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MIT 2010年毕业典礼有感--校长服上的8个“8”
毛宁波 2010-6-4 09:43
MIT 2010年毕业典礼今天拉开序幕。今天在MIT的体育馆举行的博士学位授予仪式。只有博士、博士家属和部分教授可以参加,从电视录像上看,非常庄重和神圣,但是热闹程度远不及哈佛大学,可能理工科的大学比较注重程序,不喜欢张扬吧!当然最隆重的MIT毕业典礼仪式明天在图书馆门口举行,我们期待比哈佛大学更精彩。 校长Susan(中)的服装有些诡异,那个红色的飘带上有8个88888888,也许不代表数字,也许就是服装的装饰。按照中国人的观点8个8是大吉大利的数字,发的谐音。不知道Suan校长是不是这个意思?谁要是有机会给她解释一下,我想她会很高兴的,MIT在未来的几年里面会大发的!(照片来自MIT网站) 哈佛校长在哈佛大学2010毕业典礼上穿的校长服一身黑色 副校长(中)的服装也很特别(照片来自MIT网站) 还未授位博士的服装!(照片来自MIT网站) 女博士(还未授位)的服装也很漂亮!(照片来自MIT网站) 副校长正在给博士举行授位仪式(照片来自MIT网站) 视频链接: http://amps-web.mit.edu/public/comm2009/openplay/commflvplay/mit-comm2009-384k-degrees-flv.html
个人分类: 美国麻省理工学院见闻|14540 次阅读|0 个评论
毛宁波 2010-5-29 21:03
戴维哈维特苏特 ( 1939年 9月17日 -),前 美国最高法院大法官 ,自 1990年 出任 美国最高法院 大法官直至于2009年6月29日退休。他是由 共和党 总统 乔治HW布什 所提名,以接替退休的 威廉布伦南 。苏特历经 威廉伦奎斯特 和 约翰罗伯茨 两位 首席大法官 。苏特终生未婚。且并不使用现今科技产品,不使用 电子邮件 、 手机 。写判决书时使用 钢笔 。苏特是最高法院的 自由派 之一,虽然他是由共和党总统提名,但苏特在上任后作出的判决大多倾向自由派。2009年5月1日苏特向 总统 奥巴马 提出辞职,其后奥巴马提名 索尼娅索托马约尔 接替他。(转自 维基百科 ) 5月27日下午,曾经在美国高等法院任大法官19年的David H. Souter (戴维.苏特尔)为哈福大学毕业典礼做了主题发言(上午他被哈佛大学授予荣誉博士学位)。苏特尔1961年毕业于哈佛学院,1966年毕业于哈佛法律学校。 David H. Souter 在演讲(哈佛网站照片) 演讲现场(博主傻瓜数码拍摄) 演讲现场(博主傻瓜数码拍摄) 我未能找到该演讲的英文全文,只能把哈佛网站的报道转载如下,大家参考: Plain language, complex meanings In Commencement address, retired Justice Souter says Constitution can be a conflicting document I n a Commencement Day speech to Harvards graduates, former U.S. Supreme Court Justice David Souter said Thursday (May 27) that judges have no choice but to interpret the U.S. Constitution beyond its plain language, and he criticized those who argue that its meaning lies there waiting for a judge to read it fairly. He said that though specific parts of the Constitution may be plainly and clearly written, judges are charged with interpreting the entire governing document. Its multiple guarantees are often conflicting and must be settled from the bench. Further, Souter said, the judicial interpretation of facts can change over time, so judges have to understand their meaning for the living. Souter said a black-and-white interpretation fails to account for what the Constitution actually says, and fails just as badly to understand what judges have no choice but to do. Souter took aim at what he termed the fair reading model of constitutional analysis as simplistic and prone to discourage our tenacity to keep the constitutional promises the nation has made. The Constitution embodies the desire of the American people, like most people, to have things both ways, Souter said. We want order and security, and we also want liberty. We want not only liberty, but equality as well. These paired desires of ours can clash, and when they do, a court is forced to choose between them. Souter, who stepped down from the court last June after 19 years, was the main speaker at Commencement Exercises, and received an honorary doctor of laws degree earlier in the day. In his 30-minute speech, delivered outdoors at Tercentenary Theatre during the annual meeting of the Harvard Alumni Association , Souter said there are some cases where a simple reading of the Constitutions language suffices to settle the outcome, but those are not the cases that make it all the way to the Supreme Court. Some cases that do, he said, stem from open-ended guarantees made in the Constitution, such as due process and equal protection. But justices have work to do, he said, even in cases involving the Constitutions clearest language. Souter drew from two famous cases the Pentagon Papers and Brown v. Board of Education to explain his position. The Pentagon Papers case pitted the U.S. government against The New York Times and The Washington Post , which had gained classified documents relating to the Vietnam War. The government sought to suppress their publication on national security grounds. Though First Amendment language is clear that Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, and though the court ultimately did decide for the newspapers, the court also recognized that even freedom of the press constitutionally guaranteed in clear language was not absolute. Thats because, Souter said, justices are charged with interpreting the entire Constitution, not a lonely amendment. Beyond freedom of the press, the Constitution also grants the government authority to provide national security and gives the president power to manage foreign policy and the military. In this case, the balancing of rights came out on the newspapers side, but the decision, Souter said, left the door open to swing differently in the future. Not only is apparently clear language sometimes not so clear, but apparently simple facts in a legal case are sometimes not so simple, Souter said. Facts can have meanings that change with time and circumstances, and its up to judges to interpret them for those living now. Souter used the example of the landmark 1954 Brown v. Board of Education case that abolished segregated schools to illustrate his point. He said the facts in the Brown case were analogous to the trend-setting 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson case, in which the