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indigenous and exogenous knowledge
rbwxy197301 2011-8-18 11:32
Knowledge management approaches in managing agricultural indigenous and exogenous knowledge in Tanzania Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this study is to assess the application of knowledge management (KM) models in managing and integrating indigenous and exogenous knowledge for improved farming activities in Tanzania, by examining the management of indigenous knowledge (IK), access and use of exogenous knowledge, the relevance of policies, legal framework, information and communication technologies (ICTs), and culture in KM practices in the communities. 本文研究目的是为了通过对研究本土知识的管理,外来知识的获取和利用,来评估知识管理模型在管理和整合本士土和外来知识在坦桑尼亚农业活动当中的应用。 Design/methodology/approach – Semi-structured interviews were used to collect qualitative and quantitative data from 181 farmers in six districts of Tanzania. Four IK policy makers were also interviewed. 采用半结构化访谈方式从坦桑尼亚六个区的181个农民和4个知识管理政策管理者获得定性和定量数据。 Findings – The study demonstrated that western-based KM models should be applied cautiously in a developing world context. Both indigenous and exogenous knowledge was acquired and shared in different contexts. IK was shared within a local, small and spontaneous network, while exogenous knowledge was shared in a wide context, where formal sources of knowledge focused on disseminating exogenous knowledge more than IK. Policies, legal framework, ICTs and culture determined access to knowledge in the communities. The study thus developed a KM model that would be applicable in the social context of developing countries. 这项研究发现西方知识管理模型在发展中国家要谨慎应用。本土知识和外来知识的获取和分享有着不同的环境。本土知识通常在一个地域性、较小的、自发的网络中分享;而外来知识是一个非常广泛的环境中分享。正规的知识源多关注于传播外来知识。政策、法律、信息技术和文化决定着知识在社会中的获取。本研究提出了一个在发展中国家的社会现状下可以应用的知识管理模型。 Research limitations/implications – The study necessitates testing the developed model against existing KM models, in a specific context such as local communities of the developing world, to determine whether it is better at explaining the link between KM principles and KM processes. 本研究需要测试在发展中国家的特定环境下本模型与现有知识管理模型的区别,决定它是否可以更好地解释知识管理原理与知识管理处理过程之间的联系。 Originality/value – The proposed KM model provides a deep understanding of the management and integration of agricultural indigenous and exogenous knowledge in the rural areas of developing countries. Previous KM models were developed in the context of an organizational environment, and thus failed to address the needs of rural communities. The proposed model thus advances the theory of KM in developing countries, and provides linkages between KM processes and KM principles. 知识管理模型可以帮助我们更好地理解农业领域的本土知识和外来知识在发展中国家如何更好地管理和整合。以前的知识管理模型在一个组织环境中被发展,然而却不能很好地满足农户的需求。本文提出的模型在于将知识管理的理论更好地应用在发展中国家,而且建立了知识管理过程与知识管理原理之间的联系。 (以上翻译是否准确,请大家指正!) 原文:Edda Tandi Lwoga. Knowledge management approaches in managing agricultural indigenous and exogenous knowledge in Tanzania. Journal of Documentation,Vol. 67 No. 3, 2011,pp. 407-430 Edda Tandi Lwoga:Sokoine National Agricultural Library, Sokoine University of Agriculture,Morogoro, Tanzania
个人分类: 知识管理|3848 次阅读|0 个评论
杜江平 2011-8-6 08:53
2011AUA专题报道之十六:谢立平教授在2011年AUA会议上take home message发言 2011年AUA年会于5月14日至19日在美国首都华盛顿举行,本次大会的主题是:our knowledge,our patient’s lives。最后一天进行的take home message环节作为年会内容的归纳总结,一向是历年会议精华中的精华。 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院泌尿外科主任谢立平教授受AUA邀请在take home message发言介绍AUA阴茎癌及尿道癌诊疗新进展。 阴茎癌部分内容包括Jeldres等首次构建了用于围手术期预测阴茎癌肿瘤特异性死亡率的量表。量表显示,T3-4期肿瘤有更高的肿瘤特异性死亡率(HR=2.2,P=0.046),单侧或双侧淋巴结阳性患者的肿瘤特异性死亡率要增高8-14倍。Tyson等对阴茎癌原发病灶的位置与肿瘤特异性死亡率的关系进行了分析,发现与原发病灶位于包皮的患者相比,原发病灶位于龟头(HR=1.73,P0.0001)及阴茎体(HR=1.73,P=0.05)的患者肿瘤特异性死亡率要高。 Jeldres等提出了阴茎癌新的分期方法,他们根据肿瘤侵犯阴茎海绵体和尿道海绵体的不同预后,将T2-3期进行了重新分类。Schlenker等对18F-FDG-PET/CT对阴茎癌的临床分期的价值进行了评估并发现18F-FDG-PET/CT是评估阴茎癌是否伴有腹股沟淋巴结侵犯的理想工具,其敏感性有88.2%,特异性有98.1%。Colleselli等对内镜下腹股沟淋巴结切除进行了总结后认为尽管与开放的淋巴结切除手术相比内镜下腹股沟淋巴结切除费时更长,但并发症发生率较低。Pytel等对淋巴核素扫描下的动态淋巴结清扫是可靠和安全。Shabbir等从生存率的角度对pN2期阴茎癌进行盆腔淋巴结清扫的价值进行了分析下,他们得出的结论是盆腔淋巴结清扫未必有价值。 尿道癌部分内容包括Park等对美国原发性尿道癌的治疗模式进行了归纳总结,发现目前美国原发性尿道癌治疗方式很多样化,尚无统一的规范化模式,尤其是对于T2-4期疾病。Giannarini等对根治性膀胱切除术后尿道肿瘤复发时是否应该切除尿道进行研究。他们认为,对于Tis疾病,尿道可以保留。而对于Ta/T1期应当选择尿道切除,T2期疾病尿道复发往往预示着不良预后。 源自中华泌尿外科学会网
2418 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Knowledge Management
chrujun 2011-4-27 23:32
Knowledge Management http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newISS_87.htm#np Most of us need knowledge in some form to do our jobs well. Perhaps you need to understand how your customer database is designed, so that you can extract a particular report. Maybe you need to know the best way to get senior managers to approve a business case. Or perhaps, even, you need to know how your boss prefers to receive bad news, so that you can deliver this as painlessly as possible. All of these things require specific knowledge. No matter what your job is, you need this knowledge if you're going to do a good job. This seems obvious, right? But how does your organization HANDLE all of this knowledge? When you have a question, is it easy for you to find an answer, or do you have to search for hours or days to find what you need to know? This is why knowledge management is so important. Knowledge management is the practice of organizing, storing, and sharing vital information, so that everyone can benefit from its use. In this article, we'll look at exactly what knowledge management is, and how you can start organizing knowledge within your own organization, thereby saving money and increase productivity. What Is Knowledge? Words like "data," "information," and "knowledge" are often used interchangeably. But there are some important differences: Data is a specific fact or figure, without any context. For example, the number 1,000 is a piece of data, as is the name Tom Smith. Without anything else to define them, these two items of data are meaningless. Information is data that's organized. So, pieces of information are "Tom Smith is a CEO" and "1,000 widgets." We have more details, so now the data makes more sense to us. Knowledge , then, builds on the information to give us context. Knowledge is "Tom Smith is the CEO of our company's biggest competitor, and his company ships 1,000 widgets every hour." The key difference between knowledge and information is that knowledge gives us the power to take action. We can USE it. There are also two different types of knowledge, explicit and tacit: Explicit knowledge includes things that you can easily pass on to someone else by teaching it or putting it into a database or a book. Explaining your company's safety protocols to a new team member is demonstrating explicit knowledge. Tacit knowledge is less quantifiable. It's when you know that your company's best client won't make a deal unless you go golfing with her - or when you know that your department's most reliable supplier is the smallest one, but only if you place your order by the 15th of every month. This is knowledge that's most often learned by experience. It's the stuff you know, but don't necessarily know that you know. Benefits of Knowledge Management The major benefit of knowledge management is that information is easily shared between staff members, and that knowledge isn't lost if someone goes on vacation, gets sick, or leaves the company. This can result in substantial savings to an organization's bottom line. People are easily brought up to speed, and valuable knowledge assets are never lost (which means that you don't lose time and money when people have to learn new information quickly). Because ideas can be shared easily, knowledge management may also increase innovation and help create better customer relationships. And if the company has a global team, knowledge management can create a more powerful workforce when all of those different cultures are brought together to share assets. Knowledge management gives staff members the knowledge they need to do their jobs better. This makes them more productive. Implementing Knowledge Management There are two different ways of managing knowledge: using technology-based systems, or using softer systems. Technology-based systems - These can include a collaborative wiki, where everyone