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热度 2 jimmy198360 2011-12-27 10:23
我个人对年轻的koonin先生(1983年获得莫斯科国立大学获得分子生物学phd PhD Molecular Biology (1983)Moscow State University )在分子进化生物学领域做出的成绩敬仰不异。有位进化生物学研究老前辈(其实也不是很老,依然健在)说过,离开进化生物学,生物学无法make sense (关注进化论的朋友肯定很了解,好像是杜布赞斯基说的).因此进行生物学研究的朋友可以多看看koonin先生的工作,当然还有其他牛人的工作. 1980年代末开始发表了一系列卓越的研究成果,90年代初奔赴美国,并扎根NCBI(美国国立生物信息中心),这里的数据库搜集 和汇聚了全世界的绝大部分的生物分子信息,koonin通过分析整理这些数据,发表了连续的从分子生物学和进化角度阐明生命进化之树的卓越的优秀论文,并创立和参与多种期刊的工作,比如《BMC biology direct》,并开创了实名同行论文评议机制。 下图照片中,中间身材瘦小头大的就是koonin先生! 现在他带领一个卓越的团队在作战! http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/CBBresearch/Koonin/index.html Eugene V. Koonin Senior Investigator National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) National Library of Medicine (NLM) National Institutes of Health (NIH) Principal Research InterestsWe are interested in understanding the evolution of life. To obtain glimpses of such understanding, we employ existing and new methods of computational biology to perform research in several major areas. Empirical comparative and evolutionary genomics: comparison of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes with the aim of predicting gene functions, constructing evolutionary scenarios for particular gene families and functional categories, and deciphering general evolutionary trends. An evolutionary phenomenon we are particularly interested in is horizontal gene transfer between diverse organisms, in particular, from prokaryotes to eukaryotes and vice versa. One of the important outcomes of research in this area is the system of Clusters of Orthologous Genes (COGs). Exploration of the "Phylogenetic Forest": comparative analysis of phylogenetic trees for individual genes and identification of common trends between them. Development of more comprehensive approaches to the representation of genome evolution that combine tree-like and net-like trends. Exploitation of genome comparisons, particularly, those between relatively close genomes, for addressing fundamental issues of evolutionary biology such as the nature and intensity of adaptation and selection in different categories of genes and different organismal lineages. Classification and evolutionary analysis of protein domains and domain architectures. An important dimension in this type of research is discovery of "new" domains that are shared by many diverse proteins but have not been defined previously. Origin and evolution of viruses. General physical principles of evolution. 更多相关不相关文章: 打开中国困局的钥匙 2--- 走出学术界与教育改革的泥淖 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=241376do=blogid=508048 ; 打开中国困局的钥匙 1--- 迷茫的中国 http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=241376do=blogid=508042 让“公平”飞一会!步子太大容易扯着蛋! http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=241376do=blogid=517645 博士生的“吃饭研究”---兼与饶、施、王、邓等教授商榷学术改革 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=241376do=blogid=511825 国内人才低层次、后娘养?特权横行无正义的国家和学界有希望? http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=241376do=blogid=516289 中国人把院士制度弄成了造"神"的制度 http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=241376do=blogid=516727
3623 次阅读|2 个评论
xupeiyang 2011-12-13 04:53
请进 http://scienceblog.com/ More than 9 million U.S. adults lost health coverage during recession Cancer risk in Northern Ireland lower than the Republic of Ireland How house paint pollutants make it into the environment Expanding dead zones shrinking tropical blue marlin habitat Researchers identify a novel therapeutic approach for liver cancer New leads on mechanisms that confer virulence to E.coli-type bacteria Potential of anti-stress peptide to block alcohol dependence Researchers create Alzheimer’s antibodies Breast cancer patients face increasing number of imaging visits before surgery New disinfection technique could revolutionize hospital room cleaning Baby lab reveals surprisingly early gift of gab Swarms of bees could unlock secrets to human brains Slow road to stability for emulsions A lake fauna in a shot-glass
个人分类: 科学博客|1341 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Concomitant MMRV, Prevnar Safe for Healthy Infants
xuxiaxx 2011-12-9 13:15
