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植物解剖学奠基人Marcello Malpighi FRS (1628--1694)
livingfossil 2017-2-12 03:21
Marcello Malpighi FRS (1628--1694)—a pioneer of anatomy and embryology 解剖学和胚胎学先驱 Marcello Malpighi FRS (1628--1694) 17 世纪意大利科学家 Marcello Malpighi 【 中文译名“ 马尔切罗 · 马尔皮 基”, (1628--1694) 】是解剖学、胚胎学先驱。 Marcello Malpighi 的研究范围比较广。他率先应用显微镜研究了两栖类、哺乳类和昆虫类呼吸的解剖学基础,还涉及动物胚胎学和植物解剖学等领域,取得了一系列开拓性的重大研究成果 (seminal or novel results) 。在植物解剖学领域,学术界通常将 Marcello Malpighi 和英国科学家 Nehemiah Grew (1641--1712) 并称为该领域的奠基人 (co-founder of plant anatomy) 。 Marcello Malpighi 关于植物解剖学的代表作是 “ Anatome Plantarum ” 。 Marcello Malpighi 用显微镜对花、种子、实生苗等材料进行结构植物学研究, 从个体发育的角度 研究植物的生活史 (life cycle) 。 1669 年 3 月 4 日 Marcello Malpighi 被遴选为英国皇家学会会员(院士 / FRS—Fellow of the Royal Society in London) 。 --------------------------- Brief life chronology of Marcello Malpighi (1628--1694)—a pioneer of anatomy and embryology --1628: Born in Crevalcore near Bologna, Italy; --1645: Began to study Aristotelian philosophy at the University of Bologna; -1653: Received a doctorate degree of medicine and philosophy; --Initiated teaching and research of anatomy and medicine with microscopes; --1656: Appointed as a professor of theoretical medicine at the University of Pisa; --1659: Returned to the University of Bologna; --1661: Discovered the pulmonary and capillary network connecting small arteries with small veins; --1663: Appointed as a professor of Physics at the Academy of Messina in Sicily; --1666: First to see the red blood cells; --1667: Departed his university of Messina for his hometown near Bologna and worked as a physician while conducting anatomical research; --1669: Became a fellow of the Royal Society (London) on March 4, 1669; --1673: Conducted embryological studies on chick; --1675: Published part of “ Anatome Plantarum ”; --1679: Published part of “ Anatome Plantarum ”; --1684: House in Bologna was burned down, resulting in the damage to scientific research; --1691: Invited to Rome to work as a papal physician and teach medicine in the Papal Medical School, and prepared for research treatise for the Royal Society of London; --1694: Died of stroke in Rome at age of 66; --1697: A posthumous volume of “ Anatome Plantarum ” appeared. --------------------------- Qigao Sun ( 孙启高 ): 古今植物学大讲堂 Lectures on Neobotany Palaeobotany 植物演化生物学讲座 -13 Lectures on Evolutionary Biology of Plants (13) 植物形态解剖学 : Neo Paleo- 植物学( 13 ) 结构植物学 : Neo Paleo- 植物学 (13) Morphology Anatomy: Neobotany+Paleobotany(No.13) Structural Botany: Neobotany+Paleobotany (No.13) 解剖学和胚胎学先驱 Marcello Malpighi FRS (1628--1694) Marcello Malpighi FRS (1628--1694)—a pioneer of anatomy and embryology Jan.29, 2017 相关阅读: Catalogue of Lectures for Neobotany and palaeobotany (0--12) 古今植物学讲座 (0--12) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1031964.html 2017-2-6 21:44 Marcello Malpighi (1628--1694)—a pioneer of anatomy and embryology https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcello_Malpighi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcello_Malpighi https://www.britannica.com/biography/Marcello-Malpighi John B. West,2013. Marcello Malpighi and the discovery of the pulmonary capillaries and alveoli. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 304: L383–L390, 2013. First published February 1, 2013; doi:10.1152/ajplung.00016.2013 解剖学、胚胎学先驱 Marcello Malpighi 【 中文译名“ 马尔切罗 · 马尔皮 基”, (1628--1694) 】 http://baike.baidu.com/view/551199.htm English plant anatomist Nehemiah Grew (1641--1712), a pioneer of plant anatomy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nehemiah_Grew 古植物学的故事( 84 ): 钻研古植物学要读《维管植物比较形态学》 Story of Palaeobotany Series (84): Graduate students majored in palaeobotany should spend enough time in perusal of Comparative Morphology of Vascular Plants co-authored by A. S. Foster and E. M.Gifford. http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-396369.html 发表于 2010-12-23 7:17:57 =============
个人分类: Structure: Neobotany & Paleobotany|4879 次阅读|0 个评论
C. F. Schulze (1730-1775):a pioneer of German palaeobotany
livingfossil 2016-12-23 21:19