court ruled that separate but equal railroad cars for black and white passengers were acceptable under the Constitution. Souter argued that the main difference in the two cases was not the facts, but rather the passage of time, which affected the justices interpretation of the facts. In 1896, when Plessy was decided, slavery and the Civil War were still relatively recent events. It was against that backdrop that the justices decided that separate but equal rail cars were acceptable. Fifty-eight years later, when Brown v. Board of Education was decided, the situation had changed, and the horrors of slavery and war had receded. The judges in 1954 found a meaning in segregation that the majority of their predecessors in 1896 did not see. That meaning is not captured by descriptions of physically identical schools or physically identical railroad cars, Souter said. The meaning of facts arises elsewhere, and its judicial perception turns on the experience of the judges, and on their ability to think from a point of view different from their own. When the judges in 1954 read the record of enforced segregation, it carried only one possible meaning: It expressed a judgment of inherent inferiority on the part of the minority race. The Alumni Associations annual meeting takes place during the afternoon on Commencement Day. In addition to Souters remarks, this years event featured a welcome by outgoing Alumni Association President Teresita Alvarez-Bjelland 76, M.B.A. 79, remarks by Harvard Treasurer James Rothenberg 68, M.B.A. 70, and the annual report to the alumni by Harvard President Drew Faust. Faust joked during her talk that she was honored to serve as Justice Souters warm-up act. In her yearly speech to the gathered alumni, Faust highlighted Harvards long history of pubic service embodied by Souter and his work as a judge and the Universitys expanding efforts in that area. Faust highlighted the enormous effort that Harvard students put into public service activities donating nearly a million hours to area communities this year alone and said the proportion of seniors taking jobs in public service was up dramatically in the past two years, from 17 to 26 percent. She also highlighted faculty work that seeks to help others and society, from Paul Farmers work providing health care to the poor in Haiti, to Kit Parkers service as a major in the U.S. Army, to Max Essexs work with those infected by HIV in Botswana. Faculty are laboring on a host of international problems, including fighting climate change, addressing the financial collapse, examining the factors that drive personal financial decisions, improving teacher effectiveness, creating building designs to house Haitian earthquake victims, and improving airflow in Rwandan hospitals. Faust announced the creation of a group of Presidential Public Service Fellowships, which will fund 10 students across the University in summer volunteer activities. Faust also said that the upcoming Harvard fundraising campaign would explicitly strive to double funding for undergraduate summer service opportunities and increase it for similar activities involving graduate students. Ultimately more important than students brief years at Harvard is what these graduates will do with their diplomas and their lives, Faust said. I would like to imagine that whatever career our graduates pursue, whether in the private or the public realm, they will choose to make service an ongoing commitment.
个人分类: 美国哈佛大学见闻|5152 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 1 毛宁波 2010-5-29 20:26
在哈佛大学2010毕业典礼上,好莱坞影星梅丽尔斯特里普( Meryl Streep )被授予哈福大学荣誉艺术博士学位,以表彰她在电影艺术上取得的杰出成绩。中国观众非常熟悉她在《 克莱默夫妇 》 《 苏菲的抉择 》、《走出非洲》(Out of Africa) 、《捉神弄鬼》(Death Becomes Her) 、《廊桥遗梦》(The Bridges of Madison County)、《弦动我心》(Music of the Heart)、《 爱很复杂 》(It's Complicated )和《 茱莉亚 》(Julia) 中的表演,她是第五十二届奥斯卡最佳女配角、第五十五届奥斯卡最佳女主角。 授予荣誉博士学位后的喜悦(电视直播抓拍) Pose不减当年(哈佛网站资料) 和哈佛校长侃侃而谈(哈佛网站资料) 和美国前大法官打得火热(哈佛网站资料) 背景资料( 来自百度 ) 【成长经历】    1949年6月22日,梅丽尔.斯特里普出生于 美国 新泽西州 一个叫萨米特的小镇上并在那里长大,父亲是一个制药公司的主管,喜欢弹钢琴,于2004年去世;母亲是一名艺术家,喜欢 演唱 ,于2001年去世。还是个小孩的梅丽尔就处处显露出一种极为强烈的表现欲望,她好出风头,喜欢在孩子们中间发号施令。在童年的时候,梅丽尔的母亲就教她演唱;在12岁时,她正式开始学习演唱,并希望成为一名 歌剧 演唱家。她在瓦萨中学学习音乐的时候,对戏剧产生了强烈的爱好,她参加了戏剧小组,学校的演出使她发现了自己在 表演 上的 天赋 。中学毕业后,梅丽尔曾经在耶鲁大学学习戏剧表演。在学校学习期间,她积极参加各种演出,尝试各种 角色 。她一边学习一边积极参加各种演出,这为她以后拓宽自己的戏路打下了非常好的基础在成名之前,曾经在新泽西州的萨默塞特宾馆当服务员。 【从业经历】   生于新泽西州苏密特,被誉为80年代最佳女演员,不论舞台或银幕上的表演,总令人印象深刻。她在12岁已开始学习歌剧,中学时初展演戏天份,借着奖学金拿到 耶鲁大学 戏剧学院硕士学位,其後在耶鲁剧场演了三年戏。迁居 纽约 後,开始参加 百老汇 舞台剧 演出,曾获得 东尼奖 提名。她在1977年的电影处女作《茱莉亚》已令人眼前一亮,其后自《 猎鹿人 》获奥斯卡女配角提名开始,她便和奖结下不解之缘,《 克莱默夫妇 》获奥斯卡女配角奖后,1983年又以《 苏菲的选择 》夺得后冠,其它奖项及提名更是不计其数,90年代以《 廊桥遗梦 》最为脍炙人口,新世纪后再创事业高峰, 好莱坞 叱咤风云三十余年,她被影评人誉为一代只出一个的世界影坛常青树。    斯特里普的发展非常顺利,1977年出演的第一部影片《朱莉娅》就让她名声大作。在这以后的一年,好运接踵而至,由于斯特里普在影片《猎鹿人》中的精彩表演,她获得了生平第一次奥斯卡奖提名。70年代末到80年代是斯特里普事业上的黄金时期,人们都不会忘记她在《克莱默夫妇》中扮演的那个与丈夫离婚的妻子,以及她在《苏菲的选择》中饰演的那个在纳粹 集中营 里受苦的 波兰 母亲,正是这两个特别的女性角色为斯特里普赢得了两尊奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。获奖以后的斯特里普没有为自己所取得的成绩沾沾自喜,她紧接着拍摄的《 丝克伍事件 》《 谁可相依 》《 走出非洲 》《紫苑草》和《黑暗中的哭泣》等影片更奠定了她在世界影坛的地位。   90年代以后,随着一批新星、新秀的成长,斯特里普的片约因为年龄的影响关系而逐渐减少,但她主演的影片仍然是质量和票房的保证,例如《 灵魂庄园 》、《 狂野之河 》、《廊桥遗梦》、《马文的房间》、《在卢纳萨跳舞》、《 亲情无价 》和《 弦动我心 》等,这些影片向观众证明了她扎实的演技是依然是无人能及的。   