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直播预告 | 投稿中的沟通:回复审稿人意见及与编辑沟通
Charlesworth 2020-6-30 11:17
期刊编辑的工作非常繁忙,平时一般不会抽出大量时间处理手稿和同行评审工作。对作者而言,这意味着和编辑进行有效沟通不仅重要,而且也是一个非常好的机会。如果对自己的论文有疑问或顾虑却无所作为,这是最糟糕的策略。但在此过程中的沟通是有技巧的,如何做到言之有物,增加论文发表几率?这就是我们本期直播要分享给大家的经验。 这是每一位有论文发表需求的学者都不容错过的直播! 直播详情 直播主题: 投稿中的沟通:回复审稿人意见及与编辑沟通 直播时间: 2020年6月30日晚上19:30 直播语言: 英语 你将学到: 当前论文发表现状概要 论文提交前与期刊的沟通(附模板解析) 优秀的投稿信实例解读 管理同行评审过程 有效应对同行评审的技巧和窍门 催稿信及返修回复信的撰写(附模板解析) 实例讲解润色论文的经验及技巧 ...... 主讲人简介: Tawei (David) Wang Tawei (David) Wang PhD, CPA, CIA Associate Professor and Driehaus Fellow, DePaul University 普渡大学信息系统管理专业博士,目前在美国德保罗大学大学教授审计分析。他的论文曾发表在一些行业领先的期刊上,包括Information Systems Research, Accounting Horizons, Decision Support Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, Information and Management, Information Systems Journal, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Information Systems等等。他还曾获得了多个研究奖项,并且根据杨百翰大学会计研究人员排名,他目前是会计信息系统档案研究中第二高产的研究人员。他的文章已经在Science Direct 上下载了30,000多次。 他还曾参与了美国计算机协会对网络安全课程指南的制定,同时,积极地在专业社区中担任研讨会/会议协调员,期刊审稿人和编辑委员会成员。目前也是Journal of Information Systems的编辑以及AAA美国中西部地区的主席。 直播方式 本次直播将在微吼直播平台。您不仅可以免费进入直播间,还可以非常方便的与主讲人互动,课件与音频同步,还可以通过直播回放功能反复学习。 免费直播地址: https://live.vhall.com/794495494 如有直播报名疑问请联系客服小助手,直播最后有问答环节,如有问题想咨询主讲人可提前把问题告诉小助手,也可以在该环节自行提问,客服小助手微信: 论文润色 | 学术翻译 | 其他发表支持服务 | 英国编辑团队介绍
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NatureResearch 2020-4-24 18:12
如何撰写投稿信(Cover Letter)? 这是自然系列的编辑经常被问到的一个问题。在提交原创研究的时候,只有在作者想表达稿件之外的信息的情况下才需要撰写投稿信。 (当然了,一些编辑喜欢老派的投稿信,你可以去go.nature.com/2x5OACi 查看原创研究投稿信的撰写建议) 。但是, 如果你想推荐自己的综述论文或是评论文章,那么投稿信非常必要。 下面就是撰写投稿信的方法。 尊敬的编辑, 【 花几秒钟查一下相关编辑的名字。 换个角度想,你也不想每天收到以“尊敬的研究者”起头的电子邮件对不对?写对期刊和编辑的名字是个好习惯。如果你把投稿信里的A期刊名字写成了B期刊,很有可能说明这篇文章已经被B期刊拒过稿了,这可不大好看。 (不过放心,这不代表现在收到这封投稿信的A期刊会立刻拒绝你,但是这却暴露了你对细节的关注程度。请反复确认日期以及编辑的名字是否拼对了。) 】 你是谁? 【简单介绍一下你自己】 你为什么要给我们写信? 【我想要提议撰写一篇综述文章,或是评论文章。】 为什么要选这个主题? 【这是最关键的部分。尽量写得简洁,同时令人信服。给一些靠谱的理由,但是不要太啰嗦。 一些建议 : · 要让编辑觉得“这点子真棒”! · 这个主题很有意思,也和本期刊相称,且最近在本期刊还没有涉及。一定要看一看我们的期刊有没有发表过类似的文章。 · 最近的新进展开启了一个新的领域。 · 为某个现有的领域带来了全新的角度。 · 把两个或多个领域融合到了一起。 · 解释主要发现,避免细枝末节。 · 简洁,清晰,有头有尾,不要长篇大论。 · 有没有别的同类型的综述?别人的文章和你的有什么不同? 为什么是现在投稿? 【时间点很重要。为什么你的稿件时间刚刚好?为什么不是2年前,或者2年后投稿?着重列出那些 能体现你的时间有效性 的近期研究。】 为什么是由你来写? 【你是否是该领域的专家?你是“关键意见领袖”,或是在该领域已经有了一些研究地位?别人会不会想听你的意见?你的沟通能力强不强?你将带来什么新的视角?如果你们是一个团队,那么你们如何取长补短?】 为什么选我们? 【为什么你投稿给我们,而不是其他期刊?花时间去看一看目标期刊的网站,看一看它的文章类型和内容。该期刊真的是你稿件的理想发表地吗?考虑一下你的受众:你想让谁来看你的综述?】 其他信息。 【你准备什么时候开始写?是否有什么限制条件和需求?】 静待您的回复。 署名 下面是一些其他建议: 确保: · 如果你已经和编辑有过接触,那么一定要指出来。或许我们曾经在某时某地见过面,还聊过天。 · 如果最近有相关的会议说明有一些群体对这个话题感兴趣,那么一定要指出来。 · 最近这个领域的相关进展,比如科研项目,科研设施,科研合作等。 千万不要(拜托了!): · 复制粘贴论文摘要作为投稿信。 · 把期刊名字拼错了。 · 攀高枝,比如“我和(著名的)某某教授讨论过这个话题,他/她觉得这个想法可以写成综述”。 · 高谈阔论,老调重弹,空洞无物 来源:Iulia Georgescu 编辑圈里有这样的说法:“想要写出一篇好的综述,必须要在正确的时间由正确的作者来写正确的选题。”因此,投稿信要突出为什么你要在这个时候来投这篇文章。祝你好运! ⓝ 非常感谢Linda Koch(《自然综述:遗传学》)和Annette Fenner (《自然综述:泌尿学》)分享了她们的宝贵建议。 原文以 The perfect pitch 为标题 发布在2018年7月20日的Nature.com物理博客 上 原文作者:Iulia Georgescu,《自然综述:物理学》主编 自然科研论文编辑服务 科学编辑服务 : 自然科研标准的编辑对科学文档进行 全面检查 ,包括结构和论证,提供详细的建议和编辑服务,帮助研究人员尽可能清晰地表达自己的观点。 语言润色服务 : 母语为英语的编辑将纠正语言错误,调整句式表达,提升行文流畅度,改善行文风格,帮助缺乏英语写作信心的研究人员。 ▲ 点击上图上传文稿,查询报价 © 2020Springer Nature Limited.All Rights Reserved
个人分类: 期刊投稿|4207 次阅读|0 个评论
Charlesworth 2019-9-2 13:45
| 本文由查尔斯沃思英国编辑团队中担任权威期刊主编的成员撰写,中国办公室翻译 | 查尔斯沃思原创文章,未经授权的商业转载都是侵权行为 大多数作者认为,与期刊编辑进行沟通是一个很正式的流程,会受到稿件在线提交系统的控制和限制。他们认为直接向编辑写信是“不可以”或者不合适的,所有的沟通都应该通过在线系统进行,或者以电子邮件的形式展开。 然而事实并非如此: 大多数的学术期刊编辑同作者一样,也是在职的研究人员!他们组织研究团体,开展自己的工作,指导学生,参加大学会议,从事期刊的管理工作。大多数情况下,期刊编辑所承担的学术出版兼职工作都是不计报酬的。 他们在大学、研究机构、医学院或医院从事本职工作。这意味着学术期刊编辑非常忙,平时一般不会抽出大量时间处理手稿和同行评审工作。对作者而言,这意味着和编辑进行有效沟通不仅重要,而且也是一个非常好的机会。如果对自己的论文有疑问或顾虑却无所作为,这是最糟糕的策略。 那么,你应该在什么时候主动向你的论文编辑写信呢? 答案可能出乎你的意料:在查尔斯沃思作者服务开展的线上线下培训会期间,我们被问及的最具代表性的问题便与此有关,例如“我的论文送交评审已经有x个月了,我不确定可不可以向编辑写信并咨询有关情况?”当你向学术期刊投稿时,需要记住的一点是:你仍具有自主掌控权。你要对自己的研究有信心;以下是一些你认为有必要给学术期刊编辑写信的情况,它们都很有代表性: 1、你的论文被“滞留”在提交系统中 期刊所使用的绝大多数在线论文提交系统都是为了便于作者跟踪其论文状态而设计的。通常来说,你可以看到自己的论文被某位编辑“接收(received)”、“送交评审(sent out for review)”以及“等待编辑决定(awaiting decision)”。持续关注这类系统是非常必要的,你可以通过自己的作者登录名进入这类系统。作者登录名是你首次投稿时创建并使用的。每隔几天检查一下你的论文状态,如果始终没有变化,你就可以向编辑写信了。据我所知, 期刊会在两至三周之内将你的论文送交评审,如果你的论文通过了评审,那么你可以在两个月内给编辑写信,询问论文状态。 如果你需要联系编辑,可以使用查尔斯沃思提供的模板。我们针对每个论文提交阶段都准备了相应的模板。 通过专业邮箱(如果你可访问的话)向编辑进行咨询,要远好于通过期刊提交网站。 节省自己的时间,和编辑进行直接交流。在交流过程中保持礼貌和务实是非常必要的,同时确保你的邮件对于期刊而言是积极的且“具有实际意义”。例如: 如果你发现自己的论文滞留在系统中,并且也没有送交评审,你就可以写信反映情况,并咨询论文的状态,同时建议编辑适当增加审稿人。此外,如果编辑在沟通过程中有收获,那么他们便会更好地回复你所提出的问题。 2、对审稿意见感到不公或不认同 在学术出版领域,这种情况极其普遍。你向一家期刊投稿,收到审稿意见后,你觉得意见有失公允,也就是说你认为审稿人故意对你的论文作出负面评价,或者你完全不理解这些意见。如果这种情况发生, 你认为自己是对的,并且最重要的是,能够向编辑说明“原因”,那么你应该写一封这样的“申诉”邮件。 针对此类情况,我们也准备了相应的模板。总之,向编辑清晰楚且扼要地说明“为什么”你认为自己得到不公平待遇是非常重要的。在这种情况下, 许多最初遭拒的论文最终都被接受,并且编辑往往也会改变他们的想法。 如果你收到了负面的审稿意见,当然也包括你的论文遭拒的情况,并不意味着毫无挽回的余地。 3、困难、问题或与其他作者存在冲突 作者身份问题在学术出版领域同样非常普遍。作者之间的分歧可能时刻存在,包括论文已提交的情况。你也许还会发现,共同作者在撰写论文自己那部分内容时,或者在将图表汇总时存在不道德行为;此外,还会发生剽窃问题,通常是在作者未意识到的情况之下。使用非母语语言撰写论文是非常普遍的:你可能发现一份英文素材,觉得“它看起来不错”,然后在你的论文中无意引用。你的共同作者也可能这么做。在这种情况下, 直接向期刊编辑写信是很适当的,因为它涉及到论文的作者身份问题。 一旦你发现这些问题,最好将它们直接反馈给期刊,而不是心存侥幸,冒着被期刊发现的风险,或者面对更严重的后果——你的论文被发表,然后发现问题。每个人的声誉都会受损! 4、投稿阶段的错误 在投稿阶段,学术论文就存在错误。拼写错误和写作内容上的小错误可以在出版过程中进行修改。在出版过程中,你有机会根据审稿情况修改你的论文,或者在你的论文在线发表或者发表在一期纸质期刊之前修改最终的“清样”。然而, 如果你发现了一处很关键的实质性错误,例如数据采集、分析、计算或图表中的错误,那么你必须如实向编辑指出这些错误 。千万不要心存侥幸。这种明显错误一经发现,你就必须尽快写信反馈,因为它可能降低论文的准确性或产生误导结论。心存侥幸,当这个错误被审稿人发现,或者(更糟糕的是)当论文发表后被读者发现,将会使情况变得更加糟糕。在这种情况下,诚实是最好的策略,如果你能够指出自己的错误,那么没有任何人会轻视你,编辑和期刊对此也会非常赞赏。每个人都会犯错。 5、决定撤回你的论文然后将其投向另一家期刊 当你将某篇论文投给某家学术期刊后,可能出于某种原因决定撤回这篇论文。可能你收集到了更多数据,这些数据证明你的最初结论是错误的,你决定将论文投给另一家具有更高影响因子的期刊。此外,导致你撤稿的原因也可能是共同作者之间存在分歧。在 学术出版领域,作者投稿后撤稿是很常见的;编辑(和审稿人)也会予以理解,前提是他们尽早知晓你的决定。 此外,期刊往往也会询问你这么做的原因。如果你的理由很充分,甚至于一句“我改主意了”,都没问题; 期刊担心的是有些作者的“一稿多投”行为。 也就是说他们会同时向两家(或更多)期刊提交同一篇论文,然后将稿件从处理速度较慢的那家期刊撤回。这是一种必须杜绝的不道德行为;毫无疑问,如果你这么做,那么你的名誉受损的几率会非常高。 研究领域的圈子往往很小,同行评审人员和期刊编辑彼此间都通气。千万不要被期刊列入“黑名单”。 如果你对自己的论文有疑问或意见,那么大多数情况下直接写信向期刊编辑是可取的。在生活的方方面面,沟通都很重要。它是个人和职业成功的关键因素之一。 切记,智者说话是因为他们言之有物(Wise men speak because they have something to say)。 ——END—— 论文语言润色 | 学术翻译 | 其他发表支持服务 | 英国编辑团队介绍
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Charlesworth 2019-5-22 09:48
本文是查尔斯沃思作者服务关于学术论文写作系列文章的最后一篇,我们邀请英国编辑团队资深成员,根据其自身丰富的撰稿经验,为中国作者呈现系统全面的写作指导建议,我们将其翻译成中文,方便大家理解。希望本系列文章已经帮到了你! 一旦论文撰写完毕,并符合期刊格式要求,准备提交给目标期刊后,接下来该做什么呢?身为期刊主编的我,根据经验,绝大多数作者会不假思索地提交论文,进行投稿,当然不会附上一封贴切、清晰和有效的投稿信。 论文投稿时不随附投稿信,无异于坐失良机。 原因在于,期刊编辑通常只根据作者提交的标题、摘要和关键的投稿信决定是否发出论文供进一步的同行评审。 为了尽可能提高论文在目标期刊上发表的机会,你必须花时间撰写一封有效、简洁、提供信息的投稿信。 作为一名十几年的期刊编辑,我撰写了一封投稿信的快速模板(编者注:文末有领取方式),你可以根据论文的内容和目标期刊进行修改。记住要在投稿信中保持礼貌,尊称编辑为“Dr”或“Professor”,并尽可能使投稿信很正式。让我们瞄准投稿信的三个小段落。 COVER LETTER 第一部分 你会想要涉及业务信息:“Dear Prof. X, please find enclosed our paper which we wish to submit for consideration for publication in . Thank you for your time in advance with this submission.” COVER LETTER 第二部分 在第二部分告诉编辑为什么你的论文令人关注而且重要,为什么应将这篇论文发出审稿,为什么它值得重视?“Our paper is important because we show ”。这里涉及的内容可以追溯到我们在本系列文章开始时提到关键信息,也就是你希望读者从你们的研究中“拿走”的重要内容。你的关键信息是什么?此时,你应该在投稿信中向编辑重复这些内容,使其无需真正阅读文章就能认识到文章的重要性。你现在希望编辑将你的论文发出审稿。你需要确保论文通过第一阶段编辑流程。 请记住,在知名期刊中,至少有90%的论文(超过提交给编辑的所有论文的9/10)会被拒绝审稿。 COVER LETTER 第三部分 接下来,用第三段结束你的投稿信,进一步强调你们研究的重要性,但要契合这份特定期刊的读者背景。“We feel that our paper is of particular interest to the readership of your journal because ”。然后,你应该在此处写出会吸引特定期刊读者的具体内容,而不是你们论文的全部关键信息。 请记住,这一点会因期刊而不同。一流跨学科期刊的读者与当地特定学科期刊的读者会对不同的问题感兴趣。 正确执行这一步骤,对于提高成功发表几率至关重要。 如果你在期刊投稿信方面需要更多帮助或其他帮助,欢迎加入我们的作者帮助微信群! 如需独家高质量投稿信模板,请扫描下方二维码加小助手微信领取,加群也找小助手哦~~ —END— 论文润色 | 学术翻译 | 其他发表服务
11312 次阅读|0 个评论
投稿成功要诀:写一封让编辑“一见钟情”的cover letter
热度 1 EditSprings 2019-4-16 10:54
在用尽洪荒之力完成 SCI 论文撰写修改及目标期刊选择之后我们终于可以松口气了?并没有,投稿之前还有一项艰巨任务:写一封有力的投稿信。 投稿信非常重要,不仅仅是让编辑考虑你的稿件,还应该吸引编辑的注意力,说明有关你研究的新颖性和重要性,并且表明该文章所有作者已经同意投稿,而这篇稿件没有同时投往其他期刊。 一封有效的投稿信不仅介绍了文稿,还提供了一个重要的机会说服期刊编辑考虑发表你的稿件。同时能够告诉期刊编辑你的稿件应该得到发表的理由。 投稿信应该简明扼要,着重描述你研究的重要性和新颖性,以及它们适合目标期刊的范围。 有些期刊对投稿信中提供的信息有非常明确的要求,这些要求通常发布在期刊的作者指南中。要确保你的投稿信包括了期刊要求的所有内容。 确认目标期刊要求 在撰写投稿信之前要在目标期刊的作者指南里确认对投稿信的要求,比如特定的陈述内容。无论你要增加其他什么内容,一定要确保你的投稿信中包含目标期刊作者指南中要求的所有内容。 除了目标期刊要求的所有内容之外,每封投稿信都应该包含以下几个方面: 介绍稿件标题和所投期刊。 投稿文章的类型( Letter, communications, article, review 还是 comments ) 阐明你所研究课题的重要性,以及与该期刊领域的相关性。 列出研究问题。 说明主要实验结果和总体发现。 提出研究中可以得出的最重要的结论。 声明文稿没有发表,也没有考虑在其他期刊上发表, 声明所有作者同意发表该文稿,且同意投往本期刊。 增加任何有利于说服编辑将你的文稿送审的详细内容。 用一句或几句话分别阐明这些要点,然后进行修改和润色使投稿信得以完善。 撰写投稿信正文 在投稿信开头,用一两句话解释这篇投稿信的目的,列出文稿标题和期刊名。 例如:“ I am writing to submit our manuscript entitled,“****** (论文标题) ,” for consideration for publication in ***** (期刊名称) . ” 简要陈述研究问题的背景。本段的重点是解释你研究课题的重要性,并清楚地说明该研究回答的问题,简明阐述研究结果、发现和结论。 为了使投稿信简明扼要,以上阐释控制在一两个简短的段落内。如果合适的话,你还可以加上一两句话,把你的发现与期刊读者的兴趣联系起来。回顾你的论文摘要,重点描述研究的重要成果和结论,会有所帮助。 例如:“由于我们的成果可以立即应用于 x ,它们可能会引起 a 、 b 、 c 这些领域专家的极大兴趣。” 当你阐述以上要点时,要考虑到“我的文稿能为期刊带来什么好处 ? ”期刊编辑的目标是发表本领域内的、读者感兴趣的、重要且新颖的研究发现。你的目标是向编辑展示,你的论文是如何符合这些标准的。这样的论文会被高度引用,从而增加期刊的影响因子。实事求是地向阅读该期刊的研究人员阐明你所研究课题的新颖性,相关性和趣味性。 在描述完你的研究和发现之后,用一个段落完成期刊要求的内容。如果你论文里的研究发现曾在学术会议上提出,则需要在本段说明。此外,本段还应包括关于不会选择其他期刊以及作者同意提交的声明。 例如:“ This manuscript describes original work and is not under consideration by any other journal. All authors approved the manuscript and this submission 。” 在最后一段感谢编辑考虑审查稿件。 例如:“ Thank you for receiving our manuscript and considering it for review. We appreciate your time and look forward to your response 。” 添加信函的基本要素 稿件投稿信与所有信函一样遵循简单的格式。确保你的投稿信包括以下基本的信函要素: √日期。 √ 收件人姓名和通讯地址。 √ 称呼(例如“ Dear Dr. White: ”或“ Dear Editor: ” ) 。 √ 正文。 √ 结束语(比如“ Kind regards, ”或“ Thank you ”)。 √ 签名栏(作者的手写签名、打印姓名、最高学位、所属机构和通讯地址)。 √ 附件命名(注明“附件”表明你的稿件是带有投稿信的 ) 。 投稿信通常以电子邮件的形式提交,因此可能不包含某些正式的信函格式,如日期和地址栏。 修改投稿信 ◇多次通读投稿信,以便进行校正和修改,保证内容清晰简洁。删除与你的研究目的、主要结果、最重要的发现和结论没有直接关系的杂乱观点或句子。修改投稿信时,问问自己文中关于该研究的重要性、新颖性和相关性是否阐述清晰。重写过于冗长的句子,不要赘述太多细节,避免使观点显得杂乱无章。 ◇ 除非万不得已,稿件投稿信不能超过一页。如果你写的投稿信超过了一页,应该仔细考虑如何进行缩减。 ◇ 修改投稿信时要注意校对一些基本的语法和结构错误,这是你在修改稿件的时候也需要注意的。 ◇ 删除多余的短语,如“ in order to ”和“ may have the potential to ”等。 ◇ 确保这封信是用简单的英语写的。删除任何术语并在第一次使用缩写时进行解释。 ◇ 校对拼写和语法错误。 在修改过程中,至少通读一次你的投稿信,以确保避免出现以下情况: ◆夸大研究成果。 ◆ 研究结论得不到文稿中的数据支撑。 ◆ 逐字逐句地重复文稿中的内容。 ◆ 描述太多技术上的细节。 最后再检查一次,以确保你的投稿信中包括了目标期刊要求的所有内容。 母语润色 ¦ 专业翻译 ¦ 论文预审 ¦ 修改指导 ¦ 图表服务 ¦ 基金标书 ¦ 用户评价 ¦ 联系我们
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Cover letter重要吗?如何撰写投稿信?
