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热度 16 zhangyuxiu 2013-6-5 21:57
5422 次阅读|36 个评论
热度 1 BJTUcivil 2013-6-4 22:25
海、天空与大地 王元丰 2013 年 6 月 4 日 注:这是我的第 100 首诗 大海 你容纳不下百川 浩瀚的海面 游荡着血色的斑 * 1 船队还在行驶 鱼群怎么再也不见? 浪花拍打着堤岸 鸥鸟焦虑地盘旋 让人崇拜的海啊 却也这般疲倦 疲倦 …… 苍天 你却不再湛蓝 冬去夏来 灰暗布满你的脸 * 2 太阳朦胧中升起 哪里还有蓬勃的光线? 白云已被淹没 在画布上舒卷万千 辽阔的天空啊 已经步入老年 老年 …… 大地 你把世界承担 患病的身躯 * 3 守护翠绿的麦田 流泪的江河边 * 4 鲜花依然姹紫鲜艳 城市在疯长 你没有一句怨言 大地母亲啊 你的爱胜过大海 胜过苍天 …… *1 海上赤潮污染 *2 空气污染 *3 土壤重金属等污染 *4 河流污染
2744 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 9 physicsxuxiao 2013-6-2 22:31
(1)南国 追寻着你 带着一生一世的爱意 从日出到日暮 从秋天的树木 到春天的雨 在没有冬天的冬天里 盼望着火热的夏季 (2)这一线长堤 我走了二十年 伴着二十年理想的孤独 在安静中呐喊 在喧嚣里读书 那清清的水 心的倒影 洗净了,一切正如当初 (3) 看呐,看那理想的光芒 火红的梦 在蓝天白云间 写下诗行 写下了诗行 一点一滴 如同砖和瓦 消弭了岁月 建构了沧桑
个人分类: 游记|2894 次阅读|43 个评论
热度 17 zhangyuxiu 2013-5-30 14:14
5045 次阅读|51 个评论
热度 23 zhangyuxiu 2013-5-15 21:33
5398 次阅读|62 个评论
热度 23 lixuekuan 2013-5-1 09:53
昨天傍晚7点左右,在迎泽公园拍完牡丹和郁金香正往家走,抬头想看看今天有没有晚霞,突然发现一个奇怪的现象,一架飞机拉这白烟正在拐弯。 太原上空是北京去西南的航线,经常能看到客机在天空飞行。也经常能看到飞机尾部拉白烟。以前看到的白烟都是直线,突然出现曲线我感到很奇怪,这架飞机拐了一下继续想西南飞去。就想汽车在高速上超车,从行驶道变换到超车道。我有点纳闷,飞机为什么会这样飞行? 顺着飞机飞行的方向向前看,不远处处还有一架飞机在飞行。如果后面这架飞机不拐这个弯就有可能追尾(我不知道高度差)。原来后面这架飞机要超前面那架飞机呀。 飞机超飞机我 还是第一次看到,你看到过没有? 请看下面的照片(按时间前后排列),我应该没有猜错吧。
个人分类: 生活点滴|6129 次阅读|69 个评论
热度 8 flly 2013-4-3 16:10
这几天,有空就去找鸟儿,于是,有了这个。 觉得挺好看的。
个人分类: 风景|3826 次阅读|19 个评论
热度 2 shannuzuode 2013-3-13 22:40
春分时节,一场春雨把春天的气息散布到千沟万壑,天空变得湛蓝,冰封了一冬的潮白河终于融化了。 坐落在潮白河畔的密云瑞海姆渡假村,残留的白雪在初春的阳光里显得有点突兀,但却构成了一道独特的风景。 夜晚,在潮白河边散步,灯光在河水的反射下变得绚烂而梦幻,北京郊外的晚上一点也不比莫斯科郊外的晚上逊色吧。 1 残留的白雪在初春的阳光里显得有点突兀,但却构成了一道独特的风景。 2 3灯光在河水的反射下变得绚烂而梦幻 4 5
个人分类: 生活随笔|4655 次阅读|4 个评论
热度 1 duke01361 2013-2-27 18:49
我只是一条弯曲柔软的蛇, 拿不起龙的雄风 更不能像龙一样冲向天空 我只能蜿蜒在大地上爬行 因为脚下的道路处处坎坷不平 我就是一条蜿蜒爬行着的蛇, 从没有龙的狂傲和峥嵘 更不能像龙那样表现的高贵 我只能这样贴着大地的表层爬行 我就是那条坚忍不拔的蛇 有时贴近泥土爬行 有时更要深入她的怀中
个人分类: 潘学峰诗选|2741 次阅读|2 个评论
王汉森 2013-2-16 06:57
本周五,一颗流星划过天空,在俄罗斯乌拉尔山区发生爆炸。爆炸释放的能量相当于一颗原子弹, 声波击碎了周围居民区难以计数的窗户。据统计, 有超过1100人在爆炸中受伤。请看CBC的详细报道。 http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2013/02/15/russia-meteorite.html Exploding meteor over Russia injures more than 1,100 A meteor streaked through the sky and exploded Friday over Russia's Ural Mountains with the power of an atomic bomb, its sonic blasts shattering countless windows and injuring about 1,100 people. While NASA estimated the meteor was only about the size of a bus and weighed about 7,000 tonnes, the fireball it produced was dramatic. Video shot by startled residents of the city of Chelyabinsk showed its streaming contrails arcing toward the horizon just after sunrise, looking like something from a world-ending science-fiction movie. It came hours before a 130,000-tonne asteroid passed within about 28,000 kilometres of Earth . The European Space Agency said its experts had determined there was no connection between the asteroid and the Russian meteor — just cosmic coincidence. The spectacle deeply frightened many Russians, with some elderly women declaring that the world was coming to an end. Many of the injured were cut by flying glass as they flocked to windows to see what the source was for such an intense flash of light. The meteor — estimated to be about 9 tonnes — entered the Earth's atmosphere at a hypersonic speed of at least 54,000 km/h and shattered about 30 to 50 kilometres above the ground, the Russian Academy of Sciences said in a statement. It released the energy of