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matlab 主成分分析warning
热度 2 lincystar 2015-8-14 22:43
warning message: Columns of X are linearly dependent to within machine precision. Using only the first # components to compute TSQUARED. (# is a number) 翻译:X的列向量在机器精度之内是线性相关的,只使用前#列来计算TSQUARED 对warning的解释 (来自: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27997736/matlab-warns-columns-of-x-are-linearly-dependent-to-within-machine-precision ): 问题: When I used the function princomp in Matlab to reduce the dimensions of features, it warns:Columns of X are linearly dependent to within machine precision. Using only the first 320 components to compute TSQUARED. What dose it mean? The original dimension of features is 324.I would be very grateful if somebody can answer my question. 解释: (不影响计算结果,只是对数据存在线性关系的提醒) For a more graphic interpretation of this warning imagine your data being 3-dimensional instead of 324-dimensional. These would be points in space.The output of your function princomp should be the principal axes of an ellipsoid that aligns well with your data. The equivalent warning of Using only the first 2 components would mean: Your data points lie on a plane (up to numerical error), so your ellipsoid really is a flat ellipse. As the PCA is usually used for dimensionality reduction this isn't really that worrying. It just means, that your original data is not 324-dimensional, but really only 320-dimensional, yet resides in R^324. You would get the same warning using this random data: N = 100;X = ;X_centered = bsxfun(@minus, X, mean(X)); = princomp(X_centered);plot3(X_centered(:,1), X_centered(:,2), X_centered(:,3), '.'); coeff(:,1) will be approximately and latent(1) the biggest value, as the data is spread most along the x-axis. The second vector coeff(:,2) will be approximately the vector while latent(2) will be quite a bit smaller than latent(1), as the second most important direction is the y-axis, which is not as spread out as the first direction. The rest of the vectors will be some vectors that are orthonormal to our current vectors. (In our simple case there is only the possibility of , and latent(3) will be zero, as the data is flat)
个人分类: 科研笔记|11867 次阅读|3 个评论
[转载]warning:deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char
depengchen 2013-10-25 10:15
Linux 环境下当 GCC 版本比较高时,编译代码可能出现的问题 问题是这样产生的,先看这个函数原型: void someFunc(char *someStr); 再看这个函数调用: someFunc(I'm a string!); 把这两个东西组合起来,用最新的g++编译一下就会得到标题中的警告。 为什么呢?原来 char *背后的含义是:给我个字符串,我要修改它。 而理论上,我们 传给函数的字面常量是没法被修改的 。 所以说,比较和理的办法是 把参数类型修改为 const char * 。 这个类型说背后的含义是: 给我个字符串,我只要读取它。 很自然的延伸一下。 如果我既要传字面常量又要传字符串变量怎么办呢?......重载 实验: 对deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char *'此类警告的详细解释 假定你想使用一个char*类型的变量,有时指向一个字符串,有时指向另外一个字符串。开始的代码就像这样: char *msg; msg = hello; msg = good-bye; 编译器会对这段代码给出两段警示,说”deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char *',意思就是说你没有能力修改字符串的内容。如果将代码写成这样,如: char *msg = hello; *msg = 'j'; printf( %s/n, hello ); 编译器会通过编译,实际上会将msg指向的内容从hello转变为jello, 正确的解决方法是将 msg声明为一个指向不变字符串的指针 : const char *msg; msg = hello; msg = good-bye; 这段代码可以成功编译,并且将msg指向的值如愿改变,但如果 你将指针指向的指进行赋值 : *msg = 'j'; 将会产生一个错误,不能修改一个字符串常量 注意如下的代码,此代码编译时不会出现警告也不会出现任何错误: const char *msg; char buf ; //注意不能使用char *buf; sprintf( buf, %03d/n, 7 ); msg = buf; 改变buf的内容是可以的,因为它并没有被声明为常量。在这种情况下,msg将指向一个字符串,007/n. 像这种语句 *buf = 'x'; 将会正确编译执行,但像 *msg = 'x'; 将会产生一个警告,因为msg指向的内容不允许改变 还有一种方法是 使用强制转换 ,使用强制转换意味着你清楚会出现什么情况,不需要编译器为你做出判断,例如下面的代码将不会产生警告: char *msg; msg = (char *) hello; 但一旦你使用强制转换,编译器对如下语句进行编译时,也不会出现错误或警告 *msg = 'j'; 这个错误将一直存在,但并不会被发现,直到运行时。那时再找出错点就相当麻烦了,比编译器提醒你,麻烦多了。所以,最好不要对字符串使用强制转换。 Constant 指针 根据constant的位置不同,可以有以下四种情况: const char* const msg_0; const char *msg_1; char* const msg_2; char *msg_3; 其中,msg_0是一个constant指针指向一个const字符串。这个声明编译器会给出一个警告,因为msg_0的指向没有被初始化,而且之后的语句也无法对mg_0进行赋值,如 const char const *msg_0 = hello; 会编译成功,但 *msg_0 = 'j';或者 msg_0 = good-bye; 将会产生错误 msg_1既可以指向一个const字符串,也可以指向一个可变的字符串,但是不能修改它所指向的字符串的内容。 编译msg_2这条语句,会出现和编译msg_0一样的错误。 因为指针是一个常量,所以它应该首先被赋值 。 如果刚开始已经赋值,那么它可以对指向的字符串内容进行修改 ,如: char buf ; char * const msg_2 = buf; 这段代码里,msg_2指向buf ,并且永远指向这个地址,不会改变; 对于msg_3,就没太多可以说的。你可以改变指针,也可以改变指针指向的内容
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[转载]lmp warning:Building an occasional neighobr list when atoms
chnfirst 2013-4-5 09:56
