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dxzk 2013-8-9 19:07
​ ■尤小立 浙江大学环境与资源学院前执行院长、水环境研究院前院长陈英旭涉嫌贪污和非法占有千万元科研经费被检察机关起诉的消息经媒体披露后,在大学和整个科学界引发了不小的震动。从学者的反应看,经常获得科研项目资助者,不论出于本能,还是利益攸关,都不自觉地捂紧了口袋,但他们更多地仍是从合理的一面去看待科研项目的申报和科研基金的发放,因而少了一份反省。而没有获得项目资助者,则趁此机会谴责项目基金申报、发放和鉴定过程中的种种弊端,结果很可能在谴责中失去理性。 谈项目申报本身的问题,牵涉制度和机制,说来话长,暂时按下不表。此处仅想说说,大家习以为常的,与科研项目相关的所谓衍生物的问题。也许解决了这个问题,可以部分地还原项目设立的合理性和公正性的原貌。 做研究工作的人都知道,科研本身是单纯的,如果以此单纯标准诉诸于基金项目的申报,并不会产生多大的不公和矛盾。然而在当下,这个单纯性早已不复存在,原来截分两橛的科研与行政、科研与公关、科研与经营,正在合二为一,或合几为一。所谓与科研项目相关的衍生物,也正是这种“大合唱”的产物。 第一个衍生物是:项目通吃。应该说,早年的科研项目申报和获得过程中并无此现象,近十年来则有愈演愈烈之势。在一些大学里,一位教师一旦申报成功,获得一项国家级项目,不仅会得到相应的经费配套奖励,而且在提拔任用、职称晋升、社会兼职等方面也会一路牛市。 客观地说,科研项目,特别是前沿领域的科研项目的鉴定是有一定难度的。在学术共同体尚有待形成,同行评议缺乏机制保障的情况下,要以学术标准来判别众多有一定学术水平却无实质创新的学术成果,则是难上加难;但再难也不能在申报人尚没有完成项目的研究,没有得到哪怕是简单或程式化的鉴定结论之前,就先认定他的科研能力和水平。 与之相关的还有一种情况。假设一个人获得了一百万元的国家科研基金资助,另一个人受助了一万元的科研经费,或根本未获资助,但他们作出的成果,在科学性、前瞻性和实用创新性上都相差无几,其中的科研能力和水平高下,应该怎么评定?从常识上看,当然是后者更有能力和水平,更值得欣赏,更应获得奖励。但依据“项目通吃”的标准,荣誉、奖励却要统统地归前者,原因仅仅是他获得资助的经费多。通过这一对比,不难看出,“项目通吃”这个衍生物以及它再衍生出的政策,从根本上说是违反常识的。 第二个衍生物是:项目排名化。既然获得科研基金的目的,不再纯粹是为了资助科学研究,它就必然附着了另外的功能,这个功能在某种程度上,还会超越科学研究本身,比如为了本校的排名。 现如今,没有哪所大学会欣然承认“大学排行榜”的功能和价值,视之如粪土的话语也偶尔出现过,但实际上,暗中关注排名波动的大学不在少数。而大学排行榜的指标中,科研项目和科研经费的数量恰是重要的一项。在相互竞争和排名攀比中,量化的指标愈发简单明了,所有的数据说到最后就是一个字:钱。 “钱”对于大学办学的重要性,无须多言。但在大学教育普遍缺乏符合教育规律的理念指导的现状下,整天紧盯着“钱”,大会、小会地强调,其结果必然是金钱高于一切,有钱就得意洋洋,没钱就灰头土脸。这只能使中国大学进一步地公司化。 第三个衍生物是:申报技术化。我们不否认项目申报的过程中,包括填写申请表格的方式、科学论证的过程、设计课题的技术路线以及预计最终的成果都有一定的科学规范,了解这些科学规范也确实需要培训。项目申报者通过相应的技巧获得基金资助,也是合情合理的。 但“申报技术化”与此无关,与项目申报有关的“辅导”或“培训”不再是规范性的告知和规则的提醒,其内容正在脱离项目本身,而更多地涉及项目内容以外的技术、内幕、公关手段以及如何利用潜规则等,因而成为新的一类抄近路、走小道的“成功学”课程。这种近似专注于厚黑学的技术化的申报方式,即便能够导向“成功”,也不值得赞赏和推广,因为它已经越过了科学道德的底线。 当然,上述衍生物并不是科研项目或项目基金设立直接引发的,所以也不必把它的产生归罪于项目申报或基金的设立。但应该看到,这些衍生物绝不带有“存在的就是合理的”的古典哲理和诗意,如果听任这些衍生物无限地蔓延下去,不仅会无谓地浪费科研人员大量的精力,使中国的科研环境变得越来越复杂,还会影响到中国科学研究的实质性提升以及国际科学界的中国形象。 《中国科学报》 (2013-08-08 第5版 大学周刊)
个人分类: 大学评论|1287 次阅读|0 个评论
Terrace 2013-2-7 21:58
电化学发光分析法具有灵敏度高、仪器设备简单、操作方便、易于实现自动化等特点,广泛地应用于生物、医学、药学、临床、环境、食品、免疫和核酸杂交分析和工业分析等领域。其原理顾名思义就是,在电场的作用下化学物质发光,进一步问,怎么发光呢?其实就是在电极表面产生一些电生的物质,然后这些电生物质之间或电生物质与体系中某些组分之间通过电子传递形成激发态,由激发态返回到基态而产生的一种发光现象。这种电生物质,包括其前躯体就至关重要了。其中,芘就是一个很好的母体结构,全刚性平面结构,原料便宜易得,易于修饰。关于芘及其衍生物的研究也是铺天盖地,感兴趣的读者可以去参见文献 。 关于芘的分子设计, 2012 年韩国 Jong Seung Kim 课题组基于芘的母体结构,在 1, 3, 6, 8 位上分别引入不同数目的苯乙炔基衍生物,并研究了它们的电化学发光性质 。他们观察到随着取代基数目的增多,化合物的吸收光谱逐步红移,其中两种不同的二取代拥有非常相近的最大吸收波长。更重要的是,在四取代体系中,使用弱的给体正丙基要比强的给体二甲基氨基具有更强的电化学发光强度,定量分析显示提高了 5 倍左右,由于这个结论有点出乎意料,他们基于理论计算和实验结果,给予了一些简单的解释。主要原因在于引入弱的给体有利于降低体系中自由基负离子的不稳定性,同时平衡了正离子自由基。 Chem. Rev., 2011 , 111 , 7260–7314, DOI: 10.1021/cr100428a J. Org. Chem. , 2012, 77, 11007−11013, DOI: 10.1021/jo3010974
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zhpd55 2012-11-8 09:17
有人询问对于肾癌细胞具有抑制生长作用的Englerin A衍生物是否有专利申请,结果有关专利文献数据库进行不全面的简要检索,得到了几项相关专利文献,有美国专利。欧洲专利、世界专利组织的专利,具体内容加下: Match Document Document Title Score 1 WO/2011/120886A1 A PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF (-)-ENGLERIN A, AND ANALOGUES AND INTERMEDIATES THEREOF It is provided a process for the preparation of (-)-englerin A, as well as analogous compounds thereof, the process comprising transforming a compound of formula (II) wherein PG1 is an ether... 1000 2 WO/2012/084267A1 DERIVATIVES OF ENGLERIN FOR THE TREATMENT OF CANCER The present invention relates to compounds of the general Formula (I), which show a specific activity against cancer cell lines, the use of these compounds for prophylaxis and treatment of cancer... 630 3 WO/2009/088854A1 EPOXY-GUAIANE DERIVATIVES AND TREATMENT OF CANCER Disclosed are englerins and derivatives (I) thereof useful in the treatment of a number of cancers, particularly renal cancer, as well as pharmaceutical compositions and method of treating a... 410 4 EP2474550A1 Derivatives of Englerin for the treatment of cancer The present invention relates to compounds of the general formula (I) which show a specific activity against cancer cell lines, the use of these compounds for prophylaxis and treatment of cancer as... 407 5 US20100286259 EPOXY-GUAIANE DERIVATIVES AND TREATMENT OF CANCER Disclosed are englerins and derivatives (I) thereof useful in the treatment of a number of cancers, particularly renal cancer, as well as pharmaceutical compositions and method of treating a... 379 6 EP2235021B1 EPOXY-GUAIANE DERIVATIVES AND TREATMENT OF CANCER 120
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zlhtcm 2012-9-18 16:04