isechina 2019-1-14 16:58
Cover letter重要吗? 投稿信是一块敲门砖,是作者为其稿件进行宣传的机会。 投稿信并非只是走形式,应该把它和文章本身一样 认真对待。在英语中有一个谚语叫第一印象会持续很久或者你永远也不会再有机会重塑第一印象。 如果投稿信中的信息不准确,有语法错误并且写的很随意,您觉得主编会对您科学家的身份有好印象吗? 如果投稿信是胡吹乱造、夸大其词,主编审稿无数,会一眼看出。同样,如果投稿信又长又臭,把所有的信息 都包含在内以至于找不到重点,也不会给主编留下好印象。 投稿信应包含足够重要的内容让主编一眼就能决定文章是否适合在他/她的期刊发表,是将文章送审还是拒稿? 如果投稿信没写好,不能让人有兴趣阅读或者和期刊的宗旨范围相差很大,您的文章很有可能直接被拒。 应该在投稿信里面写什么? 第一句话是请求主编考虑发表您的文章。把您的文章题目和期刊题目写完整。接下来应该写: · 为什么做这个研究 · 您的研究表明了什么? · 您从研究结果中总结出什么? · 为什么这个结果重要? · 什么是新的或者让读者感兴趣的? · 为什么您的研究和期刊宗旨范围吻合? · 是否达到期刊的特殊要求?例如利益冲突声明、是否推荐或不建议审稿人(不同期刊有不同的要求) · 确认所有的作者都同意投稿给这个期刊,您的文章没有在其他地方发表过或没有被其他期刊正在审稿。 · 最后一段,感谢主编考虑发表您的文章。 · 在您签名下面写上您的具体联系信息。 · 用您学院/单位后缀的邮箱,尽量不要用个人邮箱。 不应该写什么? · 除了联系信息以外的个人信息,您不是在写个人简介或者申请工作等! · 大量的数据,方法细节或对结果的讨论。保持简洁和有力! 有哪些写作技巧? 记住您是致信给主编个人: 假设您只有3分钟时间向主编介绍您的文章。主编很忙并且在行业内非常受尊敬,但是同时,他也许对您的研究领域不是特别熟悉。该怎么办? 主编的姓名一定要拼写正确: 首先,必须保证您正确的称呼。如果您能找到期刊主编的姓名,在cover letter的开头就称呼主编的姓,而不是全名。例如,您可以称呼她为”Dear Dr. White” 而不是“Dear Dr. Jane White”。如果您不确定主编的姓名,就可以直接称呼为“Dear Editor”或“Dear Editor-in-Chief”。不要称呼“Dear Sir”,因为这样不会取悦女性主编(甚至也不会取悦很多男性主编)。 文章标题: 必须保证投信里面的文章标题和投稿系统里面的保持一致。如果您更改了文章,也需要更改投稿信。 期刊名称: 必须保证把期刊名称拼写正确。如果您的文章之前被拒稿过,现在重新投稿,一定要记住把投稿信里面的期刊名称改掉。在实际工作中,您很难想象有多少人忽略这一点。 文章类型: 标明文章类型(研究性文章, 综述还是短篇通讯等),并且确认和投稿系统里保持一致。 研究目标: 您的研究目标是什么?您是在试图解决问题?验证假说?对之前(自己或别人)发表过的文章更新?不要假设主编非常了解您的研究领域。简单的说一下您的研究背景也是必要的。把缩写和任何种类的名称拼写完整。您的研究目标和杂志的宗旨与范围是否一致?如果不是很一致,加一句话解释 研究发现: 您发现了什么?不要夸张,但也不要太谦虚, 如果您说您的发现没那么重要,那为什么有人要发表或阅读您的文章呢。 研究影响: 研究结果有什么影响?哪些是新的、有趣的?加入一些有趣的东西包括文章的最新发现等进去,这样主编就想要读您的文章并且送审。有太多的cover letter读起来相当平淡。记住文章被接受的第一大原因就是文章 简洁: 不要大段的重复您文章里面的东西。 准确: (完美的语法,一定不能有拼写错误)确认,再次确认,再次确认,然后给您的同事再次确认。您必须保证投稿信是100%正确。您投稿信里面的数据和文章正文的数据是否一致?如果您投稿信里面提到10%增长,但是同一个事情文章正文写道7%增长,主编会因此质疑您的研究。 保持一致: 将投稿信按照期刊的要求调整好格式。例如提到P值,如果您文章里写的是“P”,那么在投稿信里面就不要写成“p”。 期刊特殊要求: 查看期刊的投稿说明是否有特殊规定,例如利益冲突声明和是否推荐审稿人等。 投稿信不是个人简介(但是…): 不需要将您的职业生涯或者之前您发表过的文章放到投稿信中。您的 研究本身自己会说话。然而,也有一些微妙的技巧可以为您的投稿信加分。例如您可以在落款的时候,将您的学术头衔(教授、副教授等)和职务(主任或研究员等)写上。类似的,您也可以将您之前发表过的有直接关系的文章信息放在投稿信中。 邮件地址: 最好用您含学院名称后缀的邮箱来和期刊通讯。由于近期的学术不端和撤稿时间的影响,期刊主编对于作者用个人邮箱来提交文章有所忌惮。 如果在审稿过程中,您的工作在调动中,您可以加一句话加以解释,例如“The research was carried out at the University of X. I am in the process of moving to the University of Y; until I receive my new institutional e-mail address, please contact me at abc@123.com. (这份研究是我在X大学完成。但是我因为某些原因离职, 现在正在Y大学的入职过程中,直到我收到新的学院邮箱之前,请与我的个人邮箱联系)”。或者,指定另 外一个人作为通讯作者来避免这个问题。 投稿信样本 Dr. Jane White Editor-in-Chief Journal of Chronic Disease Treatment July 20, 2018 Dear Dr. White We wish to submit our article “Impact of season on disease Z” to be considered for publication in the Journal of Chronic Disease Treatment as a Short Communication. In our previous research (Black et al., J Sci Res 2014;21:1-10) we found that treatment X was more effective than treatment Y in reducing chronic disease Z. However, we noticed that the improvement for both treatments was much greater (10%) in winter than in the summer months. In order to explore this unexpected finding, we carried out further research, presented in this paper. We found that ambient temperature had no effect on reduction of disease Z with either treatment. However, detailed analysis of patient behavior revealed that patients were more likely to be absent from home in the summer months, and so more likely to miss their medication time. After implementing a dosing strategy to minimize this effect, no significant difference between summer and winter could be detected with either treatment. We think this article will be of interest to your readers as it demonstrates increased treatment effectiveness without increasing overall dose. It also reveals some interesting aspects of patient behavior, an area of study which has received increasing attention in the field of chronic disease treatment over the past decade. We suggest the following reviewers for this article: Andrew Adams (a.adams@univ-1.org) Billy Bloggs (b.bloggs@med.dept.org) Caroline Carter (dr_carter@college.ac.uk) I am authorized on behalf of all the authors of this article to confirm that no author has any conflict of interest to disclose, all authors have approved the version submitted for publication, the work in this article is original and has not been published previously, and the article is not under consideration by any other journal. We thank you for your kind consideration of our article. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if any further information is required. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely John Black _________________ Professor John Black Director, Department of Clinical Research University of Somewhere 123, Anywhere Street Somewhere, UK Tel.: +44 123 456 789 E-mail: j.black@somewhere.ac.uk \0 \0
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WileyChina 2016-4-6 16:04
Wiley在线讲堂 撰写优秀的投稿信和推荐审稿人 欢迎免费注册参加Wiley在线讲堂! 尊敬的老师/同学:您好! 从本学期开始,Wiley将推出“ Wiley在线讲堂 ”,邀请专业出版经理、期刊编辑/主编、审稿人等作为我们的主讲人,以系列连贯的主题讲座,为您解答包括投稿要点、写作技巧、同行评审等等众多在您发表论文之路上可能遇到的一些问题,帮助您大大提升在国际期刊上发表科技论文的成功率。 撰写优秀的投稿信和推荐审稿人 讲座内容: 1. 投稿信写作诀窍 为何要写投稿信 投稿信的结构和长度 投稿信的内容要点 撰写的注意事项(Do’s and Don’t’s) 2. 如何推荐审稿人 作者应该推荐审稿人吗? 作者的推荐是否会被编辑采纳? 哪些人应该被推荐,哪些人不宜被推荐 推荐审稿人涉及的学术道德问题 讲座时间: 2016年4月25日(周一) 19:00-20:00 注册地址: http://www.diaochapai.com/survey1684606 扫描二维码注册 马上点击注册 ,前50名报名者将有机会获得Wiley精美小礼品(一共10份)! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 主讲人 梁多多博士 Advanced Materials副主编 梁多多博士2000年和2003年在北京科技大学材料科学与工程系分别获得工学学士和工学硕士学位。之后赴比利时安特卫普大学物理系从事纳米材料的电子显微学表征工作,并于2007年11月获得博士学位。在加入Wiley之前曾在清华大学材料系从事博士后研究工作。梁多多博士目前在Wiley的材料物理类期刊编辑部门从事Advanced Materials和Particle期刊的审稿工作,负责对稿件进行初审,寻找审稿人,对稿件做决定。
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在线提交(online submission)论文的一些注意事项
热度 1 LetPubSCI 2015-9-28 09:37
现在绝大多数期刊都提供在线论文提交(online submission)的服务,使得提交论文方便又快捷。不过,一些对这种系统还不太熟悉的作者,可能会对提交过程有种望之生畏的感觉。这里就说说在线论文提交的一些注意事项。 在提交论文前,一定要确保论文的格式符合所投递期刊的要求。所有期刊都会有一个Guidelines/Instructions for Authors,罗列了该期刊对论文格式的要求。如果觉得麻烦,也可以寻求编辑公司帮助(例如:LetPub的 SCI期刊格式排版服务 )。这个指南一般会有点长,很多人看着头疼。但是,不要因为头疼就忽略指南,一定要仔细阅读,千万不可跳过此步。 看的多了,你会发现指南中最重要的关键信息包括如下几条:标题的长度、摘要的长度及格式(即分段或不分段,Structured or Unstructured)、文章的分段组织(即Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion之类各个部分的组成)、文章的长度、表格(Tables)和图(Figures)的个数、参考文献引用和列表的格式。这其中,摘要的格式、文章的分段组织以及参考文献的格式也能通过下载所投期刊的已发表文章,有个一目了然的大致认识。请记住,每个期刊的格式都是该期刊根据出版的要求各自规定的,不同的期刊格式要求有相似之处,也必有不同之处。投递的稿件所到的第一站,即期刊编辑,会关注稿件是否符合期刊Author Instructions! 在按期刊要求规范好稿件准备在线投稿前,不妨检查一下是否所需的信息和资料都已经准备好。这些资料包括:所有作者的姓名、单位、有效联系方式( 普通邮件和电子邮件地址,corresponding author一般还需要留联系电话),推荐reviewers的姓名和电子邮件地址,和如下文件:cover letter(这个之前我曾写过一篇博文专门讲到)、稿件(manuscript)、图(Figures)。 对上述的材料这里再说明几点。一是关于作者的有效电子邮件地址,最好留学校或单位的帐号地址,以.edu类为最佳。如果实在没有单位电子邮件地址,注册免费的电子邮件帐号也是可以的。但个人不推荐使用QQ帐号,gmail、foxmail之类帐号名可用英文字母(帐号名最好是作者名字某种方式的拼写)的比较好些。二是关于manuscript和Figures的安排。文件manuscript一般包括标题/标题页、摘要、正文、表格和图例(Figure legends),具体格式参见Author Instructions的规定。对于图,一般来说,一个图有一个图文件。Author Instructions会规定只有某些特定的图文件才可被采纳(比如,.jpeg文件因是压缩文件,有些期刊是不采纳的)。第三点,我想特别强调一下大家在制作图的时候请注意线条、坐标、图上显示文字的清晰程度。一般期刊是不会专门给被采纳的文章修饰图的。所以,如果我们提交的图不清晰,发表出来就会不清晰!另外,如果文章被采纳,彩色图和黑白图的收费不同。除非彩色图有特殊优势,否则可以用黑白图。比如柱状图(bar plot),只有两三个组,就没有必要用彩图。最后一点,表格和图数目尽可能压缩。我见过好几篇文章包含了大量表格和/或图片,而其实这其中若干个完全可以合并成一个。这样不但节省空间,而且方便读者对比。 在以上信息和资料都齐全的情况下,万事俱备,只欠东风,我们终于可以正式在线提交论文了。当然,初次投稿的作者,需要在提交系统注册一个帐号。系统会发送确认信息到注册帐号的电子邮件地址,经作者确认后帐号方有效,可以进入提交页面。在这里建议准备提交前给manuscrip做个备份,然后打开,有些在线提交所需的信息可以从这个备份文件中直接拷贝粘贴。 提交系统会提示若干步骤,这些步骤大致是这样的。首先,输入作者信息,这可以直接从精心准备的manuscript备份文件里复制粘贴,只要注意别输错作者的先后排名以及对corresponding author的标识。接下来通常是选择作者推荐的reviewers及其电子邮件地址(关于如何选择recommended/suggested reviewers的问题,以后我会专门发文详述)。再下步是文章相关信息,包括标题,有时可能还需要running title和摘要内容(同样可从manuscript备份文件中拷贝)。一般cover letter是作为一个文件被单独上传的,有的提交系统则会要求在在线页面中填入cover letter的内容。在文件上传这个步骤中,直接按要求上传各个文件即可(cover letter, manuscript, figure files)。耐心等待所有文件上传完毕,很多系统会自动生成一个pdf文件(再次需要耐心等待该文件生成结束),包含了所有刚刚提交的信息。这时,作者需要审核所有提交资料(生成的pdf文件或者系统显示的页面内容)。请仔细审核!审核完毕,再点确认,提交过程就圆满完成了。提交完成后,可以用注册的帐号登录系统,随时跟进检查文章审核的进度。如在某一步被明显耽搁过多时间,还可联系期刊编辑加以咨询。 上面说的是大多数在线论文提交系统包含的步骤。有些可能会再多些内容,比如有页面需要作者做关于conflict of interest的选项/声明等等。看到额外的步骤不必紧张,规范的manuscript, figure files和cover letter中应包含了所有相关信息,按要求填写即可。 总结一下,在线论文提交的关键其实就是对所需的各项材料做好充分准备,特别是严格按照期刊Author Instructions准备的manuscript和figure文件、cover letter、所有作者相关信息、以及一个在该提交系统注册的帐号。做好这些准备后,按照系统的提示一步步填写页面或者上传文件,就大功告成! LetPub 是 ACCDON (美国)旗下为非英语国家科研学者提供最优质SCI论文编辑和各类相关服务的专业品牌。 旨在化解以非英语为母语的科研学者的研究论文因为文字表述的不足而令研究成果本身受到偏见,并在已有实验结果的基础上在论证结构和专业行文风格上增加论文的影响力,推动更多的论文在世界高水平的学术期刊上成功发表。 我们提供专业的语言和学术编辑。LetPub有500多名专家编辑,都是 PhD或MD。我们依靠丰富的智库资源和出版经验帮助作者排除出版过程中遇到的障碍。在中国地区设立分公司五年来,LetPub 已经完成了两万多篇文章的编辑工作,绝大部分文章最终发表在SCI期刊上。其中不乏高影响因子的期刊,例如 PNAS , Journal of Neuroscience , Hepatology , Cancer Research , Journal of the American College of Cardiology , Chemical Society Reviews 等。 (此文由LetPub编辑原创,转载请注明来自LetPub中文官网: www.letpub.com.cn/index.php?page=sci_writing_47 )
19911 次阅读|2 个评论
投稿前必备的cover letter
热度 1 Enago 2015-7-3 19:13
cover letter 是你给编辑的第一印象,也是能否赢得审稿机会的关键。不同学科的cover letter要求也是不一样的,怎样才能写出一篇好的cover letter呢? --- 阅读原文 请点击链接造访 【英论阁学术院】投稿前必备的cover letter- -- 首先是要搞清楚投稿须知的要求,如果以前没有写过cover letter的可以向有经验的同事请教,如果有可能的话,拿到一份cover letter的模版那是最好的。如果需要自己琢磨的话,不清楚的地方可以邮件联系期刊编辑人员。一般来说,他们都是很乐意帮忙的。 在写cover letter的时候,应该要注意的以下几点: 1. 严格遵守 投稿须知 的要求,不要犯一些不符合投稿要求的低级错误,这样会显得不够有诚意。 2. 精简明了 很重要。越简短的cover letter,越有可能被仔细阅读,琐碎细节能省则省。主要说明为何这篇文章适合该期刊,避免长篇大论,力求简洁有力。 3. 小细节可以更具体一点,比如: 如果已经明确知道编辑名字,可以将投稿信署名给他。 所有共同作者都要清楚地列出来。 透过参照此期刊最近出版的相关研究展示你对该期刊的了解,并说明你的文章的相关性。 4. 最重要的是要说明你的研究的价值。可以强调下面几点: 论文中提出了新观点或新发现。 论文是目前最新的研究趋势,或热点议题。 论文将以往期刊已发表的成果又向前推进了一步。 但是也要注意的是,不要写的太多。 重点挑出一两个 就可以了,太多反而让人觉得不可信。 5. 主动提出潜在的科研伦理问题 。如果文章观点跟其他人兴趣有一些冲突什么的,主动提出并简单解释,会容易给编辑一种负责且全面的印象。 § 博客内容皆由 英论阁 资深学术专家团队撰写提供 § ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 您可能感兴趣的博文: 1. 不一般的cover-letter 2. 顶级期刊之《美国化学会志》(journal-of-the-american-chemical-society,jacs) 3. 文章的Cover letter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6212 次阅读|2 个评论
Cover Letter (投稿信)写作辅导材料
LetPubSCI 2014-1-20 16:54
SCI 论文投稿信(Cover Letter) 的写作被认为是科研工作者向期刊编委展示自己研究成果意义的重要平台。虽然Cover Letter的质量好坏不能起到能否让文章发表的决定性作用,但它可以让编辑迅速了解文章所包含的内容和创新点,影响编辑来决定是否对该文章进行深度评审。通常情况下,编辑会基于Cover Letter以及Abstract的内容来选择匿名审稿人或推荐审稿人来进行深度评审。 为了让科研工作者更好地了解Cover Letter写作时所要包含的关键内容,LetPub 总结了一些写作要点和优秀实例,便于大家共同进步。 1. Cover Letter 写作要点 2. Cover Letter 写作实例模板 Cover Letter 范例1- 投稿《欧洲心血管病杂志》 Cover Letter 范例2-《动脉粥样硬化》的修改稿回复 Cover Letter 范例3- 投稿《老年神经生物学》 Cover Letter 范例4- 投稿《临床化学》 Cover Letter 范例5- 投稿《脑血管疾病》
4779 次阅读|0 个评论
A very good cover letter 展示一篇写得很好的Cover Letter
热度 4 waterlilyqd 2013-1-24 11:53
Cover letter is an important part for a new submission. Today a new submssion has a very good cover letter. It briefly introduced the main contents of the paper, and declared that there was no interest conflictand unethical issues related to the research and report, and all authors of this paper agreed the submission. _________________________________ Author name, January 23rd, 2013 Dear Editors, We are submitting the manuscript entitled “Decline of traditional landscape in the southwestern Alps: the fate of enclosed pasture patches in the land mosaic shift” for publication in the ‘Journal of Mountain Science’ journal. The manuscript deals with ecological, social and cultural aspects of an endangered cultural landscape of the Alps. A multi-disciplinary and multi-scale approach is adopted to assess landscape changes and suggest their sustainable management. The manuscript has interdisciplinary appeal because a landscape multi-scale approach is used and a forest ecological process is analyzed integrating several disciplines and tools: remote sensing and GIS, landscape and forest ecology. We hope that manuscript is in the correct form and state that: - This manuscript presents an accurate account of the work performed as well as an objective discussion of its significance. Data and their interpretations are represented truthfully in the paper. The paper contains sufficient detail and references to permit others to replicate the work. The paper does not include fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements. - The manuscript includes original work that is not being considered for publication elsewhere. - All previously published work cited in the manuscript has been fully acknowledged. - The paper has been read and approved by all authors - We have no financial or other substantive conflict of interest to disclose - Any hazards associated with the conduct of the research are identified within the manuscript. If this work involves human or animal participants, a statement regarding compliance of relevant laws and institutional committees is included in the manuscript. Sincerely, XXXXX
个人分类: JMS信息|8464 次阅读|6 个评论
热度 1 liwenbianji 2013-1-15 10:12
出版空间以及编辑关注度的竞争异常激烈。将原稿投送给杂志编辑,附上一封信“原稿请见附件”是远远不够的。投稿信是你与拟投杂志直接交流的机会。除了写明你的研究与众不同外,还应直接向总编辑说明为什么你的发现很重要及其应该在此杂志上发表的理由。 投 稿信应含有几个重要内容。具体内容可通过www.liwenbianji.cn/coverletter 链接下载。大家可根据批注中的建议起草你自己的投稿信,选择提出的句子类型替代括号中的句子。投稿信的格式几乎适用于所有投稿;当然,某些类别的论文需要 加入额外的内容。例如,关于临床试验数据的存储信息通常需要附上一份临床试验报告,提供你的序列数据进入公共数据库的信息。 查阅目标杂志 的《稿约》是每篇稿件的既定程序,其中很可能含有投稿信必须写入的内容。另外一个信息来源是杂志的投稿网页。尽管以下列出的内容以及关于“Edanz投稿 信模版”中描述的内容不一定完全都是这些目标杂志所要求的,但所有这些都是投稿信中必不可少的,因为这样做可引起编辑对你的关注。以下方法适用于投稿信的 撰写: • 一些杂志根据其刊出文章领域的不同进行编辑分工,你可以根据不同的领域,有时也可根据编辑的专业背景选择最合适的编辑。直接称呼收信编辑,如:“Dear Dr. Smith”。如果不能找到合适的编辑,可将投稿信写给总编辑。 • 信的开头应写出文章题目,希望文章在杂志的哪一个栏目或作为哪一个文章类别发表,以及投稿杂志的名称。 • 之后简单叙述研究背景与理论基础,说明研究目的以及开展的工作。然后简单描述研究成果。 • 接下来的段落很重要。你需要向研究界解释你的发现的意义,特别是对杂志读者的意义。如果你不能解释为什么该杂志读者会对你的发现感兴趣,你需要选择另一家 更合适的刊物,因为编辑只将他们认为会引起读者兴趣的文章送同行评议。研究一下你准备投稿杂志的“目标与刊出范围”会对你有帮助。 • 投稿信的最后一段应包含杂志所要求的声明或说明。这些通常包括关于利益冲突、基金资助与资助来源的声明,以及所有作者已阅读过并同意文章的内容以及未一稿多投的声明。每个作者的作者资格确认也是需要的。 • 最后,留下详细的通讯方式以及礼貌的结束语。 示例: 英文原文 The cover letter: your sales pitch Competition for publication space and for editors’ attention is now very high, and it is no longer sufficient to send a manuscript to a journal editor along with a letter saying little more than “please find my manuscript attached”. The cover letter is your opportunity to directly address the editor of your target journal. It can be used to set your study apart from others and directly explain to the editor why your findings are important and why they should be published in their journal. There are a number of important components of a cover letter, all of which should be included. These components are described in detail in Edanz Cover Letter Template, which is shown on the following page and can be downloaded from: www.liwenbianji.cn/coverletter. This template can be used to develop your own cover letters by following the suggestions in the comments and replacing the bracketed sentences with the types of sentences explained. The format of this letter is applicable for most if not all submissions, although additional sections may be required for some types of paper; for example, information about deposition of clinical trial data would most likely need to accompany a report of a clinical trial, and information about the deposition of sequence data into public databases would possibly need to be provided where such data has been obtained. As always, the target journal’s instructions to authors should be consulted; these will most likely outline the information that absolutely must be included in the cover letter. Another source of this information is the journal’s submission webpages. Although not all of the components listed below and described in the cover letter template will be described as required on the target journal’s webpages, all should be included in your letter, because to do so will increase your chances of grabbing the editor’s attention. The following principles apply to cover letter development: • Some journals have different editors for the different areas of research the journal covers and you can choose the most appropriate one based on area and occasionally also editor profiles. Address your letter personally to the appropriate editor, e.g., “Dear Dr. Smith”. If one cannot be readily identified, address your letter to the editor-in-chief. • Begin by providing the title of your manuscript, the section/publication type you would like to see it published as, and the name of the journal you are submitting it to. • You then need to provide a very brief background and rationale for your study, explaining why you did what you did. This can be followed by a brief description of the results. • The following paragraph is very important. You will need to explain the significance of your findings to the research community, and specifically to the readers of your target journal. If you find it difficult to explain why the readers of that journal would be interested in your findings, then you may need to select a more appropriate journal. Editors will only send papers to review that they think will be of interest to their readers. Studying the ‘aims and scope’ of your chosen journal might help with this. • The last paragraph of the letter should contain any statements or declarations required by the target journal. These usually include declarations of any conflicts of interest, grant support or other sources of funding, a statement that all authors have read and approved the manuscript and a statement that the same manuscript has not been submitted elsewhere. Confirmation of each author’s qualification for authorship may also be required. • Finally, include details for correspondence and a polite farewell. Example: Dr Daniel McGowan 分子神经学博士 理文编辑学术总监
3473 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 1 editage 2012-12-11 20:03
先前的博文谈过一封好的投稿信要具备那些条件,这次把我上次没提到的地方补齐,下面是投稿信的 do’s and don’t’s 检查表,下次写投稿信的时候可以当作参考。 Do’s 使用贵单位的信头能帮助您展现您的专业性与可靠性 投稿信应指名给期刊提到的编辑或联络人 开头就提出您投稿的论文题目及类型(original article、case report等) 提到作者的名字,尤其是您本身或是共同作者是领域里的知名人士时。 用一两句话交代您的研究目标与结果 然后介绍这篇论文的买点:对文献有何贡献、对研究领域的影响是什么 告诉期刊为什么您认为它是最适合发表这项研究的期刊,还有为什么该期刊读者会对这项研究感兴趣 声明该文稿(全文或部分)并没有同时投稿或发表在其他期刊、所有的作者皆已阅读并同意文稿内容、您已经遵照所有的道德准则也收到相关单位或委员会的允许。 披露所有的潜在利益冲突 如果期刊有要求的话,记得提供推荐的同行评审员名单 感谢编辑花时间阅读您的投稿信并考虑您的论文 提供通讯作者信息,包含邮箱地址及电话号码 内容应简短扼要,语气应正式有礼 Don’t s 不要在没有任何证明或引用情况下提及过去的发表文献 不要提供与投稿无关的个人信息 不要提到您或其他共同作者先前的发表记录,除非它跟这次的研究问题有关。 不要提供可以在论文里找到的研究信息,也不要提到对您工作的益处 不要复制贴上摘要与论文内容 不要使用复杂发散的句构以免造成不必要的困惑 不要赞美过去的研究或提及您的学术威望 ∷ Eddy 博士国际期刊发表支持中心内容由 意得 辑 论文发表 专家 团队 支持提供 ∷ 【意得辑提供专业 英文论文编校 、 学术论文翻译 、 英文期刊发表一站式服务 www.editage.cn 】 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 此文同步刊载于 意得辑专家视点 频道: http://www.editage.cn/insights/出色投稿信的要与不要
个人分类: 国际级写作与风格|4795 次阅读|2 个评论
科技论文撰写技巧1:Cover Letter
热度 4 WileyChina 2012-12-5 15:57
来源: ChemistryViews 原文地址: http://www.chemistryviews.org/details/education/2687931/Tips_for_Writing_Better_Science_Papers_The_Cover_Letter_1.html Haveyoueverstruggledtowriteupyourresultsintoapublishablepaperonlytogetitrejected? RichardThrelfall,ManagingEditor, AsianJournalofOrganicChemistry ,givessomeinsidertipsonhowtoimproveeachsectionofyourarticleandincreaseyourchancesofgettingpublished. 写了一篇好文章却没得到发表,你有过这种痛苦经历吗? AsianJournalofOrganicChemistry 总编辑RichardThrelfall通过解析论文各部分应注意的问题,来帮助作者更好地投稿。第一部分:如何写好投稿信。 TheCoverLetter Oftenoverlookedinsubmissions,yourcoverletterisyourchancetotalkdirectlytotheeditorandtohighlightallthemostimportantresultsofyourresearch.Itcaneithermakeagreatfirstimpressionorleavetheeditoruninspired,soitisafantasticopportunitytomaketheeditorsitupandtakenoticeofyourpaper! Itisaverybadideatosubmitacoverletterthatjustsays:先举个不好的例子来瞧瞧: DearEditor, Wearesubmittingourmanuscriptforconsiderationinyourjournal.Itisnotunderconsiderationforpublicationanywhereelse. Sincerely A.Author Anevenworseideaisnottosubmitacoverletteratall(whichdoeshappen)!有的人甚至根本不写投稿信(真的有这种事发生)! Muchlikeanintroduction,agoodcoverletterexplainstotheeditorthecriticalquestionyourresearchaddresses,howyouhaveansweredthisquestion,andwhyitisofsignificancetothewidercommunity.好的投稿信应该向编辑说清楚作者研究的是什么问题,研究的结论是什么以及这个问题为什么值得发表。 Considerthebasicexamplesbelow:看看下面这个例子: DearEditor, CompoundXhasinterestingbiologicalandpharmaceuticalactivity.Wemadesomeimprovementsoveraprevioussynthesisandbelieveithaswiderapplicationsinorganicchemistry. Sincerely A.Author Aletterlikethisposesmorequestionsthanitanswersfortheeditor.Abetterstartmightbe:这只会把编辑弄晕,好的投稿信应该是下面这样的: CompoundXisapotentanticanceragent.However,upuntilnow,itcouldonlybeisolatedinsmallamountsfromPlantiusplanticus.OurtotalsynthesisgivescompoundXin99%yieldby… or WehavesynthesizedcatalystA,whichis75%moreefficientthancatalystsBandCfortheindustriallyimportanthydrolysisofY.Thisimprovementinefficiencyiscausedby… Technicaldetails(whereappropriate)willaddtotheeditor'sunderstandingofyourpaper,butbecarefulnottoputinanoverwhelmingsetofnumbersortoexaggerate.适当地写一些研究细节可以增加编辑对文章的了解,不过可别用得太多,也别夸大。 Lastly,suggestrefereeswhetherthejournalrequiresyoutoornot.Thisshowsyouhaveagoodknowledgeofyourfield.最后,记得推荐几个审稿人,不管那本刊是不是要求你推荐,这显得你比较内行。 Thebestcoverlettersareconciseandgiveaclearexplanationoftheadvancesanddiscoveriesmadeinthecourseoftheresearch.Remember,journalsreceivemanypapersperdayandeditorsseehundredsofmanuscriptsperyear,sotakeeveryopportunityyoucantogetyourworknoticed!最好的投稿信往往能能简单明了地概括作者的最新发现与取得的研究成果。编辑们每天面对的是成百上千的稿件,所以不要忽视投稿信这个小环节,它有机会让你脱颖而出哦! 来源: ChemistryViews 原文地址: http://www.chemistryviews.org/details/education/2687931/Tips_for_Writing_Better_Science_Papers_The_Cover_Letter_1.html