进入二十一世纪,斯特里普在2002年出演的《 时时刻刻 》《 改编剧本 》呈现出明显的后现代主义色彩,2004年与阿尔帕西诺 联手出演的迷你电视剧集《 天使在美国 》,包揽当年艾美各大奖项。2006年时尚轻喜剧《 穿普拉达的女王 》以夏季档黑马姿态出现,斯特里普奉献又一经典银幕形象,同时为自己积聚起惊人的票房号召力。2008年夏,改编自同名舞台剧的音乐电影《 妈妈咪呀 》热映全球,以5.8亿美元的超高票房创造了斯特里普个人电影生涯的票房新高。而日前公布的82届奥斯卡提名名单中,斯特里普又以影片《朱莉与朱莉娅》第16次入围奥斯卡,再次刷新自己创造的提名记录。    从影三十载,斯特里普16次获得奥斯卡奖提名(其中13次最佳女主角提名,3次最佳女配角提名),是电影史上获得该奖提名最多的演员,两度获得奥斯卡奖--最佳女配角奖和最佳女主角奖。除此之外,斯特里普于1998年获得好莱坞星光大道之星的荣誉,并被授予2003年法国凯撒电影荣誉奖以及2004年美国电影协会(AFI)终身成就奖。      回首纵观,斯特里普塑造的角色就如同一本20世纪女性的百科全书,凝结了上个世纪所有女人隐约错综的痛苦欢乐、爱恨情仇、生离死别:追求独立与自我价值的乔安娜纠缠在丈夫和儿子之间不知所措(《克莱默夫妇》);神秘执着向往自由的莎拉不期然爱情千回百转(《法国中尉女人》);女儿惨死集中营痕刻苏菲终生难以解脱的罪疚感(《苏菲的选择》);翱翔于非洲大地上的卡伦坚定热情自由奔放(《走出非洲》);隐忍的弗朗西斯卡看着情人离去一言不发(《廊桥遗梦》);外表干练的佳斯帕里内心隐藏着不为人知的脆弱(《弦动我心》);高傲冷酷时髦耀眼的米兰达沉淀着低调但深刻的忧伤(《穿普拉达的女王》)30年的电影生涯,一部部精彩作品,演技足已撑起一个世界。然而她本人却依然如一张白纸,像她的肤色一样纯粹,几十年如一日,淡妆素服,在公开场合牵着丈夫女儿的手,在俊男美女翻云覆雨,折腾不休的红地毯上,带着原来清纯现在已经微微慈祥的笑容。    代 表 作 : 《 克 莱 默 夫 妇 》 这无疑是好莱坞的一个另类传奇,作为明星,她单调得让人乏味,先是送走了病入膏肓的初恋情人,然后下嫁雕塑家,未成名先成家,30年的平凡婚姻从没有传出过人们习以为常的绯闻;作为演员,她却又辉煌得让人嫉恨,16次奥斯卡提名,2樽小金人,嘎纳影后,柏林影后,25次金球提名,7次获奖,3次艾美提名,2次获奖......无数的奖项与赞誉,为后继者树起一座难以逾越的梅丽尔斯特里普屏障。   斯特里普的 银幕 魅力早已超越了 国界 和 种族 ,她的表演受到全世界观众的认同,在 日本 观众评选出的20世纪最佳女明星中,斯特里普名列第五,评语是自然亲切,好像就生活在我们身边。而梅丽尔斯特里普这个闪光的名字本身就是20世纪女性的一部 百科全书 。 【为表演而生】   《法国中尉的女人》中,梅丽尔斯特里普一人分饰戏中戏里性格命运截然不同的两个角色,一个是感情的逃避者,一个是爱情的捍卫者。一个是大胆随意的演员 安娜 ,和男明星 迈克 相爱同居。身为现代女性的安娜不愿正视短暂的婚外激情,最终黯然离去,而安娜饰演的 维多利亚 时代外表如冰山般保守冷漠的乡村女教师莎拉,对爱的热情和渴望却如同冬夜里的火焰,熊熊燃烧不能止息。为了能将莎拉这个人物的神秘感淋漓尽致地表现出来,梅丽尔斯特里普将原著小说带在身边朝夕研读,还特地聘请老师教导她老式英语。《法国中尉的女人》小说原作者约翰福尔斯亦对斯特里普的表演大加赞赏。认为她演出了莎拉身上那种不知来自何处的女人的神秘感。应该说,观众真正领悟到梅丽尔斯特里普那无与伦比的表现力,应该是从本部影片开始,毕竟在《克莱默夫妇》中,斯特里普只是作为达斯丁霍夫曼的配角存在着,《法国中尉的女人》却是梅丽尔斯特里普演员生涯中最光灿的一笔。    代 表 作 : 苏 菲 的 抉 择 》 当《苏菲的选择》的导演帕库拉向斯特里普发出邀请时,先是遭到了她的否决,她坚持要看过剧本才接演角色。后来,斯特里普花三个月时间学习波兰和 德语 ,并控制饮食使体重减轻六公斤,以求最大程度地接近和领悟索菲的内心世界。她以枯槁的面容和痛苦的眼神再现了苏菲这个充满人性挣扎的角色。假模假式的轻佻笑容,对爱近乎病态的依恋,集中营里的痛苦回忆如同恶魔般缠绕着她,绝望的索菲最终选择了死亡。梅丽尔斯特里普因此片获得了了第二个奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。   演技女王迎来了属于她的时代,在无数迥异的角色里如鱼得水往来穿梭。她出演《西尔克伍德》里粗犷坚强的普通女工,《走出非洲》中屡受挫折却从未失去希望的女作家艾萨克,《紫苑草》里醉生梦死的女艺术家,《暗夜哭泣》里失去儿子却被人误解中伤的隐忍母亲和《来自边缘的明信片》中的二流女演员。导演迈克尼科尔斯评论她:导演斯特里普的作品犹如陷入情网,那段时光在你的记忆中美好得如同梦幻一般,你感到的是神奇的欢愉。 【常青藤女人】    进入90年代,梅丽尔斯特里普不可避免地要面对转型,虽仍有《 飞越长生 》和《狂野之河》让人眼前一亮,但相对光华璀璨的八十年代,四十几岁正处在女演员青黄不接时候的斯特里普显得沉寂了许多,直到1995年,她出演了《廊桥遗梦》。梅丽尔斯特里普的表演近乎完美,她将平凡主妇在面对突如其来的爱情时,内心激情爆发的感觉表现得细腻委婉,更将角色在爱情和责任两者间苦痛挣扎难以取舍的状态演绎的十分到位。这部作品成为电影史上最著名的爱情经典之一。   斯特里普致力于探索各类女性角色身上的独特魅力,展现她们与社会家庭之间发生的冲突,人性的挣扎和内在灵魂的昭示。她在《马文的房间里》饰演冲动自私的女儿Lee,在《最爱是谁》扮演独立漠然,因母亲病重才返回家中的女作家。这些女性角色都是大时代下现代女性的缩影,尊崇自由,喜爱独立而亲情淡薄,但最终仍为拳拳温情所感动。1999年,斯特里普在《弦动我心》中扮演一位用音乐洗涤生活磨难的伟大母亲 小提琴 教师佳斯帕里。为了将角色表演得真实,梅丽尔斯特里普练习了8周小提琴,每天有六个小时在琴房度过,最后,她学会了巴赫的曲子。 【贤妻良母】    巨蟹座 的梅丽尔.斯特里普爱家且非常具有 母性 。她和家人最久不能分离两周,因此她一年只拍一部电影。有无数邀请都被她婉言谢绝,她从不让自己的四个孩子在公共场合曝光,她希望他们能象所有普通孩子一样拥有成长的快乐和自由。从梅丽尔.斯特里普的星盘上看,她是一位多才多艺的女性,而且她有很强的好奇心,喜欢新鲜事物。她的领悟能力能强,能够由己及人,是一个天生的表演艺术家。看过她表演的《克莱默夫妇》、《法国中尉的女人》和《廊桥遗梦》以后,很多人对她的家乡产生了疑问。因为在这三部戏中,梅丽尔.斯特里普时而带着纽约口音,时而带着英国口音,时而成为地道的意大利人。实际上,梅丽尔.斯特里普非常擅于模仿口音,她能够根据不同剧本的要求使用不同的口音。为出演《苏菲的选择》,梅丽尔.斯特里普用三个月时间苦读 波兰语 和德语。为了《法国中尉的女人》,她苦练维多利亚时代英国中产阶级的腔调。这些常人无法短期掌握的口音,梅丽尔.斯特里普都能很快运用得驾轻就熟。梅丽尔.斯特里普的巨蟹特性最明显的地方是,她不喜欢四处活动做宣传,她觉得不能呆在家里是件苦差事。 【电影后的故事】   很少有人知道,梅丽尔-斯特里普曾经以 粉丝 的身份写过一封信。   9-11事件发生后,斯特里普带着10岁的女儿,还有她的小伙伴们,一起去剧院看 音乐剧 《妈妈咪呀》。她希望借此让孩子们忘记最近发生的悲剧。《妈妈咪呀》由瑞典乐团ABBA的经典老歌构成,全剧洋溢着欢乐的音符,孩子们兴奋地在座位上跳着唱着,而身旁的斯特里普,也被深深地感染了。回去后,她给剧院写了一封信,感谢《妈妈咪呀》给全纽约人民重新带去了欢乐。    7年后,电影《妈妈咪呀》的制作方找到了她,给斯特里普看了当年她写的那封信,邀请她出演其中的女主角多娜。我当时不住地问他们,你们确定是我吗?斯特里普回忆道,因为我知道,自己并不是最佳人选。但同时,我欣喜若狂,因为我实在太爱这部音乐剧了!7月18日,电影版《妈妈咪呀》在全美公映。电影保留了音乐剧的剧情,斯特里普饰演单身母亲多娜,在希腊的小岛上开一家BB店。在女儿结婚之际,一直不知生父详情的女儿私自邀请了多娜的三位前男友也来到了岛上,其中的一位就是女儿的父亲。和斯特里普搭档的男主角是著名英国绅士布鲁斯南。   正如《 雨中曲 》、《 音乐之声 》等经典好莱坞歌舞片一样,《妈妈咪呀》里需要每位演员将 歌唱 与 舞蹈 动作配合得天衣无缝。   斯特里普对唱歌向来都驾轻就熟。小时候,她参加过 美声 歌唱班。早在《来自边缘的明信片》和《 牧场之家好作伴 》中,她向观众展示了其过人的演唱天赋。唱歌和跳舞就像玩耍,虽然有时我的舞蹈并不尽如人意,斯特里普笑着说,但我会安慰自己,多娜毕竟不是个 舞蹈家 ,她只是个开旅店的。   几年前,《纽约客》著名影评人波琳-卡尔批评斯特里普只会用脖子以上的部分表演。斯特里普一直都对此耿耿于怀,因为这是为数极少的指责她演技的言论。今夏,斯特里普在《妈妈咪呀》中的载歌载舞可以看作是她对卡尔的一种反驳,谁说我不会用身体演戏,我还能跳呢。   为了《妈妈咪呀》,一向不健身的斯特里普,在影片开拍前3周开始严格的身体训练。影片中,她要站在尖角的屋顶上唱《妈妈咪呀》;在唱《舞蹈皇后》时,她要一路滑下楼梯扶手,纵身跳下码头;甚至,她要跳上床,一跃而起,来一个凌空劈叉!   许多人看完影片后,都猜斯特里普用了替身。斯特里普开玩笑地回应说:他们用数码技术把我的脸安在奥加-科布特的身上。(注释:科布特为前苏联体操名将)事实上,影片中所有的动作斯特里普都是亲力亲为,斯特里普认真地解释自己的劈叉动作:我本能地做到了劈叉。我的表演都是发自本能。作为演员,你不应该去刻意地去想。不过,要是让我现在做个劈叉给你们看,我可做不出。   已经59岁的斯特里普知道,《妈妈咪呀》也许是她最后一次出演这种活蹦乱跳角色的机会了。 【个人作品】   为爱迷失 It's Complicated (2009)   朱莉和茱莉亚 Julie and Julia (2009)    虐童疑云 Doubt (2008)   妈妈咪呀 Mamma Mia (2008)    狮入羊口 Lions for Lambs (2007)   穿普拉达的女王The Devil Wears Prada (2006)   牧场之家好作伴 A Prairie Home Companion (2006)    暗物质 Dark Matter (2005)    春心荡漾 Prime (2005)    谍网迷魂 Manchurian Candidate, The (2004)    雷蒙斯尼奇的不幸历险 Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004)   天使在美国 Angels in America (2003)   时时刻刻 The Hours (2002)   改编剧本 Adaptation (2002)   弦动我心 Music of the Heart (1999)    异教徒之恋 Dancing at Lughnasa (1998)   亲情无价 One True Thing (1998)   不要伤害我的小孩 ...First Do No Harm (1997)   马文的房间 Marvin's Room (1996)   凶杀后 Before and After (1996)   廊桥遗梦 Bridges of Madison County, The (1995)   Living Sea, The (1995)   狂野之河 River Wild, The (1994)    金色豪门 The House of the Spirits (1993)   飞越长生 Death Becomes Her (1992)   阴阳界生死恋 Defending Your