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cynosure 2019-10-11 14:47
B.J.Zhu, H.Yan, Y.Zhong, J.K.Chen, Y.F.Du, H.H.Cheng, Dave.A.Yuen, Relativistic HPIC-LBM and its Application in Large Temporal-spatial Turbulent Magnetic Reconnection. Part I. Model Development and Validation. Applied Mathematical Modelling. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2019.09.043 B.J.Zhu, H.Yan, Y.Zhong, J.K.Chen, Y.F.Du, H.H.Cheng, Dave.A.Yuen, Relativistic HPIC-LBM and its application in large temporal-spatial turbulent magnetic reconnection. Part II. Role of turbulence in the flux rope interaction. Applied Mathematical Modelling. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2019.05.027 衷心感谢2015.7~至今 国家超算中心广州中心天河二号各位老师的支持和帮助! 楼的地基框架、基础有了(RHPIC-LBM),可以考虑盖楼的事儿了(LTSTMR)!
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主编引语:智能交通中的默顿定律与默顿系统 2015. No. (6)
热度 7 王飞跃 2015-12-1 10:20
Scanning the Issue and Beyond : Merton's Laws and Mertionian Systems for ITS THIS is my last editorial and I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to those have devoted their time and efforts in helping me making this great publication more successful during my service. First of all, thanks to Dr. Simona Bertè, my only full-time staff member, who has worked extremely hard in keeping a smooth and timely operation, in making sure that we have followed all the rules and regulations set forth by IEEE, and that we have met our own professional norms and standards. To my three part-time assistants, Dr. Yanqing Gao of the University of Arizona for the first five years, and Dr. Xiao Wang of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ms. Stephanie Brown from IEEE for the last two years, many thanks for your dedication and support. During my seven-year term as the Editor in Chief, the number of manuscripts submitted and pages published annually have increased 317.4% (from 322 to 1022) and 500% (from 720 to 3600), respectively. This was achieved without any addition to our editorial team; therefore, much special appreciation and recognition must be given to the four of them! The support and contribution from our reviewers, associate editors, and members of our advisory boardwere also extremely critical and important to the growth of this publication—my thanks for your hard work and apologies for pushing you hard in the process. To my colleagues on the Executive Committee and the Board of Governors, thanks for your support for many of my decisions, especially my initiative of establishing the new IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, an important step for our future growth. Last but not least, thanks to all who have submitted to our TRANSACTIONS, without your support and contribution, there will be no IEEE T-ITS! My vision was to make our TRANSACTIONS a super highway for ITS publications: fast in motion, wide in capacity, and high in quality of services. Thank you all—our numbers have clearly demonstrated that IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS has made my dream a great reality today. I believe our new EiC, Professor Petros Ioannou, will lead the journal to a new level of success with your continued support. Fig. 1. EiC Fei-Yue Wang and EiC Elect Petros Ioannou held the IEEE T-ITS at the IEEE ITSC 2015 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MERTON'S LAWS AND MERTIONIAN SYSTEMS FOR ITS Recently a group of physicists at Cornell University have demonstrated the control of quantum tunneling in an ultracold lattice gas by the measurement backaction imposed by an imaging process, a clear manifestation of the Quantum Zeno effect , . By smoothly varying the rate at which atoms are imaged, they observed the continuous crossover from the “weak measurement regime” (in which position measurements have little influence on tunneling dynamics of the atomic ensemble) to the “strong measurement regime” (in which measurement - induced localization causes a dramatic suppression of tunneling). This investigation leads to an experimental demonstration of the paradigmatic Heisenberg microscope in a lattice gas and sheds light on the implication of quantum measurement on the coherent evolution of a mesoscopic quantum system. Their technique reveals a powerful tool for the control of an interacting many-body quantum system via spatially resolved measurement backaction. Does this have anything to do with transportation research and application? Yes, very much to me. Why? If measurement - induced backaction can control interactingmany-body quantum systems, then message-induced influence would be an effective tool for control of interacting many-agent traffic systems. In other words, Merton’s laws can be powerful for transportation management and also for social transportation, an emerging field of research and development for intelligent transportation systems, which must be investigated and utilized along this direction. As described in , in quantum mechanics, a measurement can be regarded as a dynamically tunable interaction between a quantum system and a “bath” whose intrinsic, spatial, and dynamical properties can be precisely engineered. As such, measurements can be used to guide or coax a quantum system into novel collective phases and nonequilibrium states that might otherwise be inaccessible through more conventional means of cooling or state preparation. While most of measurementinduced control schemes have hitherto been demonstrated in the context of single or weakly interacting quantum entities, the extension of these concepts to the arena of strongly interacting and correlated a tantalizing prospects. If we replace terms “measurement” by “analysis,” “quantum” by “Mertonian,” and “bath” by “artificial system” in above description, the whole paragraph is equally valid for the control and management of complex social systems, such as transportation systems, called Mertonian systems, or simply Merton systems by ACP-based parallel mechanism . In physics, a fundamental distinction between a classical (Newtonian) and a quantum system is its response to a measurement. While the act of measurement has no or negligible effect on the evolution of a classical system, it has a significant impact on the dynamics of a quantum system; thus, the call for Heisenberg’s Principle of Uncertainty. The difference between a Newton and a Merton system is similar: a Newton system can be measured or analyzed to arbitrary precision with negligible concomitant backaction, the act of measurement or analysis has profound consequences on the subsequent evolution of a Merton system. For example, weather prediction has no influence on future weather, but traffic or stock prediction might has a significant impact on future traffic or the stock market. Similarly, the parallel interaction