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ABBS: Med1/TRAP220 phosphorylation during DNA damage
chshou 2019-1-21 13:52
Checkpoint-dependent phosphorylation of Med1/TRAP220 in response to DNA damage Hyun-Ju Kim and Jeanho Yun Peripheral Neuropathy Research Center, College of Medicine, Dong-A University, Busan 49201, Korea Acta Biochim Biophys Sin 2017, 49: 496–502; doi: 10.1093/abbs/gmx036 Mediator complex subunit 1 (Med1)/Thyroid hormone receptor-associated protein 220 (TRAP220), an essential component of thyroid hormone receptor-associated proteins (TRAP)/mediator, plays important roles in hormone responses and tumorigenesis. However, the role of Med1 in the DNA damage response has not been studied. In this study, we found that DNA damage, resulted from γ-irradiation, ultraviolet (UV)-irradiation, or hydroxyurea, induced phosphorylation of Med1 in vivo. Phosphorylation of Med1 was abrogated by either caffeine or wortmannin treatment, suggesting that Med1 is phosphorylated through the DNA damage checkpoint pathway. A checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1)/checkpoint kinase 2 (Chk2) consensus phosphorylation motif was identified at Serine 671 of Med1 and Ser671 motif was primarily phosphorylated by Chk2 in vitro. Moreover, the in vivo phosphorylation of Med1 was abrogated by a Chk2 inhibitor, and physical interaction between Chk2 and Med1 was observed, confirming that Chk2 is responsible for Med1 phosphorylation upon DNA damage. These results suggest that Med1 is a novel target for the DNA damage checkpoint pathway and may participate in the DNA damage response. Consistent with this notion, knockdown of Med1 expression caused a significant increase in cellular sensitivity to UV irradiation. Moreover, microarray analysis revealed that the UV-induced activation of the transcription of important regulators of cell cycle control and DNA repair, including p21, Gadd45, Rad50, DnaJ, and RecQL, was impaired upon Med1 knockdown. Taken together, our data suggest that Med1 is a novel target for Chk2-mediated phosphorylation and may play a role in cellular DNA damage responses by mediating proper induction of gene transcription upon DNA damage. Phosphorylation of the Ser671 motif of Med1 by Chk2 in vitro 阅读原文: http://www.abbs.org.cn/arts.asp?id=4162 获取全文: abbs@sibs.ac.cn 相关论文: 1 The mammalian Mediator complex and its role in transcriptional regulation 2 Specific erythroid-lineage defect in mice conditionally deficient for Mediator subunit Med1 3 Essential role of Mediator subunit Med1 in invariant natural killer T-cell development 4 Unraveling framework of the ancestral Mediator complex in human diseases 5 Loss of Med1/ TRAP220 promotes the invasion and metastasis of human non-small-cell lung cancer cells by modulating the expression of metastasis-related genes 6 The Med1 Subunit of the Mediator Complex Induces Liver Cell Proliferation and Is Phosphorylated by AMP Kinase 7 MED1/ TRAP220 exists predominantly in a TRAP/mediator subpopulation enriched in RNA polymerase II and is required for ER-mediated transcription 8 Activation of TRAP/Mediator subunit TRAP220 / Med1 is regulated by mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent phosphorylation
个人分类: 期刊新闻|1742 次阅读|0 个评论
Molecular Cell- Epigenetic; gene replication; checkpoint
CCread 2018-7-12 17:27
个人分类: 百日千篇|1719 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 3 wsyokemos 2015-4-3 10:39
  美国 PBS电视台正热播的纪录片: Cancer:The Emperor of All Maladies ( 癌症:万病之王 ) ,该纪录片是根据同名的科普书(曾获普利策奖)改编 ,由多家癌症领域的著名研究机构、非盈利组织和制药公司等赞助播出,目前正播出第三集,可以说是对癌症的前世今生和目前癌症治疗的最新进展做了全景式介绍,堪称史上最牛,强烈推荐。可以在网上免费看高清,第一集的地址为: http://video.pbs.org/video/2365427785/    第三集用了近一半的时间介绍了目前最火的癌症免疫治疗。刚才偶然看到一篇博友的精选博文,其中也提到了免疫治疗,但有一句不太准确: “免疫治疗已经成为继分子靶向疗法以来又一抗癌利器,基于免疫检测点PD-1、PDL-1、CTLA-4开发的产品显示了显著的疗效,已经获批作为新的系统性抗癌疗法。”事实上目前全世界获批的基于免疫检测点(或免疫哨卡)靶点的药只有三个:其中BMS(百事美施贵宝)一家就占了两个:分别是靶向CTLA-4的Yervoy(适应症:黑色素瘤,美国FDA批准)和靶向PD-1的Opdivo,后者的适应症除了黑色素瘤(日本和美国批准上市),还有不久前FDA批准的肺癌。另外一个同样靶向PD-1、FDA批准的新药是默沙东的Keytruda, 适应症为黑色素瘤,也就是说目前尚无靶向PDL-1获批上市的新药。现在靶向PD-1的新药是正在迅速窜升的明星, PD-1这个靶点, 我此前曾写过一篇博文做过介绍: 抗癌新药最火的分子靶点-兼议肿瘤免疫治疗 。 对于肿瘤免疫治疗这个领域,美中药源网站最近有多篇文章很精彩,有不少看法和观点很独到,不愧是制药 领域的资深高手的力作 。 其中最新的一篇为 : 《科学》杂志展望免疫哨卡抑制剂 。《 科学》的这篇文章英文原文链接为 : http://www.sciencemag.org/content/348/6230/56.abstract 事实上,《科学》在这最新的一期非同寻常的一下发表了 6篇有关肿瘤免疫治疗的文章。足见这一领域的重要性和火爆程度。我个人认为:肿瘤免疫治疗在未来10年内很可能会成为和放化疗并称的癌症的主流治疗手段。 Opdivo和Keytruda作为癌症治疗的颠覆性、革命性新药将要改变目前肿瘤(乃至其它疾病)的治疗现状。所以,我们都是幸运的,因为我们都在或将要见证这些历史。 最近太忙,就不多写了。
个人分类: 生物制药|10962 次阅读|1 个评论

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