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G. L. Stebbins Jr.名作--《植物的变异与进化》
livingfossil 2014-9-9 05:05
美国科学院已故院士 George Ledyard Stebbins Jr.(1906--2000) 名作 -- Variation and Evolution in Plants (《植物的变异与进化》) 一、从达尔文说起( Charles Darwin, 1809--1882) 达尔文发表多部与现代植物有关的著作: 1868年-- Variation of Plants and Animals Under Domestication (《动物和植物在家养下的变异》) 1875年-- Movement and Habits of Climbing Plants (《攀缘植物的运动与习性》) 1875年-- Insectivorous Plants (《食虫植物》) 1876年-- The Effects of Cross and Self-Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom (《异花授精与自体授精在植物界中的效果》) 1877年-- The Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same Species (《同种植物的不同花型》) 1880年-- The Power of Movement in Plants (《植物运动的力量》) 达尔文在《动物和植物在家养下的变异》一书中阐述了物种的 变异 、 遗传 ,论述了生物的生存斗争、自然选择之观点。 二、 George Ledyard Stebbins Jr.(1906--2000) G . L . Stebbins Jr.是美国植物学家、遗传学家和进化生物学家。1931年,G . L . Stebbins Jr.毕业于哈佛大学,获博士学位。1952年当选为美国科学院院士。关于其研究生涯,参见: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G._Ledyard_Stebbins 三 、 Variation and Evolution in Plants (《植物的变异与进化》) 1950 年 , G . L . Stebbins Jr.发表 Variation and Evolution in Plants (《植物的变异与进化》)。 该书为 “哥大生物学系列丛书”( Columbia Biological Series)的第16部著作。 Stebbins Jr.,G.L., 1950. Variation and Evolution in Plants. Columbia University Press,New York.i to xx; pp.1 to 643 (孙启高 2014年9月1日整理) Appendix-1 Basic information of Variation and Evolution in Plants 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Appendix-2 Contents of Variation and Evolution in Plants I Description and analysis of variation patters 1-1 Exploring and charting patterns of variation 1-2 Old and new morphological characters in the higher plants 1-3 Cytological, serological, and distributional characters 1-4 Quantitative methods in descriptive systematics 1-5 Analyzing the variation pattern 1-6 Some principles of variation 1-7 Taxonomic categories and their genetic significance 1-8 Some genetic terms and their taxonomic significance II Examples of variation patterns within species and genera 2-1 The ecotype concept 2-2 Eco-typic and clinal variation 2-3 Eco-types and sub-species 2-4 Variation on the level of the species and genus 2-5 Patterns in the family Ranunulaceae 2-6 Variation patterns in the genus Potentilla 2-7 The genus Quercus 2-8 Patterns in the family Compositae 2-9 The family Gramineae 2-10 General conclusions III The basis of individual variation 3-1 Environmental modification and its effects 3-2 The importance of recombination 3-3 Types of mutation and their significance 3-4 Genetic effects of mutations 3-5 Rates of mutations IV Natural selection and variation in populations 4-1 Experimental evidence for natural selection 4-2 Historical evidence for natural selection 4-3 The adaptive value of diagnostic and distinguishing characteristics 4-4 The indirect action of natural selection 4-5 The genus Camelina as an example of he action of selection 4-6 Selective correlation and seed characteristics 4-7 Selectionand differentiation in the Compositae and the Gramineae 4-8 Natural selection and morphological differences: summary 4-9 The dynamics of selection and random variation V Genetic systems as factors in evolution 5-1 Mutation and evolution in asexual organisms 5-2 Haploidy and the evolution of diploidy 5-3 Heterokaryosis as a genetic system 5-4 Cross-fertilization and self-fertilization inthe higher plants 5-5 Chromosomal mechanism and the genetic system 5-6 The selective value of genetic systems 5-7 The origin and degeneration of sex as affected by natural selection 5-8 A genetic theory for the origin of the diploid state 5-9 Causes of degeneration toward self-fertilization 5-10 The selective value of the recombination index 5-11 Genetic systems in plants and animals VI Isolation and the origin of species 6-1 A comparison of differences within species and between species 6-2 The evolutionary significance of the species formation 6-3 Types of isolating mechanisms 6-4 Spatial and ecological isolations in relation to species formation 6-5 Spatial and eco-geographic isolation asspecies formation barriers 6-6 Ecological separation of sympatric types 6-7 Seasonal isolation 6-8 Mechanical isolation 6-9 Prevention of fertilization 6-10 Hybrid inviability or weakness 6-11 Hybrid sterility 6-12 Degeneration of hybrid progeny 6-13 The inter-relationship between the isolating mechanism and inter-specific differences 6-14 Some typical pattern of isolating mechanism 6-15 The origin of isolating mechanisms VII Hybridization and its effects 7-1 The frequency of hybridization in plants and animals 7-2 Degrees of hybridity 7-3 Some general principles concerning the hybridization 7-4 Introgressive hybridization and its effects 7-5 Hybridization and the origin of new types 7-6 The effects of hybridization on the inter-specific isolating mechanisms 7-7 The significance of hybridization in agriculture and forestry VIII Polyploidy (1): Occurrence and nature of polyploid types 8-1 Distribution of polyploidy in plant kingdom 8-2 Direct effects of polyploidy 8-3 Polyploidy and hybridization 8-4 Types of polyploidy and their characteristics 8-5 Polyploid permanent hybrids: the Rosa canina complex 8-6 The polyploidy complex IX Polyploidy (2): Geographic distribution and significance of polyploidy 9-1 Polyploidy as evidence for the former distributional patterns 9-2 Factors determining the origin and spread of polyploidy 9-3 Polyploidy and the origin of higher categories 9-4 Polyploidy in plants and animals 9-5 The practical significance of polyploidy X Apomixis in relation to variation and evolution 10-1 Methods of apomictic reproduction 10-2 Genetic basis of apomictic phenomena 10-3 Apomixis, hybridization and polyploidy 10-4 Some typical agamic complexes 10-5 Causes of variation in agamic complexes 10-6 Species concepts in agamic complexes 10-7 Agamic complexes and plant geography 10-8 The evolutionary significance of agamic complexes 10-9 Apomixis and plant breeding XI Structural hybridity and the genetic systems 11-1 The genetic systems of Oenothera 11-2 The occurrence of Oenothera-like systems in other groups 11-3 Origin of complex heterozygote systems XII Evolutionary trends (1): The karyotype 12-1 The concept of the karyotype 12-2 Changes in basic number 12-3 Changes in form ad relative size of the chromosomes 12-4 Evolutionary changes in chromosome size 12-5 Differences in the resting and prophase nucleus XIII Evolutionary trends (2): External morphology 13-1 Some common evolutionary trends 13-2 Recapitulation and embryonic similarity 13-3 The principles of the irreversibility 13-4 Orthogenesis, specialization and the differentiation of plant families 13-5 The nature of higher categories XIV Fossils, modern distribution patterns andrates of evolution 14-1 The nature and value of palaeobotanical evidence 14-2 Modern patterns of distribution and their interpretation 14-3 Disjunct distribution and their significance 14-4 Distributional patterns suggesting rapid evolution 14-5 Possible basis for differential evolutionary rates 14-6 Environmental conditions promoting the rapid evolution 14-7 Biological conditions promoting the rapid evolution 14-8 The basis of evolutionary rates: summary and conclusions ============== 《物种起源 》及相关工作编目 1.中国 馆藏 1859年第1版《物种起源》之发现 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-816503.html 2014-8-123:23 2 . 《物种起源 》 (中文版):没有最好,只有更好(之一) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-816525.html 2014-8-203:44 重新 发现达尔文与《物种起源》 —— 新 译本《物种起源》出版沙龙速记( 苗德岁翻译) http://site.douban.com/yilin/widget/notes/6783442/note/326741253/ 苗德岁翻译《物种起源 》 http://www.uua.cn/show-76-1070-1.html 《物种起源》,〔英达 尔文著,苗德 岁译,译林出版社 2013 年 10 月第一版 --------------- 3. 哈佛大学科学史教授Janet Browne(1950--)和达尔文传记研究 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-816531.html 2014-8-205:12 ---------- 4 . 《物种起源 》 (中文版):没有最好,只有更好(之二) 著名翻译家叶 笃庄( 1914--2000)谈他的 《物种起源》 中 译本 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-817388.html 2014-8-6 01:35 5 . 达尔文与古植物学中的“讨厌之谜” —并非出自《物种起源》 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-817660.html 2014-8-7 01:11 6. 达尔文和《物种起源》:生命之树(Tree of Life)(之一) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-817959.html 2014-8-7 23:39 7. 达尔文和《物种起源》:生命之树(Tree of Life)(之二) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-817985.html 2014-8-8 05:15 8.Theodosius Grygorovych Dobzhansky(杜布 赞斯基 , 1900 - 1975) 的名著 -- Genetics and the Origin of Species (《 遗传 学和物种起源》) 1943年,杜布 赞 斯基当 选为 美国科学院院士; 1965年4月8日当 选为 英国皇家学会外籍会 员 (院士)。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodosius_Dobzhansky Genetics and the Origin of Species (《 遗传 学和物种起源》 ( 第 3 版 ) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-819102.html (2014-8-13 00:17) ---------- 关于杜布 赞 斯基的名著 --《 遗传 学与物种起源》(第 2版) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-820078.html 2014-8-1700:11 9 . Theodosius Grygorovych Dobzhansky(杜布 赞斯基 , 1900 - 1975) 的著名演讲和名言 ---- “ Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution” http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-818193.html 2014-8-9 00:15 10 . Mayr, E.( 1942)发表 Systematics and the Origin of Species (《系统学与物种起源》) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-820785.html 2014-8-20 06:27 Ernst Mayr(1904--2005) 于 1954 年当选为美国科学院院士。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Mayr 11. George Ledyard Stebbins,Jr. (1906 -- 2000)1950年发表 Variation and Evolution in Plants (《植物的变异与进化》) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-826066.html 2014-9-905:05 --- George Ledyard Stebbins1952年当选为美国科学院院士。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G._Ledyard_Stebbins 12 . Stephen Jay Gould (1941--2002)的名著 The Structure of Evolutionary Theory ; http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-808304.html 2014-7-2 03:59 Stephen Jay Gould (1941--2002)于1989年当选为美国科学院院士 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Jay_Gould 13 . 《物种起源 》 (中文版):没有最好,只有更好(之三) 14 . 《物种起源 》 (中文版):没有最好,只有更好(之四 )
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|2241 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 13 flyindusk 2014-6-11 03:45
