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Notes from literature reading_20131027_XS
xushan1028 2013-10-27 19:14
Notes from literature reading: “Empirical evidence that soil carbon formation from plant inputs is positively related to microbial growth”, Bradford et al. 2013 Plant inputs include aboveground litter, root litter and root exudation. The chemical composition of all these forms of plant inputs contain low molecular weight C compounds (LMWC), i.e. dissolved sugars, organic acids and amino acids. LMWC inputs are not directly decomposed and transferred to CO 2 efflux, but could be used by microbes and then becomes the dominant precursors for formation of stable soil organic carbon. However, the different respiration rates and microbial use efficiencies of different LMWC forms, over flow metabolism theory and preferential assimilation all suggest the different contributions of various LMWC forms to SOC formation. The forms of LMWC ortheir proportions would vary with plant species shift under global environmental changes. Therefore, it is urgently needed to investigate how LMWC compound identity influences SOM formation under global environmental changes. In this study, the authors added 13 C- glucose and glycine to the soil collars in field experiments to quantify C partitioning to respiration,microbial biomass, SOM, soil solution and plants and, therefore, clarified which LMWC form with higher contributions to SOC formation. This experiment was designed with four treatments (water, N, P, and N+P) and replicated three times, which totally twelve plots. The twelve plots were part into three blocks.Three soil collars were put in each plot and were added with 13 C-glucose and glycine for 28 weeks. The measured variables included: soilrespiration, 13 C contents of CO 2 efflux, and the mass of plant shoots, roots and microbes, and their %C, %N, 13 C- and 15 N-contents.Linear mixed-effects models were used for the statistical analysis conducting in the freeware statistical package R. The results suggested microbial biomassis a dominant precursor for SOM, and glucose had greater contribution to SOM formation from three hypotheses relating to growth efficiencies, preferential assimilation and biomass turnover. This study investigated controls on SOM formation from LMWC compounds, not on how addition of these compounds influenced bulk SOM stocks. 13 C stable isotopes were used to completely clarify the fates of LWMC inputs and the C partition in different pools. The chronic amendments of dissolved compounds, not pulsed additions, are more representative of processes such as root exudation. The random effects from the spatial (i.e. blocks) and temporal (e.g.soil respiration measure time) were accounted for by using the linear mixed-effects models for statistical analysis. In addition, the results were closely related to three hypotheses relating to growth efficiencies, preferential assimilation and biomass turnover on SOM formation from glucose and glycine.
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[转载]诺贝尔文学奖得主Winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature
carldy 2012-11-25 10:28
Here enclosed the list of winnersof theNobel prize in literature. It comes from the following website: http://zh.wikipedia.org 截至2011年为止,已经有108人获得诺贝尔文学奖。1964年得主让·保尔·萨特曾拒绝领取该奖。诺贝尔文学奖目前共有12位女性得主,数量仅次于诺贝尔和平奖。从1901年至今,该奖有8年因故停发(1916-1917年、1919年、1924年、1933年、1940-1942年。 年份 获奖者 国家 语言 获奖原因 1901年—1909年 1901 苏利·普吕多姆 法国 法语 他的诗歌作品是高尚的理想主义、完美的 艺术 的代表,并且罕有地结合了心灵与智慧。 1902 特奥多尔·蒙森 德意志帝国 德语 今世最伟大的纂史巨匠,此点于其不朽巨著《罗马史》中表露无疑。 1903 比昂斯滕·比昂松 挪威 挪威语 他以 诗人 鲜活的灵感和难得的赤子之心,把作品写得雍容、华丽而又缤纷。 1904 弗雷德里克·米斯特拉尔 法国 奥克语 他的诗作蕴涵之清新创造性与真正的感召力,它忠实地反映了他民族的质朴精神,加上他对普罗旺斯语言的重要研究。 何塞·埃切加赖 西班牙 西班牙语 他以个人的独特风格创作的丰富又杰出的戏剧,复兴了 西班牙喜剧 的伟大传统。 1905 亨利克·显克微支 俄罗斯帝国 波兰语 由于他在 历史小说 写作上的卓越成就。 1906 乔祖埃·卡尔杜齐 意大利 意大利语 不仅是由于他精深的学识和批判性的研究,更重要是为了颂扬他诗歌杰作中的创作气势,清新的风格和抒情的魅力。 1907 约瑟夫·鲁德亚德·吉卜林 英国 英语 这位世界名 作家 的作品以观察入微、想像独特、气概雄浑、叙述卓越见长。 1908 鲁道尔夫·欧肯 德意志帝国 德语 他对真理的热切追求、他对思想的贯通能力、他广阔的观察,以及他在无数作品中,辩解并阐释一种 理想主义 的人生哲学时,所流露的热诚与力量。 1909 塞尔玛·拉格洛夫 瑞典 瑞典语 由于她作品中特有的高贵的理想主义、丰富的想像力、平易而优美的风格。 1910年—1919年 1910 保尔·约翰·路德维希·冯·海塞 德意志帝国 德语 表扬这位抒情诗人、戏剧家、小说家以及举世闻名的短篇小说家,在他漫长而多产的创作生涯中,所达到的充满理想主义精神之艺术至境。 1911 莫里斯·梅特林克 比利时 法语 由于他在文学上多方面的表现,尤其是 戏剧 作品,不但想像丰富,充满诗意的奇想,有时虽以 神话 的面貌出现,还是处处充满了深刻的启示。这种启示奇妙地打动了读者的心弦,并且激发了他们的想像。 1912 盖哈特·霍普特曼 德意志帝国 德语 欲以表扬他在戏剧艺术领域中丰硕、多样的出色成就。 1913 罗宾德拉纳特·泰戈尔 英属印度 孟加拉语 由于他那至为敏锐、清新与优美的 诗 ;这诗出之于高超的技巧,并由于他自己用英文表达出来,使他那充满诗意的思想业已成为 西方文学 的一部分. 1914 未颁奖 1915 罗曼·罗兰 法国 法语 文学作品中的高尚理想和他在描绘各种不同类型人物时所具有的同情和对真理的热爱。 1916 魏尔纳·海顿斯坦姆 瑞典 瑞典语 褒奖他在 瑞典文学 新纪元中所占之重要代表地位。 1917 卡尔·阿道夫·盖勒鲁普 丹麦 丹麦语 因为他多样而丰富的诗作——它们蕴含了高超的理想。 亨利克·蓬托皮丹 丹麦 丹麦语 由于他对当前丹麦生活的忠实描绘。 1918 未颁奖 1919 卡尔·施皮特勒 瑞士 德语 特别推崇他在 史诗 《奥林帕斯之春》的优异表现。 1920年—1929年 1920 克努特·汉姆生 挪威 挪威语 为了他划时代的巨著《土地的成长》。 1921 阿纳托尔·法郎士 法国 法语 他辉煌的文学成就,乃在于他高尚的文体、怜悯的人道同情、迷人的魅力,以及一个真正法国性情所形成的特质。 1922 哈辛托·贝纳文特 西班牙 西班牙语 由于他以适当方式,延续了戏剧之灿烂传统。 1923 威廉·勃特勒·叶芝 爱尔兰 英语 由于他那永远充满著灵感的诗,它们透过高度的艺术形式展现了整个民族的精神。 1924 瓦迪斯瓦夫·雷蒙特 波兰 波兰语 我们颁奖给他,是因为他的民族史诗《农夫们》写得很出色。 1925 萧伯纳 爱尔兰 英语 由于他那些充满理想主义及人情味的作品——它们那种激动性讽刺,常涵蕴著一种高度的诗意美。 1926 格拉齐亚·黛莱达 意大利 意大利语 为了表扬她由理想主义所激发的作品,以浑柔的透彻描绘了她所生长的岛屿上的生活;在洞察人类一般问题上,表现的深度与怜悯。 1927 亨利·柏格森 法国 法语 因为他那丰富的且充满生命力的思想,以及所表现出来的光辉灿烂的技巧。 1928 西格里德·温塞特 挪威 挪威语 主要是由于她对 中世纪 北国生活之有力描绘。 1929 托马斯·曼 德国 德语 由于他那在当代文学中具有日益巩固的经典地位的伟大小说《布登勃洛克一家》 1930年—1939年 1930 辛克莱·刘易斯 美国 英语 由于他充沛有力、切身和动人的叙述艺术,和他以机智幽默去开创新风格的才华。 1931 埃利克·阿克塞尔·卡尔费尔特 瑞典 瑞典语 由于他在诗作的艺术价值上,从没有人怀疑过。 1932 约翰·高尔斯华绥 英国 英语 为其描述的卓越艺术——这种艺术在《福尔赛世家》中达到高峰。 1933 伊凡·亚历克塞维奇·蒲宁 苏联 俄语 由于他严谨的艺术才能,使 俄罗斯 古典传统在 散文 中得到继承。 1934 路伊吉·皮兰德娄 意大利 意大利语 他果敢而灵巧地复兴了戏剧艺术和舞台艺术。 1935 未颁奖 1936 尤金·奥尼尔 美国 英语 由于他剧作中所表现的力量、热忱与深挚的感情——它们完全符合 悲剧 的原始概念。 1937 罗杰·马丁·杜·加尔 法国 法语 由于在他的 长篇小说 《蒂伯一家》中表现出来的艺术魅力和真实性。这是对人类生活面貌的基本反映。 1938 赛珍珠 美国 英语 她对于 中国 农民 生活的丰富和真正史诗气概的描述,以及她 自传 性的杰作。 1939 弗兰斯·埃米尔·西兰帕 芬兰 芬兰语 由于他在描绘两样互相影响的东西——他祖国的本质,以及该国农民的生活时——所表现的深刻了解与细腻艺术。 1940年—1949年 1940 未颁奖 1941 未颁奖 1942 未颁奖 1943 未颁奖 1944 约翰内斯·威廉·延森 丹麦 丹麦语 由于借着丰富有力的诗意想像,将胸襟广博的求知心和大胆的、清新的创造性风格结合起来。 1945 加夫列拉·米斯特拉尔 智利 西班牙语 她那由强烈感情孕育而成的抒情诗,已经使得她的名字成为整个 拉丁美洲 世界渴求理想的象征。 1946 赫尔曼·黑塞 德国 德语 他那些灵思盎然的作品——它们一方面具有高度的创意和深刻的洞见,一方面象征古典的人道理想与高尚的风格。 1947 安德烈·纪德 法国 法语 为了他广泛的与有艺术质地的著作,在这些著作中,他以无所畏惧的对真理的热爱,并以敏锐的心理学洞察力,呈现了人性的种种问题与处境。 1948 托马斯·斯特恩斯·艾略特 英国 英语 对于 现代诗 之先锋性的卓越贡献。 1949 威廉·福克纳 美国 英语 因为他对当代美国小说做出了强有力的和艺术上无与伦比的贡献。 1950年—1959年 1950 伯特兰·罗素 英国 英语 表彰他所写的捍卫 人道主义 理想和思想自由的多种多样意义重大的作品。 1951 帕尔·费比安·拉格奎斯特 瑞典 瑞典语 由于他在作品中为人类面临的永恒的疑难寻求解答所表现出的艺术活力和真正独立的见解。 1952 弗朗索瓦·莫里亚克 法国 法语 因为他在他的小说中剖析了人生的戏剧,对心灵的深刻观察和紧凑的艺术。 1953 温斯顿·丘吉尔 英国 英语 由于他在描述 历史 与 传记 方面的造诣,同时由于他那捍卫崇高的人的价值的光辉 演说 。 1954 欧内斯特·海明威 美国 英语 因为他精通于叙事艺术,突出地表现在其近著《老人与海》之中;同时也因为他对当代文体风格之影响。 1955 赫尔多尔·拉克斯内斯 冰岛 冰岛语 为了他在作品中所流露的生动、史诗般的力量,使冰岛原已十分优秀的叙述文学技巧更加瑰丽多姿。 1956 胡安·拉蒙·希梅内斯 西班牙 西班牙语 由于他的西班牙抒情诗,成了高度精神和纯粹艺术的最佳典范。 1957 阿尔贝·加缪 法国 法语 由于他重要的著作,在这著作中他以明察而热切的眼光照亮了我们这时代人类良心的种种问题。 1958 鲍里斯·列昂尼多维奇·帕斯捷尔纳克 苏联 俄语 在当代抒情诗和俄国的史诗传统上,他都获得了极为重大的成就。 1959 萨瓦多尔·夸西莫多 意大利 意大利语 由于他的 抒情诗 ,以古典的火焰表达了我们这个时代中,生命的悲剧性体验。 1960年—1969年 1960 圣琼·佩斯 法国 法语 由于他高超的飞越与丰盈的想像,表达了一种关于目前这个时代之富于意象的沉思。 1961 伊沃·安德里奇 南斯拉夫 塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语 由于他作品中史诗般的力量——他借着它在祖国的历史中追寻主题,并描绘人的命运。 1962 约翰·史坦贝克 美国 英语 通过 现实主义 的、寓于想像的创作,表现出富于同情的幽默和对社会的敏感观察。 1963 乔治·塞菲里斯 希腊 希腊语 他的卓越的抒情诗作,是对希腊文化的深刻感受的产物。 1964 让·保尔·萨特 法国 法语 因为他那思想丰富、充满自由气息和探求真理精神的作品对我们时代发生了深远影响。 1965 米哈伊尔·亚历山大罗维奇·肖洛霍夫 苏联 俄语 由于这位作家在那部关于 顿河流域 农村之史诗作品中所流露的活力与艺术热忱——他藉这两者在那部小说里描绘了俄罗斯民族生活之某一历史层面。 1966 萨缪尔·约瑟夫·阿格农 以色列 希伯来语 他的叙述技巧深刻而独特,并从犹太民族的生命汲取主题。 奈莉·萨克斯 瑞典 德语 因为她杰出的抒情与戏剧作品,以感人的力量阐述了以色列的命运。 1967 米格尔·阿斯图里亚斯 危地马拉 西班牙语 因为他的作品落实于自己的民族色彩和印第安传统,而显得鲜明生动。 1968 川端康成 日本 日语 由于他高超的叙事性作品以非凡的敏锐表现了日本人的精神特质。 1969 塞缪尔·贝克特 爱尔兰 英语 及 法语 他那具有奇特形式的小说和戏剧作品,使现代人从精神困乏中得到振奋。 