between a quantum system and its “bath” can be applied for parallel control and management of Merton systems, particularly, complex transportation systems, and we hope the concomitant Quantum Zeno effect will lead to a dramatic suppression of traffic congestion. Therefore, we need big data, Internet of things, cloud computing, machine learning, transportation games, total traffic control, social transportation, and many other new IT methods, i.e., Intelligent Techniques, to design various Merton’s laws for intelligent transportation control and management in smart societies. Yes, privacy will be a big issue here and, frankly, I do not see any perfect solution yet. However, I still recall what I had heard in my first driving course in Troy, New York: Driving is not a right, it is a privilege. REFERENCES Y. S. Patil et al., “Quantum control by imaging: The Zeno effect in an ultracold lattice gas,” presented at the DAMOP15Meet. American Physical Society, Columbus, OH, USA, 2015, arXiv:1411.2678. Y. S. Patil et al., “Measurement-induced localization of an ultracold lattice gas,” Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 115, no. 2, Oct. 2015, Art. ID 140 402, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.140402. F.-Y.Wang, “Parallel control and management for intelligent transportation systems: Concepts, architectures, and applications,” IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 630–638, Sep. 2010. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Editor in Chief Fei-Yue Wang
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主编引语:物理社会信息空间中无际的ITS前沿 (2015. No. 04)
王飞跃 2015-10-13 15:38
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, VOL. 16, NO. 4, AUGUST 2015 Scanning the Issue and Beyond: The Endless ITS Frontier in CSP Spaces With my great pleasure, I would like to announce that Prof. Petros Ioannou of the University of Southern California has been elected as the fourth Editor-in-Chief of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS by the Board of Governors of IEEE ITS Society on June 27 at its meeting in Seoul, Korea. After three terms and seven years’ service, I will step down as the EiC and will be succeed by Petros next year. I am sure that our journal will move to a new and higher level of quality and service under Petros’ leadership. For the remaining half of this year, the IEEE ITSS BoG has approved our request to increase our page budget to 3600 to reduce the backlog and be ready to publish the T-ITS monthly in 2016, which would be another milestone in the history of IEEE T-ITS. In addition, to accommodate the rapid and significant development in intelligent vehicle technology recently, our newest journal, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT VEHICLES, will be launched next year. The Seoul BoG meeting has also selected Changshu, a city of Suzhou near Shanghai, as the site of China’s new Intelligent Vehicles Proving Center, to host the 2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, and Prof. Nanning Zheng and I will lead the effort to organize the event. In July, IEEE ITS Society also opens its first Summer School on Frontiers in ITS: Transportation 5.0 and Beyond, in Qingdao, Shandong, China, the site for the 2014 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC 2014). Many interesting and exciting topics are addressed there, which I will be back to after scanning the issue. The Endless ITS Frontier in CSP Spaces On the day it was issued 70 years ago in July, Vannevar Bush’s report Science: The Endless Frontier, was greeted by front page headlines in the New York Times. Since then, the report has come to occupy a biblical status in science policy and become a pillar of support for the prerogatives of fundamental and unfettered research and development. Inspired by the report and also to celebrate the 70th anniversary of its publication, as well as the 10th anniversary of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Society, we decided last year at IEEE ITSC to have the IEEE ITSS Summer School on Frontiers in ITS: Transportation 5.0 and Beyond, the first summer school of the IEEE ITS Society, which is supported and operated by the Qingdao Academy of Intelligent Industries (QAII) and IEEE ITS Shandong Chapter, from July 12 to July 17, 2015 in Qingdao. The summer school has eight speakers and 60 researchers and graduate students from four countries/regions, topics ranging from artificial intelligence, traffic visualization, deep learning, social transportation, natural language processing, active safety systems, data-driven and model-driven approaches, and social media and movement for traffic intelligence, to benefit cost analysis for life-saving transportation improvement. My lecture is on parallel transportation and transportation 5.0, covering my long-term basic research and recent investigation on ITS, from ACP-based ITS, ITS knowledge automation, total traffic control, social signal and social transportation, to parallel driving and driving knowledge robots for automated partially to autonomous vehicles. The Summer School is still in process as I am writing this editorial, and I hope it will be a big success and great start for our Summer School program. Science is the endless frontier, and the potential for IT Sresearch, development, and application is also endless. Since the first trial almost 50 years ago of applying hierarchical intelligent control systems based on a combination of artificial intelligence, operations research, and control technology for urban traffic operations in the city of Indianapolis, Indiana, by the late Prof. George N. Saridis, my former Ph.D. advisor, I have been often asking myself the question: Where is the big “I” of Intelligence in ITS research and applications? Now it seems that the satisfactory answer to the question is near: the big I cannot come from the physical world alone; it must come from Karl Popper’s combined three worlds of physical, mental, and artificial, or in engineering terms, the integrated Cyber–Social–Physical Spaces. Uber, DiDi Dache, or DiDi Taxi Calling, and their recent fierce competition in China, has provided strong support and a showcase for my observation. In other words, intelligence, especially intelligence in ITS that involves human and social behaviors, must be derived from and based on the principle of virtual-real duality and related virtual-actual interactive parallel intelligence. The term CSP for cyber–social–physical is identical with the term CPSS for cyber–physical–social systems, but now I feel the original term CSP, as used in my report for the establishment of the CAST (Complex Adaptive Systems for Transportation) Laboratory 15 years ago, is more appropriate. Especially, this is in line with the ACP approach that uses artificial societies/systems for achieving agility, computational experiments for providing a mechanism of focusing, and parallel execution for the ensure of convergence to the goal or objectives in uncertain, diversified, and complex operations, such as transportation. Transportation in CSP is the endless frontier, now and future. FEI-YUE WANG, Editor-in-Chief ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scanning the Issue and Beyond-The Endless ITS Frontier in CSP Spaces-2015.04.pdf