Christian Friedrich Schulze (1730--1775): a pioneer of German palaeobotany 十八世纪德国医生和博物学家 Christian FriedrichSchulze (1730--1775) 于 1730 年出生在德国萨克森州 (Free State of Saxony, Germany) Torgau 镇。他曾在莱比锡学习,后到立陶宛的维尔纽斯 (Vilnius, Lithuania) 和波兰华沙生活, 1775 年在萨克森州首府城市德累斯顿 (Dresden, Germany) 去世。 Christian Friedrich Schulze(1730--1775) 的科学研究之涉猎面较广,是德国古植物学研究的先驱之一。早在 1755 年, Christian Friedrich Schulze 发表论著研究化石木: Kurtze Betrachtung dererKräuterabdrücke im Steinreiche, worinnen dieselben so wohl in Ansehung ihresUrsprungs, als auch ihres eigenthümlichen Unterscheides und übrigenEigenschafften, in Erwegung gezogen werden 在泥炭 (peat) 等领域他都开展了先驱性的研究。 ------------------------- German physician and naturalist Christian Friedrich Schulze(1730--1775) was born in Torgau, a small town in the Free State of Saxony, Germany. He once lived in Vilnius (Lithuania) and Warsaw (Poland) for some years. Christian Friedrich Schulze died in Dresden, the capital city of Saxonyin 1775. Christian Friedrich Schulze was interested in mineralogy and palaeontology. As early as in 1755 he made a study of fossil woods (see Appendix of C. F. Schulze’spublications). It is believed that Christian Friedrich Schulze is a pioneer of modern palaeobotany of Germany. --------------------------- Appendix: Partial publications of German physician and naturalist Christian Friedrich Schulze (1730--1775) Kurtze Betrachtung dererversteinerten Höltzer : worinnen diese natürlichen Cörper sowohl nach ihremUrsprunge, als auch nach ihrem eigenthümlichen Unterschiede und übrigenEigenschafften in Erwegung gezogen werden Schulze , Christian Friedrich , 1730 - 1775 . Dressden und Leipzig : Bei Friedrich Hekel, 1754. Kurtze Betrachtung dererKräuterabdrücke im Steinreiche, worinnen dieselben so wohl in Ansehung ihres Ursprungs,als auch ihres eigenthümlichen Unterscheides und übrigen Eigenschafften, inErwegung gezogen werden Schulze , Christian Friedrich , 1730 - 1775 . Dressden undLeipzig : bey Friedrich Hekel, 1755. Einige Versuche, welche mitvershiedenen Sächsischen Erdarten : an einem hoesischen parabolischen Brennspiegel,angestellet worden ? Schulze , Christian Friedrich , 1730 - 1775 . Dresden : F.Hekel, 1755. Zufällige Gedanken über denUrsprung und über die Nutzung der bey Dresden befindlichen Steinkohlen Schulze , Christian Friedrich , 1730 - 1775 . Dresden :Michael Gröll, 1759. Betrachtung der versteinertenSeesterne und ihren Theile Schulze , Christian Friedrich , 1730 - 1775 . Warsaw ; Dresden: M. Cröll, 1760. Zufällige Gedanken über denNutzen der Steinkohlen und des Torfes, auf den wirtschaftlichen Brennstädten Schulze , Christian Friedrich , 1730 - 1775 . Friedrichstadt :Gedruckt bey Christian Heinrich Hagenmüller, Nachricht von den an verschiedenenOrten in Sachsen gefundenen Todtentöpfen und andern heydnischen Alterthümern Schulze , Christian Friedrich , 1730 - 1775 . Friedrichstadt :Gedruckt bey Johann Martin Lehmann, 1767. --------------------------- Qigao Sun ( 孙启高 ): 古植物学的故事 517 期 Story of Paleobotany Series(No.517) The Epic of Palaeobotany-517 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of German Palaeobotany(39) German physician and naturalist Christian Friedrich Schulze (1730--1775): a pioneer of German palaeobotany 德国医生和博物学家、德国古植物学先驱之一 --Christian Friedrich Schulze(1730--1775) December 22, 2016 相关阅读 : German physician and naturalist Christian Friedrich Schulze (1730--1775): a pioneer of German palaeobotany https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Friedrich_Schulze Christian Friedrich Schulze (1730--1775): KurtzeBetrachtung derer Kräuterabdrücke im Steinreiche http://library.si.edu/donate/adopt-a-book/kurtze-betrachtung-derer-krauterabdrucke-im-steinreiche ----------------- 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella ofGerman Palaeobotany (1) 古植物学的故事 ( 46 ): 德国古植物学与古孢粉学发展史上的主要代表人物 Story of Palaeobotany Series(No.46): Renowned scientists in the history of palaeobotany and palynology in German http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-334861.html 发表于 2010-6-12 21:09:43 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of German Palaeobotany (5) 古植物学的故事 162 期 360 年以来德国科学院涉及古植物学研究的院士们 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.162): Members of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina pertaining to the palaeobotanical studies since 1652 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-575639.html http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=575639 2012-5-27 23:26 Geology and palaeontology members of German Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina) since 1652 1652 年以来德国科学院地质古生物学院士名单 