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Dec 05 - Administering a child's first dose of the measles, mumps, rubella and varicella (MMRV) vaccine together with the pneumococcal vaccine is "highly immunogenic and generally well tolerated," a new study shows. In the U.S., up to 95% of four- to six-year olds receive two doses of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, but just 65% to 70% receive two doses of the varicella vaccine, Dr. Michael Leonardi of Palmetto Pediatrics in North Charleston, South Carolina and his colleagues wrote in a paper published online November 28 in Pediatrics. Merck Co's MMRV vaccine combines the two vaccines, but the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices does not recommend MMRV over MMR plus varicella vaccine for the first dose because of a "small increase" in febrile seizure risk, according to Dr. Leonardi and his team. There is no increased risk seen with the second dose, so MMRV is preferred. Pfizer's pneumococcal 7-valent conjugate vaccine (PCV-7), released as Prevnar in 2000, is currently recommended for children two to 23 months of age in a four-dose series, with another dose recommended for healthy children 24 to 59 months of age who have not completed the dosing schedule. Children may thus receive the PCV-7 and the MMRV concomitantly at 12 months of age and at 4 to 6 years. To investigate the safety of concomitant dosing in younger children, the researchers enrolled 1,027 healthy 12- to 15-month olds who had already received three doses of PCV-7 but had no clinical or vaccination histories for measles, mumps, rubella, or varicella. The children were assigned on a 2:1:1 ratio to receive the MMRV and PCV-7 at the same time; the PCV-7 followed six weeks later by the MMRV; or the MMRV followed by the PCV-7 six months later. In all three groups, the antibody response rate was at least 96.8% for measles, mumps and rubella; at least 88% for varicella; and at least 98.3% for all seven Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes. During 56 days of follow-up, there were no serious vaccine-related events, according to the authors. They report that 82.5% of children who received the MMRV and PCV-7 at the same time had one or more adverse events, compared to 85.2% of children in the other two groups combined. Rates of systemic adverse events were 71.1% and 74.2%, respectively, while injection site adverse events occurred in 48% and 52.3%, respectively. About 22% of children in each group developed a fever of 102.2 or higher, which was the most common vaccine-related systemic adverse event. The most frequent local adverse events were redness, swelling, and pain, lasting less than three days. The incidence of serious adverse events was 0.6% when MMRV and PCV-7 were given together, and 0.8% with the other two protocols combined. "Concomitant administration of MMRV and PCV-7 is highly immunogenic and generally well tolerated," the authors conclude. "Similar immune responses between the groups evaluated support concomitant administration of MRRV and PCV-7 to healthy children 12 to 15 months of age." Funding for the study was provided by Merck, which also contributed to the study design, analysis, and execution. Merck also reviewed the next to last draft of the paper. SOURCE: http://bit.ly/ss6Zs0 Pediatrics 2011;128:e1387-e1394. 来源: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/754751
1424 次阅读|0 个评论
How to become a health economist?
热度 2 amelielele 2011-12-6 23:43
以下这段文字写给自己和师妹们,希望能够一直更新。或是我做得好的,希望大家也做好的,或是我做得不足的,但是个人认为是必要的。 1. Handbook of health economics. 感觉虽然一直声称自己在研究卫生经济学,但是并没有经过系统的卫生经济学理论的培训,而又未花费大功夫沉下心来进行自学,仅是看文献如果缺少系统的理论培训常会有捉襟见肘的感觉,更重要的是当你费尽心思去寻找一个理论的发展过程时,其实这样的工作已经有人做过了,比如在这本书中关于卫生支出增长方面的理论,作者都是那么的熟悉。不过既然是Handbook,阅读起来一定会太耗时了,看看目录,希望你有对什么方面已经被研究过有个大概的了解。 下载地址:http://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-845375-1-1.html 2.学会使用EndNote。学会如何进行文献管理可以大大减轻我们撰写期刊论文,毕业论文的时间,提高我们的写作效率。中国科技大学罗昭锋老师精通一系统信息文献管理软件,精心讲解录制成学习视频供学生们免费学习,个人感觉受益匪浅,学习了EndNote,RSS,NoteExpress等,接下来的几个小点都来自于这一渠道,通过这一系列的学习,我的感慨是,科技发展的速度远远超出你的想象,一定要在有生之年全部掌握他们。 其个人博客:http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=304685 视频下载地址 : google“生命科学实验中心论坛 ” 3.学会使用RSS。
个人分类: 科研工具|2826 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载]The Criminalization of Abortion is an Abuse of State Power
xuxiaxx 2011-11-1 08:59
The United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health presented a report to the UN that unequivocally tells governments they must remove laws that criminalize abortion. This is not the first time a branch of the UN has recommended reforming restrictive abortion laws to protect women’s human rights but it will be the first time that governments at the UN will be told loud and clear that these laws are an abuse of State power and there are no excuses for their continued existence. This report has the potential to change the way we talk about abortion at the UN, in our parliaments and in our health, human rights, feminist, legal and development organizations because, finally, the right questions are being asked in the UN human rights system. How are criminal laws used as a tool of the State to infringe upon women and girls’ autonomy, dignity, self-determination and decision-making? How do laws and policies related to sexual and reproductive health and rights perpetuate gender inequality and