can add and edit information. Or, it can include programs or databases on the company's intranet, with information organized so that everyone can access them. Any technology-based system will have challenges. For instance, who will manage the project? Who will keep the information up to date? How will people access the information? There's no "one size fits all" approach here. Every company and culture is different. Softer systems - These are things like specific actions or meetings that take place to share knowledge and help people connect with one another. Consider the following methods as part of your soft knowledge management systems: Shadowing. Mentoring. Instant messaging and intranet forums. Specific actions, like After Action Reviews after significant events, and Post-Implementation Reviews after a project has been completed. Voluntary groups, also called communities of practice, that help team members doing the same thing in different areas to meet informally and share information. Keep in mind that technology-based knowledge management systems are great at capturing explicit knowledge, but not so great at capturing tacit knowledge. Tacit knowledge is more often captured by softer systems, like the ones listed above. This is why knowledge management approaches should try to use both approaches. Tips for Implementing Knowledge Management Systems Identify tacit knowledge first - Many organizations find that identifying their team's tacit knowledge is the biggest hurdle. If you implement a knowledge management system in your department or company, start with a brainstorming session with your team to get their ideas flowing on how to capture this. Start with a small team - It's very easy to get overwhelmed with the amount of knowledge that could be shared. Start with a small group, in one department, and grow from there. This will help you figure out what information you'd like to keep, and how you'd like to organize it. Help staff feel comfortable about sharing knowledge - It might be hard to "sell" knowledge management to your team. After all, you're asking them to share their hard-won knowledge and experience, the very things that make them valuable to the company. (This can be a powerful incentive for people not to share their knowledge!) Make knowledge sharing part of the company culture, and something that EVERYONE does. This will help make team members feel more comfortable about getting involved. And, consider bringing knowledge sharing into your formal approach to performance management, so that people are rewarded for sharing information freely. Make it as easy as possible for your team to share information - Everyone is busy. If being part of a knowledge management program is difficult or time-consuming, people may not want to be involved. The easier it is for people to participate, the more likely you are to succeed. Plan for retiring team members - Retirement is a major reason why so many organizations are trying to quickly implement knowledge management systems right now. If you're facing a baby-boomer generation that's about to walk out of the door, it makes sense to start collecting their experience first. Find out more on knowledge management with our Book Insight The Complete Idiot's Guide to Knowledge Management . Key Points Knowledge management is becoming increasingly important to organizations. Having an effective knowledge management system not only protects revenues, it may also improve retention, increase productivity, and promote innovation. Knowledge management systems should try to implement a two-part approach: using a database or wiki to collect explicit knowledge, and connecting colleagues to one-another to share tacit knowledge.
个人分类: 生活点滴|2386 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]what a Ph.D. is.
热度 1 fhylren 2011-3-2 18:09
The illustrated guide to a Ph.D. 作者:美国犹他大学助理教授Matt Might 转载自: http://matt.might.net/articles/phd-school-in-pictures Every fall, I explain to a fresh batch of Ph.D. students what a Ph.D. is. It's hard to describe it in words. So, I use pictures. Read below for the illustrated guide to a Ph.D. Imagine a circle that contains all of human knowledge: By the time you finish elementary school, you know a little: By the time you finish high school, you know a bit more: With a bachelor's degree, you gain a specialty: A master's degree deepens that specialty: Reading research papers takes you to the edge of human knowledge: Once you're at the boundary, you focus: You push at the boundary for a few years: Until one day, the boundary gives way: And, that dent you've made is called a Ph.D.: Of course, the world looks different to you now: So, don't forget the bigger picture: Keep pushing.
个人分类: 科研|2284 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]Knowledge organization literature 2011, n. 1
timy 2011-2-10 16:17
From: http://www.isko.org/kolit111.php Ia C. McIlwaine: Literature Editor Assisted by John McIlwaine and Otto Oberhauser 1949 021 Williamson, Nancy J. – Classification issues in 2008 (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge organization, 37(2010)4, pp. 318-331. 1950 026;325 Fagan, Jody Condit. – Usability studies of faceted browsing: a literature review (Lang.: eng). – In: Information technology libraries, 29(2010)2, pp. 58-66. 1951 026;341 Stanfill, Mary H. et al. – A systematic literature review of automated clinical coding and classification systems (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 17(2010)6, pp. 646-651. 1952 032 Chakravarthy, R. C., Murthy, P. R. S. – Encyclopaedia of information technology , 5 v. (Lang.: eng). – Delhi, Pacific Books International, 2011. – ISBN: 9789380472973 . 1953 032 Sanjiv Reddy, T.R., Verma, Shyamgopal. – Encyclopaedia of library science and information technology, 5 v. 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Lead title in Spanish, but text in Portuguese. 2104 864;245 Couto, T. et al. – Classifying documents with link-based bibliometric measures (Lang.: eng). – In: Information retrieval, 13(2010)4, pp. 315-345. 2105 864;88-1/54 Mahdi, A.E., Joorabchi, A. – A citation-based approach to automatic topical indexing of scientific literature (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of information science, 36(2010)6, pp. 798-811. 2106 871 Guldogan, E., Gabbouj, M. – System profiles in content-based image indexing and retrieval (Lang.: eng). – In: Signal image and video processing, 4(2010)4, pp. 463-480. 2107 871 Hafner, Ralph. – Eine Systematik für die Medienwissenschaft (Lang.: eng). – In: Bibliotheksdienst, 44(2010)12, pp. 1136-1144. 2108 871 Janakiraman, C. – Library cataloguing and multimedia library (Lang.: eng). – Delhi, Pacific Books International, 2011. – pp. 272. – ISBN: 9789380472232. 2109 871 JungWon Yoon, O'Connor, Brian. – Engineering an image-browsing environment: re-purposing existing denotative descriptors (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of documentation, 66(2010)5, pp. 750-774. 2110 871 López Yepes, Alfonso, Cámara Bados, Victor. – Canales web y mediatecas en linea como instrumentos de producción, recuperación y diffusión en ciencias de la información (Lang.: spa). – In: Ibersid: revista de sistemas de información y documentación, (2009), pp. 169-179. 2111 871 Neugebauer, Tomasz. – Image indexing (Lang.: eng). – In: The indexer, 28(2010)3, pp. 98-103. 2112 871;918 Kim, Sujin, Lamkin, Shannon, Duncan, Pam. – Caption-based topical descriptors for microscopic images as published in academic papers (Lang.: eng). – In: Health information libraries journal, 27(2010)3, pp. 235-243. 2113 872 Philipp-Foliguet, S. et al. – Artwork 3D model database indexing and classification (Lang.: eng). – In: Pattern recognition, 44(2011)3, pp. 588-597. 2114 872 Pupim, Eliana Kátia, Madio, Telma Campanha de Carvalho. – Arquivos de fotógrafos profissionais de eventos socais: um estudo de caso (Lang.: eng). – In: Ibersid: revista de sistemas de información y documentación, (2009), pp. 197-208. Lead title in Spanish, but text in Portuguese. 