treat sb as Th e teacher should treat each pupil a s an individual . INDIVIDUAL + VERB vary Althoug h individuals vary widely, the bone s of the average female skeleton ar e smaller and lighter than the male . INDIVIDUAL + NOUN level His writing s are concerned with religiou s phenomena at the individual level . PHRASES any/no/one individual No single individual had done s o much for the development of th e motor vehicle. | concern for the individual, the freedom of the individual the issue of th e freedom of the individual versu s the intervention of the state | a group of individuals She ha d taken a group of individuals an d made them into a superb team. | the individual concerned It's u p to the individual concerned t o contact the police. | the needs of the individual Each course has t o be tailored to the needs of th e individual. | respect for the individual, vary from individual to individual Eating habits ar e bound to vary from individual t o individual . 实用的 pragmatic adj. VERBS be, seem | become ADV. highly, very | entirely, purely, utterly | essentially, largely Our approach is essentially pragmatic. | quite, rather PREP. about They're pragmatic about the spending cuts. 理想的 ideal adj. VERBS be, look, seem, sound | make sth The hotel's size makes it ideal for large conferences. | consider sth ADV. absolutely | almost | less than Language learning often takes place in a less than ideal environment. PREP. for The houses are absolutely ideal for families with young children. ideal noun ADJ. high, lofty, noble Sam was a real leader who had high moral ideals. | unattainable This is not an unattainable ideal. | aesthetic, artistic, ethical, moral, political | democratic, liberal, revolutionary, socialist VERB + IDEAL be committed to, be devoted to, believe in, cling to, espouse, have, support They still clung to the old ideals. | pursue, strive for | achieve, attain, be true to, conform to, live up to A journalist should always live up to the ideals of truth, decency, and justice. | fall short of This agreement falls far short of the ideal. | abandon, betray She was accused of betraying her political ideals. | embody, reflect the democratic ideals embodied in the charter 媒体 media noun ADJ. audio-visual, broadcast, broadcasting, electronic, mass, news, print, visual The event was widely covered by the mass media | foreign, international, local, national | mainstream, official, popular MEDIA + VERB report sth The local media reported rioting across the country. MEDIA + NOUN attention, coverage, interest, publicity, reporting There was a lot of media coverage of the wedding. | campaign | report | event Sport has been turned into a series of media events. | blitz, circus, hype The company is anxious to play down the media hype. | spotlight | image She's very different from her media image. | bias | blackout, censorship | freedom | relations | baron, magnate, mogul, person, pundit, tycoon | conglomerate, empire, group, interests, organization, outlet | awareness, studies PREP. through/via the ~ propaganda through the media PHRASES access to the media, the role of the media
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charles08 2011-8-9 22:17
【 序:此文针对本科生和一、二年级的博士、硕士生,对高年级的博士生和博士后也应该有参考价值。该文的一些背景可以参考我此前关于提高英文写作能力的博文: http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=349932 】 从小到大,我感性思维多一些,不善于读书。 85 至 89 年在清华生物系读本科期间,从未读过任何一种英文专业期刊。我受到的与英文阅读相关的训练一共只有两个。一是我在 1986 年暑假期间选修的时任系主任的蒲慕明老师开设的《生物英语》系列讲座,隐隐约约记得蒲先生让我们阅读一些诸如 DNA 双螺旋发现之类的科普性英文文章,很有意思。但时间较短,暑假过后也没有养成读英文文章的习惯。二是《生物化学》这门课。与现在的清华生命学院形成鲜明对比,我上大学期间的所有基础课和专业课都是采用中文教材、中文讲课,只有郑昌学老师讲授的《生物化学》采用了 Lehninger 的《 Principles of Biochemistry 》,而且郑老师要求我们每个学生每次课后阅读 10-20 页教材。我们同学大多感觉到专业英文阅读有所提高。 1990 年 4 月至 7 月初,我在依阿华州 Ames 小镇的 Iowa State University 度过了初到美国的前三个月,其中大部分时间在 Herbert Fromm 教授的实验室做轮转( rotation ),跟随刘峰和董群夫妻两人做研究(刘峰现在 University of Texas Health Science Center 做教授)。当时感觉最困难的就是读专业论文。有一次, Fromm 教授要求我在组会上讲解一篇《 Journal of Biological Chemistry 》的文章,我提前两天开始阅读,第一遍花了足足六个小时,许多生词只能依靠英汉词典,文章中的有些关键内容还没有完全读懂,当时的感觉是 JBC 的文章怎么这么长、这么难懂?!真有点苦不堪言。为了能给 Fromm 教授和师兄师姐留下好印象,第二天又花了好几个小时读第二遍,还做了总结。第三天我在组会上的表现总算没有给清华丢脸。但是,前前后后,真搞不清楚自己为了这一篇文章到底花了多少时间! 90 年 7 月我转学到约翰霍普金斯大学以后,与本科来自北大的虞一华同在 IPMB program 。虞一华大我一岁,来巴尔地摩之前已经在夏威夷大学读了一年的研究生,对于科研论文的阅读比我强多了。他常常在 IPMB 的办公室里拿着《科学》和《自然》周刊津津有味地阅读,看得我很眼馋,也不理解其中那些枯燥的文章有什么意思。他告诉我:他在读很有意思的科学新闻。科学新闻能有什么意思?虞一华给我讲了好几个故事:洛克菲勒大学校长诺贝尔奖得主 David Baltimore 如何深陷泥潭、人类基因组测序如何争辩激烈、 HIV 病毒究竟是谁发现的,等等。我还真没有想到学术期刊上会有这么多我也应该看得懂的内容!从那时起,每一期新的《科学》和《自然》一到,我也开始尝试着阅读里面的新闻和研究进展介绍,这些内容往往出现在“ News Comment ”“ Research News ”“ News Views ”“ Perspectives ” 等栏目,文笔平实,相对于专业的科研论文很容易读懂。有时,我还把读到的科研新闻讲给我的同事朋友们听,而同事的提问和互动对我又是更好的鼓励。除了《科学》和《自然》,我也常常翻看《科学美国人》 ( “ Scientific American ” ) 。 与《细胞》 (Cell) 、《生物化学期刊》( JBC )等非常专业的期刊不同,《科学》和《自然》里面有相当一部分内容是用来做科普教育的。《科学》周刊的“ Perspectives ”和 《自然》周刊的 “ News Views ” 栏目都是对重要科学论文的深入浅出的介绍,一般 1-3 页,读起来比较通俗易懂,较易入门。读完这些文章后,再读原始的科学论文,感觉好多了!而且可以把自己的体会与专家的分析比较一下,找找差距,有时甚至也能找回来一点自信! 从 1998 年在普林斯顿大学任职到现在清华大学做教授,我总是告诉自己实验室的所有年轻人(包括本科生、硕士生、博士生、博士后)下面这几点读科研论文的体会,也希望我的学生跟我学: 1. 请每位学生每周关注《科学》和《自然》。(生命科学界的学生还应该留心《细胞》)。如果时间有限,每周花一个小时读读这两种周刊里的 文章标题 以及与自己研究领域相关的科研论文的 abstract , 即可!这样做可以保证一个学生基本上能够跟踪本领域最重要的发现和进展,同时开阔视野,大概知道其它领域的动态。 2. 在时间充足的情况下,可以细读《科学》和《自然》里的新闻及科研论文。如果该科研论文有 “ News Views ” 或“ Perspectives ”来介绍,请先读这些文章,这类导读的文章会提炼问题,就好比是老师事先给学生讲解一番论文的来龙去脉,对学生阅读原始论文有很大帮助。 3. 在读具体的科研论文时,最重要的是了解文章的 主线逻辑 。文章中的所有 Figures 都是按照这个主线逻辑展开描述的。所以,我一般先读“ introduction ”部分,然后很快地看一遍 Figures 。大概知道这条主线之后,才一字一句地去读“ results ”和“ discussion ”。 4. 当遇到一些实验或结果分析很晦涩难懂时, 不必花太多时间深究 ,而力求一气把文章读完。也许你的问题在后面的内容中自然就有解答。这与听学术讲座非常相似!你如果想每个细节都听懂,留心每一个技术细节,那你听学术讲座不仅会很累,而且也许会为了深究一个小技术环节而影响了对整个讲座逻辑推理及核心结论的理解。 5. 对个别重要的文章和自己领域内的科研论文,应该精读。对与自己课题相关的每一篇论文则必须字斟句酌地读。这些论文,不仅要完全读懂,理解每一个实验的细节、分析、结论,还必须联想到这些实验和结论对自己的课题的影响和启发,提出自己的观点。 6. 科学论文的阅读水平是循序渐进的。每个人开始都会很吃力,所以你有这种感觉不要气馁。坚持很重要,你一定会渐入佳境。当你有问题时或有绝妙分析时,应该与师兄师姐或找导师讨论。 7. 科研训练的一个重要组成部分就是科研论文的阅读。每一个博士生必须经过严格的科研论文阅读的训练。除了你自己的习惯性阅读外,你应该在研究生阶段选修以阅读分析专业文献为主的一至两门课,在实验室内也要有定期的科研论文讨论( Journal Club )。如果你的实验室还没有这种讨论,你们学生可以自发地组织起来。 8. 前面几条都是讨论如何提高科研论文的阅读能力,但是一旦入了门,就要学会 critical reading 。不要迷信已发表的论文,哪怕是发表在非常好的期刊上。要时刻提醒自己:该论文逻辑是否严谨,数据是否可靠,实验证据是否支持结论,你是否能想出更好的实验,你是否可以在此论文的基础上提出新的重要问题?等等。 天外有天,读科研论文是一件很简单、但也很深奥的事情。一般的学生常常满足于读懂、读透一篇好的论文,优秀的学生则会举一反三、通过查找 references 纵深了解整个领域的历史、现状,并展望该领域未来的可能进展。 我从 1990 年对学术论文一窍不通到 96 年博士后期间的得心应手,还常常帮助同事分析,自以为水平了得。但是有一件事让我看到了自己的严重不足,颇为羞愧。 1996 年,是 SMAD 蛋白发现及 TGF- b 信号转导研究的最激动人心的一年,哈佛医学院的 Whitman 实验室在十月份的《自然》杂志上以“ Article ”的形式发表了一篇名为“ A transcriptional partner for MAD proteins in TGF- b signaling ” 的文章。读完之后,正好遇到 TGF- b 领域的著名学者 Joan Massague, 我对 Joan 评论说: I’m not so sure why this paper deserves a full article in Nature. They just identified another Smad-interacting protein, and the data quality is mediocre. 完全出乎我的意料, Joan 马上回应我: I disagree! This paper links the cytoplasmic Smad protein into the nucleus and identifies a transcription factor as its interacting protein. Now the TGF- b signaling pathway is complete. It is a beautiful Nature article! 这件事对我触动极大:原来大师的视野和品位远远在我之上。从那以后,我也开始从整个领域的发展方面来权衡一篇文章的重要性,这件事对我今后为国际重要学术期刊审稿、自己实验室选择研究课题都起到了相当重要的作用。 如今,我阅读一篇本领域内的科研论文,非常顺利,而且常常可以看出一些作者没有想到或分析到的关键点。回想从前,感慨万千,感谢蒲慕明、郑昌学、虞一华、 John Desjarlais 、 Jeremy Berg 、 Joan Massague 等一批老师和同事对我的帮助。我很留心,也很用心。 希望所有的学生也能通过努力和坚持对英文科研论文的阅读得心应手! 以上博文转自: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=46212do=blogid=350496
个人分类: 他山之石|2015 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 hcl2008222 2011-7-23 15:43
英文写作中常见搭配.doc 据说中国人的英语语法掌握比以英语为母语的人都好,但是当谈及写作或对话时,就矮人三分。我就是这样,自认为英语语法掌握没问题,但当用英语写作或交流时,平时学的单词、语法、短语都忘了,大脑一片空白。。。所以在有意识地收集一些英语学习资料,下面这个资料就是英语口语与写作中经常用到的,希望能为英语学习而刻苦中的博友们有所帮助。
个人分类: 英语学习交流|4351 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 3 jerrycueb 2011-7-14 22:41
今天看了 “ 十二五 ” 国家对 SCI 论文的新要求,再联系一下目前高校的局势和我国检索系统的现状不禁感慨。 想必大家都比较熟悉 SCI EI ISTP 这三大检索系统,您文章的收录与否成为了你论文是否有档次的标准。作为科研人员或者高校教师,论文被收录与否成了与自己切身利益相关的问题。因此很多学者总是惦记着自己的论文是否被收录,而忽视了我国科研的可持续发展。 我国学者被 SCI 、 EI 、 ISTP 收录的论文在持续增高,其有相当大的部分都是以英文写作。再者论文被收录以后国内的高校、科研机构须花大价钱来购买这些检索系统。我国的科研发展缓慢是否有这样的原因,即本土的知识没有很好的被国内的学子获取和吸收。前段时间看到一篇博文是说某高校的学生四年来英语都是不及格的,但其凭借自己学士论文(物理学方面的综述文章)的水平使得学校破格使其毕业。其实在国内有相当的学生其数学、物理化学都很有天赋,由于其英语的问题或与大学无缘或与研究生无缘。他们中大部分会在知网或万方等数据库中搜索学习,但学习的结果往往都不是最前沿的东西。 再看看我国的数据库与国外一些较好数据库的区别。从我国的数据库中下载的资源来看,多数是扫描版的,阅读起来很是不方便。不知是怕抄袭还是怎么着,但是真有人要抄袭绝对还是会抄袭的。再看看从 Science direct 上面下载的文章的质量,插图、表格、文字都很清晰。为何会出现这种情况,作者的版权交给你们了,你们为何就不能好好为我们这些作者后期的研究服务呢?不要说我们投递的时候插图不好(软件做出的图一般都是清晰的,另外一些示意图每次都是用 CAD 画的),大多数是你们的问题。 另外,我想有关部门有必要统计一下每年我国的科研经费有多少成果都发在了英文期刊上了,这些成果被我国引用的有多少?对我国科学技术促进有多少?这些科研成果是服务于我国还是为他国做嫁衣裳?建立我国自己的高端检索系统,立足本国服务世界。 “ 十二五 ” 国家规划是对科研的重视,还是学术的自我欺骗。 针对这些问题本文作者还会进一步思考 , 未完待续。以上纯属个人观点,希望大家指正。
4153 次阅读|9 个评论
热度 8 lin602 2011-5-31 08:20
强烈呼吁: 1 博士研究生外文科目的入学考试,着重于自己专业外文资料阅读速度、准确性及专业文章的外文写作,取消基础或普通英语(例语法、句法)的考试内容。取消博士研究生学习期间的强制性外文课程的学习。 2 硕士研究生学习期间的外文学习,从下面二方面进行,一是专业英语文献的写作与阅读速度(一定要在速度上达到要求),翻译技巧与准确性,二是象小孩子那样练听力与说,能够进行普通或者日常的英文听与说(如果已经达到要求,可以免修),能够达到用外文与外国人进行简单交流。 3 取消研究生阶段的政治课学习,例如‘自然辩证法’等,这是一门没有用的课,我在二十多年前学习的内容,在我教学与科研中基本上没有用。 4 取消研究生入学考试中的政治课考试科目。 目前我们的学生与研究生们都是‘哑巴英语’,用英文写文章投稿‘语不达意’,甚至看英文专业资料都‘蜗牛爬行’。所背的政治课内容是‘竹篮打水’。目前的这些学习内容与方法,其实有点‘谋财害命’。 网上都是从事教育与科研的学人与研究生,我们可以在不同场合,用不同形式来进行宣传与推动。
2968 次阅读|15 个评论
热度 5 jay1060201001 2011-5-30 11:31
When I read this bolg this morning ( http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=569569do=blogid=448000 ) It suddenly downed on me that why couldn't I write the blog in English! I have always been learning English very hard,I passed the college English Bet 4 test when I was a fresh man ,and then got through the Bet 6 test in the following year.Since I became a postgraduate ,because my subject is logistics engineering ,I found that English is more important for me.So I begun to learn English harder then ever before.I am mad about English now. IreadEnglish loudly in the morning ,andlisten the BBC or VOA materialstored in mymp3 player beforegoing to sleep.In a word,I have pieced together all my spare time to learn English well. Now,in the following passage,I'll introduce my learning method: Fisrtly,I have been reciting the new concept English 3 last year .Though I had learnt the textbook when I was a undergraduate .However,I have almost forgot all of the passages I acquinted.Through persistent hard work,I can recite 40 passages very fluently now,and I hope Secondly,To improve my listening ,Ilistenend theVOA special English at first .After that,I begun to listen VOA standard and BBC.Though it's very hard to appreciate all the contents of the liatening material,you can listen it over an over again until you get the every meaaring of the sentence,even the every meaning of the word.As the old saying goes:practice makes perfect.Only through persistent effort can we improve our English. Finally,I want to say the most important thing in learning English.To learn English,you must make it become part of your life,you muststudy English with full of passion,and you must study English with great interest.There is no shortcut on the road to learn English.Here I want to cite the chinese old saying as a conclusion :Diligence is the path to the mountain of knowledge,hard-working is the boat to the endless sea of learning.(书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟)
4299 次阅读|7 个评论
热度 17 martydingjie 2011-5-12 15:16
作为控制工程学科的博士研究生,如果能在顶级期刊《Automatica》或者《IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control》上发一篇论文,那意味着什么呢?一种高度的学术认可。 虽然导师在此类刊物上发表了数篇优秀论文,却没有奢望去向这些期刊投稿,因为没有自信。我的研究方向为系统辨识,这个课题研究的人已经很少,而且也很难在控制领域的期刊上发表,所以早期论文就投向比较边缘化的期刊,如数学应用类、计算机仿真类的期刊上。在这个过程中,导师不断的训练我们的英文写作能力和论文的内容安排等,从细处着手,做一个严谨的科研人。在他的建议下,于2008年春天向《Automatica》投了一篇文章,自此开始了这篇文章漫长的审稿阶段。 《Automatica》审稿期限较长,在投了6个多月后,一审结论出来了, Provisonly Accept 。导师说,这是这么多年来一审结果最好的一次,以往他投,一审要么直接拒绝,要么是Major Revision。这个结果足足让我高兴了很久,开心之余,面对的是3位评审人长长的评审意见。于是与导师合力按照修改意见,认真得做了response,三个月后投了出去,并期待着好结果。二审还是很漫长,又过了6个月,结果出来了,却大失所望。除了两位评审人说可以发表,一位再次提了很多意见,这次A.E.也发话了,写了很长一段意见,然后就直接reject了。这个打击来得太慢,与6个月前的喜悦相比,现在的失落没有太强烈。自卑的心理开始作怪,好杂志我就不奢望了。 然而导师有不同的想法,他认为A.E.带有偏见,也不准备上诉,认为文章应该得到发表,于是让我把论文重新整理好,投向《IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control》。此时已经是2010年的春天了。 《IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control》是控制领域里德一个非常好的期刊,审稿周期也非常的漫长。差不多也是6个多月,初冬的时候一审意见回来,Major Revision,对于这个结果,已经很好,同样的,审稿意见有整整3页纸。修改论文和写response的时光是很煎熬的,在2010年底把论文修改好后,投了出去。二审意见于2011年3月份返回,是Conditionly Accept。这是个好消息,于是又开始修改,这次只有一位审稿人提了一些小问题,很快修改后就投出去了。三审很快就有了结果,没有再让俺等6个月,就是今天,2011年5月12日,呵呵,接到录用邮件的那一刻,心里有点释然了,对于这篇文章,对于老师,总算有了交代。 在投稿的这个漫长时间里,我能体会到顶级期刊评审人的认真和细致,他们会逐字逐句的看,甚至会花一段时间去试着仿真论文中提出的算法,当这篇论文经过重重磨难,终见光明的时候,会觉得这些经历很宝贵。这篇论文录用在我毕业之际,就像是我的毕业礼物一样。非常感谢导师多年来对我论文写作的悉心指导和诲人不倦的唠叨,呵呵。
个人分类: 博士专栏|32554 次阅读|29 个评论
thomaschoo2011 2011-5-7 17:31
英文写作第一反应词替换表 收藏 作文要想得高分,用词多变是关键。以下是一些作文中的常用替换词,仅供大家参考 : through - in term of/via operate - manipulate offspring - descendant inevitable - indispensable detail - specific explain - interpret obvious - conspicuous hurt - vulnerable use - employ/utilize value - merit provide - lend - offer true - accurate leading to - contribute to/ conduce to/result in more and more - increasing/growing hardly - merely - barely well-known - outstanding large - miraculous/marvelous although - albeit/notwithstanding in fact - actually/virtually want - intend to/tend to/be inclined to because - in that may be - probably to sum - to summarize/in conclusion explain - interpret/illustrate change - alter chance - alternative custom - convention/tradition think - contemplate/muse/meditate/retrospect arouse - ignite/stimulate/spur/motivate limit - stress/hinder/hamper key - crucial/vital/consequential old - ancient emphasis - accentuate devote to - dedicate to character - trait/individuality/idiosyncrasy/personality expect - anticipate join - participate delegate - representative bias - prejudice/discriminate/tendency thrive - palmy/flourishing/prosperity clash - conflict/collision/rencounter publicize - propagandize agree partly - agree with reserve proper - apposite want to - desire big city - metropolis lawmaking - legislation first - primarily but - nonetheless/nevertheless child - juvenile absorb - assimilate hand in - render undermine - sap/enervate/debilitate get into chaos - with chaos ensuing key - pivot/crux sway - vacillate fanatic patriotism - jingoism/chauvinism persusive - thorough/sound/specific/convincing consider - take into account vague - gratuitous/unwarranted/oversimplified
个人分类: 论文写作|1257 次阅读|0 个评论
“科学网大学”英文服务中心: 英文写作小贴士
热度 7 zuojun 2011-4-12 08:38
Scientific Writing for Beginners (1)-(8) by Zuojun Yu I put these articles on one page, for my new friends and their students. Just click each link to see its content. (1) Basic Knowledge of English http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=306792do=blogid=255459 (2) Preparing Your Figures and Captions http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=306792do=blogid=256165 (3) Putting Together an Outline http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=306792do=blogid=256680 (4) Title and Abstract http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=306792do=blogid=256862 (5) Introduction http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=306792do=blogid=258111 (6) Never Let Go of Your Readers http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=306792do=blogid=259573 (7) End Your Paper with a Positive Outlook http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=306792do=blogid=260375 (8) Revise, Revise, Revise http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=306792do=blogid=260381 p.s. If you find these tips helpful, please share them with your colleagues and students so they may benefit, too.
