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Gilead Sciences:HBV与HIV治疗的新曙光?
fqng1008 2018-6-19 15:37
\0 \0 6 月8日,Hookipa Biotech 公司与 Gilead Sciences 联合宣布达成研发合作和许可协议。根据这项协议,Gilead 获得使用 Hookipa 公司基于沙粒病毒载体(arenavirus vector)的疫苗接种技术平台的独家授权,开发针对艾滋病毒(HIV)和 乙肝 病毒(HBV)的新疗法。通过这次合作,Hookipa 公司总计将获得 4 亿美元的付款,并可能从未来的产品销售额中获得分成。 Hookipa 公司是一家致力于开发 best-in-class 创新主动免疫疗法(active immunization therapy)来治疗癌症和传染病的临床期生物技术公司。该公司的独创技术平台称为 Vaxwave 和 TheraT,是基于淋巴细胞性脉络丛脑膜炎病毒(LCMV)载体的疫苗开发平台。LCMV 是沙粒病毒的一种,它天然容易感染树突状细胞(dendritic cells),因而与其它病毒载体相比,更容易激发基于 CD8+ T 淋巴细胞的免疫反应。Hookipa 公司开发的基于 LCMV 载体的疫苗不但能够引发宿主高水平的中和抗体反应,还能够激发高水平的 T 细胞反应。而后者在目前的大多数疫苗和免疫疗法中无法实现。 Hookipa 公司开发的 LCMV 载体为复制缺陷型病毒载体,基于这一载体生成的疫苗在激发免疫反应之后无法进行复制,从而保障了疗法的安全性。而且临床前研究表明,LCMV 载体不会激发宿主的免疫系统产生中和载体的抗体。这意味着宿主可以多次接种同一疫苗,从而进一步增强对宿主的免疫保护。目前,Hookipa 公司开发的预防巨细胞病毒(cytomegalovirus,CMV)的疫苗已经完成临床 1 期试验。 \0 \0Gilead 目前针对 HIV 和 HBV 的研发产品线(图片来源:Gilead 官方网站) “Gilead 在开发治疗病毒疾病的创新疗法领域处于全球领先地位,它是我们理想的合作伙伴。这一合作关系是对我们的独特疫苗技术的肯定,它将帮助我们进一步开发药物管线,为患者造福。”Hookipa公司的 CEO Joern Aldag先生说:“在HIV和 HBV项目方面的合作与我们在传染病领域的研发使命非常一致。” “Gilead 致力于推动治愈 HIV 和乙肝病毒的创新疗法,”Gilead 研究执行副总裁 Bill Lee 博士说:“Hookipa 公司的独特疫苗技术在临床1期试验中已经表现出良好的安全性和免疫原性。我们确信它和 Gilead 在这两个疾病领域开发的其它疗法能够起到相辅相成的作用。我们最终的目标是让全球上百万名患者不再需要终身接受抗病毒疗法。” 期待两家公司的合作能为HBV和 HIV 感染者带来创新疗法,让这两种疾病的治疗出现突破性进展。 参考资料: Hookipaand Gilead Enter into a Collaboration and License Agreement to DevelopImmunotherapies Against HIV and Hepatitis B Hookipa Biotech 官网 Development of replication-defective lymphocytic choriomeningitisvirus vectors for the induction of potent CD8+ T cell immunity
个人分类: 肝病手记|3425 次阅读|0 个评论
livingfossil 2016-8-7 07:29
Botanik members of German Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina) since 1652 Botanik 1652 年以来德国科学院植物学院士名单 ------- 1818 年,诗人歌德当选为德国科学院植物学院士。 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Cognomen:Arion IV. Year of election: 1818 City: Weimar Dichter,Schriftsteller, Naturforscher Als Poet und Autorzahlreicher Dramen gelangte Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) ================ 353 MEMBER PROFILE https://www.leopoldina.org/en/members/members-since-1652/ Botanik members of German Academy of Sciences since 1652.pdf ============== 以前的相关工作链接: 古植物学的故事( 46 ):德国古植物学与古孢粉学发展史上的主要代表人物 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.46): Renowned scientists in the history of palaeobotany and palynology in German http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-334861.html 发表于 2010-6-12 21:09:43 古植物学的故事 162 期 360 年以来德国科学院涉及古植物学研究的院士们 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.162): Members of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina pertaining to the palaeobotanical studies since 1652 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-575639.html http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=575639 2012-5-2723:26 古植物学的故事 438 期 Story of Paleobotany Series (No.438) 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of German Palaeobotany (1 4 ) 德国科学院院士、古植物学家 Richard Kräusel (1890--1966) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-969018.html 2016-4-10 00:19 ================
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|3919 次阅读|0 个评论
Small Sciences Symposium 于9月3日召开并取得圆满成功
WileyChina 2015-9-8 11:58
正值抗日战争胜利70周年大阅兵之际,两年一度的 ChinaNANO大会 在北京国际会议中心隆重召开。作为此次纳米盛会的分会之一,由Wiley主办的 Small Sciences Symposium 也于9月3日当天成功举行。 Small 主编Jose Oliveira首先向各位到场嘉宾致以热情洋溢的欢迎词。之后,Harald Fuchs、江雷等多位 Small 和 Advanced Material s 系列期刊的编委在研讨会上作了精彩的报告。他们作为纳米学界的知名学者,向与会者展示了纳米科学领域多个研究方向的最新进展。 Small 主编 Jose Oliveira 致开幕词 Small 青年科学家创新奖 (Small Young Innovator Award)的颁奖仪式也在本次论坛中举行。 陈晓东 和 崔屹 两位国际知名教授获此殊荣。 他们也为听众分别带来了“Nanoelectronic Memory Devices Based on Silk Protein” 和”Nanotechonology for Energy and Environment“两场精彩主题报告。 Jose Oliveira 为新加坡南洋理工大学陈晓东教授颁奖 Jose Oliveira 为 美国斯坦福大学 崔屹教授颁奖 本次研讨会交流十分活跃,在展示最新研究结果的同时,也引发了新的科研思路和方法,吸引了众多与会老师和同学的热情参与。 研讨会现场观众 原文链接: http://www.materialsviewschina.com/2015/09/small-sciences-symposium-held-on-september-3-and-achieved-a-complete-success/
个人分类: Physical Science|2146 次阅读|0 个评论
benlion 2014-11-7 11:23
中国科学 - 准确应该说是实证科学没有发达起来? 比较常见的问题:混淆了科学的知识发现与教育的知识传授,其间的区别,在于一个是探索未知与一个是传播已知。 人类文化,最早诞生的是技术工具和艺术符号,然后,应该是宗教、神话和文学与历史 – 如,印度教 - 希腊神话,犹太教 - 儒家史学,再后,就是哲学和工程,如,希腊自然哲学和逻辑学、印度心灵哲学和因明学和中国诸子百家的社会哲学和伦理学等。 中古时期,欧洲进入了西罗马、东罗马(拜占庭或希腊)和查理曼(及中欧)的文明形态,中国构成中原(及秦国和燕国)、楚国和西南(蜀国)等文明格局,而后,中东形成阿拉伯帝国、蒙古汗国和奥斯曼帝国的文明演替。 中国的诸子百家,包括,儒 - 道家、名 - 法家和农 - 医家、墨 - 兵家哲学和礼 - 乐、算 - 书等技艺,并形成了工程范式的经验科学,如,中医、中药 - 也许,将来的前景是发展纯天然医药。 哲学 - 希腊是自然哲学,中国哲学的《道德经》是伦理哲学,“道和名”是哲学概念,不是科学概念和方法,而是科学的人文精神。 查理曼欧洲是意大利北部到法国、德国和荷兰的北海区域等,中国元代,意大利开启文艺复兴,中国明代郑和下西洋之后,欧洲开始大航海;然而,近代科学和工业文明的建立,形成于从古腾堡印刷技术到互联网 IT 技术的发展时期。 宗教改革走向了经验主义哲学与诠释,不同于毕达哥拉斯的神秘主义数学和宗教,启蒙运动走向了自然(“自”己所“然”的道家思想)神学和人本主义伦理(儒家的人伦道德)和精神。 法国和德国等哲学家对牛顿物理学是如何可能的思考,从而,导致了实证社会学和实验心理学的建立。 最早进行科学教育的大学是德国哥廷根,建立最早的科学实验室是剑桥,而开创工业实验室的是爱迪生。 另外,俄国是传承拜占庭的希腊东正教文化,南美传承的是罗马天主教文化。 参见:有关科学的历史、哲学和社会学,如,《科学的社会功能》、《科学史及其与宗教和哲学的关系》、《科学究竟是什么》等,以及《中国古代科学史纲》 ( http://www.bookschina.com/1237801.htm ) - 准确应该是工程技术和经验科学。 - (人文与科学) -
个人分类: 1411|2610 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 5 zhuchaodong 2014-7-30 20:44
最新的JCR版本发布了。我们研究组关心的几个领域中的看家杂志有些变化。 Systematic Biology (Evolutionary Biology: 3; IF: 11.532)和 Molecular Biology and Evolution (Evolutionary Biology: 2; IF: 14.308 )换了位置,后者今年指数大增,但前者5年影响因子稳居进化生物学第三位。 Methods in Ecology and Evolution (Ecology: 15; IF: 5.322)、 Systematic Entomology (Entomology: 7; IF: 2.553)和 Zoologica Scripta (Zoology: 10; IF: 2.922)一直比较稳定,值得宏观生物学工作者持续关注。 开放获取的 ELIFE 这几年进步非常快,超过 BMC Biology ,跃居生物学的前列(Biology: 4; IF: 8.519)。新思路、新模式应该是杂志生命力所在。 期望研究组各位同事和同学继续努力,争取在蜜蜂和小蜂系统学、系统学方法论方面再创佳绩。 张峰博士后出站集体合影 附:2013年新版JCR中的部分学科前20位期刊 Abbreviated Journal Title Impact Factors 5-Year Impact Factors Cited Half-Life Article Influence Score BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES 1 TRENDS COGN SCI 21.147 18.92 7.9 8.357 2 BEHAV BRAIN SCI 14.962 22.821 10.0 10.34 3 NEUROSCI BIOBEHAV R 10.284 11.075 6.7 3.729 4 CORTEX 6.042 5.389 5.7 1.683 5 AUTISM RES 4.532 5.337 3.5 1.651 6 HORM BEHAV 4.511 4.398 6.8 1.368 7 BRAIN BEHAV EVOLUT 4.288 3.109 10.0 1.086 8 FRONT BEHAV NEUROSCI 4.16 4.255 2.9 1.624 9 NEUROBIOL LEARN MEM 4.035 4.284 5.9 1.414 10 GENES BRAIN BEHAV 3.505 3.739 5.2 1.256 11 BIOL PSYCHOL 3.473 4.173 6.4 1.315 12 STRESS 3.463 3.34 5 0.902 13 NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA 3.451 4.495 7.5 1.49 14 BEHAV BRAIN RES 3.391 3.629 6.4 1.034 15 CHEM SENSES 3.278 3.142 8.6 1.045 16 BEHAV NEUROSCI 3.25 3.038 10.0 1.076 17 COGN AFFECT BEHAV NE 3.209 4.319 6.8 1.569 18 BEHAV ECOL 3.157 3.346 7.6 1.189 19 ANIM BEHAV 3.068 3.499 10.0 1.174 20 BEHAV ECOL SOCIOBIOL 3.049 3.006 10.0 1.085 BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION 1 GLOBAL CHANGE BIOL 8.224 8.595 5.9 3.116 2 B AM MUS NAT HIST 6.64 4.776 10.0 2.012 3 DIVERS DISTRIB 5.469 5.629 5.1 1.964 4 CONSERV LETT 5.032 5.42 3.2 2.152 5 CONSERV BIOL 4.32 5.427 10.0 2.025 6 ECOGRAPHY 4.207 5.776 6.8 2.015 7 BIOL CONSERV 4.036 4.703 7.5 1.553 8 BIOL INVASIONS 2.716 3.07 4.6 1.004 9 ANIM CONSERV 2.524 3.286 6.2 1.136 10 PALEOBIOLOGY 2.456 3.274 10.0 1.316 11 B PEABODY MUS NAT HI 2.421 5.6 12 ENVIRON CONSERV 2.32 2.718 10.0 0.918 13 SYST BIODIVERS 2.153 2.013 4.1 0.791 14 POLAR BIOL 2.071 2.027 8 0.652 15 BIODIVERS CONSERV 2.065 2.668 7.1 0.847 16 ORYX 1.914 2.14 6.6 0.733 17 CONSERV GENET 1.846 1.713 5.7 0.516 18 J NAT CONSERV 1.833 2.119 4.9 0.635 19 URBAN ECOSYST 1.74 5.8 20 AM MUS NOVIT 1.636 1.629 10.0 0.607 BIOLOGY 1 PLOS BIOL 11.771 12.807 5.9 7.042 2 BIOL REV 9.79 10.912 8.7 4.179 3 PHYS LIFE REV 9.478 8.322 3.5 2.778 4 ELIFE 8.519 8.556 0.7 6.134 5 BMC BIOL 7.431 6.942 4 2.853 6 PHILOS T R SOC B 6.314 7.96 7.1 3.259 7 FASEB J 5.48 6.045 8.5 2.092 8 BIOSCIENCE 5.439 6.727 10.0 2.961 9 P ROY SOC B-BIOL SCI 5.292 5.808 8.2 2.318 10 Q REV BIOL 5.059 7.358 10.0 3.079 11 BIOESSAYS 4.838 4.747 8.6 1.973 12 BIOL DIRECT 4.035 3.463 4 1.574 13 BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY 3.87 3.774 6.6 0.822 14 GEOBIOLOGY 3.692 4.146 4.9 1.542 15 BIOL LETTERS 3.425 3.902 4.4 1.56 16 J BIOL RHYTHM 3.316 3.5 9.2 1.373 17 INTERFACE FOCUS 3.124 3.153 2 1.315 18 J EXP BIOL 3.002 3.335 9.4 1.079 19 CHRONOBIOL INT 2.878 3.286 5.4 0.768 20 ASTROBIOLOGY 2.512 2.491 5.2 0.978 ECOLOGY 1 TRENDS ECOL EVOL 15.353 18.987 9.3 8.188 2 ECOL LETT 13.042 17.794 6.4 7.453 3 ANNU REV ECOL EVOL S 10.977 19.806 10.0 8.97 4 ISME J 9.267 9.296 3.1 3.121 5 FRONT ECOL ENVIRON 8.412 10.23 5.7 4.261 6 GLOBAL CHANGE BIOL 8.224 8.595 5.9 3.116 7 GLOBAL ECOL BIOGEOGR 7.242 7.252 6 2.543 8 ECOL MONOGR 7.107 9.188 10.0 3.974 9 B AM MUS NAT HIST 6.64 4.776 10.0 2.012 10 ADV ECOL RES 6.25 5.698 10.0 1.497 11 MOL ECOL 5.84 6.543 6.8 2.045 12 J ECOL 5.694 6.477 10.0 2.395 13 MOL ECOL RESOUR 5.626 4.376 3.7 1.319 14 DIVERS DISTRIB 5.469 5.629 5.1 1.964 15 METHODS ECOL EVOL 5.322 6.587 2.2 2.485 16 P ROY SOC B-BIOL SCI 5.292 5.808 8.2 2.318 17 ECOLOGY 5 6.421 10.0 2.508 18 J BIOGEOGR 4.969 4.965 7.4 1.67 19 FUNCT ECOL 4.857 5.371 8.3 1.917 20 J APPL ECOL 4.754 5.864 8.4 2.096 ENTOMOLOGY 1 ANNU REV ENTOMOL 13.021 14.258 10.0 4.893 2 INSECT BIOCHEM MOLEC 3.42 4.052 8.5 1.122 3 INSECT MOL BIOL 2.976 3.059 7.6 0.896 4 PEST MANAG SCI 2.743 2.889 5.9 0.831 5 ADV INSECT PHYSIOL 2.684 3.425 10.0 1.234 6 J PEST SCI 2.664 2.012 3.2 0.572 7 SYST ENTOMOL 2.553 2.806 6.9 1.005 8 J INSECT PHYSIOL 2.5 2.567 10.0 0.738 9 MED VET ENTOMOL 2.333 2.512 10.0 0.753 10 BIOCONTROL 2.253 2.503 5.2 0.813 11 PESTIC BIOCHEM PHYS 2.009 2.079 7.5 0.49 12 ECOL ENTOMOL 1.967 2.161 10.0 0.762 13 INSECT CONSERV DIVER 1.937 2.101 3.1 0.668 14 B ENTOMOL RES 1.895 1.962 10.0 0.579 15 BIOL CONTROL 1.873 2.244 6.9 0.639 16 ARTHROPOD STRUCT DEV 1.826 1.913 6.4 0.736 17 EXP APPL ACAROL 1.821 1.853 8.6 0.451 18 J MED ENTOMOL 1.815 2.255 9.9 0.645 19 J INSECT CONSERV 1.789 1.945 5.1 0.502 20 ENTOMOL EXP APPL 1.711 1.73 10.0 0.524 EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 1 TRENDS ECOL EVOL 15.353 18.987 9.3 8.188 2 MOL BIOL EVOL 14.308 10.494 6.6 3.829 3 SYST BIOL 11.532 14.219 7.6 5.449 4 ANNU REV ECOL EVOL S 10.977 19.806 10.0 8.97 5 CLADISTICS 6.091 6.893 9.4 2.361 6 MOL ECOL 5.84 6.543 6.8 2.045 7 MOL ECOL RESOUR 5.626 4.376 3.7 1.319 8 P ROY SOC B-BIOL SCI 5.292 5.808 8.2 2.318 9 EVOLUTION 4.659 5.469 10.0 2.187 10 EVOL APPL 4.569 5.453 3.3 2.112 11 GENOME BIOL EVOL 4.532 4.78 2.5 2.002 12 AM NAT 4.454 5.204 10.0 2.243 13 MOL PHYLOGENET EVOL 4.018 3.989 6.4 1.254 14 J HUM EVOL 3.867 4.229 8.7 1.455 15 HEREDITY 3.804 4.158 9.9 1.553 16 J EVOLUTION BIOL 3.483 3.804 6.1 1.442 17 BIOL LETTERS 3.425 3.902 4.4 1.56 18 BMC EVOL BIOL 3.407 3.844 4.8 1.371 19 ORG DIVERS EVOL 3.365 2.372 5.2 0.85 20 EVOL BIOL 3.268 3.462 5.7 1.243 GENETICS AND HEREDITY 1 NAT REV GENET 39.794 40.274 5.2 20.572 2 NAT GENET 29.648 32.138 7.1 16.117 3 ANNU REV GENET 18.115 22.113 8.2 12.034 4 TRENDS ECOL EVOL 15.353 18.987 9.3 8.188 5 MOL BIOL EVOL 14.308 10.494 6.6 3.829 6 GENOME RES 13.852 14.927 5.7 8.088 7 GENE DEV 12.639 12.765 9.4 7.438 8 TRENDS GENET 11.597 10.213 8.7 5.215 9 AM J HUM GENET 10.987 10.781 9 5.074 10 GENOME BIOL 10.465 10.632 6.1 5.602 11 ANNU REV GENOM HUM G 9.132 12.73 5.7 6.227 12 CURR OPIN GENET DEV 8.568 7.824 7 4.301 13 ONCOGENE 8.559 7.719 8 2.842 14 PLOS GENET 8.167 8.901 3.6 4.534 15 MUTAT RES-REV MUTAT 7.326 7.585 6.4 2.369 16 HUM MOL GENET 6.677 6.968 6.8 2.844 17 GENET MED 6.435 5.518 3.8 2.139 18 MOL THER 6.425 6.351 5 2.049 19 J MED GENET 5.636 5.64 8.6 2.265 20 PHARMACOGENOMICS J 5.513 4.531 4.8 1.293 ZOOLOGY 1 J ANIM ECOL 4.726 5.435 10.0 2.097 2 BRAIN BEHAV EVOLUT 4.288 3.109 10.0 1.086 3 MAMMAL REV 3.919 3.904 9.8 1.294 4 DEV COMP IMMUNOL 3.705 3.671 5.8 0.806 5 J COMP NEUROL 3.508 3.841 10.0 1.501 6 BEHAV ECOL 3.157 3.346 7.6 1.189 7 ANIM BEHAV 3.068 3.499 10.0 1.174 8 BEHAV ECOL SOCIOBIOL 3.049 3.006 10.0 1.085 9 INTEGR COMP BIOL 2.969 3.141 7.6 1.265 10 ZOOL SCR 2.922 2.813 8 1.026 11 COMP BIOCHEM PHYS C 2.829 2.86 9.2 0.714 12 WILDLIFE MONOGR 2.75 4.143 10.0 1.904 13 ZOOL J LINN SOC-LOND 2.658 2.574 9.2 0.939 14 ANIM COGN 2.631 3.047 5 0.981 15 J MAMM EVOL 2.629 2.969 8.3 1.549 16 J INVERTEBR PATHOL 2.601 2.743 8.3 0.711 17 REPROD FERT DEVELOP 2.577 2.221 6.8 0.618 18 J COMP PHYSIOL B 2.53 2.414 9.1 0.738 19 COMP BIOCHEM PHYS A 2.371 2.381 10.0 0.655 20 J COMP PSYCHOL 2.309 2.577 10.0 1.018
17612 次阅读|15 个评论
If you need M.S. in computer sciences...
热度 1 zuojun 2013-4-10 07:13
which school would you pick? 1. Worcester Polytechnic Institute. http://www.wpi.edu/academics/cs/gradprograms.html April 15th is the deadline for the online response. 2. Syracuse University. http://www.lcs.syr.edu/prospective/grad_admissions/grad_applprocess.aspx 3. University at Buffalo, the StateUniversity a t New York. http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/admissions/graduate/index.php 4. Stony Brook Univ. http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/ http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/about/news/nrc2010.html http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/about/about-career.html Thanks in advances for your comments.
个人分类: Education|223 次阅读|1 个评论
information sciences 终于录用了
xiaojunyang 2012-8-21 19:32
2011年1月11日投稿 6个月的时候催了一次 2012年1月11日一周年催了一次 2012年1月18日一审意见 Although the reviewers recommend "Minor Revision", their suggestions are sufficiently strict and correspond more to "Revise Major". 主审稿人说:I generally evaluate it as above the average I tend to see on the majority of related texts who pass the peer-review process everywhere - so I strongly recommend it for publication. 其他审稿人都给的肯定意见,小修,没提大问题。不过,主编还是给了大修。 2012年2月28日返回修改稿R1 2012年4月3日二审意见 Accepted with minor revison. The paper is near to be accepted. Please, improve the language quality. The linguistic quality needs improvement. It is essential to make sure thatthe manuscript reads smoothly- this definitely helps the reader fully appreciate your research findings. Consult a professional. Show all changes made to the revised manuscript. 2012年4月7日返回修改稿R2 2012年4月16日三审意见 Accepted with minor revison. The linguistic quality needs improvement. It is essential to make sure thatthe manuscript reads smoothly- this definitely helps the reader fully appreciate your research findings. Consult a professional. Show all changes made to the revised manuscript. It is important thatyour study carefully refers to the most recent and highly relevant research results reported in the literature. Consider expandingthe list of references by adding more recent journal papers (published after 2010) including those published in INFORMATION SCIENCES. 2012年4月19日返回修改稿R3 2012年7月31日四审意见 Accepted with minor revison. Editor in Chief The linguistic quality needs improvement. It is essential to make sure that the manuscript reads smoothly- this definitely helps the reader fully appreciate your research findings. Consult a professional. Show all changes made to the revised manuscript. 还是改语言,竟然审了3个多月!最后只是要求改语言。 实在没办法,改了3次语言主编还不满意。 到网上看了网友对这个期刊的评价: waitingYHVH @小木虫:今天收到信,最后一个reviwer终于搞定了,只是恶心的编辑还要我们改英文。这样的要求,我只能理解为让我们去孝敬elsevier的英文修改服务。也委实让我们组里面帮忙改文章的美国labmate相当无语。 zhongnanliuhui @小木虫:对英语要求真高,外导改了好几次 现在还是提出语言问题。 xuqy1981 @小木虫:最近被录用一篇文章,对英语的要求非常严格,不错的杂志。 看到这些,就知道这个期刊对英语的要求有多么变态了。最后没办法,找了个润色公司帮忙修改了一下语法,其实也没什么大的实质的改动,我的论文很长,50页,将近12000单词,句型修改的只有5、6处,替换了5、6个单词,有2、3处改了下时态,2、3处加了连词,4、5处加了冠词。其实,发现改后和之前并没有很大的提高,改之前论文就已经非常清楚了。只能理解这个期刊对语言太精益求精了。 今天 2012年8月21日 终于收到录用通知了,崩溃! We are pleased to inform you that your article has now been accepted for publication in Information Sciences. 论文题目是:How to handle uncertainties in AHP: the Cloud Delphi Hierarchical Analysis 关于层次分析法AHP。
