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[转载]UWM张进教授的一本书:Visualization for Information Retrieval
LuDoor 2011-8-30 07:49
this is professor jin's book published in 2008,which includes the basic principles and methods about p rocessing and results visualization for Information Retrieval, and i will do some research about it from software system aspect.
个人分类: 他人研究|0 个评论
SCIA_JLU-our trace gas retrieval program from limb radiance
热度 1 zjwang 2010-10-25 13:28
SCIA_JLU-our trace gas retrieval program from limb radiance
Our SCIA_JLU V2.0 has been developed! This program can be used to retrieve both ozone and nitrogen dixode (O3 and NO2) vertical number density profiles. V2.0 for both O3 and NO2 V1.0 only for O3 This program chain SCIA_JLU is able to process SCIAMACHY L1B limb radiance to retrieve ozone profiles between 10 to 70 km using Hartley-huggins and Chappuis obsorbing bands. This program code is writen by Ph.D Zijun Wang . The copyright of the SCIA_JLU is reserved by Dpt. Remote Sensing and GIS, College of Geo-Exploration Science and Technology, Jilin University, China. This project is leaded by Prof. Dr. Shengbo Chen, SCIA_JLU has the ability of batch processing without human intervention, i.e., you can put all your SCIAMACHY L1B data in a direcotry, and run this program only input the directory of your data. The retrieval step is: 1, Reading an orbit SCIAMACHY L1B data 2, Extrat the limb measurement 3, Recovering the randiance and the geometry as well as other needed parameters for simulation 4, Processing the 1st profile 5, Run the SCIATRAN to model the radiance 6, Do the retrieval iteration, and replace the profiles in SCIATRAN 7, Repet5 and 6 8, End iteration and start to next profile 9, End all the profile retrieval in an orbit data and back 1 10, End all the data retrieval in the directory SCIA_JLU combined SCIATRAN and can only be run in Linux system, and test onlyon Ubuntu-10.04. The program will tell us which iteration and which profiles are calculating currently. Furthermore, the percent difference from 10 to 70 km as well as maximum and minmum percent difference between continuous two profiles will be shown when runing for checking the state.
个人分类: 计算程序|6564 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]New book: Cross-Language Information Retrieval
timy 2010-6-22 22:04
From: http://www.morganclaypool.com/doi/abs/10.2200/S00266ED1V01Y201005HLT008 Cross-Language Information Retrieval Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies 2010, 125 pages, (doi:10.2200/S00266ED1V01Y201005HLT008) Jian-Yun Nie University of Montreal Abstract Search for information is no longer exclusively limited within the native language of the user, but is more and more extended to other languages. This gives rise to the problem of cross-language information retrieval (CLIR), whose goal is to find relevant information written in a different language to a query. In addition to the problems of monolingual information retrieval (IR), translation is the key problem in CLIR: one should translate either the query or the documents from a language to another. However, this translation problem is not identical to full-text machine translation (MT): the goal is not to produce a human-readable translation, but a translation suitable for finding relevant documents. Specific translation methods are thus required. The goal of this book is to provide a comprehensive description of the specific problems arising in CLIR, the solutions proposed in this area, as well as the remaining problems. The book starts with a general description of the monolingual IR and CLIR problems. Different classes of approaches to translation are then presented: approaches using an MT system, dictionary-based translation and approaches based on parallel and comparable corpora. In addition, the typical retrieval effectiveness using different approaches is compared. It will be shown that translation approaches specifically designed for CLIR can rival and outperform high-quality MT systems. Finally, the book offers a look into the future that draws a strong parallel between query expansion in monolingual IR and query translation in CLIR, suggesting that many approaches developed in monolingual IR can be adapted to CLIR. The book can be used as an introduction to CLIR. Advanced readers can also find more technical details and discussions about the remaining research challenges in the future. It is suitable to new researchers who intend to carry out research on CLIR. Table of Contents : Preface Introduction Using Manually Constructed Translation Systems and Resources for CLIR Translation Based on Parallel and Comparable Corpora Other Methods to Improve CLIR A Look into the Future: Toward a Unified View of Monolingual IR and CLIR? References Author Biography
