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wenlelei 2020-4-18 21:31
补充碳水化合物对群居昆虫子代数量、大小和品质的影响 Resource availability can determine an organism’s investment strategies for growth and reproduction.When nutrients are limited, there are potential tradeoffs between investing into offspring number versus individual offspring size.In social insects, colony investment in offspring size and number may shift in response to colony needs and the availability of food resources.We experimentally manipulated the diet of a polymorphic ant species ( Solenopsis invicta ) to test how access to the carbohydrate and amino acid components of nectar resources affect colony investment in worker number, body size, size distributions, and individual percent fat mass. We reared field-collected colonies on one of four macronutrient treatment supplements: water, amino acids, carbohydrates, and amino acid and carbohydrates. Having access to carbohydrates nearly doubled colony biomass after 60 days. This increase in biomass resulted from an increase in worker number and mean worker size. Access to carbohydrates also altered worker body size distributions.Finally, we found a negative relationship between worker number and size, suggesting a tradeoff in colony investment strategies. This tradeoff was more pronounced for colonies without access to carbohydrate resources . The monopolization of plant-based resources has been implicated in the ecological success of ants.Our results shed light on a possible mechanism for this success, and also have implications for the success of introduced species. In addition to increases in colony size, our results suggest that having access to plant-based carbohydrates can also result in larger workers that may have better individual fighting ability, and that can withstand greater temperature fluctuations and periods of food deprivation. 资源(食物)的可获得性可以决定有机体生长和繁殖的投资策略。当营养有限时,(动物)在投资于后代数量和个体后代大小之间存在潜在的权衡。在社会性昆虫中,对后代大小和数量的群体投资可能会随着群体需求和食物资源的可获得性而改变。我们通过实验操控了一种多态蚂蚁物种( Solenopsis Invicta )的饮食,以测试 花蜜资源 中的碳水化合物和氨基酸成分 获取 对工蚁数量、身体大小、(身体)大小的分布和个体脂肪百分比质量这些方面的群体投资有何影响。我们使用四种常量营养素处理补充剂中的一种上饲养野外采集的蚂蚁社群:水;氨基酸;碳水化合物;氨基酸和碳水化合物。获得碳水化合物后,60天后蚂蚁群体的生物量几乎翻了一番。生物量的增加是由于工蚁数量和工蚁平均大小的增加。摄入碳水化合物也改变了工蚁的体型(大小)分布。最后,我们发现工蚁数量和大小之间存在负相关关系,这表明群体投资策略是一种权衡。对于不能获得碳水化合物资源的群体来说,这种权衡更为明显。植物资源的垄断与蚂蚁的生态成功有关。我们的结果阐明了这一成功的一种可能机制,也对外来种的成功具有启示意义。除了群体规模的增加,我们的结果表明,获得植物性碳水化合物还可以产生更大的工蚁,这些工蚁可能具有更好的个人战斗能力,并且能够承受更大的温度波动和食物匮乏的时期。 Colony 不太好翻译,最近的感觉是英文论文中经常省略了主语或宾语的限定范围,在翻译为中文时,有必要把这些补齐,否则中文很怪。 原文: Wills, B. D., Chong, C. D., Wilder, S. M. , Eubanks, M. D., Holway, D. A., Suarez, A. V. (2015). Effect of Carbohydrate Supplementation on Investment into Offspring Number, Size, and Condition in a Social Insect. PLoS ONE, 10(7). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0132440