http://lammps.sandia.gov/threads/msg34564.html WARNING:Buildinganoccasionalneighobrlistwhenatomsmayhavemovedtoofar Re: WARNING:Buildinganoccasionalneighobrlistwhenatomsmayhavemovedtoofar From : StevePlimpton sjplimp@gmail.com Date : Fri,1Feb201307:48:22-0700 From the manual: Section_error.html {Building an occasional neighobr list when atoms may have moved too far} This can cause LAMMPS to crash when the neighbor list is built. The solution is to check for building the regular neighbor lists more frequently. So see if the problem persists if you do neigh_modify check yes every 1 delay 0 If it does, then you are running bad dynamics with your infrequent reneighboring. Steve On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 11:34 AM, Ali Alizadeh ali.alizadehmoj@gmail.com wrote: Dear All users I have a small system that it is included 18 n-decane molecules, I want to perform npt ensemble and get rdf , but i got this error, You can download my system.data from these links: -------------system.in----------------------- dimension 3 neighbor 2 bin neigh_modify delay 2 # -- Default styles (for solo "SPCE" water) -- units metal #### I select metal unit #######3 atom_style full # (Hybrid force fields were not necessary but are used for portability.) pair_style lj/cut 2.5 #### 2.5 time sigma ij bond_style harmonic angle_style harmonic dihedral_style multi/harmonic pair_modify mix arithmetic read_data "system.data" group 1 type 2 group 2 type 1 dump 1 all atom 1000 traj_npt.lammpstrj thermo 1000 thermo_style custom etotal ke temp pe ebond eangle edihed press vol minimize 1.0e-5 1.0e-7 1000 10000 timestep 0.001 # -- run at constant pressure (Nose-Hoover)-- fix 1 all store/force fix fxnpt all npt temp 450.0 450.0 450.0 iso 1.0 1.0 1.0 compute 1 all rdf 10 1 1 compute 2 all rdf 10 2 2 compute 3 all rdf 10 1 2 fix 2 all ave/time 100 1 100 c_1 c_2 c_3 file tmp1.rdf mode vector # -- Now, finally run the simulation -- run 1000000 # ---- (end of examples) ---- print "All done" --------------------------------- RESULT: WARNING: Building an occasional neighobr list when atoms may have moved too far (neighbor.cpp:1401) WARNING: Building an occasional neighobr list when atoms may have moved too far (neighbor.cpp:1401) WARNING: Building an occasional neighobr list when atoms may have moved too far (neighbor.cpp:1401) WARNING: Building an occasional neighobr list when atoms may have moved too far (neighbor.cpp:1401) WARNING: Building an occasional neighobr list when atoms may have moved too far (neighbor.cpp:1401) WARNING: Building an occasional neighobr list when atoms may have moved too far (neighbor.cpp:1401) Segmentation fault (core dumped) ----------------------------- When I visualize my .trj file I see some bonds move too far . link: http://trainbit.com/files/2784619884/system.data -- Sincerely Ali Alizadeh
个人分类: LAMMPS|1 次阅读|0 个评论
王汉森 2013-2-18 06:01
加拿大卡尔加里大学教授Margo Husby-Scheelar,因感染H1N1流感病毒于星期三去世,其子称愿将母亲的不幸公之于世,以期不再有更多的人遭受类似的损失。请看CBC详细报道。 http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/story/2013/02/17/calgary-h1n1-death-warning.html Calgary professor's H1N1 death prompts warning from family A Calgary family is warning people to take the flu seriously after their mother died this week from H1N1 flu virus. Margo Husby-Scheelar was a popular professor in the University of Calgary’s department of communication and culture. The 64-year-old was sick for a week before she was admitted to hospital and diagnosed with H1N1. After spending nearly a month in intensive care, she died on Wednesday, said her son Greg Scheelar. Scheelar said he wants to share her story to make sure no one else suffers a similar loss. "She didn't do something and it cost her. So having other people learning from the mistake that she made would be totally in character for her," Scheelar said. Alberta Health Services officials said they cannot comment on Husby-Scheelar’s death, but confirmed they are seeing three strains of the flu this year, including H1N1. H1N1 is the same strain of flu that caused a pandemic in 2009. “And since that time this particular H1N1 strain has now become one of our seasonal influenza strains we expect to see every year,” said Dr. Judy MacDonald, the province’s medical officer of health for the Calgary zone. “And there’s still cases of it and sometimes it can be very serious. But it’s not like it was when it first arrived.” Since the flu season began at the end of August there have been 260 lab-confirmed cases of the flu in Calgary, including 15 people with H1N1, officials said. AHS recommends all Albertans older than six months get a yearly flu shot. "It's not too late if you haven't had your influenza vaccine. It is still available at our public health clinics and some physicians and pharmacies," MacDonald said. Greg Scheelar said his mother was just as great a mom as she was a teacher. "A lot of her personality as a mom carried into what she did as an instructor. And I think vice-versa as well,” he said.
