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bshen 2019-8-26 10:01
硕士学位毕业论文 硕士研究生: 许瑞 指导教师:沈斌 教授 答辩时间:2013.06 摘要 液压支架是煤矿综采设备的重要组成部分,其主要作用是与采煤机配合,实现采煤的综合机械化,提高采煤效率。为提高综采设备企业的国际市场竞争力,首先要缩短液压支架开发设计时间,并对其尺寸参数进行优化,在保证设计质量的前提下,尽量减少材料,节约成本。立柱是液压支架的主要承载部件之一,在支架正常工作时,立柱一直处于高压受力状态,它的设计合理与否会直接关系到整个液压支架的质量和性能。因此本文 选择液压支架立柱作为主要研究对象。 ( 1 ) 本文在对液压支架做简要介绍的基础上,使用 Pro/E 软件自带的开发工具 Pro/TOOLKIT ,结合 Visual C++ 语言, 构建了液压支架参数化设计平台。使设计人员只需简单的输入液压支架各零件的尺寸,即可快速得到零件的三维模型。 ( 2 )运用理论力学、材料力学和弹性力学原理对立柱进行静力学理论分析,得出不同工况下,立柱各段的最大挠度、弯矩和应力的计算公式,并进行强度和稳定性校核。然后运用有限元分析软件 ANSYS 对双伸缩立柱进行有限元分析,通过和理论计算的对比,验证了两种方法的正确性。 ( 3 )在开采具有冲击倾向的煤层或坚硬顶板断裂后迅速沉降时,会产生巨大的冲击,这就要求立柱具有较高的抗冲击能力或对立柱采取适当的保护措施来提高其强度及可靠性。本文通过建立立柱在冲击载荷下的数学模型,得到了冲击载荷下立柱中缸和底缸内液体压力的变化函数,并运用动态显式有限元软件 LS-DYNA 和光滑粒子流体动力学方法( SPH )对立柱进行冲击载荷下的流固耦合分析,得到了立柱缸体的应力和应变的时间序列。分析结果表明:由于冲击使得缸体内液体压强急剧升高,不仅对立柱自身的安全性造成极大的威胁,同时引起的动载荷对底座和地基造成了很大的冲击力。 ( 4 ) 立柱结构参数及工作参数的选取,对立柱的动态特性影响很大,如果取值不当,将导致重大的安全事故和经济损失。本文通过最优拉丁超立方取样和有限元仿真实验,构造了冲击载荷下立柱质量、最大应力和动载荷系数的径向基函数代理模型,并使用改进的非支配排序遗传算法对立柱结构进行多目标优化,得到了一组最优解。 关键词 :液压支架,双伸缩立柱,参数化建模,有限元分析,多目标优化 ABSTRACT Hydraulic support is an important component of coal mining equipment. Its main role is to coordinate with the shearer , to achieve the comprehensive mechanization of coal mining and improve mining efficiency. To improve the international competitiveness of mining equipment’ enterprises, we must first reduce time of the hydraulic support’ s design , and optimize its dimensions to ensure the quality of design under the premise of minimizing material ,and save cost. Hydraulic support column is one of the main bearing member of hydraulic support.When Hydraulic support works, the column has been in a high stress state all the time. So whether its design is reasonable or not will be directly related to the quality and performance of hydraulic support. (1)Based on a brief introduction of the Hydraulic support, this paper uses the Pro/E software development tool Pro/TOOLKIT, combined with Visual C + + language constructing Hydraulic support parametric design platform. It allows designers to simply enter the dimensions of the Hydraulic support’s parts, then can quickly get 3D models of the parts. (2)Using theoretical mechanics, materials mechanics and elasticity mechanics, the paper do the theoretical statics analysis of hydraulic Column,and get the maximum deflection,bending moment and stress calculations of each column’s section in different conditions. Then using the finite element analysis software ANSYS, analysis Double Telescoping. Through comparison with theoretical calculations verify the correctness of the two methods. (3) With the impact of mining coal seam or a tendency to settle rapidly after breaking hard roof, it will have a huge impact, which requires a high impact resistance column or columns to take appropriate protective measures to improve its strength and reliability. In this paper, by establishing the mathematical model , obtained change functions of the fluid pressure in the under column and ober column under impact loading .And using the dynamic explicit finite element software LS-DYNA and smoothed particle hydrodynamics method (SPH ) do fluid-structure interaction analysis of the column under impact load, getting the time series of the stress and strain of the cylinder column. The results show that: the impact load makes