2115 872 Silva, Irisneide de Oliveira Souza, Fujita, Maringela Spotti Lopes, Dal Evedove, Paula Regina. – El tratamiento del contenido informativo de la fotografía en la archivistica: algunas reflexiones (Lang.: por). – In: Scire: representación y organización del conociemento, 16(2010)2, pp. 79-84. Portuguese title: “O tratamento de conteúdo informacional da fotografia na arqivística: algumas reflexes”. Lead title in Spanish, but text in Portuguese. 2116 877 Kelly, Elizabeth. – Music indexing and retrieval: current problems (Lang.: eng). – In: The indexer, 28(2010)4, pp. 163-166. 2117 878 Varniené-Janssen, Regina. – Methodological and organisational aspects of digitisation and bibliographic accesss of the cultural heritage: a Lithuanian approach (Lang.: eng). – In: International cataloguing and bibliographic control, 39(2010)4, pp. 67-74. 2118 913;879 Selden, Karen. – Linking globally, coping locally: cataloging Internet resources at the University of Colorado Law Library (Lang.: eng). – In: Law library journal, 102(2010)4, pp. 439-455. 2119 915 Deng, Sai. – Optimizing workflow through metadata repurposing and batch processing (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of library metadata, 10(2010)4, pp. 219-237. 2120 916 Zhu, Lihong. – The role of the Cataloging Department in the implementation of OCLC WorldCat Local (Lang.: eng). – In: Library collections, acquisitions, technical services, 34(2010)4, pp. 123-129. 2121 916;879 Martin, Kristin E., Mundle, Kavita. – Notes on operations: cataloging e-books and vendor records: a case study at the University of Illinois at Chicago (Lang.: eng). – In: Library resources technical services, 54(2010)4, pp. 227-237. 2122 918 Adamich, Tom. – Making and managing metadata (Lang.: eng). – In: Technicalities, 30(2010)5, pp. 11-13. 2123 918 Guerra, F. – Simplifying access: metadata for medieval disability studies (Lang.: eng). – In: PNLA quarterly, 74(2010) 2, pp. 10-26. 2124 918 Intner, Sheila S. – What metadata can teach us about cataloging (Lang.: eng). – In: Technicalities, 30(2010)5, pp. 1-11. 2125 918 Leal, José Paulo, Queirós, Ricardo. – Design of an extensible metadata editor based on RDF (Lang.: eng). – In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, (2010), pp. 1219-1222. 2126 918 Park, Jung-ran. – Metadata application in digital repositories and libraries: tools, systems and architecture (Lang.: eng). – Cambridge, Chandos, 2011. – pp. 200. – ISBN: 9781843345794. 2127 918 Park, Jung-Ran et al . – From metadata creation to metadata quality control: continuing education needs among cataloging and metadata professionals (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of education for library information science, 51(2010)3, pp.158-176. 2128 924 Bade, David. – Carlo Revelli on the (non)autonomy of cataloging (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging classification quarterly, 48(2010)8, pp. 743-756. 2129 924 Broughton, Vanda. – Brian Vickery, September 11, 1918-October 17, 2009 (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging classification quarterly, 49(2011)1, pp. 42-46. 2130 924 McIlwaine. I.C. – Brian Vickery, 11th September 1918-17th October 2009 (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge organization, 37(2010)3, pp. 155-156. 2131 935 Ahmad, Hafiz Khubaib. – The Pakistan National Bibliography: a source of bibliographical control in Pakistan (Lang.: eng). – In: International cataloguing and bibliographic control, 39(2010)4, pp. 75-76. 2133 937*076 Oliveira, Ely Francina Tannuri, Grácio, Maria Cláudia Cabrini, Segundo, José Eduardo Santarém. – Redes brasileiras de colaborao cientifica em Organizao e Representao de Conhecimento: análise de coautorias dos Encontros Nacionais de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informao (ENANCIBs) (Lang.: por). – In: Ibersid: revista de sistemas de información y documentación, (2009), pp. 163-168. Lead title in Spanish, but text in Portuguese. 2132 937;331 Fujita, Maringela Spotti Lopes, Gil Leiva, Isidoro. – Políticas de indexao na América Latina (Lang.: por). – In: Ibersid: revista de sistemas de información y documentación, (2009), pp. 155-162. Lead title in Spanish, but text in Portuguese. 2134 942 CannCasciato, Daniel . – An essay on cataloging (Lang.: eng). – In: Library philosophy practice, 12(2010)2, pp. 1-9. 2135 942 Marcus, Sara Rofofsky. – (Book review of) Fletcher, Jane. Collection-level cataloging: bound-with books. Westport, CN, Libraries Unlimited, 2010. (Third Millennium Cataloging). 95pp. ISBN. 1-59158-543-0 (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging classification quarterly, 49(2011)1, pp. 52-53. 2136 944 Ehlert, Mark K. – RDA: building blocks (Lang.: eng). – In: Technicalities, 30(2010)4, pp. 19-22. 2137 944 Taylor, Wendy, Teague, Kathy. – FRBR in practice (Lang.: eng). – In: Ariadne, (Online) 64(2010). – Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk 2139 944;946 Matsui, Junko. – (Lang.: jap). – In: Toshokan-Kai/The library world, 62(2010)2, pp. 182-193. 2138 945 Mukhopadhyay, Asoknath. – Guide to MARC 21 for cataloguing books and serials (Lang.: eng). – Cambridge, Chandos, 2007. – pp. 490. – ISBN: 9781843344070. 2140 945 Thomale, Jason. – Interpreting MARC: where's the bibliographic data? (Lang.: eng). – In: Code4Lib journal, (2010)11, pp. 20-30. 2141 945;934*040+276 Leibrecht, Veronika. – The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek reports: Germany and Austria’s migration project ‘Moving to MARC 21’ (Lang.: eng). – In: Alexandria, 21(2009)1, pp. 25-33. 2142 946 Carlo Bianchini. – Futuri scenari: RDA, REICAT e la granularità dei cataloghi (Lang.: ita). – In: Bollettino AIB, 50(2010)3, pp. 219-238. 2143 946 De Fino, Melissa. – Cooperative cataloging rules http://sites.google.com/site/opencataloging rules/ (Lang.: eng). – In: Technical services quarterly, 27(2010)3, pp. 317-318. 2144 946 Wiesenmüller, Heidrun. – Die Grenzen der Modernitt: Das neue Regelwerk "Resource Description and Access" (Lang.: ger). – In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 13(2010)3, pp. 286-290. 2145 946;871 Falk, Patricia, Hunker, Stefanie Dennis. – Cataloguing outside the box: a practical guide to cataloguing special collections materials (Lang.: eng). – Cambridge, Chandos, 2010. – pp. 260. – ISBN: 9781843345534. 2146 949 Herrero Pascual, Cristina, Diaz Ortuo, Pedro. – Gestión de un fichero de autoridades en el marco de la biblioteca digital de historia del pensamiento político “Saavedra Fajardo” (Lang.: spa). – In: Ibersid: revista de sistemas de información y documentación, (2009), pp. 209-215. 2147 981 Clark, Malcolm, Ruthven, Ian, Holt, Patrik O’Brian. – Perceiving and using genre by form – an eye-tracking study (Lang.: eng). – In: Libri 60(2010)3, pp. 268-280. 2149 981 Lloyd, Annemaree. – Information literacy landscapes: information literacy in education, workplace and everyday contexts (Lang.: eng). – Cambridge, Chandos, 2010. – pp. 208. – ISBN: 9781843345077. 2150 981 Torras, Maria Carme. – Information literacy education: a process approach (Lang.: eng). – Cambridge, Chandos, 2008. – pp. 126. – ISBN: 9781843343868. 2151 981;877;325 Snyder, Tracey. – Music materials in a faceted catalog: interviews with faculty and graduate students (Lang.: eng). – In: Music reference services quarterly, 13(2010)3/4, pp. 66-95. 2152 981;944 Pisanski, Jan, Žumer, Maja. – Mental models of the bibliographic universe. Part 1: mental models of descriptions (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of documentation, 66(2010)5, pp. 643-667. 2153 982;752.2 Willson, R., et al. – The effect of spelling and retrieval system familiarity on search behavior in online public access catalogs: a mixed methods study (Lang.: eng). – In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)12, pp. 2461-2476. 2154 982;835 Hassan-Montero, Yusef, Herrero-Solana, Victor, Guerrero-Bote, Vicente. – Usabilidad de los tag-clouds: studio mediante eye-tracking (Lang.: spa). – In: Scire: representación y organización del conociemento, 16(2010)1, pp. 31-41. 2155 998 Kreyche, Michael, Lisius, Peter H., Park, Amey. – The DeathFlip Project: automating death date revisions to name headings in bibliographic records (Lang.: eng). – In: Cataloging classification quarterly, 48(2010)8, pp. 684-695.
