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如何撰写世界一流论文 | 论文类型
liwenbianji 2016-10-24 20:26
论文种类方面最重要的区别在于原始文献和二手文献。原始文献是指原创性研究首次公开发表之处,这包括大多数期刊论文、会议文集和学位论文。原始文献中的信息经浓缩和整理形成的文献称为二次文献,包括课本、书籍章节、综述、索引和文摘服务以及其他各种形式的信息汇编。原始文献的作用是与更广泛的群体交流最新研究成果。二次文献的作用则在于把原始文献中的信息编辑整理成方便和易懂的格式。有些期刊两类论文都发表,此外还刊登特写、新闻和其他栏目;有些期刊可看作专门的一次期刊(只发表一次文献,即原创性研究成果);另外一些期刊则可看作二次期刊(专门发表综述)。在选择期刊和与期刊编辑建立关系的时候,应留意这些区别。当你在研究领域内已有一定建树后考虑发表综述的时候,这些区别也值得注意。 原创研究的期刊上的论文又分成多个类型;在开始构思论文的时候应了解他们之间的区别,因为某一类论文类型要比其他类型更适合你的工作。多数学术期刊在自己的网页公布其论文类型。可能的稿件类型包括以下几种: • 全长论文 • 快讯 • 短讯 • 读者来信 • 病例报告 • 技术或实验室短文 • 方法学 每种论文的格式都略有不同,这些都载于期刊的《稿约》。撰写稿件时请阅读《稿约》并严格遵守。如果你觉得自己的研究成果已达到发表标准,就要决定目标期刊 (见“期刊选择”部分的注意事项)和论文类型。此时,你的“方法”和“结果”部分应该已经写好,因为这些部分在做试验时即可同步完成。除了标号、字体和图表数量还有待调整外,这两部分应该已可随时导入任何类别的论文。为确定哪种论文类型最合适,你需要自我评价一下自己的工作,请同事做个独立评价可能也有帮助。你是否有足够素材来写一篇全长论文?如果是,很好!如果否,短讯或读者来信可能会更合适。你的研究结果是否非常及时和让人兴奋?是否担心你的竞争者提前发表类似结果?如果是,您可能该考虑写一个快讯。不少期刊(如Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications专门发表这样的文章,并努力缩短见刊周期。 如果你拿不准哪一种论文格式或哪个期刊最适合你的工作,你投稿前随时可以向编辑咨询一下发表的可能性。很多期刊都提供这种服务;即使某期刊不提供此服务,只要你问得有礼貌,编辑照样可能会回复你。你的咨询应该简要介绍你希望发表的工作,并解释为何它很及时并与该刊的读者相关。此外,你应该提及你的论文可能有多少图表,以及每个图表说明什么信息。投稿前咨询与正式投稿 (见“论文发表道德” 部分的注意事项)不同,它可以同时发给多个期刊。如果你收到正面的回应,你就可以开始撰写“引言”、“讨论”和“摘要”,如有必要还要着手调整“方法”和 “结果”部分。这种方法使您可以引用正确数量的参考文献(许多期刊/论文类型都对参考文献的数量做了限制),并且符合每一部分的字数限制,以避免重写已有文稿。 总之,重要的是要知道文献有不同的种类,每一种类之内又有哪些论文类型。此外,要诚实地评价你的工作并决定哪类论文是最适合的。要事先确定适当的目标期刊和论文类型;目标期刊的《稿约》涉及拟发表论文的类型,因此也要遵守其规定;这才能增加论文被接受的机会,缩短见刊周期。 英文原文 Publication types Scientists and clinicians, as producers of scientific and medical research findings for dissemination to the general population, need to be aware of the different publication types that exist and how and when to use them. Many of the different publication types will already be familiar to this audience, but some might not appreciate the extent of the variety. The most important distinction among publication types is that between the primary and secondary literature. The primary literature refers to the places in which original scientific research is first published in a publicly accessible document. This includes most journal papers, conference proceedings, theses and dissertations. The information published in the primary literature is later condensed and reorganized into the secondary literature, which includes textbooks, book chapters, review articles, indexing and abstracting services and various other forms of information compilation. The role of the primary literature is to share new findings with the broader community; the role of the secondary literature is to compile and organize the information in the primary literature into an easily accessible and understandable format. Some journals publish papers of both type, in addition to features, news and other sections, while some journals can be considered exclusively primary journals (that is, publishing solely primary literature, the results of original research) and others can be considered secondary journals (specializing in review articles). It is worthwhile being aware of this when choosing journals and establishing relationships with journal editors; it is also worthwhile thinking about possible review article themes when you have established some authority in your area of research. Among journals publishing primary research there is a great variety of publication types and it is helpful to be aware of these when starting to think about writing up your work, because one type of primary publication format might be more appropriate for your work than another. Most academic journals list the publication types they publish on their web pages. Some of the possible types of manuscript include the following: • Full-length papers • Rapid communications • Short communications • Letters to the editor • Case reports • Technical or Laboratory notes • Methods Each of these publication types will have a slightly different format that will be set out in the journal’s Guide for Authors. When preparing any manuscript, read the instructions in the Guide for Authors closely and follow them precisely. Once you are satisfied that you have sufficient findings to warrant publication, you need to decide on your target journal (see tip on journal selection) and the publication type. By this stage you may already have written up your methods and results sections, because this can be done while you are still performing your research and, with perhaps the exception of section numbering, font size and the allowable number of display items, these sections will be readily introducible into any publication type. To determine the best publication type for your work, you need to self-evaluate it. It may also be helpful to ask a colleague to evaluate it and provide an independent assessment. Is there sufficient material for you to write a full article? If so, great! If not, perhaps a short communication or letter would be more appropriate. Are the results particularly exciting and timely, or are you worried about a competitor publishing similar findings before you can? If so, you might want to consider writing a rapid communication article. A number of journals, for example Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, specialize in this type of article and strive to achieve a very short lag between acceptance of a manuscript and publication. If you are not sure what format or journal is best for your work, you can always send a journal editor a pre-submission enquiry. Many journals offer this facility, and even for those that don’t, the editors will likely reply to a polite enquiry about possible publication. Such an enquiry should contain a brief outline of the research you wish to publish and why it is particularly timely and of relevance to the readers of that journal. You should mention how many potential display items your paper will contain and what each of them shows. Unlike manuscript submissions (see tip on ethics), pre-submission enquiries can be sent to multiple journals simultaneously. When you receive a favorable response, you can proceed with writing the introduction, discussion and abstract, and reformatting the methods and results sections as appropriate. This approach enables you to use the correct amount of references (many journals/publication types have a limit on the number of references that can be included) and comply with section word limits, preventing the need for rewriting an existing manuscript. In summary, it is important to be aware of the different types of literature that exist and the variety of publication types within each class. It is also important to honestly evaluate your work to determine what publication type is most appropriate for your study. Determining the appropriate target journal and publication type in advance, and complying with the instructions set out in the Guide for Authors of the target journal, as they relate to the relevant publication type, will increase your chances of acceptance for publication and shorten the time from initial submission to acceptance. 与中国作者携手的20余年, 理文编辑秉持专业精神尽心润色。 理文编辑愿意一直为您的论文语言保驾护航。 点击 领取300元优惠券