disempower women and girls? Why are criminal laws applied to a health service when the evidence plainly demonstrates only harmful consequences for doing so? What are the impacts of the criminalization of abortion on women’s and girls’ human rights? By asking these questions, the Special Rapporteur succeeds in shifting the focus away from women having to explaining why they should be allowed to have abortions in particular circumstances, over to its rightful place of scrutinizing governments for violating women’s and girls’ human rights through the maintenance of these laws and policies. The Special Rapporteur analyzes the recommendations and evidence from several different human rights bodies to answer these questions. He logically concludes that laws and policies that criminalize and restrict access to sexual and reproductive health information, supplies and services, including abortion, are unsupportable in international law and must be immediately eliminated. This is not a new analysis for anyone affected by these criminal laws or for anyone working to improve access to abortion care, however, coming from an independent expert mandated by the UN to investigate human rights abuses, it provides an opportunity to change the discourse on abortion in forums where policy and legal decisions are made. In order to bring about this fundamental change in the way we understand the function of abortion laws, advocates from health, human rights, legal, development, equality and feminist organizations need to work together to pool their expertise to demand accountability from Governments on this issue. This can happen in national, regional and international courts, parliaments, the UN human rights bodies, national human rights institutions and any other venue that challenges the exercise of Government control over its citizens. The criminalization of abortion must be considered suspect and antithetical to human rights as we now consider the death penalty or torture to be but it will take our collective knowledge, experience, energy and expertise to get to the stage where Governments are consistently called to account for their role in violating women’s and girls’ rights to health. So, start talking to your local women’s organizations, human rights organizations, health care providers, public representatives, public interest law firms and your Government’s development agency and health and foreign affairs ministries about this report and how you can use it to stop your Government from violating women’s and girls’ rights. Source : RH Reality Check, Meghan Doherty, 25 October 2011 来源: http://www.ippf.org/en/News/Intl+news/The+Criminalization+of+Abortion+is+an+Abuse+of+State+Power.htm
1310 次阅读|0 个评论
zhangcnd 2011-10-20 06:39
几个文件供政策研究同行参考。 Novigien Health Care Act of Public Health ACT.pdf Discussion-paper-EN.pdf Discussion-paper-EN.pdf
个人分类: 未分类|1257 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Vitamin Supplements Associated With Increased Risk for Death
xuxiaxx 2011-10-12 13:52
In women aged 55 to 69 years, several widely used dietary vitamin and mineral supplements, especially supplemental iron, may be associated with increased risk for death, according to new findings from the Iowa Women's Health Study. Although many vitamin supplements did not appear to be associated with a higher risk for total mortality, several were, including multivitamins, vitamins B 6 , and folic acid, as well as minerals iron, magnesium, zinc, and copper. Jaakko Mursu, PhD, from the Department of Health Sciences, Institute of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition at the University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio, Finland, and colleagues reported their findings in the October 10 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine . "Supplements are widely used, and further studies regarding their health effects are needed," Dr. Mursu and colleagues write. "Also, little is known about the long-term effects of multivitamin use and less commonly used supplements, such as iron and other minerals." The current study sought to evaluate the link between supplement use and total mortality rate, using data from the Iowa Women's Health Study. A total of 38,772 older women were included in the analysis. Women were aged between 55 to 69 years, with an average of 61.6 years at the beginning of the study in 1986. Self-reported data on vitamin supplement use were collected in 1986, 1997, and 2004. A total of 15,594 deaths were reported through December 31, 2008, representing about 40% of the initial participants. The use of multivitamins overall was associated with 2.4% increased absolute risk for death (hazard ratio, 1.06; 95% confidence interval, 1.02 - 1.10). Self-reported use of