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[转载]What is an effective academic presentation
gll89 2018-7-19 10:39
In an academic style, you need to prove your authority in your discipline . You need to establish what you're talking about is relevant, that it is correct and that it is valid. How to do that? You do that by choosing references that are relevant and that support your arguments properly ; Then once you have Ur reference, you need to cite them. In an oral presentation, this can be done in two ways. First of all, provide the reference in the slide; for instance, you have a picture, so first make sure that you are allowed to take that picture, you are allowed to use the picture; otherwise, it's just stealing. So, then you use the picture, you provide the source, where has the picture come from? And then also cite it orally, verbally . So, another example could be, that you have an author called John Chan, then you would say, ... As John Chan points out in his article in 2010... So, that's the way of doing reference in the slides. Also finally , you would have to have an entire list of references; you display the whole list of references in the correct style; for example it could be APA or it could be IEEE; which gives the information to the audience of all the sources that you have used in the presentation . The other key factor in anacademic presentation is the structure . A good structure enables the audience to follow the content very clearly , so make sure that each section of your presentation is organized properly, where each section is linked to the other in a clear and coherent manner . Another concern for most students is language . Oral presentations use spoken language and they need lots of interaction . If the student just delivers an essay, and just reads it, then it's going to be dull and boring, it's going to end him up with a very very very low grade. But we have to be careful not to use very emotional language . The delimma is how do we make our presentations interesting . Well, we can use our voice , we can use our body language , and we can make the presentation interactive . We can use good intonation . As far as body language is concerned, make sure that you have very good eye contact , good posture, good facial expressions, appropriate gestures . And interaction, ask questions, create interest, and get your audience to ask questions to you and want to know more about you topic. As far as slides are concerned, it is best to keep it simple . Try not to use too many fancy animations, or sound effects , because you are the one delivering the presentation ; it's not the PowerPoint which his delivering the presentation. To wrap it up, and all in all, an academic presentation is one which has very well research content , with reliable references , and very clearly organized so that the audience can follow it; it has good intonation ; it has good body language , it has appropriate language ; and simple but effective slides . So there is a lot to do, there is a lot to remember,and that's not easy. So it is very likely to get nervous. There is one sure, foolproof method to ensure that your presentation goes well; practice , so rehearse your presentation with your partner, not just once, not just twice, but several times, until you get it absolutely right . And this will help you reduce your nervousness , and when you are delivering your presentation, you'll be calm, alert, composed and confident , and trust me, your teacher will notice it right away, and know that you are well prepared. References 1. What is an effective academic presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ze3IiHsHuIA 2. Effective presentations complete video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrGNEzxpHn4 3. Academic skills-Presenting effectively-Part 1, 2, and 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lo9xOV6WUqM
