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[转载]'What Do You Really Want From Us?'
sunsong7 2011-2-18 14:27
'What Do You Really Want From Us?' 【The Washington Post】 Sunday, May 18, 2008 This poem appeared on the Internet in March and has since gone viral, popping up on thousands of blogs and Web sites, in both English and Chinese. Its authorship could not be confirmed. When we were the Sick Man of Asia, We were called the Yellow Peril. When we are billed as the next Superpower, we are called The Threat. When we closed our doors, you launched the Opium War to open our markets. When we embraced free trade, you blamed us for stealing your jobs. When we were falling apart, you marched in your troops and demanded your fair share. When we tried to put the broken pieces back together again, Free Tibet, you screamed. It was an Invasion! When we tried communism, you hated us for being communist. When we embraced capitalism, you hated us for being capitalist. When we had a billion people, you said we were destroying the planet. When we tried limiting our numbers, you said we abused human rights. When we were poor, you thought we were dogs. When we lend you cash, you blame us for your national debts. When we build our industries, you call us polluters. When we sell you goods, you blame us for global warming. When we buy oil, you call it exploitation and genocide. When you go to war for oil, you call it liberation. When we were lost in chaos, you demanded the rule of law. When we uphold law and order against violence, you call it a violation of human rights. When we were silent, you said you wanted us to have free speech. When we are silent no more, you say we are brainwashed xenophobes. Why do you hate us so much? we asked. No, you answered, we don't hate you. We don't hate you either, But do you understand us? Of course we do, you said, We have AFP, CNN and BBC. . . . What do you really want from us? Think hard first, then answer . . . Because you only get so many chances. Enough is Enough, Enough Hypocrisy for This One World. We want One World, One Dream, and Peace on Earth. This Big Blue Earth is Big Enough for all of Us. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/16/AR2008051603460.html 【译文-中文】你究竟想让我们怎么样?   【翻译作者】:mossblue         This poem appeared on the Internet in March and has since gone viral, popping up on thousands of blogs and Web sites, in both English and Chinese. Its authorship could not be confirmed.   这首诗在三月时出现在互联网上,自此之后如病毒一样在英国和中国两地的上千篇博客和网站传播。这首诗的作者尚未得到确认。           When we were the Sick Man of Asia,We were called the Yellow Peril.   曾经我们是东亚病夫,我们被叫成黄祸。   When we are billed as the next Superpower, we are called The Threat.   现在我们被宣传为下一个超级大国,我们又被称作恐吓。   When we closed our doors, you launched the Opium War to open our markets.   曾经我们闭关锁国,你发动鸦片战争撞开我们的大门。   When we embraced free trade, you blamed us for stealing your jobs.   最终我们拥抱了自由贸易,而你则谴责我们抢断了你们的工作。   When we were falling apart, you marched in your troops and demanded your fair share.   曾经我们势如危卵,你调转铁蹄来强取豪夺。   When we tried to put the broken pieces back together again, Free Tibet, you screamed. It was an Invasion!   当我们想重拾旧山河,你高叫着:解放西藏,希望我们相向倒戈!   When we tried communism, you hated us for being communist.   我们走上共产主义道路,你仇视我们是布尔什维克。   When we embraced capitalism, you hated us for being capitalist.   我们和资本主义结合,你厌恶我们是资本投机者。   When we had a billion people, you said we were destroying the planet.   我们拥有数十亿人民,你说我们挤占地球。   When we tried limiting our numbers, you said we abused human rights.   我们控制人口膨胀,你控诉我们人权龌龊。   When we were poor, you thought we were dogs.   我们贫穷落魄,你认为我们是猪猡。   When we lend you cash, you blame us for your national debts.   现在你借债许多,却责骂我们是你是的债权国。   When we build our industries, you call us polluters.   我们建设自己的工业,你叫我们污染者。   When we sell you goods, you blame us for global warming.   我们销售你的商品,你给我们扣上全球变暖的黑锅。   When we buy oil, you call it exploitation and genocide.   我们购买石油,你说我们进行能源剥削导致枯竭   When you go to war for oil, you call it liberation.   你们为石油大动干戈,你美名曰拯救尔等于水火。   When we were lost in chaos, you demanded the rule of law.   当我们混乱不堪、你呼吁什么法律规则。   When we uphold law and order against violence, you call it a violation of human rights.   当我们有法可循、除暴安良,你指着这是践踏人权、罪不可赦。   When we were silent, you said you wanted us to have free speech.   当我们沉默,你说想要我们发出自由之声。   When we are silent no more, you say we are brainwashed xenophobes.   当我们不再沉默,你却将我们描绘被洗脑的仇外者。   Why do you hate us so much? we asked.   为什么你如此仇视我们?我们问到   No, you answered, we don’’t hate you.   不,你回答,我们没有仇视。   We don’’t hate you either,   我们对你亦无仇恨。   But do you understand us?   但你们可了解我们?   Of course we do, you said,   当然了解,你说道,   We have AFP, CNN and BBC. . . .   我们有AFP、CNN和BBC……   What do you really want from us?   你究竟想让我们怎么样?   Think hard first, then answer . . .   好好想想吧,你们能如此一簧两舌……   Because you only get so many chances.   只因我们宽宥待人、有容乃大。   Enough is Enough, Enough Hypocrisy for This One World.   就此打住吧,我们看尽了世间假仁假义。   We want One World, One Dream, and Peace on Earth.   只求得美美与共、天下大同。   This Big Blue Earth is Big Enough for all of Us.   在这片碧顶穹空下是我们共同的家园。 http://www.tianya.cn/publicforum/content/no110/1/124576.shtml
个人分类: 点滴收藏|3125 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 11 Rein 2011-2-14 15:44
