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Tortoise SVN管理本地代码
热度 1 zjlcas 2011-5-30 03:51
Tortoise SVN管理本地代码 张金龙 jinlongzhang01@gmail.com 什么是Tortoise SVN? TortoiseSVN是一个windows下的文档版本管理的开源软件。用户每次对自己编写的代码进行修改,都会记录在SVN的数据库中。Tortoise SVN能够在设定好的文件夹上添加相应的“对号”,“问号”等标识,标识当前代码的编辑状态,特别是有没有在数据库中保存。 对于代码的修改,用户可以添加相应的标注。对于每一次修改,数据库都有详细的记录,从而保证所编写的文档可以回到作者保存过的任何一个版本。 这种版本控制策略在软件开发中是极为重要的,当然,在R程序包的开发中也十分重要。 用Tortoise SVN管理本地R代码的大体过程如下: 1 下载和安装Tortoise SVN软件,各项均选择默认即可,网址如下 http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html 2 在本地硬盘上创建一个新目录,作为数据库的保存文件夹。例如 D:/packages/phylotools 3 右键点击phylotools文件夹,Tortoise SVNCreate a repository here.完成后,打开phylotools文件夹,我们会发现其中新增了一些文件和文件夹。这是版本数据库相应的文件,我们暂且不管。 4 在本地硬盘上创建一个新文件夹,例如在C:/developing/. 点击鼠标右键,选择SVN Checkout。我们看到,developing文件夹下出现了一个phylotools空文件夹,该文件夹上有一个绿色的对号。我们发现,该文件夹是空的,绿色的对号表示,文件夹下的内容已经与数据库中的版本相同了。 5 在该文件夹下创建新文件,或者将之前编写好的代码拷贝到C:/developing/phylotools文件夹下。此时发现每个文件上都被加上了蓝色的问号,这表明这些文件还没有和数据库链接起来。此时我们回到上级目录,C:\packages, 右键点击phylotools文件夹,点击SVN Commit这样,该文件夹下的文件就全部导入数据,并且关联起来了。 6 之后对其中任何代码的修改,均可以提供Comments,并且隔一段时间进行保存。 这样以后恢复到以前的版本,就容易多了。而不用隔一段时间备份一下新文件。因为SVN已经帮你把修改信息全部存到数据库里了。
个人分类: 科研笔记|9766 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]S-PLUS for Windows - version 4.5
zhao1198 2011-5-29 05:50
S-PLUS for Windows - version 4.5 http://mercury.bio.uaf.edu/mercury/splus/splus.html#first 303 Irving S-PLUS is a powerful computing tool that combines the usefulness of a statistical analysis package with that of a publication quality graphics package and a matrix-based programming language. It's easy enough to use for quick and simple tasks, yet powerful enough for the most demanding ones. The goal of this demonstration is to provide a basic introduction to using S-PLUS. An S-PLUS session differs from that of other statistical software. You will find it to be an interactive approach where the results from one step lead to the next. This introduction to S-PLUS is necessarily limited in scope to only a handful of analyses. Once you become familiar with S-PLUS and browse through some of the online help topics, you will discover tools for practically any type of analysis you need. The basic S-PLUS module allows for time series, survival, and multivariate analyses, among others. Topics included in this tutorial: 1. Starting S-PLUS the first time 2. Some things to keep in mind 3. Beginning an analysis 4. Visualizing your data 5. Simple Linear Regression 6. Non-linear Regression 7. Polynomial Regression 8. Writing functions 9. What to do next Return to Mercury Home Page 1. Starting S-PLUS the first time ( Back to Top ) The first time you run S-PLUS from the computer lab, you will be asked for a directory where your work will be saved. S-PLUS will use this for a working directory whenever you start a session, however, you can easily change to another directory at any time. So before you start S-PLUS, decide on your default working directory and, if necessary, create it. Then when you start S-PLUS and it asks you for a start-up directory, click on "Browse" and proceed to select the desired directory. When you click "OK", S-PLUS will create the necessary subdirectories that it needs (_Data and _Prefs) and start the application. When S-PLUS opens, you will most likely see a dialog box to Select Data. Just click "Cancel" for now. After that, there may or may not be any open windows. You will want a Commands Window so the first thing to do is open one up if it isn't open already. From the Window menu, select Commands Window. Alternatively, you can click on the Commands Window button on the toolbar. Another useful window to have open is the Object Browser. Open this by clicking on the Object Browser button on the toolbar. You can set up your preferences so that both of these windows open when you start an S-PLUS session. From the Options menu, select General Settings, and then select the Startup tab. On the left hand side you will see a group of three items that you can Open at Startup. Check Command Line and Object Browser. You can also uncheck Select Data Dialog if you don't want that coming up every time. 2. Some things to keep in mind ( Back to Top ) Everything in S-PLUS is some kind of object. Objects can have different modes (numeric, character, list, function, etc.) with different structures (scalar, vector, matrix, etc.) and different classes (data frame, linear models result, etc.). Almost every command you execute in S-PLUS uses one or more functions. Functions are called by their name followed by a set of parentheses. If any arguments are passed to the function, they are listed within the parentheses. The parentheses must always be present whether or not there are any arguments. For example, to get a listing of all the objects in your working directory, you would use objects() . If you wanted a list of objects in another directory in your search path, you might use objects(where=3) . Use the assignment operator to create objects. The assignment operator is the "less than" symbol