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美国物理联合AIP《科学之光》(AIP Scilight)报道我们小组关于具有社团划分功能的网络模型研究最新进展
skk1989 2020-5-4 13:52
近日,美国物理联合会《科学之光》 (AIP Scilight) 以“ An evolving fitness network model shows promise for mapping COVID-19 “为题对计算传播学实验中心尚可可等人关于社交网络和新冠肺炎基因演化网络的模型研究进行了专题报道。 图一 . AIP Scilight 对计算传播学实验中心成员尚可可和西澳大学 Winthrop 教授 Michael Small 的采访报道 ( https://doi.org/10.1063/10.0001196 ) 论文的主要合作者,澳大利亚数学学会会士、西澳大利亚大学的 Winthrop 教授 Michael Small 表示 “ 论文的结果表明,我们提出的进化规则在创建模仿病毒遗传结构的网络方面做得很好,特别是模仿 COVID-19 病毒基因演化网络的已知公共数据 ” 。 图二 . COVID-19 病毒基因演化网络和增长模型对比 该模型的原理源自于实际生活,即新团体的崛起会打破已有的资源分配格局,从而产生“新贵”,论文的初衷是对传播结构网络、社交网络和经济网络的社团演化提供一个适配模型。然而,研究团队最终意外发现该模型还能够较好适配新冠状病毒基因的演化网络,这恰好体现出了交叉学科的精妙之处。 该工作以 “ Growing networks with communities: A distributive link model ” 为题发表在应用数学与统计物理交叉性著名期刊 Chaos 30, 041101 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0007422 上,并被同时选为 Fast Track 、 Featured 和 Scilight 文章。南京大学新闻传播学院计算传播学实验中心助理研究员尚可可为第一作者兼通讯作者,博士生杨宾为第二作者,西澳大利亚大学 Winthrop 教授 Michael S mall 为共同通讯作者,硕士生季谦为第四作者。此研究得到了国家自然科学基金青年项目( 61803047 )、国家社科基金重大项目( 19ZDA324 )和澳大利亚研究理事会 ARC 发现计划( DP180100718 )的支持。 AIP报道: https://doi.org/10.1063/10.0001196 南大新闻网报道: https://news.nju.edu.cn/xsdt/20200501/i98897.html 南大科技处报道: https://scit.nju.edu.cn/44/3b/c11003a476219/page.htm 论文地址: https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0007422
个人分类: 科研|3767 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 6 suriqi 2016-4-15 06:14