Prof. George Kukla 1972年 Kukla Matthews给Nixon总统的信 今天,全球变化气候变暖几乎成了宗教,不知成就了多少名利客的功名利禄。不久前 ,5 月 31 日, 全球变化研究最早的倡议者 George Kukla 在纽约家中因心脏病突发去世,享年 84 岁。 时间往回拨 42 个年头,回到 1972 年初。 42 位欧美气候学者在布朗大学围绕“当前的间冰期怎样以及何时结束”这一问题开展研讨。 结果认为,冰期可能马上就来:未来数千年甚至几个世纪的降温以及快速环境变化,比人类文明时期经历的任何一次波动都要剧烈;必须要在气候恶化之前充分认识气候变化造成的环境灾难 。 同年 12 月 3 日, Kukla 和布朗大学教授 Matthews 以这次会议结论为蓝本,联名给美国尼克松总统的一封信,认为现有数据不足以预测冰期到来的时间和评估人类活动的影响,建议采取措施积极应对。这封信经国务院国际科技事务局转到布朗大学教授 John Imbrie 和哥伦比亚大学教授 Wallace Broecker 手中评阅, ——前者出席了布朗大学的研讨会,后者向研讨会投了摘要,还是最早使用 global warming 这个术语的人。在他们共同推动下, 1974 年 8 月,美国商务部成立气候变化委员会,推动气候变化研究。 Kukla 和 Matthew 还建议围绕以下议题开展多学科研究:快速环境变化历史的详细重建,不同尺度气候的周期性,深海沉积黄土、冰芯及山岳冰川的过去气候变化记录,气候系统的计算机模拟,以及太阳活动、太阳磁场、地球磁场、火山与气候变化的相互作用。现在回头去看这些 42 年前拟就的建议,几乎就是历次 IPCC 气候评估报告第一工作组的大纲,——不得不叹服斯人大笔如椽目光如炬。 写这封信的时候, Kukla 还是哥伦比亚大学 Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory 的临时工,执行一项为期一年的交换项目。但是, Kukla 在 1971 年到美国之前,凭借对东欧黄土沉积的研究早已在学界声名显赫。 他 1953 年在布拉格大学获得博士学位。之后数年里,他探过喀斯特洞穴,找过非金属矿床。从 1950 年代末开始,他的兴趣逐渐集中到黄土研究上。在 1961 年开始发表的论文里,他描述了更新世黄土的土壤学特征、地球物理性质,划分了黄土地层。根据极其有限的腹足类化石和磁性地层数据,他像一位先知一样,将欧洲东部的河流沉积物与阿尔卑斯山冰碛、黄土 ( 主要是捷克 Brno 附近的 Červeny Kopec 剖面 ) 与深海沉积、 Milankovitch 轨道理论联系起来 。 1969 年他发表了“捷克斯洛伐克冰缘地带黄土和旧石器 Periglazialzone Löss und Paläolithikum der Tschechoslowakei ”一文, 令人难以置信地确定了东欧黄土的年代以及与 Milankovitch 周期的联系 。 7 年后, 海洋沉积物才有了相似的工作,由 Hays, Imbrie 和 Shackleton 发表在 Science 上 ,——而这篇文章“ Variations in the Earth's Orbit: Pacemaker of the Ice Ages ”被认为是冰期成因的轨道理论从假说走向实证,由理论开始应用的革命之作。 在 Wallace Broecker 的游说下, Kukla 到美国之后积极寻找机会以期留在美国。 1973 年,他在 Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory 获得一个职位,最终成为美国公民。和生活在苏联阴影下的捷克斯洛伐克时期相比,他在美国的言论变得大胆甚至激进。比如,他可以在文章写下这样的句子:“我们现在可以肯定,地球轨道变化造就了冰期。证据很明白,其他解释都可以扔了。( We are certain now that changes in the Earth's orbital geometry caused the iceages. The evidence is so strong that other explanations must now be discarded or modified. )” 最初数年里,他持续在 Milankovitch 理论上深入探索。从欧洲黄土沉积出发,他的视野逐渐扩展到海洋沉积,努力将温室气体浓度、地表反照率 ( 积雪、植被 ) 、 ENSO 、水汽循环和经验模型结合起来完善 Milankovitch 理论。到 1980 年代初,他已经成为 Milankovitch 理论的领袖人物。 2004 年,他获得欧洲地科联颁发的 Milankovitch 奖章。 某种意义上, Kukla 和匈牙利数学家 Paul Erdős 一样,都是世界公民。 1980 年代以来,他和刘东生、安芷生、刘秀铭、周卫健等多位学者在黄土研究中有深入合作,对中国黄土高原的地层划分、年代模式、季风演化等古气候基本问题都有重要贡献。正如中国第四纪研究会理事长丁仲礼院士在唁电中说的那样,“ George was a great friend of China; the friendship has extended to at least three generations of Chinese loess scientists. His early collaboration with Chinese colleagues helped China’s loess and Quaternary paleoclimate research merging into the international community, which eventually led to the establishment of the Chinese loess records as one of the most complete long-term archives of the past climate. His scientific work and advice had stimulated and encouraged numerous Chinese colleagues in the study of loess. Indeed, many of the present leading players in the field of loess and Quaternary paleoclimatology in China have had direct interaction with and benefited from George who had always been a close colleague and an inspiring mentor as well as a true friend. ” 1972 年 Kukla 吹响了全球变化研究的号角,成为当年某一期 TIME 周刊封面故事的主角。在当时与会的 42 位气候学家中,他几乎是绝无仅有的至今坚持“冰期即将来临”的学者。虽然接受当前的变暖有人类因素的影响,他仍然笃定地认为下个冰期将于 5000 年之后到来。 INQUA 下属的黄土委员会将今年 9 月在波兰召开黄土专题研讨会命名为 Kukla LoessFest ,以示后学对先贤的敬意。没想到堪堪错过了。 p.s., Kukla 大学毕业后当过电车的临时售票员,在车上他结识了一位医学院女生 Helena Kupka 。他们 1955 年结婚, 1974 年共同署名发表过 Science 的 Article 。
个人分类: H|10198 次阅读|14 个评论
美国物理学会George E. Valley Jr. Prize首次授予中国优秀博士生
spetea 2012-11-6 17:47
2012 George E. Valley Jr. Prize Recipient Jinhui Chen (陈金辉)(我注:2012入选 首批青年拔尖人才支持计划 ) Chinese Academy of Science(中国科学院 上海应用物理研究所 ) Citation: " In recognition of his discovery of the first antimatter hypernucleus and his seminal contributions to the study of partonic matter using φ mesons produced in relativistic nuclear collisions. " 获奖原因:首次发现反超核物质核用相对论重离子核反应中用 φ介子对partonic物质的有创意的贡献. Selection Committee: Pierre Meystre, Chair; S. Tan; C. Callan; R. Byer; B. Barish 近日的好消息.陈同学获得了以上奖项.该奖据说是aps在全球毕业5年内的博士中遴选出来的.每年只授予一人,奖金若干.该奖从2002年至今,每两年评审一次,目前仅有六人获得. 祝陈同学蒸蒸日上. 如今不在一个地方,我就不说我们俩当时是一起读研,一起毕业,一个办公室的了. ps: winners in past years: 2010 George E. Valley Jr. Prize Recipient Shina Tan Georgia Institute of Technology 2008 George E. Valley Jr. Prize Recipient Paul Sorensen Brookhaven National Laboratory 2006 George E. Valley Jr. Prize Recipient Irfan Siddiqi University of California, Berkeley 2004 George E. Valley Jr. Prize Recipient Ivo Souza University of California, Berkeley 2002 George E. Valley Jr. Prize Recipient David Goldhaber-Gordon Stanford University
个人分类: 研究介绍|4974 次阅读|1 个评论
In Memoriam: George Rathmann, Amgen Chief, Dies at 84
热度 2 bianyi1 2012-4-24 21:59
In Memoriam: George Rathmann, Amgen Chief, Dies at 84
George Rathmann, Amgen Chief, Dies at 84 By ANDREW POLLACK Published: April 23, 2012(From The New York Times ) George B. Rathmann, who was the first chief executive of Amgen and helped build it into the world’s largest biotechnology company, died on Sunday at his home in Palo Alto, Calif. He was 84. His son James, in confirming the death, said Dr. Rathmann had suffered from kidney failure for several years. Dr. Rathmann is widely considered one of the fathers of the biotechnology industry. There were only a handful of companies involved in genetic engineering in 1980, when Dr. Rathmann was recruited from Abbott Laboratories to run Amgen , which was little more than a vague idea by some venture capitalists to start a company, without knowing exactly what the company would pursue. But over the next eight years, Dr. Rathmann focused Amgen on developing what would become two of the most successful drugs in history — Epogen, to treat anemia, and Neupogen, which helps cancer patients receiving chemotherapy avoid infections. “He was the one who created the company, without any doubt,” said Lowell Sears, a former chief financial officer at Amgen, which is based in Thousand Oaks, Calif. In 1990, after stepping down as chief executive at Amgen, Dr. Rathmann co-founded Icos, which developed the erectile dysfunction drug Cialis and was acquired by Eli Lilly Company. Dr. Rathmann came to biotechnology relatively late in his career. He started out working about 20 years at 3M, working on Scotchgard and other products, before becoming head of research and development for the diagnostics division of Abbott Laboratories in 1975. (He also worked briefly for Litton Medical Systems.) In the late 1970s, after scientists learned how to splice genes from one organism into another, Dr. Rathmann decided, as he later told an interviewer, that “this was the most important thing I had ever seen.” He persuaded Abbott to give him a leave of absence to work in a laboratory at the University of California, Los Angeles, to learn the technology. “I said, ‘George, you are making the biggest mistake of your life,’” recalled Jack Schuler, who was Dr. Rathmann’s boss at Abbott Laboratories and now co-manages Crabtree Partners, an investment firm. The professor who ran the U.C.L.A. laboratory, Winston Salser, was just starting Amgen at the time. While Abbott tried to keep Dr. Rathmann, he joined the new company. Abbott then invested $5 million in Amgen for a stake that it eventually sold for $250 million , Mr. Schuler said. Epogen and Neupogen, and new versions of those drugs, have remained the mainstays of Amgen’s business, which last year had $15.6 billion in revenue. With a rare combination of a scientific pedigree, business acumen and a charismatic style, Dr. Rathmann, a bearded bear of a man at 6-foot-5 and 250 pounds, became a kind of senior statesman for the biotechnology industry. “He just had the respect of so many other C.E.O.’s,” said Daniel Vapnek, the first director of research at Amgen. “I think he gave it a real level of credibility.” He acquired the nickname “the golden throat” because of his persuasiveness, a trait that came in handy in raising money for Amgen and other biotech companies. Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, invested in Icos, in part because of Dr. Rathmann. George Blatz Rathmann was born on Dec. 25, 1927, in Milwaukee. His father, Louis, was involved in the department store, securities and insurance businesses at different times. His mother, Edna Blatz, was part of a beer-brewing family. Dr. Rathmann earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Northwestern University and a doctorate in physical chemistry from Princeton. Besides his son James, Dr. Rathmann is survived by his wife of 62 years, Joy; three daughters, Margaret Rathmann, Laura Jean Rathmann and Sally Kadifa; another son, Richard; and 13 grandchildren. In 2000, already in his 70s, Dr. Rathmann became the chairman and eventual chief executive of Hyseq, a Silicon Valley company seeking to harness the new technology of genomics. That company, later known as Nuvelo, was less successful. Dr. Rathmann started the Rathmann Family Foundation, which donates to causes in education, health, the arts and the environment. For several years before his death, Dr. Rathmann received kidney dialysis and was treated with Epogen, the anemia drug that Amgen developed. (A version of this article appeared in print on April 24, 2012, on page B 17 of the New York edition with the headline: George Rathmann, Amgen Chief, Dies at 84.) George B. Rathmann ( Dec. 25, 1927 - Apr. 22, 2012 ) RIP, Dr. Rathmann. You'll be missed by all that benefit a lot from your brilliant career. See also: A Tribute to George Rathmann, Amgen's Founding CEO (1927-2012) (From Amgen Homepage) PS: The world's 50 largest pharmaceutical company ranking, 2011 (From DXY.cn)
4250 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 10 jiangjiping 2012-3-13 07:05
一只颤抖的大手给我的人生力量 蒋继平 2012 年 3 月 13 日 1987 年底, 我按照加州大学河边分校植物病理系的要求,要给一个个人学术报告。这个报告是必须给的。 报告的好坏直接影响到我的学业和研究成就。 因而,我对此十分重视, 可以说也很担心, 几乎到了恐惧的地步。 所以, 为了做好这个报告,我花了几乎整整三个月的时间来准备。 当时虽然可以用电脑来打字写文章, 但是, 还不能像现在一样直接用电脑来给讲座。 因而, 我就只好制造幻灯片。 对于这个报告, 我对自己的文字和科研成就的表达能力还是很有信心的, 但是, 由于我的听力很差, 加上自己的口语发音很不标准, 所以, 很担心师生们听不懂和提出的问题我听不到。 由于这种心理上的顾虑, 当我站在讲台上时,而且是第一次真正地站在讲台上,面对全系的师生,在他们当中, 大教授就有十几位,还有来自学校其他院系的学生,一开始感到非常紧张。 这种紧张导致了我的正常发挥, 站在那里不知道从那里开始讲起, 颤抖的右手把握在手里的一根玻璃棒掉在地板上, 摔成几段, 引发听众席上一片大笑之声。 在那个时刻, 我真想找个地洞钻进去。 在我弯腰在地上捡摔断的玻璃棒的时候, 我获得了一个信念,不管人家如何评论, 一定要尽力把报告做好。 信念坚定后, 我按照学校的规定, 开始的五分钟不用幻灯片, 直接凭自己的记忆来陈述。 五分钟后, 我打开幻灯机, 借助幻灯片上的内容,有条有理地述说我在自己的专业方面学到的知识和自己在研究方面取得的进展。 报告给完后, 大厅内鸟雀无声,大约三秒钟后, 突然想起一片如雷般的掌声。与此同时, 我注意到在听众席的最后一排座位上站起一个年纪很大的老人,他迈着颤悠的脚步, 慢慢地向讲台走过来, 当他走到快近讲台时, 他的身后紧跟着几乎所有的大教授们。他向我伸出一只颤抖的大手, 紧紧地握住我的右手,脸上带着长辈对晚辈的关爱之神情,嘴里在说:“ Thank you very much. You gave a very good seminar. (谢谢你, 你给了一个很好的学术报告)。” 在他的祝贺之后, 几乎所有在场的大教授们都与我握手祝贺。 这位老人是已经退休在家的世界知名教授, 是国际公认的疫霉屬( Phytophthora )的世界级权威, 他在 1979 年被选为美国科学院院士, 1985 年获得贝拉几噢洛克菲勒学者奖( Bellagio Rockefeller Scholar Award ), 1981 年获得著名学者奖 ( Distinction Award ), 1991 年获得太平区终生成就奖( Lifetime Achievement Award, Pacific division ), 1966 年当选为美国植物病理学会会长( APS President ), 1968 - 1973 年, 是河边分校植病系主任。 我报告的前部分, 大约占整个报告的三分之一, 是关于以往世界上对疫霉属的研究成就和面临的问题。 这个内容的大部分都涉及到这位知名教授的研究成就。 所以, 他听来十分熟悉和舒服。 在剩下的三分子二的内容里, 我用了 80 %的篇幅介绍了我自己两年来的研究过程和取得的实质性进展, 剩下的 20 %讨论还存在的问题和在将来准备怎么做。 由于我对这个课题有相当的研究, 因而, 对自己讲述的内容胸有成竹,借助幻灯片的协助,陈述得井井有条,知识和逻辑融为一体,深得老教授的赞识。 在那次报告后, 握着老教授颤抖的大手, 我在心中感到一股温暖, 感觉到一种说不出的力量。 可以这么说, 这只颤抖的大手给了我人生的力量。 从此以后,我的自信心开始提升。 附记: 仅以这篇博文献给在天堂的 GEORGE A. ZENTMYER 教授, 感谢他在我人生最艰难的时候给我的鼓励和帮助。 祝他老人家在天堂快乐幸福! 并借此博文告诫自己, 任何时候, 要有自信, 但不可自负!