followed by a hyphen ( - ) or the underscore ( _ ). For example, to create an object called tmp and assign it the value 3, you would enter tmp - 3 or tmp_3 . The equal sign (=) is used almost exclusively for passing arguments to functions, like the last command in comment b above. S-PLUS is case sensitive. Keep that in mind when you're naming objects or calling functions. We could create another object called Tmp that would be separate and distinct from tmp . If you already have an object with the name tmp and you assign something else to an object with that name, then the first object is overwritten. Be careful not to lose something you want to keep. Once you've created objects, you may want to get rid of them later . Use the function rm() with the object names as arguments. For example, rm(tmp) . You can recall previous commands with the up-arrow and down-arrow keys. Once you've located the command you want, you can hit enter to execute the command as is, or you can edit the line first. This can save time, especially with complicated commands. Open a graphics window with the function graphsheet() . Make use of the online help. Go to the help index and look up graphsheet. You'll find a description of all possible arguments that can be used, a full discussion on its use, and some examples of how it can be used. If you just need a reminder of what arguments can be passed to a particular function, use the args() function with the function name in the parentheses. For example, try args(graphsheet) to see what arguments can be used with that function and what default values they may have. In the examples that follow, pay very close attention to all associated punctuation. Things like commas and parentheses are absolutely critical to S-PLUS understanding what you want to do. If you get an error after executing a command, the first thing to do is check the syntax. That is the cause of most errors. S-PLUS almost always ignores spaces, so whether you type tmp_c(1,2,3) or tmp _ c ( 1, 2, 3) , you get the same result. The Escape key serves as your abort button. If something goes wrong or you're suddenly seeing an endless array of numbers scrolling by, you can hit the Escape key to quit whatever you're doing and get you back to the command prompt. This does not kick you out of S-PLUS altogether。 More interesting following: http://mercury.bio.uaf.edu/mercury/splus/splus.html#first
个人分类: R&Rstudio|0 个评论
受海飞先生感动:试译Now close the windows by Robert Frost
热度 4 duke01361 2011-5-25 16:53
Now close the windows Robert Frost Now close the windows and hush all the fields: 现在就关上窗子,让周围安静 If the trees must, let them silently toss; 如果树林也必需静下来,那让它们慢慢地摇 No bird is singing now, and if there is, 鸟们现在也不再歌唱?如果还有鸟留下来? Be it my loss. 那么,请我的失落重新回来 It will be long ere the marshes resume, 我的失落出现在那湿地形成之前 It will be long ere the earliest bird: 它甚至先于那些古老的鸟儿而生 So close the windows and not hear the wind,因此关上窗子吧!不要再听那风声 But see all wind-stirred. 但观它们被风卷起在空中
个人分类: 潘学峰诗选|2925 次阅读|10 个评论
[转载]ubuntu 8.04 学习笔记 (四)-wine 在linux下安装windows程序
swx0789 2011-5-25 16:38
今天有人给我留言说我水平低,这个我承认,我是一个非计算机专业还在校学习的学生,只凭着对计算机的热情一直在学习,我很谢谢他直言不讳,同时我有我的坚持,而就凭着这种坚持,我已经在上地找到了java web开发的工作,我会努力工作,现在我是菜鸟,今后绝对不是!! 我还是会继续写我的学习笔记,将我学到的和大家分享,大家有什么问题可以一起讨论一起进步,同时谢谢大家的支持 今天要讲的是在ubuntu下安装wine,用wine来安装使用windows程序 曾经看过一篇文章,意思是不能将linux和windows互相比较,各有各的特长,但是在实际使用中确实感觉到了linux软件的支持不够 比如我最近要做论文要用cajviewer,ubuntu在并没有替代的软件 比如,迅雷,虽然对于他盗链接的问题,骂声不断,但我还确实没发现下emule资源比迅雷快的软件,谁让人家客户资源大呢? 言归正传,现在说说wine的安装和配置 源里的wine之前是 0.9.59版现在已经更新到0.9.61了 1、在命令行输入 sudo apt-get install wine 您也可以从wine 官方网站 下载源码自己编译,这样会减少因为依赖产生的问题 2、安装后需要wine需要配置 命令行输入 winecfg 配置的时候可能产生错误,原因是缺少某些包 试试在命令行输入 sudo apt-get install build-essential 和 sudo apt-get install gcc libc6-dev fakeroot libglib1.2-dev libglib2.0-dev libltdl3-dev libmad0-dev libmng-dev libodbcinstq1c2 libogg-dev libpng12-dev libqt3-headers libqt3-mt-dev libvorbis-dev libxft-dev libxi-dev libxinerama-dev libxmu-dev libxmu-headers libxmuu-dev libxpm-dev libxtrap-dev libxtst-dev libxv-dev libxxf86dga-dev qt3-dev-tools render-dev unixodbc-dev x-dev x11proto-record-dev x11proto-trap-dev x11proto-video-dev x11proto-xf86dga-dev xlibs-dev fontforge flex bison libxext6 3、设置中文问题 先把字体simsun.ttc(在你的windows的安装目录里的font文件夹里找,找不到可以从网上下到) 复制到 /home/你的用户名/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts 文件夹中, 要显示隐藏文件夹按Ctrl+H 修改注册表,在命令行输入 gedit ~/.wine/system.reg 找到“ ”,将其中的““LogPixels”=dword:00000060”改成 ““LogPixels”=dword:00000070“。 再找到” xxxx“项,将其中的”MS Shell Dlg“相关的两项修改成如下内容(即更换字体为宋体): “MS Shell Dlg”=”SimSun” “MS Shell Dlg 2″=”SimSun” 然后:gedit ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/win.ini 在其中加上(如果没有),有的话修改成如下 menufontsize=13 messagefontsize=13 statusfontsize=13 IconTitleSize=13 现在中文显示应该正常了 4、使用方法:直接运行.exe安装文件,wine默认已将关联设好,如果没有请自行设定 安装好后可以在应用程序-- wine菜单下找到,或者可以在/home/你的用户名/.wine/drive_c/Program Files 放入软件绿色版 5、安装.msi格式文件 wine start 文件名.msi 6、卸载已安装软件可以在命令行输入 uninstaller 进入卸载的图形界面 7、有些程序运行不了有的时候是因为缺少dll 到真实windows下的system32文件夹(C:\WINDOWS\systenm32)里复制 mfc42.dll,msvcp60.dll,riched20.dll,riched32.dll这几个文 件到/home/你的用户名/.wine /drive_c/windows/system32文件里,需要覆盖时确定。其他dll文件不要随便覆盖,要做备份。 在wine下安装迅雷已经可以不用ies4linux ,直接安装就可以了,如果碰到问题可以在wine设置中改为模拟win98 不过我这的迅雷安装好后一下东西就崩溃了,现在还不知道怎么解决,但网上有成功的例子
