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热度 4 spins 2017-3-31 15:11
地球工程 : 温室效应已成为各国政府刻不容缓需要处理的问题。有著名科学家建议,各国应该积极研究用一些早前被唾弃的“怪招”,对付温室效应。科学家正 考虑实施一些巨大工程缓解全球变暖 ,这些所谓的“地球工程”包括:发 射反光板到太空挡走阳光、造云阻挡阳光、人工制造巨型“树木”,用以过滤二氧化碳、人造“火山”向空中释放硫化物用以反射阳光等 ,但不论环保界和主流科学界都认为,当前急务是防止出现温室效应及减少温室气体排放,对这些地球工程学,大规模改变地球环境以适应人类的研究的怪招都嗤之以鼻。但 部分世界顶尖的科学家最近指出,这些建议其实有值得研究的价值,呼吁各国领袖及科学组织研究这些方法的可行性,以备万一地球真的需要紧急降温时能够采用( 以上内容来自百度百科 ) 。 哈佛大学教授David Keith 近日,两位哈佛大学气象学家正在为小型的大气实验做准备,该实验可以通过探究改变气候的可行性和风险来缓解全球变暖的问题。 他们将是官方记录最早的可控实验室或计算机模型之外的的地球工程相关实验之一。 哈佛大学的David Keith教授和Frank Keutsch教授希望能够在明年的某个时间, 在亚利桑那州图森市的试验场发放一只吊舱上配备推进器和传感器的高空气球。(原文如此,高空气球还有必要配推进器?) 在 工程测试 开始后,“StratoCruiser”(平流层巡航者)会向平流层喷洒一些细雾状材料,例如二氧化碳、氧化铝和碳酸钙等。然后气球吊舱上的传感器会测量粒子的反射率,它们在什么样的温度下会分散或结合,它们与大气层中其他化合物的作用方式。 这些研究人员第一次提出这些气球实验是在2014年发表的名为“Stratospheric controlledperturbation experiment: a small-scale experiment to improve understanding ofthe risks of solar geoengineering”的文章上。在周五华盛顿特区开的地理工程学学术会议上,Keith说他们已经与亚利桑那州的 World View Enterprises 测试气球公司展开工程设计工作。他们也开始讨论了关于此类实验合适的管理结构,并且计划建立一个独立的机构来评审他们的方案。 world view公司的载人气球概念图 world view公司的 STRATOLLITE FLIGHT 气球搭载服务平台 “我们将在明年进行首次飞行实验”。他在the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace(卡内基国际和平基金)举办的the Forum U.S. Solar Geoengineering Research(美国太阳能地球工程学研讨会)上说。 在之前MIT Technology Review(麻省理工技术评论)的采访中Keith强调,地球工程学本身不是非黑即白的二元实验。但是它们应该可以为他仔细研究过的实验方法提供有价值的信息,正如太阳能辐射管理实验那样。 此次实验的基本理念是向平流层喷洒某些类型的微小颗粒可以帮助更多的热量反射回空间。科学家们相信这种方法一定会起到作用,因为在大自然中这已经做到了。过去的火山大爆发造成成千上万吨的二氧化硫排向天空中,这让之后几个月中的全球气温有所降低。 而还不清楚的恰恰是这种技术怎样控制了全球范围内的温度,什么物质能够达到最好的效果,和这对环境产生的副作用是什么。特别值得注意的是,在世界上部分地区,过去的火山爆发也会降低降水水平,而且众所周知地,二氧化硫会耗尽臭氧层对地球的保护。 Keith已经利用计算机模型精准地探讨了包括冰晶和氧化铝在内的其他物质对臭氧层只造成中性影响的可能性。去年年底,Keutsch和其他研究人员发表了一篇论文“Stratospheric solargeoengineering without ozone loss”,文中提出发现利用方解石可以使全球气温降低并且可以修复臭氧层,方解石是一种有碳酸钙组成的矿物质。 气球实验还可以帮助进一步了解在实际环境中这些化学物质究竟是怎样与臭氧进行前期反应的,实验提供的额外信息还可以帮助他们加深对太阳能地理工程学的理解,他说:“你必须在实际的环境中测量探究事物因为大自然总会给你惊喜。” 这会是科学家们自此开始在户外进行地球工程学相关试验的时机吗? Keith 强调说要想判断一些地球工程技术是否要被部署还为时尚早。但是他已经发声多年,表示研究应该向前推进以更好地了解它们的容限及危险性,因为他们可能大幅度地减少气候变化地风险。他表示该实验对环境地影响微不足道,因为他们将使用不超过一公斤的 实验材料。 初步实验的经费来自于哈佛大学对Keith和Keutsch作为新晋教授提供的助研金。更多的研究经费可能来自哈佛大学的Solar Geoengineering Research Program(太阳能地球工程学研究项目),这个涉及多学科的项目是今年春天启动的,围绕地球工程学主要研究环境治理可行性、风险、伦理、及治理方案。截至发稿,该项目已经从微软合作创始人Bill Gates、the Hewlett Foundation(休利特基金会)、the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation(阿尔弗雷德P.斯隆基金会)、Harvard-internal funds(哈佛内部基金)及其他慈善家处筹集了超过7百万美元。 地球工程学评论家反对其观点,认为气候系统过于复杂尽量不要干预,这样做环境风险太高,不如探讨“修复”技术以降低减少温室气体排放的压力。 到目前位置,只有两个已知的在户外进行的地球工程实验:2011年的E-PEACE实验,加州大学的研究人员们在San Diego沿海岸喷洒盐颗粒,2009年俄罗斯科学家们从直升机和汽车上散布硫酸盐颗粒。英国所谓的SPICE实验在2012年很快地停止取消了,在一些参与的科学家申请了相关专利后紧跟着来的就是公众的批评及利益冲突的指控。 以前的一次采访中,前Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory(劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室)副董事Jane Long强调,推进地球工程学实验的科研工作者们需要竭尽全力确保适当的公共通知,合理的监督,尤其当他们是基于私人基金会开展工作时。但是她也表示,鉴于日益增长的气候变化的危险,现在是时候要认真研究相关的科技潜力 了。 “我们应该在十年前开始的,”她说“要知道最重要的是,在我们能够开展相关研究的时候要竭尽全力。” 浮空君说: 看来地球工程目前确实存在一些争议,但就像地震预报研究一样,虽然至今都没有令人满意的成果,但科学家们的研究努力从未停止。只要是对人类有益的,研究就是有价值的。 关注我们,关注最轻浮的飞行器。 浮空飞行器
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lulingkxw 2016-2-11 10:44
成立只有两年的国家艺术基金,每一年都向社会征集支持力度不同的各类项目,给人们展示了作为一个大国艺术基金的开放和包容。尽管,本人还不太了解其实际执行的具体情况,仅从其申报资格的开放度不受单位体制约束,国有、民营都可以申报;不仅欢迎机构,也尊重个人独立申报,就凭这一点,就让人受到极大的鼓舞,激发出参与的冲动和力量。艺术学是科学的重要组成,它是科学的先锋学科。 我期待也相信国家科学基金将来也会这么做的。 那一天,我国科技“万众创新”的时代可就真的到来了! 附: 国家艺术基金网: 国家艺术基金正式成立 !--$ end-- 发布日期:2014-01-03    ​ !--$ begin--   中国文化报记者卢毅然、王立元报道:为适应我国文化体制改革的新形势,借鉴部分发达国家通过设立基金的方式对艺术创作进行资助以及我国自然科学、社会科学和出版等领域基金制管理的成功经验,经过深入调查、研究和论证,文化部、财政部提出以财政拨款为主,吸引和带动社会资金投入的方式设立国家艺术基金。12月30日,文化部在北京召开国家艺术基金成立座谈会,介绍国家艺术基金成立有关情况。文化部部长、国家艺术基金理事会理事长蔡武,中央机构编制委员会办公室副主任张崇和,全国人大常委、外事委员会副主任委员、国家艺术基金理事会副理事长兼秘书长赵少华,文化部副部长、国家艺术基金理事会副理事长董伟,财政部部长助理、国家艺术基金理事会副理事长余蔚平等出席座谈会。座谈会由文化部副部长杨志今主持。   国家艺术基金为公益性基金,资金主要来自中央财政拨款,同时依法接受自然人、法人或其他组织的捐赠。国家艺术基金重点围绕创作生产、宣传推广、征集收藏和人才培养四大方向进行资助,其中艺术创作是基金支持的重点。国家艺术基金在组织管理上设立了理事会、管理中心、专家委员会。与人文领域其他类型的基金相比,艺术基金具有多样性、开放性、广泛性、复杂性的特点。 和其他同类政府基金相比,艺术基金打破了体制、系统、行业和地域的局限,具有开放性和广泛性的特点,面向全社会,国有、民营、机构和个人都可以申报。   蔡武在座谈会上宣读了12月18日国务院副总理刘延东在“文化部关于成立国家艺术基金有关工作的请示”上作出的重要批示。   蔡武表示,国家艺术基金的成立有着深远的历史意义和重要的现实意义。首先,是贯彻落实十八届三中全会精神,“推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化”的具体举措。国家艺术基金的成立,体现文化部门转变职能、创新艺术创作生产引导方式,推进我国艺术治理“管”“办”分离、激发全社会文化创造力。其次,是我国艺术资助评审体制转型的里程碑。国家艺术基金的成立形成了国家设立、政府主导、专家评审、面向社会的公益性基金模式。在资金来源上,它既发挥国家财政资金的主导作用,又充分调动社会力量的积极性;在申报和资助范围上,打破了行业、系统、体制和地域的限制,搭建了一个面向全社会的开放平等的平台;在评审主体上,它改变了主要由行政权力决策的格局,确立了各类专业、专家评估的重要作用,使评审更加科学合理;在运行机制上,实行决策、协调、执行、监督适当分设,实行公开公正公平的程序和操作,充分尊重广大公众的知情权、参与权,提升了管理部门的权威性和公信力。第三,国家艺术基金的成立,是完善文化投入模式的新探索。国家艺术基金改变了以往财政投入直接“养人”的模式,通过间接赞助、专家评审、社会监督、绩效考评等手段,充分发挥了财政资金的导向作用,保证资金投入和资金使用的公开、公平、公正、透明,也有利于督促被资助者努力提高资金使用效率。   蔡武提出,国家艺术基金的实施和发展,要着力做好以下几个方面工作:第一,充分发挥引领和示范作用,推出更多优秀作品和人才;第二,发挥孵化助推作用,让一切艺术创造的活力源泉充分涌流;第三,要密切沟通协作,加强顶层设计,切实提高管理的科学化水平。   余蔚平代表财政部对基金的成立表示热烈的祝贺。他表示,设立国家艺术基金是转变财政投入方式的重要举措。加快构建适合文化发展规律和特点的公共财政保障机制,是推动我国社会主义文化繁荣发展的重要保障。以财政直接资助和政府部门管理文化经费为基本特点的传统管理模式存在着文化投入分散、缺位和越位并存、资金管理链条长、使用效益不高等诸多问题。与市场经济条件下文化改革和需求相呼应,国家对于文化资助的方式应当逐步由传统的财政直接资助向多元化混合资助方向发展,改变目前政府办文化、直接定项目、财政资金只能在文化体制内分配使用的单一模式。他提出要充分发挥国家艺术基金在繁荣文化创作中的重要作用,并要以改革创新的精神推进国家艺术基金工作。   国家艺术基金理事会理事、北京市文联主席、北京人民艺术剧院院长张和平表示,成立国家艺术基金是一件大好事,正当其时,要以改革创新的思路、办法管好用好艺术基金,真正起到引领、示范的作用。   国家艺术基金理事会理事、基金管理中心主任韩子勇从管理中心工作的角度,表示要努力学习、提高本领、熟悉基金管理的规律和特点,提高执行能力与工作质量。   话剧导演查明哲代表中青年艺术家发言。他表示,国家艺术基金的成立,显示了国家和文化部门对全国文艺发展的科学管理和宏观调控的新思路、新举措,它将为文化艺术的发展提供强大的支撑。   地方文化厅局代表、福建省文化厅厅长陈秋平表示,国家艺术基金的成立,有利于实现政府扶持艺术工作的规范化和专业化、创新文化投入的模式、提高财政资金使用的效益、调动全社会力量扶持和参与艺术生产,改进文艺评审和资助的机制,提高社会公众的参与度和关注度,提升政府管理部门的公信力和权威性。 !--$ end-- ​
710 次阅读|0 个评论
曾荣昌发表论文目录(Rong-Chang Zeng\'s Publications)(2000-)
rczeng 2015-4-16 16:33
曾荣昌发表论文目录 (Rong-Chang Zeng's Publications)(2000-) 2019 / Fundamental Theory of Biodegradable Metals—Definition, Criteria, and Design . Yang Liu, Yufeng Zheng,* Xie-Hui Chen, Jian-An Yang,* Haobo Pan, Dafu Chen, Luning Wang, Jialiang Zhang, Donghui Zhu, Shuilin Wu, Kelvin Wai Kwok Yeung, Rong-Chang Zeng , Yong Han, and Shaokang Guan*. Advanced Functional Materials (IF 13.325 ). 2019, 1805402. https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.201805402 . / Interfacial study of the formation mechanism of corrosion resistant strontium phosphate coatings upon Mg-3Al-4.3Ca-0.1Mn ( Sharelink ). Chong Ke, Ming-Shi Song, Rong-Chang Zeng *, Yao Qiu, Yu Zhang, Ruifeng Zhang, Rui-Liang Liu, Ivan Cole, Nick Birbilis, Xiaobo CHEN*. Corrosion Science (IF4.862) .151, 2019: 143-153. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2019.02.024 . / Corrosion resistance and drug release profile of gentamicin-loaded polyelectrolyte multilayers on magnesium alloys: Effects of heat treatment . Yanbin Zhao; Xueyang Chen; Shuo-Qi Li*; Rongchang Zeng *; Fen Zhang; Zhenlin Wang; Shaokang Guan. Journal of Colloid Interface Science (IF5.091), 547, 2019: 309–317. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2019.04.017 . / Deflated balloon-like nitrogen-rich sulfur-containing hierarchical porous carbons for high-rate supercapacitors. Chang-Ce Ke,Ning Zhang,Feng Liu,Qing-Yu,Feng-Yun Wang,Lei Liu,Ru-Liang Zhang,Xin Liu, Rong-Chang Zeng . Applied Surface Science (IF4.439) , 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.04.132 . / Corrosion resistance of glucose-induced hydrothermal calcium phosphate coating on pure magnesium . Ling- Yu Li, Lan-Yue Cui, Bin-Liu, Rong-Chang Zeng *, Xiao-Bo Chen, Shuo-Qi Li, Zhen-Lin Wang, En-Hou Han. Applied Surface Science (IF4.439), 465 , 2019: 1066-1077. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2018.09.203 / In vitro and in vivo investigation on biodegradable Mg-Li-Ca alloys for bone implant application . Xia Dandan, Liu Yang, Wang Siyi, Zeng Rongchang , Liu yunsong, Zheng Yufeng, Zhou Yongsheng. Science China Materials (IF4.318), 62( 2) , 2019: 256–272 . DOI: 10.1007/s0843-018-9293-8 . / Corrosion resistance and antibacterial properties of hydroxyapatite coating induced by gentamicin-loaded polymeric multilayers on magnesium alloys . Xiao-Jing Ji, Ling Gao, Jia-Cheng Liu, Jing Wang, Qiang Cheng, Jian-Peng Li, Shuo-Qi Li*, Ke-Qian Zhi*, Rong-Chang Zeng *, Zhen-Lin Wang. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (IF 3.997 ), 179(1), 2019: 429-436 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfb.2019.04.029 . / In vitro corrosion resistance and antibacterial performance of a novel tin dioxide-doped calcium phosphate coating on a degradable Mg-1Li-1Ca alloy . Lan-Yue Cui, Guang-Bin Wei, Zhuang-Zhuang Han, Rong- Chang Zeng* , Lei Wang, Yu-Hong Zou, Shuo-Qi Li, Dao-Kui Xu, Shao-Kang Guan . Journal of Materials Science and Technology (IF3.609) . 35, 2019: 254-265. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmst.2018.09.052 . / Recent advances in biodegradation controls over Mg alloys for bone fracture management: A review (Sharelink) . Ming-Shi Song, Rong- Chang Zeng , Yun-Fei Ding, Rachel W. Li, Mark Easton, Ivan Cole, Nick Birbilis, Xiao-Bo Chen * . Journal of Materials Science and Technology (IF3.609) . 35(2019)535–544 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmst.2018.10.008 / Corrosion resistance of in-situ growth of nano-sized Mg(OH) 2 on micro-arc oxidized magnesium alloy AZ31 ˗Influence of EDTA . Chang-Yang Li, Xiao-Li Fan, Rong-Chang Zeng *, Lan-Yue Cui, Shuo-Qi Li, Fen Zhang, Qing-Kun He, M. Bobby Kannan, Hong-Wei (George) Jiang, Dong-Chu Chen, Shao-Kang Guan. Journal of Materials Science and Technology (IF3.609) , 35(6), 2019: 1088-1098. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmst.2019.01.006 . / Optimized preparation of Co-Pi decorated g-C3N4@ZnO shell-core nanorod array for its improved photoelectrochemical performance and stability. Mengmeng Sun, Zhuoyuan Chen, XuhongJiang, Chang Feng, Rongchang Zeng . Journal of Alloys and Compounds ( IF3.779 ) , 780, 2019: 540-551. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.12.019 / Fe-doped Ag 2 S with excellent peroxidase-like activity for colorimetric determination of H 2 O 2 . Yanan Ding, Hao Liu, Lin-Na Gao, Min Fu, Xiliang Luo, Xiao Zhang, Xianxi Zhang, Qingyun Liu* , Rong-Chang Zeng *. Journal of Alloys and Compounds ( IF3.779 ) , 785 (2019) 1189-1197. DOI : 10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.01.225 . / CorrosionresistanceofbioinspiredDNA-inducedCa-Pcoatingonbiodegradable magnesium alloy. Ping Liu, Jia-Min Wang, Xiao-Tong Yu, Xiao-Bo Chen, Shuo-Qi Li, Dongchu Chen, Shao-Kang Guan, Rong-Chang Zeng *, Lan-Yue Cui. JournalofMagnesiumand Alloys . 7, 2019: 144-154. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jma.2019.01.004 . (Cover article) / Electrochemical polymerization of polydopamine with/without subsequent PLLA coating on Mg-Zn-Y-Nd alloy. Ci Song, Yongxin Yang, Yifan Zhou, Liguo Wang, Shijie Zhu, Jianfeng Wang, Rongchang Zeng , Yufeng Zheng, Shaokang Guan. Materials Letters ( IF2.687 ), In press. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2019.04.122 / Corrosion resistance of a self-healing multilayer film based on ready-made SiO 2 and CeO 2 nanoparticles layer-by-layer assembly on Mg alloys . Yanbin Zhao; Zhao Zhang; Liqian Shi; Fen Zhang; Shuoqi Li*; Rongchang Zeng* . Materials Letters ( IF2.687 ), 237, 2019: 14-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2018.11.069 / Influence of solution treatment on the corrosion fatigue behavior of an as-forged Mg-Zn-Y-Zr alloy . B. J. Wang; D. K. Xu, S . D. Wang; L. Y. Sheng; Rong- Chang Z eng ; En-hou Han. 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Fen Zhang, Zhen-Guo Liu, Rong-Chang Zeng *,Shuo-Qi Li, Hong-Zhi Cui, Liang Song, En-Hou Han. Surface Coatings Technology , 258, 2014, 1152–1158. SCI 被引28次 Cr 2 O 3 nanoparticlesmodified TiO 2 nanotubesfor enhancing visible photoelectrochemicalperformance. Fen Zhang, Jin Tao, Rong-Chang Zeng , HongzhiCui,and Liang Song. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.14(9), 2014, 7022–7026. In vitro corrosion of Mg-6Zn-1Mn-4Sn-1.5Nd/0.5Yalloys. Rong-Chang Zeng *, Lei Wang, Ding-Fei Zhang, Hong-Zhi Cui, En-Hou Han. Frontiers of Materials Science , 8(3), 2014: 230-243 (Cover article) Preface for the special issue onlight metals as biomaterials . Guang-Ling Song , Rong-Chang Zeng .Frontiers of Materials Science, 8(3), 2014: 199-199. In vitro corrosion of Mg–1.21Li–1.12Ca-1Y alloy . Rongchang Zeng *,Weichen Qi, Fen Zhang, Hongzhi Cui,Yufeng Zheng. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International , 24(5), 2014: 492–499. SCI 被引14次 In vitro degradation of MAO/PLAcoating on Mg-1.21Li-1.12Ca-1.0Y alloy. Rong-Chang ZENG , Wei-ChenQI, Ying-Wei SONG, Qin-Kun HE, Hong-Zhi CUI, En-Hou HAN. Frontiers of Materials Science , 2014. 8(4): 343-353. SCI 被引17次 Microstructuralevolution and delayed hydridecracking of FSW-AZ31 magnesium alloy during SSRT . Rongchang Zeng *, Wolfgang Dietzel, Rudolf Zettler, Wei-min Gan, XinXin Sun, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China , 24(2014)3060-3069. Soluble Polyaniline Nanofibers PreparedviaSurfactant-free Emulsion Polymerization. Yanmin Wang , Kai Chen , Tingxi Li , Huimin Li , Rongchang Zeng , Ruliang Zhang , Yijie Gu , Jianxu Ding , Hongquan Liu . Synthetic Metals . 198 (2014)293–299. 医用新型Mg-Li-Ca合金材料体外生物相容性及生物活性评价. 刘睿 , 姜科 , 赵保东 *, 曾荣昌 *, 徐昊 , 王兰英 .中国组织工程研究 . 2014, 18(52):8409-13. 2013 Influence of solution temperature on corrosion resistance of Zn-Ca phosphate conversion coating on biomedicalMg-Li-Ca alloys . R.C. Zeng *, Xin-XinSun, Ying-wei Song, Fen Zhang, Shuo-Qi Li, Hong-Zhi Cui, En-Hou Han, Trans.Nonferrous Met. Soc. China , 23(11), 2013: 3293−3299. Self-Assembled Silane Film and Silver Nanoparticles Coating on Magnesium Alloys for Corrosion Resistance and Antibacterial Applications. R.C. Zeng *, LijunLiu, Shuoqi Li, Yuhong Zou, Fen Zhang, Yanan Yang, Hongzhi Cui, En-hou Han, Acta Metall. Sin. (Engl. Lett.), 26(6), 2013: 681-686. 2012 A critical discussion on influence of loading frequency on fatigue crack propagation behavior for extruded Mg-Al-Zn alloys . Rongchang Zeng *, EnhouHan, Wei Ke. International Journal of Fatigue , 36(1), 2012: 40-46. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2011.09.001 2011 Characterization of calcium-modified zinc phosphateconversion coatings and their influences on corrosion resistance of AZ31 alloy . Rongchang Zeng *, Zidong Lan, Linghong Kong,Yuanding Huang,Hongzhi Cui. Surface and Coatings Technology , 205, 2011: 3347-3355. SCI 被引62次 Corrosionof an extruded magnesium alloy ZK60 component-The role ofmicrostructural features. Rongchang Zeng *, K.U. Kainer, C. Blawert, W. Dietzel. Journal of Alloys and Compounds , 509,2011:4462-4469. SCI 被引32次 Characteristics of the functionally graded coating fabricated by plasma transferred arc centrifugalcladding. Feng Lu, Huiqi Li,QiangJi, Rongchang Zeng , Shufeng Wang, Jing Chi, Min Li, Lu Chai, Hui Xu Surface and Coatings Technology , 2011,205: 4441-4446. Study on corrosion of medical Mg–Ca and Mg–Li–Ca alloys. Rongchang Zeng *, Xiaolong Guo, Chenglong Liu, Hongzhi Cui, Wu Tao, Yunyi Liu, Bowen Li. ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA , 2011, 47(11): 1477-1482. 医用Mg-Ca和Mg-Li-Ca合金腐蚀研究, 金属学报 , 2011, 47(11): 1477-1482. Research progress on surface modification of magnesium alloys for medical applications, Zhongguo Youse Jinshu Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 35–43, 2011. 医用镁合金表面改性研究进展. 曾荣昌 *, 孔令鸿、陈君、崔洪芝、刘成龙.中国有色金属学报, 21(1), 2011: 35-43. 被引65次 蛋白质作用下医用金属材料的腐蚀行为研究进展.刘成龙,王猛,张春艳,王玥霁, 曾荣昌 ,黄伟九. 中国腐蚀与防护学报 ,2011,31(01):10-17. Influence of silane on corrosion performance of silane-modified acrylate interpenetrating polymer networks coating on magnesium alloy AZ31. Rong-Chang ZENG *, Jun CHEN, Chen-LanLIU, Hong-Zhi CUI. Materials Science Forum, 686(2011)186-191. 2010 Influence of microstructure on tensileproperties and fatigue crack growth in extruded magnesium alloy AM60. Rongchang Zeng *, Enhou Han, Wei Ke, Wolfgang Dietzel, Karl Ulrich Kainer,Andrejs Atrens. International Journal of Fatigue , 32, 2010: 411-419. SCI 被引42次 Influence of silane on corrosionresistance of magnesium alloy AZ31 with thermally sprayed aluminum coating. R.C.Zeng *, J. Chen, J. Kuang, J. Zhang. Rare Metals , 29(2), 2010: 193-197. SCI 被引19次 Preparation of calcium phosphatecoatingson Mg-1.0Ca alloy . Chun-Yan Zhang, Rong-Chang Zeng *,Cheng-LongLiu, Rongshi Chen, Jia-Cheng Gao. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China , 20, 2010: s 655-659. SCI 被引28次 Comparison of calcium phosphatecoatings on Mg–Al and Mg–Ca alloys and their corrosion behavior in Hank'ssolution .Chun-Yan Zhang, Rong-Chang Zeng, Cheng-LongLiu, Jia-Cheng Gao. Surface and Coatings Technology , 204(21-22) 2010: 3636-3640. SCI 被引45次 In Vitro Corrosion Degradation Behaviour of Mg-Ca Alloy in the Presence of Albumin . C.L. Liu,Y.J. Wang, R.C. Zeng , X.M. Zhang,W.J. Huang, P.K. Chu. Corrosion Science , 52(10),2010:3341-3347. SCI 被引74次 Influence of pH values on electroless NiP-SiC plating on AZ91D magnesium alloy . Yin-ning GOU, Wei-jiu HUANG, Rong-Chang ZENG , Yi ZHU. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2010 , 20( s 2): 674-678. Comparisonin characterization of composite and sol-gel coating on AZ31 magnesium alloy. Z.L. Wang; R. C. Zeng . Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Societyof China. 2010, 20: s 665- s 669. Influence of bath temperature of conversion treatment process on corrosion resistance of zinc calcium phosphate conversion film on AZ31 magnesium alloy, Zhongguo Youse Jinshu Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 1461–1466, 2010. 镀液温度对镁合金AZ31 表面锌钙系磷化膜耐蚀性的影响. 曾荣昌*、兰自栋.中国有色金属学报,20 , 2010: 1461-1466. Corrosion behavior of magnesium alloy AZ31 with calcium phosphate coating in Hank 's solution, Kuei Suan Jen Hsueh Pao/Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 885–891, 2010. 镁合金AZ31 表面Ca-P涂层在Hank's 溶液中的腐蚀行为. 张春艳、高家诚、曾荣昌、刘成龙、吴霞, 吴迪.硅酸盐学报,38(5)2010:885-891. Electrochemically deposited Ca-P coatings on magnesium alloy, Gongneng Cailiao/Journal of Functional Materials, vol. 41, no. 6, pp. , 2010. 电化学沉积法制备镁基Ca-P 生物陶瓷涂层的研究. 张春艳、高家诚、曾荣昌、杨惠、吴地. 功能材料,41(6)2010: 952-956, 960. Effect of Mnsup2+/supconsumption in phosphate conversion solution on performance of phosphorized films on AZ31 magnesium alloy surface, Corrosion Science and Protection Technology, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 377–379, 2010. 2009 Progress and challenge for magnesium alloys as biomaterials. R.C. Zeng ,W. Dietzel, F. Witte, N. Hort. Advanced Engineering Materials ,10(8), 2008: B3-B14. SCI 被引346次 , ESI高引论文 Corrosion of friction stir welded magnesium alloy AM50. Rong-Chang Zeng , Jun Chen, Wolfgang Dietzel, Rudolf Zettler, Jorge F. dos Santos, M. LuciaNascimento, Karl Ulrich Kainer. Corrosion Science , 51(2009)1738-1746. SCI 被引50次 Influence of load frequency and ageingheat treatment on fatigue crack propagation rate of as-extruded AZ61 alloy. R.C.Zeng , W. Ke, E.H. Han, International Journal of Fatigue , 31(3), 2009: 463–467. SCI 被引26次 Fatigue crack propagation behavior of as- extruded magnesium alloy AZ80. R. C. Zeng , Y. B. Xu, W. Ke and E. H. Han. Materials Science and Engineering A , 509, 2009: 1-7. SCI 被引28次 Galvanic corrosion of AM50 magnesium alloy with cathodic electrophoretic coating and Q235 steel, Xiyou Jinshu Cailiao Yu Gongcheng/Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, vol. 38, no. 7, pp. 1158–1163, 2009. Corrosion behavior of magnesium alloy AX53 in simulated body fluids. Jun WANG, Rongchang ZENG , Jun CHEN, Rongshi CHEN. Materials Science Forum, 610-613 (2009)1174-1178. Progress of chemical conversion coatings on magnesium alloys, Zhongguo Youse Jinshu Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 397–404, 2009. 镁合金表面化学转化膜研究进展.