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linchaogao 2014-8-22 13:52
社会交通概念是王飞跃教授新近提出的一种理念 ,从表面来看的话即将社会 + 交通两种概念相融合,而社会的概念又是广泛的,其涉及到整个人类社会的生活方方面面。政治、经济、文化、能源、交通等领域,而交通问题无疑是社会交通理念的核心。 从历史发展的角度上来看,社会的概念起初对应于团体和圈子,也就是一种共同体的集合。社会根据生产方式划分为农耕社会和工商社会;根据制度划分为社会主义社会,封建主义社会,资本主义社会;根据群体划分为上流社会,中产阶级,黑社会等概念,而从范围和空间上来看,又分为东方社会和西方社会。从这些划分上可以看出来: 社会在自发形成过程中使得其拥有适合自身系统运行的结构形态和组织形态。只是因为其所划分的标准和角度不同。 社会是一个复杂系统的典型案例。复杂系统是可以简化的。 就像MIT授 leiserson 所言:复杂的问题简单化,有必要复杂的时候再复杂。就像印度圣雄甘地所言:“简单是宇宙的精髓”。并不是说这个系统的运行规律到底有多少千丝万缕的关系,所有芸芸众生的背后都有“道”的存在,即一种生存运行规律。而只要抓住了这些规律的主体我们就可以很好的解决所要面临的问题。 社会是人的社会,人是社会的人。在一定程度上,社会问题的所有问题基本上都是人所引起了,当然除了一些无法预测的自然灾害除外。而只要将人这个对象研究透了,所有的社会问题都会迎刃而解,或者说不能迎刃而解也可以规避风险,将破坏性降低到最低水平。 交通问题是社会问题的一个集中爆发点,也是一个重灾区。 通过调研发现,引起交通拥堵的客观因素无外乎有以下几点: a. 行车量过大导致路网承载能力不够(参考海尔路路段调研报告); b. 道路信号灯和导向线设置上没有考虑行车总体通行量,采用引鸩止渴的方式舒缓了部分路段的交通压力而导致其他路段的车辆堵塞(参考调研报告南京路段分析); c. 在没有实际考察的基础上直接鲁莽的将所有路段规定为可以左行,直接导致该直行的无法直行,该转弯的没法转弯(参考山东路路段调研报告); d. 人行道与交通灯不匹配导致行人无法通过,车辆让也不是,进也不是(参考同安路,绍兴路路段调研报告); e. 商场区域,或者说旅游区与机动车行驶道路划分不明确,导致行人和车辆混杂,影响整体运行速度(参考李沧区李村商圈调研报告); 以上 6 点为影响交通拥堵的主要几点,当然还有林林总总很多小的问题,这里不再赘述。如果遵从透过现象看本质的思想,这几大点背后都是一个字在作祟:人。 对于一个交通系统来说,构成一个城市交通体系的整体因素无外乎三点:路网;出行点;出行者,这三者中路网是固定不变的,城市整体每天出行方式也是固定的(当然不考虑节假日等),而这三者之间的最难以把握的就是人的行为( human behavior ) , 因为人是出行的主体,也是车辆运行的主体,亦是交通规则制定者的主体。所以说,人的因素( human factor )是所有交通问题的关键点,也是交通拥堵( traffic congestion )的主观因素,外因永远不是导致问题出现的根本原因,内因才是,而交通问题的内因就是人。 所以我认为社会交通概念的提出应该有以下等式: SocialTransportation = Social Computing + ITS +Human factor; 其中的社会计算可以看作是量化社会的一种,即将整体的实际( real time )交通状况搬移到计算机上,仿真模拟真实的世界,具体的技术细节请可以参考王飞跃老师 blog, 而 ITS(intelligent transportation system) —智能交通可以看作是是一种硬件的组合: 信号灯、诱导屏、违法抓拍行为和 app 智能通报系统,而社会交通的等式的最后一点,也是问题的关键点,或者说可以串接起来社会计算和智能交通系统的主题就是 human factor ,前面的不管是社会计算理论还是 ITS 硬件设施其服务的对象仍旧是人,人的出行时间,地点,方式, OD ( origin-destination )都是所有问题的关键点,怎样最好的做到 “ 以人为本 ” ,即以方便、快捷的方式达到一个个体的目的是我们所要研究问题的焦点,也是社会交通理念提出来的最关键点。 目前来说社会交通概念的提出国内外比较稀少,应用的话就更是凤毛麟角。像国内比较流行的滴滴打车,国外的 Uber 和 bandwagon 等打车 app 都是侧重于更好的服务于人,这都是抓住了问题的关键,总体来看其主要是借助于 (mobiledevice) ,但由于手机 GPS 定位精度的限制,不是所有的打车服务都能做到点对点的准确服务。同时根据调研发现,不是所有的滴滴打车司机都愿意点对点的去寻找一个乘客,因为他们可以在路上不断的碰到要求乘车的乘客,对于 OD 距离比较近的乘客出租车司机也是不愿意接单的,原因同上。这些原因直接导致不能做到更好的以人为本,所以说,滴滴打车服务的应用远景并不看好。 但怎样才能真切的做到以人为本呢?继而做到整个城市交通顺畅呢? 既然主体 — 人的目的很简单:方便,快捷的达到目的地,我们是否可以将整个城市的运行主体 —— 机动车,根据其目的的不同划分为不同的结构要求,城市运行的机动车无非就是上班族(路线比较固定),旅游组(路线比较固定),背包客(路线不固定)以及其他各种成分的人,在整个城市路网系统开始运行之前(当然不能做到抽刀断水),运用 ITS 对于即将输入的各种成分进行统计,根据成分 OD 的不同进行整体的预测,随后布置路线,对于整个城市的另外一个主体 — 公交车,出租车,私家车等进行路线的整体动态规划,不断调整系统路线布局(当然需要借助于 ITS 硬件设备),力求使每一辆车每一个人都能尽快通过这种智能交通达到其所要到的目的地,每一次个体的运输结束就是对城市路网的一次释放,就像内存塞满程序会死机一样,好的算法能使的整个路网系统时刻保持畅通状态。当然从经济学的角度来看就是资源的有效利用,空闲资源的合理配置。 从智能交通到社会交通是从工程领域到人文领域的过度,筚路蓝缕 以启山林。希望在这块新的领域能和各位一起探索未来,真正做到社会交通的以人为本。 交流邮箱:linchaogao@163.com IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.15, No.2, pp457-462 Scanning the Issue and Beyond: ITS with Complete Traffic Control linchaogao@163.com
个人分类: ITS|3934 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Secret Weapon in Mall Battle: Parking Apps
热度 1 王飞跃 2013-11-28 18:39
Secret Weapon in Mall Battle: Parking Apps J. Emilio Flores for The New York Times A parking garage in Santa Monica,Calif., uses smart technology to inform spot-seekers of how many empty spacesare available on each level. By JACLYN TROP Published: November 27, 2013 Phoebe Scott of Orange County, Calif., has a new routine before heading to the mall. Related · Retailers Seek Partners in Social Networks (November 27, 2013) Enlarge This Image J. Emilio Flores for The New York Times Phoebe Scott, at the Santa Monica Place mall, will often use amobile app to check how many parking spots are available. She checksthe parking lots on her ParkMe smartphone app “so that I can see what I’m up against, or if I need to change my plans.”If a lot is below 90 percent full, the trip is on. Her favorite, not far fromher workplace, is a garage at the Santa Monica Place mall, where sensors and lights guide her to a specific open space. “It’s a daily battle,” said Ms. Scott, 29, the founder of Laudville, a socialtechnology start-up. “Anything to make it easier makes a really bigdifference.” The fight for a mall parking spot, long a necessary evil of Black Friday, is growing easier thanks to the proliferation of new technologies, from apps and sensors to color-coded lights and electronic boards. It’s one way that malls and shopping districts are trying to lure customers away from their computers, into the realm of their brick-and-mortar stores. “What happens when there’s no spots? People drive around and become frustrated,” said Kathy Grannis, a spokeswoman for the National Retail Federation. “Who wants to start their shopping experience frustrated?” ParkMe,which tracks more than 28,000 locations worldwide, has emerged as a mainstay app for mall customers navigating the nation’s parking lots. With the app, they can find the closest and least expensive lots, as well as alternative garage entrances. The app’s user base surged 97 percent in the past year, and it is adding hundreds of garages to its database. “If there’sa way to get in off the beaten path, you can reduce stress,” said Sam Friedman,ParkMe’s co-founder and chief executive. The app’s technology is simple enough: a magnetic loop at the garage clocks the number of times the gate lifts to admit or release a car, Mr. Friedman said. ParkMe also lets a customer reserve a spot in certain locations, like the Shore Hotel down the road from Santa Monica Place. Ms. Scott said she used that service during busy summer months. Other parking apps are gaining traction as well. Parkopedia ,which is linked to 26,000 lots in North America, also allows users to search parking sites, availability and prices using their smartphones. QuickPay plans to start in hundreds of malls in the United States next year to help shoppers pay for garage and metered spots and valet services from their smartphone. “Parking is the gateway to the shopping experience,” QuickPay’s founder, Barney Pell, said.