雷公藤内酯醇及其衍生物抗肿瘤研究取得阶段性进展 雷公藤内酯醇是中药雷公藤的主要生物活性成分,具有包括抗肿瘤在内的多重生物学作用。中科院上海药物研究所缪泽鸿课题组、李援朝课题组、丁健课题组与意大利博洛尼亚大学Giovanni Capranico实验室合作,在雷公藤内酯醇及其衍生物的抗肿瘤作用和机制研究中取得阶段性进展。 在阐明C14β位羟基取代的雷公藤内酯醇衍生物具有选择性体内抗肿瘤作用 (J Med Chem. 2009; 52: 5115–5123) 的基础上,研究发现雷公藤内酯醇可升高细胞内低氧诱导因子1α(HIF-1α)水平却降低其转录活性,与其抗肿瘤作用相关 (Mol Cancer. 2010; 9:268)。已有研究显示,雷公藤内酯醇可以与通用转录因子TFIIH大亚基XPB直接结合,并引起RNA聚合酶II(RNAPII)大亚基Rpb1降解。 该合作研究深入揭示了雷公藤内酯醇作用于这一核心靶点的分子基础和意义。雷公藤内酯醇降低Rpb1水平与其细胞毒活性紧密相关,即阻滞RNAPII于基因的启动子处,减少基因启动子和外显子处染色质结合的RNAPII,增加Rpb1羧基末端结构域的磷酸化 (5位丝氨酸) 和泛素化。蛋白酶体抑制剂或CDK7抑制剂可减低雷公藤内酯醇降解Rpb1的能力。研究人员由此发现雷公藤内酯醇触发CDK7介导RNAPII降解的新模式,提出了雷公藤内酯醇结合XPB、降解RNAPII的通用机制。该机制可以很好地解释雷公藤内酯醇包括其强效抗肿瘤在内的多重治疗学特性 (Cancer Res.2012; doi:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-12-1006)。 研究人员还受邀撰写雷公藤内酯醇专题综述,系统总结了雷公藤内酯醇的结构修饰、构效关系、作用与机制以及临床开发的研究进展 (Nat Prod Rep. 2012; 29: 457-475)。(来源:中科院上海药物研究所) 相关论文: 1.Li Z, Zhou ZL, Miao ZH, Lin LP, Feng HJ, Tong LJ, Ding J, Li YC. Design and synthesis of novel C14-hydroxyl substituted triptolide derivatives as potential selective antitumor agents. J Med Chem. 2009; 52:5115-23. 2.Zhou ZL, Luo ZG, Yu B, Jiang Y, Chen Y, Feng JM, Dai M, Tong LJ, Li Z, Li YC, Ding J, Miao ZH. Increased accumulation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1a with reduced transcriptional activity mediates the antitumor effect of triptolide. Mol Cancer. 2010; 9:268. 3.Manzo SG, Zhou ZL, Wang YQ, Marinello J, He JX, Li YC, Ding J, Capranico J, Miao ZH. Natural product triptolide mediates cancer cell death by triggering CDK7-dependent degradation of RNA polymerase II. Cancer Res. 2012; doi:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-12-1006. 4.Zhou ZL, Yang YX, Ding J, Li YC, Miao ZH. Triptolide: structural modifications, structure-activity relationships, bioactivities, clinical development and mechanisms. Nat Prod Rep. 2012; 29:457-75.
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[转载] 李泽琳带到英国的青蒿素和衍生物样品是经卫生部批准的!
热度 14 twsliu 2012-4-9 11:01
[转载] 李泽琳带到英国的青蒿素和衍生物样品是经卫生部批准的!
参阅读物: 《屠呦呦2002年接受天津日报的采访报道》 http://past.tianjindaily.com.cn/docroot/200203/22/km02/22132801.htm http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=396469do=blogid=499867 Peters's Blog Conversations with myself – 8th November 2010 Miracle Chinese antimalarial threatened by human folly Whichever national newspaper you read in most countries at the present time, you are likely to see headlined the fate of probably the most important contemporary and, at the same time, oldest drug for the treatment of one of mankind’s deadliest infectious diseases, malignant tertian malaria. Experience has shown, especially since World War II, that malaria parasites have a remarkable capacity for learning how to overcome the drugs that are aimed at them. Sadly, Man being an unreliable and often unscrupulous species, many of the world’s market places are currently being flooded with fake, or otherwise unacceptable and often useless products, masquerading as antimalarials, antibiotics, anticancer drugs and so on. Although the use of drugs is only one method of managing malaria, it is vital to have at our disposal compounds with which we can save the lives of those who become infected by these dangerous organisms. As I have invested much of my life in the fight against this enemy I decided to offer you here and now a part personal, part technical account of artemisinin, the drug that I have studied with Chinese and many other colleagues for over 30 years. The following story that may soon appear as a section of my autobiography is so topical that I offer it now in the hope that it may contribute in some small way to the current campaign to “eliminate” malaria. As a realist, I use the term “hope” rather than “expectation”. Chinese scientists have devoted much effort to the development of a remarkable and extremely effective compound named artemisinin about which many inaccurate statements have been made. I hope here to set the record straight. My concern is that the value of artemisin is already being squandered. You must judge for yourselves. The medicinal value of a weed popularly called ‘Sweet Wormwood’, ‘Sweet Annie’ or ‘qing hao’ (Fig.1) ensured its place in traditional Chinese medicine for nearly two millenia. The ancient origin and modern history of its development since 1972, and its exploitation as one of the most potent antimalarials ever known, have only recently become the focus of worldwide scientific research that is leading to an outpouring of many papers on laboratory and clinical studies. Fig.1 Qing hao growing wild on a wall of the Forbidden City, Beijing The first report to draw the attention of scientists outside China to this research appeared in English in the Chinese Medical Journal in 1979 (Fig.2). It was this remarkable paper that immediately drew my attention to the revived study of malaria chemotherapy in China and stimulated me to visit