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热度 2 liwei999 2011-3-9 06:47
人的脑生理学应该是宗教的立足之地。 作者: mirror (*) 日期: 03/08/2011 16:44:36 因此承认科学也就必然要承认宗教。验证药品的疗效有些人“推崇”双盲法。但是双盲法的存在本身就意味着有些疗效是 来自“暗示效应”。解除痛苦、缓解痛苦是否是属于“治病”范畴?还是把“治病”的概念局限在感染症的范围里?这个问题可以商量。 镜某以为作为个体行为的“信教”与集团行为的“传教”应该区别对待。作为与行政平衡的社会势力,宗教团体的存在是有必要的。不然的话就是社会生态的不平衡了。 据镜某的观察,反对信教的个人往往是更愚昧。当然这个“愚昧”不是说受教育少,而是不明白事理。如果一个人能通过信教得到心灵上的宽解,对这个人而言,信教也是个很好的事情。 ---------- 就“是”论事儿,就“事儿”论是,就“事儿”论“事儿”。
个人分类: 镜子医疗卫生专栏|2363 次阅读|1 个评论
人体及动物生理学 - 本科生课程 第1讲 绪论
zjcui 2011-3-8 16:59
第1讲 绪论 【请上《人体及动物生理学》本科课程的各位同学,在科学网注册户名或博客- 请注明你的学号或姓名 ,之后请求将本人设为“好友”,待我 验明身份 并批准后,即可浏览以后各讲的网上内容】- 上了我的博客后直接申请好友即可。 思考题 1 活体的基本性质,刺激的阈值,兴奋性 2 内环境(细胞外液)的特性,内环境稳态如何做到? 3 生命活动的调节方式,各自特点? 4 机体稳态的调节机制?举例说明负反馈调节、正反馈调节、前馈调节。 5 The Physiological Society UK的吉祥物及其来历?链接:( http://www.physoc.org/site/cms/contentviewarticle.asp?article=984 ) 6 American Physiological Society的5位创立人(founders)各自的研究领域或贡献?链接:( http://www.the-aps.org/about/founders.htm ) 《人体及动物生理学》课程参考书目: Boron WF, Boulpaep EL (2008) Miedical Physiology, 2nd edition, Saunders. 1325 pages. Guyton AC, Hall JE (2010) Textbook of Medical Physiology, 12th edition. Saunders.1120 pages 王玢,左明雪(2009)人体及动物生理学,第3版,高等教育出版社,476页。 范少光,汤浩(2006)人体生理学,第3版,北京大学医学出版社,525页。
个人分类: 教学辅导|566 次阅读|0 个评论
最前沿计算神经科学进展 视频集锦
fendi 2011-2-13 20:52
美加州2010年秋季Kavili计算神经科学会议视频集锦 Kavli 2010年9-11月 ttp://online.itp.ucsb.edu/online/neuro10/ 参加会议的都是理论神经和神经生理学领域的的牛人 有视频录像 对神经科学的学生学者来说,这是不错的锻炼听力和开拓自己知识面的会议视频集 Time Speaker Title 9/20, 10:15 a.m. All Greeting Salutations from Adrienne, David Fred 9/20, 10:30 a.m. John Hopfield Princeton, IAS How Have Experiment and Theory Informed Each Other in the Past 25 Years? 9/20, 2:00 p.m. Karl Deisseroth Stanford Experimental Approaches to Psychiatric Disorders 9/21, 9:00 a.m. David Kleinfeld UCSD KITP Primer on Classical Brain Connectivity 9/21, 11:00 a.m. Van Wedeen Harvard Med. Tracing Neuronal Connections on an Areal Basis with DTI 9/21, 1:45 p.m. David Heeger NYU Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Activity in Human Visual Cortex 9/21, 4:00 p.m. R. Clay Reid Harvard Med. Experimental Approaches to Delineating Signal Pathways 9/22, 9:00 a.m. Anirvan Ghosh UCSD Molecular Approaches to Unraveling Circuits 9/22, 11:00 a.m. Stephen Smith Stanford Med. Synaptic Architecture of the Brain 9/22, 1:45 p.m. Chuck Stevens Salk Inst. KITP Principles That Govern the Structure of Arbors 9/22, 4:00 p.m. Adrienne Fairhall UW KITP Open Theoretical Issues and the Potential Impact of New Technologies 9/23, 9:00 a.m. Ralph Greenspan Neurosciences Inst. The Present and Future Face of Behavioral Genetics 9/23, 11:00 a.m. Dmitri Chklovskii Howard Hughes Med. KITP Hold That Thought: Networks that Support Persistence 9/23, 1:45 p.m. Axel Nimmerjahn Stanford Optical Imaging of Cell Dynamics in Behaving Animals 9/23, 4:00 p.m. Richard Hahnloser ETH KITP Neural Theory and Practice of Song Learning 9/24, 9:00 a.m. Edward Callaway Salk Inst. Rabies-based Tools to Elucidate Circuits and Link Connectivity to Function 9/24, 11:00 a.m. Srinivas Turaga MIT KITP Constructing the Connectome to Deconstruct the Brain 9/27, 10:00 a.m. Winfried Denk MPI Structural Neurobiology, The New Old Bottleneck 09/27, 12:15 p.m. Fred Wolf MPI KITP Perturbing Neural Circuit Dynamics KITP Blackboard Lunch 9/28, 9:30 a.m. Jimmy Zhou Yale Cholinergic Network in the Retina: From Development to Computation 9/28, 11:00 a.m. Alla Karpova Howard Hughes Med. Optimizing Behavior in Variable and Competitive Environments 9/28, 2:30 p.m. All Organizational Meeting 9/29, 9:30 a.m. Elad Schneidman Weizmann Inst. KITP Correlated Neural Population Codes and Optimal Networks 9/29, 11:00 a.m. Stephen Baccus Stanford Understanding Inhibitory Circuits in the Retina 9/30, 9:30 a.m. David Perkel UW Functions and Mechanisms of Behavioral Variability During Motor Learning 9/30, 11:30 a.m. Anne Churchland Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Spiking Variability as a Window into Neural Computation 9/30, 2:00 p.m. All Group Discussion: High Order Correlations and Maximum Entropy Models of Population Activity in Retina and Cortex 10/01, 9:30 a.m. Jason Kerr MPI KITP Release the Hounds: Imaging Activity in Neuronal Populations in the Freely Moving Animal 10/01, 11:00 a.m. Albert Compte IDIBAPS KITP A Sensory-executive Circuit Model for Visual Selective Attention 10/01, 2:00 p.m. Eran Mukamel Harvard KITP Shaky, Spiky and Sharp: Neural Visual Inference for Hyperacuity amid Fixational Eye Movements 10/04, 10:00 a.m. Jeffrey Magee Howard Hughes Inst. Processing and Storage in Neuronal Dendrites 10/04, 12:00 p.m. Jeffrey Magee Howard Hughes Inst. Processing and Storage in Neuronal Dendrites, Cont'd 10/04, 3:30 p.m. Raoul-Martin Memmesheimer Radboud University, Nijmegen KITP Nonlinear Dendrites, Hippocampal Ripples, and Association of Spike Patterns 10/05, 9:30 a.m. Mark Ellisman UCSD Multiscale Imaging of the Nervous System: Where's the Dark Matter? 