博文很久没有更新了~这段时间发生了很多事情,比如毕业了啊,当爹了啊,其实都可以上来灌个水,冒个泡啥的,就是自己太懒了~正好今天新出的NC文章online了,跟大伙报个喜也汇报下工作。 我到ASU读博士有两个方向,一个是和文旭师兄合作的利用compressive sensing重构网络的结构,探测网络中的隐藏节点。另外一个就是做基因调控网络的工作。在来老师和王晓老师(他是我博士论文的导师之一,也是我现在博士后的导师)的支持和鼓励下,我进行了多个关于基因网络细胞分化和多稳态基因网络的研究。 王晓老师的研究组是一个非常有特色的生物研究组。我们倾向把理论和实验结合起来, 利用合成生物学的方法在大肠杆菌和酵母菌中合成基因网络, 然后用不同的诱导药物控制网络中各个边的强度和网络的状态,定量的测量基因网络的动态反应, 从而验证我们细胞分化和控制的理论。在研究细胞分化的问题上,我们能够自己构建双稳态和四稳态的基因网络;同时,我们也能够构建细胞间的信号通路,研究斑图行为。同时我们还和系里其他进行人类干细胞研究的组(Prof. David Brafman)合作,利用他们取得的神经细胞分化的RNAseq数据,从生物信息学的角度研究干细胞调控网络的结构以及基因表达。 在2013年的时候,王老师组的吴敏师姐和我首先利用相互抑制网络在酵母菌中构造了一个双稳态的网络。利用这个可调的双稳态结构,我们验证了我们提出的细胞在噪音下作用下随机分化的机制。当细胞处在不稳定不动点的时候,细胞内在的噪音可以作为细胞随机分化的驱动。这个工作最后发表在PNAS上。其实在这个工作的建模忽略了不少细节,比如我们只是假设了高斯噪音,后来才注意到吕金虎老师组在2013年提出的有色噪音对基因调控的影响的工作。后来我们也注意到了SUNY的Jin Wang老师的一系列关于基因网络势能函数的文章,觉得这也是一个很好的提高模型直观性的方法,所以也发展了自己的关于基因调控网络势能函数的计算方法。这个文章链接在这里 http://chaos1.la.asu.edu/~yclai/papers/PNAS_2013_WSLELW.pdf 随后,我们从这个工作总结出一个细胞形态控制的办法。假设初始时系统具有A,B两个稳态并且我们希望将细胞从状态A控制到状态B。通过诱导剂调节基因抑制的强度,我们可以将细胞处在的A稳态破坏变成单稳的只有B状态的系统,那么细胞就会在新的势能作用下下向B态迁移。当迁移完成之后,我们撤除诱导剂,那么系统将恢复双稳态的结构而且细胞迁移到了B态。 从这个假设出发,一方面,王老师实验室的吴福庆和我利用相互抑制且带自激励的调控网络在大肠杆菌中构建了一个具有四个稳态的系统,在这个系统中同时加入多种诱导剂,或者顺序加入不同诱导剂,成功将系统从一个初始状态控制到多个均匀分布的稳态。在这个过程中,我们发现可以通过诱导剂调节基因网络的势能函数,进而控制细胞分化的比例和方向。这个工作是以实验为主,正在写作之中。 另外一方面,来老师组里的王乐之和我将这种利用系统相变(多稳变单稳或双稳)和顺序加药的控制方法运用到大规模的基因调控网络的模型上,发现我们的确可以控制细胞稳态的变化。同时,这种控制是稳定的,抗噪音的,同时便于在实验中实现的。我们提出了基于这种控制方法的吸引子网络,能够系统的归纳出任意稳态之间控制信号的顺序。这个就是我们刚刚发表的这篇文章。文章的pdf在这里可以下载: http://chaos1.la.asu.edu/~yclai/papers/NC_2016_WSHWWGL.pdf 在这一系列文章中,我们着重讨论了非线性网络控制在基因调控网络中的应用。我们通过建立实际的基因网络平台,在解决实际基因网络控制问题的过程中,抽象出非线性控制的方法并试图推广到更大规模的生物系统。同时,我们也发展了计算基因调控网络的伪势能函数的方法,并反复使用这种方法来表现网络在诱导剂控制下的行为和变化;同时,我们也使用Matlab下面的matcont工具包计算高维度的非线性系统对参数的分岔行为,从中理解系统的动力学特性并设计具体的实验方法。如果大家需要这些软件包,都可以给我写邮件获取。:-) 非线性的网络控制是一个古老,但是又充满希望的方向。牛人很多, 希望大家多提指导意见。谢谢啦!
