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Wiley实验室指南(Current Protocols)在线讲座免费注册【神经学】
WileyChina 2014-9-24 10:51
Wiley实验室指南Current Protocols在线讲座 神经性炎症模型:在神经退化与重生研究中的使用 注册地址: http://view6.workcast.net/register?pak=7048743581815943 时间: 2014 年10 月8 日(周四)0:00am – 1:00am (Beijing Time) Tuesday, October 7, 2014 at 12pm-1pm EDT (09:00-10:00 PDT; 17:00-18:00 BST; 18:00-19:00 CEST) 主讲人介绍 : M. Kerry O’Banion 博士 目前任职于罗切斯特大学医学与牙医学院,担任神经生物学与解剖学系教授及代理系主任,已在神经性炎症领域内开展研究近20 年。O’Banion 博士于1987 年毕业于美国伊利诺伊州香槟分校,获得医学博士学位;1987-1991 年间他作为博士后及讲师在罗切斯特大学生物化学系Donald Young 博士的实验室里工作。在这段时间里, O’Banion 博士 主要的工作是在研究 糖皮质激素在转化细胞表型的快速 适应过程中的作用导致 环氧合酶 -2 的识别和繁殖,还有糖皮质激素在炎症中的重要作用。1991 年,O’Banion 博士被任命为罗切斯特大学神经学副教授,主持一系列研究,主要利用细胞培养模型和人体组织探究环氧合酶以及神经性炎症在阿尔茨海默症病理中的地位。后来在他与John Olschowka 博士及Stephanos Kyrkanides 的长期合作中,将这些研究都扩展到了动物模型的阶段。除了阿尔茨海默症,O’Banion 的实验室还开展了其他神经退化疾病的研究,目前他的主要研究方向是海马的神经发生中神经性炎症以及神经中枢系统接触辐射后的损伤。他的实验室已经接受了NIA,NIAID, NIEHS 和 NASA 提供的资金支持。O’Banion 博士的工作不仅只是研究,他还主管罗切斯特大学的医学家培养项目,培训60-65 名博士学生。 主持人: Gwen Taylor, Wiley 高级开发编辑兼Current Protocols在线讲座项目主管 讲座内容介绍: Neuroinflammation , definedas the activation of endogenous glial cells and their complex interplay withother cell types via cytokines, chemokines and other factors, is a component ofall central nervous system (CNS) injuries, infections, and neurodegenerativediseases. Althoughneuroinflammation is a normal response to CNS injury, a great deal of emphasishas been placed on its potential negative effects and how these might be modifiedto effect better outcome in CNS disorders. To this end, multiple models of neuroinflammation have been developedfor use in preclinical animal studies. In this webinar, Dr. KerryO’Banion (Universityof Rochester) will discuss several different models of neuroinflammation andprovide an overview of their use in studies of neurodegenerative disease. Emphasis will be placed on differencesbetween the models, including considerations for their implementation and limitationsin interpreting results. 主要学习目标: · Approaches used to elicit neuroinflammation inanimal models · Considerations for selecting specificapproaches · The information that can be gleaned from thesetypes of experiments 讲座主要目标人群: · Those interested in neuroinflammation and itscomplex role in brain injury and neurodegenerative disorders · Scientists who need to become knowledgeableabout designing experiments that investigate the effects of neuroinflammationin CNS disease processes 涉及Wiley实验室指南(currentProtocols)以及延伸内容: 神经科学/药理学/小鼠生物学/细胞生物学/干细胞生物学 细胞与分子生物学/神经病学/病理学
个人分类: 业界新闻|2196 次阅读|0 个评论
Wiley实验室指南(Current Protocols)在线讲座免费注册啦!
WileyChina 2014-9-19 10:57
Wiley实验室指南Current Protocols在线讲座 注册地址: http://view6.workcast.net/register?pak=6272104129352788 时间: 2014 年 9 月 30 日(周二) 23:00-0:00 主讲人介绍 : 邱继辉博士毕业于伦敦的帝国理工学院并获得生物化学博士学位。作为惠康基金奖的博士后研究员留校一年之后,邱博士赴科罗拉多州立大学微生物系任研究员,主要研究方向是麻风病和痨病。到了台湾中央研究院生化研究所后,他开始了自己的独立研究。邱博士现任特聘研究员兼副所长,同时还是中央研究院质谱技术委员会主席,监管几个附属机构的公共质谱设施正常运转。 邱博士的主要研究方向集中在 研发多种串联式质谱分析技术并应用于蛋白质、蛋白后修饰以及糖质体的结构分析、定序与表现差异图谱的鉴定,致力于提升技术平台的高效率、灵敏度与精确度。除此之外,他还积极使用鸟枪蛋白质组学技术来定义多种类型的蛋白质修饰,尤其是半胱氨酸。 主持人: Gwen Taylor, Wiley 高级开发编辑兼Current Protocols在线讲座项目主管 讲座内容介绍: Multiplexing Mass Spectrometry-Based Identification and Quantification of Site-SpecificReversible Cysteine Modifications The identification and quantitative measurement of different forms of protein site-specificreversible cysteine modifications remain technically challenging. Many massspectrometry (MS)-based workflows have been developed, all sharing a commonprinciple of first blocking any free thiol before labeling the specific formsof cysteine modifications that can be reversed by