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lionusr 2015-8-17 15:49
The movie about head combustion shocked me.Cheated by the murderer,I once thought he is innocent.But the professor’s words are vigilant.Deliberately or accidentally?Physics tells the truth.Thinking in sensibility aspect,we may get wrong answers,which may allow the evil or wrong the innocent.Physics maintains the rules of society,closely connected with the fact and justice.I think I understand some of the meaning of physics.It is rational,and sublime. The more we learn, the smaller we think of ourselves and the more awed we are by life and cosmos. Only when we keep our awe, we can find the truth. That’s why I believe that every scientist has a heart of awe. What make me depressed is that there could be no time for me to see it. Cause life itself is already a great miracle. We are lucky enough that we can enjoy this travel, short but interesting, I think we need to learn this from him.When we meet a problem we can’t solve it quickly,we need to become calmed and rational,not to do something silly,and wait for a moment,then the idea will comes. there was a second that I feel lonely.Suddenly I realized that loneliness is a kind of feeling almost every scientists will faced.The world outside our planet is so dark and so boundless.Someone is doing some research alone,and someone is exploring the unknown universe alone.The danger is around the ones who are devoted to this wonderful affair,but they never give up,no matter how difficult the situation is.They devote their whole lives to chase a beam of light from star that far away from our planet,to catch electric wave from the unknown universe.They may fall to the ground by gravity one day, but their eyes will always keep staring at space. what physics shows to us are not only the scientific knowledge but also millions of magical transformations in the universe. I know clearly that beyond our everyday life, there exists a different and charming world, which is waiting for us to explore and discover. Every time, grasping and small jumping, is life's another interpretation, to grasp every opportunity to live and never give up. This was the meaning of life. When she kissed the earth, she became the hero of herself.Physics is not a dull science but an art to give you strength,letting you to be the hero of yourself. We may never know for sure whether there's life elsewhere, but we do know a lot about where we came from. Because many of the scientists, astronomers seek knowledge and discover things tirelessly, we can understand the Earth in a better way, and we can explore the universe. Although we are only a small part of the Universe, it does not really matter for us to work hard to create our own value. as the only person alive in the space, the heroine get through the real silence. Loneliness and silence don’t break her down. When she comes back the earth, she gets a very new feeling. All of them reinterpret the concept of “Learn”.That means the knowledge is what we should know but not what the text book have said and learning means get knowledge from every chance but not only by education. Looking back, I don’t like the high school physics education because I think it is full of assumption and we were forced to do many exercises which don’t exist in reality. I appreciate the colorful world,I enjoy the lovely voice,I am surprised to the supernatural light,and I am looking forward to the mystical universe.Because of the movie,I got it. I think maybe even though we can't become a scientist we can also learn the scientist's mode of thinking.Every phynomenon has causes.we can explore something important if we pay more attention to the phenomenon we don't care before. I see him slipping away in the space and his ending is only dying in spcace lonely for lack of oxygen.Often, the emotional drama can’t quite match the visual effects in such movies, but Gravity deserves equal praise for looking inward at the human heart. Our scientists, soever in the field of physics, chemistry, biology, etc, are all astronomers in the outer space far from the world of normal people. We have our responsibilities and we are reclusive but valiant travelers. “Reclusive” here doesn't mean flee from social communication, but mean that even though understood by few people, scientists find it their duty to go forward and not to turn back.
个人分类: Students @ class of "Watch Movi|2732 次阅读|0 个评论
Apple Watch 是一块表吗?