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Presentation Tips 之三:是否打草稿?
WileyChina 2016-1-15 09:57
转载自:ChemistryViews 原作者:Richard Threlfall 草稿 Vs 流利 有些人在演讲前要准备提示卡一篇完整的演讲稿来背。但是,想想那些出色的演讲者们,你看过他们用提示卡吗?同样你也不要用,因为字会很小很难读,或者你因为太激动,紧张,想要赶紧结束而忘了用演讲稿。即使是你记得用提示卡和演讲稿,直接读这些内容也会使得演讲变得枯燥无趣。从许多方面来讲, 详细的做提示对于演讲来说是浪费时间。 做好演讲的 秘诀就是流利 ,也就是说, 自然地语速 和 流畅的思路 。向和你的老板和上级汇报一样对观众演讲,这样你就会用更加正式的语气,而不像对你的同事那样,但是对于观众来说仍然是可以接受的,这有利于接下来他们提问。 把你的幻灯片制作成视觉提醒。每幻灯片上放二到三个重要的点并记住,然后 不要一字一句的背下来因为你不可能把整个演讲背下来 。你也不会担心忘词,因为根本就没有稿子。 如果你在演讲时突然思路断了,你简洁清楚的幻灯片也会帮助你。快速的看一眼幻灯片将会给你一些提示,如果是内容混乱的幻灯片你很难理清你接下来要说什么。 练习 练习是演讲成功的另一主要因素 ,找一个愿意听你练习演讲的同事,最后听听他们的意见。在他们没有提出异议或者疑问之前别让他们离开屋子,因为朋友之间难免客气。同时,在他们演讲的时候别忘了还这个人情。把你的演讲练习两到三遍就足够让你发现哪些部分存在问题,太多的练习会让你显得太生硬,不自然。 保持放松,就会轻松地,不用参照草稿完成演讲啦。 阅读原文
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奥克兰大学机械系的seminar 1
Mech 2015-8-28 10:47
钱钟书在《围城》写过,中国学者在外国, 往往自以为讲学,听众以为他在学讲--讲不来外国话借此学学 。因此,我到国外交流时特别小心,自己不要自称“讲学”,也不要让听众有“学讲”的错觉。我的 presentation ,邀请方称为 seminar 。 这次出访,计划安排两次 seminar 。我个人偏爱的是讲内共振能量采集和超临界轴向运动。只是后个题目在 ICDVC-2014 报告过,系主任 Brian Mace教授 参会时已经听过,新工作有限, 再重复讲也不合适。结合对方的研究兴趣,决定分别讲内共振能量采集和非线性隔振。非线性吸振也有些工作,但隔振和吸振放在一起讲比较难组织。 听的人有 Brian Mace 等四位机械系的教师,还有位数学系做非线性动力学的教授。另有七、八名研究生。我觉得人已经不少了。新西兰只有四百万人,奥克兰是最大城市有一百五十万。这样近全国人口的三十万分之一,超过最大城市人口的十五万分之一出席。 Seminar 由邀请我的 LihuaTang 博士主持。 按 Tang 博士的建议,我先介绍一下上海大学。用了五分钟,介绍些关键性数据,以及展现校园风景的照片。报告三十五分钟,具体内容见所附摘要。正好在第 45 分钟结束,因为按那边的惯例,晚开始 5 分钟。讨论的十五分钟基本没有冷场。教师和参与了讨论。我都努力进行了解释至少是说了自己的看法,只有一个学生的问题我没有太听懂,他声音比较小,我听不清。 Tang 博士直接回答了。比较有意思的问题是数学系那位教师所问,纵向的激励会不会激发横向或侧向的运动。我想由于存在非线性有这种可能,但需要特别的频率条件下才能出现。 Brian 问这种针对简谐和随机激励的隔振,对冲击激励是不是也适用。我想持续的和非持续的激励,还是有本质区别的。这些 以后都也可以研究。 这个领域近来才有些兴趣,工作积累有限。能有这种效果我自己很满意。 附:报告摘要 Some Advances in Nonlinear Vibration Isolation (seminar 1) An isolation mount between a source and a receiver is widely adopted to reduce the level of transmitted vibrations. Recently, nonlinear vibration isolation has attracted significant attention. Nonlinearity could be intentionally introduced to extend the isolation range and to reduce transmitted vibration dramatically. Such nonlinearity can be implemented by a combination of positive and negative stiffness, which are arranged to achieve a low dynamic stiffness and hence lownatural frequency, but at the same time having a small static deflection. The negative stiffness could be realized by using horizontal springs, magnets, bi-stable composite plates subject to transverse center loading or comprising a post-buckled beam with an axial end constraint. The presentation focuses on recent developments in the area of nonlinear vibration isolation with high static low dynamic stiffness and demonstrates the analytical, the numerical and the experimental results of single/double-stage nonlinear vibration isolation prototype device. Both harmonic and random excitations are considered. The presentation emphasizes four strategies to improve the existing vibration isolation systems, namely, two-stage nonlinear vibration isolation, nonlinear damping, application of stochastic resonance, and negative stiffness produced by a bistable composite plate.