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如何撰写世界一流论文 | 如何统计解读实验结果
热度 2 liwenbianji 2016-10-16 15:34
如今已没有几个行业可以完全不涉及统计学思维的,绝大多数学科都多少需要使用统计学….. 统计学已经从我们日常思维的一个方面发展为无处不在的系统性研究工具….统计学思维承认: 我们对世界的观察总存在某些不确定性,永不可能完全准确。 Rowntree D (1981). Statistics without tears. A primer for non-mathematicians. Penguin Books Ltd., London, England. 统计是指收集、处理和解释数据的方法。由于统计方法是科学探索的固有内容,因此我们的文章已经在研究设计、方法、结果、图表等数处提及统计。但考虑到统计在多数科学研究中的重要性,有必要专门讲解其使用和表达。 在开始研究之前,在初步的研究设计中就应该考虑统计。首先,要考虑你需要收集哪些信息来检验你的假设或解答你的研究问题。研究有个正确的开始非常重要;虽然数据检验错误相对容易弥补,要用另外的样本组重新收集数据或者从同一样本中追加获取变量可就费时费力得多。如果你想检验某种疗法对普通人群的效果,你的样本要能够代表这个群体。如果比较的是分别有两种疾病或行为的两个群体,那这两个群体的其他变量如年龄、性别、种族需要尽可能一致。这些涉及的都是数据收集;如果在这一步就犯了错,你就有可能遇到严重的问题,甚至可能会在数个月后在同行审稿阶段遭到严重质疑而推翻重来。 其次,你要考虑要采用何种统计检验才能从数据中提炼出有意义的结论。这取决于数据类型。是用来表达某种标志物存在与否的分类数据吗?还是有具体数值的定量数据?如果是定量数据,是连续数据(测量所得)还是离散数据(计数所得)?例如,年龄、体重、时间和温度都是连续数据因为他们的值是在连续,无限可分的尺度上测量出来的;相反,人和细胞的数目都是离散数据,他们不是无限可分的,他们的值是通过计数得到的。你也需要知道你数据的分布:是正态(高斯)分布还是偏态分布?这也关系到你该采取何种检验。你一定要知道你收集的是何种类型的数据,这样才能用适宜的统计检验来分析和恰当的方式来表示。下面这个网址提供了选择适宜检验方法的指南,可能会有所帮助: http://www.graphpad.com/www/Book/Choose.htm 最后,需要知道如何解读统计检验的结果。P值(或 t、 χ2 等)代表什么意思?这是统计检验的关键:确定结果到底意味着什么,你能下什么结论?统计能告诉我们某一数据集的集中趋势(如平均值和中位数)和离散趋势(标准差、标准误和百分位间距),从而明确该数据集的分布情况。统计学可以比较(如用t检验、方差分析和χ2检验)两个或多个样本组之间是否有非偶然的系统性差别。如果检验表明无效假设可能性很小,则差别具有显著性。一定要记住,用概率简化差别的“真实性”造成了两种风险,两种都取决于所选取显著性的阈值。第一个是第1类错误,是指本没有显著性差异之处检出了显著性差异。另一个是第2类错误,是指本有显著性差异但由于差别不够大而不能捡出。降低第1类错误的风险就会增加第2类错误的风险;不过这也比下不存在的结论要好。统计学也能给出关联的强度,从而允许从样本组中推断出适用于更广群体的结论。统计学赋予了本身价值有限的结果更多意义,并允许我们用概率下结论,虽然总是存在错误的可能。 实例 清单 1. 在列举数据时,说明使用的是何种参数,如“均值±标准差”。 2. 说明数据分析所采用的统计检验方法。 3. 百分比给出分子分母,如“40% (100/250)”。 4. 正态分布数据用均值和标准差表示。 5. 非正态分布数据用中位数和 百分位数表示。 6. 给出具体的P 值, 如 写出 “P=0.0035”,而不要只写 “P0.05”。 7. “significant’ 这个词仅用于描述统计学上的显著差异。 英文原文 Statistics: what can we say about our findings? Today, few professional activities are untouched by statistical thinking, and most academic disciplines use it to a greater or lesser degree… Statistics has developed out of an aspect of our everyday thinking to be a ubiquitous tool of systematic research… Statistical thinking is a way of recognizing that our observations of the world can never be totally accurate; they are always somewhat uncertain. Rowntree D (1981). Statistics without tears. A primer for non-mathematicians. Penguin Books Ltd., London, England. The term ‘statistics’ refers to the methods used to collect, process and interpret data. Because these methods are so inherent in the process of scientific inquiry, there have been multiple references to statistics throughout our blog, namely, in the posts on study design, methods, results and display items. However, given the importance of statistics in most scientific studies, it is worthwhile having a separate post on how they should be used and presented. Statistics should first be considered long before the commencement of any research, during the initial study design. First, consider what information you need to collect in order to test your hypothesis or address your research question. It is important to get this right from the outset because, while data can be reanalyzed relatively easily if the wrong tests were used, it is far more difficult and time-consuming to repeat data collection with a different sample group or obtain additional variables from the same sample. If you wish to test the efficacy of a treatment for use in the general population, then your sample needs to be representative of the general population. If you wish to test its efficacy in a given ethnicity or age group, then your sample needs to be representative of that group. If comparing two groups of subjects separated on the basis of a particular disease or behavior, then other variables, such as age, sex and ethnicity, need to be matched as closely as possible between the two groups. This aspect of statistics relates to the collection of data; get it wrong and you could face major problems, potentially the need to start the research all over again, at the peer review stage many months later. Second, you need to consider what statistical tests should be applied so that you can make meaningful statements about your data. This depends on the type of data you have collected: do you have categorical data, perhaps describing the presence or absence of a particular marker, or quantitative data with numerical values? If your data is quantitative, is it continuous (that is, can it be measured) or discrete (counts)? For example, age, weight, time and temperature are all examples of continuous data because they are measured on continuous scales with units that are infinitely sub-divisible. By contrast, the number of people in a given group and the number of cells with apoptotic features are examples of discrete data that need to be counted and are not sub-divisible. You also need to know how your data is distributed: is it normally distributed (Gaussian) or skewed? This also affects the type of test that should be used. It is important that you know what type of data you are collecting so that you apply the appropriate statistical tests to analyze the data and so you present them in an appropriate manner. The following useful website provides a guide to choosing the appropriate statistical test: http://www.graphpad.com/www/Book/Choose.htm Finally, you need to know how to interpret the results of the statistical tests you have selected. What exactly does the p (or t or χ2 or other) value mean? That, after all is the point of statistical analysis: to determine what you can say about your findings; what they really mean. Statistics enable us to determine the central tendency (for example, mean and median) and dispersion (for example, standard deviation, standard error, and interpercentile range) of a dataset, giving us an idea of its distribution. Also using statistics, values from two or more different sample groups can be compared (for example, by t-test, analysis of variance, or χ2 test) to determine if a difference between or among groups could have arisen by chance. If this hypothesis, known as the null hypothesis, can be shown to be highly unlikely (usually less than 5% chance), then the difference is said to be significant. It is important to keep in mind that there are two risks associated with