个人分类: 万花镜|5291 次阅读|23 个评论
有感于跨越George Washington Bridge
黄安年 2011-9-27 23:35
有感于跨越George Washington Bridge
有感于跨越 George Washington Bridge 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 /2011 年 9 月 27 日 ( 美东时间 ) 发布 我们所住的 Danbury, CT 位于新英格兰地区的西南端 , 由 Danbury, 前往新泽西经由纽约需要跨越 Hudson River , 连接纽约曼哈顿地区和新泽西的有两条隧道 ( 哈德逊河底下的 林肯隧道 , 每日有 120000 辆车往来于曼哈顿及新泽西之间,为世界上最繁忙的行车隧道。 1927 年 荷兰隧道 落成于哈德逊河下,则是世界上第一座采用通风系统的行车隧道。 ) 而 乔治·华盛顿大桥 是哈德逊河上第一大桥。 桥梁及隧道对于民众往来曼哈顿及新泽西间有着巨大的影响, 一方面方面往来, 另一方面在每逢上下班尖峰时刻,桥梁和隧道反而变成了 交通瓶颈 。因为在我们 25 日前往新泽西访友是需要选择一早出门, 下午早些返回, 以避开高峰臃堵高峰。 25 日 , 7 : 05AM 我们一家六口,驱车离开 Reidgebury Hills , Danbury 住地,走 684 公路 5 号出口,沿着 Saw Mail River Pkwy 转 87 号公路到达 Yonkers ,进入纽约市 246St 不久顺利跨越华盛顿大桥, 时才 8 : 10AM , 仅仅用了 65 分钟时间。而下午 4 : 20PM 自 Plainsboro , NJ 返回, 虽然在华盛顿大桥有所滞留但是也算顺利 , 排队过交费站需要等待,车过大桥 5 : 35PM , 6 : 45PM 回到了家。 过往华盛顿大桥在 20 世纪 90 年代感觉很顺利。“ 9 · 11 ”以来, 这座大桥成为恐怖主义袭击和政府防范的重要目标 , 今年“ 9 · 11 ”前后,这里的检查极其严格 , 所以我们避开了那一天去凑热闹,而选择 25 日千万新泽西访友, 我们避开了“ 9 · 11 ”, 却没想到自 9 月 18 日后每辆小汽车的过桥费涨到了 12 美元。 照片11张是即时拍摄的。 ****************************** From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia George Washington Bridge Other name(s) The GWB, The GW, The George Carries 14 lanes (8 upper deck, 6 lower deck) of I-95 / US 1 / US 9 (entire span) / US 46 (NJ side), pedestrians and bicycles Crosses Hudson River Locale Connecting Fort Lee in Bergen County, New Jersey and Washington Heights, Manhattan in New York City Maintained by Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Designer Othmar Ammann , Cass Gilbert Design Double-decked Suspension bridge Material Steel Total length 4,760 ft (1,450 m) Width 119 ft (36 m) Height 604 ft (184 m) Longest span 3,500 ft (1,100 m) Vertical clearance 14 ft (4.3 m) (upper level), 13.5 ft (4.1 m) (lower level) Clearance below 212 ft (65 m) at mid-span Construction begin October 1927 Opened October 24, 1931 ; 79 years ago ( 1931-10-24 ) (upper level) August 29, 1962 ; 49 years ago ( 1962-08-29 ) (lower level) Toll Eastbound only. Cars ($12 for cash, $9.50 peak with E-ZPass, $7.50 off-peak with E-ZPass ); $3.50 when carpooling with 3 people or more (EZ-Pass cars only) Daily traffic 289,329 (2008) Coordinates 40°51′06″N 73°57′09″W  /  40.851589°N 73.952483°W  / 40.851589; -73.952483  ( George Washington Bridge ) Coordinates : 40°51′06″N 73°57′09″W  /  40.851589°N 73.952483°W  / 40.851589; -73.952483  ( George Washington Bridge ) The George Washington Bridge (known informally as the GW Bridge , the GWB , the GW , or the George ) is a suspension bridge spanning the Hudson River , connecting the Washington Heights neighborhood in the borough of Manhattan in New York City to Fort Lee , Bergen County, New Jersey . Interstate 95 and U.S. Route 1/9 cross the river via the bridge. U.S. Route 46 , which is entirely in New Jersey, ends halfway across the bridge at the state border. The bridge has an upper level with four lanes in each direction and a lower level with three lanes in each direction, for a total of 14 lanes of travel. The speed limit on the bridge is 45 mph (70 km/h), though congestion often slows traffic, especially during the morning and evening rush hours. A path on each side of the bridge's upper level carries pedestrian and bicycle traffic. As of 2007, the George Washington Bridge has the greatest vehicular capacity of any bridge in the world, carrying approximately 106 million vehicles per year, making it the world's busiest motor vehicle bridge, according to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey - the bi-state government agency that owns and operates several area bridges, tunnels, and airports. Contents · 1 History · 2 Road connections · 3 Tolls · 4 Non-motorized access · 5 Alternate routes · 6 Suicides · 7 In media · 8 See also · 9 References · 10 External links History Groundbreaking for the new bridge began in October 1927, a project of the Port of New York Authority . Its chief engineer was Othmar Ammann , with Cass Gilbert as architect. The bridge was dedicated on October 24, 1931, and opened to traffic the following day. Initially named the "Hudson River Bridge," the bridge is named in honor of George Washington , the first President of the United States . The Bridge is near the sites of Fort Washington (in New York) and Fort Lee (in New Jersey), which were fortified positions used by General Washington and his American forces in his unsuccessful attempt to deter the British occupation of New York City in 1776 during the American Revolutionary War . Washington evacuated Manhattan by crossing between the two forts. In 1910 the Washington Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution erected a stone monument to the Battle of Fort Washington . The monument is located about 100 yards (91 m) northeast of the Little Red Lighthouse , up the hill towards the eastern bridge anchorage. USS Nautilus passes under the George Washington Bridge in 1956, when the bridge only had a single deck. When it opened in 1931, the bridge surpassed the Ambassador Bridge for the longest main span in the world . At 3,500 feet (1,100 m), it nearly doubled the previous record of 1,850 feet (560 m). It held this title until the opening of the Golden Gate Bridge . The total length of the bridge is 4,760 feet (1,450 m). As originally built, the bridge offered six lanes of traffic, but in 1946, two additional lanes were provided on what is now the upper level. A second, lower deck, which had been anticipated in Ammann's original plans, was ordered by Lt Col Joseph R McCammon, US Army Corps of Engineers , opening to the public on August 29, 1962. This lower level has been waggishly nicknamed " Martha ". The additional deck increased the capacity of the bridge by 75 percent, making the George Washington Bridge the world's only 14-lane suspension bridge, providing eight lanes on the upper level and six on the lower deck. The original design for the towers of the bridge called for them to be encased in concrete and granite. However, because of cost considerations during the Great Depression and favorable aesthetic critiques of the bare steel towers, this was never done. The exposed steel towers, with their distinctive criss-crossed bracing, have become one of the bridge's most identifiable characteristics. Le Corbusier (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret) said of the unadorned steel structure: "The George Washington Bridge over the Hudson is the most beautiful bridge in the world. Made of cables and steel beams, it gleams in the sky like a reversed arch. It is blessed. It is the only seat of grace in the disordered city. It is painted an aluminum color and, between water and sky, you see nothing but the bent cord supported by two steel towers. When your car moves up the ramp the two towers rise so high that it brings you happiness; their structure is so pure, so resolute, so regular that here, finally, steel architecture seems to laugh. The car reaches an unexpectedly wide apron; the second tower is very far away; innumerable vertical cables, gleaming against the sky, are suspended from the magisterial curve which swings down and then up. The rose-colored towers of New York appear, a vision whose harshness is mitigated by distance." ( When the Cathedrals were White ) The George Washington Bridge was designated as a National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark by the American Society of Civil Engineers on October 24, 1981, the fiftieth anniversary of the bridge's dedication ceremony. Following the September 11th attacks on New York and Washington, the Port Authority prohibited people from taking photographs on the premises of the bridge because of the fear that terrorist groups might study any potential photographs in order to plot a terrorist attack on the bridge. Such prohibitions have since been lifted. As the enclosed lower level is more vulnerable to hazardous material (HAZMAT) incidents than the upper level, most HAZMATs have been prohibited there even before the September 11th attacks. If weather allows, on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day , Presidents' Day , Memorial Day , Flag Day , Independence Day , Labor Day , Columbus Day , and Veterans Day , as well as on dates honoring those lost in the September 11, 2001 attacks , the bridge sports the largest free-flying American flag in the world; 90 feet (27 m) long and 60 feet (18 m) wide, the flag weighs 450 pounds (200 kg). Road connections From Morningside Heights . GW Bridge, circa 1985 This article needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . (August 2010) The George Washington Bridge carries I-95 , US-1 , and US-9 between New Jersey and New York. US-46 terminates at the state border in the middle of the bridge. I-80 and NJ-4 also feed into the bridge but end before reaching it. On the New Jersey side of the bridge, the Palisades Interstate Parkway connects directly to the bridge's upper level (plans to give direct access to the lower level from the parkway have been postponed), and