Life (1991)    来自边缘的明信片 Postcards from the Edge (1990)   女人心海底针 She-Devil (1989)   黑暗中的呼喊 Cry in the Dark, A (1988)   紫苑草 Ironweed (1988)   心火 Heartburn (1986)   谁可相依 Plenty (1985)   走出非洲 Out of Africa (1985)   坠入情网 Falling in Love (1984)   丝克伍事件 Silkwood (1983)   碧玉惊魂夜 Still of the Night (1982)   苏菲的选择 Sophie's Choice (1982)    法国中尉的女人 French Lieutenant's Woman, The (1981)   克莱默夫妇 Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)   曼哈顿 Manhattan (1979)   泰南的遗珠 Seduction of Joe Tynan, The (1979)   茱莉娅 Julia (1978)   猎鹿人 Deer Hunter, The (1978) 【成就及荣誉】 奥斯卡   2010 奥斯卡最佳女主角提名,《朱丽和朱丽娅》Julie and Julia (2009)   2009 奥斯卡最佳女主角提名,《虐童疑云》Doubt (2008)   2007 奥斯卡最佳女主角提名,《穿普拉达的女王》The Devil Wears Prada (2006)   2003 奥斯卡最佳女配角提名,《改编剧本》Adaptation. (2002)   2000 奥斯卡最佳女主角提名,《弦动我心》Music of the Heart (1999)   1999 奥斯卡最佳女主角提名,《亲情无价》 One True Thing (1998)   1996 奥斯卡最佳女主角提名,《廊桥遗梦》The Bridges of Madison County (1995)   1991 奥斯卡最佳女主角提名,《来自边缘的明信片》 Postcards from the Edge (1990)    1989 奥斯卡最佳女主角提名,《黑暗中的呼喊》Evil Angels (1988)   1988 奥斯卡最佳女主角提名,《紫苑》Ironweed (1987)   1986 奥斯卡最佳女主角提名,《走出非洲》 Out of Africa (1985)   1984 奥斯卡最佳女主角提名,《丝克伍事件》Silkwood (1983)   1983 奥斯卡最佳女主角奖,《苏菲的选择》Sophie's Choice (1982)   1982 奥斯卡最佳女主角提名,《法国中尉的女人》The French Lieutenant's Woman (1981)   1980 奥斯卡最佳女配角奖,《克莱默夫妇》Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)   1979 奥斯卡最佳女配角提名,《猎鹿人》The Deer Hunter (1978)    柏林电影节   2003 与 妮可-基德曼 、朱丽安-摩尔共同获得柏林电影节最佳女演员 银熊奖 ,《时时刻刻》The Hours (2002)    戛纳电影节   1989 最佳女演员《黑暗中的呼喊》Evil Angels (1988) 金球奖   2010 提名 音乐喜剧类最佳女主角《爱很复杂》   2010 获奖 音乐喜剧类最佳女主角《茱莉与朱莉娅》   2009 提名 最佳女演员(喜剧/音乐类) Mamma Mia!(2008) 妈妈咪呀!   提名 最佳女演员(剧情类) Doubt (2008) 虐童疑云   2007 获奖 最佳女演员(喜剧/音乐类) The Devil wears Prada (2006) 穿Prada的恶魔   2005 提名 最佳女配角 The Manchurian Candidate (2004) 谍网迷魂   2004 获奖 最佳女演员(迷你电视剧/电视电影类) Angels in America (2003) 天使在美国(TV)   2003 获奖 最佳女配角 Adaptation (2002) 改编剧本   提名 最佳女演员(剧情类) The Hours (2002) 时时刻刻   2000 提名 最佳女演员(剧情类) Music of the Heart (1999) 弦动我心   1999 提名 最佳女演员(剧情类) One True Thing (1998) 亲情无价   1998 提名 最佳女演员(迷你电视剧/电视电影类) First Do No Harm (1997) 一切从心开始 (TV)   1997 提名 最佳女演员(剧情类) Marvin's Room (1996) 马文的房间   1996 提名 最佳女演员(剧情类) The Bridges of Madison County (1995) 廊桥遗梦   1995 提名 最佳女演员(剧情类) The River Wild (1994) 狂野之河   1993 提名 最佳女演员(喜剧/音乐类) Death Becomes Her (1992) 飞越终生   1991 提名 最佳女演员(喜剧/音乐类) Postcards from the Edge (1990) 来自边缘的明信片   1990 提名 最佳女演员(喜剧/音乐类) She-Devil (1989) 女人心海底针   1989 提名 最佳女演员(剧情类) A Cry in the Dark (1988) 黑暗中的呼喊   1986 提名 最佳女演员(剧情类) Out of Africa (1985) 走出非洲   1984 提名 最佳女演员(剧情类) Silkwood (1983) 丝克伍事件   1983 获奖 最佳女演员(剧情类) Sophie's Choice (1982) 苏菲的抉择   1982 获奖 最佳女演员(剧情类) The French Lieutenant's Woman (1981) 法国中尉的女人   1980 获奖 最佳女配角 Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) 克莱默夫妇   1979 提名 最佳女配角 The Deer Hunter (1978) 猎鹿人 英国奥斯卡   (俗称英国学院奖)   2010 提名 最佳女主角 Julie and Julia (2009) 朱丽和朱丽娅   2009 提名 最佳女主角 Doubt(2008)虐童疑云   2007 提名 最佳女主角 The Devil Wears Prada (2006) 穿Prada的恶魔   2005 提名 最佳女配角 The Manchurian Candidate (2004) 谍网迷魂   2002 提名 最佳女主角 The Hours (2002) 时时刻刻   提名 最佳女配角 Adaptation (2002) 改编剧本   1987 提名 最佳女主角 Out of Africa (1985) 走出非洲   1985 提名 最佳女主角 Silkwood (1983) 丝克伍事件   1984 提名 最佳女主角 Sophie's Choice (1982) 苏菲的抉择   1982 获奖 最佳女主角 The French Lieutenant's Woman (1981) 法国中尉的女人   1981 提名 最佳女主角 Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) 克莱默夫妇   1980 提名 最佳女主角 The Deer Hunter (1978) 猎鹿人   提名 最佳女配角 Manhattan(1979) 曼哈顿 其他    美国演员工会奖   2010 提名 最佳女主角 Julie and Julia (2009) 朱丽和朱丽娅   2009 获奖 最佳女主角 Doubt(2008)虐童疑云   2007 提名 最佳女主角 The Devil Wears Prada (2006) 穿Prada的恶魔   2004 获奖 最佳女演员(迷你电视剧/电视电影类) Angels in America (2003) 天使在美国(TV)   2000 提名 最佳女主角 Music of the Heart (1999) 弦动我心   1999 提名 最佳女主角 One True Thing (1998) 亲情无价   1996 提名 最佳女主角 The Bridges of Madison County (1995) 廊桥遗梦   1995 提名 最佳女主角 The River Wild (1994) 狂野之河
个人分类: 美国哈佛大学见闻|7285 次阅读|1 个评论
毛宁波 2010-5-29 20:02
在5月27日上午的哈福大学毕业典礼仪式上,哈福大学授予了10位杰出社会和科技精英哈福大学荣誉博士学位。以下是他们的一些资料,供大家参考!以下部分照片博主照自现场电视直播画面,重量不好,请大家原谅! 授予的十位哈福大学荣誉博士学位荣誉博士(转载于哈福大学网站)(clockwise from top left) Thomas R. Cech, David H. Souter, Freeman A. Hrabowski III, Rene C. Fox, Thomas Nagel, Meryl Streep, Richard Serra, Susan Lindquist, David G. Nathan, and The Baroness Onora ONeill of Bengarve. David H. Souter 戴维. 苏特尔 Doctor of Laws 法律博士 David H. Souter was an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court for 19 years before retiring in June 2009. Souter, who graduated from Harvard College in 1961 and Harvard Law School in 1966, will be the principal speaker at the Afternoon Exercises at this years Commencement .苏特尔2009年退休。退休前在美国高等法院任大法官19年。苏特尔1961年毕业于哈佛学院,1966年毕业于哈佛法律学校。他在27日下午发表毕业典礼主题演讲。 