several kilotons above the Chelyabinsk region, the academy said. NASA scientists have also determined that the Russia meteor is not related to 2012 DA14. Richard Binzel, a professor of Planetary Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said the meteor was probably about two metres across, or the size of an SUV. Amateur video broadcast on Russian television showed an object speeding across the sky about 9:20 a.m. local time, just after sunrise, leaving a thick white contrail and an intense flash. "There was panic. People had no idea what was happening. Everyone was going around to people's houses to check if they were OK," said Sergey Hametov, a resident of Chelyabinsk, a city of 1 million about 1,500 kilometres east of Moscow. "We saw a big burst of light, then went outside to see what it was and we heard a really loud thundering sound," he told The Associated Press by telephone. Saskatoon native Michael Garnett, a goaltender for Traktor Chelyabinsk in the Kontinental Hockey League, told CBC News he was terrified by the noise, which was so loud he was convinced something had happened right next to his building. "I thought for sure there was an explosion, and then I thought it might have been a natural gas leak or it could have been a bomb or a missile or a plane crash," he said. Another Chelyabinsk resident, Alexander Yakovets, told CBC News he was woken in his eighth-floor apartment by a "really horrible sound" that he first thought might have been a terrorist attack or a military exercise. He said he saw a very bright light and heard multiple explosions. "For a couple of minutes, I thought was going to fall down," he said. The explosions broke an estimated 100,000 square metres of glass, city officials said. The Interior Ministry said about 1,100 people sought medical care after the shock wave and 48 were hospitalized. Most of the injuries were caused by flying glass, officials said. Emergency Situations Ministry spokesman Vladimir Purgin said many of the injured were cut as they flocked to windows to see what caused the intense flash of light, which momentarily was brighter than the sun. There was no immediate word on any deaths or anyone struck by space fragments. President Vladimir Putin summoned the nation's emergencies minister and ordered immediate repairs. "We need to think how to help the people and do it immediately," he said. Some meteorite fragments fell in a reservoir outside the town of Chebarkul, the regional Interior Ministry office said. The crash left an eight-metre crater in the ice. Lessons had just started at Chelyabinsk schools when the meteor exploded, and officials said 258 children were among those injured. Amateur video showed a teacher speaking to her class as a powerful shock wave hit the room. Yekaterina Melikhova, a high school student whose nose was bloody and whose upper lip was covered with a bandage, said she was in her geography class when a bright light flashed outside. "After the flash, nothing happened for about three minutes. Then we rushed outdoors. ... The door was made of glass, a shock wave made it hit us," she said. Injuries on this scale extremely rare City officials said 3,000 buildings in the city were damaged by the shock wave, including a zinc factory where part of the roof collapsed. The vast implosion of glass