“It can mean the success or failure of your whole business.” Customers expect more than they did 10 years ago, said Casey Jones, a vice president for institutional services at Standard Parking, the Chicago-based provider of parking facility management services, and a past chairman of the International Parking Institute. “They want realtime information, they want price choices and they want to be directed toan open space,” Mr. Jones said. Jessi Molohon, a 23-year-old student at the University of Texas at Austin, is one such customer. She said she uses the ParkingWhiz app when traveling to stores in downtown Houston or at the Houston Galleria to help find garages and compare prices. “Parking can be anywhere from $6 to $12 on the same street, so I want to make sure I’m not overspending on parking when I’m going to overspend on shopping,” Ms. Molohon said. An app called A Parking Spot lets Ms. Molohon pin her favorite parking spaces on a Google map so that she can navigate there next time. “I have it down to a routine,” she said. “There are some spots I know of that are just easy to get in and out of that will help me save time and avoid the holidaytraffic just a little.” There is no data available on the number of mall garages outfitted with sensors to help keep track of vacant spots, but analysts say the rate of adoption for mall infrastructure and the number of parking apps is doubling or tripling year over year. Taubman Centers, which owns and manages 22 malls in the United States, installed sensors in the garages in two of its centers to show shoppers on which floors they could find open parking spots. Installation costs $50,000 to $100,000 per location. But parkingis only half the battle. When a customer is ready to leave, there is the matter of finding the car. Simon Property Group, the country’s largest mall owner and operator with more than 300 properties, said that use of its free app, which includes a feature that helps shoppers locate their parked car, had increased eightfold in the last two years. Enlarge This Image Christopher Berkey for The New York Times Sam Friedman, co-founder and chief of ParkMe, said, “If there’s a way to get in off the beaten path, you can reduce stress.” Related · Retailers Seek Partners in Social Networks (November 27, 2013) Users can take a picture of where their car is parked, drop a pin on a map or send a text message reminding themselves where they parked. “It’s aproactive tool to prevent a customer from losing her car,” said Les Morris, a spokesman for Simon Property Group. It’s not just malls but downtowns and local shopping districts that are striving to make parking easier. San Francisco, for example, with its notoriously difficulton-street parking, created its own app that steers drivers to open spots. And the city of Grosse Pointe, Mich., contracted with Parkmobile to introduce a parking service in the Village, the city’s shopping area, this month. Users can pay for their metered spots, and add time remotely, using their smartphones.The app sends an alert 15 minutes before the meter is set to expire and also links to a map to show where the car is parked. “They’re more tied to their smartphones than coins in their pocket,” said Peter J. Dame,the Grosse Pointe city manager. Automakers are also getting involved, adding features to their dashboard technology tohelp drivers navigate to a parking lot. Audi has contracted with ParkMe to provide the app’s services in its dashboards, while Parkopedia announced last week that it would partner with Volvo to offer embedded parking information for its customers. Hyundai introduced its Blue Link app last year, which allows users to locate their vehicle within a one-mile radius. “When you think about how fast this has moved in the last year, that it’s become so ubiquitous in such a short period of time, I would say that we’re reaching the tipping point,” said William D. Eggers, the public sector research director atDeloitte in Washington. Garages “used to be about parking cars,” said Mr. Jones of Standard Parking. “Now we’re a service industry.”
个人分类: 科研记事|14594 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]it allow the use of its logo with such a low bar
chnfirst 2013-5-22 10:53
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainforest_Alliance it allow the use of its logo with such a low bar http://www.iciba.com/bar n. 障碍 vt. 闩(门等);阻碍,封锁;排除,去除 prep. 除…之外 5. PHRASE 短语 在狱中;被囚禁 If you say that someone is behind bars , you mean that they are in 9. VERB 动词 阻拦;阻挡 If you bar someone's way, you prevent them from going somewhere or entering a place, by blocking their path. 【语法信息】:V n Harry moved to bar his way... 哈里走过去挡住了他的路。 He stepped in front of her, bar ring her way. 他走到她前面,挡住了她的去路。 10. VERB 动词 禁止;不准 If someone is barred from a place or from doing something, they are officially forbidden to go there or to do it. 【语法信息】:be V-ed from n 【语法信息】:be V-ed to n 【搭配模式】:usu passive Amnesty workers have been bar red from Sri Lanka since 1982... 从1982年起,大赦国际的工作人员就被禁止进入斯里兰卡。 Many jobs were bar red to them. 很多工作将他们拒之门外。 11. N-COUNT 可数名词 障碍;阻碍;妨碍 If something is a bar to doing a particular thing, it prevents someone from doing it. 【搭配模式】:usu N to n/-ing One of the fundamental bar s to communication is the lack of a universally spoken, common language... 交流的一个基本障碍就是缺少一种大家都说的通用语。 In industry after industry, government bodies have erected bar s to competition. 政府机构在一个又一个行业中设置了障碍以阻止竞争。 13. PREP 介词 See also: barring ; 除了…以外 You can use ba r when you mean 'except'. For example, all the work bar the washing means all the work except the washing. 【语用信息】:emphasis Bar a plateau in 1989, there has been a rise in inflation ever since the mid-1980's... 除1989年物价稳定之外,从20世纪80年代中期开始,通货膨胀就一直在上升。 The aim of the service was to offer everything the independent investor wanted, bar advice. 该项服务的目的就是向独立投资者提供除建议外他们想要的一切。
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[转载]Obama Seeking to Boost Study of Human Brain
aloneone 2013-3-12 00:23
The Obama administration is planning a decade-long scientific effort to examine the workings of the human brain and build a comprehensive map of its activity, seeking to do for the brain what the Human Genome Project did for genetics . The project, which the administration has been looking to unveil as early as March, will include federal agencies, private foundations and teams of neuroscientists and nanoscientists in a concerted effort to advance the knowledge of the brain’s billions of neurons and gain greater insights into perception, actions and, ultimately, consciousness. Scientists with the highest hopes for the project also see it as a way to develop the technology essential to understanding diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s , as well as to find new therapies for a variety of mental illnesses. Moreover, the project holds the potential of paving the way for advances in artificial intelligence. The project, which could ultimately cost billions of dollars, is expected to be part of the president’s budget proposal next month. And, four scientists and representatives of research institutions said they had participated in planning for what is being called the Brain