Harvard President Drew Faust hailed Souters deep sense of independence and fairness and clear concern for the effects of the courts decisions on the lives of real people in making the Commencement speaker announcement. She said his dedication, humility, and commitment to learning should be an inspiration to anyone contemplating a career in public service. Souter was also a Rhodes Scholar, earning an M.A. from Magdalen College in Oxford in 1963. Nominated by President George H.W. Bush, Souter came to the court after spending many years at posts in the New Hampshire legal system. Born in Massachusetts, he moved to New Hampshire as a boy. After graduating from Harvard Law School, he began his legal career in private practice. In 1968, he was named assistant attorney general of New Hampshire. In 1971, he became deputy attorney general, and, in 1976, attorney general. He became a state Superior Court associate justice two years later and was appointed to the state Supreme Court as an associate justice in 1983. He became a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in 1990, shortly before his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Thomas R. Cech Doctor of Science Thomas R. Cech , director of the Colorado Institute for Molecular Biotechnology at the University of Colorado, has made important contributions to understanding RNA, findings that won him the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1989. Cech was awarded the Nobel for revelations that RNA, ribonucleic acid, has functions beyond its role as a carrier of genetic information. In a single-celled organism, Tetrahymena thermophila, Cech discovered that RNA can also function as an enzyme, a function that had previously been thought to be the exclusive domain of proteins. These RNA enzymes are called ribozymes. Cech grew up in Iowa and earned a bachelors degree in chemistry from Grinnell College in 1970. He received a doctorate in chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley , and did postdoctoral research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology . He joined the University of Colorado faculty in 1978 and became a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator in 1988 and distinguished professor of chemistry and biochemistry in 1990. In 2000, Cech became the president of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and led that organization until 2009, when he returned to the University of Colorado as director of the Colorado Institute for Molecular Biotechnology. In addition to the Nobel Prize, Cech has won numerous awards and honors, including the Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award in 1988, the National Medal of Science in 1995, and the Heineken Prize of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences in 1988. In 1987, Cech was elected to the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and was awarded a lifetime professorship by the American Cancer Society. Rene C. Fox Doctor of Laws Rene C. Fox s studies in the sociology of medicine, medical ethics, medical research, and medical education have led her to Belgium, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, China, and the United States, and have resulted in nine books and numerous articles. Fox earned a doctorate in sociology from Harvard in 1954. She received a bachelors degree summa cum laude from Smith Colleg e. She joined the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania in 1969, where she is Annenberg Professor Emerita of the Social Sciences. Before joining the University of Pennsylvanias faculty, Fox was a member of the Columbia University Bureau of Applied Social Research . She taught for 12 years at Barnard College and then was a visiting lecturer for two years at Harvards Department of Social Relations. At Pennsylvania, she was a professor in the Sociology Department with joint secondary appointments in the Departments of Psychiatry and Medicine, and in the School of Nursing. She also held an interdisciplinary chair as the Annenberg Professor of the Social Sciences. Her best-known books are Experiment Perilous: Physicians and Patients Facing the Unknown, The Courage to Fail: A Social View of Organ Transplants and Dialysis, Spare Parts: Organ Replacement in American Society, The Sociology of Medicine: A Participant Observers View, and In the Belgian Chateau: The Spirit and Culture of a European Society in an Age of Change. She is working on a book about her life as a sociologist. Fox is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences. She is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She has received a Radcliffe Graduate School Medal and a Centennial Medal from the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. She has won several teaching awards, holds nine honorary degrees, and in 2007 received the Lifetime Achievement Award of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities. Freeman A. Hrabowski III Doctor of Laws Freeman A. Hrabowski III is committed to rigorous academic standards and challenging students to excel. The president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), who chose to fund a championship chess team at the school instead of a football program, has built a career devoted to education and to helping minorities succeed in science, technology, engineering, and math. In 1988 he co-founded the Meyerhoff Scholarship Program at UMBC with the goal of increasing the diversity of future leaders in science, technology, engineering, and related fields. Originally geared toward African-American males, the program