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专题讨论班:Bosonization---construction from bottom(陈帅)
GrandFT 2017-12-16 22:33
题目: Bosonization---a primary construction from the bottom up 主讲 : 陈帅 时间:2017年12月17日(星期日)上午10:00 地点:天津大学新校区32教学楼302室 1D systems shed its special charm especially for theorists of condensed matter. One key point is the method bosonization that can give exact low-energy solutions for many systems, such as spin chains, 1D fermi gas and so on. In this lecture, I will deliver the concept of Bosonization explicitly via conventioal examples. You are welcome! Reference: Quantum Physics in One Dimension by Thierry Giamarchi
个人分类: 专题讨论班|1991 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 skylark1981 2014-7-8 14:29
这个博客讲述最直接的波色化(Bosonization)的构造方法。考虑这样的算子$\phi$, 它有这样的性质: $$\boxed{e^{i\alpha \phi(x)} e^{i\beta \phi(y)} = e^{i\alpha \phi(x)+i\beta \phi(y)} (x-y + i\epsilon)^{\alpha\beta}} $$ 其中$\alpha$, $\beta$为任意实数,$\phi = \phi^\dagger$ --- 这是因为它和相位有关。 定义场算子 $$\boxed{\psi = e^{i\phi}}$$ 我们证明它是费米子。 证明: 我们需要用到下面的结果 $$ = ic(x-y)$$ 其中,$c(x-y) \sim i \ln(x-y+i\epsilon)$。 我们需要利用这个等式, $$e^A e^B = e^{A+B+ /2}$$ 计算下面的对易关系 $$\{\psi(x), \psi^\dagger(y)\} = \psi(x) \psi^\dagger(y) + \psi^\dagger(y)\psi(x) = e^{D} (x-y+i\epsilon)^{-1} + e^{D} (y-x+i\epsilon)^{-1} = \delta(x-y)$$ 其中 $D = i\phi(x) -i\phi(y)$。显然,它满足费米子的要求。 另外 $$\{\psi(x), \psi(y)\} = \psi(x) \psi(y) + \psi(y)\psi(x) = e^{K} (x-y+i\epsilon)^{+1} + e^{K} (y-x+i\epsilon)^{+1} = i\epsilon (\cdots) = 0$$ 其中 $K = i\phi(x) +i\phi(y)$。 结果前面的结果,显然$\psi$是费米子。 那么,如果用波色子构造$\phi$,也是直接的。假设 $$\phi = \sum_q f_q e^{iqx} b_q + f_q^* e^{-iqx} b_q^\dagger$$ 说白了就是傅立叶变化,但是这里$b_q$是波色子。显然,$\phi = \phi^\dagger$。 所以我们有 $$c(x-y) = = \sum_q f_q f_q^* e^{iq(x-y)} - f_q^* f_q e^{iq(y-x)}$$ 我们假设$f_q = A/\sqrt{|q|}$。显然,$c^\dagger =-c$。如果我们假设$q = {2\pi n \over L}$, 那么上面的结果等于 $$c \sim \sum_{n \ne 0} e^{-a|n|} (e^{i2\pi(x-y)/L} - e^{-i2\pi(x-y)/L})/|n| \sim \ln(x-y+ia)$$ (to be continued tomorrow)
5853 次阅读|1 个评论

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