pressure of the liquid in the cylinder increase rapidly, not only cause a great threat to the safety of the column itself, but also the caused dynamic load has a great impact on the base and foundation. (4) The parameters of the column structure and operating have a great influence for the column’s dynamic characteristics.If the value choiced inappropriate, will lead to major security incidents and economic losses. In this paper, by the optimal Latin hypercube sampling and finite element simulation, structure the maximum stress and dynamic load factor’s RBF agent models for the column under impact loading. And use improved non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm for multi-objective optimization of the Double telescopic column, getting a set of optimal solutions. Key Words: hydraulic support, dual telescopic column, parametric modeling, finite element analysis, multi-objective optimization
个人分类: 硕士研究生毕业论文|1720 次阅读|0 个评论
bshen 2019-8-26 09:59
硕士学位毕业论文 硕士研究生: 徐沛鑫 指导教师:沈斌 教授 答辩时间:2013.06 摘要 液压支架是综合机械化采煤中的重要设备,在确保其安全性和功能的基础上,进行轻量化设计,减少重量,对于降低产品成本、提高经济效益,具有重要的意义。 本文首先对液压支架进行了参数化建模,利用Pro/E进行了二次开发,为后期的结构优化效率的提高了奠定了基础。然后以顶梁为例对轻量化的方法进行了研究,为该课题整架的优化研究提供了理论和方法,具体内容如下: 1. 为了能够快速提供优化过程中所需要的模型,对液压支架采用了参数化的骨架建模,实现了模型的快速修改和重生。 2. 利用Pro/E二次开发程序,开发了液压支架的参数化设计平台及尺寸驱动平台。该平台实现了液压支架的参数化受力分析,为液压支架的设计提供了力学依据。同时也可以通过对骨架参数刷新,实现液压支架模型的驱动再生。并且在该平台中添加了参数关联功能,实现了对模型中任意参数的尺寸驱动。 3. 建立了液压支架顶梁的有限元模型,并进行了有限元计算,得到了不同工况下液压支架顶梁的应力和应变,为顶梁轻量化分析的奠定了基础。 4. 为了对顶梁进行轻量化研究,选取了三个顶梁关键部件尺寸作为设计变量,以降低顶梁在不同工况下最大应力为研究目标,通过试验设计选取了试验样本点,并通过有限元计算得到了样本点的响应值。同时引入了牛顿插值法进行最大应力计算,为提高整架结构优化的效率进行了探索研究。 5. 基于响应面法,建立了顶梁最大应力的近似模型,并对响应面模型进行了验证。响应面模型的建立解决了液压支架顶梁结构优化过程中高精度有限元计算费时费力且优化效率低的问题,使优化效率得到了提高。液压支架顶梁的优化研究为其他部件以及整架结构的优化提供了思路和方法。 关键词 :液压支架,二次开发,顶梁,代理模型,结构优化 ABSTRACT Hydraulic support is an important mechanized coal mining equipment . E nsuring its security and functionality , to make lightweight design, reduc e weight , is of great significance for reducing product costs and improve economic efficiency . This article first made the parametric modeling of hydraulic support and se condary development by Pro/E, to base the foundation of efficiency improvement von structural optimization. Then made an example by roof beam to study methods of lightweight. Thus providing methods and theory for the entire shelf optimization, specific content is as follows: 1. To be able to provide the required model for optimization and to achieve the function of rapid changes and remodeling, the hydraulic support was made by parametric skeleton modeling. 2. Hydraulic support parametric design and dimension-driven platform was established by using Pro/E secondary development program me. The platform can provide parametric stress analysis for hydraulic support design. And it can achieve hydraulic support model driven generation by refreshing skeleton parameters. A parameter correlation function was added to the platform and realized dimension-driven of any parameter. 3. A hydraulic support roof beam finite element model was established and was made finite calculation. Then stress and strain of hydraulic support roof beam in different conditions was achieved. It is the foundation of roof beam lightweight analysis. 