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演讲技巧: Planning Your Slide Show (1)
WileyChina 2015-5-18 10:00
原作者: Richard Threlfall 转载自 : Chemistry Views 《亚洲有机化学杂志》的责任编辑Richard Threlfall 手把手教你如何计划你的演示文稿(PPT ) ,让你像专业人士那样演讲。 考虑你的听众 就像我的“海报展示” 系列里所说的一样,对你来说第一重要的事是考虑你的听众。给学生听众展示的内容和给学术会议上听众展示的内容是不一样的,因此,请确保你所要展示的内容符合大多数听众的水平,也就是说,你所要展示的内容应该能够被听众理解。考虑你的听众也包括考虑到他们的相关专业知识,你需要知道他们是否熟悉你所要展示的话题的背景,以及你是否需要用几页幻灯片陈述话题的背景。 把你的展示设计得可理解是抓住听众注意力的关键。 分割你的演讲报告 根据分配的时间把你的展示内容划分为一些小的展示部分。 从把握时间的角度看,越小的部分对你来说越好掌控,因为如果你按照时间来划分展示部分,部分越小你越容易掌控你的速度。 一个好的办法是 根据你的演讲大纲制作一页综述性的幻灯片 (包括你的每个部分)。在你开始每一部分的展示之前,都展示出这页幻灯片,并高亮你将要展示的那一部分。这个方法能让你的听众很轻松地跟上你的展示,并且能帮助他们理解前后两个部分的关系。 很多人建议每页幻灯片的预留时间是1 分钟,这是一个还不错的一般准则。但是,很多人在紧张或感受到高压时,说话速度都会不自觉加快,因此,将你的每页幻灯片的预留时间设计为少于1 分钟是一个很好的策略。拥有比所分配时间更多的内容也好过内容不够填满时间。 为问答环节准备一两页幻灯片 ,换言之,尽力想一想你的听众可能会有哪些问题,并预先为你认为可能需要深入解释的问题准备几页幻灯片。即使这些幻灯片的内容和你实际被问到的问题答案有所出入,你仍然有你准备的答案和你内心的幻灯片,这些内容可能适用于回答一系列的不同问题。 小心准备你的笑话 最后, 一定要小心准备你在展示中想要使用的笑话 !只有当你确定你的笑话会让你的听众发笑时,你才可以安心地尝试言语上的幽默感。另一方面,动画片可能会让听众发笑,但是,使用动画片的条件是你需要确信你准备的动画片能够被大多数听众理解。你不会想看到你的准备达不到预想效果,你自己反而成为了笑话。 点击阅读英文原文
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[转载]Presentation Programs
isping 2013-5-25 20:09
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见什么人说什么话 -- 关于学术报告
热度 32 nyouyou 2013-1-18 13:00
这篇博文,还是抛砖引玉啊,探讨一下对于做学术报告的经验。 我第一次做学术报告理论上就是本科毕业答辩吧?我的本科毕设是在当时位于上地的Novo Nordisk(诺尔诺德)公司北京研发总部(现在好像分成了Novo Nordisk和Novozyme两个部分)完成的。昨天一个毕业后在Novozyme(诺维信)工作的学生告诉我她们收拾东西的时候,还看见我十几年前的文件夹了,我自己都着实兴奋了一下。而这种跨国大公司对于presentation是很讲究的。我现在还记得当时指导一诺的孟夏博士耐心地告诉我们该怎样准备ppt,比如 不要用太多花里胡哨的模板占据ppt的版面啊,字体最好都用粗细一样的(比如 Arial 、 Comic ,不要用 Roman 这种的),每一页的title位置都要一样,每一个主题下的字体、颜色要匹配, 等等,总之就是要注意怎样让下面坐的听众接受到你最想表达的信息。很遗憾的是,我尽管当时听了,但是架不住喜欢用很炫的模板,这个习惯直到几年前才慢慢纠正过来。再翻看自己以前的slides,颇有些惨不忍睹。 我做报告有个特点,自己越紧张越激动,发挥越好。基本上每一个内容,第一次在公共场合讲都是效果最好的,越往后就讲得越乏味了。但是这个特点如果用不好,也会很惨。还记得进了一公实验室之后,第一次在组会做工作汇报的时候,被老板不客气地批了一顿,什么逻辑混乱、跳跃性太强,让人不知所云 (其实吧,现在想想那是我的优点啊,发散性思维嘛 )他告诉我们: 如果最开始确实不知道该怎么讲,不妨给每张slide都写好script,自己在家里练一两遍先。 这个方法我试过两次,一次是在系里retreat的时候做报告,一次是自己的博士答辩。效果真的不错。不过后来可能讲得多了,经验也多了,也就不需要这样了。不过在此提醒一些同学:有些同学可能很担心自己讲的时候忘掉什么,于是一张slide上密密麻麻满满当当写满了字,这是最让人头晕眼花的一种ppt,至少我是非常不喜欢的。 好了,上面都是引言,下面说“见什么人说什么话”的问题,也就是报告该讲什么? 我自己基本经历了三个阶段: 第一阶段:得瑟 第二阶段:照顾所有人 第三阶段:看什么人说什么话 我也不知道以后还会不会再进化出更多阶段。 最开始的时候,总想让别人觉得自己很懂、很牛、很内行,于是总喜欢用各种术语,还懒得解释,巴不得在有限的时间里,把这个报告相关的内容一股脑地倒给听众。结果哩,有一次我讲完了,一个我毕业委员会的教授过来说:Nieng,讲得很不错,只不过你一直说的那些Dark、Dronc、Drice都是什么呀?我听到最后都糊涂了 后来,根据我自己听报告的经验,发现结构生物学是很不容易讲的一个领域,一不小心就让人眼花缭乱。于是我又开始尽量避免讲太多专业,总想先灌输一大堆背景来科普一下。这个后果呢,就像我有几次做的,2/3的时间都用来科普了,把自己的东西压缩得很厉害。这可能是讲课后遗症。 目前,我开始有意识地根据不同的报告类型做不一样的报告了。最喜欢的是我们本领域的symposium,比如Cold Spring Harbor Aisn sympoisa系列、Gordon Research Conferences系列、Keystone symposia系列,下面坐的就是你的小同行,大家想听的就是最新进展,最好是没发表的结果。这种情况下,就尽情地“得瑟”好了,甚至留些问题,等着和大家讨论。而如果是某些学校邀请,听众程度不一,那就以科普教育为主,反复强调一两个重点,让在座的人别浪费时间,好歹有些收获。 现在比较困惑的是如何给跨学科的听众讲。去不同学科做报告的目的就是想找人合作,讲得简单了吧,达不到目的;讲得深了吧,时间不够,好像激发不起思考。我试过几次,自己都不满意。不知道是否有高人可以指点一二?不过就我自己听跨学科报告的感觉,比如一个小时50分钟都没听懂,但是有10分钟的内容听懂了,在脑子里扎根了,以后不知什么时候就蹦出来有用了。 做报告是在发表论文之外,最重要的将自己的科研成果传递给大众的方式之一。真是需要花时间想想如何达到最佳效果。共勉。
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Pechakucha representation
fgu 2012-12-3 17:59
Pechakucha representation
