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热度 1 fqng1008 2018-3-25 15:17
\0 距 1918年发生的那场席卷全球的“西班牙流感”至今,已经过去了整整一百年。在这一百年里,H1N1、H3N2、禽流感等各种流感病毒对人类的攻击从来没有过终止。为此,3月17日召开的第十四届国际络病学大会专门设置了主题为“流感百年——从全球到中国”的呼吸论坛,来自国内外的众多医学专家就流感的危害、国际防治经验、诊疗方案等问题进行了深入探讨。来自广州医科大学呼吸疾病国家重点实验室的杨子峰教授在报告中指出,自2003年我国爆发SARS疫情以来,已发生了多次H1N1、H5N1、H7N9、H5N6等流感病毒散发、群发或爆发事件,每一次都给人民健康及国家经济造成巨大损失。杨教授认为,需要重视抗病毒药物在流感防治中的作用,并警惕耐药性的产生,流感患者越早服用有效的抗病毒药物,其症状改善、预后等情况也越好。 抗病毒治疗需尽早 杨子峰教授表示,早诊断、早治疗是提高流感治愈率、降低病死率的关键,并就何时启动抗病毒治疗提出了 3条原则: ( 1 ) 抗病毒治疗的决策无需等待实验室确诊即可作出; ( 2 ) 理想情况是流感患者症状出现 48小时内就开始抗病毒治疗; ( 3 ) 越早启动抗病毒治疗临床获益越大,对于发病超过 48小时的患者,仍支持启动抗病毒治疗。总的来说,就是抗病毒治疗应贯穿于流感患者的整个治疗过程中。 抗病毒耐药现象值得警惕 目前临床用于抗流感病毒的西药药物,主要有 M2离子通道抑制剂(金刚烷胺、金刚乙胺)及神经氨酸酶抑制剂(奥司他韦、扎那米韦等)。但是随着这些药物的广泛使用,其治疗局限性、不良反应和耐药性问题也日益明显。在报告中,杨子峰教授特别强调了耐药现象的危害,他指出,过去人们针对细菌感染滥用抗生素,结果导致了具有强大耐药性的“超级细菌”。在近年我国发生的五波禽流感H7N9疫情中,上海、广东等地发现多个H7N9禽流感病毒出现了不同位点的基因突变,从而产生了对奥司他韦等神经氨酸酶抑制剂产生耐药性的病毒株。这一现象值得人们警惕,抗流感病毒治疗不应再轻易重犯“滥用药物”的错误。 中药治疗流感具多靶点协同作用 在流感的治疗过程中,中药具有多成分、多靶点协同治疗作用。杨子峰教授曾经对汉代张仲景的 “麻杏石甘汤”和清代吴鞠通的“银翘散”这两个经典名方进行过深入研究,发现麻杏石甘汤可抑制流感病毒与细胞受体的结合而发挥直接抗流感病毒作用,银翘散能抑制炎性因子的表达,改善流感病毒引起的肺炎症状,并对多种免疫细胞因子的表达有调控作用。 杨子峰教授在研究论文及会议报告中指出,国内临床广泛使用的中成药连花清瘟胶囊即是以麻杏石甘汤和银翘散为主要成分的抗流感病毒有效中药,在临床上运用治疗流感病毒效果显著。随机对照研究证实连花清瘟能有效缩短甲型 H1N1流感病毒感染的病程、减少病毒载量、缓解发热时间,改善症状。因此,对于每年冬春季节易于流行的流感,早用中药控制流感病情,也是除接种疫苗,使用抗病毒西药之外的另一种好的选择。 据悉,本次专家峰会由中国医学论坛报社和中华中医药学会络病分会共同策划,呼吸论坛上还进行了主题为 “抗击流感·中国有我”的专家签名仪式,号召专家们共同携手,抗击流感。
个人分类: 思考中医|1536 次阅读|1 个评论
zzllxx5168 2016-6-13 16:37
简单中药方“搞定”帕金森 很多朋友并不了解,其实,帕金森虽然名字听着比较“洋气”,但是在中医上确实很早之前就有了相关的记载,一些古老的中药方,往往会比大把的西药更能作用于帕金森的治疗。所以,在西医来说的神经系统疾病帕金森,目前尚还没有治愈的可能,能够控制、减缓病情。中医而言,虽然治疗过程会相对缓慢一些,但是作用还是不错的。今天我们就来看看简单中药方“搞定”帕金森,到底是怎么一回事。 震颤麻痹,在医学上被称为帕金森氏,继发于其它明显诱因者称帕金森综合征。该病对中老年人健康影响甚大。 中医治疗多以滋补肝肾、熄风活血为基本原则,结合药膳食疗的方法,以利于控制病情或缓解症状。 下面介绍一些有助于减缓帕金森病情的中药方: 1 、天麻炖猪脑。天麻 10 克 ,猪脑 1 个,放入沙锅内,加水适量,以文火炖 1 小时左右,调味后喝汤食猪脑,每日或隔日一次。可疏筋通脉、聪脑安神,震颤麻痹、头晕、肢麻者适用。 2 、枸杞蒸羊脑。枸杞子 50 克 ,羊脑 1 个,放入容器,加水及姜末、葱节、料酒、食盐适量,隔水蒸熟即可,每日分两次食用。可养肝肾、补血通脉,适宜震颤麻痹、心悸、目眩、肢麻者。 3 、菊花白芷鱼头汤。菊花 6 克 ,白芷、川芎、夏枯草、葛根各 10 克 ,装入纱布袋内,扎紧口;豆腐 500 克 切块;鲤鱼头 1 个(约 500 克 ),洗净去鳃;将鱼头、豆腐、药包及适量料酒、姜、葱、盐等调料放入炖锅内,加水 800 毫升,大火烧沸后用文火煮 35 分钟即成。分次喝汤、吃豆腐鱼头。有祛风通络止痛功效,适宜震颤麻痹、头痛头晕者。 4 、天麻炖鹌鹑。鹌鹑 1 只,去毛及内脏,将天麻 15 克 填入肚内,用线捆住,加水炖熟,加食盐、味精,去天麻,吃肉喝汤,隔日 1 次。也可用鸽子代替鹌鹑。有养阴柔肝之功,适宜震颤麻痹、肢体麻木、双手抖颤者。 5 、二豆粥。白扁豆 10 克 ,蚕豆 30 克 ,将二豆炒香,研末备用;大米 50 克 煮粥,待熟时调入二豆粉,煮沸后服食,每日 2~3 剂。可健脾疏肝宁络,适宜震颤麻痹、食少、肢麻者。 6 、红枣糯米粥。红枣 20 枚,山药 60 克 ,糯米 100 克 ,文火煮至粥稠,每日 1 次。有健脾养血功效,适宜震颤麻痹、便溏、纳差、肢体乏力者。 7 、桑仁桂圆饮。鲜桑仁 60 克 ,鲜桂圆 30 克 ,洗净后加清水适量,捣烂挤汁,每日 1 剂,分 2 次服用,可滋阴补血,适宜震颤麻痹、头晕心悸、肌肉僵硬者。 8 、桂圆赤豆饮。桂圆肉、赤豆各 20 克 ,加水适量,煮赤豆至烂熟,入适量红糖调味,每日 1 次。可益阴宁神,适宜震颤麻痹、贫血、心悸、多梦者。 9 、葛根鲫鱼汤。葛根、宣木瓜各 20 克 ,当归、丹参、牛膝、党参、白芍各 10 克 ,共装入纱布袋内;鲫鱼 250 克 ,洗净去鳞、鳃、内脏;将鱼、药包及姜、葱、盐适量调料入炖锅内,加水 600 毫升,大火烧沸后用文火炖煮 40 分钟即成。每日分 2 次,吃鱼、饮汤。有养血祛风通络之功,适宜震颤麻痹、颈僵项强者。 10 、银杞莲子汤。银耳 20 克 ,枸杞 10 克 ,莲子 40 克 ,共炖至熟烂,加冰糖适量,每日 1 次。有养阴清热、健脾功效,适宜震颤麻痹、低热、口干、消瘦者。 上面的十个中药方,对治疗、缓解帕金森病症有着很不错的作用,帕金森患者可以试着用一下。另外,中医治疗帕金森过程较长,患者一定要有坚持下来的信念。这里,笔者建议:治疗帕金森,选用中西医结合方法治疗最为有效,只有结合了中西医优点的方法,才能更加科学严谨的给帕金森的治疗带来好的消息。 博主简介: 张连翔(1959-),大学文化,学士学位,无党派人士,辽宁省喀左县人。现任辽宁省干旱地区造林研究所教授级高工(3级教授),学术委员会成员,兼任《辽宁林业职业技术学院学报》和《辽宁林业科技》两刊编委,《新农业》杂志园艺版编委,《中国林业网》和《新农村商网》林业科技(在线)咨询专家,中国林学会灌木分会委员,全国林业科技特派员,朝阳市自然科学学科带头人。曾任辽宁省林业高级专业技术职务评委会成员(1993-1995年)。主要从事应用生态及种群生态和数学生态学、森林有害生物可持续控制、抗旱保水造林、困难立地植被恢复与重建、林下经济、园林绿化、生物质能源林、经济林全生态经营和有机果业等的研究。取得科研成果13项,发明专利3项(1项正在申请中),编制辽宁省地方标准2项,发表学术论文近百篇,翻译和发表日文林业科技资料数十万字,主编专著3部、参编著作1部、参编论文集1部。 联系方式: zzllxx5168@126.com;13942112010; http://www.xbmiaomu.com/vip/zzllxx5168/ ; http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/zzllxx5168
个人分类: 中医药偏方秘方|6950 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 4 wliming 2011-8-25 23:27
下图是武夷山转载的一篇文章《 我国中药治疗“甲流”效果获国际认可》中 的原图,表示甲流病人发热人数随时间的变化。图中4条曲线从上到下分别是未经药物治疗的对照组,达菲治疗组,中药麻杏石甘汤和银翘散加减方治疗组,达菲加中药治疗组。 图形显示,中药治疗组的病人显著下降,效果比达菲组好。 可是,这几条曲线跟图下所列数据明显不符。我按照表中所列数据重新绘制了图形,如下图所示: 这个图形跟上图明显不同,尤其是在28小时以后,中药治疗组的病人百分比显著高于达菲组和达菲加中药组。到48小时,中药治疗组跟对照组接近,而不是跟达菲组接近。所以,武夷山转载的这篇文章数据处理可能有误。请内行指正。
个人分类: 伪科学|1282 次阅读|12 个评论
热度 5 Wuyishan 2011-8-23 15:43
我国中药治疗“甲流”效果获国际认可(附原文) 发布时间: 2011-08-23 | 作者:周婷玉 http://www.stdaily.com 2011年08月23日 ■医卫动态 国际权威医学期刊《内科学年鉴》16日发表我国学者的临床研究结果。这一研究显示,中药汤剂可有效缓解甲型H1N1流感引起的发热症状,其效果与达菲相仿或有更加优效趋势。 记者18日从首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院——北京呼吸疾病研究所获悉,这一关于奥司他韦(达菲)和传统中药汤剂(麻杏石甘汤和银翘散加减方)治疗甲型H1N1流感(简称甲流)的临床研究是由该所及卫生部北京医院王辰教授领衔、由国内11家医院组成的课题组共同完成。 这一研究在《内科学年鉴》的发表,标志着国际权威医学刊物对我国中医药学研究的认可。研究以科学的方法向世界展示了中医药在人类应对新发呼吸道传染病和突发公共卫生事件中的作用,是中医药研究走向世界进程中具有标识性的重要事件。文章发表后受到国际广泛关注,包括美国卫生部网站在内的3万多个国际主流网站对相关报道进行了转载。 研究采用规范、严格的现代循证医学研究方法,将410例确诊为轻症甲流的成年患者随机分为4组:对照组、达菲组、中药组(应用麻杏石甘汤和银翘散加减方汤剂)、达菲加中药组。结果发现,对照组的发热持续时间为26小时,达菲组的发热时间为20小时,中药组的发热时间只有16小时,达菲加中药汤剂患者的发热时间为15小时。统计分析显示,三个用药组的发热时间均显著短于对照组,中药汤剂可以显著降低甲流发热持续时间。 因为麻杏石甘汤和银翘散加减方中有炙麻黄,含有麻黄碱成分,而一些国家对含有麻黄碱的药物是禁用的。针对西方学者对麻黄毒副作用的担心,课题组解释,方剂中麻黄的使用剂量很小,完全在中医药典的安全剂量范围内。而且,研究观察的205例使用该方剂的患者中未见较大剂量麻黄所引起的心率加快、血压高等副作用,安全性好。 据介绍,2009年秋天,为应对甲流疫情,有关中西医专家提出应当迅速组织评价、验证传统中医药对于甲流的预防与治疗效果,以在达菲储量不足或病毒对达菲出现耐药的情况下提供有效的防治药物。经中西医专家联合讨论,决定采用我国传统上用于“热病”治疗的麻杏石甘汤和银翘散的加减方作为统一处方,所含12味中药均采用同一产地、同一批号的饮片。汤剂制作过程采用严格的标准操作程序,确保中药饮片煎制后其成分固定。经严密筹备,课题组启动了此项在以现代科学方法验证中医药有效性、寻找应对突发呼吸道传染病疫情方面具有极为重要意义的研究。 《内科学年鉴》创刊于1927年,是美国内科医师学院的官方杂志,为世界权威医学杂志,被公认为国际内科学领域“第一刊”。 (新华社) (文·周婷玉) 本篇文章来源于 科技网|www.stdaily.com 原文链接: http://www.stdaily.com/kjrb/content/2011-08/23/content_339704.htm 原文如下( http://www.annals.org/content/155/4/217.full ): Original Research Oseltamivir Compared With the Chinese Traditional Therapy Maxingshigan–Yinqiaosan in the Treatment of H1N1 Influenza A Randomized Trial Chen Wang , MD, PhD ; Bin Cao , MD ; Qing-Quan Liu , MD ; Zhi-Qiang Zou , MD ; Zong-An Liang , MD ; Li Gu , MD ; Jian-Ping Dong , MD ; Li-Rong Liang , MD ; Xing-Wang Li , MD ; Ke Hu , MD ; Xue-Song He , MD ; Yan-Hua Sun , MD ; Yu An , MD ; Ting Yang , MD ; Zhi-Xin Cao , MD ; Yan-Mei Guo , MD ; Xian-Min Wen , MD ; Yu-Guang Wang , MD ; Ya-Ling Liu , MD ; and Liang-Duo Jiang , MD + Author Affiliations From Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital, Beijing Institute of Respiratory Medicine, Capital Medical University, and Beijing Hospital, Ministry of Health, Beijing; Dongzhimen Hospital Affiliated to Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing; Yantai Infectious Disease Hospital, Shandong; Chengdu Infectious Disease Hospital, Sichuan; Beijing Haidian Hospital, Beijing; Beijing Ditan Hospital, Institute of Infectious Diseases, Capital Medical University, Beijing; Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University; Changxindian Hospital of Fengtai District of Beijing, Beijing; Second Hospital of Chaoyang District of Beijing, Beijing; Second Hospital of Beijing, Beijing; and West China Medical School, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Sichuan, China. Next Section Abstract Background: Observational studies from Asia suggest that maxingshigan–yinqiaosan may be effective in the treatment of acute H1N1 influenza. Objective: To compare the efficacy and safety of oseltamivir and maxingshigan–yinqiaosan in treating uncomplicated H1N1 influenza. Design: Prospective, nonblinded, randomized, controlled trial. (ClinicalTrials.gov registration number: NCT00935194 ) Setting: Eleven hospitals from 4 provinces in China. Patients: 410 young adults aged 15 to 59 years with laboratory-confirmed H1N1 influenza. Intervention: Oseltamivir, 75 mg twice daily; maxingshigan–yinqiaosan decoction (composed of 12 Chinese herbal medicines, including honey-fried Herba Ephedrae), 200 mL 4 times daily; oseltamivir plus maxingshigan–yinqiaosan; or no intervention (control). Interventions and control were given for 5 days. Measurements: Primary outcome was time to fever resolution. Secondary outcomes included symptom scores and viral shedding determined by using real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Results: Significant reductions in the estimated median time to fever resolution compared with the control group (26.0 hours ) were seen with oseltamivir (34% ; P 0.001), maxingshigan–yinqiaosan (37% ; P 0.001), and oseltamivir plus maxingshigan–yinqiaosan (47% ; P 0.001). Time to fever resolution was reduced by 19% (CI, 0.3% to 34%; P = 0.05) with oseltamivir plus maxingshigan–yinqiaosan compared with oseltamivir. The interventions and control did not differ in terms of decrease in symptom scores ( P = 0.38). Two patients who received maxingshigan–yinqiaosan reported nausea and vomiting. Limitations: Participants were young and had mild H1N1 influenza virus infection. Missing viral data precluded definitive conclusions about viral shedding. Conclusion: Oseltamivir and maxingshigan–yinqiaosan, alone and in combination, reduced time to fever resolution in patients with H1N1 influenza virus infection. These data suggest that maxingshigan–yinqiaosan may be used as an alternative treatment of H1N1 influenza virus infection. Primary Funding Source: Beijing Science and Technology Project and Beijing Nova Program. Editors' Notes Context Some speculate that the herbal therapy maxingshigan–yinqiaosan could serve as an alternative therapy to antivirals. Contribution In this randomized trial that compared maxingshigan–yinqiaosan with oseltamivir alone, oseltamivir plusmaxingshigan–yinqiaosan, and no treatment in mildly ill patients with confirmed H1N1 influenza, fever resolved sooner in all 3 therapeutic groups than in the group that received no treatment. Caution Ephedra is an ingredient of maxingshigan–yinqiaosan; it is legally unavailable in settings in which ephedra is banned. The study could not determine whether the observed effects of maxingshigan–yinqiaosan were due to antipyretic or antiviral effects. Implication Among patients with mild H1N1 infection, maxingshigan–yinqiaosan speeds fever resolution similarly to oseltamavir. —The Editors In April 2009, cases of human infection with H1N1 influenza A virus were identified in the United States (1) and Mexico (2) and spread rapidly to other regions of the world (3) , resulting in the first influenza pandemic since 1968. As of March 2010, almost all countries had reported cases, and more than 17700 deaths among laboratory-confirmed cases had been reported to the World Health Organization (4) . Influenza A pandemic is typically characterized by abrupt onset of fever, nonproductive cough, sore throat, headache, and myalgia. The illness is usually self-limited, with