dietary supplements increased substantially between 1986 and 2004. In addition, supplement users had a higher educational level, were more physically active, and were more likely to use estrogen replacement therapy. Vitamin B 6 , folic acid, iron, magnesium, and zinc were associated with about a 3% to 6% increased risk for death, whereas copper was associated with an 18.0% increased risk for total mortality when compared with corresponding nonuse. In contrast, use of calcium was inversely related to risk for death (hazard ratio, 0.91; 95% confidence interval, 0.88 - 0.94; absolute risk reduction, 3.8%). The researchers assessed the findings for iron and calcium in more detailed analyses conducted during shorter periods (10-year, 6-year, and 4-year follow-up) and found results similar to those for the analyses conducted during the entire time. "In agreement with our hypothesis, most of the supplements studied were not associated with a reduced total mortality rate in older women," Dr. Mursu and colleagues conclude. "In contrast, we found that several commonly used dietary vitamin and mineral supplements, including multivitamins, vitamins B 6 , and folic acid, as well as minerals iron, magnesium, zinc, and copper, were associated with a higher risk of total mortality." "Although we cannot rule out benefits of supplements, such as improved quality of life, our study raises a concern regarding their long-term safety," the authors add. In a related editorial, Goran Bjelakovic, MD, DMSc, and Christian Gluud, MD, DMSc, from the Centre for Clinical Intervention Research, Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Group, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark, note that the current study adds "to the growing evidence demonstrating that certain antioxidant supplements, such as vitamin E, vitamin A, and beta-carotene, can be harmful." "We cannot recommend the use of vitamin and mineral supplements as a preventive measure, at least not in a well-nourished population," they add. "Those supplements do not replace or add to the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables and may cause unwanted health consequences." Arch Intern Med . 2011;171:1625-1634. 来 源 : http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/751263
1475 次阅读|0 个评论
xuxiaxx 2011-10-9 08:50
Regular Exercise Can Boost Health in Patients With CKD Declining physical fitness is common among people with chronic kidney disease (CKD), but a new meta-analysis published online October 5 in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews provides evidence showing that regular exercise can significantly improve physical fitness, cardiovascular measures, some nutritional parameters, and health-related quality of life. The results apply to patients across the spectrum, from those with early chronic kidney disease lasting more than 3 months, to those on dialysis, to those who received kidney transplants. Susanne Heiwe, PhD, and Stefan H. Jacobson, MD, PhD, from the Department of Medicine and Clinical Sciences, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, reviewed the evidence. They write: " n adults with CKD the following exercise regimen is recommended: four to six months supervised, regular (three sessions/week), high intensity mixed cardiovascular and resistance training lasting 30 to 90 minutes. To maintain this peak effect the patient has to continue with the regular exercise training intervention." Improvement in several areas of physical fitness, particularly aerobic capacity (24 studies, 847 participants; standardized mean difference (SMD), − 0.56; 95% confidence interval , − 0.70 to − 0.42) and walking capacity (7 studies, 191 participants; SMD, − 0.36; 95% CI, − 0.65 to − 0.06) was striking. Cardiovascular benefits were also demonstrated for the following dimensions: resting diastolic blood pressure: 11 studies, 419 participants (mean difference method , 2.32 mm Hg; 95% CI, 0.59 - 4.05 mm Hg); resting systolic blood pressure: 9 studies, 347 participants (MD, 6.08 mm Hg; 95% CI, 2.15 - 10.12 mm Hg); heart rate, 11 studies, 229 participants (MD, 6 bpm; 95% CI, 10 - 2 bpm); some nutritional parameters: albumin: 3 studies, 111 participants (MD, − 2.28 g /L; 95% CI, − 4.25 to 0.32 g/L); prealbumin: 3 studies, 111 participants (MD, − 44.02 mg Cl; 95% CI, − 71.52 to 16.53 mg Cl; energy intake: 4 studies, 97 participants (SMD, − 0.47; 95% CI, − 0.88 to − 0.05); and health-related quality of life. Statistically significant improvement in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol was shown with regular exercise, regardless of type, intensity, length of intervention, or supervision (4 studies, 166 participants; MD − 0.14 mmol/L MD; 95% CI, − 23 - 0.04 mmol/L; P = .005), but there