声明: 本人本科毕业不到一年,所以对研究不会有太高深的见解……欢迎拍砖 正式开始读研究生后,虽然第一年也没怎么做研究,但是看问题和本科生阶段还是有点区别了。至少,在各种压力下,开始学着系统地阅读paper,开始学着系统地做Survey。 作为网络研究的初学者,一年一年系统地按topoic地读论文,和其他人discuss,是一件帮助很大的事情。因为我不急着做研究了,所以也不是特别只看最新的研究成果,而是从80年代的paper看起。除了paper,老师推荐了一些Internet发展历史之类的参考资料,也开始和这些paper的作者以及业界的人有一点点交流。于是我不禁去比较一下网络paper发展史和实际网络发展史,里面有很多有趣的东西。 1. 发现问题 VS 解决问题 我发现好的paper包括这样两类(不局限于这样两类): 一类是发现问题型,一类是解决问题型。比较典型的发现问题的paper例如incast的paper,比如roofnet比较早的那些measurement的paper。拿incast来说,这篇paper一问世,很多研究者开始研究解决方案,导致之后一两年的各类网络会议充斥了大量其解决方案的paper,不乏很不错的会议的best paper。我个人很喜欢读这种发现问题,或者是measurement的paper,很有趣。以后看看能不能向这个方向发展发展。 解决问题的paper就是各种各样了。其实我感觉paper从类别来分,有design, modeling, implementation, experiment型paper; experiment的paper大多属于前面发现问题类。 国内很多学校喜欢做modeling,也许是因为门槛相对较低,不需要太高的硬件条件。modeling不乏好paper。比如很多TCP congestion control分析的paper。design的paper怎么说呢,看历史上的paper吧,有很多很不错的design,但是一直没有被实现。也有一些design,变成了我们现在使用的internet。仔细看这些design的paper的作者,大概就是那几个大牛: 估计也就这些人比较有影响力吧。现在人比较喜欢implementation。当然sigcomm这种会议的implementation很大程度属于“伪系统”, 就是假装是个系统,其实还是要说明某种理论,比如ExOR, XORs in the air. 这种建立在真实用户中的可以长时间运行的真实系统,比较受欢迎影响力也很大。 而很多解决问题的好paper,他们的问题并不是凭空编造的,而是站在巨人肩膀上的。比如09年某paper提出了数据中心中布线错误检测的问题,10年就冒出了相关paper。当然不是所有paper都这样,有些问题是不需要提出来就存在的。再说久远点,多少人为了改善编码效率去追求当年香农老人家提出来的那个界啊。 而很多不咋的paper,就会建立在一些不存在的问题上。想起个笑话,三鹿事件后,某博士生研究出了一套高效检测奶粉中是否存在三聚氯胺的方法,投到某国际期刊,被据稿,理由是:牛奶中本没有三聚氯胺,何必多此一举? 2. 什么样的paper会真正被应用 某某教授03年统计了一下最近几年sigcomm中真正实际应用了的paper的数量,结论是0篇:也就是一篇都没有!为什么没有被应用?因为网络上的研究,动一发则牵扯全身。拿TCP来说,这是一个End-to-end的实现。你要修改里面的congestion control,很可能就得同时修改上十亿TCP设备里面的protocol。不过,这种大的改变也不是不可能。网络最早的通信协议应该算是NCP而不是TCP。在TCP提出后N年,一个精心策划的日子,所有NCP同时转换成TCP。 当然,那个时候的网络规模不算大。 至少,现在看来,(1)一切导致网络可能会发生剧烈变化,影响现有稳定性的研究,都很难被真正应用。比如,LB-switch, 比如naming。这些研究可能会导致和现有系统,例如TCP不兼容。有些研究,比如i3,虽然现在还没有实现,但是这个东西至少是有希望在现存网络中实现,至少兼容所有东西,并且可以incremental deployment,所以在(1)类中还是可以实现。但是,(2) 人们貌似不希望恶化现在已有的任何东西。 比如i3,能够解决很多问题,但是会导致更大的delay。虽然这个delay是bound的,但是很难说服ISP之类的去放弃现有的去引入一个更高delay的。(3) 不是很急迫需要的东西,很难去改。 这点是说,很多paper有很长远的计划,可能希望解决的是即将出现的很多application的支持问题。可是,这个问题并不迫切,而现有东西还过得去,于是就这样了。 虽然网络研究受到如此多的限制,但是并没有走进死胡同。感觉之后的网络研究开始侧重于各种testbed的开发研究,比如openflow, sora。这种软件定义的网络比起传统网络更容易修改。虽然这个很难解决已有的,例如LB-switch和TCP不兼容的问题,但是假设我们有了建立在软件定义上的新的某种“TCP”,又发明了新的LB-switch,并且他们不兼容,我们要对那个新的“TCP"进行修改的日子,就不会像现在这么痛苦。除了testbed的研究,还有很多局部网络,比如数据中心的研究。这是小规模的网络,拥有者可以轻松地修改里面的所有东西,不像现在internet改起来如此痛苦。 说不定,当有了很好的test bed,很多成功运行的data center,我们也许可以去动动庞大的internet的根基。 3. 研究的原则 不得不说有些大家,经常会发表一些不错的文章,来强调各种网络设计的principal,仔细看看其实蛮有好处。虽然这些原则不能盲从,比如E2E,作者强调要分情况考虑,但是很多东西如果在自己开始做研究前看了,就不会出现做出很差很差的研究了。 举个例子,某早期交换机VOQ设计的论文中,提出了交换机设计的4个原则,其中一个原则就是一个成功的交换机的调度算法速度一定要快,得在5ns才能满足交换机需求。所以,那些早期的基于VOQ的调度算法都很简单,并不完美。很多失败的交换机调度论文,比如network coding的,很难最后被应用:即使像我自己写的,简化了编码降低了计算复杂度的,想要达到5ns还是很困难。虽然这些大牛说的未必就是不可违背的金科玉律。但是我的观察来看,违背了这些原则的paper,很多都不是好paper。 读那些大家的论文,也许你不觉得他的算法多么巧妙。但是凭着他们在网络研究领域里面多闯荡了数十年,对现在问题的把握比我们这些初学者要准确得多。顺着他们指的一些路,可以避免自己胡思乱想想出很多不切实际的东西。 -----------------------------------------------我是华丽的分割线---------------------------------------------------------- 最后,说件事。前段时间国内寒假,很多小朋友跑到Stanford来参观。还有小朋友找上我,让我介绍申请经验和研究经验。其中他问了我个问题,你想idea需要多长时间。我突然觉得,其实本科时想个新的研究idea要不了太长时间的。不过本科毕业后到现在半年,大概我再也没有过去想过新的idea。这是进步呢,还是退步呢?
个人分类: 学习交流|9373 次阅读|13 个评论
热度 1 libing 2011-2-13 11:07
就像我们的新闻“Internet 2010 in numbers”里所说的那样,垃圾邮件的数量简直令人难以置信。每天有将近2600亿份垃圾邮件被投递到世界各个角落,大约89%的邮件都是垃圾邮件。 正因为如此,从该事实和数据着手,深度挖掘背后的东西不失为一桩乐事。因而,我们翻查了Symantec公司的66页报告,并调查了一些2010年活跃于互联网之上的流氓软件,发现了一些有趣的信息。 有关垃圾邮件的真相 虽然你已经知道了大多数邮件都是垃圾邮件,但我相信,以下这些细节是你所忽略的。 90%的垃圾邮件是用英语写的,一年前这个数据是96%,该现象说明垃圾邮件有“国际化”趋势。 88%的垃圾邮件都是从僵尸网络中发出的(僵尸网络是未加防护的网络)。 91%的垃圾邮件包含一些链接。 2/3 的垃圾邮件都和药制品有关。 你是否感到收到了越来越多并未订阅却定期发放的简报?不只是你碰到了这个问题。未经请求主动提供的资料越来越多,这一手段已逐步成为了垃圾邮件的第二大主力军。 来自网上邮箱的垃圾邮件(例如来自Gmail或者Hotmail)并没有像你所想的那么普遍。只有0.7%的垃圾邮件来自这些网上邮箱账号。 在284份邮件中就有1份包含着流氓软件。 在445份邮件中就有1份是伪冒电邮。 2010年一年中就有9.5亿伪冒电邮在网络世界中传播。 海地地震后,许多垃圾邮件都冠着“帮助海地人民”的假捐款名义索骗资金。如果你还寄希望于垃圾邮件发出者拥有一些良知谴责的话,那么你就错了。 垃圾邮件与僵尸网络 正如前面提到的,88%的垃圾邮件都来自于僵尸网络。美国Symantec公司预计在世界范围内共有500万个僵尸网络执行着投递垃圾邮件的业务。 在2010年,平均一个僵尸网络的端口每分钟就能发出77封垃圾邮件,在有些僵尸网络中,这个数字甚至可以达到200。 有些僵尸网络的功能十分强大,以下是世界三大僵尸网络: Rustock, 拥有110-170万电脑 Cutwail, 拥有56– 84万电脑 Maazben, 拥有51– 77万电脑 那么,这些组成僵尸网络的未加防护的电脑身处何方呢?答案是:世界各地,但有一定的集中区域。以下便是2010年整理的垃圾邮件制造者——僵尸网络的分布地图。 Image source: Symantec Message Labs (now Symantec.cloud). 正如你所见,欧洲尤其是东欧,已经逐步成为僵尸网络的聚合之地。另一方面,中国只向世界发布0.33%的垃圾邮件。 都是金钱惹的祸 短时间内我们不可能完全摒除垃圾邮件,与此同时,垃圾邮件发送者也在寻找除了电邮之外的送达方法。只要有金钱利益,垃圾邮件便会锲而不舍地继续发展。前景虽然渺茫,但幸而垃圾邮件过滤软件正在蓬勃发展,并且我们相信它会做得更好。 这便很讽刺。如果垃圾邮件过滤器可以高效地阻隔所有垃圾邮件,那么垃圾邮件的商业利润便会降低,这样垃圾邮件生产商便会望而却步。由此一来,垃圾邮件过滤软件的生产商也会削弱这方面的业务。他们之间本来就有着共生共利的依存关系,这种关系很微妙,就像杀毒软件公司和病毒制造者之间一样。 来源: http://royal.pingdom.com/2011/01/19/email-spam-statistics 数据来源: MessageLabsIntelligence_2010_Annual_Report_FINAL.pdf 译者:TMT观察中心 卢晰义
个人分类: IT与网|2636 次阅读|1 个评论
Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR)Volume 13 (2011)
xupeiyang 2011-2-5 08:24
==================================== Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Volume 13 (2011) * Impact Factor (2009): 3.9 - one of the most cited journals in the Medical Informatics and Health Services Research categories * http://www.jmir.org/2011 Content Alert, 04 Feb 2011 期刊见 Journal of Medical Internet Research.doc
2242 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 huangfuqiang 2011-1-25 16:45
这个事很无奈,应引起重视!属于个人信息安全问题,恶意挖掘个人信息要遏制!!! DoNotTrack.Us is a collaboration of researchers at the Stanford Law School Center for Internet and Society and the Security Laboratory at the Stanford Department of Computer Science to explore implementation and foster pluralist discussion of Do Not Track. The principal researchers are Jonathan Mayer and Arvind Narayanan . Overview Do Not Track is a technology that enables users to opt out of third-party web tracking, including behavioral advertising. At present a user cannot opt out of many of the hundreds of tracking services and advertising networks; those that do allow opting out each require setting (and not deleting!) an opt-out cookie. Much like the popular Do Not Call registry, Do Not Track provides users with a single, persistent setting to opt out of web tracking. Here's how it works: Whenever a web browser requests content or sends data using HTTP, the protocol that underlies the web, it can optionally include extra information, called a "header." Do Not Track simply adds a header indicating the user wishes to not be tracked. Note that Do Not Track differs from the Do Not Call registry in employing a decentralized design; it thus avoids the substantial technical and privacy challenges inherent to compiling, updating, and sharing a comprehensive registry of tracking services or web users. Compliance with Do Not Track could be purely voluntary, enforced by industry self-regulation, or mandated by state or federal law. We do not take a position on these alternatives. 详细情况进网站:http://donottrack.us/
个人分类: 信息安全理论与工程|3280 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载]14th IEEE Global Internet Symposium
igoogll 2010-7-13 19:38