1970年—1979年 1970 亚历山大·索尔仁尼琴 苏联 俄语 由于他作品中的道德力量,借着它,他继承了 俄国文学 不可或缺的传统。 1971 巴勃鲁·聂鲁达 智利 西班牙语 诗歌具有自然力般的作用,复苏了一个大陆的命运与梦想。 1972 亨利希·伯尔 西德 德语 为了表扬的作品,这些作品兼具有对时代广阔的透视和塑造人物的细腻技巧,并有助于 德国文学 的振兴。 1973 帕特里克·怀特 澳大利亚 英语 由于他史诗与心理叙述艺术,并将一个崭新的大陆带进文学中。 1974 埃温特·约翰逊 瑞典 瑞典语 以自由为目的,而致力于历史的、现代的广阔观点之叙述艺术。 哈里·埃德蒙·马丁逊 瑞典 瑞典语 他的作品透过一滴露珠反映出整个世界。 1975 埃乌杰尼奥·蒙塔莱 意大利 意大利语 由于他杰出的诗歌拥有伟大的艺术性,在不适合幻想的人生里,诠释了人类的价值。 1976 索尔·贝娄 美国 英语 由于他的作品对人性的了解,以及对当代文化的敏锐透视。 1977 阿莱克桑德雷·梅洛 西班牙 西班牙语 他的作品继承了西班牙抒情诗的传统和吸取了现在流派的风格,描述了人在宇宙和当今社会中的状况。 1978 艾萨克·巴什维斯·辛格 美国 意第绪语 他的充满激情的叙事艺术,这种既扎根于 波兰 人的文化传统,又反映了人类的普遍处境。 1979 奥德修斯·埃里蒂斯 希腊 希腊语 他的诗,以希腊传统为背景,用感觉的力量和理智的敏锐,描写现在认为自由和创新而奋斗。 1980年—1989年 1980 切斯瓦夫·米沃什 波兰 美国 波兰语 不妥协的敏锐洞察力,描述了人在激烈冲突的世界中的暴露状态。 1981 埃利亚斯·卡内蒂 英国 德语 作品具有宽广的视野、丰富的思想和艺术力量。 1982 加夫列尔·加西亚·马尔克斯 哥伦比亚 西班牙语 由于其长篇小说以结构丰富的想像世界,其中糅混着魔幻于现实,反映出一整个大陆的生命矛盾。 1983 威廉·戈尔丁 英国 英语 他的小说具有清晰的现实主义叙述技巧以及虚构故事的多样性与普遍性,阐述了今日世界人类的状况。 1984 雅罗斯拉夫·塞弗尔特 捷克斯洛伐克 捷克语 他的诗富于独创性、新颖、栩栩如生,表现了人的不屈不挠精神和多才多艺的渴求解放的形象。 1985 克洛德·西蒙 法国 法语 由于他善于把诗人和画家的丰富想像与深刻的时间意识融为一体,对人类的生存状况进行了深入的描写 1986 沃莱·索因卡 尼日利亚 英语 他以广博的文化视野创作了富有诗意的关于人生的戏剧。 1987 约瑟夫·布罗茨基 美国 英语 他的作品超越时空限制,无论在文学上或是敏感问题方面都充分显示出他广阔的思想及浓郁的诗意。 1988 纳吉布·马哈富兹 埃及 阿拉伯语 他通过大量刻画入微的作品—洞察一切的现实主义,唤起人们树立雄心—形成了全人类所欣赏的阿拉伯语言艺术。 1989 卡米洛·何塞·塞拉 西班牙 西班牙语 带有浓郁情感的丰富而精简的描写,对人类弱点达到的令人难以企及的想像力。 1990年—1999年 1990 奥克塔维奥·帕斯 墨西哥 西班牙语 他的作品充满激情,视野开阔,渗透著感悟的智慧并体现了完美的人道主义。 1991 内丁·戈迪默 南非 英语 以强烈而直接的笔触,描写周围复杂的人际与社会关系,其史诗般壮丽的作品,对人类大有裨益。 1992 德里克·沃尔科特 圣卢西亚 英语 他的作品具有巨大的启发性和广阔的历史视野,是其献身多种文化的结果。 1993 托妮·莫里森 美国 英语 其作品想像力丰富,富有诗意,显示了美国现实生活的重要方面。 1994 大江健三郎 日本 日语 通过诗意的想像力,创造出一个把现实与神话紧密凝缩在一起的想像世界,描绘现代的芸芸众生相,给人们带来了冲击。 1995 希尼 爱尔兰 英语 由于其作品洋溢着抒情之美,包容著深邃的伦理,揭示出日常生活和现实历史的奇迹。 1996 维斯拉瓦·辛波丝卡 波兰 波兰语 由于其在诗歌艺术中警辟精妙的反讽,挖掘出了人类一点一滴的现实生活背后历史更迭与生物演化的深意。 1997 达里奥·福 意大利 意大利语 其在鞭笞权威,褒扬被蹂躏者可贵的人格品质方面所取得的成就堪与中世纪《弄臣》一书相媲美。 1998 若泽·萨拉马戈 葡萄牙 葡萄牙语 由于他那极富想像力、同情心和颇具反讽意味的作品,我们得以反复重温那一段难以捉摸的历史。 1999 君特·格拉斯 德国 德语 其嬉戏之中蕴含悲剧色彩的寓言描摹出了人类淡忘的历史面目。 2000年—2009年 2000 高行健 法国 汉语 其作品的普遍价值,刻骨铭心的洞察力和语言的丰富机智,为中文小说和艺术戏剧开辟了新的道路。 2001 维·苏·奈保尔 英国 英语 其著作将极具洞察力的叙述与不为世俗左右的探索融为一体,是驱策我们从扭曲的历史中探寻真实的动力。 2002 伊姆雷·凯尔泰斯 匈牙利 匈牙利文 表彰他对脆弱的个人在对抗强大的野蛮强权时痛苦经历的深刻刻画以及他独特的自传体文学风格。 2003 库切 南非 英语 精准地刻画了众多假面具下的人性本质。 2004 艾尔弗雷德·耶利内克 奥地利 德语 她用超凡的语言以及在小说中表现出的音乐动感,显示了社会的荒谬事情。 2005 哈洛·品特 英国 英语 他的作品揭示了日常絮谈中的危机、强行打开了压迫的封闭房间。 2006 奥尔罕·帕穆克 土耳其 土耳其语 在追求故乡忧郁灵魂的旅程中,发现了文明冲突与交流的全新象征。 2007 多丽丝·莱辛 英国 英语 她以怀疑主义、激情和想像力审视一个分裂的文明,她登上了这方面女性体验的史诗巅峰。 2008 让-马里·古斯塔夫·勒克莱齐奥 法国 毛里求斯 法语 标志文学新开端的作家,作品有诗意的创新,感性的痴迷,对文明主宰下的人性上下求索。 2009 赫塔·穆勒 德国 德语 以诗的凝炼,散文的率直,描绘流离失所者的处境。 2010年—2012年 2010 马里奥·巴尔加斯·略萨 秘鲁 西班牙语 因他对权力结构描绘,以及他那反抗、起义、失败的犀利印象。 2011 托马斯·特朗斯特罗默 瑞典 瑞典语 因为经过他那简练、透通的意象,让我们用崭新的方式来体验现实世界。 2012 莫言 中国 汉语 用魔幻现实主义将民间故事、历史和现代融为一体。
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热度 1 nqed 2012-11-11 23:29
和工程师不同,基础研究的成果就是论文,SCI或者非SCI。几十年之后,99.99%以上的论文和99.9%的从事基础研究的科学家会被人完全遗忘。既然如此,我们的工作还有意义吗?我们为什么还要冒这种虚度一生的危险?诺贝尔奖获得者,理论物理学家 Steven Weinberg 的一番话,或许能给我们一些启发。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Four golden lessons — Advice to students at the start of their scientific careers Steven Weinberg When I received my undergraduate degree — about a hundred years ago — the physics literature seemed to me a vast, unexplored ocean, every part of which I had to chart before beginning any research of my own. How could I do anything without knowing everything that had already been done? Fortunately, in my first year of graduate school, I had the good luck to fall into the hands of senior physicists who insisted, over my anxious objections, that I must start doing research, and pick up what I needed to know as I went along. It was sink or swim. To my surprise, I found that this works . I managed to get a quick PhD — though when I got it I knew almost nothing about physics. But I did learn one big thing: that no one knows everything, and you don’t have to. Another lesson to be learned, to continue using my oceanographic metaphor, is that while you are swimming and not sinking you should aim for rough water. When I was teaching at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the late 1960s, a student told me that he wanted to go into general relativity rather than the area I was working on, elementary particle physics, because the principles of the former were well known, while the latter seemed like a mess to him. It struck me that he had just given a perfectly good reason for doing the opposite. Particle physics was an area where creative work could still be done. It really was a mess in the 1960s, but since that time the work of many theoretical and experimental physicists has been able to sort it out, and put everything (well, almost everything) together in a beautiful theory known as the standard model. My advice is to go for the messes — that’s where the action is. My third piece of advice is probably the hardest to take. It is to forgive yourself for wasting time. Students are only asked to solve problems that their professors (unless unusually cruel) know to be solvable. In addition, it doesn’t matter if the problems are scientifically important — they have to be solved to pass the course. But in the real world, it’s very hard to know which problems are important, and you never know whether at a given moment in history a problem is solvable. At the beginning of the twentieth century, several leading physicists, including Lorentz and Abraham, were trying to work out a theory of the electron. This was partly in order to understand why all attempts to detect effects of Earth’s motion through the ether had failed. We now know that they were working on the wrong problem. At that time, no one could have developed a successful theory of the electron, because quantum mechanics had not yet been discovered. It took the genius of Albert Einstein in 1905 to realize that the right problem on which to work was the effect of motion on measurements of space and time. This led him to the special theory of relativity. As you will never be sure which are the right problems to work on, most of the time that you spend in the laboratory or at your desk will be wasted. If you want to be creative, then you will have to get used to spending most of your time not being creative, to being becalmed on the ocean of scientific knowledge. Finally, learn something about the history of science, or at a minimum the history of your own branch of science. The least important reason for this is that the history may actually be of some use to you in your own scientific work. For instance, now and then scientists are hampered by believing one of the oversimplified models of science that have been proposed by philosophers from Francis Bacon to Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper. The best antidote to the philosophy of science is a knowledge of the history of science. More importantly, the history of science can make your work seem more worthwhile to you. As a scientist, you’re probably not going to get rich. Your friends and relatives probably won’t understand what you’re doing. And if you work in a field like elementary particle physics, you won’t even have the satisfaction of doing something that is immediately useful. But you can get great satisfaction by recognizing that your work in science is a part of history. Look back 100 years, to 1903. How important is it now who was Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1903, or President of the ? What stands out as really important is that at , Ernest Rutherford and Frederick Soddy were working out the nature of radioactivity. This work (of course!) had practical applications, but much more important were its cultural implications. The understanding of radioactivity allowed physicists to explain how the Sun and Earth’s cores could still be hot after millions of years. In this way, it removed the last scientific objection to what many geologists and paleontologists thought was the great age of the Earth and the Sun. After this, Christians and Jews either had to give up belief in the literal truth of the Bible or resign themselves to intellectual irrelevance. This was just one step in a sequence of steps from Galileo through and to the present that, time after time, has weakened the hold of religious dogmatism. Reading any newspaper nowadays is enough to show you that this work is not yet complete. But it is civilizing work, of which scientists are able to feel proud. ---------------------------------------------- 是的,我们的工作可能就是一粒沙,一滴水,但它仍然是科学的历史的一部分。 (有感于在科学网上不断有人对基础研究说三道四。)