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热度 1 editage 2012-11-24 21:20
   先前的博文 收到了一个关于怎么写投稿信( cover letter )的问题,我想就在这篇博文讨论更多相关细节。大多数的期刊都要求在递交稿件时附上投稿信,可惜很多作者没注意到投稿信的影响力有多大,它给作者绝佳的机会与期刊编辑交流,让期刊编辑对文稿产生兴趣进一步审核。   大家都知道期刊编辑早被大量的投稿论文给淹没,要让他们留下深刻的第一印象是很重要的。《自然免疫学》( Nature Immunology ) 编辑部 谈到投稿信如何“开启作者与编辑的对话”和“满足期刊的口味”,简要来说,匆忙写出只包含论文题目、期刊名称、通讯作者联系方式这种基本信息的投稿信对投稿没什么价值,以下是一些投稿信应包含的要点: 论文题目和通讯作者信息 你的研究发现的简短摘要 :用 3 到 4 句将你的研究最重要的发现叙述出来,这时要尽量避免使用技术用语,主要目标是在现今的文献背景下架构你的发现,试着问自己以下问题厘清你研究的主要优势: ○ 我的研究对现在的知识增加什么价值? ○ 我的文章对同领域里关键文章的发现是反驳或是恭维? ○ 研究的创新点是什么? ○ 这个研究对未来有什么显著的影响? 投稿期刊的动机 :在研究大意之后,加上一句话说明为什么你的研究适合该期刊。这研究怎么符合期刊范畴?为何读者会感兴趣? 道德核准 :投稿信应交代研究相关的道德项目是否通过单位审核。如果是临床实验,须告知已获得患者知情同意并提供注册/核准编号(有些期刊会特别要求此项)。 利益冲突 :告知是否有任何潜在利益冲突。 原创性与作者同意 :最后,必须声明该文稿并未在其他期刊等待发表,以及作者已阅读全文并同意投稿至该期刊。   除了上面提到的几点,有些期刊会要求提供其他可帮助编辑审核论文的信息,请仔细阅读期刊格式规定。 属意与不属意评审员( Preferred and non-preferred reviewers ) :大部分的期刊鼓励作者提供属意与不属意的评审员,此举有助于加快评审流程。作者应谨慎选择评审员,他们不该有任何利益冲突且能够进行公正有价值的评估,同时也应提及谁因为利益冲突考量不适合担任评审员。不过评审员的最后选择权在期刊编辑手上,他们可能会接受你的建议,也可能不接受。 事前与期刊编辑的互动 :如果在事前的社交网络或会议上曾有任何期刊编辑表示过对你的研究感兴趣,记得写在投稿信中。在一些特殊情况或期刊特别允许下,投稿信可指名给该编辑。 类似工作 :如果你觉得你的研究极具开创性而且其他项目组可能会投稿类似的研究结果到其他地方,你可以要求编辑加快评审速度。不过,要小心提出这种要求,这可能会让编辑的态度更加谨慎。   以上为第一次投稿信的注意事项,你可参考 这篇博文 了解更多信息。   那么,处理完同行评审意见,再投稿的时候又该怎么写投稿信呢?这种情况下,你无需重复第一次投稿信已经提过的信息,在再投稿的投稿信中,你应该要感谢期刊编辑的评估与评审员的时间及意见,说明你是否同意评审员的意见与建议。如果有你不同意的地方,你应该要有逻辑的逐点反驳。   总之,记得投稿信可能是最好也是唯一可以宣传你的论文的机会,一封让人印象深刻的投稿信是让你的论文列入发表考虑的关键因素。 ∷ Eddy 博士国际期刊发表支持中心内容由 意得 辑 英文校对 专家 团队 支持提供 ∷ 【意得辑提供专业 英文论文编校 、 学术论文翻译 、 英文期刊发表一站式服务 www.editage.cn 】 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 此文同步刊载于 意得辑专家视点 频道: http://www.editage.cn/insights/写个有力的投稿信
个人分类: 国际期刊发表非难事|7693 次阅读|2 个评论
liwenbianji 2012-10-16 09:55
出版空间以及编辑关注度的竞争异常激烈。将原稿投送给杂志编辑,附上一封信“原稿请见附件”是远远不够的。投稿信是你与拟投杂志直接交流的机会。除了写明你的研究与众不同外,还应直接向总编辑说明为什么你的发现很重要及其应该在此杂志上发表的理由。 投 稿信应含有几个重要内容。具体内容可通过www.liwenbianji.cn/coverletter 链接下载。大家可根据批注中的建议起草你自己的投稿信,选择提出的句子类型替代括号中的句子。投稿信的格式几乎适用于所有投稿;当然,某些类别的论文需要 加入额外的内容。例如,关于临床试验数据的存储信息通常需要附上一份临床试验报告,提供你的序列数据进入公共数据库的信息。 查阅目标杂志 的《稿约》是每篇稿件的既定程序,其中很可能含有投稿信必须写入的内容。另外一个信息来源是杂志的投稿网页。尽管以下列出的内容以及关于“Edanz投稿 信模版”中描述的内容不一定完全都是这些目标杂志所要求的,但所有这些都是投稿信中必不可少的,因为这样做可引起编辑对你的关注。以下方法适用于投稿信的 撰写: • 一些杂志根据其刊出文章领域的不同进行编辑分工,你可以根据不同的领域,有时也可根据编辑的专业背景选择最合适的编辑。直接称呼收信编辑,如:“Dear Dr. Smith”。如果不能找到合适的编辑,可将投稿信写给总编辑。 • 信的开头应写出文章题目,希望文章在杂志的哪一个栏目或作为哪一个文章类别发表,以及投稿杂志的名称。 • 之后简单叙述研究背景与理论基础,说明研究目的以及开展的工作。然后简单描述研究成果。 • 接下来的段落很重要。你需要向研究界解释你的发现的意义,特别是对杂志读者的意义。如果你不能解释为什么该杂志读者会对你的发现感兴趣,你需要选择另一家 更合适的刊物,因为编辑只将他们认为会引起读者兴趣的文章送同行评议。研究一下你准备投稿杂志的“目标与刊出范围”会对你有帮助。 • 投稿信的最后一段应包含杂志所要求的声明或说明。这些通常包括关于利益冲突、基金资助与资助来源的声明,以及所有作者已阅读过并同意文章的内容以及未一稿多投的声明。每个作者的作者资格确认也是需要的。 • 最后,留下详细的通讯方式以及礼貌的结束语。 示例: 英文原文 The cover letter: your sales pitch Competition for publication space and for editors’ attention is now very high, and it is no longer sufficient to send a manuscript to a journal editor along with a letter saying little more than “please find my manuscript attached”. The cover letter is your opportunity to directly address the editor of your target journal. It can be used to set your study apart from others and directly explain to the editor why your findings are important and why they should be published in their journal. There are a number of important components of a cover letter, all of which should be included. These components are described in detail in Edanz Cover Letter Template, which is shown on the following page and can be downloaded from: www.liwenbianji.cn/coverletter. This template can be used to develop your own cover letters by following the suggestions in the comments and replacing the bracketed sentences with the types of sentences explained. The format of this letter is applicable for most if not all submissions, although additional sections may be required for some types of paper; for example, information about deposition of clinical trial data would most likely need to accompany a report of a clinical trial, and information about the deposition of sequence data into public databases would possibly need to be provided where such data has been obtained. As always, the target journal’s instructions to authors should be consulted; these will most likely outline the information that absolutely must be included in the cover letter. Another source of this information is the journal’s submission webpages. Although not all of the components listed below and described in the cover letter template will be described as required on the target journal’s webpages, all should be included in your letter, because to do so will increase your chances of grabbing the editor’s attention. The following principles apply to cover letter development: • Some journals have different editors for the different areas of research the journal covers and you can choose the most appropriate one based on area and occasionally also editor profiles. Address your letter personally to the appropriate editor, e.g., “Dear Dr. Smith”. If one cannot be readily identified, address your letter to the editor-in-chief. • Begin by providing the title of your manuscript, the section/publication type you would like to see it published as, and the name of the journal you are submitting it to. • You then need to provide a very brief background and rationale for your study, explaining why you did what you did. This can be followed by a brief description of the results. • The following paragraph is very important. You will need to explain the significance of your findings to the research community, and specifically to the readers of your target journal. If you find it difficult to explain why the readers of that journal would be interested in your findings, then you may need to select a more appropriate journal. Editors will only send papers to review that they think will be of interest to their readers. Studying the ‘aims and scope’ of your chosen journal might help with this. • The last paragraph of the letter should contain any statements or declarations required by the target journal. These usually include declarations of any conflicts of interest, grant support or other sources of funding, a statement that all authors have read and approved the manuscript and a statement that the same manuscript has not been submitted elsewhere. Confirmation of each author’s qualification for authorship may also be required. • Finally, include details for correspondence and a polite farewell. Example: Dr Daniel McGowan 分子神经学博士 理文编辑学术总监
3164 次阅读|0 个评论
liwenbianji 2012-5-29 09:52
出版空间以及编辑关注度的竞争异常激烈。将原稿投送给杂志编辑,附上一封信“原稿请见附件”是远远不够的。投稿信是你与拟投杂志直接交流的机会。除了写明你的研究与众不同外,还应直接向总编辑说明为什么你的发现很重要及其应该在此杂志上发表的理由。 投 稿信应含有几个重要内容。具体内容可通过www.liwenbianji.cn/coverletter 链接下载。大家可根据批注中的建议起草你自己的投稿信,选择提出的句子类型替代括号中的句子。投稿信的格式几乎适用于所有投稿;当然,某些类别的论文需要 加入额外的内容。例如,关于临床试验数据的存储信息通常需要附上一份临床试验报告,提供你的序列数据进入公共数据库的信息。 查阅目标杂志 的《稿约》是每篇稿件的既定程序,其中很可能含有投稿信必须写入的内容。另外一个信息来源是杂志的投稿网页。尽管以下列出的内容以及关于“Edanz投稿 信模版”中描述的内容不一定完全都是这些目标杂志所要求的,但所有这些都是投稿信中必不可少的,因为这样做可引起编辑对你的关注。以下方法适用于投稿信的 撰写: • 一些杂志根据其刊出文章领域的不同进行编辑分工,你可以根据不同的领域,有时也可根据编辑的专业背景选择最合适的编辑。直接称呼收信编辑,如:“Dear Dr. Smith”。如果不能找到合适的编辑,可将投稿信写给总编辑。 • 信的开头应写出文章题目,希望文章在杂志的哪一个栏目或作为哪一个文章类别发表,以及投稿杂志的名称。 • 之后简单叙述研究背景与理论基础,说明研究目的以及开展的工作。然后简单描述研究成果。 • 接下来的段落很重要。你需要向研究界解释你的发现的意义,特别是对杂志读者的意义。如果你不能解释为什么该杂志读者会对你的发现感兴趣,你需要选择另一家 更合适的刊物,因为编辑只将他们认为会引起读者兴趣的文章送同行评议。研究一下你准备投稿杂志的“目标与刊出范围”会对你有帮助。 • 投稿信的最后一段应包含杂志所要求的声明或说明。这些通常包括关于利益冲突、基金资助与资助来源的声明,以及所有作者已阅读过并同意文章的内容以及未一稿多投的声明。每个作者的作者资格确认也是需要的。 • 最后,留下详细的通讯方式以及礼貌的结束语。 示例: 英文原文 The cover letter: your sales pitch Competition for publication space and for editors’ attention is now very high, and it is no longer sufficient to send a manuscript to a journal editor along with a letter saying little more than “please find my manuscript attached”. The cover letter is your opportunity to directly address the editor of your target journal. It can be used to set your study apart from others and directly explain to the editor why your findings are important and why they should be published in their journal. There are a number of important components of a cover letter, all of which should be included. These components are described in detail in Edanz Cover Letter Template, which is shown on the following page and can be downloaded from: www.liwenbianji.cn/coverletter. This template can be used to develop your own cover letters by following the suggestions in the comments and replacing the bracketed sentences with the types of sentences explained. The format of this letter is applicable for most if not all submissions, although additional sections may be required for some types of paper; for example, information about deposition of clinical trial data would most likely need to accompany a report of a clinical trial, and information about the deposition of sequence data into public databases would possibly need to be provided where such data has been obtained. As always, the target journal’s instructions to authors should be consulted; these will most likely outline the information that absolutely must be included in the cover letter. Another source of this information is the journal’s submission webpages. Although not all of the components listed below and described in the cover letter template will be described as required on the target journal’s webpages, all should be included in your letter, because to do so will increase your chances of grabbing the editor’s attention. The following principles apply to cover letter development: • Some journals have different editors for the different areas of research the journal covers and you can choose the most appropriate one based on area and occasionally also editor profiles. Address your letter personally to the appropriate editor, e.g., “Dear Dr. Smith”. If one cannot be readily identified, address your letter to the editor-in-chief. • Begin by providing the title of your manuscript, the section/publication type you would like to see it published as, and the name of the journal you are submitting it to. • You then need to provide a very brief background and rationale for your study, explaining why you did what you did. This can be followed by a brief description of the results. • The following paragraph is very important. You will need to explain the significance of your findings to the research community, and specifically to the readers of your target journal. If you find it difficult to explain why the readers of that journal would be interested in your findings, then you may need to select a more appropriate journal. Editors will only send papers to review that they think will be of interest to their readers. Studying the ‘aims and scope’ of your chosen journal might help with this. • The last paragraph of the letter should contain any statements or declarations required by the target journal. These usually include declarations of any conflicts of interest, grant support or other sources of funding, a statement that all authors have read and approved the manuscript and a statement that the same manuscript has not been submitted elsewhere. Confirmation of each author’s qualification for authorship may also be required. • Finally, include details for correspondence and a polite farewell. Example: Dr Daniel McGowan 分子神经学博士 理文编辑学术总监
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liwenbianji 2011-10-21 18:12
出版空间以及编辑关注度的竞争异常激烈。将原稿投送给杂志编辑,附上一封信“原稿请见附件”是远远不够的。投稿信是你与拟投杂志直接交流的机会。除了写明你的研究与众不同外,还应直接向总编辑说明为什么你的发现很重要及其应该在此杂志上发表的理由。 投稿信应含有几个重要内容。具体内容可通过 http://www.liwenbianji.cn/coverletter 链接下载。大家可根据批注中的建议起草你自己的投稿信,选择提出的句子类型替代括号中的句子。投稿信的格式几乎适用于所有投稿;当然,某些类别的论文需要加入额外的内容。例如,关于临床试验数据的存储信息通常需要附上一份临床试验报告,提供你的序列数据进入公共数据库的信息。 查阅目标杂志的《稿约》是每篇稿件的既定程序,其中很可能含有投稿信必须写入的内容。另外一个信息来源是杂志的投稿网页。尽管以下列出的内容以及关于“Edanz投稿信模版”中描述的内容不一定完全都是这些目标杂志所要求的,但所有这些都是投稿信中必不可少的,因为这样做可引起编辑对你的关注。以下方法适用于投稿信的撰写: • 一些杂志根据其刊出文章领域的不同进行编辑分工,你可以根据不同的领域,有时也可根据编辑的专业背景选择最合适的编辑。直接称呼收信编辑,如:“Dear Dr. Smith”。如果不能找到合适的编辑,可将投稿信写给总编辑。 • 信的开头应写出文章题目,希望文章在杂志的哪一个栏目或作为哪一个文章类别发表,以及投稿杂志的名称。 • 之后简单叙述研究背景与理论基础,说明研究目的以及开展的工作。然后简单描述研究成果。 • 接下来的段落很重要。你需要向研究界解释你的发现的意义,特别是对杂志读者的意义。如果你不能解释为什么该杂志读者会对你的发现感兴趣,你需要选择另一家更合适的刊物,因为编辑只将他们认为会引起读者兴趣的文章送同行评议。研究一下你准备投稿杂志的“目标与刊出范围”会对你有帮助。 • 投稿信的最后一段应包含杂志所要求的声明或说明。这些通常包括关于利益冲突、基金资助与资助来源的声明,以及所有作者已阅读过并同意文章的内容以及未一稿多投的声明。每个作者的作者资格确认也是需要的。 • 最后,留下详细的通讯方式以及礼貌的结束语。 示例: 英文原文: The cover letter: your sales pitch Competition for publication space and for editors’ attention is now very high, and it is no longer sufficient to send a manuscript to a journal editor along with a letter saying little more than “please find my manuscript attached”. The cover letter is your opportunity to directly address the editor of your target journal. It can be used to set your study apart from others and directly explain to the editor why your findings are important and why they should be published in their journal. There are a number of important components of a cover letter, all of which should be included. These components are described in detail in Edanz Cover Letter Template, which can be downloaded from: http://www.liwenbianji.cn/coverletter This template can be used to develop your own cover letters by following the suggestions in the comments and replacing the bracketed sentences with the types of sentences explained. The format of this letter is applicable for most if not all submissions, although additional sections may be required for some types of paper; for example, information about deposition of clinical trial data would most likely need to accompany a report of a clinical trial, and information about the deposition of sequence data into public databases would possibly need to be provided where such data has been obtained. As always, the target journal’s instructions to authors should be consulted; these will most likely outline the information that absolutely must be included in the cover letter. Another source of this information is the journal’s submission webpages. Although not all of the components listed below and described in the cover letter template will be described as required on the target journal’s webpages, all should be included in your letter, because to do so will increase your chances of grabbing the editor’s attention. The following principles apply to cover letter development: • Some journals have different editors for the different areas of research the journal covers and you can choose the most appropriate one based on area and occasionally also editor profiles. Address your letter personally to the appropriate editor, e.g., “Dear Dr. Smith”. If one cannot be readily identified, address your letter to the editor-in-chief. • Begin by providing the title of your manuscript, the section/publication type you would like to see it published as, and the name of the journal you are submitting it to. • You then need to provide a very brief background and rationale for your study, explaining why you did what you did. This can be followed by a brief description of the results. • The following paragraph is very important. You will need to explain the significance of your findings to the research community, and specifically to the readers of your target journal. If you find it difficult to explain why the readers of that journal would be interested in your findings, then you may need to select a more appropriate journal. Editors will only send papers to review that they think will be of interest to their readers. Studying the ‘aims and scope’ of your chosen journal might help with this. • The last paragraph of the letter should contain any statements or declarations required by the target journal. These usually include declarations of any conflicts of interest, grant support or other sources of funding, a statement that all authors have read and approved the manuscript and a statement that the same manuscript has not been submitted elsewhere. Confirmation of each author’s qualification for authorship may also be required. • Finally, include details for correspondence and a polite farewell. Example: Dr Daniel McGowan 分子神经学博士 理文编辑学术总监
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[转载]COVER LETTER(投稿信)实用指南(经验经历分享)(转载零点花园)
tchaoke 2010-8-15 18:02
COVER LETTER(投稿信)实用指南(经验经历分享)(转载零点花园) 如何询问稿件及编辑答复! Dear Editor, I'm not sure if it is the right time to contact you again to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript(ref:****) although nearly one month have passed since I contacted you last time. I would be greatly appreciate if you could spend some of your time check the status for me. Best regards *** 老外的答复: Dear ***, Thank you for your e-mail. We would like to sincerely apologise for the long delay in reviewing your article. Your article was sent to many different referees, most of whom felt that they were either unqualified or their time was too restricted to review the paper. We understand that you must feel frustrated, and we are sorry for this. Please understand that we rely entirely on the referees to return articles to us speedily. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. It would be much appreciated if you could suggest an alternative referee for your article, a person who may be able to review the article in a more appropriate time frame. Please forward this person's contact details (e-mail address) to us as soon as possible. We will do our very best to speed up the process. We apologize for any inconvenience that you experienced due to this delay, and we appreciate your understanding and tried patience in this regard. 邀请函上没有老外签名,无法签证 背景介绍:老外的签名跟我们的盖章查不多,没有签名的东西是不正式 的,我去参加某次国际会议,签证的时候才发现,粗心的老外给我的邀 请函没有他的签名,我只好email 给她询问,并要求马上传真给我。 我的去信: Dear Ms. Rose: I'm Whyerect from China,who plans to participate the 11th International Symposium on Data Mining 2002 in Sydney. The poster number of my paper is 007. I found the 'OFFICIAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER' you sent to me was lack of your signature. I'm afraid this would cause some trouble when I go to the embassy for my visa. Could you please send me a fax or electronic version of OFFICIAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER with your autograph? Thank you! Regards Whyerect 老外的答复: Dear Whyerect: Thank you for your message. I am sorry that the corrected invitation has not reached you. I have requested a new mailing to be sent to you today. Best Regards, Rose 我的再去信: Dear Ms. Rose: could you please fax a copy of my acceptance letter fist so that I could have enough time for my visa application? The visa application will take me about 2-3 weeks according to the embassy. Thanks a lot! Regards Whyerect 老外的再答复: Dear Whyerect: The invitation letter for your presentation at SPIE's International Symposium Data Mining (22-27 October 2002) has been mailed. An Adobe acrobat pdf file of the letter is attached to this message for your use. We look forward to your participation in Sydney. Best regards, Rose 没有出席会议,索要论文集 背景:会议论文被录用,但没有出席会议,对方邮寄了光盘,询问是否 有纸质论文集。 我的去信: Dear Sean Thanks for sending the CD-ROM copy, but I have not received the book (the prodeedings), I want to know whether a book should be included . As you know, the printed copy would be more believable and useful as a reference,If I want one how much it cost? thank you Best wishes Jinke 对方回信: Hello Dr. A printed version is 125 plus whatever shipping and currency conversion costs. They can be ordered and paid for through the same route as previously. Cheers Dr. Sean D. Dessureault 2005 APCOM Chairman 产品中农药残留检测付费事宜 背景:我没有具体的和老外们联系讨论过什么投稿啊参加会议的事情, 但是有过很多和他们联系其他相关事宜的情况.以下是和某德国实验室 联系的E-mail,讨论的是在按照EP,产品中农药残留检测已经付相关费 用的问题.