PechaKucha or Pecha Kucha is a presentation methodology in which the slides are shown for 20 seconds each. In general, we can find that there are two ways to copy with it. One is simplified pages, for example, one picture/one sentence for one page. It means that the speaker should give the stirring topic in every page which is replaced complex content. The other way is to accelerate the speech which will show more the details. The core in both ways is catch the logic chain for your research work. 尝试过几次 PechaKucha形式的PPT讲述。由于这种形式下,讲演者不需要控制页面的转换,而是之前由讲座的管理者在计算机中自动设置好了每20秒钟换为下一个页面。讲演者不得不分配好演讲的时间、内容的侧重和讲演中的逻辑链结构。在自己的尝试和听取她他人讲演的过程中,感觉有两种主要的方式能很好地展现研究内容。 第一种是一个页面一句话或一幅图片,这种简化处理的核心是用吸引力取代文字内容,诱发听众的思考。第二种是加快语速,讲研究中的逻辑结构,比如研究思想比如研究步骤等等,页面上的内容可以提供给听众去看,讲的并不一定完全参照文字。但根据个人经验,第一种的效果明显要好得多,因为听众和讲演者都没有太多时间去拓展,这种形式也符合常见的国外的PPT讲演形式。当然第二种也很常见,只是国内更常见。 开始的组织 例2 例1
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王军强 2012-10-24 22:27
INFORMS年会 2012-10-23 18:16 王军强 运筹学和管理科 学研究协会(Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences ,INFORMS)是由美国运筹学会(Operations Research Society of America,ORSA)和美国管理学会(Institute of Management Sciences, TIMS)于1995年合并而成,是全世界公认的运筹学(OR)、管理科学(MS)和商 业分析领域最具影响力的专业学会,致力于提高系统运作的效率和效益,并做出更好的管理决策,为促进、推动运筹学和管理学的学术交流、学科发展、人才培养做 出了杰出贡献,本领域全球最顶级的学术期刊《OR》、《MS》均出自INFORMS。 INFORMS年会(INFORMS Annual Meeting)作为运筹学和管理科学领域的年度顶级盛会,得到了全世界OR/MS学 者、专家的关注和热捧,大会邀请的报告人不乏诺贝尔奖获得者、院士、学术界顶尖学者、企业界杰出领袖、全球知名学者。通过OR/MS理论探索、学科交叉、 前沿分析以及对OR/MS科学的工具和方法付诸工业企业实践等方面的深度研讨,促进OR/MS在国际范围内进行广泛的学术交流,对推动数理科学、管理科 学、计算科学、信息科学、制造科学、服务科学、工业工程及其它相关领域学科的发展起到了重要的作用。 2012年INFORMS年会于2012年10月13日至17日在美国亚利桑拉州的菲 尼克斯国家会展中心举办,会议主题为“信息时代的OR/MS”,旨在用OR/MS技术更好地理解自然系统与人工系统,进而结合计算机信息处理技术和通信技 术,推动决策科学发展,提高企业核心竞争力,保障国家国土安全,促进环境可持续发展,提升人民生活质量。会议邀请到Richard O’Lear将军介绍了OR在国防安全方面的应用,重点介绍了国防科学委员会重点资助的OR在人工智能、监测、侦察方面的研究项目。国土安全部Caryl Brzymialkiewicz介绍了国防决策风险与决策科学研究与实践情况。美国国家工程院院士Bill Pulleyblank分析了当今系统由集中组织向动态网络组织转变的特征,介绍了OR在医疗保健系统、商务系统、实时决策系统等网络化系统中的分析决策 研究。英国皇家学会会士、大英帝国司令勋章爵士George Poste介 绍了医疗保健系统中“大数据”对现代计算与分析带来的挑战。Intel和IBM会士、IBM超级计算机"蓝色基因"首席架构师Alan Gara介绍了高性能计算的研究现状及未来。诺贝尔奖得主Edward Prescott介绍了OR技术在总量经济学中的研究与应用。国际运筹学会联合会(IFORS)前主席、EURO金质奖章获得者Paolo Toth介绍了OR在铁路优化中的研究与应用。美国施奈德公司的董事长兼CEO Christopher Lofgren介绍了创新的基本原理以及在企业的应用。INFORMS、MSOM、POMS、IIE和SME的会士Wally Hopp介绍了制造业的发展现状及未来走向。 此次大会共吸引了来自全球超过5000名专家学者参会,会议总计安排4000多场报告(oral presentation),分1160余个分会场(session)进行,内容涵盖生产运作、决策优化、计算科学、信息科学、医疗保健、行为运作、国防 安全、能源经济、绿色供应链、营销科学、交通运输、电信系统、服务管理和可持续发展等众多相关领域。参会者主要来自欧美,亚洲以日本、韩国、香港、台湾等 地学者为主。
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daishx08 2012-6-15 10:06
菜鸟用英文做 presentation 本文转载于: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-692836-582294.html 说起当着众人演讲 , 做报告 , 其实每个人都难免紧张 . 中国人初次 ( 菜鸟 ) 用英文做 presentation 尤其如此 . 记得当年在美国做博士后期间 , 参加一个硕士生的课程作业报告 , 当时是晚上 , 很多学生老师在听 , 一个中国学生准备讲 . 其实他的 ppt 做得很不错 , 但能看出来他当时非常紧张 . 一开始他原本想说 “ 大家晚上好 ”, 可一张嘴就来了一句 “Good night, Ladies and Gentlemen”. “Good night?” 是晚安吗 ? 讲完这句就回家睡觉吗 ? 你的作业就这么一句吗 ? 美国老板还是很幽默 , 善意地跟他的学生开了一个玩笑 , 场面一下轻松起来 . 中国学生反倒彻底放开了 , 整个报告发挥得还不错 . 记得我第一次用英文做 presentation 也是紧张地要命 . 当时是在香港 , 也是参加一个课程作业报告 . 当时一个国内访问的师兄给我传授 “ 经验 ”, 说 , 别着急 , 尽量把你要说的东西写到你的 slides 上 , 然后照着念就行了 . 我就像抓着救命稻草一样 , 赶紧照办 . 事实证明 , 师兄宝贵经验确实起作用了 - 彻底把我给害了 ! 当时的任课老师把我当典型给很批了一通 , 说 , 做 presentation 绝对不能在 slides 上放太多的文字 , 要以图表为主 , 配以简明扼要的介绍 . 你对你讲的东西要非常清楚 , 每一张图 , 每一个表 , 每一个 slide 要说什么 , 事前都要准备好 , 要写下来 , 然后背熟 , 这样你面对你的 slides, 面对你的听众才能轻松自如 . 你看看你的 presentation 一直在念 slides 上的文字 , 连看听众们一眼的功夫都没有 , 看把你忙的 ! 另外你们大陆学生 ppt 怎么做的都一个模式 ? 是不是受过统一的训练 ? 说起大陆学生做 ppt 的模式 , 现在想起来 , 还真都一个模式 . 开篇一般是这样 : Slide 1 – Title Good morning everyone, I am Shanyong, I think everyone here knows me. My research title is “Numerical simulation of cavity expansion in soft soils” and my supervisor is Professor Lee. 关于第一个 slide, 很多中国学生都习惯这么写 . 当时我也这么写 , 其实我没觉得有什么不好 , 但总感觉不像那些鬼老的开场白说的激情飞扬 . 一些有经验的演讲者通常在开头会先扯点别的 , 讲几个小笑话 , 活跃一下气氛 . 