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BBC: Chinese author Mo Yan wins Nobel Prize for Literature
laserdai 2012-10-11 21:57
莫言获2012年诺贝尔文学奖 更新时间 2012年10月11日, 格林尼治标准时间12:31 中国作家莫言获得2012年诺贝尔文学奖,成为获得该奖项的首位中国籍作家。 诺贝尔文学奖委员会说莫言获奖是因为他讲述了“人与幻觉的现实主义融合的民间故事”。 在此之前,旅居法国的中国大陆作家高行健在2000年获得诺贝尔文学奖,成为首位获得此奖项的华人作家。 相比高行健当年获奖后中国官方媒体的沉默,莫言的获奖在中央电视台马上得以公布,并强调他是“有史以来获得诺贝尔文学奖的首位中国籍作家”。 瑞典学院秘书皮特·英格兰德说,瑞典学院曾经联系过莫言,他表示“对获奖感到高兴同时也害怕。” 诺贝尔文学奖评委提到的莫言作品包括《红高粱》、《天堂蒜薹之歌》。 英格兰德说,“莫言写过11部小说和数以百计的短篇小说。如果你要了解他的写作和他的道德中心点,那么我推荐你看他的《天堂蒜薹之歌》。” 莫言今年4月来伦敦参加书展时曾接受BBC中文网的采访,他说自己是一个“现实主义作家”,但是手法是魔幻的。 莫言还回应外界有关他的作品主题多为历史题材,认为“我觉得写历史题材未必自由,因为我们一写历史,你想写到国民党和共产党的战争,你自由吗?不自由。我们写到抗日战争,你自由吗?也不自由。所以写历史未必比写现实自由,反而写到当下的生活,我觉得它呈现了更多特彩。” “而历史的特彩在我们的教科书里已经被固化了,不是红,即是白。是吧。我们就是试图在红白之间找到一种共通的东西。” Chinese author Mo Yan has been awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize for literature. Mo Yan is the author's pen name, which means 'don't speak' A prolific author, Mo has published dozens of short stories, with his first work published in 1981. The Swedish Academy praised his work which " with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary ". The 57-year-old is the first Chinese resident to win the prize. Chinese-born Gao Xingjian was honoured in 2000, but is a French citizen. Mo is the 109th recipient of the prestigious prize, won last year by Swedish poet Tomas Transtroemer. Presented by the Nobel Foundation, the award - only given to living writers - is worth 8 million kronor (£741,000). "He has such a unique way of writing. If you read half a page of Mo Yan you immediately recognise it as him," said Peter Englund, head of the Academy. He said Mo had been told of the award, adding: "He was at home with his dad. He said he was overjoyed and terrified." Born Guan Moye, the author writes under the pen name Mo Yan, which means "don't speak" in Chinese. He began writing while a soldier in the People's Liberation Army (PLA) and received international fame in 1987 for Red Sorghum: A Novel of China. Made into a film which won the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival in 1988, the novella was a tale of the brutal violence in the eastern China countryside where he grew up during the 1920s and 1930s. Favouring to write about China's past rather than contemporary issues, the settings for Mo's works range from the 1911 revolution, Japan's wartime invasion and Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution. "He has a very impressive oeuvre," Michel Hockx, Professor of Chinese at the University of London, said. "He has a large readership and he addresses the human condition in a way in which the Nobel Committee likes to see." Mo's other acclaimed works include Republic of Wine, Life And Death Are Wearing Me Out and Big Breasts and Wide Hips. The latter book caused controversy when it was published in 1995 for its sexual content and depicting a class struggle contrary to the Chinese Communist Party line. The author was forced by the PLA to withdraw it from publication although it was pirated many times. After it was translated into English a decade later, the book won him a nomination for the Man Asian Literary Prize. Despite his social criticism Mo is seen in his homeland as one of the foremost contemporary authors, however critics have accused him of being too close to the Communist Party. "A writer should express criticism and indignation at the dark side of society and the ugliness of human nature," the author said in a speech at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2009. "Some may want to shout on the street, but we should tolerate those who hide in their rooms and use literature to voice their opinions." His latest novel, Frog, about China's "one child" population control policy, won the Mao Dun Literature Prize - one of his country's most prestigious literature prizes - last year. Mo and the other Nobel laureates for medicine, physics, chemistry and peace, will receive their prizes at formal ceremonies in Stockholm and Oslo on 10 December - the anniversary of the death of prize creator Alfred Nobel in 1896. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-19907762
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xupeiyang 2012-9-20 09:41
通用名:利伐沙班片 英文名:Rivaroxaban tablets 汉语拼音:LiFaShaBanPian 用于预防髋关节和膝关节置换术后患者深静脉血栓(DVT)和肺栓塞(PE)的形成。也可用于预防非瓣膜性心房纤颤患者脑卒中和非中枢神经系统性栓塞,降低冠状动脉综合症复发的风险等。 利伐沙班高度选择性和可竞争性抑制游离和结合的Xa因子以及凝血酶原活性,以剂量-依赖方式延长活化部分凝血活酶时间板(PT) 和凝血酶原时间(aPTT)。利伐沙班与磺达肝素钠/肝素的本质区别在于它不需要抗凝血酶III参与,可直接拮抗游离和结合的Xa因子。而肝素则需要有抗凝血酶III才能发挥作用,且对凝血酶原复合物中的Xa因子无效。 检索用词: A-query: thromboembolism 血栓栓塞 C-query: Rivaroxaban 利伐沙班 The B-list contains title words and phrases (terms) that appeared in both the A and the C literature. 328 articles appeared in both literatures and were not included in the process of computing the B-list but can be viewed here . The results of this search are saved under id # 16829 and can be accessed from the start page after you leave this session. There are 1729 terms on the current B-list (在文献中发现206个隐含知识概念,对科研选题和相关研究有参考价值 are predicted to be relevant ), which is shown ranked according to predicted relevance. The list can be further trimmed down using the filters listed in the left margin. To assess whether there appears to be a biologically significant relationship between the AB and BC literatures for specific B-terms, please select one or more B-terms and then click the button to view the corresponding AB and BC literatures. Use Ctrl to select multiple B-terms. Sem_filter: Chemicals Drugs Viewed B-terms Wed Sep 19 20:25:43 2012 fondaparinux C_query_raw: Rivaroxaban Wed Sep 19 20:34:59 2012 C: Rivaroxaban 674 A: pubmed_query_A 51794 AC: ( thromboembolism ) AND ( Rivaroxaban ) 328 C query = Rivaroxaban started Wed Sep 19 20:35:00 2012 C query resulted in 674 titles A AND C query resulted in 328 titles 1729 B-terms ready on Wed Sep 19 20:35:09 2012 B-list on Wed Sep 19 20:35:27 2012 1 fondaparinux 2 enoxaparin 3 direct factor xa 4 direct thrombin 5 clopidogrel 6 thromboprophylaxis 7 knee replacement 8 oral direct 9 nonvalvular atrial fibrillation 10 antiphospholipid syndrome 11 total knee arthroplasty 12 antiphospholipid 13 hip knee arthroplasty 14 generation oral 15 unfractionated heparin 16 recombinant activated 17 lupus anticoagulant 18 heparin induced thrombocytopenia 19 direct thrombin inhibitor 20 molecular weight heparin 21 weight heparin 22 nonvalvular 23 stroke prevention atrial 24 dabigatran 25 total knee replacement 26 induced thrombocytopenia 27 dvt 28 cardioembolic stroke 29 valvular atrial fibrillation 30 cardioembolic 31 prevention deep 32 or knee replacement 33 total knee 34 physician evidence based 35 activated factor vii 36 apixaban 37 patient nonvalvular atrial 38 heparin induced 