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热度 1 zyzhai 2019-2-3 15:26
“ 学术交流的未来 ”—— 促进中国和世界的交流: 资源信任 / 科研诚信 / 技术创新 / 全球市场热点研讨会 第二轮通知 The Future of Scholarly Communications in China and the World: Trusted Resources Academic Integrity, andTechnological Innovation Global Markets 浙江大学与科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)合作主办的会议“学术交流的未来”将于2019年4月25-27日在杭州举行。会议聚焦21世纪 科技出版趋势 、 可信任的出版内容 、 科研诚信 等来透视中国学术交流的未来。欢迎致力于出版创新、国际化提升、具有前瞻思维的期刊编辑、科技出版管理人员以及相关人员报名参会。 This conference will examine scholarly communications in China through the lenses of 21 st Century STM publishing trends, the value of trusted resources, research integrity, and research assessment. The target audience is forward-thinking publishers and editors committed to innovation, internationalization and continuous improvement at their organizations. 一、 会议时间 Dates 2019 年4月25-27日 (25日注册报到,26-27日会议,28日离会) 25 th -27 th April 2019 (25 th April Registration, 26 th -27 th April Meeting) 二、 会议地点 Location 圆正·启真酒店 (浙江大学紫金港校区),杭州市西湖区余杭塘路866号 YuanZheng QiZhen Hotel, Zijingang campus of Zhejiang University, 886 Yuhangtang Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou 三、 会议议程 Agenda 4 月26日 星期五 26 th April, Friday 主题报告Keynotes (语言:双语,同传)bilingual 时间 Time 报告人 Speakers 主题报告 Keynotes 9:00-9:20 鲁东明 Dongming Lu 开幕词 Opening Speech 9:20-9:30 郭利 Linda Guo 9:30-10:20 James Testa WoS 数据库的战略 学术交流的质量的探寻 Web of Science and the Quest for Quality in Scholarly Communication 10:20-10:30 茶歇Tea Break 10:30-11:20 杨卫 Wei Yang 以中国视角看开放数据 智能的审稿人选取 Open Data Perception and AI Assisted Peer Selection--—A Chinese Perspective 11:20-12:00 Mark Garlinghouse STM 科技出版及开放获取的趋势 STM Publishing OA Trends 12:00-13:30 午餐Lunch 13:30-14:20 J.RichardSchrock 中国作者与出版者面临的特有问题 Unique Problems Faced by Chinese Authors and Publishers in Science Publication 14:20-15:10 AndrewStammer CSIRO 出版:现在与未来 CSIRO Publishing: the Present and Future 15:10-15:20 茶歇Tea Break 15:20-15:50 郭利 宁笔 Linda Guo Bill Ning 科睿唯安:服务支持世界一流科研 Clarivate Analytics: Supporting World-class Research 15:50-16:10 张月红 Helen (YH) Zhang 出版与变化 Publishing Changing 16:10-16:40 程宗明 Max (ZM) Cheng 创办新的顶尖期刊的挑战和策略 Challenges and Strategies in Launching a New Top Journal 16:40-17:10 夏华向 Harry (HX) Xia 科学家眼里的国际学术刊物 International Academic Journals in the Eyes of Scientists 17:20 晚餐 Reception 4 月27日 星期六 27 th April, Saturday 专题论坛(全体会议) Workshop(Plenary session) 专题论坛1 Workshop 1 9:00-10:30 学科与期刊:中国创办学科新刊的空间有多大?新领域如何办新刊? What is a Quality Journal? What is a New Subject Journal? 主持人:曾建林 宁笔 Moderated by Jianlin Zeng Bill Ning 嘉宾:中国科协,提升计划D类资助项目组,James Testa,期刊编辑等 Participants: CAST, PIIJ (D Section), James Testa, and journal publishers 时间 Time 报告人 Speakers 主题报告 Keynotes 9:00-9:20 宁笔 Bill Ning JCR 学科分库与中国期刊 JCR Subject Category and Chinese Journals 9:20-9:40 曾建林 Jianlin Zeng 浙江大学高水平期刊建设项目简介 Introduction of Zhejiang University High- quality Journals Construction Project 9:40-10:00 丁佐奇 Zuoqi Ding 科技期刊对一流学科的作用 The Role of STM Journals in Promoting the First-level Disciplines 10:00-10:20 吴坚 Jian Wu 跨界的挣扎:以《运动与健康科学(英文)》为例 Interdisciplinary Efforts: Journal of Sport and Health Science 10:20-10:30 问题与讨论 Questions Discussion 10:30-10:40 茶歇Tea Break 专题论坛2 Workshop 2 10:40-12:00 市场营销:知往论今,未来的学术交流要懂什么? Financial Management and Marketing in Publishing: What can the Past Tell Us about the Future of the Journal and Scholarly Communication? 