个人分类: 科研笔记|7120 次阅读|12 个评论
[转载]Introductionto Focus Issue:基因网络的定量理论
Fangjinqin 2013-10-10 11:15
CHAOS23,025001(2013): Introduction to FocusIssue: Quantitative approaches to genetic networks SI(1).pdf
个人分类: 学术文章|3270 次阅读|0 个评论
sunon77 2013-8-17 02:45
前些日子看到科学网有人抱怨上海交大按敖平教授的癌症动力网络理论难以理解。怎么也没有Weinberg的基因变异来的直观。我们小组也是一直做这方面的工作。碰巧看到Scientific American上一篇很通俗的介绍(但关于网络势能的解释并不正确。)Sui的评价是:ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas 原文转载如下: Changing the Cancer Landscape By Karissa Milbury | August 15, 2013 | Share Email Print You are standing on top of a large, grassy hill. As it slopes down, the ground is uneven, forming pockets and smaller hilltops. More grassy slopes roll out around you to meet the horizon on all sides – a landscape of peaks and valleys, large and small, wildly irregular. You have with you a large bag of slightly deflated basketballs. Ignoring the ludicrous and perplexing circumstances that must have led to you standing on a hill with so many useless basketballs, you decide you might as well toss one or two down the hill, to see what happens – they don’t bounce, but they’ll roll. Soon you’ve emptied the bag, sending dozens rolling off in every direction. Most of them find their way to a few deep, obvious valleys, before coming to rest. But one of them seems to be stuck – it’s caught in a groove along the hill that you stand on, but the groove is so slight that you hadn’t noticed it before. It may seem alarming, but that basketball may be the reason we haven’t cured cancer yet. A crash course in epigenetics It’s probably not immediately obvious how you waking up on a grassy hill has anything to do with cancer genetics (long conference after-party?), but this landscape is based upon sophisticated ideas about molecular evolution. Just bear with me while I stitch the two ideas together. Let’s start simple. If you are a mutant white-coloured moth, you are probably more likely to be eaten than your peers because you’re easier for predators to spot. The trait has lowered your fitness, and if we graphed this, lighter colour would coincide with lower fitness for your species. In the next generation, there will probably be fewer white moths because more of them will get eaten in this generation. You can put all sorts of traits on a graph like this, in order to try and predict the effects of natural selection on evolution. In a similar way, we can investigate change at other levels of biology by looking at what is changing, and the forces that can induce the change. Our cells change all the time, but that change is not genetic. Even though your skin cells look nothing like your muscle cells, they all function from the same genetic code, they just use this code in different ways. Instead of looking at how the population’s genetics change from generation to generation (as in evolution), we’re looking instead at how each cell’s genetic regulation changes as it is subjected to a variety of forces. The regulation of genes being turned on or off is the realm of “epigenetics”. Epigenetic reprogramming allows a cell to change and adapt in response to its physical environment and its underlying genetic make-up. It must use its epigenetic options to “cope” and find an optimal regulatory scheme for the set of genes it has inherited, as well as its physical location and circumstances in the body. The protein and genetic networks that comprise a cell are held in order by checks and balances that link the entire system together: everything from the composition of the proteins to local ion concentrations has direct consequence on multiple levels of the cell’s activity, and keeping the systems that respond to these levels balanced allows the cell to thrive. This is actually a huge problem for geneticists: we’re not able to isolate one part of the cell and test how it modulates the cell’s fitness independently (separating it from the environment and other genes and cellular components). In order to be realistic, we must consider interaction effects. For example, in a recent paper in PloS Genetics , researchers at Michigan State University demonstrate how unexpected interactions between genes can complicate our predictions of each individual gene’s activity. Because the gene’s functionality depends so intimately on its circumstances, any attempt at isolation is not only artificial, but could give us information that differs substantially from what happens in the real world because it neglects these interaction effects entirely. Hills and valleys Back to the rolling hills and basketballs for a moment. This land of many grassy hills is actually a three-dimensional graph of potential epigenetic states, and the basketballs are cells. The north-south direction can represent the state of the gene A, and east-west represents gene B. By “state”, I mean the epigenetic regulation of the gene – is it allowing proteins to move in and transcribe RNA? Is the gene product correctly formed? Is the gene partially or completely silenced? Is the gene product being alternatively spliced (with chunks added or missing)? Each “state” is a different point on the north-south or east-west axis of this graph. In the real world, this graph would have much more than three dimensions (you’d need a dimension for each gene), but good luck graphing that for a blog post. This image is borrowed from a 2010 blog post (http://www.grasshopper3d.com/profiles/blogs/evolutionary-principles ) by David Rutten, and has been modified to include appropriate variables. The z-axis (up-vs-down) can be thought of as a short-term fitness ; we’re talking about how cells change their regulation, not how genetics change over evolution, but the forces are similar. For the purposes of this article, I will refer to this as “fitness” as well, because the concept (a force pushing the cell into an optimal state) bears enough in common with our