lhj701 2015-2-28 16:01
Apple Watch 是一块表吗? Apple Watch还没有开始卖,吆喝的声音已经漫天遍地,去年发布时,看到了一个表把,当时感觉这个真是多余,作为现代电子产品,触摸和触控早已成为习惯,但这个Watch却带一个金属表把,当时想想也许是为了像个古老手表的样子,但今天随着广告的铺天盖地,真正意识到Apple Watch真的不是一块手表。 那么Apple Watch是什么呢?有人说是一块新的穿戴式设备,因为手机顶多是可以随身带着的设备,但这款穿戴式设备,功能也太全了,可以代替过去的很多随身物品: 1、手表:告诉时间。 2、信用卡:随身支付购买物品,不用掏卡啊。 3、公交卡、身份卡:如果你双手拿着东西上车,再也没有费劲掏卡的麻烦了;未来也许可以用于证明身份。 4、汽车钥匙:想开车,抬一下手好了。当然,如果是Apple Car就更容易了。 5、血压计、心率监测:随时告诉你的健康状况。 6、久坐提醒、健康活动监测:坐久了该起来活动下,随时提醒很贴心。健康活动监控和鼓励,不要让医院为你的健康埋单,过程锻炼提醒很重要。 7、接收发送电话:开车可以用watch回答或者拨出电话吗?警察允许吧? 8、自动导航:假如你是一个盲人,带着watch就会走到想去的地方。 9、睡眠、活动分析:提醒你该休息了,最近睡眠不够,夜间休息不好,活动量有所下降等等。 将来还可以做什么呢? 1、回家自动开灯 2、打开电视、转到你平日喜欢的电视节目,自动提醒你可能喜欢的节目 3、自动调节室内空调温度 4、提醒你在厕所蹲的太久了 5、帮助你找到你随手乱放的眼镜、钥匙、袜子、衬衣等等 6、提醒你最近喝酒有点多,应该减少酒量了 7、提醒你最近上网比较多,上科学网比较少 。。。。。 其实,Apple Watch实现这些都不难。那你能说Apple Watch还是一块表吗?就像Iphone不再单纯是电话一样,它也是电子书、微型笔记本等等。因此说, Apple watch更像人的一个贴身电子秘书 ,Apple知道你离不开手机,但现在又给配了一个不离开的电子秘书,那么未来呢? Apple Car: 你总得外出吧,除了步行和自行车。 Apple Robot: 你的家务活总是挤不出时间做,给你配一个喜欢做家务的机器人好了。 也许再后来,会有一个 Apple Home, 我还没有想出它的样子来。 总之, Apple的成功,也许是时刻瞄准了人的周围贴身需要,然后做到最好。
个人分类: 物联网|2699 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 liwei999 2014-9-25 16:36
# Big Data and I watch Apple Watch # I watch it because it is easy to wear and my wrist has been naked for years, ever since the digital phone was invented. iPhone is now the only thing I care to carry all the time in my waist-bag, having replaced iPod, camera, camcorder and voice recorder. Any additional carry is not only a burden but also unnecessary thanks to all-powerful iPhone. With one exception, though, iWatch, due to my naked wrist and possibly new health monitoring function unavailable to iPhone. Big Data watches everything, including iWatch, of course. 自从有了手机,传统手表早就抛到九霄云外多年了。明年苹果智能手表上市,还有吸引力么?绝大多数功能,iPhone 都远胜智能手表,这劳什子不纯粹就一摆设么? 我个人觉得还是有吸引力的,有三点: 手腕空着也是空着,不戴白不戴(爱疯如今是唯一可以而且必须忍受别在腰间的鼓囊囊的物件了,取代了其他设备,如 iPod、相机、录像机、录音机),戴了还透着新潮,再说,新玩意儿不玩一玩,总觉得没有尝到梨子的滋味; iPhone 自从升级以后,头天晚上充满电也往往坚持不到第二天的天黑,有个智能手表,需要移动信息时有个后备; 岁数大了,智能手表的健康监测功能应该用得上。 总之,我会密切关注它,很可能成为首批小白鼠。 以上是在下的废话。下面才是社媒的舆情,中文的,英文的,看看大众都是怎么说的。 1,666,583 Mentions 7,286,528,051 Potential Impressions 53% Net Sentiment 176,490 Positive 54,612 Negative 197,866 Unique Authors 一个月来的晴雨表 相关热点关键词话题 舆情云图 【相关】 全球社交媒体热议苹果推出 iPhone 6 【置顶:立委科学网博客NLP博文一览(定期更新版)】
个人分类: 社媒挖掘|4318 次阅读|1 个评论
lionusr 2014-7-28 18:44
Maybe I am not very interest in mathematic, but I truly like physics. Learning physics can make me keep thinking and consider something other than how to make life. Obviously, art and physics are different in some aspect. Art interprets the visible world, physics chartsits unseen workings. Now I have to say that physicists are the artists in the level of rationality. They use the most accurate and creative ways to reveal secrets of the nature one by one, presenting us the most artistic masterpieces that we can ever imagine. Although we are small, life is what we make it, so we are trying to make it beautiful. When I think about physics, I am not aware of thinking about life. But physics itself is something that we call life. Physics is definitely a charming subject, but I think it’s better for me continue to be a beginner, instead of get in the door and being abused for my pool IQ. =L= Through the