10/05, 11:00 a.m. Robert Gütig Hebrew Univ. KITP Spike-timing Based Neuronal Information Processing: Applications to Vision and Speech 10/06, 9:30 a.m. Jackie Schiller Technion Non Linear Dendritic Integration in Neocortical Pyramidal Neurons 10/06, 11:00 a.m. Guoqiang Bi University of Science and Technology of China Self-organizing Plasticity in Small Neuronal Networks 10/07, 9:30 a.m. Peter Latham Univ. College KITP Probabilistic Inference in Networks of Spiking Neurons 10/07, 11:00 a.m. Surya Ganguli UCSF KITP Compressive Sensing Tutorial 10/07, 3:30 p.m. Tao Hu Howard Hughes Medical Institute KITP Estimating Conectomes with Compressed Sensing 10/07, 4:00 p.m. Fleur Zeldenrust UvA KITP Characterizing Neurons in Networks with Noisy Input 10/08, 9:30 a.m. Elisha Moses Weizmann Inst. KITP Architecture and Computation in Neuronal Networks 10/08, 11:00 a.m. Sophie Denève ENS KITP Bayesian Approaches to Dynamics and Coding in Single Neurons and Networks 10/11, 4:00 p.m. William Spain UW Adaptation of Spike Timing Precision: Implications for Sound Localization 10/12, 9:30 a.m. Michael Gutnick Hebrew Univ. KITP Sodium Channels and Excitability in Neocortical Pyramidal Neurons 10/12, 11:00 a.m. Charles Wilson Univ. Texas Neuronal Dynamics in the Subthalamic Nucleus 10/13, 9:30 a.m. David McCormick Yale Med. Neocortical Network Dynamics 10/13, 11:00 a.m. Herbie Levine UCSD KITP Biophysical Models of Complex Neuronal Components 10/13, 2:00 p.m. Fred Wolf MPI KITP Single Neuron Dynamics for Retaining and Destroying Network Information 10/14, 9:30 a.m. David Golomb Ben Gurion Univ. KITP Short-term Synaptic Plasticity, Interneurons, and Cortical Responses 10/14, 11:00 a.m. Dirk Trauner Univ. Munich Teaching Old Receptors New Tricks 10/14, 2:00 p.m. Andrea Hasenstaub Salk Inst. KITP Fast-spiking Interneurons, Network Dynamics, and Response Flexibility 10/15, 9:30 p.m. Michael Famulare UW KITP Deriving the Spike Code from Single Neuron Dynamics 10/15, 11:30 a.m. Ben Strowbridge Case Western KITP Cellular Mechanisms of Persistent Activity in the Hippocampus and Olfactory Bulb 10/18, 10:00 a.m. Mayank Mehta UCLA KITP Relating Plasticity, Place Cells, Oscillations and Sleep 10/18, 2:00 p.m. Group Discussion Is Stimulus Reconstruction an Important Criterion for Choosing Single Neuron Models? 10/18, 3:30 p.m. Surya Ganguli UCSF Fisher Information, Compressed Sensing, and the Origins of Short-term Sequence Memory in Neuronal Networks 10/19, 9:30 a.m. Massimo Scanziani UCSD Excitation and Inhibition in Cortical Space 10/19, 11:00 a.m. Michael Hausser Univ. College London KITP Temporal Sequence Processing in Cortical Neurons 10/19, 2:00 p.m. All Normalization Models 10/20, 9:30 a.m. Rainer Friedrich Friedrich Miescher Inst. Dynamics and Discrete Network States in the Olfactory System 10/20, 11:00 a.m. Theo Geisel Univ. Gottingen/MPI KITP Phase Transitions towards Self-organized Criticality in Networks of Neurons with Dynamical Synapses 10/20, 4:00 p.m. Group Discussion Network Dynamics in Olfactory Processing 10/21, 9:30 a.m. Alex Reyes NYU Stimulus-dependent Switching of Excitatory/Inhibitory Configurations in Neural Networks 10/21, 11:00 a.m. Kenneth Miller Columbia Contrast-dependent Center-surround Interactions "Normalizing" Nonlinearities in Visual Cortex: A Simple Unified Circuit Model 10/21, 4:00 p.m. Livia deHoz Hebrew Univ. KITP Sensory Memory in the Auditory Cortex of Behaving Rodents 10/22, 9:30 a.m. Michale Fee MIT Localizing and Understanding Dynamics in Neural Circuits 10/22, 11:00 a.m. Sara Solla NWU Med. KITP Effective Connectivity Reveals Induced Network Reorganization in Behaving Animals 10/25, 10:00 a.m. David Kleinfeld UCSD KITP Welcome and Introduction to Neurovascular Coupling 10/25, 10:30 a.m. Martin Lauritzen Univ. Copenhagen So Many Signals: How the Vasculature Feeds the Brain 10/25, 2:30 p.m. Brian MacVicar UBC Regulation of Cerebral Blood Vessels by Astrocytes and the Influence of Metabolism 10/26, 9:30 a.m. Frank Kirchhoff Univ. Saarland Two-photon Imaging and Genetic Models to Study Glial Function in Vivo 10/26, 11:00 a.m. Edith Hamel Montreal Neurological Institute Neuronal Networks in the Control of Cerebral Blood Flow 10/26, 2:30 p.m. Pablo Blinder UCSD Illuminating the Angiotome 10/26, 3:15 p.m. Andy Shih UCSD Single-vessel Strokes 10/27, 9:30 a.m. Bruno Weber Univ. Zurich Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism: Feeding a Hungry Organ 10/27, 11:00 a.m. All Open Discussion 10/28, 9:30 a.m. David Hansel CNRS KITP Selective Persistent States in Balanced Networks 10/28, 11:00 a.m. Ila Fiete Univ. Texas, Austin Path Integration and Position Encoding in Grid Cells 10/28, 3:30 p.m. Carl vanVreeswijk Univ. Paris Descartes KITP Emerging Techniques for the Analysis of Network Dynamics 11/01, 3:30 p.m. Robert Froemke NYU KITP Long-term Cortical Synaptic Plasticity Improves Sensory Perception 11/02, 9:30 a.m. Matthias Kaschube Princeton KITP Nature, Nurture, Nonlinearity 11/02, 11:00 a.m. Tim Murphy UBC Synapse and Circuit Level Plasticity after Stroke 11/03, 9:30 a.m. Siegrid Lwel Friedrich-Schiller-Universitt, Jena KITP The Dynamic Architecture of the Cortex during Development and after Lesions 11/03, 11:00 a.m. Gordon Fishell NYU The Requirement for Neuronal Activity for Cortical Interneuron Development 11/04, 9:30 a.m. Venkatesh Murthy Harvard Univ. KITP Synaptic Circuits and Odor Processing in the Mouse Olfactory System 11/04, 11:00 a.m. Botond Roska Friedrich Miescher Inst. Retinal Hardware 11/04, 4:00 p.m. Julijana Gjorgjieva Univ. of Cambridge KITP Plasticity in Developing Circuits Driven by Spontaneous Activity 11/05, 9:00 a.m. Andrew Huberman UCSD Mechanisms for Wiring up Visual Circuits 11/05, 10:30 a.m. Vijay Balasubramanian Univ. Penn Principles of Population Coding: Maps, Parallel Channels, Interactions 11/08, 10:00 a.m. Peter Strick Univ. Pittsburgh 'Old' and 'New' M1: A Tale of Two Cortical Motor Areas 11/08, 1:30 p.m. Group Discussion Emerging Techniques: Perspectives and Challenges 11/08, 3:30 p.m. Chris Fang-Yen Univ. of Penn Optical Dissection of Worm Behavior 11/09, 9:30 a.m. Mark vanRossum Univ. Edinburgh KITP Weight Dependent Synaptic Plasticity Rules 11/10, 9:30 a.m. Yoram Burak Harvard KITP Models of Neural Inference under Dynamic Transformations 11/10, 11:00 a.m. Ehud Ahissar Weizmann Inst. Closed Loop Perception in Whisking Rats and Humans 11/10, 2:00 p.m. Discussion Covariance methods and single neurons 11/10, 3:30 p.m. Yasser Roudi NTNU KITP Mean Field Theory for Non-equilibrium Network Reconstruction 11/11, 9:30 a.m. Alexander Gail German Primate Center The Frontoparietal Sensorimotor Loop for Reaching 11/11, 11:30 a.m. All Wrap-up Discussion