has expanded to students of all races and both genders, and has been recognized by the National Science Foundation as a national model. Called a tireless academic cheerleader, he was associate dean of graduate studies and associate professor of statistics and research at Alabama AM University from 1976 to 1977. He was a professor of mathematics at Coppin State College in Baltimore for 10 years, and served as dean of arts and sciences from 1977 to 1981. He was the schools vice president for academic affairs from 1981 to 1987. He went to the UMBC as vice provost in 1987, and was appointed president in 1993. The son of teachers, Hrabowski was jailed for a week at age 12 after marching against school segregation in his home city of Birmingham, Ala. The experience taught me that the more we expect of children, the more they can do, he said in a 2008 interview with U.S. News World Report, which named him one of Americas best leaders. An early academic standout, he skipped two grades and graduated from high school at age 15. Four years later he graduated from Hampton Institute with the highest honors in mathematics. He received his masters in mathematics in 1971 and his Ph.D. in higher education administration and educational statistics in 1975 from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign . He is a member of several boards, including the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. He is the co-author of Beating the Odds: Raising Academically Successful African American Males. In 2009, Time magazine named Hrabowski one of Americas 10 best college presidents. Susan Lindquist Doctor of Science Understanding how malformed proteins affect the human body, and how they are involved in evolution, is the realm of biologist Susan Lindquist , Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator and professor of biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Lindquist, an authority on the complex molecular phenomenon called protein folding, explores how misfolded proteins play a role in diseases such as cancer, cystic fibrosis, Parkinsons, and Huntingtons. She uses yeast-based models of such protein-folded diseases to develop new approaches to therapy. One area of Lindquists research examines the chaperone heat shock proteins that assist in protein folding and help to buffer genetic mutations. When such chaperone systems are overwhelmed, misfolding and disease states can result. The former director of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research also has explored how such misfolded proteins affect some evolutionary changes. One implication of our work is that the protein-folding problem isnt always a problem, notes Lindquists lab home page. The very same types of misfoldings that cause dreadful diseases in some circumstances can have beneficial effects in others. The protein-folding problem is as ancient as life itself; it makes sense that evolution would occasionally, perhaps even often, use it to advantage. As a Radcliffe Fellow in 2007-08, Lindquist continued her investigations into the connections between genomics and medicine. Lindquist received her undergraduate degree in microbiology from the University of Illinois in 1971. She received her Ph.D. in biology from Harvard University in 1976. In 1999 she was named the Albert D. Lasker Professor of Medical Sciences at the University of Chicago. Her awards include the Dickson Prize in Medicine, the Centennial Medal of the Harvard University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Otto-Warburg Prize, and the Genetics Society of America Medal. She is an associate member of the Broad Institute, a member of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, and an elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences. She is the co-founder of the Cambridge-based FoldRx Pharmaceuticals Inc. Thomas Nagel Doctor of Laws American philosopher of the mind Thomas Nagel is known for What Is It Like to Be a Bat? This rumination on the idea of consciousness and the limits of science for explaining it was published in the October 1974 issue of The Philosophical Review. The article articulates a central concern of Nagel, who said that humans instinctually want to make sense of the world, but adopting a unified, purely objective worldview can lead to error. In fact, relying on scientific objectivity alone leaves out some essential component of understanding ourselves. Since 1980, Nagel has taught at New York University , where he is University Professor of Philosophy and Law. His other interests include political philosophy and ethics. He published his first philosophy paper in 1959 and his first book, The Possibility of Altruism, in 1970. Subsequent books include Moral Questions (1979), What Does It All Mean? (1987), The Myth of Ownership: Taxes and Justice (2002, with Liam Murphy), and the recent Secular Philosophy and Religious Temperament (2009), a book of essays. Nagel was born in 1937 in Belgrade, in present-day Serbia, and as a young child moved to the United States. He earned a B.A. in 1958 from Cornell University , a B.Phil. from Corpus Christi College, Oxford , in 1960, and a Ph.D. from Harvard, where he was a student of philosopher John Rawls , in 1963. He taught at the University of California, Berkeley, (1963-66) and at Princeton University (1966-80) and has lectured at Stanford , Oxford , Johns Hopkins , Harvard, and Yale universities. In 2008, Nagel received both the Rolf Schock Prize in Logic and Philosophy and the Balzan Prize in Moral Philosophy. Nagel is a fellow of the American Academy of Sciences, a corresponding fellow of the British Academy, and a member of the American Philosophical Society. In 2008, he received an honorary D.Litt. from Oxford. David G. Nathan Doctor of Science David G. Nathan , the Robert A. Stranahan Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School , former physician-in-chief at Harvard-affiliated Childrens Hospital , and former president of the Harvard-affiliated Dana-Farber Cancer Institute , has had a career of discovery, teaching, and leadership that has not only pushed back the frontiers of knowledge of blood-based disorders but also fostered a generation of leaders who are guiding the field into the future. Nathan, who graduated from Harvard College in 1951 and from Harvard Medical School in 1955, is an authority on blood disorders. His discoveries have shed light on anemia and the hemoglobin disorder thalassemia. He won the National Medal of Science in 1990 for his contributions to the understanding of the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of thalassemia; for his contributions to the understanding of disorders of red cell permeability; for his contributions to the understanding of the regulation of erythropoiesis; and for his contributions to the training of a generation of hematologists and oncologists. Nathan has won many awards and honors over his career, including the John Howland Medal of the American Pediatric Society and the Kober Medal of the Association of American Physicians. He is one of three physicians to win both. Nathans medical career began as an intern and senior resident at what was then the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital. He spent two years as a clinical associate at the National Cancer Institute. From 1959 to 1966, he was a hematologist at Brigham Hospital, and then became chief of the Division of Hematology and Oncology at Childrens Hospital and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. In 1985, he was physician-in-chief at Childrens Hospital, a position he held until 1995, when he was named president of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. He served as Dana-Farbers president until 2000. He is the author of Hematology of Infancy and Childhood, which is the leading text in the field. The Baroness Onora ONeill of Bengarve Doctor of Laws Scholar and politician Onora ONeill , Baroness ONeill of Bengarve, studied philosophy, psychology, and physiology at Oxford University before earning her philosophy doctorate at Harvard in 1969. Her mentor and dissertation adviser was American philosopher John Rawls, the one-time James Bryant Conant University Professor at Harvard whose signature work, A Theory of Justice is still a primary text in political philosophy. A native of Northern Ireland, ONeill has written widely and influentially on political philosophy and ethics, as well as on international justice, bioethics, media ethics, and the philosophy of Emmanuel Kant. Her work concerns issues of trust, consent, and respect for autonomy, in particular in the context of complex medical decision-making. A veteran instructor at universities in the United Kingdom and the United States, she teaches philosophy at the University of Cambridge , where she was principal at Newnham College from 1992 to 2006. ONeill is the author of seven books and co-author of an eighth. Her works include Acting on Principle (1975), Towards Justice and Virtue (1996), Bounds of Justice (2000), and Autonomy and Trust in Bioethics (2001), the last being her Gifford Lectures in book form. (The prestigious Gifford Lectures, a tradition at Scottish universities, are designed to explore the idea of natural theology, that is, theology supported by science.) ONeill, a life peer, is a crossbench (nonparty) member of the British House of Lords . She has served on committees concerning stem cell research, genomic medicine, and nanotechnology and food. ONeills advisory work reflects her academic interests. In the United Kingdom, she has been a member of the Animal Procedures Committee, the Human Genetics Advisory Commission, and the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, which she chairs. Richard Serra Doctor of Arts Minimalist sculptor and experimental video artist Richard Serra is famous for his monumental works in steel a favorite medium and for his experimental films, beginning with Hand Catching Lead in 1968. He is associated with the process art movement of the mid-1960s. It celebrates the serendipity of art (the drip painting of Jackson Pollock, for instance) as well as the process of making art (rather