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热度 1 rongqiaohe 2014-7-29 22:10
【注】诗小说《秭鳺》,真实地描述了在“5.12”地震中的一段动人故事。 From: C.A. Aylmer Sent: 23 June 2014 12:15 To: Susan Wang Subject:Re : Book donation Dear Susan, This is to confirm receipt of the book. Thank you. C. Aylmer --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Susan, We will be pleased to accept this book. Please send it to: Chinese Dept. Cambridge University Library West Road Cambridge CB3 9DR C. Aylmer Head of Chinese Dept . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Jun 17 2014, Susan Wang wrote: Dear Mr. Alymer , I am a University staff working in department of Medicine. I am writing to you regarding a Chinese book donation. One of the author of this book is my friend who wishes to donate his book to Cambridge University Library. He is use to be a visiting scholar for one year in this University in 90's. This is a novel in poem style ( Zigui ) which describes a true story in the catastrophe of 5.12 earthquake in the Sichuan province, China in 2008. Two young women and a little boy who were in hydropower station struggled to survive by themselves in the deep mountain. They left the destroyed hydropower station on foot on May 13 and arrived at the Longmen Town on May 16 through innumerable trials and hardships even death struggle. One of the young women died in debris flow when they could see their living town. This book was published in 2013 and has been recommended to Chinese readers by many popular Websites, such as http://book.sohu.com/20140516/n399642876.shtml , http://cul.qq.com/a/20140429/020817.htm , http://news.sciencenet.cn/dz/upload/20115126334483.pdf , http://big5.qstheory.cn/ts/rdsp/201105/t20110512_80384.htm , and http://book.douban.com/subject/5942506/ I am Looking forward to hearing from you. Many thanks Susan Wang
个人分类: 诗小说|2839 次阅读|2 个评论
rongqiaohe 2014-5-10 19:59
在“ 5.12” 地震六周年纪念日来临之际,感谢“腾讯 (文化) ”网向全国读者 推荐我们的 《 秭鳺 》 ! 赫舍里兄弟 2014 年 5 月 10 日 腾讯文化 _《 秭鳺 》 网址: http://cul.qq.com/a/20140429/020817.htm
个人分类: 诗歌|2362 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 rongqiaohe 2013-6-20 08:43
《秭鳺》一书发行后,全国各地许多读者写了读后感,以下是浙江省的杨再辉老师写的读 后感 ----《古贵旸啊,你究竟唤的是什么?》 在此,作者由衷地感谢杨再辉老师! 为纪念“5.12”汶川地震五周年再版《秭鳺》 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=829868do=blogid=689100 http://www.cnepaper.com/JRDQ/resfile/2013-01-09/07/0n.pdf
个人分类: 诗歌|2998 次阅读|4 个评论

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