original definition. The low points on our graph are where the cell’s short-term fitness is highest. In our grassy hills metaphor, the balls are attracted to the valleys because they are pulled by gravity: in the same way, the cell state can be “drawn” to fitness valleys in this graph by selection. Balls don’t roll back up: I find this easy to remember because, coming from Halifax, I hold a deep personal resentment for hills. If the system were simple, the graph would be simple: when gene A and gene B are working normally, the fitness would be highest, and this would be represented in the graph by a single, deep valley. Everywhere else would be a hill, because that would be a deviation from normal and would likely have negative effects to reduce the cell’s fitness. Roll a ball, and it will settle in the valley. However, under realistic circumstances where we have a diverse and complicated set of interacting variables, the graph is not one simple slope and one valley. Genetic interaction creates many peaks of many different sizes, just like in the 3D graph we just looked at. The basketballs you rolled off the hill earlier, thanks to the complex terrain, could roll to all sorts of different locations under the influence gravity. On our graph, the pressure on the cell to find an optimal stable state can pull them into any number of valleys, just like gravity. Genetic interactions and their effects on cell fitness are extremely difficult to predict a priori, and because of this, construction and interpretation of accurate, useful graphs requires excessive computational power and theoretical expertise. Modern biology is only beginning to explore their potential. Instead of two genes, we want to look at dozens, sometimes hundreds at a time. It seems computational biology is finally ready to take on this challenge. Recently, researchers have begun to tease apart the implications of systems like this one. Adaptability is key In May of this year, Dr. Sui Huang of the Institution for Systems Biology published a paper outlining how genetics and epigenetics can interact to influence cancer evolution. First, he outlines how cells will act on a graph similar to our grassy hills: as the population of cells evolves, different lineages settle into fitness valleys where their gene regulation program is optimized. The mathematics underlying the production of these graphs is intense, and for the purposes of this post I will instead be focusing on the salient points of the theory as it applies to cancer. (If your physics- and math-envy runs as deep as mine, I highly recommend reading the original paper after this article). The “attractors” indicate fitness valleys: states where the cell has maximized its fitness. Selection will push the cell to enter these states and stay there. This figure is adapted from Fig 2e (Huang 2013). A closer look reveals how this theory extends to the differentiation of cell types within our bodies as we develop: groups of cells go about dividing, and depending upon the developmental stage, genetics, and local environment, different valleys will be accessible as the cell rolls down its fitness hill. My supervisor once referred to these changing cells as being within a search space, where they are met with several different pressures and must adapt to them by switching genes on or off. Being in a search space means they’re still rolling, “searching” for the lowest part of the valley. If a cell is in a valley, that means it has a certain set of genes turned on and other genes turned off. Since the optimal states a cell can find should be more or less the same in healthy people, we see recurring patterns and have named the different cell types according to them. Now we finally have names for our valleys: each corresponds to a different cell type, with a Neural Valley, an Epidermal Valley, a Muscle Valley, and so on. Once settled in a valley, the cell rarely changes types without outside influence, because it would have to enter states that are less preferable to climb back over a hill. Other valleys are thus inaccessible to the differentiated cell in absence of a force to push them there. Your basketballs won’t roll back to you: they prefer to be stable. Cancer cells and instability A change in the cell’s genetics can create fitness hills that push the cell state into a new valley. This figure is adapted from Fig 4a (Huang 2013). Cancer cells have it a bit tougher than healthy cells. Not only are they subjected to increasingly unfamiliar environments (eg. reduced oxygen within the tumor, higher energy demands, loss of adhesion), but they also often experience increased mutation rates, which can gradually dismantle the cell’s genome. Recall that when we’re talking about adaptability of cells, they are unable to change their mutated genes back; all they can do is change which genes are turned on or off. Mutation can cause genes to become activated or deactivated unexpectedly, changing the cell’s options for running epigenetic programs; this means the cancer cell sees a constantly shifting set of valleys and peaks as the underlying genetic code changes. In more math-speak, this is because the parameters of possible states the cell can enter change with each mutation. Every time a mutation alters something, the cell enters a new search space, and must find a gene regulation state in which fitness will be maximized under these new demands. With new fitness valleys created on the graph, the cancer cell can adapt by falling into new states. When a cell is under pressure, it does not have the time or resources to search further and explore many cell states: selection pulls it into the nearest dip downward without consideration to whether this is a true valley, or a local minima (like your ball that got caught randomly on the side of a hill, instead of rolling into the valley). Further, in