Call for Papers Authors are invited to submit papers on issues, especially scaling issues, related to current and future Internet technology. Topics of interest include, but not limited to, the following: Novel applications and new paradigms Next-generation network architectures Handling Internet dynamics/heterogeneity (by applications and/or the network) P2P networking and overlay networks Large-scale distributed Internet applications Privacy and/or security issues in the Internet Anomaly, intrusion and attack detection Routing (unicast, multicast, anycast, etc.) Flow management (fairness/sharing, congestion control, differentiated services, etc.) The Internet and wireless/mobile devices, as well as intermittent connectivity Traffic measurement, analysis, modeling, and visualization Provisioning, monitoring, and management of IP services Content networking (caching, content distribution, content routing, content services, load balancing, etc.) Important Dates Paper submission: (tbc) Notification of acceptance: (tbc) Final manuscripts due: (tbc) Symposium: 14 April 2011 Submission Instructions Submitted manuscripts must be formatted in standard IEEE camera-ready format (double-column, 10-pt font) and must be submitted via EDAS as PDF files formatted for 8.5x11-inch paper. The manuscripts must be no longer than 6 pages. The Program Committee reserves the right to not review papers that violate these formatting rules. Submitted papers must not have been previously published, or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. All submitted papers will be reviewed and judged on originality, technical correctness, relevance, and quality of presentation. All accepted papers must be presented at the symposium by one of the authors. http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/conferences/gi2011/cfp.html
个人分类: 人物言论|2598 次阅读|0 个评论
xupeiyang 2010-7-1 16:41
该研究课题的创新: 国内可见网上双向转诊系统的开发设计及实现的研究报道,并可见区域间不同医疗机构之间的医疗信息共享(包括检查检验信息)的研究报道,但未见 基于 Internet的异构平台间的的双向转诊系统的研究文献报道,未见实现区域间不同医疗机构之间的电子病历共享,未见使用DBXML存储病历数据和采用XML标记语言进行数据封装和交换以及适应不同平台的中间件等电子病历交互平台。 编 号 2010101071
个人分类: 创新评论|2823 次阅读|2 个评论
FI 与密码有矛盾,和智能密码应用不矛盾 & NIABC labs 资料
罗岚 2010-6-28 11:19
由于存储目录改变,对内容有兴趣的读者,请在各篇博文附件里点击、挖掘、阅读: FI (Future Internet)的特点是公开,而密码是什么事都捂着. 在 FI 的自动管理之上做一些密码智能应用,增加使用信息的质量,这也许是 FI 的 Trust 2 Trust 应用研究的意义----专门做学术的到一定阶段对矛盾和限制是绕道而行的,成气候就没有什么忌讳了,可以把矛盾和限制置换成利益. E U R O P E 2 0 2 0 里有一个研究方向: Applications: Driving the Evolution. 如果不重视应用,导致缺乏创新动力.以下是转载自己的博文: 网络与分组密码智能应用实验室(筹)的SCI,EI,IEEE,ACM,开放存取期刊的资料请参考第一篇博文 MY CV (03-04年做了一份不错的硕士论文,导致获奖,也许基于这个原因,密码学在一些高校仅仅是硕士学科), 使用GOOGLE 搜索获取.做博士后时,参考欧洲ECRYPT II 活动里面向密码研究在互联网上构造的三个虚拟实验室: 对称技术虚拟实验室 (STVL:参考视频),多方和非对称算法虚拟实验室 ,安全和有效实现虚拟实验室 (VAMPIRE:参考视频, )建立了这个虚拟实验室,实验室成员决定把这个在线LAB进行实体化---Networks Intelligent Application of Block Cipher Labortary -- 研究网络前沿 (Networks ),智能应用 (Intelligent Applications),置换,快递一切(Permute Express of Things)和其他(Others),自己当教授和老师.存放在科学网上的虚拟实验室资料有这些,每份资料有两篇EI或一篇SCI的水平(因为我的博士学位做到了SCI水平).实验室无假期,有快递或学术合作请Email给我.欢迎阅读,请勿下载: 仅供在线获取 : Golden Fish: An Intelligent Stream Cipher Fuse Memory Modules 期刊 : Precise Transformation of Feistel to SP Fuse into LFSR 期刊 : The Intelligent Conversion for Different Layers' Block Ciphers 博士论文: 分组密码算法设计与评估应用研究 博士后入站报告 : 罗岚的博士后报告:分组密码与人工智能交叉应用研究 博士后研究报告 : 密码与贝叶斯模型 仅供在线获取: 可证安全密码学( 2008 ) 仅供在线获取: 2008 国际密码年会综述 仅供在线获取: 2009 国际密码年会综述 仅供在线获取: ECRYPT2 算法和密钥规模年度报告 2008-2009 仅供在线获取: 欧洲密码技术委员会研究发展报告综述 (2010) 仅供在线获取: SHA3 活动第二轮算法的注记 仅供在线获取: 非参数贝叶斯模型下的分组密码称重 (2010.3)_2012version accepted by CEIT2012) 仅供在线获取: 未来互联网和安全技术综述 (2010.4) 仅供在线获取: 未来互联网之真实世界互联网简介 (2010.5) 仅供在线获取: 计算机安全和密码学里的进化计算应用简介 (2010.6) 仅供在线获取: 未来互联网之网络与服务 (2010.7) 仅供在线获取: 2009 量子信息科学工作报告( NIST ) (2010.8) 仅供在线获取: 互联世界、人工智能和 RFID 的交叉应用研究 (2010.8) 仅供在线获取: 量子计算和量子通信安全技术展望 (2010.9) 仅供在线获取: 在信念网模型下的SHA3 前五名算法注记version2.0.pdf ( 2010.12) 仅供在线获取: 2010年网络与分组密码智能应用实验室(筹) 年度报告(2011.12) 仅供在线获取: 仿真与变形,变质.pdf (2011.1) 仅供在线获取: 2012财年美国网络和信息技术研究与发展计划注记V2.0.pdf (2011.4) 仅供在线获取: 移动与互联一切.pdf (2011.5), 未来互联网里程碑.pdf (2011.5) 仅供在线获取: 未来互联网风向标之人体电传和时光旅行.pdf (2011.5) 仅供在线获取: 智能密码应用快递 (集合) (Express of Intelligent Apllications of Cryptology , Networks Edition)
个人分类: 生活点滴|3742 次阅读|0 个评论
abyssoop 2010-6-4 10:42
最近做的一篇论文,几经周折,终于发表了。全文可从http://arxiv.org/abs/1007.2280 上看到,摘要如下 题目:PhaseChangesintheEvolutionoftheIPv4andIPv6AS-LevelInternetTopologies 摘要:InthispaperweinvestigatetheevolutionoftheIPv4andIPv6Internettopologiesattheautonomoussystem(AS)leveloveralongperiodoftime.Weprovideabundantempiricalevidencethatthereisaphasetransitioninthegrowthtrendofthetwonetworks.FortheIPv4network,thephasechangeoccurredin2001.Beforethenthenetworkssizegrewexponentially,andthereafteritfollowedalineargrowth.Changesarealsoobservedaroundthesametimeforthemaximumnodedegree,theaveragenodedegreeandtheaverageshortestpathlength.FortheIPv6network,thephasechangeoccurredinlate2006.Itisnotablethattheobservedphasetransitionsinthetwonetworksaredifferent,forexamplethesizeofIPv6networkinitiallygrewlinearlyandthenshiftedtoanexponentialgrowth.Ourresultsshowthatfollowingdecadesofrapidexpansionuptothebeginningofthiscentury,theIPv4networkhasnowevolvedintoamature,steadystagecharacterisedbyarelativelyslowgrowthwithastablenetworkstructure;whereastheIPv6network,afteraslowstartupprocess,hasjusttakenofftoafullspeedgrowth.WealsoprovideinsightintothepossibleimpactofIPv6-over-IPv4tunnelingdeploymentschemeontheevolutionoftheIPv6network.TheInternettopologygeneratorssofararebasedonaninexplicitassumptionthattheevolutionofInternetfollowsnon-changingdynamicmechanisms.Thisassumption,however,isinvalidatedbyourresults.Ourworkrevealsinsightsintothe InternetevolutionandprovidesinputstofutureAS-LevelInternetmodels.
个人分类: 论文交流|6740 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载]Please read this article before you consider publishing on the Net...
zuojun 2010-4-23 14:48
... or you could be stuck with a rejected manuscript that can no longer be considered by a paper journal... What does this mean for you? The Internet has greatly facilitated scientific publication. It has also made possible the creation of entirely new types of publication venues that do not conform to the traditions of the pre-Internet era peer-review system. In this brave new world all is not what it might seema reference in the format of a peer-reviewed journal may not have passed peer review; it might very well be rejected work that is published on the Internet. Similarly, authors who are considering submitting their work to a journal that publishes submissions on-line should be aware of the possible consequences. If their work is not accepted, it could end up in scientific limbo because traditional journals will very likely consider it as already published. While one intent of EGUs publication model is to ensure publication precedence for authors, in practice it can serve as a barrier to publication. You can read the whole article here: ASLO_Bullein