个人分类: 计算机|2185 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 3 agri521 2011-5-9 23:29
于2011年3月,官方升级了WCC。近几日,笔者抽出点时间把WCC汉化第一版中存在的问题进行了修正,今天正式发布汉化第二版。 软件名称:WOFOST 简体中文版 官方主页:http://www.wofost.wur.nl/UK/ 原版下载:(需要) 运行环境:Windows 2000/XP/2003/2008/Vista/Windows 7 软件性质:共享 汉化作者:Agri521 (agri521@gmail.com) 汉化日期:2010-11-03 软件简介: ──── WOFOST 是由荷兰瓦赫宁根大学开发研制,基于单站点的模拟系统。基于过程的动态解释性模型,以日为步长模拟在气候和其他环境因子(如土壤水肥)影响下的作物生长过程,如光合作用、呼吸作用、蒸腾、叶面积变化、干物质分配以及产量形成等。该模型可以模拟水肥充分供应(潜在生长条件)、水分限制(雨养条件)和养分限制 (N、P、K供应不足)三种条件下的作物生长过程和作物产量。 1、请先安装BDE5.0,再安装WOFOST。 2、 在C盘根目录新建文件夹“TEMP”。 3、运行WOFOST18_ChinesePatch.exe,完成软件汉化。 更新说明: ──── 2010-11-03 汉化WOFOST控制中心 1.7 2011-05-09 汉化WOFOST控制中心 1.8 -- 修正了某些翻译错误,解决了字体及字号问题。
个人分类: 农业建模|15644 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 1 xuyingxiao 2011-5-6 04:06
一直用.co域名,然后痛苦地改成.com 为gopher和www的区别而到处查资料 惊叹不已地玩MUD ICQ加国外好友,OICQ加国内好友,现在连帐号都找不到了 每次收发邮件都要telnet一下 开机以后要输入win才能进windows,要装个第三方的winsock软件才能上网 觉得老外真是衣食不愁闲着没事,就为了自己的成就感花这么多时间做这么多好东西放网上给大家免费看免费用 称自己是网虫 国内BBS上也可以看到打倒XXX,而且没人删帖,贴子会一直存在 没有墙,任何网站都能访问到,如果暂时访问不到,那一定是国内网络出口坏了,或者对方服务器当机了 为了亚特兰大奥运会给大使馆发抗议邮件 光教人家怎么收发邮件就能结识神龙见首不见尾的各个学科带头人、各级领导、社会贤达 看到Internet被翻译成因特网,还以为谁在开玩笑 别人问WWW中文怎么说,只有回答不知道 尽管操作系统自带IE了,还是弃之不用,要装个Netscape 坚持认为Windows网络不行,Novell的网络才是最好的 做网页总觉得打开记事本自己写HTML才放心(20091202)
个人分类: 思考|2533 次阅读|2 个评论
ps文件 转 PDF文件
huangyanxin356 2011-5-5 21:43
linux(fedora)系统可打印文件成为ps(postscript)文件,ps文件不能直接采用windows系统的PDF阅读器阅读,需要转换,那么,PSTOPDF软件,就实现这个转换功能。 绿色免安装PSTOPDF软件下载: PSToPDF.rar
个人分类: 技术类|126 次阅读|0 个评论
kakulo 2011-5-3 15:52
  如何理解LPCTSTR类型?   L表示long指针 这是为了兼容Windows 3.1等16位操作系统遗留下来的,在win32中以及其他的32为操作系统中, long指针和near指针及far修饰符都是为了兼容的作用。没有实际意义。   P表示这是一个指针   C表示是一个常量   T表示在Win32环境中, 有一个_T宏 详细释义   这个宏用来表示你的字符是否使用UNICODE, 如果你的程序定义了UNICODE或者其他相关的宏,那么这个字符或者字符串将被作为UNICODE字符串,否则就是标准的ANSI字符串。   STR表示这个变量是一个字符串   所以LPCTSTR就表示一个指向常固定地址的可以根据一些宏定义改变语义的字符串。   同样, LPCSTR就只能是一个ANSI字符串,在程序中我们大部分时间要使用带T的类型定义。   LPCTSTR == const TCHAR *   CString 和 LPCTSTR 可以说通用。 原因在于CString定义的自动类型转换,没什么奇特的,最简单的C++操作符重载而已。   常量字符串ansi和unicode的区分是由宏_T来决定的。但是用_T("abcd")时, 字符串"abcd"就会根据编译时的是否定一_UNICODE来决定是char* 还是 w_char*。 同样,TCHAR 也是相同目的字符宏。 看看定义就明白了。简单起见,下面只介绍 ansi 的情况,unicode 可以类推。   ansi情况下,LPCTSTR 就是 const char*, 是常量字符串(不能修改的)。   而LPTSTR 就是 char*, 即普通字符串(非常量,可修改的)。   这两种都是基本类型, 而CString 是 C++类, 兼容这两种基本类型是最起码的任务了。   由于const char* 最简单(常量,不涉及内存变更,操作迅速), CString 直接定义了一个类型转换函数   operator LPCTSTR() {......}, 直接返回他所维护的字符串。   当你需要一个const char* 而传入了CString时, C++编译器自动调用 CString重载的操作符 LPCTSTR()来进行隐式的类型转换。   当需要CString , 而传入了 const char* 时(其实 char* 也可以),C++编译器则自动调用CString的构造函数来构造临时的 CString对象。   因此CString 和 LPCTSTR 基本可以通用。   但是 LPTSTR又不同了,他是 char*, 意味着你随时可能修改里面的数据,这就需要内存管理了(如字符串变长,原来的存贮空间就不够了,则需要重新调整分配内存)。   所以 不能随便的将 const char* 强制转换成 char* 使用。   楼主举的例子   LPSTR lpstr = (LPSTR)(LPCTSTR)string;   就是这种不安全的使用方法。   这个地方使用的是强制类型转换,你都强制转换了,C++编译器当然不会拒绝你,但同时他也认为你确实知道自己要做的是什么。因此是不会给出警告的。   强制的任意类型转换是C(++)的一项强大之处,但也是一大弊端。这一问题在 vc6 以后的版本(仅针对vc而言)中得到逐步的改进(你需要更明确的类型转换声明)。   其实在很多地方都可以看到类似   LPSTR lpstr = (LPSTR)(LPCTSTR)string;   地用法,这种情况一般是函数的约束定义不够完善的原因, 比如一个函数接受一个字符串参数的输入,里面对该字符串又没有任何的修改,那么该参数就应该定义成 const char*, 但是很多初学者弄不清const地用法,或者是懒, 总之就是随意写成了 char* 。 这样子传入CString时就需要强制的转换一下。   这种做法是不安全的,也是不被建议的用法,你必须完全明白、确认该字符串没有被修改。   CString 转换到 LPTSTR (char*), 预定的做法是调用CString的GetBuffer函数,使用完毕之后一般都要再调用ReleaseBuffer函数来确认修改 (某些情况下也有不调用ReleaseBuffer的,同样你需要非常明确为什么这么做时才能这样子处理,一般应用环境可以不考虑这种情况)。   同时需要注意的是, 在GetBuffer 和 ReleaseBuffer之间,CString分配了内存交由你来处理,因此不能再调用其他的CString函数。   CString 转LPCTSTR:   CString cStr;   const char *lpctStr=(LPCTSTR)cStr;   LPCTSTR转CString:   LPCTSTR lpctStr;   CString cStr=lpctStr; 转自:http://baike.baidu.com/view/1902461.htm?fr=ala0_1_1
个人分类: 转载|3072 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载][Proxy] 代理服务器软件CCProxy使用方法
cui99515158 2011-5-1 17:05
代理服务器软件CCProxy使用方法   本文讲述的是如何设置使用代理服务器.   作机房的管理可以有很多代理服务器软件,如WinGate、SyGate等等。最近我又发现了一个名为CCProxy的代理软件,非常适合学校上网。它的安装非常简单,工作稳定,功能强大,速度极快。完全可以运行在Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP等操作系统之上。而且支持共享Modem、ISDN、ADSL、DDN专线等访问Internet。除此之外, CCProxy还有以下特点:    1、体积小巧,安装后的程序文件只有600多KB,启动速度相当快。    2、全中文操作界面,使用方便。    3、服务器包含多种管理功能,但也可以不加任何设置就正常使用,运行方便。    4、学生机通过简单设置即可快速访问上网,设置方便。    怎么样,心动了吧?那就随我来吧。    先期准备    首先要保证每台机器都指定了一个固定的IP地址。    其次是找一个CCProxy的安装程序,然后可以到这里去下载一个试用版。    服务器的安装    运行下载后的Ccproxysetup.exe就可以一步步进行安装,只是在最后一步选择语言时要选择ChineseGB即为中文简体。    安装完成后,桌面有一个CCProxy的绿色图标,双击即可启动CCProxy了(如附图)。绿色的网格坐标将会出现黄色的曲线表示网络数据流量。 001.jpg (22.14 KB) 2006-12-11 21:55    学生机的设置    1、对TCP/IP协议的属性进行设置。   方法:右击“网上邻居”,选择“属性”,双击网卡对应的“TCP/IP协议”,选择“DNS”标签。设置如下:选中“启用DNS”;“主机”中填入服务器名称;并在下面的“DNS服务器搜索顺序”中填入服务器的IP地址,本例为“”,然后单击 ;单击 结束DNS设置;再次单击 ,结束对网络属性的设置。这时需要重新启动计算机。    2、重新启动后,右击桌面上的IE图标,选择“属性”。在接下来的“Internet属性”对话框中进行如下设置:选中“连接”标签;单击“局域网设置” 按钮;选中“使用代理服务器”;单击“高级”;在“服务器类型”中分别填入:HTTP为192.168.0.1,端口为808;FTP为,端口为2121;Socks为192.168.0.1,端口为1080;然后单击 完成对IE的设置。    上网浏览    完成了上述的操作后,将服务器连接到因特网上,再启动CCProxy,学生机就可以通过IE自由在网际之间穿梭了,想要停止代理服务只需单击 按钮即可。    备注    1、学生机欲使用OICQ、RealPlayer、网络蚂蚁等软件还需要分别进行设置。    2、CCProxy还有包括Socks5和HTTP用户验证、上网时间管理功能、网站过滤功能、 缓存功能等等诸多的使用功能,必须在注册以后才可以使用。
