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热度 2 pliu1056 2013-3-18 19:25
2013年1月,《Nature Protocols》发表了我实验室纯化脂滴的详细方法,题目为“Isolating lipid droplets from multiple species”。 脂滴,细胞内中性脂的主要贮存场所。它的结构看起来很简单,单层磷脂膜包裹疏水的中性脂,表面分布有蛋白。因此,在很长时间内脂滴被认为是一个很懒、很消极的细胞内含物,可能只是细胞需要能量时的能量供给站,因而从1674年被发现以来,它一直被冷落,直至本世纪初,在脂滴蛋白组学的推动下,人们才开始认识到,脂滴原来是一个动态变化、非常活跃的细胞器,脂滴生物学的研究可能为解决人类代谢类疾病及生物能源问题提供线索。 因此,人们开始重新认识脂滴,到目前为止已有30多篇脂滴蛋白组学的文章发表,但是脂滴纯化“市场”上却没有一个通用、简便、可重复的方法能够用来从不同的生物体中纯化脂滴,进而使得脂滴蛋白组学的分析显得“各说各词”。 我是从2004年开始涉足脂滴领域,并首次发表了从中国仓鼠卵巢细胞CHO K2中分离纯化脂滴的方法(JBC 2004,JPR 2007),陆陆续续,将此方法应用到小鼠骨骼肌和肝脏(JLR 2007,JPR 2011),细菌(JLR 2012),及线虫(MCP 2012)中。在这一方法的帮助下,发现了很多新的脂滴蛋白,为脂滴这一细胞器生物学功能的探索提供了线索。而且该方法在“问世”以来,就受到同行们广泛的关注和认可,到目前为止,“JBC 2004”文章被引用次数超过340多次,“JPR 2007”和“JLR 2007”文章分别超过110次。 因此,2013年1月《Nature Protocols》发表了这一方法,题目为“Isolating lipid droplets from multiple species”。这一方法详述了如何从不同的生物体,如细菌,酵母,线虫,哺乳动物组织及细胞中,分离纯化出大量、高纯度的脂滴,而整个过程仅仅需要大约7小时。该方法为脂滴的纯化建立了标准化的方法,使得脂滴纯化“有法可依”,为脂滴生物学研究提供了一个重要的方法。 图示:脂滴与人类健康和生物能源有着必然联系,高纯度脂滴不可或缺 全文链接 http://www.nature.com/nprot/journal/v8/n1/full/nprot.2012.142.html
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Learning multiple layers of representation 总结(3)
mimizhu2003 2013-3-15 23:18
关于多层产生式模型: 作者指出:仅仅有一个隐层的产生式模型对于建模到达脑皮层的高维、具有丰富结构的 感知数据是太简单的一个模型了,对于多层网络,对每个数据矢量如果我们能发现某种 方法能推出基于隐变量的后验概率,则学习一个多层产生是模型就相对直接了;如果我 们能从后验分布中获得无偏样本,则学习也相对直接了。在这种情况下,我们简单的调 整参数以便来增加在每一层中的隐变量的样本状态的概率,将产生下一个隐层或可见变 量的样本状态。 在logistic信念网络的例子中,对每个训练样例的学习规则是某种形式的deta规则, 所推理的状态hi,它是后突触单元i的状态,作为目标值;给定在上一层的所有的前突触单 元j的推理状态hj,激活i的概率$\hat{h}$ 作为预测:$\Delta wij\propto hj(hi-\hat{hi}))$ $\Delta wji$ 是连接j和i之间的权值的变化。 如果i是可见单元,hi就被训练样例中的i的实际状态来代替。如果训练矢量以相等的概率从 训练集中选择,并且隐状态从给定训练矢量的后验分布中采样,上式的学习规则对产生式模型如果 运行N次将产生确定的N个训练矢量的概率有正期望效果。
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learning multiple layers of representation 总结(2)
mimizhu2003 2013-3-15 21:51
关于产生式模型:由于模型被很强的约束,所以后验分布能被高效和准确的推理。 作者首先介绍了几个产生式模型: 因子分析(factor analysis):有一个单隐层的高斯隐变量,它们对可视变量的关系是线性的, 独立高斯噪声被添加给每个可视变量。给定一个可视变量,不可能推出产生它的因 子的确切的状态,但是很容易推出因子的高斯后验分布的均值和协方差,这足以使 得模型的参数被增强。 独立成份分析(Indenpendent component analysis):是因子分析的进一步泛化,允许非高斯的 隐变量,但是通过消除在可见变量上的观察噪声以及约束隐层变量和可见层变量的数 目相等而维护了推理的简单。这些约束也使得后验分布最终聚到一个点,因为对于每 一个可见变量,仅仅一套隐变量能确切的产生它。 混合模型(Mixture model):每个数据矢量被假定仅仅由混合中的一个成份分布产生,并且它在 每个成份分布下很容易计算密度。 作者指出,如果因子分析被泛化来允许非高斯隐变量,它能建模低层视觉感知域的发展。然而, 如果不强加额外的约束(如在独立成份分析中的约束),它将不容易推理甚至很难表示给定隐变量 下的后验分布。这是由于一种称作为explain away的现象造成的。
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Hinton文章learning multiple layers of representation总结
mimizhu2003 2013-3-2 22:33
前两天看的文章,总结如下: 在文章的开始,提出的思想是:不同于以往学习一个分类器的目标,而是希望学习一个生成模型(generative model)。 作者指出,在一个神经网络中,如果它既包含自底向上的“识别”连接,也包含自顶向下的“生成”连接,就可以使用自底向上的过程来识别数据,而使用自顶向下的过程来产生数据。如果神经元是随机的,重复自顶向下的过程,将产生一个数据矢量的完整的分布。这表明,通过调整自顶向下的连接权值,来使得网络产生训练数据的概率达到最大,则训练数据将被驻留(reside in)在自顶向下的权值中。 可以用RBM(受限波尔兹曼机)的隐层来建模二值图像像素间的高阶相互关系。为了从训练图像集中学习一套好的特征检测子,像素i和特征检测子j间的初始权值被置为0,使用两对相互关系之间的差异迭代地更新权值,即像素i和特征检测子j之间同时出现的频率,一是受训练图像驱动时的,二是受重构后的图像驱动时的,相似的学习规则也可用于偏差(bias)。一旦RBM的隐层确定,我们就产生了一个对训练图像的重构。通过组合RBM来学习多层特征。
个人分类: 文章读后感|6038 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Yes sir, Ideas Count!
clivia 2012-12-19 10:12
Yes sir, Ideas Count! The Value in the University of Chicago • A firm belief in the value of open, rigorous, and intense inquiry • Argumentation rather than deference is the route to clarity • Insistence that arguments stand or fall on their merits, not the background, position, or fame of the proponent • Flexible organization that fosters rigorous and imaginative analysis of complex problems from multiple perspectives A great university would not achieve its educational reputation grandeur and has deep impact to humanity if no great ideas permeate from it. To have great ideas, one must first have ideas, even bad ones! Ideas from a university emerge from what the