个人分类: Scientific Writing|7955 次阅读|16 个评论
dydesk 2011-4-7 17:47
【 序:此文针对本科生和一、二年级的博士、硕士生,对高年级的博士生和博士后也应该有参考价值。该文的一些背景可以参考我此前关于提高英文写作能力的博文: http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=349932 】 从小到大,我感性思维多一些,不善于读书。 85 至 89 年在清华生物系读本科期间,从未读过任何一种英文专业期刊。我受到的与英文阅读相关的训练一共只有两个。一是我在 1986 年暑假期间选修的时任系主任的蒲慕明老师开设的《生物英语》系列讲座,隐隐约约记得蒲先生让我们阅读一些诸如 DNA 双螺旋发现之类的科普性英文文章,很有意思。但时间较短,暑假过后也没有养成读英文文章的习惯。二是《生物化学》这门课。与现在的清华生命学院形成鲜明对比,我上大学期间的所有基础课和专业课都是采用中文教材、中文讲课,只有郑昌学老师讲授的《生物化学》采用了 Lehninger 的《 Principles of Biochemistry 》,而且郑老师要求我们每个学生每次课后阅读 10-20 页教材。我们同学大多感觉到专业英文阅读有所提高。 1990 年 4 月至 7 月初,我在依阿华州 Ames 小镇的 Iowa State University 度过了初到美国的前三个月,其中大部分时间在 Herbert Fromm 教授的实验室做轮转( rotation ),跟随刘峰和董群夫妻两人做研究(刘峰现在 University of Texas Health Science Center 做教授)。当时感觉最困难的就是读专业论文。有一次, Fromm 教授要求我在组会上讲解一篇《 Journal of Biological Chemistry 》的文章,我提前两天开始阅读,第一遍花了足足六个小时,许多生词只能依靠英汉词典,文章中的有些关键内容还没有完全读懂,当时的感觉是 JBC 的文章怎么这么长、这么难懂?!真有点苦不堪言。为了能给 Fromm 教授和师兄师姐留下好印象,第二天又花了好几个小时读第二遍,还做了总结。第三天我在组会上的表现总算没有给清华丢脸。但是,前前后后,真搞不清楚自己为了这一篇文章到底花了多少时间! 90 年 7 月我转学到约翰霍普金斯大学以后,与本科来自北大的虞一华同在 IPMB program 。虞一华大我一岁,来巴尔地摩之前已经在夏威夷大学读了一年的研究生,对于科研论文的阅读比我强多了。他常常在 IPMB 的办公室里拿着《科学》和《自然》周刊津津有味地阅读,看得我很眼馋,也不理解其中那些枯燥的文章有什么意思。他告诉我:他在读很有意思的科学新闻。科学新闻能有什么意思?虞一华给我讲了好几个故事:洛克菲勒大学校长诺贝尔奖得主 David Baltimore 如何深陷泥潭、人类基因组测序如何争辩激烈、 HIV 病毒究竟是谁发现的,等等。我还真没有想到学术期刊上会有这么多我也应该看得懂的内容!从那时起,每一期新的《科学》和《自然》一到,我也开始尝试着阅读里面的新闻和研究进展介绍,这些内容往往出现在“ News Comment ”“ Research News ”“ News Views ”“ Perspectives ” 等栏目,文笔平实,相对于专业的科研论文很容易读懂。有时,我还把读到的科研新闻讲给我的同事朋友们听,而同事的提问和互动对我又是更好的鼓励。除了《科学》和《自然》,我也常常翻看《科学美国人》 ( “ Scientific American ” ) 。 与《细胞》 (Cell) 、《生物化学期刊》( JBC )等非常专业的期刊不同,《科学》和《自然》里面有相当一部分内容是用来做科普教育的。《科学》周刊的“ Perspectives ”和 《自然》周刊的 “ News Views ” 栏目都是对重要科学论文的深入浅出的介绍,一般 1-3 页,读起来比较通俗易懂,较易入门。读完这些文章后,再读原始的科学论文,感觉好多了!而且可以把自己的体会与专家的分析比较一下,找找差距,有时甚至也能找回来一点自信! 从 1998 年在普林斯顿大学任职到现在清华大学做教授,我总是告诉自己实验室的所有年轻人(包括本科生、硕士生、博士生、博士后)下面这几点读科研论文的体会,也希望我的学生跟我学: 1. 请每位学生每周关注《科学》和《自然》。(生命科学界的学生还应该留心《细胞》)。如果时间有限,每周花一个小时读读这两种周刊里的 文章标题 以及与自己研究领域相关的科研论文的 abstract , 即可!这样做可以保证一个学生基本上能够跟踪本领域最重要的发现和进展,同时开阔视野,大概知道其它领域的动态。 2. 在时间充足的情况下,可以细读《科学》和《自然》里的新闻及科研论文。如果该科研论文有 “ News Views ” 或“ Perspectives ”来介绍,请先读这些文章,这类导读的文章会提炼问题,就好比是老师事先给学生讲解一番论文的来龙去脉,对学生阅读原始论文有很大帮助。 3. 在读具体的科研论文时,最重要的是了解文章的 主线逻辑 。文章中的所有 Figures 都是按照这个主线逻辑展开描述的。所以,我一般先读“ introduction ”部分,然后很快地看一遍 Figures 。大概知道这条主线之后,才一字一句地去读“ results ”和“ discussion ”。 4. 当遇到一些实验或结果分析很晦涩难懂时, 不必花太多时间深究 ,而力求一气把文章读完。也许你的问题在后面的内容中自然就有解答。这与听学术讲座非常相似!你如果想每个细节都听懂,留心每一个技术细节,那你听学术讲座不仅会很累,而且也许会为了深究一个小技术环节而影响了对整个讲座逻辑推理及核心结论的理解。 5. 对个别重要的文章和自己领域内的科研论文,应该精读。对与自己课题相关的每一篇论文则必须字斟句酌地读。这些论文,不仅要完全读懂,理解每一个实验的细节、分析、结论,还必须联想到这些实验和结论对自己的课题的影响和启发,提出自己的观点。 6. 科学论文的阅读水平是循序渐进的。每个人开始都会很吃力,所以你有这种感觉不要气馁。坚持很重要,你一定会渐入佳境。当你有问题时或有绝妙分析时,应该与师兄师姐或找导师讨论。 7. 科研训练的一个重要组成部分就是科研论文的阅读。每一个博士生必须经过严格的科研论文阅读的训练。除了你自己的习惯性阅读外,你应该在研究生阶段选修以阅读分析专业文献为主的一至两门课,在实验室内也要有定期的科研论文讨论( Journal Club )。如果你的实验室还没有这种讨论,你们学生可以自发地组织起来。 8. 前面几条都是讨论如何提高科研论文的阅读能力,但是一旦入了门,就要学会 critical reading 。不要迷信已发表的论文,哪怕是发表在非常好的期刊上。要时刻提醒自己:该论文逻辑是否严谨,数据是否可靠,实验证据是否支持结论,你是否能想出更好的实验,你是否可以在此论文的基础上提出新的重要问题?等等。 天外有天,读科研论文是一件很简单、但也很深奥的事情。一般的学生常常满足于读懂、读透一篇好的论文,优秀的学生则会举一反三、通过查找 references 纵深了解整个领域的历史、现状,并展望该领域未来的可能进展。 我从 1990 年对学术论文一窍不通到 96 年博士后期间的得心应手,还常常帮助同事分析,自以为水平了得。但是有一件事让我看到了自己的严重不足,颇为羞愧。 1996 年,是 SMAD 蛋白发现及 TGF- b 信号转导研究的最激动人心的一年,哈佛医学院的 Whitman 实验室在十月份的《自然》杂志上以“ Article ”的形式发表了一篇名为“ A transcriptional partner for MAD proteins in TGF- b signaling ” 的文章。读完之后,正好遇到 TGF- b 领域的著名学者 Joan Massague, 我对 Joan 评论说: I’m not so sure why this paper deserves a full article in Nature. They just identified another Smad-interacting protein, and the data quality is mediocre. 完全出乎我的意料, Joan 马上回应我: I disagree! This paper links the cytoplasmic Smad protein into the nucleus and identifies a transcription factor as its interacting protein. Now the TGF- b signaling pathway is complete. It is a beautiful Nature article! 这件事对我触动极大:原来大师的视野和品位远远在我之上。从那以后,我也开始从整个领域的发展方面来权衡一篇文章的重要性,这件事对我今后为国际重要学术期刊审稿、自己实验室选择研究课题都起到了相当重要的作用。 如今,我阅读一篇本领域内的科研论文,非常顺利,而且常常可以看出一些作者没有想到或分析到的关键点。回想从前,感慨万千,感谢蒲慕明、郑昌学、虞一华、 John Desjarlais 、 Jeremy Berg 、 Joan Massague 等一批老师和同事对我的帮助。我很留心,也很用心。 希望所有的学生也能通过努力和坚持对英文科研论文的阅读得心应手!
2709 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 3 halcon 2011-4-6 20:33
一年一度的研究生招生开始啦,贴个广告。 目标:2011级硕士研究生 待遇:1,参与欧盟第七框架项目,国家级基金项目若干; 2,提供至少一次出国交流机会; 3,每月生活补助若干; 研究内容:1,个性化推荐系统; 2,在线社会网络分析; 3,科学知识图谱分析; 4,突发事件与舆情传播。 要求:具有一定计算机编程能力,英文写作能力,具有很好的团队协作能力。 经费支持:两项欧盟基金,两项国家级基金,一项教育部基金,三项上海市基金。 注:本人没有带其它专业研究生资格,有兴趣的同学只能填报上海理工大学管理学院系统分析与集成专业。 联系E-mail: liujg004@gmail.com
3039 次阅读|10 个评论
pouth 2011-3-2 00:51
【 序:此文针对本科生和一、二年级的博士、硕士生,对高年级的博士生和博士后也应该有参考价值。该文的一些背景可以参考我此前关于提高英文写作能力的博文: http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=349932 】 从小到大,我感性思维多一些,不善于读书。85至89年在清华生物系读本科期间,从未读过任何一种英文专业期刊。我受到的与英文阅读相关的训练一共只有两个。一是我在1986年暑假期间选修的时任系主任的蒲慕明老师开设的《生物英语》系列讲座,隐隐约约记得蒲先生让我们阅读一些诸如DNA双螺旋发现之类的科普性英文文章,很有意思。但时间较短,暑假过后也没有养成读英文文章的习惯。二是《生物化学》这门课。与现在的清华生命学院形成鲜明对比,我上大学期间的所有基础课和专业课都是采用中文教材、中文讲课,只有郑昌学老师讲授的《生物化学》采用了Lehninger的《Principles of Biochemistry》,而且郑老师要求我们每个学生每次课后阅读10-20页教材。我们同学大多感觉到专业英文阅读有所提高。 1990 年4月至7月初,我在依阿华州Ames小镇的Iowa State University度过了初到美国的前三个月,其中大部分时间在Herbert Fromm教授的实验室做轮转(rotation),跟随刘峰和董群夫妻两人做研究(刘峰现在University of Texas Health Science Center做教授)。当时感觉最困难的就是读专业论文。有一次,Fromm教授要求我在组会上讲解一篇《Journal of Biological Chemistry》的文章,我提前两天开始阅读,第一遍花了足足六个小时,许多生词只能依靠英汉词典,文章中的有些关键内容还没有完全读懂,当时的感觉是JBC的文章怎么这么长、这么难懂?!真有点苦不堪言。为了能给Fromm教授和师兄师姐留下好印象,第二天又花了好几个小时读第二遍,还做了总结。第三天我在组会上的表现总算没有给清华丢脸。但是,前前后后,真搞不清楚自己为了这一篇文章到底花了多少时间! 90 年7月我转学到约翰霍普金斯大学以后,与本科来自北大的虞一华同在IPMB program。虞一华大我一岁,来巴尔地摩之前已经在夏威夷大学读了一年的研究生,对于科研论文的阅读比我强多了。他常常在IPMB的办公室里拿着《科学》和《自然》周刊津津有味地阅读,看得我很眼馋,也不理解其中那些枯燥的文章有什么意思。他告诉我:他在读很有意思的科学新闻。科学新闻能有什么意思?虞一华给我讲了好几个故事:洛克菲勒大学校长诺贝尔奖得主David Baltimore如何深陷泥潭、人类基因组测序如何争辩激烈、HIV病毒究竟是谁发现的,等等。我还真没有想到学术期刊上会有这么多我也应该看得懂的内容!从那时起,每一期新的《科学》和《自然》一到,我也开始尝试着阅读里面的新闻和研究进展介绍,这些内容往往出现在“News amp; Comment”“Research News”“News amp; Views”“Perspectives”等栏目,文笔平实,相对于专业的科研论文很容易读懂。有时,我还把读到的科研新闻讲给我的同事朋友们听,而同事的提问和互动对我又是更好的鼓励。除了《科学》和《自然》,我也常常翻看《科学美国人》(“Scientific American”)。 与《细胞》(Cell)、《生物化学期刊》(JBC)等非常专业的期刊不同,《科学》和《自然》里面有相当一部分内容是用来做科普教育的。《科学》周刊的“Perspectives ”和 《自然》周刊的“News amp; Views”栏目都是对重要科学论文的深入浅出的介绍,一般1-3页,读起来比较通俗易懂,较易入门。读完这些文章后,再读原始的科学论文,感觉好多了!而且可以把自己的体会与专家的分析比较一下,找找差距,有时甚至也能找回来一点自信! 从1998年在普林斯顿大学任职到现在清华大学做教授,我总是告诉自己实验室的所有年轻人(包括本科生、硕士生、博士生、博士后)下面这几点读科研论文的体会,也希望我的学生跟我学: 1 . 请每位学生每周关注《科学》和《自然》。(生命科学界的学生还应该留心《细胞》)。如果时间有限,每周花一个小时读读这两种周刊里的 文章标题 以及与自己研究领域相关的科研论文的 abstract ,即可!这样做可以保证一个学生基本上能够跟踪本领域最重要的发现和进展,同时开阔视野,大概知道其它领域的动态。 2 . 在时间充足的情况下,可以细读《科学》和《自然》里的新闻及科研论文。如果该科研论文有“News amp; Views”或“Perspectives ”来介绍,请先读这些文章,这类导读的文章会提炼问题,就好比是老师事先给学生讲解一番论文的来龙去脉,对学生阅读原始论文有很大帮助。 3 . 在读具体的科研论文时,最重要的是了解文章的 主线逻辑 。文章中的所有 Figures 都是按照这个主线逻辑展开描述的。所以,我一般先读“ introduction ”部分,然后很快地看一遍 Figures 。大概知道这条主线之后,才一字一句地去读“ results ”和“ discussion ”。 4 . 当遇到一些实验或结果分析很晦涩难懂时, 不必花太多时间深究 ,而力求一气把文章读完。也许你的问题在后面的内容中自然就有解答。这与听学术讲座非常相似!你如果想每个细节都听懂,留心每一个技术细节,那你听学术讲座不仅会很累,而且也许会为了深究一个小技术环节而影响了对整个讲座逻辑推理及核心结论的理解。 5 . 对个别重要的文章和自己领域内的科研论文,应该精读。对与自己课题相关的每一篇论文则必须字斟句酌地读。这些论文,不仅要完全读懂,理解每一个实验的细节、分析、结论,还必须联想到这些实验和结论对自己的课题的影响和启发,提出自己的观点。 6 . 科学论文的阅读水平是循序渐进的。每个人开始都会很吃力,所以你有这种感觉不要气馁。坚持很重要,你一定会渐入佳境。当你有问题时或有绝妙分析时,应该与师兄师姐或找导师讨论。 7 . 科研训练的一个重要组成部分就是科研论文的阅读。每一个博士生必须经过严格的科研论文阅读的训练。除了你自己的习惯性阅读外,你应该在研究生阶段选修以阅读分析专业文献为主的一至两门课,在实验室内也要有定期的科研论文讨论( Journal Club )。如果你的实验室还没有这种讨论,你们学生可以自发地组织起来。 8 . 前面几条都是讨论如何提高科研论文的阅读能力,但是一旦入了门,就要学会critical reading。不要迷信已发表的论文,哪怕是发表在非常好的期刊上。要时刻提醒自己:该论文逻辑是否严谨,数据是否可靠,实验证据是否支持结论,你是否能想出更好的实验,你是否可以在此论文的基础上提出新的重要问题?等等。 天外有天,读科研论文是一件很简单、但也很深奥的事情。一般的学生常常满足于读懂、读透一篇好的论文,优秀的学生则会举一反三、通过查找references纵深了解整个领域的历史、现状,并展望该领域未来的可能进展。 我从1990年对学术论文一窍不通到96年博士后期间的得心应手,还常常帮助同事分析,自以为水平了得。但是有一件事让我看到了自己的严重不足,颇为羞愧。1996年,是SMAD蛋白发现及TGF- b 信号转导研究的最激动人心的一年,哈佛医学院的Whitman实验室在十月份的《自然》杂志上以“Article”的形式发表了一篇名为“ A transcriptional partner for MAD proteins in TGF- b signaling ”的文章。读完之后,正好遇到TGF- b 领域的著名学者 Joan Massague, 我对Joan评论说: I’m not so sure why this paper deserves a full article in Nature. They just identified another Smad-interacting protein, and the data quality is mediocre. 完全出乎我的意料, Joan 马上回应我: I disagree! This paper links the cytoplasmic Smad protein into the nucleus and identifies a transcription factor as its interacting protein. Now the TGF- b signaling pathway is complete. It is a beautiful Nature article! 这件事对我触动极大:原来大师的视野和品位远远在我之上。从那以后,我也开始从整个领域的发展方面来权衡一篇文章的重要性,这件事对我今后为国际重要学术期刊审稿、自己实验室选择研究课题都起到了相当重要的作用。 如今,我阅读一篇本领域内的科研论文,非常顺利,而且常常可以看出一些作者没有想到或分析到的关键点。回想从前,感慨万千,感谢蒲慕明、郑昌学、虞一华、 John Desjarlais 、 Jeremy Berg 、 Joan Massague 等一批老师和同事对我的帮助。我很留心,也很用心。 希望所有的学生也能通过努力和坚持对英文科研论文的阅读得心应手!