个人分类: 小软件|10831 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 lingjunyue 2011-4-29 09:56
1512 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 subailong 2011-4-23 11:06
1用ubuntu live的系统盘进入Ubuntu 2运行终端,输入命令:sudo fdisk -l (在罗列出的计算机的盘符信息中找到Linux所在的盘符,如我的是在Dev/sda3) 3再输入命令:sudo -i (获取权限) 4输入命令:mount /dev/sda3(数字为你的Ubuntu所在盘符) /mnt(注意空格不可少) 5输入:grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda 至此,Grub基本修复完毕。 6,关机重启。熟悉的Ubuntu的Grub引导界面就会出现,此时选择进入 Ubuntu。 7.在终端输入命令:sudo update-grub
11449 次阅读|2 个评论
关于.NET Framework卸载的一些事情
dizhishidai 2011-4-19 10:34
.NET Framework是用于Windows的新托管代码编程模型。它强大功能与新技术结合起来,用于构建具有视觉上引人注目的用户体验的 应用程序 ,实现跨技术边界的无缝通信,并且能支持各种业务流程。 别跟哥说你用不上这个软件,这个软件对于实用较大开发的软件,比如说我们的常用的mapgis二次开发,比如说我们用的卡本,cad等等特别是一些大型游戏如果没有这个基本上就安装都安装不了,让你超级郁闷,而这个软件却不是那么的稳定。 XP的系统,装好后常出现下面这种情况, .NET framework2.0无法卸载,无法安装,无法修复 在2003中也常出现,但是我们在系统中找不到卸载.net2.0 3.0的删除程序,手动删除又怕注册表中没删除而造成更大的错误!同时还有一件更郁闷的事情就是常用的强制卸载软件根本不能卸载它,所以在这里我就推荐这样一个手写的小软件,很好用的 下面是转载作者的说明 ---------------------------------------------------华丽的分界线-------------------------------------------------------- 。NET Framework Cleanup Tool User's Guide Introduction This .NET Framework cleanup tool is designed to automatically perform a set of steps to remove selected versions of the .NET Framework from a computer. It will remove files, directories, registry keys and values and Windows Installer product registration information for the .NET Framework. The tool is intended primarily to return your system to a known (relatively clean) state in case you are encountering .NET Framework installation, uninstallation, repair or patching errors so that you can try to install again. There are a couple of very important caveats that you should review before using this tool to remove any version of the .NET Framework from your system: This tool is designed as a last resort for cases where install, uninstall, repair or patch installation did not succeed for unusual reasons. It is not a substitute for the standard uninstall procedure. You should try the steps listed in this blog post before using this cleanup tool. This cleanup tool will delete shared files and registry keys used by other versions of the .NET Framework. If you run the cleanup tool, you will need to perform a repair/re-install for all other versions of the .NET Framework that are on your computer or they will not work correctly afterwards. Download location The .NET Framework cleanup tool is available for download at the following locations: 本网站下载地址: dotnetfx_cleanup_tool.zip http://u.115.com/file/f263f0bc14 (外站下载链接) The .zip file that contains the tool also contains a file named history.txt that lists when the most recent version of the tool was published and what changes have been made to the tool over time. Supported products The .NET Framework cleanup tool supports removing the following products: .NET Framework - All Versions .NET Framework - All Versions (Tablet PC and Media Center) .NET Framework - All Versions (Windows Server 2003) .NET Framework - All Versions (Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008) .NET Framework 1.0 .NET Framework 1.1 .NET Framework 2.0 .NET Framework 3.0 .NET Framework 3.5 .NET Framework 4 Not all of the above products will appear in the UI for the .NET Framework cleanup tool on every operating system. The cleanup tool contains logic so that if it is run on an OS version that includes the .NET Framework as an OS component, it will not offer the option to clean it up. This means that running the cleanup tool on Windows XP Media Center Edition or Tablet PC Edition will not offer the option to clean up the .NET Framework 1.0, running it on Windows Server 2003 will not offer the option to clean up the .NET Framework 1.1 and running it on Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 will not offer the option to clean up the .NET Framework 2.0 or the .NET Framework 3.0. When choosing to remove any of the above versions of the .NET Framework, the cleanup tool will also remove any associated hotfixes and service packs. You do not need to run any separate steps to remove the service pack(s) for a version of the .NET Framework. Silentinstallation mode The .NET Framework cleanup tool supports running in silent mode. In this mode, the tool will run without showing any UI, and the user must pass in a version of the .NET Framework to remove as a command line parameter. To run the cleanup tool in silent mode , you need to download the cleanup tool, extract the file cleanup_tool.exe from the zip file, and then run it using syntax like the following: cleanup_tool.exe /q:a /c:"cleanup.exe /p name of product to remove" The value that you pass with the /p switch to replace name of product to remove in this example must exactly match one of the products listed in the Supported products section above. For example, if