slide outlines, through open-minded inquisitiveness, debates, and argumentation from everyone within the university. There must be an atmosphere of exuberance and intensity where ideas can flow freely, ubiquitously, wandered aimlessly and debated furiously at every square inch of space within university. It is through “Insistence that arguments stand or fall on their merits, not the background, position, or fame of the proponent.” Hence, University of Chicago was chosen not just because it had great intellects. That it does have, and as we noticed, a large number.
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multiple choices
dtiger009 2012-11-20 14:15
Recently I participated in many partys and met many people. I really enjoy talking to them and they brought a lot of stories to me. 1A genus boy Cyrus is a little boy in Grade 5. After he found I came here frome Beijing,he drew a picture for me. I am so surprised at the precisemap of Terminal Three of Beijing Capital Airport .Cyrus is Lisa'eldstson with a round face and
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热度 1 Wuyishan 2012-11-2 16:48
博主按:据说这是主要靠严格的饮食疗法治愈多发性硬化症的唯一病例。病人自身是美国爱荷华大学医学院的医学博士,一位女士。这应该是宝贵的资料,所以我把她的文章转贴一下。 The Seventy Percent Solution Terry L. Wahls, MD University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City VA Medical Center, Iowa City, IA, USA. KEY WORDS: secondary progressive multiple sclerosis; recovery; nutrition. J Gen Intern Med DOI: 10.1007/s11606-010-1631-3 Society of General Internal Medicine 2011 I loved practicing Tae Kwon Do. The forms are precise, crisp like an elegant dance. But I most especially loved the thrill of sparring. Stepping into the ring, ducking, dodging, kicking, and flying in spinning tornado kicks; I loved the surge of adrenaline that came with the controlled combat of tournaments. I competed nationally, even winning a bronze medal in the trials for the Pan American Games. But that was a long time ago. A lot has happened since then—medical school, an internal medicine residency, a son, a daughter. I became an academic general internist, and I developed a chronic disease. Like many with an autoimmune disease, my troubles had begun two decades before the diagnosis: loss of stamina and strength, problems with balance, bouts of horrific facial pain, dips in visual acuity. When I developed the foot drop, the diagnosis was made: multiple sclerosis (MS). What caused my immune cells to begin their assault on my brain?Mydoctor said that genetics accounted for only 10 to30%of the risk ofMS; the rest was due to some combination of unknown environmental factors.He never toldmewhat I could do to address those unknown factors, only offering interferon and copolymer-1 to reduce the risk of relapse. He said that fewer relapses would mean less disability, a greater chance that I’d still be walking, working, and living my life as I once knew it ten years later. I started the injections right away. Over the next four years I had only one relapse—a transient weakness of the right arm. Still, I grew steadily weaker, losing more and more function and activity tolerance. Jogging left me first. Then, standing for any time became difficult. Ultimately, despite my use of the most current pharmacotherapies, walking and even sitting was tiring, so I needed a tilt-recline wheelchair. It was increasingly apparent that, with time, becoming bedridden due to my illness was inevitable. I was at a crossroads. *** Physician self-experimentation, driven either by passionate belief in our ideas or refusal to go quietly to our demise, has occurred for centuries. I had only two options: accommodation and acceptance of deepening disability despite optimal treatment, or increased involvement in my own health care. Though