windows exposed many residents to the bitter cold as temperatures in the city hovered around – 9 C. The regional governor immediately urged any workers who can pane windows to rush to the area to help out. Some fragments fell in a reservoir outside the town of Cherbakul, the regional governor's office said, according to the ITAR-Tass. A six-metre-wide crater was found in the same area, which could come from space fragments striking the ground, the news agency cited military spokesman Yaroslavl Roshchupkin as saying. Reports conflicted on what exactly happened in the clear skies. A spokeswoman for the Emergency Ministry, Irina Rossius, told the AP there was a meteor shower, but another ministry spokeswoman, Elena Smirnikh, was quoted by the Interfax news agency as saying it was a single meteor. 'A shooting gallery' Meteors typically cause sizeable sonic booms when they enter the atmosphere because they are travelling much faster than the speed of sound. Injuries on the scale reported Friday, however, are extraordinarily rare. Russian news reports noted that the meteor hit less than a day before the asteroid 2012 DA14 is to make the closest recorded pass of an asteroid — about 28,000 kilometres. CBC reporter Bob McDonald said the asteroid is coming from a different direction than the Russia meteor. "We do live in a shooting gallery," McDonald said. "It's one of the hazards of living in a dirty solar system." McDonald explained that when the space rock "hits the air, it comes to a screeching halt, and the pressure of the air and the heat on the front side of it, compared to the back side, causes the whole thing to collapse in on itself, and it does that so quickly that there's just this massive air burst explosion." McDonald said the tiny pieces that do make it to the ground will be picked up by people so scientists can determine the exact makeup of the meteorites. Donald Yeomans, manager of U.S. Near Earth Object Program in California, said it is far too early to provide estimates of the energy released or provide a reliable estimate of the original size. The site of Friday's spectacular show is about 5,000 kilometres west of Tunguska, which in 1908 was the site of the largest recorded explosion of a space object plunging to Earth . That blast, attributed to a comet or asteroid fragment, is generally estimated to have been about 10 megatons; it levelled some 80 million trees. Russian politicians react The dramatic events prompted an array of reactions from prominent Russians. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, speaking at an economic forum in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk, said the meteor could be a symbol for the forum, showing that "not only the economy is vulnerable, but the whole planet." Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a nationalist leader noted for vehement statements, said "It's not meteors falling. It's the test of a new weapon by the Americans," the RIA Novosti news agency reported. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said the incident showed the need for leading world powers to develop a system to intercept objects falling from space. "At the moment, neither we nor the Americans have such technologies" to shoot down meteors or asteroids, he said, according to the Interfax news agency.