Activity Map project. The details are not final, and it is not clear how much federal money would be proposed or approved for the project in a time of fiscal constraint or how far the research would be able to get without significant federal financing. In his State of the Union address , President Obama cited brain research as an example of how the government should “invest in the best ideas.” “Every dollar we invested to map the human genome returned $140 to our economy — every dollar,” he said. “Today our scientists are mapping the human brain to unlock the answers to Alzheimer’s. They’re developing drugs to regenerate damaged organs, devising new materials to make batteries 10 times more powerful. Now is not the time to gut these job-creating investments in science and innovation.” Story C. Landis, the director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, said that when she heard Mr. Obama’s speech, she thought he was referring to an existing National Institutes of Health project to map the static human brain. “But he wasn’t,” she said. “He was referring to a new project to map the active human brain that the N.I.H. hopes to fund next year.” Indeed, after the speech, Francis S. Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health, may have inadvertently confirmed the plan when he wrote in a Twitter message : “Obama mentions the #NIH Brain Activity Map in #SOTU.” A spokesman for the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy declined to comment about the project. The initiative, if successful, could provide a lift for the economy. “The Human Genome Project was on the order of about $300 million a year for a decade,” said George M. Church , a Harvard University molecular biologist who helped create that project and said he was helping to plan the Brain Activity Map project. “If you look at the total spending in neuroscience and nanoscience that might be relative to this today, we are already spending more than that. We probably won’t spend less money, but we will probably get a lot more bang for the buck.” Scientists involved in the planning said they hoped that federal financing for the project would be more than $300 million a year, which if approved by Congress would amount to at least $3 billion over the 10 years. The Human Genome Project cost $3.8 billion. It was begun in 1990 and its goal, the mapping of the complete human genome, or all the genes in human DNA, was achieved ahead of schedule, in April 2003. A federal government study of the impact of the project indicated that it returned $800 billion by 2010. The advent of new technology that allows scientists to identify firing neurons in the brain has led to numerous brain research projects around the world. Yet the brain remains one of the greatest scientific mysteries. Composed of roughly 100 billion neurons that each electrically “spike” in response to outside stimuli, as well as in vast ensembles based on conscious and unconscious activity, the human brain is so complex that scientists have not yet found a way to record the activity of more than a small number of neurons at once, and in most cases that is done invasively with physical probes. But a group of nanotechnologists and neuroscientists say they believe that technologies are at hand to make it possible to observe and gain a more complete understanding of the brain, and to do it less intrusively. In June in the journal Neuron, six leading scientists proposed pursuing a number of new approaches for mapping the brain. One possibility is to build a complete model map of brain activity by creating fleets of molecule-size machines to noninvasively act as sensors to measure and store brain activity at the cellular level. The proposal envisions using synthetic DNA as a storage mechanism for brain activity. “Not least, we might expect novel understanding and therapies for diseases such as schizophrenia and autism ,” wrote the scientists, who include Dr. Church; Ralph J. Greenspan, the associate director of the Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind at the University of California, San Diego; A. Paul Alivisatos, the director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Miyoung Chun, a molecular geneticist who is the vice president for science programs at the Kavli Foundation; Michael L. Roukes, a physicist at the California Institute of Technology; and Rafael Yuste, a neuroscientist at Columbia University. The Obama initiative is markedly different from a recently announced European project that will invest 1 billion euros in a Swiss-led effort to build a silicon-based “brain.” The project seeks to construct a supercomputer simulation using the best research about the inner workings of the brain. Critics, however, say the simulation will be built on knowledge that is still theoretical, incomplete or inaccurate. The Obama proposal seems to have evolved in a manner similar to the Human Genome Project, scientists said. “The genome project arguably began in 1984, where there were a dozen of us who were kind of independently moving in that direction but didn’t really realize there were other people who were as weird as we were,” Dr. Church said. However, a number of scientists said that mapping and understanding the human brain presented a drastically more significant challenge than mapping the genome. “It’s different in that the nature of the question is a much more intricate question,” said Dr. Greenspan, who said he is involved in the brain project. “It was very easy to define what the genome project’s goal was. In this case, we have a more difficult and fascinating question of what are brainwide activity patterns and ultimately how do they make things happen?” The initiative will be organized by the Office of Science and Technology Policy, according to scientists who have participated in planning meetings. The National Institutes of Health, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the National Science Foundation will also participate in the project, the scientists said, as will private foundations like the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Chevy Chase, Md., and the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle. A meeting held on Jan. 17 at the California Institute of Technology was attended by the three government agencies, as well as neuroscientists, nanoscientists and representatives from Google, Microsoft and Qualcomm. According to a summary of the meeting, it was held to determine whether computing facilities existed to capture and analyze the vast amounts of data that would come from the project. The scientists and technologists concluded that they did. They also said that a series of national brain “observatories” should be created as part of the project, like astronomical observatories.