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-994993.html 2016-8-707:47 (Compiled by Dr Qigao Sun) https://www.leopoldina.org/en/members/members-since-1652/ ---- Botanik members of GermanAcademy of Sciences (Leopoldina) since 1652 1652 年以来德国科学院植物学院士名单 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-994989.html 2016-8-7 07:29 (Compiled by Dr. Qigao Sun) https://www.leopoldina.org/en/members/members-since-1652/ 古植物学的故事 489 期 Story of Paleobotany Series(No.489) The Epic of Palaeobotany-489 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of German Palaeobotany (17) German Palaeobotanist August von Schenk (1815--1891) 与中国有缘的德国古植物学院士 August von Schenk ( 欣克 , 1815--1891) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1001322.html 2016-9-7 05:33 ==================== SPS-517-German Christian Friedrich Schulze (1730--1775)-rev4.pdf
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|2109 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 陈小斌 2012-4-20 00:54
Pioneer软件是一个所见即所得的MT/AMT/CSAMT的资料处理与反演解释的可视化集成系统,我一直认为没有什么操作流程可言,就像Windows和Word等软件一样。 然而,许多用户在刚开始接触这个软件时,都问到了软件的具体操作流程。回头想想,确实还是存在一些基本的步骤要做,这些步骤的先后次序是不能混淆的。现将Pioneer软件的基本操作步骤归纳如下。 第一步、将软件所在的整个子目录拷贝到安装有Windows系统电脑的某个目录下,并保证软件所在的整体路径中不存在空格字符。 第二步、利用Pioneer建立数据工程。这是最为基本的一步,因为其后所有的操作步骤,都是围绕这个数据工程进行的。 第三步、导入测点坐标(经纬度和海拔,或者直角坐标和海拔)。如果第二步在建立数据工程的时候已经导入了测点坐标,比如从EDI文件里面直接读取,则此一步可以省略。如果没有,可以采用数据文件的形式导入。每条测线的右键弹出菜单中都有相应的测点坐标数据导入项。 第四步、获得测点剖面距。测点剖面距是进行二维反演、绘制剖面断面图所必不可少的参数,如果说第三步(坐标文件)尚可省略(如果对点位分布不是非常关注的话),那么这一步一定不能省略。在数据工程中的测点坐标足够精确的前提下,可以直接由这些测点坐标拟合获得反演剖面直线,每个测点在其上的垂直投影,即为测点剖面距。这是一种方法。另一种方法是在测线的右键菜单中载入或设置。在测点坐标不够精确的前提下,可以采用这种方法。 第五步、进行数据编辑,包括频点数据选择,构造维性和几何构造分析、阻抗张量旋转等。要想获得可靠的反演结果,这是非常重要的一步,但在操作次序上却无所谓。可以先做,可以后做,甚至可以不做。因此,这一步不影响后续操作命令的执行,但会影响其执行结果。 第六步、进行一维反演。这一步是在二维反演以前必须要做的。在一维反演的基础上,才能进行二维反演。这是Pioneer的无理规定,但好像比较受欢迎,所以也就继续保留吧。 第七步、进行二维反演。 第八步、进行二维反演结果分析。需要进入二维反演结果管理器里面,对于该条测线的反演结果进行全方位的查询、分析和解释。 第九步、结果成图输出、结果数据输出等。Pioneer提供了丰富的数据输入输出接口。 从大的方面来说,就是以上九个基本步骤。当然每一步骤当中,都有相当繁杂的操作细节,但一般没有特别的先后次序要求,可以发挥Pioneer所见即所得的功能摸索出来。对于新手而言,把上述九个步骤过一遍,Pioneer软件就基本上已经上手了,可以用来处理和解释理论或者实测的数据
个人分类: Pioneer|7260 次阅读|11 个评论
In Memoriam: David L. Waltz, CS Pioneer, Dies at 68
热度 2 bianyi1 2012-3-24 22:27
In Memoriam: David L. Waltz, CS Pioneer, Dies at 68
David L. Waltz, Computer Science Pioneer, Dies at 68 By JOHN MARKOFF Published: March 23, 2012(From The New York Times ) David Waltz spearheaded advances in artificial intelligence.( Eileen Barroso for Columbia Engineering ) David L. Waltz, a computer scientist whose early research in information retrieval provided the foundation for today’s Internet search engines , died on Thursday in Princeton, N.J. He was 68. The cause was brain cancer, his wife, Bonnie Waltz, said. He died at the University Medical Center at Princeton. During his career as a teacher and a technologist at start-up companies as well as large corporate laboratories, Dr. Waltz made fundamental contributions to computer science in areas ranging from computer vision to machine learning. One signal achievement was the development of a basic technique that makes it possible for computers to render three-dimensional scenes accurately . As part of his Ph.D.dissertation at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he developed an algorithm that could extract a rich three-dimensional understanding of a scene from two-dimensional line drawings with shadows . The 3-D research was seminal in the fields of computer vision and artificial intelligence. Known as “ constraint propagation ”, the technique is now used in industry for solving problems like route scheduling, package routing and construction scheduling . At M.I.T., Dr. Waltz was taught by Marvin Minsky, a pioneer in artificial intelligence. Dr. Waltz graduated in 1972, then taught computer science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and, later, at Brandeis University in Massachusetts. But it was as a member of a group of researchers at the Thinking Machines Corporation, in Cambridge, Mass., that Dr. Waltz made his breakthrough in information retrieval . Thinking Machines was an early maker of massive, parallel supercomputers, and by joining the company, in 1984, Dr. Waltz gained access to computers that by ’80s standards held vast amounts of fast random-access memory, up to 512 megabytes. “ For the first time it was possible to use simple algorithms with lots and lots of data ,” said Brewster