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JerryGZ 2019-9-23 09:28
早晨,为避免快速路的拥挤,我从中山大道转琶洲大桥。路过科韵路软件园外面,正直8点半左右,一群群青年男女,大部分背着双肩电脑包,女士背坤包另外手提一个黑色电脑包,一部分人另外一只手提着早餐,匆匆横过马路,沿着人行道疾步而去,进入一幢幢玻璃幕墙的写字楼,进入一个个方格中开始编码、垒字的工作。 如果我当年没留校做老师,留在实习所在的软件公司,是不是也继续如此地忙碌着呢?在棠下大量聚集程序员,为了理想、为了生活,都在努力地工作着,也许一不小心就成为了下一个张小龙、丁磊等。
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WileyChina 2015-4-10 09:49
转载自: 中国科学报 2015年3月25日 中国科学报原文: 本报讯 在对白蚁“恐慌逃遁”行为的一项新研究中,美国路易斯安那州立大学农业中心的 Gregg Henderson 研究小组发现: 白蚁在实验中受到惊扰时不会发生惊慌失措的现象。 当遇到惊扰时,它们不会惊恐四散,或前推后拥,推推搡搡,相互踩踏。白蚁虽然生活在地下洞穴,但它们不会像人们在拥挤的剧院那样,当有人喊着火了后表现的那般惊慌失措,一片混乱。 相反,研究人员发现,当他们把110只白蚁放在圆形塑料盘中突然摇动盘子,白蚁开始以一种极为有序的方式运动,由于工蚁与兵蚁在蚁群中的社会分工不同,惊扰之下,它们表现出不同的行为方式。工蚁表现出单一的行为。 跑在前面的工蚁决定是否左转或右转,后面的工蚁跟随着前面的工蚁,以相同的方向、相同的速度和间距行进。而兵蚁则跑到行列的两侧,露出自己巨大的下颚骨,仿佛准备作战。一圈又一圈,蚁群沿着盘子边小跑着,找不到出口,但它们也从来不疯狂地寻找一个出口。如果一只白蚁步履蹒跚,速度放缓,它身后的白蚁会停下来等待它纠正自己:不会出现踩踏行为 以蚂蚁作为模式生物进行研究有利于人们理解生物在正常与危险状态下的行为反应 。 Henderson 说:“白蚁是最早形成社会性的动物。2亿年的生物进化,为我们提供了许多可以通过实验进行分析的先天社会行为。”此项工蚁与兵蚁的恐慌逃遁行为研究成果日前在线发表于中国《 昆虫科学 》。 (王晨绯) 原文: Panic escape polyethism in worker and soldier Coptotermes formosanus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) Cai Wang, Gregg Henderson, Bal K. Gautam, Jie Chen andDependra Bhatta Keywords: behavioral polymorphism; caste; escape flow; self-organized system; termite Abstract Termites were the first animal to form societies. Two hundred million years of evolution provide for a multitude of innate social behaviors that can be experimentally dissected. These fine-tuned patterns of behavior are especially interesting when observing group decision making in the panic mode. In this study, we examined behavioral patterns of termites under panic conditions to gain insight into how an escape flow self-organizes. One hundred worker and 10 soldier Coptotermes formosanus were released into agar plates. After a disturbance was created most workers followed each other and ran along the wall of dishes, thus forming a unidirectional escape flow, whereas soldiers showed a significantly higher frequency of moving to the center of the arena or on periphery of the escape flow as compared to workers. Agonistic behavior was usually observed as soldiers moved to center or periphery. This is the first report on the behavioral repertoire of termites when panicked, with details on the behavioral polymorphism of workers and soldiers during an escape. Insect science 期刊简介 Insect Science 昆虫科学 中国昆虫学会,中国科学院昆虫研究所主办 主 编:康 乐 IF(影响因子) = 1.786 ( JCR , 2012 ) Print ISSN: 1672-9609 Online ISSN: 1744-7917 CN 11-6019/Q 出版周期: 双月刊 期刊简介: 《昆虫科学》 Insect Science 是一份国际性期刊,它刊载来自任何昆虫学科的原创同行评议类研究论文。该期刊的重点在于昆虫适应和从其分子到生态系统的进化生物学,包括:生态学和IPM;行为和社会生物学;分子生物学;生理学,生物化学和毒理学;遗传学与发展;系统学与进化。该刊欢迎综述、特别收录、评论、书评以及研讨会论文集等形式的来稿。 想了解更多,请点击 这里
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