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oaiwqiyao 2011-2-11 15:07
hi,马老师您好,非常欣赏你的博文和你的思考和感悟。 最近看了你关于个人修炼的文章,可否推荐一些你觉得比较好的关于如何训练和提高科技英文写作的书? 还有,关于时间管理,我看到很多谈时间管理的书都是关于工作,公司里面的东西,关于科研的(尤其是关于做实验以及理论学习的时间如何分配,科研生活如何协调),可否推荐一些书,或谈谈您的看法? 谢谢您的宝贵时间! 回答:关于科技论文写作,在国外时看到有人推荐《The Elements of Style》,然而我读了这本书感到对我的用处不大:这本书主要从英语写作的基本功角度写的,包括如何使行文更加简洁等,然而对科研论文的谋篇布局却没有涉及。后来读到《How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper》(第六版,北京大学已经引进出版:《如何撰写和发表科技论文》),感到这本书非常适合初学的研究生看,作者介绍了科研写作、投稿和科研伦理的方方面面,每一章都通俗易懂,很容易看懂。如果在科研写作方面没有任何基础的话,用这本书打基础是非常适合的。但是有一定基础的人读这本书就感到比较小儿科,感到这里说的都是常识。 使我有启发的是《The ACS Style Guide》(第二版),后来我又买了第三版。这本书不但有科研论文的基本功,包括如何使用缩略语,如何引用别人的文章,而且有资深的编辑、审稿人对于他们如何写作、审稿子看什么的体会。这本书还用笼统描述性的语言介绍了写文章各个部件的总的要求和注意事项。读了以后,就知道并不是你得到了好数据然后把数据罗列一下就行的,而是要有更多的分析和内涵。用美国化学会杂志征稿要求的语言来说,纯粹是报数据的文章是不收的,而要有深入的道理方面的讨论,能提高人们对这一个课题的科学认识。 我最推崇的是牛津大学出版社出版的《Write Like A Chemist》,这本厚厚的书把科研论文分解为各个部件,每个部件有“公式化”的写作方法、常用句型和注意事项。这本书并非笼统描述、看过就忘记的那种,而是讲解得很清楚,里面的内容也很实用,并且配了各种案例和习题。如果真的能够从头到尾读下来,能成为写作高手。而已经熟悉科研写作的人,也能从书中找到对自己经验方法的印证。这本由牛津大学出版社出版的书,字正腔圆,它不是左道旁门,而是正统的好书。而书店里卖的国内很多介绍科研写作的中文书过于强调英语的词法、句法,却没能介绍“上乘功夫”,读了那些,很难写出神采飞扬的好文章。 关于时间管理,我想说我并不是时间管理大师,否则我的“结局”会更好。但是:(1)时间管理的规律是客观存在的,不以人的意志为转移的。时间管理能导致好的结果,但是有好结局的人并不是一定就擅长时间管理,这和评价的标准有关系。(2)正因为我很早以前没有接触到时间管理这方面的书,所以我要学习这方面的道理,并且感到有些道理(虽然我也无法完全照着做。) 很多市场上时间管理的中文书是一些常识性的经验、体会,我推荐一本非常好的Brian Tracy写的《Eat That Frog!》(中文版已经引进出版:《吃掉那只青蛙》)。这本书非常适合大学生、研究生和科研工作者看,甚至高中生也能读懂。该书分为十多章,讲述时间管理的规律性的东西,看了以后会很有启发。如果真的能够用到自己身上,威力一定很大。还有本详细、深奥一点的,是《Time Power》(中文版《时间力》),比较枯燥。 你的来信促使了我的思考,是因为你引出了一个重要的话题:书上讲的那些东西,看起来很有道理,在理论上站得住脚,但是如何把这些规律用到具体的科研实践中呢?如何指导自己的科研和研究生阶段的生活呢?我本来想回答说:“只要你看了《Eat That Frog!》,你就能潜移默化地提高了。”但这个回答在闪躲。以下,也许我无法充分地回答你的问题,但我尽可能提供几点值得思考的东西。 时间管理理论的发展,正如现代管理理论的发展一样,经历了几个阶段。一开始,人们认为抓紧时间、每天工作十几个小时就是时间管理。后来人们认识到效率、统筹方法的重要性。再后来人们强调计划,就是拿出一张纸片,记下来我已经做了什么,我明天要做什么。这些只是比较初级的时间管理,因为这些都强调“做事”,却没有分清楚“做什么样的事情”。在高级阶段,人们认识到,每天都有无数的事情要做,而这些事情有的是重要的,有的是不重要的。重要的事情件数少,只占20%,但能带来80%的效用;而不重要的事情件数多,占80%,但只带来20%的效用。因此时间管理的秘诀就是帕累托的80-20定律。为此,我们应在做事之前甄别什么是重要的,什么是不重要的。时间管理大师说:你没有时间做所有的事情,但你有足够的时间做重要的两三件事。 举个夸张的假设性的例子(虽然我不是这么做):比如说留学生想进国内高校任教,准入条件是至少发两篇第一作者的JACS(美国化学会志)。“聪明”的人就会围绕着这个指挥棒转,一心只发JACS,一心只做对自己有利的事情(第一作者),而不从事辅助性的实验(即不发第N作者文章),因为他知道,几篇第一作者JACS就是能给能带来80%效用的20%事情。而“愚蠢”的人做了这个、做了那个,有的是搭仪器,有的是帮助老板写proposal,有的是帮助别人做实验(自己为第N作者),后来要么很少有文章,要么虽然文章出了一大堆,“有用”的却没有几篇。这就是所谓的80%的付出带来了20%的效用。 以上这个夸张的例子从一个角度来讲,说明80-20原理是客观存在的,从另一个角度去讲,说明这个原理的局限性:这个原理是从最终的“效用”为导向、为指挥棒的,并且这个“效用”受评价标准的影响而会有“无效”和“有效”的结论。比如说我认为帮助别人(自己为第N作者)对我的心理上是有效用的,但是有的评价体系不这么认为。因此,怎么做,取决于你自己对“效用”的认定,即价值观。 除了上面的假设性的例子外,还有些正儿八经的例子:比如说我很少看电视,很少出去购物(或者“一次购清”),我认为这些都不能产生“效用”。再比如有些科学家收到审稿邀请,随手就把稿子发给学生去审,他很“聪明”,他知道这些“杂事”不会给他带来很大的“效用”。还有的科学家把学生差一点的文章让课题组的“小老板”或者“大师兄”去精心修改,而自己则腾出手来“御驾亲征”修改“高档次文章”,因为后者能带来更大“效用”。 以上说了些80-20原理。这本《吃掉那只青蛙》当然还有很多很有价值的经验。现代人在时间管理上还有一个“陷阱”就是把“活动”当作了“效果”。一匹马整天在“活动”,但它没有“效果”。再比如一个研究生或者青年教师,到了学校上午去财务科报销、然后审稿子,下午参加各种会议、接待社会上来的推销员,晚上看报纸、看杂志,表面上看起来在“活动”,但没有产生多大“效果”。从书中,我领会到,“吃掉那只青蛙”的意思就是说“别人恶心吃青蛙,你要狠下心来吃掉那只最难吃的青蛙”(即跳出“舒适区”)。生活、工作,不是捡最简单的事情来做,而是捡难做的事情来做,捡别人不会做、不能做的事情来做。做了难的事情,你的能力就提高了,难的事情就难不倒你;而做了简单的事情,则永远只会做简单的事情。并且,这本书告诉读者,时间和精力花在什么地方,你的成就也在什么地方。比如说你花在研究化妆品上,你是“闲暇生活者”;你花在八卦别人上,你成为“八卦者”;你花在写博客上,你成为知名博主;你花在工作上,你成为业务骨干。 这本书所说的东西,我现在无法完全做到,但这本书能启发我做选择。比如说,有的机构请我当“绿色产品鉴定专家”,有的和我自己专业没有关系的杂志请我当英文技术编辑(校稿),有的留学机构请我给他们的客户提供有偿服务,有的报纸杂志请我写社会上大众也能写的文章,有的不公开发行的内部刊物请我写文章,这些我都推辞了。因为我知道,时间放在哪里,成功就在哪里。 关于如何安排看文献、做实验、写文章,王华峰在《科学新闻》撰文说,要1/3时间看文献,1/3时间做实验,1/3时间写文章。我认为具体的怎么安排,要根据以下两个因素进行调整:(1)你现在是什么身份;(2)你将来要做什么。很多留学生到了美国,老板是不会让你拿着他的钱而坐下来看文献的,而是一进实验室就赶鸭子上架似的让你做实验,利用业余时间看文献,后来又利用白天时间加上业余时间写文章。那些老板设计好了实验思路,就是让你来完成的。而对于博士后,更是如此,有拿个老板愿意你每天领着200美金的工资不干活?看到你坐在电脑前面,心里想白给你工资了。 也就是说,如果你只是想拿个文凭毕业、只是想对得起博士后的工资、或者只是想成为“有手的工具”的话,多花点时间做实验对你完全没有坏处,而且是非常有利的,因为别人只看“效果”。然而,如果你要放眼将来成为“学者”的话,看文献(甚至是看和自己课题无关的文献)是非常重要的。并且这是一条默默无闻的“不归路”:你看了文献,无法取得立竿见影的效果,在找工作的时候,国内的人只看你发了什么文章,你无法用“我看了5000篇文献”作为应聘的筹码。这里的关系就象《The 7 Habits of High Efficient People》里面所说的鸡和金蛋的故事:有的人杀鸡取金蛋,而你既要产金蛋的鸡,也要得到金蛋,于是就引出了“生产出东西”和“可再生产能力”这两者平衡(即可持续发展)的问题。
0 个评论
[转载]如何提高英文写作 (施一公)
oaiwqiyao 2011-2-9 10:39
作为一个科研工作者,在国际学术期刊上发表科研论文是与同行交流、取得国际影响的必经之路。有些国内的科学家,实验做得很漂亮,但常常苦恼于论文的写作力不从心,成为国际交流的一大障碍。本文从博主的亲身体验出发,给博士生、博士后、以及年轻的PI提供一个借鉴。文章最后做简短总结。 我大学时的同班同学都知道,那时我的英语不算好(英语四级考试仅为“良”),写作尤其糟糕。初到美国之时,对英文环境适应得很差,读一篇JBC的文章要五、六个小时,还常常不理解其中一些关键词句的意思,心里压力极大。 很幸运,我在约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)攻读博士学位时,1991年4月遇到了学兄和启蒙老师John Desjarlais。听了我的苦恼后,John告诉我,“Spend 45 minutes every day reading Washington Post, and you will be cruising with your written English in two years”(每天花45分钟读《华盛顿邮报》,两年后你的写作能力会得心应手)。这条建议正合我意 - 我原本就对新闻感兴趣!于是,我每天上午安排完第一批实验后,都会在十点左右花一小时的时间阅读《华盛顿邮报》,主要看A版(新闻版)。刚开始,我一个小时只能读两、三个短消息或一个长篇报道,中间还不得不经常查字典看生词。但不知不觉间,我的阅读能力明显提高,1992年老布什与克林顿竞选总统,我跟踪新闻,常常一个小时能读上几个版面的消息或四、五个长篇报道,有时还把刚看到的新闻绘声绘色地讲给师兄师姐听。 阅读直接提升了我的英文写作能力。看完一些新闻后,我常常产生动笔写自己感想的冲动。92年巴塞罗那奥运会,中国游泳队取得了四金五银的好成绩,美国主要媒体纷纷指责这是中国运动员服用违禁药物,但没有任何检测的证据,完全凭美国运动员的感觉。此事让我很气愤,我生平第一次给《华盛顿邮报》和《巴尔的摩太阳报》(The Baltimore Sun)各写了一封信,评论报道的不公平。没想到两天后《巴尔的摩太阳报》居然原封不动的把我的信刊登在“读者来信”栏目,同事祝贺,我也洋洋得意。受到此事鼓励,我在此后三年多的日子里,常常动笔,有些文章发表在报刊上(大部分投稿石沉大海),也曾代表中国留学生写信向校方争取过中国学生的利益。有时还有意外的惊喜。95年的一天,一位朋友打电话告诉我:今天出版的《巴尔的摩太阳报》上有我的评论文章!我急匆匆赶到街头买来5份报纸,果然,在A版的倒数第二页,以15x15厘米的篇幅发表了我一个多星期前寄给报社、本以为不会发表的一篇抨击吴宏达的文章。 以上是简述我个人英文写作提升的一段过程。但是,科研论文不同于读者来信,有其专业特点、甚至是固定格式。1994年,我第一次完整地写科研论文,感觉很差。好不容易写完的文章,连我自己都不愿意读第二遍;勉强修改之后,交给了老板Jeremy Berg。他拖了三周没看我的文章,我实在忍不住了、去催他,上午9点,Jeremy告诉我:今天看!11点,我去他办公室催,秘书拦住我,说Jeremy正在办理重要事务,两点前不得打扰。我心里惴惴,不知Jeremy在干什么。下午一点半,Jeremy急匆匆过来找我,拿了一叠纸, “This is the draft. Please let me know what you think. We can aim for a Science report.”(这是初稿,你看看如何,我们可以试试《科学》)我仔细一看,天啊!一共7页,四个多小时Jeremy已经把文章的整体写完了,只是缺少Method和 references。让我郁闷的是,他根本没有用我的初稿。 【其实,写文章贵在一气呵成。我也沿袭了Jeremy的风格。2006年10月,在我们处于劣势的激烈竞争中,有两个课题面临被 scoop的危险,我曾经两次、一晚上赶一篇文章。10月15日,傍晚8点左右开始写、通宵,第二天早晨10点完成一篇按照《细胞》杂志格式的论文,包括abstract, introduction, results, discussion,仔细阅读一遍后于下午4点半完成网上投稿。这篇文章最终发表在12月份《自然》的子刊《结构与分子生物学》上(电子版于11月10日发表)。另一篇,10月18日,晚6点开始写、通宵,第二天早晨8点完成,上午9点半完成投稿,最终发表在12月15日的《细胞》上。当然,能通宵完成一篇文章,还有一个重要前提,就是对研究领域非常熟悉,对文章整体的大概思路已经深思熟虑,所有的Figures都事先做好了。这些前期工作即使全身心投入也需要3-4天。】 从1994年自己写第一篇科研论文的艰难到现在写起来得心应手、驾轻就熟,我总结出如下经验: 1.要写好科研论文,必须先养成读英文文章的习惯,争取每天30-60分钟。刚开始可以选择以读英文报纸、英文新闻为主,逐渐转为读专业杂志。我会在近期专门写一篇博客文章介绍一套行之有效的增强读专业杂志能力的办法。 2.写科研论文,最重要的是逻辑。逻辑的形成来自对实验数据的总体分析。必须先讨论出一套清晰的思路,然后按照思路来做图(Figures),最后才能执笔。 3.具体写作时,先按照思路(即Figures)写一个以subheading为主的框架,然后开始具体写作。第一稿,切忌追求每一句话的完美,更不要追求词语的华丽,而主要留心逻辑(logic flow),注意前后句的逻辑关系、相邻两段的逻辑关系。写作时,全力以赴,尽可能不受外界事情干扰(关闭手机、座机),争取在最短时间内拿出第一稿。还要注意:一句话不可太长。 4.学会照葫芦画瓢。没有人天生会写优秀的科研论文,都是从别人那里学来的。学习别人的文章要注意专业领域的不同,有些领域(包括我所在的结构生物学)有它内在的写作规律。科研文章里的一些话是定式,比如 “To investigate the mechanism of …, we performed …”, “These results support the former, but not the latter, hypothesis …”, “Despite recent progress, how … remains to be elucidated …” 等等。用两次以后,就逐渐学会灵活运用了。在向别人学习时,切忌抄袭。在美国一些机构,连续7个英文单词在一起和别人的完全一样,原则上就被认为抄袭(plagiarism)。 5.第一稿写完后,给自己不要超过一天的休息时间,开始修改第二稿。修改时,还是以逻辑为主,但对每一句话都要推敲一下,对abstract和正文中的关键语句要字斟句酌。学会用“Thesaurus”(同义词替换)以避免过多重复。第二稿的修改极为关键,再往后就不会大改了。 6.第二稿以后的修改,主要注重具体的字句,不会改变整体逻辑了。投稿前,一定要整体读一遍,对个别词句略作改动。记住: 学术期刊一般不会因为具体的语法错误拒绝一篇文章,但一定会因为逻辑混乱而拒绝一篇文章。 这套方法行之有效,我对所有的学生和博士后都会如此教导。我的第一个博士后是柴继杰,1999年加入我在普林斯顿大学的实验室。继杰当时的英文阅读和写作能力很差。我对他的第一个建议就是,“每天花半小时读英文报纸”。难能可贵的是:他坚持下来了!经过几年的努力,2004年继杰已经能写出不错的grant proposal,2006年他的第一篇独立科研论文发表在《Molecular Cell》上,随后相继在《自然》发表两篇、在其它一流学术期刊发表十多篇论文。写作能力开始成熟。 发表论文是一件值得高兴的事情,但要明白:论文只是一个载体,是为了向同行们宣告你的科研发现,是科学领域交流的重要工具。所以,在科研论文写作时,一定要谨记于心的就是:用最简单的话表达最明白的意思,但一定要逻辑严谨!其实,中文和英文论文皆如此!
个人分类: 如何达到自由学术王国|0 个评论
[转载]转帖--如何正确在word中打出 “°”和“°C”--卢芸的个人博客
热度 3 wzq19810930 2011-1-18 10:29
自己也常困扰于摄氏度之类的不大常用的符号的正确格式的书写问题,正好科学网qq群里的卢芸老师写下了这篇经验之谈,留给自己看的,哈哈哈 原帖地址:http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=298970do=blogid=405428 小圈却是大问题,谈谈如何正确在word中打出 “°”和“°C” 这里只谈英文写作中如何正确表示这两个单位。 1. degree “ ° ” 方法一 : word 的“插入”工具栏下的“符号”,字体选择 Times New Roman , 子集 选择拉丁语 -1 ,最右端便是“ ° ”。 方法二 :使用 sogou 拼音,中文输入“ du ”,选择第三个,此时在文中是“°”,字体此时显示是宋体,将字体改为 Times New Roman 后为“ ° ”。 方法三 : word 的“插入”工具栏下的“特殊符号”,单位符号中第三排第二列“°”,仍要将字体改为 Times New Roman ,改后为“ ° ”。 2. degrees Celsius “ °C ” 伪方法一:使用 sogou 拼音,中文输入“ sheshidu ”,选择第五个,此时在文中是“℃”,字体此时显示是宋体,将字体改为 Times New Roman 后仍为“ ℃ ”。 伪方法二:输入英文字母“ oC ”后将字母“ o ”变成上标,此时显示“ o C ”。 伪方法三: word 的 “插入”工具栏下的“特殊符号”,单位符号中第一排倒数第二列“ ℃ ”,将字体改为 Times New Roman 后仍为“ ℃ ”。 正确方法 :按照之前介绍的方法键入“ ° ”,不要空格,直接键入大写字母“ C ”即为“ °C ”。 注意事项 :数字和单位之间应当有空格,但数字和百分号、单独的“ ° ”之间不需要空格。 Incorrect 30°C 30° C 30 % 30 ° Correct 30 °C 30% 30° 致谢: 谢谢 杨 老师 给我的耐心指导和帮助,谢谢科学网博客群里热心博友 宁佳、王正全 的出谋划策。 参考文献 : Robinson, M. S. ; Stoller , F. L. Write Like a Chemist: A Guide and Resource; Robinson, M. S., Jones, J. K., Eds.; Oxford University Press; Madison Avenue, New York, 2008; p 86-89.
29073 次阅读|5 个评论
小圈却是大问题,谈谈如何正确在word中打出 “°”和“°C”
热度 7 annabella127 2011-1-18 09:49
这里只谈英文写作中如何正确表示这两个单位。 1. degree “ ° ” 方法一 : word 的“插入”工具栏下的“符号”,字体选择 Times New Roman , 子集 选择拉丁语 -1 ,最右端便是“ ° ”。 方法二 :使用 sogou 拼音,中文输入“ du ”,选择第三个,此时在文中是“°”,字体此时显示是宋体,将字体改为 Times New Roman 后为“ ° ”。 方法三 : word 的“插入”工具栏下的“特殊符号”,单位符号中第三排第二列“°”,仍要将字体改为 Times New Roman ,改后为“ ° ”。 2. degrees Celsius “ °C ” 伪方法一:使用 sogou 拼音,中文输入“ sheshidu ”,选择第五个,此时在文中是“℃”,字体此时显示是宋体,将字体改为 Times New Roman 后仍为“ ℃ ”。 伪方法二:输入英文字母“ oC ”后将字母“ o ”变成上标,此时显示“ o C ”。 伪方法三: word 的 “插入”工具栏下的“特殊符号”,单位符号中第一排倒数第二列“ ℃ ”,将字体改为 Times New Roman 后仍为“ ℃ ”。 正确方法 :按照之前介绍的方法键入“ ° ”,不要空格,直接键入大写字母“ C ”即为“ °C ”。 注意事项 :数字和单位之间应当有空格,但数字和百分号、单独的“ ° ”之间不需要空格。 Incorrect 30°C 30° C 30 % 30 ° Correct 30 °C 30% 30° 致谢: 谢谢 杨 老师 给我的耐心指导和帮助,谢谢科学网博客群里热心博友 宁佳、王正全 的出谋划策。 参考文献 : Robinson, M. S. ; Stoller , F. L. Write Like a Chemist: A Guide and Resource; Robinson, M. S., Jones, J. K., Eds.; Oxford University Press; Madison Avenue, New York, 2008; p 86-89.