reducing a decision about the ‘reality’ of a difference to probabilities, and both depend on the threshold set to determine significance: the first, known as type I error, is the possibility that a difference is accepted as significant when it is not; the opposite risk, known as type II error, refers to the possibility that a significant difference is considered not to be significant because we demand a larger difference between groups to be certain. Reducing the risk of type I errors increases the risk of type II errors, but this is infinitely more preferable than reaching a conclusion that isn’t justified. Statistics also provides a measure of the strengths of correlations and enables inferences about a much larger population to be drawn on the basis of findings in a sample group. In this way, statistics puts meaning into findings that would otherwise be of limited value, and allows us to draw conclusions based on probabilities, even when the possibility of error remains. Example Extracts from The Journal of Clinical Investigation (doi:10.1172/JCI38289; reproduced with permission). Checklist 1. Indicate what parameters are described when listing data; for example, “means±S.D.” 2. Indicate the statistical tests used to analyze data 3. Give the numerator and denominator with percentages; for example “40% (100/250)” 4. Use means and standard deviations to report normally distributed data 5. Use medians and interpercentile ranges to report data with a skewed distribution 6. Report p values; for example, use “p=0.0035” rather than “p0.05” 7. Only use the word “significant’ when describing statistically significant differences. 与中国作者携手的20余年, 理文编辑秉持专业精神尽心润色。 理文编辑愿意一直为您的论文语言保驾护航。 点击 领取300元优惠券
个人分类: 理文编辑|10171 次阅读|2 个评论
如何撰写世界一流论文 | 图表:一图值千字
热度 1 liwenbianji 2016-10-8 21:06
在“ 摘要 ”一贴的注意事项中我提到不少读者只读摘要,所以摘要必须能独立成文,并能说明所有主要结果及其意义。有的读者会随后再看一下图表来核实一下摘要中提到的结果,但仍然不读全文。所以, 跟摘要一样,论文的图表(外加其标注)也必须能独立成文,不用读正文就能看懂。 图表用于形象地表示正文所述结果。简而言之,他们是表达结果最有效的方式。好的图表可以把获得的结果迅速、准确地传达给读者(远比读正文为快)。对于研究人员来说,一方面他们所处的领域飞速进展,另一方面他们又缺乏足够的时间追踪研究进展,因此,如果你能迅速地把自己的研究结果传递给他们,他们自然感激不尽。期刊编辑和审稿人当然也喜欢简洁明了的论文。所以制作高质量的图表来清楚传达研究结果还是很有必要的。 和其他部分一样, 制作图表也有一些“规则”。首先要了解目标期刊允许多少图表,不要超过这个限制 。 如果限定的图表数目不足以表达你的结果,可以把有些放在“补充信息”(Supplementary Information)部分,或者在正文中叙述并加个说明“(data not shown)”。不过,只有不重要的附属性结果才能这样叙述,而那些支持你假设的结果则必须展现出来。如果你的首选期刊不足以展现你的所有重要数据,你可能需要考虑换个期刊。反之,如果期刊允许的图表数目超过你的需要,也不要加上多余或不必要的图表来凑数。每个图表必须要有明确、必要的目的。 其次,图表中的数据要易于解读。 考虑好让每个图表显示多少数据,以及数据如何组织来传递重要信息。所以,与其把各种参数或治疗方法都合并在一个图中,不如考虑分别用一个简单子图表示然后拼成一个组图。图的坐标、表的行列、以及示意图的各部分都要标记清楚。如有趋势线、标尺和统计检验结果,均应予以标明;比如用星号表示显著性,或不同的符号来表示不同的显著性水准。对于大样本,除了报告绝对数值之外还要有变化或差异的百分比。 第三,图表的标注也应该独立成文,并且无需阅读全文就能完全理解。 因此,缩写要么不用,要么先定义后才用,同时应该避免使用技术术语。标注应清楚说明做了什么、观察到了什么;也应简述使用了什么统计检验,给出P值,并对所用的符号进行定义。除了其中描述方法的语句,标注和图表标题都应采用现在时。比如,应该写:“Western blot showing an increase in the levels of p53 after…”而不是“Western blotting showed that the levels of p53 increased after…”。 最后,与“结果“部分的注意现项一样,图表和正文之间不应有重复叙述。 所以,容易用文字简要描述的就不要用图表,而且图表之间也不应有所重复,例如,图中已有的信息就不要又用表再显示一次。图表和标注不要嵌在正文中间。出版单位会把你的正文和图表合并成一个目标杂志特有格式的“校样”。他们通常要求作者提供单独的图表文件(偶尔可以放在稿件末尾)和单独的正文文件(其中包含图表标注的列表,通常在”参考文献”之后)。参照目标期刊的《稿约》以确定其具体要求。 先制作清楚、高质量的图表,随后就可以轻易地撰写“结果”部分。图表可以按逻辑排列组合来一步步推进你的论证,或巩固你的假设。给每个主要结果分配一个图表和一个小节;小节的标题应和相应的标注相似;小节内的正文简要叙述其相应图表内含结果,其中统计分析结果要叙述完整,需要展示更多细节时告知读者参见图表。 实例 表格最适合用很少的叙述展现大量数据。上表节选自《The Journal of Clinical Investigation》上的一篇论文(doi:10.1172/JCI37622; 经同意转载)。表中数据非常清楚简练,如果用正文叙述这些数据需要大量文字,用表格则大大节省了文字。正文中只需提一下“患者和肿瘤样本的临床特征见表1”即可。下图来自同一论文,其中包括了本文提及的优秀图表的多项要素,具体请见下面的清单。 清单 1. 图表标注要“独立成文”。 2. 遵守图表数目限制。 3. 图表之间以及图表和正文之间均无重复叙述。 4. 各个参数的数据分别用组图中的一个子图表示。 5. 标出标尺、趋势线和标记;显示统计检验结果。 6. 符号和缩写要么不用,要么先定义再用。 7. 对于大样本,给出绝对数和变化/差异的百分比。 8. 图放在单独的文件中或放在稿件末尾;不要嵌在正文中间。 9. 参照《稿约》确定图表格式、大小、颜色、数目和其他要求。 英文原文 Display items: a picture tells a thousand words In the last tip on abstracts I mentioned that many readers will only read the abstract of your paper, and so the abstract needed to be self-contained, describing all of the important findings and their significance. Some readers will go further than just the abstract and look at the display items to validate the findings described in the abstract, but still not read the entire paper. Thus, like the abstract, the display items in your paper (along with their associated legends) need to be able to stand alone and be understood without the need to refer to the text of the paper. Display items include figures and tables, which are essentially graphical representations of the results described in the text. Simply put, they are the most effective and efficient way to present your results. With good figures and tables you will be able to impart to the reader exactly what you found in your study in a relatively short period of time (that is, much faster than it would take the reader to read the entire paper). Researchers in rapidly moving fields or with limited time to keep up to date with advances in their field will appreciate the rapidity with which they can be informed of your findings; journals editors and peer reviewers will appreciate the clarity. Therefore, it is worthwhile devoting some thought and attention to developing good quality figures and tables that clearly convey your results. As with the other sections of scientific manuscripts, there are certain ‘rules’ that should be followed when generating display items. First, if you have a target journal in mind already, consider how many display items they allow and ensure that you do not exceed that limit. If you have more results to describe than can be simply shown in the allowable number of display items, some may need to be included in a Supplementary Information section, or described in the text with the statement “(data not shown)”. However, only the least important or peripheral findings should be described in this way, and all findings that support your hypothesis need to be shown. Thus, you may need to consider an alternative journal if your first choice will not allow you to present all of your important data. By contrast, if a journal allows more display items than is necessary to show your findings, do not add redundant or unnecessary display items simply because you can. All display items must have a clear and necessary purpose. Second, the data shown in figures and tables needs to be easy to interpret. Consider how much data you wish to show in a given display item and how it can be organized to convey the important message. Therefore, rather than combining multiple parameters or treatments into a single graphic, consider splitting the data across multiple simpler graphics that can be grouped together in a single figure. Remember to clearly label any graph axes, table columns and rows, and components of diagrams