than the art itself). His first sculptures in the 1960s were made out of nontraditional materials such as fiberglass, neon, and rubber. But he soon graduated to his lifelong fascination with metals. Born in 1939, Serra worked at steel mills to support himself while studying English literature at the University of California, Berkeley, and then at the University of California, Santa Barbara , where he received a bachelors degree. From 1961 to 1964, Serra studied painting at Yale University, earning both a B.F.A. and an M.F.A. From 1968 to 1970, he executed a series of splash pieces in which molten lead was splashed against walls. Serra moved to prop pieces, metal sculptures held together solely by balance and the force of gravity. In 1970, Serra began experimenting with large-scale sculptures that played off urban landscapes. Many were made of spirals and curving lines counterpoints to the right angles that dominate city skylines. He is best known for his looming minimalist constructions made from rolls of Cor-Ten steel. They were once dismissed as artifacts from an arrogant art world. Serras 120-foot-long Tilted Arc, installed in Manhattans Federal Plaza in 1981, was dismantled eight years later. But in 2007, The New York Times called Serra a titan of sculpture, one of the last great modernists. That year, four massive sculptures with the same whimsical curves were the centerpieces of a Serra retrospective at New Yorks Museum of Modern Art. Meryl Streep 好莱坞著名影星梅丽尔-斯特里普 Doctor of Arts 艺术博士学位 Academy Award-winning actress Meryl Streep has won fans around the world and the acting industrys highest awards for her versatility, her ability to master accents and personas, and her ease with both dramatic and comedic roles. Considered one of the countrys greatest living actresses, Streep has been nominated 16 times for an Oscar , winning two, and 25 times for a Golden Globe , winning seven. She is the most nominated performer for either award. Born in New Jersey in 1949, Streeps initial artistic interest was opera, but she eventually gravitated toward theater, graduating with a bachelors degree in drama from Vassar College in 1971. She earned an M.F.A. from the Yale School of Drama in 1975. Her early career involved the New York stage and included work with the New York Shakespeare Festival, as well as on Broadway. In 1978 she won an Emmy Award for her role in the television miniseries Holocaust. Streeps movie career blossomed with her role in the 1978 film The Deer Hunter. She received her first Academy Award nomination and has worked steadily in films since. Two years later she won the Academy Award for best supporting actress for her role as a struggling mother in Kramer vs. Kramer, and won for best actress in 1983 for her portrayal of a tormented Holocaust survivor in Sophies Choice. Streeps other films include The French Lieutenants Woman, Out of Africa, Silkwood, The River Wild, Adaptation, The Hours, The Devil Wears Prada, and Julie and Julia. Streep also is an environmental health activist. In 1989 she helped to found Mothers and Others, a consumer group advocating sustainable agriculture and increased pesticide regulations. Among her many honors are a Commandeur de lOrdre des Arts et des Lettres from the French government and a Lifetime Achievement Award from the ? American Film Institute .
个人分类: 美国哈佛大学见闻|7983 次阅读|3 个评论
毛宁波 2010-5-29 11:16
在哈福大学2010毕业典礼上, Mary Anne Marks 用拉丁语做了哈佛的心,我们的心的演讲,收到一致好评。下面是我扫描的演讲英文和拉丁文材料。 Mary Anne Marks 相关背景材料: Q ueens, N.Y., native Mary Anne Marks is a classics and English joint concentrator who fell in love with the Latin language by studying Ciceros Catilinarian Orations. The links between Latin and Romance languages are fascinating, and, at the same time, Latin has the ability to say things in ways that are not available to Romance languages or to English, said Marks. I mused about ideas for the speech for weeks before setting pen to paper, and, once Id picked a topic, I consulted with friends and acquaintances from various departments to make sure it spoke to their experiences at Harvard. In the fall, Marks is headed to Ann Arbor, Mich., to enter a community of Catholic teaching nuns called the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, where after three years of classes in the convent on theological and ecclesiastical topics, shell attain a teaching certificate at a local university and teach in Catholic schools. Ive always thought about being a nun but came to Harvard planning to go to graduate school and perhaps also do some other things before entering, she recalled. I decided in January of last year to enter right after college, but a masters or Ph.D. is still a possibility. One of the exciting things about being a nun is that one never knows what the future holds!
个人分类: 美国哈佛大学见闻|9681 次阅读|1 个评论
毛宁波 2010-5-29 10:41
个人分类: 美国哈佛大学见闻|12462 次阅读|0 个评论
毛宁波 2010-5-29 06:23
下面是哈佛大学校长 Drew Gilpin Faust 在2010年哈佛大学毕业典礼上的讲话,请大家欣赏! http://president.harvard.edu/speeches/faust/100527_commence.php Commencement address by Harvard President Drew Faust Cambridge, Mass. May 27, 2010