there early in 1980. Fig 2. Initial report of research on antimalarial activity of artemisinin in English During the Vietnamese war of the 1960’s, resistance to the best antimalarial drug available at that time, chloroquine, was becoming increasingly common in the malignant tertian malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum . The lives of large numbers of non-immune indigenous people in Southeast Asia, and others such as American soldiers, were being threatened by the lack of an alternative treatment. While their infections could usually be cured by quinine, supposedly the oldest known antimalarial drug, it is a toxic compound obtainable only from trees most of which were grown on plantations in Indonesia, and supplies of it were scarce. In southern China adjacent to North Vietnam, chloroquine resistance was also becoming a threat, and the Chinese Maoist government ordered its scientists to seek an alternative antimalarial to chloroquine with which to treat their own soldiers and the general populace. In this work, the People’s Liberation Army Research Institute joined with scientists of the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. A Qinghaosu Antimalarial Co-ordinating Group was formed for the project. China has a long and successful tradition of herbal medicine and it was within the old writings on traditional medicinal plants that Chinese scientists began to search for leads. The therapeutic value of the weed popularly called ‘qing hao’, Artemisia annua , had been used for the treatment of such disorders as fevers, diarrhoea and several skin ailments such as boils, and other infectious conditions. Although the nature of the agent causing malaria was, of course, not recognised until the late 19th century, the intermittent fever it produced was well known, and Chinese texts of materia medica, dating from as long ago as the 4th century AD, described the value of concoctions made from qing hao for the relief of such fevers. Fig.3 Fragment of silk manuscript describing anti-fever action of qing hao (circa 340 AD) An active compound subsequently called ‘qinghaosu’, with potent antimalarial properties, was extracted with some difficulty from qing hao. This plant is a widely distributed and common species of wormwood, found in many countries in Asia and Europe. The botanical identity of qing hao was itself the subject of much learned debate, and it is now acknowledged that two different members of the genus Artemisia (Family Asteraciae) contain a chemical, a sesquiterpene lactone that was called originally ‘arteannuin’ (after the Latin name of the plant) and is now known as ‘artemisinin’. Fig.4 First visit of the author to Beijing, February 1980 During my first visit to the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing (Fig.4) I was shown a collection of plants derived from seeds of different varieties of Artemisia annua . This plant has spikes of very small, yellow, mimosa-like flowers (Fig.5), and the leaves have a delicate, pleasant, aromatic odour when touched or squeezed. The seeds which are tiny and dust-like, are collected in small paper sachets that are placed around the spikes once the flowers are mature and have been either self-pollinated, or pollinated by visiting insects. From my experience with growing the plant in a closed greenhouse in my home in England, I suspect that self-pollination is a common process for its reproduction. The institute’s scientists discovered that a simple aqueous infusion of the crushed whole plant produced the maximum yield of the compound that was, however, very poorly soluble in water. In mice experimentally infected with malaria, the maximum level of activity of artemisinin, the active extract of ‘qinghao’ (which the Chinese named ‘qinghaosu’ and which we called QHS for short) was obtained by injecting an oily solution of the chemically purified substance. In subsequent clinical trials, an oily solution was also found to give the maximum level of activity in patients naturally infected with malaria. However, having to inject an oily solution is not an ideal way of administering a drug and the Chinese devoted much effort to finding a water-soluble and stable derivative. An early result of this research was the synthesis of artesunate. The action of this analogue of artemisinin in human patients was shown to be very rapid, even against infection with strains of P.falciparum that were highly resistant to chloroquine. Animal experiments confirmed the lack of cross-resistance between the two compounds. Before leaving Beijing, I asked to be taken to visit a typical herbalist