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[转载]NFKBIZ p65 DNA binding
genesquared 2013-2-18 11:12
2006一篇文献,NFKBIZ 与p65以及DNA binding相关。 请参考: ^ Totzke G, Essmann F, Pohlmann S, Lindenblatt C, Janicke RU, Schulze-Osthoff K (May 2006). "A novel member of the IkappaB family, human IkappaB-zeta, inhibits transactivation of p65 and its DNA binding". J Biol Chem 281(18): 12645–54. doi:10.1074/jbc.M511956200. PMID 16513645. http://www.jbc.org/content/281/18/12645.long NFKBIZ From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is an orphan, as no other articles link to it. Please introduce links to this page fromrelated articles; suggestions may be available. (February 2009) Nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, zeta Identifiers Symbols NFKBIZ; IKBZ; INAP; MAIL External IDs OMIM: 608004 MGI: 1931595HomoloGene: 12734 GeneCards: NFKBIZ Gene Gene Ontology Orthologs Species Human Mouse Entrez 64332 80859 Ensembl ENSG00000144802 ENSMUSG00000035356 UniProt Q9BYH8 Q9EST8 RefSeq (mRNA) NM_001005474.2 NM_001159394.1 RefSeq (protein) NP_001005474.1 NP_001152866.1 Location (UCSC) Chr 3: 101.55 – 101.58 Mb Chr 16: 55.81 – 55.84 Mb PubMedsearch This box: • view • talk • edit NF-kappa-B inhibitor zeta is a protein that in humans is encoded by the NFKBIZ gene. This gene is a member of the ankyrin-repeat family and is induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The C-terminal portion of the encoded product which contains the ankyrin repeats, shares high sequence similarity with the I kappa B family of proteins. The latter are known to play a role in inflammatory responses to LPS by their interaction with NF-B proteins through ankyrin-repeat domains. Studies in mouse indicate that this gene product is one of the nuclear I kappa B proteins and an activator of IL-6 production. Two transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene. References 1. ^ Eto A, Muta T, Yamazaki S, Takeshige K (Feb 2003). "Essential roles for NF-kappa B and a Toll/IL-1 receptor domain-specific signal(s) in the induction of I kappa B-zeta". Biochem Biophys Res Commun 301 (2): 495–501.doi:10.1016/S0006-291X(02)03082-6. PMID 12565889. 2. ^ Totzke G, Essmann F, Pohlmann S, Lindenblatt C, Janicke RU, Schulze-Osthoff K (May 2006). "A novel member of the IkappaB family, human IkappaB-zeta, inhibits transactivation of p65 and its DNA binding". J Biol Chem 281(18): 12645–54. doi:10.1074/jbc.M511956200. PMID 16513645.
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whyhoo 2013-1-30 23:04
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Purpose of the SOI Study Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) adoption initially began within the integrated device manufacturer (IDM) community in the late 1990s for its high-performance advantages. Since the demand for information on SOI has spiked in growth over the past few years, the Global Semiconductor Alliance (GSA) and the SOI Industry Consortium collaborated in late 2007 to determine industry awareness and the various perceptions of SOI technology. This joint effort resulted in an online survey, which was conducted in April 2008. Key survey findings include: 􀂃 Promising growth potential in SOI technology. 􀂃 Significant interest in SOI for low power. 􀂃 Counter perceptions that SOI is only applicable at leading-edge nodes. Promising Growth Potential The survey results confirmed promising interest in SOI technology, with 23% of the participants currently using SOI technology. Two-thirds (64%) do not use it today, but are interested in its potential benefits. The main reason for not using SOI and those indicating no interest in its future adoption specified that the potential cost increase was the number-one reason they are not interested in adopting SOI technology. Power Savings In particular, 46% of the respondents perceive that power savings is the single-most important advantage of using SOI for their business. Further results indicate that a 30% power savings would motivate 70% of the respondents to invest in an evaluation of SOI. Not Just for Leading Edge Finally, the results of the survey challenged the perception that SOI was only for the most advanced nodes. The majority of the respondents are using 90-nanometer, 130-nanometer or 0.18-micron as their most advanced technology today. The survey results indicated that 72% of the respondents would consider a transition to SOI at 45-nanometer, 65-nanometer or 90-nanometer. The survey reflected the need for more education and availability of ecosystem deliverables from silicon, IP and EDA suppliers, and that there is a particular need for more SOI libraries at different technology nodes and for more silicon suppliers. The survey confirmed a top agenda item to address is the perception of cost as the top barrier to adoption. The good news from the survey is that 43% of those surveyed are willing to accept 5%-10% additional total cost, including design costs, in return for a 30% power savings. For performance, 33% of those surveyed are willing to accept 5-10% additional total cost in return for a 20% performance gain. In conclusion, the survey has provided valuable insight into the perceptions and information gaps of a relevant group of designers not currently using SOI, and this initial effort between the GSA and the SOI Industry Consortium is providing a valuable platform for SOI education for their members and paves the way for future collaboration. 原文见 http://www.soiconsortium.org/pdf/2008_SOI_Report_24June.pdf
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[转载]Geneva and Switzerland: International comparison 2012-2013
whyhoo 2013-1-27 00:11
Dear Sir, Dear Madam, Please find herewith the 20th edition of the International Comparisons, which has just been published by the Economic Development Office of the Canton and Republic of Geneva. It emerges from this publication that Switzerland has maintained its rank among leading states in terms of competitiveness and innovation, for the fourth consecutive year (The Global Competitiveness Report 2012-2013, World Economic Forum). Despite the global economic crisis and increasing competition between countries, the International Comparisons 2012-2013 edition underlines Geneva’s attractiveness and provides a good overview of its most valuable assets. Geneva holds a unique economic position thanks to its competitive framework conditions (taxation, labour law, and social security system), the quality of its workforce and of its infrastructures, the stability of its institutions, as well as its diversified economic centres. The Economic Development Office of the Canton and Republic of Geneva is keen to assist you in your investement projects or in setting up business here. Our region is thus a highly suitable venue for companies seeking to make the best of the most favourable location. All the data published in the 2012-2013 edition of the International Comparisons is of particularly high repute and originates from independent sources. To find out more about the activities and services of the Geneva Economic Development Office,I would like to invite you to check out our website www.whygeneva.ch for details. On behalf of the State Council, I look forward to welcoming you to our region. Pierre-Franois Unger State Councilor in charge of the Department of regional affairs, economy and health Republic and Canton of Geneva 原文见 http://www.whygeneva.ch/images/stories/publications/nouvelles_publications/comp_int_en.pdf
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huangfuqiang 2011-9-7 19:17
来自英国的具有自适应配时能力的scoot智能城市交通信号控制系统,可以称之为国外智能交通系统的成功样板之一,为国内外智能交通系统研究、开发、建设提供了很好的榜样力量,更重要的是为国内智能交通研究提供了借鉴之力。(国内好几个城市使用了这套系统,包括北京) 站点地址:http://www.scoot-utc.com/ SCOOT - The world's leading adaptive traffic control system Traffic congestion is an increasing problem in towns and cities worldwide. Local government authorities try to minimise the traffic problems by using a variety of traffic management methods. SCOOT (Split Cycle Offset Optimisation Technique) is a tool for managing and controlling traffic signals in urban areas. It is an adaptive system that responds automatically to fluctuations in traffic flow through the use of on-street detectors embedded in the road. SCOOT has proven to be a world leader in Urban Traffic Control that typically reduces traffic delay by an average of 20% in urban areas. SCOOT not only reduces delay and congestion but also contains other traffic management facilities such as: bus priority traffic gating incident detection on-line saturation occupancy measurement vehicle emissions estimates This website is intended to draw the attention of traffic authorities, consultants and researchers to the advantages of SCOOT. Some authorities may not be aware of the benefits of installing the latest version of SCOOT. Others which already have SCOOT systems may not be getting the best out of them or appreciate the benefits of extending or updating them. SCOOT is continually being improved through research by TRL funded by DfT and the SCOOT suppliers.