the same way that a normal differentiated cell can’t change cell types on its own, the cancer cell can get stuck in suboptimal locations without the means to overcome the selective forces holding it there. The resulting “cell type” it settles into may not be a normal or healthy way for the cell to function, but it’s stuck there. In fact, Huang argues, this may be how cancer arises in the first place: the first mutations need only to pull down a key hill in the epigenetic graph, allowing access to a new valley. Also, because this isn’t a cell type that is normally expressed, it hasn’t been subjected to natural selection in order to iron out its more destructive consequences on the rest of the body. For example, whereas normal gene regulation programs give the cell the ability to self-destruct, this part of the program is very often lost in cancer, leading to unchecked growth. This idea provides a model by which cancer cells evolve, by taking both genetics (the code) and epigenetics (the gene state) into account. If we examine cancer as a collection of altered cell states in this way, the mechanism of drug tolerance emerges immediately. As Huang argues, the addition of a drug will indeed kill certain cells, but it will also change the fitness landscape and push the remaining cells into a new search space (see Fig 4). Imagine that the cell is producing an abnormal protein that increases its growth rate, and we have a drug that will shut down the pathway making that protein. If you treat with this drug, you are changing the regulatory network of the cell – essentially picking it up from the valley and tossing it somewhere else. Many cells may die as the pathway is shut down, but those that don’t die immediately (due to variation in cancer cell lineages ) will tumble into a search space again, switching to any state that could give them a chance of surviving the onslaught of the treatment. Drugs that induce mutations will create the same effect as regular mutations, changing the hills and valleys, which will also push most of the cells into a search space. Perhaps, he argues, this is exactly what produces the aggressiveness we see in late-stage cancer. By changing the cell’s function we literally give these cells the opportunity to find more malignant forms that had previously been inaccessible: we prop them up on a new fitness hill and let them find new valleys that they never could have entered on their own. Keeping it together This model outlines a situation in which any alterations we make to the system will have deeply complex implications beyond the goals of the treatment itself. We’re brought face-to-face with the biggest problem in biology: everything is connected, and everything influences everything else within a system. Under this model, the reduction of drug development to “Drug X will disable Protein Y to kill Cell Type Z” is not only disingenuous, but dangerous. As the familiar reader knows, this has been the guiding principle of cancer therapeutics for decades: with the advent of molecular targeted therapies, biologists have attempted to reduce the cancer problem to a simple search for individual “driver” mutations, the soft spots of the cancer’s program where we can pull a string and send the entire network into shambles. But is this really the best approach? Through our efforts to study the aspects of tumor biology, have we obscured relevant information that can only be seen in the intact system? Since the rise of genetics and advanced molecular biology, cancer research is a field that has become almost as obsessed with understanding aberrant metabolism as it is with devising therapies. Multidisciplinary, systems-level approaches such as this may help us address the challenges we’re encountering on the genetic level. If the answer lies within the patterns of the system, perhaps the difficulty of developing new drugs is partly rooted in inherent determination of modern science to reduce, partition, isolate, and classify: it’s becoming increasingly clear that this artificial isolation is undermining our analysis, not clarifying it. Maybe the problem wouldn’t seem so complicated if we were willing to step back and rethink our theories on a wider scale… a change in scenery may show us the patterns we’ve been missing, and let us know if we’ve missed the forest for the trees. References Chari S, Dworkin I (2013). The Conditional Nature of Genetic Interactions: The Consequences of Wild-Type Backgrounds on Mutational Interactions in a Genome-Wide Modifier Screen. PLoS Genet . 9(8): e1003661. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1003661 Velenich A, Gore J. (2013). The strength of genetic interactions scales weakly with mutational effects. Genome Biology . 14:R76. doi:10.1186/gb-2013-14-7-r76 Huang S. (2013). Genetic and non-genetic instability in tumor progression: link between the fitness landscape and the epigenetic landscape of cancer cells. Cancer Metastasis Rev . doi: 10.1007/s10555-013-9435-7 Huang, S., Ernberg, I., Kauffman, S. (2009). Cancer attractors: a systems view of tumors from a gene network dynamics and developmental perspective. Seminars in Cell Developmental Biology , 20(7), 869–876. doi:10.1016/j.semcdb.2009.07.003. About the Author: Karissa Milbury is a graduate student in the Genome Science Technology program at the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, BC. She received her BSc from Dalhousie University in Halifax, NS. Her current research involves using genetic analyses to develop new prostate cancer therapies. Beyond the lab, she tries her hand at science communication through guest articles, her blog , and photography at Vancouver’s Science World. She spends the rest of her time devising a grad school survival plan by perfecting the combination of stubbornness and earl grey tea. Follow on Twitter @Point_Mutation .
