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近40年西化宣传的恶果:精神上被俘虏 自甘劣等
热度 21 huangwd99 2017-6-30 22:24
近40年西化宣传的恶果:精神上被俘虏 自甘劣等 产业人网 2017-06-08 14:28:05 本文作者:黄卫东 本网编辑:塞尼 【本文为作者向产业人网(chanyeren.com)的独家投稿,文章内容纯属作者个人观点,不代表本网观点,转载请保留本声明】 1 、西化宣传历史根源 直到 1979 年,美国才和中国建立外交关系,承认新中国。在此之前,美国一直经济封锁和军事威胁中国,在朝鲜越南发动了两场针对中国的侵略战争。在朝鲜战场上,美国制定了入侵中国的计划,在统领 16 国组成的联合国军打到中朝边境的时候,曾部分实施了该入侵中国的计划, 包括在我国东北通过飞机大量投放细菌发动细菌战 ,多次轰炸我国东北 ,针对中国的指控,美国驻联合国代表奥斯汀 (Warren R. Austin) 在联合国发言,不得不承认了美军对中国东北的轰炸,但以误炸搪塞 。 但在中国援朝志愿军的打击下,不得不承认失败。 按照美国政府在华盛顿侵朝纪念碑上公布的数字, 当时志愿军消灭了美国为首的联合国军 225 万。在美国对越南的十余年侵略战争,由于中国领导和支持世界各国人民,包括越南的反美武装斗争,让美国物价飞涨,经济濒临崩溃,美国老百姓纷纷反对,美国精英不得不放弃义务征兵制,改为花钱雇佣士兵了,从而不得不放弃了公开敌对中国的政策,改为通过交往来削弱中国了。 但是,精英们上台以后,彻底抹杀了中国人民在过去一百多年和新中国前 30 年的奋斗和牺牲,尤其是文革十多年的努力,抹杀数千万中国仁人志士的流血牺牲。而是将美国打扮成无私帮助中国人民的天使,似乎美国从来没有歧视奴役过中国,无视美国对新中国的军事侵略、威胁和封锁,无视美国和西方对中国近代以来的掠夺和侵略,反诬中国人民封闭落后,不知道对外开放和向西方先进国家学习,从而陷入愚昧贫穷落后的境地。 西方强盗和骗子变成了改开时代精英们眼里人类先进国家的先进代表了。于是,精英们开启了改革开放新时代,主动延请西方精英指导,努力实施美国精英拿胡萝卜和大棒推销的“华盛顿共识”政策 ,努力发展与美国和西方的关系,使中国融入西方,主动出台优惠外资歧视内资政策,祈求美国精英印美元购买中国资产,控制中国经济资源,形成中国负责生产,美国负责消费的中美国 。按照杨洁篪的总结 ,“中美已经形成你中有我,我中有你的利益交融格局,一荣俱荣,一损俱损,谁也离不开谁”;按照汪洋的总结 ,中美关系象夫妻关系,公开要求美国精英不要闹离婚。于是,精英们救美国就是救中国。现在美军的军舰和飞机可以自由地造访中国的南海,虽然美国精英反而要求中国的军用飞机等不得造访中国的南海 ,在精英们看来,这都是中美精英夫妻间的内部争吵了,小民们不得妄议。其根本原因,是美国对中国的文化侵略。 自 1840 年鸦片战争以来,西方通过侵略和武力威胁,强加了大量不平等条约,其中美国特别重视文化侵略, 其方式主要有在中国传教、办学校、办医院、吸引留学生等 。 1844 年中美签订第一个不平等条约《望厦条约》,让美国人第一个取得了在通商口岸建立教堂的特权 (p58) 。第二次鸦片战争中签订的《天津条约》,取得了在华传教自由的特权,清政府还要加以保护 (p162) 。美国人最初采用传教的方式进行文化侵略,其效果并不理想。即使在美国人兴建的教堂周围,中国信教的老百姓也从来没有超过1%。美国人于是改变了文化侵略的办法,1868年美国通过签订《蒲安臣条约》,获得在华自由移民和办学 (p218) 。此后,美国人在中国办了大量学校,远超其他西方国家。比较著名的大学包括北京的燕京大学,协和医学院,上海的圣约翰大学,南京的金陵大学,杭州的之江大学,成都的华西协和大学,广州的岭南大学,苏州的东吴大学等,在中国精英中培养了大批迷信美国,为美国效力的各类人才 。 由于美国长期的文化侵略和渗透,到 1927 年建立的蒋介石政权就完全成了美国的附庸,高层官员主要来自美国留学生。整个三十年代,美国提供战略物资 20 亿美元,支持日本侵略中国,削弱中日实力,从而借助中日战争占领控制了中日两国。日本二战时的军方官员中原茂敏总结了日本侵华战争期间的军事物资供应情况,写成《大东亚补给战》 一书,指出日本是无资源国家,工业基础严重不足,侵华期间,制造武器的机床、石油和废钢铁等战略物资都仰仗进口,大都从美国进口。没有美国人帮助,日本人是否有能力发动侵华战争,都是十分有疑问的。于此相反,美国在抗战期间运抵中国的物资,主要用来帮助英国收复缅甸殖民地,基本没有用于中国本土抗战。但是精英们却宣传美国帮助了中国抗日。抗战胜利后,为了获得美国的军事物资对付共产党,国民政府与美国签订了从天上到地下,从政治到经济,从思想到灵魂,覆盖一切的协议,将中国的主权都交给了美国精英 。这一切,很大程度上都基于只存在于精英们思维中,实际上不存在的美国对中国的“无私援助”。美国对中国的文化侵略,获得了丰硕的成果。随着新中国成立,美国在中国的势力也就被一扫而空,美国转而对中国实施了 30 年的经济封锁和军事威胁。 2 、改开时代的西化宣传 但是,到了改开时代,王小东先生指出 , 中国的 “ 逆向种族主义 ” 在八十年代笼罩了整个中国的思想界、学术界、文艺界、新闻界。中国官方支持了大量这类观点的出版物的发行,组织或赞助了许多所谓“文化战略”研讨会,将许多持有这类观点的知识分子破格提拔到了各种各样控制舆论的重要岗位上(而不是像西方人想象的那样迫害他们)。比如“《河殇》现象”就很有代表性,由官方拍成电视,在中央电视台黄金时间播放,组织学生学习讨论。从而又培养了新一代崇美精英,他们现在占据了我国很多重要岗位和主流媒体,继续向国内老百姓灌输逆向种族主义思维和洋奴哲学。 在我国近年来出版的中小学教材中 ,美国和西方人被描绘成具有各种高尚品德的优质人类,而中国人则是文化酱缸中成长的劣质人类,天生就比西方低下。精英们要通过中小学教育,从小就培养中国人,相信自己是劣质人类。著名学者刘晓波先生公开宣称,中国应被西方殖民 300 年。而北大教授焦国标则声称,如果有一天我执掌了咱中华人民共和国政府,我一分钱就把她买给美国作他的第五十一个州”;公开发表诗作 “ 假如有来生 , 当兵只当美国兵。假如今生注定死于战火 , 就作美国精确制导炸弹下的亡灵。 ” 2003 年美国大兵入侵一个主权国家,全世界出现了二战以来少见的反战浪潮, 1500 万人游行示威,抗议美国违反国际公法,入侵伊拉克。示威人数之多,打破了三十年的世界纪录。而我们的“精英”却深深地情系侵略者,为之“心焦”、“心疼”,称颂他们“自陷地狱,与战邪恶”,奉为文明的希望,竟痴情地写诗表示,“假如有来生,当兵只当美国兵”——精英崇美固为精英们的时尚,然如此坦率而肉麻,当今之世恐亦绝无仅有,甚至愿意无辜地被美国人炸死,不会反抗。  北大教授焦国标所写的这首诗,既不“朦胧”也不“艺术至上”,洋溢着“英雄主义”和“理想主义”。“美国兵”比高大全还 高大全,美国民主比天堂还天堂,这是赤裸裸的“政治第一”和主题先行,赤裸裸的公式化、概念化。