个人分类: Scientific Writing|2307 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Effects of Internet Use on Health and Depression: A Longitudinal Study
xupeiyang 2010-3-16 09:32
Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Volume 12 (2010) * Impact Factor (2008): 3.6 - Ranked top (#1/20) in the Medical Informatics and second (#2/62) in the Health Services Research category * http://www.jmir.org/2010 Content Alert, 15 Mar 2010 ==================================== ================================= UPCOMING ISSUE Volume 12, Issue 1 http://www.jmir.org/2010/1 ================================= The following article(s) has/have just been published in the UPCOMING JMIR issue (Volume 12 / Issue 1): (articles are still being added for this issue) Original Papers ------------------ Effects of Internet Use on Health and Depression: A Longitudinal Study Katie Bessire, Sarah Pressman, Sara Kiesler, Robert Kraut J Med Internet Res 2010 (Mar 12); 12(1):e6 HTML (open access): http://www.jmir.org/2010/1/e6/ PDF (members only): http://www.jmir.org/2010/1/e6/PDF Background: The rapid expansion of the Internet has increased the ease with which the public can obtain medical information. Most research on the utility of the Internet for health purposes has evaluated the quality of the information itself or examined its impact on clinical populations. Little is known about the consequences of its use by the general population. Objective: Is use of the Internet by the general population for health purposes associated with a subsequent change in psychological well-being and health? Is the effect different for healthy versus ill individuals? Does the impact of using the Internet for health purposes differ from the impact of other types of Internet use? Methods: Data come from a national US panel survey of 740 individuals conducted from 2000 to 2002. Across three surveys, respondents described their use of the Internet for different purposes, indicated whether they had any of 13 serious illnesses (or were taking care of someone with a serious illness), and reported their depression. In the initial and final surveys they also reported on their physical health. Lagged dependent variable regression analysis was used to predict changes in depression and general health reported on a later survey from frequency of different types of Internet use at an earlier period, holding constant prior depression and general health, respectively. Statistical interactions tested whether uses of the Internet predicted depression and general health differently for people who initially differed on their general health, chronic illness, and caregiver status. Results: Health-related Internet use was associated with small but reliable increases in depression (ie, increasing use of the Internet for health purposes from 3 to 5 days per week to once a day was associated with .11 standard deviations more symptoms of depression, P = .002). In contrast, using the Internet for communication with friends and family was associated with small but reliable decreases in depression (ie, increasing use of the Internet for communication with friends and family purposes from 3 to 5 days per week to once a day was associated with .07 standard deviations fewer symptoms of depression, p = .007). There were no significant effects of respondents initial health status (P = .234) or role as a caregiver (P = .911) on the association between health-related Internet use and depression. Neither type of use was associated with changes in general health (P = .705 for social uses and P = .494 for health uses). Conclusions: Using the Internet for health purposes was associated with increased depression. The increase may be due to increased rumination, unnecessary alarm, or over-attention to health problems. Additionally, those with unmeasured problems or those more prone to health anxiety may self-select online health resources. In contrast, using the Internet to communicate with friends and family was associated with declines in depression. This finding is comparable to other studies showing that social support is beneficial for well-being and lends support to the idea that the Internet is a way to strengthen and maintain social ties. ============================================ NEWS ANNOUNCEMENTS http://www.jmir.org/announcement __JMIR launches Open Peer Review__ A new feature on the JMIR website, open peer review articles (a href=http://www.jmir.org/reviewer/openReview/abstractshttp://www.jmir.org/reviewer/openReview/abstracts/a), allows JMIR users to sign themselves up as peer reviewers for specific articles currently considered by the Journal (in addition to author- and editor-selected reviewers). The system shows selected, recently submitted articles where submitting authors have not opted-out of the open peer-review experiment and where the editor has not made a decision yet, allowing readers to peer-review pending submissions. A RSS feed for recent submissions is available at a href=http://feeds.feedburner.com/JMIR-OpenReviewhttp://feeds.feedburner.com/JMIR-OpenReview/a. http://www.jmir.org/announcement/view/30 __Medicine 2.0'10 in Maastricht: Mark your calendar__ In 2010, the Medicine 2.0 congress (Social Media and Web 2.0 in Health, Medicine, and Biomedical Research, http://www.medicine20congress.com) will - for the first time ever - be hosted in Europe: Maastricht (The Netherlands) - centrally located in Europe a short train ride from Brussels - is the conference venue. Mark your calendar: Medicine 2.0'10: Nov 29-30, 2010 (Abstract submission deadline: May 31st, 2010) http://www.jmir.org/announcement/view/29 ============================================ Please support JMIR by becoming a member today! JMIR needs to raise $100k to support software upgrades http://www.jmir.org/support.htm Memberships start at $4.92 per month ============================================ 2008 Impact Factor 3.6 confirms JMIR as THE top ranked health informatics, health services research and health policy journal for the Internet age. See http://www.jmir.org/announcement/view/24 for the new journal impact factors released in June 2009 ! ============================================ This is not an unsolicited email. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to JMIR content alerts. To unsubscribe from content alerts please log in at http://www.jmir.org/user/profile and uncheck the checkbox New issue published email notifications. If you lost your password, please go to http://www.jmir.org/login/lostPassword. ________________________________________________________________________ Journal of Medical Internet Research - The leading peer-reviewed health journal - Open Access - Fat Review - Impact Factor: 3.6 *** JMIR is now ranked the number one (#1/20) in the Medical Infomatics and second (#2/62) in the Heath Services Research category! http://www.jimr.org
个人分类: 网络技术|2636 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) 17 Feb 2010
xupeiyang 2010-2-18 16:32
==================================== Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Volume 12 (2010) * Impact Factor (2008): 3.6 - Ranked top (#1/20) in the Medical Informatics and second (#2/62) in the Health Services Research category * http://www.jmir.org/2010 Content Alert, 17 Feb 2010 ==================================== ================================= UPCOMING ISSUE Volume 12, Issue 1 http://www.jmir.org/2010/1 ================================= The following article(s) has/have just been published in the UPCOMING JMIR issue (Volume 12 / Issue 1): (articles are still being added for this issue) Review ------------------ Using the Internet to Promote Health Behavior Change: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Impact of Theoretical Basis, Use of Behavior Change Techniques, and Mode of Delivery on Efficacy Thomas Webb, Judith Joseph, Lucy Yardley, Susan Michie J Med Internet Res 2010 (Feb 17); 12(1):e4 HTML (open access): http://www.jmir.org/2010/1/e4/ PDF (members only): http://www.jmir.org/2010/1/e4/PDF Background: The Internet is increasingly used as a medium for the delivery of interventions designed to promote health behavior change. However, reviews of these interventions to date have not systematically identified intervention characteristics and linked these to effectiveness. Objectives: The present review sought to capitalize on recently published coding frames for assessing use of theory and behavior change techniques to investigate which characteristics of Internet-based interventions best promote health behavior change. In addition, we wanted to develop a novel coding scheme for assessing mode of delivery in Internet-based interventions and also to link different modes to effect sizes. Methods: We conducted a computerized search of the databases indexed by ISI Web of Knowledge (including BIOSIS Previews and Medline) between 2000 and 2008. Studies were included if (1) the primary components of the intervention were delivered via the Internet, (2) participants were randomly assigned to conditions, and (3) a measure of behavior related to health was taken after the intervention. Results: We found 85 studies that satisfied the inclusion criteria, providing a total sample size of 43,236 participants. On average, interventions had a statistically small but significant effect on health-related behavior (d+ = 0.16, 95% CI 0.09-0.23). More extensive use of theory was associated with increases in effect size (P = .049), and, in particular, interventions based on the theory of planned behavior tended to have substantial effects on behavior (d+ = 0.36, 95% CI 0.15-0.56). Interventions that incorporated more behavior change techniques also tended to have larger effects compared to interventions that incorporated fewer techniques (P .001). Finally, the effectiveness of Internet-based interventions was enhanced by the use of additional methods of communicating with participants, especially the use of short message service (SMS), or text, messages. Conclusions: The review provides a framework for the development of a science of Internet-based interventions, and our findings provide a rationale for investing in more intensive theory-based interventions that incorporate multiple behavior change techniques and modes of delivery. ============================================ NEWS ANNOUNCEMENTS http://www.jmir.org/announcement __Medicine 2.0'10 in Maastricht: Mark your calendar__ In 2010, the Medicine 2.0 congress (Social Media and Web 2.0 in Health, Medicine, and Biomedical Research) will - for the first time ever - be hosted in Europe: Maastricht (The Netherlands) - centrally located in Europe a short train ride from Brussels - is the conference venue. Mark your calendar: Medicine 2.0'10: Nov 29-30, 2010 http://www.jmir.org/announcement/view/29 ============================================ Please support JMIR by becoming a member today! JMIR needs to raise $100k to support software upgrades http://www.jmir.org/support.htm Memberships start at $4.92 per month ============================================ 2008 Impact Factor 3.6 confirms JMIR as THE top ranked health informatics, health services research and health policy journal for the Internet age. See http://www.jmir.org/announcement/view/24 for the new journal impact factors released in June 2009 ! ============================================ This is not an unsolicited email. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to JMIR content alerts. To unsubscribe from content alerts please log in at http://www.jmir.org/user/profile and uncheck the checkbox New issue published email notifications. If you lost your password, please go to http://www.jmir.org/login/lostPassword.