个人分类: SystemsBiology-系统生物学|5312 次阅读|0 个评论
benlion 2013-8-6 08:07
20 世纪 90 年代,当时我提出转基因禽类输卵管生物反应器( oviduct bioreactor )研究方案,包括,概念和词汇或术语;但是,对转基因植物不熟悉 * 。 由于,提出系统医学概念和分子细胞系统与发育的节律与形态转换模型,而后,系统遗传学与系统生物工程,从基因与神经双向调控发育到细胞的信号传导与基因调控、代谢网络和细胞发生动力学等,以及仿生学、微电子学原理与转基因技术整合的细胞计算机和遗传程序重编等研究;因此,也就从转基因动物转入到合成生物学领域。 1996 年与胡德院士 email 通信的主要原因是组织第 1 届国际转基因动物学术研讨会,当时,他也在做转基因动物,而且, 1987 年定义转基因动物的 Palmiter 与他同在华盛顿大学。同时,美国乔治亚大学的 R.Ivarie 教授和美国 Avigenics 公司总裁要求来华洽谈我的转基因禽类输卵管生物反应器,而后, 1998 年由他们继续和展开了这个研究项目。 系统遗传学,针对转基因动物存在的一些问题,比如,转基因的不稳定,与宿主基因组的不协调等,因而,从基因调控网络、蛋白质系统、基因组与细胞质等相互关系,以及发育与进化生物学整合研究等提出。 经历 1996-1999 年几千数量的国际 email 通信和互联网媒体、国际刊物等倡导,提出基于分子生物学、计算机科学和遗传工程的迅速进展,把生物作为信息控制系统,从实验生物学与计算生物学结合层面,开展生物系统进化与发育的遗传程序与信号调控研究。 1999-2000 年筹备 2001 年在北京举办第 1 届国际系统生物科学与工程会议, 1999 年与提出 DNA 纳米技术的美国 N.Seeman 通信探讨生物计算机, 2000 年邀请与J C.Venter 发表 e-cell 模型的日本 M.Tomita 、发明 DNA 纳米导线的以色列 Erez Braun 等;然而, 2001 年 911 事件导致北京会议未成。 1999 -2000 年,国际上形成系统与合成生物学的发展趋势, 2000 同年,日本 e-cell 课题组 H.Kitano 和 M.Tomita 于东京举办第 1 届国际系统生物学会议,胡德和 R.Aebersold 成立西雅图系统生物学研究所, E.Kool 在美国化学年会上重新提出合成生物学。 从而,分子遗传学、转基因技术与计算生物学、组学信息技术等在生物系统层面综合, 21 世纪发展到了系统遗传学与合成生物学的时期。 注 * : 因而,对转基因基本不做评论,只对生物技术的发展做一个介绍,以往单一基因观念已经转换到复杂系统思维,国际 - 国内、科学界 - 产业界 - 大众传播的间距值得思考。 - (近现代化文明 2 百年) -
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