if appropriate. Trendlines, scale bars and the results of any statistical tests should be also shown, where relevant, for example by using an asterisk to indicate significance, or a variety of symbols to indicate different levels of significance. With large samples, report the % change or % difference as well as absolute values. Third, the legends accompanying display items need to be able to stand alone such that the display items are entirely understandable without the need to read the entire manuscript. That means abbreviations should not be used or need to be defined, and technical terms should be avoided. It should be clear exactly what was done and what was seen. Statistical tests should be briefly described in the legends, with p values given and any symbols used defined. Legends, including their headings, should be written in the present tense with the exception of any methods described within them. For example, use “Western blot showing an increase in the levels of p53 after…” rather than “Western blotting showed that the levels of p53 increased after…”. Finally, as mentioned in the chapter on writing the results section, there should be no redundancies between the display items and the text. Therefore, do not produce a display item to show information that can easily and briefly be stated in the text, and do not duplicate information among tables and figures, for example, by making a table to show the same information already conveyed in a figure. Do not embed figures and their legends within the text of the manuscript you plan to submit. The publisher will put your text and display items into a template ‘proof’ that will be specific to the target journal. What they usually require from authors is a separate file containing display items (occasionally these can be placed at the end of a manuscript files) and a text file that includes figure and table legends listed together at the end (usually following the references). Check the instructions for authors of your intended target journal for their specific requirements. By preparing good quality, clear display items before writing the results section, this section will practically write itself. The display items can be grouped in a logical order that progresses your argument or progressively strengthens your hypothesis. With one subsection and one display item for each of the major findings, the subsection headings will be similar to the relevant legend headings, and the text in each subsection will provide a brief description of the findings shown in each display item, complete with the results of statistical analyses, with the reader being referred to the display items for more detail. Examples Tables are a great way to present large amounts of necessary data with minimal description required. The table shown above is a truncated version of a table in a paper published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation (doi:10.1172/JCI37622; reproduced with permission). The data presented clearly and economically in this table would have required a considerable amount of word space to describe in the text, but the use of a table makes the information available without the need for a wordy description. All that was required to describe this in the main text was the following statement: “Clinical characteristics of all patients and tumor samples are summarized in Table 1”. The figure below, taken from the same paper, contains many of the elements of a successful display item described in this chapter and listed in the checklist below. Checklist 1. ‘Stand alone’ legends 2. Comply with the allowable number of display items 3. Avoid redundancy among display items or between display items and text 4. Divide data showing different effects or parameters among different panels within the same display item 5. Use scale bars, trend lines and clear labels, and show the results of statistical tests 6. Avoid or define all symbols and abbreviations 7. With large samples, show % changes/differences as well as absolute values 8. Submit figures in a separate file or at the end of the manuscript file rather than embedded in the main text 9. Check the instructions for authors for any specific requirements regarding format, size, color, number of items and any other parameters. Dr. Daniel McGowan 曾任 Nature Reviews Neuroscience 副编辑,负责约稿,管理和撰写期刊内容。于2006年加入理文编辑(Edanz Group) 并从2008年起担任学术总监。Dr. Daniel McGowan 有超过十年的博士后和研究生阶段实验室研究经验,主要致力于神经退化疾病、分子及细胞生物学、蛋白质生物化学、蛋白质组学和基因组学。 与中国作者携手的20余年, 理文编辑秉持专业精神尽心润色。 理文编辑愿意一直为您的论文语言保驾护航。 点击 领取300元优惠券
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如何撰写世界一流论文 | 论文撰写顺序与IMRaD格式
热度 1 liwenbianji 2016-10-1 12:30
科学探索可以用不同形式来表现,因此就有了各种类型的论文,其中包括论著、综述、病例研究、方法学和理论性论文。 目前,论著最常见的格式是IMRaD格式,也就是引言、方法、结果和讨论(introduction, methods, results and discussion)的缩写。 这些部分一般位于摘要和参考文献之间,但也有些期刊中将“方法”部分居于最后。国际医学期刊编辑委员会(ICMJE) 在其出版的《生物医学期刊投稿统一要求:生物医学论文撰写和编辑》第IV.A.1.a节(“通则”)中IMRaD格式及其目的作了如下说明: “ 观察性和实验性论文通常(并非必须)分为以下几部分:引言、方法、结果、 讨论,亦即“IMRaD” 结构 。该结构并非强制性的论文格式,但的确能直观地反映科学发现的过程。长篇幅的论文中的某些部分可采用子标题(尤其是“结果”和“讨论”),从而使其内容更加清晰。” 在理文编辑的写作技巧文章里,我们将分别阐述IMRaD各个部分的要点以及一些应避免的常见错误。但要说明的一点是:各部分的撰写顺序和他们在论文中出现的顺序(和我们这里讲述的顺序)是不同的。好的撰写顺序应该使论文尽可能清晰、连贯。 这里推荐如下撰写顺序(外加摘要和标题): 方法 结果 引言 讨论 标题 摘要 “方法”部分在研究开展过程中就可以写完,标准试验步骤甚至在做试验之前就可以完成。 尽早完成“方法”部分使你能发现研究设计中潜在的问题,或之前未考虑到的额外对照。这样做的好处是:方法在实验开始之前还可以调整,避免将来费时费钱地重复做已经做过的试验。 “方法”写好、试验完成之后,接下来就是分析结果来确定它们是否支持你的假设,阐明他们到底揭示了什么。在此阶段就写“引言”属于不得要领,因为你的结果将决定你该如何“编排”你的论文,或者说把你的结果放在哪个背景下予以阐述。因此, 第二步应该是分析和撰写“结果” 。在这个阶段,你要决定如何表述资料(例如,用表、图、示意图还是照片;参见“图”部分的注意事项),如何分析这些数据(参见“统计学”注意事项),以及他们说明什么。作出上述决定后,你就需要来描述它们。 至此,你应该已清楚你的结果如何支持你的假设,也了解该领域的现有文献。此时如有必要,你尚可修改你的研究问题或更改研究的侧重点;如果你决定要修改,可能也另需重新分析数据和/或补充试验,才能构建出一个完整的研究故事。待这些都完成之后, 再写“引言”来说明你工作的背景,然后撰写“讨论”来说明你的结果和背景之间的关联。最后,趁热打铁,完成摘要和标题。 摘要和标题的要素请参见理文编辑之前推送的文章。 