study, not only can I learn about some knowledge about the universe, light, atom and so forth from the view of physics, but also we obtain perceptions to get close to nature and beauty further in another way through the video. I really appreciate what he did. It always takes courage to give up what you should have for more people to have a better life. To the universe we human beings are really dust I wander if astronomers are bigger at heart cause the experience of observing the universe seems to broaden their minds. Though I studied sciences in middle school but now I study arts. There is no exclusive answer in arts. On the contrary sciences just have the only answer. So it takes me some t imes to adjust to the defference. The rational mindset with somewhat emotional feelings of the professor is what attract s and influences me most. What precious is not his contribution but his love of life. So we don’t have to feel negligible about ourselves because we are also a part of the universe. After the movie, I have learned that the time when someone devotes his heart to something is the most charming. I need to learn hard and work hard. In our daily life, we will experience a lot, maybe some interference your minds, so it is very important for us to tell ourselves, what is right, and what is wrong, and even what you must to do, something you must not to do, and do not follow like sheep. Besides, in today’s society, female are still in the state of vulnerable groups, if we want to change the terms of the situation, knowledge perhaps is the best way, because we are equal before the knowledge. From my own perspective, as members of the young generation, we are all under the obligation to give more considerations to the universe and ponder deeply over the ultimate source of our life. The past few years have witnessed our society developed rapidly and also faced with the serious issue of the boom of the materialism. This is an impetuous era, is a lost era. In recent years there has been a growing concern among the general public over the issue of the modern man's inner emptiness. To account for the phenomenon, various reasons have been put forward, and there is no denying the ignorance of the universe can play an important part. The observation of the universe can evoke a yearning for a quiet life.
个人分类: Students @ class of "Watch Movi|4560 次阅读|0 个评论
It's time to go "people watch"
热度 1 zuojun 2013-10-3 12:07
I will take a bus to a sightseeing place, just to check out how many tourists are there...
个人分类: 中文博客|2330 次阅读|1 个评论
关闭WINDOWS的 watch dog 功能(cuda可以在windows不限时运行)
dubo 2013-9-5 14:36
关闭WINDOWS的 watch dog 功能(cuda可以在windows不限时运行) 方法: 打开注册列表,添加如下变量(变量类型为DWORDS): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicDrivers\ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicDrivers\Timeout C) 图形说明 : a) 打开注册列表 b) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicDrivers\ c) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicDrivers\Timeout 没有的话新建该项 d) 重启计算机
个人分类: windows|7519 次阅读|0 个评论
异曲同工:看电影(电视剧) VS 看专业文献
热度 15 wsyokemos 2013-1-20 01:26