如果颂扬的不是“美国兵”,恐怕你会以为自己面对的是一株“政治工具论”和“庸俗社会学”的“极左”艺术标本呢。 当然,痴情和激情来自诗人对入侵者的坚信。巡航导弹一“呼啸”,诗人即曾断言:“我相信伊拉克全境将迅速传檄而定——这是我说的,诸位试目以待”。连联合国没有授权英美打伊,他也不以为然。他在他的另一篇文章《质疑联合国的合法性》中,断言从此联合国与英美将进入“犁耙关系”,即只好无奈地跟在英美这“犁”的屁股后面“耙地”。他宣称:“国际秩序和准则从此将重拼重写”,“伊斯兰主义将从此划上句号”,“国际恐怖主义从此进入‘夕阳产业’”,并为这一新时代的到来欢呼。他极力为霸权主义鼓吹,奉之为解放人类的不二法门。他认为“民族自决权便宜了民族恶棍”,朝鲜“比伊拉克还伊拉克”,不光苏联和东欧颠覆活该,即使中国,“周恩来首倡‘和平共处五项原则’之时,正是中国内政最应该干涉之秋,可惜没有人干涉啊”!……   记得“精英”们一直诅咒战争的“残酷”和“不人道”。如今看来,他们也不是反对所有的战争。在他们眼里,毛泽东所领导的中国人民革命战争包括抗美援朝战争固然罪大恶极,而美国攻打伊拉克,不管死了多少人,也是好得很;十月革命处死沙皇,乃是布尔什维克的血腥罪行,而克伦威尔把英王推向断头台,虽然杀的也是封建君主,但是就没有罪过,岂但无罪,简直功莫大焉。 在另外一篇公开发表的文章中,他这样写道: “ 如果当年美军拿下朝鲜半岛,越过鸭绿江,直捣北京城,推翻毛泽东的政权,像满人赶走李自成那样,后来的一切灾难都可以免除,现在中国大陆人民幸福和富裕的程度应该与今天日本、韩国、台湾人民不相上下,根本无须几十年后来邓小平再搞什么改革开放。 ” 在这段话中,焦国标肯定了美军拥有 “ 直捣北京城 ” 的道义合法性,直接否定了我们社会的基本价值 —— 对国家、对民族、对主权的认同。焦国标看不到美国的本性,却宣称到处搞侵略的美国人是来解放帮助他国的。现在美国人更是不事生产,除了生产武器,通过侵略和军事威胁,向各国推销武器,包括向很多国家内部的反对派提供武器,发动内战。美国又是如何帮助他国的? 历史上,以盎格鲁萨克森人为主体的白人,是唯一实现种族灭种的民族,先后灭绝了北美 数千万 印第安人,澳洲土著,建立了美国和澳大利亚 ;美国持续 300 年贩运黑奴;随意残害国内民众的麦卡锡主义;以打击贩毒为名,跨国绑架主权国家总统;以及持续一个世纪直到今天仍然在全世界的血腥杀戮,包括肢解南斯拉夫,无所顾忌的推翻阿富汗政权。耗资 8000 亿美元入侵伊拉克,却将一个世界一流富国,楞推到最贫困国家行列(全国 23% 极端贫困人口)……。这个世界上的坏事,一多半不是美国人干的,就是美国政府干的,美国佬犯下的所有罪行,远远超过纳粹德国和日本军国主义罪行的总和。美国是世界头号无赖,却把自己打扮成自由民主的人权天使,在全世界高唱普世价值,这简直是荒唐,更是纯粹的欺骗。更为荒唐的是,精英们通过洗脑宣传,让很多国人笃信美国的普世形象。 奥巴马总统上任前六年,就向 7 个国家投放炸弹,成为美国历史上侵略国家最多的总统,西方却给奥巴马颁诺贝尔和平奖。而中国的精英,也正是在奥巴马统治时期,公开将中美关系比喻为夫妻关系。 莫言通过写小说,丑化共产党和新中国,妖魔化中国人历史和文化,西方给他颁发诺贝尔奖,称赞莫言的功劳就在于他揭示了中华民族的吃人文化,这很符合西方对付中国,维护西方利益的需要,是十分自然的。令人难以理解的,是精英们重用莫言,让莫言成了副部级的作协副主席,成了可以参政国家大事的政协委员。 事实上,多年来,精英们通过多种方法,鼓励各种洋奴上位控制主流媒体和网络,进行洗脑宣传。例如,精英们为了推行美国精英推销的私有化,就通过各种主流媒体进行洗脑宣传,让公有制典范,产出和安全性均为世界第一,远超我国私有化的公路交通和航空交通,也超过世界各国铁路,在一段时间内,被妖魔化为不安全的交通工具 。 早在 20 年前,国内电视节目好坏评价工作,就开始由西方控制的央视 - 索福瑞媒介研究有限公司公司来做。 在学术界,包括自然科学和社会科学领域,所推行的评价标准,都是以在西方权威期刊发表文章为主要依据,让西方决定我们的科研工作水平,推动学者们按照西方思维思考和行动,也推动学者们纷纷出国留学,同时高校和科研院所则提供优惠待遇,吸引海外留学人才,以便在国外发表更多高水平学术文章,增加“科研成果”,提升本单位的“学术形象”。因此,改开以来,尤其是近 20 年来,我国的主要科研成果都基本发表在西方杂志。由于需要高额的订阅费用以及外语水平才能学习这些发表在西方杂志的成果,从而使国内工业界很难利用它们,也使我国的科研工作事实上成了给西方免费劳动。更荒谬的是,由于评判我国自然和社会领域科研工作好坏和优劣的工作被西方控制,在思想上,也就逐步形成了维西方是从的思维定式。 3 、西化宣传的恶果:精神上被俘虏,自甘劣等 经过近 40 年的洗脑宣传,精英们早已在精神上和思想上被西方俘虏,将美国精英看成是高高在上的引路人,按照美国的要求来行动了。例如,中国在 2009 年哥本哈根气候会议上承诺到 2020 年单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比 2005 年下降 40%—45% 。当时中国人均排放不到美国四分之一。而美国总统奥巴马虽然承诺 2020 年美国碳排放量在 2005 年的基础上减少 17 %,但事后并没有得到美国国会批准,成了一纸空文。问题是,在这样的承诺下,中国人均允许排放的温室气体不到美国五分之一,等于承认歧视性的排放分配。当时发达国家划定了 8000 亿吨的全世界碳排放总量限制,然后自己要先划走 44% ,剩下 56% 留给占全世界人口比例 83% 的发展中国家,包括中国,等于人均排放量是发展中国家包括中国的 3.83 倍。在会议上,精英们曾经提出一个中国人均排放等于西方 80% 的要求,根本就不敢提与美国平起平坐,拥有相等的人均排放量,仍然遭到西方反对,精英们也不敢反抗,仍然自愿作出承诺,默认就该被西方大幅度歧视,连让西方减少一点歧视的勇气也没有。 到了 2015 年巴黎会议,情况并无很大变化,中国承诺到 2030 年,单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比 2005 年下降 60%-65% 。直到 2016 年 9 月,美国总统奥巴马正式批准加入巴黎协定,承诺到 2025 年,美国碳排放量在 2005 年基础上减少 26% 到 28% 。但还没等到国会批准,新上任的美国总统特朗普就宣布作废了。即使两国都批准,美国人均排放量仍然将是中国的 4 倍以上,仍然是一个高度不平等的协议,一个高度歧视中国人权的协议。精英们仍然默认这种歧视,甚至在最近美国宣布退出以后,仍宣布将遵守承诺。 上个月中旬,中美通过了在中美全面经济对话机制框架下推进中美经济合作百日计划,达成了十项协议,基本上是中国单方面承诺开放主权,包括开放金融、开放投资和开放农业;美方不需要对等承诺。过去蒋介石时代,中美签订协议,起码在字面上还是平等的,是双方对等的承诺,不平等的是实质内容。