希望也可以对大家有所借鉴! 我的去信: Dear ****, I am oe work for ooCo., Ltd. I have recevied the fax about analysis payment. Could you give me detail information about your bank account. So that I can pay as soon as possible. Best Wishes, ***** 老外的回信: Dear *****, attached you find the invoice for the analysis of pesticide residues including bank account information. In case of any questions please don't hesitate to contact me. Best regards **** 版权转让声明及确认校样 背景:论文已被接收,编辑要求我提供签名的版权申明和确认校样,我 与编辑之间的通信。 我的去信: Dear editor, I've gone through this article and found a wrong word. The 143th line the word m shoud be the. I noted it in the query form. Please give me a back e-mail. Thank you very much. Best wishes. Yours, *** 老外的回复: Dear Dr. ***, I hereby acknowledge the safe receipt of the corrections. Thank you for your cooperation. Yours sincerely, **** 我的再去信: Dear ****, I've read carefully the 'Transfer of copyright agreement' and signed it. Now I e-mailed it to you.In addition,we will not order the offprints at the present time. Please send me a back e-mail if you receive this messenge. Thank you very much! Yours sincerely, *** 老外的再回复: 通知我版权申明已经收到 Dear ***, I hereby acknowledge the safe receipt of the signed copyright form. Thank you for your cooperation. Yours sincerely, **** 背景:老外发给我的审稿人意见及mail 老外的email: Dear***, Please find enclosed the re-review from one of the previous reviewers of your manuscript. As you can see, he is now in favor of publishing your article if you can modify your paper to answer his questions. If you feel that you can answer his questions appropriately, then please provide a revised manuscript based on the recommendations of the reviewers together with a disk or CD of the revision using a standard word processing program. You must also send along with the revision a cover letter that details your responses to each point in the reviewers' comments. Thank you once again for your interest in Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. I am sorry for the delay in processing your manuscript. Doinit L. Sr. 老外的审稿意见: Reviewer Comments for USAM 2005.6 Title of Paper: *** Authors: *** Ref. No. USAM2005.6 RECOMMENDATION: PUBLISH WITH REVISION I appreciate the progress and effort that the authors have made. I note some significant progress in this revised article. By replacing new with the word of simple, I take back my argument about the novelty of the method in making soft metal nanoparticles, because it is the first article that report to pulverizing Sn metal into the size as small as 50 nm. Maybe the word facile is more appropriate. I am still having trouble understanding the mechanism of the formation of Sn nanoparticle proposed by the author. Because the hardness of Sn is 1.5 in mineralogical scale, where Mg and Zn have 2.5 (Samsonov, G.V. Handbook of the Physicochemical Properties of the Elements IFI/Plenum, 1968, pp. 432), it is not surprising that Sn can be pulverizing into small particles under high-intensity of ultrasound. What I have trouble with is that the surface area should not be large enough to have the authors worried about in reducing the surface energy of particles with aggregation (I calculated the surface area of Sn particles at 50 nm is c.a. 12 m2/g). I really don't think the oxide coating and solvent molecules would depress the aggregation because I don't think there would be aggregation occurring. Overall, it is my opinion that the article should be published if the authors can clarify the question about the mechanism of aggregation. Please note that the references are not uniform in format from No 15 down. 投稿信 背景:我的投稿信 Dear Sir/Madam, I am submitting here a manuscript entitled **************. The manuscript consists of 10 pages of text, 2 pages of 4 figures, 1 page of 2 tables, 1 page of captions of figures. I would be grateful if the manuscript could be reviewed and considered for publication in your ****** . Yours sincerely, Prof. ******** 老外请我审稿 背景:小弟近来在本领域渐成气候,竟然有某知名国际期刊请我替某 编辑审稿,我以不熟悉该领域为由,拒绝了他,原文如下: 老外的来信: Dear Dr. ****** Research Paper ID # No.007, entitled **********, with Prof. Smith as corresponding author, has been submitted to the International Journal of ABC.I invite you to review this manuscript for one of our Editors, Dr. John. The abstract appears at the end of this email, along with the names of the authors. We normally expect reviews of Research Letters to be completed in two to three weeks, and reviews of other manuscript types to be completed in five to six weeks. Please let me know as soon as possible if you will be able to accept my invitation to review. If you are unable to review at this time, I would appreciate your recommending another expert referee. Please click the appropriate link at the bottom of the page to automatically register your reply with our online manuscript submission and review system. Once you accept my invitation to review this manuscript, you will receive an email of confirmation, and then the manuscript will be available for you to examine in your 'Referee Centre' in our IJABC - Manuscript Central website. The email will tell you how to access this and how to submit your review on-line. If you require any further assistance, please contact me at hello@ddmm.ac.de I realise that our expert referees greatly contribute to the high standards of our journal, and I thank you for your present and/or future participation. Yours sincerely **** 我的答复: Dear Dr. ***** I am afraid that I can not make it because I am not familar with this topic. I would be very happy to review papers that are close to my research interests, e.g. Support Vector Machine. Yours sincerely ****** 老外的再回信: Dear Dr. ****** Thank you for replying to my invitation to review manuscript ID # No.007 for the International Journal of ABC. It is unfortunate that you are unable to review this manuscript at this time. I will keep you in mind when future manuscripts come in that fall under your area of expertise. Yours sincerely ********* 讨论对方实验室资格的一些问题. 背景:下面是我将某个产品送到德国某个实验室,按照欧洲药典检测其 中的35 中农药残留的一些E-mail,主要是讨论方法验证以及对方的实验 室资格的一些问题. 对方的回复: Dear Dr. ***, Jack has still wishes (see below). Please would you provide a copy of an authorized license and send it directly to Mr. John at ** ***@hrm.com . Thank you very much in advance. Best regards, **** 我的去信: Professor ****, I have explained what you said to my colleagues and they agreed that additional validation is not necessary. However, would you like to contact ** to provide a authorized license? Maybe it is necessary when *** register in the other countries. For the testing report, writing the client as ***Co.,Ltd instead of ***Co., Ltd. Research and Development Center of Plant Medicine would be appreciated. Best regards. *** 对方的来信: Dear **, Please let me know whether the report about the pesticide analysis is OK now or not. Otherwise L*T cannot send the original of the report to H**. Best regards, G*r S*z 文章修改过程 背景介绍:老外发给我审稿人意见,我照着修改后发回。第一位审稿人 (主审),建议发表,但是提出了一些问题,主要是提出:有些问题原 文说明的不清楚或者机理解释的不合理,提供该方法的准确度、检测元 件使用寿命等专业问题,并且提出语言需要修改和打印的错误修订。第 二位审稿人(副审),建议发表,同样提出问题:机理解释有疑问,建 议进一步表征等。我回复主要是依据审稿人的意见逐条回复,可能有些 涉及专业词汇,基本上是一一对应。说明了修改了哪些内容,怎莫表示 的等等。需要说明的是,该文章已经发表并印刷出来。2003 IF 2.39 审稿人意见: Reviewers' comments: Reviewer #1: Major Revision This paper reports on the development of a stripping voltammetry procedure for the determination of thallium and cadmium in water using a modified glassy carbon electrode with a Langmuir-Blodgett film of p-allylcalix arene coating. The study is well planned and performed. Additionally, the topic that it covers is interesting; consequently, I feel that the paper merits publication in ACA, but with some revision. Following are some aspects for the authors to consider: 1 The characterization of Langmuir monolayers is made as usual through the measurement of the surface pressure versus area isotherms. Some characteristics of isotherms should be offered, i.e., the limiting area per molecule (it seems to be around 0.8 nm2/molecule from Figure 2) and the collapse pressure. Additionally, more information on LB film preparation should be included in 2.3 section (p. 5) related to the solutions used and their concentrations. 2 All reagents used for experimental work and the suppliers should be indicated in Section 2.2 (p.2), not only for the Tl2SO4 reagent. 3 The lifetime of the proposed electrode must be discussed with experimental data. 4 The central idea of this study is the development of a new non-mercury electrode for the stripping analysis of metals. This means, additionally, the correct study of potential interferent species to compare with conventional electrodes. The study of interferents must be improved by including more ions such as Pb(II), Bi(III), Ni(II) or Cu(II) and giving results in a new table. 5 The precision of the proposed procedure must be studied. 6 The applicability of procedure to drinking water is doubtful taking into account the detection limit found (1 mg.L-1) and the natural level of analytes in waters. In fact, the application that the authors offer is to spiked clean water (lake water and tap water). Did the authors consider potential application to polluted water? 7 As the authors propose the simultaneous determination of Tl and Cd and since Figure 4 suggests some overlapping of stripping g*L-1 level, it seems necessary ?voltamograms for both metals at a 150 to study the resolution of both signals in the lab, indicating the concentration range for both metals in which resolution is possible. 8 The heading of Table 1 indicates recovery and precision for the tap and lake water analyzed, but the table does not include data for precision. 9 The whole manuscript should be revised for some typewriting errors and the English should be improved. 10 In brief, I think that the idea is interesting but the authors need to improve some aspects of their work as indicated above n order to demonstrate its real feasibility. Reviewer #2: Minor Revision This is an interesting paper focusing on the use of LB films of calix arenes for the determination of thallium and cadmium. Its publication can be recommended, after considering the following points: 1) Why are they assuming that the calix arenes are interacting with the glassy carbon electrode through the phenolic groups, rather than through the hydrophobic aromatic allyl groups? This possibility would not be preferred using the LB technique? 2) The binding of the metal ions would not be more favorable at the lower rim OH groups? 3) Spectroscopic, and microscopy (SPM, TEM) investigation of the LB-Tl, Cd surfaces would be very informative in this case. 4) Considering that only one layer has been deposited, and the evidence provided by the authors that it remains permeable to large ions, such as ferrocyanide, how one can be sure that the metal deposition is not occurring at the surface holes? Otherwise, how a non conducting layer would mediate electron transfer in the reduction/stripping process? 5) A very interesting result would be the comparison between the behavior of the LB films of the t-butyl and allyl calix arenes. Language revision will be necessary. 我的回复: Following are our response about reviewers comment to our manuscript No ***-***-00**0: 1 The following sentence was additional among the text in order to contribute more information of LB film. The limiting area and collapsing pressure of p-allylcalix arene is 0.75 nm2 per molecule and 34mNm respectively on pure water was provided in section 3.1. Measurement of -A isotherms and preparation of LB monolayer were performed with JML-04 LB trough (Shanghai Zhongchen Company, P R China). The spreading solutions were prepared by dissolving about 1-2 mg of the compound in 10 ml of dichloromethane. All spreading solutions were kept at 5 C and renewed every 2 weeks. was provided in section 2.3. 2 CdCl2 and other chemicals were purchased from local company as analytical reagents and used without further purification. Therefore, this sentence will be appeared in the text. 3 The response of AllylCA-GCE did not change remarkably after two months. The lifetime of proposed electrode should be longer. We add the first sentence in our revision. 4 In order to make clear, one table about interferences will be appeared in our revision. 5 The precision of proposed procedure were given in the table 2. 6 We consider that this electrode can detect metal ion of polluted water. Unfortunately,suitable sullage sample was not found in our area. 7 We want to ensure they wont interfere with each other. It seems to the peak of thallium and cadmium could not be separated entirely for partly overlapping in Fig 4 A. 8 We calculate relative standard deviation of method and provided it in table 2. 9 we correct some typewriting errors which were appeared in our manuscript. 10 The molecular orientation can be controlled easily using LB technique. The type Z LB film means hydrophilic group interact with glassy carbon electrode. 11 We have done experiment on electrode modified with calixarene(pasted on the surface of GC electrode), that is, molecular orientation was arranged freely. The response decrease sharply. We suppose it can due to decreasing of amount of allyl group on the same area. Therefore, we supposed that would not happened 12 The spectroscopic or microscopy investigation is unnecessary base on the above reason. 13 Metal can be deposited on the surface hole. However, the response of bare electrode is much less than that of AllylCA-GCE. We suppose this can be neglected. 14 The ferrocyanide is the larger ion, and it can not permeate the calixarene cavity and exchange electron with electrode. However, the supporting electrolyte can permeate the cavity freely. 15 The electrode modified with LB film of p-tert-butylcalix arene cannot recognize thallium and cadmium at all. 16 We apologized for our poor English. We will try to improve it in revision. 17 In order to highlight the change what we have done, the color of text changed will become red. 要求减免版面费 背景:文章已经被接收 但是要交版面费 虽然是老板出 但咱是发展中 国家 能省就省这次减免费用是成功的 文章已经发表 编辑部来信: Dear Dr, Thank you for choosing to publish your work. Your manuscript will be forwarded to the printers next week. Also all manuscripts printed in Vol. 10, No. 4, 2005 will be available on our web site: www..org.pl soon. We inform you that page charges:10 printed pages x $20 per page = $200 (two hundred US dollars) plus postage should be transferred to our account. You will receive 50 free reprints. If you would like to order extra 50 reprints you may do so at an extra charge of $100.00 (one hundred US dollars) plus postage. We will send you an invoice. Please let us know how many reprints do you order and to whom the invoice should be send. If you want to pay by credit card, please, let us know, I will send you a form to fill in. Best regards, 我的回信: Dear Editor: We are glad to see that our paper will be published in . Thanks a million for your work. Although we have been supported by an external grant source, we must admit that it is not enough money to pay page charges We hope to waive page charges expect for payments for language corrections and color figures. Best wishes, Authors: 编辑回信: Dear Dr , After discussion of your special case all three Editors agreed to cover partially your page charges. We inform you that page charges will be: 10 printed pages x $5 per page = $50 (fifty US dollars) plus postage ($40), total $90 (ninety US dollars).Please let us know the address of the institution which will pay the bill and to whom the invoice and reprints should be sent. Best regards, 文章被初步接收 背景:投送文章被初步接收 老外的来信: Dear*, Reviewers have now commented on your paper. You will see that they are advising that you revise your manuscript. If you are prepared to undertake the work required, I would be pleased to reconsider my decision. For your guidance, reviewers' comments are appended below. In addition to the modifications requested by the Editor you should add the names of ALL the authors in the list of references (unless they are really too many, for instance over 12-15. If you decide to revise the work, please submit a list of changes or a rebuttal against each point which is being raised when you submit the revised manuscript. Yours sincerely, Managing Editor 附:审稿人意见 Reviewers' comments: Reviewer #1: Ms. Ref. No.: GENE-D-05-00014 1) I do not understand why the authors refer to Komaguchi et al (who cloned the chicken Lmbr1 gene) as our lab, since any of the authors are common. 2) To complete Fig. 1 please mark the position of Primer 13 (R) 3) Page 17 line 14, should be gAA gAB gBB 4) Page 25 line 18, should be 1254C1255G 我的回信: Dear Managing Editor: We have revised the manuscript according to reviewers' and your comments. In this revision, all the authors have been listed in the references. In our point-by-point response attached below, reviewer comment is in larger fonts (12 pt) and our response is in smaller fonts (10 pt). In addition, Title and Coauthors have several changes. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you. Reviewer #1: MS. Ref. No.: GENE-D-05-00014 1) I do not understand why the authors refer to Komaguchi et al (who cloned the chicken Lmbr1 gene) as our lab, since any of the authors are common. Revised. 2) To complete Fig. 1 please mark the position of Primer 13 (R) Revised. 3) Page 17 line 14, should be gAA gAB gBB Revised. 4) Page 25 line 18, should be 1254C1255G Revised. ******* melody 提供的催稿信模板 Dear Dr. ***: I'm not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled **** (Ms. Ref. No.: ****) although the status of with editor for my manuscript have been lasting for more than ***** weeks. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been send to reviewers or not? Best regards *** 我的一封投稿信 Dear Editor: This was my article for your magazinePreparation and Structure Characterization of Long Single Crystalline CuO Nanoribbons In this communication, we have developed a novel simple and convenient route to the abundant synthesis of long CuO nanoribbons on conducting Aluminium substrate. TEM and XRD studies indicated that these CuO nanoribbons were single crystal with single crystalline plane of monoclinic {111}. The nanoribbons obtained are about several hundreds nanometers in width, from tens to one hundred nanometers in thickness and their length can be up to one hundred microns. Because these CuO nanoribbons not only are perfect single crystalline but also are single crystalline plane, they can be expected to have special properties and purpose, such as nanoelectronic device and heterogeneous catalyst etc. In addition, the novel method seems can also be used to prepare 1D nanostructures of other metallic oxides. yours sincerely ************** 我的知识产权证明 Dear editors: I am a Dr of **** University in China. Now I will submit my manuscript entitled Fabrication of Copolymer(core)-Palladium(shell) Composite Microspheres and Their Successful Application to the Solvent-Free Heck Reactions to Chemical Engineering Science, and none of the work has been published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. This manuscript presents an in-suit synthetic method for the preparation of Poly (St-co-MAA)(core)-Pd(shell) composite microspheres with dense Pd shells coated on their surface. The wall thickness could be controlled in the range of 30-50nm by this coating process. The composite spheres showed very good catalytic activities in Heck coupling reactions and can be reused many times without loss of its catalytic activities in the absence of organic solvent This method will attract great interest in the preparation of other copolymer(core)-metal(shell) nanomaterials. So, I think this manuscript is suitable for it. I would be very happy if I can get your reply as soon as possible. If there are any questions, please contact with me. Authors: *****, *****@yahoo.com.cn Tel: +86-***-2852533 Fax: +86-***-2852533 Current address: The Key Laboratory for Special Functional Materials, ****** Corresponding author: ****** The software used: Microsoft word 2000 (text file), Photoshop 6.0 Yours Sincerely ******** Oct,20, 2004 也是投稿信 背景:我以前的老美老板写的投稿信,非常简单 Editorial Office Journal of Physical Chemistry Gentlemen: I submit the letter, xxxxx题目, by 作者. It contains our findings on the attachment of gold nanoparticles to functionalzied multiwalled carbon nanotubes. My coauthors and I believe that this new information, on a subject relevant to nanophase physical chemistry, merits consideration for publication in The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. It has not been submitted elsewhere My coauthors and I offer the following people as possible reviewers: Prof. xxx Chemistry Department University of xxx xxxxx E-mail: xxa@ xx.xx.edu Prof. xx xx School of Engineering and Electronic The Scottish Microelectronics Centre University of Edinburgh King's Buildings West Mains Road Edinburgh, EH9 3JF UK Email: xx.xx@ed.ac.uk Prof. xx xxx Unit de Chimie des Matriaux Inorganiques et Organiques Universit Catholique de Louvain Place Louis Pasteur 1/3 B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, E-mail: xxxx@chim.ucl.ac.be We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours, 投稿人 还是投稿信 背景:我的投稿信 Dear Dr. **** We would like to submit our paper entitled ***** to *****. The present work has not been published elsewhere and is not being submitted to any other journal. We will appreciate very much if the present paper can be reviewed critically and any comment, suggestion and advice from the reviewers will be welcome. Correspondence and phone calls about the paper should be directed to **** at the following address, phone and fax number, and e-mail address: Enclosure: 1. An original and three copies of the manuscript; 投稿信及编辑回复 背景情况:各位虫友,大家好!