you would like to run the cleanup tool in silent mode and remove the .NET Framework 1.1, you would use a command line like the following: cleanup_tool.exe /q:a /c:"cleanup.exe /p .NET Framework 1.1" One important note – as indicated above, the cleanup tool will not allow you to remove a version of the .NET Framework that is installed as part of the OS it is running on. That means that even if you try this example command line on Windows Server 2003, the tool will exit with a failure return code and not allow you to remove the .NET Framework 1.1 because it is a part of that OS. Similarly, you cannot use the cleanup tool to remove the .NET Framework 1.0 from Windows XP Media Center Edition or Windows XP Tablet PC Edition or remove the .NET Framework 2.0 or 3.0 from Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008. In addition, if you run the cleanup tool on an OS that has any edition of the .NET Framework installed as a part of the OS, it will prevent you from using the .NET Framework - All Versions option because there is at least one version that it cannot remove. If you are planning to run the cleanup tool in silent mode, you need to make sure to detect what OS it is running on and not pass in a version of the .NET Framework with the /p switch that is a part of the OS or make sure that you know how to handle the failure exit code that you will get back from the cleanup tool in that type of scenario. Unattended installation mode The .NET Framework cleanup tool supports running in silent mode. In this mode, the tool will run and only show a progress dialog during removal, but will require no user interaction. Unattended mode requires the user to pass in a version of the .NET Framework to remove as a command line parameter. To run the cleanup tool in unattended mode , you need to download the cleanup tool, extract the file cleanup_tool.exe from the zip file, and then run it using syntax like the following: cleanup_tool.exe /q:a /c:"cleanup.exe /p name of product to remove /u" For example, if you would like to run the cleanup tool in unattended mode and remove the .NET Framework 1.1, you would use a command line like the following: cleanup_tool.exe /q:a /c:"cleanup.exe /p .NET Framework 1.1 /u" Exit codes The cleanup tool can returns the following exit codes: 0 - cleanup completed successfully for the specified product 3010 - cleanup completed successfully for the specified product and a reboot is required to complete the cleanup process 1 - cleanup tool requires administrative privileges on the machine 2 - the required file cleanup.ini was not found in the same path as cleanup.exe 3 - a product name was passed in that cannot be removed because it is a part of the OS on the system that the cleanup tool is running on 4 - a product name was passed in that does not exist in cleanup.ini 100 - cleanup was able to start but failed during the cleanup process 1602 - cleanup was cancelled Log files The cleanup tool creates the following log files: %temp%\cleanup_main.log - a log of all activity during each run of the cleanup tool; this is a superset of the logs listed below as well as some additional information %temp%\cleanup_actions.log - a log of actions taken during removal of each product; it will list files that it finds and removes, product codes it tries to remove, registry entries it tries to remove, etc. %temp%\cleanup_errors.log - a log of errors and warnings encountered during each run of the cleanup tool
个人分类: 计算机技术|5883 次阅读|0 个评论
SML学习历程 待续
jiangdm 2011-4-18 09:55
我想若从形式化角度研究WSN/DSN协议,形式语义是必不可少的工具,而形式语义与Functional Languages关系密切,所以我准备2周时间学习一下SML。条件有限,OS为Windows,书采用了L.C.Paulson《ML for the Working Programmer》,中文版是柯韦译的《ML程序设计教程》,编译器为SML/NJ。以后可加装Debain Linux,真怀念我原来配置的Debain 5.0系统! 1。如何编译SML文件? notes-011001.pdf A:SML多采用行命令编译方式,用惯了C(Gnu Linux / Windows),特不适应SML行命令方式,主要是不宜于调试。只好读其指南,看看有方法简化编译: 引自《Notes on Programming Standard ML of New Jersey》一书: 建立foo.sml 文件: fun double (x:int):int = 2 * x; fun square (x:int):int = x * x; fun power (x:int,y:int):int = if (y=0) then 1 else x * power (x,y-1); 获取当前工作目录: OS.FileSys.getDir: - OS.FileSys.getDir (); 修改 - OS.FileSys.chDir /home/riccardo/work/sml; 例如: foo.sml在C盘 设置 - OS.FileSys.chDir C:\\; - use foo.sml; sml-tutorial.pdf Standard ML http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_ML#References Alice ML: http://www.ps.uni-saarland.de/alice/
个人分类: Formal method|5670 次阅读|0 个评论
liumwei 2011-4-14 14:51
最近在学习Python编程,主要是为简单的数据处理。由于自己以前从没有什么编程经历,从头开始学习,需找一个更简单的语言开始。Python似乎比较满足这个要求。不过,选择一个合适python开发工具倒是费了不少周折。在windows下倒是有不少工具,但是功能强大的也不多。但是,由于日常90%的工作都转到Linux下,因此需要一个在Linux下表现良好的Python集成开发工具。 google了很多网页,看了很多评论,也亲自安装测试多个工具,最后发现wingIDE实在不错。wingIDE 是一个面向 Python 的工具,内涵的编辑器包括大量语言语法标签高亮显示、命令自动完成和函数跳转列表等功能。同时,它包含了实用的源代码浏览器,可对项目或模块进行摘要性浏 览。它具有很好的调试器设计,能及时反馈问题的根源。它的界面采用"多窗口"排列模式,仿佛是界面增强的Idle。在BioInfoServ系统下,这个 平台对于代码中的中文注释显示,已经完全没问题。您安装后,已经无需要进行设置即可完美显示。 值得一提的是,它是一个商业软件,如果使用它来进行商业开发,需购买相应的使用证书。当然,目前未发现,它可以免费使用在学术研究上。尽管如此,我们可以用gooogle搜索到windows下破解连接。而这种破解办法,对linux是有效的。 安装这个软件很简单,首先到 http://www.wingware.com/downloads/wingide 下载对应系统的安装包。BioInfoServ 4系统下,选择debian/Ubuntu Package。你也可以在 BioInfoServ站点下载 到它的专业版3.2及其 破解连接文件 。下载完成,双击打开即可安装。 启动该软件后,您会发现软件界面颜色比较难 看,如果您想改变它,由"edit"进去,选择"perference",修改"display theme"即可。而且,如有您有好看的风格文件也可添加到软件的安装目录/usr/lib/wingide3.2/bin/gtk-bin/share /themes 下。实际上,BioInfoServ 4.0系统中的gtk风格文件(/usr/share/themes)可连接至这里。然后,您到软件的设置界面中选择相应的显示风格文件即可。如下,软件 加载的TheBlues-gtk2-Emerald风格文件显示效果: 现在就可以编写代码了,编写过程中,可随时按F5键,进行调试。很不错吧,应该。