但是,现在精英们连追求字面上的平等都不敢了,只能按照美国的单方面要求行动了,这是何等的悲哀? 更加悲哀的是,即使精英们作出这样的不对等承诺,还要经常被美国指责,精英们还常常以为是自己的错误,只敢作无辜辩解。例如,在货币方面,精英们早就承诺美元可自由兑换人民币了,而我们拿人民币去换美国人的美元,是很难换到的。但是美国精英和媒体仍然经常指责人民币不可兑换,同时要求美国人拿人民币也可以从精英们手里自由地换到美元,等于让精英们被动地参与货币兑换,完全交出货币兑换国家主权。而精英们则天天在主流媒体上检讨人民币是不可兑换的,宣传美国精英要求的人民币可自由兑换,而且将美国的无理要求当成金融改革的最终目标,承诺和推进这样的金融改革。 2015 年 10 月在接见美国 前财长鲍尔森表示 “没有开放就难有金融改革,没有改革,中国的金融企业也很难有竞争力。我可以向你肯定,金融改革步伐不会停。我们会一步一步来,但决不允许‘进一步、退两步’。”向美国精英承诺,要按照美国指定的目标进行金融改革。 在人民币汇率方面,也是如此。精英们按照美国拿胡萝卜和大棒推销的华盛顿共识第 5 项要求干预人民币汇率,实行低人民币汇率政策;中国的精英也很清楚,他们是按照美国精英要求,通过政府操纵实行了低人民币汇率政策,但却很少被公开报道。另一方面,美国精英公开方面则经常指责中国政府操纵汇率,要求中国政府升高人民币汇率,还经常挥舞惩罚的大棒,却从未真正实施,而中美主流媒体则大肆报道,更有喜感的是,中国精英会经常辩解没有干预汇率,人民币汇率不低。例如, 2010 年 3 月 14 日,某精英答英国记者说, “ 我认为人民币的币值没有低估。反对用强制的方法迫使一国汇率升值。 ” 从整个画面来看,就是中美精英在合演双簧,愚弄两国的老百姓。难怪哈佛大学弗格森教授称之为中美国。 在低人民币汇率下,我们低价贱卖产品,高价进口美国产品,从而给美国奉送了大量财富。在中美精英双方合演的双簧里,中国单方面给美国免费输送了大量财富,形成了中国生产,美国消费的中美国模式 ,美国人过上了不劳而获的富裕生活,远超殖民地时代,但中国精英却成了经常受美国精英指责的对象,像个经常犯错误的小媳妇,被动地为自己的行为辩解,而且这方面例子数不胜数,诸如贸易争端、南海争端;人权争端等等。这是为什么? 根本原因是近 40 年来,精英们推进西化宣传,洗脑老百姓,从而自己也被洗脑,自觉地接受美国和西方领导,听从西方指挥,不合理也要执行。唯恐不按照美国要求,连免费给美国搞生产,当奴隶的机会也被美国剥夺了。生怕被美国人开除了球籍,一心一意建设为美国服务的生产能力,当好美国的奴隶。 参考文献 1. 孟涛 , 关于朝鲜战争中美军实施细菌战的再考察 . 当代中国史研究 , 2013(05): p. 33-40+125. 2. 外交部 , 我外交部发言人发表声明严斥麦克阿瑟及奥斯汀无耻谰言 . 人民周报 , 1950. 1950 (7): p. 4-8. 3. 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热度 7 AlecXu 2016-8-20 05:14
在里约奥运会进行时,中国的媒体除了关注奥会赛事,最关注的估计就是某个影视明星妻子可能出轨的花边新闻上。而在此时,国际社会上曝露出来的一个重磅新闻却鲜为人知—— USA 今年大选热门民主党候选人希拉里和曾经的法国雇主 Lafarge 公司(希拉里在 80 年代担任过该公司的法律顾问, 90 年代则曾担任过该公司的 director )参与资助过 USA 中央情报局支持的武器出口,将武器设备资助给 06 年被绞死的 Saddam Hussein 以及今日在世界各大媒体上臭名昭著的反人类组织 ISIS 。 新闻源( The Canary,英国媒体,旨在给读者带来不同于主流媒体的对世界的认识 ): http://www.thecanary.co/2016/07/29/paris-strikes-astonishing-partnership-secret-isis-sponsor-ties-hillary-clinton/ 今天中国的主流媒体,乐于当西方主流媒体的传声筒,也乐于帮助西方在中国培育娱乐至死、看不见世界到底在发生什么,只会跟随被统治世界的少数人设置的议题人云亦云,并且单纯只是提供消费能力一般的头脑天真的“机器人”。这当中还有一部分人缺乏本应该具有的最朴素的国家利益观念,还自以为有独立思考能力,天天要教育中国民众不要做“爱国贼”,不要在乎国家利益,要做“世界人”。就连看奥运会比赛,他们都要呼吁观看奥运会的中国观众要接受中国队参加主旨为“更高、更快、更强”的奥运会得不得金牌无所谓,也全然不顾 USA 为了能多拿金牌,可以让本国队员破天荒地单独“重赛”,让按正常规则本被淘汰的队伍挤掉中国队进入决赛——已经无耻到人最基本的耻辱之心都丧失了。 我突然想起来最近读到的一篇来自泰国的英文媒体 The New Atlas 的一篇非常深刻的评论文章 How the West Extends its Control Over Journalism Worldwide 。文章中引用了罗马帝国的历史学家Tacitus 在书中《 De vita et moribus Iulii Agricolae(On the life and character of Julius Agricola)》第21章针对罗马文化奴役英国时做出的评论:“His object was to accustom them to a life of peace and quiet by the provision of amenities. He therefore gave official assistance to the building of temples, public squares and good houses. He educated the sons of the chiefs in the liberal arts, and expressed a preference for British ability as compared to the trained skills of the Gauls. The result was that instead of loathing the Latin language they became eager to speak it effectively. In the same way, our national dress came into favour and the toga was everywhere to be seen. And so the population was gradually led into the demoralizing temptation of arcades, baths and sumptuous banquets. The unsuspecting Britons spoke of such novelties as 