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YYQLZ 2019-5-3 18:22
WolframAlpha 是开发计算数学应用软件的沃尔夫勒姆( Wolfram )研究公司基于科学计算软件 Mathematica 开发出的新一代的搜索引擎(试图挑战 Google 搜索引擎的地位),能根据问题直接给出标准化答案的网站(比如输入一种材料名称,将会得到该材料的各种参数列表)。当你在搜索框键入需要查询的问题后,该搜索引擎将直接返回答案,而不是返回一大堆网页链接,节省你大量的时间和精力。 WolframAlpha 搜索引擎地址 https://www.wolframalpha.com 这个网站其实是一个计算知识引擎,而不是搜索引擎,强大的性能其实都源于 WolframAlpha 内置的人工智能语义分析技术。 不同于搜索互联网信息, WolframAlpha 将从公众的和获得授权的资源中,发掘、建立起一个异常庞大的经过组织的数据库,再利用高级的自然语言算法进行处理,最终构造出一个类似于谷歌搜索的工具。 WolframAlpha 除了具有强大的数学计算功能外,还涉及物理、化学、人文、金融、日常生活等诸多领域 ,具体详情看下图。 功能特色 数学计算 函数绘图、求解微分方程、求极限、矩阵计算、统计分析等,对于求解数学问题,你可以得到完整的解答过程 ,前提是你得学一下简单的数学符号输入方法(简单输入方法见下截图)。 WolframAlpha 能实现以简单的方式输入所有的结构化数据。 数据可视化 WolframAlpha 对于数据处理将以最具美学原理的动态生成方法形成树形结构、图形布局及其它图形。能够自动生成报告,自动进行布局、色彩选择、尺寸和排版,为任何计算结果的输出提供最优化的视觉效果。 强大的智能计算能力 Mathematica 为 WolframAlpha 提供世界上最大的算法网络,并且内置了智能性和自我检测精确性的能力,使 WolframAlpha 基于广泛并多样化的数据实现广泛并多样化的计算能力,适应诸多领域多种多样的计算需求,并且基于最高水准的专业性,建立语义理解体系。 可惜现在 WolframAlpha 只支持英文输入搜索,对于中文版计算知识引擎值得期待,同时 WolframAlpha 还有手机 App 版,自己搜索下载体验吧。 WolframAlpha 搜索引擎地址 https://www.wolframalpha.com 版权声明: 来源(首发):微信公众号《技能Tools》
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WolframAlpha 新鲜出炉之初尝试
sunon77 2009-5-13 20:56
In Prof. He's blog, he introduced the new computing-knowledge based search engine from Wolfram Inc. The Next Big thing - Must Read 下一个大发明 必读 (中英文) http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=228880 Before WolframAlphas full launching this month, it accepted some applications to test its capability at first. I joined the preview test as a researcher of biological complex system. It is really a big step for retrieving the knowledge in a more organized way than Google does. It has a huge curate database to avoid Garbage In and Garbage Out. It also takes advantage of powerful algorithms of Mathamatica language to do some quite intelligent computation, which is quite beyond Googles ability. My test strategy is to start with some examples which need straight-forward computation, then the ones which demand a little bit more efforts. Some pros with WolframAlpha 1) Some math and non-linear dynamic systems I start with a slightly complicated integral. integrate ] No problem. It is the field in which Mathemaica feels at home. It offers powerful mathematical computations for elementary users. After WolframAlpha appears, it may be no need for them to buy Mathematica any more. Then I try some simple non-linear dynamic systems. dx/dt=x*x-1, It solves this nonlinear ODE well. The only problem, its sampling space is too small to locate the real attractor that is negative. The similar problem happens to the similar problem with a higher order. It misses one negative attractor again. dx/dt=-x*x*x+x I want to know if WolframAlpha can find the bifurcation by varying parameter values in the equation. It is one of very important results to study nonlinear ODEs. Unfortunately, it only gives the analytical results and can NOT discuss the condition for the bifurcation. dx/dt=r*x - x*x, The worse thing is that it totally fails to produce any results when I input two-variable systems. dx/dt=x + Exp , dy/dt=-y Now I change the gear to test its capability to do simple calculation of some facts. For example, If I want to compare the GDP of top 4 countries in the world, could WolframAlpha give what I want. - GDP China , US, Japan, Germany It did a pretty good job to gather the facts and do some plotting which help us to understand the trend of economical development of four countries. Then we move to some social data from four countries: - Divorce China , US, Japan, Germany Then I tried with internet Users Europe / US. It also give some satisfactory results and plotting. However, I am quite surprised that The same logic will not work such as comparing army population between China and US. If I input China army / US, there is no results even China GDP/US is quite OK. Some cons with WolframAlpha When I try to ask some questions which are simple but need a little extrapolation. For example, I ask how many years China GDP can catch up with US if each keeps current economical growth rate. Years China GDP to catch up with US There is no answer. Then I try to give it some hind by giving future years. China GDP / US in year 2050 It fails to give reasonable results as well. WolframAlpha also notoriously lack of biological data. I tried to ask some questions which need no computation. For example, - translation rate of ribosome? It should be 12 - 21 Amino Acids / second. No results from WolframAlpha. - p53 protein complex numbers in human cell: It should be 100 - 220 thousand / cell. Even some very simple facts are absent in its database. - diameter of DNA You can get the answer by asking the proton number Fe. But you will fail to get the atom number in Lysine . Do you have some ideas to test WolframAlpha. Please let me know. :-)
个人分类: 科学与教育|8047 次阅读|2 个评论

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