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zebrafish mineralization
SUNJIANJIAN 2016-9-28 17:45
Zebrafish skeletal and ECM mineralization 1.Phospho1 and alpl encoding PHOSPHO1 and tissue nonspecific alkaline phosphatase(TNAP) initiate the skeletal mineralizaton. 2.TNAP plays a vital role in restricting the concerntration of mineralizaiton inhabitor pyrophosphate and maitains the ratio permissive balance of ppi/pi through extravesicular pi. 3.PHOSPHO1 uses phosphocholine and phosphoethnolamine as substrates to mediate the mineralization through intravesicular pi. Pi transporters systems pi-T1,pi-T2 are involved in pi influx. 4. Osteopontin (OPN/spp1) is another mineralization inhibitor that binds to hydroxyyapatite(HA) mineral onto the collagenous matrix. OPN is not merely inhabiting ectopic mineralization, but promotes dissolution as well. 5. Fetuin A(α2-Heremans-Schmid glycoprotein; AHSG) was highly expressed in the liver and a systemetic inhibtor of mineralization. 6. MGP is gla protein and an another anti-mineralization factor. References: 1.Skeletal Mineralization Deficits and Impaired Biogenesis and Function of Chondrocyte-Derived Matrix Vesicles in Phospho1–/– and Phospho1/Pit1 Double-Knockout Mice 2.Osteopontin Inhibits Mineral Deposition and Promotes Regression of Ectopic Calcification 3.Ectopic mineralization disorders of the extracellular matrix of connective tissue: Molecular genetics and pathomechanisms of aberrant calcification
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Organic farming can enhance agriculture carbon sinking
蒋高明 2015-4-30 12:18
PUBLIC RELEASE: 29-APR-2015Organic farming can reverse the agriculture ecosystem from a carbon source to a carbon sink SCIENCE CHINA PRESS http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2015-04/scp-ofc042915.php SHARE PRINT E-MAIL IMAGE: THIS IMAGE SHOWS PROCESSES OF GREENHOUSE GASES EMISSION AND SEQUESTRATION IN THE STUDIED AGRO-ECOSYSTEM. view more CREDIT: ©SCIENCE CHINA PRESS Approximately 35% of global greenhouse gases (GHGs) come from agriculture. Some argues that human can reverse global worming by sequestering several hundred billion tons of excess CO2 through regenerative, organic farming, ranching and land use. Increasing the soil's organic content will not only fix carbon and reduce emissions, it will also improve the soil's ability to retain water and nutrients and resist pests and droughts. To mitigate GHG emissions and retain soil fertility, organic agriculture might be a wise choice for decreasing the intensive use of synthetic fertilizers, protecting environments, and further improving crop yields. Recent research showed that replacing chemical fertilizer with organic manure significantly decreased the emission of GHGs. Organic farming can reverse the agriculture ecosystem from a carbon source to a carbon sink. To explore the potential of farmlands acting as a carbon sink without yield losses, Jiang Gaoming, a professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute of Botany, conducted an experiment on a temperate eco-farm in eastern rural China. Crop residues were applied to cattle feed and the composted cattle manure was returned to cropland with a winter wheat and maize rotation. Crop yield and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were carefully calculated according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 2006. This study showed that replacing chemical fertilizer with organic manure significantly decreased the emission of GHGs. Yields of wheat and corn also increased as the soil fertility was improved by the application of cattle manure. Totally replacing chemical fertilizer with organic manure decreased GHG emissions, which reversed the agriculture ecosystem from a carbon source (+ 2.7 t CO2-eq. hm-2 yr-1) to a carbon sink (- 8.8 t CO2-eq. hm-2 yr-1). Making full use of crop residues as forage for cattle, collecting and composting cattle manure, and replacing part of the chemical fertilizer input with organic manure have been successfully shown to be ideal choices to reduce energy waste and cut GHG emissions without crop yield losses. A combination of organic manure and chemical fertilizer demonstrated the best result in improving soil quality and crop yields, while decreasing GHG emissions. Solely utilizing chemical fertilizer on the farmland not only led to increased GHG emissions, but also deteriorated the quality of the soil. ### This research was jointly funded by the Key Strategic Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KSZD-EW-Z-012-2) and the National Science and Technology Support Program, China (No.2012BAD14B00). See the article: Haitao Liu, J.L., Xiao Li, Yanhai Zheng, Sufei Feng, Gaoming Jiang. 2015. Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions through replacement of chemical fertilizer with organic manure in a temperate farmland. Science Bulletin , 60(6), 598-606. Science China Press http://www.scichina.com/ Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert system. ...