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03H 论文检索技巧汇总
icstu1 2010-12-10 13:32
03H 在论文检索技巧的学习中,需要首先区分你的检索目标: 中文与外文检索需要选择不同的最佳数据库资源 ; 一般论文与学位论文的检索在数据库的选择上也是不同的; 另外需要识别数据库所包含的数据(文献揭示程度和类型)特征: 如:文摘型数据库和全文型数据库 下面推荐两个用于外文文摘型数据库的检索技巧博文,哦 希望您能够喜欢:) 并对比、讨论它们两与 数据库公司 宣传、培训课件的不同点, 别忘了, 共享你的感觉和体会 推荐1 ISI Web of Knowledge 22个论文检索技巧汇总 Dr. Garfield 1955年在 Science 发表论文提出将引文索引作为一种新的文献检索与分类工具的理念。将一篇文献作为检索字段从而跟踪一个Idea的发展过程。 “一个有效的索引必须严格限制它的收录范围,基本上应只收集对研究者有用的信息”。 Eugene Garfield, Ph. D. Web of Science( ISI 著名的三大引文索引 Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Science Citation Index, Arts Humanities Citation Index) 数据库收录了9000多种世界权威的、高影响力的学术期刊,内容涵盖自然科学、工程技术、生物医学、社会科学、艺术与人文等领域。Web of Science 还收录了论文中所引用的参考文献、并按照被引作者、出处和出版年代编制成索引。通过独特的引文检索,您可以用一篇文章、一个专利号、一篇会议文献或者一本书的名字作为检索词,检索这些文献的被引用情况,了解引用这些文献的论文所做的研究工作:您可以轻松的回溯某一研究文献的起源与历史,或者追踪其最新的进展,即可以越查越旧,也可以越查越新,越查越深入。 推荐2 中科院电工所硕士在读 韩笑的博客里的 ISI Web of knowledge常用功能小结
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A Model of Self
自我源于思考 2010-10-28 17:26
A Model of Self Abstract: The self has been studied extensively by modern science and is central to many world religions. But still there are none theories clearly depict the self development and how the self work. In this field, philosophy and anthropology attach importance to knowledge system and innovations, but psychology and psychiatry set store by feelings and behavior. Actually the twoaspects are constantly related together and they are basic characteristics of self. Inthe presentpaper, I come up with a self model which reveals relationships between knowledge, feeling, behavior and innovation. Keywords: self; knowledge system; feeling history; innovation Every individual entity has a self. To any study concerning human being as a whole, the concept of self is unavoidable. Current theories have mentioned the connections between knowledge and feeling and behavior. Like the social cognitive theory (Pajares, 2002) which had revealed some essential qualities of self. (Fig.1). Fig.1. The social cognitive theory model. This theory shows some fundamental factors about self formation and its activity. But it did not answer why human beings are so creative. In present paper, I advance a self model (Fig.2) which combines the knowledge and feelings together and can explain how people make innovations. Fig. 2. The model of self . This self model contains eight elements. The next I will explain each ones connotation. 1. Environment: The environment not only includes nature, society, living condition, family etc, but also includes various inside environment like endocrine system and blood pressure (A Mehrabian et al., 1974). Most importantly, the environment gives self signals and information, which can be felt and perceived by knowledge or experiences from others. In return, the actions of self also become part of the environment. 2. Knowledge system: The knowledge system includes all the spoken and written information and experiences achieved by self. For human being, our knowledge can be divided into four categories: science and technology, art, philosophy, theology. Here I include language in science. And the experiences from others in the society can be shared and classified into knowledge system. 3. Feeling history: The individual can feel from the outside or inside and recall from memory. Feeling history is the concept to describe not only all the physical sensation the individual felt or perceived from others, but also all the emotion has experienced (Vanden Bos et al., 2006). These feelings, no matter they are positive or negative, build up self from ones birth to death, even some feelings the individual could not remember (we can call that unconscious feelings). 4. Cognitive ability: The cognitive ability is a psychological concept, which describes how to perceive information or knowledge quickly and merged them into former knowledge structure of self. So self can evaluate the information and make some predictions about situation. Also this ability relates to the brain function of individual. 5. Self: The knowledge system is constantly reconstructing along with certain feelings. Thus, the feeling history combining with knowledge system together form the self, which constantly response to the society, nature and other information. 6. Executive ability: When facing various situations the self will recall its memory to evolve a solution. The executive ability is a process of carrying out the task effectively and flexibly to gain established goals (or needs) through a series of actions (behavior and innovation). This ability is mainly a brain process relates to physical health of individual. 7. Behavior: Behavior provides outputs from the self to the environment (Dusenbery et al., 2009). Behavior is the response of the self to various stimuli, whether internal or external, conscious or subconscious, overt or covert. 8. Innovation: Innovation is not just one of behavior. In a sense, many biological phenomena is innovation, even the bacteria receives some drug resistance plasmids. Therefore innovation and natural selection working together form the evolution. For human being, our innovation does not just mean the gene mutation. More importantly, science and technology innovations helped us more to fit in this planet. On basis of analysis, we can substantiate self model (Fig.3) as below: Fig. 3. The substantiated model of self for human being. Obviously, from this model we notice that by using knowledge and assisting with positive feelings, human being can acquire innovations and discoveries. Positive feelings motivate us to expand our ability and make innovations to gain better conditions and better health. But the robots which are without such feelings only can do something set in their programs beforehand. Further more, this model gives some clues to depict selfby mathematical ways. References A Mehrabian, J A Russell. (1974). environment psychology. MIT Press, Cambridge , MA . Dusenbery, David B. (2009). Living at Micro Scale . Harvard University Press, Cambridge , Mass, P120-124. Pajares . (2002). Overview of social cognitive theory and of self-efficacy . available at http://www.emory.edu/EDUCATION/mfp/eff.html Vanden Bos, Gary . (2006). APA Dictionary of Psychology . American Psychological Association, Washington , DC .