I had once been a fighter, I was now exhausted. Still, I wanted to walk—even a few steps—as long as I could. I began my own study of the literature, reading article after article on PubMed, knowing that the seeds for today’s clinical care were laid years, sometimes decades earlier in the basic science literature. I hoped to find a magic bullet that would halt my worsening disability. At first, I looked for recent articles testing new MS drugs in animal models. Eventually, realizing I could not access those drugs unless I was in a clinical trial, I turned to articles concerning neurodegeneration of all types—dementia, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s, and Lou Gehrig’s disease. Convinced that mitochondrial failure drove much of MS-related disability, I immersed myself in this literature over the next four years, gradually relearning much of what I had forgotten in my basic science years: cellular physiology, biochemistry, and neurophysiology. I found basic science articles testing various nutrients to slow animal models of neurodegeneration, so I translated mouse-sized doses to human ones and began my selfexperimentation with B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, alpha lipoic acid, coenzyme Q, and L-carnitine. I slowly added more vitamins and supplements to my list of brain nutrients. The rate of my decline slowed and I was grateful. However, although my decline had slowed, I was still declining. My disease was reclassified as secondary progressive MS, meaning there were no FDA-approved treatments capable of restoring my lost function. Walking became more difficult. Even taking a few steps using two canes exhausted me. Then in the summer of 2007, another metamorphosis began. Reviewing a study protocol for the University of Iowa’s Institutional Review Board, I learned about neuromuscular electrical stimulation and wondered if it might help me. I searched PubMed, finding 212 articles—three involving cerebral palsy, two involving stroke, the rest involving athletes, but nothing involving MS. Still, I wondered whether neuromuscular electrical stimulation might allow me to walk for another year or two. I asked my physical therapist to let me have a test session. He told me that e-stim (as he called it) was not an approved treatment for MS—that it was painful, exhausted most athletes, and that while it could grow muscle, there was no guarantee that my brain could to talk to these new muscles. This potentially dead and useless muscle weight might make the small amount of walking that I could still do even more difficult. But he did let me have a test session. He was right. It did hurt. A lot. But to my surprise, when I was finished, I was not exhausted. In fact, probably because of all of the endorphins released by the e-stim, I felt the best I’d felt in years. My therapist implemented a program of e-stim coupled with daily exercise. At the same time that I began e-stim, I had an important epiphany. What about nutrition? Was I getting all the micronutrients that my brain needed? I returned to the literature. Bourre’s1,2 review on the impact of micronutrients on brain function and structure led me to add sulfur amino acids, kelp (iodine), resveratrol (flavonoids), and vitamin D to my daily regimen. As good as the article was, it did not list all of the building blocks needed for optimal brain health. I decided to think more critically about food. If I ate more foods that contained the vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids that I was taking in pill form each day, I might get important building blocks that had not yet been identified. Identifying the food sources for those critical nutrients was not easy. The medical literature didn’t have that