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热度 1 myvolcano 2011-11-9 11:12
祝贺一下,第一篇Scientometrics论文终于正式刊出啦! 感谢各位合作者:中国科学院武汉文献情报中心王桂芳博士,武汉大学董克博士,厦门大学曹慕昆副教授。 The Journal’s Integrated Impact Index: a new indicator for journal evaluation Tingcan Ma, Gui-Fang Wang, Ke Dong and Mukun Cao Scientometrics Volume 90, Number 2, 649-658, DOI: 10.1007/s11192-011-0538-z http://www.springerlink.com/content/443l672555858k66/ 文章综合考虑期刊的总被引次数、篇均被引次数(影响因子),以及所有对比期刊的平均水平,提出了一种新的期刊评价指标(Journal's Integrated Impact Index ,JIII)。对比研究结果表明,JIII可以更好地反映出一种期刊的真实综合影响力。 In this paper, a new indicator, the Journal's Integrated Impact Index has been proposed. The JIII is based on JCR data, and takes into account one journal's average citations per paper, total citations, and all journals' average level. We are trying to characterize the integrated impact of journals. The multivariate comparisons with other bibliometric indicators show that there are some interesting properties of the new index. Using JIII, it is easy to find those journals whose JIF is not very high, but actually with good comprehensive influence. On the other hand, the distribution of citations agrees with the 80/20 rule when we analyze journals by JIII.
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