个人分类: 环保呐喊|4136 次阅读|0 个评论
pangxb2009 2012-8-29 22:38
The research focuses on the 'Water Vapour Continuum'. This is a broadband effect due to the interaction of water vapour molecules which absorbs a significant amount of energy from the sun and can change with pressure and temperature. Water vapour is a greenhouse gas that plays a major role in the Earth's radiation balance, as it is responsible for around 55% of the absorption of solar radiation in the atmosphere. This means that understanding its absorption spectrum is vital for the accurate modelling of future weather and climate. 优秀青年科学基金项目支持具备5-10 年的科研经历并取得一定科研成就的青年科学技术人员,在科研第一线锐意进取、开拓创新,自主选择研究方向开展基础研究。 一、优秀青年科学基金项目评议要点如下: (一)研究成果的创新性和科学价值; (二)申请人在前期研究工作中所展现的创新潜力(能力)。 (三)拟开展的研究工作的科学意义和创新性,研究方案等的可行性。 注:优秀青年科学基金资助期限为3 年,资助经费100 万元/项。 二、请根据同行评议要点,参考以下提纲撰写同行评议意见: (一)对申请人近年来在基础研究中所取得的学术成就或科技成果的评议意见; (二)对申请人的科研能力和创新潜力的评价; (三)对申请人今后拟开展的研究工作的评议意见。 综合评议等级参考标准 优: 申请人取得了突出的创新性成绩,有较强的创新潜力和创新思维;拟开展的研究工作有重要的科学意义和创新性构思。 良: 申请人取得了创新性成绩,有一定的创新潜力和创新思维;拟开展的研究工作有比较重要的科学意义和创新性构思。 中: 申请人取得了一定成绩,拟开展的研究工作有一定的科学价值,创新性一般。 差: 申请人取得的成绩一般,创新性不足
3711 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Science Blog 2012年07月04日 20:09 (星期三)
xupeiyang 2012-7-4 21:54
http://scienceblog.com/ Feel-good glass for windows helps hormone balance Scientists discover bees can ‘turn back time,’ reverse brain aging First photo of shadow of single atom Quantum computing, no cooling required Fish learn to cope in a high CO2 world Delivering drugs via skin moisturizers Downy dinosaur discovered Parents less likely to develop colds Childhood adversity increases risk for depression and chronic inflammation Oh, Baby! A Young Star Flaunts its X-ray Spots in McNeil’s Nebula Mass extinctions reset the long-term pace of evolution Searching for an ancient syphilis DNA in newborns Snuggling may doom bats to fungal disease 5 or more cups of coffee a day cuts IVF success in half Say goodbye to foot and mouth disease?
个人分类: 科学博客|1683 次阅读|0 个评论
The realization of optimization on balance system of large f
bshen 2012-3-30 10:21
沈海荣、杨勇生、沈斌 .The realization of optimization on balance system of large floating crane with full rotation based on genetic algorithmic.2011 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Computing,Control and Industrial Engineering. Aug. 20-21,2011,Wuhan,China,IEEE PRESS:85-89, EI: 20113914382045
个人分类: 学术论文|2989 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 Ripal 2012-3-18 18:55
前几天,喜欢上了会说话的Tom猫,感觉可爱、好玩、像个喜欢模仿别人的孩子。 今天,早上见一博士班同学领着自己3岁的儿子,去吃饭,一句说给她妈的话“妈妈,我搬”(帮妈妈搬凳子),却不经 意的印在了我的脑海里。 春天是hormone not balance的时节,突然想要个儿子! 不知道为什么? 想象着那会是蛮好玩的事! ………… 可是, 可是, 我还在象牙塔“修炼”, 还没找到儿子他妈! 如来佛祖, 玉皇大帝, 观世音菩萨, 我主耶稣, 快快显灵吧! ——————————————————————————————————————————————————— 哇哈哈 ——————————————————————————————————————————————————— 奋斗吧! 为了…… 为了…… 为了…… 想法决定行动!
2073 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 1 lifengli 2012-2-8 15:58
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. 生活就像骑单车,只有不断前进,才能保持平衡。 中午打了一场羽毛球,在此过程中,通过默默在心里记着点数,也定了小目标,但未达到。渐渐的发觉自己原来是那么的愿意安于现状啊,一副兵来将挡,水来土湮的架势,但就是没有主动出击的心态。生活和学习过程中自己也是如此。想改变,努力过,却从未做到坚持。越来越觉得这样的缺点是人生路上的一块绊脚石,应该尽力去克服,以后才能走的顺利。
32 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]Part-time balance (for mothers in science)
热度 1 zuojun 2011-11-14 01:33
Kate O'Brien Karen Hapgood Affiliations Nature 479 , 257–258 (2011) doi:10.1038/nj7372-257a Published online 09 November 2011 This article was originally published in the journal Nature Flexible academic positions help women to juggle work and family. Kate O'Brien and Karen Hapgood explain how to avoid the 'female ghetto' when working part time. http://www.nature.com/naturejobs/2011/111110/full/nj7372-257a.html ps. Easily said than done. It may work in Australia where the authors are, but not in the US, speaking as a mother who has gone through the struggle.
个人分类: From the U.S.|1734 次阅读|2 个评论

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