曾荣昌*,兰自栋等.中国有色金属学报,19(3), 2009: 397-403.被引94次 Study on chemical deposition of calcium phosphate bioceramic coating on AZ31 magnesium alloy surface, Xiyou Jinshu Cailiao Yu Gongcheng/Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 1363–1367, 2009. 镁合金AZ31表面液相沉积Ca-P 生物陶瓷涂层的研究. 张春艳、 曾荣昌 、 陈君 、 杨惠、 田中青. 稀有金属材料与工程,38(8), 2009, 1363-1367. 重庆嘉陵江石门大桥腐蚀防护调查及建议. 曾荣昌 *,靳强,赖文超,王俊,陈君.材料保护, 2009, 42(02): 72-73. Quality management and control of anti-corrosion project, Corrosion and Protection, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 207–210, 2009. 企业防腐蚀工程质量管理与控制及若干存在问题探讨. 曾荣昌 *.腐蚀与防护,2009,30(3):207-210. Corrosion and protection of concrete platform for stacking and transporting urea, Corrosion and Protection, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 128–131, 2009. 尿素储运水泥混凝土地坪的腐蚀防护. 曾荣昌 *、柳国皇. 腐蚀与防护,2009,30(2): 128-130. 2008 Microstructure evolution and tensile properties of friction-stir-welded AM50 magnesium alloy . R.C.Zeng *, J. Chen, W. Dietzel, R. Zettler, K.U. Kainer. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,18, 2008: s 76-80. SCI 被引13次 Characterization and wear resistance of micro-arc oxidation coating on magnesium alloy AZ91 in simulated body fluids . J. Chen, R. C. Zeng *, W. J. Huang, Z.Q. Zheng, Zhenlin Wang, Jun Wang. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 18, 2008: s 361-364. SCI 被引21次 Research and progress of galvanic corrosion of Magnesium alloys. ZENG RC, CHEN Jun, ZHANG Jin. 2008, 22(01): 107-109. 镁合金电偶腐蚀研究及其进展.曾荣昌*、陈君、张津. 材料导报, 2008, 22(01): 107-109. 2007 Corrosion of artificial aged magnesium alloy AZ80 in 3.5wt% NaCl solution. R.C.Zeng, W. Ke, E.H. Han. Journal of Materials Science and Technology ,23(3), 2007: 363-368. pH value insimulated occluded cell formagnesium alloys . Rongchang Zeng *, Chen Jun. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China , 17, 2007: s 193-199. Electrochemical behavior of magnesium alloys in simulated body fluids . Rongchang Zeng *, JunChen, W.Dietzel, N.Hort, K.U. Kainer. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China , 17, 2007: s 166- 169. A study on the SCC susceptibility of friction stir welded AZ31Mg sheet. M. Bobby Kannan, W. Dietzel, R. Zeng , R. Zettler, J. dos Dantos. Materials Science and Engineering: A , 460, 2007, 243-250. SCI 被引57次 Effect of Temperature and Relative Humidity on Fatigue Crack Propagation Behaviof of AZ61 Magnesium Alloy. Rongchang ZENG , Enhou HAN, Wei KE. Materials Science Forum, 546-549, 2007:409-412. Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior of Mg-Al-Zn Alloys. Rongchang ZENG , Enhou HAN, Wei KE,etc. Proceedings of the 7 th International Conference on Magnesium Alloys and Their Applications. 2007:666-672. Effects of Post Heat Treatment on the Interfacial Characteristics of Aluminum Coated AZ91D Magnesium Alloy. JinZhang,Ying Wang, Rong-Chang Zeng , etc. Materials Science Forum,546-549, 2007:529-532 2006 Review of studies on corrosion of magnesium alloys . Rongchang Zeng , Zhang Jin, Huang Weijiu,W. Dietzel, K.U. Kainer, W. Ke. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China , 16, 2006:S763-S771. SCI 被引140次 Thickness effects on corrosion and wearresistance properties ofmicro-arc discharge oxide coatings on AZ91D magnesiumalloys.Wei-jiu Huang, Ming Liu, Zhao-feng Li, Rong-chang Zeng . Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 16, 2006: s1827-s1830. 2005 Effect of ph values on as-extruded magnesium alloy AM60, Jinshu Xuebao/Acta Metallurgica Sinica, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 307–311, 2005. pH值对挤压镁合金AM60腐蚀的影响. 曾荣昌 、周晚秋、韩恩厚、柯伟. 金属学报 ,44(3), 2005: 307-311. Mechanism of corrosion fatigue for as-extruded magnesium alloy AZ80, Cailiao Yanjiu Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Materials Research, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 561–567, 2004. 挤压镁合金AM60的腐蚀疲劳. 曾荣昌 、韩恩厚、柯伟、徐永波. 材料研究学报,19(1), 2005: 1-7. Fatigue and Corrosion Fatigue of Magnesium Alloys. Rongchang ZENG , Enhou HAN, Wei KE. Material Science Forum, 488-489, 2005: 721-724 A comparative study on the fretting wear resistant properties of AZ91D and AM60B magnesium alloys. Weijiu Huang, Rongchang Zeng , Anhua Chen. Material Science Forum, 488-489, 2005: 745-748 2004 Mechanism of corrosion fatigue for as-extruded magnesium alloy AZ80, Cailiao Yanjiu Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Materials Research, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 561–567, 2004. 变形镁合金AZ80的腐蚀疲劳机理. 曾荣昌 、韩恩厚、柯伟、徐永波.材料研究学报,18(6), 2004: 561-567. 镁合金AZ91D焊接组织及腐蚀行为研究. 曾荣昌 ,明勇, 黄伟九,韩恩厚,柯伟.材料导报,2004, 18(z3) Research on fretting wear behavior of AM60B magnesium alloy in sliding regime, Wuhan Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Wuhan University of Technology, vol. 26, no. 9, pp. 23, 2004. AM60B镁合金在滑移区的微动磨损行为研究.黄伟九、陈安华、侯滨 、曾荣昌、 周仲荣、孙智富. 武汉理工大学学报,26(9), 2004: 23-26. 2003 Effect of rolled microstructure on fatigue properties of magnesium alloy AM60, Cailiao Yanjiu Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Materials Research, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 241–246, 2003. 轧制组织对镁合金AM60疲劳性能的影响. 曾荣昌 、韩恩厚、柯伟、刘路、徐永波.材料研究学报,17(3),2003: 241-245. 2002 镁合金的腐蚀行为与表面防护方法. 周婉秋,单大勇, 曾荣昌 ,韩恩厚,柯伟.材料保护,2002,35(07):1-3. 2001 Recent development and application of magnesium alloys, Jinshu Xuebao/Acta Metallurgica Sinica, vol. 37, no. 7, pp. 673-685 , 2001. 镁合金的最新发展及应用前景. 曾荣昌 , 柯伟,徐永波,韩恩厚, 朱自勇. 金属学报 , 40(7), 2001: 673-685.(SCI被引94次, CNKI被引 1164次 ,《 金属学报 》最高被引论文) 2000 桥梁的腐蚀与防护. 曾荣昌 .材料保护 , 2000, 33(10):38-40.
个人分类: 论文写作|11970 次阅读|0 个评论
Sci.Rep 4-7577(2014) 复杂社会网络中的双向选择
热度 1 bhwangustc 2014-12-24 22:26
Scientific Reports 4-7577 (2014) 复杂社会网络中的双向选择 Bidirectional selection between two classes in complex social networks Bin Zhou, Zhe He, Luo-Luo Jiang, Nian-Xin Wang Bing-Hong Wang The bi-directional selection between two classes widely emerges in various social lives, such as commercial trading and mate choosing. Until now, the discussions on bidirectional selection in structured human society are quite limited. We demonstrated theoretically that the rate of successfully matching is affected greatly by individuals’ neighborhoods in social networks, regardless of the type of networks. Furthermore, it is found that the high average degree of networks contributes to increasing rates of successful matches. The matching performance in different types of networks has been quantitatively investigated , revealing that the small-world networks reinforces the matching rate more than scale-free networks at given average degree. In addition, our analysis is consistent with the modeling result, which provides the theoretical understanding of underlying mechanisms of matching in complex networks. 双向选择在人类的日常生活中非常普遍,例如:市场贸易买卖双方的交易成功,商业合作伙伴的选择,一年一度的毕业生与招聘方之间的就业双向选择,以及城市和社区中的男女择偶双向选择相亲大会等等。我们已经给出一个初步的双向选择系统模型,并且得到82组相亲大会实证数据的检验,【见: PLoS ONE 9, e81424 (2014) A model of two-way selection system for human behavior . 】。 但是以上的研究实质上属于一个全联通网络上的双向选择机制。本文将双向选择机制拓展到任意一种网络上,包括各种网络模型(ER随机网络,WS小世界网络,BA无标度网络)以及现实世界中的各种真实网络。我们的研究结果表明:网络结构对双向选择匹配率有重要影响。可以发现:WS小世界网络的拓扑结构最有利于匹配,而BA无标度网络则最不利于匹配。这似乎表明:WS小世界网络的形成对应于现实生活中社交网络的演化形成是朝着更有利于异性个体之间匹配趋势进行的。我们通过断边重连改变WS小世界的网络结构,发现双向选择系统的匹配结果将随断边重连概率之变化而呈现丰富多样的变化。其内在原因的揭示,有待后续工作的进一步深入研究。 原文下载: SciRep 4-7577(2014) ZhouHeJiangWangWang 复杂社会网络中的双向选择.pdf
个人分类: 统计物理复杂系统研究进展|4315 次阅读|1 个评论
Wiley Anywhere Article新增文章引用查询功能!
热度 1 WileyChina 2014-12-4 11:31
AnywhereArticle 发布新功能 Anywhere Article 是Wiley OnlineLibrary 为用户提供的增强型HTML 文章服务,适用于Wiley 期刊。现在,Anywhere Article 有新功能发布了。 新功能:引用工具 通过增强型HTML 文章上的反馈链接(如下图所示),我们广泛收集了读者的反馈。这些反馈为我们应该发布哪些新功能提供了参考价值。目前为止,读者最普遍需求是增加 具有显示/ 保存引用功能的工具 。 欢迎在反馈页面上留下关于Anywhere Article的意见和建议,点击进入 在此,我们很荣幸地向您宣布以下新功能已经正式发布了 : ◀ 使用不同的在线参考文献管理工具/ 软件查看或者保存引用。这些参考文献管理工具/ 软件包括: iteULike, Mendeley andRefWorks, EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite and BibteX ◀ 引用了当前阅读文章的信息和文章链接,并包括 CrossRef 和 Web ofScience 中的被引频次信息 ◀ 每篇文章包含此文章的引用格式 新功 能 可见于 增强型HTML 文章界面,“作 者信息”下,“DOI ”信息旁(如图所示): Readcube Checkout 正式对WileyOnline Library 移动用户开放 我们同时很荣幸地向您宣布 :Wiley Online Liabrary 的个人用户现在不仅可以通过电脑,也可以通过平板或其他移动设备使用Readcube Checkout 购买PDF 格式的期刊全文。 特别提示 :目前,通过Readcube Checkout 的移动浏览器版本 只能 购买 PDF 格式的期刊全文 ;使用电脑的用户可以选择“租赁”(只可读)、“云端”(只可读)或者“全文下载”(可读,可打印、保存)。 点击这里进入 Readcube Checkout 详细介绍
个人分类: 业界新闻|4351 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 2 scientister 2014-10-15 10:20
科技部这几年风口浪尖,院士门也让科学院勉为其难,现在,一切都将改变…… 路马消息 http://www.newsmth.net/nForum/#!article/DAE.THU/431773 科技部关于科学的职能划到教育科学部;关于技术的职能划到工业和信息技术部。 希望科学网不会变。 好人做到底,希望科学网网管妹妹的待遇不降低。
个人分类: 生活点滴|2147 次阅读|6 个评论
Science China Chemistry发表马於光教授综述文章
sciencepress 2014-3-19 14:19
激子 ( 或自旋 ) 统计是基本的物理原理,决定了有机半导体器件中单线态与三线态激子的形成比例 (1:3) 。近年来,基于新原理 ( 三线态反系间窜越、延迟荧光 ) 的 OLED 材料引起广泛关注。该类材料在理论方面重新催热了关于自旋统计的探讨,在应用方面有望发展成为低成本、高性能的新一代 OLED 材料,因此得到了国内相关领域的高度重视,多个研究机构已布局开展相关研究。从目前的发展情况看,该类材料的发光机制、原理以及进一步材料设计思路还有待探讨和明确。 受《中国科学:化学》副主编曹镛院士邀请,华南理工大学发光材料与器件国家重点实验室马於光教授为 Science China Chemistry (《中国科学:化学》英文刊) 撰写了专题论述文章: Progress in next-generation organic electroluminescent materials : material design beyond exciton statistics , 发表在 2014 年第 3 期 。 该文综述了激子统计研究进展,分析了多种提高激子利用效率的途径,提出该课题组提高激子利用率的“热激子过程”新思路及杂化局域-电荷转移(HLCT)态材料设计原理,器件实现接近100%的激子利用效率。 全文免费下载地址: http://chem.scichina.com:8081/sciBe/EN/volumn/current.shtml (境内) http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11426-013-5046-y (境外,免费 Open Access 3 个月) SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry 2014, 57 No. 3 pp. 335-345 欢迎阅读~
个人分类: 《中国科学》论文|10246 次阅读|0 个评论
一篇论文位列Top25 Hottest Articles 第一
热度 2 rczeng 2014-3-14 19:58
Materials Science Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China October to December 2013 Review of studies on corrosion of magnesium alloys • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 16, June 2006, Pages s763-s771 ZENG, R.c.; ZHANG, J.; HUANG, W.j.; DIETZEL, W.; KAINER, K.U.; BLAWERT, C.; KE, W. Total concentrations and different fractions of heavy metals in sewage sludge from Guangzhou, China • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 23, Issue 8, August 2013, Pages 2397-2407 LIU, J.y.; SUN, S.y. Effects of welding parameters and tool geometry on properties of 3003-H18 aluminum alloy to mild steel friction stir weld • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 23, Issue 7, July 2013, Pages 1957-1965 DEHGHANI, M.; MOUSAVI, S.A.A.A.; AMADEH, A. Materials flow and phase transformation in friction stir welding of Al 6013/Mg • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 23, Issue 5, May 2013, Pages 1253-1261 POURAHMAD, P.; ABBASI, M. Cited by Scopus (1) Application of EBSD technique to ultrafine grained and nanostructured materials processed by severe plastic deformation: Sample preparation, parameters optimization and analysis • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 22, Issue 8, August 2012, Pages 18 01-18 09 CHEN, Y.j.; HJELEN, J.; ROVEN, H.J. Effects of pin angle and preheating on temperature distribution during friction stir welding operation • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 23, Issue 9, September 2013, Pages 27 08-27 13 KEIVANI, R.; BAGHERI, B.; SHARIFI, F.; KETABCHI, M.; ABBASI, M. Anisotropy of localized corrosion in 7050-T7451 Al alloy thick plate • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 23, Issue 9, September 2013, Pages 2483-2490 SONG, F.x.; ZHANG, X.m.; LIU, S.d.; HAN, N.m.; LI, D.f. Three-point bending behavior of aluminum foam sandwich with steel panel • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 23, Issue 9, September 2013, Pages 2491-2495 ZU, G.y.; LU, R.h.; LI, X.b.; ZHONG, Z.y.; MA, X.j.; HAN, M.b.; YAO, G.c. Mechanical properties, corrosion behaviors and microstructures of 7075 aluminium alloy with various aging treatments • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 18, Issue 4, August 2008, Pages 755-762 LI, J.f.; PENG, Z.w.; LI, C.x.; JIA, Z.q.; CHEN, W.j.; ZHENG, Z.q. Cited by Scopus (51) Recent development of LiNixCoyMnzO2: Impact of micro/nano structures for imparting improvements in lithium batteries • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 23, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 1 08-11 9 PAN, C.c.; BANKS, C.E.; SONG, W.x.; WANG, C.w.; CHEN, Q.y.; JI, X.b. Cited by Scopus (2) Strength and fatigue fracture behavior of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr(-Sn) alloys • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 23, Issue 10, October 2013, Pages 2817-2825 CHEN, L.; YAN, A.; LIU, H.s.; LI, X.q. Comparison of microstructure and mechanical properties of conventional and refilled friction stir spot welds in AA 6061-T6 using filler plate • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 23, Issue 10, October 2013, Pages 2833-2842 VENUKUMAR, S.; YALAGI, S.; MUTHUKUMARAN, S. Cited by Scopus (1) A review on in vitro corrosion performance test of biodegradable metallic materials • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 23, Issue 8, August 2013, Pages 2283-2293 ZHEN, Z.; XI, T.f.; ZHENG, Y.f. Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in sediments of Xiawan Port based on modified potential ecological risk index • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 22, Issue 6, June 2012, Pages 1470-1477 ZHU, H.n.; YUAN, X.z.; ZENG, G.m.; JIANG, M.; LIANG, J.; ZHANG, C.; YIN, J.; HUANG, H.j.; LIU, Z.f.; JIANG, H.w. Cited by Scopus (5) Microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar pure copper/1350 aluminum alloy butt joints by friction stir welding • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 22, Issue 6, June 2012, Pages 1298-1306 LI, X.w.; ZHANG, D.t.; QIU, C.; ZHANG, W. Cited by Scopus (2) Thermal modeling of underwater friction stir welding of high strength aluminum alloy • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 23, Issue 4, April 2013, Pages 1114-1122 ZHANG, H.j.; LIU, H.j.; YU, L. Recycling of automotive aluminum • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 20, Issue 11, November 2010, Pages 2057-2063 CUI, J.; ROVEN, H.J. Cited by Scopus (13) Analysis and optimization of drilling parameters for tool wear and hole dimensional accuracy in B4C reinforced Al-alloy • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 23, Issue 9, September 2013, Pages 2524-2536 TASKESEN, A.; KUTUKDE, K. Adsorption behavior and adsorption mechanism of Cu(II) ions on amino-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 23, Issue 9, September 2013, Pages 2657-2665 LI, H.; XIAO, D.l.; HE, H.; LIN, R.; ZUO, P.l. Environmental availability and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in zinc leaching residue • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 23, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 2 08-21 8 MIN, X.b.; XIE, X.d.; CHAI, L.y.; LIANG, Y.j.; LI, M.; KE, Y. Anodizing of 2024-T3 aluminum alloy in sulfuric-boric-phosphoric acids and its corrosion behavior • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 23, Issue 9, September 2013, Pages 2551-2559 SAEEDIKHANI, M.; JAVIDI, M.; YAZDANI, A. Dissimilar friction stir welding between 5052 aluminum alloy and AZ31 magnesium alloy • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 20, July 2010, Pages s619-s623 YAN, Y.; ZHANG, D.t.; QIU, C.; ZHANG, W. Heavy metals contamination characteristics in soil of different mining activity zones • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 18, Issue 1, February 2008, Pages 2 07-21 1 LIAO, G.l.; LIAO, D.x.; LI, Q.m. Cited by Scopus (19) Development, modeling and application of piezoelectric fiber composites • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 23, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 98-107 LIN, X.j.; ZHOU, K.c.; ZHANG, X.y.; ZHANG, D. Mechanism of phosphorus removal in beneficiation of high phosphorous oolitic hematite by direct reduction roasting with dephosphorization agent • Article Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Volume 22, Issue 11, November 2012, Pages 28 06-28 12 XU, C.y.; SUN, T.c.; KOU, J.; LI, Y.l.; MO, X.l.; TANG, L.g. Cited by Scopus (3)
个人分类: 科研|3976 次阅读|4 个评论
JiuBaiYi 2014-1-16 17:52
统计基础不好,所以一直无法理解R语言中的因子(factor),复习笔记的时候突然有了新的理解,立马再做个笔记,同时也与同样基础 薄弱的网友分享我的理解。 在R语言中,因子(factor)表示的是一个符号、一个编号或者一个等级,即,一个点。例如,人的个数可以是1,2,3,4......那么因子就包括,1,2,3,4.....还有统计量的水平的时候用到的高、中、低,也是因子,因为他是一个点。与之区别的向量,是一个连续性的值,例如,数值中有1,1.1,1.2......可以作为数值来计算,而因子则不可以。如果用我自己的理解,简单通俗来讲:因子是一个点,向量是一个有方向的范围。 在R中,如果把数字作为因子,那么在导入数据之后,需要将向量转换为因子(factor),而因子在整个计算过程中不再作为数值,而是一个符号而已。 个人愚见,请多多批评指正。 本文链接: http://www.dengfeilong.com/post/factor.html 因子(Factor) 一个因子不仅包括分类变量本身还包括变量不同的可能水 平(即使它们在数据中不出现)。因子函数factor用下面的选项创建一 个因子: factor(x, levels = sort(unique(x), na.last = TRUE), labels = levels, exclude = NA, ordered = is.ordered(x)) levels 用来指定因子可能的水平(缺省值是向量x中互异的值);labels 用来指定水平的名字;exclude表示从向量x中剔除的水平值;ordered是 一个逻辑型选项用来指定因子的水平是否有次序。回想数值型或字符型 的x。下面有一些例子: factor(1:3) 1 2 3 Levels: 1 2 3 factor(1:3, levels=1:5) 1 2 3 Levels: 1 2 3 4 5 factor(1:3, labels=c(A, B, C)) A B C Levels: A B C factor(1:5, exclude=4) 1 2 3 NA 5 Levels: 1 2 3 5 函数levels用来提取一个因子中可能的水平值: ff - factor(c(2, 4), levels=2:5) ff 2 4 Levels: 2 3 4 5 levels(ff) 2 3 4 5 http://www.biostatistic.net/thread-2342-1-1.html 子(factor)和有序因子(ordered factor) 因子用来存储类别变量(categorical variables)和有序变量,这类变量不能用来计算而只能用来分类或者计数。 因子表示分类变量,有序因子表示有序变量。 生成因子数据对象的函数是factor(),语法是factor(data, levels, labels, ...),其中data是数据,levels是因子水平向量,labels是因子的 标签向量。 1、创建一个因子。 例1:colour - c('G', 'G', 'R', 'Y', 'G', 'Y', 'Y', 'R', 'Y') col - factor(colour) col1 - factor(colour, levels = c('G', 'R', 'Y'), labels = c('Green', 'Red', 'Yellow')) #labels的内容替换colour相应位置对应levels的内容 col2 - factor(colour, levels = c('G', 'R', 'Y'), labels = c('1', '2', '3')) col_vec - as.vector(col2) #转换成字符向量 col_num - as.numeric(col2) #转换成数字向量 col3 - factor(colour, levels = c('G', 'R')) 2、创建一个有序因子。 例1:score - c('A', 'B', 'A', 'C', 'B') score1 - ordered(score, levels = c('C', 'B', 'A')); score1 3、用cut()函数将一般的数据转换成因子或有序因子。 例1:exam - c(98, 97, 52, 88, 85, 75, 97, 92, 77, 74, 70, 63, 97, 71, 98, 65, 79, 74, 58, 59, 60, 63, 87, 82, 95, 75, 79, 96, 50, 88) exam1 - cut(exam, breaks = 3) #切分成3组 exam2 - cut(exam, breaks = c(0, 59, 69, 79, 89, 100)) #切分成自己设置的组 attr(exam1, 'levels'); attr(exam2, 'levels'); attr(exam2, 'class') ordered(exam2, labels = c('bad', 'ok', 'average', 'good', 'excellent')) #一个有序因子 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_59f8748e01011in6.html
个人分类: 数据统计原理与应用|31960 次阅读|0 个评论
Wiley部分期刊开始试用Article level metrics
热度 1 WileyChina 2013-6-14 15:27
Article level metrics(ALMs ) 已经成为评估单篇论文影响力的重要工具,一些较为传统的度量方式,如引用和使用量,仅能评估一篇论文的学术可见度( scholarly visibility ),而新的度量方式则旨在通过分析与某篇文章相关的“在线讨论( online conversation )”来衡量其社会可见度( social visibility )。【见 Article-Level Metrics a SPARC Primer by Greg Tananbaum 】 对于作者而言,这种新的度量方式有助于他们了解论文的实时社会影响;对于编辑人员而言,则可以充分量化其出版物(期刊)的可见度和覆盖范围。 新的度量方法,例如由 Altmetric 提供的 Article level metrics(ALMs ), 可以计算单篇文章的直接和具体影响力,而并非仅依赖于期刊影响因子等传统基准。 Altmetric 可以分析某篇文章在 Twitter 、 Facebook 、 Google+ 、 Pinterest 和博客、报纸、杂志以及 Mendeley 和 CiteULike 等平台中被提及的情况,然后根据其受关注的质量和数量,对文章进行评分。 Altmetric 分数主要基于三种因素:提及该文章的人数、提及的平台(例如报纸、推文),以及某人提及该文章的频度。 Wiley 目前正在多种期刊中试用 Article level metrics(ALMs ), 包括一些订阅期刊和开放获取期刊,试用期为六个月,期刊包括 Advanced Materials 、 AngewandteChemie 、 BJUI 、 Brain and Behavior 、 Methods in Ecology and Evolution 以及 EMBO Molecular Medicine 。 “我们的期刊发表许多拥有高访问率和引用率的文章,” Advanced Materials 主编 Peter Gregory 表示。“我们希望通过各种渠道为读者提供了解这些研究成果的机会,让作者拥有更广泛的社会媒体曝光度,覆盖到全球的新闻和科学媒体。浏览 Altmetric 数据很有意思,它可以更好地量化期刊文章的影响力。” 补充实例: 以Angewandte Chemie为例,现在读者可以在文章页面上看到ALMs统计结果,以下为实时截图:
个人分类: All Sub|6071 次阅读|3 个评论
Journal article or book chapter?这是一个问题!