7204 次阅读|0 个评论
zhangbanglei 2011-4-11 16:33
winver---------检查Windows版本 wmimgmt.msc----打开windows管理体系结构(WMI) wupdmgr--------windows更新程序 wscript--------windows脚本宿主设置 write----------写字板 winmsd---------系统信息 wiaacmgr-------扫描仪和照相机向导 winchat--------XP自带局域网聊天 mem.exe--------显示内存使用情况 Msconfig.exe---系统配置实用程序 mplayer2-------简易widnows media player mspaint--------画图板 mstsc----------远程桌面连接 mplayer2-------媒体播放机 magnify--------放大镜实用程序 mmc------------打开控制台 mobsync--------同步命令 dxdiag---------检查DirectX信息 drwtsn32------ 系统医生 devmgmt.msc--- 设备管理器 dfrg.msc-------磁盘碎片整理程序 diskmgmt.msc---磁盘管理实用程序 dcomcnfg-------打开系统组件服务 ddeshare-------打开DDE共享设置 dvdplay--------DVD播放器 net stop messenger-----停止信使服务 net start messenger----开始信使服务 notepad--------打开记事本 nslookup-------网络管理的工具向导 ntbackup-------系统备份和还原 narrator-------屏幕“讲述人” ntmsmgr.msc----移动存储管理器 ntmsoprq.msc---移动存储管理员操作请求 netstat -an----(TC)命令检查接口 syncapp--------创建一个公文包 sysedit--------系统配置编辑器 sigverif-------文件签名验证程序 sndrec32-------录音机 shrpubw--------创建共享文件夹 secpol.msc-----本地安全策略 syskey---------系统加密,一旦加密就不能解开,保护windows xp系统的双重密码 services.msc---本地服务设置 Sndvol32-------音量控制程序 sfc.exe--------系统文件检查器 sfc /scannow---windows文件保护 tsshutdn-------60秒倒计时关机命令 tourstart------xp简介(安装完成后出现的漫游xp程序) taskmgr--------任务管理器 eventvwr-------事件查看器 eudcedit-------造字程序 explorer-------打开资源管理器 packager-------对象包装程序 perfmon.msc----计算机性能监测程序 progman--------程序管理器 regedit.exe----注册表 rsop.msc-------组策略结果集 regedt32-------注册表编辑器 rononce -p ----15秒关机 regsvr32 /u *.dll----停止dll文件运行 regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll------取消ZIP支持 cmd.exe--------CMD命令提示符 chkdsk.exe-----Chkdsk磁盘检查 certmgr.msc----证书管理实用程序 calc-----------启动计算器 charmap--------启动字符映射表 cliconfg-------SQL SERVER 客户端网络实用程序 Clipbrd--------剪贴板查看器 conf-----------启动netmeeting compmgmt.msc---计算机管理 cleanmgr-------垃圾整理 ciadv.msc------索引服务程序 osk------------打开屏幕键盘 odbcad32-------ODBC数据源管理器 oobe/msoobe /a----检查XP是否激活 lusrmgr.msc----本机用户和组 logoff---------注销命令 iexpress-------木马捆绑工具,系统自带 Nslookup-------IP地址侦测器 fsmgmt.msc-----共享文件夹管理器 utilman--------辅助工具管理器 gpedit.msc-----组策略 开始---运行---msconfig 设置启动项 control userpasswords2-----用户账户(开关机密码) gpedit.msc-----组策略 sndrec32-------录音机 Nslookup-------IP地址侦测器 explorer-------打开资源管理器 logoff---------注销命令 tsshutdn-------60秒倒计时关机命令 lusrmgr.msc----本机用户和组 services.msc---本地服务设置 oobe/msoobe /a----检查XP是否激活 notepad--------打开记事本 cleanmgr-------垃圾整理 net start messenger----开始信使服务 compmgmt.msc---计算机管理 net stop messenger-----停止信使服务 conf-----------启动netmeeting dvdplay--------DVD播放器 charmap--------启动字符映射表 diskmgmt.msc---磁盘管理实用程序 calc-----------启动计算器 dfrg.msc-------磁盘碎片整理程序 chkdsk.exe-----Chkdsk磁盘检查 devmgmt.msc--- 设备管理器 regsvr32 /u *.dll----停止dll文件运行 drwtsn32------ 系统医生 rononce -p ----15秒关机 dxdiag---------检查DirectX信息 regedt32-------注册表编辑器 Msconfig.exe---系统配置实用程序 rsop.msc-------组策略结果集 mem.exe--------显示内存使用情况 regedit.exe----注册表 winchat--------XP自带局域网聊天 progman--------程序管理器 winmsd---------系统信息 perfmon.msc----计算机性能监测程序 winver---------检查Windows版本 sfc /scannow-----扫描错误并复原 taskmgr-----任务管理器(2000/xp/2003 winver---------检查Windows版本 wmimgmt.msc----打开windows管理体系结构(WMI) wupdmgr--------windows更新程序 wscript--------windows脚本宿主设置 write----------写字板 winmsd---------系统信息 wiaacmgr-------扫描仪和照相机向导 winchat--------XP自带局域网聊天 mem.exe--------显示内存使用情况 Msconfig.exe---系统配置实用程序 mplayer2-------简易widnows media player mspaint--------画图板 mstsc----------远程桌面连接 mplayer2-------媒体播放机 magnify--------放大镜实用程序 mmc------------打开控制台 mobsync--------同步命令 dxdiag---------检查DirectX信息 drwtsn32------ 系统医生 devmgmt.msc--- 设备管理器 dfrg.msc-------磁盘碎片整理程序 diskmgmt.msc---磁盘管理实用程序 dcomcnfg-------打开系统组件服务 ddeshare-------打开DDE共享设置 dvdplay--------DVD播放器 net stop messenger-----停止信使服务 net start messenger----开始信使服务 notepad--------打开记事本 nslookup-------网络管理的工具向导 ntbackup-------系统备份和还原 narrator-------屏幕“讲述人” ntmsmgr.msc----移动存储管理器 ntmsoprq.msc---移动存储管理员操作请求 netstat -an----(TC)命令检查接口 syncapp--------创建一个公文包 sysedit--------系统配置编辑器 sigverif-------文件签名验证程序 sndrec32-------录音机 shrpubw--------创建共享文件夹 secpol.msc-----本地安全策略 syskey---------系统加密,一旦加密就不能解开,保护windows xp系统的双重密码 services.msc---本地服务设置 Sndvol32-------音量控制程序 sfc.exe--------系统文件检查器 sfc /scannow---windows文件保护 tsshutdn-------60秒倒计时关机命令 tourstart------xp简介(安装完成后出现的漫游xp程序) taskmgr--------任务管理器 eventvwr-------事件查看器 eudcedit-------造字程序 explorer-------打开资源管理器 packager-------对象包装程序 perfmon.msc----计算机性能监测程序 progman--------程序管理器 regedit.exe----注册表 rsop.msc-------组策略结果集 regedt32-------注册表编辑器 rononce -p ----15秒关机 regsvr32 /u *.dll----停止dll文件运行 regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll------取消ZIP支持 cmd.exe--------CMD命令提示符 chkdsk.exe-----Chkdsk磁盘检查 certmgr.msc----证书管理实用程序 calc-----------启动计算器 charmap--------启动字符映射表 cliconfg-------SQL SERVER 客户端网络实用程序 Clipbrd--------剪贴板查看器 conf-----------启动netmeeting compmgmt.msc---计算机管理 cleanmgr-------垃圾整理 ciadv.msc------索引服务程序 osk------------打开屏幕键盘 odbcad32-------ODBC数据源管理器 oobe/msoobe /a----检查XP是否激活 lusrmgr.msc----本机用户和组 logoff---------注销命令 iexpress-------木马捆绑工具,系统自带 Nslookup-------IP地址侦测器 fsmgmt.msc-----共享文件夹管理器 utilman--------辅助工具管理器 gpedit.msc-----组策略