个人分类: 未分类|4283 次阅读|0 个评论
xupeiyang 2011-1-27 15:15
Arrhythmia 心律失常 视频 导管消融与电生理学研究 Electrophysiological Study and Catheter Ablation with 3D Mapping (Mercy Hospital, Miami, FL, 11/15/2007) 视频 http://www.orlive.com/mercyhospital/videos/electrophysiological-study-and-catheter-ablation-w/3d-mapping1?view=displayPageNLM Paracardioscopic Ex-Maze (FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital, Pinehurst, NC, 07/09/2008)
个人分类: 心血管病|2174 次阅读|0 个评论
sonosticschn 2011-1-27 02:01
Sonostics和BIOPAC系统联手共同制作了在BIOPAC的AcqKnowledge软件中一种新的模式,该模式可以通过运用Sonostics 的专利算法结合VMG Sensor BPS-II 变频器来实现对肌肉力量的即时分析。 通过结合极其敏感的加速度计和正在申请专利的wavelet分析软件,Sonostics提供了一个通过使肌肉振动调整为绝对力量的可重复的肌肉力量评估办法。这是运动学或运动生理学研究的理想技术,因为它提供了摆脱肌电图的限制的对肌肉的机械活动的直接测量。 BIOPAC的AcqKnowledge软件是一个用于获取这些数据的有力工具,可以为研究员提供肌肉力量分析的各种的工具。 询问价格 该功能可以购买作为一个2通道或4通道方案,可以延长至16个通道。 该功能可以以2通道或4通道包裹进行购买,也可以扩展至16个通道。例如,VMG104WSW包裹与BIOPAC MP150平台兼容,包含了AcqKnowledge软件的许可证书,一个HLT100C高级传感器模块和4个Sonostics的BPS-II传感器。 MP150研究平台 MP36教育平台 更多关于肌音图的研究,请查看我们的网站: www.sonostics.com
5089 次阅读|0 个评论
qpzeng 2010-10-4 20:34
瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院今日宣布,将2010年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予有“试管婴儿之父”之称的英国生理学家罗伯特·爱德华兹。 试管婴儿技术又称为 体外受精-胚胎移植 (IVF-ET)技术,包括 超数排卵 (使用克罗米芬、人卵泡刺激素、人绝经期促性腺激素或促性腺激素释放激素激活剂等药物)、 取卵 (B超引导阴道穿刺取卵术或尿道、膀胱和腹腔穿刺取卵术、子宫直肠窝切开取卵术、腹腔镜和穹窿镜阴道取卵术)、 体外受精 (10万活动精子:1-3个卵子)和 胚胎移植 (手术法或非手术法)等步骤,其技术要点是:先从卵巢内取出经过超数排卵诱导产生的卵母细胞,经体外成熟处理后与体外获能的精子结合而受精,然后在培养液中使受精卵分裂到8-16细胞期(桑葚胚期),再择机移植到子宫内获得妊娠。 在育龄夫妇中,约有10%的不育患者。虽然 宫腔内授精 (IUI)、 输卵管配子移植 (GIFT)等人工助孕技术的应用对大多数不孕症有效,但仍有3%的治疗困难者不得不采用试管婴儿技术。自第一代试管婴儿技术问世以来,世界上已有几百万个试管婴儿出生。1992年发明的 单精子卵细胞浆内注射 (ICSI)新技术还能克服男方少精、弱精或无精引起的不育,被誉为第二代试管婴儿技术。
个人分类: 科普集萃|4827 次阅读|3 个评论
williammilo 2010-9-13 09:48
我的博客已经搬家到 xiongbox.com 欢迎访问熊伟博士的网站! 本文永久链接 http://xiongbox.com/运动形态学与运动生理学/ 1.运动生理学是生理学的一个分支 ,研究人在体育活动过程中的各种机能变化规律,指导人们合理地从事体育锻炼或科学地组织运动训练 。 2.当前,国内外最为关注的运动生理学研究课题,是如何最大限度地提高人体的运动能力和适应能力。 具体地说,就是研究运动训练对人体各种机能的影响、人体各种活动能力(如肌力、运动速度、耐力、灵敏、柔韧等)的生理机制、制约人体运动能力的生理因素(如呼吸循环机能、血液中的化学物质、神经调节、激素的调节等)、疲劳的机制、测定和消除疲劳的有效方法以及依据人体机能变化探讨运动处方和训练方法等。分子生物学出现后,在继续开展宏观研究的同时,已有人致力于微观研究 。 3.运动形态学是 用各种解剖方法(包括显微解剖、超显微解剖、动物实验、活体组织检查等)和人类学方法为运动实践服务的一门综合性科学 。运动形态学是在解剖学基础上发展起来的。随着科学的发展和新的研究方法(如 X光机、超声波仪、肌电图机、高速摄影机、电视录相机、电子显微镜等)的出现,已不仅在人体的器官和系统水平方面,而且在细胞甚至亚细胞水平上来研究体育锻炼和运动训练对人体形态结构的影响。体育和运动实践提出的任务,使这门学科增加了新的内容: 如用解剖学或人类学的观点来分析运动员的姿势和动作、各项运动员外部形态特征、身体发育特点以及体育锻炼时身体内部器官位置的变化等 。运动形态学包括4个部分,即 运动解剖学、运动动作的解剖学分析、运动人体测量学和运动局部解剖学 。
个人分类: 体育|5040 次阅读|0 个评论
生理学优秀国际论文 by F1000 Factor
xupeiyang 2010-8-22 14:24
详细信息见 http://f1000biology.com/browse/PHYSIOL 国际生物学专家按F1000 Factor评出的生理学国际优秀论文,你可以选择查阅近一周至近五年发表的优秀论文。 可按以下分类进行检索查阅: Physiology Cardiovascular Physiology/Circulation Endocrinology Gastrointestinal Physiology Integrative Physiology Muscle Connective Tissue Neural Homeostasis Physiogenomics Renal, Fluid Electrolyte Physiology Reproductive Physiology Respiratory Physiology
个人分类: 生物科学|3671 次阅读|0 个评论
科学家 Bruce S McEwen(生理学)
xupeiyang 2010-7-21 10:11
科研生涯与实验室: http://www.rockefeller.edu/labheads/mcewen/mcewen-lab.php Bruce S McEwen Harold and Margaret Milliken Hatch Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, The Rockefeller University, New York, USA Head of Section: Physiology Neural Homeostasis Home page http://www.rockefeller.edu/labheads/mcewen/mcewen-lab.php 研究成果与论著: http://www.rockefeller.edu/labheads/mcewen/publications.php 部分论著与科研绩效: http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=enq=Bruce+S+McEwenbtnG=Searchas_sdt=2000as_ylo=as_vis=0 BS McEwen - The New England Journal of Medicine, 1998 - endo.gr This article reviews the long-term effect of the physiologic response to stress, which I refer to as allostatic load. 2 Allostasis the ability to achieve stability through change 3 is critical to survival. Through allostasis, the autonomic nervous system, the hypothalamicpituitary ... Cited by 2171 - Related articles - Cached - BL Direct - All 10 versions The neuroendocrinology of stress and aging: the glucocorticoid cascade hypothesis RM Sapolsky, LC Krey, BS McEwen - Science's SAGE KE, 2002 - sageke.sciencemag.org Abstract: Over the past 5 yr, we have examined some of the sharpest edges of the pathology of aging. We have studied the capacity of aged organisms to respond appropriately to stress and the capacity of stress to cumulatively damage aging tissue. The idea of a relationship ... Cited by 1131 - Related articles - All 6 versions Stress and hippocampal plasticity angelfire.com BS McEwen - Annual review of neuroscience, 1999 - Annual Reviews ? Abstract The hippocampus is a target of stress hormones, and it is an especially plastic and vulnerable region of the brain. It also responds to gonadal, thyroid, and