英文原文 The ‘write’ order and IMRaD Scientific enquiry can take a number of different forms. As a result, there is a variety of publication types, including papers describing original research, reviews, case studies, methodology papers and theoretical papers. By far the most common format for writing scientific papers describing original research is the IMRaD format. The letters in this acronym stand for introduction, methods, results and discussion, representing the sections lying between the abstract and references in such manuscripts (although in some journals, the methods section is presented at the end rather than after the introduction, while in other journals the results and discussion sections are combined). The order of these sections reflects the process of scientific discovery, which is why it is a near universal format for research papers. The following posts describe the important components of each of these sections as well as some common mistakes to avoid. However, it is worth mentioning that these sections should not be written in the order in which they appear (or in which they are described here); rather, there is a specific order in which the sections of a manuscript should be written to achieve maximum clarity and consistency throughout. The recommended order for writing these sections, with the addition of the abstract and title, is as follows: -- Methods -- Results -- Introduction -- Discussion -- Title -- Abstract The methods can be written while you are performing the research or, for certain standard protocols, before it has even begun. Doing this early in the course of your research could make you aware of any potential problems in your study design, or point to additional controls you might not previously have considered. The advantage of this is that the methods can be adjusted before performing experiments, preventing the need for time-consuming and costly repeats of experiments already performed. With the methods written up and the experiments performed, you will want to analyze your results to determine how they relate to your hypothesis, and what they actually show. It is pointless writing the introduction prior to this stage because the results you obtain will determine how the paper needs to be ‘framed’, that is, what context the results are described in. Therefore, the results should be analyzed and written up second. During this stage you will determine how your data should be presented (for example, in tables, graphs, schematics or photographs; see the chapter on graphics), how they need to be analyzed (see the chapter on statistics), and what they mean; once decided, you will then need to describe them. By now you will have a good idea of how your findings relate to your hypothesis and the existing literature in your field. It might be necessary at this point to ask a different research question or to change the focus of your research. Following such a change, re-analyses of your data and/or additional experiments might be necessary to make a complete story. Once these are done, the introduction can be written, to provide the context, and then the discussion can be written to describe the relevance of your findings within that context. Finally, with all of that fresh in your head, the abstract and title, the important components of which are described in previous tips, should be written last. Dr Daniel McGowan 分子神经学博士 理文编辑学术总监 与中国作者携手的20余年,理文编辑秉持专业精神尽心润色。 未来,理文编辑愿意一直为您的论文语言保驾护航。 300元润色优惠券祝中国作者朋友们国庆快乐。
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如何撰写世界一流论文 | 如何选对期刊
热度 4 liwenbianji 2016-9-22 23:08
选好期刊和发表类型至关重要:选对了能立马增加发表的机会和引用率 。 相反,投到不对的期刊往往造成拒稿。在选择目标期刊前,应综合考虑以下因素:期刊的宗旨和范围;目标读者和近期发表情况;拟投稿件的研究结果有多重要、吸引面有多广;研究类型。 首先应考虑的是:拟投论文的侧重点是什么?谁可能会读它? 在撰写论文(尤其是“讨论”部分)时就应予以明确。你的研究是侧重于临床还是基础科学?你的结果是对科学界会产生广泛影响还是只限于一个专门领域?属于初步结果尚需更多工作来验证,还是已经有多种互补的数据来支持你的假说?你是急着马上发表,还是不那么着急从而可以收集更多数据去试投高影响因子期刊?回答了这些问题,你对目标期刊就有了一个基本的概念。接下来,你需要列出个清单。 目标期刊最直接的来源就是你论文的参考文献。与你相似或相关的工作应该被你的论文引用过;研究这些工作和他们所发表的期刊。那些多次出现的期刊就可作为候选。另外一个寻找候选期刊的办法就是用关键词搜索Medline和 Pubmed等数据库。同样,重复出现的期刊可能就是比较合适的投稿对象。此前未发表过此领域论文的期刊可能也会对你的结果感兴趣。最好的办法是翻阅和检索图书馆书架、Thompson ISI数据库 (其中包括SCI),或者各大出版商的主页(学术期刊出版商很多,下文仅列举了其中几家)。根据你对上述问题的回答,你应该能找出适当的期刊。 至此你已有一个候选期刊的清单,头脑中也已有了适宜期刊的形象。你把这两者放在一起看看他们是否吻合。期刊网站中通常有“宗旨和范围”一栏,有的还会说明该期刊的目标读者范围。通常还有影响因子、论文类型、刊期、接受到见刊周期、拒稿率、发表费等信息。这些因素都需要综合衡量。比如,若你希望迅速发表,就应该专门留意反馈快和见刊时间短的期刊。如果你经费紧张,就不要考虑开放获取(open access)期刊或发表费高的期刊。如果你需要把论文发表在影响因子高于某个值的期刊,就应马上排除低于该值的期刊。认真研究期刊网站,考虑编辑和读者为何会对你的结果有兴趣,在此基础上你能更有针对性地撰写投稿信,也能帮你决定清单中那一种期刊才是传播研究结果的最佳平台。根据这些标准把期刊清单缩减至两三家,随后把它们再按照你的具体要求排序。至此,你就可以开始撰写投稿信和投稿了。 Edanz开发了一个期刊选择工具来帮助您完成这个过程,欢迎试用: http://www.liwenbianji.cn/journal_selector 几个有用的网站 检索或浏览SCI期刊: http://science.thomsonreuters.com/cgi-bin/jrnlst/jloptions.cgi?PC=K Thompson ISI 检索数据库: http://science.thomsonreuters.com/mjl/ 美国国家医学图书馆数据库 PubMed: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/ Elsevier 期刊列表: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journal_browse.cws_home Science Direct: http://www.sciencedirect.com/ Wiley-Interscience 期刊: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/browse/?type=JOURNAL Springer期刊: http://www.springer.com/?SGWID=5-102-0-0-0 实例 我们来做一个撰写论文标题的练习。假定题目是:“Region-specific neuronal degeneration after okadaic acid administration”。该虚构研究显示,动物(假定是小鼠)摄入一种毒素okadoic酸(OA)后,海马区CA3和齿状回区域内的神经元退化。此外,MAP激酶依赖途径也参与了神经退行性疾病。 如果神经细胞变化与功能丧失之间在功能上不存在关联,那么,该研究会被视为停留在初步阶段,很难获得发表机会。那么,再假定我们也进行了行为学研究,且结果显示小鼠摄入毒素后产生了学习和记忆障碍。这样一来,我们就有了组织学、生化和行为学数据。 用关键词检索Pubmed数据库只找到很少几个类似研究(鉴于该案例为虚构,当不足为奇),不过仍然指出了几个潜在期刊,如《Journal of Neuroscience》,《European Journal of Neuroscience》,《Neuroscience, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications》,《Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Neuropharmacology》和《Journal of the Neurological Sciences》。 其中,《Journal of Neuroscience》和《European Journal of Neuroscience》可能要求更多数据,比如显示与某人类疾症的相关性和/或细胞死亡相关机制的详尽分析,不过后者尚有发表可能,也许值得投去试试。《Journal of the Neurological Sciences》更关注临床,所以只有当OA处理已知是某个疾病的良好模型时,才可考虑投到这个期刊。但是,如果该研究确实显示存在这种关联,这是一个很好的目标期刊。《Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications》的范围较广,发表各种生物领域的研究;神经生物学属于其兴趣领域,且该期刊表明它致力于迅速传播成果。对于希望尽快从编辑部获得回应或希望尽快发表论文的作者,这可能是一个很好的初步目标期刊。如果行为学数据较为新颖,《Neurobiology of Learning and Memory》也可以是一个很好的目标;该刊的“外联部”的答复速度很快,也很适合需要尽快发表的作者。最后,若结果中揭示“神经系统是如何运作的”等方面的内容,《Neuroscience》就是一个很好的目标期刊,因此,根据终稿的侧重点(如临床vs神经生物学vs行为学)和作者的需求(影响因子和出版时间),可以将候选期刊按照其适合程度排序。 英文原文 Choosing the right platform Selection of an appropriate journal and publication type is critical: get it right and you instantly increase your chances of successful publication and regular citation. By contrast, sending a manuscript to an inappropriate journal is a frequent cause of rejection. The aims and scope of the journal, the journal’s target audience and recent publication history, the significance and broadness of appeal of the findings described in your manuscript, and the type of study performed should all be considered before selecting your target journal. Start by considering what the main focus of your paper is, and therefore, who you would expect to want to read it. This should be clear from the results you have obtained and your knowledge of the current literature in the same field. Is there a clinical focus or do you describe basic science findings? Are the findings of relevance to a broad cross-section of the scientific community or will they only appeal to researchers in a specialist field? Are the findings preliminary, with more work required to make an irrefutable and comprehensive story, or do you have multiple types of complementary