29321 次阅读|9 个评论
BTZHUANG 2010-11-9 20:55
作为一个科研工作者,在国际学术期刊上发表科研论文是与同行交流、取得国际影响的必经之路。有些国内的科学家,实验做得很漂亮,但常常苦恼于论文的写作力不从心,成为国际交流的一大障碍。本文从博主的亲身体验出发,给博士生、博士后、以及年轻的PI提供一个借鉴。文章最后做简短总结。 我大学时的同班同学都知道,那时我的英语不算好(英语四级考试仅为良),写作尤其糟糕。初到美国之时,对英文环境适应得很差,读一篇JBC的文章要五、六个小时,还常常不理解其中一些关键词句的意思,心里压力极大。 很幸运,我在约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)攻读博士学位时,1991年4月遇到了学兄和启蒙老师John Desjarlais。听了我的苦恼后,John告诉我,Spend 45 minutes every day reading Washington Post, and you will be cruising with your written English in two years(每天花45分钟读《华盛顿邮报》,两年后你的写作能力会得心应手)。这条建议正合我意 - 我原本就对新闻感兴趣!于是,我每天上午安排完第一批实验后,都会在十点左右花一小时的时间阅读《华盛顿邮报》,主要看A版(新闻版)。刚开始,我一个小时只能读两、三个短消息或一个长篇报道,中间还不得不经常查字典看生词。但不知不觉间,我的阅读能力明显提高,1992年老布什与克林顿竞选总统,我跟踪新闻,常常一个小时能读上几个版面的消息或四、五个长篇报道,有时还把刚看到的新闻绘声绘色地讲给师兄师姐听。 阅读直接提升了我的英文写作能力。看完一些新闻后,我常常产生动笔写自己感想的冲动。92年巴塞罗那奥运会,中国游泳队取得了四金五银的好成绩,美国主要媒体纷纷指责这是中国运动员服用违禁药物,但没有任何检测的证据,完全凭美国运动员的感觉。此事让我很气愤,我生平第一次给《华盛顿邮报》和《巴尔的摩太阳报》(The Baltimore Sun)各写了一封信,评论报道的不公平。没想到两天后《巴尔的摩太阳报》居然原封不动的把我的信刊登在读者来信栏目,同事祝贺,我也洋洋得意。受到此事鼓励,我在此后三年多的日子里,常常动笔,有些文章发表在报刊上(大部分投稿石沉大海),也曾代表中国留学生写信向校方争取过中国学生的利益。有时还有意外的惊喜。95年的一天,一位朋友打电话告诉我:今天出版的《巴尔的摩太阳报》上有我的评论文章!我急匆匆赶到街头买来5份报纸,果然,在A版的倒数第二页,以15x15厘米的篇幅发表了我一个多星期前寄给报社、本以为不会发表的一篇抨击吴宏达的文章。 以上是简述我个人英文写作提升的一段过程。但是,科研论文不同于读者来信,有其专业特点、甚至是固定格式。1994年,我第一次完整地写科研论文,感觉很差。好不容易写完的文章,连我自己都不愿意读第二遍;勉强修改之后,交给了老板Jeremy Berg。他拖了三周没看我的文章,我实在忍不住了、去催他,上午9点,Jeremy告诉我:今天看!11点,我去他办公室催,秘书拦住我,说Jeremy正在办理重要事务,两点前不得打扰。我心里惴惴,不知Jeremy在干什么。下午一点半,Jeremy急匆匆过来找我,拿了一叠纸, This is the draft. Please let me know what you think. We can aim for a Science report.(这是初稿,你看看如何,我们可以试试《科学》)我仔细一看,天啊!一共7页,四个多小时Jeremy已经把文章的整体写完了,只是缺少Method和 references。让我郁闷的是,他根本没有用我的初稿。 【其实,写文章贵在一气呵成。我也沿袭了Jeremy的风格。2006年10月,在我们处于劣势的激烈竞争中,有两个课题面临被 scoop的危险,我曾经两次、一晚上赶一篇文章。10月15日,傍晚8点左右开始写、通宵,第二天早晨10点完成一篇按照《细胞》杂志格式的论文,包括abstract, introduction, results, discussion,仔细阅读一遍后于下午4点半完成网上投稿。这篇文章最终发表在12月份《自然》的子刊《结构与分子生物学》上(电子版于11月10日发表)。另一篇,10月18日,晚6点开始写、通宵,第二天早晨8点完成,上午9点半完成投稿,最终发表在12月15日的《细胞》上。当然,能通宵完成一篇文章,还有一个重要前提,就是对研究领域非常熟悉,对文章整体的大概思路已经深思熟虑,所有的Figures都事先做好了。这些前期工作即使全身心投入也需要3-4天。】 从1994年自己写第一篇科研论文的艰难到现在写起来得心应手、驾轻就熟,我总结出如下经验: 1.要写好科研论文,必须先养成读英文文章的习惯,争取每天30-60分钟。刚开始可以选择以读英文报纸、英文新闻为主,逐渐转为读专业杂志。我会在近期专门写一篇博客文章介绍一套行之有效的增强读专业杂志能力的办法。 2.写科研论文,最重要的是逻辑。逻辑的形成来自对实验数据的总体分析。必须先讨论出一套清晰的思路,然后按照思路来做图(Figures),最后才能执笔。 3.具体写作时,先按照思路(即Figures)写一个以subheading为主的框架,然后开始具体写作。第一稿,切忌追求每一句话的完美,更不要追求词语的华丽,而主要留心逻辑(logic flow),注意前后句的逻辑关系、相邻两段的逻辑关系。写作时,全力以赴,尽可能不受外界事情干扰(关闭手机、座机),争取在最短时间内拿出第一稿。还要注意:一句话不可太长。 4.学会照葫芦画瓢。没有人天生会写优秀的科研论文,都是从别人那里学来的。学习别人的文章要注意专业领域的不同,有些领域(包括我所在的结构生物学)有它内在的写作规律。科研文章里的一些话是定式,比如 To investigate the mechanism of , we performed , These results support the former, but not the latter, hypothesis , Despite recent progress, how remains to be elucidated 等等。用两次以后,就逐渐学会灵活运用了。在向别人学习时,切忌抄袭。在美国一些机构,连续7个英文单词在一起和别人的完全一样,原则上就被认为抄袭(plagiarism)。 5.第一稿写完后,给自己不要超过一天的休息时间,开始修改第二稿。修改时,还是以逻辑为主,但对每一句话都要推敲一下,对abstract和正文中的关键语句要字斟句酌。学会用Thesaurus(同义词替换)以避免过多重复。第二稿的修改极为关键,再往后就不会大改了。 6.第二稿以后的修改,主要注重具体的字句,不会改变整体逻辑了。投稿前,一定要整体读一遍,对个别词句略作改动。记住: 学术期刊一般不会因为具体的语法错误拒绝一篇文章,但一定会因为逻辑混乱而拒绝一篇文章。 这套方法行之有效,我对所有的学生和博士后都会如此教导。我的第一个博士后是柴继杰,1999年加入我在普林斯顿大学的实验室。继杰当时的英文阅读和写作能力很差。我对他的第一个建议就是,每天花半小时读英文报纸。难能可贵的是:他坚持下来了!经过几年的努力,2004年继杰已经能写出不错的grant proposal,2006年他的第一篇独立科研论文发表在《Molecular Cell》上,随后相继在《自然》发表两篇、在其它一流学术期刊发表十多篇论文。写作能力开始成熟。 发表论文是一件值得高兴的事情,但要明白:论文只是一个载体,是为了向同行们宣告你的科研发现,是科学领域交流的重要工具。所以,在科研论文写作时,一定要谨记于心的就是:用最简单的话表达最明白的意思,但一定要逻辑严谨!其实,中文和英文论文皆如此! 本文引用地址: http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=349932
个人分类: 科研方法|2123 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 1 jianhuatju 2010-10-19 14:20
首先,我声明这是我转自小木虫论坛的wandaohz,谢谢他的无私! 本文来自: 小木虫论坛 http://emuch.net/bbs/viewthread.php?fid=125tid=2364224author=1 我并不是大牛,但也算是在外文期刊上发了几篇文章,现在我写文章2天可以写成,一周可以完稿。以前写的文章老是refuse,现在大多都是revised,摸索写文章的路真的很艰辛,研二上学期我写的4篇文章,结果改来改去的,整的快崩溃了,现在好了,写的文章能拿到1.5左右的杂志上基本就accept了。 我觉得写文章之前要先有思路,你怎么去写怎么写的和别人不同,有新意。这里面的文章很大,我也说不透,只是参透了一二,和大家分享,望大家不要耻笑。我毕竟是个硕士研究生。 我觉得论文写很简单,主要是能够发表出去。下面我简单讲下我的思路。有相同或不同见解的留下言,共同交流,一起进步。 我是材料出身,搞的是催化,文章的第一步要有图,也就是说首先把图做的漂漂亮亮的,不管是SEM,TEM,Uv-vis,FTIR,还是催化效果图。、图片放到你的文章里就是你的思路,图片放好了 你的思路就出来了,这是就关键的过程,放图的过程中你要考你怎么写,你的文章新的地方在哪?;图做好了也放好了,就是写文章了,写文章也很快了,因为思路有了你的文章也构思好了。我在这里给出我写文章时的程序。对于文章主体部分,我觉得先写 Results and discussion,写完了根据其内容下个Conclusion,然后根据Conclusion写Abstract(因为它们俩有些许的类似),而后补充Experimental。最后也是最难写的地方Introduction,这个让审稿人一看就能知道你的文章的水平,所以写好Introduction是关乎论文是否收录的关键所在。我和外国审稿人专家关于审稿交流过意见,他们也是这样认为,他们也认为Introduction是整个文章的脸面,这是他们主要审的地方,在这里能看到你的创新点,创新点不够直接refuse;Introduction写的还可以的话,就看Results and discussion,这部分其实主要看的是图,你的图的清晰度质量,以及性能图。我审过一篇Journal of Hazardous Materials上面的文章,我也是这样审的。当然是咱们国内某名牌大学的文章,做的是催化,我也是做这个的不知为什么编辑发来让我审,我也感觉很莫名。后来编辑告诉我和我的文章有些类似还称我是专家,教授 下面我引用了一些总结的写作经验,我觉得很有用。大家认真看看,在此先祝福大家论文高中,硕果累累不减当年勇时: 1. 前言部分 1.1 如何指出当前研究的不足以及有目的地引导出自己的研究的重要性 通常在叙述了前人成果之后,用However来引导不足,比如 However, little information... little attention has been devoted to little work... little data / little research or few studies / investigations/ few attempts have been don on or none of these studies has (have) been less done on ... / focused on / attempted to conducted / investigated / studied (with respect to) ORTo the author's knowledge... There is little information available in literature about... Until recently, there is some lack of knowledge about... Previous research (studies, records) has (have) failed to consider ignored misinterpreted neglected to overestimated, underestimated misleaded thus, these previous results are inconclusive / misleading unsatisfactory / questionable /controversial.. Uncertainties (discrepancies) still exist ... 一定要注意绝对不能全面否定前人的成果,即使在你看来前人的结论完全不对。这是前人工作最起码的尊重,英文叫做给别人的工作credits. 所以文章不要出现非常negative的评价,比如Their results are wrong, very questionable, have no commonsense, etc. 可以婉转地提出: Their studies may be more reasonable if they had considered this situation. Their results could be better convinced if they ... Or Their conclusion may remain some uncertainties. 1.2.之后引导出一种新方法,或者一种新方向。 如果研究的方法以及方向和前人一样,可以通过下面的方式强调自己工作的作用: However, data is still scarce rare less accurate there is still dearth of We need to / aim to /have to provide more documents /data / records / studies increase the dataset Further studies are still necessary... / essential... 为了强调自己研究的重要性,一般还要在However之前介绍自己研究问题的反方面,另一方面等等, 比如: 1)时间问题 如果你研究的问题时间上比较新,你就可以大量提及对时间较老的问题的研究及重要性,然后说(However),对时间尺度比较新的问题研究不足 2)物性及研究手段问题 如果你要应用一种新手段或者研究方向,你可以提出当前比较流行的方法以及物质性质,然后说对你所研究的方向和方法,研究甚少。 3)研究区域问题 首先总结相邻区域或者其它区域的研究,然后强调这一区域研究不足 4)不确定性 虽然前人对这一问题研究很多,但是目前有两种或者更多种的观点,这种uncertanties, ambiguities,值得进一步澄清 5)提出自己的假设来验证 如果自己的研究完全是新的,没有前人的工作进行对比,在这种情况下,你可以自信地说,根据提出的过程,存在这种可能的结果,本文就是要证实这种结果。 We aim to test the feasibility (reliability) of the ... It is hoped that the question will be resolved (fall away) with our proposed method (approach). 1.3. 如何提出自己的观点 We aim to This paper reports on provides results.. extends the method focus on.. The purpose of this paper is to.. Furthermore, Moreover, In addition,, we will also discuss... 1.4.圈定自己的研究范围 前言的另外一个作用就是告诉读者包括(reviewer)你的文章主要研究内容。如果处理不好,reviewer会提出严厉的建议,比如你没有考虑某种可能性,某种研究手段等等。为了减少这种争论,在前言的结尾你就要明确提出本文研究的范围: 1)时间尺度问题 如果你的问题涉及比较长的时序,你可以明确地提出本文只关心这一时间范围的问题。 We preliminarily focus on the older (younger)... 或者有两种时间尺度的问题 (long-term and short term),你可以说两者都重要,但是本文只涉及其中一种 2) 研究区域的问题 和时间问题一样,明确提出你只关心这一地区 1.5. 最后的原场 在前言的最后,还可以总结性地提出,这一研究对其它研究的帮助。 或者说,further studies on ... will be summarized in our next study (or elsewhere) 总之,其目的就是让读者把思路集中到你要讨论的问题上来。减少争论(arguments). 2. 怎样提出观点 在提出自己的观点时,采取什么样的策略很重要。不合适的句子通常会遭到reviewer的置疑。 1)如果观点不是这篇文章最新提出的,通常要用 We confirm that... 2)对于自己很自信的观点,可用 We believe that... 3)在更通常的情况下,由数据推断出一定的结论, 用, Results indicate, infer, suggest, imply that... 4) 在及其特别的情况才可以用We put forward (discover, observe..) .. for the first time. 来强调自己的创新。 5) 如果自己对所提出的观点不完全肯定,可用 We tentatively put forward (interpret this to..) Or The results may be due to (caused by)/attributed to / resulted from.. Or It seems that .. can account for (interpret) this.. 要注意这些结构要合理搭配。如果通篇是类型1)和5),那这篇文章的意义就大打折扣。如果全是2),肯定会遭到置疑。所以要仔细分析自己成果的创新性以及可信度。 3. 连接词与逻辑 写英文论文最常见的一个毛病就是文章的逻辑不清楚。解决的方法有: 1)句子上下要有连贯,不能让句子之间独立 常见的连接词语有, also, in addition,afterwards, moreover, Furthermore, further, However, although, unlike, in contrast, Unfortunately, Similarly, alternatively, parallel results, Compared with other results, In order to, despite, For example consequently, thus, therefore... 用好这些连接词,能够使观点表达得有层次,更加明确。 比如,如果叙述有时间顺序的事件或者文献, 最早的文献可用AA advocated it for the first time. 接下来,可用Then BB further demonstrated that.. 再接下来,可用Afterwards, CC.. 如果还有,可用More recent studies by DD.. 如果叙述两种观点,要把它们截然分开 AA put forward that........In contrast, BB believe or Unlike AA, BB suggest or On the contrary (表明前面的观点错误,如果只是表明两种对立的观点,用in contrast), BB.. 如果两种观点相近,可用 AA suggest .. Similarly ( alternatively),BB.. Or Also, BB or BB also does 表示因果或者前后关系,可用 Consequently, therefore, as a result, 表明递进关系,可用furthermore, further, moreover, in addition, 当写完一段英文,最好首先检查一下是否较好地应用了这些连接词。 2) 段落的整体逻辑 经常我们要叙述一个问题的几个方面。这种情况下,一定要注意逻辑结构。 首先第一段要明确告诉读者你要讨论几个部份 ...Therefore, there are three aspects of this problem have to be addressed. The first question involves... The second problem relates to The third aspect deals with... 上面的例子可以清晰地把观点逐层叙述。 Or, 可以直接用First, Second, Third..... Finally,.. 当然,Furthermore, in addition等可以用来补充说明。 4. 正文部份的整体结构 小标题是比较好的方法把要讨论的问题分为几个片段。 一般第一个片段指出文章最为重要的数据与结论。补充说明的部份可以放在最后一个片段。 一定要明白文章的读者会分为多个档次。文章除了本专业的专业人士读懂以外,一定要想办法能让更多的外专业人读懂。所以可以把讨论部份分为两部份,一部份提出观点,另一部份详细介绍过程以及论述的依据。这样专业外的人士可以了解文章的主要观点,比较专业的讨论他可以把它当成黑箱子,而这一部份本专业人士可以进一步研究。 5. 关于abbreviation 如果文章用了很多的Abbreviation, 两种方法加以解决 1) 在文章最好加上个Appendix,把所有Abbreviation列表 2) 在不同的页面上,不时地给出Abbreviation的含义,用来提醒读者。 总之,写文章的目的是要让读者读懂,读得清晰,并且采取各种措施方便于读者。 5. Discussion 部分 5. 1时态 (a) 指出结果在哪些图表中列出,常用一般现在时。如:Figure 2 shows the variation in the temperature of the samples over time. (b) 叙述或总结研究结果的内容为关于过去的事实,所以通常采用过去时。如:After flights of less than two hours, 11% of the army pilots and 33% of the civilian pilots reported back pain. (c) 对研究结果进行说明或由其得出一般性推论时,多用现在时。如:The higher incidence of back pain in civilian pilots may be due to their greater accumulated flying time. (d) 不同结果之间或实验数据与理论模型之间进行比较时,多采一般现在时(这种比较关系多为不受时间影响的逻辑上的事实)。如:These results agree well with the findings of Smith, et al. 6. 讨论部份包括什么内容? 6.1 主要内容 1) 主要数据特征的总结 2) 主要结论以及与前人观点的对比 3) 本文的不足 第三点,在一般作者看来不可取。事实上给出文章的不足恰恰是保护自己文章的重要手段。如果刻意隐藏文章的漏洞,觉得别人看不出来,是非常不明智的。 所谓不足,包括以下内容: a) 研究的问题有点片面 讨论时一定要说, It should be noted that this study has examined only We concentrate (focus) on only... We have to point out that we do not Some limitations of this study are... b) 结论有些不足 The results do not imply The results can not be used to determine be taken as evidence of Unfortunately, we can not determine this from this data Our results are lack of ... 但是,在指出这些不足之后,随后一定要再一次加强本文的重要性以及可能采取的手段来解决这些不足,为别人或者自己的下一步研究打下浮笔。 Notwithstanding its limitation, this study does suggest However, these problems could be solved if we consider Despite its preliminary character, this study can clearly indicate 用中文来说,这一部份是左右逢源。把审稿人想到的问题提前给一个交代,同时表明你已经在思考这些问题,但是由于文章长度,试验进度或者试验手段的制约,暂时不能回答这些问题。但是,这些通过你的一些建议,这些问题在将来的研究中游可能实现。 P.S. 坚信观点的真实性:prove, demonstrate 不确定性: show,indicate,found 表示推测:imply,suggest 6.2 关于结论中的时态: (1) 回顾研究目的时,通常使用过去时。如:In this study, the effects of two different learning methods were investigated. (2) 如果所概述结果的有效性只是针对本次特定的研究,需用过去时;如果具有普遍的意义,则用现在时。如: In the first series of trials, the experimental values were all lower than the theoretical predictions. The experimental and theoretical values for the yields agree well. (3) 阐述由结果得出的推论时,通常使用现在时。如:The data reported here suggest (These findings support the hypothesis, Our data provide evidence) that the reaction rate may be determined by the amount of oxygen available. Some points of style (摘自一个老外的Writing a Paper, 第一点和最后一点是我们经常用错的) ? Do not use nouns as adjectives (不要把名词当作形容词用) Not: ATP formation; reaction product But: Formation of ATP; product of the reaction ? The word this must always be followed by a noun, so that its reference is explicit. (This 后面必须跟一个名词) Not: This is a fast reaction; This leads us to conclude.., But: This reaction is fast; This observation leads us to conclude ? Describe experimental results in the past tense.(试验结果用过去时) Not: Addition of water gives product. But: Addition of water gave product. ? Use the active voice whenever possible.(尽可能使用主动语态) Not: It was observed that the solution turned red. But: The solution turned red. ORWe observed that the solution turned red. ? Complete all comparisons. (使用完整的比较形式A is higher than B) Not: The yield was higher using bromine. But: The yield was higher using bromine than chlorine Beginning l In this paper, we focus on the need for l This paper proceeds as follow. l The structure of the paper is as follows. l In this paper, we shall first briefly introduce fuzzy sets and related concepts l To begin with we will provide a brief background on the Introduction l This will be followed by a description of the fuzzy nature of the problem and a detailed presentation of how the required membership functions are defined. l Details on xx and xx are discussed in later sections. l In the next section, after a statement of the basic problem, various situations involving possibility knowledge are investigated: first, an entirely possibility model is proposed; then the cases of a fuzzy service time with stochastic arrivals and non?fuzzy service rule is studied; lastly, fuzzy service rule are considered. Review l This review is followed by an introduction. l A brief summary of some of the relevant concepts in xxx and xxx is presented in Section 2. l In the next section a brief view of the .... is given. l In the next section, a short review of ... is given with special regard to ... l Section 2 reviews relevant research related to xx. l Section 1.1 briefly surveys the motivation for a methodology of action, while 1.2 looks at the difficulties posed by the complexity of systems and outlines the need for development of possibility methods. Body l Section 1 defines the notion of robustness, and argues for its importance. l Section 1 devoted to the basic aspects of the FLC decision?making logic. l Section 2 gives the background of the problem which includes xxx l Section 2 discusses some problems with and approaches to, natural language understanding. l Section 2 explains how flexibility which often ... can be expressed in terms of fuzzy time?window l Section 3 discusses the aspects of fuzzy set theory that are used in the ... l Section 3 describes the system itself in a general way, including the ..and also discusses how to evaluate system performance. l Section 3 describes a new measure of xx. l Section 3 demonstrates the use of fuzzy possibility theory in the analysis of xx. l Section 3 is a fine description of fuzzy formulation of human decision. l Section 3, is developed to the modeling and processing of fuzzy decision rules l The main idea of the FLC is described in Section 3 while Section 4 describes the xx strategies. l Section 3 and 4 show experimental studies for verifying the proposed model. l Section 4 discusses a previous fuzzy set?based approach to cost variance investigation. l Section 4 gives a specific example of xxx. l Section 4 is the experimental study to make a fuzzy model of memory process. l Section 4 contains a discussion of the implication of the results of Section 2 and 3. l Section 4 applies this fuzzy measure to the analysis of xx and illustrate its use on experimental data. l Section 5 presents the primary results of the paper: a fuzzy set model .. l Section 5 contains some conclusions plus some ideas for further work. l Section 6 illustrate the model with an example. l Various ways of fuzzification and the reasons for their choice are discussed very briefly in Section 2. l In Section 2 are presented the block diagram expression of a whole model of human DM system l In Section 2 we shall list a collection of basic assumptions which a ... scheme must satisfy. l In Section 2 of this paper, we present representation and uniqueness theorems for the fundamental measurement of fuzziness when the domain of discourse is order?dense. l In Section 3, we describe the preliminary results of an empirical study currently in progress to verify the measurement model and to construct membership functions. l In Section 5 is analyzed the inference process through the two kinds of inference experiments... This Section l In this section, the characteristics and environment under which MRP is designed are described. l We will provide in this section basic terminologies and notations which are necessary for the understanding of subsequent results. Next Section l The next section describes the mathematics that goes into the computer implementation of such fuzzy logic statements. l However, it is cumbersome for this purpose and in practical applications the formulae were rearranged and simplified as discussed in the next section. l The three components will be described in the next two section, and an example of xx analysis of a computer information system will then illustrate their use. l We can interpret the results of Experiments I and II as in the following sections. l The next section summarizes the method in a from that is useful for arguments based on xx Summary l This paper concludes with a discussion of future research consideration in section 5. l Section 5 summarizes the results of this investigation. l Section 5 gives the conclusions and future directions of research. l Section 7 provides a summary and a discussion of some extensions of the paper. l Finally, conclusions and future work are summarized l The basic questions posed above are then discussed and conclusions are drawn. l Section 7 is the conclusion of the paper. Chapter 0. Abstract l A basic problem in the design of xx is presented by the choice of a xx rate for the measurement of experimental variables. l This paper examines a new measure of xx in xx based on fuzzy mathematics which overcomes the difficulties found in other xx measures. l This paper describes a system for the analysis of the xx. l The method involves the construction of xx from fuzzy relations. l The procedure is useful in analyzing how groups reach a decision. l The technique used is to employ a newly developed and versatile xx algorithms. l The usefulness of xx is also considered. l A brief methodology used in xx is discussed. l The analysis is useful in xx and xx problem. l A model is developed for a xx analysis using fuzzy matrices. l Algorithms to combine these estimates and produce a xx are presented and justified. l The use of the method is discussed and an example is given. l Results of an experimental applications of this xx analysis procedure are given to illustrate the proposed technique. l This paper analyses problems in l This paper outlines the functions carried out by ... l This paper includes an illustration of the ... l This paper provides an overview and information useful for approaching l Emphasis is placed on the construction of a criterion function by which the xx in achieving a hierarchical system of objectives are evaluated. l The main emphasis is placed on the problem of xx l Our proposed model is verified through experimental study. l The experimental results reveal interesting examples of fuzzy phases of : xx,xx l The compatibility of a project in terms of cost, and xx are likewise represented by linguistic variables. l A didactic example is included to illustrate the computational procedure Chapter 1. Introduction Time l Over the course of the past 30 years, .. has emerged form intuitive l Technological revolutions