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wordvice 2020-5-6 16:02
以下是几个可以帮助你在回信时解说你如何修改论文的句型 开头 Thank you for providing these insights. Thank you for your suggestion. That is aninteresting query. This is an interesting perspective. We agree with you. We agree with your assessment. You have raised an important question. You have asked an interesting question. 同意审稿 或期刊编辑意见 We agree withyou and have incorporated this suggestion throughout our paper. We havereflected this comment by... (p. #, lines #-#). We haveincorporated your comments by... (p. #, lines #-#). We agree that... We have now (p. #, lines #-#) and (p. #, lines #-#). We think these changes nowbetter . We hope that you agree. 不同意评 审或期刊编辑意见 You have raised an important point; however, we believe that would be outside the scope of our paper because... This is a valid assessment of...; however, we believe that would be more appropriate because... We agree that...; however, due to , we believe that... In our revisions, we have attempted to (p. #, lines #-#); however, we have retained some of our arguments because... We acknowledge that has certain limitations; however,... 解释 澄清 We have clarified that... means... (p. #, lines #-#) throughout the paper. We have redrafted the section (p. #, lines #-#) to establish a clearer focus. We have revised the text (p. #, lines #-#) to reflect... We removed (from p. #, lines #-#) and hope that the deletion clarifies the points we attempted to make. We have replaced the term throughout the paper with to use more precise terms. We haverewritten (p. #, lines #-#) to be more in line with your comments. We hope that the edited section clarifies... We have elaborated on (p. #, lines #-#) and expanded our consideration of . We hope these revisions provide a more discussion. 额外的信息与解释 We have includeda new Figure # (p. #) to further illustrate... We have added anew Table # (p. #), which outlines... We have supplemented the section with explanations of (p. #, lines #-#). There aremultiple reasons/approaches to..., including . We have included an acknowledgment regarding this point in the section (p. #, lines #-#). We have not done... However, we believe that (p. #, lines #-#) would address this issue because... We have not done...; however, our sense is that... 回答多题 (当你的一个回覆能回答许多问题时) Please see point # above. TIP: It's customary to include any graduate degrees in the addressee’s name. e.g., JohnSmith, MD or Carolyn Daniels, MPH e.g., Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, Co-Editors-in-Chief Dear Dr./Mr./Ms. : TIP: When the editor's name is not known, use the relevant title employed by the journal, such as Dear Managing Editor: or Dear Editor-in-Chief:.Using a person's name is best, however. Also, websites may be outdated, so call the journal to confirm to whom you should address your cover letter when in doubt. TIP: UseMs. and never Mrs. or Miss in formal business letters. TIP: Never useDear Sirs: or any similar expression. Many editors will find this insulting, especially given that many of them are female! Thank you for inviting us to submit a revised draft of our manuscript entitled, to . We also appreciate the time and effort you and each of the reviewers have dedicated to providing insightful feedback on ways to strengthen our paper. Thus, it is with great pleasure that we resubmit our article for further consideration. We have incorporated changes that reflect the detailed suggestions you have graciously provided. We also hope that our edits and the responses we provide below satisfactorily address all the issues and concerns you and the reviewers have noted. To facilitate your review of our revisions, the following is a point-by-point response to the questions and comments delivered in your letter dated _____. Editor's Suggestions: RESPONSE: RESPONSE: RESPONSE: Reviewer1 Comments: RESPONSE: RESPONSE: RESPONSE: Reviewer2 Comments: RESPONSE: RESPONSE: CONCLUDING REMARKS : Again, thank you for giving us the opportunity to strengthen our manuscript with your valuable comments and queries. We have worked hard to incorporate your feedback and