adrenal hormones, which modulate changes in synapse formation and dendritic structure and regulate dentate ... Cited by 890 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 9 versions Estrogen actions in the central nervous system endojournals.org BS McEwen , SE Alves - Endocrine reviews, 1999 - Endocrine Soc GONADAL hormones affect the nervous system in ways that extend beyond their essential actions of regulating gonadotropin and PRL secretion and modulating sexual behavior. For example, estrogens and androgens have been reported to influence verbal fluency, ... Cited by 849 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 8 versions Proliferation of granule cell precursors in the dentate gyrus of adult monkeys is diminished by stress pnas.org P Tanapat, BS McEwen , G Flgge, E - Proceedings of the , 1998 - National Acad Sciences Although granule cells continue to be added to the dentate gyrus of adult rats and tree shrews, this phenomenon has not been demonstrated in the dentate gyrus of adult primates. To determine whether neurons are produced in the dentate gyrus of adult primates, adult ... Cited by 748 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 15 versions Gonadal steroids regulate dendritic spine density in hippocampal pyramidal cells in adulthood jneurosci.org , CS Woolley, M Frankfurt, BS McEwen - Journal of , 1990 - Soc Neuroscience ... Elizabeth Gould, Catherine S . Woolley, Maya Frankfurt, and Bruce S . McEwen Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, The Rockefeller University, New York, New York 10021 Gonadal steroids are known to influence hippocampal phys- iology in adulthood. ... Cited by 710 - Related articles - All 5 versions Stress and the individual: mechanisms leading to disease BS McEwen , E Stellar - Archives of Internal Medicine, 1993 - Am Med Assoc Objective This article presents a new formulation of the relationship between stress and the processes leading to disease. It emphasizes the hidden cost of chronic stress to the body over long time periods, which act as a predisposing factor for the effects of acute, stressful life events. It ... Cited by 785 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 3 versions Stress and cognitive function BS McEwen , RM Sapolsky - Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 1995 - Elsevier Stress affects cognition in a number of ways, acting rapidly via catecholamines and more slowly via glucocorticoids. Catecholamine actions involve beta adrenergic receptors and also availability of glucose, whereas glucocorticoids biphasically modulate synaptic plasticity over hours ... Cited by 755 - Related articles - All 5 versions Neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of the adult tree shrew is regulated by psychosocial stress and NMDA receptor activation cjb.net E Gould, BS McEwen , P Tanapat, LAM Galea, - Journal of , 1997 - neuro.cjb.net These studies were designed to determine whether adult neurogenesis occurs in the dentate gyrus of the tree shrew, an animal phylogenetically between insectivores and primates, and to explore the possibility that this process is regulated by stressful experiences and NMDA ... Cited by 722 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 11 versions Prolonged glucocorticoid exposure reduces hippocampal neuron number: implications for aging jneurosci.org RM Sapolsky, LC Krey, BS McEwen - Journal of Neuroscience, 1985 - Soc Neuroscience The hippocampus of the rat loses neurons with age, a loss which may eventuate in some of the functional impairments typical of senescence. Cumulative exposure to cotticoster- one (CORT) over the lifespan may be a cause of this neuronal loss, as it is prevented by ... Cited by 667 - Related articles - All 5 versions
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科学家 Peter Walter(生理学)
xupeiyang 2010-7-21 09:44
科研学术生涯: http://www.hhmi.org/research/investigators/walter_bio.html http://f1000biology.com/about/biography/485380228309395 Peter Walter University of California, San Francisco, USA Head of Section: Cell Biology Membranes Sorting 研究团队与实验室: http://walterlab.ucsf.edu/Site/Home.html 发表论著与科研成果: http://walterlab.ucsf.edu/Site/Publications%202001-present.html Walter P. (2010) Walking along the Serendipitous Path of Discovery. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 21: 15-17. (pdf) Doolittle MH, Neher SB, Ben-Zeev On, Jo L-l, Gallagher CM, Hosseini M, Yin F, Wong H, Walter P, Pterfy M. (2010) Lipase Maturation Factor LMF1, membrane topology and interaction with lipase proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum. J Biological Chemistry. 284: 33623-33633. (pdf) Schuck S, Prinz WA, Thorn KS, Voss C Walter P. (2009) Membrane expansion alleviates endoplasmic reticulum stress independently of the unfolded protein response. J Cell Biology. 187: 525-536. (pdf) Hollien J, Lin JH, Li H, Stevens H, Walter P Weissman JS. (2009)Regulated Ire1-dependent decay of messenger RNAs in mammalian cells. J Cell Biology. 186: 323-331. (pdf) Bradshaw N, Neher SB, Booth DS, and Walter P. (2009) Signal sequences activate the catalytic switch of SRP RNA. Science. 323(5910): 127-130. (pdf with supplemental) Frhlich F, Moreira K, Aguilar PS, Hubner NC, Mann M, Walter P, and Walther TC. (2009) A genome-wide screen for genes affecting eisosomes reveals Nce102 function in sphingolipid signaling. J Cell Biol. 185(7): 1227-42. (pdf) (supplemental) Kornmann B, Currie E, Collins SR, Schuldiner M, Nunnari J, Weissman JS, and Walter P. (2009) An ER-Mitochondria Tethering Complex Revealed by a Synthetic Biology Screen. Science. 