have recently hit the industrial world l The advent of ... systems forhas had a significant impact on the l The development of ... is explored l During the past decade, the theory of fuzzy sets has developed in a variety of directions, l The concept of xx was investigated quite intensively in recent years l There has been a turning point in ... methodology in accordance with the advent of ... l A major concern in ... today is to continue to improve... l A xx is a latecomer in the part representation arena. l At the time of this writing, there is still no standard way of xx l Although a lot of effort is being spent on improving these weaknesses, the efficient and effective method has yet to be developed. l The pioneer work can be traced to xx . l To date,none of the methods developed is perfect and all are far from ready to be used in commercial systems. Objective / Goal / Purpose l The purpose of the inference engine can be outlined as follows: l The ultimate goal of the xx system is to allow the non?experts to utilize the existing knowledge in the area of manual handling of loads, and to provide intelligent, computer?aided instruction for xxx. l The paper concerns the development of a xx l The scope of this research lies in l The main theme of the paper is the application of rule?based decision making. l These objectives are to be met with such thoroughness and confidence as to permit ... l The objectives of the... operations study are as follows: l The primary purpose/consideration/objective of l The ultimate goal of this concept is to provide l The main objective of such a ... system is to l The aim of this paper is to provide methods to construct such probability distribution. l In order to achieve these objectives, an xx must meet the following requirements: l In order to take advantage of their similarity l more research is still required before final goal of ... can be completed l In this trial, the objective is to generate... l for the sake of concentrating on ... research issues l A major goal of this report is to extend the utilization of a recently developed procedure for the xx. l For an illustrative purpose, four well?known OR problems are studied in presence of fuzzy data: xx. l A major thrust of the paper is to discuss approaches and strategies for structuring ..methods l This illustration points out the need to specify l The ultimate goal is both descriptive and prescriptive. l Chapter 2. Literature Review l A wealth of information is to be found in the statistics literature, for example, regarding xx l A considerable amount of research has been done .. during the last decade l A great number of studies report on the treatment of uncertainties associated with xx. l There is considerable amount of literature on planning l However, these studies do not provide much attention to undertainty in xx. l Since then, the subject has been extensively explored and it is still under investigation as well in methodological aspects as in concrete applications. l Many research studies have been carried out on this topic. l Problem of xx draw recently more and more attention of system analysis. l Attempts to resolve this dilemma have resulted in the development of l Many complex processes unfortunately, do not yield to this design procedure and have, therefore, not yet been automated. l Most of the methods developed so far are deterministic and /or probabilistic in nature. l The central issue in all these studies is to l The problem of xx has been studied by other investigators, however, these studies have been based upon classical statistical approaches. l Applied ... techniques to l Characterized the ... system as l Developed an algorithm to l Developed a system called ... which l Uses an iterative algorithm to deduce l Emphasized the need to l Identifies six key issues surrounding high technology l A comprehensive study of the .. has been undertaken l Much work has been reported recently in these filed l Proposed l Presented l State that l Point out that the problem of l Described l Illustrated l Indicated l Has shown / showed l Address l Highlights l A study on ...was done / developed by and is l The system developed by l ' model draws attention to evolution in human development l . l Studies have been completed to established l The ...studiesindicated that l Though application of xx in the filed of xx has proliferated in recent years, effort in analyzing xx, especially xx, is lacking. Problem / Issue / Question l Unfortunately, real-world engineering problems such as manufacturing planning do not fit well with this narrowly defined model.They tend to span broad activities and require consideration of multiple aspects. l Remedy / solve / alleviate these problems l ... is a difficult problem, yet to be adequately resolved l Two major problems have yet to be addressed l An unanswered question l This problem in essence involves using x to obtain a solution. l An additional research issue to be tackled is .... l Some important issues in developing a ... system are discussed l The three prime issues can be summarized: l The situation leads to the problem of how to determine the ... l There have been many attempts to l It is expected to be serious barrier to l It offers a simple solution in a limited domain for a complex problem. l There are several ways to get around this problem. l As difficult as it seems to be, xx is by no means new. l The problem is to recognize xx from a design representation. l A xx problem can trace its roots to xx. l xx used a heuristic approach to simplify the complexity of the problem. l Several problems are associated with them. l Although some progress has been made in this area, at least two major obstacles must be overcome before a fully automated system can be realized. l Most problems in practice are complicated l More problem surface here. l Hamper effort toward a xx system l In order to overcome the limitations due to incomplete and imprecise xx knowledge, a xx program has been developed, which bases its knowledge upon the statistical analysis of a sample population of xx l The above difficulties are real challenges faced by researchers attempting to develop l This type of mapping raises no controversy to the issue of membership function determination. l However, attempts to quantify the xx have met both theoretical and empirical problems. l It has become apparent that in order to apply this new methodological framework to real?world problems and data, we have to pay attention to the problems of xx and xx. Chapter 3. Proposed methodology Assumption l In the case when the assumption of a xx seems to be too restrictive or inadequate, the formulation with Fuzzy termination time, i.e. given by a fuzzy set in the space of control stages, may be applied. l We assume here the fuzzy constraints to be state?dependent, and the fuzzy goal to be the same for all the control states, xx, which stems from the problem's nature. l An approach to the solution of this problem is presented under the assumption that the sampling rate Decision can be made prior to the execution of the experiment, as opposed to being made while the experiment is in progress. l Another assumption made above is that there are precise odds at which the expert is indifferent. l Main simplifying assumptions are: l This, in our view, is a questionable assumption. Outline / Structure / Module l An outline of the research l Information is incorporated within the scheme l Is built into ... structure l A nice modular structure. l The principles of ... are applied as modularized criteria Classification l A xx system comprises three main components: l Must decompose the original .. into a set of .. l Consists of the following steps: l This is summarized in the following steps: l Can be broadly classified into the following areas: l Can be characterized by its function of effectively processing the l Can allow further breadth of application of ...into more l The following steps should be followed l xx can be classified by a different ways. l Based on the xx, one may classify xx into the following: l This catalog may change due to wear, breakage, and purchasing. System l Unlike many conventional program, expert systems do not usually deal wit h problem for which there is clearly a right or wrong answer. l The system consists of both ... and ... l The system has a hierarchical modular architecture organized on three levels. l expert system domains are area of expertise l To develop a xx system for xx, the following factors must be considered: l The system has been developed / designed to determine l The system has proven to be able to l The domain in which an expert system operates is a particular domain l The system comprises a ... with l The system is / based on the ... technique l The system environment must be relatively stable l The system is utilized to generate, load, store, update and retrieve ... l The development of a xx system has two stages:xx stage and xx stage. l The most essential part of .. system is the ... l The successful developments in ESs have made them an important tool in the development of l An automated system was developed for l In this case, the system can be considered to be generative. l An interactive automatic ... system l A .. is commonly thought of as a truly integrated .. system l Should be capable of being generated from a ... system l xx is an important part of the integrated system. l The model consists of four rule bases, each of which addresses a separate problem in the hierarchy of scheduling decision. l The rule bases are linked to each other in a chin?like manner in the sense that the consequent of one rule base constitutes a part of the antecedent of the next rule base. l The rule base consists of all possible combinations of the linguistic terms associated with the linguistic variable of the antecedent of a rule. Computer System l The system has been implemented using Prolog language in an MS?DOS environment.Prolog was chosen because it offers a well known and flexible environment in which fuzzy reasoning may be easily implemented. l The current version of the xx program when compiled with WATFOR77 result s in an executable code of about 270K bytes.Typical run time, when run on a XX computer (an IBM compatible machine) operating at 4.77 Mhz with 640K RAM, ranges from 10 min to 2h, depending on the size (or complexity) of the problem. l Time consuming procedures have been implemented in C?language and directly linked to the Prolog environment. l The xx process, once the xx's data has been entered, requires approximately 180 seconds. l It should be noted that the computation was done with a 20 Hhz, 80386#8 209;based microcomputer equipped with a 80387 math co?processor. l The computer programs used for the analyses, one based on the xx method and the other based on the new method, were written in FORTRAN with a compiler that supports the math co?processor. l Lisp, Prolog give maximum flexibility but also maximizes development time. l Internal representation is the way a model is represented in the computer. l An interactive menu-driven procedure is used in this study l Shell can be develop very fast at the cost of time fairly severe limitations. l While there is no measurable saving of time for the case involving five criteria, the saving is dramatic for the case involving 10 criteria -- the computation time reduces from 10 hr 40 min to about 1 min. l This combination is being implemented in an objected?oriented programming environment (Smalltalk?80 system) to solve problems encountered in construction xxx. Method / Approach / Study / Process Model / Equation /Algorithm / Rule / Formula / Technique l A discussion is presented of a problem-solving system l To improve the efficiency of the method, the following approach may be applied. l In order to an investigation was made to find the causes of the l Although large collections of rules and equations have been complied, none are generally accepted l This approach will be explained and discussed thoroughly in the body of the report. l This can be accomplished by l This algorithm to compute the total cost can be described step by step as follows: l The above preliminary analysis has provided important information l Various methods have been proposed for selecting an optimum... l These concepts have been applied to l On the basis of the concept mentioned above, l This can be achieved by l This fact suggests that a new concept l This was accomplished by taking ... l The preparatory stage is very time consuming process. l Test are performed for validity, completeness, and compatibility l There is little hope of achieving successful ... l There has been an increasing awareness of the potential of using most ..so far made have not taken this approach, with the exception of l Only a few studies can be found. l It is a very tedious process to go through l It is only when .. has been completed that .. may be effected l The entire interpretation process is conducted in one's head. l These approaches are sometimes very tedious. l Several techniques can be used l A polynomial parametric model can be written as / : l A xx model is constructed/formulated using xx. l A xx model represents an xx by its xx. l A process decision model captures the logic essential to l From the equation above, xx is equal to the summation of xx times the ... l The validity of a xx model can be checked using Euler's formula. l Given a model, one can mathematically determine whether ... or ... l Equations for xx need to be derived and implemented in the system. l A number of heuristic rules have been developed for l Optimum .. techniques can be made more reliable by ... so that l An algorithm based on the characteristic ... is used to determine l Euler's formula states the following: l The completed model should agree with the formula. l For manufacturing purposes, a detailed and precise model of the object is necessary l Engineering design models are very well defined; therefore, l To keep the domain narrow enough to be implementable, yet wide enough to be useful. Point of View l from an implementation standpoint, l From the point of view of this application, l From this point of view, Zadeh suggested an inference rule named xxx (CRI for short). l Information is the meaningful interpretation and correlation of some aggregation of data in order to allow one to make decisions. l From a practical point of view, the computational aspects of an FLC require a simplification of the fuzzy control algorithm. l The use of a hammer to insert screws, although partly effective, tends to distort, destroy, and generally defeat the purpose of using a screw Justification l We choose the so called xx in our experiment because it has received wide acceptance and can l Prolog was chosen because it offers a well known and flexible environment in which fuzzy reasoning may be easily implemented. l The rationale behind this is that it can be much easier for an estimator to rate a cost as high than to attempt to place a dollar value on the estimate. l This strategy has been widely used in fuzzy control applications since it is natural and easy to implement. l A function definition expresses the membership function of a fuzzy set in a functional form, typically a bell?shaped function, etc.Such functions are used in FLC because they lead themselves to manipulation through the use of fuzzy arithmetic. l It should be noted that in our daily life most of the information on which our decisions are based is linguistic rather than numerical in nature.Seen in this perspective, fuzzy control rules provide a natural framework for the characterization of human behavior and decisions analysis. l Many experts have found that fuzzy control rules provide a convenient way to express their domain knowledge.This explains why most FLCs are based on the knowledge and experience which are expressed in the language of fuzzy if?the rule. Chapter 4. Examples Example/ Data l The data used in the following example was taken from an experiment in which xx was measured between x and x using a xx technique. l The data consists of over xx measurements. l An example of xx is discussed and the control rules of xx are compared with a xx l Examples of complex processes to which this technique may be applied are xx, xx, etc. l The following example is constructed only for the purpose of illustrating the computational procedure discussed. l This example clearly demonstrates that the profile of an individual xx, or a very small group of xx, with no enough data to be studied statistically, can be meaningfully analyzed by fuzzy possibilistic methods. l There is no space here to go into detail on all these methods, but deserve a mention and the bibliography will point to detailed references for those wishing this level of detail. l Note that the golf ball spotting example is used throughout the paper. Comparisons l As well, the pros and cons of these representations from a process planning point of view will be discussed. l The method of using xx to implement xx described by Zadeh (1973) appeared more suitable l As discussed / , Relation l We can not invert F' directly because it defines a many-to-one mapping. l The relationships appear very complicate l Lifting tasks involve complex and imprecise relationship between the task variables and the human operator's characteristics. l These methods are based on the relationship between ... and ... l The fundamental concept of a fuzzy rating language is that we can establish a relationship among terms such as high, medium, and low, and then modify these relationships. l This article will thus mention the latter as well as the former. l The former two bear a close relation to a fuzzy Cartesian product. Importance l The emphasis is on an implementation of a general approach to rule based decision making. Consideration / Attention l Careful evaluation is necessary to ensure l Such a formulation does not change further considerations. l Considerable attention has been paid to l Attention should be paid to an important finding of this investigation. l Caution should be exercised in this process to avoid ... l Primary consideration is given to ... components, though others can be accommodated l After ... has been defined by ..., a carefully analysis is carried out/performed to determine l A number of factors such as ...need to be taken into consideration before making the appropriate decision. l It should be noted that l It is important to point out that ... l These considerations have heightened interest in the possibility of providing ... l We should stress the fundamental importance of the xx Chapter 5. Results. Advantages / Disadvantage l One of the major advantages of this new measure of xx is that it can be applied to the experimental study of l One advantage of using a .. is the ease of preparing it. l The xx system is versatile l It has a very fast decision making process l All the algorithms involve mostly logical operations. lIt can be easily and without additional cost implemented in a microprocessor?based environment. l It can reduce the waste of designing from scratch. l The advantages of using a xx to represent xx are the following: l However, xx is not without its shortcomings. l In most cases, the xxx shows an improvement over the existing xxx. l Compared to the existing