39 prevention deep vein 40 knee arthroplasty 41 versus warfarin 42 anticoagulation atrial 43 stroke prevention 44 oral direct factor 45 factor xa inhibitor 46 anticoagulation atrial fibrillation 47 xa inhibitor 48 risk stroke 49 oral anticoagulation 50 oral anticoagulant 51 deep vein thrombosis 52 atrial appendage 53 ischaemic stroke 54 prothrombin complex concentrate 55 deep venous thrombosis 56 left atrial appendage 57 acute coronary syndrome 58 total hip or 59 thrombosis pulmonary 60 patient heparin induced 61 ischemic stroke 62 patient heparin 63 oral direct thrombin 64 treatment atrial 65 deep vein 66 thrombosis pulmonary embolism 67 recurrent venous 68 total hip 69 hip knee 70 deep venous 71 vein thrombosis pulmonary 72 xa 73 thrombophilia 74 factor xa 75 left atrial 76 etexilate 77 complex concentrate 78 arthroplasty a 79 acute coronary 80 inr 81 platelet glycoprotein 82 atrial fibrillation stroke 83 self management 84 patient atrial fibrillation 85 antithrombotic therapy 86 arthroplasty 87 european society cardiology 88 acute pulmonary embolism 89 guideline atrial fibrillation 90 blood thinner 91 versus enoxaparin 92 patient atrial 93 ischaemic attack 94 oral anticoagulant therapy 95 anticoagulant therapy 96 vte 97 non valvular 98 thrombosis american college 99 transient ischaemic 100 prevention deep venous 101 thromboprophylaxis major 102 prevention thromboembolic 103 hip arthroplasty 104 atrial fibrillation a 105 warfarin prevention 106 heparin thromboprophylaxis 107 thromboembolic disease 108 atrial fibrillation part 109 stroke prevention patient 110 antithrombotic therapy prevention 111 vein thrombosis 112 warfarin nonvalvular 113 warfarin patient atrial 114 weight heparin thromboprophylaxis 115 thrombolysis 116 therapy atrial fibrillation 117 warfarin nonvalvular atrial 118 therapy atrial 119 testing thrombophilia 120 warfarin atrial fibrillation 121 procoagulant 122 thrombin inhibitor 123 recombinant activated factor 124 anticoagulation clinic 125 coagulopathy 126 prevention thrombosis 127 antiplatelet 128 thromboplastin 129 atrial fibrillation 130 prevention thromboembolic disease 131 venous thrombosis 132 antithrombotic 133 unfractionated 134 perioperative management 135 anticoagulant treatment 136 thrombolysis myocardial infarction 137 non valvular atrial 138 tissue factor pathway 139 joint replacement 140 enoxaparin total 141 novel oral anticoagulant 142 anticoagulation therapy 143 anticoagulation 144 stroke transient ischaemic 145 hip 146 valvular 147 prophylaxis deep vein 148 hip or knee 149 compared warfarin 150 therapy antiphospholipid syndrome 151 fibrillation 152 knee arthroplasty a 153 warfarin 154 vitamin k antagonist 155 patient non valvular 156 prophylaxis deep 157 antithrombotic drug 158 stroke risk 159 anti xa 160 antithrombotic activity 161 stroke risk patient 162 stroke transient 163 anticoagulant thromboprophylaxis 164 pulmonary embolism 165 anti factor xa 166 acp journal club 167 dabigatran etexilate 168 symptomatic deep 169 stroke or embolism 170 heparin platelet factor 171 bleeding risk 172 anticoagulant atrial fibrillation 173 antiplatelet agent 174 platelet function 175 arthroplasty a meta 176 lower limb arthroplasty 177 emerging anticoagulant 178 anticoagulant therapy atrial 179 following major orthopedic 180 atrial fibrillation new 181 platelet aggregation 182 stroke atrial 183 or transient ischaemic 184 rate rhythm control 185 thrombin generation 186 platelet glycoprotein vi 187 prevention pulmonary embolism 188 vein thrombosis a 189 stroke patient atrial 190 pharmacokinetic pharmacodynamic 191 enoxaparin preventing 192 stroke atrial fibrillation 193 prevention atrial fibrillation 194 disease antithrombotic 195 vitamin k 196 ischaemic stroke transient 197 warfarin patient non 198 perioperative stroke 199 thromboembolic 200 alternative warfarin 201 stroke or transient 202 joint arthroplasty 203 disease antithrombotic therapy 204 antithrombotic agent 205 vte disease 206 heparin warfarin 207 hip or 208 canadian cardiovascular society 209 factor viii 210 acute deep vein 知识发现平台 http://arrowsmith.psych.uic.edu/cgi-bin/arrowsmith_uic/edit_b.cgi?refresh=TID=16829 研究论文计量分析结果如下: Important words Frq 1 idraparinux 17 2 fondaparinux 51 3 vte 106 4 thromboprophylaxis 75 5 enoxaparin 84 6 xa 168 7 thromboembolism 249 8 clinicaltrial 11 9 fxa 31 10 anticoagulant 221 11 tkr 17 12 ximelagatran 13 13 nonmajor 6 14 lmwh 32 15 thromboembolic 76 16 venous 242 17 thromboprophylactic 8 18 warfarin 62 19 anticoagulation 69 20 noac 3 Topics Frq 1 Anticoagulants 125 2 Morpholines 120 3 Thiophenes 120 4 Venous Thromboembolism 81 5 Factor Xa 76 6 Administration, Oral 65 7 Benzimidazoles 42 8 Thromboembolism 42 9 Pyridines 37 10 Fibrinolytic Agents 35 11 Enoxaparin 32 12 Postoperative Complications 31 13 Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip 28 14 Pyrazoles 28 15 Pyridones 28 16 Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee 27 17 Clinical Trials as Topic 25 18 Hemorrhage 25 19 Treatment Outcome 24 20 Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic 21 Author frq 1 Misselwitz F 23 2 Haas S 18 3 Turpie AG 15 4 Eriksson BI 14 5 Kakkar AK 12 6 Huisman MV 11 7 Ageno W 10 8 Dahl OE 10 9 Borris LC 9 10 Lip GY 9 11 Kalebo P 8 12 Lassen MR 8 13 Bauer KA 7 14 Kwong LM 7 15 Lees M 7 16 Perzborn E 7 17 Agnelli G 6 18 Buller HR 6 19 Diamantopoulos A 6 20 Fisher WD 6 Affiliations frq 1 USA 29 2 Hamilton 21 3 Department of Medicine 19 4 UK 14 5 Italy 12 6 London 12 7 McMaster University 12 8 Ontario 11 9 Germany 9 10 Boston 8 11 Canada 8 12 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery 8 13 Wuppertal 8 14 Department of Clinical Medicine 7 15 France 7 16 King's College Hospital 7 17 Varese 7 18 Bayer HealthCare AG 6 19 City Hospital 6 20 Department of Internal Medicine 6 Journals frq 1 Thromb Res 13 2 N Engl J Med 12 3 Thromb Haemost 12 4 Hamostaseologie 8 5 J Thromb Haemost 8 6 Curr Vasc Pharmacol 6 7 Dtsch Med Wochenschr 6 8 Lancet 6 9 Am J Manag Care 5 10 Ann Fr Anesth Reanim 5 11 Curr Pharm Des 5 12 Drugs 5 13 J Thromb Thrombolysis 5 14 Vasc Health Risk Manag 5 15 Br J Clin Pharmacol 4 16 Circulation 4 17 Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 4 18 Expert Opin Investig Drugs 4 19 Expert Opin Pharmacother 4 20 J Bone Joint Surg Br 4 Topics Authors Affiliations Journals Year Clustered by topic Topics Frq Most recent articles 173 1 Venous Thromboembolism 81 2 Factor Xa 76 3 Administration, Oral 65 4 Benzimidazoles 42 5 Thromboembolism 42 6 Enoxaparin 32 7 Clinical Trials as Topic 25 8 Antithrombins 8 9 Hypertension, Pulmonary 1 Not indexed by topic 1 信息分析平台 http://arrowsmith.psych.uic.edu/cgi-bin/arrowsmith_uic/AnneOTate_summarize.cgi?ID=16254t=fw=mc
个人分类: 知识发现|3800 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]How to Write a Research Proposal
Cabird 2012-5-19 14:59