主持人:MarkGarlinghouse 丁香园 Moderated by MarkGarlinghouse DingXiangYuan 嘉宾:丁香园,期刊编辑等 Participants: DingXiangYuan, journal publishers 时间 Time 报告人 Speakers 主题报告 Keynotes 10:40-11:50 MarkGarlinghouse 懂市场是中国办刊人未来的挑战 Financial Management and Marketing in Publishing: What can the Past Tell Us about the Future of the Journal and Scholarly Communication? 丁香园 DingXiangYuan 丁香园的经营理念 Business Strategy of DingXiangYuan 11:50-12:00 问题与讨论 Questions Discussion 12:00-13:30 午餐 Lunch 专题论坛3 Workshop 3 13:30-17:00 地点:浙江大学紫金港校区小剧场(待定) 智能时代的科研创新 学术伦理 Scientific Innovation Academic Ethics in AI Era 主持人:周天华 李晓明 Moderated by Tianhua Zhou Xiaoming Li 组织方:浙江大学研究生院,《知识分子》,浙江大学出版社 Organizers: Graduate School of Zhejiang University, The Intellectual Media, Zhejiang University Press 时间 Time 报告人 Speakers 主题报告 Keynotes 13:30-13:50 严建华 Jianhua Yan 题目待定 Title to be determined 13:50-14:30 杨卫 Wei Yang 题目待定 Title to be determined 14:30-15:10 饶毅 Yi Rao 题目待定 Title to be determined 15:10-15:50 J. Richard Schrock 题目待定 Title to be determined 15:50-16:10 张月红 Helen (YH) Zhang 意识与教育 Awareness Education 16:10-16:40 研究生与嘉宾互动“科研诚信与科学精神的问题与讨论” Panel Discussion: Research Integrity Scientific Spirit 16:40-17:00 李晓明 Xiaoming Li 《知识分子》的使命 The mission of ‘Intellectuals’ 17:00 晚餐 Reception 四、 参会对象Participants 中国英文学术期刊、中国学术出版机构、学术科研管理机构与学术出版的相关技术公司等,会议规模300人。 The target audience is forward-thinking publishers and editors committed to innovation, internationalization, and continuous improvement at their organizations. 五、 特邀报告人(更新中) Keynote Speakers (to be updated) ● 杨卫,中国科学院院士,前国家自然科学基金委主任,前浙江大学校长 Wei Yang, Academician of CAS, former Director of NSFC, and former President of Zhejiang University ● 严建华,浙江大学党委常委、副校长 Jianhua Yan, Vice-president, Zhejiang University ● 周天华,浙江大学研究生院院长 Tianhua Zhou, Dean, Graduate School of Zhejiang University ● James Testa,科睿唯安副总裁,编辑发展与出版关系部总监 James Testa, VP, Director, Editorial Development Publisher Relations, Clarivate Analytics ● Andrew Stammer,澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究出版社(CSIRO)社长 Andrew Stammer, Director, CSIRO Publishing ● J. Richard Schrock,美国恩波利亚州立大学生物系教授 学术期刊主编 J. Richard Schrock, Faculty Emeritus, Department of Biology, Emporia State University Editor-in-Chief ● Mark Garlinghouse,信息方案咨询总监,前ISI副总裁 Mark Garlinghouse, Director, Information Solutions Media, former VP of ISI ● 饶毅,《知识分子》总编;北京大学理学部主任 Yi Rao, Editor-in-Chief, The Intellectual Media; Director, Faculty of Science, Peking University ● 鲁东明,社长,浙江大学出版社 Dongming Lu, President, Zhejiang University Press ● 郭利,中国区总裁,科睿唯安北京分公司 Linda Guo, Managing Director, Clarivate Analytics (China) ● 宁笔,业务总监,科睿唯安北京分公司 Bill Ning, Business Director, Clarivate Analytics (China) ● 李晓明,《知识分子》主编,德才皆倍(北京)科技有限公司 Xiaoming Li, Chief Editor, The Intellectual Media ● 张月红,出版顾问,前浙大学报(英文版)总编,国际出版协会董事委员 Helen (YH) Zhang, Senior Editor (Prof.), Publishing Consultant, former Chief Editor of JZUS ● 程宗明,主编,《园艺研究》, 南京农业大学田纳西大学 Max (ZM) Cheng ,Editor-in-Chief , Horticulture Research, Nanjing Agricultural University University of Tennessee ● 夏华向,主编,《临床与转化肝脏病》杂志 Harry (HX) Xia ,Editor-in-Chief , Journal of Clinical and Translational Hepatology ● 吴坚,主任,上海体育学院期刊社 Jian Wu ,Journal Director, Journal Center of Shanghai University of Sports ● 丁佐奇,《中国天然药物(英文版)》编辑部副主任,中国药科大学 Zuoqi Ding, Vice Director, Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, China Pharmaceutical University ● 曾建林,期刊总监,期刊中心主任,浙江大学出版社 Jianlin Zeng, Journal Director, Zhejiang University Press 六、 注册缴费 Registration 1 .会议报名 Registration 即日起开放注册,报名注册采用线上注册,网址: www.zjujournals.com Online Registration: www.zjujournals.com 2 .收费标准 Registration Fees 注册费用1800 元,注册费包含会议资料费和餐费。交通、住宿费自理。 RMB 1800, including conference materials and meals. 3 .缴纳方式 Payment 银行转账: 开户名:浙江大学出版社有限责任公司;账号1202022709014403213; 开户行:工商银行杭州保俶支行。转账时务必备注“参会+姓名+单位”。 Bank Transfer: Name of Account: Zhejiang University Press Co. LTD; Account No.: 1202022709014403213; Name of Bank: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Name of Branch: Baochu Branch, Hangzhou * Note: Please mark participant + name + affiliation when transferring. 4 .住宿酒店 Accommodation 紫金港国际饭店,杭州市西湖区申花路796号,参考价458元/间(标间),488元/间(大床)。 Zijingang International Hotel, 796 Shenhua Rd., Xihu District, Hangzhou. Reference price: RMB 458 (Standard Room), RMB 488 (King-size Room). 七、 会议说明 Notices 1. 此次会议信息采用在线收集,如若重复填写,以最后填写信息为准。 The registration information will be collected online only, and the latest updates will be used if you apply repeatedly. 2. 会议现场不接受刷卡,包括银行卡、公务卡等,如有特殊情况,可提前联系工作人员。 All Card-payments are not accepted on-site. 3. 请详细确认发票信息填写无误,无特殊情况,会议当天提供纸质发票。如需开具增值税专用发票,请采用公对公账户汇款,并在报名信息中备注。 Please confirm the invoice details very carefully, and get the hard-copy invoice on the conference day if needed. If you need the VAT special invoices, please use public-to-public account remittance with a note when registering. 4. 完成报名以缴费为准,将通过邮件确认。 Conference registration is completed after payment. A conformation E-mail will be delivered. 5. 因酒店房间有限,将按照完成报名的顺序安排房型,届时部分将无法满足单间的需求,请见谅。 Due to the limited number of hotel rooms, we will arrange the accommodations according to the registration order. Please note that King-size Rooms may not be able to meet all needs. Thanks for your understanding in advance. 八、 联系方式Contacts 联系电话Tel:+86 571-88273117,+86 18857876198(杨嘉檬) 电子邮件E-mail: zjujournals@zju.edu.cn 会议网址Website: www.zjujournals.com 九、 大会组织 Organization 主办单位:浙江大学、科睿唯安 Sponsors: Zhejiang University Clarivate Analytics 承办单位:浙江大学出版社、科睿唯安(中国) Organizer: Zhejiang University Press Clarivate Analytics (China) 浙江大学出版社 科睿唯安(中国) Zhejiang University Press Clarivate Analytics (China) 2019 年1月3日 Jan. 3, 2019
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