4. In order to study roof beam lightweight, three key components dimensions was selected design variables a nd the reduction of maximum stress of roof beam in different conditions was selected as research objectives. Sample points was selected through experiment design, and response of sample points was calculated by element finite analysis. T he introduction of the maximum stress calculation von Newton interpolation method explored in order to improve the efficiency of the whole frame structure optimization 5. Based on the response surface method, a maximum stress of the top beam approximation model was established, and the response surface model was proven. Response surface model solved the time-consuming problem and low efficiency von high accuracy finite element calculation during the structural optimization of hydraulic support beam. Thus improving the efficiency of optimization. The optimization research of hydraulic support roof beam provided ideas and methods for optimization of entire frame structure and other components. Key words: hydraulic support, secondary development, roof beam, a gent model , structure optimization
个人分类: 硕士研究生毕业论文|1578 次阅读|0 个评论
bshen 2019-8-26 09:27
硕士学位毕业论文 硕士研究生:邓研 指导教师:沈斌 教授 答辩时间:2013.06 摘要 液压支架是实现高产高效综合采煤机械化和自动化的重要配套设备,它以高压液体为动力,由金属构件和若干液压元件组成。液压支架的设计质量决定了支架的整体性能、制造成本和安装维护成本。随着科学技术的发展,计算机辅助设计极大地提高了液压支架的设计效率和设计水平。本文的主要任务是提出若干液压支架顶梁结构的优化设计方法,并通过计算机软件计算验证,目标是提升液压支架顶梁的结构性能并降低成本。主要内容如下: 1 、建立液压支架静力学平面受力模型和静力学平衡方程,并对静力学平衡方程进行求解,推导 支架垂直支撑合力 及其作用点位置、前后连杆轴力等的数学表达式。 2 、利用有限元软件 ANSYS Workbench 13.0 建立液压支架顶梁的实体模型,并得出其在四种不同工况下的最大等效应力云图。然后对计算结果进行分析,提出顶梁结构优化设想。并对所建立的顶梁模型进行修改、重新计算,验证该优化设想的可行性。 3 、应用 ANSYS Workbench 13.0 中的 Design Exploration 模块, 以顶梁在满足强度要求条件下质量最轻为优化目标,进一步对顶梁模型进行参数优化。根据所建顶梁模型,选取若干尺寸参数作为优化参数,建立参数优化系统并进行优化计算,得到最优顶梁尺寸参数。最后对比优化结果,提出进一步优化设想。 关键词: 液压支架 静力学分析 有限元计算 优化设计 ABSTRACT The hydraulic support is an important equipment to achieve high production and high efficiency integrated coal mining mechanization and automation, and it is composed of metal components and hydraulic components. The quality of the design of hydraulic support determines the overall performance of the hydraulic support, the cost of manufacture, transprotation and installation. With the development of science and technology, computer-aided design greatly improves the design efficiency of the hydraulic support. In this paper the goal task is to propose some optimum methods of design for the Hydraulic Support Beam, and using computer-aided software to check the above methods.The goal of the methods is to decrease the cost of manufacture, transprotation and installation. The main content is as follows: 1. Establishing the statics plane model and statics equilibrium equation of hydraulic support, and solving the equation to get the expression of the join forces of the beam and the axial force of the fornt and back rods. 2. Using ANSYS Wrokbench 13.0 to establish the finite element solid model of the hydraulic support beam, and to calculate the stress in four different models. Then to propose the optimum idea after analyzing above results. After that to check the idea with chaning the above models and recalculation. 3. Optimizing the models furthermore with the objective to get the lightest beam which meets the demand of strength. Then chosing some optimum parameters to establish finite element optimum system. At last, proposing the optimum ideas furthemore after comparsion of the optimum results. Key words: hydraulic support, statics analysis, the finite element analysis, optimum design