specific reducing agents. Inessence, this switches the reversibly modified cysteine intochemically labeled cysteine more suitable for MS-based detection andquantification. The recent availability of multiplexed iodoTMT, a set ofisobaric mass tags that irreversibly label Cys-thiols, now facilitatesdetermination of the relative degree of specific cysteine modifications underdifferent redox conditions. In this webinar, Dr.Kay-Hooi Khoo (Academia Sinica, Taiwan) will describe howmultiplexed iodoTMT has been used to sequentially and differentially tagS-nitrosylation and S-glutathionylation, allowing their dynamics to bedelineated. Dr. Khoo will answer questions from webinarattendees so be sure to attend and get answers from an expert! 主要学习目标: · Understanding the complexity of cysteinemodifications · Advantages of using iodoTMT in a sequentiallabeling workflow · Potential applications to delineate hypoxia-inducedredox events 讲座主要目标人群: · Researchers using MS-basedproteomics techniques for analysis of post-translational modifications · Scientists interested in using thetechnology to probe redox-mediated cysteine modifications
个人分类: Health Science|2866 次阅读|0 个评论
Current Protocols - Wiley实验室指南
热度 1 WileyChina 2014-9-4 09:49
很多研究人员常常会担心实验结果是否能再次利用。年初的时候,Francis Collins和Lawrence Tabak谈到NIH将宣布的有关生物医学研究中的延续性和可利用性。他们表示,产生这种问题的因素有很多,包括研究人员在设计实验时缺乏足够的培训,以及已发表的文章在材料和方法部分有一些局限性,这样的话,实验计划就容易遗失一些基本的(也是重要的)东西 。 我们 Current Protocols ( Wiley 实验室指南) 是要为用户提供可靠高效的研究方法,确保研究人员可以得到可靠的结果。本项目的成功主要源于对指南的严格修改的过程以及统一的格式。 什 么是 Current Protocols ? Current Protocols 的指南都是指导实验步骤的。每一篇都有材料清单,上面列着关键实验材料的厂家和物品的编号。这些指导里有实用的小提示和图表(有的地方还有视频),帮助用户设计并实施实验。每一篇文章里还有很多讨论的部分,比如说 Critical Parameters (实验的关键部分)、 Troubleshooting (如何解决实验无效的问题)、 Anticipated Results (实验顺利的情况下能得到的结果)还有 Time (每一项实验持续时间)。 我们的修改过程 我们对 Current Protocols 的修改主要在 三个层面 。 第一, 针对每一个领域,该领域内受推崇的科学家会组成一个 委员会 。委员会定期开会讨论,由他们来决定指南的内容和撰写指南的人选。委员会在标注他们认为有效的方法之前会进行反复的推敲。他们开会的时候经常在探讨最前沿的研究,但在把某种实验方法写在实验指南上之前,他们要确保已经有几个实验室成功地通过这种方法得到了结果。我们希望用户能得到最佳的实验体验。 编辑委员会也会审查已出版的内容有没有需要 更新 的。对于 Current Protocols 来说,及时更新非常的重要,这保证了 它提供的方法没有过时。委员会还要对提交的文章进行同行评审。 第二, Current Protocols 里拥有博士学位的 高级编辑与作者和编辑委员会 共同探讨 然后进行修改。他们主要是进行同行评审,提供反馈并要求修改(如果需要的话),再将稿件交给出版编辑。 第三, Current Protocols 的 出版编辑 也是科研人员,他们会问清有关实验的事,以确保用户不会有疑问。我们的目标用户是研一学生和对实验室环境还不够熟悉的人,实验室指南不断修改就是为了科研人员都能顺利完成实验。我们会确认材料清单和缓冲剂配方。出版编辑也会确保指南格式会满足 Current Protocols 的要求。这保证了相似的信息和同一层级的细节在每篇指南中都有一样的样式和质量。 总而言之,我们对内容精挑细选、历经三个修改步骤并对所有的细节都一丝不苟,这让我们的 Current Protocols 成为保证研 究可重复利用的重要出版物。 更多有关Wiley实验室指南的信息请查看 Here. http://www.currentprotocols.com
个人分类: Health Science|2346 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]list of current satellites tracked by SLR
jlpemail 2013-9-24 04:09
参考文献均来自国际激光测距网站 Below is the alphabetized list of current satellites tracked by SLR and their different identification schemes, bin size and basic orbit information. Click on the satellite name hyperlink for additional information about the satellite mission within the ILRS Web site (e.g., mission objectives, images, identification numbers, mission parameters, ILRS tracking status, etc.). the table is sortable, click in the column header to sort Satellite Name Satellite ID SIC Code NORAD Number NP Indicator Bin Size (Seconds) Altitude (Km) Inclination (deg) First Tracked Date ​ ​ Ajisai 8606101 1500 16908 5 30 1485 50 13-Aug-1986 Apollo11 Sea of Tranquility 0000100 N/A N/A 2 variable 356,400 5 20-Aug-1969 Apollo14 Fra Mauro 0000102 N/A N/A 2 variable 356,400 5 07-Feb-1971 Apollo15 Hadley Rille 0000103 N/A N/A 2 variable 356,400 5 01-Sep-1971 Beacon-C 6503201 0317 1328 3 15 927 41 02-Jan-1976 COMPASS-G1 1000101 2002 36287 9 