325: 477-481. (pdf) (supplemental) So AY, de la Fuente E, Walter P, Schuman M, and Bernales S. (2009) The unfolded protein response during prostate cancer development. Cancer Metastasis Rev. 28: 219-223. (pdf) Jonikas MC, Collins SR, Denic V, Oh E, Quan EM, Schmid V, Weibezahn J, Schwappach B, Walter P, Weissman JS, and Schuldiner M. (2009) Comprehensive characterization of genes required for protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum. Science. 323: 1693-1697. (pdf) (supplemental) Lisbona F, Rojas-Rivera D, Thielen P, Zamorano S, Todd D, Martinon F, Glavic A, Kress C, Lin JH, Walter P, Reed JC, Glimcher LH, and Hetz C. (2009) BAX inhibitor-1 is a negative regulator of the ER stress sensor IRE1alpha. Mol Cell. 33: 679-691. (pdf) Aragon T, van Anken E, Pincus D, Serafimova IM, Korennykh AV, Rubio CA, and Walter P. (2008) Messenger RNA targeting to endoplasmic reticulum stress signalling sites. Nature. 457: 736-740. (pdf) (supplemental 1) (supplemental 2) Korennykh AV, Egea PF, Korostelev AA, Finer-Moore J, Zhang C, Shokat KM, Stroud RM, and Walter P. (2008) The unfolded protein response signals through high-order assembly of Ire1. Nature. 457: 687-693. (pdf) (supplemental) Moreira KE, Walther TC, Aguilar PS, Walter P. (2008) Pil1 Controls Eisosome Biogenesis. Mol. Biol. Cell. 20: 809-818. (pdf) (supplemental) (movie) Lin JH, Li H, Zhang Y, Ron D, Walter P. (2008) Divergent Effects of PERK and IRE1 Signaling on Cell Viability. PLoS ONE. 4: e4170. (pdf) Egea PF, Tsuruta H, de Leon GP, Napetchnig J, Walter P, Stroud RM. (2008) Structures of SRP receptor from the Archaeon Pyrococcs furiosus . PLoS ONE 3(11): e3619. (pdf) Egea PF, Napetchnig J, Walter P, Stroud RM. (2008) Structures of SRP54 and SRP19, the two proteins that organize the ribonucleic core of the signal recognition particle from Pyrococcus furiosus . PLoS ONE 3(10): e3528. (pdf) Engel A, and Walter, P. (2008) Membrane lysis during biological membrane fusion: collateral damage by misregulated fusion machines. Journal of Cell Biology. 183(2): 181-186 . (pdf) Neher, S.B., Bradshaw, N., Floor, S.N., Gross, J.D., and Walter, P. (2008) SRP RNA controls a conformational switch regulating the SRP-SRP receptor interaction. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. 15(9): 916-923 . (pdf) Raff, M., Johnson, A., and Walter, P. (2008) Painful Publishing. Science. 321: 36. (pdf) Guo, Y., Walther, T.C., Rao, M., Stuurman, N., Goshima, G., Terayama, K., Wong, J.S., Vale, R.D., Walter, P., and Farese, R.V. (2008) Functional genomic screen reveals genes involved in lipid-droplet formation and utilization. Nature. 453: 657-661 . (pdf) Walther TC, Aguilar PS, Frohlich F, Chu F, Moreira K, Burlingame AL, and Walter P. (2008) Pkh-kinases control eisosome assembly and organization. EMBO. 26: 4946-4955 . (pdf) Ron D and Walter P. (2007) Signal integration in the endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. 8: 519-529. (pdf) Bernales S, Schuck S, Walter P. (2007) ER-Phagy: Selective autophagy of the endoplasmic reticulum. Autophagy. 3: 285-287. (pdf) Lin, J.H., Walter, P., and Yen, T.S.B.(2007) Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Disease Pathogenesis. Annual Review of Pathology. 3: 399-425 . (pdf) Lin, J.H., Li, H., Yasumura, D.., Cohen, H.R., Zhang, C., Panning, B,. Shokat,K.M., LaVail, M.M., and Walter, P. (2007) IRE1 Signaling Affects Cell Fate During the Unfolded Protein Response. Science. 318: 944-949 . (pdf) Bradshaw, N. and Walter, P. (2007) The SRP RNA links conformational changes in the SRP to protein targeting. Mol Biol Cell. 18: 2728-2734 . (pdf) Reyes, C.L., Rutenber, E., Walter, P., and Stroud, R.M. (2007) X-ray Structures of the Signal Recognition Particle Receptor Reveal Targeting Cycle Intermediates. PLoS ONE. 7:e607. (pdf) Shan, S., Chandrasekar, S. and Walter, P. (2007) Conformational changes in the GTPase modules of SRP and its receptor drive initiation of protein translocation. Journal of Cell Biology. 178: 611-620. (pdf) Heiman, M., Engel, A. and Walter, P. (2007) The Golgi-resident protease Kex2 acts in conjunction with Prm1 to facilitate cell fusion during yeast mating. Journal of Cell Biology 176 (2): 209-222. (pdf) Aguilar, P., Engel, A. and Walter, P. (2007) The plasma membrane proteins Prm1 and Fig1 ascertain fidelity of membrane fusion during yeast mating. Molecular Biology of the Cell 18: 547-556. (pdf) Bernales, S., McDonald, K.L., and Walter P. (2006) Autophagy counterbalances Endoplasmic Reticulum Expansion during the Unfolded Protein Response. PLoS Biology 4(12): e423. (pdf) (synopsis) Bernales, S., Papa, F.R., and Walter P. (2006) Intracellular Signaling by the Unfolded Protein Response. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology 22: 487-508. (pdf) Walther, T., Brickner, J., Aguilar, P., Bernales, S., Pantoja, C., and Walter, P. (2006) Eisosomes define static sites of endocytosis. Nature 439: 998-1003. (pdf) Credle, J., Finer-Moore, J., Papa, F., Stroud, R., and Walter, P. (2005) On the mechanism of sensing unfolded protein in the endoplasmic reticulum. Proc Natl Acad Sciences 102: 18773-84. (pdf) Egea, P.F., Stroud, R.M., and Walter, P. (2005) Targeting proteins to membranes: structure of the signal recognition particle. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 15: 213-220. (pdf) Kaiser, S.E., Brickner, J.H., Reilein, A.R., Fenn, T.D., Walter, P. and Brunger, A.T. (2005) Structural basis of FFAT Motif-mediated ER targeting. Structure 13(7): 1035-45. (pdf) 部分著作与科研绩效: http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=enq=Peter+WalterbtnG=Searchas_sdt=2000as_ylo=as_vis=0 Signal recognition particle contains a 7 S RNA essential for protein translocation across the endoplasmic reticulum ucsf.edu P Walter , G Blobel - Nature, 1982 - walterlab.ucsf.edu Nature Vol. 299 21 October 1982 691 The possible changes both of kisO and s would therefore lead to higher d values at glacial periods. Anyway, the influence of variations of klsO and s for the first part of the water cycle is small. The effect of a more hypothetical slope change at ... Cited by 914 - Related articles - All 11 versions Functional and genomic analyses reveal an essential coordination between the unfolded protein response and ER-associated degradation cell.com Patil, L Wodicka, DJ Lockhart, JS Weissman, P Walter - Cell, 2000 - Elsevier The unfolded protein response (UPR) regulates gene expression in response to stress in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). We determined the transcriptional scope of the UPR using DNA microarrays. Rather than regulating only ER-resident chaperones and phospholipid ... Cited by 786 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 26 versions Signal sequence recognition and protein targeting to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane P Walter , AE Johnson - Annual review of cell biology, 1994 - Annual Reviews ... MEMBRANE Peter Walter Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco, California 94143-0448 Arthur E. Johnson Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 73019 ... Cited by 629 - Related articles - All 4 versions Signal integration in the endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response utoronto.ca D Ron, P Walter - Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 2007 - nature.com The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) responds to the accumulation of unfolded proteins in its lumen (ER stress) by activating intracellular signal transduction pathways cumulatively called the unfolded protein response (UPR). Together, at least three mechanistically distinct arms of ... Cited by 587 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions Translocation of proteins across the endoplasmic reticulum. I. Signal recognition protein (SRP) binds to in-vitro-assembled polysomes synthesizing secretory protein rupress.org P Walter , I Ibrahimi, G Blobel - Journal of Cell Biology, 1981 - jcb.rupress.org ABSTRACT An 11S protein composed of six polypeptide chains was previously purified from a salt extract of dog pancreas microsomal membranes and shown to be required for translocation of nascent secretory protein across the microsomal membrane ( Walter and Blobel 1980 ... Cited by 527 - Related articles - All 8 versions Intracellular signaling from the endoplasmic reticulum to the nucleus: the unfolded protein response in yeast and mammals ucsd.edu C Patil, P Walter - Current opinion in cell biology, 2001 - Elsevier Cellular survival of endoplasmic reticulum stress requires the unfolded protein response (UPR), a stress response first elucidated genetically in yeast. While we continue to refine our knowledge of the yeast system, especially the breadth and significance of the ... Cited by 487 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 17 versions Essential cell biology tu-darmstadt.de Bray, A Johnson, J Lewis, M Raff, K Roberts, P Walter , - 2004 - ulb.tu-darmstadt.de Chapter 1 Panel 1-1 Panel 1-2 How We Know ... Chapter 2 How We Know Panel 2-1 Panel 2-2 Panel 2-3 Panel 2-4 Panel 2-5 Panel 2-6 Panel 2-7 ... Chapter 3 Panel 3-1 How We Know ... Chapter 4 Panel4-1 How We Know Panel 4-2 Panel 4-3 ; Panel 4-4 Panel 4-5 Panel 4-6 Cited by 504 - Related articles - View as HTML - All 4 versions Preparation of microsomal membranes for cotranslational protein translocation P Walter , G Blobel - Methods in Enzymology, 1983 - Elsevier ... This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organization's agreement with Elsevier. Peter Walter and Gnter Blobel. Available online 29 November 2003. Excerpt. Note:This is a one-page preview only. ... Cited by 478 - Related articles - All 2 versions Transcriptional induction of genes encoding endoplasmic reticulum resident proteins requires a transmembrane protein kinase ucsf.edu JS Cox, CE Shamu, P Walter - Cell, 1993 - Elsevier The transcription of genes encoding soluble proteins that reside in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is induced when unfolded proteins accumulate in the ER. Thus, an intracellular signal transduction pathway must exist that mediates communication between the ER lumen and the nucleus. ... Cited by 480 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions Model for signal sequence recognition from amino-acid sequence of 54 K subunit of signal recognition particle ucsf.edu , MA Poritz, K Strub, PJ Hoben, S Brenner, P Walter - Nature, 1989 - walterlab.ucsf.edu LETTERS TO NATURE Consensus SRP54 E.coli 48К h DP FTS Y N-RAS, human EF-Tu, E.COI G 108 G 107 G 425 G 301 G 10 G 18 G_ xxx X Ь Q LQ VN VN AGGV HVDH G К t/s G К т G К т G К s G К т G К s G К т D XX G N К X D 190 D T s G 248 T К L D 190 D TA G 248 T К V D ... Cited by 372 - Related articles - All 8 versions