the New Jersey Turnpike connects to both levels of the bridge. The marginal roads and local streets above the highways are known as GWB Plaza . On the New York side, the twelve-lane Trans-Manhattan Expressway heads east across the narrow neck of upper Manhattan , from the bridge to the Harlem River , providing access from both decks to 178th Street, the Henry Hudson Parkway and Riverside Drive on the West Side of Manhattan, and to Amsterdam Avenue and the Harlem River Drive on the East Side. The Expressway connects directly with the Alexander Hamilton Bridge , which spans the Harlem River as part of the Cross-Bronx Expressway (I-95), providing access to the Major Deegan Expressway ( I-87 ). Heading towards New Jersey, local access to the Bridge is available from 179th Street. There are also ramps connecting the bridge to the George Washington Bridge Bus Terminal , a commuter bus terminal with direct access to the New York City Subway at the 175th Street ( A train) station on the IND Eighth Avenue Line . Tolls New York side of the bridge, under restoration, as seen from the Hudson River, July 2005. Note the " Little Red Lighthouse ". GW Bridge from New Jersey As of September 18, 2011, the cash tolls going from New Jersey to New York will now be charged $ 12 for cars and $11 for motorcycles (there is no toll for passenger vehicles going from New York to New Jersey). All E-ZPass users will now be charged $7.50 for cars and $6.50 for motorcycles during off-peak hours (outside of 6-10 am and 4-8 pm on the weekdays; and outside of 11 am - 9 pm on the weekends) and $9.50 for cars and $8.50 for motorcycles during peak hours (6-10 am and 4-8 pm on the weekdays; and 11 am - 9 pm on the weekends). Trucks are charged $10 per axle, with significantly discounted off-peak and overnight tolls. A special discounted carpool toll ($3.50) is available for cars with three or more passengers, at all times, with E-ZPass, who proceed through a staffed toll lane (provided they have previously opted-in to the free "Carpool Plan"). The toll is only charged one way (eastbound), which is how all Hudson River crossings are tolled. The George Washington Bridge takes in approximately $1 million per day in tolls. The bridge has a total of 31 toll lanes, 12 in the upper level toll plaza, 12 in the lower level toll plaza, and seven in the Palisades Interstate Parkway toll plaza. The toll plazas on the lower level and Palisades Parkway are not staffed during the overnight hours and accept only E-ZPass transactions during this period. Foot traffic and cyclists cross for free on the sidewalk. Though there are sidewalks on each side of the bridge, cyclists and pedestrians can only use the south side. It offers spectacular views of the Hudson River, the Manhattan skyline and the New Jersey Palisades . Pedestrians had to pay tolls of 10 cents shortly after the bridge opened, but non-motorized traffic is no longer tolled. In January 2007 the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey announced a deal with Geico , the auto insurance giant, that included the posting of a large billboard on top of the toll plaza that said "Geico Drive Safely," and Geico signs on the tollbooths and approach roads, some of which would feature the insurer's signature gecko. The arrangement would have provided the agency with $3.2 million over two years. A week later, however, the Port Authority canceled the contract with Geico after criticism that the signs would mar the landmarked bridge, that the Port Authority had failed to negotiate a good price for the deal and that the placement of the signs might violate Fort Lee's regulations. View of the roadway and tower Non-motorized access Southern walkway The George Washington Bridge is popular among sightseers and commuters traveling by foot, bicycle, or roller skates. The South sidewalk (accessible by a long, steep ramp on the Manhattan side of the bridge) is shared by cyclists and pedestrians, with a level surface from end to end. The entrance in Manhattan is at 178th Street, just west of Cabrini Boulevard which also has access to the Hudson River Greenway north of the bridge. The sidewalk is accessible on the New Jersey side from Hudson Terrace, where a gate open in daytime and evening allows pedestrians and bikes to pass. Also on Hudson Terrace, less than one hundred yards north of the bike/ped entrance, walkers will find the start of the Long Path hiking trail, which leads after a short walk to some spectacular views of the bridge, and continues north towards Albany, New York . The George Washington Bridge carries New York State Bicycle Route 9 , a bike route that runs from New York City north to Rouses Point . The Port Authority closed the North Sidewalk at all times in 2008. Though offering direct access into Palisades Interstate Park, the North sidewalk requires stairway climbs and descents on both sides, always an inconvenience and obstacle to handicapped people, and a risk in poor weather conditions. Transportation Alternatives , a New York City advocacy group, has proposed an enhanced River Road connector in Fort Lee, which would create safer pedestrian and bicycle access to the George Washington Bridge on the New Jersey side of the bridge. Alternate routes Aerial view of GWB (2010) The George Washington Bridge from Riverside Drive Within the New York metropolitan area , the Tappan Zee Bridge (Interstates 87 / 287 New York State Thruway ) is an alternative route that avoids the city proper. For longer-range traffic, such as traffic between New England (and points north/east) and Pennsylvania (and points south/west), Interstate 84 which crosses the Hudson on the Newburgh–Beacon Bridge is often used as an alternative rather than either the GWB or the Tappan Zee bridge, as it avoids the core areas of the New York metro area entirely. Suicides The George Washington Bridge is among the sites in New York City often chosen by people who commit suicide , along with the Empire State Building . On September 22, 2010, Tyler Clementi , a freshman at Rutgers University committed suicide on the bridge, bringing national attention to cyber-bullying and suicide among LGBT youth . In media As a famous New York landmark, the bridge is often seen in many movies set in New York, mostly in establishing shots. Notable films with the George Washington Bridge include Aftershock: Earthquake in New York , and The Other Guys . A clip of a drive going over the George Washington Bridge was also shown in the opening of the seventies television show, Maude . See also New York City portal New Jersey portal · List of fixed crossings of the Hudson River References 1. ^ a b c d e f "Facts Info - George Washington Bridge" . Port Authority of New York and New Jersey . http://www.panynj.gov/bridges-tunnels/gwb-facts-info.html . Retrieved 2010-02-27 . 2. ^ a b c "George Washington Bridge" . ASCE Metropolitan Section . http://www.ascemetsection.org/content/view/342/876/ . Retrieved 2010-03-06 . 3. ^ "2008 NYSDOT Traffic Data Report" . New York State Department of Transportation . Appendix C . https://www.nysdot.gov/divisions/engineering/technical-services/hds-respository/NYSDOT_TDR_Appendix_C.pdf . Retrieved 2010-02-27 . 4. ^ Rose, Lacey (March 2, 2006). "Inside the Booth" . Forbes . http://www.forbes.com/2006/03/02/tollbooth-collectors-money_cx_lr_money06_0302tollbooth.html . Retrieved 2008-01-15 . "Like the PATH trains, which also connect New York to New Jersey, the G.W. Bridge is run by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, a public agency that employees 7,000 workers and has annual revenues of $2.9 billion.". 5. ^ Toolen, Tom (September 27, 1995). "Bridges Keep Photographer in Suspense" . The Record . http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-22488349.html . Retrieved 2008-01-15 . "Frieder calls the GWB 'the most beautiful suspension bridge in the world...'" 6. ^ Jones, Charisse (October 20, 2006). "Upkeep Costs Rise as USA's Bridges Age" . USA Today . http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2006-10-19-bridges_x.htm . Retrieved 2008-01-15 . "The George Washington Bridge — locals call it 'the GW' — is one of a collection of dazzling spans that link New York's five boroughs or the city and New Jersey." 7. ^ " Bridges of NYC ". Man-Made . National Geographic Channel . "More than 107,000,000 vehicles crossed its fourteen lanes in 2005 alone." 8. ^ Rife, Judy (October 24, 2006). "George Washington Bridge Turns 75 Years Old" . Times Herald-Record . http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061024/BIZ/610240312/-1/NEWS03 . Retrieved 2010-02-27 . "The party, however, will be small in comparison to the one that the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey organized for 5,000 people to open the bridge to traffic in 1931. And it won't even be on what is now the world's busiest bridge for fear of snarling traffic." 9. ^ "Port Authority of New York and New Jersey - George Washington Bridge" . http://www.panynj.gov/bridges-tunnels/george-washington-bridge.html . Retrieved 2010-03-25 . 