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再次窜红的Ann Phys (Berlin)
热度 10 qhliu 2018-1-2 12:00
一,学生的好东西不能贱卖 学生完成了一篇很好的工作,必须找个相衬的刊物发表出去!学生的好东西不能贱卖!对于这件工作,二区刊物是底线。 原来以为,总可以找个顶级一区刊物发表出去,合适的刊物也有两三本。没有想到, 2017 年我们和这些刊物干仗干了一年,还是难逃被退稿的命运。有一次,刊物的两个审稿人都给予高度评价,其一甚至评价为“桂冠”,但是我没有将其中的负面评价给予足够的重视,轻率回复之后,结果被编辑退稿了。 接下来,我们不得不冷静一点。觉得我们的结果出奇在数学,物理新锐分量不够,合适的刊物不多。 时间一长, 学生也耗不起!能找个二区刊物尽快发表,是为上选。如果没有二区刊物愿意接受,就只有长期放到 arXiv 中,然后尝试重新做一个题目。 什么是二区刊物,请看 Physical Review A: 也就是 Physical Review A 也不是纯粹的二区,尽管是顶级。 二,令人生畏的审稿制度 问题是,合适的二区刊物也很少。去 JCR 期刊分区数据在线平台中去查找,发现原来的个别二区刊物被划归三区了。 而有个物理综合类的刊物,居然豪华变身,从一个四区刊物一跃成为纯二区刊物。 这就是历史名刊《物理学年刊》 ( 柏林 )(Ann Phys (Berlin)) 。这是历史最长的物理学刊物,有着与无伦比的辉煌历史。 曾经雄霸物理学刊物超过100年! 但是,1930年代及其以后,由于德国发动世界大战,变得默默无闻,无足轻重。 决定试试这份刊物。但是,这个刊物的审稿制度和顶级一区刊物相差无几。 1 ,编辑预审可直接拒稿 。 the editors check all incoming submissions before passing them on. If the initial evaluation reveals that amanuscript is clearly unsuitable for the scope of the journal, it may berejected without external review. 2 ,需要至少有两位审稿人同意发表。 All articles in Annalen der Physik require positive approvalby at least two independent referees. 3 ,两轮终审制。 Manuscript revisions and re-reviews are limited to a maximum of two turns. If a manuscript still fails to receive approval in its re-revised form,it will be considered unsuitable for publication. 4 ,没有申辩通道。 在编辑讯息中 ,找不到文章退稿后,如何申辩 (appeal)过程 的条文。 估计是为了符合他们快速审稿,快速在线等政策。 First class author service: fast peer-review, fast online publication guaranteed by a dedicated in-house Editorial Team. 我们的稿件送了三位审稿人!意见回来,两正一负。大修! 如果二审时再送被负面评价,也就没有戏了。不过,我们已经准备好如果被退回,下一步的走法。 —————— 三,敢对 LIGO 小组的工作摆臭脸 这两年引力波探测的工作,无疑是物理学的顶级刊物极力追逐的对象。在 LIGO 将要获得 2017 年 Noble 物理学奖的消息甚嚣尘上的时候,他们把最新的工作投到了 Ann Phys (Berlin) 。 2016 年 8 月初投稿, 9 月末接受, 10 月上线, 2017 年元月才正式出版。 在 LIGO 的网站上, 贴出了当时的审稿人对文章的审稿意见。 该文章,不仅经过了两轮审稿,而且第二轮的审稿意见结论中有一条很醒目: ———————— Please rate the scientific and technical content of this submission. Reviewer #1: Major inconsistencies or inaccuracies ———————— 这和 Phys Rev Lett 抢发 LIGO 第一篇论文的过程 很不同! 四,敢于说培养新人,敢于说欢迎来自中国的论文 What's new? The new international Annalen der Physik aims at: · publishing first class physics articles fromfundamental questions to applied physics · attracting young and innovative minds. · informing readers about the frontiers of modern physics. · covering physics from China to Germany , from Oxford to MIT. 其中,敢于说培养新人是一个亮点!换句话说,尽管 Ann Phys (Berlin) 也发表普朗克的论文,但是将更加注意爱因斯坦! 五,我学生比之当年的爱因斯坦如何 ? 静待几天, Ann Phys (Berlin) 会有最后结果。 拭目以待!
个人分类: 拾穗记|17068 次阅读|44 个评论
[转载]12 rules for raising children - by Ann Landers (US)
zuojun 2011-7-5 11:20
http://capearkansas.blogspot.com/2009/08/12-rules-for-raising-children-by-ann.html 1. Remember that a child is a gift from God, the richest of all blessings. Do not attempt to mold him in your image, or that of your father, your brother, or your neighbor. Each child should be permitted to be himself. 2. Don't crush a child's spirit when he fails. And never compare him with others who have outshone him. 3. Remember that anger and hostility are natural emotions. Help your child to find socially acceptable outlets for these normal feelings or they may be turned inward and erupt in the form of physical or mental illness. 4. Discipline your child with firmness and reason. Don't let YOUR anger throw you off balance. If he knows you are fair you will not lose his respect or his love. And make sure the punishment fits the crime. Even the youngest child has a keen sense of justice. 5. Present a unified front. Never join with your youngster against your mate. This can create in your child (as well as in yourself) emotional conflicts. It also produces destructive feelings of guilt, confusion, and insecurity. 6. Do not hand your child everything his little heart desires. Permit him to know the thrill of earning and the joy of deserving. Grant him the greatest of all satisfactions the pleasure that comes with personal achievement. 7. Do not set yourself up as a model of perfection. This is a difficult role to play 24 hours a day. You will find it easier to communicate with your child if you let him know that Mom and Dad can make mistakes, too. 8. Don't make threats in anger when you are upset or impossible promises when you are in a generous mood. Threaten or promise only that which you can live up to. To a child a parent's word means everything. The child who has lost faith in his parents has difficulty believing in anything. 9. Do not smother your child with superficial manifestations of "love". The purest and healthiest love expresses itself day-in, day-out training, which breeds self-confidence and independence. 10. Teach your child there is dignity in hard work, whether it is performed with calloused hands that dig ditches or skilled fingers that manipulate surgical instruments. Let him know a useful life is a blessed one and a life of ease and pleasure-seeking is empty and meaningless. 11. Do not try to protect your child against every small blow and disappointment. Adversity strengthens character and makes us compassionate. Trouble is the great equalizer. Let him learn it. 12. Teach your child to love God and to love his fellow man. Don't send your child to a place of worship, take him there. Children learn from example. Telling him something is not teaching him. If you give your child a deep and abiding faith in God it can be his strength and his light when all else fails. ps. Do try some of the rules if you are a parent. pps. What does a scientist do on a federal holiday? Go to work first (had to call campus security to enter the building), have tea with a girlfriend/colleague, and do some cleaning at home. I uncovered this newspaper clip under a pile of papers.
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