个人分类: 心得体会|25705 次阅读|0 个评论
livingfossil 2012-6-22 21:35
从科学院窗口看古植物学 ---- 来自 Pequabuck 小河的灵感 清晰而快速梳理有关国家或地区的古植物学研究发展脉络并非是一件轻而易举的事情。数年前我曾思考诸如“美国古植物学是如何兴起和崛起的?”、“美国古植物学研究力量分布格局的历史成因?”之类的问题。这些问题一度让人苦恼。 有一天,我在 Pequabuck 小河边漫步,突然想出一个办法:从美国科学院入手,看看该院有多少涉及古植物学研究的院士与外籍院士?我很快搞出一份名单,然后请美国资深古植物学家帮忙确认并作补充。通过这些代表人物,我们可以很快了解美国古植物学的基本发展脉络。 基于以上考虑和探索,我在项目研究中设计了“ 古植物学院士与外籍院士的历史与问题 ”之专题,拟对一些国家的科学院及其涉及古植物学研究的院士们开展调查研究。这个专题至少有两个工作方向:第一、从科学院窗口看古植物学;第二、从古植物学角度看科学院。前者是本专题关注的主要内容;后者超出了我的工作范围,但或许能为感兴趣的同仁提供一些线索。 本项工作得到多位同行的热情帮助,在此深表谢意。 孙启高 2012 年 6 月 22 日 =========================== 古植物学的故事(专辑): 古植物学院士与外籍院士的历史与问题 http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=390694 发表于 2010-12-6 1:29:3 1. 中国科学院 古植物学的故事( 8 ):中国古植物学的院士(学部委员)名单 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.8): A list of academicians (members) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the research field of palaeobotany http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=255714 2009-9-15 11:59:18 古植物学的故事 ( 30 ): 特别介绍世界知名古植物学家、中国科学院外籍院士 Else Marie Friis Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.30) : Introduction to Else Marie Friis, foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=291046 发表于 2010-1-29 0:44:59 古植物学的故事(编外故事) 中国科学院古植物学院士与外籍院士是如何遴选的? Story of Palaeobotany Series (Supplemental issue): How is the palaeobotany Academician or Foreign Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences selected? http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=390181 发表于 2010-12-4 11:23:58 2. 美国科学院 古植物学的故事( 38 ):美国科学院的古植物学院士与外籍院士 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.38): Members and foreign associates of National Academy of Sciences (USA) regarding palaeobotany http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=327253 发表于 2010-5-21 23:10:47 古植物学的故事(编外故事) 美国科学院古植物学院士与外籍院士是如何遴选的? Story of Palaeobotany Series (Supplemental issue): How is the palaeobotany Member or Foreign Associate of National Academy of Sciences of the United States selected? http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=389796 发表于 2010-12-3 1:54:14 《古植物学的故事》资料补充与更正(第 12 次) American geologist and palaeobotanist, Charles David White , NAS (1862---1935) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=583520 2012-6-18 22:27 3. 英国皇家学会 古植物学的故事( 39 ) ---350 年来与古植物学有缘的英国皇家学会院士与外籍院士( 1660--2010 ) Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.39): Fellows and Foreign members of the Royal Society (London) regarding palaeobotany---In commemoration of the 350 th anniversary of the Royal Society (London) http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=328266 发表于 2010-5-24 23:43:30 古植物学的故事(编外故事) 英国皇家学会古植物学院士与外籍院士是如何遴选的? Story of Palaeobotany Series (Supplemental issue): How is the palaeobotany Fellow or Foreign Member of the Royal Society in London selected? http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=389583 发表于 2010-12-2 12:57:04 《古植物学的故事》资料补充与更正(第 10 次) http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=580130 2012-6-8 22:06 4. 瑞典皇家科学院 古植物学的故事 160 期 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.160): 瑞典皇家科学院古植物学院士与外籍院士 The members and foreign members of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences pertaining to palaeobotanical studies http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=571384 2012-5-15 22:35 5. 德国科学院 古植物学的故事 162 期 360 年以来德国科学院涉及古植物学研究的院士们 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.162): Members of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina pertaining to the palaeobotanical studies since 1652 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=575639 2012-5-27 23:26 《古植物学的故事》资料补充与更正(第 13 次) 资料补充:两位研究过古植物学的德国科学院院士 http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=584574 2012-6-21 23:03 6. 法国科学院 古植物学的故事 163 期 法国科学院涉及古植物学研究的院士们 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.163): Members , foreign members and corresponding members of the French Academy of Sciences pertaining to the palaeobotanical studies since 1666 http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=577641 2012-6-1 23:44 7. 俄罗斯科学院 古植物学的故事 164 期 俄罗斯科学院涉及古植物学研究的院士们 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.164): A working list of members, correspondent members, foreign members and honorary members of the Russian Academy of Sciences pertaining to the palaeobotanical studies since 1724 http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=580849 2012-6-10 23:38 8. 印度科学院 古植物学的故事 165 期 印度科学院( INSA )及其古植物学院士 The Story of Palaeobotany Series (No. 165) A list of foundation fellow, Indian fellows and foreign fellow of the India National Science Academy (INSA) pertaining to palaeobotanical studies http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=582584 2012-6-15 22:47 ====================
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|4351 次阅读|0 个评论
古植物学名师Walther Gothan (1879—1954)不是德国科学院院士
livingfossil 2012-6-9 23:50
《古植物学的故事》资料补充与更正(第 11 次) --- 古植物学名师 Walther Gothan ( 1879—1954) 不是 德国科学院院士 德国古植物学家 W. Gothan ( 1879—1954) 是 20 世纪上半叶国际古植物学界的著名学术领袖之一。 W. Gothan 是 Henry Potonié ( 1857--1913 ) 的学生。 W. Gothan 一生发表 350 多篇论著 , 培养了一批优秀古植物学家 , 包括中国古植物学家斯行健 ( 1901---1964 ) 。 W. Gothan 是一位承前启后的古植物学名师,对推动 20 世纪德国乃至世界古植物学的发展都有重要影响。 在以往的工作中,根据正式发表的文献我得知 W. Gothan 于 1949 年当选柏林科学院院士 ( German Academy of Sciences in Berlin ) 。但是,我误以为柏林科学院等同为 德国科学院 ( German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina ) ,进而错误地认为 1949 年 W. Gothan 当选为 德国科学院院士。最近 , 我系统地梳理了德国科学院涉及古植物学研究的院士们基本情况,发现 W. Gothan 并不是 德国科学院院士;德国有关同仁证实了我的判断。在此,我对以前工作中出现的错误要向读者们表示深深的歉意。 现在看来,柏林科学院与 德国科学院根本不是一回事。 柏林科学院成立于 1946 年,其沿革详见: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Academy_of_Sciences_at_Berlin 德国科学院的历史追溯到 1652 年成立的利奥波第那( Leopoldina )科学院( Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina ) ,其发展历史详见: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Academy_of_Sciences_Leopoldina 致谢:作者感谢德国法兰克福森肯伯格自然历史博物馆 Dieter Uhl 博士以及德国 科学院档案馆负责人的热情帮助。 孙启高 2012 年 6 月 9 日 本期编目 《古植物学的故事》资料补充与更正(第 11 次) --- 古植物学名师 Walther Gothan ( 1879—1954) 不是 德国科学院院士 ===== 德国古植物学家 W. Gothan 简介: Walther Gothan 是 Henry Potonié 的学生。 W. Gothan 于 1879 年 8 月 16 日出生在德国 Woldeck ,他曾在 Clausthal 矿业学院和柏林矿业学院学习采矿和地质学,也曾在柏林矿业学院、柏林大学及 Jena 大学学习植物学。 W. Gothan 于 1904 年在 Jena 大学获得博士学位,其博士论文主要是研究化石及现代裸子植物的木材。 1908 年 , W. Gothan 获得柏林矿业学院煤资源与古植物学教职,同年担任位于柏林的普鲁士地质调查局 (The Prussian Geological Survery in Berlin) 古植物学部助理。 1913 年 Henry Potonié 去世之后, W. Gothan 开始在柏林矿业学院 (Mining Academy of Berlin) 和柏林技术大学 (Technical University in Berlin) 讲授古植物学 。 1927 年, W. Gothan 被柏林大学任命为古植物学名誉教授。 1929 年,他被普鲁士地质调查局任命为相当于政府雇员的地质学家 (state geologist) , 1935 年担任该局古植物学与煤研究部主任。 1948 年 , W. Gothan 从普鲁士地质调查局退休。然后,他到位于柏林的洪堡大学 (Humboldt Univerisity) 地质与古生物学系工作。 W. Gothan 是 20 世纪上半叶国际古植物学的著名学术领袖之一,他用化石植物建立了晚古生代生物地层,培养了一批优秀古植物学家(包括中国的斯行健)。 W. Gothan 是一位多产的古植物学家,他一生发表 350 多篇论著。 1933 年 , W. Gothan 成为中央研究院的名誉研究人员和中国地质学会通讯会员。 1949 年 W. Gothan 当选为柏林科学院院士。他还是第七届( 1950 年,瑞典斯德哥尔摩)和第八届( 1954 年,法国巴黎)国际植物学大会名誉主席。 ======= 相关链接: 古植物学的故事 162 期 360 年以来德国科学院涉及古植物学研究的院士们 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=575639 2012-5-27 23:26 ================ 附件资料: The German Academy of Sciences at Berlin ( 柏林科学院 ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Academy_of_Sciences_at_Berlin The German Academy of Sciences at Berlin (Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin), later renamed Academy of Sciences of the German Democratic Republic (Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR) was the most important research institution of East Germany . The academy was founded in 1946 by the Soviet Military Administration in Germany to continue the long tradition of the Prussian Academy of Sciences and the Brandenburg Society of Sciences , which had been founded in 1700 by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz . To facilitate publishing, the Akademie Verlag was founded also in 1946. The 250th anniversary in 1950 was already boycotted by West Germans due to the influence of the socialist East German authorities, which mainly had East Germans elected to the academy in the decades to follow. It became the most important academy in the German Democratic Republic , and was accordingly renamed 'Academy of Sciences of the GDR' (Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR) in 1972, once the division of Germany was accepted as the state of affairs. In the 1980s, the AdW itself had over 200 members, including two dozen West Germans. It coordinated research at 59 institutes that employed 22,000 persons. Following the fall of the Berlin wall, academy members called for a reform of the academy, rejecting the leading role of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany . On 27 June 1990, the new GDR government reorganized the academy, turning it into a public organisation. Until late 1991, the former AdW institutes were separated from the academy, evaluated, and either dissolved or assigned to different organisations, mainly the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Scientific Community . As the states of Berlin and Brandenburg considered a continuation of the academy as improper due to its role in the GDR, the academy, which had about 400 members, was disbanded and the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften ("Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities") was founded in 1993. On 15 April 1993, 60 the former academy members created the private organisation Leibniz-Sozietät which claims to represent 300 years of continuous academic tradition. It has now over 300 members, of which most were elected since 1994. =====
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|5089 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 livingfossil 2012-6-1 23:44
法国科学院涉及古植物学研究的院士们 法国科学院( French Académie des sciences )由 Jean-Baptiste COLBERT ( 1619--1683 )创建于 1666 年 , 距今已有 346 年的漫长历史 , 其发展历程可参见 : http://www.academie-sciences.fr/en/history.htm 【法国科学院历史( History of the French Académie des sciences )】 目前, 法国科学院有两个学部 ( divisions ): ( 1 ) 数学和物理科学及其应用学部 ( Mathematical and physical sciences and their applications ),包括学科( section )有数学( Mathematics )、物理学( Physics )、机械与信息 科学 ( Mechanics Infromatics )以及宇宙学( Sciences of the Universe ); ( 2 ) 化学、生物和医药科学及其应用学部 ( Chemical, natural, biological and medical sciences and their applications ), 包括化学 ( Chemistry )、 分子与细胞生物学及基因组学 ( Molecular Cellular Biology, Genomics )、整合生物学( Integrative Biology )以及 人类生物学和医药科学 ( Human Biology Medical Sciences )。 除了上述学科,还有一些应用性的交叉学科。 法国科学院有院士 ( Members ) 、外籍院士 ( associés étrangers--- Foreign Associate Members ) 和通讯院士 ( Corresponding Members ) 。英国博物学家达尔文( Charles Robert Darwin , 1809--1882 )于 1878 年当选为法国科学院通讯院士,所属学科为植物学 (section de botanique) 。德国地理学家和地质学家李希霍芬( le baron Ferdinand Paul Wilhelm von Richthofen , 1833--1905 )于 1894 年当选为 法国科学院通讯院士,所属学科为矿物学( section de minéralogie )。瑞典探险家 斯文 • 赫定( Sven Anders Hedin , 1865---1952 ) 于 1911 年当选为 法国科学院通讯院士,所属学科为地理学与航海( section de géographie et navigation )。法国地质古生物学家、神学家、思想家和哲学家德日进( Pierre Teilhard de Chardin , 1881--1955 )于 1947 年当选为法国科学院通讯院士,所属学科为矿物学 (section de minéralogie) 。 法国科学院现有院士 250 人,外籍院士 140 余人,通讯院士 100 余人。中国已有多名科学家成为该院的外籍院士。例如,中国科学家陈竺( Zhu CHEN , )于 2005 年 6 月 21 日当选为法国科学院外籍院士,所属学科为人类生物学和医药科学( Section: Biologie humaine et sciences médicales )。 本期《古植物学的故事》简述法国科学院涉及古植物学研究的院士基本情况。 Adolphe Théodore Brongniart ( 1801---1876 )系十九世纪法国著名的植物分类学家,也从事化石植物的研究,被尊称为“古植物学之父”。 Adolphe Théodore Brongniart 于 1834 年 当选为法国科学院院士,所属学科为植物学( section de botanique )。他还于 1851 年和 1852 年分别当选 为 瑞典皇家科学院和英国皇家学会外籍院士。 édouard Boureau ( 1913--1999 ) 是法国职业古植物学家 , 于 1977 年 当选为法国科学院院士。 William G. CHALONER (1928---) 为英国 职业古植物学家 , 于 1989 年 当选为法国科学院外籍院士。 法国科学院涉及古植物学研究的院士名单 (按照当选年份先后排序) 1. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1814 年 Robert Brown ( 1773---1858 ), 英国苏格兰人 , 植物学家和古植物学家 1814 年当选为法国科学院通讯院士 1858 年 3 月 4 日当选为法国科学院外籍院士 ( 同年 6 月 10 日去世 ) 所属学科:植物学( section de botanique ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Brown_(botanist) 2. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1831 年 Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg (1795----1876) , 德国人 1831 年当选为法国科学院通讯院士 1860 年 当选为法国科学院外籍院士 所属学科 :解剖学与动物学( section d'anatomie et zoologie ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Gottfried_Ehrenberg 3. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1834 年 Adolphe Théodore Brongniart ( 1801---1876 ),法国植物学家和古植物学家 1834 年当选为法国科学院院士 所属学科 :植物学( section de botanique ) 4. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1838 年 Hugo von Mohl (1805----1872) ,德国斯图加特人 1838 年当选为法国科学院通讯院士 所属学科 :植物学( section de botanique ) 【另: 1832 年当选为德国科学院院士】 5. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1853 年 John Lindley ( 1799---1865 ), 英国古植物学家和园艺学家 1853 年当选为法国科学院通讯院士 所属学科: section d’économie rurale 6. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1854 年 Wilhelm Philipp Schimper (1808----1880) ,德国人 1854 年当选为法兰西科学院通讯院士 所属学科 :植物学( section de botanique ) 7. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1876 年 Louis Charles Joseph Gaston de Saporta ( 1823---1895 ),法国古植物学家 1876 年当选为法兰西科学院通讯院士 所属学科 :植物学( section de botanique ) 8. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1881 年 Oswald Heer (1809---1883) ,瑞士地质学家和博物学家 1881 年当选为法兰西科学院通讯院士 所属学科 :植物学( section de botanique ) 9. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1885 年 Cyrille François Grand’Eury (1839--1917) 1885 年当选为法兰西科学院通讯院士 所属学科 :植物学( section de botanique ) 10. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1901 年 Charles René Zeiller (1847---1915) 所属学科 :植物学( section de botanique ) 11. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1904 年 Charles Eugène Bertrand ( 1851---1917 ),法国植物学家和地质学家 1904 年当选为法国科学院通讯院士 所属学科 :植物学( section de botanique ) 12. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1925 年 Dukinfield Henry Scott ( 1854--1934 ),英国植物学家 1925 年当选为法国科学院通讯院士 所属学科 :植物学( section de botanique ) 13. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1977 年 édouard Léon François Boureau ( 1913--1999 ),法国古植物学家 1977 年当选为法国科学院院士 所属学科 :植物生物学( section de biologie végétale ) 14. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1989 年 William G. CHALONER (1928---) , 英国古植物学家 1989 年当选为法国科学院外籍院士 所属学科 :整合生物学( Section Biologie intégrative ) 孙启高 2012 年 5 月 31 日, 6 月 14 日晚第 2 次修改 本期编目 古植物学的故事 163 期 法国科学院涉及古植物学研究的院士们 相关链接 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Academy_of_Sciences http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Baptiste_Colbert http://www.academie-sciences.fr/academie/membre.htm http://www.academie-sciences.fr/en/member.htm 古植物学的故事(专辑): 古植物学院士与外籍院士的历史与问题 http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=390694 发表于 2010-12-6 1:29:3 古植物学的故事 162 期 360 年以来德国科学院涉及古植物学研究的院士们 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.162): Members of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina pertaining to the palaeobotanical studies since 1652 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=575639 2012-5-27 23:26 古植物学的故事 160 期 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.160): 瑞典皇家科学院古植物学院士与外籍院士 The members and foreign members of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences pertaining to palaeobotanical studies http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=571384 2012-5-15 22:35 古植物学的故事( 39 ) ---350 年来与古植物学有缘的英国皇家学会院士与外籍院士( 1660--2010 ) Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.39): Fellows and Foreign members of the Royal Society (London) regarding palaeobotany---In commemoration of the 350 th anniversary of the Royal Society (London) http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=328266 发表于 2010-5-24 23:43:30 古植物学的故事( 38 ):美国科学院的古植物学院士与外籍院士 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.38): Members and foreign associates of National Academy of Sciences (USA) regarding palaeobotany http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=327253 发表于 2010-5-21 23:10:47 古植物学的故事 ( 30 ): 特别介绍世界知名古植物学家、中国科学院外籍院士 Else Marie Friis Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.30) : Introduction to Else Marie Friis, foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=291046 发表于 2010-1-29 0:44:59 古植物学的故事( 8 ):中国科学院的古植物学院士(学部委员)名单 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.8): A list of academicians (members) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the research field of palaeobotany http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=255714 2009-9-15 11:59:18 ====================
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|4039 次阅读|2 个评论
livingfossil 2012-5-27 23:26
360 年以来德国科学院涉及古植物学研究的院士们 孙启高 2012 年 5 月 17 日完稿, 5 月 27 日晚第 2 次修改 德国古植物学历史悠久,科学积累丰富,人才辈出,在世界古植物学发展史上占有举足轻重的地位。德国古植物学的学术传统、学术思想和技术方法对欧洲乃至世界古植物学都产生了极其深远的影响。 1928—1931 年,中国古植物学奠基人 -- 斯行健先生( 1901---1964 )曾在柏林跟随国际著名古植物学家 Walther Gothan ( 1879—1954) 学习。 本期《古植物学的故事》试图通过梳理 德国科学院有关古植物学研究的院士情况,拟定一份 360 年以来德国科学院涉猎古植物学的院士名单,为深入探讨 德国古植物学乃至世界古植物学的基本发展脉络提供重要线索。必须指出的是:在 20 世纪中叶以前,纯粹以化石植物为研究对象的职业古植物学家非常稀少。 19 世纪许多博物学家曾涉猎古植物学研究。 德国科学院 ( German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina ) 的历史追溯到 1652 年成立的利奥波第那( Leopoldina )科学院( Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina ) ,距今已有 360 年的漫长历史。德国科学院是世界上历史悠久且一直连续的科学院(或科学社团)之一,但是经历了不同的发展阶段,包括 20 世纪的冷战时期。所以,德国科学院的历史有些复杂。 20 世纪伟大的物理学家爱因斯坦 ( Albert Einstein , 1879---1955) 于 1932 年当选为德国科学院院士。 1933 年 , 希特勒( Adolf Hitler , 1889---1945 )上台后,当时的德国科学院( Leopoldina )排斥犹太裔院士。爱因斯坦等 70 多位犹太裔院士受到排斥,其中 8 位惨遭杀害。 第二次世界大战结束后,德国一分为二,即联邦德国和民主德国。德国科学院( Leopoldina )所在城市 ---- Halle 属于 民主德国(东德)。蜚声世界的 古植物学家 W. Gothan 于 1949 年当选柏林科学院院士 ( German Academy of Sciences in Berlin ) 。柏林科学院与 德国科学院( Leopoldina )不是一回事。 很遗憾, W. Gothan 并不是 德国科学院( Leopoldina )院士! 德国科学院设有 4 大学部,即: (1) 数学、自然科学与工程学部 ; (2) 生命科学部 ; (3) 医学部 和 (4) 人文、社会与行为科学部 。这 4 大学部涵盖 28 个学科 ( Section ),每个学部由若干学科构成(见附件 12 )。目前,德国科学院约有 1,400 名院士,其中 3/4 来 3 个德语国家(即:德国、奥地利和瑞士), 1/4 来自其它国家。 迄今为止,已有多名中国科学家当选为德国科学院院士。早在 1935 年,地质学和古生物学家翁文灏( Wong Wen-hao , 1889---1971 )当选为德国科学院院士。改革开放以来, 中国科学家 武忠弼( 1988 年)、路甬祥( 2005 年)、卢柯( 2005 年)、张杰( 2007 年)和来茂德( 2011 年)先后当选为德国科学院院士。 360 年以来德国科学院涉及古植物学研究的 36 名院士名单 (按照当选年份先后排序) 1. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1697 年 Johann Jakob Scheuchzer (1672----1733) ,瑞士人 学科: Mathematik 2. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1818 年 Christian Leopold von Buch (1774---1853) ,德国地质学家和古生物学家 学科 : Geologie 【另: 1825 年当选为 瑞典皇家科学院外籍院士; 1828 年当选为英国皇家学会外籍院士 (ForMemRS) 】 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Leopold_von_Buch 3. 当选年份( Year of Election ): 1818 年 Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg (1795----1876) ,德国人 学科 : Medizin 【另 : 1836 年当选为 瑞典皇家科学院外籍院士 ; 1837 年当选为英国皇家学会外籍院士 (ForMemRS) 】 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Gottfried_Ehrenberg 4. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1818 年 Kaspar Maria von Sternberg (1761---1838) ,捷克人(生于布拉格) 学科: Botanik 5. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1818 年 Robert Brown ( 1773---1858 ), 英国苏格兰人 , 植物学家和古植物学家 学科 : Botanik 【另: 1811 年当选为英国皇家学会院士 (FRS) ; 1822 年当选为 瑞典皇家科学院外籍院士】 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Brown_(botanist) 6. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1820 年 John Lindley ( 1799---1865 ), 英国古植物学家和园艺学家 学科: Botanik 【另: 1828 年当选为英国皇家学会院士 (FRS) ; 瑞典皇家科学院外籍院士】 7. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1822 年 Karl Eduard von Eichwald (1795----1876) , 德国人 学科 : Geologie und Palontologie 8. 当选年份( Year of Election ): 1823 年 Ernst Friedrich von Schlotheim (1764---1832) , 德国人 . 学科 : Botanik 9. 当选年份( Year of Election ): 1824 年 Georg Friedrich von Jger (1785---1867) , 德国人 . 学科: Chemie 10. 当选年份( Year of Election ): 1830 年 Johann Heinrich Robert Gppert ( 1800---1884 ), 德国人 . 学科 : Botanik 11. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1832 年 Hugo von Mohl (1805----1872) ,德国斯图加特人 学科: Botanik 12. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1833 年 Franz Joseph Andreas Nicolaus Unger (1800---1870) ,奥地利人 学科 : Botanik 13. 当选年份( Year of Election ): 1835 年 August Karl Joseph Corda (1809---1849) ,德国人 学科 : Zoologie 14. 当选年份( Year of Election ): 1837 年 Friedrich Anton Wilhelm Miquel (1811---1871) ,德国人 学科 : Botanik 15. 当选年份( Year of Election ): 1843 年 Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Braun (1800---1864) , 德国人 . 学科 : Naturgeschichte 16. 当选年份( Year of Election ): 1844 年 Hanns Bruno Geinitz (1814---1900) , 德国人 . 学科 : Mineralogie, Kristallographie und Petrologie 17 当选年份( Year of Election ): 1852 年 August Schenk (1815----1891) , 德国人 ( 生于 Hallein ) 学科 : Botanik 18. 当选年份( Year of Election ): 1856 年 Constantin von Ettingshausen (1826---1897) ,奥地利地质学家和植物学家 学科 : Botanik 19. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1858 年 (Johann Xaver) Robert Caspary (1818---1887) ,德国人 . 学科: Botanik 20. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1862 年 Wilhelm Philipp Schimper (1808----1880) , 德国人 学科 : Geologie und Palontologie 21. 当选年份( Year of Election ): 1864 年 Johann Georg Bornemann (1831---1896) , 德国人 . 学科 : Geologie und Palontologie 22. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1879 年 Oswald Heer (1809---1883) ,瑞士地质学家和博物学家 学科: Botanik 23. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1881 年 Hugo Wilhelm Conwentz (1855---1922) ,德国人 学科: Botanik 24. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1882 年 Christian Ernst Weiss (1833---1890) ,德国人 学科: Geologie und Palontologie 25. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1884 年 Hermann zu Solms-Laubach (1842---1915) ,德国人 学科: Botanik http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_zu_Solms-Laubach http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_zu_Solms-Laubach 【另:瑞典皇家科学院外籍院士; 1902 年当选英国皇家学会外籍院士 (ForMemRS) 】 26. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1888 年 Ernst Kalkowsky ( 1851---1938 ), 德国人 学科 : Geologie und Palontologie 27. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1894 年 Charles David White (1862---1935) , 美国人 学科 : Geologie und Palontologie 【另 : 1912 年当选为美国科学院院士】 28. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 1902 年 Henry Potonié (1857---1913) , 德国柏林人 学科 : Geologie und Palontologie 29. 当选年份( Year of Election ): 1928 年 Thore Gustaf Halle (1884---1964) ,瑞典古植物学家 学科: Mineralogie, Kristallographie und Petrologie 【另: 1931 年当选为瑞典皇家科学院院士】 30. 当选年份( Year of Election ): 1955 年 Wladyslaw Szafer (1886---1970) , 波兰人 学科 : Botanik 31. 当选年份( Year of Election ): 1957 年 Hermann Weyland ( 1888---1974 ),德国人 学科 : Geologie und Palontologie 32. 当选年份( Year of Election ): 1957 年 Richard Krusel ( 1890---1966 ) 学科 : Geologie und Palontologie 33. 当选年份( Year of Election ): 1962 年 Sir Harry Godwin ( 1901---1985 ), 英国植物学家和生态学家 学科: Botanik 【另: 1945 年当选为英国皇家学会院士 (FRS); 瑞典皇家科学院外籍院士; Royal Irish Academy(1955); Royal Scientific Society of Uppsala; Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters (1962); Royal Society of New Zealand (1967); American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1976) 】 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Godwin 34. 当选年份( Year of Election ): 1972 年 Armen Leonovich Takhtajan (1910---2009) , 亚美尼亚人 ( 生于 Schuscha ) 学科 : Organismische und Evolutionre Biologie 【另: 1971 年当选为苏联科学院(后为“俄罗斯科学院”)院士、美国科学院外籍院士以及芬兰科学院及人文学院院士( member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Literature ) ; 亚美尼亚苏维埃社会主义共和国科学院院士( academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR ) 】 35. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 2004 年 Volker Mosbrugger (1953---) , 德国人 学科: Earth Sciences 36. 当选年份 ( Year of Election ): 2004 年 Sir Peter R. Crane (1954---) , 英籍美国古植物学家 学科: Organismic and Evolutionary Biology 【另: 1998 年当选为英国皇家学会院士 (FRS) ; 2001 年当选美国科学院外籍院士 (Foreign Associate of the NAS, USA) ; 2002 年当选为 瑞典皇家科学院外籍院士】 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Crane 致谢:作者感谢德国法兰克福森肯伯格自然历史博物馆 Dieter Uhl 博士以及德国 科学院档案馆负责人的热情帮助。 本期编目 古植物学的故事 162 期 360 年以来德国科学院涉及古植物学研究的院士们 ========== 附件 1 德国科学院 28 个学科 No.1. Mathematics No.2. Informatics No.3. Physics No.4. Chemistry No.5. Earth Sciences No.6. Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences No.7. Ecological Sciences No.8. Genetics/Molecular Biology and Cell Biology No.9. Biochemistry and Biophysics No.10. Biochemistry and Biophysics No.11. Anatomy and Anthropology No.12 Pathology and Forensic Medicine No.13. Microbiology and Immunology No.14. Human Genetics and Molecular Medicine No.15. Physiology and Pharmacology/Toxicology No.16. Internal Medicine and Dermatology No.17. Surgery, Orthopaedics, Anaesthesiology No.18. Gynaecology and Paediatrics No.19. Neurosciences No.20. Ophthalmology, Oto-Rhino-Laryngology ( 耳鼻喉 ) and Stomatology No.21. Radiology (放射医学) No.22. Veterinary Medicine (兽医学) No.23. History of Science and Medicine No.24. Epistemology No.25. Economics and Empirical Social Sciences No.26. Psychology and Cognitive Sciences No.27. Engineering Sciences No.28. Cultural Sciences ======== 附件 2 德国科学院 4 大学部及其学科组成 Class I Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Engineering No.1. Mathematics No.2. Informatics No.3. Physics No.4. Chemistry No.5. Earth Sciences No.27. Engineering Sciences Class II Life Sciences No.6. Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences No.8. Genetics/Molecular Biology and Cell Biology No.9. Biochemistry and Biophysics No.10. Biochemistry and Biophysics No.13. Microbiology and Immunology No.14. Human Genetics and Molecular Medicine No.15. Physiology and Pharmacology/Toxicology Class III Medical Sciences No.11. Anatomy and Anthropology No.12 Pathology and Forensic Medicine No.16. Internal Medicine and Dermatology No.17. Surgery, Orthopaedics, Anaesthesiology No.18. Gynaecology and Paediatrics No.19. Neurosciences No.20. Ophthalmology, Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Stomatology No.21. Radiology No.22. Veterinary Medicine Class IV Humanities, Social and Behavioural Sciences No.23. History of Science and Medicine No.24. Epistemology No.25. Economics and Empirical Social Sciences No.26. Psychology and Cognitive Sciences No.28. Cultural Sciences ================ 相关资料 German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Academy_of_Sciences_Leopoldina The German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina http://www.leopoldina.org/en/academy.html http://www.leopoldina.org/en/academy/organisation.html Members of German Academy of Sciences http://www.leopoldina.org/en/academy/organisation/members.html 古植物学的故事(专辑): 古植物学院士与外籍院士的历史与问题 http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=390694 发表于 2010-12-6 1:29:3 (The End)
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|5684 次阅读|0 个评论
国外地学界职位招聘广告 (不断更新)
majorite 2010-7-6 01:49