xx, the impacts of the xx are generally reduced by 5% to 9%. l The best case results shows a savings of 6% to 9%. l Most of the existing works based on xx approach can only recognize a xx . l Most of the above methods are computational expansive and limited to xx. l Some other advantages of xx are the following: l The problem is the limitation of this method to a limited domain of parts. l It proved limited in application because it demanded precision in system modeling that was impossible in practice. l There are advantages to be gained in the structuring of costs and benefits, the use of xx, l The disadvantages of this method are also disadvantages of conventional xx approaches. l This combines the best features of both techniques l Hopefully, this tool can be as the reference framework of for developing a xx platform, and helping the administration, marketing, and knowledge management activities in virtual communities. Results l An improvement on the result shown above can be made by based on the data provided l Discussion of these theories is beyond the scope of this review l Based on the information contained in this l The result can be categorized into nine classes l The results are illustrated by an example l The experimental results for each xx time are reported in Table 2. l From the results obtained so far, it seem that l Because of the inaccuracy of the ..., a conclusion cannot be drawn as l Although much effort has been made to., this reality is far from completion. l The results indicate that the total benefits are higher than the total costs. l Their results may then serve as guidelines for lower level models, less fuzzy and more detailed. Chapter 6. Conclusion l From the discussion, one may conclude that ... l Form the above discussion, the conclusion can be reached that l The conclusions drawn are also valid l In conclusion to this, it becomes obvious that the problem of xx lies not only in... l We have attempted to introduce some concepts associated with a theory of xx based on fuzzy sets. l Considerable more work, hopefully, will be done in this area l A fuzzy set procedure is proposed to solve xx selection problems interwoven with imprecise data l Employing the compositional rule of inference, the assessment of the xx compatibility in achieving prescribed xx projectiles in any level of the hierarchy is made possible. l This paper has presented a theoretical and experimental study of the xx process and xx concept. l The experimental research results will hopefully serve as useful feedback information for improvements for xx work. l The scope of this contribution was to introduce a xx method. l In general, fuzzy sets theory provides an alternative foundation for xx analysis in a fuzzy environment. Future Research l Thus, first extension of the approach could be, l Present some cues for a further approach from Fuzzy Sets Theory application to l Some improvements to the scheduling aspect of the model may be brought through additional levels in the hierarchy for more detailed representation of the scheduling activity. Tables and Figures l Figure 7-1 sketches these relationships. l The graphical representation of these functions is shown in Figure 1. l The xx may be depicted as in Figure 1. l Figure x shows the schematic diagram ofthe l Figure 1 though 2 provide a ... that l the architecture of this expert system for .... is illustrated in Figure 2. l Figure 2 gives the outline of an ... system l Table shows the l as shown in Table 1 and 2 l This concept is illustrated in Figure 2 l At the top of Table xx are shown two blocks of data. l Each table or matrix has constructs xx through xx as row?headings, xx through xx as column?headings. l A table of .. is developed and significant recommendations are made. CONJUGATION To Indicate Addition l additionally, again, also, and then, as can be easily understood, besides, equally important, especially, finally, for the same reason, first, further, furthermore, in addition, last, likewise, moreover, next, second, third, too, evidently, obviously, roughly speaking, broadly speaking To Indicate Cause and Effect l accordingly, as a result, consequently, for this reason, hence, in short, otherwise, then, therefore, thus, truly To indicate Comparison l in a like manner, likewise, similarly , alternatively To Indicate Concession l after all, although this may be true, at the same time, even though, even so , I admit, naturally, of course To Indicate Contrast l and yet, at the same time, but, for all that, however, yet, in fact, in contrast, in the real life, in spite of, nevertheless, notwithstanding, normally, on the contrary, on the other hand, still, traditionally, rather, unfortunately, To Indicate Time Relationships l after a short time, afterwards, as indicated earlier, as long as, as soon as, at last, at length, at the moment, at that time, at the same time, before, earlier, currently, immediately, in the meantime, in recent years, lately, later, meanwhile, often, of late, presently, recently, soon, shortly, since, thereupon, temporarily, therefore, until, when, while To Indicate Special Features or Examples l for example, for instance, incidentally, indeed, in fact, in other words, in particular, in practice, specifically, that is, to illustrate, in this respect, theoretically, as mentioned before / above To Indicate Summary l in brief, in conclusion, in short, in summary, on the whole, to conclude , in general, to summarize, to sum up, as a result, ultimately, VERB PHASE l build a .. model l build up the key link l began a new era in ... l can be regarded as / achieved / used to/for / found / obtained through l can result in l carries out... tasks l production information in order to simultaneously l contains all information necessary to describe l do not make use of production information l deals with l end with failure l fetch the information from the model directly l has great potential / yet to be resolved / spurred the development of/ been recognized as l BE aimed at / built up / carried out by / essentially concerned with / considered to be the key technology / associated with each feature of a compo site component / cable of / currently implemented for / demonstrated by an example / finally reached / made equal to / equivalent to/ more suitable to / oriented to / interpreted as / pointed out / potentially of great benefit in the complex task of/ shown in/ used to effectively guide the search l makes use of l make up l meets the needs of real life production,/ the current demands placed upon it l must be justified l point out l play an important role l relates to l rely on l satisfy the needs l determine the total requirements for the ... l uses ... as a key to search for... l without relying on l will be available/ performed/ overlooked NOUN PHASE l a basic technical function of l a critical need l a key / principle feature of l a substantial impact on l an intensive review was conducted l an increasing need for expanding the application of .... l an important component / function / aspect / issue l each rule is numbered in sequence l each of these involves l for this calculation, it is necessary to define l in the physical environment / integration of l in the reality of situations where l many aspects of l most past efforts have been spent on ... l common sense to a well studied and documented technical field. l sources of additional information on ... are listed l systematic and rationally structured format l the basis on which arange of ...operations can be established is shown l THE basic philosophy / principles of / key element / general hypothesis / candidate list of / concept of... has attracted wide interest /function is concerned with / heart / impact / nature / role / task of / kernel functions l the number of parts needed to l the above statement means that l the output data is passed to l the proposed method /underlying principle l the recommendations made in this report, if implemented, should l this information resides in l this process is composed of ... different ... operation l along with the use of l concerning general aspects of l due to l for later use in generating..., l in turn, l IT IS believed / noted / assumed / suggested / shown / quite evident / appears / implies that / intended for / of no important to l it can be claimed/concluded that l it demonstrates the decisions required of l it also provides information to .. l it becomes essential to l let ... be the probability that l once... is written, it is compiled into... l suppose it is observed that l this is because l this results in a l upon completion of the ... analysis, l when the knowledge is of mathematics or quantum physics, it will also be recorded in books and papers l selection of rules for using the tools, for generating operation plans, is another matter of preference, since practice varies greatly. l for the sake of convenience l correct decision to be reach l keeping the number of rules to a minimum. l a good process plan will result exhibiting several characteristics: 以下转自 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=386423 曾老师的博客,只是因为很有用,留给自己参考。望曾老师勿怪! 不管是说英文的外国人还是说中文的中国人,用英语进行写作都有很大的难度,因为写作是有规则的,违背这些规则就等于犯错。英文写得好不好,首先要看是不是符合语法,其次是看用词是否恰当,搭配是否合理。因此,如何用英语写作其实是一门高深的学问,一辈子学习都嫌不够。 我本人的英语写作刚入门,而且仅限于科技英语写作。在这里不想班门弄斧谈如何写作英语科技论文,只是根据自己的体会,总结一下在英语科技论文写作中的几个小窍门,仅供广大青年学子参考,恐令学者们见笑。 一、时态的使用 有人在一篇文章中时态的使用很混乱,前后不一致,可能是因为不能活学活用英语语法的缘故。虽然时态错用并不会严重影响读者对文章内容的理解,但体现了作者的写作手法不规范,表达不严谨。一般而言,在Introduction和Discussion中提到一些普遍的认知或常识时,应该用现在时,如Cancer is a disease that fails tocontrol cell division。如果提到别人的发现或报道,可以使用现在完成时,如Those authors have found that 、Someone has reported that 。在Materials and methods和Results中,若涉及动作,通常用过去时,如The wavelength was measured after 10 min。 二、从句的使用 过去分词短语可以放在名词后作定语,但当这个过去分词出现在作谓语的动词之前时,容易被误认为就是句中的谓语,此时宜将过去分词短语改用that引导的定语从句修饰,如There are isoprenoid products used in cancer therapy中的过去分词短语在下面的句子中宜改为that引导的定语从句:Isoprenoid products that are used in cancer cells have not been fully explored。又如:The enzymes that maintain tight control over the carbocation species will produce a single dominant product。 三、被动式的使用 众所周知,科技英语中多使用被动语态,以避免主观表述之嫌。但是,若分不清及物动词还是不及物动词就容易出错,如A fresh idea occurred to him容易误写成A fresh idea was occurred to him。 四、The的使用 何时用the、何时不用the是个最令人头痛的选择,而知道用the和不用the却最能体现英语水平的高下。一般来说,单数名词要用the,复数名词可省略the,但在动宾关系句里即使复数名词也要用the:We identify the relevant genes in the present study。以下复数名词前都加the:The enzymes often lack the characteristic aspartate-rich motifs,因为其中的the有those的含义。位于of之前的名词要用the,但当名词位于句首并有动宾关系时可省略the:Production of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide is achieved by photosynthesis。 五、选词 英语不喜欢重复,单词也是如此。这样就要求用英语写作时必须要有很大的同义词词汇量,否则就会理屈词穷。例如demonstrate、indicate、elucidate、reveal等用来引出某种客观结果,可以交替使用。 六、搭配 有主谓一致的问题,如200l of the diluted cell suspension was placed at 37?C中的was应为were,也有动宾搭配的问题,如reply the question应为reply to the question。还有一些固定搭配,如pave the path、raise the question、share the homology等。 七、拉丁语 科技英语中经常使用拉丁语,一般用斜体表示,如动植物及微生物的拉丁学名、 in vivo (活体内)、 in vitro (试管中)、 in situ (原位)、 per se (本身)等。注意:这些外来词用来修饰名词时放在名词前,修饰动词时放在动词后。注意区分They haveintroduced the in vivo synthesis of vitamin D和Microorganisms are not ordinarily destroyed in vivo by bacteriostatic drugs。不过,有些拉丁词已被当做英语词汇使用,在文章中出现时不用斜体,如et al.和e.g.等。 八、专有名称 基因与蛋白质的名称一般用相同词汇表示,但基因名称要用斜体,蛋白质名称要用正体。大小写的规定似乎不严格,但基因名称用小写、蛋白质名称用大写较常见。另外,基因工程中的限制性内切酶名称要用斜体,而且第一个字母要大写,但表示菌株来源及酶编号的英文字母及罗马数字用正体,如 Eco RI、 Bam HI等。
个人分类: 科研笔记|3666 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 1 wuxugan 2010-9-9 21:01
最近又开始写论文了,尽管已经发表过几篇英文文章,但是老板还是对我的英文不满意,回邮件说you should tell us a good story and explain the results completely . 作为我们英语不是母语的人来说,可能提高英文写作水平和表达,是相当长时间的一个任务,感觉上,中文和外文写作套路和表达习惯还是很大不同的!前段时间,看过马臻老师一篇博文提供的链接,分析如何提高英文写作水平,如何自我修改论文,觉得很有用! 借此分享一下!其它博友有什么经验的,还望赐教! 中国人英文写作的常见错误
个人分类: 转载社区|13486 次阅读|1 个评论
whchen 2010-1-27 20:10
转载自理文编辑 Dr.DanielMcGowan 的一篇博客文章, http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=286482 我读后深以为然,遂转载过来作为传播收藏。后来在翻译过程中,更是体会到了 McGowan博士所表达的科学心:我们科研工作者是在为人类知识库添加信息,不能唯SCI是从。所有的人类知识都应该按照科学的标准去记录,这样才能传承进步,为整个人类共享。我想这可能也是为什么西方医学发展远远快于我国的中医学的一个缘由吧。 同行评议标准究竟如何影响着期刊影响因子 中文引言: 影响因子较低的刊物接收的文章水准必定不高? 刊物影响因子较低的原因有哪些? 稿件被拒,仅仅通过改投影响因子较低的刊物就能发表? Dr. Daniel McGowan 将给出哪些积极建议? 博客原文: It has recently come to my attention that many scientistauthors in Asian countries, and perhaps also in Western countries, hold the idea that low impact factor journals will accept papers of a lower overall standard than high impact factor journals. This is largely a fallacy. Although some (hopefully very few) journals with low impact factors may indeed accept and publish papers describing research that has been poorly thought out, conducted and/or reported, it would be foolish to assume that this is commonplace. There are numerous reasons why a given journal might have a low impact factor: it might only describe research in a very narrow, specialized field, or relating to a particular geographic area or patient group, it might be relatively new, or it might publish a large proportion of theoretical papers requiring few references to the literature. However, all journal editors should be striving to protect and improve their journals image in the relevant scientific community, and this means holding submitted manuscripts to the same standards that the editors of journals with much higher impact factors apply to the submissions they receive. Ultimately, studies need to stand up to peer review before entering the collective knowledge as part of the literature, and this means that criteria regarding technical rigour, novelty and accurate unbiased reporting need to be met, regardless of the impact factor of the target journal. At Edanz/Liwen Bianji, we are frequently approached by would-be clients asking us to help them to rewrite their paper following rejection from a journal and negative peer review. In many cases we can work with the client to address the concerns of the journal editor and reviewers and help them prepare a re- or new submission. However, where there are major flaws in the study design or analysis that will prevent publication in any journal, even those with low impact factors, regardless of the any rewriting, we are obliged to tell them that more than rewriting is required: reanalysis of data, or worse, repeating whole experiments. Authors unwilling to do this need to be aware that there is no place in the literature for poorly planned and executed research, that journals with low impact factors do not exist to publish incomplete or deficient studies. And that is the purpose of this blog post: to dispel the myth that impact factor correlates with the rigor that your paper will be subjected to during peer review. My advice is to avoid major problems at the peer review stage by planning well ahead. Ensure that your experiments are well designed with appropriate controls before conducting them; ensure that you have a large enough sample; use the correct statistical tests ; and report the results in an accurate and appropriate manner. Getting these things right before and during the research will save you time, money and potential heartache later on. 翻译: 最近我注意到很多科学家-特别是在亚洲国家,可能还有少数西方国家的作者,他们认为低 SCI 影响因子的期刊接受文章的标准会低于高分期刊。这是极大的谬论。诚然有少数低分期刊(希望是极少数)的确接受和发表了一些想做写很差的文章,但是如果据此认为这是低分期刊的特点那就是愚昧了。 一份期刊影响因子低有很多原因:可能这份期刊的文章定位在比较专业和狭窄的特殊领域,或者是跟某个特别的地理生态环境相关,或者是与特殊的疾病群体相关;或者这份期刊创刊不久相关领域较新知名度还没有建立起来;或者这份期刊发表的文章大部分是原创性较高所以可引用的文献较少的理论性文章。但是不管是什么情况下,期刊的编辑都将会竭尽全力的维护和提高期刊在相关科学团体中的学术形象,这就意味着他们肯定会用高分期刊同样的学术标准来衡量所有来稿。最终,研究者都必须经受住严格的同行评审才能够作为文献进入人类知识库,这就是说不管期刊的影响因子的高低,相关技术的难度和先进程度以及精确客观的实验描述这些学术标准都是一致的! 在 Edanz 中国的课题组内,我们常常接触到一些客户要我们帮他们重写被拒被批的文章。大多数情况下,我们能够帮助客户阐述清楚期刊编辑和评审的问题,帮他们再投或重投。但有些时候,文章中有些设计和分析上大的纰漏,不管如何写不管投多低,都不可能被期刊接受。我们不得不告诉投稿人:写作不能解决这些问题,必须要重新分析结果甚至是重做整个实验。不愿意接受这个事实的作者必须清楚:科学界没有专门放烂实验的地方,低分期刊绝对不是发表不完整和有缺陷文章的地方。而这也是我写这篇博客的目的:不要天真地以为你的文章被同行评审时的标准与你所投期刊的影响因子正相关。(同行评审只有一个标准,那就是科学的标准) 要避免在同行评审时遇到这些大问题我的建议是实验要预先计划好再做。确保你的实验设计的完备有充分的对照;确保你有足够多的实验样本,而且安排实验样本的统计学分析是正确的;精确而合适地报道你的结果。在实验前和实验中把这些事情做好将节省你的时间金钱以及以后少些头痛。
个人分类: 生活点滴|3225 次阅读|0 个评论
ymin 2009-9-25 10:58
科技论文的英文表达(090925) -----如何写好科技论文之我见(六) 闵应骅 承网友的鼓励,就英文表达加写一篇。 国内一些较好的杂志,现在附了英文题目和摘要,目的是让国外读者也能了解文章的大概内容。摘要要说明本文的研究动机、类型、贡献和实验结果,各用一句话说明。一般都introduce某个概念,present某个方法,propose某个主意,或者provide某个系统的描述。很少用bring out, discuss, analyze等这样的动词。我发现,我们写摘要喜欢写得模糊一点。你说它错吧,它不错;你说它对吧,又不知所云。写英文不能这样写。尽可能直来直去。一般来说,只要中文摘要写得好,英文没有语法错,应该问题不大。 写英文的文章对我们母语是汉语的人来说,比较困难。我虽然已经发表了125篇英文文章,但是,实际上我还是写不好。听、说、读、写,写是最困难的。不过,我觉得我在斯坦福大学的训练对我帮助很大。麦克劳斯基教授的研究组出文章是有严格手续的。先要把想法向他汇报,如果他认为尚可,就下周到讨论班上报告,听取意见。然后自己写。写好以后,交给他指定的一位博士生修改。然后送给他的Research Associate修改定稿,最后由他过目,才能投出去。不像我们现在有些学生,离截稿日期只有一周,甚至几天,还让我帮他修改,这当然几乎不可能,投出去的文章就可能英文错误百出,实在不行只好拒绝。记得我在论文中用到circuit on gate level。这位博士生认为不对,应该用at gate level。我不服,他说你到人家论文上去找例子,看有谁用on。我找不到,这事给我很深的印象。on,in,at这些前置词的使用,必须特别小心。我们英文写不好,就尽量用简单句,不要用很复杂的带许多从句的长句子。你的目的是让人家看懂。你几乎不可能用精彩的文笔取胜,要靠你的技术内容。你觉得很得意的句子,可能常常是人家看不懂的句子。对于第一次写英文文章的同学,我还是建议先写中文稿,至少写中文提纲,然后再写英文稿。当然,英文稿并不需要是中文稿的译文。等你写了若干篇,基本上可以用英文思考了,再直接写英文稿。下面提几点我经常看到的毛病,供大家参考。好像在网上专门有文章,列出我们常犯的一些错误。我这里写得当然不全,但我有研究生论文的例子。 1。不能用and或数字作为句子的开头。 2。如果不用复数,必须用a或an。用the必须有明确的特指的名词。用it必须有所指。 3。逗号后面要空一格,句号后面空两格。少用;,:等标点符号。不要一逗到底。只要是一个句子就要用句号。我们中国人喜欢把if放在句子的前面,这当然也不是不可以。但是按照他们的习惯,先说结论,接着是if如何如何。 4。and前后应该并列。一般不能前面是一个名词,后面却是一个动名词短语,中间用and。 5。Chinglish要防止,例如,。。。has very important value. 6。论文中尽量少用第一人称。论文基本用一般现在时,即使引用人家的文章也用现在时,不用现在完成时或过去时。 7。不要滥用缩写,尤其不要自造。除非非常常用的缩写,第一次出现时要有说明。题目中最好不用缩写。 这些都谈不上是什么原则,什么规律,只是从我所见到的一些例子中抽出来的。不一定正确,仅供参考。
个人分类: 做学问|5717 次阅读|2 个评论
kksonne 2009-9-1 10:25