hope thatthese revisions persuade you to accept our submission. Sincerely, Corresponding Author Institution Title Institution/Affiliation Name AdditionalContact Institution Title Institution/Affiliation Name 写作修改面向 Make a list of changes you mention in your letter and make sure you've made all the changes in your draft! Make sure you've thanked the editor and reviewers for their time. Make sure you are sending the right version of your manuscript Did you copy and paste ALL the original comments from the editor and reviewers? Did you answer or address ALL those comments? Did you include page and line references, where appropriate? Did you include all-new figures and other visual aids (and mention them in the rebuttal letter)? 写作规格 Set the font to Arial or Times New Roman, size 12 point. Single-space all text. Use one line space between body paragraphs. Do not indent paragraphs. Keep all text left-justified. Use spelling and grammar check software. If needed, use professional proofreading and editing services such as Wordvice to review your letter for clarity and concision. Double-check the spelling of the editor's and reviewers' names. 其他参考资源 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3242570/ How to handle rejection letters: https://www.sciencemag.org/careers/2008/08/if-first-you-dont-succeed-cool-revise-and-submit-again Natureblog on writing a rebuttal letter: http://blogs.nature.com/methagora/2013/09/how-to-write-a-rebuttal-letter.html Natureblogon writingan appeal letter: http://blogs.nature.com/methagora/2013/09/how-to-write-an-appeal-letter.html Elsevier blog ontop three tipsfor responding to reviewer feedback: https://www.elsevier.com/authors-update/story/publishing-tips/3-top-tips-for-responding-to-reviewer-comments-on-your-manuscript Sample rebuttal letters https://peerj.com/benefits/academic-rebuttal-letters/- rebuttal-letters https://aom.org/uploadedFiles/Publications/AMLE/Certo et al AMLE Responses to Reviewers.pdf
个人分类: 英文学术论文写作|5036 次阅读|0 个评论
wordvice 2020-4-29 18:08
当回复不是单纯拒稿时,大部分都会再加上审稿意见,并且希 望 作者据此给出解释,对内文作出修正。 审稿意见来自期刊编辑与评审,一般正面的审稿意见有两种形式: 期刊对你的论文感到兴趣,而且评审希望你做些增删来优化论文,收到这样的信就代表你已经离发表不远了。 你可能收到一封拒稿的信,但里面却写着期刊会重新审核论文,如果论文有重新做实质上的修改,包括增加新的数据。用棒球来做比喻的话,就是成功击出并上了一垒但还不能上二垒,这时候你可以修改你的论文,并进行追加实验来满足期刊要求。 不论你前面的表现如何,期刊接受率都会根据 你如何回复这些评审意见 来决定。 当你回信时,要谨记几点 不幸的是,被拒稿是十之八九的事情,有时候不是论文的错,更糟糕的是即使申诉了,申诉信也不能起到作用,被丢进slush pile而且 只有在重新投稿之后才会被重新审核 。 身为一名研究员,请考量是否申诉信是否值得你花时间和重写论文所必须花费的资源,你也可以等个几周让期刊审核你的申诉信。同时,建议谨慎检视期刊给予的评审意见后修改论文并投稿到另一家期刊。 如果你决定要申请要求重新审核论文,以下几点请谨记
个人分类: 英文学术论文写作|7293 次阅读|0 个评论
wordvice 2020-4-21 15:57
期刊投稿流程 投稿期刊就像打棒球,想成功挥出全垒打,有几个因素需要考量。挥棒多了,最终你能找到对的角度挥出属于全垒打。不断尝试的过程中,挫折感是不可避免的,如果能学会处理拒稿信的技巧,我们相信更能处变不惊。 从本篇文章开始,我们将为您介绍一篇投稿论文的审核流程,并告诉您什么时候,该如何回复拒稿信。 有一些关于投稿的事情,要先说在前头: 坏消息 第一次投稿就成功被接收就像是想要在世界杯打出全垒打却还不知道该如何握球棒一样的困难,虽然不是完全不无可能,只是机率非常低,最好的情况就是被要求只需要修改部分文章内容就能接收。 再者,很多国际知名期刊,会拒绝90%以上的投稿论文,尽管有些投稿论文写得很好。甚至有些论文甚至不会被送到评审手里,就直接被期刊编辑拒绝,因为它们可能被认为不符合现在的需要,又或者该研究与其方法并没有很强的说服力。 好消息 即使投稿过程繁琐,我们还是可以改善并提高投稿成功机率。我们强调过期刊投稿论文的写作,一定要跟随期刊所提供的作者须知,並要呈现出严谨完整的实验设计,并注意研究结果要与研究议题相呼应,以此来引起读者兴趣。除此之外,你还可以写一篇完整的投稿信,这将帮助您说服期刊编辑将该论文转交给审稿者进行下一步的审核。 成功过了期刊编辑这一关,你就上一垒了。一旦到这一步,能否被接收就是看评审意见与你的回复表现了。 投稿后,接下来? 在解释如何写回复之前,你得先知道投稿之后,接下来会发生在投稿流程中的关键决策与行动。 如图所示,想从本垒到一垒你该做: 1. 准备挥棒 :当论文投出去之后,你就站上本垒准备打击了,假设你有成功挥出这一棒,也就是没有直接被拒绝,那接下来你会遇到.... 2. 上一垒 :期刊编辑收到之后,期刊编辑会做出第一个关键性的决定,考量因素有: 是否论文符合该期刊的范围与宗旨? 是否能引起读者兴趣? 是否期刊近期已经刊登了类似论文(因此不想重复)? 是否有详细遵照期刊的作者须知? 研究方法中是否有缺漏? 论文是否大致上能够理解(没有重大文法与风格错误)? 如果期刊编辑认为你没有达到要求,那编辑会跳过审稿者直接拒绝。这时你有两条路可以选: - 把论文提交到另外一个期刊; - 提出申诉,希望可以重新再次提交投稿论文。 3. 奔二垒 :期刊编辑满意你的论文,论文将会被送去同行评审。这些评审都是该领域的资深研究员,他们会仔细检视论文是否有秉持着学术规范做好每一个程序。假设英语质量差到已经妨碍到理解内文,那reviewer也可能针对技术性写作做评论。reviewer可能考量的关键因素如下: 研究方法是否有重大瑕疵? 研究是否不完整? 研究结论是否支持研究结果? **如果评审认为投稿论文低于要求 (尤其是被认为不够完整或论证不足),则会退稿。这时你有两种选择: - 把 论文提交 到另外一个 期 刊 ; -提出申诉,希望可以重新再次提交投稿论文。 **另外一种最常见的情况是评审喜欢论文,但有一些问题,那评审则会推荐期刊在收到你对评审问题的回复后,再做进一步的考量(更多资讯参考以下如何回复审稿意见)。 4. 滑三垒 :这时候就是期刊已经收到,且对你关于评审问题的回复 相当满意 ,也相信你的论文已经准备好可以发表了。期刊接着可能还有一些问题,但应该只是要求你对论文内文作出一些小改动。除非有重大瑕疵,例如突然发现你伪造数据等,否则论文都将会顺利得以发表。 5. 回本垒得分 : 期刊编辑已经准备刊登你的论文,你也完全配合刊登前的所有修改与一些相关的行政处理事项。 具体的我们将会在下一篇文章内详细介绍。
个人分类: 英文学术论文写作|4460 次阅读|0 个评论

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