'civilization', when in fact they were only a feature of their enslavement. ” 有趣的是,曾经被奴役的英国人,学会了这一套做法,文章又引用了 Cambridge University Press 出版的《 Missionary Writing and Empire(1800–1860) 》:“ Christian missionary activity was central to the work of European colonialism, providing British missionaries and their supporters with a sense of justice and moral authority. Throughout the history of imperial expansion, missionary proselytising offered the British public a model of ‘civilised’ expansionism and colonial community management, transforming projects into moral allegories. Missionary activity was, however, unavoidably implicated in either covert or explicit cultural change. It sought to transform indigenous communities into imperial archetypes of civility and modernity by remodelling the individual, the community, and the state through western, Christian philosophies . In the British Empire, and particularly in what is historically known as the ‘second’ era of British imperialism (approximately 1784–1867), missionary activity was frequently involved with the initial steps of imperial expansion .” 这真是太深刻了!类似的事情也正发生在非西方国家的老百姓身上,包括我们中国人!该文发出类似的看感慨道——“It is a bit ironic then that Britain, against which cultural colonialism was first used by the Romans, became a centre of power used then to disseminate cultural colonialism in service of naked imperialism under the British Empire, is now being used to disseminate a softer version of it under the guise of journalism and academia. ” 只是我并不觉得曾经被罗马文化奴役过的英国(当然这后来也被USA继承了)后来学会了文化奴役非西方世界是件讽刺的事情。我以为恰恰是因为亲身经历过,才能够对文化奴役有深刻的认识。 也正因为如此, 受西方影响更多的泰国才能有 The New Atlas 的这样深刻的网络媒体;因为曾经被西方忽悠瘸导致前苏联瓦解,俄罗斯才有了Russia Today这样战斗力爆表的电视媒体;因为生活法国二十年并细心观察西方社会,谨遵听其言观其行的法则,边芹才写得出《谁在导演世界》这样深刻的杂文集。只是我希望,对世界实质的深刻认识能够以更小的成本被更多的国人所了解到。在中国国力迅速增长,有能力成为挑战USA世界霸权 的一极 ,有能力帮助建立更为和谐的世界秩序的的今天,如果我们被浅薄、似是而非的西方话语忽悠而丧失这种能力而最终沦为西方世界的奴役的话,那就太过悲哀了。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 鉴于国内有可能无法阅读The New Atlas的原文,我把原文全文复制黏贴在本文之后,有兴趣的可以阅读。 How the West Extends its Control Over Journalism Worldwide July 30, 2016 The New Atlas Political developments are often emotionally charged, and even journalists who are expected to maintain an objective approach to reporting can find themselves swept away by sensational headlines and the temptation to wade into controversy without fully analysing background information that might significantly alter established narratives. Because of this, some journalists find themselves playing the role of commentator rather than investigator, often leaving out critical information in a rush to contribute to one of two sides amid a political divide. In some cases, journalists may appear to be doing their job by investigating deeper into news stories, but do so in a transparently one-sided manner, thus negating their role as an objective observer. In Thailand, this can be clearly seen in English-language coverage, particularly from The Nation and the Bangkok Post. In the rare instance that journalists from either paper investigates