10. ^ a b "History - George Washington Bridge" . Port Authority of New York and New Jersey . http://www.panynj.gov/bridges-tunnels/gwb-history.html . Retrieved 2010-03-06 . 11. ^ "Two Governors Open Great Hudson Bridge As Throngs Look On" . The New York Times . October 25, 1931 . http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F40B12FC395E10728DDDAC0A94D8415B818FF1D3 . Retrieved 2010-03-06 . 12. ^ "56,312 Cars Cross Bridge on First Day" . The New York Times . October 26, 1931 . http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F1071EFD3B5D1B7A93C4AB178BD95F458385F9 . Retrieved 2010-03-06 . 13. ^ Maeder, Jay (February 17, 2011). "Name That Bridge, 1931 Edition" . The New York Times . http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/02/17/way-back-machine-naming-that-bridge/ . Retrieved 2011-03-18 . 14. ^ Renner, James (January 1998). "DAR Monument" . Washington Heights Inwood Online . http://www.washington-heights.us/history/archives/dar_monument_9.html . Retrieved 2010-03-13 . 15. ^ Ingraham, Joseph C. (August 30, 1962). "Lower Deck of George Washington Bridge Is Opened" . The New York Times . http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F40C16FC3A58137A93C2AA1783D85F468685F9 . Retrieved 2010-03-06 . 16. ^ Rockland, Michael Aaron (2008). The George Washington Bridge: Poetry in Steel . New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. pp. 81–82. ISBN 0813543754 . 17. ^ Jeanneret-Gris, Charles-douard (1937) (in French). Quand les cathédrales étaient blanches . 18. ^ "Transportation Regulations at Tunnel and Bridge Facilities" . Port Authority of New York and New Jersey . http://www.panynj.gov/truckers-resources/pdf/red-book.pdf . Retrieved 2010-02-27 . 19. ^ "George Washington Bridge Interesting Facts" . Port Authority of New York and New Jersey . Archived from the original on 2006-12-14 . http://web.archive.org/web/20061214113223/http://www.panynj.gov/CommutingTravel/bridges/pdfs/01_08_02_GWashBrdg.pdf . Retrieved 2007-05-28 . 20. ^ "World's Largest Free-Flying American Flag to Fly at George Washington Bridge in Honor of 9/11 Victims" (Press release). Port Authority of New York and New Jersey . September 8, 2006 . http://www.panynj.gov/press-room/press-item.cfm?headLine_id=774 . Retrieved 2010-02-27 . 21. ^ "New Bridge Tunnel Toll Rates and PATH Fares Effective 3:00 AM September 18, 2011" . Port Authority of New York and New Jersey . http://www.panynj.gov/about/new-toll-fare-2011.html?tabnum=1 . Retrieved 2011-09-08 . 22. ^ "Tolls - Bridges Tunnels" . Port Authority of New York and New Jersey . http://www.panynj.gov/bridges-tunnels/tolls.html . Retrieved 2010-02-27 . 23. ^ Belson, Ken (January 4, 2007). "With Ad Deal, Insurer Wades Into Bridge Traffic" . The New York Times . http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/04/nyregion/04bridge.html . Retrieved 2010-02-27 . 24. ^ Belson, Ken (January 9, 2007). "Agency Cancels Insurer’s Ads for George Washington Bridge" . The New York Times . http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/09/nyregion/09bridge.html . Retrieved 2010-02-27 . 25. ^ "State Bicycle Route 9 Maps - Southern Section" . New York State Department of Transportation . https://www.nysdot.gov/divisions/operating/opdm/local-programs-bureau/repository/bicycle/state-bicycle-routes/rt9-maps-south.html . Retrieved February 2, 2011 . 26. ^ "Pedestrian Bicycle Information - George Washington Bridge" . Port Authority of New York and New Jersey . http://www.panynj.gov/bridges-tunnels/gwb-pedestian-bicycle-info.html . Retrieved 2010-02-27 . The north sidewalk is closed around-the-clock. 27. ^ "Support Grows in NJ for GW Bridge to "River Road" Connector Path" . Transportation Alternatives Magazine ( Transportation Alternatives ): 15. Summer 2003 . http://www.transalt.org/files/newsroom/magazine/033Summer/15gwb.html . Retrieved 2010-02-27 . 28. ^ Lite, Jordan (November 1, 2007). "Some 'tourists' choose city landmarks for suicide" . New York Daily News . http://www.nydailynews.com/news/2007/11/01/2007-11-01_some_tourists_choose_city_landmarks_for_-1.html . Retrieved 2009-04-29 . External links http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Washington_Bridge
个人分类: 美国纪行见闻(09-11)|5967 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 20 fs007 2011-7-20 11:15
寻正 我对饶毅教授印象一向是不错的,做实事多于嘘吹,虽然不知其具体为人处事如何,但客观公正的形象起码还有努力的趋势,不象其他甚多学者,给人破罐子破摔的感觉。饶毅教授近来发文批判苛责转基因者,我快读之时,都投了赞成票,然而,时间却巅倒了我的初始印象。 饶毅相关文章随后受到了美国相关领域专家刘实的嘲笑,不禁让我疑窦纵生,于是乎针对饶毅的文章做了点考证,实在是大失所望。 中国史官不乏脊梁强硬之辈,比如有名的太史一家,齐庄公荒淫无道,嫖别人老婆嫖到自己总理头上去了,结果给英明的齐国首相崔杼给灭了,崔首相要史官记录齐庄公死于疟疾,太史伯于史书上写崔相国轼君,崔杀太史伯,太史伯弟太史仲复写史,仍然写崔相国轼君,也被砍了头,太史叔也步其后尘,最后临到太史族幼弟太史季,伸长了脖子让崔杼杀,杀得手软的崔首相终于良心发现,给中国人留下一粒诚信写史的种子,可惜,继承崔首相遗志的远比继承太史兄弟遗志的要多,中国人被外族入侵的时候杀,本族翻身后变本加利地杀,终于中国历史尤如盆境一般,漂亮了不少,但原生基因也被转化得所剩无几了。 饶毅的相关文章,让人觉得他是中国近代史官的转世灵童,这春秋笔法也整得太过了,让人觉得不鸣不足以正视听。 咱们研究饶毅教授力作《转基因在美国的遭际》吧: 一个刚刚拿到哈佛大学助理教授职位的科学家,目睹群众示威游行、耳闻诺贝尔奖得主严厉声讨他正投身的新兴科学技术,面对地方政府“不准做”的禁令,只好望风而逃。 这是1976年发生在美国的真事,被吓跑的科学家叫Maniatis。他是1970年代基因工程所需要的系列技术中几个重要技术的发明者之一,42岁当选美国科学院院士,1985年任哈佛大学生物化学和分子生物学系主任,2009年起任哥伦比亚大学生物化学和生物物理系主任。他在1982年主编《分子克隆》一书,是全世界学习基因技术的教科书。 美国在1970到1980年代初,曾经出现一批人围剿正在起步的基因克隆和操纵技术。虽然从1950到1970年代美国的科学飞速发展,还是有人怀疑重组基因技术的安全。有些怀疑是因为不理解刚刚兴起的基因技术所导致,但有些是超越自己知识范围越界扮演权威的蛮横所造成。比如哈佛的George Wald教授,因为研究眼睛中光化学获得1967年诺贝尔医学奖。但是,Wald并不懂遗传学和分子生物学,曾犯过非常初级的错误。在1970年代,他公开出面反对基因工程,有些用词听上去很吓人。那时还有人说基因工程用的细菌会特别危害妇女,吓的一些女性不敢在实验室附近工作。 Maniatis于1976年获得哈佛大学助理教授职位,但鉴于当时的形势,他无法去哈佛上任,而是先逃到纽约的冷泉港,发明了一些迄今仍然常用的基因克隆技术。几年后,他发现哈佛还不能做基因克隆,就跑到加州理工学院。直到麻省松绑以后,才到哈佛任教。 三十多年来,转基因技术并没有带来最初危言耸听者所预言的可怕后果;对于此技术进一步的应用,导致转基因食物的产生。 饶毅教授这一番煸情的描述,我们得到了一个深刻的印象,那就是转基因的反对者们是如此无知,即使是诺贝尔奖得主,也仍然幼稚到犯低级错误,他们反对转基因是因为愚蠢,他们的愚蠢从Maniatis身上得到了印证,几乎毁了一个转基因大师!中国的文人学者之高明,没有比将真相部分地组合后给你一个完全相反的“真相”与“故事”更历害的了。 在我进一步详述真相前,我要申明,我之所以推荐饶毅文章,还更多地是因为立场,我不反对转基因,完全支持转基因的研究。因此,转基因的说客不要把精力浪费在劝服我转基因有多么重要多么必要多么伟大之类的重大科学课题上来,我都理解信服与支持。我感到失望与不能理解的,是支持转基因者们超乎寻常的热情与超越科学的霸道与蛮横。 不,饶毅教授的支持者会大声反驳,饶毅教授此文不正点明了是反对转基因者们“蛮横”么?我对国内众多的转基因争论的主观印象正是如此,“蛮横”与否,要看作者写作的笔法与技巧,而不是内容的科学性。饶毅教授的支持转基因文章事实上跟其他转基因的狂热支持者没有两样。反对转基因者,要么认为转基因技术尚未证明其安全性,要么认为转基因不安全,多在内容上做文章,他们针对转基因的推崇者的批评多是怀疑后者有利益关系;而转基因的支持者则认为转基因技术已经成熟,转基因食品是安全的,他们针对反对者的批评从来是不屑一顾,以饶毅教授与方舟子为代表的“科学代言人”从来都习惯于揭露对方多么幼稚无知,对科学带来了多大的阻力。什么是“蛮横”,反转基因者试图在推理中取胜,而转基因信徒则处处攻击对方不够资格讨论转基因——学识不够,即使得了诺贝奖的全球知名学者G.Wald仍然不够格。只要你反对转基因,你就不够格,这就是中国式的“蛮横”。 饶毅或许不是开批G.Wald缺乏专业知识的先河,但此种“蛮横”无疑是中国式的,我查询相关资料时,甚少看到外国作者这样地对待G.Wald这样的大学者——这种大学者的学术地位即使是饶毅教授,也需要更多的努力才能勉强靠近,终身恐怕都难以企及的,我觉得多少有些讽刺,你觉得呢? G.Wald真如饶毅教授所言那般不堪么?不,饶毅教授的春秋笔法在我细读之时就一眼看穿了。他在描述G.Wald犯“初级错误”后使用的是障眼法,他说张三很愚蠢,然后举证说李四吃西瓜不知道吐西瓜籽儿。G.Wald是科学界少有的热心公共事务的科学家,曾做过苏联总统哥尔巴桥夫的顾问(更多请 参阅英文维基 ),在公共事务上公开坦诚是他的习惯,而他的学术与公共事务上的地位决定了他的言论有举足轻重的作用。G.Wald的地位,决定了他的有关言论成为最常引用的反对转基因的言论,如此而已,如果你真对他的言论感兴趣,不妨参阅有关资料,迟致今日,还远谈不上过时( 参见Epstein教授的相关讨论 )。你可以不同意G.Wald的看法,但挑战他在相关问题上的发言权,最好问问你自己有没有资格。 Maniatis的全名是Tom Maniatis,饶毅教授对他的事迹介绍没有多大失误,如果你需要知道更多且懂英文,不妨 参考哈佛大学的相关介绍 。Maniatis,如果哈佛介绍中的观点可信的话,正得益于哈佛所在地剑桥市的相关禁令,没有这个禁令,Maniatis大师可能会大器晚成一些,正应了中国古老传说,塞翁失马,焉知非福。正因为剑桥禁止相关研究,Maniatis躲到冷泉港全心投入研究,而非停留在剑桥还要从事教学与行政任务。 我们回到饶毅教授的“ 美国在1970到1980年代初,曾经出现一批人围剿正在起步的基因克隆和操纵技术 ”一说上,是G.Wald等人无知无聊发起来的吗?非也。在美国发起禁止基因克隆技术研究的人也的确是诺贝奖获得者,Paul Berg,他是生化学家,研究核酸,特别是基因重组而获得了诺贝尔奖,该不会有人说他不懂转基因技术了吧?说来话长,如果你想了解详细的史实,在美国科学院院报(PNAS)1995年9月就发表过一篇详细的回顾文章(Berg, P. and Singer, M.F, The Reccombinant DNA controversy: Twenty years later, PNAS 1995,92:9011-13),介绍了1970年代转基因技术争论的前因后果,其中对1975年在Asilomar州立海滩公园举行的世界性的基因工程行会着墨甚多,如果嫌专业文章难读,不妨 查查英文维基 。该行会的成果是全球科学家自发性地禁止终止基因重组研究——颇有金庸大师的“欲练神功,先要自宫”的味道。 如果你熟悉社会科学,就明白行业自律是避免政府干涉的金砖大道这一金规则(我被一些中国医生气得要死,很多时候不必要的争吵就是他们愚昧到这个简单道理重复一千遍都懂不起所致,记得举证倒置的争论么?)。“自宫”了的科学界赢得了民众与政府的信任,这是为什么转基因研究在随后的几十年中迅猛发展的关键因素之一。转基因研究者自宫一年彻底地消除了民众的戒心,为此后获取政府资助铺平了道路,还防止了许多未实现的法律限制。只有不囿于成见,不囿于一时得失的Berg这类大师才深通如此浅显的道理,中国的大师只会蛮横地讲“老子比你懂得多,所以你要听老子的”这类“科学”道理。 由于转基因研究者的自宫,美国大多数地方回避了在法律上对转基因研究进行限制的压力,可是,不幸的是,哈佛与麻省理工(MIT)所在地剑桥市却是例外,这个例外恰好是哈佛的饶毅味儿太重的缘故。哈佛被地方政府捆住手脚是一件尴尬而有趣的事情,以致于《科学》杂志都专文报道了(Culliton B.J. Recombinant DNA: Cambridge City Council Votes Moratorium, 1976, 193(4250):300-1)。剑桥市的市长对在哈佛遭受的白眼终于有了回报机会,在他的推动下,剑桥市的9名市政议员对相关议案进行了投票,难得地不停地召唤哈佛大学的难得一见的高人们对话,最终,这些平常只管财米油盐酱醋而对转基因一窍不通的外行投票决定禁止相关实验——这多半是哈佛傲慢的代价,而MIT跟地方政府关系要好得多,不过,遭了鱼池之殃,也一概被禁。 如果你了解这一段历史,就知道剑桥的基因重组研究禁令源于转基因研究内行们的行业自律行为,尽管G.Wald也是内行(难以想明白,饶毅教授怎么会认为他比一个生物化学诺贝尔奖获得者对转基因更为内行,就因为自己支持转基因?),他恐怕算不得当时这一趋势的最强有力的推动者,他可能只是尽到“公共知识分子”的责任,讲出了自己的观点,但由于自己的科学地位与影响,导致了事隔多年,他的声音被重复得最多。支持转基因者如此对待Wald,令人寒心,幸好他不生在中国。他在美国并不被如此对待,1997年他去世时,《自然》杂志专文颂扬他在科学与社会公共事务上所做出的突出贡献。 最后说明一点,饶毅教授所杜撰的李四的愚蠢,也是当时内行的创造,其实际内容并非饶毅教授修改后那么不堪,而是在当时科学家中普遍存在一种担心,认为转基因技术如果不适当地控制,会有意无意地创造出毁灭性的致病源——这一担心仍然没有消失,只不过扩大到了整个生物医学范围,比如时不时流行的针对滥用抗生素会产生超级细菌的担心,就是1970年代科学家们对基因重组技术担心的翻版。 当我们把历史回复本来面目,反对转基因的人对转基因技术的发展起到了莫大的作用,尽管他们的不少担心并未实现,他们的一些观点未必正确,但他们倡导行业自律,从社会的角度审视科学发展,都从客观上起到促进科学发展,回避不必要的政府干涉的作用。阻碍科学发展的罪名,不可妄加他们身上,因为他们中的大多数,正是转基因研究的中坚力量。 我以G.Wald在诺贝尔获奖仪式上的演讲中一段话作为结尾: A scientist is in a sense a learned small boy. There is something of the scientist in every small boy. Others must outgrow it. Scientists can stay that way all their lives. 科学家某种程度上就是一个获得学识的小孩。在每一个小孩中都有科学家的特质,其他人肯定是在成长中放弃了,而科学家则终身不弃。 小孩会窜改历史么?