推荐理由:勤奋固然重要,但是有懒惰的、现成的模板去参考可以节省许多宝贵的时间以达到事半功倍的效果。许多BBS讨论区也有出国宝典,编辑部往来英文书信参考等内容,但是不及该书来的全面。 注:本书中文版合为一本收录了400多封信件。原著日文版分为两册,总计523封信件,第一册第一次出版为1981年,到2004年已经出版了26次,第二册第一次出版为1985年,到2003年出版了19次。由此可以见这套书籍在日本科技界的影响力。 我没有仔细看过中文版的,也不知道在中文版在中国被印刷了多少次,但是我周围的老师和学生基本上不知道有这本书,应该没有被重视。虽然该书不是母语为英语的日本人所写,难免有一些语法用词上的出入,另外成书较早(即使日文版重新印刷了很多次,其中内容均保持第一版的特点,很少更改),20多年中毕竟一些习惯有所变化,使用者需要注意这些问题。去除这些原因,我个人觉得还是值得参考的工具书。 中文版全文PDF 因为大于5M,无法以附件形式上传,有兴趣的读者可以向我联系(shenghongq@zju.edu.cn),仅供参考学习,不得用于商业目的。邮件请注明:单位 姓名,谢谢! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 简要介绍作者:李桂兰 出版:世界图书出版公司 - 1990年出版 分类:H315 尺寸:20cm 书号:7-5062-0792-3 定价:$5.90 形态:355 页 - 529 章节 内容摘要本书共收集400多封信件,这些信件是由日本的两名工作者与外国人士进行通信联系的记录。《科学工作者用英文书信选》是为科学工作者编写的英文书信选。这些信件不是由英语专家撰写的范例信件,而是由日本的两名科学工作者1955年到1980年间与国外人士进行通信联系 的记录。内容包括科学工作者为了出国留学、向国外投稿、邀请外国专家讲学、争取研究费用等怎样与国外有关人士进行联系。这些信件大致分为:1 联系出国,2 向国外专业性刊物投寄论文,3 申请和使用国外的研究费,4 邀请外国科学工作者,5 其他。是一本科学工作者学写英文信件的极好指南。可供理工科大学生、研究生和科学工作者参考。 全文目录Ⅵ11到大学研究院上学(1) Ⅶ32撰写总论 Ⅵ13到大学研究院上学(2)(语言能力不足的例子) 1、取得博士学位的人,探询申请奖学金的可能性 英文信的一般形式 Ⅰ11申请博士后的奖学金 目录 Ⅰ12申请博士后的奖学金 2、回信(回绝信) 前言 3、其它回信(回绝信) 4、其它回信(回绝信) 5、其它回信(有意接受,但需等待预算) 7、其它回信(可以享受奖学金,提出条件) 6、续5(预算已下来,可以享受奖学金) 8、7的回信(接受条件) 9、6的回信(暂缓决定) 10、7的回信(推荐信1) Ⅰ1到国外研究 凡例 11、7的回信(推荐信2) 12、催促推荐信 13、12的回信 序Ⅰ 序Ⅱ 14、通知决定接受 15、14的回信(提问 16、6的回信(回绝信) 17、询问能否在校借宿 18、15的回信(回答问题) 19、18的回信 Ⅰ有关出国的信件(一) 20、通知寄去DSP66 21、通知到达日期和时间 22、借宿申请书,汇寄房租定金 23、要求介绍取得博士学位后拟申请奖学金的学生 24、介绍候补人选 25、通知寄去履历书 26、履历书 27、通知介绍人决定接受学员 28、关于进行合作研究由本人写的信 29、要求出国邀请信由上级写来的信 30、履历书 31、进行合作研究的实施计划书 32、29的回信 33、通知本人决定给予经济补助 34、邀请到国外进行合作研究 35、34的回信(回绝信) 36、聘请客席教授 37、36的回信(要求寄正式邀请信) 38、37的回信(通知寄去邀请信) 39、正式邀请信 40、要求寄DSP66 41、通知寄去DSP66 42、DSP66 Ⅰ14邀请到国外进行合作研究 43、催促DSP66(在收到41和42之前) 44、43的回信 45、通知到达日期和时间,并要求前来迎接 46、公开招募取得博士学位后拟接受奖学金的人(印刷品) 47、推荐信1 Ⅰ16其它 48、推荐信2 49、出席委员会会议的请贴 Ⅰ13在国外进行合作研究 50、通知将出席会议 51、寄去旅行许可证 52、要求对方同意改变航线 53、52的回信(表示同意) 54、出席委员会会议的请贴 Ⅰ21WHO/FAO专业委员会 55、暂定议事日程 56、谢绝出席委员会会议 57、再次邀请对方出席委员会会议 58、同意出席委员会会议 59、邀请对方参加讨论会 60、通知接受邀请 Ⅰ2国际学术会议、讨论会、讲习会 61、通知支付旅费 62、对支给旅费表示感谢 63、对应邀参加讨论会表示感谢 64、请贴(附:日程表) 65、通知准备出席讲习会(附带条件) Ⅰ15客席教授 66、同意所提条件 67、登记 68、通知将推迟出席讲习会 Ⅰ25讨论会 69、参加讨论会请贴 70、69的回信(暂缓决定) 71、要求寄邀请信 Ⅰ24讲习会 72、71的回信(请贴) 73、推荐其它可以访问的地方 74、介绍信的副本 75、要求安排同第三者会面 76、75的回信(同意) 77、75的回信(已安排同第三者会面) 78、通知访问计划 79、回国后的感谢信 Ⅰ23Gordon会议 80、同投寄的论文附在一起 81、要求改写 82、同寄去的修改稿附在一起(对审查意见的交代) 84、同修改稿(第二次)附在一起(对审查意见的交代) Ⅱ投寄论文,其它有关写作与出版的信件 83、要求再次修改 Ⅰ22FAO/IAEA/WHO专业委员会 85、要求进行第三次改写 86、同修改稿(第三次)附在一起(对审查意见的交代) 87、要求进行第四次修改 88、同修改稿(第四次)附在一起 89、通知稿件已决定采用 90、同抽印本的订费附在一起 Ⅱ2投寄论文(2) 91、同投寄的论文附在一起 92、要求改写 93、同寄去的修改稿附在一起(对审查意见的交代) 94、同寄回的校样和抽印本订单附在一起 95、催付抽印本订费 96、说明款已支付完毕 97、要求校订 Ⅰ3访问研究所 98、97的回信(校订意见) 99、对98表示感谢 100、申请使用版权(1)兼许可证(1) 101、申请使用版权(2) Ⅱ4使用版权 102、申请使用版权(3) 104、申请抽印本用的明信片(格式1) 103、使用版权许可证(2) 105、申请抽印本用的明信片(格式2) 107、感谢所寄抽印本 106、要求寄给抽印本 Ⅱ3要求校订原稿 108、通知抽印本已售缺(格式信) 109、要求得到出版物 110、109的回信,寄出出版物的通知 Ⅱ6要求得到出版物 111、探询是否有可能性 112、对111给予肯定的答复 113、寄去申请表格,提出注意事项 114、附在申请书上 115、接受申请书 116、决定给予补助金的通知书 117、附在中间研究报告上 Ⅱ5要求寄给抽印本 118、要求延长研究期限电报 119、118的回电 120、要求延长研究期限 121、答应延长研究期限 122、通知研究工作将要到期 123、附在最终年度的研究报告上 124、会计报告书 125、附在最终研究报告上 126、要求改变办公用具所属权 Ⅱ1投寄论文(1) 127、126的回信(同意) 128、要求变更研究费预算项目 129、邀请参加讨论会的第一次请贴(印刷品) 130、接受登记(印刷品) 131、第二次请贴(印刷品) 132、接受讲题(印刷品) 133、通知讲演日期(印刷品) 134、登记费认收信(印刷品) 135、催促讲演内容摘要(印刷品) 136、要求担任会议主席 137、编写讨论会会议录的要点(印刷品) 138、为女士们安排的观光日程表(印刷品) 139、晚宴请贴(印刷品) 140、接受会议录原稿(印刷品) 141、出席学术讨论会请贴(2) 142、请贴邀请参加会议(印刷品) 143、通知不参加会议 Ⅳ2召开国际学术讨论会(2) 144、正式请贴(印刷品) 145、表明愿意参加会议 146、未被邀请但提出愿意参加会议 147、要求担任会议主席 148、要求演讲 149、要求填写所附表格 150、149的回信(表格寄迟了,表示歉意) 151、通知将不参加会议 152、同预讲稿附在一起 153、152的回信(通知支付旅费) 154、同主动要求参加会议的人联系 156、告知准备到达的日期和时间(电报) 155、截止期过后,要求参加会议(电报) 157、向邀请单位进行自我介绍,并联系有关研究内容和日程 158、履历书(同157附在一起) 159、157的回信(联系有关研究计划、住宿等事宜) 160、159的回信联系有关事宜(续) 161、告知准备出发的日期并联系有关事宜(续) 162、安排住宿 163、162的回信,表示感谢并告知准备到达的日期 164、邀请参加年终慰劳会 165、联系有关迎接事宜 166、自我介绍并商量访问计划 167、166的回信(联系国内旅行计划) 168、商量访问计划(续166) Ⅲ申请和使用外国研究费 Ⅳ邀请外国人的信件 Ⅳ1召开国际学术讨论会(1) 169、更改旅行日程 170、有关旅行日程的建议 Ⅳ3外国特邀研究员 171、对170表示感谢 172、更具体的旅行计划 173、旅行日程表 174、告知无法去迎接 175、联系访问研究室的日期 176、就访问对象征求对方的意见 177、就访问对象提出建议 178、对177表示感谢 Ⅳ5短期访问(2) 179、商量到达后如何进行联系 180、联系到达日期 181、替接见人向来访者报告准备情况 182、要求来访者讲演 183、要求分给试剂(1) Ⅴ有关研究方面的询问、要求及其它 184、同试剂附在一起的信 185、感谢信 186、要求分给试剂(2) 187、寄上不对人体使用的保证书格式 Ⅳ4短期访问(1) 188、保证书 189、同保证书附在一起的信 190、收到试剂,表示感谢 191、要求分给试剂(3) 192、通知将寄上试剂 193、收到试剂,表示感谢 194、通知将寄上试剂 195、要求提供情报 196、195的回信 197、要求推荐 198、同意推荐 199、推荐信 200、要求免去会员资格 201、要求推荐学会会长候补人员 202、同意推荐 203、推荐信 204、要求对教授候选人进行评价(1) 205、表示同意 206、推荐信 207、要求对教授候选人进行评价(2) 208、聘请委员 Ⅳ6短期访问补充 Ⅴ1分给研究试剂,提供情报 209、表示同意 210、要求延长委员任期 Ⅴ4委员会会员资格 211、表示同意 212、改址通知(印刷品) Ⅴ3任用大学教授 213、预约饭店 214、寄到饭店的欢迎信 215、欢迎会请贴 Ⅴ2会员资格 216、215的回信(谢绝) 217、死亡通知 218、吊唁信 219、对218表示感谢 220、索取大学研究院指南和入学志愿书 Ⅵ、有关出国的信件(二) 221、220的回信 222、推荐信 223、探询没有学位的专业毕业生留学的可能性 224、223的回信(提出留学条件) Ⅵ1出国留学(1) 225、224的回信(表示接受条件) 226、225的回信(催促其申请) Ⅴ5其它 227、与申请书同封的信件 228、收到申请书和推荐学习博士课程 229、228的回信(不能接受推荐的理由) Ⅵ12不以取得学位为目标的留学 230、229的回信(表示理解) 231、230的感谢信 232、231的回信 233、劝导留学 234、探询留学的可能性(收233之前) 235、对234的回信(寄上大学研究院入学申请书) 236、提出填写申请书的有关问题 237、236(问题)的解答信 238、通知寄来申请书 239、批准入学的通知(非正式) 240、正式批准入学的通知 241、接受正式批准入学的报告及感谢信 242、表达本人对入学的意向 243、通知预定到达日期并委托接应 244、请求帮助取得签证电报 245、244的回信电报 246、接受留学生的教授关于留学生近况的报告 247、接受留学生的教授关于留学生后来情况的报告 248、指名邀请留学 249、推荐别人 250、249的回信(接受) 251、希望留学的本人250的回信(告知本人履历) Ⅵ14由于语言能力低而在大学研究院留学失败例 252、250的回信(关于TOEFL考试的问题) 253、252的回信(必须进行TOEFL考试) 254、通知准备访问电报 255、TOEFL的结果与放弃留学 257、询问申请旅费的必要事项 256、255的回信约定争取以其它身分接收 258、257的回信(通知没有留学的可能性) 259、受理申请书的通知 260、笔试合格的通知和对提交有关文件的指示 261、履历书 262、推荐信 263、为准备考试愿作英语会话的伙伴 264、面试的通知 265、二次面试和体检的通知 266、内定候补合格的通知 267、内定正式合格的通知 268、对参加英语会话训练课程的指导 269、英语训练课程前召开碰头会的通知 270、合格决定的通知 Ⅵ15依靠富布赖特基金留学(手续) 271、富布赖特奖学生的誓文 272、参加入学教育的指导 273、探询接受洛克菲勒奖学金学生的可能性 274、273的回信(拒绝和介绍其它接受者) 275、再次探询接受的可能性 276、275的回信(同意) 277、276的回信(感谢信) 278、告知洛克菲勒财团接受部门的决定 Ⅵ21A依靠洛克菲勒财团奖学金留学(由于邮政事故而失败的例子) 279、278的接收通知 280、通知接受者推迟赴美的预定日期 281、催促获得奖学金学生提交申请书 282、对申请书内容进行说明 283、在280没有复信的情况下将提交申请书一事通知接受者 284、接受者发出的回绝信 285、明白发生了邮政事故,再次申请接受 286、283的回信(回绝和介绍其它接受者) 287、没寄到的280回信的复制件(与286同封) 288、没寄到的后来的回绝信的复制件(与286同封) 289、了解了事情的原委,对协作表示感谢 290、决定发给奖学金的通知 291、邮寄DSP66时的同封信 Ⅵ2出国留学(2) 292、291表示感谢和对更改接受者的说明 293、292的回信(就更改接受者提出的建议) 294、293的感谢信 295、探询能否接受(同时告知履历) 296、295的回信(同意接受) 297、对接受者表示认可 298、297的感谢信 299、296表示感谢和委托帮助解决住宿问题 300、询问随着变更接受者而变更DSP66的必要性 301、300的回信 302、通知旅行日程 303、有关住宿问题的信 304、303的回信 305、有关开始支付奖学金的信 306、飞机票及其它旅费的收据 307、寄送最后旅行日程 308、旅费财务报告 309、通知开始支付奖学金的日期 Ⅵ21B依靠洛克菲勒财团奖学金留学 310、通知寄送护照及有关文件 311、一个月后的近况报告 312、奖学期结束时的感谢信 313、推荐博士后奖学金学生 314、希望提出两位奖学金学生 Ⅵ22招聘及推荐博士后奖学金学生 315、314的回信(转达两人中的1个人的意愿) 316、315的补充 317、对314,315的感谢信 318、探询有关申请研究费及共同研究的可能性问题 319、318的回信(预计希望不大) 320、319的继续(探询其它资助者) 321、探询研究费的信件的复制件(1)(与320同封) 322、探询研究费的信件的复制件(2)(与320同封) 323、商洽有关申请研究费的问题 324、321回信的复制件(暗示可能性,与323同封) 325、323的继续(不能发给研究费的情况) 326、325的回信(努力消除误会) 327、通知支付研究费及招聘在外共同研究人员 328、推荐在外共同研究人员 329、328的回信(同意) 330、329的回信(寄履历书) 331、330的回信(提出录用条件) 332、331的回信(通知推迟起程日期的原因) 333、推荐人写的感谢信 334、招聘合作研究人员 335、334的回信(推荐合作研究人员) 336、335的回信(对推荐人表示感谢) Ⅵ23与外国的共同研究(从计划到实现) 337、335的继续(通知奖学金的金额) 338、337表示感谢并披露研究计划 339、338的回信(允许延期起程) 340、339的回信(没有延期起程的必要) 341、对本人发出的邀请信 342、申请延长在外研究期限 343、同意延长在外研究期限 344、再次申请延长在外研究期限 345、同意再次延长在外研究期限 346、申请延长在外研究期限 Ⅵ25A延长在外研究期限(得到同意的情况) 347、346的回信(不同意) 348、347的回信(表示理解) 349、取消预定的留学 350、探询录用奖学金学生的可能性 351、350的回信(没有可能) 352、请求写推荐信 353、应352的请求而写的推荐信 354、回国后的答谢信(印刷品) 355、要求批准出席学会(留学生的指导教授向主办者提出) 356、355的回信(认可) 357、询问有关出国和再次进入外国的手续 358、357的回信 359、向美国税务局提交文件时附交的信件 360、向美国税务局提交的文件(与359同封) 361、360的回信(出入国没有问题) 362、推荐信(根据美国人的面试) 363、履历书(一份正式的履历书例) 364、探询会议日程的变更和支付旅费的可能性 Ⅵ3国际会议、国际学会 365、询问会议日程 Ⅵ25B延长在外研究期限(未得到同意的情况) Ⅵ31WHO联系会议 366、365的回信 367、推荐出席会议人员和要求支付旅费(从领导方面提出) 368、367的回信(通知付给旅费) 369、请求发给正式邀请信电报 370、368的回信(请求发正式邀请信) 371、变更开会地点和会议日程的通知电报 372、正式邀请信开会地点、会议讨论事项及其它注意事项 373、委托校阅报告 374、告知寄回订正后的报告 375、接到订正后的报告的感谢信 376、邀请参加国际会议电报 377、表示接受邀请电传 Ⅵ24在国外进行合作研究 Ⅵ26其它 378、询问出席学术会议的旅费支付方法电报 379、告知出席学术会议的旅费支付方法电报 380、征求对学术会议程序草案的意见 381、380的回信(表明参加学术会议) 382、381的回信(对给程序草案提出建议表示感谢并对参加会议表示欢迎) 383、对邀请表示感谢 384、请求支付出席学术会议用的旅费 385、384的回信(拒绝) 386、再次询问访问研究所的时间 Ⅵ32邀请参加国际会议 Ⅵ33参加国际学术会议(由于没有旅费而放弃) 387、386的回信(对回信拖迟表示歉意并欢迎来访) 388、387的回信(联系访问日程) 389、388的回信(代替正式邀请信) 390、389的感谢信(联系旅行日程和同行人员) 391、390的回信(表示明白并提出招待午餐) 392、391的回信(对招待午餐表示感谢) 393、对整个招待表示感谢(回国后) 394、询问访问研究所的时间 395、394的回信(建议在会议期间会见) Ⅵ41访问研究所 396、395的回信(接受建议并告知联系地点) 397、396的回信(表示明白) 398、投寄论文稿 399、论文稿未被采用的通知 Ⅵ42决定会见研究人员 400、与稿件不采用通知同封的审稿意见 401、委托评审原稿 Ⅶ有关投寄论文稿及撰稿、出版方面的信件 402、401的回信(将征求第三者的意见) 403、意见①(没有刊载价值) Ⅶ1论文稿未被采用,听取第三者的意见 404、意见②(可作为札记) 405、意见③(对审稿没资格提出批评) 406、401的回信 407、406的回信 408、投寄论文稿 409、要求部分改写 410、寄修改稿时所附的信 411、通知稿件已决定采用 412、请予谅解在校样中迫加内容 413、通知出版修订版的计划 414、接受分担修订版的撰稿 415、有关撰稿的问题 416、催寄原稿 417、延迟撰稿的理由 418、417的回信(表示理解) 419、预告撰稿完毕 420、419的回信 421、再次催寄原稿 422、通知发出原稿 423、商谈有关修订原稿问题 Ⅶ2论文投稿 424、委托撰稿 425、424的回信(接受合作撰稿) 426、424的回信(表示已知悉) 427、寄稿件内容目录(给各撰稿者) 428、延期撰稿的理由 429、寄送原稿 430、接到原稿 431、给编辑人员寄送使用版权许可证 432、编辑人员通知编辑完毕 433、给出版社寄修订稿时所附的信 434、委托分担撰写(委托写出概要) Ⅶ3单行本的撰稿 Ⅶ33单行本的分担撰写 435、434的回信(同意) Ⅵ4访问研究所 436、435的回信(附寄出版社的撰稿要求及合同书) 437、436的回信(附寄回的合同书) 438、催寄撰写的概要 439、438的回信(附寄去概要) 440、编辑人员催交原稿 441、440的回信与评价(寄送原稿的保证) 442、寄修改稿时所附的信 443、442的回信与评价 444、443的回信(对评价作相应答复) 445、对原稿图解不完善部分的建议 446、445的回信(对评价作相应的答复) 447、寄排版试印样时的附言(出版社对原稿提出的问题) 448、447的回信 449、申请批准使用版权和许可证① 450、申请批准使用版权和许可证② 451、获取博士称号证明书 452、评价研究人员的格式 Ⅷ附录 453、学位证明(硕士) Ⅶ4使用版权 454、讲演会上司仪的致词 Ⅶ31单行本的分担撰稿 455、WHO研究费支出的中间报告
个人分类: 好书推荐|8805 次阅读|6 个评论
zhulin2008 2008-11-27 09:07
出处: http://www.sciencenet.cn/bbs/showpost.aspx?id=33230 1 The Most Common Habits from more than 200 English Papers written by Graduate Chinese Engineering Students By Felicia Brittman This paper presents some of the most common Chinese-English habits observed from over two hundred English technical papers by Chinese writers. The habits are explained and in most cases, example text from an actual paper is given along with preferred text. An attempt is made to explain how to correct and prevent such mistakes. In some cases a possible explanation of why the habit occurs is also given. This paper can serve as an individual guide to editing technical papers especially when a native English-speaking editor is unavailable. Introduction Most Chinese universities require their doctoral and master candidates in technical and scientific fields to publish at least one English paper in an international journal as a degree requirement. However, many factors make this task difficult to accomplish. First, previous English studies may not have focused enough on writing, let alone technical writing. Current studies may not include English, causing the writers English fluency level to decline. Second, most writers have never lived in an Englishspeaking country. Third, due to the special aspects of technical writing, even native English-speaking engineering students have a technical writing course as part of their study. Too often, students papers are returned unaccepted because of poor English. If available, students may have their papers edited by a native English speaker. However, this can get expensive for a department that has many students with each paper typically needing to be edited twice. Hiring someone to edit papers is difficult, costly and only puts a patch over the problem. A native English speaker can do a good job at getting rid of most of the grammatical mistakes. However, if this person does not have a technical background, particularly in the area of the papers he is editing, he is unable to get rid of all of the mistakes and make sure that the meaning is clear. He cannot recognize the incorrect translation of technical terms for which there is a standard word. Such mistakes will not be picked up by the processors spelling and grammar checker. In addition, if they are not familiar with the topic or field, they may not grasp the meaning of the entire article and fail to make critical edits. Hiring a person with a technical background similar to that of the papers being edited is a better option. Nevertheless, while a person with a technical background may be able to edit the paper sufficiently, he may not be able to explain to the writer how to prevent such mistakes in the future. Besides, it is difficult for most Chinese universities to hire such staff simply for editing. Universities may consider inviting a visiting scholar who will edit papers in addition to doing research or teaching as part of an exchange. Although editing may be the fastest way to publish papers, it does little in the way of teaching the writers how to prevent common mistakes and colloquial habits that prevent a clear understanding of the writers ideas. Writers who have already obtained an 2 impressing command of the English language can only truly benefit if they are made aware of their common mistakes and colloquial habits and how to prevent them. Purpose The purpose of this report is to introduce the most common habits in Chinese- English writing as noted from the over two hundred papers I have edited. The habits include grammar mistakes, colloquialisms, and formatting problems and in most cases prevent a clear understanding of the writers ideas. A few of the habits, such as writing extremely long sentences, can be corrected with careful use of the MS Word grammar and style checker. However, most habits, such as missing articles, go unnoticed by automatic grammar checking devices. Still, Chinese-English colloquial habits are not recognized by such software tools. Structure The common habits are presented in two sections. The first section lists the habits that, in my opinion, need the most attention. These habits interrupt the flow of the paper making it difficult to understand and occur most frequently. In this section, the habits are explained, example sentences from actual papers are given to show the habits, and the sentences are rewritten to show the correct way to write them. In the case of missing articles, a flow chart is also given to aid in choosing the correct articles. In the second section, an additional list of habits is given. In some cases, example sentences are given. In other cases, advice is given. The second section is very useful in becoming familiar with small nuances. Not all of the common habits I observed are presented mainly because they can only be dealt with on an individual basis. For example, writers had difficulty titling their papers and naming new technical ideas to express their contents and functions concisely. This problem frequently occurred but it can only be addressed individually. Once writers are aware of their habits, they would be able to write better technical English articles. Section 1 a, an, the The single most common habit is the omission of articles a, an, and the. This occurs because Mandarin has no direct equivalent of articles and the rules for using them are somewhat complicated for a non-native speakers. Articles signal that a noun will follow and that any modifiers between the article and the noun refer to that noun (a big blue bicycle / the first award). A and an are indefinite articles; the is a definite article. Every time a singular noncount noun, a common noun that names one countable item, is used the noun requires some kind of determiner. 3 Mistake: The, a, and an are 1) omitted where they are required, 2) used where they are not needed or contribute to wordiness 3) used wrongly in place of the correct article. Examples of incorrect usages: Incorrect Figure 2 shows the distribution of relative velocity on surface of main and splitter blades.15 Correct Figure 2 shows the distribution of relative velocity on the surface of the main and splitter blades.15 Incorrect The software PowerSHAPE is chosen to be a 3D modeling tool; it is good at dealing with free surfaces and curves.4 Correct The software PowerSHAPE is chosen to be the 3D modeling tool; it is good at dealing with free surfaces and curves.4 There was only one 3D modeling tool used in this study, therefore 3D modeling tool is specific and requires the article the. Incorrect A theoretical method for calculating the inner flow-field in centrifugal impeller with splitter blades and investigation of the interactions between main and splitter blades is presented in this paper. The vortices are distributed on the main and splitter blades to simulate the effects of flows. Systematical study of number and distribution of vortices is conducted.15 Correct A theoretical method for calculating the inner flow-field in a centrifugal impeller with splitter blades and an investigation of the interactions between main and splitter blades is presented in this paper. The vortices are distributed on the main and splitter blades to simulate the effects of flows. A systematical study of the number and distribution of vortices is conducted.15 Incorrect Theoretically, remanufacturing could fully take advantage of resources contained in EOF product thereby minimizing impact on environment to the greatest extent compared to landfill or recycling of materials; consequently it contributes greatly to resource conservation.16 Correct Theoretically, remanufacturing could fully take advantage of resources contained in an EOF product thereby minimizing the impact on the environment to the greatest extent compared to landfill or recycling of materials; consequently it contributes greatly to resource conservation.16 Definitions: Articles Also called determiners or noun markers, articles are the words a, an, and the. A and an are indefinite articles, and the is a definite article. Articles signal that a 4 noun will follow and that any modifiers between the article and the noun refer to that noun. ( a cold , metal chair/ the lightning-fast computer). Determiners A word or word group, traditionally identified as an adjective, that limits a noun by telling how much or how many about it. (expression of quantity, limiting adjective, marker) They tell whether a noun is general (a tree) or specific (the tree). The is a definite article. Before a noun, the conveys that the known refers to a specific item (the plan). A and an are indefinite articles. They convey that a noun refers to an item in a nonspecific or general way (a plan). Common nouns A noun that names a general group, place, person, or thing: dog, house. Count noun A noun that names an item or items that can be counted: radio, streets, idea, fingernails. Noncount nouns A noun that names a thing that cannot be counted: water, time. Specific noun A noun understood to be exactly and specifically referred to; uses the definite article the. Nonspecific noun A noun that refers to any of a number of identical items; it takes the indefinite articles a , an. Very long sentences Very long sentences are especially common in Chinese-English writing because the writers often translate directly from Chinese to English. Although, in Chinese writing it is acceptable to put several supporting ideas in on sentence to show their relationship, in English, the main idea and each supporting idea is typically written in separate sentences. One can usually recognize a very long sentence by its length sixty words or more. However, sentences of smaller lengths can also be too long if they contain multiple statements that confuse the main idea. Long sentences can be avoided by limiting each sentence to one or two topics. Semicolons should be used where the writer really wants to emphasize the relationship between ideas. Too long According to the characteristic of fan-coil air-conditioning systems, this paper derives the cooling formula of fan-coil units based on the heat transfer theories and puts forward a new method to gauge cooling named Cooling Metering on the Airside, which can monitor the individual air-conditioning cooling consumption during a period of time by detecting the parameters of inlet air condition temperature and humidity of the fan-coil air-conditioning system as well as the parameters of inlet cooling water provided by the chiller. 