by Paul T. P. Wong, Ph.D., C.Psych. (Research Director, Graduate Program in Counselling Psychology. Trinity Western University Langley, BC, Canada)  Most students and beginning researchers do not fully understand what a research proposal means, nor do they understand its importance. To put it bluntly, one’s research is only as a good as one’s proposal. An ill-conceived proposal dooms the project even if it somehow gets through the Thesis Supervisory Committee. A high quality proposal, on the other hand, not only promises success for the project, but also impresses your Thesis Committee about your potential as a researcher.      A research proposal is intended to convince others that you have a worthwhile research project and that you have the competence and the work-plan to complete it. Generally, a research proposal should contain all the key elements involved in the research process and include sufficient information for the readers to evaluate the proposed study.      Regardless of your research area and the methodology you choose, all research proposals must address the following questions: What you plan to accomplish, why you want to do it and how you are going to do it.      The proposal should have sufficient information to convince your readers that you have an important research idea, that you have a good grasp of the relevant literature and the major issues, and that your methodology is sound.      The quality of your research proposal depends not only on the quality of your proposed project, but also on the quality of your proposal writing. A good research project may run the risk of rejection simply because the proposal is poorly written. Therefore, it pays if your writing is coherent, clear and compelling.      This paper focuses on proposal writing rather than on the development of research ideas.       Title:      It should be concise and descriptive . For example, the phrase, “An investigation of . . .” could be omitted. Often titles are stated in terms of a functional relationship, because such titles clearly indicate the independent and dependent variables. However, if possible, think of an informative but catchy title. An effective title not only pricks the reader’s interest, but also predisposes him/her favourably towards the proposal.       Abstract:      It is a brief summary of approximately 300 words. It should include the research question, the rationale for the study, the hypothesis (if any), the method and the main findings . Descriptions of the method may include the design, procedures, the sample and any instruments that will be used.       Introduction:      The main purpose of the introduction is to provide the necessary background or context for your research problem. How to frame the research problem is perhaps the biggest problem in proposal writing.      If the research problem is framed in the context of a general, rambling literature review, then the research question may appear trivial and uninteresting. However, if the same question is placed in the context of a very focused and current research area , its significance will become evident.      Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules on how to frame your research question just as there is no prescription on how to write an interesting and informative opening paragraph. A lot depends on your creativity, your ability to think clearly and the depth of your understanding of problem areas .     However, try to place your research question in the context of either a current “hot” area, or an older area that remains viable. Secondly, you need to provide a brief but appropriate historical backdrop . Thirdly, provide the contemporary context in which your proposed research question occupies the central stage. Finally, identify “key players” and refer to the most relevant and representative publications . In short, try to paint your research question in broad brushes and at the same time bring out its significance.      The introduction typically begins with a general statement of the problem area, with a focus on a specific research problem, to be followed by the rational or justification for the proposed study. The introduction generally covers the following elements :     1. State the research problem , which is often referred to as the purpose of the study.   2. Provide the context and set the stage for your research question in such a way as to show its necessity and importance.   3. Present the rationale of your proposed study and clearly indicate why it is worth doin g.   4. Briefly describe the major issues and sub-problems to be addressed by your research.   5. Identify the key independent and dependent variables of your experiment. Alternatively, specify the phenomenon you want to study.   6. State your hypothesis or theory , if any. For exploratory or phenomenological research, you may not have any hypotheses. (Please do not confuse the hypothesis with the statistical null hypothesis.)   7. Set the delimitation or boundaries of your proposed research in order to provide a clear focus.   8. Provide definitions of key concepts . (This is optional.)          Literature Review:      Sometimes the literature review is incorporated into the introduction section. However, most professors prefer a separate section, which allows a more thorough review of the literature.      The literature review serves several important functions:      1. Ensures that you are not “reinventing the wheel”.   2. Gives credits to those who have laid the groundwork for your research.   3. Demonstrates your knowledge of the research problem.   4. Demonstrates your understanding of the theoretical and research issues related to your research question.   5. Shows your ability to critically evaluate relevant literature information.   6. Indicates your ability to integrate and synthesize the existing literature.   7. Provides new theoretical insights or develops a new mode l as the conceptual framework for your research.   8. Convinces your reader that your proposed research will make a significant and substantial contribution to the literature (i.e., resolving an important theoretical issue or filling a major gap in the literature).      Most students’ literature reviews suffer from the following problems:      * Lacking organization and structure   * Lacking focus, unity and coherence   * Being repetitive and verbose   * Failing to cite influential papers   * Failing to keep up with recent developments   * Failing to critically evaluate cited papers   * Citing irrelevant or trivial references   * Depending too much on secondary sources      Your scholarship and research competence will be questioned if any of the above applies to your proposal.      There are different ways to organize your literature review. Make use of subheadings to bring order and coherence to your review. For example, having established the importance of your research area and its current state of development, you may devote several subsections on related issues as: theoretical models, measuring instruments, cross-cultural and gender differences, etc.      It is also helpful to keep in mind that you are telling a story to an audience. Try to tell it in a stimulating and engaging manner. Do not bore them, because it may lead to rejection of your worthy proposal. (Remember: Professors and scientists are human beings too.)       Methods:      The Method section is very important because it tells your Research Committee how you plan to tackle your research problem. It will provide your work plan and describe the activities necessary for the completion of your project.      The guiding principle for writing the Method section is that it should contain sufficient information for the reader to determine whether methodology is sound. Some even argue that a good proposal should contain sufficient details for another qualified researcher to implement the study.      You need to demonstrate your knowledge of alternative methods and make the case that your approach is the most appropriate and most valid way to address your research question.      