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Keyboard shortcuts for the Jupyter Notebook
gll89 2019-4-3 17:38
Ctrl+Enter: run the script Alt+Enter: run yourcell block and add a new cell below Scroll up and down your cells with your Up and Down keys
个人分类: Python|1593 次阅读|0 个评论
Python: mac下Jupyter notebook改变默认目录路径
haibaraxx 2017-9-27 22:49
1 永久更改Jupyter notebook默认目录路径 1) 创建Jupyter notebook的配置文件 jupyter_notebook_config.py,在终端中输入: \\$ jupyter notebook --generate-config 2) 打开 jupyter_notebook_config.py,找到如下文字: ## The default URL to redirect to from `/` #c.NotebookApp.default_url = '/tree' 将其修改为: ## The default URL to redirect to from `/` c.NotebookApp.default_url = '/tree /Coding ' 此时,Jupyter notebook的默认目录路径就变成了/home/Coding, 即Users/yliu/Coding 注:该方法只能通过home目录启动Jupyter notebook,从其他目录启动会出现Jupyter notebook网页无法显示的状态。即启动方式如下(终端): \\$ yliu-16:52:26:~\\$ ipython notebook 而不能是: \\$ yliu-16:53:53:Coding\\$ ipython notebook 2 单次更改Jupyter notebook默认目录路径 1)在终端中cd到目标目录: cd ~/Coding 2) \\$ yliu-16:53:53:Coding\\$ ipython notebook 注:该方法的前提是不对Jupyter notebook的配置文件 jupyter_notebook_config.py 做任何更改。
个人分类: Python|17208 次阅读|0 个评论
Jupyter installation using pip
gll89 2017-4-18 23:30
Jupyter是基于浏览器的Python IDE。IPython 是一个加强版的交互式 Shell 1、Installation 在python环境下输入pip install jupyter 2、运行 在cmd中输入“jupyter notebook”,便能自动打开浏览器中localhost的8888端口,就可以在线写代码啦!不止于python,还有R等... 3、获取Jupyter的默认路径 run the below command from the command line : jupyter -- paths
个人分类: Python|2824 次阅读|0 个评论

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