information, nor did the registered dieticians with whom I consulted, nor did I see it in the food science literature. I turned eventually to Google, which did help me, nutrient by nutrient, to understand where various micronutrients I was taking by pill each day were located in the food supply. My new diet was nine cups of vegetables and fruit each day, grass-fed meat, and wild fish. Determined to optimize everything I could to help my brain heal, I next looked more deeply at the environmental factors associated with poorly explained neurological and psychological symptoms. Two stood out: food allergies and toxic load. Food allergies can cause a myriad of neurological and psychological symptoms, typically without any abdominal complaints, decades before diagnosis and are very difficult to identify. My best option was to eliminate the most common offenders: gluten, dairy, and eggs. I also learned about toxic load—increased mercury stores in the brains of people with dental fillings, high levels of the herbicide atrazine in private wells in Iowa, the strong association between pesticide exposure and neurodegeneration, the association of single nucleotide polymorphisms involving metabolism of sulfur and or B vitamins, and inefficient clearing of toxins3,4. Having grown up on an Iowa farm—with exposure to plenty of pesticides and herbicides, a mouthful of mercury, and tens of thousands of toxic chemicals registered with the Environmental Protection Agency—I knew there was not one single test to determine which, if any, toxins were being stored in my fat and in my brain. Deciding my best option was to improve my ability to excrete toxins,5,6 I added already-methylated folate and B12, more sulfur amino acids, and fiber to my regimen. *** Physician self-experimentation sometimes does not go as anticipated. I had wanted to only slow my descent; I had no hope of recovery. The unthinkable—the unimaginable—happened, stunning me, my family, and my physicians. Two months after starting my e-stim and intensive nutrition, I could again sit in a standard desk chair without being exhausted—for the first time in years. At three months, I could walk between exam rooms in the clinic. At five months, I could walk to the clinic, and at seven months, I could bicycle around the block. A year after starting e-stim and intensive nutrition, I was able to bicycle 18 miles, and the following year I rode a horse on a trail ride in the Canadian Rockies. As a result, I’ve changed how I practice medicine. Now I focus on teaching my patients how to optimize their nutrition, reduce their toxic load, and reduce their risk of food allergies— often seeing their blood sugars improve, blood pressures fall, and angina resolve. Three years into my healing, I am again experimenting. This time, it is a real experiment, with an IRB-approved protocol. I am testing my interventions in others with secondary progressive MS. So far, our results are promising. In Science in 2002, Willett7 noted that 70 to 90% of the risk for diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and autoimmunity is due to environmental factors. The genes do not drive most chronic diseases. It is the environment. It is time we stop blaming our genes and focus on the 70% under the individual’s control. That is the real solution to the health care crisis. Corresponding Author: Terry L. Wahls, MD; University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City VA Medical Center, 601 Highway 6 West, Iowa City, IA 52246, USA (e-mail: Terry.Wahls@va . gov). REFERENCES 1. Bourre JM. Effects of nutrients (in food) on the structure and function of the nervous system: update on dietary requirements for brain. Part 2: macronutrients. J Nutr Health Aging. 2006;10(5):386–99. 