relief of symptoms within 5 to 7 days (5) . Nevertheless, it is an important disease owing to its ease of communicability and the possibility of severe complications (6, 7) . The antiviral agent oseltamivir was widely used during the H1N1 influenza A pandemic, as recommended by the World Health Organization (8) . Observational studies of hospitalized patients with pandemic H1N1 influenza A infection have suggested that treatment with oseltamivir may reduce severity of and mortality from the disease (9) . However, no direct comparative evidence on the role of oseltamivir in the current novel H1N1 influenza A pandemic has been reported. Isolates of pandemic H1N1 influenza A virus with resistance to oseltamivir have been detected (10) . In resource-limited settings, such as rural areas of China, where the supply of oseltamivir was often insufficient, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) was used as an alternative therapy. Traditional Chinese medicine has been used to treat seasonal influenza for thousands of years (11) . In a recent meta-analysis of 31 randomized clinical trials including 5514 cases of influenza (12) , the authors concluded that TCM had significantly increased clinical efficacy compared with placebo or no intervention (93.46% vs. 79.03%, respectively; odds ratio, 3.99 ; P 0.001), and no serious adverse effects were reported. Modern pharmacologic studies demonstrated that some TCM formulas had antiviral and immunomodulating effects (13, 14) . During the early days of the 2009 H1N1 influenza A pandemic, the popular herbal formula maxingshigan–yinqiaosan was used widely by TCM practitioners to reduce symptoms. We sought to compare the efficacy and safety of oseltamivir, TCM, and no treatment in adults and adolescents with uncomplicated 2009 H1N1 influenza A virus infection. Persons with mild illness who do not have high-risk conditions do not usually require testing or treatment, and the decision about whether to initiate antiviral therapy is individualized on the basis of the clinician's judgment and on what is known about the benefits of therapy. Therefore, it was ethically possible for us to include a control group that received no intervention. Previous Section Next Section Methods Study Design We conducted a prospective, randomized, controlled, nonblinded, multicenter trial during the H1N1 influenza A epidemic between July and November 2009 at 11 medical sites in 4 provinces in China. The institutional review board of Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital reviewed and approved the protocol and consent forms before the start of the study. All participants signed written informed consent forms before enrollment. Patient Enrollment Patients aged 15 to 70 years who presented within 72 hours of onset of H1N1 influenza A symptoms were enrolled. All patients were admitted to hospitals, where they could be quarantined and observed. Patients who fulfilled all of the following criteria were included: documented body temperature 37.5°C or greater, 1 or more respiratory symptoms (cough, sore throat, or rhinorrhea), and a positive result for H1N1 influenza A virus on real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Women were required to have a negative urine pregnancy test before drug administration. Patients were excluded if they had received influenza vaccination in the 12 months before the start of the study; had active, clinically significant chronic illness or HIV disease; were receiving systemic steroids or other immunosuppressants; had taken Chinese medicinal herbs or antivirals; or had new infiltrate of the lungs on chest radiography. Drug Administration The TCM formula that we used in our study was maxingshigan–yinqiaosan, which is composed of 12 herbs: zhimahuang (honey-fried Herba Ephedrae), 6 g; zhimu (Rhizoma Anemarrhenae), 10 g; qinghao (Herba Artemisiae Annuae), 15 g; shigao (Gypsum Fibrosum), 30 g; yinhua (Flos Lonicerae Japonicae), 15 g; huangqin (Radix Scutellariae), 15 g; chaoxingren (stir-baked Semen Armeniacae Amarum), 15 g; lianqiao (Fructus Forsythiae), 15 g; bohe (Fructus Forsythiae), 6 g; zhebeimu (Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii), 10 g; niubangzi (Fructus Arctii Tosum), 15 g; and gancao (Radix Et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae), 10 g. Appendix Table 1 lists the names of these herbs in Chinese and English. View this table: In this window In a new window Appendix Table 1. Chinese Simplified Script and Traditional Script and English Translations of Traditional Chinese Medicines Mentioned in This Article The criteria for the quality of the herbs we used were in accordance with the 2005 Chinese pharmacopoeia (15) . All herbs were distributed to the 11 study sites from the same source. Before the start of the trial, the herbs were tested for heavy metals, microbial contamination, and residual pesticides; all results met safety standards in China. Laboratory personnel were blinded to the identity of the herbs. At each study site, a trained technician prepared the decoction according to a