热度 10 曹聪 2013-3-11 20:09
俺写了篇“ 吾爱名期刊,但吾更爱吾师 ”,蒙科学网编辑MM不弃戴花,真有点受宠若惊。 趁热打铁 ,再说几句。 对吃研究饭的人来说,到哪儿发表论文还真是个问题,尤其是在期刊的Impact Factor或档次将决定晋升、奖励等的时代。 对于从事社会科学研究的人来说,除了journal article,还有 authored book ( 著书立说)和book chapter(在论文集上发表)的选择。当然,经济学是个例外,唯论文是 举,这就更显示出 阿尔钦的豁达。 一般来说, book chapter在评审时 不 太 受重视 。不过,俺又听说,当某人还 不 怎么出名时,只 有 投稿硬闯一招。 而一旦有点小名气了,约稿 便会 上 门 。 但是 ,论文集 的出版周期往往比较长,而一旦 commit了,覆水难收,再给期刊投稿就有点那个了。 可不,俺和几位同事 的一篇文章,一年半前就被收入一个 论文集 。 可 到 现在,不要说不见人下楼, 楼梯也 听不到响声了。又不能投给journal了。 编者是 大牛,而出版社 又是同样很牛的大学出版社。 所以,纠结 归纠结 ,只能既来之则安之。 元芳,你说呢?
个人分类: 科学出版|24766 次阅读|15 个评论
热度 19 DNAgene 2013-3-7 08:45
去年,我们实验室在内含子进化方面做出了一些自我感觉不错的研究结果。字斟句酌地整理好论文,兴致勃勃地投到了我们这个领域最好的期刊Molecular Biology and Evolution。若干星期之后,收到审稿意见。评审人指出了一些问题,所有问题我们都是可以改的,但主编没有给修改的机会。理由是期刊稿件量太多,他们只能接受最好的论文。没办法,换了一个期刊,又换一个期刊。都不行。但每一次,我们都按审稿意见认真修改了。 最后,我们把论文投往本领域的普通期刊BMC Evolutionary Biology。这一次,两个审稿人对稿件都很满意,仅提出一些小的修改意见。在审稿意见中Level of interest 一栏,两位审稿人的一致评价是: An article of outstanding merit and interest in its field(1)。很少的一点问题,我们很快就修改完成。没想到,小小的修改又审了很久。看到审稿状态显示审稿意见已经回到编辑部,主编做决定又拖了好多天。这段时间,对他们真得很不满意。 没想到,久等的编辑部来信竟然是个意外的惊喜。经过征求专业编委的意见,编辑部认为我们的论文达到了他们的旗舰期刊BMC Biology的要求。让我们选择在BMC Biology还是继续在BMC Evolutionary Biology上发表我们的论文。他们的提示是,前者读者面更广、影响更大。我们毫不犹豫地选择了BMC Biology。除了读者面广外,还有很现实的考虑,研究生评奖学金的把握大小和我的科研津贴的多少。 与BMC Evolutionary Biology相比,BMC Biology的出版费贵了225英镑。相应地,编辑部在论文上的投入明显大于该公司出版的BMC Evolutionary Biology等普通期刊。他们在编辑格式时,对论文语言做了一次全面修改,相当于一次语言公司的修改。一般期刊只要求语言上没有明显问题就算了。另外,论文发表后,编辑部为每一篇论文都写一个“Editor's summary”,从编辑的角度、用通俗的语言简单介绍一下文章的结果。个别优秀的论文,他们还会邀请专家写评论文章“Commentary”。当然,这些投入是要花费时间的,如果选择在专业期刊上发表,论文online的时间估计会快一个星期以上(根据同期我评审的他人论文的审稿发表时间估计的)。 经过这次投稿经历,对BMC系列期刊的好感明显增加。该网站上介绍说,作者还可以把论文直接投给BMC系列的两个旗舰期刊BMC Biology和BMC Medicine。这两个期刊如果退稿,审稿意见应作者要求可以直接转给BMC系列的专业期刊(2)。 简单地发几句感慨。有些内容不错的论文,因为论文组织写作不够完美,最初作者投的好期刊不接受。但作者按审稿意见认真修改好了论文,原来的期刊又不接受重投。经过反复退稿,作者也心灰意冷了。不想再受刺激了。这种情况下,BMC系列的专业期刊无疑是一个好的选择。 相关博文: 《科学》最新报道:退稿有益 1)、BMC系列期刊审稿时要求审稿人评价一下论文的意义大小。他们将学术论文的意义大小分为6个层次: An exceptional article (相当于Cell, Nature和Science等顶级期刊论文的水平) An article of outstanding merit and interest in its field (相当于各领域最好的专业期刊论文的水平) An article of importance in its field An article whose findings are important to those with closely related research interests An article of limited interest An article of insufficient interest to warrant publication in a scientific/medical journal 2)、Nature、PLoS等出版多个层次专业期刊的机构也有类似的服务,但只有向下单向传递审稿意见。如PLoS的PLoS Computational Biology等期刊退稿时,编辑会建议作者考虑将论文投往PLoS One,他们可以把审稿意见转过去。但PLoS One审稿中发现的好论文不会转到PLoS Biology等好一些的期刊发表。
个人分类: 论文写作投稿|45331 次阅读|43 个评论
热度 3 cosismine 2013-2-16 22:35
Dear Mrs Liu, A year ago your article 'A framework for knowledge integration and diffusion' was published in Journal of Documentation . Since then this article has been downloaded 332 times . Emerald is interested in understanding more about how you disseminate and share your article so that we can support you better in doing so. In order to help us do this we would really appreciate it if you would take our If you would like some advice on disseminating your article more widely, please read ourhow to disseminate your worlguide, or check out some of our other how to ....guides on sharing and disseminating your research work. I'd like to thank you in advance for your help with the survey and I hope you find the above guides useful. If you have any feedback on the guides, or on your experiences with Emerald, please do contact us by replying directly to this message.
个人分类: 我美丽的秃瓢岁月|3581 次阅读|3 个评论
[转载]LaTeX tips: Displayed Math
cooooldog 2013-2-3 19:15
LaTeX tips: Displayed Math Note: Most of the tips below require the amslatex macros. These are automatically loaded if you use the "amsart" documentclass, but if you use other documentclasses, such as "article", put the following in the preamble, after "\documentclass{...}": " \usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb} ". For more about the amslatex macros, and as a general reference for the tips below, see Gratzer's "Math into LaTeX". Single line displays The double dollar symbol ($$). In Plaintex and Amstex displayed math was set by enclosing it between a pair of double dollar signs. In LaTeX the double dollar sign does not exist as a valid command, and most LaTeX books don't even mention it, since it is not supposed to be used. However, the dirty secret is that it works just fine in most situations, and many authors use it with impunity. Nonetheless, there are a few situations where it causes problems, and it may not work under future versions of tex. If you come from a Tex/Amstex background and are in the habit of typing $$'s, try to gradually switch over to using the backslash/bracket pair. If you are new to Tex/LaTeX, learn it right from the start (i.e., use the backslash/bracket method). The backslash/bracket pair, \ . Use this for all unnumbered displays. It's a good habit to put each of these pairs on a line by itself. Though Tex doesn't care, this makes displays stand out visually and makes editing and revising the tex file easier. \begin{equation}\label{...} ... \end{equation}. Use this if you want the equation to be automatically numbered. You can later reference the equation with "\eqref{...}", where the text inside the braces is the equation label. (Note that no parentheses are required with "\eqref".) For more on equation numbering, see below. \begin{equation*}... \tag{...}\end{equation*}. Same as the equation environment, except that automatic numbering is disabled, and the "\tag{...}" command generates an explicit equation number. For example, to get equation number (4.1a), use "\tag{4.1a}". (Again no parentheses are needed.) Multiline displays While single line displays are pretty straightforward to typeset, there are at least a dozen different constructs to generate multiline displays with the amslatex macros, and it's easy for a beginner to be overwhelmed by the multitude of options. Fortunately, you can get by knowning only two of these, namely the "align/align*" and "cases" environments. Unless you are a professional typesetter striving for 110% perfection, you don't need anything beyond that. \begin{align} ... \end{align} and \begin{align*} ... \end{align*}. Nearly all multiline displays can be typeset with the one of these two environments, which are derived from the amstex "\align ... \endalign" construct, and follow (essentially) the same syntax. The difference between "align" and "align*" is the same as between "equation" and "equation*": The starred versions don't automatically generate equation numbers. Use those versions, if you don't want equation numbers, or if you want to number equations manually. Equation numbering and labelling in align/align*. By default, every line gets numbered separately in the "align" environment. If you want just a single equation number for the entire display (which would be appropriate if the display consists of a chain of equalities or inequalities), pick a line in the middle of the display that is to get the number, and put "\notag" right before the linebreak symbol ("\\") on all other lines. On lines that are to be numbered, you can put the label command, "\label{...}", before the linebreak. With "align*", it works the other way: By default, none of the lines gets numbered, so to number a particular line you must put an explicit "\tag{...}" command at the end of that line, before the linebreak symbol. \begin{cases} ... \end{cases}. Aside from align, the only other multiline construct that you may need with any frequency is "cases". It works in much the same way as the amstex "\cases ... \endcases" construct. Note that the "cases" environment is a "subsidiary" math environement and has to be enclosed by another, top level, display math environent, such as equation or align/align*. Here is a typical example:\begin{equation*} |x|= \begin{cases} x \text{if $x≥0$,} \\ -x \text{if $x\le 0$.} \end{cases} \end{equation*} Note that the part after the alignment symbol usual contains some text and is best typeset using "\text{... }", and enclosing any math material within the braces in dollar signs. eqnarray/eqnarray* and array. Avoid these. Before the advent of amslatex, multiline displays and cases constructs had to be typeset with "eqnarray" and "array". However, the above (amslatex) environments "align/align*" and "cases" are easier too use, provide greater functionality, and generate better looking output. There is no reason whatsoever to use "eqnarray" instead of "align", and, except in very rare situations, "array" is unnecessary. Other amslatex display environements. Amslatex provides several other environments for multiline displays, such as "split, gather, gathered, multline, aligned, alignat," as well as starred version of most of these. These may do a marginally better job in some special situations, but the (mostly cosmetic) gain that these environments provide in those situations is not worth the effort of memorizing the various alternatives to the "align/align*" environments. Writing tips How to number equations. By default, LaTeX will number equations consecutively, as (1), (2), etc., assuming you use the automatic equation numbering mechanism. If the paper is very short, or if there are only a few numbered equations, this is fine, but once the numbers get into the twenties and higher, a scheme that numbers equations by section, as in (1.1), (1.2), ..., (2.1), etc., is preferable. In fact, for the vast majority of journal articles, the latter is probably the best numbering scheme. To get equations numbered by section, just put the following into the preamble: " \numberwithin{equation}{section} ". For books, theses, or very long papers, an equation numbering scheme that is three levels deep (with numbers like (4.1.1), etc.) may be appropriate. To get this, just replace "section" above by "subsection", or the corresponding innermost level. The same mechanism works for other counters, e.g., theorem counters, instead of "equation". When to number equations. It is (generally) bad style to number every displayed equation indicriminately. This is what you get if you would use "\begin{equation} ... \end{equation}" throughout. The reason for numbering an equation is to enable subsequent references to it. Thus, in general only equations that are being referred to in the paper should be numbered. However, there are situations where one might number an equation even if it is not referred to in the paper. For instance, it might be appropriate to number all equations inside theorems, for consistency of style, and to make it easy to refer to these equations in subsequent work. Similarly, if a reference to an equation occurs right after that equation, a number may not be necessary; one could get by saying something like "Since f(x) is positive, the last linequality implies that ...". When to display a mathematical formula or equation. Formulas set inline are harder to spot, may cause problems with bad linebreaks (which one has to fix by inserting explicit linebreaks), and they may look poor, especially if they involve fractions, sums, integrals, or other "large" objects. On the other hand, one should not indiscriminately display every equation or formula. A judicious choice of what to display can make a a significant difference in the overall appearance and readability of a paper. Here are some guidelines. You should display formulas/equations in the following cases: A numbered equation. This is a no-brainer. A formula that is excessively long. If a formula takes up more than about half of a line of space, it would probably be good to display it. Formulas set inline should never be longer than one line (even though tex would accept multiline inline displays and probably do a reasonably good job in splitting the formula). A formula that takes up excessive vertical space. Formulas that involves complicated sums or integrals with multiple subscripts or superscripts, or stacked fractions, take up a lot of vertical space and cause subsequent lines to be moved down, if set as inline formulas. In these situations, it may be appriopriate to display the formula. Simple sums, integrals, or fractions, are usually not a problem; for example, an expression like "\sum_{k=1}^nk=n(n+1)/2" doesn't need to be displayed. A formula that you want to give special emphasis. Even if a formula would look fine inline from a typesetting point of view, it may be appropriate to display it for emphasis. This could be the case, for example, with an important definition, or a crucial condition/hypothesis in a theorem. How to break up long formulas. Breaking up overlong lines in displays can be very tricky, and requires a good knowledge of the underlying mathematics as well as a feel for good mathematical typesetting. For that reason, TeX doesn't break formulas, as it does with ordinary text. However, there are some general guidelines. Here are possible breaking points, in decreasing order of desirability: Right before an equal sign or equivalent (e.g., a "less than" sign) . In this case, place the alignment symbol (ampersand) placed before the equal sign, i.e., " ... + x \\ = ". The equal signs (or equivalent) should be aligned. Before a plus or minus sign. In that case, the continuation line should be shifted to the right by a \qquad. If the continuation line is very short, two \qquad's might be better. Between two large "chunks" that are multiplied. The chunks could be large parenthesized expression, sums or integrals. This should be used only as a last resort, and in that case the preceding line should end with an explicit multiplication symbol ("\times"), the continuation line should begin with "\times" symbol and be shifted as far to the right (by preceding it with a few "\qquad"'s after the alignment symbol). Punctuation in displays. Displayed mathematics should be properly punctuated. For example, if a displayed formula occurs at the end of a sentence, the display should be terminated by a period. No additional spacing (such as "\," or "\ ") is needed to separate the formula from the punctuation sign. A good way to get the punctuation right is to replace the display by a place holder, such as " " and punctuate accordingly. Thus, for example, if the sentence surrounding the display is "Since f is monotonic, we have , where ...", then no punctuation symbol is needed before the display, but the display should be terminated by a comma, since the phrase introduced by "where" following the display calls for a comma. A comma before the display would be wrong in this case (as would any other punctuation sign, such as a colon), since it would interrupt the continuity of the sentence. Here are additional hints for some special situations: Punctuation in cases constructs. If a formula is set via a "cases" construct, each case ( = line) should be terminated with a comma; if the display occurs at the end of the sentence, the final comma should be changed to a period. Puntuation for "parenthetical" matter. Expressions indicating the range of validaty of a formula, or a limiting process can be set either in parenthesis with no punctuation separating the expression from the formula, or separated from the formula by a comma. The following examples illustrate the two options:f(x) = \sqrt{1+x} \quad (x \ge -1) f(x) = \sqrt{1+x}, \quad x \ge -1 f(x) \sim x^2 \quad (x\to\infty) f(x) \sim x^2, \quad x\to\infty It would be wrong to use both a comma and parentheses. (Note that, depending on the context, a punctuation sign at the end of the display may also be called for.) Additional hints Spacing in displays. Usually it's best to leave the spacing up to TeX. However, if explicit horizontal spacing is needed (for example, to set an expression like "(n \to \infty)" apart from the rest of the display, or to separate two equations on the same line), "\quad" in most cases generates the right amount of space. Don't try to create spacing with a bunch of explicit spaces ("\ "); the spacing generated in this way is usually not optimal, and the explicit spaces will likely have to be removed (and possibly replaced by "\quad") when the paper is typeset at the publisher's end. Avoid blank lines before or after a display, unless you really want to start a new paragraph: It is tempting to surround displayed math material by blank lines in the source file, to make them stand out and easier to locate. However, this is usually wrong, since blank lines are interpreted as paragraph breaks, may generate some additional vertical spacing and cause the next line of text to be indented - something you usually don't want. If you want to set off displays in your source file, do so by inserting a line with comment symbols, such as%%%%% equation 3.1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%% before and/or after the display. Correcting underful vboxes and bad page breaks. By default, TeX does not break pages inside display environments such as align. If a paper has many multiline formulas, this may cause "underful vboxes", which can look very poor if the badness (reported by tex in the log file) is a few thousand. One way to remedy this is to put the command "\allowdisplaybreaks" in the preamble. However, this may cause some poor pagebreaks which may have to be fixed. A compromise solution is to use "\allowdisplaybreaks" locally, on the individual displays that cause problems: "{\allowdisplaybreaks \begin{align} ... \end{align} }." The best solution is to prevent this problem by avoiding excessively long displays (say, with five or more lines). It is often not hard to break up a very long display into two, for example by inserting a phrase like "By the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, the last expression is at most" in the middle of the overlong display, followed by the remaining lines of the display. Multiline subscripts on sums or integrals. Use the "\substack{...}" command, which works much like the "\sb ... \endsb" pair in amstex. It is much easier to use, and produces better looking output than an array environment or a construct using "\atop" (derived from plain tex). Back to the LaTeX Tips Page Last modified: Sat 08 Sep 2007 06:43:24 PM CDT A.J. Hildebrand
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热度 2 duke01361 2013-1-23 01:09
习近平最近一些列的表态让人感觉很受鼓舞 习近平:任不良风气发展党就会失去根基血脉 2013年01月22日 习近平:反腐要“老虎”“苍蝇”一起打 2013年01月22日 习近平:决不允许上有政策下有对策 2013年01月22日 习近平:有腐必反有贪必肃以实效取信于民 2013年01月22日 习近平就内参报道做批示要求杜绝公款浪费 2013年01月22日 过去的十年中国经济取得了举世瞩目的成绩,同时也成就了一大批贪官污吏和居高不下的PM2.5,贪官污吏数目之巨和PM2.5可有一比! 建议追查贪官从以下三个主要方面入手: 一、改革开放近20年来,特别是在最近大搞房地产开发(97年房改)以来,变相获得多套房地产的各级贪官污吏 二、在以“全党搭台,经济唱戏”为口号以来,各地大大小小收受贿赂、卖官买官的不法分子 三、在“笑贫不笑娼”“拜金主义”风靡全国之际,各地各级性犯罪分子。
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zlhtcm 2012-12-14 23:38
1. ANN ONCOL ( http://www.oxfordjournals.org/our_journals/annonc/about.html ) 各种肿瘤的基础及临床治疗研究报道. 周期: 6周. article字数不超过3000, letter字数不超过500. 稿件及图片要求: http://www.oxfordjournals.org/our_journals/annonc/for_authors/submission_online.html 2. MOL CANCER THER ( http://mct.aacrjournals.org/misc/ifora.shtml ) 肿瘤诊断及治疗,靶基因鉴定,药物开发,分子细胞治疗,生物计算。 article字数不超过5000, letters限于400字内。会议报道在会后2个月内提交,字数不超过2500。收版面费. 3. INT J CANCER IF 半月刊,范围很广,肿瘤发生机制研究,遗传标志鉴定,诊断以及治疗干预。可以发短篇报道(short reports)。版面超过8页收费。 4. MOL CANCER RES ( http://mcr.aacrjournals.org/misc/ifora.shtml ) 肿瘤生物学的分子细胞机制研究,包括血管形成,浸润,细胞周期,信号转导等。有版面费。 5.TUMOR BIOL ( http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=JournalGuidelinesProduktNr=224124 ) 肿瘤的基础和临床研究,尤其是肿瘤标记基因以及靶基因研究。超过3个版面收费。 6. CANCER LETT ( http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/506050/authorinstructions ) 肿瘤研究,包括肿瘤细胞生物学,肿瘤发生,转移,病毒诱导肿瘤,肿瘤分子遗传学及治疗等。 7 lung cancer 08年IF 2.97,07年3.5,略有下降 发表关于肺癌以及胸部肿瘤相关的杂志,月刊,审稿相对比较快,2月左右,不用版面费。 只是online后需要5月左右才有有期刊号正式发表。 难易程度:个人感觉还是比较容易发表的,我已经中了两篇。 投稿系统: http://ees.elsevier.com/lungcancer/ 肿瘤领域SCI杂志 1.肿瘤学报 Acta oncologica(Acta Oncol,ISSN:0284-186X ,IF:2004年为1.884),每年出版8期,为5个北欧肿瘤学学会会刊。由Taylor Francis公司出版,该杂志网站提供免费的摘要电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。杂志网址: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/0284186x.asp 。 2.癌症研究进展 Advances in cancer research(Adv Cancer Res,ISSN:0065-230X ,IF:2004年为6.200),单本成卷,不定期但及时出版肿瘤学研究最新进展,由Elsevier公司出版发行,该杂志网站提供免费的摘要电子版,网址: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/bookseries/0065230X 。 3. 美国临床肿瘤学杂志 American journal of clinical oncology(Am J Clin Oncol,ISSN:0277-3732 ,IF:2004年为1.703),双月刊,由Lippincott Williams Wilkins公司出版, 该杂志网站提供免费的摘要电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。杂志网址: http://www.amjclinicaloncology.com/pt/re/ajco/currenttoc.htm 4. 肿瘤学年鉴 Annals of oncology(Ann Oncol,ISSN:0923-7534 ,IF:2004年为4.335),月刊,为欧洲肿瘤学会(ESMO)会刊,由牛津大学出版社出版,可免费获取部分全文及全部摘要电子版,部分全文电子版需付费。网址: http://annonc.oxfordjournals.org/ 。 5. 肿瘤外科学年鉴 Annals of surgical oncology(Ann Surg Oncol,ISSN:1068-9265,IF:2004年为4.035),月刊,为肿瘤外科学学会会刊。由纽约 Springer-Verlag公司出版,该杂志网站提供免费的摘要电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。杂志网址: http://www.springerlink.com/(ghjqlaiga0rsfy45ofuf1pmv)/app/home/journal.asp?referrer=parentbackto=browsepublicationsresults,82,1547 。 6. 抗肿瘤药物 Anti-cancer drugs(Anticancer Drugs,ISSN:0959-4973,IF:2004年为2.052),每年出版10期,由Lippincott Williams Wilkins公司出版, 该杂志网站提供免费的摘要电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。杂志网址: http://www.anti-cancerdrugs.com/pt/re/anticd/home.htm 7. 抗肿瘤研究 Anticancer research(Anticancer Res,ISSN:0250-7005,IF:2004年为1.395),双月刊,由国际抗肿瘤研究协会(IIAR)出版发行, 该杂志网站提供免费的摘要电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。杂志网址: http://www.iiar-anticancer.org/index2.htm 。 8. 癌症报告 Bulletin du cancer(Bull Cancer,ISSN:0007-4551,IF:2004年为0.654),月刊,由John Libbey Eurotext公司出版。该杂志网站提供免费的摘要电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。杂志网址: http://www.john-libbey-eurotext . ... e.md?type=text.html。 9. 生物制剂 BioDrugs:clinical immunotherapeutics,***aceuticals and gene therapy(BioDrugs, ISSN:1173-8804 ,IF:2004年为1.905),双月刊,由Adis International公司出版。该公司网站提供免费摘要电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。杂志网址: http://biodrugs.adisonline.com/pt/re/cim/home.htm 10. 先天畸形研究B,发育与生殖毒理学 Birth defects research. Part B, Developmental and reproductive toxicology(Birth Defects Res B, ISSN:1542-9733 ,IF:2004年为1.000),双月刊,由Wiley-Liss公司出版发行。该公司网站提供免费摘要电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。杂志网址: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jtoc/102527215/ 。 11. BMC癌症(电子版) BMC cancer (BMC Cancer, ISSN:1471-2407 ,IF:2004年为2.290),是在线发表的电子期刊,一经审核录用即可在线发表。