independently into any given headline, it is generally one-sided and transparently politically-motivated. And more often than not, these papers appear to be taking their lead from foreign news sources, particularly those in Europe and North America. One would expect newspapers from region to region to develop their own unique angles and perspectives regarding the news, but upon following the money, we will soon see why this more often than not doesn't happen. The Industrialised Journalist Mill Pravit Rojanaphruk, currently a commentator at Thailand's Khoasod English, is perhaps one of the most transparent examples of just what is wrong with newspapers across Asia. He proudly boasts of his various Western media affiliations and fellowships with his Twitter profile reading as follows: MSc (Oxon), British Chevening Scholar 2001-2002, Reuter Fellow 97-98, Katherine Fanning Fellow 2009, Salzburg Sem. Fellow. If these scholarships and fellowships actually cultivated real principles of journalism within recipients, they might actually be noteworthy milestones in a journalist's career. However, what they instead represent, is a concerted attempt by the Western media to extend its influence further abroad, and to help align global news coverage uniformly to their perspective and to serve their interests. Journalists like Pravit, then, serve as an extension of Western media coverage rather than a representation of Thai journalism. Journalism by definition is the reporting of news, and news is by definition noteworthy information. What Pravit and others like him are prone to do, however, is interweave opinion and commentary into what is often strained, spun or even fabricated information. And this is done to align Thai news with those expectations and norms taught to them during their fellowships abroad in Europe and North America. The Reuters Journalism Fellowship Programme alone has processed hundreds of journalists around the world, putting them through between 1-3 terms at the University of Oxford to undergo a program of stringent indoctrination into the ways of Western journalism. It is virtually impossible for a fellow to undergo this process and leave as an independent journalist. Activities, according to the Reuters Institute's own website include: Attend seminars given by a diverse and high-level range of guest speakers who will share their insights into key industry trends and developments Work with an experienced supervisor, usually an Oxford academic, to produce a research paper of publishable quality Visit world-class news organisations and gain insights into how they are approaching industry challenges. Previous visits have included trips to Thomson Reuters, The Financial Times, The BBC, The Economist and The Guardian Join trips to key UK cultural and political organisations and institutions. Previous destinations have included Oxfam, the House of Commons and Stratford-upon-Avon, home of Shakespeare Exchange ideas and experiences with a diverse and