standardized procedure; each unit of formula yielded 800 mL of decoction. Oseltamivir was given as capsules, and the TCM intervention was given as a decoction. Placebo capsules were not used; the control group received no intervention. After agreeing to participate, signing the informed consent form, and completing the baseline visit, all patients were randomly assigned to 1 of the 3 active treatment groups or the control group by using random-number tables with a block size of 8 (SPSS software, version 13.0 ). Randomization was stratified by the 4 study centers, located in Beijing, Yantai, Chengdu, and Wuhan. These centers were selected to ensure broad geographic spread and representation of H1N1 influenza A epidemic areas in mainland China. A statistician who was not involved in data collection or analysis produced the randomization list. A coordinator at each site who was blinded to the participants' characteristics assigned the participants to treatment by telephoning a contact at the study coordinating center in Beijing Chao-Yang hospital. The contact was not involved in the number generation and recruitment process. Participants were then randomly allocated to the control group or one of the intervention groups: oral oseltamivir, 75 mg daily for 5 days; maxingshigan–yinqiaosan decoction, 200 mL orally 4 times daily for 5 days; or oseltamivir plus maxingshigan–yinqiaosan. All participants were hospitalized so that they could be quarantined and closely observed and were followed until discharge. Adherence to therapy was assessed by nurses who were blinded to the study. On the basis of the attending physician's judgment, participants were allowed to use acetaminophen if their body temperature was greater than 39°C. Likewise, the need for antibiotics was determined by the attending physicians. The use of acetaminophen or antibiotics was recorded on the case record form. Assessment During hospitalization, nurses who were blinded to the study used a mercury thermometer to measure participants' body temperature daily at 2 a.m. to 6 a.m., 6 a.m. to 10 a.m., 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., and 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. The presence and severity of influenza symptoms (cough, sore throat, rhinorrhea, headache, and fatigue) and drug-associated side effects were also recorded daily. Symptom scores (0 = absent, 1 = mild, 2 = moderate, and 3 = severe) were recorded and compared with baseline scores until 5 days after treatment in all groups. The primary efficacy end point was time from randomization to fever resolution (body temperature ≤37°C for ≥24 hours). Secondary outcomes were the proportion of patients who became afebrile (body temperature ≤37°C for ≥24 hours); improvement in symptom scores during the study period; side effects associated with the interventions; and incidence of secondary complications of influenza, such as otitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, and pneumonia. Throat swab specimens were collected from all participants and sent to local branches of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention for H1N1 influenza A RNA testing by using the protocol from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (16) . Serial real-time RT-PCR for viral RNA titers was performed daily from enrollment until discharge. Statistical Analysis We set the sample size to provide adequate power to detect differences of 12 hours or more in time to fever resolution. Clinical analysis of initial cases of 2009 H1N1 influenza in China demonstrated that the median duration of fever was 3 days (interquartile range, 2 to 4 days) (5) . Randomized, controlled studies have shown that oseltamivir reduced duration of illness of patients with influenza by 25% to 32% (17, 18) . On this basis, the difference of at least 12 hours is accepted in the routine clinical practice of treating 2009 H1N1 influenza. Therefore, 100 patients per study group provided 80% power to detect a significant difference of 12 hours or more in time to fever resolution, assuming an SD of 30 and a 2-sided α value of 0.05 for the primary outcome comparisons. All patients who were randomly assigned were included in all efficacy analyses, and patients were analyzed according to their treatment assignment. Means (SDs) or medians (interquartile ranges) were calculated to summarize continuous variables. For categorical variables, the proportion of patients in each category was calculated. One-way analysis of variance, the Kruskal–Wallis rank-sum test, and the chi-square test, as appropriate, were used to compare baseline characteristics among the 4 groups. For analyses of differences in time to fever resolution among 4 treatment groups, an accelerated failure time model (19) was used to estimate median time to fever resolution and percentage change in time to fever resolution, with adjustment for stratified randomization centers and time since onset of illness less than 48 hours versus 48 to 72 hours. The final model was based on the log-normal distribution. Log-logistic and Weibull