Kahle, a computer scientist who directs the Internet Archives and was one of the Thinking Machines researchers. Access to that database was crucial to Dr. Waltz’s development of a technique known as memory, or “ case based ” reasoning. It revolutionized the way computers recognized characters, words, images and later, even voices. Before, a computer had to follow a set of programmed rules to arrive at recognition (it’s an “i” if there’s a dot, for example). Now it could comb through its vast memory and deduce what the image was by comparing it to what had been stored there. The technique transformed the field of artificial intelligence and also greatly advanced voice recognition and machine vision technology. And it led directly to the “big data” and data-science approaches that are essential tools for search engines, allowing them to sift through large collections of information to improve accuracy and relevance. “ He was a real pioneer ,” said Peter Norvig, Google’s director of research. “ The two main changes that got us modern A.I. were probabilistic reasoning and using memory rather than rules .” “ I don’t know if Larry and Sergey read his papers directly ,” he added, referring to Google’s founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, “ but the idea, filtered through however many people, was certainly a key. ” While at the University of Illinois, Dr. Waltz turned to the field of natural language understanding , a component of artificial intelligence involving the interpretation of language. With support from the Office of Naval Research, he built a question-answering system called Planes and explored the use of neural networks in language processing . In another early project, a Thinking Machines group led by Dr. Waltz designed an information retrieval system that made it possible for a remote user to gain access to a supercomputer and then be able to search through large volumes of documents . The system, known as Wide Area Information Server , or WAIS, and designed in cooperation with the Dow Jones Corporation, Apple Computer and KPMG Peat Marwick, was not the first information retrieval system. But it was innovative in enabling the user to uncover connections between seemingly disparate documents. For example, the WAIS system was able to give an early warning of the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 after it discovered a report of an abnormal radiation reading in Scandinavia, according to W. Daniel Hillis, the co-founder of Thinking Machines. WAIS also introduced techniques to narrow a document search. It was followed by other search systems, like Veronica, Gopher and Archie, which predated the search engines offered today by Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and other companies. After leaving Thinking Machines in 1993, Dr. Waltz joined the NEC Research Institute in Princeton, where he was president from 2000 to 2002. He left to help create the Center for Computational Learning Systems at Columbia, where he was director. The center has worked with Con Edison of New York in developing systems that can predict power failures and thus enhance maintenance of the electric power grid. Researchers there are also working on creating a computer-based system to give people with epilepsy early warnings of seizures. The technique involves mining data generated by electrodes implanted in patients. Dr. Waltz earlier was instrumental in establishing interdisciplinary research centers: the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois, and the Volen National Center for Complex Systems at Brandeis. David Leigh Waltz was born in Boston on May 28, 1943 , to Maynard C. Waltz and the former Lubov Leonovich. His father, a physicist, worked at M.I.T.’s Radiation Laboratory during World War II and later at Bell Labs. Dr. Waltz obtained both undergraduate and graduate degrees at M.I.T. in electrical engineering. He lived in Princeton. Besides his wife, he is survived by a brother, Peter; a son, Jeremy; a daughter, Vanessa Waltz, and a granddaughter. (A version of this article appeared in print on March 24, 2012, on page B 9 of the New York edition with the headline: David L. Waltz, Computer Science Pioneer, Dies at 68.) David L. Waltz (28 May 1943– 22 March 2012) RIP, Dr. Waltz. You'll be missed by all that benefit from theInternet and AI.