store where I hoped to see, and possibly purchase, some dried medicinal plants. In the first and only store I visited, the shop assistant showed me a large drawer and several glass jars containing dried, pleasantly fragrant qing hao of which I purchased a small packet to take home with me (Fig.6). and he readily explained to me, through my host, the wide range of ills for which this plant was a popular remedy. Qing hao has also spread beyond Asia and Europe to other countries with temperate climates. In May 1982 I visited the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) near Washington to discuss studies I was carrying out in association with their massive antimalarial programme. The conversation naturally turned to qing hao which, by then, was becoming a hot topic among everybody concerned with the search for new antimalarial drugs. It was a pleasantly warm spring day when one of my colleagues took me outside the main building where I saw bunches of a plant spread out on a trestle table to dry in the open air. The plant was qing hao. One of my hosts who was a Boy Scout troop leader in his spare time, was taking his group for an outing along the banks of the nearby Potomac River when he spotted an unusual plant growing in abundance. As a brief inspection told him immediately that this must be none other than Artemisia annua , he and his scouts gathered as much as they could carry of the weed and took it to WRAIR, so that studies could be carried out there to confirm its identity and antimalarial activity. Within days they knew that they had struck gold. How qing hao reached the Potomac River is unknown. It seems more than likely that Chinese immigrants years before had, like me, brought some of their traditional medicine with them, and that seed had accidentally been dispersed and the plant become colonised in that area. The ease with this can happen was something of which I was already acutely aware. Ruth and I in our small conservatory had raised a number of magnificent plants over 1.4 metres tall from the dried qing hao that I had brought back from Beijing. As far as I was aware, A.annua did not occur in England and, not wishing it to run wild around our garden, I had taken the precaution of destroying the plants as soon as I had photographed them. Two years later, in early summer, I spotted growing at the foot of my garage wall a plant about 30 cm high with a familiar leaf. It was qing hao. I searched around to see if I could find any more of the plants but found none, so uprooted the sole plant and transferred it into a small plant pot which I transferred next day to my laboratory where it would be out of harm’s way. I had to be away for some days during which, unfortunately, my staff forgot to water it, and all that remained when I returned was a sad, shrivelled, flowerless weed. The Chinese laboratories were, at that time, very poorly equipped, and the staff were keen to develop a working relationship with appropriate centres in other countries where further studies could be made with the QHS compounds. However, they were also rather wary of the sometimes unscrupulous methods adopted by some sectors of the pharmaceutical industry, and even academic centres, when it came to making use of the products and intellectual rights of individuals and research centres in less well endowed institutes. It was perhaps a little surprising to me when my Chinese hosts expressed their eagerness for one of their research staff to come to work with my team which, by late 1979, I had established at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). I was able to organise through the newly formed UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR for short) two fellowships, the first for Li Ze Lin (Fig 7), a biologist from the Department of Pharmacology of the Institute of Chinese Materia Medica in Beijing and, at a later date, another for a biochemist named Gu Hao Ming. He was at the time working in the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica where I originally encountered him on my second visit there. Fig.7 Dr Li Ze Lin in London, 1980 Ze Lin arrived in London just before Christmas of 1980 and Ruth and I went to meet her at Heathrow airport. We waited for such a long time at the arrivals exit that we feared she had missed the flight. It was, as far as we knew, her first venture outside China although her husband, an oncologist, was already I believe working on a fellowship at the International Cancer Research Centre in Lyon. Finally a very tired and bewildered Chinese lady turned up, and we duly took charge of her, driving