models were also considered, but the log-normal model fit the best. Interactions between treatment and center and between treatment and time since onset of illness were tested. Changes in viral titer from baseline to day 5 were assessed with a generalized linear mixed model using PROC GLIMMIX in SPSS. Bonferroni adjustment was performed for multiple comparisons of 4 groups. The interaction of time with treatment was also analyzed in the model. Data on time to fever resolution were missing for 1 participant in the control group. For the primary outcome analysis, this participant was considered as a censored observation in the accelerated failure time models. A P value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. All analyses were done by using SPSS for Windows, version 13.0, except for analyses of primary outcome and changes in viral titer; these were performed by using SAS software, version 9.1.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina). Role of the Funding Source The Beijing Science and Technology Project and the Beijing Nova Program provided funding for the trial. The funding agencies were involved in study design, data collection, data analysis, and manuscript preparation. All authors had full access to the data, participated in data analysis and manuscript development, and gave final approval of the manuscript. Drs. Bin Cao and Chen Wang were involved in the study design and made final decisions on manuscript content. Previous Section Next Section Results Participant Characteristics We recruited 410 participants aged 15 to 69 years from 11 sites. The mean age was 19.0 years (SD, 6.4), and 57.1% of participants were men. Follow-up lasted 12 hours to 16 days (median, 5.0 days). The median time from onset of illness to randomization was 34.5 hours (interquartile range, 18.0 to 48.0 hours) and did not significantly differ among groups. The Figure shows the disposition of the study participants. Of the 410 participants, 102, 103, and 102 were randomly assigned to receive oseltamivir, maxingshigan–yinqiaosan, and combination therapy, respectively. Baseline demographic characteristics, clinical features, and laboratory findings were similar among the 4 groups ( Table 1 ). View larger version: In this page In a new window Download as PowerPoint Slide Figure. Study flow diagram. MY = maxingshigan–yinqiaosan. * These patients were discharged early and declined to return. View this table: In this window In a new window Table 1. Patient Characteristics Use of antibiotics was similar among all groups at baseline (4.9% to 7.8%; P = 0.88) but was much more frequent in the control group after enrollment (34.3% vs. 15.7% in the oseltamivir group, 9.7% in the maxingshigan–yinqiaosan group, and 7.8% in the combination therapy group; P 0.001). First- or second-generation cephalosporins, clindamycin, azithromycin, levofloxacin, and moxifloxacin were the agents chosen by the attending physicians ( Table 2 ). View this table: In this window In a new window Table 2. Use of Acetaminophen and Antibiotics Clinical Outcomes Table 3 shows the effects of the interventions and control on alleviating illness. According to the accelerated failure time model, the estimated median time to fever resolution was significantly reduced in the oseltamivir group (35% ; P 0.001), the maxingshigan–yinqiaosan group (37% ; P 0.001), and the combination therapy group (47% ; P 0.001) compared with the control group (26.0 hours ) ( Appendix Figure 1 ). When the active treatments were compared with one another, however, only the percentage difference in median time to fever resolution with combination therapy versus oseltamivir alone (−19% ) reached borderline statistical significance. Interactions between treatment and center (randomization strata) and between treatment and time since onset of illness were not statistically significant ( P = 0.51 and P = 0.72, respectively). View this table: In this window In a new window Table 3. Accelerated Failure Time Model Estimates for Median Time to Fever Resolution and Difference in Time to Resolution View larger version: In this page In a new window Download as PowerPoint Slide Appendix Figure 1. Fitted curves from accelerated failure time models for median time to fever resolution. MY = maxingshigan–yinqiaosan. The median baseline symptom score was 3 and did not differ among the 4 groups ( Appendix Table 2 ). No difference in any individual symptom, including cough, sore throat, headache, or fatigue, was observed after treatment. View this table: In this window In a new window Appendix Table 2. Change in Symptom Scores During the Study Period Virologic Outcomes Both baseline swab specimens and specimens collected on days 1 to 5 for evaluation of virus shedding were available for 148 participants. Compared with the 262 patients without viral shedding measurements, these 148 patients had lower symptom scores; a lower proportion of cough, headache, and fatigue; lower leukocyte counts; and longer time from onset of illness to randomization. Therefore, the virus shedding results from these 148 