由BCM (BioMed Central)出版发行, 该杂志网站提供免费全文电子版。杂志网址: http://www.biomedcentral.com/bmccancer/ 。医学编辑:Melissa Norton MD,E-mail: mcserieseditor@biomedcentral.com ,投稿须知: http://www.biomedcentral.com/ bmccancer/ifora/。 12. 骨髓移植 Bone marrow transplantation(Bone Marrow Transplant, ISSN:0268-3369 ,IF:2004年为20101),半月刊,由Nature Publishing Group公司出版发行。该公司网站提供免费摘要电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。杂志网址: http://www.nature.com/bmt/ 。 13. 乳房疾病 The Breast (Breast, ISSN:0960-9776 ,IF:2004年为0.760),双月刊,由Elsevier公司出版发行。该公司网站提供免费的摘要电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。杂志网址: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09609776 。 14. 乳癌研究 Breast cancer research(Breast Cancer Res,ISSN:1465-5411,IF:2004年为2.975),双月刊,由BCM (BioMed Central)出版发行。该杂志网站提供免费的摘要及部分论文全文电子版。杂志网址: http://breast-cancer-research.com/home/ 。主编:Bruce AJ Ponder (UK),E-mail: editorial@breast-cancer-research.com 。 15. 乳癌研究及治疗 Breast cancer research and treatment(Breast Cancer Res Treat, ISSN:0167-6806 ,IF:2004年为3.310),是在线发表的电子期刊,由Springer Science+Business Media B.V.和 Formerly Kluwer Academic Publishers B.V. 公司出版发行。该公司网站提供免费摘要电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。杂志网址: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/klu/brea 。 16.英国肿瘤杂志 British journal of cancer(Br J Cancer, ISSN: 0007-0920,IF:2005年为4.115),半月刊,由Nature Publishing Group出版发行,该杂志网站可获得免费摘要和部分全文的电子版。 网址: http://www.nature.com/bjc/ 主编:Adrian Harris编辑部地址:British Journal of Cancer,University College London,Department of Oncology,91 Riding House Street,London,W1W 7BS,UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 9600,Fax: +44 (0)20 7916 8548,E-mail:bjc@ucl.ac.uk 17.临床医师癌症杂志 CA: a cancer journal for clinicians(CA Cancer J Clin,ISSN: 0007-9235,IF:2005年为49.794),双月刊,由Lippincott Williams Wilkins出版发行,是影响因子最高的肿瘤学杂志,美国读者可免费订购印刷版,该杂志网站免费提供电子版全文。网址: http://caonline.amcancersoc.org/ 主编:Harmon J. Eyre, MD编辑部地址:CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians,American Cancer Society,1599 Clifton Road, NE,Atlanta, GA 30329Tel: (404) 329-7549,Fax: (404) 327-6404,E-mail:ca.edoff@cancer.org 18.癌症 Cancer(cancer,ISSN: 0008-543X,IF:2005年为4.8),每年出版30期,由JOHN WILEY SONS INC出版发行,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。 网址: http://www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/0008-543X/ 主编:Raphael E. Pollock, MD, PhD 编辑部地址:CANCER Editorial Office ,1599 Clifton Road, NE ,Atlanta, Georgia 30329 ,USA Tel: 404-327-6411,Fax: 404-327-6404,E-mail:canceredoff@cancer.org 19.肿瘤生物学与治疗 Cancer biology therapy(Cancer Biol Ther,ISSN:1538-4047,IF:2005年为2.981),月刊,由LANDES BIOSCIENCE出版发行,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。 网址: http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/cbt/index.php 主编:Wafik S. El-Deiry, M.D., Ph.D.Professor of Medicine University of Pennsylvania 415 Curie Blvd., CRB 437A, Philadelphia, PA 19104Tel: 215-898-9015, Fax:215-573-9139 20.癌症生物治疗与放射性药物 Cancer biotherapy radiopharmaceuticals(Cancer Biother Radiopharm,ISSN:1084-9785 ,IF:2005年为1.669),双月刊,由MARY ANN LIEBERT INC出版发行,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。网址: http://www.liebertonline.com/cbr 主编:Gerald L. DeNardo, M.D.Internal Medicine, Radiology, Pathology, University of California Davis Medical Center, 1508 Alhambra Boulevard, Suite 3100, Sacramento, CA 95816Tel: (916) 734-3787, Fax (916) 451-2857, E-mail:gldenardo@ucdavis.edu 21.癌症病因与控制 Cancer causes control : CCC(Cancer Causes Control,ISSN:0957-5243 ,IF:2005年为3.195),双月刊,由Springer Netherlands出版发行,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。 网址: http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0957-5243/current 主编:G.G.A. Colditz (Channing Laboratory, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA) 22.癌细胞 Cancer cell(Cancer Cell,ISSN:1535-6108 ,IF:2005年为18.725),月刊,由Cambridge, Mass.Cell Press出版发行,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。 网址: http://www.cancercell.org 主编:Li-Kuo su, 600 Technology Square, 5th floor ,Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA Tel: 617-397-2829, Fax: 617-397-2810, E-mail (editorial):cancer@cell.com 23.肿瘤化疗与药理学 Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology(Cancer Chemother Pharmacol,ISSN:0344-5704 ,IF:2005年为2.235),月刊,由Berlin Springer Verlag出版发行,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。网址: http://www.springer.com/dal/home ... -40109-70-1043548-0主编:D. R. Newell联系地址:The University of Newcastle upon Tyne,Department of Clinical Oncology, Cancer Research Unit, Medical School,Framlington Place,Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4HH,United Kingdom 24.癌症检测与预防 Cancer detection and prevention(Cancer Detect Prev,ISSN:0361-090X ,IF:2005年为1.599),双月刊,由Elsevier Science Publishers 出版发行,该杂志网站提供免费摘要及部分全文的电子版,其他全文电子版需付费订阅。网址: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/0361090X 主编:H.E. Nieburgs, MD联系地址:University of Massachusetts Medical School, Box 20, 55 Lake Avenue North, Worcester, MA 01655, USATel: (+1) 508-856-1822/3, Fax: (+1) 508-856-1824, E-mail:editor@cancerprev.org 25.癌症流行病学、生物标记及预防 Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers Prevention (Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev,ISSN:1055-9965 ,IF:2005年为4.46), 月刊,由美国癌症研究协会(AACR)主办,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。网址:http://cebp.aacrjournals.org主编:John D. Potter, M.D., Ph.D.(Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center) David S. Alberts, M.D.(Arizona Cancer Center) 编辑部地址:Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers Prevention Editorial Office, 615 Chestnut St., 17th Floor, Philadelphia, PA, 19106Tel: 1-866-423-3965 (Toll Free) or (215) 440-9300m, Fax (215) 440-9354, E-mail:cebp@aacr.org. 26.癌症基因治疗 Cancer gene therapy(Cancer Gene Ther,ISSN:0929-1903 ,IF: 2005年为3.000),每年出版12期,由Nature Publishing Group出版发行,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。 网址:http://www.nature.com/cgt主编:R E Sobol, K J ScanlonTel: + 44 (0)1256 30 2769,Fax: + 44 (0)1256 321595, E-mail:r.norman@nature.com 27.肿瘤遗传学与细胞遗传学 Cancer genetics and cytogenetics(Cancer Genet Cytogenet,ISSN:0165-4608 ,IF:2005年为1.64),每年出版16期,由Elsevier Science Publishers 出版发行,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。网址:http://sciencedirect.com/science/journal/01654608主编:Avery A. Sandberg,H. St. Joseph's Hospital Medical Center, Dept. of DNA Diagnostics, 350 West Thomas Road, Phoenix, AZ 85013, USATel: 602-406-3588, Fax: 602-406-4118, E-mail:jvaugha@chw.edu 28.肿瘤免疫学与免疫治疗 Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy (Cancer Immunol Immunother,ISSN: 0340-7004 ,IF: 2005年为4.086 ),月刊,由Berlin Springer Verlag出版发行,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。网址: http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00262/index.htm 主编:E. Mihich.Roswell Park Cancer Institute,Grace Cancer Drug Center,Elm and Carlton Streets,Buffalo, NY 14263, USA Tel.: +1-716-845-8224, Fax: +1-716-845-4437, E-mail:enrico.mihich@roswellpark.org 29.肿瘤研究 Cancer investigation(Cancer Invest,ISSN:0735-7907,IF:2005年为1.849),每年出版8期,由Taylor Francis公司出版,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。 网址: http://taylorandfrancis.metapres ... rnalissn=0735-7907主编:YASHAR HIRSHAUT, M.D.(860 Fifth Avenue,New York, New York, 10021) 投稿地址:Journals Editorial, Taylor Francis Ltd, 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Oxfordshire OX14 4RN, UK.E-mail:enquiry@tandf.co.uk 30.癌症杂志 The cancer journal (Cancer J,ISSN:1528-9117,IF:2005年为2.505),双月刊,由Jones and Bartlett Publishers出版发行,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。 网址: http://journals.jbpub.com/cj/index.cfm 主编:Vincent T. DeVita, Jr., Bruce G. Haffty, Steven A. Rosenberg投稿地址:Zia Raven, Peer Review Manager,The Cancer Journal, 470 Congress Avenue, New Haven, CT 06519.Tel: 203/785-5105, E-mail:zia.raven@yale.edu 31.肿瘤通讯 Cancer letters(Cancer Lett,ISSN:0304-3835,IF:2005年为3.049),每年出版26期,由Elsevier Science Publishers 出版发行,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。 网址:http://sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03043835主编:R. J. Muschel,M. Schwab编辑部地址:Administrative Editor, Cancer Letters Editorial Office, Elsevier Ltd., The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, UKTel: +44 (0)1865 843203, Fax: +44 (0)1865 843992, E-mail:cancerletters@elsevier.com 32.癌转移评论 Cancer metastasis reviews(Cancer Metastasis Rev, ISSN:0167-7659 ,IF:2005年为8.017),季刊,由Springer Netherlands出版发行,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。 网址:http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0167-7659/contents主编:Kenneth V. Honn(Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI, USA ),Avraham Raz(Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI, USA) 33.癌症护理 Cancer nursing(Cancer Nurs,ISSN:0162-220X,IF:2005年为0.823),双月刊,由Lippincott Williams Wilkins出版发行,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。网址:http://www.cancernursingonline.com/主编:Carol Reed Ash, RN, EdD, FAAN .College of Nursing ,PO Box 100187,University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32610-0187Tel: (352) 273-6329 ,Fax: (352) 273-6570 ,E-mail:editor@gator.net 34.癌症研究 Cancer research(Cancer Res,ISSN: 0008-5472,IF:2005年为7.616),半月刊,由美国癌症研究协会(AACR)主办,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。 网址:http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/主编:Frank J. Rauscher, III, Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief, AACR Publications Dept., 615 Chestnut St., 17th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19106-4404 Tel: 1-866-423-3965 (Toll Free) or (215) 440-9300,Fax (215) 440-9354,E-mail:cancerres@aacr.org. 35.癌症科学 Cancer science(Cancer Sci,ISSN:1347-9032,IF:2005年为 3.829),月刊,日本癌症研究协会会刊,由Blackwell Publishing出版,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。 网址:http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1347-9032主编:Takashi Tsuruo, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research投稿指南:Editorial Office of Cancer Science,c/o Blackwell Publishing,GS Chiyoda Bldg.5F 3-11-14 Iidabashi,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 102-0072,JapanTel: +81 3 5215 3051, Fax: +81 3 5215 3052, E-mail:CancerScience@blackwellpublishing.com 36.癌症治疗评论 Cancer treatment reviews(Cancer Treat Rev,ISSN:0305-7372,IF:2005年为4.549),双月刊,由Elsevier Science Publishers 出版发行,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。 网址:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03057372主编:B. Djulbegovic, N. Pavlidis, R.A. Stahel在线投稿网址: http://authors.elsevier.com/Jour ... 3022recis=popup= 37.癌形成 Carcinogenesis(Carcinogenesis,ISSN:0143-3334 , IF:2005年为5.108),月刊,由牛津大学出版社(Oxford University Press)出版发行,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。 网址:http://carcin.oupjournals.org/主编:Dr Curtis C Harris, USA在线投稿网址: http://carcin.oupjournals.org/Tel : +44 (0)8707 605321 Ext 32, E-mail:carcinogenesis@editorialoffice.co.uk 38.细胞肿瘤学 Cellular oncology(Cell Oncol,ISSN:1570-5870,IF:2005年为4.16),每年出版6期,由IOS Press出版发行,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅 网址:http://iospress.metapress.com/op ... rnalissn=1570-5870 39.化学治疗 Chemotherapy(Chemotherapy,ISSN:0009-3157,IF:2005年为1.413),双月刊,由 Karger出版发行,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅 网址:http://content.karger.com/Produk ... 4ContentOnly=false主编:F. Srgel, Nürnberg-Heroldsberg联系地址:S. Karger AG,Editorial Office ‘Chemotherapy’,P.O. Box,CH–4009 Basel (Switzerland)Tel:+41 61 306 1361,Fax:+41 61 306 1434,E-mail: che@karger.ch 40.临床癌症研究 Clinical cancer research (Clin Cancer Res,ISSN:1078-0432,IF:2005年为5.715),半月刊,由美国癌症研究协会(AACR)主办,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。网址:http://clincancerres.aacrjournals.org/主编:William N. Hait联系地址AACR), 615 Chestnut Street, 17th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106-4404Tel: 1-866-423-3965 (Toll Free) or (215) 440-9300, Fax (215) 440-9354, E-mail:pubs@aacr.org. 41.临床及实验性转移 Clinical experimental metastasis(Clin Exp Metastasis,ISSN: 0262-0898,IF:2005年为2.811),每年出版10期,由Springer Netherlands 出版发行,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。 网址: http://www.springerlink.com/content/1573-7276/ 主编:S.A. Eccles; T. Irimura; D.R. Welch联系地址:Cristina dos Santos,Clinical Experimental Metastasis,Springer,P.O. Box 17, Van ,Godewijckstraat 30,3300 AA Dordrecht,The NetherlandsTel: +31-78-6576392, Fax: +31-78-6576377 42.临床淋巴瘤 Clinical lymphoma(Clin Lymphoma,ISSN:1526-9655,IF:2005年为1.838),季刊,由cancer information group 出版发行,该杂志网站提供免费摘要的电子版,全文电子版需付费订阅。网址: http://www.cancerinformationgroup.com/lymphoma.html 主编:James O. Armitage,Bruce D. Cheson,Sundar Jagannath,Vinay K. Jain在线投稿地址: http://cl.msubmit.net/
个人分类: 学术信息|4398 次阅读|0 个评论
chunguang 2012-12-9 22:02
2532 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 wudezhi2011 2012-12-2 20:56
一个是最重要的粮食作物; 一个是集粮食、饲料和啤酒原料于一身的谷类作物; 而它们的共同点是都是基因组庞大的禾本科作物。 如今,它们的基因组也公布于世,为作物遗传和育种研究者带来新的资源和工具。 2012年11月29日NATURE当期2篇文章以ARTICLE的形式报道了大小麦基组测序结果。其中,来自英国利物浦大学和加州大学戴维斯分校等研究者报道了小麦的全基因组测序结果。小麦的基因组非常复杂和庞大,拥有17G碱基对,包含约9.6万个基因,是水稻基因组的43倍,成为禾本科作物中最重要粮食作物基因组测序的里程碑。 小麦基因组测序(17 Gb): http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v491/n7426/full/nature11650.html Analysis of the bread wheat genome using whole-genome shotgun sequencing Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) is a globally important crop, accounting for 20 per cent of the calories consumed by humans. Major efforts are underway worldwide to increase wheat production by extending genetic diversity and analysing key traits, and genomic resources can accelerate progress. But so far the very large size and polyploid complexity of the bread wheat genome have been substantial barriers to genome analysis. Here we report the sequencing of its large, 17-gigabase-pair, hexaploid genome using 454 pyrosequencing, and comparison of this with the sequences of diploid ancestral and progenitor genomes. We identified between 94,000 and 96,000 genes, and assigned two-thirds to the three component genomes (A, B and D) of hexaploid wheat. High-resolution synteny maps identified many small disruptions to conserved gene order. We show that the hexaploid genome is highly dynamic, with significant loss of gene family members on polyploidization and domestication, and an abundance of gene fragments. Several classes of genes involved in energy harvesting, metabolism and growth are among expanded gene families that could be associated with crop productivity. Our analyses, coupled with the identification of extensive genetic variation, provide a resource for accelerating gene discovery and improving this major crop. 同时,德国莱布尼茨植物遗传学与农作物研究所Nils Stein教授领衔的一个国际大麦测序联盟公布了大麦基因组测序结果。大麦的基因组也非常庞大,拥有5.1G碱基对,是水稻基因组的13倍。大麦基因组测序的完成,将为大麦遗传育种研究和啤酒工业带来新的动力。 大麦基因组测序(5.1Gb): http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v491/n7426/full/nature11543.html A physical, genetic and functional sequence assembly of the barley genome Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is among the world’s earliest domesticated and most important crop plants. It is diploid with a large haploid genome of 5.1 gigabases (Gb). Here we present an integrated and ordered physical, genetic and functional sequence resource that describes the barley gene-space in a structured whole-genome context. We developed a physical map of 4.98Gb, with more than 3.90Gb anchored to a high-resolution genetic map. Projecting a deep whole-genome shotgun assembly, complementary DNA and deep RNA sequence data onto this framework supports 79,379 transcript clusters, including 26,159 ‘high-confidence’ genes with homology support from other plant genomes. Abundant alternative splicing, premature termination codons and novel transcriptionally active regions suggest that post-transcriptional processing forms an important regulatory layer. Survey sequences from diverse accessions reveal a landscape of extensive single-nucleotide variation. Our data provide a platform for both genome-assisted research and enabling contemporary crop improvement.
6550 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 1 grantlujiang 2012-11-19 09:37
转座子是在基因组中具有“moving”能力的DNA序列,大量的全基因组测序都表明其基因组中的含量丰富,但是他们在基因组中的功能仍然是个迷,本文就动植物中的各种具有活性的转座子做了综述。 Active Transposition in Genomes. Annu. Rev. Genet. 2012. 46:651–75 The Annual Review of Genetics is online at genet.annualreviews.org This article’s doi: 10.1146/annurev-genet-110711-155616 Copyright c 2012 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved 0066-4197/12/1201-0651$20.00
3453 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载]The Indo-European Language Family Tree
carldy 2012-11-11 10:33
[转载]The Indo-European Language Family Tree
Here enclosed an article dealing with the language family tree. The title is "The Indo-European Language Family Tree", and it comes from the following website: http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/language.html The Indo-European Language Family Tree By Jack Lynch , Rutgers — Newark The chart below shows the relations among some of the languages in the Indo-European family. Though you wouldn't think to look at the tangle of lines and arrows, the chart is very much simplified: many languages and even whole language families are left out. Use it, therefore, with caution. The coverage is most thorough, but still far from complete, in the Germanic branch, which includes English. The dotted line from French to Middle English suggests not direct descent, but the influx of French vocabulary in the centuries after the Norman Invasion. Some caveats. In the interest of making this readable, I've left out dozens of languages. I've even omitted the entire Anatolian, Albanian, and Tocharian families; I've included no languages from the Baltic branch or the Continental Celtic branch; I've grossly oversimplified the Indo-Iranian family; and so on. The historical phases of some languages — Old Swedish, Middle Swedish, Modern Swedish; Vedic Sanskrit, Middle Indic — have been left out. I've made no attempt to distinguish living languages from dead ones. I'm not trying to make the definitive statement of the relationships among all the Indo-European languages, only to give my students some idea of the origins of the English language, and its relations to other familiar languages — along with a few less familiar ones. here enclosed the pdf version of the chart. language.pdf PS. More information about the Indo-European Language Family: http://www.danshort.com/ie/iecentum.htm The section below provides an outline listing of all the languages described in this chart. For a complete listing of all Indo-European languages, see the Indo-European Language Family . Another beautiful language family tree: (source: http://srhabay.wikispaces.com/19+INDO-EUROPEAN+LANGUAGE+FAMILY )
个人分类: 语言学探讨 Linguistics|5812 次阅读|0 个评论
fengqingyundan1 2012-11-9 23:52
大多数动物,包括人类,在其一生中都不断经历进食和饥饿的周期循环。进食后以葡萄糖为主的血糖急速上升,而血糖得不到及时的控制则是糖尿病最主要的特征,同时餐后的高血糖也是糖尿病病人罹患心血管并发症的主要原因。机体有多种机制参与了餐后血糖的调控,其中最主要的途径是通过胰岛细胞分泌胰岛素,增加机体外周组织对血糖的吸收,从而降低血糖。 肝脏是机体最重要的代谢器官,同时也是一个血糖的感受器官。多年前的动物实验表明,进食后约三分之一的血糖能够转化为肝糖原,从而储备过多的葡萄糖。但目前尚不清楚肝脏的糖原合成如何与进食和饥饿的循环周期相协调,以维持餐后血糖的稳定。 中科院上海生命科学研究院营养科学研究所陈雁课题组博士生罗小琳等人发现,饥饿能在小鼠肝脏中诱导一个基因的表达,名为PPP1R3G,而进食后该基因表达则下降。进一步的研究表明,PPP1R3G是一个蛋白磷酸酶的调节亚基,PPP1R3G的功能是把该蛋白磷酸酶锚定在糖原上,增加糖原合成酶的活性,进而增加糖原合成。在小鼠实验中,罗小琳等人发现过度表达PPP1R3G后,进食后血糖清除率明显提高。若在小鼠中降低PPP1R3G的表达,进食后的血糖清除速度则显著延迟。因此,这一研究发现了肝脏PPP1R3G在餐后血糖的调控中发挥了至关重要的功能,而尤其有意义的是,这一功能与机体的进食和饥饿周期紧密相关。机体在饥饿时PPP1R3G增加,进食后的短时间内,PPP1R3G可以介导肝糖原的快速合成,从而快速降低血糖。 该工作近日在国际糖尿病研究领域权威杂志《糖尿病》( Diabetes )在线发表。血糖调控异常是糖尿病的一个最根本因素,而糖尿病的发病率在我国以及世界范围内呈现急剧上升的趋势。该研究揭示了一个全新的调控餐后血糖的新机制,对于糖尿病血糖失衡的理解和未来控制血糖的策略提供了一个全新的思路。 该工作得到了中科院、国家自然科学基金委和科技部的资助。(来源:中科院上海生命科学研究院) 更多阅读 《糖尿病》发表论文摘要(英文) Fasting-Induced Protein Phosphatase 1 Regulatory Subunit Contributes to Postprandial Blood Glucose Homeostasis via Regulation on Hepatic Glycogenesis Xiaolin Luo , Yongxian Zhang , Xiangbo Ruan , Xiaomeng Jiang , Lu Zhu , Xiao Wang , Qiurong Ding , Weizhong Liu , Yi Pan , Zhenzhen Wang and Yan Chen + Author Affiliations Key Laboratory of Nutrition and Metabolism, Institute for Nutritional Sciences, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China Corresponding author: Yan Chen, ychen3@sibs.ac.cn . Abstract OBJECTIVE Most animals experience fasting–feeding cycles throughout their lives. It is well known that the liver plays a central role in regulating glycogen metabolism. However, how hepatic glycogenesis is coordinated with the fasting–feeding cycle to control postprandial glucose homeostasis remains largely unknown. This study determines the molecular mechanism underlying the coupling of hepatic glycogenesis with the fasting–feeding cycle. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Through a series of molecular, cellular, and animal studies, we investigated how PPP1R3G, a glycogen-targeting regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1), is implicated in regulating hepatic glycogenesis and glucose homeostasis in a manner tightly orchestrated with the fasting–feeding cycle. RESULTS PPP1R3G in the liver is upregulated during fasting and downregulated after feeding. PPP1R3G associates with glycogen pellet, interacts with the catalytic subunit of PP1, and regulates glycogen synthase (GS) activity. Fasting glucose level is reduced when PPP1R3G is overexpressed in the liver. Hepatic knockdown of PPP1R3G reduces postprandial elevation of GS activity, decreases postprandial accumulation of liver glycogen, and decelerates postprandial clearance of blood glucose. Other glycogen-targeting regulatory subunits of PP1, such as PPP1R3B, PPP1R3C, and PPP1R3D, are downregulated by fasting and increased by feeding in the liver. CONCLUSIONS We propose that the opposite expression pattern of PPP1R3G versus other PP1 regulatory subunits comprise an intricate regulatory machinery to control hepatic glycogenesis during the fasting–feeding cycle. Because of its unique expression pattern, PPP1R3G plays a major role to control postprandial glucose homeostasis during the fasting–feeding transition via its regulation on liver glycogenesis. Received November 30, 2010. Accepted February 25, 2011. 2011 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered. See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ for details. CiteULike Delicious Digg Facebook Google+ Reddit Technorati Twitter What's this? Articles citing this article Identification of RIFL, a novel adipocyte-enriched insulin target gene with a role in lipid metabolism American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology And Metabolism August 1, 2012 303 : E334 - E351 Abstract Full Text Full Text (PDF) Research Advances at the Institute for Nutritional Sciences at Shanghai, China Advances in Nutrition: An International Review Journal September 1, 2011 2 : 428 - 439 Full Text (PDF)