个人分类: 硕士研究生毕业论文|1579 次阅读|0 个评论
bshen 2019-8-25 11:36
硕士学位毕业论文 硕士研究生: 姚秀卿 指导教师:沈斌 教授 答辩时间:2012.06 摘要 我国煤层储量丰富,在中厚煤层开采中需要使用到高性能的综采设备。液压支架是煤矿综采设备的重要组成部分,其主要作用是与采煤机配合,实现采煤的综合机械化,提高采煤效率。对液压支架的参数化建模设计方法进行研究,对于企业实现快速设计、提高市场竞争力具有重要的现实意义。 本文分析 了国内外 CAD 技术的研究状况,以及参数化设计方法的理论及其在实际设计过程中的应用。通过对液压支架结构以及工作原理的研究,对液压支架进行功能模块划分,建立模块化系统。在参数化设计中,以顶梁为研究对象,采用自顶向下的设计方法,完成从装配体到各个零部件的三维建模,将设计信息以数据共享的方式,依次从装配体传递到组件、组件下的零件,同时通过自定义驱动参数以及关系式的设置实现模型中零部件的装配约束和几何约束,从而建立了顶梁的参数化信息模型。使用该参数化信息模型可以从全局设计的角度控制整个三维模型的生成,便于设计后续阶段对产品模型的修改以及优化。 在完成顶梁参数化信息模型的基础上,本文对 CAD 二次开发技术进行了研究,通过设计系统的开发使本课题的参数化设计效率进一步提升。根据通用软件的开发方法,确定了本课题的设计系统的开发环境、网络架构以及所使用的相关技术,得出了系统的总体方案。在对 Pro/E 软件自带的开发工具 Pro/TOOLKIT 充分研究的基础上,使用 Visual C++ 语言,结合 Pro/TOOLKIT 包含的库函数,完成设计系统参数化驱动建模的程序功能;使用 MFC 控件 与 Pro/TOOLKIT 底层函数相结合 搭建界面友好的系统菜单以及各模块的界面;针对传统设计过程中设计数据管理效率不高的问题,本文利用了数据库对设计数据进行管理,使用 ADO 技术设计出高效的数据库接口,使设计系统与数据库有效连接。 本文开发的设计系统具有参数化建模、设计信息管理等功能。使用该设计系统,用户可以利用良好的人机界面通过参数输入或者调用数据库已有设计数据完成液压支架顶梁的零部件设计,有效地提高了设计效率以及设计质量。 关键词 :液压支架,顶梁,参数化设计,二次开发 ABSTRACT The coal reserve is rich in China, the height quality coal mining equipment is used in the thick seam. The hydraulic support is an important part of coal mining equipment, it works together with the shear to get the comprehensive mechanization of coal mining, in order to improve the mining efficiency. The research of the design method of the hydraulic support has important practical significance for the rapid design and also can enhance the market competitiveness of a company. This article describes the status of CAD technology both at home and abroad, as well as the theory of parametric design method. On basis of the study of the principle of hydraulic support, determining the way of the parametric design for hydraulic support, then dividing the function module of hydraulic support. Take the upper beam of hydraulic support as example, using the top-down design method, passing the design information from the assembly to the parts or components with data sharing method, then set up the custom design parameters and the relationship, in order to establish the parametric information model, then get the control of the modeling of the entire 3D model, so that it’s convenient to modify or optimize the model later. In addition, research on the secondary development technology of CAD on base of conventional parametric design method, so as to improve the parametric design competence of CAD through the secondary development. Developing the user application program with Pro/TOOLKIT and VC++, integrating the application to CAD system, with an good interface user can easily input the parameters to regenerate the template model to get the required model. In this way people can avoid the repetitive work in the develop term, so that reduce the design cost time and improve the design quality. The efficiency of data management in the traditional design is not good enough, in order to solve this problem, we use the database technology to manage the design information, and connect the database system together with the secondary developed design system, so that the design system consist of parametric modeling and data management functions. The research in this text contributes to the product development in the modern design and manufacture side for the company, and the design way can be also used in other product design system. Key Words: hydraulic support , the upper beam , parametric design , secondary development
