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国庆节从“现在” (晚上10点)开始!
zuojun 2014-10-1 22:19
我,希望,“天”不会,塌下来!隔壁?楼上?说不清,好像是一群“老孙们在“大闹天宫”。 Wait, I just heard: 早生贵子!” So, it's the after-wedding party!
个人分类: 中文博客|2096 次阅读|0 个评论
Slowly getting there...
热度 2 zuojun 2012-12-24 17:55
With only about 20+ people on my shopping list this year, I finally finished my job at Santa's workshop. Next, I will try to answer some email. It was easy to click and send out a bunch of e-card. However, i f a lengthy reply comes back, it deserves a thoughtful reply. This could well drag into the New Year! Well, I cannot comp lain, when it rained in Seattle during the entire Seaha wks' game and the temperature dropped below 15C in Beijing. I am as happy as one can be in the paradise!
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2374 次阅读|4 个评论
Airport security check is tightened for the holiday season
zuojun 2011-12-15 17:19
At the Hong Kong Airport,water bottles were taken away at the security check, and again at the gate (an added security check for the holidays). I think the airport retailers lost quite a bit of sale of liquors.
个人分类: News|2232 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]美国ELEUTIAN TECHNOLOGY公司总裁Kent Holiday访问我校
metanb 2010-5-29 23:09
美 国ELEUTIANTECHNOLOGY公司总裁KentHoliday访问我校 【来源:太原科技大学 http://www.tyust.edu.cn/Article_Show.asp?ArticleID=6329】 [ 作者:新闻中心转贴自:本站原创点击数:791更新时间:2010-5-26文章录入:news999 ] 5月25日下午,美国ELEUTIAN TECHNOLOGY公司总裁Kent Holiday一行两人在省人大政策研究室主任张作峰等的陪同下访问我校。 我校在图书馆六层圆桌会议室召开座谈会,学校有关网络教学、外语教学的部门负责同志参加。副校长柴跃生出席并主持了座谈会。 柴跃生副校长介绍了我校发展历史、学科特点,以及人才培养服务面向等方面的情况,并对Kent Holiday一行到来表示欢迎。 座谈会交流讨论了提高英语教学水平和能力的途径,以及在推进英语远程教学方面的主要做法和经验,并探讨了开展网上远程英语教学合作及英语教师交流合作的可 行性。 座谈会将要结束时,Kent Holiday对学校的热情接待表示感谢,并且希望双方在推进英语教学方面能有好的合作,并向我校赠送礼品。 柴跃生副校长表示,将在座谈会后组织有关人员认真讨论、研究此次座谈会相关内容,以进一步提升教学方法,推进英语教学水平不断提高。 (我校向Kent Holiday赠送礼品)
个人分类: 公共事物|2791 次阅读|0 个评论
English expressions using the word "blue"
zuojun 2009-12-30 14:23
1) Blue moon Here is a link to a real event that will happen on New Year's Eve: Partial Lunar Eclipse and Blue Moon New Year's Eve 2) Holiday blues
个人分类: From the U.S.|3093 次阅读|1 个评论
A green way to keep in touch with your friends...
zuojun 2009-11-8 03:40
There are many e-card sites, and some are free. Two years ago, a friend introduced me this one: http://www.jacquielawson.com. Though not free, I still use it to keep in touch with my friends. Check it out yourself. Happy Holidays!
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|3546 次阅读|0 个评论
加拿大公民日(Civic Holiday Canada)
weisman 2009-7-30 23:15
加拿大公民日Civic Holiday Canada 加拿大公民日为每年八月的第一个星期一,很多省都将它作为公众假日。 2009年的加拿大公民日为8月3日。 The intent of the Civic Holiday is to not work. So please don't work on Civic Holiday! In Canada Civic Holiday is in most cases the first Monday of August unless another civil or provincial holiday exists on a different date, in which case the local holiday is used. Civic Holiday in Canada is not statutory holiday. A bill has been attempted to be passed in the house of commons but it has always been unsuccessful. If an employer wants you to work, it is a work day. What you will often find, however, is that its name Civic Holiday changes from province to province, and even amongst different regions within provinces in Canada. This tells us that Civic Holiday is not as important as some other holidays, but still it is celebrated as a statutory Canadian holiday. Unlike in Canada, Civic Holiday in United States (US) is called Labor Day. http://www.canada-city.ca/holiday.php?day=4
个人分类: 海外生活|9512 次阅读|0 个评论

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