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[转载]努力凝聚协同创新正能量 ——我校开展执行力建设纪略
tengyu2011 2012-10-26 22:01
努力凝聚协同创新正能量 ——我校开展执行力建设纪略   在国家启动实施 “ 2011 计划”的时代背景下,执行力建设成为当前高等学校积极推进协同创新、提高教育质量的重要课题。我校把 2012 年定为“执行力建设年”,并通过举办以提升执行力建设为主题的暑期干部读书班,让广大干部学习、思考、感悟,享受一场从知识到观念的盛宴,实现一次从执行到创新的审视,推进一个从理念到行动的转变,努力把执行力建设提到一个全新的水平。 学习:从知识到观念的盛宴   当前,我校正处在 “十二五”规划承上启下的关键环节,也是学校“三年见成效、五年上台阶、十年大提升”的“三步走”发展战略中第一步的攻坚之年、关键之年,有效的执行力,必然成为推进发展的根本保证和核心要求。在暑期干部读书班上,学校党委梁英书记、罗海鸥院长对执行力建设的精辟分析,以及刘海涛、黄钢副书记和李永全、刘周堂、李江凌、邵乐喜副院长分别结合自己分管工作就加强执行力建设的独到见解,解开了在推进执行力建设过程中的许多困惑。   在办学过程中,中层领导干部起着承上启下的作用。梁英书记要求,广大干部要“把学习作为一种生活方式”,找准自己工作的“标杆”,立足本职岗位,扎扎实实做好每一项工作。他希望大家在工作实践中养成“严谨、踏实、高效、创新”的良好习惯,按照“全力以赴 + 爱岗敬业 + 注重细节 = 执行力建设”的公式推进工作,敢于向“不够认真、不够严谨、不敢负责、不善于学习、不善于思考、不想办法改进”六种现象说“不”,认真做事、平淡做人,要想事情改变首先得改变自己,具备坚定的大局观念、扎实的管理素质、优秀的品德素质。罗海鸥院长指出,提高执行力最关键的是目标定位、过程控制和用人成事。他希望广大干部要紧密结合学校工作实际,强调要以新的形势和目标要求不断提高执行力:一是在工作目标定位上要有新的视野;二是在现代大学制度建设上要有新的进展;三是在协同创新、提高办学水平和教育质量上要有新的举措;四是在加强队伍建设上要有新的作为;五是在关爱师生建设幸福湛师上要有新的要求;六是在带头提高执行力、解决重点难点问题上要有新的贡献。   各二级单位负责人纷纷表示,要转变观念,适应形势,了解和把握全国、全省高等教育发展态势和主要工作导向,围绕学校人才培养这个中心,积极推进学校教学、科研、社会服务和文化传承创新,在学校党委的领导下,搭建桥梁和构筑平台,推进学校人才协同培养和科研协同创新工作;有位中层干部说,执行力归根到底是落实到管理,认为“管理者至少要用一半时间来管理自己”,因而要结合本校实际,结合党委要求,结合本部门工作性质,做到“重点工作有力、创新工作有效、正常工作有序”,做到“胸中有全局、手中有典型、自己作表率”。有位新提拔的处级干部提到,要增强责任意识,要有主人翁精神,真正做到守土有责,奋发有为,把主要精力都放在思考工作上,既要对学校的战略部署了然于胸,又要结合本单位实际,求真务实地把本职工作做好。通过暑期干部读书班的学习,同志们对“多思”有了更多的理解,认识到作为领导干部既要思方向、思目标、思经验,树立发展信心;又要思困难、思危险、思不足,增强忧患意识。不断把压力转化为新的动力和干劲,服务于特色鲜明的高水平师范院校建设。 思考:从执行到创新的审视   当前,《教育部关于全面提高高等教育质量的若干意见》和《教育部财政部关于实施高等学校创新能力提升计划的意见》(简称“ 2011 计划”),已经吹响了新时期高等教育改革的号角,提升教育教学质量和推进协同创新已经成为高等教育必须肩负的时代重任。作为一所省属本科师范院校,我校拥有多学科优势,如何发挥科技第一生产力和人才第一资源重要结点作用,这是学校建设发展的重大课题。各二级学院推进执行力建设,如何推进协同创新和提升教育教学质量?如何推进教育教学改革和提高科学研究水平?如何提升服务社会能力和提升文化创新能力?需要寻找新的契合点,形成新的执行力,打造相互支撑、整体提升的格局。   教育科学学院以建设强大的教育学一级学科为重点,保证实现教育学原理、课程与教学论、学前教育、特殊教育学、职业教育学等学科在四年内有较快的提升,并通过加强心理学与教育学科的交叉融合深化人才培养模式改革,拓展成人教育市场,推进校地合作,构建职前培养与职后培训一体化的教师教育办学格局;化学科学与技术学院以学科建设为龙头,坚持“特色发展、错位竞争”学科的发展思路,在学科交叉渗透中培育特色和优势,面向湛江地区钢铁、石化和造纸行业的发展需求,使化学学科成为粤西科技创新和高新技术产业孵化培育的重要基地。并以提升教学质量为核心,积极推进人才培养模式改革,以国家特色专业——化学专业建设为引领,开展专业综合改革,带动制药工程和食品科学与工程两工科专业的建设,形成自身的专业特色和优势。人文学院考虑联合省内外相同或相近的强势专业、学科,积极参与协同创新,以提升自身人才、学科、科研三位一体的创新能力;数学与计算科学学院依托“数学研究所”和“数学教育研究所”,重点加强数学教育理论研究和中小学教学改革和新课程改革接轨,与当地中小学教师和教育研究部门联合申请教学研究项目;物理科学与技术学院围绕学生专业实习,规划进一步加强与地方学校、厂企之间的合作,落实联合培养共同体的建设;信息科学与技术学院要开展横向科研合作、科技服务,加强与湛江市业界技术专家、企业和行业的联系,提高学院服务地方经济发展的能力;商学院要邀请社会知名学者、企业家共同参与到本科生人才培养指导委员会;体育科学学院、法政学院、外国语学院、生物科学与技术学院、美术学院、音乐学院等学院也结合本学院的实际对执力建设进行了规划。   教育研究院作为卓越教师实验班的主要教学管理单位,在推进与校内二级学院保持密切联系、与校外的中小学教师建立良好的合作关系提出了可行的方案;产业技术研究院以“广东高校新材料工程技术开发中心”平台建设为基础,做好适应湛江产业技术发展和学科建设需要的实验室建设和技术开发团队建设;地方文化研究院着力推进岭南和粤西地区的文化建设与发展,力求把研究院建设成为在国际上有较大影响的雷州文化研究中心…… 感悟:从理念到行动的转变   管理学大师彼得·德鲁克认为,管理是关于实践的学问,其本质不在于“知”而在于“行”。荀况说:“知之不若行之,知之不行,虽敦必困”。这次暑期读书班的举办,正逢学校中层干部换届结束,各二级单位都配备了更有干劲、更富活力的领导干部队伍,他们在“执行力建设年”、在推进学校“十二五”规划、在服务建设特色鲜明的高水平师范院校的征程上,要把理念转化为现实,把目标转化为任务、把计划转化为行动、把决策转化为操作。   执行力建设就是作风建设。 9 月 19 日,纪委监察处组织了处级干部电子效能监察系统培训,正式启用了效能监察系统。第二综合实验楼、新图书馆两个省专项治理基建工程的治理和竣工,寸金四横路环境卫生的彻底整治,第四教学楼前广场铺上绿意盎然的草地,校园景观文化石镌刻上含义隽永的书法墨迹……这是基建、后勤等部门着力推进执行力的一个体现。基础性建设和工程项目,综合性强,牵涉到大量的人力、物力和财力的调配,在工程招标中都涉及到审计处、财务处、纪委监察处、规划与法规处和资产管理处等部门,这些部门都认识到,只有通力合用,加强协调与配合,才能有效地提升执行力。   执行力建设就是能力建设。各职能部门对执行力建设进行了认真的思考。党委办公室把执行力建设归结为在内容上着力做到“六有”(参谋有为、协调有方、运转有序、督查有效、保障有力、推进有成),在方式上突出“三抓”(抓服务、抓落实、抓创优);院长办公室围绕主动参与政务、积极管理事务、细致做好服务的工作主线,把提升执行力的自觉性、导向性、规范性、主体性、效率性、持久性作为工作目标。党委组织、统战部通过健全选人用人机制,抓干部队伍、抓基础党建、抓创先争优、抓统战扶贫等工作提升执行力;党委宣传部围绕“内聚力量、外树形象”,通过“抓定位”、“抓机制”、“抓载体”,抢占舆论制高点,把握育人基准线,形成宣传覆盖面,着力打造“铸魂湛师”、“形象湛师”、“魅力湛师”,进一步凝练总结、宣传推广“湛师现象”;学生工作部(处)以“研读一本好书、撰写一篇论文、开展一次调研、创新一项工作、破解一个难题”的“五个一”活动提升干部执行力;教务处以制度建设为重点,建立项目负责人制度和激励机制,把工作深入到二级学院、教研室课题组、教师和学生当中;党委武装部、人事处、科学研究处、招生就业处、国际交流与合作处、财务处、离退休办、校工会、团委等单位也结合工作实际,站在服务学校发展大局的高度,进一步强化思想意识,积极发挥主观能动性,从激发干部干事的积极性和创造性的角度,提出了提升执行力的措施。继续教育学院、通识教育中心、图书馆、学报编辑部、门诊部等教辅单位,围绕教辅单位的工作职能,着力探寻执行力的影响因素及存在问题,并就如何提高执行力 , 更好地服务教育教学工作提出了方案。   加强执行力建设,推动学校又好又快发展是当前的主要任务。广大领导干部正通过不断的学习、思考和感悟,不断加深对执行力建设的理解和认识,不断凝聚协同创新的正能量,以高度的责任感,投入到学校改革发展的事业当中,投入到建设特色鲜明的高水平师范院校的征程上…… (新闻中心 记者 / 陈恕平 关天冲 编发 / 华岚)
个人分类: 2012湛师要闻|1682 次阅读|0 个评论
tengyu2011 2012-10-26 21:58
我校第十届新生才艺之星大赛总决赛圆满落幕 晚会现场 湛师新闻网 10 月 22 日讯  新生同台秀才艺,青春绽放梦飞扬。昨晚,由我校团委主办,大学生艺术团承办的第十届新生才艺之星大赛总决赛在音乐厅举行。校团委郭和才书记、李亚九副书记、校团委全体老师出席了本次大赛。 经过各二级学院的层层筛选和选送, 13 组参赛选手脱颖而出,在本次决赛中决一雌雄。本次大赛的评委由我校蒋金辉处长、朱培科副教授和湛江艺术学校张大林老师担任。 在开场秀环节中,参赛选手们以自己独特的方式一一亮相,现场一片沸腾,欢呼声连连不断。一首温情的歌曲《一起走过的日子》拉开了大赛的序幕,选手深情演唱,陶醉其中;印度舞蹈《天竺少女》让现场观众们领略到浓浓的异国风情;一曲长笛演奏《扬鞭催马》,笛声时而激情奔放,时而悠扬婉转,演奏者活泼娴熟的技术征服了在场的观众的心;在双簧表演《我是英雄》中,选手们表情丰富,言语幽默,观众们笑声不断,赞不绝口。 选手们全身心的投入,展开了愈演愈烈的才艺比拼。在舞蹈《 I will survive 》中,选手更是将恰恰和伦巴完美结合,优美的舞姿带给现场观众一场视觉的盛宴。 魔术《魔法餐厅》将大赛推向了高潮,选手神奇地变出了鸽子、玫瑰花、红酒等物品,魔术情境设计既富有青春浪漫的情调,技艺变化又递进高超,让人惊叹不已。网友在微博上称:“今晚的比赛很给力,各位多多加油!” 经过激烈的角逐,在观众微博投票互动中, 5 号选手罗舒钰以最高票数获得“最佳人气奖”;王伟涛、林余华、郭世维等 10 位选手获得“十大才艺之星”称号;莫绮晨等同学获得“优秀奖”。最后,校团委郭和才书记和李亚九副书记分别为获奖选手颁奖。 节目一 节目二 团委郭和才书记为获奖选手颁奖 合影 (通讯员 / 黄海燕 邹进华 摄影 / 梁锦 成  汪吉 刘学横 编辑 / 闫蒙萌 聂洁茹 发布 / 陈艳霞)
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[转载]预测称北京PM2.5将长期超标 10年之内难以达标
jiaguangjia 2012-10-5 13:44
2012年10月5日02:03  京华时报   我要参与(1904) 原标题:北京PM2.5达标有相当难度 专家呼吁全社会共同减少污染排放 据新华社电 北京市首批20个PM2.5监测站点在十一长假前上线试运行,并于本月2日监测出单站点24小时浓度值超过每立方米150微克的超标天。昨天,北京市环保监测中心副主任赵越表示,北京PM2.5浓度值超标在很长一段时间内会经常出现。 PM2.5将长期超标 赵越说,PM2.5监测站试运行一方面是调试自动监测机器,另一方面主要是监测PM2.5的运动趋势,“从北京整体空气质量水平看,PM2.5浓度值超标在很长一段时间内会经常出现。” 据记者了解,目前北京市大气中主要含有四项污染物:二氧化硫、二氧化氮、一氧化碳和可吸入颗粒物PM10。其中,前三项都已稳定达标,但可吸入颗粒物PM10的年均浓度从未达到过国家标准,超标20%左右。 “PM2.5是可吸入颗粒物PM10的一部分。PM10都从未达标,PM2.5的治理之路将更艰巨。”北京市环保局大气管理处处长于建华告诉记者,有关研究和监测结果表明,北京市PM2.5和PM10之间的比例通常在0.5到0.6之间,即100微克的PM10中,约含50微克到60微克PM2.5。严重雾霾天出现时,这一比例将更高。 10年之内难以达标 据介绍,自9月28日北京市环保监测中心实时发布首批20个监测点的PM2.5试运行浓度数据以来,北京市一直晴空万里,PM2.5的浓度值也一直维持在较低甚至是个位数水平。然而,随着北风渐歇,2日的短暂轻微雾霾天迅速导致各监测站点PM2.5浓度值上升。 根据环保部门整理的相关科研机构监测研究结论,北京市PM2.5年均浓度已由2000年的每立方米100微克到110微克降至2010年的每立方米70微克到80微克,虽然目前趋势依旧是在下降,但与即将颁布的新国标相比,PM2.5年均浓度仍超标1倍。 清华大学环境与工程研究院院长郝吉明等相关专家认为,目前北京市PM2.5浓度要达到即将实施的新国标还有相当的难度,估计需要10年甚至更长的时间,单日出现超标将会成为常态,需要全社会共同减少污染排放。 重污染日有望预警 据悉,目前北京市正在加紧研究制定“重污染日应急预警预案”,为公众在重污染天气发生时出行提供指导,并采取相应减排措施降低污染程度。 市环保监测中心提醒,当PM2.5浓度值超过150微克/立方米时,儿童、老年人和心脏病、肺病患者应停留在室内,停止户外运动,一般人群减少户外运动。 自短暂雾霾天过后,北京的空气质量已明显好转,记者查阅环保监测数据显示,4日截至12时,首批PM2.5监测站点的24小时浓度值迅速回落,显示监测数据的站点中最高为通州新城站每立方米21微克,最低为石景山古城站每立方米7微克。 (责任编辑:吕阳)
1522 次阅读|0 个评论
chnfirst 2012-10-4 13:29
http://chinese.joins.com/gb/article.do?method=detailart_id=92470 Postech科技领域优秀论文排名世界第76位 成始允 记者 | 2012.09.18 08:34 在科学技术领域被国际上多次引用的“优秀论文”评估中, Postech成为了韩国国内唯一进入世界排名前100的大学。 荷兰莱顿大学(Leiden)科学技术调查研究所最近按照学科类别对全世界500所大学2005年~2009年发表的SCI(Science Citation Index,科学论文引用索引)论文的引用次数进行统计,并公布了各大学SCI论文引用次数进入前10%的比率。美国麻省理工学院(MIT)以25.2%的比率高居榜首,这意味着,在麻省理工学院发布的100篇SCI级论文中,引用次数进入前10%的论文就有25篇。排名前五名的还有美国普林斯顿大学(Princeton)、哈佛大学(Harvard)、莱斯大学(Rice)和斯坦福大学(Stanford),这些学校进入前10%的比率也超过了20%。 在韩国国内范围,Postech(14.1%)和KAIST(11.4%)分别名列冠亚军,其后依次是首尔大学(8.9%)和梨花女子大学(8.4%)。全北大学论文的引用率为8.1%,成为了唯一登上第五的地方大学,非常吸引眼球。延世大学和高丽大学(7.8%)排在并列第6位。但是,从世界范围来看,Postech进入了前100,排名第76位,而KAIST则排在第196位,首尔大学为第352位。
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[转载]Highly Cited Articles from Nucleic Acids Research
bioseq 2012-9-3 17:12
Highly Cited Articles from Nucleic Acids Research In recognition of Nucleic Acids Research 's new, improved Impact Factor of 8.026 , we've created a free collection of highly-cited articles contributing to the new Impact Factor. The Pfam protein families database Robert D. Finn, Jaina Mistry, John Tate, et al. KEGG for representation and analysis of molecular networks involving diseases and drugs Minoru Kanehisa, Susumu Goto, Miho Furumichi, et al. The UCSC Genome Browser database: update 2010 Brooke Rhead, Donna Karolchik, Robert M. Kuhn, et al. Dali server: conservation mapping in 3D Liisa Holm, Paivi Rosenstrom MEROPS: the peptidase database Neil D. Rawlings, Alan J. Barrett, Alex Bateman The IntAct molecular interaction database in 2010 B. Aranda, P. Achuthan, Y. Alam-Faruque, et al. Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information Eric W. Sayers, Tanya Barrett, Dennis A. Benson, et al. The Genomes On Line Database (GOLD) in 2009: status of genomic and metagenomic projects and their associated metadata Konstantinos Liolios, I-Min A. Chen, Konstantinos Mavromatis, et al. The MetaCyc database of metabolic pathways and enzymes and the BioCyc collection of pathway/genome databases Ron Caspi, Tomer Altman, Joseph M. Dale, et al. Ensembl's 10th year Paul Flicek, Bronwen L. Aken, Benoit Ballester, et al. 来源于 http://www.seq.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthreadtid=2969extra=page%3D1
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[转载]中国学者LAI JIANG回应发表于Nature的作者为Ewen Callaway的文章
chnfirst 2012-8-8 18:55
http://www.nature.com/news/why-great-olympic-feats-raise-suspicions-1.11109 FROM LAI JIANG, Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania It is a shame to see Nature — which nearly all scientists, including myself, regard as one of the most prestigious and influential physical-science magazines — publish a thinly veiled biased article like this. Granted, this is not a peer-reviewed scientific article and did not go through the scrutiny of picking referees. But to serve as a channel for the general populace to be in touch with and appreciate science, the authors and editors should at least present the readers with facts within the proper context, which they blatantly failed to do. First, to identify Ye’s performance increase, Ewen Callaway compared her Olympic 400-metre IM time with her performance at the World Championships in 2011 (4:28.43 and 4:35.15, respectively) and concluded that she had an “anomalous” improvement of around 7 seconds (6.72 s). In fact, her previous personal best was 4:33.79 at the Asian Games in 2010 . This leads to an improvement of 5.38 seconds. In a sporting event in which 0.1 s can be the difference between the gold and silver medal, I see no reason for 5.38 s to be treated as 7 s. Second, as previously pointed out, Ye is only 16 years old and her body is still developing. Bettering oneself by 5 seconds over two years may seem impossible for an adult swimmer, but it certainly happens among youngsters. An interview with Australian gold medallist Ian Thorpe revealed that his 400-metre freestyle time improved by 5 seconds between the ages of 15 and 16. For regular people, including Callaway, it may be hard to imagine what an elite swimmer can achieve as he or she matures and undergoes scientific and persistent training. But jumping to the conclusion that it is “anomalous” based on ‘Oh that’s so tough I cannot imagine it is real’ is hardly sound. Third, to compare Ryan Lochte’s last 50 metres to Ye’s is a textbook example of ‘cherry-picking’ your data. Yes, Lochte was slower than Ye in the last 50 metres, but Lochte had a huge lead in the first 300 metres, so he chose not to push himself too hard and to conserve his energy for later events (whether this conforms to the Olympic spirit and the ‘use one’s best efforts to win a match’ requirement that the Badminton World Federation recently invoked to disqualify four badminton pairs is another topic worth discussing, though probably not in Nature ). Ye, on the other hand, was trailing behind after the first 300 metres and relied on freestyle, in which she has an edge, to win the race. Failing to mention this strategic difference, as well as the fact that Lochte is 23.25 seconds faster (4:05.18) than Ye overall, creates the illusion that a woman swam faster than the best man in the same sport, which sounds impossible. Putting aside the gender argument, I believe this is still a leading question that implies to the reader that there is something fishy going on. Fourth is another example of cherry-picking. In the same event, there are four male swimmers who swam faster than both Lochter (29.10 s) and Ye (28.93 s) in the final 50 metres: Kosuke Hagino (28.52 s), Michael Phelps (28.44 s), Yuya Horihata (27.87 s) and Thomas Fraser-Holmes (28.35 s). As it turns out, if we are just talking about the last 50 metres in a 400-metre IM, Lochter is not the example I would have used if I were the author. What kind of scientific rigorousness is Callaway trying to demonstrate here? Is it logical that if Lochter is the champion, we should assume that he leads in every split? That would be a terrible way to teach the public how science works. Fifth is the issue I oppose the most. Callaway quotes Ross Tucker and implies that a drug test cannot rule out the possibility of doping. Is this kind of agnosticism what Nature really wants to teach its readers? By that standard, I estimate that at least half of the peer-reviewed scientific papers in Nature should be retracted. How can one convince the editors and reviewers that their proposed theory works for every possible case? One cannot. One chooses to apply the theory to typical examples and to demonstrate that in (hopefully) all scenarios considered, the theory works to a degree, and that that should warrant publication until a counterexample is found. I could imagine that Callaway has a sceptical mind, which is crucial to scientific thinking, but that would be put to better use if he wrote a peer-reviewed paper that discussed the odds of Ye doping on a highly advanced, non-detectable drug that the Chinese have come up with in the past 4 years (they obviously did not have it in Beijing, otherwise why not use it and woo the audience at home?), based on data and rational derivation. This article, however, can be interpreted as saying that all athletes are doping and the authorities are just not good enough to catch them. That may be true, logically, but definitely will not make the case if there is ever a hearing by the governing body for water sports, FINA, to determine if Ye has doped. To ask whether it is possible to obtain a false negative in a drug test looks like a rigged question to me. Of course it is possible: other than the athlete taking a drug that the test is not designed to detect, anyone who has taken quantum 101 will tell you that everything is probabilistic in nature, and so there is a probability that the drug in an athlete’s system could tunnel out right at the moment of the test. A slight chance it may be, but should we disregard all test results because of it? Let’s be practical and reasonable, and accept that the World Anti-Doping agency (WADA) is competent at its job. Ye’s urine sample will be stored for eight years after the contest for future testing as technology advances. Innocent until proven guilty, shouldn’t it be? Sixth, and the last point I would like to make, is that the out-of-competition drug test is already in effect, which Callaway failed to mention. As noted in the president of WADA’s press release , drug testing for Olympians began at least six months before the opening of the London Olympics. Furthermore, 107 athletes have been banned from this Olympics for doping. That may be the reason that “everyone will pass at the Olympic games. Hardly anyone fails in competition testing” — those who did dope have already been caught and sanctioned. Callaway is free to suggest that a player could have doped beforehand and fooled the test at the game, but this possibility is certainly ruled out for Ye. Over all, even though Callaway did not falsify any data, he did (intentionally or not) cherry-pick data that, in my view, are far too suggestive to be fair and unbiased. If you want to cover a story of a suspected doping from a scientific point of view, be impartial and provide all the facts for the reader to judge. You are entitled to your interpretation of the facts, and the expression thereof in your piece, explicitly or otherwise, but showing only evidence that favours your argument is hardly good science or journalism. Such an article in a journal such as Nature is not an appropriate example of how scientific research or reporting should be done. Ewen Callaway 原文: Why great Olympic feats raise suspicions 01 August 2012 Corrected: 03 August 2012 Chinese swimmer Ye Shiwen broke the world record for the women's 400-metre individual medley event at the Olympic Games on 28 July. L. Neal /AFP / Getty Images See also Editors’ note | Letter from Lai Jiang | Editors’ note (continued) At the Olympics, how fast is too fast? That question has dogged Chinese swimmer Ye Shiwen after the 16-year-old shattered the world record in the women's 400-metre individual medley (400 IM) on Saturday. In the wake of that race, some swimming experts wondered whether Ye’s win was aided by performance-enhancing drugs. She has never tested positive for a banned substance and the International Olympic Committee on Tuesday declared that her post-race test was clean. The resulting debate has been tinged with racial and political undertones, but little science. Nature examines whether and how an athlete's performance history and the limits of human physiology could be used to catch dopers. Was Ye’s performance anomalous? Yes. Her time in the 400 IM was more than 7 seconds faster than her time in the same event at a major meet in July 2011. But what really raised eyebrows was her showing in the last 50 metres, which she swam faster than US swimmer Ryan Lochte did when he won gold in the men’s 400 IM on Saturday, with the second-fastest time ever for that event. Doesn't a clean drug test during competition rule out the possibility of doping? No, says Ross Tucker, an exercise physiologist at the University of Cape Town in South Africa. Athletes are much more likely to dope while in training, when drug testing tends to be less rigorous. “Everyone will pass at the Olympic games. Hardly anyone fails in competition testing,” Tucker says. Related stories Performance enhancement: Superhuman athletes Science at the Olympics: Team science Racing just to keep up More related stories Out-of-competition tests are more likely to catch dopers, he says, but it is not feasible to test every elite athlete regularly year-round. Tracking an athlete over time and flagging anomalous performances would help anti-doping authorities to make better use of resources, says Yorck Olaf Schumacher, an exercise physiologist at the Medical University of Freiburg in Germany, who co-authored a 2009 paper proposing that performance profiling be used as an anti-doping tool 1 . “I think it’s a good way and a cheap way to narrow down a large group of athletes to suspicious ones, because after all, the result of any doping is higher performance,” Schumacher says. The ‘biological passport’, which measures characteristics of an athlete’s blood to look for physiological evidence of doping, works in a similar way to performance profiling (see ' Racing just to keep up '). After it was introduced in 2008, cycling authorities flagged irregularities in the blood characteristics of Antonio Colom, a Spanish cyclist, and targeted drug tests turned up evidence of the banned blood-boosting hormone erythropoietin (EPO) in 2009. How would performance be used to nab dopers? Anti-doping authorities need a better way of flagging anomalous performances or patterns of results, says Schumacher. To do this, sports scientists need to create databases that — sport by sport and event by event — record how athletes improve with age and experience. Longitudinal records of athletes’ performances would then be fed into statistical models to determine the likelihood that they ran or swam too fast, given their past results and the limits of human physiology. The Olympic biathlon, a winter sport that combines cross-country skiing and target shooting, has dabbled in performance profiling. In a pilot project, scientists at the International Biathlon Union in Salzburg, Austria, and the University of Ferrara in Italy, developed a software program that retroactively analysed blood and performance data from 180 biathletes over six years to identify those most likely to have doped 2 . The biathlon federation now uses the software to target its athletes for drug testing. Could an athlete then be disciplined simply for performing too well? “That would be unfair,” says Tucker. “The final verdict is only ever going to be reached by testing. It has to be.” In recent years, cycling authorities have successfully prosecuted athletes for having anomalous blood profiles, even when banned substances such as EPO could not be found. But performance is too far removed from taking a banned substance and influenced by too many outside factors to convict someone of doping, Tucker says. “When we look at this young swimmer from China who breaks a world record, that’s not proof of anything. It asks a question or two.” EDITORS’ NOTE (updated 6 August 2012) This article has drawn an extraordinary level of outraged response. The volume of comments has been so great that our online commenting system is unable to cope: it deletes earlier posts as new ones arrive. We much regret this ongoing problem. The disappearance of some cogent responses to the story has fuelled suspicions that Nature is deliberately censoring the strongest criticisms. This is absolutely not the case: Nature welcomes critically minded discussion of our content. (We intentionally removed only a few comments that violated our Community Guidelines by being abusive or defamatory, including several that offensively stereotyped the many Chinese readers who commented on the story.) Many of the commenters have questioned why we changed the original subtitle of the story from “‘Performance profiling’ could help catch sports cheats” to “‘Performance profiling’ could help dispel doubts”. The original version of the title was unfair to the swimmer Ye Shiwen and did not reflect the substance of the story. We regret that the original appeared in the first place. We also regret that the original story included an error about the improvement in Ye’s time for the 400-metre individual medley: she improved by 7 seconds since July 2011, not July 2012. We have corrected the error. We apologize to our readers for these errors, and for the unintended removal of comments because of technical issues with our commenting system. Below we reproduce one of the most thorough and thoughtful of the hundreds of responses we received. Beneath it, we continue with our response.