个人分类: 网络技术|1975 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) 10 Feb 2010
xupeiyang 2010-2-11 16:49
Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Volume 12 (2010) * Impact Factor (2008): 3.6 - Ranked top (#1/20) in the Medical Informatics and second (#2/62) in the Health Services Research category * http://www.jmir.org/2010 Content Alert, 10 Feb 2010 ==================================== ================================= UPCOMING ISSUE Volume 12, Issue 1 http://www.jmir.org/2010/1 ================================= The following article(s) has/have just been published in the UPCOMING JMIR issue (Volume 12 / Issue 1): (articles are still being added for this issue) Original Papers ------------------ Comparison of Trial Participants and Open Access Users of a Web-Based Physical Activity Intervention Regarding Adherence, Attrition, and Repeated Participation Miriam Wanner, Eva Martin-Diener, Georg Bauer, Charlotte Braun-Fahrlnder, Brian W Martin J Med Internet Res 2010 (Feb 10); 12(1):e3 HTML (open access): http://www.jmir.org/2010/1/e3/ PDF (members only): http://www.jmir.org/2010/1/e3/PDF Background: Web-based interventions are popular for promoting healthy lifestyles such as physical activity. However, little is known about user characteristics, adherence, attrition, and predictors of repeated participation on open access physical activity websites. Objective: The focus of this study was Active-online, a Web-based individually tailored physical activity intervention. The aims were (1) to assess and compare user characteristics and adherence to the website (a) in the open access context over time from 2003 to 2009, and (b) between trial participants and open access users; and (2) to analyze attrition and predictors of repeated use among participants in a randomized controlled trial compared with registered open access users. Methods: Data routinely recorded in the Active-online user database were used. Adherence was defined as: the number of pages viewed, the proportion of visits during which a tailored module was begun, the proportion of visits during which tailored feedback was received, and the time spent in the tailored modules. Adherence was analyzed according to six one-year periods (2003-2009) and according to the context (trial or open access) based on first visits and longest visits. Attrition and predictors of repeated participation were compared between trial participants and open access users. Results: The number of recorded visits per year on Active-online decreased from 42,626 in 2003-2004 to 8343 in 2008-2009 (each of six one-year time periods ran from April 23 to April 22 of the following year). The mean age of users was between 38.4 and 43.1 years in all time periods and both contexts. The proportion of women increased from 49.5% in 2003-2004 to 61.3% in 2008-2009 (P .001). There were differences but no consistent time trends in adherence to Active-online. The mean age of trial participants was 43.1 years, and 74.9% were women. Comparing contexts, adherence was highest for registered open access users. For open access users, adherence was similar during the first and the longest visits; for trial participants, adherence was lower during the first visits and higher during the longest visits. Of registered open access users and trial participants, 25.8% and 67.3% respectively visited Active-online repeatedly (P .001). Predictors of repeated use were male sex (odds ratio = 1.2, 95% confidence interval = 1.04-1.38) and increasing age category in registered open access users, and age 46-60 versus 30 years (OR = 3.04, 95% CI = 1.25-7.38) and Swiss nationality (ORnonSwiss = 0.64, 95% CI = 0.41-1.00) in trial participants. Despite reminder emails, attrition was much higher in registered open access users compared with trial participants, with a median lifetime website usage of 0 days in open access users and 290 days in trial participants. Conclusions: Adherence, patterns of use, attrition, and repeated participation differed between trial participants and open access users. Reminder emails to encourage repeated participation were effective for trial participants but not for registered open access users. These issues are important when interpreting results of randomized controlled effectiveness trials. ============================================ NEWS ANNOUNCEMENTS http://www.jmir.org/announcement __Forthcoming Theme Issue on e-Mental Health (NEW DEADLINE!)__ The organizers of the e-Mental Health Summit (the Trimbos-institute, VU University and University of Amsterdam and the International Society for Research in Internet Interventions board) in collaboration with Gunther Eysenbach, editor-in-chief of JMIR, are pleased to invite summit presenters to submit their paper for a special issue on e-mental health in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR, www.jmir.org). Guest editors of this special issue will be Heleen Riper, Pim Cuijpers, Helen Christensen and Gerhard Andersson. The deadline for submission is January 8th, 2010 (NEW DEADLINE). NEW: Theme issue submitters are required to indicate their intention to submit a paper to the theme issue by sending an abstract to the coordinating editor, Dr Riper (contact see below) by November 10th, 2009. Publication of the special issue is estimated to be around mid 2010. The usual norms of JMIR are in place, including a fee for Manuscript submission and the JMIR requirements and quality standards. All paper types (original article, viewpoints, reviews) are considered. Submitters are asked to prepare their manuscripts in accordance with JMIR Instructions for Authors (http://bit.ly/8yiaV) and to submit it to JMIR using the online manuscript submission system (http://www.jmir.org/author/submit). IMPORTANT: In step 1 in the submission process, choose the Journal Section Special Theme Issue (2010) on E-Mental Health (Summit participants only) from the drop-down list. This is important, as any manuscripts NOT submitted into that section will be