看电影 / 电视剧与看专业文献看上去是风马牛不相及的两件事情,但是我的经历和经验却告诉我:两者有不少相似之处,两者似乎有异曲同工之妙,看电影 / 电视剧的经验也可以移植到看专业文献上来,活学活用,可以使您的生活、科研两不误,也使自己看文献的效率更高、收获更大,且听俺闲侃几点: 电影 / 电视剧之评分 VS 论文被引用次数:作为一个俗人,我除了在科学网上写点中文博文,闲暇之余还看点中文电影 / 电视剧,俺一开始不懂门道,就在网上看名字似乎有意思的电影 / 电视剧,但是很失望,发现大多数都很没有意思,看了几分钟就受不了了。后来才悟出点门道:先看排行榜,再看评分,事实证明:高居排行榜、评分又高的(我能接受的评分是 85 分) , 一般都还不错,尽管网络水军的大量存在,评分也未必靠谱,但我的经验告诉我,看电影 / 电视剧靠排行榜+评分,确实是省时省力。读专业文献也有类似的道理,刚入科研道(别管是黑道还是白道)的研究生,面对浩如烟海的文献,很可能无所适从,不知从何下手,我个人的当初体会是:作为研究生,可以先整几篇象样的中文综述先对自己的研究领域有个大概了解,然后,通过 Web of Science 或者 Google Scholar 查出领域内被引次数最高的几篇文献,可以先看综述。论文的被引用次数很像电影 / 电视剧靠的排行榜+评分,引次数最高的文献作者往往是在领域内影响最大的牛人,这就引出第2点: 影视明星 VS 牛科学家:我决定是否看某个电影或电视剧,另外一个重要参考指标就是看是否是明星主演,是否是名导演执导的,影视明星每年会有许多制片公司主动找上门来,邀请其出演,所以,他们不可能有时间和精力什么烂片都演,一般的剧本人家也看不上,另外,有明星出演,一般投资也不会太少,因为明星的出场费就决定了,另外,大腕级的明星出演,演对手戏以及配角的水平也会跟上,所以上述原因都一般能保证明星主演的作品的品质。读文献也有类似的道理,要“追星” ! 至于如何追星,在此不再细说,简单的说,正如我一篇博文提到的:“ 认牛人、看牛文!”(参见 科研第一步:怎样获得好的 idea?! )。有人曾在我的一篇博文留言道:“ 这种花时间来罗列牛人的人,注定了这辈子都不可能成为牛人的。都是做研究的,怎么可能去承认别人是天下第一 ?” 。 我们看所谓的牛人的牛文当然不是为了膜拜,而是为自己的科研服务,从读论文中想到自己的 idea 或其它帮助 , 仅仅是像看电影、电视剧一样只是为了消遣(并且,对绝大多数人而言,读论文还远没有到消遣那么轻松),自然自己一辈子也不会成为大牛,恐怕连小牛也悬。但是,在自己成为牛人之前,一个起码的基础是清楚自己领域内的牛人,就连超级大牛、连名字都带“牛”字的牛顿都要“站在巨人的肩膀上”,想成为牛人的芸芸众生们难道不更应该站在巨人的肩膀上?!再不往巨人肩上靠靠,那还有法在道上混?! 但是,是否真正站在了货真价实的巨人肩膀上以及如何站,都直接决定了自己以后成为牛人的概率。当然了,自己做为九牛中的毫不出色的一毛,似乎对本文中的第2点没有任何发言权,所以,特别友情提醒读者:看博文有风险,您以后成不了牛人可别怪我! 英文电影 VS 英文文献:许多人都喜欢看好莱坞的英文大片,这恐怕不仅仅是崇洋媚外的结果,更多的是国产中文片不争气啊,比如:论质量还赶不上第一部《人在囧途》的《泰囧》居然有 12 亿元的票房收入,几乎相当于 13 亿中国人每人掏了一块钱去影院。不是《泰囧》太出色,更可能是最近还没有比它更出色的国产片。做为中国人,看惯、听惯了中文母语,看英语片当然不如中文舒服,然而 …. 。看英文文献同样如此,更多的是无奈,搞科研,尤其是整点象样的实验性科研,很难想象,光看中文文献就能搞定。英语在科技文献中的绝对垄断地位,注定我们必须读英文文献,不管我们是否喜欢。所以,要想自己的科研站在更高的起跑线上,就要有壮士断腕的勇气,少看甚至远离中文文献,因为您如果不搞中国古代史之类的无需多少英文的专业外,整天“荡”漾在中文文献的海洋中,自己的宝贵时间就真的给浪“荡”了。其实,认真地真正看懂几篇领域内重要英文文献,再看别的,就轻松多了。希望本段能对英语不太好的、还在煎熬的研究生们有点帮助 事实上,电影和论文之异曲同工,绝不仅仅限于本文所述的“看”的关系,更多精彩,请参见我的另一博文: 治大国如烹小鲜,写论文如导大片 。 (王守业写于 2013 年 1 月 19 日,文首图片链接自网络,纯属娱乐,感谢作者。本文引文地址为: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-563591-654783.html )
个人分类: 乱弹杂谈|13763 次阅读|21 个评论
热度 1 王汉森 2012-5-6 11:24
天文学家们目睹了一颗如同太阳的恒星被黑洞撕碎吞噬历时数周的过程。 请看CBC的有关报道。 Black hole caught committing 'stellar homicide' Astronomers watch as sun-like star shredded and swallowed over weeks CBC News Posted: May 4, 2012 2:20 PM ETLast Updated: May 4, 2012 4:26 PM ET This computer-simulated image shows gas from a tidally-shredded star falling into a black hole. Some of the gas also is being ejected at high speeds into space. (NASA, S. Gezari/J. Guillochon/NASA) Astronomers have caught a black hole in the midst of a violent act, watching in real time as it tore a sun-like star apart with gravitational forces so strong that helium gas was flowing in a stream moving at 32 million kilometers an hour. "We saw the messy carnage involved in this stellar homicide," said Dr. Suvi Gezari, associate research scientist with Johns Hopkins University's department of physics and astronomy. Gezari spoke to CBC Radio host Bob McDonald in an interview that airs on Quirks Quarks on Saturday, May 5 , at noon. The destruction of the star — which was likely in the later parts of its life before the black hole cut it even shorter — was seen in June 2010 as a luminous flare of radiation by two telescopes watching at two different wavelengths: an ultraviolet NASA satellite and a ground-based optical telescope in Hawaii. The event, similar in scope to a supernova but taking