记得我来澳洲做得第一个 seminar 提到美国科研世界第一 , 为什么要来澳洲发展 . 我说 08 年前后美国遇到了金融危机 , 没有 fundings suport 我了 , 我只能来澳洲寻找机会 . 来到澳洲后我就深深地爱上了这里 , 我老婆也是 , 爱得很深 , because there is no financial crisis here. 我当时听下面一阵会意的笑声 , 感觉还不错 . 当然 , 对菜鸟来讲还是从最简单的开始 , 能把东西讲清楚是第一原则 , 否则会弄巧成拙 . Slide 2 - Outline This is just a quick outline of what I am going to talk about this morning. I will give a quick introduction and background into my research, followed by a summary of some of the short comings of published literature. There will be a look at the methods of analysis used as well as some of the results so far, followed by a look at future plans and a timetable of completion. 第二张 slide 关于 outline 是我后来做 seminar 的习惯 , 现在看起来觉得还不错 . 作为菜鸟我以前是这样说的 : This slide is about the outline of my presentation. There is totally five parts. This first one is …, the second one is …, the third one is …, the fourth one is … and the last one is the conclusion. 我想看到这里很多中国学生都会笑 , 可能大家也有我以前菜鸟的影子 . 其实我想说这么写没什么不好 , 至少简单明了 . 但总给人感觉不是那么 professional. 后来听别人的报告听多了 , 发现其实可以改改说法 , 内容还是 slide 的内容 , 效果就不同了 . 不同的地方是用一些变化的句型 , 比如说 :I will give a quick introduction and background into my research, followed by a summary of some of the short comings of published literature. Followed 这个词很妙 , 很轻松地承接了前后两部分 . 这样就避开了很死板的那些句型 (the first(second, third…is …) 让人听起来很流畅 , 有点 professional 的味道 . Slide 3 – Introduction When considering the stability of tunnels, there are many different problems that can be looked at, different …, such as …as well as …. This is just a quick mention of some of the shortcomings of the published literature in relation to tunnels. The vast majority of past research has only considered …; there is some research into …, but not much, and basically none looking at … Almost all the literature concerns only single tunnels, or single tunnel headings. There has been very little effort to look at the effect of …, as well as associated interaction effects. The plan of my research is to use 3 methods of analysis for a variety of the geometries and soil medium combinations. These 3 methods will be discussed a little more in a few minutes. 这一部分是一个澳洲学生做的部分 intertroduciton. 我觉得说得非常流畅 . 他很注意每句话之间的衔接 . 比如 “When considering…”, “This is just a quick mention of…”, “There has been very little effort to look at…”, “These 3 methods will be discussed a little more in a few minutes”. 这句话很自然地承接下一段 . Slide 4– Methodology This section looks at the methodology of … 在这一部分 , 我觉得 looks at 这个词用得很好 . 这样我们就会避免这样的句型一直出现 “This section is …”. Slide 5 - Results This figure, and the one on the next slide, give a good insight into the effect of the friction angle. As the friction angle increases, the area of influence around the tunnels drops off dramatically. 看看这段话的描述是不是比 “This figure is about…” 看起来舒服很多 ? Slide 6 – Future Work If you recall, I explained earlier, that so far only … have been used to consider the problems presented today. It will be possible to apply … to these same problems, giving a better insight into their behaviour, as well as confirming the two analysis techniques. 还有对未来工作的展望这段话 , 也写得很不错 . Slide 7 – Timetable Finally, here is my plan-timetable, thank for listening… Does anyone have any Questions? 总之 , 无论是用英文还是用中文做报告 (presentation) 都是一个熟能生巧的过程 . 在开会的时候认真学习别人是如何做的 , 然后模仿 , 直到变成自己的东西 . 另外 , 准备工作是非常重要的 , 只有准备充分了 , 心里才有底 , 才不会太紧张 . 说到紧张 , 其实 , 后来我发现就是那些 native 的鬼老大教授做报告的时候也是有紧张的 , 但他们能很快调节自己 , 直到轻松自如 , 无它 , 经验丰富尔 . 当然上述只是做 presentation 的表面功夫 , 要想让你的 presentation 一鸣惊人 , 内容还是最主要的 .