The Institute for Study of the Earth'sInterior (ISEI), Okayama University Misasa, Japan, invites an application for the following position. http://www.misasa.okayama-u.ac.jp/ http://www.misasa.okayama-u.ac.jp/eng/announcement/?eid=00451 Application Deadline$B!'(BAugust 31, 2010 Tatsuki Tsujimori -- Dr. Tatsuki Tsujimori,Associate Professor ISEI, Okayama U. Misasa, Tottori 682-0193, Japan PhD Position in Metamorphic Petrology at the Department of Earth Sciences at Carleton University Project The inverted metamorphic sequence (IMS) of the Sikkim Himalayas is characterized by a continuous increase of metamorphic grade with structural height. It contains one of the best developed Barrovian sequences of metapelitic rocks world-wide but its tectonic evolution is still unresolved. Due to its wide extent and continuous nature, the IMS serves as an excellent natural laboratory to study various rock-forming processes that occur during regional metamorphism. The successful PhD student will derive detailed information on the metamorphic history of the IMS that will help to constrain models of its tectonic evolution. Electron probe micro-analysis will be carried out and linked to results obtained through X-ray computed tomography and thermodynamic modelling. In close collaboration with an international research team, these findings will be integrated with monazite U-Th-Pb geochronology and high-precision Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf age dating. Requirements Applicants should hold a Master's degree in geosciences, chemistry or physics and should be fluent in English. The ideal candidate has a background in hard-rock geology and is interested in thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of mineral reactions. The ability to actively participate in and cooperate with an international research team will be an advantage. Funding The position will be funded for 4 years including salary, tuition, field and laboratory expenses. International students are motivated to apply for alternative funding (e.g., https://osap.gov.on.ca/OSAPPortal/en/A-ZListofAid/TCONT003465.html ) to cover tuition fees. Application Applications including a CV with publication list, a statement of research interests, and the mail and e-mail addresses of at least two referees, should be sent by e-mail to Dr. Fred Gaidies ( fgaidies@earthsci.carleton.ca ) AND mail to: Dr. Fred Gaidies Carleton University Department of Earth Sciences 1125 Colonel By Drive Ottawa, ON, K1S 5B6 Canada The closing deadline is October 15, 2010 but applications will be considered until the position is filled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laboratory Manager Isotope Geochemistry Facility The Research Group of Isotope Geochemistry at the Department of Geosciences, University of Bremen requires a laboratory manager to establish, oversee and manage the new multicollector mass spectrometry and isotope chemistry clean laboratories. Applicants must hold a degree in geology, geochemistry, analytical chemistry or physics and have demonstrated expertise and operational experience in MC-ICPMS and TIMS; holding a PhD would be of advantage. The applicant should have substantial experience in using and maintaining multicollector mass spectrometers and clean laboratories. Preference will be given to Candidates with prior lab manager experience. Fluent German and English language skills (written and spoken) are required. The Laboratory Manager will be responsible for conducting and supervising maintenance and repair of instrumentation and laboratory, developing and improving analytical protocols and instrumentation, oversight of sample preparation, ensuring quality control and tracking of data and supporting internal and external research projects of students, faculty and visiting scientists. The laboratory manager will also participate in research projects pursued by the facility and will be encouraged to launch new initiatives. The incumbent can take an active role in the communication of research results to the scientific community and industry (if desired). The appointment is a permanent position, preferably starting as soon as possible. Salary level is according to German salary system TV-L and will be commensurate with experience (up to 13 TV-L). A curriculum vita, a letter of motivation describing your interest in the position, a statement describing past and current analytical accomplishments and a list of at least two references must be submitted to be considered as an applicant. The facility is under the direction of Simone Kasemann and applications and questions regarding the position should be sent electronically to simone.kasemann@uni-bremen.de . Applications quoting reference A78/10 must be received by August 13th, 2010. As the University of Bremen intends to increase the proportion of female employees in science, women are particularly encouraged to apply. In case of equal personal aptitudes and qualification priority will be given to disabled persons. Please send only copies of your documents (without hard covers and folders) as we will not be able to send back your application. ---- Simone Kasemann Professor fr Isotopengeochemie Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universitt Bremen Postfach 330 440 28334 Bremen Telefon: +49 421 218-65460 Email: simone.kasemann@uni-bremen.de ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Job offer In the framework of a tectonics and sedimentology research project in the Tadjik basin of Uzbekistan and Tadjikistan, we have a post-doc position (or alternatively 2 PhD positions) available for 2 years (prolongation possible). Main duties are fieldwork on thrust and strike-slip tectonics, section balancing, and thermochronology on the burial history; publication of results is expected. The project is embedded into a multi-Institute and multi-disciplinary project on the Pamirs and Tadjik basin. Starting date: as soon as possible. Information from Lothar Ratschbacher Lothar Ratschbacher Institut fr Geowissenschaften Technische Universitt Bergakademie Freiberg Bernhard-von-Cottastr. 2 D-09596 Freiberg/Sachsen Tel.: +49-3731-393758 Fax.: +49-3731-393599 e-mail: lothar@geo.tu-freiberg.de http://tu-freiberg.de/fakult3/geoarc/ http://www.geo.tu-freiberg.de/tektono/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Research Scientist position to operate and manage our new laser ablation ICP-MS/OES facility The University of New Brunswick Geology Department has an opening for a Research Scientist position to operate and manage our new laser ablation ICP-MS/OES facility. The official posting is on the UNB HR website at the following link: http://www.unb.ca/postings/eup/eup1279104716_199.html The newly renovated lab will comprise two new state-of-the-art instruments including an Agilent 7700x quadrupole ICP-MS coupled to a Resonetics M-50 Ar-F 193nm excimer laser system. The facility will also house our existing Spectro CIROS ICP-OES. The new lab will be supported by microbeam instrumentation operated by the UNB Microscopy and Microanalysis Facility and by in-house wet chemistry and sample preparation labs ( http://www.unb.ca/fredericton/science/geology/facilities.php ). The new LA-ICPMS lab will be focused on producing high quality and high impact research primarily in metamorphic and igneous petrology, ore geology, and regional tectonics. We are seeking a motivated person with a sound understanding of the theory and applications of geochemistry and mass spectrometry to problems in earth sciences. This individual must have a strong work ethic, uncompromising analytical standards and an ability to engage users and assist with the development of new techniques. Please pass this information on to any potentially interested people. Best regards, Chris McFarlane Associate Professor Department of Geology University of New Brunswick Fredericton NB E3B 5A3 office: 506-458-7211 http://www.unb.ca/fredericton/science/geology/faculty/crmm.php ------------------------------------------------------------------- JOb at Leicester This is a great opportunity to join our expanding Applied Environmental Geology Group at Leicester! Our Department of Geology is seeking to appoint a Lecturer or Senior Lecturer in Applied and Environmental Geology for a two year fixed term post to cover a period of secondment. We are particularly interested in candidates with a strong research record in, and ability to contribute to, the teaching of applied and environmental geology. You will contribute to campus based teaching and to the delivery of distance/blended learning programmes, including residential schools overseas. We particularly encourage applications from candidates able to contribute to teaching in one or more of the following fields: industrial rocks and minerals, environmental geoscience, mineral economics, the diamond industry. For further information and to apply on-line, please visit our website: www.le.ac.uk/joinus Ref: SEN00078 The closing date for this post is midnight on 25 July 2010. Dr Gawen RT Jenkin Senior Lecturer Applied Geology Chair Mineral Deposits Studies Group mdsg.org.uk Leicester Geology Department - Top Ranking for Student Satisfaction. Highest % of Student Satisfaction amongst departments teaching full-time Geology degrees for three years running (NSS www.unistats.com). Senior Lecturer Applied Geology direct dial: +44 (0116) 252 3934 Department of Geology general office: +44 (0116) 252 3933 University of Leicester fax: +44 (0116) 252 3918 LE1 7RH, UK skype: gawenjenkin ------------------------------------------------------------ Postdoc scholarship available The School of Geological Sciences at the University of Kwa-Zulu-Natal, Durban , South Africa , invites applications for a postdoctoral scholarship. The field (within geology) is not specified, but a research proposal must be part of the application, and the project is supposed to relate to one of the main research areas of the School. Thus, at least one staff member of the School will be directly involved in the application. This particular call is obviously aimed at members of the petrology and/or structural geology / tectonics community. Current projects involve the Namaqua-Natal Belt, the Bushveld Complex and high-grade Archaean terrains of the southern Kaapvaal craton margin. For more details please contact me at the address below. (Sorry, the departmental website is somewhat out of date. The position of webmaster has also not been filled yet) Anyone interested should get in touch a.s.a.p. as the deadlines set by the Faculty Office are just around the corner. Juergen Reinhardt reinhardtj@ukzn.ac.za School of Geological Sciences University of KwaZulu-Natal Durban , 4000 South Africa ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Faculty position as Lecturer or Assistant Professor in Geology The Department of Applied Geosciences at GUtech seeks applications for a faculty position as Lecturer or Assistant Professor in Geology Applicants are expected to be experienced as a field geologist, preferably having specialised in soft-rock structural geology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, ... and would be interested to carry out applied, field-oriented research projects in Oman. She or he will be responsible for ca. 10h/week teaching. Courses would center around geological field methods, geological mapping, quantitative field methods and rock microstructures and organising geological excursions. Your Profile: You should hold a PhD degree, are an excellent teacher and researcher. You have contributed to the advancement of research internationally. And you are looking forward to work at a start-up university in an exciting challenging environment. Our Offer: Our enthusiastic and open-minded Omani students will make you really like to teach and never want to leave. Successful applicants will be part of a core team playing a vital role in the further development of the University. Salary packages are competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience. The appointment is initially for 4 years and renewable, dependent on a positive performance review. The successful candidate would preferably take up employment in September or October 2010. To apply, email your CV with a covering letter addressing all essential criteria, a statement of teaching experience, copies of relevant certificates, a selection of student evaluations of teaching (if available), and 2-3 reference letters to recruitment@gutech.edu.om no later than 16 July 2010. http://www.earthworks-jobs.com/geoscience/gutech10062.html
个人分类: 论大学|3550 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载] 社会科学文献引用国家排名 National Rankings in Social Sciences, general; 1999-December 3
xupeiyang 2010-4-13 08:41
REUTERS National Rankings in Social Sciences, general; 1999-December 31, 2009 Country Feature This month from ScienceWatch.com , we have listed our ranking in Social Sciences, general by total citations. The data were extracted from the Essential Science Indicators SM database from Thomson Reuters . This database, currently covering the period January 1999 through December 31, 2009, surveys only journal articles (original research reports and review articles) indexed by Thomson Reuters. Read more below. Rank Country 国家 Papers 总文献量 Citations 总引用量 Citations per paper 篇均引用量 1 USA 201,551 1,154,424 5.73 2 ENGLAND 45,515 243,416 5.35 3 CANADA 23,164 114,089 4.93 4 AUSTRALIA 18,678 81,985 4.39 5 NETHERLANDS 10,665 59,960 5.62 6 GERMANY 13,584 44,406 3.27 7 SWEDEN 6,707 37,267 5.56 8 SCOTLAND 6,009 30,115 5.01 9 FRANCE 6,657 23,709 3.56 10 PEOPLES R CHINA 6,380 22,786 3.57 11 ISRAEL 5,051 19,583 3.88 12 ITALY 4,195 18,629 4.44 13 NORWAY 3,621 17,871 4.94 14 SWITZERLAND 3,416 16,927 4.96 15 WALES 2,933 16,896 5.76 16 SPAIN 6,167 16,866 2.73 17 FINLAND 3,064 15,930 5.2 18 BELGIUM 3,284 15,483 4.71 19 NEW ZEALAND 3,561 15,386 4.32 20 DENMARK 2,635 14,003 5.31 SOURCE: Essential Science Indicators SM database from Thomson Reuters . Articles are assigned to a category based on the journals in which they were published and Thomson Reuterss journal-to-category field definition scheme. Both articles tabulated and citation counts to those articles are for the period indicated. For articles with multiple authors from different nations, each nation receives full, not fractional, citation credit. Essential Science Indicators lists nations ranked in the top 50% for a field over a given period, based on total citations. In Social Sciences, general, 103 nations are listed, meaning 206 were surveyed. The average citation rate for field of Social Sciences, general is 4.46. http://sciencewatch.com/dr/cou/2010/10aprSOC/
个人分类: 热点前沿|1925 次阅读|0 个评论
社会科学领域357位ISI HighlyCited高被引学者
cwhm 2009-9-6 14:47