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Nature 的“道歉”究竟说了些什么?
热度 7 nqed 2012-8-7 18:31
Nature的“道歉”发表后,科学网可说是“举网欢腾”。但是读了原文之后,不禁心生疑惑,Nature 的“道歉”究竟说了些什么?下面是Nature的原文,我的翻译和评论。 EDITORS’ NOTE (updated 6 August 2012) This article has drawn an extraordinary level of outraged response. The volume of comments has been so great that our online commenting system is unable to cope: it deletes earlier posts as new ones arrive. We much regret this ongoing problem. The disappearance of some cogent responses to the story has fuelled suspicions that Nature is deliberately censoring the strongest criticisms. This is absolutely not the case: Nature welcomes critically minded discussion of our content. (We intentionally removed only a few comments that violated our Community Guidelines by being abusive or defamatory, including several that offensively stereotyped the many Chinese readers who commented on the story.) 本文引来了异乎寻常之多的义愤填膺的回应。评论的数量是如此之大以至于我们的在线评论系统难以承受,在新的评论涌入时删除了旧的评论。对这个仍然存在的问题我们非常抱歉。一些很有说服力的对原文的批评的消失引起了怀疑:Nature有意删除了最强烈的批评意见。这绝对不是事实:Nature 欢迎对我们文章内容的批判性讨论。(我们有意删除了一些辱骂和诽谤性的评论,包括几个令人厌恶的对中国读者怀有偏见的评论) *** 博主评论: Nature 对于一个技术问题表示了歉意,顺便表扬了一下自己的公正性,同时澄清了对Nature公正性的怀疑。 *** Many of the commenters have questioned why we changed the original subtitle of the story from “‘Performance profiling’ could help catch sports cheats” to “‘Performance profiling’ could help dispel doubts”. The original version of the title was unfair to the swimmer Ye Shiwen and did not reflect the substance of the story. We regret that the original appeared in the first place. We also regret that the original story included an error about the improvement in Ye’s time for the 400-metre individual medley: she improved by 7 seconds since July 2011, not July 2012. We have corrected the error. 许多评论者问我们为什么把原来的新闻标题“‘成绩曲线’能够帮助我们发现体育运动中的欺骗行为”改成了“‘成绩曲线’能够帮助我们驱散怀疑”。原来的标题对游泳选手叶诗文是不公平的,也没有反映新闻的实质内容。首先,我们为原来的标题表示道歉。我们也为原来的新闻中包含的一个错误about the improvement in Ye’s time for the 400-metre individual medley: she improved by 7 seconds since July 2011, not July 2012表示道歉。我们已经改正了这个错误。 *** 博主评论: Nature承认新闻中有一个数据错误,并为此表示道歉;除此之外,Nature暗示新闻的实质内容并不错,只是原始的标题有不公正的地方,也为此道歉。Nature的道歉就这么多了。 *** We apologize to our readers for these errors, and for the unintended removal of comments because of technical issues with our commenting system. Below we reproduce one of the most thorough and thoughtful of the hundreds of responses we received. Beneath it, we continue with our response. 。。。。。。(无需翻译)。。。。 EDITORS’ NOTE (continued) The news story was triggered by a debate that was already active, concerning the scale of Ye Shiwen’s victory. Such debates have arisen over many outstanding feats in the past, by athletes from many countries, and it is wrong to suggest, as many of the critics do, that we singled her out because of her nationality. 关于叶诗文的胜利的争论早已非常活跃,此新闻的灵感就是由此来的。来自许多国家的表现特别突出的许多运动员早就引起了这样的争论。许多批评者认为我们单单选择了叶诗文是因为她的民族,这种观点是错误的。 *** Nature说,虽然我们提到叶诗文,但并不是因为她是中国人,所以这篇新闻与种族和政治无关,请不要对号入座。 *** The story’s intention as an Explainer was to examine how science can help resolve debates over extraordinary performances, not to examine those performance statistics in detail. Several analyses done by others convinced us that it was fair to characterize Ye’s performance as ‘anomalous’ — in the sense that it was statistically unusual. But we acknowledge that the combination of errors discussed above and the absence of a more detailed discussion of the statistics (which with hindsight we regret) gave the impression that we were supporting accusations against her, even though this was emphatically not our intention. For that, we apologize to our readers and to Ye Shiwen. 本新闻的意图是考察科学怎样能帮助解决关于非同寻常的运动成绩的争论,而不是详细考察这些成绩的统计学。其他人做的几个分析使我们确信,用“反常”-统计上非同寻常-来描述叶诗文的表现是公正的。但是我们认识到,由于上面提到的几个错误的组合,以及缺少统计学上更加详细的讨论(事后我们很抱歉),此事给了大家我们支持指控叶诗文的印象,虽然这绝不是我们的本意。对此我们向读者和叶诗文表示道歉。 *** Nature说,本新闻在科学上是正确的,叶诗文的表现就是科学上的“反常”。不过“反常”不等于“兴奋剂指控”,你们理解错了。无论如何,我向你们表示道歉。 *** 博主后记: 我没有读过Nature那篇令国人如此激动的原文,不敢妄评。 这次风波唯一能够证明的,就是Nature在许多国人特别是科学网的许多博主的心目中,有很崇高的地位。国内外媒体上天天都有成千上万篇大骂中国人的文章,从来没有引起科学网的签名抗议。
3382 次阅读|13 个评论
[转载]EvidenceUpdates for: 7/11/2012
xupeiyang 2012-7-12 11:01
have identified the following article(s) as being of interest: Article Title Discipline Rele- vance News- worthiness Three postpartum antiretroviral regimens to prevent intrapartum HIV infection. N Engl J Med Pediatric Neonatology 6 5 GLUTAMICS-a randomized clinical trial on glutamate infusion in 861 patients undergoing surgery for acute coronary syndrome. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Surgery - Cardiac 5 4 Performance of HbA1c as an Early Diagnostic Indicator of Type 1 Diabetes in Children and Youth. Diabetes Care Pediatrics (General) 6 5 Effect of a Pharmacist Intervention on Clinically Important Medication Errors After Hospital Discharge: A Randomized Trial. Ann Intern Med Hospital Doctor/Hospitalists 5 6 Internal Medicine 5 6 Cardiology 5 3 Safety and long-term humoral immune response in adults after vaccination with an H1N1 2009 pandemic influenza vaccine with or without AS03 adjuvant. J Infect Dis Public Health 6 5 Effect of mindfulness training on asthma quality of life and lung function: a randomised controlled trial. Thorax General Practice(GP)/Family Practice(FP) 5 4 General Internal Medicine-Primary Care(US) 5 4 Interventions for treating isolated diaphyseal fractures of the ulna in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev Emergency Medicine 6 4 Surgery - Orthopaedics 5 5 Intravenous midazolam infusion for sedation of infants in the neonatal intensive care unit. Cochrane Database Syst Rev Pediatric Neonatology 6 5 Induction of labour for improving birth outcomes for women at or beyond term. Cochrane Database Syst Rev GP/FP/Obstetrics 6 5 Laparoscopic drilling by diathermy or laser for ovulation induction in anovulatory polycystic ovary syndrome. Cochrane Database Syst Rev Gynecology 5 4 A pooled analysis of vitamin D dose requirements for fracture prevention. N Engl J Med General Practice(GP)/Family Practice(FP) 7 5 General Internal Medicine-Primary Care(US) 7 5 Comparing midwife-led and doctor-led maternity care: a systematic review of reviews. J Adv Nurs GP/FP/Obstetrics 6 6
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Hi, Presubmission Inquiry: Dr. Hu CS, et al new manuscript
hucs 2012-7-10 17:13
Novel Strategies Halt Cardiovascular-Diabetes-Cancer Strips Chun-Song Hu, M.D., Qing-Hua Wu, M.D., Jun-Yan Hong, Ph.D., Douglas W. Losordo, M.D., Sheng-Shou Hu, M.D. and Dayi Hu, M.D. Summary We found that there were cardiovascular-diabetes-cancers(CDC) strips and w e’ve already developed new strategies for the prevention of coronary heart disease, cardiovascular events and healthcare. These novel strategies, which including SEED interference(SEEDi), E(e)SEED interference(E(e)SEEDi) and even Hu’s healthy lifestyles interference(HHLi), also called “Chinese vaccine”, as the core elements of “Grade 210 prevention”, play an important role in the prevention and management of human chronic diseases when combined with RT-ABCDEF strategy, for example, OOH syndrome, especially in halting CDC strips we discovered. Evidences of cardiovascular-diabetes-cancers (CDC) strips From SEED and E(e)SEED strategies to Hu’s healthy lifestyles Novel strategies for the early evaluation of risk factors RT-ABCDEF strategy and Grade 210 prevention for chronic diseases SEEDi, E(e)SEEDi and HHLi for CDC strips. Our practice in OOH syndrome ---- Hi, Dear Professors and Editors, Our new manuscript(summary) for NEJM( www.nejm.org )? Happy Birthday to Prof. Dayi Hu. Best regards! Sincerely yours, Chun-Song ---- HU Chun-Song, M.D. (胡春松 在职博士) Associate Professor of Medicine Associate Physician-in-chief Department of Cardiovascular Medicine Nanchang University Hospital Out-patient Department Medical College of Nanchang University No. 461 Bayi Rd , Nanchang 330006 P.R. China Tel: (0)18970816800 (mobile) Email: chunsong_hu@yahoo.com.cn 科学网博客: http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/hucs.htm
个人分类: 博士论文|6306 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 xupeiyang 2012-7-9 10:56
科技评价是一个难题,如何做到科学合理、客观公正?需要长期实践,总结经验教训,不断加以改进完善。我们相信通过新一轮国家科技体制改革,中国的科技评价将会更加科学合理。 科技评价将根据不同类型科技活动特点,注重科技创新质量和实际贡献,制定导向明确、激励约束并重的评价标准和方法。 1 基础研究以同行评价为主,特别要加强国际同行评价,着重评价成果的科学价值; 2 应用研究由用户和专家等相关第三方评价,着重评价目标完成情况、成果转化情况以及技术成果的突破性和带动性; 3 产业化开发由市场和用户评价,着重评价对产业发展的实质贡献。 万部长讲的很清楚: 科技部部长万钢:新一轮科技体制改革改什么怎么改 2012年07月09日 08:04来源:光明日报    专访科技部部长万钢   “我当部长的五年中,无时无刻不在考虑深化科技体制改革这个问题。而这五年中,科技部也进行了很多创新和完善,但这与建设创新型国家的要求,与广大科技工作者的期待还有相当距离。科技体制中有很多深层次的问题需要解决。我想,首先这些问题是有解的,我们能够通过协调奋斗解决。但是,这些问题解决起来也不是那么容易的,我们必须做好心理准备,坚决努力,深入实践。科技体制改革不会一帆风顺,但改革的步伐大大加快,终会成功。”   7月6日召开的科技创新大会,拉开了新一轮科技体制改革的序幕。大会上颁布的《关于深化科技体制改革加快国家创新体系建设的意见》(以下简称《意见》),成为本次科技体制改革的原则性、纲领性文件。   党的十六大以来,中央作出增强自主创新能力、建设创新型国家的重大战略决策;党的十七大把提高自主创新能力、建设创新型国家作为国家发展战略的核心、提高综合国力的关键——科学技术在国民经济社会发展中的作用不言而喻。“十二五”是落实中长期科技规划纲要的攻坚阶段,是我们能否实现加快转变经济发展方式,实现创新驱动发展的关键时期。为什么在这个关键时期提出科技体制改革?究竟要改什么?怎么改?就此,专访了科技部部长万钢。    改革不是“另起炉灶”,是对中长期科技发展规划纲要的深化和延伸   您能否简要介绍一下《意见》出台的背景?    万钢: 去年7月,按照温家宝总理的指示,由刘延东国务委员担任组长,成立了21个部门、单位和地方参加的科技体制改革和国家创新体系建设调研及文件起草小组。应该说,《意见》是集体智慧的结晶。   研究起草《意见》主要基于四个方面的考虑:一是党中央、国务院对科技体制改革作出新部署;二是全面落实科技发展规划纲要,需要构建更富效益和活力的科技体制改革;三是应对世界新科技革命和产业变革,加快转变经济发展方式,需要对科技体制机制作出相应调整;四是我国科技体制机制还存在一些突出问题,需要通过深化改革加以解决。   这次改革不是“另起炉灶”,是对中长期科技发展规划纲要的深化和延伸。规划纲要重点对科技发展作了全面部署,对改革提出了原则性要求和任务;《意见》则着重对科技体制改革作了具体部署,提出了改革目标和政策措施。   科学技术发展到新阶段,出现新问题,传统管理模式难以为继,因此需要改革。这一点比较好理解,那么能否请您详细介绍一下我国科技体制机制存在哪些突出问题?    万钢: 当前制约我国科技创新的问题大致分成四类。第一是我们的原始创新能力不足,关键技术自给率低。企业作为技术创新主体的主体地位没有创立,高校、研究院所和企业之间的关系没有理顺,产学研用结合得不够紧密,各创新单元组合在一起以后的整体效能需要提高。   从资源配置角度看来,行政因素还是太多,条块分割造成的资源分散、重复建设等问题,限制和影响了创新的效能和能力。   从科研的管理上看,现行的科研管理体制、管理方式还不能完全符合创新的规律。   从人才培养上看,创新环境还不够优化。对青年人才培养还缺乏行之有效的措施;吸引和聚集高层次人才、领军人才的措施还不到位;创新团队发挥作用的环境还不完善;人才评价的方式方法还须符合规律。   总的说来,我们就是要在这几方面努力改革创新,发挥广大科技人员的积极性。    改革的核心:使科技更好地支撑引领经济社会发展   这次科技体制改革所要解决的核心问题是什么?    万钢: 这次改革要坚持五个原则:一是坚持创新驱动、服务发展;二是坚持企业主体、协同创新;三是坚持政府支持、市场导向;四是坚持统筹协调、遵循规律;五是坚持开放合作、互利共赢。   改革的核心是密切科技与经济的结合,关键是要将科技成果尽快转化为现实生产力,最迫切需要解决的问题是真正建立企业为主导的产业技术研发创新的体制机制。   早在2006年出台的科技规划纲要中就已经提出“建立以企业为主体的技术创新体系”,但现在对这个问题仍有不同看法,有人认为创新还是应该以科研院所为主。这一方面是因为我国企业的技术创新能力还比较弱,担心企业承担不起这个大任;另一方面是对技术创新的基本规律还没认识透,没把握准当前科技创新引领产业变革的趋势。   企业是经济活动的基本单元,只有企业成为技术创新的主体,才能敏锐把握市场需求,有效整合产学研力量,加快创新成果的转化应用。这也是国际经验。   当然,我们强调企业的作用,并不是说科研院所和高等学校在创新中不重要。我们的目标是实现产学研的有机结合。这在很大程度上决定了国家创新体系的效能。   推动企业成为技术创新的主体,有哪些具体措施呢?    万钢: 要使企业真正成为技术创新主体,关键是要使企业成为技术创新的决策主体、研发投入主体、科研组织和成果转化中的主体。比如《意见》中提出,要吸纳企业参与国家科技项目的决策,产业目标明确的国家重大科技项目由有条件的企业牵头组织实施。引导和支持企业加强技术研发能力建设,优先在具备条件的行业骨干企业布局国家级技术研发平台。科研院所和高等学校要更多地为企业技术创新提供支持和服务,促进技术、人才等创新要素向企业研发机构流动。支持行业骨干企业与科研院所、高等学校联合组建技术研发平台和产业技术创新战略联盟,合作开展核心关键技术研发和相关基础研究,联合培养人才,共享科研成果。   《意见》提出,要建立健全国有企业技术创新的经营业绩考核制度,落实和完善国有企业研发投入视同利润的考核措施,加强对不同行业研发投入和产出的分类考核。加大对中小企业、微型企业技术创新的财政和金融支持,落实好相关税收优惠政策。完善支持中小企业技术创新和向中小企业技术转移的公共服务平台,健全服务功能和服务标准。落实支持中小企业技术创新的政府采购政策。   这是一个落实的过程。对中长期科技发展规划中已有的政策,要抓紧落实和完善;我们正在会同有关部门,共同研究和制定相关新政策,把《意见》的精神落到实处。    建立更加完善的评价体系和奖励制度   我们注意到,《意见》提出完善人才评价标准,改变以论文、项目、经费、专利论人才的做法。评价体系的改革关系到广大科技工作者的切身利益,也是公众关注的焦点。    万钢: 的确,我听到这方面的反映也比较多。良好的科技评价和奖励制度是形成正确的评价导向,激发科研人员创造活力的关键措施。但是科学、技术、产业,不同方向特点不同,采取同样的评价方式是不太科学的。因此,必须予以改革。   在《意见》的制定过程中,我们既吸收了各地在科技体制改革方面的有益经验,也吸收和借鉴了国外特别是G20的有益做法。要从德、才、效、能各个方面综合进行评价,改变过去简单的直接的与科研经费和奖励和论文简单挂钩的做法。总的说来,就是让评价体系适合各类科研活动的规律。   在评价方面,《意见》提出,根据不同类型科技活动特点,注重科技创新质量和实际贡献,制定导向明确、激励约束并重的评价标准和方法。具体说来,基础研究以同行评价为主,特别要加强国际同行评价,着重评价成果的科学价值;应用研究由用户和专家等相关第三方评价,着重评价目标完成情况、成果转化情况以及技术成果的突破性和带动性;产业化开发由市场和用户评价,着重评价对产业发展的实质贡献。建立评价专家责任制度和信息公开制度。   此外,《意见》还提出要开展科技项目标准化评价和重大成果产出导向的评价试点,完善国家科技重大专项监督评估制度,加强对科技项目决策、实施、成果转化的后评估。   在奖励方面,《意见》提出要改革完善国家科技奖励制度,建立公开提名、科学评议、实践检验、公信度高的科技奖励机制。提高奖励质量,减少数量,适当延长报奖成果的应用年限。重点奖励科技人才,强化对青年科技人才的奖励导向。增加评审过程透明度,探索科技奖励的同行提名制,规范社会力量设奖。
个人分类: 科技评价|2095 次阅读|2 个评论
jiaguangjia 2012-7-4 21:20
柯杨:做个厚道的医学人 ——在2012年医学部毕业典礼上的讲话 亲爱的同学们: 每到毕业时节,我都会与老师们一样心里涌出万千思绪。当看到你们身着毕业盛装在学校里留影时,我既为你们高兴又会感慨于无法挽留的时光;既为自己所从事的事业自豪,又会感慨于对很多不尽如人意处的无能为力。刚才同学们的感言与感谢更让我非常惭愧和歉疚。但不管怎样,你们的笑脸带给我们的是强烈的幸福感!我要代表韩校长代表学校向你们以优异的成绩完成学业,表示最衷心的祝贺!在这里,我还想感谢与你们一同成长的这段岁月,感谢你们一直以来对我们的信任、理解、支持,乃至批评,同学们,谢谢你们! 这些年,在和同学们的交流中,我常常受感染于同学们的青春活力和奋斗的激情,同时,我也能强烈感受到你们渴望成功的焦虑和对未来的迷茫。这让我更加珍惜此刻,能和同学们面对面的交流,总想在临别之际,说说心里话,和大家聊聊关于当下关于未来的话题。 今年恰逢北医百岁华诞,这让我们有机会通过回望历史,追寻母校的传统和精神,从而使今天的我们得以在未来的道路上传承有脉。 百年的北医孕育出无数优秀学子,他们无论奋斗在医务战线还是其它任何行业,无论是日常的工作还是重大事件,无论是在国内还是在国外,无论是在城市还是在基层或是边疆,“优秀”已成了北医人的重要标识。是什么样的传统、什么样的精神内涵成就了北医人的优秀呢?除了大家耳熟能详的“勤奋、严谨、求实、创新”的校风,还有什么更能反映北医的传统呢? 前不久,为迎接北医百年庆典,学校开展了征集和凝练北医校训的活动。在与北医老前辈、老同志、广大师生校友的反复沟通中,韩校长提出了“厚道”这两个字。这让我深受启发。今天听到同学们也有人说出了这两个字,非常欣喜。真是不约而同!我觉得这两个字既简洁又精准,既包罗万象又意犹未尽,既实在质朴又雍容大气,关键是这两个字几乎涵盖了北医人的优秀特质,又时时可以训育我们为人为学的品格修养。这些年来,因为我的工作岗位,使我有机会接触到无数的北医人,老师、学生、校友……,从他们身上我看到了北医人在知识技术之“道”上追求厚重,对待专业精益求精,永无止境,一辈子辛辛苦苦终生学习乐此不疲。并在做事上以严谨规范著称;在品德操守之“道”上追求厚重,勇担社会责任,坚守师德、医德,坚持实事求是的学术标准,不骄不躁,行胜于言;以及在理解自然之大“道”上追求厚重,理解人性尤其他人的人性,关爱病人,不但会用“技术”,也懂得顺应自然,做事不极端,温良敦厚,巧妙地把握“度”。 我认为,不管“厚道”是否最终可以成为北医的校训,一代代北医人中“厚道”的典范已是不胜枚举。 王忠诚冒着接受大量放射线使身体受伤害的危险,积累了2500多例神经外科病例,成为最宝贵的临床经验。这一在医学人中很有代表性的行为就是一种厚道;青蒿素使成千上万病患受益,而屠呦呦的名字半个世纪后才被世人知晓,这是一种厚道;钟南山为证明缺氧时的肺功能,自我吸入一氧化碳,获得无价的科学数据,这是一种厚道;王宝光、斑玛丹增、莫锋,这几个不同时代的北医人,共同选择了扎根千里之外的西部和边疆地区,无论严寒酷暑,不管山高水险,甘愿将自己的青春奉献给百姓,甘愿用别人的幸福体现个人的价值,并从中感受自己的幸福,这也是一种厚道;汶川、玉树地震时,北医各医院的医护人员一呼百应,上前线到危险的地区没人有二话。他们在灾区团结奋斗高水平发挥才干,胜利完成救死扶伤的任务,得到社会的好评,这是一种厚道;在充满竞争和浮躁的社会,北医人不忽悠坚持学术水准,坚守道德底线,哪怕暂时吃点亏也无怨无悔,这也是一种厚道。 同学们,医学是崇高但艰辛的事业,医学不是青春饭。你们选择医学,忍耐大量的背书、考试,忍耐比其它任何专业更多的学时、更长的学制,甚至有人在成家后拖儿带女还要追求学业。而且,与其它专业比,医学生最刻苦,在守纪律、尊校规上做的最好,这都是令老师们心疼的厚道,也是你们未来更好发展的基础。 我能理解,最让同学们感到困惑和动摇的是现今的社会环境,中国在取得世人瞩目的成就的同时,在社会转型和过渡时期确实存在不少问题,急功近利、诚信缺失、腐败现象、社会不公,等等,这些都强化了我们对当下和未来的茫然。在同学们念书的这些年里,与我们关系最密切、大家最关注的可能算是目前令人十分沮丧的医患关系。当今社会医患之间的冷漠与不信任似乎成了常态,甚至屡屡发生令人发指的暴力伤害医护人员的恶性事件。理性的分析,医患关系的恶化是复杂成因:尚未理顺的医疗体制、基层医疗的缺失、技术发展对原有医疗模式的影响、社会保障尤其医疗保险体制的健全过程、患者对医疗的期望值与维权意识、社会诚信度、以及医学人的人文精神等等……面对这样一个看似一时无解的困局,最近有一位杰出校友钱煦院士受邀与学生座谈,他在报告中讲述了自己的心路历程,不但诠释了“厚道”让同学们受益匪浅,他的一篇回忆文章也让我对医患关系这个“困局”顿感释然。他在文章里回忆妻子钱胡匡政女士在取得小儿科医师行医执照后,并没有去开业赚钱,而是去了环境偏僻、治安较差的纽约东哈林区,为市政府儿童健康诊所服务。她在那里给来看病的小孩和母亲充分的照顾和爱护。一个多月后,她告诉钱煦先生:“我前些时候觉得很奇怪,每天到诊所要找停车位时,总有一辆车离开,就让我停进去,不必到处找。我今天才发现这是因为小孩家长们轮流每天替我占车位。”钱先生也很感动,他说,别人认为不安全的地方,由于妻子对人的奉献及大爱,变成了最安全的地方。或许对于我们来说,这样的温情是久违的奢侈,但是即使在最恶劣的状态下,我们不是依然可以听到病患对医生最真挚的感谢和赞美吗?希望同学们不要忘记,真诚的种子才能结出真诚的果实,社会的良心需要我们主动担当,主动坚守。任何社会,人与人之间的关爱与帮助都是人性本身的需求。我们要有信心,毕竟极端分子是疯狂的失去理智的极少数,毕竟改善医患关系我们仍掌握着主动权。 同学们,与往年一样,就在你们即将远行之时,我还是忍不住想对你们做最后的叮嘱。 在你们今后的职业生涯中,知识和技术很重要,这也是我们医学人最自觉最关注的“强项”,但这不是一个人获得成功与幸福的全部。一个身心健康的人,首先应该珍惜生命、懂得生活、热爱生活,并在此基础上释放个人能力实现个人价值。作为医学生,在各种其它的能力中,我认为最重要的是与人交流的能力,与人合作的能力。在北医历次的毕业生用人单位调查中,北医人的优秀素质无一例外地受到充分肯定,但同时指出的缺点也无一例外地集中在内向、交流能力不强。我认为交流能力不强是医者大忌,而好的交流能力能使业务强的人如虎添翼。有效的交流与配合建立在对人性的充分理解与关爱上,这就是人文精神之重要内容。除了教育的影响,人文精神的养成更多地靠融入社会,敞开胸怀,将社会当学校,让生活做老师,在与人交往中主动反思领悟。因此,这个成长成熟的过程今后靠各位同学自己的努力了。同时,希望你们在纷繁的社会,既要坚定信心又要放下功利心,既要努力奋进又要摒弃浮躁,“无欲则刚”。我相信,具备了良好基础的你们,守住了“厚道”,就是守住了成功之“道”。 亲爱的同学们,在此依依惜别之际,我衷心祝愿你们在未来的人生道路上走得顺利、走得精彩。作为百岁北医的毕业生,你们就要带着老师们的希望远行,我们将继续在这片土地坚守。放心地展翅高飞吧,这里永远是你们的家! 衷心祝福大家!