2. Bourre JM. Effects of nutrients (in food) on the structure and function of the nervous system: update on dietary requirements for brain. Part 1: micronutrients. J Nutr Health Aging. 2006;10(5):377–85. 3. McFadden SA. Phenotypic variation in xenobiotic metabolism and adverse environmental response: focus on sulfur-dependent detoxification pathways 3. Toxicology. 1996;111(1–3):43–65. 4. Cummings AM, Kavlock RJ. Gene-environment interactions: a review of effects on reproduction and development. Crit Rev Toxicol. 2004;34 (6):461–85. 5. Eliaz I, Hotchkiss AT, Fishman ML, Rode D. The effect of modified citrus pectin on urinary excretion of toxic elements. Phytother Res. 2006;20 (10):859–64. 6. Zhao ZY, Liang L, Fan X, et al. The role of modified citrus pectin as an effective chelator of lead in children hospitalized with toxic lead levels. Altern Ther Health Med. 2008;14(4):34–8. 7. Willett WC. Balancing life-style and genomics research for disease prevention. Science. 2002;296(5568):695–8
个人分类: 他山之石|6926 次阅读|2 个评论
chnfirst 2012-10-15 16:12
http://docs.par-tec.com/html/psmpi-userguide/rn01re07.html Name psh — run a command on or copy a file to multiple nodes. Synopsis psh ] psh Description psh runs a command on all or a group of nodes. The output of each command is parsed and common parts are only shown once. With the option -s or -sync, one or more file(s) and/or entire directories (including subdirectories) are synchronized (copied) to the selected nodes. Global options -c, -configfile file Define a group and a configuration file to use. The file is looked up in the current directory. -g, -group group Use nodes and other parameters in group group , defined in the configuration file ~/.psh.d/ group . This is short for of -c ~/.psh.d/ group . -n, -node nodelist Add nodes nodelist to the list of nodes. -x, -xnode nodelist Exclude nodes nodelist from the list of nodes. -rcmd command Use command command to start up a remote command. Command could be pssh (default), rsh or ssh . -diff command Use command command to parse and compare the command output. Default is diff -q. -autocd path Change to directory path on each node before running the command or copying the file. Default is ${PWD/${HOME}/~}. Use an empty path ("") to disable changing to a directory first. -v Be verbose. -h Show a help message. Without option -g or option -c, a default file named like the current hostname, the current hostname without trailing numerical characters ( *), or default (in this order) within ~/.psh.d/ is used. If none of this files is found, an empty template file ~/.psh.d/default is created. This file may be modified to fit your needs! Nodelist is a comma separated list of node names. The list can be abbreviated to node- , e.g. node- will be expanded to node-001 , node-003 , node-004 , ..., node-115 . Examples This example shows a configuration file ~/.psh.d/rack1 defining nodes node-01 up to node-16 within rack number 1: ## psh defaults for rack 1 ## uncomment all options you need... ## default nodelist: # node nodename node node- ## default remote command: # rcmd ssh -x ## don't start more than 1 remote shell at the same time? # max 1 ## be always verbose ? # verbose To see the uptime of all nodes in rack 1, execute # psh -g rack1 uptime In order to compare the current date on all nodes, run date on all nodes: # psh date === node- Mon Jul 18 12:45:17 CEST 2005 === node-05 Mon Jul 18 12:45:18 CEST 2005 To calculate and compare the md5sum of all Linux kernels on all but node node-03, execute: # psh -x node-03 md5sum /boot/vmlinux === node- c9c0728c41ca03a9ee9982869e28216e /boot/vmlinuz === node-05 ff62b57a078f1f8244796c5609a053e8 /boot/vmlinuz To copy the file /etc/hosts to all nodes, execute: # psh -sync /etc/hosts Prepare files for distribution: /tmp/pshout.1235 /etc/hosts Continue (y/n)? (Presuming a suitable configuration file within ~/.psh.d is found.) Note The local file /etc/hosts is also replaced by a copy of this file. To copy the file /etc/hosts to all but the local node, execute: # psh -s -x `hostname` /etc/hosts Prepare files for distribution: /tmp/pshout.1236 /etc/hosts Continue (y/n)? Files ~/.psh.d/* Configuration files for different groups. See also pssh (8) and psmstart (8) .