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Presentation Skills At Your Finger Tips 唾手可得的演讲技巧
热度 1 waterlilyqd 2012-4-25 09:01
唾手可得的演讲技巧 翻译:邱敦莲 (英译中) Source: http://expertscolumn.com/content/presentation-skills-your-finger-tips Public speaking has now become an integral part of almost all the profession. No matter if you are a maketing professional, a scientist, business man or a teacher you will have to face audience and present yourself. It might be a daunting task for some as according to a research 41% people have a fear of public speaking. Here are few simple ways you need to become both comfortable and effective at public speaking. Enhance your presentation skills and get a edge over your colleagues. 在公共场所讲话已成为几乎所有职业必不可少的一部分。无认你是职业营销人员,科学家,商人还是教师,你都必须面对听众,对某个话题进行陈述。对某些人而言,这是一件十分痛苦的事。据调查,有多达41%的人害怕在公众场合讲话。这里给大家讲几种你需要的方法,让你在公共场合讲话感觉舒服而且卓有有效。提升你的演讲技巧,让自己在同事中更胜一筹。 Make your Audience Comfortable: 让听众感觉舒服 To impart any new information to a group you first have to make them comfortable. Control your physical anxiety. Nervous behaviour will make your audience disinterested in your talk. So it's important to stay calm and comfortable to get your audience attention. But don’t make them sleep. 向某个团体分享新的信息以前,首先得让他们感到舒服。请注意控制你的焦虑情绪。你的焦燥不安会让听众对你的讲演失去兴趣。因此,要让听众处在平静和舒适的状态之中,以吸引他们的注意力,但不要让他们睡着了。 Make Eye Contact: 眼神接触 Once you have got their attention, make eye contact with them. As eye contact is associated with telling the truth at least in western culture. It will prevent your audience attention being diverted and they will actually listen to what you are saying. Moreover you will know that who was sleeping during your presentation. 听众的注意力集中以后,演讲者要与听众进行眼神交流。西方文化认为,眼睛是不能说谎的,眼神接触可以防止听众转移注意力,专心致志地听你的演讲;另外,也能让你了解谁在你作报告的时候打磕睡。 The Power of Pause:稍作停顿 In order to let your audience understand what you are saying,learn to stop talking so that your audience can ingest what you last said,get a picture of it and put it into a context before moving on to what you say next. The pause is absolutely the most important thing you can do. You are here to present what you have,not to show your oral learning skills. 为了让听众明白你要讲的内容,要学会采用停顿的方式,给听众留一点时间,好让他们消化你刚才所讲的内容,将所讲的内容置于某个语境中,勾勒出所讲内容的轮廓。停顿绝对是你能做的最重要的事情。你到这里是要与听众分享你所知道的内容,而不是展示你的口才。 Body langugae:巧妙应用身体语言 Body language is a very important tool when you speak at public. People can judge you mental condition just by looking at you. Keep your shoulders straight which shows that you are confident,leaning down or pushing forward show under and over confidence respectively. Most importantly for men keep your hands out of your pocket, having hands in pockets limit the impact of what you are saying. Walk with grace,it adds charisma to your personality,besides a good presentation you might win some hearts. 身体语言是公共场所讲话的重要工具,人们通过你的身体语言能够了解你的精神状态。保持双肩平直,表明你充满自信;双肩向两侧或者向前倾斜,说明你缺乏自信或者过去自信。最最重要的是不要把手放在你的衣服或者裤子兜里.手放兜里会限制你所传达的内容的影响力。可以在台上优雅地走动,这会增添你的个人魅力,除了能够达到好的演讲效果以外,还能赢得一些人的心。 Gestures: 注意手势的使用 Avoid gestures such as pointing finger, hand on neck scratching hairs or making faces. It makes you look confused and in turn confuses your audience. Don't be confused as only you know if you are lying or not. 不要用手指着某人,也不要抓耳挠腮或者扮鬼脸,这些会让人觉得你有点犯迷糊,也会让听众感到困惑。 Podium: 如何利用讲台 Besides providing a place to stand,it works like a protection. Avoid leaning on it and don't just stick to it.Make movement to free yourself from gazing eyes. And you can always get some air while moving around. 讲台除了作演讲人员站立的平台,还具有保护作用。请不要将身体靠在讲台上,也不要紧贴着讲台。 Effective content: 言之有物 Have effective content in your presentation. Unnecessary history will only bore your audience and make them disinterested. It may also make you forget what you come here to present. 演讲一定要言之有物。不必要的内容会让听众厌烦,失去兴趣,可能还会让你忘了演讲的真正目的。 Humor : 来点幽默 Adding humor to your presentation is like a cherry on top. No matter what topic you discuss a slight tinge of humor always make your presentation interesting and keep your audience from getting bored. But don't try to over do it and keep it related to your topic. Moreover it will help you overcome your anxiety and you will start enjoying what you present. 演讲中带点幽默,就像是在冰激凌上面放上樱桃,让人耳目一新。不管你谈论的是什么话题,幽默感会让你的演讲更加有趣,也使听众不会感觉无聊。但是,千万不要过火,你的幽默必须要与谈论的话题有关。另外,幽默能够使你克服不安情绪,开始享受演讲的过程。 In all the presentation regardless of the profession all these factors should be considered. Remeber your school time a teacher who is friendly and comfortable in class never made us to look at our watches waiting for the class to get over so we can go. Hopefully these tips will make you more comfortable in your next presentation. 无论哪种职业的演讲,都应该考虑以上这些因素。回忆一下自己上学时的感受:如果是一个友善而让人感觉舒服的老师在上课,我们绝不会不停地看表,老想着上课快点结束。希望这些小点子能够让你在下次演讲时感到舒服!