个人分类: 人物纪事|3089 次阅读|0 个评论
杨学祥 2012-12-27 16:43
中英文对照和原文 点评:事实上, 2008 年是太阳黑子谷年,比科学家的事前预测晚了一年, 2009 年发生了厄尔尼诺事件,比林振山等人的预测晚了一年, 2009 年爆发了世界流感,比我们的预测晚了一年。流感大流行的 6 大气候特征得到验证。由于 2008 年是太阳黑子谷年,本次流感大流行强度不大,不排除2013-2014年太阳黑子峰年(预测)流感继续增强的可能性。 Upgrade influenza pandemic warning: possible pandemic next year 流感大流行预警:2008年可能发生流感大流行 发表人: yxx119 发表时间: 2008年1月27日14点57分 来源: View Single Post Upgrade influenza pandemic warning: possible pandemic next year 流感大流行预警:2008年可能发生流感大流行 saw this at PFI, credit: Rickk. This is a scientific forum quoting China TV story about the 6 climatic conditions that lead some to predict that 2008 will have favorable conditions for a pandemic. 这是一个引自中国电视故事有关六个气候特征的科学论坛,它预测2008年将有流感的有利条件。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Side track a little. I then searched CCTV.com and found a Chinese (Mandarin) documentary about the Spanish Flu, a discussion about all kinds of viruses, and vaccines. To my surprise, there were historical records and medical books dating back to the 11th century of making a vaccine for small pox. They took the fluid (pus?) from small pox inflicted patients and let it dry, then grind it into powdery form and blow it into nostrils of the uninfected using a small bamboo pipe! 我搜索CCTV.com,发现有关西班牙流感的中国(官方)文件,讨论各种病毒和疫苗。出乎意料,有史料记载和医学书籍可远溯至11世纪的制造一种疫苗,天花。他们从病人的天花中取出液(脓?),并把它烘干,然后研磨成粉状的形式,利用小竹管把它吹在被感染的鼻孔。 What I found interesting was that they broadcasted this lengthy documentary, possibly for public education about the threats of a pandemic, as well as all kinds of viral diseases - they said every year one or two new animal based viral diseases are discovered, that we have to live with this threat. 我发现有趣的是,他们播出的这个漫长的纪录片,可能是为有关流感威胁的公众教育,以及各种病毒性传染病-他们说每年都有一,两个新的基于动物病毒性疾病被发现,我们生活在这一威胁中。 http://translate.google.com/transla...nhl=enie=UTF8 Back to main story: Google translation below: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=enlangpair=zh-CN|enu=http://www.sciencenet.cn/bbs/ShowPost.aspx%3Fid%3D5185prev=/translate_s%3Fhl%3Den%26q%3Dbird%2Bflu%2B2008%2Bja n%26tq%3D%25E7%25A6%25BD%25E6%25B5%2581%25E6%2584% 259F2008%25E5%25B9%25B41%25E6%259C%2588%26sl%3Den% 26tl%3Dzh-CN%26start%3D20 Upgrade influenza pandemic warning: possible pandemic next year 杨学祥,杨冬红 Yang Xuexiang, Yang Donghong 中新网 -- 12 月 22 日 December 22 电据中央电视台消息,气象学家们根据目前的观测预言, 2008 年极有可能发生大流感。 -- According to CCTV news, meteorologists have predicted that under the current observation, 2008 is very possible pandemic. 消息称,对于 1890 年到 2004 年天气数据的研究,可以观察到流感大流行年份的六个气候特征。 According to reports, the 1890 to 2004 study weather data can be observed that the influenza pandemic of the six years of climate characteristics. 气象学家们根据目前的观测预言, 2008 年极有可能发生大流感。 Meteorologists have predicted that under the current observation, 2008 is very possible pandemic. 而医学家们则从流行病学的角度提出了同样的警告。 Epidemiological and medical scientist who from the standpoint of the same warning. 从 2003 年至今,流感大流行的潜在风险越来越高。 From 2003 to date, the potential influenza pandemic risk getting higher and higher. 尤其是禽流感不仅每年出现,在全球还有扩大的趋势。 Especially the bird flu not only every year, and expand the global trend. 2008 年,爆发流感的可能正在迫近。 2008, the outbreak of influenza may be looming. 消息说,世界卫生组织已经公布了 2007 年到 2008 年针对北半球推荐的三大流感毒株,各国也因此准备了有针对性的疫苗和抗病毒药物,这就可能在流感真正到来时 ,控制住疾病的流行和扩散 1] 。 News that the World Health Organization has published the 2007 to 2008 for the northern hemisphere influenza strains recommended by the three countries also prepared a targeted vaccines and antiviral drugs, which may be the advent of true influenza, control the prevalence and spread of the disease 1]. 中新网联合国 United Nations -- 12 月 21 日 December 21 电世界卫生组织星期五 (21 日 ) 表示,尽管禽流感病毒在人与人之间传播的情况仍属罕见,但目前尚不能排除近来巴基斯坦出现的禽流感病例是由 人与人之间传播所致。 Friday, the World Health Organization (21) said that although bird flu virus spread from person to person in the situation is still rare, but still can not rule out the recent Pakistan by the bird flu spread from person to person by the to. 