her into Bloomsbury where she had been booked into a typical small hotel almost adjacent to the LSHTM. We went in with her to check the accomodation and settle her in, but both of us immediately agreed that no way could we leave this poor stranger alone over the coming holiday period, speaking relatively poor English and knowing nobody in London. We left her there for that first night to get some sleep, then came back the next day and drove her to our home in Hertfordshire where she spent the first couple of weeks of her stay in England. I had experienced for myself the simplicity of life in Beijing, the sad, almost uniform clothing worn by most people, the frugality of their living. Ze Lin could not get over the fact that we had such a thing as running hot water, central heating plus a small wood fire, a good variety of food and drink, and nobody to look over her shoulder. It was a joy to be able to host her. She was anxious to try to do something to help Ruth with domestic matters and Ruth took her under her wing. One day Ruth discovered that Ze Lin had come across a winter pullover that she was knitting for me, and decided that she could contribute to its production. Ze Lin had already added a few rows, albeit it in a somewhat different stitch, but it added a certain charm to the garment which I still wear to this day, a quarter of a century later, when the weather is exceptionally cold. To my pleasant surprise Ze Lin had been permitted by the Ministry of Health of the PRC to bring with her, samples of a number of the best QHS analogues that had been designed in her institute, for us to examine together in my laboratory under the WHO/TDR CHEMAL project with which we were engaged. When Gu subsequently joined us the following year, we were able to extend the range of our research. This was, as far as I know, the first research carried out on QHS and any of its analogues outside China, and the Li-Gu members of my team were among the first Chinese scientists allowed to work outside their home country since the end of Mao’s ‘Cultural Revolution’. In 1985 we published our first paper on a joint study I carried out with my colleagues David Ellis, David Warhurst and George Tovey, together with Ze Lin and Gu, on the changes that QHS produces in malaria parasites as observed with the electron microscope. The following year Ze Lin, David Warhurst, my chief technologist Brian Robinson and I published the results of our studies comparing the action of QHS with four of its analogues, including artesunate, against a large range of malaria parasites of mice, among them strains that were resistant to all currently used and some new antimalarial drugs of different chemical types, thus consolidating our knowledge of the enormous potential of the Chinese compounds. The Chinese government was very concerned that its own research establishments should be acknowledged by the outside world as the discoverers of the antimalarial potential of one of their own traditional remedies. They had already started to manufacture QHS for medicinal use, but recognised that they lacked the levels of expertise to supply a drug that would be acceptable outside China and some other countries of Southeast Asia, because of their lack of knowledge of internationally acceptable production methods and standards. They were anxious to acquire this knowledge and approached WHO for help. Fig.8 Members of CHEMAL team with Chinese colleagues on Great Wall of China, 1981 In October 1981 I was able to set up a joint meeting of the CHEMAL team with the Chinese scientists in Beijing. Included in my team (Fig.8) was the current director of the WRAIR antimalarial programme, Craig Canfield, whose colleagues had acquired considerable experience in the development of novel drugs to the internationally demanded standards of production, in relation to compounds of their own, and who by this time had also gained some experience with some of their own novel derivatives of QHS. Contrary to uninformed rumours that were circulating outside China at that time, our hosts displayed a total frankness as regards their own programme and problems relating to QHS, and those analogues that they themselves were developing. On Craig’s initiative, it was arranged that one of his own staff would be seconded to Beijing to advise the Chinese how to modify their programme in order to manufacture QHS at an internationally acceptable standard. Following this move, production soared ahead at one of the Chinese pharmaceutical factories that, to the present time, supplies a significant part of the global requirements of QHS and