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pinehu 2011-12-2 18:58
今天是本科四年的最后一次正式的课堂——无机非金属材料工学基础。老师让我们做一个分组做一个课题的小汇报。我带领的小组做的课题是“羟基磷灰石”陶瓷在医学上的应用。 从上个星期老师将题目布置下来,我们经过小组讨论,确定了陈述的大体结构和思路。然后经过断断续续的准备,到本周三已经将PPT模型准备好了,只欠演讲。 演讲对我来说,我最为畏惧。因为先前的几次上台作陈述,我事后都会有一些懊恼,或者是讲得根本一无是处,或者是有那么几个自认为的亮点由于紧张而没有表达出来。 所以,以前的经历给我留下了阴影。经过昨天一天零零碎碎时间的准备,将大体腹稿已经形成。但是说实话,直到今天下午1点钟,我独自一人作预演的时候还是讲得不顺畅,脑子里面的东西总是在打架。好在我自认为无论自己扯到什么地方,都能够说一点话,不至于站在台上没有话讲。 出乎我意料的是,我站在台上洋洋洒洒地将做的准备陈述了出来,比之前的任何一次预演都要来得漂亮。 其实这只是一个小小的进步而已,但是我此时的心情是很舒畅的。写下现在的心情,也可以当做对我这次小小进步的自我奖励! 我现在已经是保研的学生了,我热爱科学,我想在科学事业上面留下一点付出的足迹。包括陈述在内的很多,我还需要学习,这是毋庸置疑的。 和别人不一样,我记住了这次小小的优秀表现,而且我会为以后的科研道路上要承受的压力做好准备。 今天心情舒畅,我奖励自己美美地吃了一顿晚餐。
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NREnergy 2011-1-17 07:24
详见网站,有非常多对研究生有用的资源,欢迎转载和分享。 http://www.writing.engr.psu.edu/ Writing Guidelines for Engineering and Science Students Student Resources: Writing Exercises Slides: Scientific Writing Slides: Scientific Presentations Instructor Resources: Slides: Technical Writing Slides: Technical Presentations Instructor Handouts Teaching Slide Design Editor: Penn State, Leonhard Center Contributors: Penn State Georgia Tech University of Illinois University of Texas Virginia Tech Film: These guidelines for engineering writing and scientific writing are designed to help students communicate their technical work. To that end, these guidelines contain advice, models, and exercises for common writing and speaking assignments in engineering and science. Introduction Assessing the Audience Selecting the Format Crafting the Style Presentations Design of Presentation Slides Design of Scientific Posters Correspondence Memo Format: html or pdf Sample Memo: html, or pdf Letter Format: html, or pdf Sample Letter: html, or pdf E-mail Format Résumés Formal Reports Laboratory Reports Design Reports Progress Reports Theses and Dissertations Other Documents Proposals Instructions Journal Articles Conclusion Appendix A: Sample Format Appendix B: Documenting Sources Glossary References Acknowledgments Originated: 09/1997 Last updated: 11/2010 http://writing.engr.psu.edu/ All materials at this web site are the intellectual property of the editors and authors. You are welcome to make hypertext links to any of the pages at this site as long as you give proper credit. Please direct comments, suggestions, or questions to the lead editor: Michael Alley, Penn State.
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[转载]转载 Giving Effective PowerPoint Presentations (by Sc
iefnus 2010-12-7 16:43
I can't stand poorly run meetings. However, there is one thing worse: a generic PowerPoint presentation. You should be concerned only with one thing when presenting to an audience. That is Has the audience come away from this with information that was in-line with the original point of the presentation? If people leave your PowerPoint presentation armed with confusion and wonder, your presentation has failed. In a sales situation presenting information properly to prospects is vital. From introducing a product or service to closing the sale, small business cannot afford to have people walk away thinking you've wasted their time. Presentations do not have a problem with lack of information. Most of the time there is too much. The biggest issue is the way you present your PowerPoint presentation. What happens when you cloud your PowerPoint presentation with visuals that aren't up to par? (For instance, pictures that are taken right out of the generic clipart folder and put in to fill space.) You send the message that your PowerPoint presentation will be of the generic kind, so sit back and relax, you've seen it before. You lose your audience before you can present your information. I've witnessed companies that outsource their external PowerPoint presentations to graphic design firms, but for internal audiences it's given to whoever is around that knows how to open PowerPoint. The message to employees is very simple: You aren't as important to us. Purchasing a CD set of backgrounds and pictures is a smart investment. I use Digital Juice and I have hundreds of themed backgrounds and thousands of photos to choose from, most of which I've never seen in any other presentation. Then there is the flipside: overdoing it. The overuse of technological bells and whistles in PowerPoint presentations is an under-rated problem. Many presenters think, If it's new and dynamic; it will make my PowerPoint presentation much better. There is nothing better than a PowerPoint presentation that is done professionally with only limited effects. A common mistake is the overuse of PowerPoint animations and transitions during a slideshow. I'm sure you've seen what I'm talking about; the presenter that animates each sentence so it flies in, drops down, and explodes on the screen with an accompanying sound effect. What happens after that? Do you lose track of what the presenter is saying? Forget within three seconds what the point was because you were so focused on the effects that you missed the content? While the thought process behind these special effects is, This highlights my point and emphasizes the importance, the outcome is often the opposite. People tend to get distracted by the effects. Especially with sounds, where the presenter can hear the whooshing noise, along with the few in the front of the room. The people in the middle think they heard something, but couldn't make it out and the people at the back are wondering why there is a fly somewhere in the meeting room. Laptops were not meant to project sound to fill a room, so don't use them to do that. Want to emphasize a main point? Put it on the screen by itself and let people read it. A good rule for effective PowerPoint presentations is to put up only your main points and use the screen as a reference. If you run through your PowerPoint presentation (which you must do many times) and you see a slide with more than five points, start a new slide. Your slideshow is not the presentation, it is an aid. If what you say when you expand the bullet points is useful for the audience to take away, put it in the handout. Then let them know at the beginning of your PowerPoint presentation that you will give out copies of the slides. Unless you want a mutiny on your hands, I don't suggest letting people take notes all through your PowerPoint presentation, then giving them a handout at the end with all the points on it. Make sure you give the handouts at the end as well, unless it's crucial they follow along with them, or again you will distract your audience. If you have a quote or a long statement that cannot be chopped up into bullet points, put it up either on the screen and allow people to read it, or read it out loud from your notes, but not both. As much as people like to think the opposite, we can only do one thing at a time. If someone is reading the screen, they are not listening to you, and vice-versa. If only the main points are on the screen, the audience will realize their importance. Don't overwhelm your audience with techno-fluff. The power of technology is neither the point of your PowerPoint presentation, nor the strength of it. The technology should be used only sparingly or to reinforce the information you have to share. After all, your goal is to make sure they leave the room with the right information. Contributed by Scott Stratten of WorkYourLife.com . Email Scott at scott@workyourlife.com .