据联合国网站报道,巴基斯坦白沙瓦地区首次发现 8 例疑似人类感染禽流感病例,其中两例死亡。 According to the United Nations web site, the first time in Peshawar, Pakistan found eight cases of suspected human bird flu cases, two of which were fatal. 巴基斯坦国家实验室对患者血液样本进行了检测并发现了禽流感病毒。 Pakistan National Laboratory on the patients blood samples were tested and the discovery of the bird flu virus. 世卫组织表示,巴基斯坦此后没有出现新的病例,目前世卫组织正在调查已发现病例的感染途径。 WHO said that Pakistan since there were no new cases, WHO is currently investigating cases of infection have been found ways. 世卫组织指出,只要 H5N1 禽流感病毒仍然在世界上传播,就不能排除这种病毒发生变异和重组进而导致大流行性流感的可能性 。 WHO pointed out that, as long as the H5N1 avian influenza virus is still spread in the world, we can not rule out the possibility that the virus mutates and restructuring leading to the possibility of an influenza pandemic. 由于缺乏足够的信息,目前无法断定这样的风险有多大。 Due to the lack of sufficient information is not possible to determine how such risks. 大流行性流感一般由一种能够使人类致病的新流感病毒所引发。 Pandemic Influenza generally enable a new human disease caused by influenza virus. 由于人类的免疫系统对其不具备预存免疫性,感染和患病率远高于普通的季节性流感。 Because the human immune system does not have stored their immunity, infection and the prevalence rate much higher than the ordinary seasonal flu. 专家认为, H5N1 禽流感病毒是一种具有大流行潜力的毒株。 Experts believe that the H5N1 avian flu virus is a kind of potential pandemic strains. 目前全球存储了 1 亿 5000 万剂流感疫苗,以备全球大流感爆发时之需 。 The current global store 100 million 50 million influenza vaccine to prepare for a worldwide influenza outbreak needs . 综合 1890-2004 年的数据,我们可以得到流感大流行的 6 大气候特征:处于拉马德雷冷位相时期及其边界;前一年或前两年为中等强度以上的拉尼娜年; 20 世纪 50-70 年代同时为中国强沙尘暴年;前后一年或当年为中国东北地区冷夏年( 20 世纪 50-70 年代同时为严重低温冷害年);当年为中等强度以上的厄尔尼诺年;当年为太阳黑子谷年 m 或峰年 M , m-1 年, m+1 年或 M+1 年。 Comprehensive 1890-2004, data, we can get influenza pandemic climate of the six characteristics: Madre in the cold period and the phase boundary; the previous year or two years ago for the moderate-intensity above La Nina years; 20th century 50-70 At the same time as Chinas strong sandstorm; year or the year before and after Chinas northeast cold summer (50-70 in the 20th century at the same time as serious chilling damage); that moderate intensity for more than El Nino years; for the year sunspot Valley, m or the M-, m-1, m +1, or M +1. 1889-1890 年、 1900 年、 1918-1919 年、 1957-1958 年、 1968-1969 年和 1977 年的禽流感爆发都满足这 6 大条件,同时,在 1890 年以来,满足这 6 大条件的只有以上 6 次爆发 。 1889-1890, 1900, 1918-1919, 1957-1958, 1968-1969, 1977 and the outbreak of avian flu have met six conditions at the same time, in 1890, met only six conditions more than six times the outbreak of . 第 7 大特征是当年为冬季或夏季强潮汐南北震荡持续天数异常年。 7 feature is that for the winter or summer North-South concussion sustained strong tidal anomalies in a few days. 后三次流感世界爆发都满足这一特征。 Third World after the outbreak of influenza are to meet this feature. 现在,至少在 20 世纪 50-70 年代,我们发现了禽流感爆发与沙尘暴高峰的一一对应关系。 Now, in the 20th century, at least 50-70 years, we found that the outbreak of avian flu and sandstorms peak of one-to-one relationship. 1900 年的流感爆发,因为偏离标准较远,因而也较弱 。 1900 outbreaks of influenza, because any deviation from the standard distance, and thus the weaker . 2006 、 2008 、 2011 、 2015 、 2018-2019 年是可能的厄尔尼诺年, 2007 年、 2013-2014 年、 2016-2017 年是可能的拉尼娜年。 2006, 2008, 2011, 2015, 2018-2019, it is possible to El Nino years, 2007, 2013, 2016-2017, it is possible to La Nina years. 加强这些年份的地震和禽流感的防范和监测非常重要。 Strengthen these years of earthquakes and avian flu prevention and monitoring is very important. 如果 2007 年是太阳黑子谷年 m , 2007 年预测为拉尼娜年, 2008 年则是 m+1 年,预测为厄尔尼诺年 , 2008 年为夏季强潮汐南北震荡持续天数异常年( 44 天),在拉马德雷冷位相时期的厄尔尼诺年( 2000-2030 年内)和太阳黑子极值年易发生低温冷害。 If 2007 is the sunspot Valley, m, 2007 is forecast to La Nina, the 2008 m +1, it is forecast to El Nino, , for the summer 2008 North-South concussion sustained strong tidal anomalies in the number of days (44 days) , in the Madre cold phase of El Nino period (2000-2030 years) and the sunspot extreme cold damage-prone. 这样, 2008 年就具有较高的概率发生流感爆发。 