Browse Results by CATEGORY - SOCIAL SCIENCES, GENERAL Home Browse Results Results 1 to 50 (of 357) Page 1 of 8 Name Institution Country Category Aiken, Linda H. University of Pennsylvania United States Social Sciences, General Algozzine, Robert F. University of North Carolina at Charlotte United States Social Sciences, General Alwin, Duane Francis Pennsylvania State University United States Social Sciences, General Amar, Akhil Reed Yale Law School United States Social Sciences, General Amato, Paul R. Pennsylvania State University United States Social Sciences, General Andersen, Ronald Max University of California, Los Angeles United States Social Sciences, General Andrews, Peter Natural History Museum England Social Sciences, General Aneshensel, Carol S. University of California, Los Angeles United States Social Sciences, General Anglin, M. Douglas University of California, Los Angeles United States Social Sciences, General Anthony, James C. Michigan State University Medical School United States Social Sciences, General Psychology/Psychiatry Avorn, Jerome Lewis Brigham and Women's Hospital United States Social Sciences, General Ayres, Ian Yale Law School United States Social Sciences, General Babor, Thomas F. University of Connecticut Health Center United States Social Sciences, General Bachman, Jerald G. University of Michigan United States Social Sciences, General Barnes, Grace M. University at Buffalo, The State University of New York United States Social Sciences, General Baron, James N. Stanford University United States Social Sciences, General Barrett-Connor, Elizabeth University of California, San Diego School of Medicine United States Clinical Medicine Social Sciences, General Bates, David W. Brigham Internal Medicine Associates United States Social Sciences, General Bauman, Karl E. United States Social Sciences, General Becker, Marshall H. Social Sciences, General Bentler, Peter M. University of California, Los Angeles United States Social Sciences, General Psychology/Psychiatry Bergner, Marilyn United States Social Sciences, General Berk, Richard A. University of California, Los Angeles United States Social Sciences, General Berkman, Lisa F. Harvard School of Public Health United States Social Sciences, General Blazer, Dan German Duke University Medical Center United States Social Sciences, General Psychology/Psychiatry Bobbitt, Ruth A. United States Social Sciences, General Bollen, Kenneth A. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill United States Social Sciences, General Booth, Alan Pennsylvania State University United States Social Sciences, General Branch, Laurence G. University of South Florida United States Social Sciences, General Brennan, Troyen A. Harvard School of Public Health United States Social Sciences, General Briere, John University of Southern California United States Social Sciences, General Brody, Eve M. United States Social Sciences, General Brody, Jacob A. University of Illinois at Chicago United States Social Sciences, General Brook, Robert H. RAND Corporation United States Social Sciences, General Clinical Medicine Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne Columbia University United States Psychology/Psychiatry Social Sciences, General Brown, Sandra A. University of California, San Diego United States Social Sciences, General Brownson, Ross C. Saint Louis University United States Social Sciences, General Buchner, David M. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention United States Social Sciences, General Buehler, James W. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention United States Social Sciences, General Bumpass, Larry Lee University of Wisconsin - Madison United States Social Sciences, General Burgoon, Judee K. University of Arizona United States Social Sciences, General Burnam, M. Audrey RAND Corporation United States Psychology/Psychiatry Social Sciences, General Burns, Barbara Jean Duke University Medical Center United States Social Sciences, General Cafferata, Gail Lee United States Social Sciences, General Caldwell, John Charles Australian National University Australia Social Sciences, General Callahan, Christopher M. Indiana University United States Social Sciences, General Carroll, Glenn R. Stanford University United States Social Sciences, General Carroll, Kathleen M. Yale University School of Medicine United States Social Sciences, General Carter, William B. Amgen Inc. United States Social Sciences, General Caspersen, Carl J. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention United States Social Sciences, General Results 1 to 50 (of 357) Page 1 of 8 function goToLinkHelp() { win_browser = window.open("http://hcr3.isiknowledge.com/help.cgi?h=hover.htm", "HCR_help", "width=665,height=475,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes"); win_browser.focus(); } = " Highly cited researcher " Copyright © 2008 Thomson ISI Browse Results by CATEGORY - SOCIAL SCIENCES, GENERAL Home Browse Results Results 51 to 100 (of 357) Page 2 of 8 Name Institution Country Category Catania, Joseph Anthony University of California, San Francisco United States Social Sciences, General Chatters, Linda M. University of Michigan School of Public Health United States Social Sciences, General Clark, Gordon Leslie University of Oxford England Social Sciences, General Cleary, Paul D. Harvard Medical School United States Social Sciences, General Coates, Thomas J. University of California, San Francisco United States Social Sciences, General Coffee, John C. Columbia University United States Social Sciences, General Cohen, Harvey J. Duke University Medical Center United States Social Sciences, General Cohen, Jacob United States Psychology/Psychiatry Social Sciences, General Cohen, Sheldon Carnegie Mellon University United States Psychology/Psychiatry Social Sciences, General Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska George Washington University Hebrew Home of Greater Washington United States Social Sciences, General Coleman, James Samuel United States Social Sciences, General Conger, Rand D. University of California, Davis United States Social Sciences, General Cullen, Francis T. University of Cincinnati United States Social Sciences, General Cummings, Steven R. University of California, San Francisco United States Social Sciences, General Clinical Medicine Curran, James W. Emory University United States Social Sciences, General Darke, Shane University of New South Wales Australia Social Sciences, General Darroch, Jacqueline E. Alan Guttmacher Institute United States Social Sciences, General Davey Smith, George University of Bristol United Kingdom Social Sciences, General Dawson, Deborah A. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) United States Social Sciences, General Delgado, Richard University of Colorado School of Law United States Social Sciences, General Denton, Nancy Anne State University of New York at Albany United States Social Sciences, General Deyo, Richard A. University of Washington United States Social Sciences, General DiClemente, Ralph J. Emory University Rollins School of Public Health United States Social Sciences, General Diehr, Paula Hagedorn University of Washington United States Social Sciences, General DiMaggio, Paul J. Princeton University United States Social Sciences, General Duncan, Greg J. Northwestern University United States Social Sciences, General Dworkin, Ronald New York University United States Social Sciences, General Earls, Felton Harvard School of Public Health United States Social Sciences, General Easterbrook, Frank H. University of Chicago Law School United States Social Sciences, General Ellison, Christopher G. University of Texas at Austin United States Social Sciences, General Epstein, Richard A. University of Chicago Law School United States Social Sciences, General Erikson, Robert S. Columbia University United States Social Sciences, General Eskridge, William N. Yale Law School United States Social Sciences, General Evans, Leonard Science Serving Society United States Social Sciences, General Farber, Daniel A. University of Minnesota Law School United States Social Sciences, General Feldman, Stanley State University of New York at Stony Brook United States Social Sciences, General Ferrucci, Luigi Italy Social Sciences, General Fink, Arlene University of California, Los Angeles United States Social Sciences, General Finkelhor, David University of New Hampshire United States Social Sciences, General Finney, John W. VA Palo Alto United States Social Sciences, General Fischel, Daniel R. University of Chicago Law School United States Social Sciences, General Fiss, Owen M. Yale Law School United States Social Sciences, General Flay, Brian R. Oregon State University United States Social Sciences, General Freeman, John University of California, Berkeley United States Social Sciences, General Frickey, Phillip P. University of California, Berkeley United States Social Sciences, General Fried, Linda P. Johns Hopkins University United States Social Sciences, General Friedman, Samuel R. National Development Research Institutes, Inc. United States Social Sciences, General Fries, Brandt E. University of Michigan United States Social Sciences, General Fuchs, Doug Vanderbilt University United States Social Sciences, General Fuchs, Lynn S. Vanderbilt University United States Social Sciences, General Results 51 to 100 (of 357) Page 2 of 8 function goToLinkHelp() { win_browser = window.open("http://hcr3.isiknowledge.com/help.cgi?h=hover.htm", "HCR_help", "width=665,height=475,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes"); win_browser.focus(); } = " Highly cited researcher " Copyright © 2008 Thomson ISI Browse Results by CATEGORY - SOCIAL SCIENCES, GENERAL Home Browse Results Results 101 to 150 (of 357) Page 3 of 8 Name Institution Country Category Furstenberg, Frank F. University of Pennsylvania United States Social Sciences, General Galanter, Marc S. University of Wisconsin Law School United States Social Sciences, General Gelles, Richard James University of Pennsylvania School of Social Work United States Social Sciences, General George, Linda K. Duke University United States Social Sciences, General Psychology/Psychiatry Gilson, Betty S. United States Social Sciences, General Gilson, Ronald J. Stanford University School of Law United States Social Sciences, General Glanz, Karen Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health United States Social Sciences, General Glasgow, Russell E. Kaiser Permanente Colorado United States Social Sciences, General Glenn, Norval D. University of Texas at Austin United States Social Sciences, General Glynn, Robert J. Brigham and Women's Hospital United States Social Sciences, General Goodwin, James Simeon University of Texas Medical Branch United States Social Sciences, General Gossop, Michael King's College London, Institute of Psychiatry England Social Sciences, General Gove, Walter R. Vanderbilt University United States Social Sciences, General Graham, Sandra University of California, Los Angeles United States Social Sciences, General Granovetter, Mark Stanford University United States Social Sciences, General Grant, Bridget Florence National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism United States Social Sciences, General Grant, Marcus International Center for Alcohol Policies United States Social Sciences, General Green, Lawrence W. University of California at San Francisco United States Social Sciences, General Greenfield, Sheldon Tufts University School of Medicine United States Social Sciences, General Guralnik, Jack M. National Institute on Aging, NIH United States Social Sciences, General Hagan, John Northwestern University United States Social Sciences, General Hall, Judith A. Northeastern University United States Social Sciences, General Hall, Wayne Denis University of Queensland Australia Social Sciences, General Hannan, Michael T. Stanford University United States Social Sciences, General Harris, Tamara B. National Institute on Aging, NIH United States Social Sciences, General Hawes, Catherine Texas AM University United States Social Sciences, General Hawkes, Kirsten University of Utah United States Social Sciences, General Hawkins, J. David University of Washington United States Social Sciences, General Hays, Ronald D. RAND Corporation United States Social Sciences, General Henshaw, Stanley K. Alan Guttmacher Institute United States Social Sciences, General Herzog, Anna Regula United States Social Sciences, General Hingson, Ralph W. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism United States Social Sciences, General Hogan, Dennis P. Brown University United States Social Sciences, General House, James S. University of Michigan United States Social Sciences, General Idler, Ellen L. Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey United States Social Sciences, General Iezzoni, Lisa I. Massachusetts General Hospital United States Social Sciences, General Inui, Thomas S. Harvard School of Public Health United States Social Sciences, General Jacobs, David R. University of Minnesota School of Public Health United States Social Sciences, General Janz, Nancy K. University of Michigan United States Social Sciences, General Jessor, Richard University of Colorado at Boulder United States Social Sciences, General Jette, Alan M. Boston University United States Social Sciences, General Johanson, Donald C. Arizona State University United States Social Sciences, General Johnson, Colleen Leahy University of California, San Francisco United States Social Sciences, General Johnson, Robert J. University of Miami United States Social Sciences, General Johnston, Lloyd Douglas University of Michigan United States Social Sciences, General Johnston, Ron J. University of Bristol England Social Sciences, General Jungers, William L. SUNY Stony Brook United States Social Sciences, General Kamarck, Thomas University of Pittsburgh United States Social Sciences, General Kandel, Denise Bystryn Columbia University United States Social Sciences, General Kane, Robert L. University of Minnesota School of Public Health United States Social Sciences, General Results 101 to 150 (of 357) Page 3 of 8 function goToLinkHelp() { win_browser = window.open("http://hcr3.isiknowledge.com/help.cgi?h=hover.htm", "HCR_help", "width=665,height=475,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes"); win_browser.focus(); } = " Highly cited researcher " Copyright © 2008 Thomson ISI Browse Results by CATEGORY - SOCIAL SCIENCES, GENERAL Home Browse Results Results 151 to 200 (of 357) Page 4 of 8 Name Institution Country Category Kann, Laura Center for Disease Control and Prevention United States Social Sciences, General Kaplan, George A. University of Michigan United States Social Sciences, General Kaplan, Robert Malcolm UCLA School of Public Health United States Social Sciences, General Katz, Jeffrey Neil Brigham and Women's Hospital United States Social Sciences, General Kawachi, Ichiro Harvard School of Public Health United States Social Sciences, General Keller, Susan D. Research Triangle Insitute United States Social Sciences, General Kelly, Jeffrey A. Medical College of Wisconsin United States Social Sciences, General Kendrick, Juliette S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention United States Social Sciences, General Kennedy, Bruce P. Harvard School of Public Health United States Social Sciences, General Kennedy, Duncan McLean Harvard Law School United States Social Sciences, General Kessler, Larry G. U.S. Food and Drug Administration United States Social Sciences, General Kessler, Ronald C. Harvard Medical School United States Social Sciences, General Psychology/Psychiatry Neuroscience Clinical Medicine King, Gary Harvard University United States Social Sciences, General Kleban, Morton H. Madlyn and Leonard Abramson Center for Jewish Life United States Social Sciences, General Kleinman, Joel C. United States Social Sciences, General Koenig, Harold G. Duke University United States Social Sciences, General Kolbe, Lloyd J. Indiana University United States Social Sciences, General Kosinski, Mark QualityMetric Incorporated United States Social Sciences, General Kosten, Thomas R. Yale University United States Social Sciences, General Kozlowski, Lynn T. Pennsylvania State University United States Social Sciences, General Krause, Neal M. University of Michigan School of Public Health United States Social Sciences, General Krieger, Nancy Harvard School of Public Health United States Social Sciences, General Land, Kenneth C. Duke University United States Social Sciences, General Larson, Eric B. University of Washington United States Social Sciences, General Lawton, M. Powell United States Social Sciences, General Levin, Jeffrey S. Paraview, Inc. United States Social Sciences, General Liang, Jersey University of Michigan United States Social Sciences, General Lichter, Daniel T. Ohio State University United States Social Sciences, General Lieberman, Morton A. University of California, San Francisco United States Social Sciences, General Link, Bruce G. Columbia University United States Social Sciences, General Lipsitz, Lewis A. Hebrew Rehabilitation Center United States Social Sciences, General Logan, John R. Brown University United States Social Sciences, General Lovejoy, C. Owen Kent State University United States Social Sciences, General Lu, Jui-fen Rachel Chang Gung University Taiwan Social Sciences, General Luepker, Russell V. University of Minnesota United States Social Sciences, General Luft, Harold S. University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine United States Social Sciences, General Lynn, Joanne Washington Home Center for Palliative Care Studies United States Social Sciences, General Macey, Jonathan Rosenfield Yale University United States Social Sciences, General Macintyre, Sally University of Glasgow Scotland Social Sciences, General Mackenbach, Johan P. Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam Netherlands Social Sciences, General MacKinnon, Catharine A. University of Michigan Law School United States Social Sciences, General Magaziner, Jay University of Maryland at Baltimore United States Social Sciences, General Magura, Stephen National Development and Research Institutes, Inc (NDRI) United States Social Sciences, General Manton, Kenneth G. Duke University United States Social Sciences, General March, James G. Stanford University School of Education United States Economics/Business Social Sciences, General Markides, Kyriakos S. University of Texas Medical Branch United States Social Sciences, General Marmot, Michael University College London England Social Sciences, General Marsh, Herbert W. Oxford University United Kingdom Psychology/Psychiatry Social Sciences, General Masoro, Edward J. University of Texas Health Science Center United States Social Sciences, General Massey, Douglas S. University of Pennsylvania United States Social Sciences, General Results 151 to 200 (of 357) Page 4 of 8 function goToLinkHelp() { win_browser = window.open("http://hcr3.isiknowledge.com/help.cgi?h=hover.htm", "HCR_help", "width=665,height=475,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes"); win_browser.focus(); } = " Highly cited researcher " Copyright © 2008 Thomson ISI Browse Results by CATEGORY - SOCIAL SCIENCES, GENERAL Home Browse Results Results 201 to 250 (of 357) Page 5 of 8 Name Institution Country Category McCusker, Jane M. St. Mary's Hospital Center Canada Social Sciences, General McHorney, Colleen A. Merck Co., Inc. United States Social Sciences, General McKinlay, John B. New England Research Institutes United States Social Sciences, General McKusick, Leon United States Social Sciences, General McLanahan, Sara Princeton University United States Social Sciences, General McLellan, A. Thomas Treatment Research Institute United States Psychology/Psychiatry Social Sciences, General McMahan, C. Alex University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio United States Social Sciences, General Mechanic, David Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey United States Social Sciences, General Menaghan, Elizabeth G. Ohio State University United States Social Sciences, General Mermelstein, Robin J. University of Illinois at Chicago United States Social Sciences, General Miller, Baila United States Social Sciences, General Miller, William Richard University of New Mexico United States Social Sciences, General Mirowsky, John University of Texas at Austin United States Social Sciences, General Moos, Rudolf H. Bernice Rudolf Moos Center for Health Care Evaluation United States Social Sciences, General Psychology/Psychiatry Mor, Vincent Brown University School of Medicine United States Social Sciences, General Morgan, S. Philip Duke University United States Social Sciences, General Morley, John E. St. Louis University Health Sciences Center United States Social Sciences, General Morris, John N. Hebrew Rehabilitation Center for Aged United States Social Sciences, General Mosher, William D. National Center for Health Statistics United States Social Sciences, General Mullan, Joseph T. University of California, San Francisco United States Social Sciences, General Murray, David M. University of Memphis United States Social Sciences, General Nevitt, Michael C. University of California, San Francisco United States Social Sciences, General Newacheck, Paul W. University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine United States Social Sciences, General Newcomb, Michael D. University of Southern California United States Social Sciences, General Newhouse, Joseph P. Harvard University United States Social Sciences, General Economics/Business Norbeck, Jane S. University of California, San Francisco United States Social Sciences, General Norberg, Astrid Umeå Universitet Sweden Social Sciences, General O'Malley, Patrick M. University of Michigan United States Social Sciences, General Ouslander, Joseph G. Emory University United States Social Sciences, General Parcel, Guy S. University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston United States Social Sciences, General Paternoster, Raymond University of Maryland United States Social Sciences, General Patrick, Donald L. University of Washington United States Social Sciences, General Pearlin, Leonard I. University of Maryland United States Social Sciences, General Perry, Cheryl L. University of Minnesota United States Social Sciences, General Peterson, James L. Sociometrics Corporation United States Social Sciences, General Phillips, Charles D. Texas AM University United States Social Sciences, General Phillips, Russell S. Harvard Medical School United States Social Sciences, General Pleck, Joseph H. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign United States Social Sciences, General Portes, Alejandro Princeton University United States Social Sciences, General Posner, Richard A. University of Chicago Law School United States Social Sciences, General Powell, Kenneth E. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control United States Social Sciences, General Powell, Walter W. Stanford University United States Social Sciences, General Pressley, Michael Michigan State University United States Social Sciences, General Preston, Samuel H. University of Pennsylvania United States Social Sciences, General Priest, George L. Yale Law School United States Social Sciences, General Prinz, Patricia N. University of Washington School of Nursing United States Social Sciences, General Raczek, Anastasia E. Boston College United States Social Sciences, General Radin, Margaret J. Stanford Law School United States Social Sciences, General Redish, Martin H. Northwestern University School of Law United States Social Sciences, General Resnik, Judith Yale Law School United States Social Sciences, General Results 201 to 250 (of 357) Page 5 of 8 function goToLinkHelp() { win_browser = window.open("http://hcr3.isiknowledge.com/help.cgi?h=hover.htm", "HCR_help", "width=665,height=475,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes"); win_browser.focus(); } = " Highly cited researcher " Copyright © 2008 Thomson ISI Browse Results by CATEGORY - SOCIAL SCIENCES, GENERAL Home Browse Results Results 251 to 300 (of 357) Page 6 of 8 Name Institution Country Category Reuben, David B. David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA United States Social Sciences, General Revicki, Dennis A. United Biosource Corporation United States Social Sciences, General Robinson, James C. University of California, Berkeley United States Social Sciences, General Roos, Leslie L. University of Manitoba Canada Social Sciences, General Roos, Noralou P. University of Manitoba Canada Social Sciences, General Rosenstock, Irwin M. United States Social Sciences, General Ross, Catherine E. University of Texas at Austin United States Social Sciences, General Roter, Debra L. Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene Public Health United States Social Sciences, General Rounsaville, Bruce James Yale University School of Medicine United States Psychology/Psychiatry Social Sciences, General Rowe, John W. Social Sciences, General Rubenstein, Laurence Z. University of California, Los Angeles Medical Center United States Social Sciences, General Ruff, Christopher B. Johns Hopkins University United States Social Sciences, General Russett, Bruce Yale University United States Social Sciences, General Sallis, James F. San Diego State University United States Social Sciences, General Salton, Gerard United States Computer Science Social Sciences, General Sampson, Robert J. Harvard University United States Social Sciences, General Sandelowski, Margarete University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill United States Social Sciences, General Saunders, John B. University of Queensland Australia Social Sciences, General Schauer, Frederick Harvard University United States Social Sciences, General Schinke, Steven Paul Columbia University United States Social Sciences, General Schnelle, John F. Borun Center United States Social Sciences, General Schubert, Andras P. Hungarian Academy of Sciences Hungary Social Sciences, General Schuckit, Marc A. University of California, San Diego United States Social Sciences, General Psychology/Psychiatry Schulz, Richard University of Pittsburgh United States Social Sciences, General Schwarcz, Henry P. McMaster University Canada Social Sciences, General Schwartz, Alan Yale Law School United States Social Sciences, General Scott, Allen J. University of California, Los Angeles United States Social Sciences, General Scott, Robert E. University of Virginia United States Social Sciences, General Seeman, Teresa E. University of California, Los Angeles United States Social Sciences, General Shapiro, Evelyn University of Manitoba Canada Social Sciences, General Shavell, Steven M. Harvard School of Law United States Social Sciences, General Shepsle, Kenneth A. Harvard University United States Social Sciences, General Sherbourne, Cathy Donald RAND Corporation United States Social Sciences, General Shortell, Stephen M. University of California, Berkeley United States Social Sciences, General Simons, Ronald L. University of Georgia United States Social Sciences, General Simonsick, Eleanor M. National Institute on Aging, NIH United States Social Sciences, General Simpson, D. Dwayne Texas Christian University United States Social Sciences, General Slavin, Robert E. Johns Hopkins University United States Social Sciences, General Slovic, Paul Decision Research United States Social Sciences, General Smaglik, Paul Nature United States Social Sciences, General Smith, George Davey University of Bristol United Kingdom Social Sciences, General Smith, Jane C. United States Social Sciences, General Snow, David A. University of California, Irvine United States Social Sciences, General Sonenstein, Freya L. Urban Institute United States Social Sciences, General Soumerai, Stephen B. Harvard Medical School United States Social Sciences, General South, Scott John State University of New York at Albany United States Social Sciences, General Spitze, Glenna State University of New York at Albany United States Social Sciences, General Stall, Ronald D. University of Pittsburgh United States Social Sciences, General Stanovich, Keith E. University of Toronto Canada Social Sciences, General Starfield, Barbara The Johns Hopkins University United States Social Sciences, General Results 251 to 300 (of 357) Page 6 of 8 function goToLinkHelp() { win_browser = window.open("http://hcr3.isiknowledge.com/help.cgi?h=hover.htm", "HCR_help", "width=665,height=475,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes"); win_browser.focus(); } = " Highly cited researcher " Copyright © 2008 Thomson ISI Browse Results by CATEGORY - SOCIAL SCIENCES, GENERAL Home Browse Results Results 301 to 350 (of 357) Page 7 of 8 Name Institution Country Category Stewart, Anita L. University of California, San Francisco United States Social Sciences, General Stoddard, Anne M. University of Massachusetts Amherst United States Social Sciences, General Stoller, Eleanor Palo Case Western Reserve University United States Social Sciences, General Story, Mary University of Minnesota United States Social Sciences, General Strang, John King's College London England Social Sciences, General Straus, Murray A. University of New Hampshire United States Social Sciences, General Strecher, Victor John University of Michigan United States Social Sciences, General Sunstein, Cass R. University of Chicago Law School United States Social Sciences, General Susser, Mervyn W. Columbia University United States Social Sciences, General Taylor, Robert Joseph University of Michigan United States Social Sciences, General Teri, Linda University of Washington United States Social Sciences, General Theorell, Töres Karolinska Institutet Sweden Social Sciences, General Thoits, Peggy A. University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill United States Social Sciences, General Thompson, Linda United States Social Sciences, General Thornton, Arland D. University of Michigan United States Social Sciences, General Thrift, Nigel J University of Warwick England Social Sciences, General Tienda, Marta Princeton University United States Social Sciences, General Tierney, William M. Regenstrief Institute for Health Care United States Social Sciences, General Tinetti, Mary E. Yale University United States Social Sciences, General Tonigan, J. Scott University of New Mexico United States Social Sciences, General Trinkaus, Erik Washington University in St. Louis United States Social Sciences, General Trussell, James Princeton University United States Social Sciences, General Turner, R. Jay Florida State University United States Social Sciences, General Udry, J. Richard University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill United States Social Sciences, General Umberson, Debra University of Texas at Austin United States Social Sciences, General Vega, William Armando University of Medicine Dentistry of New Jersey United States Social Sciences, General Verbrugge, Lois M. University of Michigan United States Social Sciences, General Vlahov, David New York Academy of Medicine United States Social Sciences, General Von Korff, Michael Center for Health Studies United States Psychology/Psychiatry Social Sciences, General Wagenaar, Alexander C. University of Florida College of Medicine United States Social Sciences, General Wagner, Edward H. Group Health Cooperative United States Social Sciences, General Waite, Linda J. University of Chicago United States Social Sciences, General Walberg, Herbert J. University of Illinois at Chicago United States Social Sciences, General Walker, Alan Pennsylvania State University United States Social Sciences, General Wallace, Robert B. University of Iowa United States Social Sciences, General Wang, Margaret C. Social Sciences, General Ware, John E. QualityMetric Incorporated United States Clinical Medicine Social Sciences, General Wechsler, Henry Harvard School of Public Health United States Social Sciences, General Weinberger, Morris University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill United States Social Sciences, General Weingast, Barry R. Stanford University United States Social Sciences, General Economics/Business Weinstein, Milton C. Harvard School of Public Health United States Social Sciences, General Welch, Susan Pennsylvania State University United States Social Sciences, General Wells, Kenneth B. University of California, Los Angeles United States Social Sciences, General Psychology/Psychiatry White, Helene Raskin Rutgers University United States Social Sciences, General White, Lynn K. University of Nebraska - Lincoln United States Social Sciences, General White, Tim D. University of California, Berkeley United States Social Sciences, General Williams, Allan F. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety United States Social Sciences, General Williams, David R. University of Michigan United States Social Sciences, General Winblad, Bengt Karolinska Institutet Sweden Neuroscience Social Sciences, General Wolinsky, Fredric D. University of Iowa United States Social Sciences, General Results 301 to 350 (of 357) Page 7 of 8 function goToLinkHelp() { win_browser = window.open("http://hcr3.isiknowledge.com/help.cgi?h=hover.htm", "HCR_help", "width=665,height=475,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes"); win_browser.focus(); } = " Highly cited researcher " Copyright © 2008 Thomson ISI Browse Results by CATEGORY - SOCIAL SCIENCES, GENERAL Home Browse Results Results 351 to 357 (of 357) Page 8 of 8 Name Institution Country Category Wu, Albert W. Johns Hopkins University United States Social Sciences, General Yamaguchi, Kazuo University of Chicago United States Social Sciences, General Ysseldyke, James E. University of Minnesota United States Social Sciences, General Yu, Byung P. University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio United States Social Sciences, General Zabin, Laurie Schwab Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health United States Social Sciences, General Zarit, Steven H. Pennsylvania State University United States Social Sciences, General Zeichner, Kenneth M. University of Wisconsin - Madison United States Social Sciences, General Results 351 to 357 (of 357) Page 8 of 8 function goToLinkHelp() { win_browser = window.open("http://hcr3.isiknowledge.com/help.cgi?h=hover.htm", "HCR_help", "width=665,height=475,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes"); win_browser.focus(); } = " Highly cited researcher " Copyright © 2008 Thomson ISI
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Browse Results by CATEGORY - AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES Home Browse Results Results 1 to 50 (of 288) Page 1 of 6 Name Institution Country Category Ackman, Robert G. Dalhousie University Canada Agricultural Sciences Adachi, Osao Yamaguchi University Japan Agricultural Sciences Adlercreutz, Herman Unversity of Helsinki Finland Agricultural Sciences Albersheim, Peter University of Georgia United States Agricultural Sciences Plant Animal Science Allen, Leon Hartwell Center for Medical, Agricultural and Veterinary Entomology United States Agricultural Sciences Aman, Per Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Sweden Agricultural Sciences Ameyama, Minoru Yamaguchi University Japan Agricultural Sciences Asakawa, Yoshinori Tokushima Bunri University Japan Agricultural Sciences Asp, Nils Georg Lund University Sweden Agricultural Sciences Baldwin, Ranson L. USDA Agricultural Research Service United States Agricultural Sciences Barbano, David M. Cornell University United States Agricultural Sciences Barrow, N. James Australia Agricultural Sciences Barry, Tom N. Massey University New Zealand Agricultural Sciences Bauman, Dale Elton Cornell University United States Agricultural Sciences Beecher, Gary R Beltsville Agricultural Research Center United States Agricultural Sciences Beever, D. E. University of Reading England Agricultural Sciences Belitz, Hans-Dieter Germany Agricultural Sciences Beuchat, Larry R. University of Georgia United States Agricultural Sciences Beynen, Anthonie Christiaan King Saud University Saudi Arabia Agricultural Sciences Biliaderis, Costas G. Aristotle University, Thessaloniki Greece Agricultural Sciences Bingham, Shiela Anne Wellcome Trust / MRC Building England Agricultural Sciences Björck, Inger Lund University Sweden Agricultural Sciences Blakeney, Anthony B. Cereal Solutions Pty Ltd. Australia Agricultural Sciences Bohlmann, Ferdinand Germany Agricultural Sciences Plant Animal Science Booren, Alden M Michigan State University United States Agricultural Sciences Boote, Kenneth J. University of Florida United States Agricultural Sciences Brackett, Robert E. U.S. Food and Drug Administration United States Agricultural Sciences Brillouet, Jean-Marc CIRAD France Agricultural Sciences Broderick, Glen A U. S. Department of Agriculture United States Agricultural Sciences Bruno, Maurizio Universita di Palermo Italy Agricultural Sciences Buchanan, Robert L. U.S. Food and Drug Administration United States Agricultural Sciences Buckley, Joseph D. University College Cork, Ireland Ireland Agricultural Sciences Burton, Glenn W. University of Georgia United States Agricultural Sciences Bushuk, W. University of Manitoba Canada Agricultural Sciences Buttery, Ron G. USDA, Agricultural Research Service United States Agricultural Sciences Cao, Guohua (Howard) Tufts University United States Agricultural Sciences Casida, John E. University of California, Berkeley United States Agricultural Sciences Cave, Adrien CNRS France Agricultural Sciences Cheftel, Jean-Claude Université des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc France Agricultural Sciences Cheynier, Veronique INRA Unite′ Mixte de Recherche Sciences pour l'Oenologie France Agricultural Sciences Christie, William Walker Scottish Crop Research Institute Scotland Agricultural Sciences Chu, Fun Sun University of Wisconsin - Madison United States Agricultural Sciences Ciucanu, Ionel West University of Timisoara Romania Agricultural Sciences Clark, Jimmy H. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign United States Agricultural Sciences Clarke, Steven D Louisiana State University United States Agricultural Sciences Colonna, Paul INRA France Agricultural Sciences Cordell, Geoffrey A. University of Illinois at Chicago United States Agricultural Sciences Cousins, Robert J. University of Florida United States Agricultural Sciences Creamer, Lawrence K. Fonterra Research Center New Zealand Agricultural Sciences Dalgleish, Douglas G. University of Guelph Canada Agricultural Sciences Results 1 to 50 (of 288) Page 1 of 6 function goToLinkHelp() { win_browser = window.open("http://hcr3.isiknowledge.com/help.cgi?h=hover.htm", "HCR_help", "width=665,height=475,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes"); win_browser.focus(); } = " Highly cited researcher " Copyright © 2008 Thomson ISI Browse Results by CATEGORY - AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES Home Browse Results Results 51 to 100 (of 288) Page 2 of 6 Name Institution Country Category Darvill, Alan G. University of Georgia United States Agricultural Sciences Plant Animal Science Decker, Eric A. University of Massachusetts Amherst United States Agricultural Sciences Delcour, Jan A. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Belgium Agricultural Sciences Demigne, Christian INRA France Agricultural Sciences DePeters, Edward J University of California, Davis United States Agricultural Sciences DeVries, Jonathan W. Medallion Laboratories United States Agricultural Sciences Dickinson, Eric University of Leeds England Agricultural Sciences Doyle, Michael Patrick University of Georgia United States Agricultural Sciences Durand, Georges CNRS-INRA France Agricultural Sciences Dutson, Thayne R. Oregon State University United States Agricultural Sciences Eggum, Bjorn Ottar Denmark Agricultural Sciences Eliasson, Ann-Charlotte University of Lund Sweden Agricultural Sciences Erdman, John W. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign United States Agricultural Sciences Fahey, George C. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign United States Agricultural Sciences Farber, Jeff M Sir F.G. Banting Research Centre Canada Agricultural Sciences Farrell, Harold M. U.S. Department of Agriculture United States Agricultural Sciences Fehr, Walter R. Iowa State University United States Agricultural Sciences Fenwick, G. Roger Agricultural Food Research Council England Agricultural Sciences Foegeding, E. Allen North Carolina State University United States Agricultural Sciences Fox, Patrick F. University College Cork Ireland Agricultural Sciences Frankel, Edwin N. University of California, Davis United States Agricultural Sciences Freeman, A. E. Iowa State University United States Agricultural Sciences Friedman, Mendel USDA Agricultural Research Service United States Agricultural Sciences Furda, Ivan Agricultural Sciences Garegg, Per J. Stockholm University Sweden Agricultural Sciences German, J. Bruce University of California, Davis United States Agricultural Sciences Gibson, Glenn R. University of Reading United Kingdom Agricultural Sciences Gonzalez, Antonio G. Instituto de Productos Naturales Organicos CSIC Spain Agricultural Sciences Gray, J. Ian Michigan State University United States Agricultural Sciences Greger, Janet L. University of Connecticut United States Agricultural Sciences Gregory, Jesse F. University of Florida United States Agricultural Sciences Griffiths, Mansel William University of Guelph Canada Agricultural Sciences Grosch, Werner Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Lebensmittelchemie Germany Agricultural Sciences Grummer, Ric R. University of Wisconsin - Madison United States Agricultural Sciences Halliwell, Barry National University of Singapore Singapore Biology Biochemistry Agricultural Sciences Pharmacology Hamann, Donald D. United States Agricultural Sciences Hammer, Graeme L. The University of Queensland Australia Agricultural Sciences Hammock, Bruce D. NIEHS-UCD Superfund Basic Research Program United States Agricultural Sciences Hanna, Milford A Universit of Nebraska - Lincoln United States Agricultural Sciences Harborne, Jeffrey Barry Agricultural Sciences Harland, Barbara F. Howard University United States Agricultural Sciences Harris, Philip James University of Auckland New Zealand Agricultural Sciences Hartley, R. D. United States Agricultural Sciences Harwalkar, V. R. Canada Agricultural Sciences Hasegawa, Akira Agricultural Sciences Hatfield, Jerry L. U.S. Department of Agriculture United States Agricultural Sciences Heaney, Robert K. England Agricultural Sciences Henry, Robert James Southern Cross University Australia Agricultural Sciences Hermansson, Anne-Marie SIK Sweden Agricultural Sciences Herz, Werner Florida State University United States Agricultural Sciences Results 51 to 100 (of 288) Page 2 of 6 function goToLinkHelp() { win_browser = window.open("http://hcr3.isiknowledge.com/help.cgi?h=hover.htm", "HCR_help", "width=665,height=475,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes"); win_browser.focus(); } = " Highly cited researcher " Copyright © 2008 Thomson ISI Browse Results by CATEGORY - AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES Home Browse Results Results 101 to 150 (of 288) Page 3 of 6 Name Institution Country Category Hindsgaul, Ole University of Alberta Canada Agricultural Sciences Hizukuri, S. Japan Agricultural Sciences Ho, Chi-Tang Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey United States Agricultural Sciences Hollman, Peter C. H. RIKILT - Institute of Food Safety / Wageningen University Netherlands Agricultural Sciences Horikoshi, Koki Japan Marine Science Technology Center Japan Agricultural Sciences Biology Biochemistry Microbiology Horrobin, David F. Scotland Agricultural Sciences Hoseney, R. Carl RR Research Services Inc. United States Agricultural Sciences Hostettmann, Kurt Switzerland Agricultural Sciences Huber, John T. Natural Resources Canada Canada Agricultural Sciences Hurley, Lucille S. United States Agricultural Sciences Idso, Sherwood B. Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change United States Agricultural Sciences Iinuma, Munekazu Gifu Pharmaceutical University Agricultural Sciences Isogai, Akira Nara Insititute of Science and Technology Japan Agricultural Sciences Jakupovic, Jasmin AnalytiCon Discovery GmbH Germany Agricultural Sciences Plant Animal Science Jenkinson, David S. Rothamsted Research England Ecology/Environment Agricultural Sciences Johnson, Ian Terence Institute of Food Research England Agricultural Sciences Jones, James W. University of Florida United States Agricultural Sciences Juliano, Bienvenido Ochoa Philippine Rice Research Institute Los Baños Philippines Agricultural Sciences Kalab, Miloslav Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Canada Agricultural Sciences Kanemasu, Edward T. University of Georgia United States Agricultural Sciences Kanner, Joseph Agricultural Research Organization Israel Agricultural Sciences Karel, Marcus United States Agricultural Sciences Katan, Martijn B. Vrije Universiteit Netherlands Agricultural Sciences Kato, Akio Yamaguchi University Japan Agricultural Sciences Kawakishi, Shunro Nagoya University Japan Agricultural Sciences Keen, Carl L. University of California, Davis United States Agricultural Sciences Kerek, Francisc Germany Agricultural Sciences Kimball, Bruce A. USDA Agricultural Research Service United States Agricultural Sciences King, Robert M. Smithsonian Institution United States Agricultural Sciences Plant Animal Science Kinghorn, A. Douglas Ohio State University United States Agricultural Sciences Kingston, David G.I. Virginia Polytechnic Institute State University United States Agricultural Sciences Kinsella, John E. United States Agricultural Sciences Kirchgessner, Manfred Technische Universität München - Weihenstephan Germany Agricultural Sciences Plant Animal Science Kiso, Makoto Gifu University Japan Agricultural Sciences Kito, Makoto Kyoto University Japan Agricultural Sciences Knirel, Yuriy A. Russian Academy of Sciences Russia Agricultural Sciences Knorr, Dietrich Technische Universität Berlin Germany Agricultural Sciences Kobayashi, Kunihiko Yamaguchi University Japan Agricultural Sciences Kochetkov, Nikolay K. Russian Academy of Sciences Russia Agricultural Sciences Koohmaraie, Mohammad King Saud University Saudi Arabia Plant Animal Science Agricultural Sciences Kritchevsky, David University of Pennsylvania United States Agricultural Sciences Krochta, John M. University of California, Davis United States Agricultural Sciences Kubo, Isao University of California, Berkeley United States Agricultural Sciences Labuza, Theodore P. University of Minnesota United States Agricultural Sciences Lanier, Tyre C. North Carolina State University United States Agricultural Sciences Lee, Chang Yong Cornell University United States Agricultural Sciences Lee, Kuo-Hsiung University of North Carolina School of Pharmacy United States Agricultural Sciences Lewis, Bertha (Betty) A. Cornell University United States Agricultural Sciences Lindberg, Bengt Stockholm University Sweden Agricultural Sciences Lindsay, Robert C. University of Wisconsin - Madison United States Agricultural Sciences Results 101 to 150 (of 288) Page 3 of 6 function goToLinkHelp() { win_browser = window.open("http://hcr3.isiknowledge.com/help.cgi?h=hover.htm", "HCR_help", "width=665,height=475,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes"); win_browser.focus(); } = " Highly cited researcher " Copyright © 2008 Thomson ISI Browse Results by CATEGORY - AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES Home Browse Results Results 151 to 200 (of 288) Page 4 of 6 Name Institution Country Category Lonnerdal, Bo L. University of California, Davis United States Agricultural Sciences Mabry, Tom J. University of Texas at Austin United States Agricultural Sciences MacRitchie, Finlay Kansas State University United States Agricultural Sciences Marasas, Walter F.O. South African Medical Research Council South Africa Agricultural Sciences Plant Animal Science Marth, Elmer H. University of Wisconsin - Madison United States Agricultural Sciences Matsushita, Kazunobu Yamaguchi University Japan Agricultural Sciences Mazza, Giuseppe Joe Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Canada Agricultural Sciences McCleary, Barry V. Megazyme International Ireland Ltd. Ireland Agricultural Sciences McClements, David Julian University of Massachusetts United States Agricultural Sciences McLaughlin, Jerry L. Nature's Sunshine Products United States Agricultural Sciences Miles, Mervyn J. University of Bristol England Agricultural Sciences Mori, K. Japan Agricultural Sciences Morr, Charles V. United States Agricultural Sciences Morris, Edwin R. University College Cork Ireland Agricultural Sciences Morris, Vic J. Institute of Food Research England Agricultural Sciences Morrison, William R. Scotland Agricultural Sciences Morrissey, Patrick A National University of Ireland Ireland Agricultural Sciences Motoki, Masao Ajinomoto Co., Inc. Japan Agricultural Sciences Moutounet, Michel AGRO Montpellier - INRA France Agricultural Sciences Muchow, Russell C. CSIRO Tropical Agriculture Australia Agricultural Sciences Muir, D. Donald DD Muir Consultants Scotland Agricultural Sciences Murao, Sawao Kumamoto Institute of Technology Japan Agricultural Sciences Murphy, Patricia Anne Iowa State University United States Agricultural Sciences Nakai, Shuryo University of British Columbia Canada Agricultural Sciences Namiki, M. Japan Agricultural Sciences Neff, William E. USDA Agricultural Research Service United States Agricultural Sciences Ng-Kwai-Hang, K. F. McGill University Canada Agricultural Sciences Nielsen, Forrest H. United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service United States Agricultural Sciences Notermans, Servé TNO Nutrtion and Food Research Netherlands Agricultural Sciences Nyman, Margareta Lunds Tekniska Hoegskola Sweden Agricultural Sciences Oades, J. Malcolm University of Adelaide Australia Ecology/Environment Agricultural Sciences Ogawa, Tomoya RIKEN - Institute of Physical and Chemical Research Japan Chemistry Agricultural Sciences Olson, Norman F. University of Wisconsin - Madison United States Agricultural Sciences Orskov, Egil Robert Macauley Land Use Research Institute Scotland Agricultural Sciences Osawa, Toshiaki Nagoya University Japan Agricultural Sciences Palmquist, Donald L. Ohio State University United States Agricultural Sciences Pariza, Michael W. University of Wisconsin - Madison United States Agricultural Sciences Paulsen, Hans Universität Hamburg Germany Agricultural Sciences Peel, Colin J. Germany Agricultural Sciences Peleg, Micha University of Massachusetts Amherst United States Agricultural Sciences Pestka, James J. Michigan State University United States Agricultural Sciences Pezzuto, John M. University of Illinois at Chicago United States Agricultural Sciences Pharmacology Piozzi, Franco Universita de Palermo Italy Agricultural Sciences Plattner, Ronald D. U.S. Department of Agriculture United States Agricultural Sciences Pomeranz, Yeshajahu United States Agricultural Sciences Price, Keith R. Institute of Food Research England Agricultural Sciences Prior, Ronald L. USDA United States Agricultural Sciences Prosky, Leon Prosky Associates Nutritional Consultants United States Agricultural Sciences Ralph, John USDA-Agricultural Research Service United States Agricultural Sciences Reeds, Peter J. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign United States Agricultural Sciences Results 151 to 200 (of 288) Page 4 of 6 function goToLinkHelp() { win_browser = window.open("http://hcr3.isiknowledge.com/help.cgi?h=hover.htm", "HCR_help", "width=665,height=475,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes"); win_browser.focus(); } = " Highly cited researcher " Copyright © 2008 Thomson ISI Browse Results by CATEGORY - AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES Home Browse Results Results 201 to 250 (of 288) Page 5 of 6 Name Institution Country Category Reeves, Philip G. USDA, ARS, Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center United States Agricultural Sciences Reginato, Robert J. United States Agricultural Sciences Rémésy, Christian INRA France Agricultural Sciences Ring, Stephen G. Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council United Kingdom Agricultural Sciences Roberfroid, Marcel B. Université Catholique de Louvain Belgium Agricultural Sciences Roberts, T. A. England Agricultural Sciences Robertson, James B. Cornell University United States Agricultural Sciences Robinson, Harold Smithsonian Institution United States Agricultural Sciences Plant Animal Science Rodríguez, Benjamín Instituto de Química Orgánica, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) Spain Agricultural Sciences Rombouts, Frans M. Wageningen Universiteit Netherlands Agricultural Sciences Rooney, Llyod W. Texas AM University United States Agricultural Sciences Roos, Yrjö Henrik University College Cork Ireland Agricultural Sciences Russell, James B. Cornell University United States Agricultural Sciences Saito, K. Hokkaido Tokai University Japan Agricultural Sciences Salunkhe, D. K. United States Agricultural Sciences Samejima, Kunihiko Rakuno Gakuen University Japan Agricultural Sciences Sandberg, Ann-Sofie Chalmers tekniska högskola Sweden Agricultural Sciences Sandström, Brittmarie Agricultural Sciences Sathe, Shridhar Florida State University United States Agricultural Sciences Sato, Kiyotaka Hiroshima University Japan Agricultural Sciences Satter, Larry D. University of Wisconsin - Madison United States Agricultural Sciences Savell, Jeffrey Wyatt Texas AM University United States Agricultural Sciences Savona, G. University of Palermo Italy Agricultural Sciences Scalbert, Augustin INRA France Agricultural Sciences Schieberle, Peter Technische Universität München Germany Agricultural Sciences Schneeman, Barbara Olds University of California, Davis United States Agricultural Sciences Schreier, Peter University of Wuerzburg Germany Agricultural Sciences Schweizer, T. F. Switzerland Agricultural Sciences Scott, Peter M. Health Canada Canada Agricultural Sciences Sébédio, Jean-Louis INRA France Agricultural Sciences Seib, Paul A. Kansas State University United States Agricultural Sciences Selvendran, Robert Rasiah England Agricultural Sciences Shahidi, Fereidoon Memorial University of Newfoundland Canada Agricultural Sciences Shashkov, Alexander S. Russian Academy of Sciences Russia Agricultural Sciences Shephard, Gordon S. South African Medical Research Council South Africa Agricultural Sciences Shewry, Peter R. Rothamsted Research England Agricultural Sciences Shibamoto, Takayuki University of California, Davis United States Agricultural Sciences Shimizu, Sakayu Kyoto University Japan Agricultural Sciences Shinagawa, Emiko Ube National College of Technology Japan Agricultural Sciences Siljestrom, M. Sweden Agricultural Sciences Sinay, Pierre école Normale Supérieure France Agricultural Sciences Sinclair, Thomas R. USDA Agricultural Research Service United States Agricultural Sciences Singh, Harjinder Massey University New Zealand Agricultural Sciences Singh, Ravi P. CIMMYT International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center Mexico Agricultural Sciences Singleton, Vernon LeRoy University of California, Davis United States Agricultural Sciences Skerritt, John Howard Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research Australia Agricultural Sciences Skibsted, Leif Horsfelt Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University Denmark Agricultural Sciences Sklan, David Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel Agricultural Sciences Smidsrød, Olav Aa NTNU-Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norway Agricultural Sciences Smith, Gary C. Colorado State University United States Agricultural Sciences Results 201 to 250 (of 288) Page 5 of 6 function goToLinkHelp() { win_browser = window.open("http://hcr3.isiknowledge.com/help.cgi?h=hover.htm", "HCR_help", "width=665,height=475,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes"); win_browser.focus(); } = " Highly cited researcher " Copyright © 2008 Thomson ISI Browse Results by CATEGORY - AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES Home Browse Results Results 251 to 288 (of 288) Page 6 of 6 Name Institution Country Category Smith, Ken L. Ohio State University United States Agricultural Sciences Sniffen, Charles J. W.H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute United States Agricultural Sciences Sofos, John N. Colorado State University United States Agricultural Sciences Stanley, David Warwick University of Guelph Canada Agricultural Sciences Stone, Bruce A. La Trobe University Australia Agricultural Sciences Sugano, Michihiro Prefectural University of Kumamoto Japan Agricultural Sciences Swanson, Barry G. Washington State University United States Agricultural Sciences Sydenham, Eric W. South African Medical Research Council South Africa Agricultural Sciences Takeda, Yasuhito Kagoshima University Japan Agricultural Sciences Tani, Yoshiki Nara Institute of Science and Technology Japan Agricultural Sciences Taylor, Stephen L. University of Nebraska - Lincoln United States Agricultural Sciences Terao, Junji University of Tokushima Japan Agricultural Sciences Theander, Olof Sweden Agricultural Sciences Thibault, Jean-Francois INRA France Agricultural Sciences Thiel, Pieter G. South African Medical Research Council South Africa Agricultural Sciences Tocher, Douglas R. Scotland Agricultural Sciences Towers, G. H. Neil University of British Columbia Canada Agricultural Sciences Ueno, Yoshio Yashio Institute of Environmental Sciences Japan Agricultural Sciences van de Voort, Frederick R. McGill University Canada Agricultural Sciences Van Soest, Peter J. Cornell University United States Agricultural Sciences Van Vleck, L. Dale University of Nebraska - Lincoln United States Agricultural Sciences van Vliet, Ton Wageningen University Netherlands Agricultural Sciences Vliegenthart, Johannes Frederik Gerardus Utrecht University Netherlands Agricultural Sciences Voragen, A. G. J. Wageningen Universiteit Netherlands Agricultural Sciences Walstra, Pieter Wageningen Agricultural University Netherlands Agricultural Sciences Waterhouse, Andrew L. University of California, Davis United States Agricultural Sciences Waterman, Peter G. Southern Cross University Australia Agricultural Sciences Wilcox, Charles J. University of Florida United States Agricultural Sciences Williams, Pat J. Australia Agricultural Sciences Williamson, Gary Nestle Research Center Switzerland Agricultural Sciences Wolff, Robert L. INRA France Agricultural Sciences Wray, Victor Gesellschaft für Biotechnologische Forschung Germany Agricultural Sciences Wrigley, Colin W. Value-Added Wheat CRC Australia Agricultural Sciences Wrolstad, Ronald Earl Oregon State University United States Agricultural Sciences Yamada, Koji Kyushu University Japan Agricultural Sciences Yasui, Takeshi National Agricultural Research Center for Western Region Japan Agricultural Sciences Yokota, Takao Teikyo University Japan Agricultural Sciences Zdero, Christa Agricultural Sciences Plant Animal Science Results 251 to 288 (of 288) Page 6 of 6 function goToLinkHelp() { win_browser = window.open("http://hcr3.isiknowledge.com/help.cgi?h=hover.htm", "HCR_help", "width=665,height=475,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,resizable=yes"); win_browser.focus(); } = " Highly cited researcher " Copyright © 2008 Thomson ISI
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