下面是我刚投稿的一点历经,分享给大 家! 我的投稿信: Dear Editor: Enclosed are three copies of a manuscript by *** titled***.It is submitted to be considered for publication as aOriginal Article in your journal.This paper is neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere .It is not being submitted to any other journal.We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal because it provides valuable data and a new method to predict ***. Correspondence and phone calls about the paper should be directed to *** at the following address,phone and fax number,and e-mail address: ***,Doctoral candidate of structure engineering, Dept. of Structural Engineering, *** University, ** Road, ***, P. R. China. Tel:***; Fax:***; E-mail::*** Thanks very much for your attention to our paper. Sincerely yours, 编辑部回复: Ms. Ref. No.: ***-D-06-*** Title: *** Engineering Structures Dear ***, Your submission entitled *** will be handled by Editor *** . You may check on the progress of your paper by logging on to the Elsevier Editorial System as an author. The URL is http://ees.elsevier.com . Your username is: *** Your password is: *** Thank you for submitting your work to this journal. Kind regards, 背景情况:论文审阅以后迟迟未收到审稿人的意见,询问网上系统是否 出了问题。 我的去信: Dear Darren Spencer From Editor I knew the review have completed and uploaded their revised advice the online system around November 2. But I did not get it. So please get the revised advice from the editor. I expect you can send these information to my mailbox. Thank you very much. your sincerely 对方回信: Dear , Thank you for your reply. Please be advised that I have requested that the handling editor of the paper to forward you on the reviewer comments so that you will be able to submit your revised submission. If you require any further assistance then please feel free to contact me. Yours sincerely, ********* 又一封投稿信 Dear Editor William Pennington, We want to submit our manuscript with the title ************** to your esteemed journal. The paper contains 18 pages, 2 tables, 5 figures and Supplementary material and here enclosed are three hard copies. In this paper, we studied the synthesis, structure and characters of **************. To the best of our knowledge, such ************** with ************** has been reported uncommonly previously. Therefore, we consider that this work is new, and fit for publication in **************. We promise that the paper is not submitted to any other journals. We really appreciate you if you can have it reviewed by the referees. Thanks a lot. If you have any thing, please contact us. E-mail: **************. Tel: **************; Fax: **************. With best regards Yours sincerely, ************** 减免版面费 背景情况:论文审阅后同意接受,但要求我交纳一定的版面费,我没有 交,是这样给他回信的!很短的一句话把老外给搞定了! Dear Editors: As there is no budget for publication charge in our research,I cannot afford to pay the page,so that I would like to request for the waiver. 英语论文写作常用经典句子 背景情况:我早就发过这个帖子了,虽然和这次的要求不太一样,但是 也可以参考嘛!!!! 英语论文写作常用经典句子 Beginning In this paper, we focus on the need for This paper proceeds as follow. The structure of the paper is as follows. In this paper, we shall first briefly introduce fuzzy sets and related concepts To begin with we will provide a brief background on the Introduction This will be followed by a description of the fuzzy nature of the problem and a detailed presentation of how the required membership functions are defined. Details on xx and xx are discussed in later sections. In the next section, after a statement of the basic problem, various situations involving possibility knowledge are investigated: first, an entirely possibility model is proposed; then the cases of a fuzzy service time with stochastic arrivals and non fuzzy service rule is studied; lastly, fuzzy service rule are considered. Review This review is followed by an introduction. A brief summary of some of the relevant concepts in xxx and xxx is presented in Section 2. In the next section a brief view of the .... is given. In the next section, a short review of ... is given with special regard to ... Section 2 reviews relevant research related to xx. Section 1.1 briefly surveys the motivation for a methodology of action, while 1.2 looks at the difficulties posed by the complexity of systems and outlines the need for development of possibility methods. Body Section 1 defines the notion of robustness, and argues for its importance. Section 1 devoted to the basic aspects of the FLC decision making logic. Section 2 gives the background of the problem which includes xxx Section 2 discusses some problems with and approaches to, natural language understanding. Section 2 explains how flexibility which often ... can be expressed in terms of fuzzy time window Section 3 discusses the aspects of fuzzy set theory that are used in the ... Section 3 describes the system itself in a general way, including the ..and also discusses how to evaluate system performance. Section 3 describes a new measure of xx. Section 3 demonstrates the use of fuzzy possibility theory in the analysis of xx. Section 3 is a fine description of fuzzy formulation of human decision. Section 3, is developed to the modeling and processing of fuzzy decision rules The main idea of the FLC is described in Section 3 while Section 4 describes the xx strategies. Section 3 and 4 show experimental studies for verifying the proposed model. Section 4 discusses a previous fuzzy set based approach to cost variance investigation. Section 4 gives a specific example of xxx. Section 4 is the experimental study to make a fuzzy model of memory process. Section 4 contains a discussion of the implication of the results of Section 2 and 3. Section 4 applies this fuzzy measure to the analysis of xx and illustrate its use on experimental data. Section 5 presents the primary results of the paper: a fuzzy set model .. Section 5 contains some conclusions plus some ideas for further work. Section 6 illustrate the model with an example. Various ways of fuzzification and the reasons for their choice are discussed very briefly in Section 2. In Section 2 are presented the block diagram expression of a whole model of human DM system In Section 2 we shall list a collection of basic assumptions which a ... scheme must satisfy. In Section 2 of this paper, we present representation and uniqueness theorems for the fundamental measurement of fuzziness when the domain of discourse is order dense. In Section 3, we describe the preliminary results of an empirical study currently in progress to verify the measurement model and to construct membership functions. In Section 5 is analyzed the inference process through the two kinds of inference experiments... This Section In this section, the characteristics and environment under which MRP is designed are described. We will provide in this section basic terminologies and notations which are necessary for the understanding of subsequent results. Next Section The next section describes the mathematics that goes into the computer implementation of such fuzzy logic statements. However, it is cumbersome for this purpose and in practical applications the formulae were rearranged and simplified as discussed in the next section. The three components will be described in the next two section, and an example of xx analysis of a computer information system will then illustrate their use. We can interpret the results of Experiments I and II as in the following sections. The next section summarizes the method in a from that is useful for arguments based on xx Summary This paper concludes with a discussion of future research consideration in section 5. Section 5 summarizes the results of this investigation. Section 5 gives the conclusions and future directions of research. Section 7 provides a summary and a discussion of some extensions of the paper. Finally, conclusions and future work are summarized The basic questions posed above are then discussed and conclusions are drawn. Section 7 is the conclusion of the paper. Chapter 0. Abstract A basic problem in the design of xx is presented by the choice of a xx rate for the measurement of experimental variables. This paper examines a new measure of xx in xx based on fuzzy mathematics which overcomes the difficulties found in other xx measures. This paper describes a system for the analysis of the xx. The method involves the construction of xx from fuzzy relations. The procedure is useful in analyzing how groups reach a decision. The technique used is to employ a newly developed and versatile xx algorithms. The usefulness of xx is also considered. A brief methodology used in xx is discussed. The analysis is useful in xx and xx problem. A model is developed for a xx analysis using fuzzy matrices. Algorithms to combine these estimates and produce a xx are presented and justified. The use of the method is discussed and an example is given. Results of an experimental applications of this xx analysis procedure are given to illustrate the proposed technique. This paper analyses problems in This paper outlines the functions carried out by ... This paper includes an illustration of the ... This paper provides an overview and information useful for approaching Emphasis is placed on the construction of a criterion function by which the xx in achieving a hierarchical system of objectives are evaluated. The main emphasis is placed on the problem of xx Our proposed model is verified through experimental study. The experimental results reveal interesting examples of fuzzy phases of : xx,xx The compatibility of a project in terms of cost, and xx are likewise represented by linguistic variables. A didactic example is included to illustrate the computational procedure Chapter 1. Introduction Time Over the course of the past 30 years, .. has emerged form intuitive Technological revolutions have recently hit the industrial world The advent of ... systems for has had a significant impact on the The development of ... is explored During the past decade, the theory of fuzzy sets has developed in a variety of directions, The concept of xx was investigated quite intensively in recent years There has been a turning point in ... methodology in accordance with the advent of ... A major concern in ... today is to continue to improve... A xx is a latecomer in the part representation arena. At the time of this writing, there is still no standard way of xx Although a lot of effort is being spent on improving these weaknesses, the efficient and effective method has yet to be developed. The pioneer work can be traced to xx . To date, none of the methods developed is perfect and all are far from ready to be used in commercial systems. Objective / Goal / Purpose The purpose of the inference engine can be outlined as follows: The ultimate goal of the xx system is to allow the non experts to utilize the existing knowledge in the area of manual handling of loads, and to provide intelligent, computer aided instruction for xxx. The paper concerns the development of a xx The scope of this research lies in The main theme of the paper is the application of rule based decision making. These objectives are to be met with such thoroughness and confidence as to permit ... The objectives of the ... operations study are as follows: The primary purpose/consideration/objective of The ultimate goal of this concept is to provide The main objective of such a ... system is to The aim of this paper is to provide methods to construct such probability distribution. In order to achieve these objectives, an xx must meet the following requirements: In order to take advantage of their similarity more research is still required before final goal of ... can be completed In this trial, the objective is to generate... for the sake of concentrating on ... research issues A major goal of this report is to extend the utilization of a recently developed procedure for the xx. For an illustrative purpose, four well known OR problems are studied in presence of fuzzy data: xx. A major thrust of the paper is to discuss approaches and strategies for structuring ..methods This illustration points out the need to specify The ultimate goal is both descriptive and prescriptive. Chapter 2. Literature Review A wealth of information is to be found in the statistics literature, for example, regarding xx A considerable amount of research has been done .. during the last decade A great number of studies report on the treatment of uncertainties associated with xx. There is considerable amount of literature on planning However, these studies do not provide much attention to undertainty in xx. Since then, the subject has been extensively explored and it is still under investigation as well in methodological aspects as in concrete applications. Many research studies have been carried out on this topic. Problem of xx draw recently more and more attention of system analysis. Attempts to resolve this dilemma have resulted in the development of Many complex processes unfortunately, do not yield to this design procedure and have, therefore, not yet been automated. Most of the methods developed so far are deterministic and /or probabilistic in nature. The central issue in all these studies is to The problem of xx has been studied by other investigators, however, these studies have been based upon classical statistical approaches. Applied ... techniques to Characterized the ... system as Developed an algorithm to Developed a system called ... which Uses an iterative algorithm to deduce Emphasized the need to Identifies six key issues surrounding high technology A comprehensive study of the .. has been undertaken Much work has been reported recently in these filed Proposed Presented State that Point out that the problem of Described Illustrated Indicated Has shown / showed Address Highlights A study on ...was done / developed by and is The system developed by ' model draws attention to evolution in human development . Studies have been completed to established The ...studies indicated that Though application of xx in the filed of xx has proliferated in recent years, effort in analyzing xx, especially xx, is lacking. Problem / Issue / Question Unfortunately, real-world engineering problems such as manufacturing planning do not fit well with this narrowly defined model. They tend to span broad activities and require consideration of multiple aspects. Remedy / solve / alleviate these problems ... is a difficult problem, yet to be adequately resolved Two major problems have yet to be addressed An unanswered question This problem in essence involves using x to obtain a solution. An additional research issue to be tackled is .... Some important issues in developing a ... system are discussed The three prime issues can be summarized: The situation leads to the problem of how to determine the ... There have been many attempts to It is expected to be serious barrier to It offers a simple solution in a limited domain for a complex problem. There are several ways to get around this problem. As difficult as it seems to be, xx is by no means new. The problem is to recognize xx from a design representation. A xx problem can trace its roots to xx. xx used a heuristic approach to simplify the complexity of the problem 我的一次投稿过程 我的一次投稿过程 投稿后的第一次编辑来信 Dear Dr , I would like you to kindly email me an electronic version of your manuscript entitled: which was submitted for publication in (please, note the new reference number) Please, note that your manuscript was not formatted properly.You will find instructions for proper formatting appended hereafter. With my kindest regards, ******** Editor-in-Chief 我修改后的回信: Dear Editor, Four months ago I submitted my manuscript entitled: which was submitted for publication in . But my manuscript was not formatted properly. Therefore,I received your email. Now, I have revised my manuscript and send an electronic file to you. I can most easily be contacted at the following: E-mail sddress: or Postal address: Yours sincerely, 编辑收到后的又一次回信: Dear Dr , I thank you for sending the file, you should be hearing from me again in a couple of weeks concerning its review. With my kind regards, *********** 15 天后编辑的最后回信: Dear Dr. , I wish to inform you that your manuscript entitled: which was submitted for publication in , has been carefully reviewed by two independent referees. Both referees have expressed the opinion that, unfortunately, the research presented in your manuscript does not fall within the scope of the journal While I presently cannot accept this manuscript for publication, I thank you for submitting your work to . I will be pleased to receive other manuscripts from you in the future. With my kindest regards, ********* 背景情况:2005 年11 月,我参加了一个国际会议,中间与一个ISO 专 家用憋脚的英语说了几句话,后来我给他发mail 希望能得到他的讲稿。 我的原信: Dear ****: In Nov 4 afternoon, your speaking was excellent, I'm very interested in your lecture. Can you E-mail a copy and its ppt to me? Waiting for your letter. Best wishes,. Yours sincerely ******** 老外的友好答复: 老外过了几天才给我回信,信中说明自己为什么回信完了,并向我致歉, 内容如下: Dear Mr. ******, I sincerely apologize for the delay in my response, but I have been extremely busy following my participation in the RFID China Forum last month. I had a number of critical activities with corporate, ISO and EPCglobal which required significant international travel. As requested, please note the attached file representing my presentation at the event on 4 November 2005. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require additional information. Best regards! ********* ________________________________________________ 后面还留了他的详细地址、电话和E-mail。 一次失败的投稿过程 背景情况:最近运气不济,投稿总退,今天又被退了,各位仁兄多提宝贵意 见和建议. 我的投稿信: Dear editor, I on behalf of my co-authors submit our manuscript entitled ******** to your esteemed journal ******** as a communication. In this communication, we reported ******** and ******** , respectively, resulting from ********* . More importantly, the ********* represents the *********, which is highly significant to the *********. In addition, we promise that the paper is not submitted to any other journals. Thanks a lot. Yours sincerely, ******** 半月后编辑部退稿信: Dear Professor Ref.:********* Title : ********* Thank you for choosing to submit your article for consideration for publication in *********. I regret to inform you however, that your article will not be considered further. Communications are preliminary accounts of original and significant work and therefore rapid publication must be justified. I am sorry to say that on this occasion your article will undergo no further processing. The rejection rate for Communications submitted to ******** is ~65 %. I am sorry we could not be of further assistance on this occasion. Yours sincerely ********* 对国外杂志投稿时如何写emai(最基本的也是第一步)转帖! 