Thus, in 2008 the higher the probability of an influenza outbreak. 2006-2008 年是否是强拉尼娜与强厄尔尼诺相互转换是禽流感是否爆发的关键。 2006-2008 is a strong El Nino, La Nina and strong mutual conversion is the outbreak of avian flu is crucial. 2007 年的拉尼娜现象及其伴随的强沙尘暴,为 2007-2008 年的禽流感孕育和爆发增大了发生几率 。 2007 accompanied by the La Nina phenomenon and the strong sandstorm, the 2007-2008 outbreak of the avian flu bred and increased incidence of . 2007 年 2-6 月为强潮汐时期,预计弱厄尔尼诺将结束,强拉尼娜将发生。 2007 February-June period for the strong tides expected weak El Nino will come to an end, the strong La Nina will occur. 德雷克海峡的海冰增多是拉尼娜现象的前兆,拉马德雷冷位相的强拉尼娜是流感爆发的前兆 。 Drake Passage of sea ice is more of the La Nina phenomenon omen Madre strong La Nina cold phase of the influenza outbreak of precursor . 2007 年 8 月拉尼娜事件已经发生,预防流感大流行迫在眉睫 。 August 2007 La Nina events have already occurred, the prevention of influenza pandemic imminent . 中国新闻界对流感流行预警升级的报道表明中国科技报道实力的增强。 China influenza pandemic alert the press for the upgrading of the reports indicate that Chinas scientific and technological strength reports. 中国科技新闻应该走出国门,面向全世界。 Chinas scientific and technological information should go out of the country, facing the whole world. 参考文献 References 1. 1. 责任编辑:陈国栋。 Editor: Chen Guodong. 流感流行预警升级世卫组织公布三大流感毒株。 AWACS upgrade influenza pandemic, WHO announced three flu strains. 搜狐网。 Sohu network. 2007 年 12 月 22 日 December 22, 2007 06:14 来源:中国新闻网。 6:14 Source: China News Network. http://news.sohu.com/20071222/n254235759.shtml Http://news.sohu.com/20071222/n254235759.shtml 2. 2. 世卫称巴基斯坦禽流感不排除人际传播。 WHO said Pakistan does not rule out the possibility of avian flu transmitted from person to person. 2007 年 12 月 22 日 December 22, 2007 08:24 中国新闻网。 0824 China News Network. http://news.sina.com.cn/w/2007-12-2...13125122s.shtml Http://news.sina.com.cn/w/2007-12-2...13125122s.shtml 3. 3. 杨冬红,杨学祥,刘财。 Yang Dong Hung, Yang Xuexiang, Mr Choi. 2004 年 12 月 26 日 December 26, 2004 印尼地震海啸与全球低温 。 Indonesian earthquake and tsunami and global low temperature . 地球物理学进展。 Geophysics progress. 2006 , 21 ( 3 ): 1023-1027 2006, 21 (3): 1023-1027 4. 4. 杨冬红,杨学祥。 Yang Dong Hung, Yang Xuexiang. “拉马德雷”冷位相时期的全球强震和灾害。 "Madre" during the cold phase of global earthquake and disaster. 西北地震学报。 Journal of the Northwest earthquake. 2006 , 28 ( 1 ): 95-96 2006, 28 (1): 95-96 5. 5. 杨学祥,杨冬红。 Yang Xuexiang, Yang Dong Hung. “太平洋十年涛动”冷位相时期的全球飓风等灾害。 "Pacific Decade Oscillation" during the cold phase of global disasters such as hurricanes. 海洋预报。 Marine forecasting. 2006 , 23 ( 3 ): 30-35 2006, 23 (3): 30-35 6. 6. 杨冬红,杨学祥。 Yang Dong Hung, Yang Xuexiang. 流感世界大流行的气候特征。 World influenza pandemic climatic characteristics. 沙漠与绿洲气象。 Desert Oasis and weather. 2007 , 1 ( 3 ): 1-8 。 2007, 1 (3): 1-8. 2007 年 8 月 22 日 August 22, 2007 发表,可查网址: http://qxg.com.cn/n/?fc=ndcid=43nid=14661 Published, available on the Web site: http://qxg.com.cn/n/?fc=ndcid=43nid=14661 7. 7. 杨学祥 . 厄尔尼诺事件产生的原因与验证 . 自然杂志. 2004 , 26 ( 3 ) : 151 - 155 Yang Xuexiang. El Nino events and verification of the cause. Nature magazine. 2004, 26 (3): 151 – 155 8. 8. 杨冬红,杨学祥。 Yang Dong Hung, Yang Xuexiang. 澳大利亚夏季大雪与南极海冰三个气候开关。 Australia and the Antarctic summer sea ice snow three climatic switch. 地球物理学进展。 Geophysics progress. 2007 , 22 ( 5 ): 1680-1685 。 2007, 22 (5): 1680-1685. 9. 9. 杨学祥 . 中等强度的拉尼娜事件已初步形成:流感爆发还会远吗? Yang Xuexiang. Medium intensity of the incident has initially formed La Nina: influenza outbreak be far behind? 2007-09-24 2007-09-24 光明观察 . 学术?新知。 Bright observation. Academic Awakening. http://guancha.gmw.cn/content/2007-...tent_675621.htm Http://guancha.gmw.cn/content/2007-...tent_675621.htm __________________ Saving lives is our common goal. Our approaches may differ. I dont have to be always right. No one has to be always wrong. The world has to succeed. You want perspective. I want perspective. We dont have to agree on every thing. If we do. One of us is redundant. http://www.curevents.com/vb/showpost.php?p=850987postcount=219 View Single Post 01-05-2008, 06:54 PM anon.yyz Valued Member 相关链接: http://www.curevents.com/vb/showpost.php?p=850987postcount=219 http://www.flu.org.cn/scn/news-14085.html http://guancha.gmw.cn/content/2007-12/24/content_714792.htm 流感流行预警升级:明年可能发生大流感 杨学祥 杨冬红  刊发时间:2007-12-24 11:15:17 光明网-光明观察   中新网12月22日电 据中央电视台消息,气象学家们根据目前的观测预言,2008年极有可能发生大流感。