300 42,164 55.5 28-Apr-2012 COMPASS-I3 1101301 2003 37384 9 300 42,161 55.5 27-Apr-2012 COMPASS-I5 1107301 2005 37948 9 300 42,161 55.5 06-Jul-2012 COMPASS-M3 1201801 2004 38250 9 300 21,528 55.0 11-Jul-2012 Cryosat-2 1001301 8006 36508 3 15 720 92 20-Apr-2010 Envisat 0200901 6179 27386 3 15 800 98 10-Apr-2002 Etalon-1 8900103 0525 19751 9 300 19,105 65 26-Jan-1989 Etalon-2 8903903 4146 20026 9 300 19,135 65 13-Jul-1989 GIOVE-A 0505101 7001 28922 9 300 23,916 56 11-May-2006 Galileo-101 1106001 7101 37846 9 300 23,220 56 29-Nov-2011 Galileo-102 1106002 7102 37847 9 300 23,220 56 29-Nov-2011 Galileo-103 1205501 7103 38857 9 300 23,220 56 07-Nov-2012 Galileo-104 1205502 7104 38858 9 300 23,220 56 07-Nov-2012 GLONASS-102 0606201 9102 29670 9 300 19,140 65 04-May-2007 GLONASS-109 0706503 9109 32395 9 300 19,140 65 04-May-2007 GLONASS-110 0804601 9110 33378 9 300 19,140 65 10-Dec-2009 GLONASS-118 0907003 9118 36113 9 300 19,140 65 04-Jan-2010 GLONASS-129 1106402 9129 37868 9 300 19,140 65 02-Jan-2012 GLONASS-130 1107101 9130 37938 9 300 19,140 65 01-Jan-2012 GOCE 0901301 0499 34602 1 5 295 96.7 01-Apr-2009 GPS-36 9401601 3636 23027 9 300 20,030 55 21-Apr-1994 GRACE-A 0201201 8003 27391 1 5 485-500 89 18-Mar-2002 GRACE-B 0201202 8004 27392 1 5 485-500 89 18-Mar-2002 HY-2A 1104301 2201 37781 5 30 971 99.35 02-Oct-2011 IRNSS-1A 1303401 3301 39199 9 300 42,164 29 05-Sep-2013 Jason-2 0803201 1025 33105 3 15 1336 66 24-Jun-2008 KOMPSAT-5 1304201 3803 39227 1 5 550 97.6 09-Sep-2013 LAGEOS-1 7603901 1155 8820 7 120 5850 110 10-May-1976 LAGEOS-2 9207002 5986 22195 7 120 5625 53 24-Oct-1992 LARES 1200601 5987 38077 5 30 1450 69.5 17-Feb-2012 Larets 0304206 5557 27944 5 30 691 98.204 04-Nov-2003 LRO-LR 0903101 0059 35315 1 5 ~50 (lunar) ~90 (wrt lunar equator) 30-Jun-2009 Luna17 Sea of Rains 0000101 N/A N/A 2 variable 356,400 5 21-May-1975 Luna21 Sea of Serenity 0000104 N/A N/A 2 variable 356,400 5 16-Nov-1973 QZS-1 1004501 1581 37158 9 300 32,000-40,000 45 11-Sep-2010 RadioAstron 1103701 5559 37755 6 60 500-350,000 51.4 15-Nov-2011 SARAL 1300901 3201 39086 3 15 814 98.55 04-Mar-2013 Starlette 7501001 1134 7646 5 30 815 50 03-Jan-1976 Stella 9306102 0643 22824 5 30 815 99 30-Sep-1993 STPSat-2 1006201 1075 37222 3 15 650 72 02-Apr-2013 STSAT-2C 1300301 3804 39068 3 15 300-1500 80 29-Mar-2013 TanDEM-X 1003001 6202 36605 1 5 514 97.44 21-Jun-2010 TerraSAR-X 0702601 6201 31698 1 5 514 97.44 16-Jun-2007 Satellite: ZY-3 Sponsor: SBSM China Expected Life: 10 years Primary Applications: Remote sensing applications Primary SLR Applications: Precise orbit determination COSPAR ID: 1200101 SIC Code: 2202 NORAD SSC Code: 38046 Launch Date: Jan-09-2012 NP Bin Size: 15 seconds RRA Shape: Hemisphere Cube Diameter: ​ Reflectors: 9 corner cubes Inclination: 97.421 degrees Eccentricity: 0 Altitude: 505 km Orbital period: 96 minutes 至此,国际国内观测的国产(长期或者短期观测)的是slr 卫星达到8颗以上。 COMPASS Mission Parameters: COMPASS-M1 COMPASS-M3 COMPASS-G1 COMPASS-I3 COMPASS-I5 Sponsor: Chinese Defense Ministry Chinese Defense Ministry Chinese Defense Ministry Chinese Defense Ministry Chinese Defense Ministry Expected Life: 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years Primary Applications: Positioning Positioning Positioning Positioning Positioning Primary SLR Application: Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination Launch Date: 13-Apr-2007 29-Apr-2012 17-Jan-2010 10-Apr-2011 01-Dec-2011 COSPAR ID: 0701101 1201801 1000101 1101301 1107301 SIC: 2001 2004 2002 2003 2005 NORAD: 31115 38250 36287 37384 37948 NP Bin Size 300 seconds 300 seconds 300 seconds 300 seconds 300 seconds RRA