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xupeiyang 2010-5-28 20:48
http://www.gopubmed.org/web/ 655 documents semantically analyzed top author statistics 1 2 Top Years Publications 2009 93 2007 80 2008 76 2006 56 2005 53 2003 46 2004 45 2002 37 2001 37 2000 26 1999 26 1998 16 2010 15 1997 13 1995 8 1996 7 1994 6 1991 3 1992 2 1988 2 1 2 1 2 3 Top Countries Publications USA 130 China 74 Germany 71 Japan 58 South Korea 30 India 30 United Kingdom 26 France 24 Spain 23 Canada 21 Russia 19 Italy 16 Thailand 12 Australia 10 Taiwan 9 Brazil 9 Austria 9 Sweden 8 Netherlands 8 Switzerland 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 ... 15 Top Cities Publications Hyderabad 22 Moscow 15 Beijing 14 Daejeon 12 Seoul 11 Tokyo 11 Kunming 10 Bangkok 10 Jena 9 Nanjing 8 Peoria 7 Kiel 6 Tsukuba 5 Hangzhou 5 Berlin 5 Davis 5 Jeju 5 Oxford 5 Wien 5 Berkeley 5 1 2 3 ... 15 1 2 3 ... 10 Top Journals Publications Int J Syst Evol Micr 188 Evolution 31 Int J Syst Bacteriol 30 Wei Sheng Wu Xue Bao 24 Mol Phylogenet Evol 15 Appl Environ Microb 13 Syst Appl Microbiol 11 Anton Leeuw Int J G 11 P Natl Acad Sci Usa 11 Bmc Evol Biol 9 Fems Yeast Res 9 P Roy Soc Lond B Bio 9 Mol Biol Evol 8 Arch Microbiol 7 Extremophiles 6 Mol Ecol 6 Genetics 6 J Evolution Biol 6 Fems Microbiol Lett 5 Mycol Res 5 1 2 3 ... 10 1 2 3 ... 165 Top Terms Publications Phylogeny 540 Genes 351 DNA, Ribosomal 311 RNA, Ribosomal, 16S 297 Sequence Analysis, DNA 229 Genes, rRNA 227 DNA, Bacterial 225 Animals 221 DNA 200 Phenotype 184 Evolution 180 Base Composition 135 Base Sequence 129 Fatty Acids 126 Bacteria 119 Species Specificity 114 Sequence Analysis 109 Soil Microbiology 108 Cluster Analysis 104 Bacterial Typing Techniques 102 1 2 3 ... 165 1 2 3 ... 137 Top Authors Publications Schumann P 17 Stackebrandt E 17 Srinivas T 12 Ramana C 11 Kroppenstedt R 11 Imhoff J 10 Sasikala C 10 Tindall B 7 Nakase T 7 Kumar P 7 Li W 6 Kudo T 6 Rainey F 6 Bonch-Osmolovskaya E 6 Tamura T 6 Hirsch P 6 Kawasaki H 5 Lee S 5 Pyun Y 5 Takahashi Y 5 1 2 3 ... 137 最新研究报道 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Apr 20;107(16):7353-8. Epub 2010 Apr 5. Contrasting genetic paths to morphological and physiological evolution. Liao BY , Weng MP , Zhang J . Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Institute of Population Health Sciences, National Health Research Institutes, Miaoli County 350, Taiwan, Republic of China. liaoby@nhri.org.tw Abstract The relative importance of protein function change and gene expression change in phenotypic evolution is a contentious, yet central topic in evolutionary biology. Analyzing 5,199 mouse genes with recorded mutant phenotypes, we find that genes exclusively affecting morphological traits when mutated (dubbed morphogenes) are grossly enriched with transcriptional regulators, whereas those exclusively affecting physiological traits (dubbed physiogenes) are enriched with channels, transporters, receptors, and enzymes. Compared to physiogenes, morphogenes are more likely to be essential and pleiotropic and less likely to be tissue specific. Morphogenes evolve faster in expression profile, but slower in protein sequence and gene gain/loss than physiogenes. Thus, morphological and physiological changes have a differential molecular basis; separating them helps discern the genetic mechanisms of phenotypic evolution. PMID: 20368429 PMCID: PMC2867737 Publication Types, MeSH Terms Publication Types: Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural Research Support, N.I.H., Intramural MeSH Terms: Animals Computational Biology/methods Databases, Genetic Evolution, Molecular* Gene Expression Profiling* Gene Expression Regulation Genomics Humans Mice Models, Biological Models, Genetic Mutation Nucleic Acid Hybridization Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis Phenotype LinkOut - more resources Full Text Sources: HighWire Press EBSCO Swets Information Services
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xupeiyang 2010-4-20 10:56
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liudongyang 2009-7-19 19:13
上大学时爱看北京办的《生理科学进展》杂志,上面有一栏是专家谈治学,由学界大腕结合自身的成长和科研方向写就,文笔活泼,有生活气息。我深爱此栏目,隐约知道是刊物创办人王志均院士提倡,并向专家约稿。2000年,王先生归西,此栏目仍得以保留,成为《生理科学进展》的王牌栏目。我还梦想着成为栏目中的大家,却是有些狂妄。这些年忙于生计,回归现实,围着猪屁股挣钱,已无暇顾及学问。08年重入校门读博,得以静心,去图书馆看书,借得王先生的文集《生命科学今昔谈》,细细读来,感悟良多。生命科学已经进入信息学和组学'时代,分子成为科研的常规手段,而用整体的方法来研究生命,似乎不太热门;看每年中标的自科基金项目,申请基金不分子挂钩,中标的几率微乎其微。 我现在也从事细胞和分子的研究,但对于分子的前景却是迷茫。兽医临床上的病例使初学者一头雾水,我在一边尽力想把分子与大体表现挂钩,满头大汗也挂不上。也许,分子水平的研究对发论文有用,而对于临床也许是爱莫能助。兽医病理学界也有对传统病理学和分子病理学的争论,老一代认为病例解剖,切片和读片是正路或者主流;少壮派则是力推分子水平的研究,似乎切片读片有些拿不出手。二者结合怎样呢?目前发表的兽医分子病理学文章逐渐占了上风,而也有人感叹病理学工作者不会剖猪,剖开又说不清原因。虽是兽医,却不会看病了。 话题扯的远了,王志均院士在90年的文章中提出了如何看待生理学向细胞和分子水平发展的趋势?他认为 :用离体技术进行生理学研究,可以进行更为细致的机制分析,使工作引向深入,获得创新性成果。但要注意,什么东西也不能过分,对待一个热潮,也要辩证的看待。离体试验所得结果,还要在整体条件下进过检验,才能成为生理学资料,不然,也也可能引向错误的结论。 在同文中,王老有引用杨雄里院士的观点 :对生理现象的认识应当是多层次的,任何一个水平的工作只能补充,而决不能替代另一水平的工作。一些有远见的生理学家认为将来的生理学还必须进行整体水平的综合性研究。因此,开拓过于在体研究的新技术,又是十分迫切和必要的。 王院士的观点发表于20年前,对现在我辈从事科研还有指导意义吗?若有,意义有多大? 今年春季(3.18-19)在北京举行了整合生物学研讨会,我注意报道里中科院康乐研究员对整合生物学的描述: 整合生物学是一门从多学科角度出发认识和理解生命科学问题并使用多种方法和手段研究和解决生命科学问题的新兴学科。整合生物学将生物有机体视为复杂系统,以研究生命复杂问题为目的,从生命体各级水平(从分子、细胞、个体、种群、物种、群落到生态系统)出发,整合生物学各学科(分子生物学、细胞生物学、生理学、神经科学、生态学、生物信息学及化学生物学等)开展系统全面研究,融合其他学科(物理学、化学、数学、计算机、工程学和视觉成像等,以及社会科学)的研究思路和方法,通过实验、计算、建模等手段,来解决生命问题的重要理论和前沿课题。 是否是20年前的预言变成了现实?做科研,一直跟在别人后面晃,我刚开始玩分子,人家就玩整合了,跟不上脚步,何来创新?