消息称,对于1890年到2004年天气数据的研究,可以观察到流感大流行年份的六个气候特征。气象学家们根据目前的观测预言,2008年极有可能发生大流感。而医学家们则从流行病学的角度提出了同样的警告。从2003年至今, 流感大流行的潜在风险越来越高。尤其是禽流感不仅每年出现,在全球还有扩大的趋势。2008年,爆发流感的可能正在迫近。消息说,世界卫生组织已经公布了2007年到2008年针对北半球推荐的三大流感毒株,各国也因此准备了有针对性的疫苗和抗病毒药物,这就可能在流感真正到来时,控制住疾病的流行和扩散1]。   中新网联合国12月21日电世界卫生组织星期五(21日)表示,尽管禽流感病毒在人与人之间传播的情况仍属罕见,但目前尚不能排除近来巴基斯坦出现的禽流感病例是由人与人之间传播所致。据联合国网站报道,巴基斯坦白沙瓦地区首次发现8例疑似人类感染禽流感病例,其中两例死亡。巴基斯坦国家实验室对患者血液样本进行了检测并发现了禽流感病毒。世卫组织表示,巴基斯坦此后没有出现新的病例,目前世卫组织正在调查已发现病例的感染途径。世卫组织指出,只要H5N1禽流感病毒仍然在世界上传播,就不能排除这种病毒发生变异和重组进而导致大流行性流感的可能性。由于缺乏足够的信息,目前无法断定这样的风险有多大。大流行性流感一般由一种能够使人类致病的新流感病毒所引发。由于人类的免疫系统对其不具备预存免疫性,感染和患病率远高于普通的季节性流感。专家认为,H5N1禽流感病毒是一种具有大流行潜力的毒株。目前全球存储了1亿5000万剂流感疫苗,以备全球大流感爆发时之需 。   综合1890-2004年的数据,我们可以得到流感大流行的6大气候特征:处于拉马德雷冷位相时期及其边界;前一年或前两年为中等强度以上的拉尼娜年;20世纪50-70年代同时为中国强沙尘暴年;前后一年或当年为中国东北地区冷夏年(20世纪50-70年代同时为严重低温冷害年);当年为中等强度以上的厄尔尼诺年;当年为太阳黑子谷年m或峰年M,m-1年,m+1年或M+1年。 1889-1890年、1900年、1918-1919年、1957-1958年、1968-1969年和1977年的禽流感爆发都满足这6大条件,同时,在1890年以来,满足这6大条件的只有以上6次爆发 。第7大特征是当年为冬季或夏季强潮汐南北震荡持续天数异常年。后三次流感世界爆发都满足这一特征。现在,至少在20世纪50-70年代,我们发现了禽流感爆发与沙尘暴高峰的一一对应关系。1900年的流感爆发,因为偏离标准较远,因而也较弱 。   2006、2008、2011、2015、2018-2019年是可能的厄尔尼诺年,2007年、2013-2014年、2016-2017年是可能的拉尼娜年,2007、2011、2018、2022年是可能的太阳黑子极值年。加强这些年份的地震和禽流感的防范和监测非常重要。如果2007年是太阳黑子谷年m,2007年预测为拉尼娜年,2008年则是m+1年,预测为厄尔尼诺年 ,2008年为夏季强潮汐南北震荡持续天数异常年(44天),在拉马德雷冷位相时期的厄尔尼诺年(2000-2030年内)和太阳黑子极值年易发生低温冷害。这样,2008年就具有较高的概率发生流感爆发。2006-2008年是否是强拉尼娜与强厄尔尼诺相互转换是禽流感是否爆发的关键。2007年的拉尼娜现象及其伴随的强沙尘暴,为2007-2008年的禽流感孕育和爆发增大了发生几率 。2007年2-6月为强潮汐时期,预计弱厄尔尼诺将结束,强拉尼娜将发生。德雷克海峡的海冰增多是拉尼娜现象的前兆,拉马德雷冷位相的强拉尼娜是流感爆发的前兆 。   2007年8月拉尼娜事件已经发生,预防流感大流行迫在眉睫 。中国新闻界对流感流行预警升级的报道表明中国科技报道实力的增强。中国科技新闻应该走出国门,面向全世界。 参考文献   1.责任编辑:陈国栋。流感流行预警升级 世卫组织公布三大流感毒株。搜狐网。2007年12月22日06:14 来源:中国新闻网。 http://news.sohu.com/20071222/n254235759.shtml   2.世卫称巴基斯坦禽流感不排除人际传播。2007年12月22日08:24 中国新闻网。 http://news.sina.com.cn/w/2007-12-22/082413125122s.shtml   3.杨冬红,杨学祥,刘财。2004年12月26日印尼地震海啸与全球低温 。地球物理学进展。2006,21(3):1023-1027   4.杨冬红,杨学祥。“拉马德雷”冷位相时期的全球强震和灾害。西北地震学报。2006,28(1):95-96   5.杨学祥,杨冬红。“太平洋十年涛动”冷位相时期的全球飓风等灾害。海洋预报。2006,23(3):30-35   6.杨冬红,杨学祥。流感世界大流行的气候特征。沙漠与绿洲气象。2007,1(3):1-8。2007年8月22日发表,可查网址: http://qxg.com.cn/n/?fc=ndcid=43nid=14661   7.杨学祥. 厄尔尼诺事件产生的原因与验证. 自然杂志. 2004, 26(3): 151-155   8.杨冬红,杨学祥。澳大利亚夏季大雪与南极海冰三个气候开关。地球物理学进展。2007,22(5):1680-1685。   9.杨学祥.中等强度的拉尼娜事件已初步形成:流感爆发还会远吗? 2007-09-24 光明观察. 学术·新知。 http://guancha.gmw.cn/content/2007-09/24/content_675621.htm
个人分类: 防灾信息|3286 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Science Blog 2012年11月13日 21:11 (星期二)
xupeiyang 2012-11-14 08:02
http://scienceblog.com/ Pictures effective in warning against cigarette smoking TDM-1 for treatment of breast cancer Snap Judgments During Speed Dating Origins of genetic blending between Europeans and Asians Meditation makes lasting change in brain First functional invisibility cloak emerges from Duke Could Jennifer Aniston hold the key to memory formation? Touch-sensitive plastic skin heals itself ‘Groundwater inundation’ doubles previous predictions of flooding with future sea level rise Game changer for arthritis and anti-fibrosis drugs? Why Antarctic sea ice cover has increased under the effects of climate change Early stress may sensitize girls’ brains for later anxiety It’s not just what you eat, but when you eat it Veterans are becoming more segregated in the US
个人分类: 科学博客|1379 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Tsunami Warning for Alaska and British Columbia, & HI
热度 1 zuojun 2012-10-28 14:26
Tsunami Warning for Alaska and British Columbia http://www.google.org/publicalerts/alert?aid=381ad8228e690c08a=0hl=engl=USsource=web a nd for HAWAII.