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fouyang 2011-3-10 10:44
George Tenet是 1997至2004任美国中央情报局(CIA)主任。他领导了CIA在大幅度裁减后的复苏,也经历了2001恐怖主义袭击前后的风暴。2004年,因为他在关于伊拉克大规模杀伤武器情报错误中所起作用的争议(“slam dunk”这句“名言”)而辞职。他的自传《在风暴中心》( “At the Center of the Storm: My Years at the CIA” by George Tenet, 2007)就是记叙他任期中的历史。由于作者在这个特殊时期的特殊地位,他的书出版后广受注目。其主要内容在CBS“60分钟”的访谈(http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/04/25/60minutes/main2728375.shtml)和纽约时报的书评(http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/28/books/28kaku.html)中已经被归纳,这里就不重复了。 由于Tenet是在争议的情况下离职的,他的书很自然地包括了许多为自己评功摆好和辩护的内容。其中有些功绩是媒体没有充分报道的,如9-11以前对宾。拉登集团的追踪调查和对恐怖袭击之可能的警告(反驳9-11事件调查委员会的结论),和抓获巴基斯坦核武器扩散主凶阿卜杜。汗(Abdul Qadeer Khan)的工作。对于与伊拉克战争的决定和执行中的一系列事件和问题,本书也一一作了说明。 我认为本书还有一个有趣之处,就是反映CIA在美国政府决策流程中的作用。而这一点是相当含混的。Tenet本人看来是希望更多介入美国的对外政策决定和实行过程。他对参与巴勒斯坦和以色列谈判的经历津津乐道,差不多是书中唯一的美好回忆。而在谈到伊拉克战争现状时,他对美国军,政的一系列决策激烈批评,似乎是站在国会或内阁成员的立场上,而不是一个参谋或执行者的身份。在“后记”中,他更是对美国的对外政策和反恐努力作了系统的评价。而另一方面,他在决策层中的影响力似乎相当有限。作为国家情报机构的最高首领(不仅是CIA,还包括NSA,军方情报部门等),Tenet在法律上是国家安全的最高决策部门—国家安全委员会(National Security Council)的情报顾问。但是他对于向伊拉克开战的决策过程几乎一无所知。只是为了开战的理由和战争的进行而搜集情报。他也多次谈到CIA与其他情报机构(特别是国防部情报署,DIA)和国家安全委员会之间的矛盾和冲突。这也许是他推卸责任的说法。而如果事实真是如此的话,政府的决策过程可说是相当混乱糟糕了。 另外,Tenet在本书中对于布什当局有很多批评,但对布什本人却几乎没有微词。在他口中,所有坏事都是副总统钱尼和国防部诸公干的。这在谈到伊拉克战后安排的问题时尤其突出。他激烈批评几乎所有的决策,但似乎布什都没有参与一样。这当然是不可能的,否则布什该以渎职罪下台了。但是Tenet这样的做法,也是值得深思。 CIA主任理应和将军一样,属于政府执行层次的人物。但是Tenet的自传和几位将军完全不同,而更象一个政客的作品。所以如果有一天他踏入政界的话,我是不会奇怪的。希望到那时,他的这本自传所起的是正面作用。
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duke01361 2011-3-10 00:43
幻影 涌动着的灯光、喷泉和旋转的裙幅 《命运》在夜间远航, 被人围观的小船, 星光下面惶恐的满载着太息, 飘摇在青荷和水草间, 长篙划破星空, 露出数不清的人影,是我的同胞 小船在水面慢行 哗哗的水声夹杂着夜的歌声 夜风里莫名的惆怅 盘旋在我心头 莫名的 说不清它的方向 耳边的钟声敲打着树梢 满身的灰尘飞起 如沙尘暴 08-08-2005 于英国剑桥George Nuttall Close
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G. R. Wieland与《美国化石苏铁》
livingfossil 2011-1-11 01:45
古植物学的故事(101) 美国古植物学是如何崛起的?(之八) George Reber Wieland与《美国化石苏铁》 孙启高 2011年元月8日写于美国康州 古植物学的历史很悠久。若将历史上各国古植物学家的人数算在一起,其总数不是一个小数目。许多古植物学家忙碌一生,为科学积累做出了各种各样的贡献,但是缺乏有长期影响的代表作。我认为,这虽是很遗憾的事情,但是在科学历史与实践中却属于正常现象。 George Reber Wieland (1865--1953) 是19世纪后期至20世纪上半叶美国著名古植物学家,他的传世之作是两卷很厚重的《美国化石苏铁》(American Fossil Cycads),分别出版于1906年和1916年。这两本专著是探讨苏铁起源和进化的经典文献。 我在去年写的一篇文章《耶鲁大学---美国古植物学的一个摇篮》中谈到过G. R. Wieland的基本情况(见第42期《古植物学的故事》)。现根据有关资料再作些补充。 G. R. Wieland于1895年1月24日生于宾夕法尼亚州(Pennsylvania)的Boalsburg。1893年他在宾夕法尼亚州立学院(Pennsylvania State College)获得理学学士学位。接着,他先后到德国哥廷根大学(University of Gttingen)、宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)和耶鲁大学(Yale University)继续学习。 G. R. Wieland原计划在耶鲁大学学习古脊椎动物学。1897年夏,G. R. Wieland在南达科他州(South Dakota)帮助著名的古脊椎动物学家Othniel Charles Marsh (1831--1899) 采集标本。 在这次野外工作中,G. R. Wieland结识了古植物学家Lester Frank Ward(1841--1913)。L. F. Ward于1893年在南达科他州黑山地区(Black Hills of South Dakota)采集了一批苏铁树干化石(cycadeoid trunks)。在L. F. Ward的鼓励下, G. R. Wieland对苏铁树干化石产生了兴趣。耶鲁大学收藏1,000多件(/份)苏铁化石标本,属世界之最,这主要归功于L. F. Ward的努力。 1900年G. R. Wieland在耶鲁大学获得博士学位。19061920年他担任耶鲁大学古植物学讲师;19241935年任古植物学研究助理,19281929年任Sterling植物学席位(Sterling Fellow in botany)。G. R. Wieland曾数次在北美、南美和欧洲进行科学考察,他在南达科他州黑山地区有两个重要发现:一个是苏铁化石森林,另一个是 Archelon 化石,后者是已知最大的海龟。G. R. Wieland一直在耶鲁大学兼职做研究,直到他在20世纪40年代退休为止。 在G. R. Wieland的科学生涯中,他做了两件很重要的大事情,一是上文提到的两卷《美国化石苏铁》,二是1922年动议将南达科他州黑山地区360英亩的一片土地设立为化石苏铁国家保护区(Fossil Cycad National Monument)。后来,由于管理不当本该保护的苏铁化石被盗挖,该保护区于1956被除名。 G. R. Wieland代表性著作有: 1906 American Fossil Cycads (Volume I) 1916 American Fossil Cycads (Volume II) 1935 The Cerro Cuadrado Petrified Forest 主要参考文献: 耶鲁大学图书馆 George Reber Wieland Papers. Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library. Lester Frank Ward http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lester_Frank_Ward http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Othniel_Charles_Marsh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fossil_Cycad_National_Monument http://www.nature.nps.gov/geology/paleontology/pub/grd3_3/focy1.htm
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|5182 次阅读|0 个评论
林徽因在耶鲁学习戏剧的老师---George Pierce Baker院士
livingfossil 2010-11-29 14:24
林徽因在耶鲁学习戏剧的老师 ---George Pierce Baker 院士 关键词:戏剧;林徽因;耶鲁; George Pierce Baker ; 孙启高 2010 年 11 月 28 日夜写于 美国康涅狄格州 1927 年 9 月 1928 年 3 月,林徽因( 1904--1955 ) 在位于美国康涅狄格州纽黑文市 (New Haven, Connecticut) 的耶鲁大学戏剧系学习,知名戏剧教授 George Pierce Baker ( 1866--1935 )是林徽因的老师。 G. P. Baker 于 1866 年 4 月 4 日出生于美国罗德岛州 (Rhode Island) 的 Providence 市, 1935 年 1 月 6 日在纽约逝世。他是美国著名的戏剧理论家和教育家, 1916 年当选为美国艺术与人文科学院 ( 文学部 ) 院士( An academician of the American Academy of Arts and Letters )。 G. P. Baker1887 年毕业于哈佛大学。 18881924 年在哈佛大学英语系任教。 他在哈佛大学讲授《戏剧编撰》之课程编号为英文第四十七( English 47 ),当时闻名全美国。 自 1905 年起, G. P. Baker 开设四十七工作室 --- 戏剧班( 47 workshop class in playwrighting )。 1908 年创建哈佛戏剧俱乐部( Harvard Dramatic Club ),担任负责人( sponsor )。 1912 年,成立第 47 工作室( Workshop 47 )为 英文四十七班内( English 47 class )的戏剧表演提供一个平台。值得一提的是: 19191920 年中国留学生 洪深 (1894--1955) 在 G. P. Baker 教授主持的哈佛大学戏剧班学习,成为中国第一位专门学习戏剧的留美学生。后来洪深回归祖国,成为中国现代话剧和电影事业的先驱之一。 1924 年美国著名慈善家 Edward Stephen Harkness ( 1874--1940 )捐资在耶鲁大学人文艺术学院兴办戏剧系,并兴建耶鲁大学剧场 (The Theatre of Yale University) 。 由于 G. P. Baker 劝说哈佛大学授予戏剧学位未果,他于 1925 年到耶鲁大学任戏剧历史与技术教授( professor of the history and technique of drama ),并担任戏剧系首任系主任。 G. P. Baker 还担任耶鲁大学剧场主任( director of the theater of Yale University )。 1931 年耶鲁大学首次授予人文艺术领域戏剧专业的硕士学位。 G. P. Baker 于 1933 年从耶鲁大学退休。直到 1955 年,耶鲁大学的戏剧系从人文艺术学院分离出来,单独建制为戏剧学院,下设若干专业。 G. P. Baker 对 20 世纪美国乃至世界戏剧事业影响极大,他培养了许多杰出的戏剧人才,如: Philip James Quinn Barry (1896--1949) 、 Samuel Nathaniel Behrman (1893--1973) 、 Hallie Flanagan ( 18901969 )、 Sidney Howard ( 1891----1939 )、 Stanley McCandless ( 18971967 )、 Eugene Gladstone O'Neill ( 18881953 )、 Edward Sheldon ( 18861946 )、 Maurine Dallas Watkins (1896 --1969) 和 Thomas Clayton Wolfe (1900 --1938) 等。其中, Eugene Gladstone O'Neill 荣获 1936 年度诺贝尔文学奖,他还于 1920 年、 1922 年、 1928 年和 1957 年四次获得普利策戏剧奖( Pulitzer Prize for Drama )。 G. P. Baker 的重要著作有: The Development of Shakespeare as a Dramatist (1907 年出版, 1965 年再次印刷 ) , Dramatic Technique (1919 年出版 ) 。 关于 G. P. Baker 的传记有: 1939 年 J. M. Brown 等著有《 George Pierce Baker 回忆录》; 1954 年 W. P. Kinne 著有《 George Pierce Baker 与美国剧院》( George Pierce Baker and the American Theatre ),该书于 1968 年重印。 耶鲁大学图书馆( Sterling Memorial Library )内的手稿及档案馆保存有关 George Pierce Baker 的大量历史资料。 主要参考资料: http://art.yale.edu/History http://baike.baidu.com/view/140088.htm http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4da1fb10010009en.html http://drama.yale.edu/about_us/history.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Harkness http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Sheldon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene_O%27Neill http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Abbott http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Pierce_Baker http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hallie_Flanagan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lin_Huiyin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurine_Dallas_Watkins http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Barry http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.N._Behrman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidney_Howard http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanley_McCandless http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Wolfe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yale_School_of_Drama http://www.artsandletters.org/academicians2_deceased.php#b http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/49481/George-Pierce-Baker http://www.eoneill.com/biography.htm http://www.guoxue.com/minrennianpu/linhuiyin.htm
个人分类: 林徽因+徐志摩Chinese Poet Xu Zhi-Mo and ...|7301 次阅读|1 个评论
肿瘤学家George Canellos的学术成就
xupeiyang 2010-8-6 16:07
科研生涯与学术成就: http://f1000medicine.com/member/2051562817860998 George Canellos Dana Farber Cancer Institute, USA 主要论著与被引用情况: http://scholar.google.com.hk/scholar?q=George+CanellosbtnG=Searchhl=enas_sdt=2000 Report of an international workshop to standardize response criteria for non-Hodgkin's lymphomas ascopubs.org , W Carter, R Hoppe, GP Canellos - Journal of Clinical , 1999 - jco.ascopubs.org Abstract: Standardized guidelines for response as- sessment are needed to ensure comparability among clinical trials in non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL). To achieve this, two meetings were convened among United States and international lymphoma experts represent- ing ... Cited by 1662 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 8 versions Meta-analysis of radiation therapy with and without adjuvant chemotherapy for malignant gliomas in adults , KBG Dear, JS Loeffler, PL McBlack, GP Canellos - Cancer, 1993 - interscience.wiley.com From the Divisions of *Medical Oncology and tBiostatistics and Epidemiology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, the Departments of $Neurosurgery and Radiation Therapy, Brigham and Womens Hos- pital, and the ]]Brain Tumor Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston ... Cited by 670 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 3 versions Dose: a critical factor in cancer chemotherapy E Frei III, GP Canellos - The American Journal of Medicine, 1980 - Elsevier The effect of dose and dose rate of cancer chemotherapeutic agents in experimental in vivo systems and in various clinical situations has been reviewed. In experimental in vivo systems, the dose-response curve for most chemotherapeutic agents is steep. Although the dose ... Cited by 655 - Related articles - All 2 versions A prognostic score for advanced Hodgkin's disease endo.gr , E Brusamolino, GP Canellos , P Carde, D - The New England , 1998 - endo.gr ABSTRACT Background Two thirds of patients with advanced Hodgkin's disease are cured with current approaches to treatment. Prediction of the