个人分类: 自然之光|3452 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 huailu49 2013-2-15 07:42
个人分类: 徜徉山水|2303 次阅读|2 个评论
高铁杠 2013-2-11 01:16
2912 次阅读|0 个评论
《雪梅香 》癸巳春节祈愿
热度 8 dongping2009 2013-2-10 10:13
《雪梅香 》癸巳春节祈愿 魏东平 玉泉路,园丁廿载守营盘。 看冬梅春雪,酸甜五味杂缠。 但叫伤悲伴云走,最为舒畅对屏谈。 蓟天阔,步步平实,心定神闲。 新年! 恳祈祷,雨顺风调,遍洒凡间。 伟岸中华,九州奋起何难? 水秀山青是良愿,政通人寿许箴言。 辰龙过,句句香词,齐送诸仙。
个人分类: 歪诗正词|3013 次阅读|16 个评论
热度 2 fameszhang 2013-2-7 21:51
 作为在环保领域处于世界领先地位的国家,德国在空气质量治理方面已有几十年的经验。近日,本报记者采访了德国联邦外贸与投资署的环保技术专家弗勒丽达·科提左女士。   德国对于空气质量的管理首先是从法律层面把关。在科提左看来,德国在制定空气净化法律法规方面有3个里程碑:1974年的《联邦污染防治法》、1979年的《关于远距离跨境空气污染的日内瓦条约》和1999年的《哥德堡协议》。   上世纪70年代,德国环境污染持续恶化,影响到人民的生活质量,越来越受到公众的关注,特别是对大型发电站加装过滤装置的呼声越来越强烈。1974年,联邦德国出台了《联邦污染防治法》,主要对大型的工业企业进行约束,为其制定排放标准。   《联邦污染防治法》对污染源类别做了明确的规定:现有的企业要在一定时间内加装过滤装置,达到排放标准;新成立企业在申请时就必须严格遵守该法律的规 定。科提左说:“在德国,企业的审批十分严格,也是一个公众参与的过程。老企业的设施也需要不断更新,以达到更高的环保标准。”时至今日,该法律经过了多 次修改和补充,已成为德国最重要的法律之一,成为欧盟范围内的典范。   1979年,《关于远距离跨境空气污染的日内瓦条约》对区域空气污染控制作出规定。科提左解释说:“空气的净化不是一个国家的问题,因为空气是流动 的,只有周边国家都做得好,人们才能真正享受到安全干净的空气。”1999年,欧洲国家、美国和加拿大共同签署了《哥德堡协议》。   严格的法律规定催生了德国企业在环保技术方面的创新,也为企业创造了新的市场。“《联邦污染防治法》是环保技术创新的推动力。德国的中小企业由此研发 和创造了许多新的环保技术。”科提左举例说,像西门子这样的大公司,也在技术创新方面起到了举足轻重的作用。2007年至2010年间,德国绿色经济产业 平均每年增长12%。   自2005年1月1日起,德国实行统一的欧盟排放标准。这一标准对控制各种有害气体都有严格规定,比如每小时二氧化硫排放值不得超过每立方米350微 克,且一年中只允许超标24次。每个地区都要制定各自的空气质量计划,城市内引入环保区来控制空气质量,不符合排放标准的汽车不允许驶入环保区。此外,德 国的能源转型政策强调提高能源的利用效率,此举也将进一步减少排放。   环保法律的框架对空气质量的监管起到了很大作用,联邦环境部的相关网站上可以查询到各个地区甚至某个企业的排放信息。根据法律,一旦企业造成空气质量 问题, 公民有权要求相关机构对企业进行调查,监督其更新完善装置;如果问题仍没有得到解决,相关机构有权责令企业停业。   好的空气与普通民众的努力也密不可分。德国联邦外贸与投资署的曹奕女士告诉记者,许多员工每天都乘公共交通或者骑自行车上下班,而通过共享汽车来减少私人汽车出行,这在德国老百姓当中已成为一种时尚。 (转载自人民日报海外版|编辑:王瑞芳)
个人分类: 强国|1731 次阅读|3 个评论
hanlingeorge 2013-2-1 11:52
雾霾终于散去, 天空终于晴朗, 静坐实验室, 军都山,凤山,蟒山的轮廓又清晰可见, 难得,难得,正的很难得。
1311 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 Bobby 2013-1-28 17:01
为什么奥运期间北京每每都是蔚蓝的天空? 那是政治任务,因此各级政府机构严格管治,不惜牺牲经济利益和市民的便利来达到减排目的; 那是夏天,夏天的气候特点(如气压、雨水)和城区温度高,不仅风多易散,而且不用烧煤取暖; 除国内兄弟城市外, 美国 也有雾霾天 : 犹他州 污染 严重现雾霾天气 ,北京不孤单!