Diameter: RRA Shape: Hexagonal Hexagonal Hexagonal Hexagonal Hexagonal Reflectors: 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 90 corner cubes 90 corner cubes 90 corner cubes Orbit: MEO MEO GEO GEO GEO Inclination: 55.5 degrees 55.0 degrees 1.53 degrees 55.6 degrees 55.6 degrees Eccentricity: 0.00068 0.0025 0.00018 0.0023 0.0023 Perigee: 21,500 km 21,528 km 42,163.9 km 42,161.2 km 42,161.2 km Period: 773.39 min Weight: 2,200 kg Mission Parameters: ​ HY-2A HY-2B HY-2C HY-2D Sponsor: NSOAS NSOAS NSOAS NSOAS Expected Life: 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years Primary Applications: Oceanography Oceanography Oceanography Oceanography COSPAR ID: 1104301 TBD TBD TBD SIC Code: 2201 TBD TBD TBD NORAD SSC Code: 37781 TBD TBD TBD Launch Date: 16-Aug-2011 2012 2015 2019 RRA Size: RRA Shape: hemisphere hemisphere hemisphere hemisphere Reflectors: 9 corner cubes 9 corner cubes 9 corner cubes 9 corner cubes Size of Reflector: 16.5 mm 16.5 mm 16.5 mm 16.5 mm Orbit: circular circular circular circular Inclination: 99.35 degrees 99.35 degrees 99.35.35 degrees 56 degrees Altitude: 971 km 971 km 971 km 971 km Eccentricity: 0.00117 0.00117 0.00117 0.00117
个人分类: 卫星与激光|2386 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 xuxiujiang 2013-2-22 11:17
日本来了,说的不是鬼子进庄的事,而是讲战后的日本在经济上挑战美国的故事,六十年代末,七十年代,乃至八十年代,日本企业风靡全球,创造了日本奇迹,日本人不但向全世界提供了高品质的产品,而且也向世人输出了一种新的经营理念和企业管理模式,这种融会了东方智慧的企业模式,可能对中国人更有意义. (1/2)任何人都没有理由看不起日本人,小看日本人是个很危险的事情,当初的麦克阿瑟和他率领的美国占领军就是轻视了日本人,才给日本留下了死灰复燃的机会,战后的日本已经陷入了绝境,男人失业,女人去找美国大兵卖淫,所有的日本人都吃不上饱饭,所有人都看不到未来的希望,1945年的冬天,日本成了饥寒交迫的人间地狱,上苍惩罚了日本,这是对其发动侵略战争的报应,上苍惩罚了日本,却没有灭绝日本人,日本人让世人见识了人类挑战生存极限的巨大潜力,1946年的春天开始,日本便开始还阳,十年后,日本便恢复了活力,二十年后,日本成了世界上最有竞争力的国家,三十年后,日本开始挑战美国,四十年后,收购美国已经成为日本人的具体行动,日本终于成了一支不可忽视的力量,有人说,日本的崛起沾了美国人的光,朝鲜战争帮了日本人的忙,东西方两大阵营忙着打仗,让日本人发了一笔战争财, 的确,朝鲜战争期间,日本成了美国的后勤补给基地,让不少日本人有了事做,有了饭吃,无形中帮日本人度过了战后那段最艰难的岁月,缩短了上苍对日本人的惩罚期,减轻了日本人遭受的痛苦,可是,即使没有朝鲜战争,日本仍然有可能在类似的时间内达到同样的发展水平, 有什么样的国民,便有什么样的国家,所有的社会现象归根到底都是人口现象,一个国家的发展状况是由其人口的数量和质量决定的,日本也不例外,所以,日本的兴衰首先要从日本人本身去找原因,一个国家要想发展,一方面要有一定规模的人口,另一方面,要有较高的人口素质,如果地广人稀,人民没有生存压力,就没有谋生的动力,便不会有创新,更不会有发展,加拿大,澳大利亚,新西兰就是这样的例子,而人口过多,素质低下,没法接受新事物,只有争斗,而没有竞争,也不会发展,撒哈拉以南的黑非洲以及亚洲的一些国家就是这样 日本与众不同之处是,既有略微过剩的人口,又有较高的人口素质,战争结束时的日本,人口仍有六千万之多,弹丸之地的日本还是世界上人口最密集的地区之一,相对于有限的资源,人口明显过剩,实际上,自明治维新以来,日本的人口就一直在过剩的状态下膨胀,并成为向大陆侵略扩张的基本动力,
2553 次阅读|2 个评论
yonglishi 2013-1-6 20:05
为什么我的论文连续5年高居Top 25 Hottest Articles的前4名? 精选 已有 13509 次阅读 2013-1-6 07:40 |系统分类:论文交流|关键词:Top 25 Hottest Articles; 研究经验交流 由于一直比较忙,我最近两年没来科学网了。实际上,抽点时间进行交流对于营造活跃学术氛围很有帮助,有利于推动科学技术的发展。 前两年我曾经写一篇博文如何写出令同行感兴趣的科技论文? 谈及我的两篇文章荣登Top 25 Hottest Articles排行榜。实际上,其中的一篇论文"A review of separation technologies in current and future biorefineries"从发表到现在已连续五年在其所在的期刊高居Top 25 Hottest Articles的前4名,而且大多数季度排在第一。我的另一篇研究论文”Effect of biomass species and plant size on cellulosic ethanol: A comparative process and economic analysis”也曾经在其所在的期刊上榜Top 25 Hottest Articles一年。我认为,有两篇上榜那么长时间,应该不是运气所致,而是长期努力的结果。 2004年以来我的代表性SCI论文、会议论文(报告)及书籍和章节见后面附录。经过统计,我的这些论文至今总共被SCI引用234次,总的影响因子(IF)是24.127. 其中我作为第一作者的论文总共被SCI引用209次,总的影响因子(IF)是15.666。这些成绩在有些博导、教授们面前来说根本不算什么,他们有几百篇论文不奇怪,因为他们属下有很多研究生和年轻教师同时在做实验研究和发表论文,他们是“集团军的将领”,而我仅仅是一位士兵而已,没有可比性。但对于象我这么一位普通的一线研究者和土博士而言,成绩是来之不易的。毕竟所有的具体研究工作都是自己做的,更何况又是工程类专业,影响因子通常相对比较低,而土博士自然在语言方面也很难与美国博士比。由于成绩比较显著,我到美国四年半的时候就获得个人永久居民身份(按杰出人才EB1a类别申请),也得到老板的赏识。此外,由于我的上述两篇论文在Top 25 Hottest Articles上榜(按读者下载文章次数多少排名)并持续很多个季度,引起好几个出版社的关注,我们荣幸地被多家出版社邀请编写或编辑相关书籍。因时间和精力所限,我们只接受了Wiley出版社的邀请,编辑Separation and purification technologies in biorefineries这本书 (已完成,今年3月出书:http://www.amazon.com/Separation-Purification-Technologies-Biorefineries-Ramaswamy/dp/0470977965)。另外,我们还经常被多种期刊编辑约稿。 