were no significant changes in triglycerides, total cholesterol, or fasting blood glucose. The authors searched the Cochrane Renal Group's specialized register, which encompasses studies in all languages. They selected reviews of any randomized controlled trial that enrolled adults with CKD or kidney transplant in physical exercise programs for a minimum of 8 weeks. They excluded studies involving interventions that lasted less than 8 weeks, those only advising an increase in physical activity, and studies in which co-interventions were not applied or given to both groups. Forty-five studies that randomly assigned 1863 patients to groups were included in this review. Of these, 32 satisfied criteria for meta-analysis. Interventions in those studies covered a range of exercise regimens, including cardiovascular training, mixed cardiovascular and resistance training, resistance-only training, and yoga. To be included in the review, the exercise regimen had to be at least 20 minutes long, but the investigators included studies on both high- and low-intensity exercise and studies on both supervised and unsupervised regimens Of 14 studies reporting compliance with exercise, 11 studies found high compliance, 1 had moderate compliance, and none reported low compliance. Only 1 study reported exercise-induced injuries. The investigators flagged several areas as having an insufficient research base. These include attention to muscular endurance, muscle morphology and morphometrics, physical function (such as stair climbing), other cardiovascular dimensions (eg, arrhythmias), muscle mass, systemic inflammation, level of physical activity in daily living, depression, lipids, glucose metabolism, drop-out rates, compliance, adverse events, and mortality. In addition, the authors recommend study of the effects of exercise vs drug treatment (eg, statins), or as a compliment to statins. The preponderance of research has addressed cardiovascular exercise, and the authors state that future research should give a high priority to assessing the effects of resistance training interventions, either alone or in combination with cardiovascular exercise training. 来源: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/751229
1132 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]The Lancet Conference on Women's Health in Asia
xupeiyang 2010-8-25 07:21
E-news 02 | http://conferences.thelancet.com/womens-health-asia With the theme of Cutting edge clinical updates in obstetrics and gynaecology, The Lancet Conference on Women's Health in Asia will bring together world-leading experts to review the latest research and to debate the most effective strategies for improved sexual health and the diagnosis, treatment, and management of disorders affecting women. Presentations will include: Development of ART in China - Jie Qiao, Peking University Hospital, China Polycystic ovary syndrome - what perspective matters? - Robert Norman, University of Adelaide, Australia Medical abortion in the first trimester - Pak Chung Ho, University of Hong Kong, China Emergency contraception - Linan Cheng, Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research, China Postpartum depression - Shi Wu Wen, University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine, Canada Gestational diabetes - Oded Langer, St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center, USA Pelvic organ prolapse - what is it? - J Eric Jelovsek, Cleveland Clinic, USA Reconstructive pelvic surgery - Lan Zhu, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, China Climacteric differences in Asians and Chinese women - Suzanne Ho, University of Hong Kong, China Endometrial cancer: diagnosis and new treatment - Noriaki Sakuragi, Hokkaido University, Japan Role of HPV testing in cervical cancer screening - Hextan Ngan, University of Hong Kong, Queen Mary Hospital Laparscopic radical hysterectomy for cervical cancer - Allan Covens, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center Intimate partner violence - Agnes Tiwari, University of Hong Kong Early bird registration NOW OPEN! Register at: http://conferences.thelancet.com/womens-health-asia/content/registration For the full programme visit the conference website at: http://conferences.thelancet.com/wha/content/programme-overview Organised by: Co-organised by: In collaboration with: Supported by:
个人分类: 女性健康|2600 次阅读|0 个评论
The Conceptual Structures and Thematic Trends of Health Literacy Research
xupeiyang 2010-8-23 13:48