several of its analogues, such as artesunate. The late 1970’s saw the beginning of an epoch during which interest was being stirred in the pharmaceutical industry outside China in the commercial and practical potential of novel compounds, either derived from QHS, or based on the chemical structure of these compounds. Both through my role in the CHEMAL research programme and my association with several individual pharmaceutical companies, with WRAIR and individual chemists from industry and academia, my small team, working on a shoestring budget, became a focus for the primary screening in mice infected with rodent malarias, which is one of the basic steps in antimalarial drug development. Meanwhile in 1981 I and my colleagues reported that it was relatively easy to select strains of mouse malaria that were resistant to QHS. From 1987, with my colleague David Warhurst and a Zimbabwean PhD student named Arthur Chawira we were able to demonstrate that by combining QHS with a number of synthetic antimalarial drugs with different structures and modes of action, the activity of QHS could be enhanced. The search for further novel compounds with a similar mode of action to QHS was taken up in a number of research centres outside China. For example, during the early 1990’s I had encountered an English chemist named Charles Jefford, working in the University of Geneva, who was one of the first to explore the mode of action of compounds with structures similar to that of QHS. For several years we enjoyed an interesting and productive collaboration that led, in time, to his synthesis of a very promising compound, somewhat related to QHS. We hoped that it would be adopted by a pharmaceutical company with the means to carry out the very costly developmental steps that any new medication must undergo up to and, hopefully, during clinical investigation. Not surprisingly, he was not the only chemist to take up the challenge, and I was fortunate to be involved over the years with others, including Gary Posner and Richard Haynes, who also succeeded in producing highly promising lead compounds.. It is extremely difficult to overcome all the hurdles involved in new drug development, and sad that Jefford’s most promising candidate compound never reached the stage of clinical trial. However, that to date has been the fate of all the others and, even at the time of writing in 2009, no other truly novel compound of the QHS or similar chemical type has found its way into clinical trial. In parallel with our initial collaborative studies with our Chinese colleagues I was able to pursue my own speciality which was to explore the potential value of drug combinations as opposed to monotherapy. The main thrust of the final stages of my research programme prior to my retirement, continued to be the study, in my rodent malaria models, of carefully selected drug combinations for their ability to impede or prevent the selection of drug resistance. To do this we had first to confirm how readily malaria parasites could become resistant to the QHS type of compound. In our later experiments it turned out that parasites could become resistant to such compounds, although at a much slower rate than we were accustomed to see with any other type of antimalarial drug. But become resistant the parasites did, given enough time. Having established that, we next needed to see whether we could influence this process by combining one or other of them with drugs of a different structural type. We had already produced a wealth of interesting data with other combinations not including QHS, some of which were very effective in slowing down the selection of resistance to the individual components, and we were finally able to produce data showing that this should be possible with combinations of a QHS-type compound with a compound of a different chemical type, for example a relatively new type of antimalarial called mefloquine. I was agreeably surprised to read in 2004 a paper by two staff members of WHO the gratifying acknowledgement that, “The idea that drug combinations could be used to delay antimalarial drug resistance came from Peters.” The accompanying reference was to a paper I had published in 1980 in which I suggested that artemisinin would form a promising component for this purpose. From about 2006 this policy came to be referred to as ‘Artemisinin combination therapy’ (ACT). The concept of administering QHS-type compounds, especially artesunate, in combination with other antimalarials, mefloquine being one of the first examples, came to be explored in the clinic, partly under the guidance