那么,作为一位普通学者的我是如何做到这些呢?这正是我想要与您交流的地方,这里简要介绍我的一些研究心得。我觉得我之所以能做到这些,是坚持不懈、长期积累的结果,主要有以下几方面原因: (1)干一行爱一行,我做什么项目就喜欢什么项目。我觉得每个研究领域、每个研究项目都有未知而需要探索的地方,探索未知、发现新结果,是令人感兴趣的事情。只有兴趣了,你才能真正投入进去。 (2)保持敬业精神,刻苦钻研,持之以恒。我博士期间主要侧重于反应器控制方面的实验部分以及测控硬件集成和软件设计,对于纯粹化工背景的人,从事测控硬件集成和软件设计,需要花大量的时间和精力进行边学边用,刻苦钻研,我一周七天都投入了进去,最后按时顺利地完成了整个软硬件测控系统的设计。2003-2004年我考国家公派出国去新西兰研究一年,我那段时间也一直是埋头苦干,有时晚上和周末还自个儿去试验室加班。直到一年快结束时才放下研究工作去旅游了几天。我出国前就计划好要充分利用留学机会弄出一些科研成果。尽管由于留学时间较短(1年),很难得到满意的实验结果,但经过努力我还是参加了一个会议、发表了一篇综述论文,还与两位在读研究生合作进行一些计算机模拟,当时并不指望得到什么合作文章(我并不是学术功利主义),但后来他们发表研究论文时都没有忘记我对计算机模拟的贡献,帮助我额外增加了两篇的合作论文。国家公派没有对我们公派生有任何定量的成果要求,但我仍然非常敬业地工作,收获了令自己满意的成果,同时还得到课题组负责陈教授的认可。2005年9月得以来美国做博士后,归功于陈教授的帮助,正是他提供给我该博士后职位招聘的宝贵信息。来美国的前一年,我有幸与我的一位师兄进行了一个石油化工过程的模拟与优化,我负责计算机模拟工作,我一如既往地认真负责,为使用过程流程模拟软件(Aspen Plus)积累了宝贵的经验,当然我博士阶段的计算机应用水平的提高也使我运用该模拟软件起来更加得心应手。我05年来美国做博士后的职位正是关于使用Aspen Plus进行计算机模拟的项目(只是具体研究对象不同而已)。简而言之,事物都是相关的,只要你保持敬业精神,刻苦钻研,并持之以恒,对每项课题认真负责(而不是“应付”),力争做好每一件事,那么一旦机会出现,你就会容易抓住。 (3)沉住气,不浮躁。我的博士课题侧重于反应器控制方面的实验部分以及测控硬件集成和软件设计,没有时间和精力进行理论模型的研究和模型化工作,很难从我的博士论文写成像样的或上档次的学术论文(尽管我尽力发表了好几篇相关的中文期刊论文)。但是,我并不悲叹和发牢骚,亦不与人攀比,更不气馁,继续踏踏实实地做自己的研究工作,积累研究经验。另外,我当时一直相信自己的研究能力。虽然我的博士论文无法提供好文章的素材,对自己的学术成果积累没有多大的直接贡献,但自身的计算机应用水平得到明显提高,这为后来进行化工过程的计算机模拟工作打下了坚实的基础。基于自信与兴趣,我后来编著了《实用化工计算机模拟-MATLAB在化学工程中的应用》,这本书总共花了一年半的业余时间才完成,书中的130个例子程序都是自己精心编写调试好的,非常费时费神。当时在上海的我,假如沉不住气,本书是不可能完成的。值得一提的是,本书在国内曾经得到本专业及相关专业众多研究生的青睐。此外,这本书的编写实际上也提高了自身的化工建模和计算机仿真的水平,弥补了我博士期间所欠缺的东西。 (4)在积极进行试验研究和(或)计算机模拟得到结果以后,积极参加各种学术活动(学术会议、讲座),并及时地发表自己已获得的研究结果。不要有学术功利主义,非要发表多少多少篇论文不可,只要尽力就可以了。在经费允许的情况下尽量多参加学术会议,因为参加学术会议可以当作一种相对比较轻松愉快的学术活动,既获得很多新信息、研究新热点新方向新方法等,又认识兴趣相同的同行朋友,而且又能享受短暂的“度假旅行”。此外,学术会议常常帮助宣传自己,同时会给参会者起着鼓舞(研究)的作用(反而言之,一个人关起门来研究,不参加学术活动,自然得不到任何鼓舞,就会觉得枯燥无味)。当你越来越觉得学术会议很有意思以后,一旦接到新的会议预告时,往往会非常积极主动地、加班加点地准备会议摘要,并加快试验(或模拟计算)进度以获得所需的结果,以便在会议上作报告。会议结束后,把会议论文扩展(补充和完善内容)写成期刊论文以发表。 (5)对英语的兴趣和重视。我在国内从硕士阶段到出国前,一直保持对英语学习的兴趣,坚持不懈地学习,因为我认为不管在哪里做研究工作,英文科技文献是必需阅读的。平时经常读英文报,听美国之音,背TOFEL和GRE单词等。虽然由于研究忙碌无法脱身,我没考过TOFEL和GRE,但考了国家公派英语水平考试,并顺利通过。加上来美国前我第一作者发表了两篇英文论文,虽数量不多,但得到了英语科技论文方面的写作锻炼。有坚实的英语基础,尤其是写作方面,使我来到美国后英语论文的写作如鱼得水(当然也离不开坚实的专业,否则英文再好也写不出好文章)。只有英语和专业同时好,才能快速阅读科技文献,吸取养分,使自己的研究“站在前人的肩膀上”进行创新研究。 综上所述,科学研究无捷径,绝不能急于求成;只有保持兴趣,保持敬业精神,刻苦钻研,持之以恒,同时注意尽量全面发展(专业+英语+计算机),你才能不断取得进步,不断取得成果,这也是作为一位真正的学者和研究者所必需具备的。 致谢:感谢我的博士生导师袁先生对学术的严格要求以及他领导下所营造的良好学术氛围,使我潜移默化地对学术的兴趣和重视,并使我受益匪浅。 2004年以来的代表性论文: (1) H.-J. Huang, S. Ramaswamy. Thermodynamic analysis of black liquor steam gasification. BioResources, 6(3), 3210-3230, 2011. (2) H.-J. Huang, S. Ramaswamy, W. Al-Dajani, U. Tschirner. Process modeling and analysis of pulp mill-based integrated biorefinery with hemicellulose pre-extraction for ethanol production: A comparative study. Bioresource Technology. 101(2): 624-631, 2010. (3) H.-J. Huang, S. Ramaswamy, W. Al-Dajani, U. Tschirner, an
2266 次阅读|0 个评论
Freestanding Macroporous Silicon and Pyrolyzed Polyacrylonit
hubin 2012-8-9 10:37
Freestanding Macroporous Silicon and Pyrolyzed Polyacrylonitrile As a Composite Anode for Lithium Ion Batteries In the one step anodization liftoff procedure, the in situ change in fluoride ion concentration results in the formation of a high porosity layer beneath a low porosity layer under the same etching conditions. The pores in the high porosity layer then eventually expand in width and overlap with one another until the porous silicon breaks away from the substrate. In the two step procedure, a silicon wafer is first etched at a constant current density to create isotropic pores. Then the current density is suddenly increased causing the base of the pores to rapidly expand and overlap, thus lifting the porous silicon from the bulk substrate.