much longer, reached peak brightness a month later and slowly faded over the course of a year. It was the most direct evidence ever gathered of a black hole destroying a star. Black holes, regions of space weighing millions of times more than the sun, are extremely difficult to find because they're only detectable if there is gas spiralling into them — something that might happen once every 100,000 years in any given galaxy. The star's destruction was so bright it outshone the other stars in that galaxy, which is about 2.7 billion light years away. “We were watching in real-time, but we still actually didn’t figure out what this event was until almost a year later,” Gazari said. The information the astronomers gathered allowed them to calculate that the black hole had the mass of about three million sun-like stars. By comparison, the black hole in the middle of the Milky Way is about 4 million times the mass of the sun. The astronomers also believe the star had likely already lost its outer layers during a previous pass near the black hole. "When the star is ripped apart by the gravitational forces of the black hole, some part of the star's remains falls into the black hole while the rest is ejected at high speeds," Gezari told NASA in a separate interview. "We are seeing the glow from the stellar gas falling into the black hole over time. We're also witnessing the spectral signature of the ejected gas, which we find to be mostly helium. It is like we are gathering evidence from a crime scene. Because there is very little hydrogen and mostly helium in the gas, we detect from the carnage that the slaughtered star had to have been the helium-rich core of a stripped star." Gezari said the discovery should help scientists discover other, similar events more easily — perhaps by the thousands. http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/story/2012/05/04/black-hole-star-swallowing-astronomy.html
个人分类: 自然之光|3526 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载]New iPhone app uses network science to recommend movies to..
Fangjinqin 2011-3-19 08:41
New iPhone app uses network science to recommend movies to watch Researchers at the New England Complex Systems Institute have used network theory to put together a network of the top 500 movies. Movies that are similar are linked. The network can be navigated to discover movies you want to see. It is included in a new app: * Movies Mobile. Find a movie you like and see what it is connected to, or rate movies and * Movies Mobile will automatically recommend others for you to see. * Movies Mobile lets you explore the whole network by touching nodes. When you find one you want to see, directly add it into your Netflix queue. A tutorial video is available: http://tinyurl.com/StarMoviesMobile * Movies Mobile costs $0.99 and is available: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/movies-mobile/id424304994?mt=8 All income will be used to support NECSI research on global vulnerabilities and effective responses. If you like movies, try "* Movies Mobile" for iPhone and iPod touch. Contact: Karla Bertrand , Press Relations
个人分类: 信息通报|3459 次阅读|0 个评论

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