Please note that your research question may be best answered by qualitative research. However, since most mainstream psychologists are still biased against qualitative research, especially the phenomenological variety, you may need to justify your qualitative method.      Furthermore, since there are no well-established and widely accepted canons in qualitative analysis, your method section needs to be more elaborate than what is required for traditional quantitative research. More importantly, the data collection process in qualitative research has a far greater impact on the results as compared to quantitative research. That is another reason for greater care in describing how you will collect and analyze your data. (How to write the Method section for qualitative research is a topic for another paper.)      For quantitative studies , the method section typically consists of the following sections:      1. Design -Is it a questionnaire study or a laboratory experiment? What kind of design do you choose?   2. Subjects or participants - Who will take part in your study ? What kind of sampling procedure do you use?   3. Instruments - What kind of measuring instruments or questionnaires do you use? Why do you choose them? Are they valid and reliable?   4. Procedure - How do you plan to carry out your study? What activities are involved? How long does it take?       Results:      Obviously you do not have results at the proposal stage. However, you need to have some idea about what kind of data you will be collecting , and what statistical procedures will be used in order to answer your research question or test you hypothesis.       Discussion:      It is important to convince your reader of the potential impact of your proposed research. You need to communicate a sense of enthusiasm and confidence without exaggerating the merits of your proposal. That is why you also need to mention the limitations and weaknesses of the proposed research, which may be justified by time and financial constraints as well as by the early developmental stage of your research area.      Common Mistakes in Proposal Writing      1. Failure to provide the proper context to frame the research question.   2. Failure to delimit the boundary conditions for your research.   3. Failure to cite landmark studies.   4. Failure to accurately present the theoretical and empirical contributions by other researchers.   5. Failure to stay focused on the research question.   6. Failure to develop a coherent and persuasive argument for the proposed research.   7. Too much detail on minor issues, but not enough detail on major issues.   8. Too much rambling — going “all over the map” without a clear sense of direction. (The best proposals move forward with ease and grace like a seamless river.)   9. Too many citation lapses and incorrect references.   10. Too long or too short.   11. Failing to follow the APA style.   12. Slopping writing.       下面是来自其他一些学术从业者关于如何写proposal的意见:       * Writing Research Proposals, Drew University On-line resources for writers.    * Guide to Writing a Research Proposal, University of Technology, Sydney. (A research proposal is required for admission to the program.)    * Beginners Guide to the Research Proposal, University of Calgary Centre for Advancement of Health.    * The Art of Writing Proposals: Some Candid Suggestions for Applicants to Social Science Research Council Competitions, Adam Przeworski and Frank Salomon.    * The Elements of a Proposal, Frank Pajares, Emory University.      以及,关于如何写学位论文proposal的指导(Dissertation Proposal Writing and some strategies for completing the dissertation)       * Dissertation Proposal Workshop, Institute of International Studies, UC-Berkeley.    * Writing and Presenting your Thesis or Dissertation , LearningAssociates.net.    * Dissertation/Project Hints: Proposal Writing, Hazel Hall, School of Computing, Napier University, Edinburgh, UK.    * Writing Theses and Dissertations, Claremont Graduate University Writing Center.
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Mimicry in science?
rbwxy197301 2012-5-5 01:39
Lutz Bornmann在Scientometrics (2011) 86:173–177发表了一篇题为“Mimicry in science?”的文章。这篇文章涉及了一些科研评价、科研人员的行为等有关话题。正好这几天在与几位前辈探讨中涉及到了这方面的内容。下面对这篇文章的主要内容做了一些翻译,与大家分享,从中也许可以获得一些感兴趣的研究主题。 Abstract: Since bibliometric indicators have obtained a general acceptance in science policy and attained applied relevance in research evaluation, feedback effects on scientists’ behaviour resulting from the use of these indicators for science funding decisions have been reported. These adaptation strategies could be called mimicry in science. Scientists apply strategies that should enable them to comply to bibliometric accountability and to secure funds to their own research. Keywords: Research evaluation  Mimicry  Scientific progress Bibliometric data are being used by leading and fast-growing countries in science for research evaluation purposes. In UK the allocation of public funds to the universities will be mainly carried out according to these data. “The Government has a firm presumption that after the 2008 RAE the system for assessing research quality and allocating “quality-related” (QR) research funding to universities from the Department for Education and Skills will be mainly metrics-based (UK Office of Science and Technology 2006)“. Due to this development “the death of peer review” in the allocation of research funds is being discussed (Gilbert 2006). The reason for the popularity of bibliometrics compared to peer review is seen in lower costs and criticism of the peer review system (Weingart 2005). In an ever more complex science system, bibliometric analysis should allow for evaluation of mass-data no longer understandable to the single reviewer (Butler 2004). 科研人员行为的耦合 Back coupling on scientists’behaviour Since science funding has become more and more determined by principles of ‘publish or perish,’ the following changes of publication behaviour have been reported in the literature (see here Lawrence 2003; Research Evaluation and Policy Project 2005): (1) To increase probability of acceptance of their papers by a journal, scientists tend to do research in accordance with the mainstream in their fields and avoid unusual research (e.g. risky, interdisciplinary or long-term); (2) To be able to come to publishable results more quickly, scientists pursue short-term rather than longterm research; (3) Scientists attempt to provide their paper to low-quality journals as long as these journals are indexed by literature data bases used for bibliometric analyses in research evaluation; (4) To boost the number of publications, scientists slice their findings as thin as salami and submit these to different journals even though findings could be presented in a single paper. 当科学基金越来越被"出版或出局"这个规则所决定时,科研人员的发文行为就会出现下面一些特点: (1)为了增加自己论文被一个期刊录用,科研人员的研究会更加遵循所在领域的主流研究,而放弃一些冒险、跨学科、长期研究等“不太规矩”的研究。 (2)为了能够尽快发表其研究成果,科研人员更趋向于一些短期研究。 (3)科学家会尝试在一些质量相对较低,但是又科研评价中被确定的期刊上发表论文。 (4)有的时候,一篇文章本来就可以把一项研究成果一次性发表,但科研人员会象切香肠一样,把一项研究内容有意识地拆开,然后在不同期刊上发表。 这种现象在生物学上叫“仿生”(mimicry,Patent 1978) Fraser and Martin (2009)研究发现,在科学论文中经常会出现关键的、决定性的、重要的(e.g. pivotal, crucial, and essential)等词汇。这个发现是科研人员想通过这些词汇的运用来增加其论文被录用的可能性。Merton (1938)认为,在这种极端的“仿生”会导致一个混乱的状态。Merton (1938)研究了社会结构如何影响对特定的人群,这种影响是鼓励这些人群去遵守规则,还是不守规范。如果“赢得比赛”超过了“在一定规则下赢得比赛”,那么破坏规则的现象就会发生(Martinson et al. 2006)。如果科研人员去迎合基于评价指标的目标,科学不端行为的现象就会出现。很多情况下,发文的压力会导致学术不端行为的出现。中国一些大学的高质量成果与奖金、房子、津贴等挂钩的同时,也在面临着不少学术失范行为(Qiu 2010)。 Increase in productivity as an effect of national research evaluation systems 发文量增加对国家科研评价系统的影响 在过去一些年,除英国外,象澳大利亚、芬兰等国家利用评价系统来分配科研资金的做法被不断完善 (see an overview in Macilwain 2010; Schneider 2009)。