international peer group. Around 25 Fellows a year join us from high-level media organisations all over the world. Strengthen your network, develop a global set of contacts and gain insights into international trends and developments Benefit from the extensive learning facilities offered by the University of Oxford, including the world-famous Bodleian Library and access to various seminars and lectures across the university. You are also encouraged to engage with the university’s cutting edge specialist research facilities, including centres for African, Middle Eastern, South Asian, Eastern and Western European, Japanese and Chinese studies Be given visiting scholar status of Green Templeton College For inexperienced young men and women who aspire to be journalists, to be afforded this opportunity would be both immensely flattering and emotionally as well as professionally transformative. For a young journalist in Thailand to be afforded the opportunity to travel to the UK, to attend one or more terms at the world renowned University of Oxford and to be given an opportunity to see the inner workings of news organisations like the BBC, Thompson Reuters, The Economist and The Guardian would be an overwhelming experience. And it is meant to be. If Only Real Journalism Was Being Promoted... The journalists who complete such fellowships and return to their home countries, are forever linked to the institutions and individuals they met and worked with during their time abroad. They take back with them to their home countries not the tools of an objective journalist, but the indoctrination, culture, interests and angles of a Western-centric worldview. To those who have completed the fellowship, they often confuse this Western-centric worldview with being objective, but it is most certainly not. We can look at the Reuters fellowship program and see news organisations like Thompson Reuters, the BBC, The Economist and The Guardian held up as examples of journalism. This is despite their active manipulation of information toward particular political objectives rather than accurately informing the public. In particular, these news services played crucial roles in promoting wars like the US-UK led invasion of Iraq in 2003, intentionally obfuscating critical information the public and policymakers required to make an honest assessment of the decision to go to war. The BBC in particular has been embroiled in impropriety ranging from deceptive news coverage to paid-for documentaries and even criminal conduct committed by individuals, and covered up institutionally. But news organisations serving special interests is nothing new. One must expect this realistically, to a certain degree, regarding any news organisation operating around the world. It is not a matter of whether or not they are serving special interests, it is a matter of whose interests they are serving. While Thai-based news organisations would be expected to serve special interests in Thailand, they do not, specifically