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[转载]ARCGIS 批量添加投影信息 ERDAS 批量裁剪影像
sandy513 2012-8-6 21:24
ARCGIS 批量添加投影信息 ERDAS 批量裁剪影像转:http://leagion.javaeye.com/blog/420799 ARCGIS 批量添加投影信息 ERDAS img转格式为tif 调色后,失去了投影信息! 可以用arcgis 中的toolboxs 工具箱里的sample- define Project,工具批量添加投影信息。 ================================================= ERDAS 批量裁剪影像: 条件: N多幅影像按照标准图框裁剪 1、mosaic tools ,添加所有影像; 2、用most nadir cutline 生成图幅形状裁剪线, 3、在 output Image options 里,method:polygon vector file 使用标准分幅图框 (shp文件),output multiple polygon to: multiple files 。 条件: 一副影像裁剪成多幅标准图幅。 只要在上面去掉第二步不要裁剪线 即可。
个人分类: 地形校正相关|5945 次阅读|0 个评论
villagepig 2012-8-6 19:04
使用Latex 撰写报告常常会遇到同时应用多篇文章的情况,这种情况下宏包选用不当会导致编译出问题。文献序号不能正常显示。 如 \cite{paper1,paper2 paper3在同行可能没有编译问题,一旦引用的文献过多出现 \cite{paper1, blablablab ,.....,blabbla, paperN, paperN2,paper N3} 的情况经常会编译不过去 可行的解决方案, 解决方案 \usepacakge{collref} %% 博主使用 或者使用其他宏包 『mcite』 或者 『mciteplus』 http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=mcite
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[转载]phyml 4.0 建树中几个参数的意义
syfox 2012-4-9 09:33
详细的参数请参考: http://atgc.lirmm.fr/phyml/usersguide_cmdline.html 提示:原始序列是fasta格式,用mega打开,比对后可以转换格式成phy或者nex S analyze multiple data sets no - 要分析的数据集的数量。只有在输入文件是类似 PHYLIP seqboot 的输出文件时才使用。 B Non parametric bootstrap analysis no - 对单一的数据集,进行模拟 bootstrap 计算。直接给出数值,如 100 或 1000 E Base frequency estimates (empirical / ML) empirical - 频率估计方法,empirical 较快,ML 更精确。一般 empirical 就行。 V Proportion of invariable sites (fixed/estimated) fixed (p-invar = 0.00) - 非可变位点比率,0.0 - 1.0 之间的数值。可以输入 e,由程序来估计。 U Input tree (BIONJ / user tree) BIONJ - 起始树。直接用默认的 BIONJ 就行。 【转】进化分析常用方法及软件下载 这篇文章是丁香园转帖而来,简单的编辑了一下。 同时也提供冷泉港实验室关于进化分析几种方法的介绍以及不同方法之间的比较的网页版资料。 下载地址: http://good.gd/302439.htm 一、方法的选择 首先是方法的选择。基于距离的方法有UPGMA、ME(Minimum Evolution,最小进化法)和NJ(Neighbor-Joining,邻接法)等。其他的几种方法包括MP(Maximum parsimony,最大简约法)、ML(Maximum likelihood,最大似然法)以及贝叶斯(Bayesian)推断等方法。其中UPGMA法已经较少使用。 一般来讲,如果模型合适,ML的效果较好。对近缘序列,有人喜欢MP,因为用的假设最少。MP一般不用在远缘序列上,这时一般用NJ或ML.对相似度很低的序列,NJ往往出现Long-branch attraction(LBA,长枝吸引现象),有时严重干扰进化树的构建。贝叶斯的方法则太慢。对于各种方法构建分子进化树的准确性,一篇综述(Hall BG. Mol Biol Evol 2005,22(3):792-802)认为贝叶斯的方法最好,其次是ML,然后是MP.其实如果序列的相似性较高,各种方法都会得到不错的结果,模型间的差别也不大。 对于NJ和ML,是需要选择模型的。对于各种模型之间的理论上的区别,这里不作深入的探讨,可以参看Nei的书。对于蛋白质序列以及DNA序列,两者模型的选择是不同的。以作者的经验来说,对于蛋白质的序列,一般选择Poisson Correction(泊松修正)这一模型。而对于核酸序列,一般选择Kimura 2-parameter(Kimura-2参数)模型。如果对各种模型的理解并不深入,作者并不推荐初学者使用其他复杂的模型。 Bootstrap几乎是一个必须的选项。一般Bootstrap的值70,则认为构建的进化树较为可靠。如果Bootstrap的值太低,则有可能进化树的拓扑结构有错误,进化树是不可靠的。 对于进化树的构建,如果对理论的了解并不深入,作者推荐使用缺省的参数。需要选择模型的时候(例如用NJ或者ML建树),对于蛋白序列使用Poisson Correction模型,对于核酸序列使用Kimura-2参数模型。另外需要做Bootstrap检验,当Bootstrap值过低时,所构建的进化树其拓扑结构可能存在问题。并且,一般推荐用两种不同的方法构建进化树,如果所得到的进化树类似,则结果较为可靠。 二、构建分子进化树相关的软件 ClustalX 图形化的多序列比对工具 下载地址: http://bips.u-strasbg.fr/fr/Documentation/ClustalX/ ClustalW 命令行格式的多序列比对工具 下载地址: http://www.cf.ac.uk/biosi/research/biosoft/Downloads/clustalw.html GeneDoc 多序列比对结果的美化工具 下载地址: http://www.psc.edu/biomed/genedoc/ BioEdit序列分析的综合工具 下载地址: http://www.mbio.ncsu.edu/BioEdit/bioedit.html MEGA 图形化、集成的进化分析工具,不包括ML 下载地址: http://www.megasoftware.net/ PAUP 商业软件,集成的进化分析工具 下载地址: http://paup.csit.fsu.edu/ PHYLIP 免费的、集成的进化分析工具 下载地址: http://evolution.genetics.washington.edu/phylip.html PHYML 最快的ML建树工具 下载地址: http://atgc.lirmm.fr/phyml/ PAML ML建树工具 下载地址: http://abacus.gene.ucl.ac.uk/software/paml.html Tree-puzzle 较快的ML建树工具 下载地址: http://www.tree-puzzle.de/ MrBayes 基于贝叶斯方法的建树工具 下载地址: http://mrbayes.csit.fsu.edu/ MAC5 基于贝叶斯方法的建树工具 下载地址: http://www.agapow.net/software/mac5/ TreeView 进化树显示工具 下载地址: http://taxonomy.zoology.gla.ac.uk/rod/treeview.html 关于HGT的分析方法由于工作原因,HGT最近开始来找我麻烦了,一开始接触的时候感觉有点懵,后来交往下之下,发现还有点意思,特此写下个人心得一篇。 