outcome is important to avoid overtreating some patients and to identify others in whom standard treatment is likely to fail. Methods ... Cited by 650 - Related articles - View as HTML - BL Direct - All 8 versions Chemotherapy of advanced Hodgkin's disease with MOPP, ABVD, or MOPP alternating with ABVD GP Canellos , JR Anderson, KJ Propert, N - England Journal of , 1992 - content.nejm.org BACKGROUND AND METHODS. MOPP (mechlorethamine, vincristine, procarbazine, and prednisone) has been the standard treatment for Hodgkin's disease for almost 20 years. In a randomized, multicenter trial, we compared three regimens of primary systemic therapy ... Cited by 609 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions Curability of advanced Hodgkin's disease with chemotherapy annals.org , E FREI, PP CARBONE, GP CANELLOS - Annals of Internal , 1980 - Am Coll Physicians VINCENT T. DeVITA, Jr., MD; RICHARD M. SIMON, Ph.D.; SUSAN M. HUBBARD, RN, BS; ROBERT C. YOUNG, MD; COSTAN W. BERARD, MD; JOHN H. MOXLEY, III, MD; EMIL FREI, III, MD; PAUL P. CARBONE, MD; and GEORGE P. CANELLOS , MD; Bethesda, Maryland Cited by 343 - Related articles - All 3 versions Improved prognosis of diffuse histiocytic and undifferentiated lymphoma by use of high dose methotrexate alternating with standard agents (M-BACOD) jcojournal.org AT Skarin, GP Canellos , DS Rosenthal, DC - Journal of Clinical , 1983 - jcojournal.org A new combination chemotherapy program (M- BACOD) was administered to 101 patients with advanced diffuse histiocytic and diffuse undifferen- tiated lymphoma (DHL and DUL). High dose metho- trexate (M) 3g/m2 with leucovorin factor rescue was given on day 14 between ... Cited by 279 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions Bleomycin, adriamycin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone (BACOP) combination chemotherapy in the treatment of advanced diffuse histiocytic annals.org , BA CHABNER, GP CANELLOS , C - Annals of Internal , 1976 - Am Coll Physicians ... PHILIP S. SCHEIN, MD, FACP, MRCP (UK); VINCENT T. DeVITA, Jr., MD, FACP; SUSAN HUBBARD, RN; BRUCE A. CHABNER, MD, FACP; GEORGE P. CANELLOS , MD, FACP; COSTAN BERARD, MD, and ROBERT C. YOUNG, MD, FACP; Bethesda, Maryland ... Cited by 291 - Related articles - All 3 versions Advanced lymphosarcoma: Intensive cyclical combination chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone annals.org DEVITA, CW BERARD, GP CANELLOS - Annals of internal , 1972 - Am Coll Physicians Thirty-five patients with advanced lymphosarcoma (32 without previous therapy) were treated with intensive 5-day courses of cyclophosphamide and prednisone, with vincristine given on the first day; this was repeated every 3 weeks until complete remission was attained or ... Cited by 276 - Related articles - All 3 versions Advanced Ovarian Adenocarcinoma A Prospective Clinical Trial of Melphalan (L-PAM) Versus Combination Chemotherapy , T Anderson, RM Simon, GP Canellos , VT - Obstetrical , 1979 - journals.lww.com 414 Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey matched cases, supposedly without high risk for estrogen administration, the endo- metrial carcinoma risk for estrogen users increases to 6. The importance of this study is that the risk of cancer is greater among those using a higher dosage of ... Cited by 271 - Related articles - All 3 versions Identification of major prognostic subgroups of patients with large-cell lymphoma treated with m-BACOD or M-BACOD annals.org , AT SKARIN, GP CANELLOS - Annals of internal , 1986 - Am Coll Physicians One hundred twenty-one patients with diffuse large-cell lymphoma treated with m- or M-BACOD (methotrexate, bleomycin, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and dexamethasone) were evaluated for pretreatment characteristics predictive for response and survival. Two ... Cited by 237 - Related articles - All 4 versions Randomized comparison of ABVD and MOPP/ABV hybrid for the treatment of advanced Hodgkin's disease: report of an intergroup trial ascopubs.org Glick, RI Fisher, JM Connors, GP Canellos - Journal of Clinical , 2003 - jco.ascopubs.org Add to CiteULike Add to Complore Add to Connotea Add to Del.icio.us Add to Digg Add to Facebook Add to Reddit Add to Technorati Add to Twitter What's this? ... From the Department of Medicine, State University of New York Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, and James ... Cited by 230 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 15 versions Clinical implications of cytogenetic variants in chronic myelocytic leukemia (CML) hematologylibrary.org J WHANG-PENG, GP Canellos , PP - , 1968 - bloodjournal.hematologylibrary.org By JACQUELINE WHANG-PENG, GEORGE P. CANELLOS , PAUL P. CARBONE AND J. H. Tjio T HE Ph' CHROMOSOME, with the exception of a few cases of acute ... In these 179 patients 88.2 per cent were Ph' positive and 11.8 per cent were ... MATERIALS AND METHODS ... Cited by 168 - Related articles - All 3 versions American Burkitt's lymphoma: A clinicopathologic study of 30 cases:: I. Clinical factors relating to prolonged survival JC Arseneau, GP Canellos , PM Banks, CW - The American Journal of , 1975 - Elsevier The presenting clinical characteristics and the results of therapy in 30 cases of American Burkitt's lymphoma are described. Five patients presented with localized disease. The abdomen was the most frequent site of involvement (19 cases). Serum lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) ... Cited by 195 - Related articles - All 2 versions Sequential nonsurgical and surgical staging of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma annals.org , RE Johnson, RC Young, GP Canellos , - Annals of Internal , 1976 - Am Coll Physicians The yield of specific diagnostic procedures in the staging of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma was assessed in 170 consecutive patients who were evaluated with a sequence of diagnostic procedures. Stage III or Stage IV disease was established in 141 of 170 patients (80%) by nonsurgical ... Cited by 182 - Related articles - All 3 versions Combination versus single agent chemotherapy: a review of the basis for selection of drug treatment of cancer VT Devita Jr, RC Young, GP Canellos - Cancer, 1975 - interscience.wiley.com The chemotherapy of cancer has im- proved considerably in the past two decades. Yet, one often hears the question, Why do so many people still die of cancer if drugs are so effective? The answer lies in part in the frequency of Occurrence of the successfully treated tumors. Most ... Cited by 170 - Related articles - All 3 versions Multimodality therapy for malignant mesothelioma based on a study of natural history , G Flowerdew, AT Skarin, GP Canellos - The American Journal of , 1980 - Elsevier Forty patients with malignant mesothelioma were studied to assess the efficacy of current treatment concepts and to examine clinical features at diagnosis which correlate with prognosis. Sixty-three per cent had been exposed to asbestos. Women, patients who presented with limited ... Cited by 154 - Related articles Potential for prolonged disease-free survival following combination chemotherapy of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma hematologylibrary.org BA Chabner, GP Canellos , RC Young, C - , 1974 - bloodjournal.hematologylibrary.org The evaluation of the results of CVP and MOPP chemotherapy in 80 patients with advanced stages of non-Hodgkin's lym- phoma indicates that 36 (45%) achieved a complete remission. Twenty-eight per cent of the entire group of patients remain free of disease for ... Cited by 140 - Related articles - All 3 versions Hematologic and cytogenetic remission of blastic transformation in chronic granulocytic leukemia hematologylibrary.org GP CANELLOS , VT DEVITA, J WHANG- - , 1971 - bloodjournal.hematologylibrary.org Thirty patients in the blastic phase of chronic granulocytic leukemia were treated with a combination of vincristine, 2.0 mg/sq m weekly, and prednisone, 60 mg/sq m orally each day. Remission was achieved in nine patients (30%), six of whom had a complete remission, and three had a ... Cited by 146 - Related articles - All 3 versions Combination chemotherapy for metastatic breast carcinoma. Prospective comparison of multiple drug therapy with L-phenylalanine mustard GP Canellos , SJ Pocock, SG Taylor III, ME Sears, - Cancer, 1976 - interscience.wiley.com GEORGE P. CANELLOS , MD,* STUART J. POCOCK, PHD,+ SAMCJEL G. TAYLOR, ... MARY E. SEARS, MD, DAVID J. KLAASEN, ... A prospective randomized clinical trial was undertaken in 184 patients with metastatic breast carcinoma to compare single drug chemotherapy ... Cited by 145 - Related articles - All 2 versions
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热度 2 qqsvery 2010-2-24 21:52