processed for a *regular* JMIR issue and will NOT be forwarded to the theme issue guest editors! JMIR has now an impact factor of 3.6. If you have any questions you can contact Heleen Riper (hriper@trimbos.nl). http://www.jmir.org/announcement/view/28 __Inaugural JMIR Medicine 2.0 Award goes to PatientsLikeMe researchers__ (Toronto, Aug 25th, 2009) The winner of the 2009 JMIR Medicine 2.0 Award has been chosen: We are happy to announce that the inaugural JMIR Medicine 2.0 Award goes to the presentation Patients Informing Practice: Post-Marketing Drug Data in PatientsLikeMe, an Patient-Centered Online Community by Jeana H Frost, Sally Okun, Paul Wicks, and James Heywood. The paper will be presented as closing keynote at the Medicine 2.0'09 conference in Toronto, on Sept 17-18th (a href=http://www.medicine20congress.comhttp://www.medicine20congress.com/a). http://www.jmir.org/announcement/view/27 ============================================ Please support JMIR by becoming a member today! JMIR needs to raise $100k to support software upgrades http://www.jmir.org/support.htm Memberships start at $4.92 per month ============================================ 2008 Impact Factor 3.6 confirms JMIR as THE top ranked health informatics, health services research and health policy journal for the Internet age. See http://www.jmir.org/announcement/view/24 for the new journal impact factors released in June 2009 ! ============================================ This is not an unsolicited email. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to JMIR content alerts. To unsubscribe from content alerts please log in at http://www.jmir.org/user/profile and uncheck the checkbox New issue published email notifications. If you lost your password, please go to http://www.jmir.org/login/lostPassword. ________________________________________________________________________ Journal of Medical Internet Research - The leading peer-reviewed health journal - Open Access - Fat Review - Impact Factor: 3.6 *** JMIR is now ranked the number one (#1/20) in the Medical Infomatics and second (#2/62) in the Heath Services Research category! http://www.jimr.org
个人分类: 开放获取|2810 次阅读|0 个评论
Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Volume 11 (2009) 2009年12月22日(星期二
xupeiyang 2009-12-22 08:07
Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Volume 11 (2009) * Impact Factor (2008): 3.6 - Ranked top (#1/20) in the Medical Informatics and second (#2/62) in the Health Services Research category * http://www.jmir.org/2009 Content Alert, 21 Dec 2009 ==================================== ================================= UPCOMING ISSUE Volume 11, Issue 4 http://www.jmir.org/2009/4 ================================= The following article(s) has/have just been published in the UPCOMING JMIR issue (Volume 11 / Issue 4): (articles are still being added for this issue) General Original Articles (Editor: G. Eysenbach) ------------------ Web Usage Data as a Means of Evaluating Public Health Messaging and Outreach Hao Tian, Dana J Brimmer, Jin-Mann S Lin, Abbigail J Tumpey, William C Reeves J Med Internet Res 2009 (Dec 21); 11(4):e52 HTML (open access): http://www.jmir.org/2009/4/e52/ PDF (members only): http://www.jmir.org/2009/4/e52/PDF Background: The Internet is increasing utilized by the public to seek medical information. As a result, an increasing number of health-related websites are created to disseminate health information and interventions to the public. Understanding how people use the website is critical for website developers to provide better services to the intended users. Objective: To examine the utilization of the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) website at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We measured outcomes of the CFS public awareness outreach via the website and analyzed user behavior in terms campaign materials and continuing education courses. Methods: We collected web usage data over an 18-month period and extracted page views, visits, referring domains, and geographic locations to describe and evaluate web utilization. We used pages views as the primary measure for the CFS awareness outreach effort. Market basket analysis and Markov chain model techniques were used to study user behavior related to utilization of campaign materials and continuing medical education courses. Results: The CDC CFS website received 3,647,736 views from more than 50 countries over an 18-month period. Among 71% referred by web search engines Google accounted for approximately 73% of search engine referrals to the website. A sharp increase and a quick drop in web traffic were observed around the launch of a CFS public awareness campaign. Visitors preferred longer radio clips of public service announcements over shorter ones and user interest shifted from areas targeting consumer basic knowledge to information for healthcare professionals following the campaign. Conclusions: Web usage data showed that the CFS website was an important online resource for people seeking basic information about CFS and for those looking for professional information. The website was an effective means for providing health information about CFS and serves as an important public health tool for community outreach. ============================================ Do you have any end-of-grant / end-of-year funds to spend? Check out our 3-yr/5-yr/10-yr prepaid memberships: http://www.jmir.org/cms/view/membership_specials ============================================ 2008 Impact Factor 3.6 confirms JMIR as THE top ranked health informatics, health services research and health policy journal for the Internet age. See http://www.jmir.org/announcement/view/24 for the new journal impact factors released in June 2009 ! ============================================ This is not an unsolicited email. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to JMIR content alerts. To unsubscribe from content alerts please log in at http://www.jmir.org/user/profile and uncheck the checkbox New issue published email notifications. If you lost your password, please go to http://www.jmir.org/login/lostPassword. ________________________________________________________________________ Journal of Medical Internet Research - The leading peer-reviewed ehealth journal - Open Access - Fast Review - Impact Factor: 3.6 *** JMIR is now ranked the number one (#1/20) in the Medical Informatics and second (#2/62) in the Health Services Research category! http://www.jmir.org