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热度 1 kewin1983 2012-6-29 15:31
beamer Beamer是latex上用来制作Slide的一个文档类,它的特点是: 可以直接使用pdflatex编译,也可以使用dvips编译,不需要其它后处理程序; 同标准latex结合度高,保留section等章节结构;可读性好。 直观而方便的创建遮挡(overlays)及其它各种漂亮的演示效果; 利用theme实现内容和风格的独立,可以轻松的改变风格 在latex中使用beamer一般按下面的步骤进行: 将Latex的文档类型从article改为beamer 用section和subsection组织latex的文档结构 用frame命令添加独立的Slide 执行pdflatex命令编译tex文件(或者用: latex, dvips, ps2pdf) 下面是一个使用beamer类的典型例子 \documentclass{beamer} \usepackage{beamerthemesplit} \title{Example Presentation Created with the Beamer Package} \author{Till Tantau} \date{\today} \begin{document} \frame{\titlepage} \section*{Outline} \frame{\tableofcontents} \section{Introduction} \subsection{Overview of the Beamer Class} \frame { \frametitle{Features of the Beamer Class} \begin{itemize} \item1- Normal LaTeX class. \item2- Easy overlays. \item3- No external programs needed. \end{itemize} } \end{document} 用pdflatex命令编译上面的例子两次,就可以用pdf阅读工具(如acroread)查看结果。或者你也可以使用dvips命令编译。 正如你所看到的,上面的文本看起来就像一个标准的latex文本。主要的不同就是使用了 \frame 命令。这个命令有一个参数,就是要在这个frame中显示的文本。一般说来,一个 frame的内容将在单个Slide中显示。然而,如果你在frame中用了遮挡(overlay)命令,一个frame命令也将产生多个Slides. 一个例子就是上面文本的最后一个frame,其中 \item 命令后面跟了一个遮挡选项类似1-。 这个选项的意思是"从第一张开始",它使得这个item的内容仅在制定的Slides中显示。在上面的例子中总共创建了5张Slides: 一个标题页Slide,一个框架页Slide,一个仅显示三项列表中第一项的Slide,一个显示前三项中前两项的Slide,和列表中三项都显示的Slide. 组织文字的结构可以使用 \section 和 \subsection 命令,这两个命令不但创建目录项,而且会在导航条中出现。 Beamer的安装 Beamer的安装很简单,只要将beamer的安装文件放到tex的相应目录中,然后更新tex数据库中即可。 beamer要用到pgf和xcolor包,所以在正式使用beamer之前,确保这两个包也安装到你的tex目录中。这些包可以到 http://www.ctan.org 下载也可以到北大计算数学服务器下载dsec. 安装完毕就可以将beamer/example目录下的文件复制到一个临时目录,试着用pdflatex编译(每个文件要编译两遍),如果输出的pdf文件正常就表示安装成功了,如果有问题请查阅/beamer/doc/beameruserguide.pdf文件。 制作Slide的工作流程 这里简单介绍一下使用Beamer制作Slide的流程,以及制作Slide时一些要注意的问题。 第0步:明确时间限制;按每分钟一张制作Slides 第1步:给每个Slide建一个子目录,目录名以演讲的日期开头. 这样便于排序和将属于同一个Slide的文件放到一个目录中。 第2步:组织文字结构。使用\section和\subsection命令。 如果内容比较多也可以分成几个部分(\part)。每一部分一般有2-4个\section。太多了听众会记不住前面讲过的东西。\section和\subsection应该尽量按逻辑划分,而不是技术。如果需要还可以加一个附录(\appendix),将不想讲而又有可能被问道的的细节放到附录中。 第3步:创建PDF文件或PS文件。 一旦逻辑结构组织完毕,应当创建一个PDF或这PS文件。这时候Slide是空的,除了有标题页和目录。创建PDF只要用刚编辑的tex文件名做参数运行两遍pdflatex即可。制作PS文件稍微麻烦一点,方法如下(假定tex文件名为main.tex): # 1. 检查tex文件,使用beamer类时要加dvips参数,如下 # \documentclass {beamer} # 2. 运行两遍latex latex main.tex latex main.tex # 3. 将dvi文件转为ps文件 dvi -P pdf main.dvi #或者, 使得每个Slide布满letter-sized型纸张,使用 dvips -P pdf -tletter main.dvi -o main.temp.ps psnup -1 -W128mm -H96mm -pletter main.temp.ps main.ps #或者,对于 A4纸张, dvips -P pdf -ta4 main.dvi -o main.temp.ps psnup -1 -W128mm -H96mm -pa4 main.temp.ps main.ps # 如果要给纸张设边界,在上面psnup命令的选项中加入-m 1cm # 如果在一张之中放多个Slide,将psnup第一个选项中的1改为想要的数字 第5步: 创建Frames。 这是最重要的一步,我们分着来说。 对Frame内容的建议。 内容少了比多了好 不要假定每个听众都是专家。一些特定的名词要给出解释 不要把整个演讲过程中都不会讲到的东西放在Slide中 尽量保持简单 对标题的建议 每一幅都要有标题 标题要反映内容,让人一看就知道内容是什么,尽量用清楚的表达 如果可能,前后的小标题要连贯,这些标题本身就能反映事情 英语标题的大写问题,或者都用大写(除了a,the等连词),或者都用小写(除了第一个字母),要前后统一. 英语的全文标题要大写,不管其它的内容是否大写。 对正文的建议 永远必要为了在一幅中放更多的内容而选用小字体 尽量用列表或分类,而少用大片无结构的文本,不要用长句子。 不要用连字符。如果却是需要,手工使用 \- 命令 手工换行。根据句子的逻辑换行 图表中的文本和数字应该同正文的同等大小,难以分辨的坐标轴数字经常使图表变得无意义。 对图表的建议 每页最少有一个图表,可视的效果对听众有很大帮助 一般情况下把图放在文字的左边(使用column环境) 图的风格应该跟正文保持协调。包括字体大小,最小点的大小,线的宽度等 图表颜色要统一。(比如: 黑色=正文,红色=加量,绿色=例子,蓝色=结构) 同文本一样,图表中出现的东西都要解释。未解释的细节会使听众迷惑。当使用论文或其它地方的图时一定要小心,因为一般来说这些图可能含有一些你无法解释的细节。 对色彩的建议 不要频繁的制定颜色。在theme中已经指定了颜色(blue=structure, red=alert, green=example),如果一定要制定颜色,应该有充分的理由。 在白背景下使用亮的颜色要小心,特别时绿色,在显示器上看起来不错,在投影仪上也有可能很难看。 尽量用大反差。正文和背景的反差一定要大。千万不能做"在不太亮的绿色北京下用亮绿色文字"这样的蠢事。 渐变的背景会降低文字的易读性。不要仅仅因为好看而用渐变背景 反色效果(黑背景亮文本)在一个比较亮的环境下可能放映可能出问题,并且打印不方便 对动画和特殊效果的建议 使用动画来演示动态系统或算法 不要仅仅为了吸引观众而使用动画,这通常会分散听众对报告主题的注意 不要使用分散注意力的特殊效果(类似 dissolving),除非你有足够的利用用它。 提高编译速度的方法 # 使用draft选项,将不产生headlines,footlines,和sidebars,编译速度会加快很多 \documentclass {beamer} # 另一个方法只编译个别的frame \includeonlyframes{frame label list} 第6步: 测试presentation效果 第7步: 如果需要,创建讲义(handout)或者论文(article)版本。 只要修改beamer文档类的参数即可。在使用article参数时,还可以将Frame作为图片插入到论文中。 Frames和Overlays 遮挡选项(overlays)的概念 与其它TeX扩展包使用类似\pause的命令一张一张的来做slide不同, beamer使用一种更方便强大的方法. beamer通过使用"遮挡选项"使得同样的内容在不同的幻灯片上出现. 这里边涉及到两个几本概念: Frame和Slide, Slide是一个具体的幻灯片,而Frame是一组幻灯片. 一个Frame有一个\frame命令产生,一般按内容的逻辑关系划分Frame.缺省的,一个Frame包含一个Slide, 但如果\frame中使用了遮挡选项,将会产生多个Slide; 另一个产生产生多个Slide的可能是由于内容太多而换页产生的Slide. 遮挡选项是beamer的精华所在,它控制了一个Frame中产生Slide的张数,效果,以及每张上出现的内容. 并不是所有的LaTeX 都可以有overlays选项. 不过,在Beamer中很容易将命令重新定义,使之能识别overlays选项. 遮挡选项(overlays)的语法 基本的overlays 基本的overlays选项就是指定一个幻灯片列表(slides list), 可以使用如下的语法: -2,4-5,8,10- 它代表的列表意思是: 1,2,4,5,8,以及10以后的所有slides. Mode选项 beamer可以将论本版本,演示版本,以及幻灯片打印版本等不同的版本放在同一个文件中组织, 在beamer中,不同的版本成为不同的Mode. 通过指定Mode选项可以指定内容在那些Mode中出现, 比如 \onlyarticle{This text is shown only in article mode} 上面的文本仅会在论文版本(article)中出现. 也可以将Mode混合overlays选项一起使用: \onlyarticle| beamer:1{Riddle} 这个命令使得文本"Riddle"会在article模式出现,同时也在beamer模式中命令所在Frame的第一个Slide出现. Action 选项 有一些命令不但能能识别简单overlays选项,还能识别带动作(Action)的选项. 比如 \item3-| A href="mailto:alert@Show"alert@Show from slide 3 on, alerted on slide 3. 上面的例子中,*\item* 命令创造的效果是: 从第三张开始显示文本,并且在第三张上使用红色显示文本(alert代表红色) 缺省的,还可以使用下列actions: alert "alert"列表相或者块区域. uncover "unconver"列表项或者区域,这是缺省值 only 使得列表项或者块仅在指定的slides上显示 visible 使得文本仅在指定的slides上是可见的(unconver和visible的区别同\uncover和\visible两个命令的区别一样) invisible 使得文本在指定的slides上是不可见的. 一个完整的overlays示例 \itemarticle| beamer:1,2,3 | A href="mailto:alert@1{An"alert@1{An overlays example} 自定义命令来识别overlays选项 Structuring和Presentation 色彩管理 图片动画声音和变换效果 Customization 和 theme Beamer有多种主题样式(theme) plain tree boxes sidebar treebars split lined splitcondensed bars classic shadow Tips和Tricks 怎样改变字体? \documentclass {beamer}
28162 次阅读|1 个评论
njumethods 2012-6-3 10:21
Title: Design, Growth, and Characterization of Morphology-Tunable CdxZn1-xS Nanostructures Generated by a One-step Thermal Evaporation Process 还没有正式的期刊号,不过已经有幸被选为 Hot Article! 论文主要讲述的是利用热蒸发法一步合成形貌可控的 Cd x Zn 1-x S 合金纳米材料,并且从其光致发光以及电致发光性质可以看出, Cd x Zn 1-x S 合金纳米材料的带隙连续可调。 如果感兴趣,可以下载阅读。下附编辑发过来的一封信。 Paper Ref.: C2CE25181G Title: Design, Growth, and Characterization of Morphology-Tunable CdxZn1-xS Nanostructures Generated by a One-step Thermal Evaporation Process Congratulations, your above paper has been selected as a CrystEngComm Hot Article! It is currently featured on our CrystEngComm Blog at http://blogs.rsc.org/ce/2012/04/26/nanoswords-nanobelts-and-nanocombs-an-expanding-wardrobe-for-the-nanopeople/ and will be free to access for the next 4 weeks. This is a great opportunity for your work to reach a wider audience, as our blog will be publicised on the journal homepage, in the CrystEngComm table-of-contents e-alerts , and on Twitter . I invite you (or your co-workers) to tell our readers more about your Hot Article by posting a comment on the CrystEngComm Blog story. In addition to this I would like to offer you the opportunity to circulate your paper to a number of colleagues and researchers in your field. If you haven’t already done so, please may you provide me with up to 10 names and e-mail addresses of people who you would like to read your article. I will arrange for them to be sent a link to your manuscript, highlighting its publication in CrystEngComm . Please also consider linking to our article on your own website, and mention this to your department or university media team. CrystEngComm is published by RSC Publishing, a not-for-profit publisher wholly owned by the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK. One way we support and promote chemistry is via RSC funded journal grants for international authors, visit the website to find out more. Thank you for choosing to publish this work in CrystEngComm . I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to submit your next research article for publication in CrystEngComm. Please may you let me know if you are interested in this? We look forward to receiving your next paper soon. High-quality morphology-tunable CdxZn1-xS nanostructures were synthesized through a one-step thermal evaporation process. They are in the forms of (a) nanoswords, (b) super-long nanowires, (c) cubic n ...
3955 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Why Is Science Conservative? - 科学为何是保守的(转)
iamacloud 2012-4-28 19:43
Why Is Science Conservative? - 科学为何是保守的(一)(原文及译文) 精选 已有 6658 次阅读 2008-6-14 01:07 |个人分类:学术教育|系统分类:科研笔记 (NOTES added 6/18/08) I thank all the readers for their comments and remarks. I am traveling and have no access to Chinese writing hardware. Consequently, I cannot answer in Chinese or correct some minor inaccuracies in the Chinese translation of my article below for now. I intend to supplement this note upon my return. Conventional wisdom portrays science as innovative (創新) and liberal in thinking in the sense that it is willing to consider all kinds of ideas. But in another sense, science is very conservative. Truly new ideas comes only once in a long while and often after a great deal of struggle for acceptance. This is actually not bad and the way it should be. The world is full of people with or without scientific training who believe they have discovered the truth or invented something remarkable, such as the perpetual motion machine. As a professor at Harvard, I have often received or have letters referred to me written by a person who either 1. Feels that s/he discovered some new truth but received no support. S/he wants Harvard to look into this injustice, or 2. S/he has invented a new device that will change the world in revolutionary ways. Would Harvard endorse this device? Let me say that in my 46 years I have encountered many letters of the above type that are not worth the paper on which they were written. Even well educated people can sometimes delude themselves. As a result science often looks upon any claim of new discovery or breakthrough with a jaundiced eye particularly if such claims come from people one does not know. Consequently really NEW results often have to face a considerable struggle for acceptance. The history of science has many of such incidents both positive and negative (e.g. the discovery of the pseudo planet PLUTO, and cold fusion results in the 1990s). And if science is under the supervision of politics and too closely tied to economics, then even more abuses can result. I don’t need to repeat well known historical examples. But even if science is free from politics and commerce, new ideas still must struggle to get accepted. I shall relate a personal experience a generation ago that may be of some value to scholars who are facing similar situations. First a bit of background. The successes of aerospace control including the moon landing in the 60s are based on modeling dynamic system by nonlinear differential equations and developing a class of control strategies using linearized (perturbed) equations of motion. During the 70s myself and others began to study non differential equation based dynamic systems, e.g. discrete manufacturing processes, communication networks, airport operations, et al. These systems, denoted as discrete event dynamic systems (DEDS), are governed by man-made rules of operation and traditionally belong in the domain of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IEOR). But for me coming from control theory, the natural impulse is to see if we can duplicated our successes in differential equation based dynamic systems for these new DEDS. I also viewed this as an opportunity since researchers in IEOR up to that time have not emphasized the dynamic aspects of these systems. Lastly, demand for my consulting expertise from industry also were coming from these areas. Anyhow, my first thought was to see if it was possible to develop some sort of perturbation analysis for the motion of these discrete, nonlinear, discontinuous dynamic systems. The rationale behind this is to develop answer to the question “what will happen to the behavior and hence performance of these DEDS if I make a small perturbation in some design or control parameter of the system.” The significances of such question/answers are obvious. However, strangely enough traditional OR never bothered to ask such a question perhaps thinking that the obvious discontinuous nature of the system behavior renders such question meaningless at the time. The accepted practice is to make two separate experiments or simulations where everything is kept the same except for a small perturbation in the control or design parameter. The difference in observed performances in these two experiments when divided by the small parameter change gives the sensitivity (gradient) of the system performance with respect to the parameter perturbed. If sensitivity for n parameters are desired then n+1 experiments must be performed. The gradient thus calculated is also prone to numerical error and instability due to the fact that you are dividing a generally small and noisy difference by another small number. This is the state of the art when I first announced in 1981 that we have an entirely new way of computing this sensitivity using only ONE simulation experiment regardless how many sensitivities are required. Furthermore, the calculated sensitivity are numerically stable and much more accurate then those computed by differencing method traditionally. The basis of such a claim came from 1. A real life consulting job starting in 1976 in connection with the manufacturing operations of a well known automobile company 2. Through extensive simulations, experimental verifications, and intuitive commonsense ideas we found we could actually accomplish the above claim for this particular manufacturing problem. 3. I gradually realized that the idea embodied in the solution #2 above can be in fact be generalized to other simulation experiments. During travel in China in the summer of 1981, one afternoon in Wuhan I had an epiphany and came up with a “proof” (rather an intuitive but at the same time analytical understanding) as to why this scheme works in general. Of course by strict mathematical standards, my “proof” was far from rigorous. But it was back up by extensive amount of experimental evidence and is conceptually correct. Of course to arrive at this point, we already had solved a real problem, accumulated a large amount of experimental evidence, and published a couple of engineering papers in our own field. Given #3 above, I felt I was ready to announce the “breakthrough” to the IEOR world. The immediate reactions of the IEOR field was 1. Who is this person we have not heard of before ? (although I was established in my own field, I have not published in the IEOR field nor have I attended their conferences) 2. This new result cannot possibly be true. Otherwise we would have discovered it long ago. My paper submitted for publication in OR journals was summarily rejected 3. When I appealed about the rejection, one editor in OR in fact took the trouble of writing to the editor of the control journal where I first published my early results telling the control journal editor that my results were wrong. 4. Another person in OR took the trouble writing to the National Science Foundation complaining that the government was wasting taxpayers’ money in supporting my research. If I was not already established and have credibility in my own field, imagine what #3 and #4 above would have done to me even in an environment where no politics nor commerce were involved. Actually, these struggles were a blessing in disguise. Myself and others who believed in this were forced to come up with a more rigorous proof of the result and actually sharpened the conditions under which the result is mathematically correct and true. Eventually three books and over 1000 published paper came out of this struggle and the sub-discipline of Perturbation Analysis (PA) became established. Professor Xiren Cao of the Science and Technology University of HongKong is the leading expert on PA and his new book on the subject just came out 2007. I bear no ill feelings towards the field of IEOR and in fact became an accepted member of the field if only grudgingly. I mention this in detail only to illustrate that the conservative nature of science is necessary and not a bad thing in general. At the same time, my own opinions is to recommend researchers in general look far and wide in neighboring fields and not spend ones whole career in one sub-discipline. There is much to be said for learning about a new field. 传统的认识将科学描绘为思想上的创新和自由,这主要是因为科学乐于考虑所有的想法和观点。但在另一种意义上,科学是非常保守的。真正新颖的认识只会偶尔出现,而要被人们接受往往还要经过大量的努力和斗争。事实上,这并不是坏事,而是科学应有的方式。 世界上到处都有这样的人,不论是否受过科学训练,他们都认为自己发现了真理或者做出了非凡的发明,比如永动机。作为哈佛大学的教授,我经常能收到或者得到别人转来的这种信,写这些信的人: 1. 感到他/她们发现的新的真理不被支持,希望哈佛大学能够关注这种不公正。 2. 表示他/她发明了一种新的、能以革命性方式改变世界的设备,希望得到哈佛大学的认可。 我要说的是,在我46年的学术生涯中,我收到许多这样的信,来信的内容还没有写这些内容的信纸有价值。即使是受到良好教育的人,有时也会自我蒙蔽、自我迷惑。结果就是,科学往往以带有偏见、敌视的眼光看待任何所谓的新发现、新进展,尤其是当它们来自于默默无名的小人物的时候。相应地,真正的新结果往往必须经过相当大的努力和斗争,才能为人接受。科学史上不乏这样的例子,正面和负面的都有,(比如发现冥王星是伪行星以及20世纪90年代的冷聚变理论等。)同时,如果科学被置于政治的监管之下,并与经济的关系过于紧密,那么就会产生更多的问题。我无需重提那些历史上著名的例子了,但需要强调的是,即使科学免于政治和商业的影响,新的认识要想被人接受必须经过不懈的努力。 接下来,我将讲述几十年前的一段个人经历,这或许对处在类似情形的学者们有些价值。我先介绍一下当时的背景。航天控制的成功包括7060年代的月球着陆等,都是基于利用非线性微分方程建模动态系统,并利用运动的线性化(扰动)方程发展出一类控制策略。在20世纪80年代,我和其他一些人开始研究基于非微分方程的动态系统,比如离散制造过程、通讯网络、机场操作等。这些被称为“离散事件动态系统”(DEDS)的系统由人为的操作规则控制,传统上属于工业工程和作业运筹学研究(IEOR)领域。但由于我的出身是控制论,自然就是想看看我们在基于微分方程的动态系统上的成功能否应用于这些新的DEDS。我也将这看作一次机遇,因为IEOR方面的研究人员那时仍未重点开展这些系统的动态方面的研究。此外,工业界也开始要求我提供这些领域的咨询意见。 总之,我最初的想法就是要看看有没有可能就离散、非线性、不连续的动态系统,发展出某种扰动(摄动)分析。其中的基本原理就是要找到下述问题的答案,即如果我在DEDS的参量设计或控制做一个小的干扰,那么这些系统的行为和表现将会发生什么变化?这个问题的重要性是不言而喻的。然而,奇怪的是传统的作业运筹学研究(OR)从未提出这样问题,或许是考虑到当时系统明显的不连续性会让这种问题毫无意义。通行的做法是进行两次单独的试验或者模拟,其他一切条件都是相同的,只有控制或设计参量上的微扰不同。用两次试验观察到的系统表现差异除以微小的参量变化,就得出了系统表现对于干扰参量的敏感度(斜率)。如果要得到系统对于n个参量的敏感度,就需要进行n+1次试验。而且由于用一个很小的数字去除另一个通常较小且伴有噪声的数字,计算出的斜率容易产生数值误差,而且不太稳定。这就是我在1981年首次宣称发现了一种全新方法时的情况。使用我的新方法,不管干扰参量有多少,需要计算多少个敏感度,敏感度的计算均可在一次模拟试验中完成。此外,新方法计算出的敏感度在数值上是稳定的,而且比传统的差分方法精确得多。我的这种理论基础是: 1. 我从1976年开始就给一家著名汽车公司提供有关制造方面的咨询工作。 2. 通过广泛模拟、试验证实,再加上直觉和常识,我们发现我们其实可以满足上述特殊制造问题的需求。 3. 我逐渐认识到包含在第2点中的想法可以推而广之到其它模拟试验中去。1981年夏天我在中国旅行的时候,有一天下午在武汉我突然恍然大悟,想明白了怎么能证明这种想法具有普遍性(这其实更像是一种既像直觉又很理性的理解)。当然,如果按照严格的数学标准,我的“证据”远称不上严格。但广泛的试验证据支持了我的想法,它在概念上是正确的。 当然在到达这一步之前,我们已经解决了一个现实中的问题,积累了大量的试验证据,并且发表了数篇这个领域的工程学论文。有了上述第3点作为前提,我觉得我准备好向IEOR界宣布这一“突破”了。 