1852 次阅读|0 个评论
建立你的第一个ACIS程序框架 windows console
thomaschoo2011 2011-4-6 19:22
Building as a Standalone ApplicationCreate a batch file which sets the following environment variables: A3DT, ARCH, and PATH. An example of such a batch file is shown below: Choose from the two options below Option 1: Open the Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt window by selecting: StartAll ProgramsMicrosoft Visual Studio 2005Visual Studio ToolsVisual Studio 2005 Command Prompt .Drop the batch file created in the previous step into the command window and select Enter . Option 2: Add the following line to the batch file created in Step 1:C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat. An example of such a batch file is shown below and follow the next steps. Select Start in the lower left corner of your screen.Select Run ; this opens a new Run window:Typecmdin the window as shown below: Drag and drop the batch file created using the above steps in the newly launched command window.Choose Enter . This runs the batch file and sets the required paths needed to build an ACIS-based console application.Typedevenvin the command window.Select FileNewProject or enter Ctrl+Shift+NSelect Win32 from the Visual C++ Option and Win32 Console Application from Templates; enter an appropriate name and location, and then select OK . This creates a stock project: for example,MyfirstAcisProject The Win32 Application Wizard pops up; select Next .From the menu Application Settings Application , select "Console application". From Additional options , select "Empty project". Finally, select Finish .Under Project , select Add New Item… .In the Add New Item window, select Code for the category.Choose C++ file (.cpp) as the template to use. Provide the desired name and location.Select Add .Next, setup the project settings. Open the Property Pages by selecting the project name under the Solution Explorer. Enter Alt-F7 or right click and select "Properties". The following image is a sample Project Properties screen. Note: Make certain that this is the properties screen for the project and not an item in the project. Now expand the Configuration Properties and select C/C++ from the resulting list.Select the Configuration Manager button and set the Active Solution configuration as follows and then select Close .Release (if ARCH=NT_VC8_DLL)Debug (if ARCH=NT_VC8_DLLD)Expand the C/C++ list and select General and enter $(A3DT)/include in the "Additional Include Directories" field.Next select the "Preprocessor" option from the C/C++ tree and append NT_VC8_DLL(or NT_VC8_DLLD), ACIS_DLL, SPA_NO_AUTO_LINK.Expand the "linker" tree and select the General option and enter $(A3DT)/lib/$(ARCH) in the "Additional Library Directories" field.Next select the Input option and enter the following libraries in the "Additional Dependencies" field: SPAAcis.lib SpaLicErrGUI.lib.Select Apply , then OK .Copy the code sample below into the CPP file.Select Build/Rebuild Solution (Ctrl+Alt+F7) .Your program is ready to use. Make certain to add the license key to begin making calls to the ACIS functions.Code to Copy into CPP File Code to Copy into CPP File for Building as a Standalone Application Licensing Headers The following code is the licensing header and sample ACIS calls. #include "license.hxx" #include "spa_unlock_result.hxx" #include "spa_lic_err_gui.hxx" Sample ACIS calls to create a sphere and then to write it into a SAT file: #include "position.hxx" #include "body.hxx" #include "cstrapi.hxx" // SAMPLE // Create an Entity List to add entities ENTITY_LIST entityList; // Create Sphere // BODY* sphere = NULL; api_solid_sphere(SPAposition(30, 30, 30), 10, sphere,NULL); entityList.add(sphere); // Create sat File // create_sat_file (entityList, "MyFirstAcisProject.sat"); // End SAMPLE
个人分类: 开源库|3226 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]fedora 安装 windows字体
uubird 2011-3-27 12:21
1.将 windows 字体拷贝到/usr/share/fonts/truetype下面, 文件 夹名字可以随便起 sudo cp /media/c/WINDOWS/Fonts/* /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ 默认字体权限应该是755,如果不是的话,手动更改下 sudo chmod 755 * 2.在/usr/share/fonts/truetype下面运行 sudo mkfontscale sudo mkfontdir 3.运行 sudo fc-cache -fv,刷新字体缓存。 另外的方法 http://blog.linuxeden.com/index.php/225479/viewspace-7764 1. 在/usr/share/fonts/chinese/TrueType目录下创建msfonts目录 2. 拷贝windows下的simsun.ttf和msgothic.ttc两个字体文件到/usr/share/fonts/chinese/TrueType/msfonts目录 3. cd /usr/share/fonts/chinese/TrueType/msfonts 4. 运行ttmkfdir命令 5. cp fonts.dir fonts.scale 6. 替换fonts.conf(内容见后面叙述) 7. 重新登录,看看显示效果吧!