5 Correct This paper derives the cooling formula of fan-coil units based on the characteristics of fan-coil air-conditioning systems and heat transfer theories, and puts forward a new method to gauge cooling called Cooling Metering on the Air-side. The new method can monitor individual air-conditioning cooling consumption during a period of time by detecting the condition of inlet air temperature and humidity of the fan-coil air-conditioning system as well as the parameters of the inlet cooling water provided by the chiller. Too long The gear transmission is grade seven, the gear gap is 0.00012 radians, the gear gap has different output values corresponding to any given input value, nonlinearity of the gear gap model can be described by using the phase function method, the existing backlash block in the non-linear library of the Matlab/zdimulink toolbox can be used, the initial value of gear gap in the backlash block is set to zero.9 Correct The gear transmission is grade seven. The gear gap, which is 0.00012 radians, has different output values corresponding to any given input value. The nonlinearity of the gear gap model can be described by using the phase function method. The existing backlash block in the non-linear library of the Matlab/zdimulink toolbox can be used; the initial value of gear gap in the backlash block is set to zero. Another type of super-long sentence that frequently occurs in technical papers is that of a list. The writer wants to give a large amount of data, usually parameter values, and puts this information into one long, paragraph-sized sentence. However, the best way to give such type and quantity of information is to tabulate it (put it in a bulleted list). Too long where m is the mass of the heavy disk mounted at the mid-span of a massless elastic shaft, e is the eccentricity of the mass center from the geometric center of the disk, is the angle between the orientation of the eccentricity and the axis, k and k are the stiffness coefficients in two principal directions of shaft respectively, c is the viscous damping coefficient of the shaft and the disk, ci is the inner damping coefficient of shaft, is the rotating speed, s and s are the components of initial bend in directions of , axes respectively: s = rb cos ,s = rb sin .1 Correct Where m is the mass of the heavy disk mounted at the mid-span of a massless elasticshaft, e is the eccentricity of the mass center from the geometric center of the disk, is the angle between the orientation of the eccentricity and the axis, k and k are the stiffness coefficients in the two principal directions of the shaft, 6 c is the viscous damping coefficient of the shaft and the disk, ci is the inner damping coefficient of the shaft, is the rotating speed, s and s are the components of initial bend in directions of , axes, respectively: s = rb cos ,s = rb sin . Too long The clear height of the case is 6.15 meters; the thickness of the roof is 0.85 meters; the thickness of the bottom is 0.90 meters, the overall width is 26.6 meters, the overall length of the axial cord is 304.5 meters, the length of the jacking section is about 148.8 meters; the weight of the case is about 24127 tons.3 Clear Case clearance height 6.15 meters Roof thickness 0.85 meters Bottom thickness 0.90 meters Overall width 26.6 meters Overall length of the axial cord 304.5 meters Length of the jacking section 148.8 meters (approx.) Weight of the case 24127 tons (approx.) Prefacing the main idea of a sentence by stating the purpose, location or reason first Chinese writers often preface the main topic of a sentence by first stating the purpose, location, reason, examples and conditions as introductory elements. However, this has the effect of demoting the importance of the main idea and making the reader think the author is indirect. Bring the main idea to the beginning of the sentence stating any locations, reasons, etc., afterwards. Incorrect For the application in automobile interiors, this paper studies the nesting optimization problem in leather manufacturing. 5 Correct This paper studies the nesting optimization problem in leather manufacturing for application in automobile interiors. Incorrect Especially when numerical control (NC) techniques are widely used in industry and rapid prototype methods bring a huge economical benefits, the advantage of constructing 3D model becomes extremely obvious.2 Correct The advantage of constructing a 3D model becomes extremely obvious especially when numerical control (NC) techniques are widely used in industry and rapid prototype methods bring a huge economical benefits. Incorrect Inside the test box, the space was filled with asbestos.15 Correct The space inside the test box was filled with asbestos. 7 Incorrect In practice, we employed this approach to dispose of a wheelhouse subassembly of one kind of auto-body, and the results show that this method is feasible.16 Correct We employed this approach to dispose of a wheelhouse subassembly of one kind of auto-body, and the results show that this method is feasible. Incorrect To ensure sheet metal quality as well as assembly quality, CMMs are widely used in automotive industry production.16 Correct CMMs are widely used in automotive industry production to ensure sheet metal quality as well as assembly quality. Tendency of placing phrases which indicate time at the beginning of a sentence Incorrect When U is taken as the control parameter, the BDs for =0.0, 0.001, 0.005 are shown in Fig. 8. Correct Figure 8 shows the BDs for =0.0, 0.001, and 0.005 when U is taken as the control parameter. Place the most important subject at the beginning of the sentence for emphasis Incorrect Based on the triangulation structure built from unorganized points or a CAD model, the extended STL format is described in this section.4 Correct The extended STL format is described in this section based on the triangulation structure built from unorganized points or a CAD model. Incorrect The 3D dentition defect and restoration element models are designed precisely with complicated surfaces.4 Correct The 3D dentition defect and restoration element models with complicated surfaces are designed precisely. which/ that The antecedent (noun or pronoun) to which which refers is not specific, causing confusion. Antecedent The noun or pronoun to which a pronoun refers. The Shijiazhuang south road underground bridge possesses the largest jacking force, which is built at 1978(10680t). Correct The dynamic characteristics of a rotor with asymmetric stiffness or with initial warp have been studied before . Incorrect The inlet and outlet temperature of the air cooler were measured using two thermocouples respectively.17 Correct The inlet and outlet temperature of the air cooler were measured by using two thermocouples. In this paper, in this study Two errors occur when these phrases are used. The first is overuse. In some papers written by Chinese, these phrases can occur as much as twice per page. In papers written by native English writers these phrases are reserved for primarily two uses 1. In the introduction and conclusion to emphasize the content of the paper. 2. In the body of the paper, after referring to work not done by the author such as in other journal articles or in standard. Therefore, if either phrase occurs more than three times in a paper, its use is questionable. Actually, the reader is aware that the work presented is by the author (unless the author states otherwise) so there is no reason to repeat these phrases. The second error is more subtle. The two phrases are interchanged. Awkward In this paper, IDEAS was used to . Correct In this study, IDEAS was used to. Awkward In the paper, a SZG4031 towing tractor is used as the sample vehicle, it components equivalent physical parameters are obtained by UG design and testing.9 Correct In this study, a SZG4031 towing tractor is used as the sample vehicle, it components equivalent physical parameters are obtained by UG design and testing. 10 The study is the work the author/s did. The paper is the mode to present this work and is what the reader is holding/ reading. Keep in mind the writer can also use other phrases such as in this research, and this paper present. Numbers and Equations Two very common errors are those concerning the presentation of Arabic numerals, and equations. Chinese writers usually write Arabic numerals instead of spelling out the word. The use of Arabic numerals, itself, is not an error however; they should never be used at the beginning of sentences. Incorrect 12 parameters were selected for the experiment. Correct Twelve parameters were selected for the experiment. In addition, Arabic numerals are overused. Arabic numerals should be used to give data in technical papers, however they should not be used to give general information. Incorrect All 3 studies concluded that the mean temperature should be 30C. Correct All three studies concluded that the mean temperature should be 30C. This probably stems from the fact that Mandarin is a symbolic language and not alphabetic. Thus, the writer will find it easier to write a symbol that expresses the idea instead of the word. This problem is even more serious when equations are used in place of words in a way that is not practiced by native English speakers. Consider the following examples. Equations should be introduced as much as possible, not inserted in place of words. Most journals, like the International Journal of Production Research, discourage the use of even short expressions within the text. Incorrect If the power battery SOC SOClo and the driving torque belongs to the middle load, Correct If the power battery SOC is greater than SOClo and the driving torque belongs to the middle load, Incorrect All 3 studies concluded that the mean temperature should be 30C. Correct All three studies concluded that the mean temperature should be 30C. Format Paragraphs A paragraph is a group of sentences that develop one topic or thought. Paragraphs are separated to indicate the end of one idea or thought and the beginning of another. All English paragraphs start on a new line with an indent of about one inch or 11 with an extra line between the two paragraphs. The latter is more typical for business writing. Chinese students are often puzzled by separating paragraphs; the may perform one of two error. One error occurs when the writer fails to distinguish between two paragraphs. Although the new paragraph starts on a new line, there is no indentation, therefore, the reader in is not aware of the change in paragraphs or ideas. The second error occurs when a paragraph is preceded by a single sentence on a single line. The single line is indented along with the succeeding paragraph as in example #. This commonly occurs in Chinese texts but is never done in English. Figure and Table The abbreviations for figure and table are Fig. and Tbl, respectively. However, the abbreviation of table is rarely seen in text. One can also write fig. for figure. However, one should choose one convention and use it throughout the paper. You should not switch between, Figure, figure, Fig, or fig. In addition, abbreviations are not used at the beginning of sentences and a space belongs between the word/ abbreviation and the number. Incorrect Figure.6, Figure6, Fig.6, Tbl10 Correct Figure 6, Fig. 6, Tbl. 10 Variables Variables, especially those of the English alphabet, should be italicized in technical papers to distinguish them from English words. Of course, this depends on the style required by the journal. Capitals Be careful that capitals are not in the middle of the sentence. Incorrect In table 1, The mark Correct In table 1, the mark such as and etc. Such as and etc. are commonly misused by Chinese-English writers. Such as means for example and implies that an incomplete list will follow; etc. means and so on and is used at the end of a list to show it is not complete. Therefore, using such as and etc. together is redundant. Incorrect Studies of methodology and process of implementing remanufacturing mainly focus on durable products such as automobile motors, printers, and etc.11 Correct Studies of methodology and process of implementing remanufacturing mainly focus on durable products such as automobile motors, and printers. Such as means that an incomplete list will be given and should not be used when a complete list is given. 12 Incorrect Compared to traditional industry, Micro-electronic fabrication has three characteristics such as high complexity, high precision and high automation. Correct Compared to traditional industry, Micro-electronic fabrication has three characteristics: high complexity, high precision and high automation. Section 2 1) Some words have identical singular and plural forms and do not need an s added on to make them plural. These words include: literature (when referring to research) equipment, staff (referring to a group of people) faculty 2) Avoid redundancy in the following types of phrases frequently used by Chinese English writers Instead of Say Or say Research work Research Work Limit condition Limit condition Knowledge memory Knowledge Memory Sketch map Sketch map Layout scheme Layout scheme Arrangement plan Arrangement plan Output performance Output performance Simulation results results simulation Knowledge information Knowledge information Calculation results results calculation Application results Results Application 3) Certain words demand that the noun they modify is plural. These include different, various, and number words. Dont write Instead write Different node Different nodes Various method Various methods Two advantage Two advantages Fifteen thermocouple Fifteen thermocouples 4) Never begin an English sentence with abbreviations and Arabic numerals such as Fig. and 8. Instead write Figure and Eight. 5) Do not write by this way. Instead write by doing this, or using this method. 6) Never write How to at the beginning of a sentence. (Dont say it ither.) 13 No How to find the optimal parameter is the main objective. Yes Determining how to find the optimal parameter is the main objective. 7) Do write the results are shown in Figure 2. Do not write the results are showed as Figure 2. 8) Italicize variables appearing in the text to differentiate them from words. This is especially important when the variables are English alphabets. Write The graph shows t, a, and C as a function of time. Do not write The graph shows t, a, and C as a function of time. 9) Refrain from using the word obviously in a technical paper in the following way No Obviously, detecting regimes by means of PMH maps is a novel method.8 Yes Detecting regimes by means of PMH maps is a novel method.8 10) International papers should not use location dependant terms such as at home, abroad, here, our country because the reader most likely is not Chinese and not in China. Instead, write in China. 11) Avoid overusing the phrases that is to say and namely. Instead, try to convey your meaning in one sentence. 12) Do not use too at the end of a written sentence, especially in a technical paper. 14 Appendix A 15 1. LIN Fushen, MENG Guang, Dynamic Behavior of an Unbalanced and Warped Jeffcott Rotor with Asymmetric Stiffness, The State Key Lab of Vibration, Shock and Noise Shanghai JiaotongUnversity, Shanghai 200030, P.R. China, Institute of Vibration Engineering Northwester Polytechnic University, Xian 710072, CHINA, 2003 2. ZHANG Yuping, JIANG Shouwei, Review and Analysis of 3D-Model Reconstruction and Application, Shanghai Jiaotong University, School of Mechanical and Dynamic Engineering, 2003 3. DU Shouji, Long Distance Box-bridge Jacking Research: Report of Starting Research, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shijiazhuang Municipal Traffic Project Provided a loan by World Bank, Contract number: TA3.1.4, 2003 4. ZHANG Wenqiang, YAN Heqing, HUANG Xuemei, WEI Bin, and WANG Chengtao, 3D Modeling and Rapid Prototyping for Dentition Defect Restoration, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai JiaoTong University, Shanghai 200030, China, The Ninth Peoples Hospital, Attached to Shanghai Second Medical University, Shanghai 200011, China, 2003 5. ZHANG YuPing, JIANG Shouwei, YIN Zhongwei, A Generic Approach for Leather Nesting with an Heuristic Simulated Annealing Based Genetic Algorith, Shanghai JiaoTong University School of Mechanical Dynamic Engineering, Huashan Road 1954, Shanghai, 200030, 2003 6. HU Xin, XI JunTong, JIN Ye, Shape analysis and parameterized modeling of a hip joint, Institute of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Post Code 200030, Shanghai, China, 2003 7. LI LiJun, JIN XianLong, LI YuanYin, WEI JinQiao, WU WeiWei, A Parallel Solver for Structural Modal Analysis, High Performance Computing Center, Shanghai JiaoTong University, Republic of China, 2003 8. CHEN YongGuo, TIAN ZiPing, MIAO ZhengQing, Application of Time-frequency Analysis to Fluidization Regimes Recognition in Circulating Fluidized Beds, School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Dongchuan Road 800, Shanghai, P.R. China, 200240, 2003 9. REN ShaoYun, ZHANG JianWu, GAO ChangYun, Modeling and Simulation Analysis of the Torsional Vibration of a FR Driveline System, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2003 10. WU LiJun, CHEN HuiEr, Mathematical Model for on-line Prediction of Bottom and Hearth of Blast Furnace by Particular Solution Boundary Element Method, Department of Power and Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai JiaoTong University, Shanghai, 200030, Peoples Republic of China, 2003. 11. JING XueDong, ZHANG GuoQing, PU GengQiang, WANG ChengTao, XU BinShi, ZHU Sheng, Study on Architecture of Remanufacturing System, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, Surface Engineering Institute, Beijing, China 12. CAI XiaoPing, JIN Chen, WU JunBiao, HIRAOKA Sumito, CHEN ShaoLin, Application of Partial Singular Value Decomposition Analysis to Location of Vibration Sources of Elevator, 1. State Key Laboratory of Vibration, Shock Noise, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, 200030, 2. Fujitec CO., Ltd. Osaka, 547-8510, Japan, 2003 13. YE Yao, LIAN ZhiWei, HOU ZhiJian, Heat Exchange Analysis of Cooling Coils Based on a Dynamic Model, Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 200030, China 14. NIU XinWen, DIN Han, XIONG YouLun, Assembly Plans Generation Based on Precedence Graphs, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai JiaoTong University, Shanghai 16 200030, China, School of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China 15. LIU ZhengHua, TONG TieFeng, Critical Heat Flux of Steady Boiling for Subcooled Water Jet Impingement on the Flat Stagnation Zone, School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, 200030, P.R. China, 2003 16. WANG Jian, LIN ZhongQin, ZHANG YiZhu, Matching Clearance Analysis for Sheetmetal Assembly, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2003 17. DENG D. Q., XU L., Experimental investigation on the performance of an air cooler under frosting conditions, Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No. 1954 Huashan Road, Shanghai, 200030, P.R. China, 2002 18. YIN ZhongWei, JIANG ShouWei, Iso-phote based adaptive surface fitting to digitized points and its applications in region-based tool path generation, slicing and surface triangulation, 2003 19. GU ZhengLing, WANG LiYa, QIAN ShanYang, An AHP-based Method for Improving the Manufacturing Processes of Mass Customization, Industrial Engineering and Management Department, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030, P.R. China, 2003 20. XU Jie and GU ChuanGang, Numerical Calculation of the Flow-Field in a Centrifugal Impeller with Splitter Blades, School of Power and Energy Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 20003. 21. Zhu ZhengLi, YIN ChengLiang, ZHANG JianWu, Matching and Optimization of HEV Powertrain Based on Genetic Algorithm, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 200030 . Is the word a noun? (person, place or thing) When to use a, an, and the Start Is the noun countable? Count Non-count Is the noun singular? (refer to only one thing) Is the noun countable? Count Non-count Does the noun begin with a consonant or a consonant sounding h? (i.e. house, half)? Requires a, an, or the. Is the noun specific? Is the plural, countable noun specific? Is the noun already preceded by a determiner below? one, any some, every, each, either, neither another, the other my, our, your, his, her, its, their, nouns with s or s this, that one, no, the first, the second, etc. Is the plural countable noun already preceded by a determiner below? some, any, both, many, more, most, few, fewer, the fewest, a lot of, a number of, other, several, all, all the my, our, your, his, her its, their, nouns with s or s these, those no, two, three, etc.; the first, the second, the third, etc. The noun must begin with a vowel or vowel sounding h (i.e. hour, hierarchy) and therefore requires an an. th e th e a yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no, plural no no no no no no end no end end end end
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