个人分类: 自然科学|5663 次阅读|0 个评论
ISI Web of Knowledge摘录宝鸡作者论文统计报告
zhpd55 2010-10-23 09:21
ISI Web of Knowledge 统计结果 本次统计截止2010年10月中旬,以BAOJI作为地名进行检索,共得到168条检索结果,对其分析统计的部分结果报告如下,如有遗漏,请指正为盼。 1 近三年统计结果 表1 2008-2010年收录量 年份 2008 2009 2010 合计 收录量/条 65 61 42 168 收录比例/% 38.69 36.31 25.00 100.00 2 作者统计 表2 作者统计结果 摘录量/篇 13 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 合计 作者/人 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 7 23 39 199 282 摘录量在3篇或者以上的作者43人,外校合作者16人,宝鸡文理学院作者27人。 表3 被摘录在3篇或者以上的作者统计结果 排序 姓名 作者单位 摘录量 / 篇 备注 1 WANG, CJ (王参军 ) 物理系 13 博士 2 WEI, Q (魏群 ) 物理系 13 博士, 3 YANG, DS (杨得锁 ) 化学化工系 11 博士,教授 4 ZHANG, XL (张新利 ) 化学化工系 11 5 LI, J ( LI, JA )(李剑 ) 数学系 10 博士 6 MEI , DC (MEI Dong-cheng) 云南大学 10 与王参军合作 7 WANG, HS (王宏社 ) 化学化工系 9 博士 8 YANG, ZY (杨子元 ) 物理系 9 博士,教授 9 LI, ZX (李宗孝) 化学化工系 7 10 GUO, YN (郭亚宁 ) 化学化工系 6 11 HE, YN(HE Yin-nian) 西安交通大学 5 与李剑合作 12 PU, XH (蒲晓华 ) 化学化工系 5 13 WANG, Y ( WANG Yu-ping ) 西安电子科技大学 5 与刘淳安合作 14 CHEN, HK (陈虎魁) 化学化工系 4 15 CHEN, ZX ( CHEN Zhang-xin ) 加拿大 Calgary 大学 4 与李剑合作 16 FENG, Q ( FENG Qi ) 日本香川大学 ( Kagawa University ) 4 与温普红合作 17 LIU, CA( 刘淳安 ) 数学系 4 博士 18 MIAO, JY (苗建英 ) 化学化工系 4 19 ZENG, JE ( Jun-E Zeng 曾俊娥 ) 宝鸡文理学院附中 4 20 ZHANG, YN (张亚妮 ) 物理系 4 博士 21 CHANG, PM ( CHANG Peng-mei ) 陕西师范大学 3 与化学化工系 罗小林合作 22 CHEN, YS ( CHEN Ya-shao ) 陕西师范大学 3 与化学化工系 罗小林合作 23 DU, HZ (杜红珍 ) 数学系 3 24 GUO, XX (郭旭侠) 机电工程系 3 在读博士 25 HE, HP ( HE Hai-ping) 浙江大学 3 与唐海平合作 26 HU, G(HU Gang) 北京师范大学 3 与钱宇合作 27 HUANG, XD ( HUANG Xioa-dong ) 北京师范大学 3 与钱宇合作 28 JIA, HB (贾化斌 ) 数学系 3 博士 29 LUO, XL (罗小林) 化学化工系 3 30 NIE, F (聂菲 ) 化学化工系 3 31 QIAN, Y( 钱宇 ) 物理系 3 32 SUO, JL (索建联) 化学化工系 3 33 TANG, HP (唐海平) 机电工程系 3 博士 34 WANG, HB ( WANG Hong-bo ) 吉林大学 3 与张美光合作 35 WANG, XL (王晓玲) 化学化工系 3 36 WANG, ZM ( WANG Zhongmin ) 西安理工大学 3 与郭旭侠合作 37 WEN, QY ( WEN Qiao-yan ) 北京邮电大学 3 与杜红珍合作 38 XU, QM ( XU Qi-ming ) 西安建筑科技大学 3 与魏群合作 39 YE, ZZ ( YE Zhi-zhen ) 浙江大学 3 与唐海平合作 40 YUAN, CL (袁春兰) 化学化工系 3 41 ZHANG, DY 广西大学 3 与魏群合作 42 ZHAO, LF (赵立芳) 化学化工系 3 43 ZHU, HY (朱海云) 化学化工系 3 3 来源期刊统计结果 表4 被摘录论文来源统计结果以及2007-2009年期刊的影响因子 刊名 ISSN 摘录量 / 篇 影响因子 2007 2008 2009 Acta Chimica Sinica( 化学学报 ) 0567-7351 2 0.844 0.682 0.751 Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online 1600-5368 24 0.508 0.367 0.411 Acta Petrologica Sinica 1000-0569 1 0 0 0 Acta Physica Sinica( 物理学报 ) 1000-3290 7 1.277 1.165 1.003 Acta Physicochimica Sinica 1000-6818 1 0.611 0.673 0.718 Advances In Cognitive Neurodynamics, Proceedings 2 Advances in Computational Mathematics 1019-7168 1 0.864 1.148 1.354 Analytical Methods 1 Applied Acoustics 0003-682X 1 0.594 0.789 0.784 Applied Mathematics And Computation 0096-3003 1 0.821 0.961 1.124 Applied Numerical Mathematics 0168-9274 1 0.986 0.952 1.279 Applied Optics 0003-6935 1 1.701 1.763 1.410 Atmospheric Research 0169-8095 1 1.786 1.456 1.811 Canadian Journal Of Chemistry revue Canadienne De Chimie 0008-4042 1 1.204 1.205 1.423 Cancer Genetics And Cytogenetics 0165-4608 1 1.559 1.482 1.537 Catena 0341-8162 1 1.346 1.874 1.933 Chemical Research In Chinese Universities ( 高等学校化学学报英文版 ) 1005-9040 1 0.392 0.408 0.556 Chemistry Of Materials 0897-4756 1 4.883 5.046 5.368 Chinese Journal of Chemistry( 中国化学英文版 ) 1001-604X 2 0.719 0.945 0.891 Chinese Journal Of Electronics (电子学报:英文版 ) 1022-4653 1 0.120 0.148 0.156 Chinese Journal Of Inorganic Chemistry (无机化学学报 ) 1001-4861 1 0.569 0.532 0.606 Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry (有机化学 ) 0253-2786 2 0.766 0.662 2.019 Chinese Journal Of Physics (物理学报 ) 0577-9073 1 0.165 0.270 0.515 Chinese Journal Of Structural Chemistry (结构化学 ) 0254-5861 1 0 0.643 0.544 Chinese Physics B (中国物理 B 辑 ) 1674-1056 3 0 0 1.293 Communications In Nonlinear Science And Numerical Simulation 1007-5704 1 0 0 - Communications In Theoretical Physics (理论物理通讯 ) 0253-6102 3 0.676 0.719 0.579 Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics And Engineering 0045-7825 1 1.488 2.129 1.806 Computer Standards Interfaces 0920-5489 2 0.509 1.074 1.373 Computers Electrical Engineering 0045-7906 1 0.13 0.284 0.475 Computers Mathematics With Applications 0898-1221 1 0.720 0.997 1.192 Computing 0010-485X 2 0.88 0.783 1.033 Corrosion Science 0010-938X 1 0 0.357 0.632 Curr Chem Genomics 1875-3973 1 Electroanalysis 1040-0397 1 0 2.901 2.630 Expert Systems With Applications 0957-4174 1 1.177 2.596 2.908 Fluctuation And Noise Letters 0219-4775 1 0 0.618 0.460 Frontiers Of Environmental Science Engineering In China 1673-7415 1 IEEE Transactions On Plasma Science 0093-3813 1 1.025 1.447 1.043 Inorganic Chemistry 0020-1669 1 4.123 4.147 4.657 Integral Transforms And Special Functions 1065-2469 1 0.322 0.564 0.756 International Journal For Numerical Methods In Fluids 0271-2091 1 0.712 0.916 0.936 International Journal Of Innovative Computing Information And Control 1349-4198 1 1.537 2.791 2.932 International Journal Of Modern Physics B 0217-9792 1 0.647 0.558 0.408 International Journal Of Numerical Analysis And Modeling 1705-5105 1 0.816 1.212 0.822 International Journal Of Sustainable Development And World Ecology 1350-4509 1 0.409 0.510 0.525 International Journal Of Theoretical Physics 0020-7748 1 0.489 0.675 0.688 Journal of Applied Physics 0021-8979 2 2.171 2.201 2.072 Journal Of Chemical Research-S 0308-2342 1 0.145 0.097 0.040 Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics 0377-0427 1 0.943 1.048 1.292 Journal Of Inorganic Materials 1000-324X 1 0.498 0.370 0.379 Journal Of Low Frequency Noise Vibration And Active Control 0263-0923 1 0.098 0.227 0.279 Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials 0304-8853 1 1.704 1.283 1.204 Journal of Materials Processing Technology 0924-0136 2 0.816 1.143 1.420 Journal Of Materials Science Technology 1005-0302 1 0.468 0.869 0.828 Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications 0022-247X 1 0.872 1.046 1.225 Journal Of Modern Optics 0950-0340 1 1.074 1.062 0.942 Journal Of Molecular Structure 0022-2860 1 1.486 1.594 1.551 Journal Of Natural Products 0163-3864 1 2.551 2.843 3.159 Journal of Physical Chemistry C 1932-7447 3 0 3.396 4.224 Journal Of Physics B-Atomic