个人分类: linux|750 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Windows XP下安装GMT
热度 1 zheyang 2011-3-23 15:53
GMT − The Generic Mapping Tools data processing and display software package GMT is a collection of public-domain Unix tools that allows you to manipulate x,y and x,y,z data sets (filtering, trend fitting, gridding, projecting, etc.) and produce PostScript illustrations ranging from simple x-y plots, via contour maps, to artificially illuminated surfaces and 3-D perspective views in black/white or full color. Linear, log10, and power scaling is supported in addition to 25 common map projections. The processing and display routines within GMT are completely general and will handle any (x,y) or (x,y,z) data as input.Significantly improved versions (3.1-3.3, 3.3.1-6), 3.4, 3.4.1-5, and 4.0-4.5.3 were released between November 1998 and July 2010, culminating in the Mar 2011 introduction of 4.5.6. GMT now is used by 15,000 users worldwide in a broad range of disciplines. The homepage of GMT is http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/gmt/ The installation for windowsis as follows: Reprint from the website 1.准备文件如下 (文件下载网址:http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/) netcdf-4.1.1 GMT_basic_install.exe GMT_pdf_install.exe GSHHS_highfull_install.exe 2.执行安装以下文件 (以安装到D盘为例) GMT_basic_install.exe GMT_pdf_install.exe GSHHS_highfull_install.exe 此时会在D:\GMT目录下产生有以下文件夹:bin include lib share 3.把netcdf-4.1.1文件拷到D:\GMT目录下 (解压netcdf 后的文件) 4.把D:\GMT\share下所有 *.d; *.cdf; *.ps 文件及conf文件夹下的所有文件拷到D:\GMT目录下 5.在D:\GMT目录下创建gmt.bat文件 目的:设置GMTHOME,HOME 和 NETCDF,修改PATH,LIB,INCLUDE下面是gmt.bat文件的内容,拷贝下来再,保存为gmt.bat, 然后根据自己的情况加以修改,这里以上面创建的目录为例。 gmt.bat文件的内容如下: ECHO OFF REM ---------------------------------------------------- REM REM @(#)gmtenv.bat 1.10 03/08/00 REM REM Copyright (c) 1991-2000 by P. Wessel and W. H. F. Smith REM See COPYING file for copying and redistribution conditions. REM REM This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify REM it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by REM the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. REM REM This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, REM but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of REM MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the REM GNU General Public License for more details. REM REM Contact info: www.soest.hawaii.edu/gmt REM -------------------------------------------------------------------- REM REM Sets the GMT environment needed under WinXP. REM REM Author: Paul Wessel, 07-MAR-2000 REM REM ---------------------------------------------------- REM Set NETCDF, GMTHOME, and HOME: REM ---------------------------------------------------- SET NETCDF=d:\GMT\netcdf-4.1.1 SET GMTHOME=d:\GMT SET HOME=d:\GMT REM ---------------------------------------------------- REM Must set INCLUDE and LIB if GMT source is to be used REM OR compiled. If not, REM these lines out. REM ---------------------------------------------------- SET INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;%NETCDF%\INCLUDE SET LIB=%LIB%;%NETCDF%\LIB;%GMTHOME%\LIB REM ---------------------------------------------------- REM STOP HERE, Now appending to PATH: REM ---------------------------------------------------- SET PATH=%PATH%;%GMTHOME%\BIN;%NETCDF%\LIB REM ---------------------------------------------------- ECHO GMT 4.5.2 Environment initialized doskey 6.进入DOS,在DOS下进入D:\GMT执行gmt.bat,显示如下: D:\GMTgmt.bat D:\GMTECHO OFF GMT 4.5.2 Environment initialized 此时可输入一个命令psxy等进行测试,如果出现此命令的说明,则表示成功了。 7.此外gawk也是window下常用程序,可以在下面网站下载 http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/gawk.htm 下载后,安装在D:\GMT 目录下(可以安装在任何目录下),只要把D:\GMT\GnuWin32\bin下面的所有文件拷贝到 D:\GMT\bin 下就可以了。 8.PS查看器ghostview的安装 在安装Ghostview前先安装Ghostscript,这两个软件都可以网上自由获取 http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/ 按先后顺序依次安装,可以安装在任何一个文件夹。安装后把gs\gs8.63\bin 下的gswin32.exe可执行文件和Ghostgum\gsview下的gsview32.exe可执行文件拷贝到D:\GMT\bin 下即可。 近来初学GMT软件,在Win下先尝试安装了该软件,安装过程中借鉴了很多网上分享的资料,对一些作者表示感谢。
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