我的留学生活之三 转眼之间来到比利时已经9个月了,有时候也不乏一些感慨,可是真的整理这些思绪的时候,又总是难以下笔,总觉得有些感受和经历是文字所难以表达的。从2008年5月底得知公派申请被批之后,到准备签证、打点行李,到最后踏上征程,一切似乎都显得匆匆忙忙。匆忙之中,新的生活开始了。但是告别家人,离开祖国,独自开始一个人的生活,心中更多的是对未来的忐忑。 来到一个完全陌生的国度,首先面临的就是语言问题。比利时国家尽管不大,但是却有荷兰语和法语两种官方语言。而我所就读的列日大学位于法语区,人们的英语水平比起国内似乎也没有太大差别,而且 操着法语口音的英语让人听起来更显费劲 。在大街上,当你用英语向别人问路时,别人未必能理解你。不过,菜市场的生意人,却似乎都能讲简单的英语。所以,在我刚来的时候出去办事都由实验室的秘书陪着,否则交流起来会很麻烦。交流的障碍和文化的差异,让我深深体会到在一个语言不通的国家生活的无助和无奈。自认为英语还不算太差,但是到这里了才知道自己的英语还需要很好地锻炼(因为实验室里是通过英语交流的)。幸运的是,我来实验室的下午就遇到了在这里读博士的一个哈尔滨女孩儿,在此后的生活中,她帮了我不少忙,并通过她,我又认识了几个在列大读书的中国学生。正是因为有了她们的热心帮忙,我在这边的生活才适应地比较快,非常感谢她们。 来到异国他乡,我们自然也常常收获着新鲜、感触与感想。在我的印象当中,比利时应该是古老的日耳曼文化和罗马文化相互交融的国度。但是我见到的除了印象中的古老教堂和剧院之外,更多的是多种文化、不同肤色人种的交融以及与自然的和谐共处。在这里,有典型的蓝眼睛金色头发的白种人,也有各种发型的黑种人,同时也乏亚裔黄种人。当地人对我们这些外国人都非常友善和礼貌。在街上,不管是红灯或绿灯,当遇到我们这些还没完全适应这里交通规则的人时,司机总是很和蔼的让行人先走。当你问路时,她们也非常热情地给你比划该怎么样走。早起下楼或晚上下班时,见到住在同一栋楼上的邻居,她们会很热情地用法语向你问好。但是,和很多其他西方国家一样,比利时也是一个很崇尚自由和民主的国家。从去年来到现在,我已经见过多次比利时汽车司机罢工的场面。由于我们的实验室距离住所很远,所以每次公交罢工了,最倒霉的就是我们,每次只能蹭着一位日本女孩的车上下班了。让我深有感触的除了这里人的微笑之外,还有这里的空气以及人与自然的和谐共处。只要是晴天,你都能见到蓝天与白云,这里的空气质量是很不错的,绿化也是非常好的,实验室和很多的工厂都建在山里,每天坐着公交车去上班,都感觉在一个比较原始的丛林中穿来穿去。与国内不一样的是,这里的有钱人更多地选择把家安在远离喧嚣的农村,可以尽情享受周围的绿色和宁静,所以到了下班回来的时候,市里街道两旁的房子几乎全部都是关着门的,很少能见到人;而在市里住的人大多数是学生和留学生,基本上都是租房子居住。在比利时的大街上,你常常能见到鸽子在街上走来走去,一点不害怕行人。街头巷尾的欧式咖啡馆聚集着悠闲自在的欧洲人漫步街头,随处都可领略最惬意的欧洲生活。列日大学(University of Liege),位于比利时东部的列日市,是比利时法语区中唯一一所公立的、多元化综合性大学。列日大学哲学和文学系以及行政服务处和主图书馆仍在列日市中心,其余的院系包括大学的医疗中心和一些校外的研究中心,都在列日市南面的Sart Tilman校园,整个学校与周围的建筑是融在一起的,没有任何的校园围墙隔开。我所在的实验室位于即位于Sart Tilman校园中大学医院的旁边,是GIGA( interdisciplinary group for applied genoproteomics ) 组成部分之一的Unit of Animal Genomics。而GIGA正是由来自4个院系的6个研究团队的20个研究小组组成,在这里绝大多数的仪器是GIGA研究人员公用的,也可以对外提供服务。而且不仅有实验平台,也有技术转让,培训中心。几乎基因蛋白组学相关的仪器、技术平台,在GIGA都可以找到。这里一流的实验设施和团队深深地吸引着我。 位于市里的列日大学办公楼,不仔细看楼上的标志还不知道这是大学的一栋楼呢 我所在的实验室是UAG(Unit of Animal Genomics),实验室的老板 Michel George教授 在世界动物遗传育种领域都称得上是佼佼者。在与他的接触中深深感受到他对待科研的严谨、一丝不苟,但是对待学生和同事却总是一脸很轻松、亲切的笑容。来到实验室的当天,老板就给我谈了课题,我有几个选择,但是考虑多方面的因素, 他建议我做的课题是一个日本的博后的工作的一小部分,也主要是先适应实验室环境。 日本人做实验都是很严谨的,至少带我做实验的那个日本女孩儿是非常严谨的。尽管都是一些最基本的实验操作,基本上以前也都做过, 但是每次实验她也会手把手的在身边教 ,从提RNA,RT-PCR,到养细胞, Western blot等等。虽然我目前还没有做到很难的实验方法,但是从这些最基本的实验操作中,自己还是意识到自己以前做实验还存在很多不够严谨的地方,这些促使我逐渐养成了更加合理地设计和安排实验的习惯。实验室的大楼远不如国内的漂亮,但是实验室的科研经费却相当充足,里面几乎包含着基因组学研究所需的所有最新仪器设备,如ABI3730测序仪、Affymatrix和illumina SNP芯片基因分型系统、454测序仪等,仪器设备数量充足、价值不菲,实验材料和kit的订购从来不用问老板,直接在实验室内部的网页上订购,然后实验室管理员负责发传真订购,订购的试剂一般情况下2-3天就到货,充分保证了实验的正常进行和效率。 UAG只有2个教授,但是有4个管理员,6个实验员,将近20个博后,4,5个博士,实验员也基本上是为博后服务的。 实验室充足的经费、精良的仪器设备,完善的科研环境使得科研工作能够在此前的基础上高效深入的开展。 国外实验室硬件设施的完善是一方面,但是同时实验室的科研氛围以及idea也是很重要的 ,老板只要不外出开会就天天呆在实验室里,每天都安排有不同项目组成员的局部会议(提前一周安排);他们对于实验的结果总是持一种怀疑的态度,没有确凿的证据,是无法让他们信赖的。在我与老板的交流中发现,他认为汇报工作是需要呈上所有的结果,好的坏的都需要,而且即便是一个细节,他也会很关心。在他看来,一个很小的意外也许是一个伟大的发现呢! 但是前提是实验过程的严谨,哪怕是一个PCR,反转录,他都需要你有阴性、阳性对照。他从不认为你做实验条件的优化和实验的摸索是不必要的,而且他很鼓励学生这样去做,哪怕是实验过程中一点点的疑问,都可以通过实验去验证。而且他随时欢迎你有任何问题和结果时去找他。因此在这里,经常可以看到老板与人在讨论某个实验项目的进展情况。 以前觉得在国内的科研生活很单调,但是留学生活却更显简单 ,工作时间都在实验室呆着,周末就是按部就班地去准备下一周的生活必需品。所以一个人在外难免感觉到一种孤单,也就更多地把时间放在实验室里了,或者去转转见识见识这里的风土人情,以此打发那些闲暇。留学生活只是人生的一小部分,一种经历,希望这短暂的留学经历能够让我成长。如果说科研之外的收获,更多的是学着去面对,尝试着学会感受和体验生活。 作者系2008年国家公派联合培养博士研究生 比利时列日大学 程会军 注: 其中标红的个人觉得是比较重要的信息!比如 他建议我做的课题是一个日本的博后的工作的一小部分,也主要是先适应实验室环境。 这句,说明聆听老板的建议也是一种智慧,如何和自己的意愿达成一致,等等,又如 但是每次实验她也会手把手的在身边教 这句,说明在一个国际化实验室中,是否需要有谦虚的态度,以及如何适当的表现自己的实力,这是一门艺术!
个人分类: 生活点滴|2465 次阅读|3 个评论
纪念胡先骕(7):胡先骕在哈佛大学留学时的老师John George Jack
livingfossil 2009-11-13 11:11
纪念 胡先骕 (7): 介绍 胡先骕在哈佛大学留学时的老师John George Jack (18611949) http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=270704 发表于 2009-11-13 11:11:32 胡先骕; 哈佛大学; John George Jack 胡先骕先生于1923至1925年在哈佛大学阿诺德树木园留学时的老师是John George Jack (18611949) 。 胡先骕在其编著Synopsis of Chinese Genera of Phanerogams with Descriptions of Representative Species(《中国种子植物属志》)致谢中提到John George Jack,但称谓不确切,也可能系打印有误。 -------------------------- John George Jack (18611949) http://www.arboretum.harvard.edu/programs/eastern_asia/explorers_jack2.html Born in Chateauguay, Quebec, Canada on April 15, 1861, John George Jack was one of twelve children of Robert and Annie Jack. Robert Jack (1821-1900) was a farmer and fruit grower who, for over 40 years, introduced and experimented with varieties of fruit new to the Province of Quebec. Annie Linda Jack (1839-1912), a poet, author and a noted horticulturist wrote a series of newspaper articles entitled Garden Talks and authored The Canadian Garden; a Pocket Help for the Amateur (1903). As a boy, J. G. Jack was interested in natural history with a special attraction to insects. Self taught with a minimum of private instruction, his formal education included only approximately 6 months of high school. Through his observations and collections he was introduced to a variety of correspondents including Sir John William Dawson, the Principal of McGill University (1855-1893) who helped establish the Peter Redpath Museum of Natural History and who became Jacks friend and mentor. Jack became a member of the American Association for the advancement of Science in 1882 where he made contacts that eventually let to employment at the Arnold Arboretum. Beginning in 1882 and continuing for the next three years Jack spent the winter months in Boston, Massachusetts attending lectures given by Harvard professors including Dr. Hermann August Hagen (1817-1893) a Professor of Entomology and author of Bibliotheca Entomologia, published in 1862-63. He also studied zoolology with Professor Alpheus Hyatt and attended lectures on botany given by Professor by George Goodale. In 1883, Jack spent the summer working at River Edge, New Jersey, on the 80 acre farm of Elbert Sillick Carman (1836- ), editor-in-chief of The Rural New Yorker (1878-1964) where Carmen had been conducting experiments on economic plants as well as woody plants since 1877. In April 1886, Jack visited the director of the Arboretum Charles Sprague Sargent (1841-1927) at his Brookline estate Holm Lea. Promised only manual labor at small compensation he began working at the Arnold Arboretum, but within a short time his botanical knowledge became apparent earning Sargents confidence and an increase in his pay to a dollar a day. Jack continued his education by taking a Harvard Summer Course in Botany and attending various lectures. By the terms of the Arboretums original indenture, the director, as the Arnold Professor of Botany, was to teach the knowledge of trees at the College. Sargent delegated this function, with the approval of the trustees, to Jack who became Lecturer in Arboriculture in 1890 (the title was later changed to Lecturer in Forestry). Jack taught forestry both at Harvard, often with Richard T. Fisher (1876-1934), the first director of the Harvard Forest, and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he also held a lectureship from 1899 to 1908. In 1907, Jack married Cerise Emily Agnes Carmen ( -1935), daughter of his former employer, E. S. Carmen, and in 1908 he was made an Assistant Professor of Dendrology at the Arnold Arboretum. Jack taught throughout his career. In the fall and spring he conducted courses in dendrology using the Arboretums living collections as his classroom. Jacks courses were geared toward the layperson and his amicable disposition made his classes popular. According to Sargents annual report for 1890/91, Jack gave twice a week during the months of May and June, instruction to a class of twenty-six men and women who paid a small fee for the privilege. His lessons, which treated of the plants, in their botanical, economic, and ornamental aspects, were practical and interesting. With well over 100 citations in Garden and Forest he was also regular contributor to the Arboretums Bulletin of Popular Information. Soon after Jack joined the Arboretum, he began collecting and documenting plants in the United States and abroad. During the summers of 1898 and 1900, Jack was an agent for the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. He explored the forests of central Colorado and the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming and produced a detailed documentation and photographs of the forest and soil conditions of the Pikes Peak, Plum Creek and South Platte Forest Reserves. In 1891, he visited botanic gardens in France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, and England and in 1904 he and Arboretum taxonomist Alfred Rehder collected plant specimens and took photographs in the western United States and in Canada. Already experienced in plant exploration when he embarked on a year-long trip to the Far East in 1905, Jack became the first staff member after Sargent to visit Asia. He focused his travels on Korea and Japan, as political unrest at the time made travel in mainland China dangerous. Although Sargents Annual Report for the Year Ending July 31, 1905, states that Mr. J. G. Jack has started on a journey to the East to obtain material for the Arboretum in Japan, Korea, and northern China, his year long Asian journey was self-financed. Jack may have planned his trip to spend time with his younger brother, the Reverend Milton Jack of the Presbyterian Foreign Ministry, who had long been stationed in Taiwan. Jacks introduction to an undated, unpublished manuscript entitled Notes on Some Recently Introduced Trees and Shrubs outlined his goals and itinerary for the Asian trip: On the first of July, 1905, I left Boston for Japan . . . The object of my trip was primarily rest and recreation for three or four months, combined with a desire to observe some of the interesting arborescent flora of central and northeastern Japan . . . A short visit was also made to Korea and to Peking in China. In addition to collecting seeds and herbarium specimens representing 258 plants, Jack took photographs of individual specimens and of landscape views and returned with 172 images, many of them as lantern slides, a format especially useful for his teaching. Jack photographed the forest preserves and activities of the lumbering industry around Mt. Fuji and elsewhere in Japan, as well as scenes he captured in Beijing that include formal portraits of people in traditional costumes. Jack retired from full time employment at the Arboretum in September 1935 at age 74. His wife Cerise died later that same year. Jack spent his retirement at his home Folly Farm, in East Walpole, Massachusetts with his daughter, Betty Jack Wirth and her husband. In 1948, while tending his orchard Jack fell and broke his hip and was confined to bed. The following year on May 20, John George Jack, Arnold Arboretum Assistant Professor of Dendrology, Emeritus, died at age 88.
个人分类: 纪念Hu Hsen-Hsu|4083 次阅读|0 个评论

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