2601 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 lhkcc58 2012-6-7 23:27
点击中央气象台卫星云图的: 台风FY2E卫星监测 你可以在搜索栏见到: http://www.nmc.gov.cn/publish/typhoon/fy2c-pj2.htm 这样问题就出来了,点击项告诉我们这图是FY2E拍摄的,可是网址告诉我们这图是fy2c拍摄的,这岂不是咄咄怪事,岂不是挂羊头卖狗肉?? 强烈要求中央气象台给国人道歉、谢罪。
个人分类: 气象学|93 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载]Dark Matter Near Sun Missing In New Study
Irasater 2012-5-8 14:34
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/19/dark-matter-sun-gravity_n_1438425.html By: Charles Q. Choi Published: 04/19/2012 10:00 AM EDT on SPACE.com A new study has found no trace of the mysterious substance known as dark matter around the sun, adding a twist to current theories, researchers say. Dark matter is one of the greatest cosmic mysteries of our time — an invisible, intangible material thought to make up five-sixths of all matter in the universe. Scientists currently think it is composed of a new type of particle, one that interacts normally with gravity but only very weakly with all the other known forces of the universe. As such, dark matter is detectable only via the gravitational pull it generates. Astronomers first proposed the existence of dark matter to explain why stars moved the way they did in the Milky Way. It was as if extra matter was present, exerting a gravitational pull that influenced the motions of the stars. According to widely accepted theories, the neighborhood around the sun should be filled with dark matter, with billions of these particles rushing through us every second. However, the most accurate study yet of motions of stars in the Milky Way now has found no evidence for dark matter in a large volume around the sun. "Our results contradict the currently accepted models — the mystery of dark matter has just become even more mysterious," said study lead author Christian Moni Bidin, an astronomer at the University of Concepción in Chile. Hunting dark matter The scientists used telescopes at the La Silla Observatory and the Las Campanas Observatory, both in Chile, to map the motions of more than 400 red giant stars up to 13,000 light-years from the sun. This helped calculate the mass of material in the vicinity of the sun, in a volume four times larger than ever considered before. "The amount of mass that we derive matches very well with what we see — stars, dust and gas — in the region around the sun," Moni Bidin said. "But this leaves no room for the extra material — dark matter — that we were expecting. Our calculations show that it should have shown up very clearly in our measurements. But it was just not there!" Dark matter models had predicted there should be about 0.9 to 2.2 pounds (0.4 to 1 kilograms) of dark matter in a volume the size of the Earth in the sun's part of the galaxy. However, these new findings suggest there is at most 0.15 pounds (70 grams) of dark matter in that volume in our part of the Milky Way galaxy . "Despite the new results, the Milky Way certainly rotates much faster than the visible matter alone can account for, so if dark matter is not present where we expected it, a new solution for the missing mass problem must be found," Moni Bidin said. Dark matter's elusiveness explained? The findings could explain why all attempts to detect dark matter in laboratories on Earth have failed so far — there is much less of it in the sun's neighborhood than expected. "Strictly speaking, the results do not say that dark matter does not exist — they only say it is not here," Moni Bidin told SPACE.com. "We have not proven that dark matter does not exist, and even if we do, at this point we cannot explain many other phenomena that today are explained only by dark matter." One alternative to dark matter is known as Modified Newtonian Dynamics, or MOND, which tweaks how gravity works at large scales to help explain the motions of stars and galaxies that researchers observe. However, "to my knowledge, MOND also would have expected a massive 'phantom disk' to appear in our study, so our results should contradict its expectations, too," Moni Bidin said. Future astronomical surveys, such as the European Space Agency's Gaia mission, could help shed further light on dark matter, Moni Bidin said. Gaia will collect data to reconstruct the movement of millions of stars. "Thus, we will be able to test the presence of dark matter in a wide region of the galaxy," he explained. The scientists will detail their findings in a future issue of the Astrophysical Journal.
个人分类: Else|1535 次阅读|0 个评论
The effect of an electric current on the nanoindentation beh
hasanzhong 2012-5-3 11:49
Guangfeng Zhao, Ming Liu and Fuqian Yang, The effect of an electric current on the nanoindentation behavior of tin, Acta Materialia 60 (2012) 3773-3782 Abstract Electrical–thermal–mechanical interactions determine the reliability and performance of microelectromechanical devices and systems. Using the nanoindentation technique the effect of an electric current on the indentation deformation of Sn strips was studied for an indentation load in the range 50–200 lN. During the indentation an electric current density in the range 993.05–4087.89 A cm2 was passed through the Sn strips, which introduced electrical–thermal–mechanical interactions. The experimental results showed that the reduced contact modulus decreased with increasing electric current density. For an electric current density less than 4087.89 A cm2 the decrease in the reduced contact modulus with increasing electric current density was mainly controlled