Horizontal gene transfer (HGT),有时候也称作later gene transfer (LGT),中文名叫做基因水平转移,讲述的是不同的物种间基因片段交流的故事,大多发生在宿原与宿主之间,是许多微生物进化的一种重要手段。相关的背景知识可以参见google或者baidu,此处不再赘述,但是个人推荐google英文搜索,至于原因,你懂的…… 下面还是来说一下通过何种手段来找到这种HGT的现象吧。 首先假设你要找宿原A与宿主B之间的HGT现象,注意这里的主动者是宿原A,那么请准备好A和B的所有蛋白集,同时准备好与A近缘的相关物种(C、D、E、F ……)的所有蛋白集,材料就这么多了,下面开始操作: (1). 将A的蛋白集(proA,以此类推)分别与proB、proC、proD、proE、proF进行blast m8比对,设置E-value参数为1e-20(E-value值可以根据自己的需求来调整),得到结果*.blast.m8 (2). 分别对(1)中的*.blast.m8结果针对每个proA的蛋白挑选一个最好的比对结果,得到*.blast.m8.besthit (3). 将所有的*.besthit文件合并为all.blast.m8.besthit (4). 然后根据第一列的query protein id(QP id)进行排序,生成*.besthit.sort文件 (5). 然后将*.sort文件中的QP id和第二列的reference protein id(RP id)提取出来,每个QP id单独作为一个cluster,筛选出含有B protein的cluster (6). 针对每个cluster中的所有蛋白序列进行多序列比对,多序列比对可以使用clustalW或者MUSCLE,个人在此选择的是MUSCLE (7). 对多序列比对的结果进行处理,提取保守区域的比对情况,这里使用的软件是Gblocks (8). 根据保守区域的比对结果来构建进化树,构建进化树的软件有许多,比如PHYLIP、PHYML、PAUP、MAGE、TREEBEST …… 这里我选用的有两种:PHYML和TREEBEST。TREEBEST是根据cds的比对结果来构建进化树的,如果你选用这个软件的话,那你就还需要收集相关物种的cds集合,并将蛋白比对的结果转化为cds的比对结果。PHYML既可以根据蛋白的比对结果来构建进化树,也可以根据cds的比对结果来构建进化树,但是输入的比对格式必须是phylip格式,因此如果你的比对结果是fa格式的话,你还需要简单的处理下。这里边需要注意的参数主要有初始的进化关系和bootstrap值,关于具体的事项还请参照构建进化树的相关知识。 (9). 最后一步就是根据构建的进化关系来进行筛选得到HGT了,将那些在一个分支上的A和B的蛋白提取出来,这些蛋白就是发生了HGT现象的蛋白。 最后得到的HGT的蛋白集合只是一个候选集,可能由于蛋白集的不完善,造成一些错误,而且用蛋白比对结果和cds比对结果构建的进化树,最终得到的HGT集合差异甚大。相关文献上都是采用的蛋白比对结果来构建的进化树,可能是希望集合尽量全吧。
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Bearjazz 2012-1-12 19:52
基于样本不同条件的方差分析( ANOVA )及两两比较 熊荣川 六盘水师范学院 xiongrongchuan@126.com 通过改变一个实验条件,我们通常会得到几组不同的数据,比如不同的物种的头体长数据。为了比较这些数据之间有没有显著差异,通常需要进行方差分析和之后的两两对比分析( paired comparison or multiple comparison ) 在进行方差分析之前,首先要检验每组数据是否符合正态分布 具体步骤我们以 SPSS 为例演示 为了图文并貌请下载pdf文件观看 基于样本不同条件的方差分析(ANOVA)及两两比较.pdf 附件一 用Spss进行正态分布检验(图)_统计学教程_中生网.mht
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[回顾]稀疏的多核学习:Sparse Multiple Kernel Learning
热度 1 jingyanwang 2011-12-10 17:05
[回顾]稀疏的多核学习:Sparse Multiple Kernel Learning
Sparse Multiple Kernel Learning for Signal Processing Applications Subrahmanya, N.; Shin, Y.C.; Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Volume: 32 , Issue: 5 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TPAMI.2009.98 Publication Year: 2010 , Page(s): 788 - 798 IEEE Journals Abstract | Full Text: PDF (903 KB) Sparse Multiple Kernel Learning_reviewing.doc Sparse Multiple Kernel Learning for Signal Processing Applications 2010.5.pdf
个人分类: REVW|546 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 9 xupeiyang 2011-8-19 11:08
黄建始博主死于多发性骨髓瘤,终年58岁,工作和事业正当年,太可惜了。 怎么病情恶化会那么快? 我还不知道他为什么去美国医院治疗,采用了什么治疗方法。为什么不在我们自己的协和医院和肿瘤医院治疗? 多发性骨髓瘤(multiple myeloma,MM)是 浆细胞 异常增生的 恶性肿瘤 。一种进行性的肿瘤性疾病。其特征为 骨髓浆细胞瘤 和一株完整性的单克隆免疫球蛋白(IgG,IgA,IgD或IgE)或Bence Jones 蛋白质 (游离的单克隆性κ或γ轻链)过度增生。多发性骨髓瘤常伴有多发性溶骨性损害, 高钙血症 , 贫血 ,肾脏损害,而且对 细菌性感染 的易感性增高,正常 免疫球蛋白 的生成受抑。发病率估计为2~3/10万,男女比例为1.6:1,大多患者年龄40岁。黑人患者是白人的2倍。 化疗失败的原因 1.病人方面   骨髓与其它重要 器官 (肝、肾、心、肺等)的功能不全,患者的一般情况太差,不能耐受化疗。    2.肿瘤方面   原发或继发性抗药;增殖比率较低处于静止期细胞多;肿瘤的负荷过大,瘤细胞在1011 以上。    3.药物方面   选择性不强,对肿瘤和正常组织细胞的损伤差别不大;对GO期细胞无效或效力太差;不能作用于“避难所”内的瘤细胞如不能通过 血脑屏障 而进入颅内;最有效的使用方法尚未找到。 多发性骨髓瘤的预后 未经治疗的病人中位生存期位6个月,化疗后的中位生存期为3年。经综合治疗后中位生存期可达到5~10年,甚至更长。生存期与年龄,分型,分期以及治疗措施有关。
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Nat Methods:从研究PPIs的酵母双杂交谈到不同的方法学验证
qwangbio 2011-2-11 12:17
Nat Methods:从研究PPIs的酵母双杂交谈到不同的方法学验证