The Conceptual Structures and Thematic Trends of Health Literacy Research : A Multiple-Perspective of Document Co-Citation Analysis Du Jian 1 , Xu Peiyang 1 , Zhang Shijing 2 Du Jian, Xu Peiyang Institute of Medical Information Library Chinese Academy of Medical Science Peking Union Medical College Beijing,China e-mail:windowsdujian@163.com xupeiyang@vip.163.com Zhang Shijing Department of Medical Informatics Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan,China e-mail:zhangsj9999@163.com Abstract The conceptual structures and thematic trends of health literacy research(1995-2010) are identified using a multiple-perspective of document co-citation analysis method, namely, labeling co-citation clusters from both cited and citing items. Comparative analysis show that authors tend to choose broader-term labels when manually reading and analyzing cited references to a cluster, whereas algorithmically chosen terms from citing items tend to be more specific and narrowed. Combined with author co-citation analysis using WoS data, co-authorship analysis using data from PubMed and co-words analysis of both descriptors and Identifiers using CiteSpace, We discover that mental health literacy and functional health literacy are two separated research area in health literacy research and practice. And another two most active areas of research in recent years are also indentified. Keywords- A multiple-perspective co-citation analysis; health literacy; cluster labels; conceptual structures; thematic trends (全文待发表) 健康素养研究的概念结构和主题趋势:一种多视角文档共被引分析 The Conceptual Structures and Thematic Trends of Health Literacy Research: A Multiple-Perspective of Document Co-Citation Analysis 研究思路主要来源于陈超美2010年刚刚在JASIST(Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology)上发表的一篇论文,引入了多视角共被引分析这一概念。由于之前的共被引分析在标识聚类的时候总是以高被引文献(cited items)为来源,而多视角共被引分析强调不仅以高被引文献为来源,还要同时考虑这一共被引聚类的施引文献(citing items to each cluster)。因为施引文献在更大程度上表针了研究前沿。以健康素养领域的文献为对象,同时应用这两种视角进行了聚类分析,并确定了类的标识(前者通过人工阅读、分析高被引文献,后者通过citespace软件自动生成,从施引文献的title中用LLR算法抽取),结果发现:两种视角得到的聚类标识基本上一致,但是后者往往比前者更具体,更细化,这一点和陈超美的研究结论相一致。在研究健康素养这一领域的概念结构的时候,发现精神健康素养和功能性健康素养是两大相独立的研究领域。
个人分类: 信息分析|3478 次阅读|1 个评论
好博文:Health Literacy - A Communication View
xupeiyang 2010-3-14 16:13
http://www.scienceblog.com/cms/blog/9557-health-literacy-communication-view.html Health Literacy - A Communication View 12 Mar 2010 Posted by cern ? Health is not only needs of humans, but also needs of social development and economic development. In order to improve the health of citizens and promote public health, we should offer a strong support on medical treatment and emphasize on the prevention is greater than curing concept. As China is a country with increasingly aged people and has a a higher prevalence rate on chronic diseases , this idea is particularly important to our country. Health education and health promotion are the ideas of this type. They help on the improvement of public health through education and communication with nations, while the latter even includes comprehensive measures such as environment support and policy support. One of the means of health promotion is to enhance health literacy. World Health Organization in the Sixth Global Conference on Health Promotion published the Bangkok Charter which says To make further advances in implementing these strategies, all sectors and settings must act to: build capacity for policy development, leadership, health promotion practice, knowledge transfer and research, and health literacy. Health literacy means that individuals can obtain, interpret and understand basic health information and services, and use related information and services to promote the health of individuals. Health can be divided into physical health and mental health, so I put the corresponding concept of physical health literacy and mental health literacy in order to study. Through health education, improving health literacy to reach health promotion, this procedure is closely related to the health communication. Research on how to improve health literacy has a very important practical significance. In the view of communication this article focuses on health literacy particularly the enhancement of health literacy, with a hope to draw relevant experience in enhancing health literacy. Through the analysis and presentation of health, health education, health promotion, health literacy and health communication, the introduction of different types of classic health promotion cases and health literacy enhancing cases, I adopt communication theory to analyze the phenomenon that enhancement of health literacy can achieve health promotion so as to reach the corresponding conclusions applied to enhancement of health literacy and health promotion. The conclusions is that upgrading of health literacy is one of the means of health promotion, and commmunication plays an important role in this procedure. The communication is not uniform, but according to the different needs of different audiences to choose the sites, methods and content to achieve the desired effect of the communication. Article also includes communication measurements based on the health status in China which are for improvement on health literacy of residents and health promotion in China. Tags: Bangkok , China , Health , Technology , World Health Organization cern's blog | Add new comment | 140 reads Printer-friendly version | Send to friend