by Joule heating due to an electrothermal interaction. The electrothermal interaction caused surface softening of the Sn strips. A simple relation is proposed to describe the dependence of the reduced contact modulus on the electric current density. The indentation hardness decreased with increas- ing indentation load, showing a normal indentation size effect. Using the relationship between indentation hardness and indentation depth from strain gradient plasticity theory we curve fitted the experimental data and found that both the indentation hardness at the limit of infinite depth and the characteristic length were dependent on the electric current density. Finite element analysis was per- formed to analyze the indentation deformation of a two-dimensional tin strip under the simultaneous action of an electric current. The simulation results showed that the contact modulus of tin decreased linearly with the square of the electric current density, qualitatively in accordance with experimental observations for an electric current density 6 2803.7 A cm2 .  2012 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Nanoindentation; Elastic behavior; Hardness
个人分类: Paper|3401 次阅读|2 个评论
linpandr 2012-3-8 21:43
需要从文本文件中读取数据,我的文件很大,格式如下: ********** output: slice 35 ================= 5.9989E+02 current power increment p_mid phi_mid r_size angle energy bunching xrms yrms error x y e-spread far_field 1.0000E+00 4.4409E-14 2.5253E-02 -5.8757E-32 4.2314E-05 3.7847E-05 -2.0000E+00 1.3632E-04 1.1492E-04 7.0876E-05 0.0000E+00 3.6676E-09 -6.2433E-10 1.6261E-01 8.9205E+11 1.0000E+00 -8.8818E-15 2.5736E-02 -1.9881E-02 4.1910E-05 3.7847E-05 -2.0000E+00 1.3438E-04 1.1529E-04 7.0641E-05 0.0000E+00 3.6854E-09 -6.2217E-10 1.6261E-01 8.9205E+11 1.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 2.6211E-02 -4.0115E-02 4.1522E-05 3.7847E-05 -2.0000E+00 1.3259E-04 1.1565E-04 7.0408E-05 0.0000E+00 3.7033E-09 -6.2001E-10 1.6261E-01 8.9205E+11 重复,用下面的代码老是出错,请高手帮忙,代码如下: fidin=fopen('e:\2.txt'); % 打开test2.txt文件 fidout=fopen('mkmatlab.txt','w'); % 创建MKMATLAB.txt文件 while ~feof(fidin) % 判断是否为文件末尾 tline=fgetl(fidin); % 从文件读行 if double(tline(1))=47double(tline(1))=58 % 判断首字符是否是数值 fprintf(fidout,'%s\n\n',tline); % 如果是数字行,把此行数据写入文件MKMATLAB.txt continue % 如果是非数字继续下一次循环 end end fclose(fidout); MK=importdata('mkmatlab.txt'); % 将生成的MKMATLAB.txt文件导入工作空间,变量名为MK,实际上它不显示出来 , 问题补充: load什么意思? 我来帮他解答 输入内容已经达到长度限制 还能输入 9999 字 插入图片 删除图片 插入地图 删除地图 插入视频 视频地图 不登录也可以回答 参考资料: 提交回答 取消 2009-8-13 22:43 满意回答 传文件的前十行左右到我的邮箱吧。 wacs5@126.com ===========代码如下======== clear fid=fopen('d:\data.txt','r'); %路径你得调一下 cntline=0; %数据行数 cntseg=0; %段数 indseg= ; %每一段在总体数组中的位置 while (~feof(fid)) line=fgetl(fid); len=length(line); if (len) %非空行 i=1; while(line(i)==' ') %去掉行头无用的信息 i=i+1; end if (line(i)'0' || line(i)'9') %如果不是数字,即字符 if (line(i)=='*') %如果出现*号,说明新的一段开始 cntseg=cntseg+1; indseg(cntseg)=cntline+1; %新段的索引号 end continue; else %如果是数据行的话 if isempty(strfind(line(i:end),'current')) %不含current的数据行 cntline=cntline+1; data(cntline,:)=sscanf(line(i:end),'%f')'; else %含有current currentdata(cntseg,1)=sscanf(line(i:end),'%f'); end end end end fclose(fid);
3695 次阅读|0 个评论
学习笔记_how to learn qoca step by step
xiaoxinghe 2012-1-7 14:18
个人分类: QOCA|2 次阅读|0 个评论
A Talk by Stephen Chu
热度 7 何毓琦 2011-12-3 16:20
Fornew readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first. Stephen Chu, the Nobel Prizewinning physicist and current U.S. Secretary of Energy, gave a talk at Harvardon “ The Role of Science, Technology and Innovation in Solving the EnergyChallenge” on December 1, 2011. The audeince filled the auditorium. Harvard had to arrange FOUR extra large lecture rooms equipped with live broadcast to satisfy the demand. Hestarted his talk by reviewing the role of scientific innovation in agriculture,information technology, and transportation showing how each subject wastransformed by discoveries and key breakthrough. To those who are versed in thesubject matter, they are well known matters in the history of science viewednow with the benefit of hindsight. For example, I am familiar with electronicsand IT. But in agriculture and transportation, new facts and insights werelearned. Henry Ford was often thought ofas the father of the automobile. But the technology of internal combustionengine was actually invented in Germany. But Ford made possible the productionof a desirable object with low cost and efficiency. From this Chu invented theverb “Henry-Forded” to say that one person or country managed to take advantageof breakthrough elsewhere and made it practical. He gave the recent example onhow SunTech (China) managed to “Henry-Ford” solar cell production to make itthe leading producer of solar power in the world. Chu concluded his talk byquoting from the work of Micheal Spence, another Nobel winning economist, ontradable and non tradable labor. Example of the former category ismanufacturing labor which can be out-sourced to any country; the example of thelatter are barbers who cuts hair, school teachers, etc. who perform personalservices. Spencenoted from extensive data analysis that for the past half century the tradablejobs in the US are steadily decreasing (being out-sourced) while the nontradable jobs held steady. This implies that US is increasing her foreign debtcontinuously in exchange for outside labor to produce “invented in the US butmade in China” goods - another phrase coined by Chu and an economic fact that cannot be long sustained. No bigsurprise but real worry some according to Chu.