个人分类: 硕士研究生毕业论文|1465 次阅读|0 个评论
bshen 2019-8-25 11:20
硕士学位毕业论文 硕士研究生:陈骁 指导教师:沈斌 教授 答辩时间:2012.06 摘要 液压支架是综采设备的重要组成部分。由于我国机械行业目前对于产品的开发设计环节关注度远远低于国外同行业,从而导致产品设计效率低下,开发周期长,优化产品性能困难。为提高综采设备企业的国际市场竞争力,首先要缩短液压支架开发设计时间,以及提高液压支架的可靠性,并且通过对液压支架静力学的分析对其尺寸参数进行优化,保证设计的质量。 本文以四柱支撑掩护式液压支架为例,根据液压支架强度试验而模拟出井下各种危险工况的加载方式,分别对液压支架建立平面力学模型和空间力学模型的方法来对其进行静力学分析。不仅可以优化筛选液压支架的结构参数,而且还可以通过计算出来的关键部位的载荷来为后期的有限元分析做准备。 通过对 Pro/E 的 TOP-DOWN 和参数化建模技术的研究先对液压支架进行骨架建模,再使用发布几何、复制几何、参数—关系等方法来实现液压支架各零部件之间的信息传递和液压支架模型的建立。 基于 Pro/TOOLKIT 的开发方法,以 Visual Studio 2005 为集成开发环境使用 VC++ 编程语言对 Pro/E 进行二次开发,以及对 SQL Server 数据库技术的深入研究。最后对模型库、力学模型、数据库等进行有机的结合,实现设计人员在特定的用户界面下快速有效地对液压支架进行设计和模型生成。 本文的研究对提高产品的设计效率、缩短产品的开发周期有很高的实际应用价值,一定程度满足了现代企业在当今市场竞争中低成本高效率开发新产品的需求。 关键词 :液压支架, Pro/E , TOP-DOWN ,参数化, VC++ ,数据库 ABSTRACT The hydraulic support is an important part of mining equipment. Because of Chinese machinery industry for attention of product development and design aspects is far lower than the same industry in foreign countries. It is resulting in inefficient product design and development cycles, optimize product performance problems, and it is difficult to reduce production costs through research and development. In order to improve the international competitiveness of the mining equipment companies, it is important to shorten the design time of the hydraulic support development, and improve the reliability of the hydraulic support, and optimize its size parameters by statics analysis of the hydraulic supports to ensure the quality of the design. Using four-post support sheltering hydraulic support for instance. According to the strength test of hydraulic support which simulate the loading of the underground hazardous conditions to its statics analysis of planar mechanical model and space mechanics model of the hydraulic support. This not only can optimize the structure parameters of hydraulic support, but also the finite element analysis can be calculated from the critical parts of the load to prepare later. Researching the Pro/E TOP-DOWN and parametric modeling techniques to model the hydraulic support, Using the skeleton modeling, publish geometry, copy geometry methods to realize geometrical parameters – relations between the various component s of the hydraulic support information transmission and hydraulic support model Using VC++ programming language for development in Visual Studio 2005 integrated development environment. And in-depth study on the SQL Server database technology, in order to achieve a specific user interface, by which the designers can design and model a hydraulic support quickly and efficiently. Greatly improved the efficiency of the design and development of the hydraulic support. This research to improve the design efficiency and shorten the product development cycle has a high practical value, in order to meet the needs of modern enterprises in today's market competition, cost-effective development of new products. cost-effective development of new products. Key Words: hydraulic support, Pro/E, TOP-DOWN, Parameterize, VC++, databa
个人分类: 硕士研究生毕业论文|1434 次阅读|0 个评论

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