data to support your hypothesis? Indeed, do you need to publish right away, or can you delay publication while collecting more data to try for a journal with a higher impact factor? By asking yourself these questions, among others, you will be able to build up a picture of the type of journal you should be targeting. Then, you need to generate a short-list. An immediate source of potential target journals is in your own paper’s reference list. Any similar or related previous work should have been cited in your study; identify those studies and the journals they were published in. Some journals will appear more than once, and these are likely candidates. Another way to identify candidate journals is performing keyword searches in literature databases such as Medline and PubMed. Again, journals that appear repeatedly are potentially suitable. Of course, journals that haven’t previously published in the same area of research might equally be interested in your findings; the best way to identify these is to search or browse your library’s journal shelves, Thompson ISI databases, including the Science Citation Index, or the websites of major publishers (see below, but note that these are just a few of many publishers of academic journals). You should be able to recognize journals that might be appropriate based on your answers to the questions above. Now that you have a short-list of possible target journals and a clear picture of the type of journal your study would be suitable for, you need to merge the two to see where they correspond. Journal websites generally contain and ‘aims and scope’ section and occasionally describe their target audience. They will usually also contain information on impact factor, publication types, publication frequency, time from acceptance to publication, rejection rates, and publication charges. All of these factors need to be weighed up. For example, if you require rapid publication, you should specifically look for journals that offer fast response times and short periods from acceptance to publication like Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. If you are on a tight budget you may need to rule out open access journals or journals that have high publication charges. If you require publication in a journal with an impact factor above a certain level, you can instantly rule out any with impact factors lower than that. Study the journal websites closely and consider why the editors and readers of each would be interested in your findings; as well as giving you an angle for the approach in your cover letter (see the previous post on journal cover letters and a free example letter here), this will help you decide which of the remaining journals in your short-list is the most relevant platform from which to disseminate your findings. When your short-list has been reduced to two or three journals on the basis of the above criteria, you should rank them as first, second and third choices based on your particular requirements. Then you are ready to write your cover letter and submit your manuscript! To assist you in this process, Edanz has developed a Journal Selection Tool that is free to use at: http://www.liwenbianji.cn/journal_selector. Helpful Links To search or browse Science Citation Index journals: http://science.thomsonreuters.com/cgi-bin/jrnlst/jloptions.cgi?PC=K Thompson ISI searchable databases: http://science.thomsonreuters.com/mjl/ US National Library of Medicine database PubMed: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/ Elsevier journal titles: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journal_browse.cws_home Science Direct: http://www.sciencedirect.com/ Wiley-Interscience journals: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/browse/?type=JOURNAL Springer: http://www.springer.com/?SGWID=5-102-0-0-0 Example The following manuscript title was used in the exercise accompanying the section on writing a good title: “Region-specific neuronal degeneration after okadaic acid administration”. This imaginary study showed degeneration of neurons in the CA3 and dentate gyrus regions of the hippocampus after administration of the toxin okadoic acid, let us assume in mice. It also showed involvement of a MAP kinase-dependent pathway in this neurodegeneration. Without a functional correlate of the neuronal cell loss, the study would be considered very preliminary and would be difficult to publish; thus, let us assume that behavioral studies were also performed and that these showed deficits in learning and memory in mice administered the toxin. Therefore, the data shown are histological, biochemical and behavioral. A keyword search of the PubMed database throws out very little in the way of similar studies (not surprisingly given that the example study is imagined), but does point to potential journals such as the Journal of Neuroscience, European Journal of Neuroscience, Neuroscience, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Neuropharmacology and the Journal of the Neurological Sciences. Among these, the Journal of Neuroscience and the European Journal of Neuroscience are likely to require more data, perhaps showing relevance to a human disease or condition and/or an exhaustive analysis of the mechanisms involved in the cell death, although the latter journal is a possibility and might be worth an initial submission. The Journal of the Neurological Sciences has more of a clinical focus and should only be considered if administration of OA was known to provide a good model of a particular disease or condition. However, if such a link was shown, this journal would represent a good target. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications has a broad focus, publishing studies in diverse fields of biological research; however, neurobiology is one of their areas of interest and they claim to be devoted to rapid dissemination of results. For authors who want a quick answer or who need to publish soon, this could represent a good initial target journal. Depending on the novelty of the behavioral data, the journal Neurobiology of Learning and Memory could be a good target; with a rapid communications section, this journal could also suit those authors in need of immediate publication. Finally, Neuroscience represents a good target journal if the findings reveal aspects of ‘how the nervous system works’. Thus, depending on the focus of the final paper (eg. clinical vs neurobiological vs behavioral) and the authors’ requirements (impact factor and time to publication), the candidate journals selected can be ranked in terms of their suitability.