一些调杳表明,这些评价系统对科研人员的行为产生了一定的影响。在澳大利亚(Butler 2003, 2004),自从“发文等于基金”(formula based funding)的制度实施之后,科研人员每年的发文量有了很大的提升 (如发文的与基金分配的关系),虽然这些文章被发表在WOS收录的期刊上,但多数是在低影响因子的期刊上。 Glaser and Laudel (2007)的5位访谈者表示,他们改变了他们的发文策略:发更多的论文、独立发表论文、在高影响力的期刊上发文。而且被采访对象更倾向于一些应用性和热点研究主题的论文。在西班牙,科研人员根据the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity (CNEAI, Madrid)的规定在高水平的期刊发表其成果。一项对科研政策影响的测度表明:首先,这种政策导致了西班牙科研人员发文习惯的变化,其次,科研人员在ISI收录的西班牙期刊上发文的数据在增加;第三,西班牙文献计量数据库的source items趋于稳定(Jimenez-Contreras et al. 2002)。同样的影响也其它的研究中被发现(Rey et al. 1998)。UK RAE Moed (2008) 发现,三种明显的文献计量模式可以来解释科研人员对RAE标准的适应。RAE1992强调发文总数时,英国科研人员的发文量就出现一个确定的增长。当RAE1996注重由数量向质量转变时,英国科研人员的发文和被引次数都有了提高。在1997–2000年之间,机构增加了其科研人员的数量,并鼓励研究人员之间紧密合作,即使论文并不是真正合作的产物。 Possibilities of increasing citation impact 提高引用影响的可能性 与发文量相比,被引次数对科研人员似乎是不敏感的。但是Bornmann and Daniel (2007)研究结论正好相反。......只有少数研究人员能够看较多的所在领域的文献,因此,写越多的论文,其被引用的可能性越大。 Do behavioural changes contribute to scientific advancements in science? 科研人员的行为变化对科学发展是否有益? 世界各中政府要求科研人员有更多的产出才能获得持续的支持 (Mervis 2007)。评价体系的引入希望能够提升科研人员产出的数量与质量。这种系统导致科研人员行为的变化正是政府想要的结果。数量是指在同行评审期刊上发表的论文数量,研究的影响和重要性是通过被引次数来衡量的(National Science Board 2010)。一些研究表明,这种适应过程在实际中被观察到。不管这种科学中的“仿生现象”如何解释,没有对科研起步产生正面影响而被科研人员人为操纵是错误的。Evidence Ltd(2007):一个与基金分配相关的指标,它一开始就失去了最初扮演某个角色的信息内容。有了一所可操纵的房子,就可能会导致在些意外行为只是去获得部分研究过程和它的利益。 这种行为的适应性也可以对科技进行有正面的影响。一方面,科研人员在SCI收录的低影响因子上发文是负面的,另一方面,这些期刊能够作为来源刊,它们也是要达到一定标准的。低影响因子期刊比高影响因子期刊的质量相对较差,但还是要好于那些没有被作为来源刊的期刊。一方面,好多研究人员都倾向于主流的研究是有问题的,但这些主流是一个领域最重要的研究内容。追求短期影响就真的比长期的研究会影响科学的进步吗((Laloe¨ and Mosseri 2009)?)在大科学时代,短期影响会不会影响规则?要回答这些类似的“科学仿生问题“,要深入研究评价系统、发文行为和引用行为的适应性和科学知识生产需要之间的联系是非常必要的。 (In times of big science (de Solla Price 1965), isn’t short-term impact the rule? To be able to answer these and similar questions concerning mimicry in science satisfyingly, the results of in-depth analysis on the relationship between an evaluation-based research system, adaptation of the publication and citation behaviour and scientific knowledge production are needed.) 原文可以从: http://www.lutz-bornmann.de/icons/Mimicry.pdf 下载 一点感受:一个评价系统,一个评价指标,总有其局限。系统、指标并无严格的好坏之分,更多的应该是如何合理去应用。应用得当,扬长避短,就有可能事半功倍。
个人分类: 科研评价|4239 次阅读|0 个评论
Showcase of NLM APIs - Free Webinar
zilu85 2012-3-29 12:07
一个关于PubMed数据库各种API的webinar: Software developers are invited to join NLM data experts as they showcase NLM APIs and provide valuable information on how to find, use, and incorporate medical literature, drug, clinical trial, consumer health information, molecular biology, and other data into novel products. The free webinar, NLM API Showcase: Using NLM APIs for Product Development , will be held April 10, 2012 from 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. (ET) . 具体内容见如下网址: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/techbull/ma12/ma12_api_webinar.html
个人分类: 生物医学文本挖掘|3393 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Culture & Computing’ 2012
limer 2012-2-10 20:36
Culture Computing’ 2012, Oct. 22-24, Hangzhou, China Web: http://www.iccc2012.com:2012/ Contact: Fan Dai, "dmhci" dmhci@hznu.edu.cn, To bring the computing techniques into the culture may be one of the newest research trends in recently. There are many successful research topics, which integrate the culture and computing, e.g. evaluating the trend of literature culture via data mining, constructing the scenes of culture heritages via 3D modeling, reappearing the culture heritages via AI etc. The International Conference on Culture and Computing (Culture Computing) will be held in Hangzhou, a famous city with many cultural heritages in China, to provide an opportunity to share research issues and discuss the future of culture and computing. To get more information about this series conference and understand the proceedings at the previous conference, please visit http://www.ai.soc.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/culture2011/. The third conference (Culture Computing 2012) will be organized with an exhibition on the integration of state of the art cultural computing technologies and Chinese traditional culture, along with a number of co-located events. Papers are solicited on any aspect on the intersection of culture and computing, but all papers are expected to be suitable for a multidisciplinary audience. We have a single session Main Track and a few parallel session Special Tracks. The Main Track will present a collection of scientific or engineering research results. Examples of suitable paper topics for the Main Track include: ? Archiving cultural heritages ? Information environments for humanity studies ? Art and design by information technologies ? Digital storytelling ? Intercultural communication and collaboration ? Culturally situated agents and simulations ? Game and culture ? Analysis of new culture in the Internet and Web ? Culture and brain science Special Tracks: "Virtual Human and Robotics," "Asian Culture based Media Art", “Digital (Art) Museum”, "Computing for Calligraphy, Poem and Couplet" "Computing and Music" Co-located Workshops: DMDCM’2012: Digital Media and Digital Content Management GameVReHealth’2012: Game Abilitation and Virtual Reality Healthcare In 2012, the proceedings will be published by IEEE and some special issues in journals such as International Journal of Advanced Robotics Systems (SCI), Transactions on Edutainment (EI), Entertainment Computing (EI) and International Journal on VR will be arranged. Important Date: Paper Submission: June 1, 2012 Authors Notification: July 20, 2012 Final Paper Submission and Registration: August 1, 2012 Conference: October, 22-24, 2012 Sponsors: Kyoto University, Japan Hangzhou Normal University, China VR Committee, China Society of Image and Graphics Co-Sponsors: ACM SIGCHI China Chapter Zhejiang University, China Xiamen University, China Organizers: Hangzhou Normal University, China Huzhou Teachers College, China General Chairs Toru Ishida (Kyoto University, Japan) Zhigeng Pan (Hangzhou Normal University, China) G.W.M Rauterberg (Technical University Eindhoven,The Netherlands)
3130 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 merric 2011-10-24 16:49
和夏威夷大学王玉清教授合作的探讨热带气旋外螺旋雨带形成和准周期活动动力机制的文章,经过一年的审稿和修改终于前两天被大气科学领域顶级杂志之一的Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences接受,要感谢王玉清教授给予的悉心指导。三位审稿人提出了很好的审稿意见,其中一位审稿人提供了三轮的细致的审稿,使得文章更严谨。同时,审稿人也对文章本身给予了良好的评价,认为“will be a nice contribution to the literature on the outer spiralrainbands of tropical cyclones”。力争再接再厉,更上一层楼!
5025 次阅读|4 个评论
一个作者的参考文献-- 一件让人既好气又好笑的事
waterlilyqd 2011-2-20 16:47
One author from one University listed nearly 30 items of literature.One funny thing is that he adds the word "Journal" before all journal names no matter whether the journal names contain the word "Journal"! For example, for a literature from the journal Environmental Geology , the authors write the journal name as Journal of Environmental Geology ; for a literature from Engineering Geology , they autors write the journal name as Journal of Engineering Geology ; anduse JournalofLandscape and Urban Planning when it should be Landscape and Urban Planning , anduse Journal ofSoil Technology when it should be Soil Technology ! I don't know why! Just because they arejournal names, so a word "Journal" should be added before each of them? I wonder whether the authors have ever really refer to or read the literatrue listed in the reference, andhowthey got the literature listed in the reference!
个人分类: 编辑杂谈|105 次阅读|0 个评论
metanb 2010-5-23 17:08
Literature is what we ask for when we already learn the knowledge from the textbook but wish we didnt.