patients were not representative of the entire study population ( Appendix Table 3 ). View this table: In this window In a new window Appendix Table 3. Complications and Adverse Events In this subgroup, the median viral titer in throat swabs at enrollment was similar, and a rapid decrease in virus shedding was observed in all 4 groups ( P 0.001) ( Table 4 and Appendix Figure 2 ). Changes in virus shedding from baseline to day 5 did not differ by treatment group ( P = 0.69 for time-by-treatment interaction) ( Appendix Figure 2 ). View this table: In this window In a new window Table 4. Changes in Viral Titer on Real-Time Reverse-Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction View larger version: In this page In a new window Download as PowerPoint Slide Appendix Figure 2. Mean viral titer among 148 participants for whom results were available. MY = maxingshigan–yinqiaosan. Safety Two patients in the maxingshigan–yinqiaosan group had nausea and vomiting. No side effects were observed in the control, oseltamivir, or combination therapy group ( Appendix Table 4 ). No difference in complications after treatment was observed among the 4 groups: 1 case of pulmonary tuberculosis in the control group, 2 cases of pneumonia in the oseltamivir group, 1 case of bronchitis in the maxingshigan–yinqiaosan group, and no complications in the combination therapy group ( Appendix Table 4 ). View this table: In this window In a new window Appendix Table 4. Baseline Characteristics of Patients Without and Those With Viral Titer Measurements Previous Section Next Section Discussion To our knowledge, this is the first registered randomized, controlled trial to investigate the efficacy and safety of oseltamivir, TCM, and no treatment in H1N1 influenza A. We found that resolution of fever was faster with maxingshigan–yinqiaosan than no intervention, but the improvement in symptoms was not significantly more rapid. Compared with active treatments, the reduction in median time to fever resolution between oseltamivir plus maxingshigan–yinqiaosan and oseltamivir (20.0 hours vs. 16.0 hours ) was only 19% (CI, −34% to −0.3%); this reached borderline statistical significance, but the difference was less than the margin of 12 hours. Therefore, with regard to clinical implication, we could not conclude that maxingshigan–yinqiaosan was superior to oseltamivir. We did not find evidence for differences in reductions in viral shedding; however, viral outcomes were available only for a subgroup of patients who had fewer symptoms and longer time from illness onset to randomization. The mechanism of TCM in the treatment of influenza is complex. Zhao and colleagues (21) found that maxingshigan regulated the percentage of T-cell subpopulation in mice exposed to influenza virus A. Investigators also found that maxingshigan had inhibitory effects on influenza virus A by directly killing the virus, interfering with virus adsorption, inhibiting virus proliferation, and protecting the cells from being infected with virus. Except in terms of inhibiting virus proliferation, maxingshigan performed much better than ribavirin (22, 23) . During the outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome in Hong Kong, Poon and associates (24) showed that 2 herbal formulas had immunomodulating effects. In their study of healthy volunteers, they found that the CD4–CD8 ratio of T lymphocytes was significantly increased after participants received Chinese herbal medicine for 14 days (24) . Administration of Chinese herbs may have beneficial immunomodulatory effects for rapid recovery of viral infections. More studies are needed to clarify the mechanisms of TCM. The preparations of maxingshigan–yinqiaosan that we used are those that have been standard for decades, but their safety has not been fully investigated. In our study, 2 of 103 patients (1.9% ) in the maxingshigan–yinqiaosan group experienced nausea and vomiting, and no adverse effects were reported in the oseltamivir and combination therapy groups. The empirical use of certain Chinese medicines in combination with oseltamivir is advocated for the treatment of influenza in Asia, but little is known about the potential for drug interactions in such combinations. A study from Hong Kong showed that TCM preparations may significantly reduce active metabolism of oseltamivir in plasma, most likely owing to suppression of oseltamivir metabolism and possibly enhanced renal clearance (25) . Given the relatively short course of our study and the relatively healthy participants, more evidence on safety of maxingshigan–yinqiaosan is needed before this agent is used widely. In the United States and Canada, marketing of ephedra and ephedrine-containing stimulant combinations for weight loss and bodybuilding is now restricted or illegal because myocardial infarctions, strokes, and deaths associated with these supplements have been reported (26, 27) . The ban on ephedra-containing supplements continues to be controversial. Ephedra is legal in such countries as Germany, Japan, India, and China, where it is widely