个人分类: 理文编辑|7309 次阅读|4 个评论
如何撰写世界一流论文 | 如何撰写Cover Letter
热度 1 liwenbianji 2016-9-17 10:55
附信(投稿信,cover letter)是你与拟投杂志直接交流的机会。 出版空间以及编辑关注度的竞争异常激烈。将原稿投送给杂志编辑,附上一封信“原稿请见附件”是远远不够的。附信(投稿信,cover letter)是你与拟投杂志直接交流的机会。除了写明你的研究与众不同外,还应直接向总编辑说明为什么你的发现很重要及其应该在此杂志上发表的理由。 附信应含有几个重要内容。具体内容可通过 https://www.liwenbianji.cn/resources/cover-letter-templates链接下载。大家可根据批注中的建议起草你自己的附信,选择提出的句子类型替代括号中的句子。附信的格式几乎适用于所有投稿;当然,某些类别的论文需要加入额外的内容。例如,关于临床试验数据的存储信息通常需要附上一份临床试验报告,提供你的序列数据进入公共数据库的信息。 查阅目标杂志的《稿约》是每篇稿件的既定程序,其中很可能含有附信必须写入的内容。另外一个信息来源是杂志的投稿网页。尽管以下列出的内容以及关于“Edanz Cover Letter模版”中描述的内容不一定完全都是这些目标杂志所要求的,但所有这些都是附信中必不可少的,因为这样做可引起编辑对你的关注。以下方法适用于附信的撰写: 一些杂志根据其刊出文章领域的不同进行编辑分工,你可以根据不同的领域,有时也可根据编辑的专业背景选择最合适的编辑。直接称呼收信编辑,如:“Dear Dr. Smith”。如果不能找到合适的编辑,可将附信写给总编辑。 信的开头应写出文章题目,希望文章在杂志的哪一个栏目或作为哪一个文章类别发表,以及投稿杂志的名称。 之后简单叙述研究背景与理论基础,说明研究目的以及开展的工作。然后简单描述研究成果。 接下来的段落很重要。你需要向研究界解释你的发现的意义,特别是对杂志读者的意义。如果你不能解释为什么该杂志读者会对你的发现感兴趣,你需要选择另一家更合适的刊物,因为编辑只将他们认为会引起读者兴趣的文章送同行评议。研究一下你准备投稿杂志的“目标与刊出范围”会对你有帮助。 附信的最后一段应包含杂志所要求的声明或说明。这些通常包括关于利益冲突、基金资助与资助来源的声明,以及所有作者已阅读过并同意文章的内容以及未一稿多投的声明。每个作者的作者资格确认也是需要的。 最后,留下详细的通讯方式以及礼貌的结束语。 示例: 英文原文: The cover letter: your sales pitch Competition for publication space and for editors’ attention is now very high, and it is no longer sufficient to send a manuscript to a journal editor along with a letter saying little more than “please find my manuscript attached”. The cover letter is your opportunity to directly address the editor of your target journal. It can be used to set your study apart from others and directly explain to the editor why your findings are important and why they should be published in their journal. There are a number of important components of a cover letter, all of which should be included. These components are described in detail in Edanz Cover Letter Template, which can be downloaded from: https://www.liwenbianji.cn/resources/cover-letter-templates This template can be used to develop your own cover letters by following the suggestions in the comments and replacing the bracketed sentences with the types of sentences explained. The format of this letter is applicable for most if not all submissions, although additional sections may be required for some types of paper; for example, information about deposition of clinical trial data would most likely need to accompany a report of a clinical trial, and information about the deposition of sequence data into public databases would possibly need to be provided where such data has been obtained. As always, the target journal’s instructions to authors should be consulted; these will most likely outline the information that absolutely must be included in the cover letter. Another source of this information is the journal’s submission webpages. Although not all of the components listed below and described in the cover letter template will be described as required on the target journal’s webpages, all should be included in your letter, because to do so will increase your chances of grabbing the editor’s attention. The following principles apply to cover letter development: • Some journals have different editors for the different areas of research the journal covers and you can choose the most appropriate one based on area and occasionally also editor profiles. Address your letter personally to the appropriate editor, e.g., “Dear Dr. Smith”. If one cannot be readily identified, address your letter to the editor-in-chief. • Begin by providing the title of your manuscript, the section/publication type you would like to see it published as, and the name of the journal you are submitting it to. • You then need to provide a very brief background and rationale for your study, explaining why you did what you did. This can be followed by a brief description of the results. • The following paragraph is very important. You will need to explain the significance of your findings to the research community, and specifically to the readers of your target journal. If you find it difficult to explain why the readers of that journal would be interested in your findings, then you may need to select a more appropriate journal. Editors will only send papers to review that they think will be of interest to their readers. Studying the ‘aims and scope’ of your chosen journal might help with this. • The last paragraph of the letter should contain any statements or declarations required by the target journal. These usually include declarations of any conflicts of interest, grant support or other sources of funding, a statement that all authors have read and approved the manuscript and a statement that the same manuscript has not been submitted elsewhere. Confirmation of each author’s qualification for authorship may also be required. • Finally, include details for correspondence and a polite farewell. Example: 10年耕耘,结伴前行! 诚邀您和好友领取300元优惠券
个人分类: 理文编辑|8582 次阅读|1 个评论
如何撰写世界一流论文 | 摘要与关键词
热度 11 liwenbianji 2016-9-10 13:48
文章的摘要十分关键,因为很多研究人员只读摘要而不读全文。 因此,摘要提供准确而详尽的研究总结十分重要:它可以帮助研究人员了解你所开展的工作、你的研究目的和研究发现以及研究结果的益处和重要性。摘要必须能够独立成文,具备研究概要的功能,使人不看全文就能读懂。在阅读摘要后对文章细节感兴趣的读者自然会继续阅读全文。因此摘要不必太面面俱到,例如,可不必列举方法细节。 尽管摘要是论文的第一部分,但事实上应最后撰写。在完成其他部分后应尽快写摘要,因为这些内容依然清晰地印在你的脑海中,使你能够对自己的工作进行简明而全面的总结,而不至于忽略任何重要的内容。不同期刊对摘要的撰写要求有所不同,因此应参照目标杂志的《稿约》了解具体要求。尽管杂志要求不同,但依然存在 一些普遍应遵守的惯例: 应注意对字数的限制 通常来讲摘要的字数限制平均为250个词,但许多杂志要求更短些(如《Nature》和《BBRC》对摘要的篇幅限制为150个字),而许多杂志(如《BioMed Central》)允许摘要篇幅稍长些。这充分说明了为什么应在写文章之前确定目标杂志。 应避免使用技术行话 从而使摘要更易懂,更具可读性。不同目标期刊的“技术行话”取决于杂志的读者情况(可以通过期刊网站查询)。例如:“焦虑测试”一词通常比“高架十字迷宫实验”更容易理解,除非该杂志专门针对行为研究人员。通常摘要因受篇幅所限不能对技术术语进行定义和解释。如果术语使用不可避免,应在首次提到时用简单的措辞加以定义。 尽量不使用缩略语 如同技术术语一样,应尽量不使用缩略语,其可用性也取决于不同的目标期刊。例如,大多数杂志接受HIV的使用。相比之下,RT-PCR对于分子生物学技术的杂志是可以接受的,但绝大多数杂志要求在首次使用时给出完整拼写(reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction)。许多杂志在网页上列出可使用的缩略语。反复使用三次或以上的必要的缩略语应在首次使用时给出完整拼写。只使用一次或两次的缩略语应使用全称,除非这样做超出了字数要求。摘要中已给出全称的缩略语在正文中首次使用时也应给出全称。 不应在摘要中引用文献 尽管一些杂志允许在摘要中引用文献,但绝大多数杂志不允许引用文献。因此,除非你要投稿的杂志允许这样做,否则不应在摘要中引用文献。 以下是BBRC杂志作者须知给出的指导性意见: -- 摘要应放在第2页,即标题页之后 -- 摘要应采用一段式,总结文章的主要发现,篇幅不超过150字 -- 摘要后应列出10个用于收录和检索的关键词 一些杂志要求采用结构式摘要,分为背景、目的、方法、结果和结论。临床期刊可能要求额外或不同段落,如“patients”。因此,再次强调,在动笔之前应查阅目标杂志的《稿约》,确定杂志的具体版式或格式要求。 选择合适的关键词 摘要后经常需要列出由作者选择的关键词。《稿约》会指出要求列出多少个关键词,甚至提供可供参考的关键词清单。选择合适的关键词很重要,因为他们可作检索之用。选择合适的关键词可以使你的文章更容易被发现和引用。因此,关键词越切合你的文章内容越好,应避免选择多数研究所适用的一般性术语。 实例: 为这个题目选择合适的关键词: “Region-specific neuronal degeneration after okadaic acid administration” 好的关键词:okadoic acid、hippocampus、neuronal degeneration、MAP kinase signaling以及mouse (或是rat或其他实验动物)。 差的关键词:neuron、brain、OA (简写)、regional-specific neuronal degeneration以及signaling。这些词过于笼统。 