个人分类: 智能交通系统|6505 次阅读|0 个评论
wenjb 2011-5-23 21:17
“云计算”与智能交通 最近,开始关注“云计算”与智能交通的相关话题,由于涉足智能交通信号控制领域有一段时间,总思考着在这一领域贡献一己微薄之力。 原来仅仅满足于研制一台真正属于国人的协调式控制交通信号控制主机,也花费了不少心血,现在信号控制机基本完成,调度灵活,支持诸多流行ITS协议,基于C/S的ITS信号控制系统方面也略有成绩,但是总是无法对固有思维有所突破。交通信号控制基本算法,如单点定周期配时算法中以停车线为参考断面的TRRL法、ARRB法、HCM法和以冲突点为参考断面的冲突点法,基本解决了单点定周期配时问题,加上单点感应算法、行人相位配时算法和基于混合交通特性的配时算法基本清除的阐述了单点的控制配时算法的优化。 但是,对于大型城市和日益发展的中小型城市,车辆饱和度与日俱增。区域路口的协调控制与诱导方面的研究仍停留在比较古朴的阶段。有线控(绿波)、动态绿波概念的提出,有引进的SCATS、SCOOT等系统,依然无法缓解城市日益糟糕的交通。于是,在下弱弱的想我们的交通流量统计方法是有出入?我们的城市整体规划方案存在问题?是不是可以引入将新技术引入该领域作可行性探讨? 最近讨论得相当火的“云计算”以及免费的Hadoop平台能否在ITS领域一展身手?我看到有人发表少量的论文在讨论这个问题,当然有正面的论述,也有大唱反调的说辞。正是因为如此,在下也想探究一下此方面的可行性,说不定会有所新的发现呢? 先写个开篇,欢迎各位前辈斧正。
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王飞跃 2010-3-11 18:31
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Road to Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
王飞跃 2010-1-12 18:28
个人分类: 往事如云|8991 次阅读|0 个评论
王飞跃 2009-9-21 14:04
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热度 1 王飞跃 2009-6-26 17:22
2006年试行刊和2009年正式刊的封面 今天收到第一期《 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems 》杂志,心里非常高兴。从我竞选 IEEE 智能交通系统学会 President 时提出创办杂志的设想,到此时此刻看到它就在眼前,已整整过去了五年。 我作为首任主编, 2006 年出版了第一期试行刊之后,不期遭遇学会的财政危机(完全是由于 IEEE 改变收入和成本计算方式并不准动用储备造成的),加上其它一些因素,特别是自己无法花更多的时间和精力在杂志上,结果使 ITSM 没能按预期在 2008 年正式发行。 2008 年底,我接任学术期刊《 IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 》(《 IEEE 智能交通 系统汇刊》)的主编位置,学会理事会任命德国的 Christoph Stiller 教授为 《 IEEE 智能交通 系统》 杂志主编,在原有稿件的基础上, 继续杂志的出版工作。 《 IEEE 智能交通 系统》 杂志偏重于应用和会员交流,而 《 IEEE 智能交通 系统汇刊》只发表学术论文。在本月公布的 SCI 影响因子排名中,《 IEEE 智能交通 系统汇刊》成为交通领域里最有影响的出版物(不过当年影响因子仅为 2.844 ,五年累计影响因子为 3.302 ,说明交通领域的出版物之影响因子不高)。《 IEEE 智能交通 系统汇刊》能在 10 年不到的时间里,超过许多历史悠久的期刊,实属不易。希望 《 IEEE 智能交通 系统》 杂志 步其后尘,也能在短期内成为本领域里广具影响的杂志。 欢迎相关领域的学者专家和实践者向两份期刊投稿。 王飞跃 2009 年 6 月 22 日 The Journey to IEEE ITS Magazine Fei-Yue Wang ( IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems , Vol.1, No.1, pp.8-9 ) An ancient Chinese saying states that A Good beginning is half the success. For the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, I must acknowledge its long and bumpy beginning. However, the fact that we get our inaugural issue published is more than half the success. I remember the initial idea of creating an ITS magazine was proposed and discussed in one of our Executive Committee (ExCom) or Administrative Committee (AdCom) meetings in 2003 when our society is still an IEEE Council, but it was not taken seriously due to the budget constraint. In our last AdCom meeting as a Council in Washington DC in October 2004, I made the establishment of an ITS magazine as one of long-term objectives for the new IEEE ITS Society in my statement for the President-Elect election. In 2005, the process towards an ITS magazine was accelerated unexpectedly due to a proposal to create an Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) magazine with external funds by Professor Hsinchun Chen of the University of Arizona, then a member of the newly elected Board of Governors (BoG). After discussions at our ExCom and BoG meetings at Las Vegas, USA and Vienna, Austria, a decision was made at Viennas BoG meeting to start the process of establishing both ISI and ITS magazines, with external and internal funds respectively, and approve a budget of $5000 to subsidize trial issues for both. I was appointed as the Editor-in-Chief for the two trial issues of IEEE ITSM, and its first issue was completed and distributed in the 2006 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference in Toronto, Canada. Unfortunately, the proposal of having an IEEE ISI magazine was rejected by the IEEE Periodical Review Committee (PRC) in 2006 (many PRC members felt that, although this magazine links to ITSS, as supported by existing well-known entities such as the US Transportation Security Administration, but it involves too many other IEEE societies and needs a lengthy and difficulty coordination among them), but the proposal for IEEE ITSM was eventually accepted by the PRC and approved by the IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) in 2007 after two rounds of evaluation and modification, thanks to the team effort led by Dr. Jason Geng, our Vice President for Publication. I was appointed as the Editor-in-Chief but made it clear that I could only do the first two issues in 2008. The BoG appointed Dr. Charles Herget, our Newsletter Editor and former President of the Council, to be the Editor-in-Chief for the remaining two issues for the first year and will start the process of searching for a new Editor-in-Chief afterward. In June 2008, a search committee was formed at our BoG meeting in Eindhoven, Netherland, and selected Professor Christoph Stiller as the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE ITSM starting from 2009. As you all have known, the first four issues did not materialized in 2008, as originally scheduled. The delay was not duo to the lack of contributions to the IEEE ITSM, but mainly the consideration of magazines financial impact to our society. Our society had always been in good financial health with a substantial cash reserve since its very beginning as a Council. However, in 2004, the IEEE Headquarter changed its formula for infrastructure and administrative charges which made our society suddenly on the watch list for financial concerns in 2005. Although the Headquarter modified its formula later and we were removed from the watch list in 2006, this incident had made me (as President-Elect, President, and Past President from 2005 to 2008) very sensitive to the balance sheet of our society. The original cost plan for publishing the magazine within IEEE has a major negative impact to our financial safety and sustainability, and I have preferred to choose some outside publisher that could lead to substantial reduction in cost. As a matter of facts, our BoG has also discussed this issue several times and made a resolution to solicit publishing contracts from other publishers. In the end, we stay with the IEEE for publishing ITSM in favor of its high quality and reliability. This was a decision made by the ITSS ExCom after consulting with the PRC and receiving the understanding from the Headquarter regarding our potential new financial situation. Articles published in this issue are selected from contributions accepted for the first two issues in 2008. The next issue will be a special issue with the theme of ITS Research and Development in China: Beyond Beijing 2008 Olympics, originally scheduled for the third issue in 2008. I would like to express my sincerely thanks to all contributors and reviewers for their time and effort that lead to the birth of our new magazine. So this is my brief note for a long journey to the IEEE ITSM. I truly believe this magazine will provide an important and valuable platform to serve our ITSS members and general professional communities. To this end, I would like to express my sincere hope and deep confidence that, under the leadership of our Editor-in-Chief Professor Chistoph Stiller, our IEEE ITSM will march from a hard start to a real success. Fei-Yue Wang February 11, 2009