个人分类: 科学感想|63 次阅读|4 个评论
热度 30 陈安博士 2013-1-28 16:29
  奥运期间的天气真不错,而为了做到这一点,北京是下了大力气了。   除了垃圾处理方面尽量做到环保之外,对于北京蓝天贡献最大的还是化工企业的“关停转”。   关:所有中小型化工企业都关门大吉。   停:大型化工企业的大部分设备保持不开工或最低开工状态,也就是差不多停业的状态,但是以后还让开门。   转:很多企业直接转到邻省的内蒙古、河北、山西等地开工,将污染留给别人,把蓝天留给首都。应该说,北京蓝天了,其他各省贡献了。首都人民应该谢谢周边人民。当然,北京市政府应该好好谢谢邻家的各地方政府机关。   当奥运过去,当世界依然如常转动,北京开始恢复以往的天气,甚至更有甚之,那些憋了许久的雾霾以披荆斩棘之势卷土重来,且愈发剧烈。   追溯原因就简单了,由于没了前来参加奥运的大批外国人,就剩咱们自家人了,就不那么客气了,该冒黑烟的继续冒,该排放污水的可劲儿排,且要弥补以前的损失,会在力度上加大些。   俺们看到有生产空气净化器的厂家做广告,说中南海进了不少他们的设备,我想这个广告也许是真的,但是,据权威人士说:空气净化器其实对于很多微尘没啥作用,PM2.5啥的,根本挡不住。   可是,有关领导不一定知道,我认为,已经到了告诉他们的时候了。   如果想恢复奥运期间的蓝天白云马儿跑的场景,现成的做法可以重新借鉴,但是,难哪!   也所以,有时候“大规模国际活动”对于国内民众还是很有好处的,我们尽力期盼北京乃至全国各个城市都成为国际化都市吧!
个人分类: 事论|14171 次阅读|60 个评论
热度 22 zhangyuxiu 2013-1-24 22:35
每个为人父母的人都很关心孩子智慧的开发和启迪。但是又有多少人是按照自然规律来做的呢?我们更多情况下是在做拔苗助长的事儿。我们让小小的孩子清晨就背着沉重的书包去上学;我们让小学一年级的孩子每天写两个钟头的作业;我们让年纪小小的孩子成天坐在屋子里学习各种知识和技艺。但是我们却忽略了一个最大的问题:知识不等于智慧。这种一味学习知识却远离自然和生活的状况,会压抑孩子们发展多方面能力的空间和兴趣,会剥夺他们探索自然的勇气和好奇心。 为什么不让孩子们到自然中奔跑和嬉戏呢?难忘童年那些在自然的天空下忘我奔跑的日子;难忘童年夜晚坐在家乡公园的山坡上望着满天星斗和明月唱“我们坐在高高的土坡上面,听妈妈讲那过去的日子”的情景;难忘家乡那条快乐流淌的小河,童年就像那河水,抓鱼摸虾的日子好像刚刚度过。 把孩子们从课堂里解放出来,放飞到自然的天空下,让他们和自己的同龄伙伴去自由地玩耍、想像和创造,而不是夹在大人之间过早地成人化;让他们在玩耍中自然地汲取知识,发展能力,形成人格,不是很好吗?如果那样,孩子们一定快乐的像花儿一样。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12、这张照片中的孩子,没有自己的玩伴,落寞地跟在家长后面
5160 次阅读|61 个评论

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