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热度 1 孙学军 2009-2-10 20:25
氧化应激与糖尿病、高血压和动脉硬化等都有关系,氢气具有还原作用,该研究观察饮用含氢气水对二型糖尿病或糖耐量异常患者脂肪和葡萄糖代谢。采用随机、双盲和安慰剂对照,实验对象包括 30 名二型糖尿病患者采用饮食和运动疗法, 6 名糖耐量异常患者。实验对象连续饮用 900 毫升含氢气水或者对照水(不含氢气) 8 周,对各种氧化指标、血脂指标进行了检测,结果发现含氢气水可使血液中 LDL ,尿液中 8- 异构前列腺素显著降低。 6 名糖耐量异常患者,含氢气水使其中 4 名糖耐量恢复正常。因此,该研究表明,含氢气水对糖尿病具有一定治疗效果。 这是目前唯一的人类为研究对象的论文。研究的方法比较简单,严格讲,不能算糖尿病,只是高血糖患者。饮用含氢水8周,2月后。发现患者的血糖有明显降低,胰岛素有一定升高。很奇怪。 Oxidative stress is recognized widely as being associated with various disorders including diabetes, hypertension, and atherosclerosis. It is well established that hydrogen has a reducing action. We therefore investigated the effects of hydrogen-rich water intake on lipid and glucose metabolism in patients with either type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). We performed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study in 30 patients with T2DM controlled by diet and exercise therapy and 6 patients with IGT. The patients consumed either 900 mL/d of hydrogen-rich pure water or 900 mL of placebo pure water for 8 weeks, with a 12-week washout period. Several biomarkers of oxidative stress, insulin resistance, and glucose metabolism, assessed by an oral glucose tolerance test, were evaluated at baseline and at 8 weeks. Intake of hydrogen-rich water was associated with significant decreases in the levels of modified low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (ie, modifications that increase the net negative charge of LDL), small dense LDL, and urinary 8-isoprostanes by 15.5% (P b .01), 5.7% (P b .05), and 6.6% (P b .05), respectively. Hydrogen-rich water intake was also associated with a trend of decreased serum concentrations of oxidized LDL and free fatty acids, and increased plasma levels of adiponectin and extracellular-superoxide dismutase. In 4 of 6 patients with IGT, intake of hydrogen-rich water normalized the oral glucose tolerance test. In conclusion, these results suggest that supplementation with hydrogen-rich water may have a beneficial role in prevention of T2DM and insulin resistance. 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 全文
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