3056 次阅读|4 个评论
陈小斌 2012-2-27 23:27
与国内其他软件相比较,Pioneer的一个重大优势是完全支持叠加功率谱数据以后的所有数据处理技术。这其中最为关键之处在于阻抗张量数据的处理分析。阻抗张量分析处理早已成为国际顶级地球电磁感应学术讨论会的常设专题之一,其地位几乎可与正反演算法研究相平。但是,国内其他绝大多数软件都是从阻抗张量的衍生物——视电阻率和阻抗相位开始处理分析的,因而无法涉及到阻抗张量分解这一大地电磁法的数据处理核心技术的应用。 由阻抗张量分解可以确定测区的区域构造走向和倾向的基本方位、测区的二维性情况、以及消除观测点附近小三维异常体所引起的资料的局部畸变。Pioneer中,实现了近十余种阻抗张量分解技术,公开发布使用的是常用的四种:SWift旋转(严格说来这不属于张量分解)、Bahr分解、相位张量、GB分解。张量分解的结果是获得一系列不变量,其中最重要是最佳主轴方位、二维偏离度等。Pioneer中,设计了不变量显示的标签页,可以显示一维偏离度、二维偏离度、最佳主轴方位、畸变因子等,如图1所示。 图1、Pioneer中每个测点的阻抗张量分解得到不变量以曲点图的方式显示 但是,图1所示的结果只是这些参数的简单显示,没有任何意义的统计分析。由于野外观测资料存在较大的噪声,且地下介质千变万化,直接从这些曲点图上很难获得全局性的分析结果。近些年来,各类论文上流行的是如图2所示的玫瑰图,其不仅直观地指出了构造方位走向,而且还对数据进行了必要的统计,因而具有统计上的可靠性。 图2、当前流行的大地电磁最佳主轴方位的统计玫瑰图 为了对这些不变量参数做进一步地分析,获得测区构造走倾向以及电性介质的二维性状况,可以从Pioneer中导出相应的数据,然后到Grapher中做出类似于图2所示的图件,并进行相应的分析,获得数据旋转方位。由于Grapher等软件与MT数据处理软件是脱离的,因此这种统计分析过程非常繁琐。尤其是在测点数目较多的情况下,需要耗费大量的人力物力。 这种情况在Pioneer4.90中得以彻底改观了。 Pioneer4.90提供了构造方位和维性分析模块。目前主要实现了构造主轴方位的玫瑰图和直方图统计分析功能,如图3和图4所示,可见可以非常方便地选择点(测点)、线(测量剖面)、面(数据工程)以及设计不同的频率范围进行最佳主轴的方位分析,因而大大提高了构造主轴分析的效率和可靠性。 图3、Pioneer4.90中实现的大地电磁最佳主轴方位的统计玫瑰图 图4、Pioneer4.90中大地电磁最佳主轴方位的统计直方图
个人分类: Pioneer|8376 次阅读|0 个评论
陈小斌 2012-2-21 01:39
网格对于大地电磁二维反演非常重要。即使其他条件完全相同,采用不同的网格进行反演也经常会得到差异性较大的结果。然而,要获得高质量的二维反演网格并不容易。在可视化软件出现之前,网格的构建是二维反演中非常繁琐的一个过程。 在Pioneer中,由于实现了测点中心网格的自动生成,并且提出了一套横向网格的评价指标(测点中心偏离度、网格光滑度)来量化评价横向网格的质量,故而可以既快又好地生成高质量的水平向网格。但对于纵向网格,却没有好的评价指标,其网格尺度只能依经验按照一定的比例因子递增。Pioneer中可以分段采用不同的比例因子。经常出现的情况是,我们希望提高目标层的分辨率,因而需要在目标层附近加密网格,或者对于地下高导层的地方,也需要加密网格来增加反演过程中正演的计算精度。由于纵向网格递增的过程呈指数增加,递增因子是否合理,需要从网格模型本身的分布状况来评价。 先前版本的Pioneer在网格生成方面的一个缺憾是,网格生成后不能即刻显示二维反演网格的初始模型。为了能够看到初始模型和反演网格是否合理,我所采取的办法是,用该初始模型做一次二维反演计算,反演中将最大迭代次数设计为1次或者2次,待反演结束后再Pioneer的二维反演数据管理器中绘制初始模型,分析网格分布情况。这是多么麻烦的一个过程! 在Pioneer4.90版本中,这一麻烦的过程将不复存在。在二维反演网格生成器中,增加了反演网格模型显示的功能,尽管目前还很粗糙,但已经解决了先前的主要问题。更加细致的功能,可以在以后的时间里慢慢优化完善。 图1给出了Pioneer4.90中二维反演网格生成器的新增按钮,点击这个按钮即会显示当前状态下二维反演的网格模型。 图2则是构建纵向网格时,新增的绘制反演网格模型的按钮。这里要注意其纵向网格分为三节,每一节递增比例因子不同。 图3是打开的另一个网格模型的纵向网格构建的界面,这里要注意与图2之间的对比。 图4和图5则是上述两种纵向坐标情况下,反演网格模型的对比,可见这样可以更好地选择自己想要的网格模型。 图6则显示了如果初始模型不是均匀半空间,而是由以前的某种结果插值构建而成情况下的反演初始网格模型,从而可以即刻评价所生成的初始模型是否正好是自己想要的,检查可能存在的一些操作上的错误。 这一功能使得Pioneer原有的四种构建反演初始模型的方式更加直观有效。 图1 Pioneer4.90中新增加的显示反演网格模型的按钮 图2、纵向网格构建窗体中新增的绘制反演网格模型的按钮 图3、另一个网格模型的纵向网格设计 图4、反演初始网格模型的显示(均匀半空间模型,与图2同一个网格,注意窗体左上角的红色椭圆所圈的内容) 图5、反演初始网格模型的显示(均匀半空间模型,与图3同一个网格,注意窗体左上角的红色椭圆所圈的内容) 图6、一个非均匀半空间初始网格模型的显示
个人分类: Pioneer|6620 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 陈小斌 2010-6-5 00:45
今天看了世界上最著名的大地电磁解释软件WingLink的演示和主要的操作过程,真是对该软件大失所望。不夸张地说,与我自己编的软件Pioneer相比,差距不是一点点。而Pioneer现在还是默默无闻的啊—— Pioneer的主要优势在于其完全出自我一人之手。从整个设计思路到源码编写,都是一个人,这样整合性就好得多。还有就是,我们课题组的人,还有少数几位朋友用Pioneer完成了大量的科研项目。从2002年开始,Pioneer一直在实践中不断地改进,从未间断。 所以一定要有信心,只要持之以恒地做一件事,总会做得好的。 目前主要的遗憾是,Pioneer中的二维反演核心算法是MIT的,还不是我自己的。Pioneer采用多线程技术调用NLCG执行程序进行二维反演的并列计算的。 我预备今年下半年自己编一个二维反演程序,希望能够超过NLCG二维反演程序,就像我的一维ARIA反演程序盖过著名的一维OCCAM一样。
个人分类: Pioneer|16682 次阅读|14 个评论
Martin Richards
huangfuqiang 2009-3-25 20:34
2003 Computer Pioneer Awards Martin Richards I am now a RETIRED Senior University Lecturer but still have an office (and come in most days) in the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory ( Click here for maps and floor plan of the new building ) William Gates Building, JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0FD, United Kingdom. My office: +44 (0)1223 334633, Reception: +44 (0)1223 763500, Fax: +44 (0)1223 334678 email: mr@cl.cam.ac.uk . I am also a Fellow of St Johns College . My speaking voice sounds like this . Here is a fun Java applet: Damongo Sundial . Shortcuts to main Packages If you know what you want, just right click on one of the following: bcpl.tgz , bcpl64.tgz , mcpl.tgz , cintpos.tgz , bench.tgz , cobench.tgz , tcobench.tgz , vspl.tgz , gp2x.tgz , musprogs.tgz , edsac.tgz , or archive.tgz . Otherwise, continue reading below. If the browser tries to change the extension from .tgz to .tgz.gz, change it back again. My Research Interests My most recent work has been on a package to allow BCPL programs to generate native machine code dynamically at runtime in a machine independent way (currently only available for i386 machines). See bcplprogs/mc in the standard BCPL distribution. For the n-queens problem this give a 24-fold speed up. A second project I am working on is a program to provide an automatic musical accompaniment to a soloist. The score is represented in the MUS language specifically designed for this project. This language allows the user detailed control of tempo, volume, phasing and many other aspects of the performance. In due course the program will analyse in real time the sound picked up by a USB condenser microphone allowing the program to keep in time with the performer. The project is in the early stages of development, but parts are beginning to work. See the directory mus2mid in the Musprogs distribution. Some demonstration Midi files generated by this system are: cantilena.mid The slow movement of Poulenc's sonata for flute and piano. chords45.mid A chord recognition test for subdominant and dominant triads in root, first or second inversions. chordsAll.mid A chord recognition test for any triads in root, first or second inversions. chordseq.mid A sequence of all triads of C major and minor in root, first or second inversions. Programming language design and implementation. Typeless programming languages. Analysis and optimisation of complete programs. Implementation of efficient interpreters. Compact interpretive codes and ultra compact codes suitable for just-in-time compilation. Tautology and Satisfiability checkers. Thread, Coroutines and Process Control. How to implement complex real time applications that need to run reliably for the next 30 or more years. BCPL, an interpretive implementation of the BCPL language and system, including many demonstration programs. Click on BCPL.html to obtain a copy of the current version. A 64-bit Cintcode version of BCPL is under development, click on BCPL64.html for more details. Cintpos, an interpretive implementation of the Tripos Portable Operating System. Click Cintpos.html to obtain a copy. MCPL, a typeless language with features taken from BCPL, C, ML and Prolog. Click MCPL.html to obtain a copy. Bench, a machine and language independent benchmark program. Click Bench.html to obtain a copy. The GP2X is a handheld Linux based gaming machine containing two ARM processors and flash memory of up to 2 Gbytes. It has a 320x240 16-bit colour display and several gaming type buttons including an 8 way joystick. I have implemented both BCPL Cintcode and Cintpos for this machine. So that it can be used standalone without a keyboard, I have implemented a terminal emulator, called Joyterm, for it allowing the user to send ASCII characters to a bash shell using just the joystick and the buttons. For more information click GP2X.html . Musprogs holds various BCPL programs concerned with sampled and MIDI sound and ultimately a program to act as an automatic friendly accompanist to (typically) a solo player. This is currently under development and will not be ready for some time (years!). My initial plan is to use a USB ribbon microphone for input, a USB connection to a Roland SonicCell with the SRX-6 (Complete Orchestra) extension board and run the program under Windows XP using Cintpos and the MC package (for the time critical signal processing). I will use my own ASCII representation of the score (somewhat