of CHEMAL. Prominent among the groups carrying out this work outside China was a joint Thai-British team supported by the UK Wellcome Trust and Oxford University. Led by experienced clinical staff of Mahidol University in Bangkok in close collaboration with Nicholas White and his Oxford colleagues, clinical trials were established in naturally infected patients in several centres, notably Bangkok, and Cheng Mai on the Thai-Burmese border. White also made a ground-breaking mathematical analysis of the likely effects of artemisinins, alone or in combination with a partner compound such as mefloquine, on the rate of cure and/or recrudescence of malaria infection. Unfortunately that particular combination was at risk of failing as there already existed an underlying high level of resistance to mefloquine in Thailand, a factor to which inadequate attention was paid at the time. In 2005 in one of my last papers, (Part LXIII of a series we published in the Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology from 1968 onwards), we described the potential value of a combination of three compounds that was launched into clinical trial in East Africa by the pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline, but which had, unfortunately, to be withdrawn due to toxicity caused by one of the components in a small number of individuals. Paradoxically it was an old compound called dapsone that was one of the first drugs used to cure leprosy and that continues to be used for that purpose to this day as a major component of a combination of antibacterial compounds termed Multi-Drug Therapy (MDT). At the time of writing, another ACT is starting to undergo studies in malaria-infected patients. Early on in my collaborative work with Chinese chemists, I had received from them a sample of a very active new compound called pyronaridine. They themselves had issued promising reports on its action, alone or with artesunate, against chloroquine-resistant P.falciparum malaria in Chinese patients. In a paper we published in 2000, (Part LVIII in our series), we first recommended the use of this combination. Prior to its publication, I had presented data on this and the Chinese work at a special meeting held by WHO in Geneva late in the 1990’s. I strongly promoted the idea of testing a pyronaridine-artesunate combination in advanced stages of drug development that would have to precede its possible investigation in human subjects. It is a reflection of both the politics and cost of drug development that only a decade later is this combination, now known under the name of Pyramax, in clinical trial. It soon became evident that a shortage of QHS compounds and the high cost of their production would become serious obstacles to their deployment, especially if they were to be administered in combination with a partner compound. On the basis largely of the success of the clinical studies in Thailand, the principle of deploying QHS with a second drug became generally accepted and, in 2006, the use of an ACT was officially promoted at the international level. There remained, however, the problems of how to produce enough of the parent plant, A.annua and how to do so at a cost that would be affordable in the most needy, but often impoverished countries. The mass cultivation of A.annua was extended not only within Southeast Asia, but also in such areas as the relatively temperate highland areas of East Africa where large plantations and extraction plants were organised, with support from international funds. Still the final product is costly and means continue to be sought to produce QHS at a significantly lower price. International awareness of the grinding burden of malaria, especially on the African continent, has finally led to massive inpouring of money on an unprecedented scale from philanthropic individuals and organisations, such as the Gates Foundation which, by 2008, had provided for malaria research and control the previously unthinkable sum of $1.2 billion dollars to underpin plans not to ‘eradicate’ but to ‘eliminate’ malaria. This new target was proposed by the UN Secretary General in a speech given on World Health Day in April 2008. Plant geneticists and molecular biologists were enrolled in the search for novel means of production, one of these being the ingenious transfer of the genes within A.annua that are responsible for the plant’s synthesis of QHS, into yeasts that can be cultured en masse in fermentation chambers by techniques long ago developed for the mass production of such compounds as penicillin (and beer!). One of the most recent and