Molecular And Optical Physics 0953-4075 1 2.012 2.089 1.910 Journal Of Physics-Condensed Matter 0953-8984 1 1.886 1.900 1.964 Journal Of Sound And Vibration 0022-460X 1 1.024 1.364 1.414 Journal Of Statistical Physics 0022-4715 1 1.605 1.621 1.390 Journal Of Systems Engineering And Electronics 1004-4132 1 - - 0.269 Journal of The Ceramic Society of Japan 1882-0743 2 0 1.023 0.862 Luminescence 1522-7235 1 1.317 1.183 1.209 Materials Characterization 1044-5803 1 0.932 1.225 1.416 Materials Chemistry And Physics 0254-0584 1 1.871 1.799 2.015 Materials Letters 0167-577X 1 1.625 1.748 1.940 Mathematical Methods In The Applied Sciences 0170-4214 1 0.594 0.717 0.808 Microporous And Mesoporous Materials 1387-1811 2 2.210 2.555 2.652 Modern Physics Letters B 0217-9849 2 0.512 Neural Regeneration Research 1673-5374 2 0 0 0 Noise Control Engineering Journal 0736-2501 1 0.317 0.167 0.318 Optical Materials 0925-3467 1 1.519 1.714 1.728 Phosphorus Sulfur And Silicon And The Related Elements 1042-6507 1 0.669 0.692 0.515 Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems Nanostructures 1386-9477 1 0.834 1.230 1.177 Physica Scripta 0031-8949 1 0.946 0.970 1.088 Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics 0370-1972 2 1.071 1.166 1.150 Physical Review E 1539-3755 3 0 2.508 2.400 Physics Letters A 0375-9601 1 1.711 2.174 2.009 Pramana-Journal of Physics 0304-4289 3 0.383 0.274 0.349 Rare Metal Materials And Engineering (稀有金属材料与工程 ) 1002-185X 4 0.286 0.162 0.161 Rare Metals 1001-0521 1 0.204 0.347 0.601 Rocky Mountain Journal Of Mathematics 0035-7596 1 0.267 0.354 0.260 Science In China Series C-Life Sciences ( 中国科学 C- 生命科学 ) 1006-9305 1 0.635 0.661 0.691 Separation And Purification Technology 1383-5866 1 2.142 2.503 2.879 Solid State Communications 0038-1098 1 1.535 1.557 1.837 Solid State Sciences 1293-2558 1 1.698 1.742 1.675 Spectrochimica Acta Part A Molecular And Biomolecular Spectroscopy OR Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc 1386-1425 3 1.511 1.51 1.566 Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic Metal- Organic And Nano-Metal Chemistry 1553-3174 2 0.784 0.545 0.569 Synthetic Communications 0039-7911 1 0.977 0.981 0.961 Talanta 0039-9140 1 3.374 3.206 3.290 Tetrahedron Letters 0040-4039 1 2.615 2.538 2.66 Water Science And Technology 0273-1223 1 1.24 1.005 1.094 Zeitschrift Fur Kristallographie-New Crystal Structures 1433-7266 7 0.258 0.302 0.221 Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section A- A Journal of Physical Sciences 0932-0784 3 0.691 0.737 0.850 Zhongguo Dang Dai Er Ke Za Zhi (中国当代儿科杂志 ) 1008-8830 1 Zhongguo GuShang (中国骨伤 ) 1003-0034 1 Zhongguo Ji Hua Mian Yi (中国计划免疫 ) 1006-916X 1 Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi (中华预防医学杂志 ) 0253-6924 1 由于时间有限,有些期刊的影响因子未能找到,待后补充和修改。 4 被引情况统计结果 168篇论文中被引用一次以上的有56篇,恰好占1//3;即有2/3的论文在2008-2010年之间没有被引用过。详细被引用频次( X )以及发表论文期刊的当年影响因子(IF)统计结果如下,不过应该说明,下表仅仅列出与宝鸡文理学院的作者有关的论文。 表5 被引情况统计结果(仅限与宝鸡文理学院有关的论文) 作者 . 论文以及来源 X IF Jian Li (李剑) , Yinnian He. A stabilized finite element method based on two local Gauss integrations for the Stokes equations. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume 214, Issue 1 (April 2008): 58-65. 15 1.048 He, YN; Li, J( 李剑 ). A stabilized finite element method based on local polynomial pressure projection for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations. APPLIED NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS, 2008, 58(10): 1503-1514. 9 0.952 He, YN; Li, J( 李剑 ). Convergence of three iterative methods based on the finite element discretization for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations. COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING, 2009, 198(15-16):1351-1359. 5 1.806 Li, J( 李剑 ); He, YN; Chen, ZX. Performance of several stabilized finite element methods for the Stokes equations based on the lowest equalorder pairs. COMPUTING, 2009, 86(1): 37-51. 3 1.033 Li, J( 李剑 ); Chen, ZX. A new stabilized finite volume method for the stationary Stokes equations. ADVANCES IN COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS, 2009, 30(2):141-152. 2 1.148 Li, J( 李剑 ); Chen, ZX. A new local stabilized nonconforming finite element method for the Stokes equations. COMPUTING, 2008, 82(2-3):157-170. 2 0.783 Han, YF (韩银凤) ; Liu, ZH; Yang, ZP; Wang, ZL; Tang, XH; Wang, T; Fan, LH; Ooi, K. Preparation of Ni2+-Fe3+ layered double hydroxide material with high crystallinity and well-defined hexagonal shapes. CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 2008, 20(2): 360-363. 13 5.046 Wang, CJ( 王参军 ); Wei, Q (魏群) ; Mei, DC. Associated relaxation time and the correlation function for a tumor cell growth system subjected to color noises. PHYSICS LETTERS A, 2008, 372(13): 2176-2182. 12 2.174 Wang, CJ( 王参军 ); Mei, DC. Transitions in a genotype selection model driven by coloured noises. CHINESE PHYSICS B, 2008, 17(2): 479-485. 8 0(1.293) Wang, CJ( 王参军 ); Wei, Q( 魏群 ); Zheng, BB; Mei, DC. Transient properties of a tumor cell growth system driven by color Gaussian noises: Mean first-passage time. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2008, 57 (3):1375-1380. 5 1.165 Wang, CJ( 王参军 ); Mei, DC. Effect of colored cross-correlated noise on the gene transcriptional regulatory system. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2008, 57(7):3983-3988. 4 1.165 Mei, DC; Du, LC; Wang, CJ( 王参军 ). The Effects of Time Delay on Stochastic Resonance in a Bistable System with Correlated Noises.JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS, 2009, 137(4):625-638. 1 1.390 Wang, CJ( 王参军 ). Effects of colored noise on stochastic resonance in a tumor cell growth system. PHYSICA SCRIPTA, 2009, 80(6): Art No. 065004. 1 1.088 Wang, CJ( 王参军 ); Mei, DC. Transient Properties Of A Bistable Kinetic System With Time-Delayed Feedback And Non-Gaussian Noise: Mean First-Passage Time . MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B, 2008, 22(27): 2677-2687. 