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欢迎参加2008 IEEE ITS 年会 (北京)
王飞跃 2008-1-30 09:59
摘自《 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems 》杂志 2008 年第一期 The Banquet Speech at the 2007 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference Fei-Yue Wang (Edited from the voice record by LC) The IEEE ITSC 2007 Banquet Space Needle (The SkyCity) Seattle , Washington , USA 2 October, 2007. My Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen:       Before I conduct the official functions and introduce you our annual conference next year, as the President of The IEEE ITS Society, first I would like to thank you all for coming to this great event, and share with us your results and experiences, successes and failures, in ITS research and practice. I also would like to take this opportunity to thank our conference organizers, especially, our General Chair Dan Dailey, our Program Chair Sudarshan Chawathe. Thanks for your great effort for a successful conference!       Thanks to Christian Stiller, our Vice President for Member Activities, and Chip White, our Chair of Award Committee, and every member in our Best Dissertation Evaluation Committee, we have selected a dissertation from Germany for the first prize, and a dissertation from US for the second prize this year. Besides Award Certificates, the first and second prizes have a cash award of $1000 and $500 respectively. Christian will announce the result to you. Next year we will go after Olympics in Beijing . Not for the gold medals: ITS is simply too fast and too smart for that. Instead, we will have our next annual conference right after Beijing Olympics, from October 12 to October 15, in Beijing , China . The 2008 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC) will be led by our top management team. Bill Scherer, our President-Elect, will be the Program Chair, and the President, that is me, myself, will serve as the General Chair. Now we have to do a good job and make the event successful, since otherwise we will find no one else to blame. I am going to teach Bill an old Chinese saying: Zhi Yu Si Di Er Hou Sheng ( 置于死地而后生 ). Bill has two choices for its English Translations: 1) You must find a new life at the end of a dead end; 2) You must win your battle by dropping your weapons and destroying your boats, no transportation to back off. But I do not care what Bill chooses, I just want him to give us a successful meeting and a good time in Beijing . I am sure you will have a successful meeting next year, since this times you will Buy One, Get Two. It is not a market gimmick you found in supermarkets, we have proposed to our Board of Governors that we will have our ITSC in conjunction with two other ITSS conferences next year: The first one is, 2008 IEEE/INFORMS International Conference on Services, Operations, and Logistics Informatics (SOLI 2008) Which tells us how to use and operate our ITS systems, and The second one is, 2008IEEE/ASMEInternationalConferenceonMechatronic/EmbeddedSystems and Applications (MESA 2008) Which tells us how to construct and maintain our ITS systems. I hope you will like this combination and find it is a good opportunity to broad your knowledge base and to know people in other disciplines. If you have any idea to make this meeting better, or if you are willing to help us out, please let Bill or me know. I am also sure you will have a good time in Beijing next year, not only because it is just after the Olympic Game, but also because some new and wonderful additions to this great city of long history and deep culture. After you arrive at Beijing, the first thing you should do is to take a bath in this Water Cube, the site for Olympic swimming and other water events, then take a nap in this Lovely Birds Nest, the place for the grand opening ceremony of Beijing Olympics, and then listen to Peking Opera, Mozart or Beethoven in this newly erected half Egg, our National Grand Theater.               Figure 1: Water Cube 水立方   Figure 2: Birds Nest 鸟巢 Figure 3 : National Grand Theater 国家大剧院 I hope you will do this with your wife or your significant other, so two of you can experience One World, One Dream. If you two still dream differently, sue 2008 Olympic Committee since that was they have promised to the whole World in their official theme slogan. Just a joke. If you dont like the Cube, the Nest, and the Egg, please blame no Chinese but European, actually, French to be exact, since they designed them, maybe for the convenience of romantics in an old city, I guess. We Chinese just built those romantic toys of Olympic sizes, in terms of space and distribution, and paid for them. Fortunately to some, or unfortunately to other, no recall possible this time. My favorite topic is history, so my favorite place in Beijing is the Forbidden City . It was the royal court of China for over 800 years, and today it is still near the center of contemporary Chinese culture and politics. Dont be afraid by its deep red color, you will find coffees in Starbucks there, but tea is forbidden, so it is very open and West friendly. I hope you go there to have a taste of our history and what is meant to be big and luxury in Chinese vocabulary.    Figure 4: Forbidden City 故宫 If you do not like the place, do not blame on me, again, blame European and American since their Union Army burnt the place and took goodies away a century ago, 108 years ago by the time you come to visit. The good thing is that you can still see those goodies or our treasures in many museums in other parts of the world. Please do not blame or complain about the services there, remember the name, and the history, it is forbidden in the Forbidden City . If you do, they will not cut your head off as before, but no good to your health. Be positive, and enjoy. Dont worry and relax. China has changed, Beijing has changed even more, and sometimes I am even wondering where I am when I meet my friends in Beijing . I am sure you will have funs and have a good time there. Our conferences will be held at Friendship Hotel, here is the picture of it, a real good place to meet old friends and make new ones. Figure 5 : Friendship Hotel 友谊宾馆 I hope you will also find this is a good opportunity to deep your sense and understanding of humanity, and to know people in other cultures. Finally, I wish you all have a good time in Seattle, 西雅图, in Chinese, the Beautiful Image of the West, have a safe trip back home, and See You All in Beijing Next Year!
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