because of the Wests industrialised 'journalist mills.' These fellowship programs, training seminars and campaigns are undertaken to ensure the widest possible consensus globally to Western special interests, regardless of what nation journalists may be from or what nations they are currently operating in. That is why The Nation and the Bangkok Post feature editorial slants nearly indistinguishable from those of Western news agencies. While Pravit is very open and proud of his indoctrination into this system of mass-produced consensus, others employed across the Thai media are not. Some digging, however, into the backgrounds of journalists who repeatedly and suspiciously repeat talking-points originating from abroad usually reveals a similar and extensive resume of foreign fellowships, education and indoctrination. History is Repeating Itself Understandably, for people hearing this for the first time, it sounds like an incredible conspiracy theory. However, upon thoughtful examination, it is merely the predictable repetition of history unfolding. Ancient Roman historian Tacitus (c. AD 56 – after 117) would adeptly describe the systematic manner in which Rome pacified foreign peoples and the manner in which it would extend its sociocultural and institutional influence over conquered lands. In chapter 21 of his book Agricola , named so after his father-in-law whose methods of conquest were the subject of the text, Tacitus would explain: His object was to accustom them to a life of peace and quiet by the provision of amenities. He therefore gave official assistance to the building of temples, public squares and good houses. He educated the sons of the chiefs in the liberal arts, and expressed a preference for British ability as compared to the trained skills of the Gauls. The result was that instead of loathing the Latin language they became eager to speak it effectively. In the same way, our national dress came into favour and the toga was everywhere to be seen. And so the population was gradually led into the demoralizing temptation of arcades, baths and sumptuous banquets. The unsuspecting Britons spoke of such novelties as 'civilization', when in fact they were only a feature of their enslavement. We can easily see how fellowships fill a similar role today, with the West, openly aspiring to construct an international order, educating potentially influential foreigners in both English and the liberal arts, encouraging a preference for Western culture and perspectives and convincing them that such indoctrination is a novelty of 'civilisation' rather than a feature of control and a vector for Western influence into any particular country. Under the British Empire, similar education and missionary programs were created to replace independent and unique local perspectives and culture with the uniform perspective and culture of Britain, serving British aspirations of global hegemony. Cambridge University Press' Missionary Writing and Empire, 1800–1860 