influenced by that used in Lilypond). For several reasons, I am not expecting to use FFT for the realtime analysis of the sound input. For more information click Musprogs.html . Edsac contains an interactive simulator of Edsac the first general purpose stored program computer to run in Cambridge. It was designed and built by a team under the leadership of Maurice Wilkes and ran its first program on 6 May 1949. It was the first machine in the world to provide a computing service. Click Edsac.html to obtain a copy. Tcobench contains various implementations of a language independent benchmark program to test how well different languages can implement an application which is well suited to using coroutines running in a multi-threading environment. Currently only a BCPL version is available, the other implementations are under development. Click Tcobench.html to obtain a copy. Cobench, a machine and language independent benchmark program for BCPL style coroutines. Click Cobench.html to obtain a copy. An archive of old BCPL and Tripos code is available. Click Archive.html to obtain a copy. VSPL, a very simple programming language designed to be a case study for comparing different ways of implementing a compiler. It currently has implementations in BCPL, C and Lex/Yacc. Implementations in other languages such as C++, Java, ML and Prolog are planned. Click VSPL.html to obtain a copy. Click demodiss.tar for a tar version of a collection of files that constitute as LaTeX version of a CST or Diploma project proposal and dissertation. Some Publications If you have DIFFICULTY READING a .pdf file under Internet Explorer, try copying it to a temporary directory by right-clicking the link and using the Save Target As ... menu item. It can then read it using acroread (or equivalent) by double clicking the saved file. Alternatively use Netscape. bcplman.pdf . The BCPL Cintcode and Cintpos Users Guide (still being modified), September 2005. oldbcplman.pdf . Archive of the old BCPL Cintcode System Users Guide, December 2003. musman.pdf . The MUS Users Guide (very early stages of development), May 2008. cintposman.pdf . Archive of the old Cintpos Portable Operating System (draft), October 2002. mcplman.pdf . The MCPL Programming Manual and User Guide, TR 431, July 1997. lengtarj.pdf . Slides for the talk The Lengauer Tarjan Algorithm for Computing the immediate Dominators Tree of a Flowgraph, A informal talk given at Cambridge, 17 May 2001. checker.pdf . Rough draft of Experiments with a Tautology Checker Algorithm (1998). chkslds.pdf . Slides for the talk A Tautology Checker loosely related to Stalmarck's Algorithm, A Seminar given at Cambridge, 13 March 1998. qbf2slds.pdf . Slides for the talk A Presentation of the Paper: A Linear-time Algorithm for Testing the Truth of Certain Quantified Boolean Formulas A talk given at Cambridge, 5 February 1998. mcplslds.pdf . Slides for the talk Pattern Matching in a Typeless Language, POP Seminar given at CMU, 10 December 1997. ptcslds.pdf . Slides for the talk Portable Target Codes for Compilers, SCS Seminar given at CMU, 6 October 1997. backtrk.pdf . Backtracking Algorithms in MCPL using Bit Patterns and Recursion, TR 433, July 1997. model.pdf . Demonstration Programs for CTL and Mu-Calculus Symbolic Model Checking, TR 434, August 1997. edsacposter.pdf . A PDF version on two A4 pages of the poster explaining the two EDSAC paper tapes etched onto the glass panels surrounding the first floor coffee lounge area in Cambridge University Computer Laboratory, September 2005. Other Interests Horn playing , Music , skiing, theatre, concerts, walking, travel. Frequently accessed URLs A Bibliographic Database