英文原文: The snapshot: abstract and keywords Your paper’s abstract is critical because many researchers will read that part only, rather than reading the entire paper. Therefore, it is critical that it provides an accurate and sufficiently detailed summary of your work so that those researchers can understand what you did, why you did it, what your findings are, and why your findings are useful and important. Your abstract must be able to stand alone, that is, to function as an overview of your study that can be understood without reading the entire text. Readers who become interested in learning more details than can be included in the abstract will inevitably proceed to the full text. Therefore, the abstract does not need to be overly detailed; for example, it does not need to include a detailed methods section. Even though the abstract is one of the first parts of your paper, it should actually be written last. You should write it soon after finishing the other sections, while the rest of the manuscript is fresh in your mind, enabling you to write a concise but comprehensive summary of your study without overlooking anything important. Requirements for abstracts differ among journals, so the target journal’s instructions for authors should be consulted for specific details. Despite differences among journals, there are a few general rules that should be obeyed when writing an abstract: -- The word limit should be observed; 250 words is probably about average and commonly adopted as a word limit for the abstract, but many journals request shorter abstracts (for example, Nature Articles and BBRC both have a 150-word limit) while many others (for example, BioMed Central journals) allow longer ones. This is one good reason why the target journal should be identified before you write your paper. -- Technical jargon should be avoided so that the abstract is understandable for a broad readership, although what is considered “technical” may vary depending on the target journal’s audience (check the journal’s website for details of their readership). For example, “a test of anxiety” would generally be clearer than “elevated plus-maze test” in an abstract unless the journal was specifically targeted to behavioral researchers. Usually, there simply isn’t enough space in the abstract to define and explain technical terminology. If such terminology is unavoidable, it should be defined in simple terms where it is first used. -- Like technical jargon, abbreviations should be limited as much as possible, although their acceptability may again depend on the target journal. For example, HIV is likely to be acceptable in abbreviated form by most journals. By contrast, RT-PCR might be considered acceptable by a journal reporting molecular biology techniques, but would it need to be spelt in full (reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction) in most journals at first use. Many journals provide a list of acceptable abbreviations on their websites. Necessary abbreviations used three or more times should be defined at first use; however, abbreviations used only once or twice should be spelled out in full unless doing so causes the word limit to be exceeded. Abbreviations that are defined in the abstract will need to be defined again at first use in the main text. -- Although some journals do allow references to be cited in the abstract, the vast majority do not. Therefore, unless you plan to submit to a journal that allows it, you should not cite references in your abstract. If we look at the instructions to authors for BBRC, we can see the following guidelines: -- The Abstract should be on page 2, i.e., after the title page -- The Abstract must be a single paragraph that summarizes the main findings of the paper in fewer than 150 words. -- A list of up to 10 keywords useful for indexing or searching should be included after the Abstract. Some journals request structured abstracts divided into sections such as background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. Clinical journals may require additional or alternative sections, such as ‘patients’. Therefore, it is again necessary to check the target journal’s instructions for authors to determine the particular formatting/outline requirements prior to writing. Abstracts are frequently followed by a list of keywords selected by the authors. The instructions for authors will state how many keywords are required and may even provide a list of recommended keywords. Choosing appropriate keywords is important, because these are used for indexing purposes. Well chosen keywords enable your manuscript to be more easily identified and cited. Thus, the keywords should be as specific to your manuscript as possible, and general terms, which could apply to an enormous number of studies, should be avoided. Examples: Let’s consider some appropriate keywords for the following title: “Region-specific neuronal degeneration after okadaic acid administration”. Good keywords would be: okadaic acid, hippocampus, neuronal degeneration, MAP kinase signaling, and possibly mouse (or rat or whatever experimental animal was used). Poor keywords would be: neuron, brain, OA (as an abbreviation), regional-specific neuronal degeneration, and signaling. These terms are simply too general. 10年耕耘,结伴前行! 诚邀您和好友领取300元优惠券
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如何撰写世界一流论文 | 写好标题的重要性
liwenbianji 2016-9-1 22:03
文章的标题是“钓饵”,应该用来吸引读者——“推销”你的文章,给读者浏览目录或研究结果的机会。 标题写得差可能使原本感兴趣的读者忽略了你的工作,也可能引起文不对题的情况。相比之下,好的标题可吸引相关的研究人员,提高文章的引用率,这也是期刊编辑所青睐的,因为引用率与期刊影响因子直接挂钩。因此,写好正确的标题是很重要的。 好的标题应尽量简短,同时又能传递文章的主要发现。避免叙述过于繁琐并使用不必要的专业行话和缩略语。标题必须能被科学界的广大读者读懂,因为他们中的一些人可能并不具备你研究的专业领域的具体知识。标题宽泛到什么程度取决于目标期刊——考虑目标期刊的读者情况,这通常会在期刊的网站上有所介绍;撰写的标题应便于被所有读者看懂,而不仅仅局限于你的研究领域。另外,应该查阅目标杂志的《稿约》,确保遵守字数限制的要求以及是否需要提供短标题。 实例:较差的标题 “Degeneration of neurons in the CA3 and DG following OA administration: involvement of a MAPK-dependent pathway in regional-specific neuronal degeneration” 这个标题太长,含有非标准的缩略语,内容重复,部分内容太具体。修改如下:“Region-specific neuronal degeneration after okadaic acid administration”。此外,也可使用“MAP kinase-dependent neuronal degeneration after okadaic acid administration”,但要考虑目标杂志的要求,因为缩略语MAP使用广泛,读者可懂。 英文原文: First impressions: the importance of writing a good title The title of your paper is a “hook” that should be used to attract readers—it is your opportunity to “sell” your paper to readers browsing a table of contents or search results. A poor title will cause potentially interested researchers to overlook your work and may attract the wrong audience. By contrast, a good title will attract the relevant researchers and increase the number of citations you receive. Journal editors like this because number of citations relates to the impact factor a journal gets. Therefore, it is important to get it right. A good title should be as brief as possible while still communicating the main finding(s) of the paper. Avoid excessive detail and unnecessary use of field-specific jargon and abbreviations. Your title must be understandable by a broad scientific audience, some of whom may not have a detailed knowledge of your particular field. How broad depends on the particular target journal—consider the readership of your target journal, which is usually explained on the journal’s website, and write a title that can be easily understood by all, not only those in your immediate field. The target journal’s instructions for authors should also be consulted to ensure that character limits are complied with and to identify whether a running (short) title is also required. Example of a poor title: “Degeneration of neurons in the CA3 and DG following OA administration: involvement of a MAPK-dependent pathway in regional-specific neuronal degeneration” This title is too long, contains non-standard abbreviations and a redundancy, and is too specific in parts. A better alternative would be: “Region-specific neuronal degeneration after okadaic acid administration”. “MAP kinase-dependent neuronal degeneration after okadaic acid administration” would probably also be acceptable, depending on the target journal, because the abbreviation MAP is widely used and understood. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10年耕耘,结伴前行! 诚邀您和好友领取300元优惠券 8月内(预计每周五)陆续发到邮箱
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