个人分类: News|1788 次阅读|3 个评论
[转载]VASP安装libimf.so: warning警告
ywmucn 2012-4-5 14:16
VASP安装遇到 libimf.so: warning: warning: feupdateenv is not implemented and will always fail 解决方法:( http://emuch.net/html/201110/3720768.html by leehb870605 ) 按照intel的解释,是编译过程中只link到intel的math libraries,而没有link到系统的math libraries. 对于VASP的解决办法是把系统的math libraries加入,即-limf -lm 修改后的LIB LIB = -limf -lm -L../vasp.4.lib -ldmy\ ../vasp.4.lib/linpack_double.o $(LAPACK) \ $(SCA) $(BLAS) \ INTEL原文: In many cases users can just ignore the warning. However to avoid possible problems just link the code against both math libraries. For example: icc -limf -lm or mpicc -limp -lm 综上,对于此警告,可以选择无视,或者添加数学库标签。 LZ可参见此链接 http://software.intel. ... d.php?t=62806
个人分类: VASP|10199 次阅读|0 个评论
2008-10A basic understanding of airborne early warning radar
lcj2212916 2012-1-31 10:47
共79页。 网盘直接下载地址: http://www.ctdisk.com/file/4409286
1782 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载] Why US is doing first national test now
zuojun 2011-11-10 05:56
Emergency Alert System: Why US is doing first national test now A test of the federal Emergency Alert System is set for 2 p.m. Eastern time Wednesday. It's the first time the EAS warning system will be tested nationally. http://news.yahoo.com/emergency-alert-system-why-us-doing-first-national-173954617.html ps. I was on my way to work when I heard this test on NPR. I wondered what if this were not a test...
个人分类: From the U.S.|1596 次阅读|0 个评论
Tsunami and Alert Sirens, Take 6: sleepless in Hawaii
热度 2 zuojun 2011-3-11 16:27
Updated: Email sent at 3:08 am on March 11, 2011 to U. Hawaii staff. Based on the latest information available, classes have been cancel(l)ed for Friday, March 12 (should be March 11) at all UH campuses on all islands. Non-essential personnel should not come to campus. Over these next difficult hours we ask that all our students, faculty and staff focus on the health and well-being of yourselves, your families and your neighbors. About 2:30 am on March 11. Siren #6 came. About 2:10 am on March 11. Siren #5 came. About 1:10 am on March 11. Siren #4 came. At 12:13 am on March 11, the siren goes off again, for the third time. This is going to be a long sleepless night! At 11:50 pm on March 10. HONOLULU – A tsunami warning has been expanded to include the entire western U.S. coast. The Tsunami Warning Center says the warning is in effect for California, Oregon, Washington and southern Alaska. Warnings were issued for Hawaii and other parts of the Pacific following a tsunami early Friday after a massive earthquake struck in Japan. Tsunami warnings are issued due to the imminent threat of a tsunami. Previous update: At 11:15 pm, the siren started again, and the tsunami watch has become tsunami warning! HONOLULU – Hawaii and other parts of the Pacific are bracing for a destructive tsunami after a massive earthquake struck in Japan. Tsunami sirens were sounded and coastal areas were being evacuated in Hawaii, where the first waves were expected to hit at 3 a.m. Friday. The Hawaii-based Pacific Tsunami Warning Center widened its tsunami warning beyond East Asia late Thursday to include Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico and Central and South America and the rest of the Pacific Ocean. Thursday, March 10, 2011 10:04 pm In case you missed it, you can play this YouTube clip (not today's recording) to see how loud it is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CJFt950vOk http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110311/ap_on_re_as/as_japan_earthquake Thursday, March 10, 2011 10:04 pm To all UH Hilo Faculty, Staff, and Students: A Tsunami WARNING has now been issued. A tsunami may have been generated by the earthquake near Japan and an investigation is underway to determine if there is a tsunami threat to Hawaii. The most urgent concern would be for those who are located in any low-lying areas within tsunami inundation zones. Please be ready to prepare for any potential loss of power and other utilities. We will continue to watch for information from civil defense authorities and will keep you posted. The Civil Defense Emergency Message is below: CIVIL DEFENSE EMERGENCY MESSAGE Honshu, Japan 8.8 Earthquake/Tsunami WARNING March 10, 2011 I. CURRENT SITUATION: The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center has issued a Tsunami WARNING for the State of Hawaii at 9:31 p.m. (HST) March 10, 2011. A major earthquake – with a magnitude of 8.8 – occurred at 7:46 PM (HST) near the East Coast of Honshu, Japan. A tsunami may have been generated by this earthquake and an investigation is underway to determine if there is a tsunami threat to Hawaii. If the earthquake generated damaging tsunami waves, the estimated earliest arrival of the first tsunami wave is 2:59 AM (HST), Friday, March 11, 2011. Follow these instructions: II. COMMENTS: 1. Stay tuned to radio and TV broadcasts for the latest information and instructions. 