used. There is general agreement that ephedra treats symptoms of the common cold, allergic rhinitis, and obstructive sleep apnea. In China, Herba Ephedrae is not used for weight loss, bodybuilding, or increased energy. A large follow-up case study found no evidence of severe cardiovascular risk with prescribed ephedrine (28) , and the suspicion of cardiovascular toxicity of ephedrine was mainly based on spontaneous reporting (29–31) . According to a Chinese pharmacopoeia (15) , Herba Ephedrae (mahuang) has a total alkaloid content of 1% by dry weight, and honey-frying (32) decreases the alkaloid content by 0.194%. The safe daily dose of Herba Ephedrae is 2 to 9 g/d. Overdose of Herba Ephedrae causes serious adverse effects. Oseltamivir is a potent and specific influenza neuraminidase inhibitor and inhibits replication of influenza A and B viruses in vitro (33) . However, direct evidence of clinical effectiveness and safety of oseltamivir in treating the 2009 H1N1 influenza A pandemic is limited. Studies in healthy adults with influenza in the United States and Europe showed that early treatment of oseltamivir (usually within 36 hours of onset) could reduce the median duration of illness by 30% (17, 18) . In a recent systematic review and meta-analysis, Jefferson and colleagues concluded that the efficacy of oral oseltamivir, 150 mg/d, against symptomatic laboratory-confirmed influenza was 73% (34) . However, the benefit of oseltamivir was somewhat less than that reported in randomized, controlled trials of its use in seasonal influenza, and in our trial the duration of fever was shortened by 6 hours in the oseltamivir group compared with the control group. In addition, oseltamivir provides no additional benefit in terms of decrease in symptom scores during treatment. This lesser benefit may be due to delayed initiation of treatment with oseltamivir while awaiting results of real-time RT-PCR for H1N1 influenza A virus. In our study, the median time from onset of illness to randomization was 34.5 hours; 23.2% of patients presented 48 to 72 hours after the onset of symptoms. Participants in our study were relatively young and largely had very mild disease. They were admitted to hospitals for quarantine purposes, not because of the severity of the illness. Because disease was mild in these patients, we could not detect a difference in the rate of improvement of symptoms, except fever, in the intervention groups compared with control. Our findings suggest that maxingshigan–yinqiaosan does not act as an antiviral, whereas the benefit of oseltamivir derives entirely from its antiviral activity. The prudent use of antivirals stems from concern that resistance to these agents develops quickly (35) , and we agree that healthy young adults who are not at risk (unlike infants, children, pregnant women, elderly persons, and patients with chronic comorbid conditions) do not need antivirals to treat influenza (8) . In these persons, maxingshigan–yinqiaosan may be used instead of oseltamivir. Our study has limitations. First, it was not a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Oseltamivir was given as capsules, and maxingshigan–yinqiaosan was given as a decoction. During the first months of the pandemic, we could not find appropriate placebos for maxingshigan–yinqiaosan that had a similar color and taste (brown and bitter) before the trial began. However, because we included patients who received no treatment as a control group, we were able to prove that the improvement in fever was not due to the placebo effect. In addition, measurements of temperature and virus shedding are objective findings, and the nurses who measured patients' temperature were unaware of study group assignment. Second, the use of acetaminophen and antibiotics was decided by the attending physicians; however, the proportion and extent of use of acetaminophen was similar in the 4 groups at baseline ( Table 2 ). Acetaminophen was used infrequently and probably had no effect on temperature change. More patients in the control group received antibiotics after enrollment. This is similar to many other febrile illnesses, in which physicians respond to persistent temperature elevation by administering antibiotics. Usually, antibiotics are not called for in that situation. Third, both baseline swab and swabs collected on days 1 to 5 for evaluation of virus shedding were available for only 148 participants. Compared with the 262 patients for whom viral shedding measurements were not available, the 148 patients had lower symptom scores, lower leukocyte counts, and a longer interval between onset of illness and randomization, which means that the virus shedding results from the 148 patients were not representative of the overall study population. The lesser extent of disease and longer interval between onset of illness and randomization might explain why changes in virus shedding from baseline to day 5 did not differ by treatment group. In conclusion, in previously healthy young adults and adolescents who presented with uncomplicated 2009 H1N1 influenza A