IEOR领域马上就做出了反应: 1. 这个人是谁?我们从没听说过他。(尽管我在自身领域立足已久,但并未在IEOR领域发表过论文,也没有参加过他们的会议。) 2. 这一新结果不可能正确,否则应该早就被发现了。我投到作业研究领域期刊上的论文被草草拒绝了。 3. 当我对论文被拒提出上诉时,作业研究领域的一位期刊编辑还费尽心机地给那份最终早发表我论文的控制论杂志的编辑写了封信,告诉他我的结论是错的。 4. 另一位作业运筹学研究领域的者(可能是审稿人之一)编辑也煞费苦心地写信给NSF,抱怨政府支持我的研究根本就是浪费纳税人的钱。 要不是我在自己的领域里已经有了一定的名气和公信力,想象一下上述第3点和第4点会对我造成什么影响,即使是在没有政治或者商业介入的环境中。 事实上,这些困难和斗争是因祸得福,因为我自己和其他坚信这一结果的人都不得不寻求更加严格的证明,并且不断提炼在什么样的条件下该结论在数学上既合理又正确。最终,在这番斗争中诞生了3本书和1000多篇论文,扰动分析(PA)的一个学科分支诞生了。香港科技大学的曹希仁教授是PA领域的顶尖专家,他在这一学科上的新书于2007年面世。而我再也不讨厌IEOR领域了,事实上我终于被该领域接纳,成为了其中一员,尽管他们对我还有些不太情愿。 我说了这么多细节,只是为了举例说明科学上的保守是必需的,这通常并不是一件坏事。同时,我个人的意见是希望研究人员能够把眼光放得远一点,广一点,不妨把目光投向相关的研究领域,而不要把整个研究生涯都花费在某一个学科分支上。关于如何学习和认识一个新领域的问题,我以后要说的还很多。(科学网 任霄鹏译 何姣校 minor revision by YCHo in RED 6.24/08) 何老师:您好! 我能理解您的善意,但却不能同意您的观点。 科学的确是保守的,这是一个不容争辩的事实,它代表了思想与传统的惯性! 现在的“相对论”是路人皆知,可当年却由于受到一些人的打压,总不能授予诺贝尔奖。后来由于爱因斯坦支持者的成功公关,策略地借助于光电效应才授予爱因斯坦诺贝尔奖。“宇称守恒定律”的突破也是一样,因为人们相信:宇称守恒是天经地义的事情。当杨振宁、李政道提出“宇称可能不守恒”时,有多位诺贝尔物理学奖得主表示反对:1945年获奖者泡利表示“我不相信上帝是个弱的左撇子”,并准备投入很多赌注;1965年的得奖人费曼提出了五十对一的赔率,赌宇称必定守恒;1951年得奖人布洛赫则说,如果真的宇称不守恒,他会把自己的帽子吃掉。就是在这种情况下,吴健雄以她的远见卓识,历经艰辛,终于证实了弱相互作用中的宇称不守恒! 澳大利亚科学家巴里?马歇尔和罗宾?沃伦的成果由于受保守势力的打压而让数以千万计的胃病患者得不到及时治疗、忍受病痛的折磨能让我们更真切地理解“我们为科学的保守所付出的代价(其中很可能包括你我的亲戚和朋友)”。虽然沃伦早在1979年就获得了对幽门螺杆菌的初步发现,但因为有悖于当时的医学认识(当时的医学界认为,健康的胃是无菌的,因为胃酸会将人吞入的细菌迅速杀灭)而在相当长的时间里不为人所承认,但同行的质疑并没有动摇沃伦的决心。为了证明致病机理,沃伦年轻的合作者马歇尔甚至喝下了含有病菌的溶液,结果是大病一场。这种不向保守势力低头的“固执己见”的创新精神和为科学献身的精神,为他们赢得了世人的尊重并最终荣获2005年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。 这些科学的保守片段与近代科学萌芽前后相比还是一个不小的进步。想当年,伽利略就是因为追求科学真理、挑战传统而被判处终身监禁,布鲁诺更是被活活烧死在罗马的百花广场。从历史的长远角度来看,随着人类的文明和进步,科学与思想的保守固然存在,但其程度却会愈来愈小,这是历史发展的必然,是大势所趋,谁也无法扭转。 保守让科学的发展付出了更大的代价,必须加以改善! 博主回复:Your remarks are completely consistent with what I said and in my added note in particular. I cannot see any disagreement. "Principle" and "practice" are two diferent things. 本文引用地址:http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1565-29014.html Why is Science Conservative (II) - 科学为何是保守的(二)(原文及译文) 精选 已有 4646 次阅读 2008-7-12 22:26 |个人分类:学术教育|系统分类:科研笔记|关键词:科学原则 同行评议 什么是科学 科学管理 My earlier article on “why is science conservative?” http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=29014 produced a large number of well meaning and legitimate comments and responses. So I decided to write a follow-on piece to further clarify what I had in mind. In the abstract, I believe there is general agreement on the following scientific principles 1. For an established scientific fact to be overturned or revised, there must first be a large body of contradicting evidence (see for example, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962) T. Kuhn, University of Chicago Press, 1962) 2. For a new theory and procedure to be accepted as better or to replace the old, it must scale a higher standard (for example not only it must fit previously known results but also explain away all the contradicting evidence or difficulties in #1 above. If it is a new methodology, the new method must overcome some difficulties of the old.). These are principles of scientific exploration and discovery accepted universally. My use of the word “conservative” is primarily in this sense. We do not usually overturn an established theory on a single piece of evidence nor do we accept any new idea just on the say so of one authoritative figure. Problem comes in because science is practice by human beings who often let other matters, politics, commerce, human weakness, and even philosophy intrude in the “ADMINISTRATION PRACTICE” of science. This is distinct from the principles of scientific discovery as listed in #1 and #2 above. When politic and science administration mix, the former often dominates the latter. The unfortunate examples of Lysenko in USSR (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trofim_Lysenko ) or Elena Ceausescu of Romania (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elena_Ceau%C5%9Fescu ) are well known. But the influence of commerce on science can be equally corrosive. Consider the cases of tobacco industry on the health effect of smoking and the oil companies’ opposition to global warming. Both industries stubbornly resisted the obvious long past the scientific conclusions were established. Finally, even without such interference, human errors of judgment, bias, prejudice , and philosophy (门户之見) can distort the development of scientific truth. Thus, abuses in the administration due to these considerations should also be considered separately from the “principles”. I mentioned earlier. The saying “peer review is the worst form of scientific judgment except for all others”. Yes, many unfair and bad things happen with peer review. But we do not abandon it because it is still sound in principle and even workable in practice if administered correctly. The point is that we do not condemn the “principles” just because of bad “practice”. Similarly, if something “bad” happens to have some unintended “good” results, it is not a license for “bad” practice. (one reader disagree with me by using precisely such a false analogy). I am sorry I did not make this distinction and separation carefully in a blog article. With this clarification, I trust the meaning of my article is clear. 我之前的一篇博文《科学为何是保守的?》(http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=29014)得到了许多有意义的、值得思考的评论和回应。因此我决定再写一篇博文,进一步澄清我的观点。 抽象地说,我相信大家普遍认同下面几条科学原则: 1. 要推翻或修改已经确立的科学事实,首先必须要有大量相反的证据。(大家可以参考这本书,The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962) T. Kuhn, University of Chicago Press, 1962) 2. 一项新的理论或程序要想被公认为比旧的更好或者要取代旧的,就必须带来更高的标准。(比如,它不仅必须要符合此前已知的结论,而且要能解释上述#1中那些相反的证据或难点。如果是一种新的方法论,那么这种新方法一定要能解决老方法难以克服的问题。) 这些都是公认的科学探索与发现的原则。我所谓的“保守”也主要是在这种意义上来说的。我们通常不会根据一个单独的证据就颠覆一项确立已久的理论,我们也不会仅仅因为一位权威如此如此说就接受任何新的观点。 之所以会出现问题,主要是因为科学研究到底是由人来践行的,而人往往会让其他因素如政治、商业利益、人性弱点乃至门户之见“闯入”科学的“管理和实践”中来。这与上述的科学发现原则#1和#2是不同的。一旦政治和科学管理搅在一起,前者往往会主宰后者。例如前苏联的Lysenko(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trofim_Lysenko)和罗马尼亚的Elena Ceausescu(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elena_Ceau%C5%9Fescu)等,都是众所周知的例子是非常令人遗憾的。但是,商业利益对科学具有同样的腐蚀性。想想烟草业是怎么干扰有关吸烟与健康关系的研究的吧,还有石油公司一直反对全球变暖的说法。科学界已经就这两个问题达成一致意见以后很久了,这两大产业还在顽固地抵抗。最后,即使排除这两种因素的干扰,人类的判断、偏见和门户之见等错误也会扭曲科学真相的发展。因此,由这些原因导致的管理中的问题也应该和我说的那些科学原则分开考虑。我以前曾经说过。有种说法说“除了所有其他(形式)外,同行评议是最糟糕的科学评价形式。”的确,同行评议总是伴随着许多不公正和糟糕的事情。但是我们并没有抛弃它,因为它在原则上仍然很合理,而且如果运用得当,在实践中也是行得通的。关键是我们不会仅仅因为“实践”中出现了问题就批判“原则”。同样,我们也不能因为一些原则上的“坏事”无意中地起到一些“好”的作用,就说这种“坏事”是可以做的。(有位读者就运用了这种错误的类比来和我争论。)很抱歉我以前没有在博文中仔细地区分和划分这二者。通过此次的澄清,我相信我文章的意思应该很清楚了。 (科学网 任霄鹏译 何姣校) 本文引用地址:http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1565-32022.html
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xiasw 2012-4-20 01:39
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linpandr 2012-3-12 21:29
BibTeX使用介绍 BibTeX 是一种格式和一个程序, 用于协调LaTeX的参考文献处理. BibTeX 使用数据库的的方式来管理参考文献. BibTeX 文件的后缀名为 .bib . 先来看一个例子 @article{name1, author = {作者, 多个作者用 and 连接}, title = {标题}, journal = {期刊名}, volume = {卷20}, number = {页码}, year = {年份}, abstract = {摘要, 这个主要是引用的时候自己参考的, 这一行不是必须的} } @book{name2, author ="作者", year="年份2008", title="书名", publisher ="出版社名称" } 说明: 第一行@article 告诉 BibTeX 这是一个文章类型的参考文献. 还有其它格式, 例如 article, book, booklet, conference, inbook, incollection, inproceedings, manual, misc, mastersthesis, phdthesis, proceedings, techreport, unpublished 等等. 接下来的"name1", 就是你在正文中应用这个条目的名称. 其它就是参考文献里面的具体内容啦. 在LaTeX中使用BibTeX 为了在 LaTeX 中使用BibTeX 数据库, 你必须先做下面三件事情: 1) 设置参考文献的类型 (bibliography style). 标准的为 plain: \bibliographystyle{plain} 将上面的命令放在 LaTeX 文档的 \begin{document}后边. 其它的类型包括 unsrt – 基本上跟 plain 类型一样, 除了参考文献的条目的编号是按照引用的顺序, 而不是按照作者的字母顺序. alpha – 类似于 plain 类型, 当参考文献的条目的编号基于作者名字和出版年份的顺序. abbrv – 缩写格式 . 2) 标记引用 (Make citations). 当你在文档中想使用引用时, 插入 LaTeX 命令 \cite{引用文章名称} "引用文章名称" 就是前边定义@article后面的名称. 3) 告诉 LaTeX 生成参考文献列表 . 在 LaTeX 的结束前输入 \bibliography{bibfile} 这里bibfile 就是你的 BibTeX 数据库文件 bibfile.bib . 运行 BibTeX 分为下面四步 用LaTeX编译你的 .tex 文件 , 这是生成一个 .aux 的文件, 这告诉 BibTeX 将使用那些应用. 用BibTeX 编译 .bib 文件. 再次用LaTeX 编译你的 .tex 文件, 这个时候在文档中已经包含了参考文献, 但此时引用的编号可能不正确. 最后用 LaTeX 编译你的 .tex 文件, 如果一切顺利的话, 这是所有东西都已正常了. 例子: 将上面的 BibTeX 的的例子保存为 bibtex-example.bib . \documentclass{article} \usepackage{CJK} \begin{document} \begin{CJK}{UTF8}{gkai} %我是在linux下用使用latex的, window用户将上一行改为\begin{CJK}{GBK}{kai} text\cite{name1}\cite{name2} 中文 把Latex中的 Reference 写成中文的"参考文献" %如果文档类是article之类的, 用\renewcommand\refname{参考文献} %如果文档类是book之类的, 用\renewcommand\bibname{参考文献} \renewcommand\refname{参考文献} \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{ bibtex-example.bib} \end{CJK} \end{document} 将上面的内容保存为bibtex-example.tex . latex编译一次, bibtex 编译一次, 再用 latex编译两次就大功告成了! 参考了这里的资料: http://lyanry.is-programmer.com/show/195.html http://dataninja.wordpress.com/2006/01/01/introduction-to-bibtex/
个人分类: Latex|2196 次阅读|0 个评论
linpandr 2012-3-12 21:21
BibTeX使用介绍 BibTeX 是一种格式和一个程序, 用于协调LaTeX的参考文献处理. BibTeX 使用数据库的的方式来管理参考文献. BibTeX 文件的后缀名为 .bib . 先来看一个例子 @article{name1, author = {作者, 多个作者用 and 连接}, title = {标题}, journal = {期刊名}, volume = {卷20}, number = {页码}, year = {年份}, abstract = {摘要, 这个主要是引用的时候自己参考的, 这一行不是必须的} } @book{name2, author ="作者", year="年份2008", title="书名", publisher ="出版社名称" } 说明: 第一行@article 告诉 BibTeX 这是一个文章类型的参考文献. 还有其它格式, 例如 article, book, booklet, conference, inbook, incollection, inproceedings, manual, misc, mastersthesis, phdthesis, proceedings, techreport, unpublished 等等. 接下来的"name1", 就是你在正文中应用这个条目的名称. 其它就是参考文献里面的具体内容啦. 在LaTeX中使用BibTeX 为了在 LaTeX 中使用BibTeX 数据库, 你必须先做下面三件事情: 1) 设置参考文献的类型 (bibliography style). 标准的为 plain: \bibliographystyle{plain} 将上面的命令放在 LaTeX 文档的 \begin{document}后边. 其它的类型包括 unsrt – 基本上跟 plain 类型一样, 除了参考文献的条目的编号是按照引用的顺序, 而不是按照作者的字母顺序. alpha – 类似于 plain 类型, 当参考文献的条目的编号基于作者名字和出版年份的顺序. abbrv – 缩写格式 . 2) 标记引用 (Make citations). 当你在文档中想使用引用时, 插入 LaTeX 命令 \cite{引用文章名称} "引用文章名称" 就是前边定义@article后面的名称. 3) 告诉 LaTeX 生成参考文献列表 . 在 LaTeX 的结束前输入 \bibliography{bibfile} 这里bibfile 就是你的 BibTeX 数据库文件 bibfile.bib . 运行 BibTeX 分为下面四步 用LaTeX编译你的 .tex 文件 , 这是生成一个 .aux 的文件, 这告诉 BibTeX 将使用那些应用. 用BibTeX 编译 .bib 文件. 再次用LaTeX 编译你的 .tex 文件, 这个时候在文档中已经包含了参考文献, 但此时引用的编号可能不正确. 最后用 LaTeX 编译你的 .tex 文件, 如果一切顺利的话, 这是所有东西都已正常了. 例子: 将上面的 BibTeX 的的例子保存为 bibtex-example.bib . \documentclass{article} \usepackage{CJK} \begin{document} \begin{CJK}{UTF8}{gkai} %我是在linux下用使用latex的, window用户将上一行改为\begin{CJK}{GBK}{kai} text\cite{name1}\cite{name2} 中文 把Latex中的 Reference 写成中文的"参考文献" %如果文档类是article之类的, 用\renewcommand\refname{参考文献} %如果文档类是book之类的, 用\renewcommand\bibname{参考文献} \renewcommand\refname{参考文献} \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{ bibtex-example.bib} \end{CJK} \end{document} 将上面的内容保存为bibtex-example.tex . latex编译一次, bibtex 编译一次, 再用 latex编译两次就大功告成了!
个人分类: Latex|3480 次阅读|0 个评论
kim.possible 2011-12-12 17:26
失去坚持,20岁以后随着青春激情的流逝,生命开始走下坡路,被时光磨得面目全非,行尸走肉;艰难中前进,生命才会在岁月磨砺中更加坚韧智慧。人长大了,需要的不再是小时候那些东西,需要的是更深的、更深的东西,需要能有力量能对抗一切丑陋的东西。 喜欢看电影中一群中年人在大学教师中坐着学习的场景,生命的沉淀,认真的氛围,像青年人一样学习者,他们的生命没有被岁月封闭,生长空间没有和青春一起离去,而是承载越来越多的东西。灵魂的深度没有停止。 看外国人的外貌,很多时候有种感觉,很睿智,很有生命沉淀的感觉,同样的感觉在中国人中很少见到,很智慧的面容,是不是因为信仰的缘故,他们的普遍生命都处于半深度状态,总是感觉,不管是自己还是周围的人,缺少一种东西,这种东西的缺失使人活的肤浅,活在别人里面,随着岁月的流逝,表现在面容上便是一个个麻木没有激情的脸,这种东西到底是什么,我不知道,但我确定它和信仰有关,和坚持有关,和每个人一生存在的使命有关, 好像人生的路上,中国人的平均线在0.4,0.5左右,美国人在0.7,0.8左右,当然中国也仍有达到0.8,0.9的,但很少,美国人也有达到0.8,0.9的,但比较多,所以一个中国人,看到周围人都在0.5,自己也就没有朝0.7努力地劲儿了,稀里糊涂只要生活不错,管它什么认识深度。就像美国人必须达到0.7,0.8才是正常水平,然后被0.9吸引的许多人互相影响一直向前走。 就像信仰,很多人到那个水平后便再也不前进了,几年,几十年,到死去还是停在那里。只有少数人经过艰难努力越过瓶颈,看到更广阔更美丽的人生景色,生命进到更深的地方。 这个深度与个人成功无关,与金钱职业无关,是一种真实的生命状态。 贵在坚持,持之以恒的追求——这就是圣经上讲的信心、盼望吧。所望之事的实底,未见之事的确据,所以不觉的辛苦,反而感到幸福和甘甜,因为自己在路上,并没有停留或转去,尽管缓慢的无与伦比,但却是一步一步靠近,即便一辈子也到不了有什么关系,自己一直在靠近不就是最美最幸福的价值了么? ——与电影内容无关 呵呵,不过电影真的挺好。汤姆.克鲁斯独有的真实亲切。
3291 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 sfw111 2011-11-29 12:41
Abstract: hort-term earthquake prediction has always been a very difficult problem in geology, 15 this article pre-displacement, pre-established short-term break for the earthquake prediction based on the theory becomes completely abandoned to form the basis of earthquake prediction method, short-term earthquake prediction is a theoretical breakthrough. Key words: Mechanics; earthquake,;short-term forecasting,;pre-displacement; pre-fracture 摘要: 地震短期预报历来是一个十分困难的地质学问题,本文以预位移预断裂为依据对于短期地震预报进行了理论思考,一旦该理论被实践所证明,将会是地震短期预报的一次理论突破。 关键词 :固体力学;地震;短期预报;预位移;预断裂 预位移预断裂短期地震预报数学方法探析.pdf
个人分类: 科学研究|366 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 2 lg21c 2011-10-7 10:34
我成功的第一个latex,激动!激动!激动! \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \title{my paper} \maketitle \tableofcontents \section{WinEdt} Game Theoretic Analysis of Voting in Committees, Cambridge University Press \end{document}
2611 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载][Science]Networking--Smoothly Does It
热度 1 Fangjinqin 2011-8-12 14:58
Networking--Smoothly Does It Svante Janson DOI: 10.1126/science.1208712 Science 333, 298 (2011); If you wish to distribute this article to others, you can order high-quality copies for your following the guidelines here. Permission to republish or repurpose articles or portions of articles can be obtained by www.sciencemag.org (this infomation is current as of July 17, 2011 ): The following resources related to this article are available online at http://www.sciencemag.org/content/333/6040/298.full.html version of this article at: Updated information and services, including high-resolution figures, can be found in the online http://www.sciencemag.org/content/333/6040/298.full.html#related found at: A list of selected additional articles on the Science Web sites related to this article can be http://www.sciencemag.org/content/333/6040/298.full.html#ref-list-1 This article cites 8 articles, 4 of which can be accessed free: http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/collection/comp_math Computers,
个人分类: 学术文章|1992 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 3 wsyokemos 2011-4-11 10:20
之所以写这个题目的帖子,是由于近日偶然看到任胜利的博文,标题为 “ 同行评议的是是非非:简议 The Scientist 的相关文章 ” (网址: http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=395016 ),其中有一句是这样写的: “ 阐述给生物信息学带来变革的 BLAST 软件的文章 1990 年发表在影响因子为 3.9 的 J Mol Biol (1990, 215: 403-410) 上,该文的引用次数近 30000 次,远大于 Nature (34.5) 和 Science (29.7) 中文章的最高引用次数。 ” 我看到这句话,就有点怀疑,难道真的 Nature 和 Science 上的文章被引次数一篇都没有超过 30000 次的? 我们知道 Nature 和 Science 都是创刊上百年的牛刊 ( 分别创刊于 1869 和 1880 年) ,做科研的几乎是无人不知,无人不晓,我想当然的认为两刊都会至少有一篇引次数超过 30000 次的论文,然而,让我们用事实说话,对于上文提到的有关 BLAST 的文章, Web of Science 上基本信息如下: Title: BASIC LOCAL ALIGNMENT SEARCH TOOL Author(s): ALTSCHUL, SF; GISH, W; MILLER, W, et al. Source: JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Volume: 215 Issue: 3 Pages: 403-410 Published: OCT 5 1990 Times Cited: 29,271 也就是说这篇经典牛文,迄今( 2011 年 2 月 10 日)被引次数尚未超过 30000 次,然而该记录,尚未被 Science 上的文章打破,下面是 Science 上的被引次数冠军文章: Title: PRIMER-DIRECTED ENZYMATIC AMPLIFICATION OF DNA WITH A THERMOSTABLE DNA-POLYMERASE Author(s): SAIKI, RK; GELFAND, DH; STOFFEL, S, et al. Source: SCIENCE Volume: 239 Issue: 4839 Pages: 487-491 Published: JAN 29 1988 Times Cited: 14,650 也就是说该 Science 文章迄今被引次数为 14650 次,仅是那篇 BLAST 文章的 29,271 次的一半。 下面再来看 Nature , 该刊创刊上百年来发表的被引次数最高的文章如下: Title: CLEAVAGE OF STRUCTURAL PROTEINS DURING ASSEMBLY OF HEAD OF BACTERIOPHAGE-T4 Author(s): LAEMMLI, UK Source: NATURE Volume: 227 Issue: 5259 Pages: 680- Published: 1970 Times Cited: 65,535 大概是由于发表的年代过于久远了一些,或者引用次数太高, Web of Science 上居然都没有精确的被引次数,用 google/scholar 查了一下,被引次数是非常惊人的 170788 次,此前我曾经分析过所谓的 “ 史上引用次数最多的论文 !! ( 参见博文: http://www.dxyer.cn/loveinmichigan/article/i74638.htm ), 这篇 1951 年发表在 JBC 上的论文,已被引用 275,669 次(截至到 2004 年一月), google/scholar 上显示迄今已被引用 193888 次,所以 Nature 上这篇论文尽管远远超过 JMB 上的那篇 BLAST 的近 30000 次,但是和这篇 JBC 相比仍然稍逊一筹, JBC 的这篇文章仍然堪称 史上 引用次数最多的科学论文。 上面的两篇发表在 Science 和 Nature 上两篇文章,都是生物医学领域内的,所以适合园子里的战友讨论,可以说都是突破性、革 / 命性的文章,不夸张的说,尤其是 Science 上那篇文章几乎影响了全世界,甚至是普通老百姓的生活,这不是忽悠,且听分解,权当抛个烂砖以期引来大玉,期待高手讨论 Nature 上那篇文章。 Science 上 文章的摘要内容如下: Primer-directed enzymatic amplification of DNA with a thermostable DNA polymerase. Science. 1988 Jan 29;239(4839):487-91 , Saiki RK , Gelfand DH , Stoffel S , Scharf SJ , Higuchi R , Horn GT , Mullis KB , Erlich HA . Cetus Corporation, Department of Human Genetics, Emeryville, CA 94608. Abstract A thermostable DNA polymerase was used in an in vitro DNA amplification procedure, the polymerase chain reaction. The enzyme, isolated from Thermus aquaticus, greatly simplifies the procedure and, by enabling the amplification reaction to be performed at higher temperatures, significantly improves the specificity, yield, sensitivity, and length of products that can be amplified. Single-copy genomic sequences were amplified by a factor of more than 10 million with very high specificity, and DNA segments up to 2000 base pairs were readily amplified. In addition, the method was used to amplify and detect a target DNA molecule present only once in a sample of 10(5) cells. 这篇发表于 1988 年的文章的主要贡献是发现了热稳定性高的 DNA 聚合酶, PCR 技术发明于上世纪80年代初,当时的一个最大的技术瓶颈是当时使用的 DNA 聚合酶热稳定性差, PCR 几个循环下来, DNA 聚合酶就死翘翘啦,不得不人工不断添加 DNA 聚合酶,这增加了成本不说,还使 PCR 无法完全自动化,这严重阻碍了 PCR 技术的推广使用, 1988 年 Science 的这个重大发现,无疑扫清了 PCR 技术的最后一个障碍,使得该技术迅速在全球得以广泛使用,也极大的促进了生物技术在上世纪 90 年代的飞速发展,现在 PCR 技术已经非常广泛运用与许多领域,普通医院都用来做基因疾病的诊断。 另外值得一提的是:文章的作者是 Cetus Corporation ,该公司 1971 年成立于加州伯克利,是全世界最早成立的生物公司之一,更重要的是,该公司的 Kary Mullis 是PCR技术的发明人,曾与 1993 年由于此发明而与 Michael Smith 分享了诺贝尔化学奖,是迄今唯一源于生物公司研究的诺贝尔奖( the only one awarded for research performed at a biotechnology company ,参见: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cetus_Corporation ) 我觉得这篇文章或者说这个故事至少有几点启示: 这一典型事例有力的打破了 “ 基础研究无用论 ” ,美国对于生物医学研究这一最 “ 烧钱 ” 的领域已经连续多年每年有几百亿美元的投资(仅 NIH 一家),很多钱无疑打了水漂,但是仅仅 PCR 技术这一个专利就不知为美国带来了多少亿的收入,另外,美国在生物医学领域的长期的巨额投资不仅成就了像 Genentech 、 Amgen 这样世界顶尖的生物公司,也使得美国在生物的技术几乎各个领域都处于在全球绝对垄断的地位,亚洲的中、印、韩三国近年来在生物医学领域投资每年超过 20% 的高速增长(参见我的博文: 2011 年全球各国资助生物医学经费展望:西方不亮东方亮 ) ,事实上某种程度上是在为美国打工,大量投资在拉动美国经济的发展,因为发展中国家在生物医学领域的研发,所需的从高端耗材到先进仪器几乎都要从美国进口,尤其是我们国家这方面的依赖程度更高。可以说,现在美国在生物医学领域的长期投资,现在到了收获期。 ( 作者王守业,引文地址: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=563591do=blogid=431805 )
个人分类: 乱弹杂谈|8384 次阅读|6 个评论
何为 Article Addendum?
热度 1 buffer 2009-5-20 17:45
近日获邀写一篇 Article Addendum。 对我来说还比较新鲜和陌生。 请教这里的大侠和编辑们,何为 Article Addendum? 怎么写? 写的时候注意什么? 多谢了,先!
个人分类: 植物之美|4907 次阅读|2 个评论

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