今天看到Nature Methods一篇关于protein-protein interactions(PPIs)的Y2H的Correspondence和Author Reply,个人认为特别对现今众多研究方法的选择和比较有借鉴意义,所以作以记录分享。 2009年Braun,P在Nature Methods发表一项方法学比较研究( Nat Methods. An experimentally derived confidence score for binary protein-pro.pdf ),比较了5种检测PPIs的方法的tool kit —— 1. The Y2H system ;2. MAPPIT;3. The YFP reconstitution of the PCA assay;4. The LUMIER pull-down assay;5. The completely in vitro performed wNAPPA。 5种kit单独检测92种金标准protein pairs的检出率都不超过36%,每个方法平均检出率只有31.3%,联合检测则达到67.4%。由此,Braun希望能对每个方法检测出的每种protein-protein interactions 作出可信度评价,以重新评估相互作用网络中PPIs的真实情况。 2010年Yu-chi Chen在Nature Methods发表了一个相似结论的Correspondence ( Nat Methods. Exhaustive benchmarking of the yeast two-hybrid system.pdf ),方法是采用5种不同的Yeast Two-Hybrid System(Bait-Prey Vectors)——pGBGT7g-pGADCg;pGBGT7g-pGADT7g;pDEST32-pDEST22; pGBKCg-pGADT7g;pGBKCg-pGADCg,目的是展示出相似蛋白的不同亚型,最后得到与Braun相似的数据是92种金标准protein pairs检出率也只有40%,每个方法的平均检出率为25.3%,联合检测也只达到79.3%。 Chen的目的在于想阐明:其实只要采用不同的Y2H载体,即便是单独Y2H系统就能得到和联合其他4种方法相似的数据;也就是因为这些PPIs检测方法原理上显著性差异,所以未来必须结合 multiple protocols ——可以是Braun描述的different methods,也可以是Chen描述的same method的不同变化。即是他赞成系统间验证,也认为系统内验证也是合理可行的! Braun在同期的Reply里首先对Chen的工作表示欢迎,和部分肯定。也重新表明了自己希望建立“可信度”的观念, 即一个特定方法检测筛选到的任何protein interaction都必须再经过multiple orthogonal validation assays(多重正交确认试验),筛选和验证实验必须相互独立才能尽可能消除系统假阳性的危险.筛选和验证采用同一试验,即使应用不同的构象,也可能引入这样的系统偏差。 Braun reply 原文 Braun et al. reply: We applaud the thorough and revealing study by Chen et al.in this issue of Nature Methods. The work expands our previous findings in thoroughly characterizing different yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) implementations, with respect to overall assay sensitivity, by testing each implementation against a panel of reference protein-protein interactions. The standardized reference sets make the data easily comparable to our previous analyses and clearly demonstrate that different Y2H assays detect different sub-sets of interacting pairs of proteins. Given the proven utility of using several assay configurations, the next question is where and how to deploy them. The high-throughput capabilities of Y2H make it an ideal primary screening assay. Having multiple versions of Y2H that detect different subsets of interactions will be of a great value to generate more comprehensive data sets, which would then need to be validated using a scheme such as the “confidence scoring” scheme that we proposed. A key concept of our confidence scoring method is that any interaction detected by a given screening assay is subsequently confirmed by multiple orthogonal validation assays. The screening and validation assays must be as independent from each other as possible to eliminate the danger of systematic assay dependent artifacts, which could make protein pairs appear as robustly interacting when they may not be. Use of a single type of assay for both screening and validation, even if implemented in different configurations, may introduce such systematic biases. It is therefore critical to obtain orthogonal validation ideally of all interacting pairs identified in an initial screen.
个人分类: 学而不思则罔|5396 次阅读|0 个评论
Designing a multiple immunochemical staining experiment-
yjh263 2009-11-2 18:54
Controls: 1. positive controls: single staining for each of the target proteins using the appropriate label 2. negative controls: omission of one of the primary antibodies but retaining all of the secondary immunoreagents. 3. so for a double staining experiment, there are four control conditions: A. single immunochemical staining for protein A; B. single immunochemical staining for protein B; C. multiple immunochemical staining, omitting anti-protein A primary antibody; D. multiple immunochemical staining, omitting anti-protein B primary antibody. Protein A Protein B Mouse anti- protein A Goat anti-protein B Rabbit anti- protein A Mouse anti- protein A Correct Incorrect
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