virus infection, therapy with oseltamivir and maxingshigan–yinqiaosan (alone and in combination) was associated with faster resolution of fever. Maxingshigan–yinqiaosan can be used as an alternative treatment of H1N1 influenza A virus infection when oseltamivir is not available. Previous Section Next Section Article and Author Information Note: Drs. C. Wang, B. Cao, Q.Q. Liu, Z.Q. Zou, Z.A. Liang, L. Gu, J.P. Dong, and L.R. Liang contributed equally to this article. Acknowledgment: The authors thank Drs. Jing Zhao, Lai-Ying Fang, Zhi-Tao Tu, Chun Huang, Xiao-Hui Zhai, Xiao-Li Li, Wei Wu, Ran Li, Yi-Qun Guo, Jing-Ya He, Yong Guo, Yu-Dong Yin, Shufan Song, Na Cui, Lu Bai, and Ling-Ling Su, who participated in collection of clinical data, and Drs. Getu Zhaori, Weili Zhang, and Yiqing Song for assistance in careful editing of the manuscript. They also thank Drs. Hua-Xia Chen, Chun-Jiang Zhao, Xiao-Min Yu, Ran Miao, Ying-Mei Liu, and Li-Li Ren, and Mr. Xiang-Yang Ding for technical support. Grant Support: By the Beijing Science and Technology Project (grants Z08050700020801and Z09000700090903) and the Beijing Nova Program (grant 2007A037). Potential Conflicts of Interest: None disclosed. Forms can be viewed at www.acponline.org/authors/icmje/ConflictOfInterestForms.do?msNum=M10-2829 . Reproducible Research Statement: Study protocol and data set: Not available. Statistical code: Available from Dr. B. Cao (e-mail, caobin1999@gmail.com ). Requests for Single Reprints: Bin Cao, MD, Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital, Beijing Institute of Respiratory Medicine, Capital Medical University, Gongti South Road, No. 8, Beijing, 100020 China (e-mail, caobin1999@gmail.com ), or Chen Wang, MD, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Capital Medical University; Beijing Institute of Respiratory Medicine; Beijing Key Laboratory of Respiratory and Pulmonary Circulation Disorders; Beijing Hospital, Ministry of Health, Beijing, 100020 China (e-mail, cyh-birm@263.net ). Current Author Addresses: Dr. C. Wang: Department of Respiratory Medicine, Capital Medical University; Beijing Institute of Respiratory Medicine; Beijing Key Laboratory of Respiratory and Pulmonary Circulation Disorders; Beijing Hospital, Ministry of Health, Beijing, 100020 China. Drs. B. Cao and Gu: Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital, Beijing Institute of Respiratory Medicine, Capital Medical University, Gongti South Road, No. 8, Beijing, 100020 China. Drs. Q.Q. Liu and Jiang: Dongzhimen Hospital Affiliated to Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Hai Yuncang Road, No. 5, Beijing, 100700 China. Drs. Zou and Guo: Yantai Infectious Disease Hospital, Huan Shan Road, No. 62, Yantai, Shandong Province, 341000 China. Dr. Z.A Liang: West China Medical School, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Wainan Guoxue Road, No. 37, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, 610041 China. Dr. Dong: Beijing Haidian Hospital, Haidian Road, Beijing, 100080 China. Drs. L.R. Liang, Yang, and Z.X. Cao: Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital, Beijing Institute of Respiratory Medicine, Capital Medical University, Gongti South Road, No. 8, Beijing, 100020 China. Drs. Li and Y.G. Wang: Beijing Ditan Hospital, Institute of Infectious Diseases, Capital Medical University, Jingshun East Road, Beijing, 100018 China. Dr. Hu: Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Ziyang Road No. 99, Wuhan, Hubei Province, 430060 China. Dr. He: Changxindian Hospital of Fengtai District of Beijing, Beijing, 100072 China. Dr. Sun: Second Hospital of Chaoyang District of Beijing, Jintai Road, No. 13, Beijing, 100026 China. Dr. An: Second Hospital of Beijing, Xi Rongxian Road, No. 9, Beijing, 100031 China. Drs. Wen and Y.L. Liu: Chengdu Infectious Disease Hospital, Jingjusi South Road, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, 610061 China. Author Contributions: Conception and design: C. Wang, B. Cao, Q.Q. Liu, L. Gu, J.P. Dong, Z.X. Cao, L.D. Jiang. Analysis and interpretation of the data: B. Cao, L. Gu, L.R. Liang, X.W. Li. Drafting of the article: B. Cao, L.R. Liang. Critical revision of the article for important intellectual content: C. Wang, B. Cao, Q.Q. Liu. Final approval of the article: C. Wang, B. Cao. Provision of study materials or patients: J.P. Dong, X.W. Li, K. Hu, Y.H. Sun, X.M. Wen, Y.G. Wang, Y.L. Liu. Statistical expertise: L.R. Liang. Obtaining of funding: C. Wang. Administrative, technical, or logistic support: B. Cao, Z.A. Liang, J.P. Dong, X.W. Li. Collection and assembly of data: B. Cao, Z.Q. Zou, Z.A. Liang, L. Gu, J.P. Dong, L.R. Liang, X.W. Li, K. Hu, X.S. He, Y.H. Sun, Y. An, T. Yang, Y.M. Guo, Y.G. Wang. Previous Section References 1. ↵ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Swine influenza A (H1N1) infection in two children—Southern California, March-April 2009. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2009 58 400 2 pmid: 19390508 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 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