1 0.512 Wang, HS (王宏社) ; Zeng, JE (曾俊娥) . Iodine catalyzed one-pot synthesis of 3,4-dihydroquinazolin-4-ones from anthranilic acids, ortho esters and amines under solvent-free conditions. CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2008, 26 (1): 175-178. 8 0.945 Tang, H (唐海平) ; Ye, Z; Zhu, L; He, H; Zha, B; Zhang, Y; Zhi, M; Yang, Z. Synthesis of radial ZnO nanostructures by a simple thermal evaporation method. PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS NANOSTRUCTURES, 2008, 40(3): 507-511. 7 1.230 Tang, HP( 唐海平 ); Ye, ZZ; He, HP. Comparative photoluminescence study on p-type and n-type ZnO films codoped by nitrogen and aluminium. OPTICAL MATERIALS, 2008, 30(9): 1422-1426. 4 1.714 Tang, H( 唐海平 ); Ye, Z; He, H. ZnO nanowires grown along the non-polar direction . MATERIALS LETTERS, 2008, 62(8-9): 1393-1395. 2 1.748 Liu, CA( 刘淳安 ) ; Wang, YP. A new dynamic multi-objective optimization evolutionary algorithm. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE COMPUTING INFORMATION AND CONTROL, 2008, 4(8): 2087-2096. 6 2.791 Yang, DS( 杨得锁 ). 4-Chloro-N '-(2-hydroxy-1-naphthylidene)benzohydrazide. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 2008, 64O1759-U1964. 6 0.367 Yang, DS( 杨得锁 ). 4-Chloro-N '-(5-chloro-2-hydroxybenzylidene)benzohydrazide. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 2008, 64O1758-U1955. 4 0.367 Yang, DS( 杨得锁 ). (E)-4-chloro-N '- benzohydrazide. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 2008, 64O1850-U2770. 4 0.367 Yang, DS( 杨得锁 ). (E)-4-chloro-N '-(4-hydroxybenzylidene)benzohydrazide . ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 2008, 64O1849-U2761. 2 0.367 Shangguan, XD( 化学化工系上官晓东 ); Zheng, JB. Direct Electron Transfer and Electrocatalysis of Myoglobin Based on its Direct Immobilization on Carbon Ionic Liquid Electrode. ELECTROANALYSIS, 2009, 21(7):881-886. 5 2.630 Nie, F( 聂菲 ); Lu, JR. Determination of fenfluramine based on potassium permanganate-calcein chemiluminescence system. TALANTA, 2008, 74(5):1242-1246. 5 3.206 Jiang, QQ; Nie, F( 聂菲 ); Lu, JR. Chemiluminescence determination of bromhexine hydrochloride with morin as chemiluminescent reagent. LUMINESCENCE, 2008, 23 (1):32-36. 4 1.183 Nie, F (聂菲) ; Lu, H. Determination of trace aluminum (III) using a novel cerium (IV)-calcein chemiluminescence detection.SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, 2008, 71(2): 350-354. 2 1.510 Du, HZ( 杜红珍 ); Wen, QY. Efficient and provably-secure certificateless short signature scheme from bilinear pairings. COMPUTER STANDARDS INTERFACES, 2009, 31(2): 390-394. 4 1.373 Hu, JH( 数学系胡江红 ); Zhang, JZ. Cryptanalysis and improvement of a threshold proxy signature scheme. COMPUTER STANDARDS INTERFACES, 2009, 31(1):169-173. 3 1.373 Zhang, YN( 张亚妮 ). High birefringence tunable effect of microstructured polymer optical fiber. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2008, 57 (9):5729-5734. 3 1.165 Zhang, YN(张亚妮). Design of low-loss single-polarization single-mode photonic-crystal fiber based on polymer.JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS, 2008, 55(21): 3563-3571. 2 1.062 Yang, F( 数学系杨芳 ); Fu, SM. Global Solutions For A Tritrophic Food Chain Model With Diffusion. ROCKY MOUNTAIN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 2008, 38(5): 1785- 1812. 4th International Conference on Mathematical Biology (ICMB-4), MAY 29-JUN 01, 2007. Wuyishan, PEOPLES R CHINA 3 0.354 Zhang, GT( 物理系张刚泰 ); Liu, XS. Generation of an extreme ultraviolet supercontinuum and isolated sub-50 as pulse in a two-colour laser field. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 2009, 42(12): Art No. 125603. 3 1.910 Qian, Y( 钱宇 ); Huang, XD; Hu, G; Liao, XH. Structure and control of self-sustained target waves in excitable small-world networks. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 2010, 81(3): Art No. 036101. 2 2.400 Yang, ZY( 杨子元 ). Local structure distortion and spin Hamiltonian parameters of oxide-diluted magnetic semiconductor Mndoped ZnO. CHINESE PHYSICS B, 2009, 18(3): 1253-1260. 2 1.293 Gnutek, P; Yang, ZY( 杨子元 ); Rudowicz, C. Modeling local structure using crystal field and spin Hamiltonian parameters: the tetragonal Fe-K(3+)-O-I(2-) defect center in KTaO 3 crystal. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 2009, 21(45): Art No. 455402. 2 1.964 Yang, ZY( 杨子元 ). Magnetic interactions as well as microscopic origins of the spin-Hamiltonian parameters for S-6(3d(5)) state ions in cubic symmetry crystal filed. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2008, 57(7): 4512-4520. 2 1.165 Wei, Q( 魏群 ); Yang, ZY( 杨子元 ). Theoretical explanations of g factors of the first excited E-2 state for Al 2 O 3 : Mn 4+ system. SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS, 2008, 146(7-8): 307-310. 2 1.557 Wei, Q( 魏群 ).On the g factors of (2) E state for 3d(3) ions at trigonal symmetry. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2009, 58(5):3485-3490. 1 1.003 Wei, Q( 魏群 ); Zhang, PX; Zhang, DY; Zhou, JH. Investigations of the electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of VO2+ in CaO-Al 2 O 3 -SiO 2 system.PRAMANA-JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 2009, 73(6): 1087-1094. 1 0.349 Wei, Q( 魏群 ). Investigations on the zero-field splitting of the a(4)T(1) term for 3d(3) ions at tetragonal symmetry . CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 2008, 46(2): 181-188. 1 0.270 Jin, HZ; Wang, XL( 王晓玲 ); Wang, HB; Wang, YB; Lin, LP; Ding, J; Qin, GW. Morphinane alkaloid dimers from Sinomenium acutum. JOURNAL OF NATURAL PRODUCTS, 2008, 71 (1):127-129. 2 2.843 Pu, XH( 蒲晓华 ). 2-benzyliminomethyl-6-bromo-4-chlorophenol. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 2008, 64O1734-U1718. 2 0.367 Pu, XH( 蒲晓华 ); Zhang, XL( 张新利 ); Li, ZX( 李宗孝 ). Bis bis . ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 2008, 64M216-U2082. 1 0367 Zhao, LF( 赵立芳 ); Wang, HS( 王宏社 ); Miao, JY( 苗建英 ). Synthesis of Acetals and Ketals Catalyzed by Dibutyltin(IV) Sulfonates. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2008, 28(10): 1792-1796. 