ingenious avenues being explored is the modification of a biochemical pathway in chicory, a widely cultivated vegetable, so that it synthesises a natural precursor of QHS which can be readily and cheaply extracted for simple chemical modification into QHS itself. Meanwhile my forebodings of the exceptional ability of malaria parasites to produce drug-resistant mutants, even when appropriate combinations are used (which is by no means always the case) or correct doses are given, seem to be justified with some of the first indications of the emergence of resistance to certain ACT combinations in that epicentre of drug resistance, the Thai – Cambodia border region. It is my hope that the Pyramax combination might just arrive in time to extend the future of ACT combinations, which will no doubt include some quite novel QHS derivatives, or other compounds with a similar mode of action. Only time will tell. In the meantime one must hope that the huge burden of malaria will be reduced by applying, in addition, quite other means for controlling malaria transmission, such as mass protection by insecticide – treated mosquito nets, and the judicious reintroduction of DDT to destroy the mosquito vectors that enter dwellings. Moreover, good progress at last is being made on the development of an antimalarial vaccine for use in young children, although the mass deployment of such a prophylactic measure itself must be approached with caution for a variety of practical logistic and other reasons including the ease with which malaria parasites may modify their genetic structure. Fortunately there is hope that artesunate itself (or an analogous compound) may have an alternative and exciting future over and beyond its deployment against malaria. In the first place this compound has been found to be effective in the treatment of several other parasites that afflict humans, the worm infection known as schistosomiasis, for example. Of overall importance, artesunate has been reported recently by investigators in China and elsewhere, to possess remarkable activity against certain types of tumour, both in the laboratory and in a number of human patients suffering from advanced cancer of widely differing types. The ability to administer a well-tolerated compound such as artesunate, especially if it can be shown to exhibit enhanced activity with a second equally safe partner drug, would have an enormous potential value in cancer therapy compared with regimens of currently used drugs and of radiotherapy that are frequently poorly tolerated. Very sadly, several of my colleagues and I had been so focussed for years on the antimalarial action of artesunate, that we only recently learned of its anticancer potential. Meanwhile, the spouses of five of us have succumbed to cancer. Included was my own wife, Ruth, who died from the devastating effects of a malignant tumour at the end of 2007. http://peters.aegauthorblogs.com/2010/11/08/conversations-with-myself-8th-november-2010/
5258 次阅读|7 个评论
热度 1 wangshu 2011-10-24 21:26
平常做得富勒烯衍生物在 TLC 上极性还是很大的,都需要甲苯掺乙酸乙酯洗脱,为了在上样时溶得好,且在柱体上起始时不脱尾,经常用二硫化碳湿法上样,效果很好,乃至以为 CS2 的极性非常小。 最近做了些很小极性的衍生物,环已烷:甲苯 30 : 1 ,才到 Rf=0.7 的位置,上样时不假思索,直接用 CS2 溶了上样,发现全下来了,后来一查书, CS2 的极性还是很大的,此时应用干法上样。 以后常用CS2,PhCl过柱子时就用到这个知识点了。 现摘录如下。 n-pentane: 0 isooctane: 0.01 Petroleum ether: 0.01 Cyclohexane: 0.04 CS2: 0.15 Xylene: 0.26 Toluene: 0.29 Benzene: 0.32 Chloroform: 0.4 Triethylamine: 0.54 acetone 0.56 tetrahydrofuran 0.57 ethyl acetate 0.58 acetonitrile 0.65 pyridine 0.71 DMSO 0.75 Ethanol 0.88 methanol 0.95 Note: 1) Solvent strength data on alumina adsorbent; 2) source: data from Synder (1968). And “Thin-layer chromatography : techniques and applications” P89 Fried, Bernard, 1933-.
个人分类: 化学|6534 次阅读|5 个评论
热度 4 scientister 2011-6-1 08:54
2011年5月,台湾曝光的塑化剂事件,反映的是在食品添加剂均化剂(塑化剂)中使用了邻苯二甲酸,食品安全和卫生防疫部门的专家说,邻苯二甲酸对男性的生殖系统创伤能力巨大,会使得男性睾丸丧失精子生产能力,而且有可能会导致癌症。真的很恐怖。 邻苯二甲酸是邻二甲苯氧化的产物,是苯的衍生物。 苯是有毒的,苯已经被国家禁止作为成品油的组分,但是二三十年前苯是可以作为汽油组分的,而且是很好的组分,因为苯的辛烷值108,含苯的汽油抗爆性较高。 现在,国外提出了无芳烃燃料的概念,即努力在汽油、柴油中减少芳烃的含量。因为芳烃是有毒性的。芳烃燃烧生成的尾气含多环芳烃。多环芳烃是致癌的。 常见的芳烃包括苯、甲苯、二甲苯、乙苯、甲乙苯,等,一般说来,这些都是有毒的。 如果让将汽油中的芳烃除去,汽油的辛烷值立马降低很多,抗爆性就不能满足高压缩比发动机的要求,发动机会因为爆震而不能正常使用。 本课题组发明的低辛烷值汽油,例如40号汽油,却可以不含芳烃,全球首次实现汽油燃料的无芳烃化! 这还只是一个次要的贡献。 低辛烷值汽油的重大贡献是将汽油机的热功转换效率从25-28%提升40%左右,超过了柴油机,提供相同的动力输出,汽油燃料的消耗量将减少40%左右。使用97号汽油的汽油机压缩比最高约11(奥迪大约10.5,宝马大约10.8),而使用40号汽油的汽油机压缩比最高可以达到22,普通汽车也用得起。这个论文随后将在这里发表,请耐心等待。 希望大家看在汽油无芳烃化(低毒性化)的份上,多多关注我们课题组的“低辛烷值汽油”项目,支持40号汽油的工业化应用。我们的项目在申报课题立项申请的过程中,被同行评审的专家给了低分,没有通过评审。同行是冤家啊! 乙苯 C6H5-C2H5 辛烷值为 98 二甲苯 CH3--CH 3 辛烷值为 103 甲 苯 C6H5-CH3 辛烷值为 104 苯 C6H6 辛烷值为 108
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