个人分类: 信息检索|2747 次阅读|0 个评论
bjfuzhao 2009-9-19 04:05
B. Croft, D. Metzler, and T. Strohman, Search Engines: Information Retrieval in Practice. Addison Wesley, February 2009. 你可以到 http://www.pearsonhighered.com/croft1epreview/ 下载目录和其中两章。 C. Manning, P. Raghavan, and H. Schtze , Introduction to Information Retrieval. Cambridge University Press, 2008.你可以到 http://nlp.stanford.edu/IR-book/information-retrieval-book.html 下载。 Baeza-Yates, R. B. Ribeiro-Neto. eds. Modern Information Retrieval. ACM Press, 1999 李晓明,闫宏飞,王继民,搜索引擎-原理、技术与系统,科学出版社 这学期教搜索引擎的课,暑假里读了一些相关教材和书,感觉这四本书还相当不错。不过什么书都需要有耐心读,而且还要不停的回头读,才能有所收获。
个人分类: 搜索引擎|5414 次阅读|1 个评论
Some Tips for Sci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 5. How to create e-alert to trace t
haoxiaowei07 2008-11-20 23:19
As time flies, the cycling period that science and technology refreshes is becoming shorter and shorter, as poses a critical challenge to all researchers. Under the atmosphere of competing for innovation, a research group must trace the frontier of its research field in order to keep its level in line with other groups. This requires all members of the group have a good command of tracing the frontier, and here I introduce a small technique. Of course, throng the tip4 can you receive the latest retrieval result based your set for retrieval word by email every week. You know, however, your peer always publish their latest research articles or communication on a rang of academic journals. It means that you may trace the refreshing papers to know what your peer are doing or to which extent their research are conducted. First you need to be familiar with a certain range of journals which focus on your research field and always issued the research articles that your peers publish. For example, Environment Science and Technology, Environmental Pollution, Chemosphere and so on. Second, only through registering a ID on the database of corresponding academic journal and creating a e-alert will you receive the latest online article publication or current content by email every day/week, or month. I take the journal EST for example and demonstrated the specific procedure as following: 1. Register an ID on ACS homage. 2. Set your e-alert and choose the journal EST. 3. You will receive the latest article list as soon as publishable every day.
个人分类: 科研之路|4134 次阅读|0 个评论
Some Tips for Sci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 4. Save our retrieval history in IS
haoxiaowei07 2008-11-19 22:34
As the saying goes, history is a mirror. Literature retrieval history itself reflects our studying procedure. If we take notice to save our literature retrieval history, at least the repeated retrieval could be avoided to the greatest extent. In my opinion, culturing our habits to save retrieval history in time is efficient for our research. The other advantageous feature of saving our retrieval history lies in our convenient looking back. Maybe when we browse our retrieval history after a whole day of busy work, a innovative idea comes up with us, as is usually the case of distinguished scientist. Here I introduce how to save our retrieval history in ISI Web of Knowledge platform. Firstly you need to register an ID in ISI Web of Knowledge platform. When your enter ISI Web of Knowledge platform, click sign in, choose register and type your necessary individual information and submit your registration. NOTE: The password must include at least 8 characters. After finished, click continue and you enter the interface displaying your sign in. Secondly, you may start to your search and then save your retrieval history. Here I take a example using retrieval word: Pb immobilization or Pb stabilization and soil contamination or soil pollution for column topic in database ESCI. Click search and we see the retrieval results. Thirdly, save your retrieval history.Click search history in results interface and you will see the corresponding search history interface. You only click save history/create alert, and set your history name and alert choice, finally save , confirm it and you complete the creation of retrieval history. When you enter ISI Web of Knowledge interface next time, you will see the My saved searches column. You may open it and browse the content of your saved retrieval last time.