Another Bibliographic Database BCPL BCPL is a simple typeless language that was designed in 1966 by Martin Richards and implemented for the first time at MIT in the Spring of 1967. A machine independent interpretive implementation of BCPL is available free of charge for private and academic purposes. If you would like to install it on your machine, have a look at the distribution README file and obtain a copy of bcpl.tgz . or bcpl.zip . The sizes and dates of creation of these files can be found in FILES . BEWARE: Your browser may silently decompress bcpl.tgz producing a .tar file with name bcpl.tgz. If this happens, it can be de-tarred using: tar xvf bcpl.tgz rather than the expected tar zxvf bcpl.tgz. Your browser may suggest you write the file to bcpl.tgz.gz. If this happens make sure you make the target bcpl.tgz. This distribution includes all BCPL and C the source files, a collection of demonstration BCPL programs and an experimental native code version running on Linux and DEC Alpha machines. A version for the GP2X handheld linux machine has just been added (but is still under development). As an aside the Cintpos portable operating system will also soon be available for this wonderful little handhend machine. An older rather out of date version of BCPL is still available via BCPL23-4-04.html . But I no longer recommend that you use it. The current version is much more compatible with the Cintpos distribution. The main changes are the use of a new BCPL compiler with some extensions including a cross-referencing facility, changes in the directory structure and the use of the environment variables BCPLROOT, BCPLPATH and BCPLHDRS (in place of CINTCODE and BCPLPATH). The Windows CE version of this system has also been upgraded, and, as of 13 July 2004, its distribution seems to work at least on my HP 620LX running Windows CE 2.0. Free Distribution This distribution assumes the following overall directory structure: | *--BCPL -- bcpl.tgz or bcpl.zip, 32-bit Cintcode BCPL | | | *--cintcode | | | *--bcplprogs | | | *--natbcpl | *--BCPL64 -- bcpl64.tgz or bcpl64.zip, 64-bit Cintcode BCPL | | | *--cintcode | | | *--bcplprogs | | | *--natbcpl -- Not yet available | *--MCPL -- mcpl.tgz or mcpl.zip | | A typeless language related to BCPL, ML, C and prolog | *--mintcode | | | *--mcplprogs | | | *--natmcpl | *--Cintpos -- cintpos.tgz or cintpos.zip, a Cintcode interpretive | | version of the Tripos Portable Operating System | *--cintpos | *--Bench -- bench.tgz or bench.zip | | A language independent benchmark | *--src | *--Cobench -- cobench.tgx or cobench.zip | A language independent benchmark for BCPL style | coroutines | *--Tcobench -- tcobench.tgz or tcobench.zip | A language independent benchmark using both threads and | BCPL style coroutines. (Under development) | *--VSPL -- vspl.tgz or vspl.zip A complete compiler and interpreter for a simple but not trivial language called VSPL. It is implemented in several different ways using several different implemetation languages including BCPL, C, and java. The BCPL version is about 21 pages long. A precompiled version for Windows is included in the standard distribution as the file cinterp.exe. It can be recompiled using Microsoft Visual C. To run it, edit the file setupwin32.bat and the execute it. An advantage of an interpretive system is that it is easy to generate data relating memory references to time. Such data can be used to produce a picture of the execution of a program, for example RASTERps.zip contains an A4 sized Postcript diagram of a version of the BCPL compiler compiling itself.
个人分类: IEEE计算机先驱奖|5111 次阅读|0 个评论

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