背景介绍:对国外杂志投稿的时候,一般都是使用email 投递,除了正 文文章作为附件发送以外,还需要写一封信,叫cover letter,一封好的 cover letter 可以起到很好的作用,就好比你求职的时候的自荐信,要吸 引住编辑的眼球,你就成功一半了。国外杂志编辑的权利很大,基本决 定你的生死。cover letter 的内容主要需要想编辑详细的介绍你的文章的 主要内容,突出文章的创新性,价值,还有你为什么要发表这篇文章, 还可以简要指出目前该领域的发展方向,最好你的文章就是朝向这个方 向的。其他就是常规要求了,用语恰当,格式规范等。 投稿信模板: Dear Dr. Enclosed are three copies of a manuscript by Rose N .Dipaola,Donna A.Gallo,and Tom N.Roberts titledHepatitis C Virus Infection in Long-Term Transfusion Patients.It is submitted to be considered for publication as aOriginal Article in your journal.This paper is~?Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere .It is not being submitted to any other journal. We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal because the study it reports stated the HCV infection rate among long-term transfusion patients is higher than that of the general population and of short-term transfusion patients. Correspondence and phone calls about the paper should be directed to Rose N.Dipaola at the following address,phone and fax number,and e-mail address: Rose N .Dipaola,MD Institute of Internal Medicine Cleveland Clinic Foundation 9500 Euclid Ave. Cleveland,OH44195,USA Tel:1-216-444-5360 Fax:1-216-444-9580 E-mail:dipao@cesmtp .ccf. Org Thanks very much for your attention to our paper. Sincerely yours, Rose N.Dipaola Westwolf 提供的投稿经验(1) 到这里来确实收获不小,斑竹whyerect建议发一些老外的与投稿相关的 信件。我会在这里陆续在这里登出来供各位参考。 背景一:接到同行邀请参加会议,如果你的经费不是很足,希望得到资 助,委婉一些提出要求。 Dear Professor ***: Thank you for your invitation. My colleagues and I will consider whether we have anything appropriate to present and will come to a decision within the next few days. The ACS web site is devoid of any information on the symposium you mention, and the description in your letter is not very clear. It would appear that you are attempting to interest the ACS in a new area, and I hope you succeed. However, it would help in my decision if you could be a bit clearer. What is expected from me? Is it something new or a review of the previous findings of my group? In addition, attending this meeting was not something I planned on. This means that my limited budget will not stand the extra strain. Therefore, it would help if I knew of any possibilities to defray participation costs. I look forward to hearing from you. **** 背景二:稿件被拒了,很生气,与主编辩论(最终这篇稿子是发了) 我的去信: From: ******** Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2008 3:14 PM To: ddmm@abc.edu Subject: Message for ****l A little earlier, I received an email message from your office rejecting the manuscript I submitted as SUSC_edwardsacher_20020322/1, editorial reference number SS 02192. Needless to say, I was surprised at not being given the opportunity to rebut. Now that I have read the referees' comments, I am doubly surprised. Consider Referee A. His sole disagreement, without offering reasons to the contrary, is that the phenomena we find are attributed to several different free radicals formed on bond breaking. He argues that stable free radicals in graphite exist only in vacancies and at surfaces. We agree. Where we appear to disagree is whether or not the breaking of a C-C bond creates a vacancy: his point of view, as stated in his comment, is that such free radicals rejoin to reform bonds. Unfortunately, literature data going back many decades prove him wrong. I presume that Referee A is from the group that wrote reference 21 in the manuscript since they note that one of their four attributions is given incorrectly in the manuscript. I thank him for catching it; it will be corrected in the next version. Now, consider Referee B. Of his list of major points, the first asks for clearer referencing, the next four ask that residuals and error bars be included in several plots, the sixth (erroneously numbered 5) asks for a clarification in a figure and the last questions the applicability of a reference. While Referee A may not like our free radical formation mechanism, neither he nor Referee B (who doesn't mention it at all) has refuted it or offered evidence as to why it may not be so. It is interesting to note that we, the authors, have, in fact done so in the middle of p. 12 of our manuscript, where we offer several interesting opposing views. Furthermore, our evidence for the presence of free radicals is not questioned, nor is our N hybridization scheme ( which has never appeared in previous papers on the subject). Also not discussed are the supporting results of the Raman and TOF-SIMS studies. Based on all this, and more I will not spend time discussing, we find it difficult to understand how you could possibly reject the manuscript without the opportunity to revise it. Could you explain your decision? I look forward to hearing from you. *** 编辑的回复: Dear Dr. ***, Thank you for your message below. I understand your concern. I was most troubled by the incorrect listings in Table I of all four components from Reference 21. Your letter says that the error was only in one of the four, but they all look different to me and apparently to the referee. There were also a number of other features which seemed to be easily found errors that gave me great concern not by the importance of any single error but rather by their frequency and the fact that they should really have been caught by the authors before submission. Sincerely, ******** 我的再去信: Thank you for responding so quickly. I have read your comment and compared it with the comments of the referees. I must disagree with your contention that all four of the attributions taken from reference 21 are in error. In fact, if you glance at reference 21, pages 325-327, you will find their discussion of the attributions of others to the N1s peaks, and their assessments of those attributions. They are unclear as to their own view and never state it clearly; we tried to give what we thought it was, which is probably why Referee A made his comment. However, we call your attention to the first sentence of the last paragraph of the discussion, which begins with the words, While we cannot definitely assign the N1s peaks ...... If, indeed, Referee A is a member of the team that wrote reference 21, the ideas expressed in his comment must have originated later. I submit that this is not a cause for rejection of the manuscript. Further, the comments of Referee B do not concern easily found errors; rather, they concern the addition of residuals and error bars, whose purpose is to enhance and clarify our manuscript. Certainly, this is typical of requests made for revision. As I noted in yesterday's letter, none of this warrants rejection. Indeed, neither of the referees mentioned it. Therefore, I request your permission to submit a revised manuscript. Could you tell me how to do this? Many thanks. *** 。。。。(再后来的信件我没有保存下) 背景三:文章要求修改,而且力度不小 评委的意见 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX REFEREE COMMENTS: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX A-2 REVIEW Suggestions and comments: Paper gives a new assignment for the C1s and N1s XPS components of the CNx thin layer. The authors discuss it from a view point of sp and sp2 hybridization in the compound. Although I cannot believe their conclusion for the solid, reader will judge whether it is reasonable or not. Thus the paper should be published in order to open the discussion. I feel, however, there are too many figures in the paper. The Residual plots in Fig. 2a and 2b are unnecessary at least. In the manuscript obtained by down loading the PDF file, there are many mistypes, probably occurred in the transfer process. In the manuscript, 1. many hyphens or minus signals, and power components are dropped from the manuscript. 2. ri ented ? oriented ( in Abstract, page 1) 3. id ? did (page 2, line 18) 4. neighbor s ? neighbors (page 2, line 22) 5. tho se ? those (page 5, line 8) 6. peak f ? peak of (page 12, line 21) 7. +? ? N+? (page 12, line 25, page 13, line 1, Table II) 8. 3N4 ? C3N4 (page 14, line 20) B-2 REVIEW: Surface Science paper by: D.-Q. Yang, E. Sacher, A spectroscopic study of CNx formation by the keVN2+. (SS02192) Authors have plot residuals in Figure 2a, as it has been asked. However the residuals clearly show peaks instead of being straight line (the line of residual has wiggles see top of Fig. 2a). This indicates that the peak fitting was not done correctly. To get the straight line the number of peaks or/and their positions and widths need to be determined correctly. Introduction of a new peak means that a new chemical component is present and when a new position of the peak is introduced it means that a different chemical component is present (this mean that a different interpretation of data have to be done to current one in the paper). Therefore, since all analysis and interpretation of the data in this paper relay on this fitting procedure - I do not believe to current interpretation of the data given in this paper. In my opinion much better analysis of data is needed and/or the data needs to be taken with a better resolution so that peaks in C1s core level are resolved before it is worth publishing in Surf. Sci. 修改说明: Dear Professor Campbell: I submit the revised manuscript, A spectroscopic study of CNx formation by the keV N2+ irradiation of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite surfaces, as well as nine revised figures. The revision was carried out as a result of the comments of the two reviewers. Detailed comments follow. Referee A As the reviewer notes, we do, indeed, attribute all the implanted N components to free radicals. As we noted, the free radicals are initially produced on bond cleavage by the irradiating beam., as we have previously shown. The N can only react with these chain end fragments, retaining, at least to some extent, the free radical character of the original fragments. Since the production of free radicals by hemolytic scission has been known for many decades, we see no reason to defend this point. The reviewers next point has to do with the N1s XPS attributions used in the paper by Kusunoki et al. When one reads reference 21, pages 325-327, one finds their discussion of the attributions of others to the N1s peaks, and their assessments of those attributions. They are unclear as to their own view and never state it clearly; we tried to give what we thought it was, which is probably why Referee A made his comment. However, we call your attention to the first sentence of the last paragraph of the Discussion, which begins with the words, While we cannot definitely assign the N1s peaks ...... If, indeed, Referee A is a member of the team that wrote reference 21, the ideas expressed in his comment must have originated later. For this reason, we have changed our attributions in the text, as well as in Table I, to agree with those of the reviewer, and note its subsequent communication. Referee B Major point 1: The difficulty here appears to be with the phraseology. What we meant was that the attributions from many sources contradict each other; since they cannot all be correct, many of the attributions are obviously in error. We have reworded this to make it clearer. Major point 2: The reviewer asks to see residuals. This is easy to do, since we always use residuals in our peak fitting. Thus, we have replaced the figures with those showing residuals. Further, we have added a paragraph to the Experimental section, to indicate the philosophy used in employing the residuals. This was done to avoid any confusion with the criteria employed. Major point 3: The reviewer is concerned with the use of a straight line to represent the data in Fig 5a, and wishes to see error bars. So as not to confuse the data, we show error bars for the first points of each plot in the figure. Further, we point out the well-known problem encountered on angle resolution: the circle being detected at a perpendicular take-off angle becomes an ellipse as the angle approaches grazing incidence, causing intensity errors. We note that, until an angle of 60 degrees from the perpendicular, the data are well represented by a straight, horizontal line, and we illustrate this for the uppermost of the plots. Major point 4: We do not exactly understand the overall thrust of this point, since several different ones are being made concerning Fig. 4a. We have added error bars to the first points, so as not to confuse and overlap the data. In addition, the reviewer asks for rescaling, to more clearly see C3 and C4. While we believe that such rescaling is unnecessary, and C3 and C4 are already clearly seen, we actually tried to do this. We tried, and decided against, logarithmic rescaling of the ordinate because the plots were distorted and the upper plots were compressed. We tried, and decided against, another figure for the lower plots because we already have fifteen figures. Major point 5 (called point 4 by the reviewer): The reviewer asks for error bars. They have been added to the first points of Figs. 4b and 6. We have added them to all the points of Fig. 4c because of the uncertainty in establishing the precision of the abscissa. Major point 6 (called point 5 by the reviewer): The reviewer does not see any evidence for the shift of the highest peak intensity of the N1s spectrum in Fig. 1b. We cannot understand this request. Fig. 1b clearly shows that, on irradiation, the highest peak shifts from the one near 400.5 eV to the one near 399 eV. This is reworded to make it clearer. Major point 7 (called point 6): The reviewer notes that the original reference concerns the Au-N bond and not the C-N bond. He is absolutely correct. We intentionally used this reference since it deals with the type of analysis we were doing on nitride formation, and we thought the reader would find it helpful to be aware of this. However, we understand the reviewers point: it has been replaced with another reference, on the C-N bond. All the minor points, some caused by problems with Word, as we notified you a few days after our initial submission, have been corrected. We thank the reviewer for noting them. We hope that the revision is acceptable. **** 背景四:在过去网络不好,数据库缺的情况下向同行索要论文是经常的 事,现在咱们好多学校和研究机构仍没有足够的经费购买所有的文献数 据库(即使现在在国外也不是每个大学能买得起所有的数据库). 下面是 一封在明信片式索要文献的短信,我常收到(特别是电子邮件),也不时发 出这样的索要短信.一般90%都能寄给你. Dear Dr(or Prof.). *** Please send me a copy of your article: xxxxxxxx(文章题目), published iin ****杂志名, e.g., J.Appl.Phys. ), Vol.xx, No.** (date in the journal), **(page number) Alain Adnot(索要人). 背景情况:如果稿件发出已经两个月还没有消息,而且不能通过网上查 询稿件状态,那么我们完全可以写信给主编或副主编问询稿件审稿状态 或结果。下面是我的一次问询信以及回复信。 我的询问信 Dear , I write this email to ask whether my paper has been accepted. And if is still being reviewed, when can I get the information of the final result? How long, in ordinary condition, can you finish reviewing a paper ? I would very much appreciate you if you could affort a little time to answer these question. Thanks a lot! Best regards! sincerely yours 副主编回信: Dear , Ordinarily a manuscript is reviewed within 8 weeks and returned to the author. Your manuscript, BP-3017 was received by us on January 30. It was sent to a referee on February 2. That referee was unable to review the manuscript and informed us in mid-April. It was then sent to a second referee on April 22. That referee also was unable to review the paper. It was then sent to a third referee on May 20. Occasionally this occurs and then we must keep trying different knowledgeable referees until someone responds. We always welcome your suggestions for referees in your field of study. Thank you for your patience. 投稿信 Dear Dr.: Enclosed please find one original and three copies of our manuscript entitled *****. It is submitted to be considered for publication as an Original Article in your journal.This paper is~ Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere.It is not being submitted to any other journal. We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal because the study it reports stated the HCV infection rate among long-term transfusion patients is higher than that of the general population and of short-term transfusion patients. Correspondence and phone calls about the paper should be directed to *** at the following address,phone and fax number,and e-mail address: Department of XXXXXXXXX, University of Science and Technology, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, P.R.China Tel:******** Fax:******** E-mail:****@***** Thanks very much for your attention to our paper. Sincerely yours, ****** 拒稿信 背景情况:本人发现一个自认为比较有意义的实验现象,于是些了一篇 Letter 投到一个期刊,但被无情的拒了,这片论文已经在另一个期刊以 Article 的形式发表,下面贴出编辑给的拒稿信,希望对各位虫友能有 所帮助 Dear xxxxx TITLE: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AUTHORS: xxx et al Your letter submitted to xxxxxx has now been refereed and the referee reports are attached. To be publishable in this journal, letters must be scientifically valid, contain significant new physics, be of high quality and scientific interest, and be recognised as an important contribution to the literature. The referees find that your paper does not meet these criteria and thus does not warrant publication in xxxxxxxxx. It has therefore been withdrawn from consideration. Yours sincerely xxxxxxxx 编辑来信 Dear Mr. Jeremy STRIBLING On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we would like to inform you that, up to the present, we have not received any reviews yet for you paper entitled: Rooter: ************. So, your paper has been accepted, as a non-reviewed paper, for presentation at the 9th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2005) to be held in Orlando, USA, on July 10-13, 2005. We will inform you about the conference program, including your presentation, once the timetable is finalized. If you submitted your paper several times, and our staff did not detect the repetition of the same submitted paper, then your paper might have been sent several times for its review, and it has several IDs. In this situation you may have received (or may receive) a regular acceptation. In such a case, please discard this present acceptance e-mail and be sure to always use the paper ID number we gave you in the e-mail where we accepted you paper as an appraised one. Otherwise, your paper will be included in the Proceedings as a non-reviewed paper. Each accepted papers (reviewed and non-reviewed) is candidate for being best paper of its respective session and, consequently, it is candidate for a second reviewing process to be made by the reviewers of the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (JSCI), by means of which the best 10%-20% of the papers presented at the conference will be selected and published in the JSCI after making possible modifications (in content/format) and extensions as to adequate them to a journal publication. You can download the authors ***** (PDF format) from the conference web site ( http://www.iiisci.org/sci2005 ). It includes the following: the Instructions for Authors, the Author Guide for Preparing a Proceedings Paper, the Copyright Transfer Form, the Speaker ****** Biographical Sketch and Hotel information. To submit the electronic version of your camera-ready paper, via the conference web site, you will need to enter the paper ID number and a password. To send the electronic version of the paper being accepted in this e-mail use the following: Paper ID number: ******* Password: XXXX Looking forward to see you at SCI 2005, next July. Best Regards, **** ------------------------------------ SUBMISSION CHECKLIST ------------------------------------ Authors contributing to WMSCI 2005 should send, no later than their camera-ready deadline: March 23rd (for papers accepted before or on February 23rd) or May 3rd (for papers accepted after February 23rd), the following FIVE items: Submission by postal mail: -------------------------------- 1) Two printed copies of the final camera-ready copy of your paper, according to the Author Guide for Preparing a Proceedings Paper, in order to include it in the hard copy (paper) version of the Proceedings. Please write lightly, using a soft pencil, at the upper right-hand corners in the back of all your paper **** pages: (a) your registration ID number, which was provided to you in the page title WMSCI 2005 - Your Registration Acknowledgement, at the end of your online registration, and (b) the paper ID number you were informed about in the acceptation notification e-mail and you indicated during the online registration process. 