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[转载]BMJ出版集团每年有一个Health Communicator Awards
annehuang 2010-2-2 15:27
BMJ Group Awards: Health Communicator of the Year Journalists and digital storytellers vie for communicator award Trevor Jackson 1 BMJ The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below. There were 15 nominations for the health communicator of the year award. Some were for specialist reporters and some were for doctors, other healthcare professionals, or academics who have used various media to try to increase understanding of certain diseases or to raise awareness of charity work or medical science in general. The ideal recipient of this award would be someone whose writing or broadcasting over the past year has shown impact on the public understanding of medicine and health; potential to change the way people think about an important issue; imaginative and effective methods of communication that are appropriate for the intended audience; balance and accuracy; and an evidence base where appropriate. Some of the projects that this years nominees had launched, while imaginative and well intentioned, were too young or too small in scope to have had much impact so far, but may well be strong candidates for . . . (from: BMJ 2010;340:c443 Published 22 January 2010, doi:10.1136/bmj.c443)
个人分类: 医学信息学与信息计量学|1624 次阅读|0 个评论
International Forum on Quality and Safety in Health Care 2010年1月15日(星期五) 00:55
xupeiyang 2010-1-15 08:40
If you cannot see this message please view here 2010 Forum Exhibition Sponsorship Forum Resources About the Forum Contact us Dear Prof Xu Peiyang, The International Forum on Quality and Safety in Health Care is the leading event for healthcare professionals responsible for quality improvement and patient safety. The 2010 Forums theme Improving Quality, Reducing Costs will address the challenges of global financial pressures. Innovate, lead and move your mission forward with your peers and leaders in Nice, France. Six new conference streams allow you to focus on whats important to you: Leading for cost and quality Safe and reliable care Transforming the system Igniting citizen and patient led change Delivering clinical service improvement Creating capacity and capability for world class results The keynote speakers will give you the solutions to move your organisations quality and safety agenda to the next level: Don Berwick , MD, FRCP, President and CEO, Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Rosabeth Moss Kanter , Ernest L. Arbuckle Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School. International expert in innovation and leadership, author of The Change Masters Hans Rosling , Professor of International Health at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. Founder of Mdecins Sans Frontires in Sweden Sir Michael Rawlins , Chairman, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence Laurent Degos , MD, PhD, Chairman of the Board of the French National Authority for Health (Haute Autorit de Sant, HAS) Book now to save up to 150 . Early bird offer ends on 1 February 2010. We look forward to welcoming you to the 15th Annual Forum. Yours sincerely, Mark Stuart Forum Director
个人分类: 医疗改革|1668 次阅读|0 个评论
Five thousand steps after dinner will do me good
zuojun 2010-1-2 14:32
Thanks to the pedometer I received as a Christmas present in 2009, I am taking a small step to improve my daily life: to walk after dinner. I never really cared about doing any exercise my whole life until 2-3 years ago when I started to swim regularly. I felt so refreshed and energized after each swim; in fact, I was addicted to it: I wanted to do it daily. The problem with swimming is it takes too long to wash off the chemicals in the pool. I felt bad about wasting so much water taking a long shower every other day. Then, there was the report about how unhealthy the pool water could be... Walking is a lot simpler. I could get up and go for a walk. I even solved the problem of not wasting electricity by taking stairs down and up, which was not easy since I live on the 12th floor (so that I could see the Pacific Ocean every day). After today's walk, my pedometer told me that I took 4721 steps, and burned about 157 calories. Not bad. With a little longer walk, I can burn 200 calories each day, which would be 10% of 2,000 calories I believe I consume daily. Come walk with me!