个人分类: 信息检索|2344 次阅读|0 个评论
zhanghaisu 2009-4-9 21:33
张海粟 Internet上的一张张网页正在以不可思议的速度和人异常紧密地结合起来。我们每一个人都可能向其中注入自己的想法,而这个想法像一滴水一样很欢快地汇入了Internet上的信息海洋中。有人希望自己的想法能够大到向一朵浪花。没有关系,总之最终还是汇入了大海。 最近看了CMU的一篇题为human computation的博士论文,开篇这样写道:帝国大厦的建造耗费了七百万的工时(每人工作小时),巴拿马运河耗费了两千万的工时,但是网络上一年花费在联机跳棋游戏上的工时有多少呢?答案是:超过十亿。 突然强烈地感觉,我们不光是向Internet的海量文库里面加入了自己的一篇博客,而是加入了自己对于世界的另一种认识。我们不光是在游戏时花费了自己的时间,也贡献出了自己的经验和智慧。这些认识、经验或者智慧等待着我们去发现它们应有的作用:而不是仅仅给我们在检索词条时带来麻烦。 Internet上的信息和用户的群体智慧之间是一个互帮互助的关系。怎么样来和网络互帮互助是一个微妙的、值得好好探究一番的概念。看看我们在网络上能够做的一些不同寻常的工作吧: 首先,你可以自己往类似于豆瓣的图书或者影视的数据库里添加你自己推荐的内容:这在以前的网页上是不常见的,比如很难在sina新闻上加上自己的头条,但是你可以努力在sina博客里加上自己的头条。 其次,任何人能够对这些内容发表评论,包括你的使用体验,你的购买经历,你的心情,你的忠告,你的一切想说的话。你的意见最终的评价者是大量的网民:带有自己观点和思考来看待你的评价,因此你也具有被其他人进一步评价的可能。 再次,很多时候,如果我们需要对某个概念获得公正的认识,而你的评论或者解释文字恰恰有失公允,那么在类似于wiki的网站里,经过一段时间,你的文字很快就会被其他贡献者给替换掉更加合适的内容。 对于喜欢进一步捣鼓的人来说,利用这些网站还能够干出些大事情来:科学松树会的网站以群体博客的形式在科普界挂起了旋风。 如果你是一个程序员,你会很乐于见到现在网络上一个个的软件超市mall被建立起来了:你甚至可以零编程(至少是轻量级的编程)地在类似于 http://ning.com 的网站里面快速建立一个你自己的新的网站。你也可以在 http://programmableweb.com 上发表你仅仅综合了google map的地图和flickr图片就搭建起来的风光指引网站。 不少人都会很乐意在玩跳棋的同时贡献自己的力量给Internet这个有一张张变化的网页和联系在背后的人所组成的一个复杂的二模网络。在类似于 http://deli.cio.us 和 http://flickr.com 的分众分类的系统中,用户何尝不是给网络巨大烦杂的信息贡献了最好的分类?也许,这样的分类能够解决我们给网页加上语义的难题:一直以来,ontology的建立和维护是一件困难的事情,何不利用分众分类的方法建立起各种各样的本体来?从这个意义上来说,也许这是Internet已经不足以表示我们现在使用的网络了,因为我们在互帮互助,所以似乎还要加上一张隐藏在电脑和网线背后的那张有人组成的、生动的、巨大的社会网络。
个人分类: 复杂网络演化|3607 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 1 zhanghaisu 2009-4-7 20:14
张海粟 这篇随笔是读了David D. Clark和Marjory S. Blumenthal的文章: Rethinking the design of the Internet : The end to end arguments vs. the brave new world 之后的简单思考,主要内容曾经在我以前的博客中有所说明,这里做了进一步的修订和补充说明。但是不论怎样,还只是片断的思考,部分内容肯定不甚准确,欢迎批评指正。 一、因特网具有何种特性使其获得了巨大成功? 当今世界计算机和网络已经渗透到人类社会的方方面面,信息时代彻底改变着人们的生产和生活方式。当我们惊叹于这种巨大的变化同时,常常会为因特网的成功究竟缘由何方而思考。也许不同专业背景的人从不同的角度来看有不同的答案。因为计算机网络成功归功于的因素太多,既有PC机、操作系统、光纤通信、以太网、网络应用技术大发展起的基础支撑作用;也是计算机设计制造商、操作系统生产商、网络建设维护商、应用程序厂商和内容提供商等商业实体在市场上的成功运作的结果;还有政府、非赢利组织、个人用户热衷于网络的推广应用的不可或缺的推动作用。计算机网络的发展咄咄逼人,在与传统电信网、有线电视网的竞争中出现了融合(甚至吞并)的态势,连电力网似乎都要向上靠近。那么如何拨开这些不同因素缠绕的迷雾,因特网的发展究竟与其自身的那些性质有关? 在阅读了关于端到端原则的这篇经典文献后,我似乎看到了重重迷雾中间的一束清新阳光,这束阳光简单地照亮了人们的思维,因为其昭示了因特网有着促使自身的发展、立于不败之地(尽管计算机网络底层曾经基于X.25,出现过ATM等结构,再到以太网、光纤网,趋向IP over DWDM的全光网,现在计算机网络依然依靠TCP/IP完美地覆盖了这些底层网络的不同特性)的根本因素。结合我自己在通信网方面工作的粗浅感知,个人认为,这个因素是因特网设计之初就表现出来的对网络用户的平等看待、利于创新的特性,因特网的大发展也是基于端到端原则所支撑的因特网创新哲学、冒险精神实践后的必然结果。 今天又看到了一段精彩的话(RESTful web services,Leonard and Sam,徐涵等译,电子工业出版社),摘抄如下: 若不是得益于分配不当的国防资金、创新的工程项目、差点则更好的工程实践、大科学、天真的自由理想主义、古怪的自由主义政治、技术迷信,以及那些认为自己找到了发财之路的程序员和投资者的汗水与资本,因特网和万维网也许不一定会诞生。 二、端到端原则是什么? 自Jerome Saltzer, David Clark and David P.Reed在1981年提出端到端原则以来,其普遍指导了网络设计者开发网络协议及应用程序。从理解的角度来说,遵循端到端原则的网络设计思路应该是这样的:如果一种机制能在端系统实现,那么就不应该将其在网络核心中实现,网络核心应该尽可能提供通用的服务,而具体应用相关的功能应该避免在网络核心中出现。端到端原则旨在让客户机承担网络应用的开发和创新,而让网络本身保持相对简单。这种相对简单的核心网络模型也是网络能够在上层变换实现不同应用的技术基础,确保网络能够被位于边缘的用户扩展新的应用功能。端到端原则的显著好处是保持了因特网的伸缩性、通用性和开放性。具体说,其一,核心网的复杂性得以降低。其二,网络容易支持新应用程序。其三,增加了网络应用的可靠性。(原文中关于对端到端原则的理解已有详细说明,此处不再赘述。) 三、端到端原则给因特网带来了什么? 端到端原则指导了因特网的体系结构设计 因为网络应用能够迅速在边缘网上开发、运行、产生效益,无需对核心网进行改动,所以因特网上不断创新的应用能够应运而生,发展了资源共享、通信、游戏、信息发布等各种各样丰富多彩的应用模式,成为因特网得以被普通用户广泛使用的根本原因。 图1 因特网的创新模式 基于端到端原则的因特网创新模式使用户能够自由发布自己的新的网络应用功能,其他相关的用户可以选择使用这种应用功能,也可以选择不使用这种应用功能。如图1所示,这个创新的过程并不会受到网络的制约,也就意味着不再受到传统电信网中的网络强权(如ISP)提供的通信服务的制约。对于习惯了使用电信网的用户来说,这种创新功能带来的是一个真正的新世界。电信网上不论是电话还是电报,也不论电话提供了怎样的增值服务,要让一个普通用户发布这样的创新应用或者思想是完全不可能的。 端到端原则突出了因特网的冒险精神 因特网的冒险精神体现在多个方面。其一就是是上述的用户创新过程,这是典型的冒险之举。因为尽管存在着获利的可能,但是真正能够风靡的创新应用(比如QQ和BT之类的成功者)只是极少部分。其二,因特网上用户的行事原则更多的是自我约束,国家和权威机构的介入力度不够,介入难度也很大,因此这似乎给用户之间冒险性的竞争提供了温床。这种竞争导致所有用户都倾向于使用功能更加强大的软件,倾向于更好地保护自己的信息和其他利益,同时也就有人倾向于攫取他人的正当利益。其三,因特网是风险投资非常活跃的领域,这是因特网商业化能够发展起来的基本源泉。正是端到端的设计原则,包括游戏、聊天和P2P等在内的风险投资不需要在ISP的支配下进行,而只需要和端用户打交道即可。从产业链角度来说,如图2、图3所示,哭泣曲线转变成了微笑曲线(资料来自于中国通信企业联合会《2006年信息产业发展研究报告》)。图3说明现在位于产业链上方的服务提供商利润高于位于产业链中部的ISP。具有讽刺意味的刺激作用是,这甚至反过来促使各ISP积极向信息服务商的角色积极进行转型。 图2 哭泣曲线 图3 微笑曲线 四、端到端原则在因特网上的发展趋势怎样? 原文中说明了端到端的原则受到了不少挑战。这些挑战可能会该端到端的原则带来损害,但是正如作者坚持的那样,端到端原则不应该被放弃,而应该被逐渐改良。 端到端的原则受到损害的根源是什么 原文也注意到端到端原则的损害很大程度上是由于各方利益的纠纷所带来的,因此着重提出了要注意把握以下各方之间的相关利益:一是利用端到端原则进行通信的终端用户之间;二是终端用户和因特网服务提供商之间;三是终端用户、ISP和第三方之间。显而易见,这里各方的关注焦点在于对网络功能的需求逐渐变化和丰富(如需要QoS保证的多媒体、实时通信等;需要更加坚固的安全保障;需要向用户提供更快的服务,等等)。而因特网随着规模的增大,用户间的信任关系却已经很难建立(引入认证机构还是加密能够解决此问题?)。从ISP、政府机构积极介入因特网的态度来看,尤其是ISP期望能够向信息服务转型的愿望会给因特网端到端原则带来最本质的冲击。也许ISP最期望看到的就是因特网不仅从技术上和电信网融合,而且从服务模式甚至赢利模式上也统一到经典的电信网模式上?尽管这听起来不太可能,但是这正是原文作者认为现有因特网的大量投资隐藏于网络中使得ISP和ICP都倾向于短期效益行为的潜台词。 端到端的原则不会被抛弃 前文已经反复强调了因特网发展壮大的原因和因特网的创新精神、冒险哲学,以及基于端到端原则建立起来的因特网体系结构,这些都是端到端原则不会被抛弃的强有力保证。试想象一个不符合端到端原则的计算机网络还是因特网吗?用户也许就不再认识这样的因特网了。 但是端到端原则必须要着眼于解决如何满足前一小节提出的各种需求,必须能够满足ISP和政府等第三方对网络期望进行操作的要求。因此,因特网的端到端原则在逐渐地向着一系列相互合作的原则过渡因特网不再是一揽子不管用户行为的端到端原则的尽力而为服务,而以网络为中心的新模式也能够在网络中间逐渐建立起来。不久的将来,也许用户可能就会习惯于在ISP提供的业务和单纯的ICP提供的服务之间转变,但是用户自身创新的新应用业务还必将会受到ISP的核心网的支持。
个人分类: 网络智能管理|10549 次阅读|1 个评论
Handheld Internet :two shortages(英文写作练习)
jlpemail 2007-6-28 06:43
In compare witn the PC Internet,handheld Internet is at least engaged in two shortages. one is the size of cell-phone's screen;they can't display stand Web pages.It should be to reformat Web pages on the fly,so that they fit the device. The other major hurdle to be overcome is the cell phone's negligible memory. its network software may be rebuilt in order to as much information as possible will be stored on the server,rather than on the phone's limited menory. Though this tast is not an easy one,the Internet is a whole different animal when you're looking at it on a cell phone.And Internet economy will give us a good,strong whiff of the future.
个人分类: 英文训练场|3496 次阅读|0 个评论

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