2) The Copyright Transfer Form adequately filled and signed. 3) A Speaker's Biographical Sketch according to the format included in the Authors **** (This biographical sketch will be given to the chairman of the author's session in order to support him/her when presenting the author). Use a traceable express mail service. Protect your package with cardboard and mail it to the following address: Prof. Nagib Callaos WMSCI 2005 PMB-115 3956 Town Center Blvd. Orlando, Florida 32837, U.S.A Submission via conference web site: http://www.iiisci.org/sci2005 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) The Conference Registration Form. Remember that registration of at least one author per paper and the payment (or the signed commitment of on-site payment) of the conference fees are a necessary condition for the paper to be included in the Conference Proceedings and/or in the Conference Program. Each registration fee entitles to the publication and presentation of one paper only; each additional paper incurs an additional fee. If two or more authors of the same paper attend the Conference, each one of them must pay his/her respective registration fee. Extra page fee would be paid once for each paper. For registering click on the *****Online Registration ***** link, included in the conference web site. 5) Electronic version of the paper in one of the following file formats: Acrobat PDF or PostScript, in order to include it in the CD-ROM version of the Proceedings. If web site submission is impossible, send the electronic version of your paper, as an attachment to an e-mail, to one of the following addresses: sci2005@iiis.org , sci2005@telcel.net.ve , sci2005@cantv.net . We are providing you with three addresses to give you alternatives in the case you get a delivery failure message. For more detailed information, download the authors ***** (PDF format) from the conference web site ( http://www.iiisci.org/sci2005 ) To access the authors ***** , select the option *****Guidelines ***** from the Main Menu. FAILURE TO SUBMIT ALL FIVE ITEMS SHOWN ABOVE BY THE DEADLINE WILL RESULT IN THE NON INCLUSION OF YOUR PAPER IN THE PROCEEDINGS AND, CONSEQUENTLY, IT WILL NOT BE SCHEDULED FOR ITS PRESENTATION IN THE CONFERENCE. ---------------------------------------- AUDIOVISUAL EQUIPMENT ---------------------------------------- Audiovisual equipment provided for the meetings will be an overhead projector and a screen. There would be an LCD projector, for those authors or session chairs who might request it. In any case, there will be no more than one LCD projector per session room. -------------------------------------------------------------------- PHOTOCOPYING AND ADDITIONAL RESOURCES -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Rosen Centre Hotel has a business center that can provide basic photocopying and other services. If your needs go beyond, there is a FedEx Kinko's in the Orange County Convention Center that is located at a walking distance from the Rosen Centre Hotel. They have computer workstations with Internet access and printing facilities. They offer a full line of copying services and a limited assortment of business supplies. This FedEx Kinko ***** can be reached at (007) 000-0000 or at 00000@kinkos.com NOTE: Please, do not reply to this e-mail address. It is a system e-mail account. So, this mailbox is not monitored. For further information or assistance e-mail to one of these addresses: sci2005@iiis.org , sci2005@telcel.net.ve , sci2005@cantv.net 又是催稿信 背景介绍:催稿/询问稿件状态。投稿后,很快收到编辑回信,说已经 指定了审稿人,之后便是漫长的等待我很着急,于是给编辑去信。 我的去信: Dear Editor, I'm not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript. Paper Title:Prediction and Numerical Analysis ------- Authors:---, ---and ---- Paper ID:ABC-05-*** I would be greatly appreciate if you could spend some of your time check the status for me. Best regards 编辑的答复: Dear. ***, Your paper is still under review. I have sent a reminder to the Associate Editor to keep on top of things. I will also be sending a reminder to the reviewers personally. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do. Thanks, **** Assistant to the Editor Journal of **** **** University 背景情况:咱们华人受语言的限制,往往是不能很好的表达自己的主题,好些文章总是要好几次修改。 其实,就在国外这也是长发生的。所以 做好文章的修改和写好修改稿的letter 也很重要。这是我修改次数比较多的一次(共两次)。这篇文章也是我生平记忆最深的两篇文章之一(另一篇在前面已经登了)。也是刚刚发生的事(文章在这月15 日的刊出)。A. 第一次评委要求大的修改(因为太长,不在此登出).我们人为评委的 意见不合适.提出意见. September 26, 2005 Dr. *****, Consulting Editor Journal of **** P.O. Box 1234 ********** U.S.A. Dear Dr. ******** : You recently returned a review of our manuscript, JR88-2008. After having read it, my coauthors and I are of the opinion that it does not remotely reach the standards we have come to expect from JAP. We believe that this is due to the fact that the reviewer was poorly chosen, and has a difficulty understanding the thrust of the manuscript. We offer the following rebuttal of his review. In his first point, the reviewer offers his personal opinion that the penetration of oxygen into the porous silicon determines the oxidation kinetics. He appears to assume that we are proposing this; we are not, as the references clearly show. This was proposed, and accepted, long before. We simply confirm it with correlations, and use them to make predictions. In his second point, the reviewer says that we cannot do what we have, in fact, done: use XPS to quantify the oxidation. Instead, he suggests that we use HF etching of the surface. However, besides the fact that etching is inherently less accurate than XPS, the etching of porous material is fraught with problems: in particular, the fact that water does not wet the silicon means that air in the pores will prevent the water from entering, thus giving incorrect results. In his third point, the reviewer suggests that we leave out all reference to photoluminescence. With this request, he indicates that he has not understood the thrust of the paper: it is part of a series, as indicated in the Introduction, on the source of the photoluminescence in oxidizing porous silicon. Why should we want to remove any reference as to why we did the experiment? In his fourth point, the reviewer asks whether silicon oxidation is good or bad. How does one answer that? We are studying silicon oxidation, not because it is good or bad, but because we wish to understand the phenomenon and its bearing on photoluminescence. In his fifth point, the reviewer indicates that atmospheric oxidation depends on the atmospheric conditions and is, therefore, not necessarily reproducible. This is true enough, and has been understood for many years. That is why the accepted procedure is to quote the atmospheric conditions during the experiment in the Experimental Section, as we have done. In summary, the review of our manuscript is below the level of JAP, and we hope that you will be able to either accept our rebuttal as is, or obtain another review. The final manuscript we will send will also contain the corrections of the mechanical deficiencies noted. Please accept my best wishes. Sincerely yours, **** B. 主编觉得反驳意见合适,同意找另一组评委. 下面新评委们的部分 结论 I have been asked to perform a two-fold task: to see whether the first reviewer's comments are appropriate and, if not then, to offer my opinion of this research. The previous Reviewer: It is unfortunately terribly evident that the previous reviewer has not the slightest idea what the research performed here aims to accomplish. This is most clearly seen in his 4th comment: The reader do not understand: is it bad or good that Si is oxidized? This sentence shows two things. The first is, as claimed by me, is that the authors write in their abstract: A model has been developed to describe the room air oxidation process... A model is not a judgment of good and evil, nor should it be. The second item is that the first reviewer neither knows how to read or to write American English. The first reviewer, however eminent he/she may otherwise be, is linguistically disqualified for adequate review. I must this review this MS. de novo. The article: The authors write (page 3): It is our purpose to understand how porosity affects the air oxidation of nanoporous Si. This seems to me to be an entirely worthwhile goal; the problem for me is whether this project has been adequately performed and reported. As things stand at the moment, it appears to me that answer is NO, although this might be remedied. ........ C. 我们根据他的意见进行了必要的修改,并解释了他的一些疑问,下面是修改后的Letter. Dear Dr. ****: I submit a revised version of Ms. #JR88-2008. The revisions were carried out according to the suggestions of the last reviewer. We feel it necessary to thank this reviewer for his most perceptive review. His comments clearly bore on the subject of the manuscript, as opposed to those of the previous reviewer; we also thank you for your willingness to send the manuscript to this second reviewer. In reading the reviewers comments, several things became quite obvious. We had not made it clear that the manuscript was one of a series on the investigation of the cause of photoluminescence in nanoporous silicon, and we had not given enough information on our previous results. With the recent publication of our IR work in the Journal of Applied Physics, we were now in a position to reference these results. It is now clear that both oxygen and water vapor oxidize the porous silicon, with similar rates due to their reaction with silicon free radicals. Reference can thus be made to the oxidation mechanism, as well as to our previous work justifying the use of the Deal-Grove mechanism. Without considering the reviewers points individually, we believe that we have responded to each one. We have, for example, included an SEM photomicrograph of a porous sample, although this was difficult due to the fact that these insulators charge. AFM photomicrographs were impossible to obtain due to the high surface roughness of our samples. We have made the mechanical corrections to the figures, as requested. Concerning the previous Figure 2b, we have removed the text concerning oxidation time prediction, and have clarified our need for the figure. We hope that these changes lead to the acceptance of the manuscript, and look forward to hearing from you. Please accept my best wishes for the new year. Sincerely yours, **** 最后主编接受修改意见,将文章发表。所以与评委和主编的沟通很重要。 有时候,评委的意见非常好,可以提高你文章的水平。 一篇因为找不到合适的评审人而退回的编辑来信(比较少见吧) Ms. No.: CPLETT-05-2261 Title: ***** Corresponding Author: Dr. *** Authors: **** Dear Dr. ***, Thank you for your submission to Chemical Physics Letters. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, we have not been able to find a referee willing to review the paper. I must therefore conclude that the paper is not appropriate for Chemical Physics Letters. Accordingly, the manuscript is being returned without review. Although we are not able to publish this particular manuscript, we appreciate the opportunity to consider it, and we hope that you will continue to consider Chemical Physics Letters as a primary source for publishing your future research. Sincerely, ******** Editor Chemical Physics Letters ********, Editorial Office E-mail: ddmm@elsevier.com 找同行要文章 背景介绍:我一直在找几篇论文没找到,发现奥地利格拉茨大学有个实 验室与我研究方向一样,于是就发E-mail 请他们帮忙找这几篇论文。 我的去信: Hello! I'm a researcher in China. My main interest is RFID security, but in China very few people are researching RFID security. I'v subscribed me E-mail address to your workshop, but I have not receive a letter. So, can you friendly email me some document, such as 1.******** 2.******** And so on. I'll Waiting for your help sincerely! Best wishes for you! Yours **** 老外的回复: 老外的E-mail 回复很快,第二天,他就给我回复,说明他们实验室收集e-mail 的目的,并说论文找不到是 知识产权的问题: The goal of the mailing list is to inform subscribers when the website is updated, but I do not send papers. If they are not available online, that is probably due to copyrights. **** 老外的知识产权意识就是高,呵呵.... 老外请我审稿 老外来信: Ms. Ref. No.: MOLCAA-D-06-00105 Title: ** Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical Dear Dr windange You are invited to review the above-mentioned manuscript that has been submitted for publication in Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical. The abstract is attached below. Are you available to provide the review? PLEASE DO NOT USE YOUR E-MAIL REPLY OPTION TO RESPOND TO THIS INVITATION. Instead, please respond online at http://ees.elsevier.com/molcaa/ . You will need to login as a Reviewer, using the following Username and Password: Your username is: YWang-368 Your password is: ******* Please select the New Invitations link on your Main Menu, then choose to Accept or Decline this invitation, as appropriate. If you accept this invitation, I would be very grateful if you would return your review by ****** You may submit your comments online at the above URL. There you will find spaces for confidential comments to the editor, comments for the author and a report form to be completed. With kind regards, E.G. Derouane, PhD Editor Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 我的评审: Comment to Author: Comments: 1. The introduction (part 1) explains quite well why the researchers are interesting to alkene isomerization which is very important to industry and organic synthesis. 2. In the second part (Results and discussion) author picked out the most effective catalyst RuHCl(PPh3)3 which was synthesized in different method ,and a detailed description is given for the catalytic results of different condition .It is attractive that the performance on 1-octadecene isomerization by RuHCl(PPh3)3(s) presented high activity, thermal stability and the solvent-free system . In the third part (Conclusion) a lengthy discussion follows to explain. 3. The work is of interest, but I feel that the paper could be better revised as follows: (a)Describe the Mechanism of RuHCl (PPh3)3(s) catalyzed olefin isomerization in full detail (section 2.5).in Figure 3, the mechanism should be expressed what it meant correctly. (b) Figures 1 and 2 are necessary to be displayed clearly, and page number should be needed. (c)Section 2.3 starts off well. This entire section seems very important. This section should form the bulk of the discussion I would appreciate further studies have been carried out with 1-octadecene isomerization catalyzed by the complex RuHCl(PPh3)3(s) without solvent and completed. Final comment: This paper would be much better in quality when the mechanism of the isomerization and 1-octadecene isomerization in the above work are detailed in this publication. 漫长的投稿过程 背景介绍:投稿是漫长的一个过程,最近我的一篇投稿经历的全部 E-mail,整理出来以飨各位同仁,也希望多提宝贵意见。 我的投稿信: Dear editor: I want to submit our manuscript with the title ******** for publication in **********. It is not being submitted to any other journal. Thanks very much for your attention to our paper. With my best wishes! Sincerely yours: ****** 等待一段时间后询问编辑(催稿): Dear Prof.*****: I want to know if you have received our manuscript with the title ****** for submission in **********.We submit our manuscript from e-mail:********* on Friday, 27 Feb, but we can not receive the reply. Please give me some information about it. Thanks a lot. With my best wishes! Sincerely yours: ***** 编辑的答复: Dear ***, Excuse my late answer! We are in preparation of the reply to your submission! Best regards, *** Editorial office **** 过一段时间后,老外回复: Dear ***, Thank you for your email from 27-Feb-2006. We acknowledge the receipt of your submission to the *****. Your files with the reserved ccdc no. ***** are already pre-revised. In the moment, they cannot be formated as a manuscript. Why see at the end of this email! We aim at informing you about the referee's comments in less than 4 weeks. !!! IMPORTANT NOTE !!! At the end of the process, for each accepted ***** publication the authors are asked to pay *****. (NEW PAPER CHARGE since 2006!!!) The authors will receive an INVOICE to be cancelled in 30 days. The payment includes 30 offprints.Do you agree with that? Please, if possible use always the registration no. as subject in the correspondence to us! Thank you Best regards, *** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are some errors in the CIF i) In the preparation, only potassium salts were used as input, but a sodium salt was obtained?! Please correct! ii) There are no H atoms in the CIF, but it is written incorrectly: all the hydrogen atoms of the ligands were placed in geometrically calculated positions, and included in the final refinement in the riding model approximation Please, add a correct statement about the H atom treatment to Experimental details! iii) The number of water molecules per unit cell should be larger. If you have determined the water contents by chemical or DTA/DTG measurement, add the corresponding results to the Exp. details! If not, please note: The displacement parameters of some O atoms are too small for water molecules which are only hydrogen bonded to water molecules and additionally disordered. O atoms which have an occupancy factor of 0.5 and a complete tetrahedral environment with O...O distances of about 3 Angstrom should have sof = 1. Disordered O atoms can have sofs. smaller than 1, 0.5 for an atom with one neighbored O atoms plus d(O...O) 2.5 and 0.25 for an atom with 3 other neighbored O atoms and d(O...O) 2.5. Please check! Please send a new CIF! Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 老外的再回复: Dear *****, Please, send the figures in original ps or hgl format! Thank you Best regards, ***** 半月的等待后,我再次询问编辑: Dear Editor, Thanks for your reply for time and patient. We have send the figures in hgl format many times. We want to know do you have received it? And we look forward to getting a message from you on edge. Please contact us, if you have any question. Thanks a lot. Kind regards ***** 老外的再回复: Dear*****, Thank you for the submission of the figures. The manuscript is prepared and sent to the referee. Be prepared, that there are open questions with your paper (chemical composition not determined!). Sorry for being late. I was absent for four days. Best regards, ***** 几天后老外再次回复: Dear *****, Thank you for your email! Please, would you check following statements: The chemical compound, you have studied, is the same as investigated by *****! The lattice parameters are nearly the same. *****made a chemical analysis! And you? **** have found ** sodium cations from which only three have appropriate Uani values. You have found exactly these three Na ions. You have assigned the remaining charges to hydrogenium ions, because you could not find the other cations. But can the latter Na ions not be disordered? Yes, they can do that! One example is your O21/O24. These two positions seem to represent one disordered Na ion. Why? They have, under considering of suitable Ueq values, too short distance to each other, and then, too much electrons for one O atom. Additinally, they have distances of 2.1... 2.5 ?to next O atoms, which is typical for Na-O bond lengths and not typical for O...O distances of hydrogen bonds. Since your measurement seems to be more accurate than that of *****, a publication of you data as refinement of the Na~6~-compound is probably sensefull. Please, check it! If you need any help to find the other Na atoms, you can send us the hkl file! Best regards, ***** 针对老外的回复,我又回复: Dear *****, Thanks for your reply for time and patient. The quality of our crystal data is obviously better than ref.******. We make a contrast and show similarity and difference between the title compound and that from the ref.