2. Check the Tsunami Evacuation Maps in the Emergency Preparedness section of your telephone directory white pages or the Tsunami Evacuation Mapping Tool on the Hawaii State Civil Defense website ( http://www.scd.hawaii.gov). 3. Please obey all emergency instructions issued by police, fire, civil defense and other emergency personnel. Watch message prepared by State Civil Defense. TIME/DATE: 9:45 PM/March 10, 2011 TSUNAMI MESSAGE NUMBER 3 NWS PACIFIC TSUNAMI WARNING CENTER EWA BEACH HI 931 PM HST THU MAR 10 2011 TO - CIVIL DEFENSE IN THE STATE OF HAWAII SUBJECT - TSUNAMI WARNING A TSUNAMI WARNING IS ISSUED FOR THE STATE OF HAWAII EFFECTIVE AT 0931 PM HST. AN EARTHQUAKE HAS OCCURRED WITH THESE PRELIMINARY PARAMETERS ORIGIN TIME - 0746 PM HST 10 MAR 2011 COORDINATES - 38.2 NORTH 142.5 EAST LOCATION - NEAR EAST COAST OF HONSHU JAPAN MAGNITUDE - 8.8 MOMENT MEASUREMENTS OR REPORTS OF TSUNAMI WAVE ACTIVITY GAUGE LOCATION LAT LON TIME AMPL PER DART 21413 30.5N 152.1E 0659Z 0.76M / 2.5FT 32MIN HANASAKI HOKKAIDO J 43.3N 145.6E 0657Z 2.79M / 9.2FT 76MIN DART 21401 42.6N 152.6E 0643Z 0.67M / 2.2FT 40MIN DART 21418 38.7N 148.7E 0619Z 1.08M / 3.5FT 06MIN LAT - LATITUDE (N-NORTH, S-SOUTH) LON - LONGITUDE (E-EAST, W-WEST) TIME - TIME OF THE MEASUREMENT (Z IS UTC IS GREENWICH TIME) AMPL - TSUNAMI AMPLITUDE MEASURED RELATIVE TO NORMAL SEA LEVEL. IT IS ...NOT... CREST-TO-TROUGH WAVE HEIGHT. VALUES ARE GIVEN IN BOTH METERS(M) AND FEET(FT). PER - PERIOD OF TIME IN MINUTES(MIN) FROM ONE WAVE TO THE NEXT. NOTE - DART MEASUREMENTS ARE FROM THE DEEP OCEAN AND THEY ARE GENERALLY MUCH SMALLER THAN WOULD BE COASTAL MEASUREMENTS AT SIMILAR LOCATIONS. EVALUATION A TSUNAMI HAS BEEN GENERATED THAT COULD CAUSE DAMAGE ALONG COASTLINES OF ALL ISLANDS IN THE STATE OF HAWAII. URGENT ACTION SHOULD BE TAKEN TO PROTECT LIVES AND PROPERTY. A TSUNAMI IS A SERIES OF LONG OCEAN WAVES. EACH INDIVIDUAL WAVE CREST CAN LAST 5 TO 15 MINUTES OR MORE AND EXTENSIVELY FLOOD COASTAL AREAS. THE DANGER CAN CONTINUE FOR MANY HOURS AFTER THE INITIAL WAVE AS SUBSEQUENT WAVES ARRIVE. TSUNAMI WAVE HEIGHTS CANNOT BE PREDICTED AND THE FIRST WAVE MAY NOT BE THE LARGEST. TSUNAMI WAVES EFFICIENTLY WRAP AROUND ISLANDS. ALL SHORES ARE AT RISK NO MATTER WHICH DIRECTION THEY FACE. THE TROUGH OF A TSUNAMI WAVE MAY TEMPORARILY EXPOSE THE SEAFLOOR BUT THE AREA WILL QUICKLY FLOOD AGAIN. EXTREMELY STRONG AND UNUSUAL NEARSHORE CURRENTS CAN ACCOMPANY A TSUNAMI. DEBRIS PICKED UP AND CARRIED BY A TSUNAMI AMPLIFIES ITS DESTRUCTIVE POWER. SIMULTANEOUS HIGH TIDES OR HIGH SURF CAN SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASE THE TSUNAMI HAZARD. THE ESTIMATED ARRIVAL TIME IN HAWAII OF THE FIRST TSUNAMI WAVE IS 0259 AM HST FRI 11 MAR 2011 MESSAGES WILL BE ISSUED HOURLY OR SOONER AS CONDITIONS WARRANT. -- This emergency alert was sent on behalf of Debra L Fitzsimons. Please do not reply to this message. It was sent from an address that cannot accept incoming email. Alert ID number: 1299830623-25564 Alert distribution: - All faculty, staff, and students on Hawaii Island - UH Emergency Managers Please note that you are listed in RCUH or SCOPIS (overload and temporary hires) sources and may receive an Alert unrelated to your location or a duplicate copy of an Alert. The University currently does not collect the necessary information for RCUH and SCOPIS employees to be unequivocally associated with a campus. Alerts are targeted by geographic location and we've opted to always send to those for whom we are unsure of the location. We continue to improve our data sources and look forward to resolving this. Meanwhile, it is important that we ensure that everyone applicable receives the Alert.
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|3543 次阅读|4 个评论
lvming 2009-4-2 17:35
个人分类: 崂山管窥(图吧)|2627 次阅读|0 个评论

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