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|3495 次阅读|1 个评论
Managed Care On-Line ; Materials Management in Health Care 2009年12月26日(星期六) 08:
xupeiyang 2009-12-26 09:26
You are receiving this email because you subscribed to receive offers from TradePub.com when you submitted a subscription request.You are subscribed in the TradePub mailing list as xupeiyang@vip.163.com . If you want to change your contact preferences or if you want to be removed from this list, unsubscribe here . If you cannot read the information below, view the message online . Request your Complimentary Technical Documents! Hi xu, Given your interest in previous offers in the past, I wanted to personally extend this opportunity to apply for a free subscription to these publications. Enjoy! Vianna Account Manager Managed Care On-Line Your MCOL Subscription provides a package of valuable e-newsletters on Managed Care and Health Management Careers, Conferences, Factoids, Monthly News Summary, How-To Abstract and HealthExecWire. What's more, you get access to the subscriber only web site, with a wide variety on on-line news, data and tools. Materials Management in Health Care MMHC provides insights on how materials managers, central service/sterile processing, OR managers, nurse executives and infection control specialists are working with their supply chain partners to improve performance. Ranked as the most trusted publication in the health care purchasing field, MMHC is a must-read publication for: Materials Managers Operating Room Supervisors Chief Financial Officers Chief Nursing Officers and Nurse Managers Infection Control Specialists and Practitioners Central Service Directors MMHC is published 12 times a year and the publication enjoys an exclusive content relationship with AHRMM and the International Association of Health Care Central Service Managers. In addition, MMHC conducts exclusive national surveys with groups like the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology. MORE Trade Publications Complimentary to Qualified Professionals include: Healthcare Purchasing News Is the only business news magazine for purchasing decision-makers at hospitals, multi-hospital systems, integrated networks and alternate-site locations. Medical Electronics Manufacturing Is the only publication of its kind dedicated exclusively to the medical electronics market. Clinical Laboratory International Is the leading clinical lab magazine internationally and is crammed with information of direct relevance to everyone working in clinical and blood bank laboratories. Other Professional Publications can be found at: Healthcare , more ... Browse the list of job functions and industries on the application form to see if you might qualify. Also note the geographic availability. Then simply complete the form and submit it. If you have co-workers, friends or family who work in a related field, please pass this offer on to them - they'll thank you!
个人分类: 科学研究|1970 次阅读|0 个评论
Hospitals & Health Networks 2009年12月19日(星期六) 08:00
xupeiyang 2009-12-19 08:07
Request your Complimentary Technical Documents! Hi xu, Given your interest in previous offers in the past, I wanted to personally extend this opportunity to apply for a free subscription to these publications. Enjoy! Vianna Account Manager Hospitals Health Networks Hospitals Health Networks chronicles the values and ideas that drive the new era in health care. HHN is the place leaders turn for new insights and to recharge their imagination. HHN stands for stewardship, creativity and results. It delivers short, high-impact reporting and analyses on trends and issues that interest health care executives and emerging leaders. HHN covers the trends that drive strategic decision-making in health care provider and payer institutions across the country. Health Facilities Management Leading the field for more than 20 years, HFM brings a multidisciplinary approach to coverage, focusing on architects, designers and facilities managers are collaborating to shape today's new construction and renovation projects. HFM delivers the most to decision-makers in the hospital design, construction, facilities management and environmental services fields (27,000). HFM is a must-read for: Directors of Engineering Facilities Managers Plant Operations Directors Directors of Planning and Development Architects Interior Designers Infection Control Specialists Directors of Safety/Security Biomedical Equipment Managers HFM is published 12 times a year and the publication has strategic content alliances with industry-leading groups like the American Society for Healthcare Engineering, the American Society for Healthcare Environmental Services and the American College of Healthcare Architects. In addition, HFM publishes exclusive surveys each year on hospital construction and other topics. MORE Trade Publications Complimentary to Qualified Professionals include: Healthcare Purchasing News Is the only business news magazine for purchasing decision-makers at hospitals, multi-hospital systems, integrated networks and alternate-site locations. Medical Electronics Manufacturing Is the only publication of its kind dedicated exclusively to the medical electronics market. OR Nurse 2009 Presents concise, up-to-the-minute clinical and practical information in a reader-friendly format, to help busy perioperative nurses keep pace with the changes in their field. Other Professional Publications can be found at: Healthcare , more ...
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The Need for Science in the Practice of Public Health December 9, 2009
xupeiyang 2009-12-12 22:55
http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/full/NEJMe0911050 附件PDF: H1N1 in China Published at www.nejm.org December 9, 2009 (10.1056/NEJMe0911050) The Need for Science in the Practice of Public Health Nicole Lurie, M.D., M.S.P.H. PDF Disclosures Add to Personal Archive Add to Citation Manager Notify a Friend E-mail When Cited