2 0.662 Zhao, LF( 赵立芳 ); Miao, JY( 苗建英 ); Iwasa, Y; Feng, Q. Transformation of layered hydroxide zinc benzoate nanosheets into ZnO nanocrystals by electron beam irradiation . JOURNAL OF THE CERAMIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 2008, 116(1353): 657-660. 1 1.023 Wen, PH( 温普红 ); Itoh, H; Tang, WP; Feng, Q. Transformation of layered titanate nanosheets into nanostructured porous titanium dioxide in polycation solution. MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, 2008, 116(1-3):147-156. 2 2.555 Liu, JR; Chen, HK( 陈虎魁 ); Zhao, L; Huang, WD. Oxidation behaviour of molten magnesium and AZ91D magnesium alloy in 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane/air atmospheres. CORROSION SCIENCE, 2009, 51(1):129-134. 1 0.632 Chang, PM; Chen, YS; Luo, XL( 罗小林 ); Wei, YL; Wang, GW. Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanowires with Single Crystal Structure by Alcohol-heating Method. ACTA CHIMICA SINICA, 2009, 67(6): 523-528. 1 0.751 Zhang, XL( 张新利 ). 2-Bromo-4-chloro-6- phenol. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 2009, 65O513-U1730. 1 0.411 Li, ZX( 李宗孝 ); Zhang, XL( 张新利 ); Pu, XH( 蒲晓华 ). Bis nickel(II). ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 2008, 64M202-U1953. 1 0.367 Li, ZX( 李宗孝 ); Zhang, XL( 张新利 ); Pu, XH( 蒲晓华 ). Bis(4-chloro-2-formylphenolato)-nickel(II) ( Retracted article . See vol. 66, pg. e21, 2010). ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 2008, 64M215-U2072. 1 0367 Gao, JM; Liu, WT; Li, ML; Liu, HW; Zhang, XC; Li, ZX( 李宗孝 ). Preparation and structural elucidation of (-)-tetrahydroberberine-(+)-2, 3-di(p-toluyl) tartaric acid complex.JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, 2008, 892(1-3): 466-469. 1 1.594 Suo, JL( 索建联 ). (E)-4- benzenesulfonic acid. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 2008, 64O1788-U2230. 1 0.367 如果发现上述翻译(特别是人名翻译)有误,请回信( lkxbb@163.com )告知,我们可以及时更改,纠正错误。
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知识管理Knowledge Management 2011 MeSH文献计量分析
XUPEIYANG 2010-10-10 09:23
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/cgi/mesh/2011/MB_cgi?mode=index=25815view=expanded National Library of Medicine - Medical Subject Headings 2011 MeSH MeSH Descriptor Data Return to Entry Page Concept View. Go to Standard View Expanded Concept View. Go to Standard Concept View MeSH Heading Knowledge Management 知识管理 Tree Number N04.452.480 Concept 1 (Preferred) Knowledge Management 知识管理 Concept UI M0542365 Scope Note The leveraging of collective wisdom within an organization as a catalyst to increase responsiveness and innovation. Semantic Type T057 (Occupational Activity) Term (Preferred) Knowledge Management 知识管理 Term UI T763565 Date 06-JAN-2010 Lexical Tag NON Thesaurus NLM (2011) Allowable Qualifiers EC SN ST History Note 2011 Date of Entry 20100625 Unique ID D058436 MeSH Tree Structures Health Services Administration Organization and Administration Annual Reports as Topic Appointments and Schedules + Capacity Building Clinical Governance Committee Membership Constitution and Bylaws Decision Making, Organizational Efficiency, Organizational Eligibility Determination Fee Schedules + Governing Board + Health Facility Administration Hospital Administration + Institutional Management Teams Knowledge Management Management Audit + Management Information Systems + Mandatory Programs Medication Systems + Models, Organizational Multi-Institutional Systems + Organizational Affiliation + Organizational Culture Organizational Innovation + Organizational Objectives Ownership + Patient Identification Systems + Personnel Management + Pharmacy Administration + Planning Techniques Professional Practice + Program Development Public Health Administration Public Relations + Records as Topic + Risk Management + Safety Management Security Measures + Time Management Total Quality Management Voluntary Programs http://www.gopubmed.org/web/gopubmed/1?WEB0fidx4pupv2znIbI1I00h001000j100200010 61,866 documents semantically analyzed 1 2 3 Top Years Publications 2008 5,573 2009 5,511 2007 5,349 2006 4,886 2005 4,253 2004 3,801 2010 3,671 2003 2,986 2002 2,800 2001 2,481 1999 2,465 2000 2,350 1998 2,084 1997 1,686 1996 1,525 1995 1,440 1994 1,244 1993 1,082 1992 974 1991 903 1 2 3 1 2 3 ... 10 Top Countries Publications USA 22,458 United Kingdom 5,877 Canada 3,166 Australia 2,650 Germany 1,788 France 1,535 Italy 1,334 Netherlands 1,151 Sweden 1,107 Spain 802 Japan 662 Switzerland 646 Brazil 639 India 585 Norway 489 Denmark 468 China 426 Israel 417 Belgium 416 Taiwan 362 1 2 3 ... 10 1 2 3 ... 152 Top Cities Publications London 1,342 New York City 1,092 Boston 1,001 Toronto 740 Baltimore 642 Chicago 637 Philadelphia 612 Sydney 559 Houston 488 Seattle 445 Los Angeles 445 San Francisco 416 Atlanta 402 Melbourne 387 Paris 371 Ann Arbor 356 Pittsburgh 335 Montreal 328 Bethesda 311 Chapel Hill 299 1 2 3 ... 152 1 2 3 ... 289 Top Journals Publications J Adv Nurs 561 Stud Health Technol Inform 484 Patient Educ Couns 435 J Clin Nurs 398 Soc Sci Med 337 Acad Med 326 Br J Nurs 292 Nurs Educ Today 272 Cancer 248 Pediatrics 236 Nurs Stand 231 Int J Nurs Stud 218 Nurs Times 207 J Nurs Educ 203 J Contin Educ Nurs 180 Am J Public Health 179 J Nurs Manag 178 Amia Annu Symp Proc 172 Fam Pract 163 Med J Australia 162 1 2 3 ... 289 1 2 3 ... 1077 Top Terms Publications Humans 53,872 Knowledge 49,141 Patients 25,023 Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice 17,326 Adult 16,542 Evaluation Studies as Topic 12,469 Questionnaires 11,994 Data Collection 11,897 Middle Aged 11,365 Nursing 11,029 Nurses 10,972 Delivery of Health Care 10,314 Aged 8,066 Hospitalization 7,722 Hospitals 7,693 United States 7,600 mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,2-alpha-mannosidase activity 7,355 Child 7,241 Diagnosis 7,093 Adolescent 6,799 1 2 3 ... 1077
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[转载]The programme and presentations from the 9th European NKOS
timy 2010-10-4 15:19
From: http://www.comp.glam.ac.uk/pages/research/hypermedia/nkos/nkos2010/programme.html