个人分类: 科研之路|3906 次阅读|0 个评论
Some Tips for Sci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 2. How to search literature publish
haoxiaowei07 2008-11-17 23:33
In our retrieving practice, we often need to search the literature published by some well-known scientist in our orientation. This is very important, because those sci-giants have done much wonderful work, having paved a road for our sequential, advanced study. Therefore, referring those literature published by sci-giants are of great significance, meaningful, and valuable, for we are always standing on the shoulder of sci-giants. However, we only process one or several pieces of paper created by the certain giants. And what we need is to search all the literature published by the author. Generally, we use the authors name as a retrieval word to initiate our search in ISI platform. For example, when we type Ma LQ in the column author, and click button search, thereafter we obtain a large number of records with respect to Ma LQ, many of which are not what really want. You know, there are several reasons as following: 1) phenomenon of the same name; 2) L Q has different expressing forms, such as Lanqin, Leqi, Leqin, Lengqing and so on; and 3) other possibilities. How do we refine what we want from so many records? Here I introduce a small technique to share with everyone. When we know the name of the sci-giant, we can search in ISI platform as described above. Now we see so many records present, and then we need to select a record which is what we want to seek, based on the knowledge of your research orientation, and check the specific information. The key point is we need to obtain the information regarding the authors address, which is a critical retrieval word for our successive retrieval. Then we copy the address information. Now we return to the interface of search, and initiate our precious retrieval. This time we type two typical retrieval words including the column author and the column address to optimize our search. Here what I want to supplement is that we need to modify the address information after we paste the address information, since we cannot guarantee the author always write the correct address information, and I mean that the author may change the specific form of address information. In this situation, we have to modify the address information to encompass relatively critical words, e.g. the name of the university or institute, deleting the specific lab information. Then we tale the retrieval, and we can achieve a success.
个人分类: 科研之路|4567 次阅读|0 个评论
Some Tips for Sci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 1. Three steps to export literature
haoxiaowei07 2008-11-16 19:39
SomeTipsforSci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 1. Three steps to export literature and then import them to new library based on Endnote XI Having been engaged in research for several months, I also accumulated some tips for Sci-tech literature retrieval. Here I share some tips with research workers. How to export some literature in your existing library from Endnote andaddthem to another library created newly? In our retrieving practice, we always come across these situations: we import a large variety of literature from web database (e.g. Web of knowledge) to our created library, however, when we write a paper or for other purposes, we only need to extract some literature from the existing library to a newly created library, since it is convenient for our witting, and we don't need to look for so many records from the big library. In the following, i will demonstrate a specific example for you. The existing library in my example is phytoremediation.enl in literature management software Endnote XI; The newly created library is As phytoremediation.enl saved in F disk. My objective is to summarize the literature with respect to As phytoremediation; The task is to extract regarding literature existed in phytoremediation.enl and export them to As phytoremediation.enl. First, select the regarding literature in phytoremediation.enl. Second, click the file and choose export, and save as As phytoremediation.xml Third, open the newly created library As phytoremediation.enl; click file and choose import; Then click choose file and choose As phytoremediation.xml from F disk. Click Open ,and select Endnote generated XML from import option,then click import, you will make a success.
个人分类: 科研之路|3678 次阅读|0 个评论
Some Tips for Sci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 1. Three steps to export literat
haoxiaowei07 2008-11-16 19:37
Some Tips for Sci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 1. Three steps to export literature and then import them to new library based on Endnote XI Having been engaged in research for several months, I also accumulated some tips for Sci-tech literature retrieval. Here I share some tips with research workers. How to export some literature in your existing library from Endnote and add them to another library created newly? In our retrieving practice, we always come across these situations: we import a large variety of literature from web database (e.g. Web of knowledge) to our created library, however, when we write a paper or for other purposes, we only need to extract some literature from the existing library to a newly created library, since it is convenient for our witting, and we don't need to look for so many records from the big library. In the following, i will demonstrate a specific example for you. The existing library in my example is phytoremediation.enl in literature management software Endnote XI; The newly created library is As phytoremediation.enl saved in F disk. My objective is to summarize the literature with respect to As phytoremediation; The task is to extract regarding literature existed in phytoremediation.enl and export them to As phytoremediation.enl. First, select the regarding literature in phytoremediation.enl. Second, click the file and choose export, and save as As phytoremediation.xml. Third, open the newly created library As phytoremediation.enl; click file and choose import; Then click choose file and choose As phytoremediation.xml from F disk. Click Open and then click import, you will make a success.
个人分类: 科研之路|22 次阅读|0 个评论

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