******. We have amended it according to your suggestion, and then we send it again by attachment. Please contact us via e-mail:***@***, if you have any question. Thanks a lot. Kind regards ***** 老外再次回复: Dear *****, Would you please check the attached files! The resulting polyhedra make sense after resolution of the disordered positions into two preferred sites. The current water contents per formula is ** molecules. Best regards, ***** 多次的等待,修改,费了不少工夫,文章基本接收。 要求增加基金号及第二作者,要求推迟修改时间 背景情况:文章被录用后,我需要增加基金号以及第二作者,还有就是 请求推迟修改时间! 我的去信: Dear editor Lucy: I am very glad to receive your E-Mail about the proof of article: ,and I have also received the attachments named asthe prof of the articleand Author Query Form.Thank you very much for your hard work and timely reply.But before I finish my revision,I have some questions to ask: 1,Because my partner is in Beijing now,so I want to wait for him to finish the revision,this work will be finished by the next weekend at the latest.I wonder if I can do it like this. 2,I want to add a second author and make the third author , has agreed to this change,but I am not sure if the change is allowed by the Journal. 3,I hope I can add a Foundation name,because during this work ,I has been helped by right of this Foundation,but I forgot to wrote it.I also wonder if I can do it. 4,In the Author Query Form,I know the authors' photos and biographies are required by this journal.I want to know if we need all authors' photos and biographies,and how can I give your our photos. Thank you very much for your consideration. Sincerely Yours, 编辑的回信: Dear : Just to answer your concerns: 1) Firstly, there is no problem waiting to send in your corrections until you and your partner have both finished your revisions. You will probably receive reminder e-mails as these are automated and I can't stop them, but just ignore these and send in the corrections when you have both finished. 2) I will contact the editor to request the addition of an author, it should not be a problem. 3) Yes add the Founadtion name - include this with the corrections. 4) Biographies photos are ideally required, but I would never force an author to include if they would prefer not too. In terms of the photos if you would like to submit then the ideal way is a jpeg or tif file if you have access to a digital camera, or even a phone camera. Or if you have printed photos would you have access to a scanner? If it is difficult to get photos it is acceptable to leave them out - perhaps just have a short biography for each author. Whatever you decide please return the material with the corrections attached to the e-mail. I hope this helps - don't hesitate to contact me if you have any other queries or concerns. Kindest regards,****** 咨询投稿系统故障 背景情况:文章被录用后,审稿人的意见是修改,可是投稿系统的状态 却是:已完成,就这个问题,我咨询了作者帮助。 我的去信: Dear Editor: I am sorry to disturb you again for my paper. My articlehas been accepted by the in Feb 16, 2006.The Manuscript Number is .The editor told me that I should revise my paper .At that time,I had two questions: First,how long can we revise the article? Second,when we finish the revision,how could I give the paper to you? But I have not receive the reply yet. Because my partner and I are revising the paper,I am afraid of being late.So I have to write a letter to you.Another question is,does the correction mean revised article in English? Thank you very much for your consideration. Sincerely Yours, Mr. 编辑的回信: Dear : According to our system your paper was accepted on the 16th February and it is now listed in our publication tracking system under the reference . You should have received correspondence from Elsevier with regard to this. In answer to your questions, if you have been asked to revise your paper by the editor, a Revise decision should then be registered by the editor via the online system. You will then be able to submit your revised paper once again via the system as a 'Submit Revision' link would be made available to you. The word 'Correction' refers to a change that has to be made. The Editor may want you to correct an error within the paper or to make a change. If you have any queries please feel free to contact me. Yours sincerely 我的再去信: Dear Editor: Thank you very much for your timely reply! I am sorry,I didn't give your completed information about my paper.I have received the Reference for my article:for sure.I also have received the mail from Mr with two attachments:TRANSFER OF COPYRIGHT FORM and OFFPRINTS ORDER FORM.Thank you very much! But I am not sure if the Editor-in-Chief of asked me to revise the paper.On the one hand,An E-mail from the Editor-in-Chief gave the Comments from the Editors and Reviewers in follows: This is a very good paper, related work has to be better explained. Also need to discuss the relationship to standards. For example, what are the standards currently existing and what standards do we need., Also the authors could make the paper more concise. If these comments are addressed then the paper can be published in the journal. In my opinion,according to the Comments from the Editors and Reviewers,I should revise my paper.On the other hand,in the on-line system,my paper is on Submissions with a Decision,so I can't submit my paper once again via the system . So in my previous mail to you,I asked the second question.I want to know if I need to revise my paper.If I needn't, what should I do to reply the Comments from the Editors and Reviewers? Thank you very much for your consideration. Have a nice weekend!!! Sincerely Yours, Mr. 编辑的回信: Dear Mr : I have e-mailed the handling editor of your paper and asked if your submisison was accepted in error as the comments provided indicate that a revision was required. I hope that some further information will be received shortly. If you should fail to receive any correspondence in the near future please feel free to contact me ensuring to enclose this correspondence. If you have any queries please feel free to contact me. Yours sincerely 一周后,我没有收到回信,所以我继续写信催问: Dear Editor: In your last E-mail on Feb 28,you told me that you had asked the handling editor of my paper .Thank you very much for your hard work. But I have not received any correspondence about my paper,I have given my CopyRight Form by fax last week,and the editor have replied to me.So I don't know if I should revise my paper now.Hehe,I hope I can receive the proof of my article in the near future. Thank you very much for your consideration. Sincerely Yours, Mr. 编辑的回信: Dear : Apologies for the delay in replying to your query. You should receive the proof of your paper within the next week or so. Once received you can view the proof and any corrections needed you should send back to the address as indicated. If you should have any further queries feel free to contact us. Yours sincerely 注:零点花园( http://www.soudoc.com/bbs/index.php )属于纯学术、非经营性专业网站。 本文引用地址: http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=290606
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怎样写英文投稿信?How to write cover letters
waterlilyqd 2009-9-24 18:59
A cover letter is the one you write to the editorial board of the journals when you submit your manuscript. One cover letter generally should include the following parts: (1)The correspondence information of the correspondent; (2)The title of the manuscript, the numbers of tables, figures, charts, plates and so on; (3)The statement that this manucript has never been partly or wholely published in or submitted to any other journals; (4)The statement that all authors in the manuscript have agreed to submit it to this journal and it's better to have each one's signature; (5)The statement that the research in the manuscript has been conducted under the guidance of international ethical standards if the research uses animals as experimental materials; (7)Suggested reviewers you think that are appropriate for this manuscript; (8)The statement on the inapropriate reviewers for this manuscript, and it's better to state the reasons in concise words; (9)Some journals require the authors to briefly introduce his research purposes, methods and results. The following is one cover letter I wrote with a plate given by the two professors. Zhang San, Ph D Environment and Architecture School, Sichuan University Mozhiqiao, Ring One Road, Chengdu, Sichuan The People’s Republic of China Zip code: 610088 E-mail: abc@yahoo.com.cn Dear Dr . Richard I enclose a manuscript entitled The Preparation of the Monokaryon Protoplast and its Regeneration in Oyster Mushroom ( Pleurotus ostreatus ), which I submit for possible publication in the Journal of Biosource Technology. All of the authors agree to the submission of this paper. The text includes 20 pages, 3 tables, and 2 figures prepared using Microsoft Word Processing 2003 according to the journal's Instructions to Authors. We have provided all required supporting documentation. We respectfully submit that the following individuals would be suitable peer reviewers based on their expertise in the field: Li Yu, Microbiological Research Institute, Chinese Acadmey of Agricutlureal Sciences. E-mail: li_yu@yahoo.cn Zhang Jun, Resources and Environmental Protection School, Sichuan Agricultural University. E-mail: zhangjun@yahoo.cn Chen Wei, School of Horticulture, China Agricultural University. E-mail: chenwei@yahoo.cn In recent years, our research group has had some conflicts with Li Haha and Wang Chuachua in Sichuan Institute of Microbiology in project application . We request that these individuals not be consulted. We thank you for considering this work and look forward to your response. Please direct all correspondence about this manuscript to me ( or Dr. Zhang San, e-amil: Zhangsan @yahoo.cn ). Sincerely Zhang Shan e-mail: zhangsan @yahoo.com.cn The following are all the authors in this paper and their signature. Zhang San XXX Li Si XXX Wang Wu XXX Yang Yu XXX More examples about how to write a cover letter! COVER LETTER (投稿信)实用指南 来源于: http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=9079 1 、 什么是cover letter? 指的是投稿信 2 、cover letter的内容主要包括那些? 应该简述所投稿件的核心内容、主要发现和意义,拟投期刊,对稿件处理有无特殊要求等(如“not to review” list)。另外,请附上主要作者的中文姓名、通讯地址、电话、传真和e-mail地址。此外有的杂志要求推荐几位审稿人及其联系方式。以及谁已经阅读过该文(当然是牛人)。 有的杂志要求作者写明你没有一搞多投,此外临床实验要求写明符合伦理学要求等。 3 、 如何写cover letter? 各个杂志的具体要求是不一样的,在杂志的guide for authors一般会有要求。如果没有具体的要求,大家可按照通用要求处理。 4 、常用模板: ( 1 ) Cover letter Dear Mr. ** 1. The work described has not been submitted elsewhere for publication, in whole or in part, and all the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed. 2. I have read and have abided by the statement of ethical standards for manuscripts submitted to Neuroscience. kind regards. Your sincerely, 通讯作者 ( 2 ) Dear Dr. 主编 name: We submit our manuscript entitled 文章 title to 杂志名 for publication. 接着简单介绍你文章的主要创新点和意义,不易过多,但要突出新意和关键点。 All authors have seen the manuscript and approved to submit to your journal. Thank you very much for your attention and consideration. Sincerely yours, 通讯作者 ( 3 ) Dear Dr. 主编 name: We submit our manuscript entitled 文章 title to 杂志名 for publication. 接着简单介绍你文章的主要创新点和意义,不易过多,但要突出新意和关键点。 All authors have seen the manuscript and approved to submit to your journal. Thank you very much for your attention and consideration. Sincerely yours, 通讯作者 ( 4 ) Dr. *** Editor-in-Chief, *** (add address) January 22, 2003 Dear Dr. **, Enclosed herewith please find 3 copies of a MS by: ‘***. *** and ***’ entitled: “**********”, which we would like to submit for publication in the ‘******'. Looking forward to your decision, With kind personal regards, Sincerely yours, ***** Professor of *** ( 5 ) Dear Prof. Gil: This is a manuscript by**and **entitled “.......”. It is submitted to be considered for publication as a “...” in your journal. This paper is new. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal. We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it ........ Correspondence should be addressed to **at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address: ... Thanks very much for your attention to our paper. Sincerely yours, ** ( 6 ) Date: Sep 15, 2003 Dear Editors: On behalf of my co-authors, I am submitting the enclosed material “ TITLE ” for possible publication in JOURNAL. We certify that we have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for the appropriateness of the experimental design and method, and the collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data. We have reviewed the final version of the manuscript and approve it for publication. To the best of our knowledge and belief, this manuscript has not been published in whole or in part nor is it being considered for publication elsewhere. Best Regards. Yours Sincerely, NAME,ADRESS,EMAIL,FAX ( 7 ) Dear Dr Regino Perez-Polo : Enclosed are a manuscript by su jian, yang kun, chen zhihua . Su jian titled “ Hypothermia after Acute Ischemic Stroke ”. It is submitted to be considered for publication as a “ review in your journal . This paper is ~? Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere . It is not being submitted to any other journal . We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal. Correspondence and phone calls about the paper should be directed to Su jian at the following address , phone and fax number , and e-mail address : Su jian Institute:, Adress: Tel : Fax: E-mail : Thanks very much for your attention to our paper . Sincerely yours , Su jian ( 8 ) Dear Editor, We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled GDNF Acutely Modulates Neuronal Excitability and A-type Potassium Channels in Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons, which we wish to be considered for publication in Nature Neuroscience. GDNF has long been thought to be a potent neurotrophic factor for the survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, which are degenerated in Parkinson’s disease. In this paper, we report an unexpected, acute effect of GDNF on A-type potassium channels, leading to a potentiation of neuronal excitability, in the dopaminergic neurons in culture as well as in adult brain slices. Further, we show that GDNF regulates the K+ channels through a mechanism that involves activation of MAP kinase. Thus, this study has revealed, for the first time, an acute modulation of ion channels by GDNF. Our findings challenge the classic view of GDNF as a long-term survival factor for midbrain dopaminergic neurons, and suggest that the normal function of GDNF is to regulate neuronal excitability, and consequently dopamine release. These results may also have implications in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Due to a direct competition and conflict of interest, we request that Drs. XXX of Harvard Univ., and YY of Yale Univ. not be considered as reviewers. With thanks for your consideration, I am Sincerely yours, ( 9 ) Dear **. We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled *** , which we wish to be considered for publication in **journal. We believe that two aspects of this manuscript will make it interesting to general readers of **journal. First, ***. Second, ***. Further, ***. Thank you very much your considering our manuscript for potential publication. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best wishes. ( 10 ) To: SOLA Chief Editor Division of Geoenvironmental Sciences University of Tsukuba Tsukuba 305-8572, JAPAN E-Mail: sola@sakura.cc.tsukuba.ac.jp Dear Sirs, I am sending herewith a copy of the manuscript, which I would like to submit to SOLA, the Electronic Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. The paper is entitled: Energy Spectrum Proportional to the Squared Phase Speed of Rossby Modes in the General Circulation of the Atmosphere by H. L. Tanaka, Yasushi Watarai, and Takahiro Kanda. Copy of the Abstract: In this study, energy spectrum of the large-scale atmospheric motions is examined in the framework of the 3D normal mode decomposition. The horizontal scale of disturbance is measured by the phase speed of a Rossby mode c. According to the analysis result for the barotropic component of the atmosphere, we obtain a characteristic energy spectrum with distinct slopes for the turbulence and wave regimes separated by the spherical Rhines speed. In order to explain the observational finding that the energy spectrum is proportional to c^2, we put forward a hypothesis based on the criterion of Rossby wave breaking such that the local meridional gradient of potential vorticity becomes negative, dq/dy 0, somewhere in the domain. With a constant m describing a total mass of the atmosphere for unit area, we have shown that the barotropic energy spectrum of the general circulation E can be represented as E=mc^2. Corresponding Author: Dr. Hiroshi L. Tanaka Division of Geoenvironmental Sciences University of Tsukuba Tsukuba 305-8572, JAPAN Tel: +81-29-853-4502 Fax: +81-29-853-6879 E-Mail: tanaka@sakura.cc.tsukuba.ac.jp I hereby certify that this paper consists of original, unpublished work which is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Desired Editors in Charge: Kimoto, Masahide University of Tokyo Mak, Mankin University of Illinois Five Potential Reviewers: Name-1, e-mail address-1 Name-2, e-mail address-2 Name-3, e-mail address-3 Name-4, e-mail address-4 Name-5, e-mail address-5 The original manuscript and figures will be transferred, following the instruction by the Editorial Committee when the paper is accepted. I hope your favorable consideration for publication to SOLA. Sincerely, Hiroshi L. Tanaka Attachment: PDF file of the manuscript.
个人分类: 科技写作|12017 次阅读|2 个评论
zhao1198 2009-9-13 23:45
一篇稿子投出去,最理想的境界肯定是直接被接受。不过一般别人看你的稿子不可能没有意见,金无足赤,何况还有仁者见仁, 智者见智。所以,能够有审稿人和编辑提供的意见和被修改的机会就是很理想了。基本,不管要求大修还是小修,说明审稿人和编辑都是在留给了接受的机会。但 是也有很多人经常抱怨修改后备拒。可见,修改的合理意见回复之重要性。 最近本人(转专业转方法转课题后)投出一篇稿子到aip某杂志。审稿约20(经历休息日)天后,收到修回意见。一为大修,一为小修。小修意见简单,认为结 果很漂亮,但是质疑为什么选择这个方法。大修意见首先承认了结果漂亮(前提很好),然后提出了若干意见,其中有两条特别难以处理,是关于机制解释问题,审 稿人 建议 了几个解释机制的方法以外;还提出了一个结果中的新现象,认为比其他结果更有趣,值得解释。当时拿着意见看到这里,脑袋就发懵了,如果重新将机制重新 讨论 ,工作量不堪设想,相当要重写了。另外,审稿人提出的新现象,看上去确实有趣,但却不是好啃的果子。好在有一个承认结果漂亮的前提,因此老鼓励自己,能回复好接搞定了。 教授现在基本不做科研,修回我知道只能靠自己。中间还发生一个不幸的插曲是,在某天摆弄aip系统时,把自己的稿子给撤换了下。当时在家里因为没用密码登 陆,以为肯定撤换不了,没想到aip系统设计的差,不需要密码,只要有编辑回复的链接就是默认密码登陆了系统。(ps 大家切记别轻易把自己的审稿和投稿的链接发给别人了)。第二天大早报告教授被批一顿,问我是不是撤稿,我不同意撤稿。当然后面没什么事情,但是我提心吊 胆,怕出问题,加上回复的问题还是心里把握不定,甚是难受。跑题了,sorry,一个星期的休息,调研后,开始确定回复。 小修意见,质疑方法,我当然不能承认。但是也没有反驳,我只在文中加了一句话,就是最近的工作证明这个方法非常有效,并引 文献 几篇。 大修意见。1,语法和文字问题,我回复是修改了这些问题,同时认真的检查了其他类似问题(确实字字句句扫了一遍,尤其是用搜索的方法,比如审稿人提的某单词问题,就通篇把这单词都搜索了确认)。2,审稿人问我为什么某表格中有个 数据 不列出来。其实这个数据列上后没什么意义,但是也没什么坏的影响。所以直接列上了这个数据。3,机制问题,审稿人认为我的机制解释不行,建议用他说的几个方法。我保留了自己的方法,同时在文中增加了一个小图,采用建议的方法补充了解释(是辅助原来的方法和解释)。4, 推荐 了结果中一个新的现象,但是审稿人是用了一个比如推荐这个新现象(确实之前我没发现)。但这个现象经过我思考后,找到了一个 理论 可 以解释 ,但是并没多大意义。由于审稿人只是用一个比如的提法列出的这个建议,因此,对于这条意见没做处理,当做没看到了:)(注意由于这个意见是和3在一起的, 都是关于机制里面的一个问题,不是单独列出来的,所以不处理没有引起其他问题。当时做好的准备是,万一审稿人要纠结这个问题就再给出解释) ---------- Dear Dr. ***, Thank you very much for your prompt treatment of our manuscript which we submitted for publication as an article in the ****。 We would like to express our sincere thanks to the two reviewers through you for their critical comments and constructive suggestions. We have tried our best to revise our manuscript according to their valuable suggestions. Attached please find the revised version, which we would like to submit for your kind consideration. Following is the response to the remarks from the two reviewers. As the response to the comments from Reviewer 1: The authors express sincere thanks to the reviewer for his/her valuable comments and constructive suggestions. ******** We hope our paper will be accepted as revised. Thank you very much. With my best wishes, Yours sincerely, **** 回复给主编和审稿人就用了这同一封信。从上面我对小修和大修的意见可以看到,我坚持了一个原则,就是所有的审稿人的意见我都接受了,而且在 论文 中 采用。呵呵,虽然有些不认同但没反驳,而且表现都是都做了接受并采用,但是这种采用很灵活,不是照着审稿人意见全做,而只是非常委婉的做了对应的处理。有 些朋友对于修改意见,可能不同意的就采用反驳方式,这肯定是不利于交流的。有些朋友对于修改意见,表示接受或者给出解释,但是在论文中没有增加(这可能让 审稿人和编辑觉得是不是不能公开发表出来!!!)而我的这个修改意见,让主编一看,光明磊落,所有意见都回复并在论文中有所体现。 当时将这个意见发给教授,教授投出后,还很后悔没有在致谢中致谢一下审稿人。幸运的是几天后,就接到了主编的接受意见,从时间和主编的处理来看,应该是没 有送审就被直接接受了。整个文章从投出去到经历大修接受后时间约1个月,一点个人的小经验分享给大家。对于大牛没用,但是对于和我一样在为点小文章拼搏的 人应该是有点意义的:)。
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