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热度 1 武继磊 2010-10-26 14:03
经过了2周多时间的准备,来澳的第一个学术报告赶鸭子上架一般登场了!这次之前,只在爱尔兰的一个国际会议上做过10分钟的presentation,而这次需要讲完40分钟,不像上次只针对一篇文章的研究设计和结果来讲,报告需要涉及我们所的概况介绍,但又必须按照学术报告来做即需要有个主题!接到这个任务比较犯难,但却不得不按时完成。报告的形式是这边的例行报告会,来去自由,故到场的人不多,这与这边做相关老龄和残疾研究的人比较少有关,故而不知道他们掌握了多少我讲解的内容,至少我用流利的、山东味或者夹杂其他味的Chnglish顺利讲完了,呵呵时间把握比较符合要求,内容上,只能靠做的slides尽可能比较直观和全面,但准备的讲解内容在紧张的表达中,感觉只说出了40%。 看来还需要多加练习啊! 继续努力,争取下次在专业范围内再登场!
个人分类: 闻道悟行|3880 次阅读|1 个评论
tangtang1987 2010-7-2 08:19
去年花了将近四个月时间,带着四个完全没有基础的本科生,做一个关于软件攻防的项目。 从最简单的加壳脱壳,到文件系统加密和内核钩子等等。 我跟着他们一起成长,一起学会了非常非常多的东西。 最炎热的四个月,每天在实验室待的时间超过十个小时。 可是 老师们并不认可我,因为我不会做报告。 我过于本分过于固执的处理一切,最后项目的功劳全被另外一个组的老大夺取。 因为他对自己完全不懂的东西可以忽悠的把懂得人都套进去。 毫不讽刺的说,这是一种非常重要的能力,特别在中国的学术圈。 这也是让我把自己逼出国门的最重要原因。 当然 这段时间我也得到了很多很多 那四个小朋友,到现在都抢着请我吃饭。 因为,对于在一个高度的朋友来说,你做了什么,他们是清楚的。 也许我有一天回来还是会面对这一切让我难受的东西 也许我可以努力不回来。
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热度 1 chrujun 2010-4-11 08:38
不少朋友对用英语做口头学术报告怀有恐惧心理。在这里我介绍1~3天内可以基本应付口头报告的方法。 1. 抓关键词。 把报告涉及的关键词找出来,根据内容找出30~50个关键词。然后利用在线词典学会每一个关键词的读音。一定要把每个关键词的发音弄对,并且了然于胸。 2. 构思每一张幻灯片要讲的内容。 对于每一张幻灯片要讲的内容,慢慢想,并且写出来。尽量用结构简单的句子写。对每一句要讲的内容通读5遍以上,直到读得通顺为止。 3. 多次试讲。任何一个报告,讲的次数多了,自然就熟悉了。 我的体会是,如果能够试讲10遍以上,要讲的内容基本可以背下来了。 4. 反思讲义。可以闭上眼睛,看能不能从头到尾把要讲的内容背出来。如果有背不出来的地方,再去看讲义。直到能够背出来为止。 5. 总结提高。注意整个口头报告中所讲内容的逻辑性,对报告内容和形式进行总结和改进。 根据一个人的英语基础,完成上述任务可能花1~3天时间,最多花3天时间可以讲好一个英文口头报告。 但速成方式的缺点是怕在讲报告过程中,或是报告完成后有人提问。英语标准一点的人提问还好,要是碰到日本人、意大利人或德国人提问,很多报告者会慌了手脚。不要惊慌,国际会议上比咱中国人英语还烂的老外很多。这个时候可以直接说I am sorry. I don't understand your question.Please send me an email, I'll reply you as soon as possilbe. 如果能够听懂提问者的问题,就简单回答一下。如果听不懂发音不标准的老外在问什么,就请他/她发EMAIL,通过邮件回答问题。
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You must be talented in something else, I am sure
haiyan1228 2009-10-20 08:48
Youmustbetalentedinsomethingelse,Iamsure 今天的Journalclub由我主讲paper,两篇70年代的smith关于restrictionenzyme的发现的paper.我从周末开始准备,虽然已经比较有80%的把握,但是临到阵前我还是有点紧张。开始之前我去setupprojector,Lennie是管理projector的负责人,一个很和善的矮个子小脚老太太,走路犹如陀螺旋转一般频率飞快。我借到projector之后就去自己setup,却怎么也不能把图像调到正中间。看表还差10分钟了,我就飞奔去找小脚老太太求援,老太太闻讯随我而来。路上她开玩笑说althoughIhaveneverusedthatprojectorbefore,howharditisformantoadjustingamachine?,我随口说'Iamnotgoodatadjustingmachines',她听后很和善的说'oh,sweetie,Ibelieveyoumustbetalentedatsomethingelse'.我听了以后很感动和受到鼓舞。在她的帮助下我们很快调试好机器,其实只是projector位置的高低而已,projector上有个架子可以自动放下来改变高度。最后很真诚地向她道谢。 这件事情对我当时的情绪影响很小,因为当时正专注于presentation。晚上回来我静下来一想,其实它对我震动很大,一时把情绪压抑了而已。 1.从此以后,我会更多看到自己的优点,不老是盯着缺点不放。可以更从容自信。 2.我也有由此看到,美国人无论是对孩子的教育还是对年轻人,更多的是从鼓励的角度让他进步和学习,而非苛责打击鞭策。 这也可能是师生间轻松自由开放的关系产生的原因。也是科学自由思辨的源泉。因为你不害怕说错了或想法很荒唐会受到什么嘲笑斥责,在科学世界里面所有的发现在最初的时候几乎都是很荒唐的求证,然而荒唐变为真实只有一步之遥时必须有人敢于提出,敢于求证。 'Youmustbetalentedinsomethingelse,Iamsure''yes,Ibelieveso'.
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