15366 次阅读|13 个评论
配位键与能带调控: Progress & Prospectus (95 ppts)
ecqsun 2011-10-10 13:07
A ppt of recent visiting talk (about 2 hrs), updating to my current and former group members on what I have learnt in the past two decades and what we will do next. Link: Part-I Link: Part-II Per iod Agenda/attainment 1989-20 03 O (C, N, H) surface chemistry (Prog Mater Sc 2003) 1999 -2 007 Size dependence of nanostructures (Prog Solid State Chem 2007) 200 4- 2009 Mesoscopic thermo mechanics (Prog Mater Sc 2009) 20 07 -2011 Nonbonding electron polarization ( Nanoscale 20 10;) The sould of GNR and CNT, (EES, 2011) 2009 onward Quantitative spectroscopy Defect, surface nanos Impurity interface 4S and catalysis H bond dynamics and H2O anomalies Ice Rule (Pauling 1935) 1. M H: spin ice, O-adsorption, metal oxide 2. C, N, F O: N, C, F reaction 3. Bond-band-barrier correlation (Phys Chem) 4. O-H : O segmentation: H2O NTE Atomic CN-R (Pauling 1947; Goldschmidt 1927) 1. BOLS (E): under CN (Surf, defect, nano, etc) 2. Local entrapment polarization 3. Hetero-CN: (impurity, interf, alloy, comp.) 4. Local bond average STM/S VLEED Atomic valency; 4-stage bonding kinetics Raman d, E, q D , E z , b , E den , etc PES/ ZPS (UPS, XPS, AES) (surf interf): E n (0), D E n (12), E den , E z , etc
个人分类: 控键工程|3107 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]progress in physical geography 专辑 生态系统服务 Es
wind 2011-10-9 17:19
关注的PPG出了一期关注的ES专辑,激动一下,放在这里分享!可惜没有自己的contribution。 progress in physical geography October 2011; 35 (5) Special Issue: Ecosystem Services Editorial Select this article Marion Potschin and Roy Haines-Young Introduction to the Special Issue : Ecosystem Services Progress in Physical Geography October 2011 35 : 571 - 574 , doi: 10.1177/0309133311422976 Full Text (PDF) References Request Permissions Articles Select this article Marion B. Potschin and Roy H. Haines-Young Ecosystem services : Exploring a geographical perspective Progress in Physical Geography October 2011 35 : 575 - 594 , doi: 10.1177/0309133311423172 Abstract Full Text (PDF) References Request Permissions Select this article Brendan Fisher , R. Kerry Turner , Neil D. Burgess , Ruth D. Swetnam , Jonathan Green , Rhys E. Green , George Kajembe , Kassim Kulindwa , Simon L. Lewis , Rob Marchant , Andrew R. Marshall , Seif Madoffe , P.K.T. Munishi , Sian Morse-Jones , Shadrack Mwakalila , Jouni Paavola , Robin Naidoo , Taylor Ricketts , Mathieu Rouget , Simon Willcock , Sue White , and Andrew Balmford Measuring, modeling and mapping ecosystem services in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania Progress in Physical Geography October 2011 35 : 595 - 611 , doi: 10.1177/0309133311422968 Abstract Full Text (PDF) References Request Permissions Select this article Erik Gómez-Baggethun and Manuel Ruiz-Pérez Economic valuation and the commodification of ecosystem services Progress in Physical Geography October 2011 35 : 613 - 628 , doi: 10.1177/0309133311421708 Abstract Full Text (PDF) References Request Permissions Select this article Paul Ekins Environmental sustainability : From environmental valuation to the sustainability gap Progress in Physical Geography October 2011 35 : 629 - 651 , doi: 10.1177/0309133311423186 Abstract Full Text (PDF) References Request Permissions Select this article L. Lundy and R. Wade Integrating sciences to sustain urban ecosystem services Progress in Physical Geography October 2011 35 : 653 - 669 , doi: 10.1177/0309133311422464 Abstract Full Text (PDF) References Request Permissions Select this article Rob D. Fish Environmental decision making and an ecosystems approach : Some challenges from the perspective of social science Progress in Physical Geography October 2011 35 : 671 - 680 , doi: 10.1177/0309133311420941 Abstract Full Text (PDF) References Request Permissions Select this article Roy Haines-Young Exploring ecosystem service issues across diverse knowledge domains using Bayesian Belief Networks Progress in Physical Geography October 2011 35 : 681 - 699 , doi: 10.1177/0309133311422977 Abstract Full Text (PDF) References Request Permissions
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[转载]Linux 命令之 touch
onewaystreet 2011-7-27 20:18
先来看看touch --help对 touch的解释:Update the access and modification times of each FILE to the current time. 翻译过来: touch命令用来修改文件的访问时间 、修改时间。如果没有指定时间,则将文件时间属性改为当前时间。当指定文件不存在,则touch命令变为创建该文件。i 想要了解touch 命令, 先得了解linux里文档的时间属性。 在linux下,一个文件有三种时间属性: 访问时间、修改时间、状态改动时间。 访问时间: 记录文件最近被阅读的时间(vim,cat,more等命令都能修改该值)。 修改时间: 记录文件最近被修改的时间(ls -l命令显示的时间即为该时间)。 状态改动时间: 记录该文件的inode节点被修改的时间。touch命令除了-d和-t选项外都会改变该时间。而且chmod,chown等命令也能改变该值。 如何查看文件的时间属性? 用stat命令可以查看文件的时间属性,见上例。 另外ls命令也可以查看文件的时间属性: 1 2 3 ls -l file : 查看文件修改时间 ls -lc file: 查看文件状态改动时间 ls -lu file: 查看文件访问时间
1838 次阅读|0 个评论
woodenson 2010-5-25 12:13
前几天就有人留言,说动物学报也进sci了,今天见到了科学网的信息,真是好消息,好消息。 http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2010/5/232506.shtm?id=232506 又有杂志可以考虑了
个人分类: 动物研究|3606 次阅读|0 个评论
EUVplasma 2008-12-11 14:06
电弧的形成是触头间中性质子(分子和原子)被游离的过程。 开关触头分离时,触头间距离很小,电场强度E很高(E = U/d)。当电场强度超过310 6 V/m时, 阴极表面的电子就会被电场力拉出而形成触头空间的自由电子。 这种游离方式称为:强电场发射(场致发射)。   从阴极表面发射出来的自由电子和触头间原有的少数电子, 在电场力的作用下向阳极作加速运动, 途中不断地和中性质点相碰撞。只要电子的运动速度v足够高, 电子的动能A = mv 2 足够大,就可能从中性质子中打出电子, 形成自由电子和正离子。这种现象称为碰撞游离。 新形成的自由电子也向阳极作加速运动, 同样地会与中性质点碰撞而发生游离。 碰撞游离连续进行的结果是触头间充满了电子和正离子, 具有很大的电导;在外加电压下,介质被击穿而产生电弧, 电路再次被导通。   触头间电弧燃烧的间隙称为弧隙。电弧形成后, 弧隙间的高温使阴极表面的电子获得足够的能量而向外发射, 形成热电场发射。同时在高温的作用下( 电弧中心部分维持的温度可达10000℃以上), 气体中性质点的不规则热运动速度增加。 当具有足够动能的中性质点相互碰撞时, 将被游离而形成电子和正离子,这种现象称为热游离。   随着触头分开的距离增大,触头间的电场强度E逐渐减小, 这时电弧的燃烧主要是依靠热游离维持的。   在开关电器的触头间,发生游离过程的同时, 还发生着使带电质点减少的去游离过程。 source: http://wenda.tianya.cn/wenda/thread?tid=286f25ac8c38724c
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