个人分类: 读书买书|1131 次阅读|1 个评论
liudongyang 2009-7-18 21:09
仿自:JOSST G. J .等 Calcium Absorption Across Epithelia . Physiol Rev 2005,85:373-422.
个人分类: 科研记录|1033 次阅读|0 个评论
eminor 2009-5-5 15:52
5.12 汶川大地震将近一周年了,人们难以忘记从废墟中救出来的可乐男孩失去了一只胳膊,在北京 2008 残 奥会开幕式上跳芭蕾舞的女孩在地震中失去了一只脚。在地震灾区,还有许多和他们一样失去四肢的同胞;在残奥会上有多少顽强拼搏的缺胳膊短腿 的 运动员。除了地震,工程施工中的不幸事故、车祸、火灾、寒冻、以及疾病等原因,也会使健康的人失去某个肢体。尽管随着医学的进步,断肢再植和器官移植可以挽救肢体和生命,但器官移植不仅需要有捐献者,而且还要应付机体的排异反应。所以人们更加梦想让残缺的器官从原来在机体上再生出来 。 平生流得两行泪,半为苍生半美人。在这里,这两行泪就是奋斗的心血,就是追求;这个苍生就是那些在地震中失去肢体的同胞,就是那些在残奥会上拼搏的健儿,就是那些期待着恢复失去器官的残疾人;而这个美人就是探索人类器官再生机制的理想与信念。 生物学、化学、尤其是医学与生理学方面的青年们,如果你们正在选题,为什么不能在这方面做一些尝试? 低等动物的再生能力很强,如果我们把蚯蚓切成两段,蚯蚓不但不会死亡,而且过了一段时间的自我修复,这两段残体便转化为两条新的蚯蚓。低等脊椎动物蛙类具有断肢再生的机能。 图 1 蛙类的前肢从远端(左侧)或近端(右侧)切断以后,可在 70 天左右再生出新的前肢 爬行动物蜥蜴具有断尾再生的机能。壁虎断尾是众所周知的现象,当壁虎在遇到敌害时会把尾巴断开,用跳动的断尾贿赂天敌,丢尾保命。但经过不长时间的休养,又会长出一条新的尾巴。 在高等脊椎动物鸟类和哺乳类中,除了没有血管和神经分布的表皮和表皮衍生物如羽毛、毛发、指甲等具有再生功能外,其他布满血管神经的器官组织均不具备再生功能,即这些机体由于进化程度很高,尤其是血管和神经网络非常复杂精致,以至于一旦损坏便难以修复,无法再生,是纯粹的一次性产品。然而哺乳动物中有一类动物的器官仍然具备再生的功能,这就是鹿类的犄角。鹿角的生长十分迅速,新角在 3~4 个月内长成。以马鹿为例,在这几个月内要从角柄上长出近 10 公斤 的鹿角。 图 2 鹿角在脱落后会从角柄上萌生出新的鹿角。所有鹿种的犄角都可分为角柄和角冠(或称为茸体)两部分。角柄由前额部的突起形成,其皮肤、血管、神经和骨骼都与头部紧密相连,形成一个整体,成为角冠生长的基础。角冠是由角柄向上生出的部分,也是鹿角每年可脱落的部分。 图 3 鹿茸的断面结构由最外层的皮肤、中心的髓质层和位于这两者之间的间质层组成 。表皮又由几十层表皮细胞重叠构成;真皮由网状组织构成,细胞多而密,并生有毛根和发达的皮脂腺,但是没有汗腺和竖毛肌。鹿茸的髓质层内布满成骨细胞( A ),网眼内含脂肪细胞,中心的血管膨大呈窦状 (B, C) 。鹿茸之所以能不断地生长变粗,首先是靠间质层梭形细胞分裂增殖的作用,其次是髓质层中呈索状排列的结缔组织。 图 4 鹿茸的皮下结缔组织呈束状排列,比较疏松,内有许多血管,并有神经纤维分布。鹿科动物的角冠具有脱换性,是哺乳动物中惟一的大型可再生器官,并且再生速度很快。 鹿角再生机制是否对于残缺或病变器官的再生及干细胞研究有很大的启发,值得深入研究? 图 5 波兰动物学家雅则斯基将额骨上生长角柄的位置上的骨膜移植到头骨的正中,结果在双角之间的头骨中央又长出第三个鹿角。美国实验动物学家高斯发现,在雄鹿青春期前将它额骨上生长角柄的位置上的骨膜去掉,雄鹿便不会生长鹿角;如果在青春期前将额骨上的角柄骨膜移植到四肢的骨骼上,则会在四肢的骨骼上发育出鹿角。因此动物学家发现青春期前的角柄骨膜具备再生鹿角的功能。但是青春期期间及之后,由于角柄已经形成,这层骨膜已被角柄替代,所以无法进行类似的实验。 目前加拿大和德国的医学与生理学家正在研究鹿角再生机制的课题,为人类器官的再生寻找相关的线索。 我国年轻的的生物学家、化学家、医学家和生理学家们,希望寄托在你们身上!
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