个人分类: 魔鬼辞典|2474 次阅读|0 个评论
How to use RSS track literature(ppt)[ZZ]
yaoronggui 2009-5-3 08:44
身为科研工作者的你,一定有许多文献需要查找和调研,你是否为你关注的期刊或科研组的更新而烦恼,因为那意味着你要重来一次烦复的搜索; 身为网络大人的你,怎么能不知道RSS的妙用,因为它能够在这个信息爆炸的时代给你带来方便快捷的信息获取和处理方式; 那么如何系统有效的将这两者结合起来,让RSS提醒你,你关注的期刊的最新发表文献信息,或者是你关注的科研组最新科研进展,又或者是你关心的某一篇文献的最新引用情况,那么你需要看看这个ppt了,他会教你怎么去做的。 Link: How to use RSS track literature 本资源来自于: www.chemj.cn
个人分类: 文献查阅|4766 次阅读|0 个评论
Some Tips for Sci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 5. How to create e-alert to trace t
haoxiaowei07 2008-11-20 23:19
As time flies, the cycling period that science and technology refreshes is becoming shorter and shorter, as poses a critical challenge to all researchers. Under the atmosphere of competing for innovation, a research group must trace the frontier of its research field in order to keep its level in line with other groups. This requires all members of the group have a good command of tracing the frontier, and here I introduce a small technique. Of course, throng the tip4 can you receive the latest retrieval result based your set for retrieval word by email every week. You know, however, your peer always publish their latest research articles or communication on a rang of academic journals. It means that you may trace the refreshing papers to know what your peer are doing or to which extent their research are conducted. First you need to be familiar with a certain range of journals which focus on your research field and always issued the research articles that your peers publish. For example, Environment Science and Technology, Environmental Pollution, Chemosphere and so on. Second, only through registering a ID on the database of corresponding academic journal and creating a e-alert will you receive the latest online article publication or current content by email every day/week, or month. I take the journal EST for example and demonstrated the specific procedure as following: 1. Register an ID on ACS homage. 2. Set your e-alert and choose the journal EST. 3. You will receive the latest article list as soon as publishable every day.
个人分类: 科研之路|4148 次阅读|0 个评论
Some Tips for Sci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 4. Save our retrieval history in IS
haoxiaowei07 2008-11-19 22:34
As the saying goes, history is a mirror. Literature retrieval history itself reflects our studying procedure. If we take notice to save our literature retrieval history, at least the repeated retrieval could be avoided to the greatest extent. In my opinion, culturing our habits to save retrieval history in time is efficient for our research. The other advantageous feature of saving our retrieval history lies in our convenient looking back. Maybe when we browse our retrieval history after a whole day of busy work, a innovative idea comes up with us, as is usually the case of distinguished scientist. Here I introduce how to save our retrieval history in ISI Web of Knowledge platform. Firstly you need to register an ID in ISI Web of Knowledge platform. When your enter ISI Web of Knowledge platform, click sign in, choose register and type your necessary individual information and submit your registration. NOTE: The password must include at least 8 characters. After finished, click continue and you enter the interface displaying your sign in. Secondly, you may start to your search and then save your retrieval history. Here I take a example using retrieval word: Pb immobilization or Pb stabilization and soil contamination or soil pollution for column topic in database ESCI. Click search and we see the retrieval results. Thirdly, save your retrieval history.Click search history in results interface and you will see the corresponding search history interface. You only click save history/create alert, and set your history name and alert choice, finally save , confirm it and you complete the creation of retrieval history. When you enter ISI Web of Knowledge interface next time, you will see the My saved searches column. You may open it and browse the content of your saved retrieval last time.
个人分类: 科研之路|3920 次阅读|0 个评论
Some Tips for Sci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 3. How to quickly find required lit
haoxiaowei07 2008-11-18 22:57
Sometimes we need to pick a required literature record from our created library in Endnote platform, but we cannot find it quickly, due possible to too many literature records in our library. Of course, we have no time to browse one by one, because it wastes us a lot of time. How should we do it?Perhaps when you read the article the other days, but now you cannot find it in the library comprised of tens of hundreds of records. Here I share a technique with everyone. When we add one or several literature records to our library, we had better mark the core content for us in the column Research notes in order that we may identify it. Especially for those topped articles, we almost have to mark it, for we might refer it from time to time in the whole process of our study. We may mark the literature record just as following: Then we may set our preference in Endnote platform as following: Choose the column field display and modify the column figure as research notes and fill Res. Note in the corresponding heading column, then click the button confirmation and return to the main interface. You will find a new column named Res note displayed on the right. So you can find your required literature record according your mark in the column Reserch notes.
个人分类: 科研之路|3982 次阅读|1 个评论
Some Tips for Sci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 2. How to search literature publish
haoxiaowei07 2008-11-17 23:33
In our retrieving practice, we often need to search the literature published by some well-known scientist in our orientation. This is very important, because those sci-giants have done much wonderful work, having paved a road for our sequential, advanced study. Therefore, referring those literature published by sci-giants are of great significance, meaningful, and valuable, for we are always standing on the shoulder of sci-giants. However, we only process one or several pieces of paper created by the certain giants. And what we need is to search all the literature published by the author. Generally, we use the authors name as a retrieval word to initiate our search in ISI platform. For example, when we type Ma LQ in the column author, and click button search, thereafter we obtain a large number of records with respect to Ma LQ, many of which are not what really want. You know, there are several reasons as following: 1) phenomenon of the same name; 2) L Q has different expressing forms, such as Lanqin, Leqi, Leqin, Lengqing and so on; and 3) other possibilities. How do we refine what we want from so many records? Here I introduce a small technique to share with everyone. When we know the name of the sci-giant, we can search in ISI platform as described above. Now we see so many records present, and then we need to select a record which is what we want to seek, based on the knowledge of your research orientation, and check the specific information. The key point is we need to obtain the information regarding the authors address, which is a critical retrieval word for our successive retrieval. Then we copy the address information. Now we return to the interface of search, and initiate our precious retrieval. This time we type two typical retrieval words including the column author and the column address to optimize our search. Here what I want to supplement is that we need to modify the address information after we paste the address information, since we cannot guarantee the author always write the correct address information, and I mean that the author may change the specific form of address information. In this situation, we have to modify the address information to encompass relatively critical words, e.g. the name of the university or institute, deleting the specific lab information. Then we tale the retrieval, and we can achieve a success.
个人分类: 科研之路|4581 次阅读|0 个评论
Some Tips for Sci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 1. Three steps to export literature
haoxiaowei07 2008-11-16 19:39
SomeTipsforSci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 1. Three steps to export literature and then import them to new library based on Endnote XI Having been engaged in research for several months, I also accumulated some tips for Sci-tech literature retrieval. Here I share some tips with research workers. How to export some literature in your existing library from Endnote andaddthem to another library created newly? In our retrieving practice, we always come across these situations: we import a large variety of literature from web database (e.g. Web of knowledge) to our created library, however, when we write a paper or for other purposes, we only need to extract some literature from the existing library to a newly created library, since it is convenient for our witting, and we don't need to look for so many records from the big library. In the following, i will demonstrate a specific example for you. The existing library in my example is phytoremediation.enl in literature management software Endnote XI; The newly created library is As phytoremediation.enl saved in F disk. My objective is to summarize the literature with respect to As phytoremediation; The task is to extract regarding literature existed in phytoremediation.enl and export them to As phytoremediation.enl. First, select the regarding literature in phytoremediation.enl. Second, click the file and choose export, and save as As phytoremediation.xml Third, open the newly created library As phytoremediation.enl; click file and choose import; Then click choose file and choose As phytoremediation.xml from F disk. Click Open ,and select Endnote generated XML from import option,then click import, you will make a success.
个人分类: 科研之路|3702 次阅读|0 个评论
Some Tips for Sci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 1. Three steps to export literat
haoxiaowei07 2008-11-16 19:37
Some Tips for Sci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 1. Three steps to export literature and then import them to new library based on Endnote XI Having been engaged in research for several months, I also accumulated some tips for Sci-tech literature retrieval. Here I share some tips with research workers. How to export some literature in your existing library from Endnote and add them to another library created newly? In our retrieving practice, we always come across these situations: we import a large variety of literature from web database (e.g. Web of knowledge) to our created library, however, when we write a paper or for other purposes, we only need to extract some literature from the existing library to a newly created library, since it is convenient for our witting, and we don't need to look for so many records from the big library. In the following, i will demonstrate a specific example for you. The existing library in my example is phytoremediation.enl in literature management software Endnote XI; The newly created library is As phytoremediation.enl saved in F disk. My objective is to summarize the literature with respect to As phytoremediation; The task is to extract regarding literature existed in phytoremediation.enl and export them to As phytoremediation.enl. First, select the regarding literature in phytoremediation.enl. Second, click the file and choose export, and save as As phytoremediation.xml. Third, open the newly created library As phytoremediation.enl; click file and choose import; Then click choose file and choose As phytoremediation.xml from F disk. Click Open and then click import, you will make a success.
个人分类: 科研之路|22 次阅读|0 个评论

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