would note in a chapter extract that (our emphasis): Christian missionary activity was central to the work of European colonialism, providing British missionaries and their supporters with a sense of justice and moral authority. Throughout the history of imperial expansion, missionary proselytising offered the British public a model of ‘civilised’ expansionism and colonial community management, transforming projects into moral allegories. Missionary activity was, however, unavoidably implicated in either covert or explicit cultural change. It sought to transform indigenous communities into imperial archetypes of civility and modernity by remodelling the individual, the community, and the state through western, Christian philosophies. In the British Empire, and particularly in what is historically known as the ‘second’ era of British imperialism (approximately 1784–1867), missionary activity was frequently involved with the initial steps of imperial expansion. It is a bit ironic then that Britain, against which cultural colonialism was first used by the Romans, became a centre of power used then to disseminate cultural colonialism in service of naked imperialism under the British Empire, is now being used to disseminate a softer version of it under the guise of journalism and academia. Like the sons of chiefs in Britannia, foreign journalists like Thailand's Pravit Rojanaphruk probably have honestly convinced themselves that these features of control and manipulation are instead the novelties of civilisation. What Nations Can Do. It is important for policymakers and the public alike to understand this aspect of modern journalism to both be aware of how it impacts news coverage, and of what possible measures can be taken to combat modern day cultural colonialism. One possible measure could be national programs that attempt to recruit and build up a corps of local journalists who represent their nation's best interests, culture and perspectives. These journalists can then fill the ranks of local newspapers and TV stations, as well as influence news conferences and seminars both local and international from their own nation's perspective, rather than merely amplifying those of nations running international fellowship programmes. For Thailand who has large government-funded news organisations like Thai PBS, universities and trusted news professionals, untainted by foreign indoctrination, can develop a truly Thai brand of journalism that is taught to political science and journalist students in school, and reinforced through the same sort of activities conducted by foreign fellowships overseas. In essence, instead of depending on foreign fellowships and joint news organisation-university programs abroad, Thailand should develop is own domestically, as well as well-funded news organisations for Thai journalists to work at safely, securely and far from the ego-ensnaring temptations extended by foreign interests.
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